Note: MUH = MNH = UMM = **, other abbreviations click here | |
Unsold lots available for sale at indicated reserve plus 21.45% buyer's commission plus postage & insurance.Loading... | First | Previous | Next | Last | Index |
Lot | Description | Status | ||
2236 |
1840 QV 1d intense-black, plate 6, letters NH. VF fresh M, with nice original gum, almost 4 margins, nice intense colour. Scott 1a cat US$20,000. SG Spec AS40 cat £18,000. SG 1-PL6 cat £17,500+. Rare genuine mint original gum example. Certificate can be obtained on request. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$2000 | ||
2237 |
1840 QV 1d black, plate 10, letters RE, variety 'P converted to R'. Superb fresh UN, 4 even margins. Scott 1 cat US$31,500 for this plate. SG Spec AS66c cat £30,000. SG 1-PL10 cat £27,500+. Rare genuine unused example of this plate & desirable with positional variety. Certificate can be obtained on request. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$4000 | ||
2238 |
1840 QV 2d blue to bright blue, no lines, plate 1, letters AF. VF fresh UN, 4 margins, beautiful bright colour. SG Spec DS5/DS6A cat £38,000/£45,000, SG 5-PL1 cat £38,000. Very rare in genuine unused condition & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$5000 | ||
2239 |
1840 QV 2d blue to pale blue, no lines, plate 1, letters BK. Superb fresh UN, 4 large margins, nice colour. SG Spec DS5/DS6 cat £38,000/£45,000, SG 5-PL1 cat £38,000. Very rare in such nice genuine unused condition & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$7000 | ||
2240 |
1840 Official QV 1d grey-black, 'V R' in upper corners, lower letters OL, variety 'damaged legs of R'. F UN, 3 margins, into frame at left but with full selvedge & part inscription at right. Scott O1 cat US$23,000. SG Spec VR1. SG V1 cat £20,000 & undercataloged relative to other GB material. Very rare genuine example as this stamp was prepared but unissued with almost all stock then being officially destroyed. 2013 RPSL photo-cert. (P)
| SOLD at A$10000 | ||
2241 |
1840 QV 1d black, Plate 1B, letters KK. VFU, 4 margins, red Maltese Cross pmk. SG Spec AS4. SG 2PL18 cat £425. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
2242 |
1840 QV 1d black, Plate 2, letters CA. VFU, 4 margins, red Maltese Cross pmk. SG Spec AS13. SG 2PL2 cat £425. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
2243 |
1840 QV 1d black, Plate 5, letters FE. VFU, 4 margins, red Maltese Cross pmk. SG Spec AS24. SG 2PL5 cat £425. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
2244 |
1840 QV 1d black, Plate 6, letters TG. VFU, 4 margins, red Maltese Cross pmk. SG Spec AS41. SG 2PL6 cat £425. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
2245 |
1840 QV 1d black, Plate 6, letters ID. VFU, 4 margins, red Maltese Cross pmk. SG Spec AS41. SG 2PL6 cat £425. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
2246 |
1840 QV 1d black, Plate 6, letters LA. VFU, 4 margins, red Maltese Cross pmk. SG Spec AS41. SG 2PL6 cat £425. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
2247 |
1840 QV 1d black, plate 7, horiz pr, letters KH-KI. VFU, 4 margins with red Maltese Cross cancels. SG Spec AS 4g cat £1800. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
2248 |
1840 QV 1d black, plate 10, letters NL. VFU, 4 large margins, black Maltese Cross pmk distinctive type of Norwich. SG Spec A1ug AS67 cat £2500 as cheapest plate for pmk. SG 2 - pl 10 cat £950 as normal pl 10, premium for rare pmk, est cat £3075 as such. (P)
| SOLD at A$450 | ||
2249 |
1840 QV 1d black, plate 10, letters BJ, with variety 'w/o 'O' flaw (original state)'. VFU, 4 margins, black Maltese Cross cancel. SG Spec AS66a. SG 2 PL10 cat £1100+. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
2250 |
1840 QV 1d black, plate 10, letters AG. VFU, 4 margins with red Maltese Cross pmk which is scarce on this plate. SG 2. SG Spec AS 66h cat £1500. (P)
| SOLD at A$400 | ||
2251 |
1840 QV 1d black, plate 5, letters LI, plus 2d blue, no lines, plate 1, letters LH. FU, all 4 margins, both black Maltese Cross pmks. SG Spec AS25 & D55. SG 2 - pl5 & 5 -pl cat £1375. (2). (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
2252 |
1840 QV 2d bright pale blue, plate 1, no lines, letters IF, on large folded letter dated JA 29 1841, tied by red Maltese Cross pmk, b/s Lauder JA 29 1841, & JA 30 1841 cds. VF, stamp 4 margins. SG Sec DS6A. SG 6 - pl1 cat £3000. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$650 | ||
2253 |
1841 QV 1d red, imperf all with numbered Maltese Cross pmks inc 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 12. Mostly G-VF U, 2-4 margins. SG Spec B1u. SG 8m cat £1755+. (8) (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
2254 |
1841 QV 2d blue, with lines, imperf, letters HG. F-VF U, almost 4 margins, black Maltese Cross pmk with number 6. SG Spec EI VF. SG 14F-6 cat £700. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
2255 |
1847-54 QV Embossed 1/- pale green, Die I, 2 silk threads 5mm apart. VFU, cut square, 4 margins, barred oval pmk. Scott 5 cat US$1000. SG 54i cat £1000. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
2256 |
1847-54 QV Embossed 1/- deep green, Die II. VFU, cut square with 4 margins, barred oval '97' pmk. Scott 5a cat US$1000. SG 56ii cat £1200. Unusually nice. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
2257 |
1847-54 QV Embossed 10d brown, Die III, 2 silk threads at right. VF U, cut square with 4 margins. Scott 6 cat US$1500. SG 57iii cat £1500. Very scarce with 4 margins as printed very close & often touching. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
2258 |
1847-54 QV Embossed 10d deep brown, 2 silk threads 5mm apart. Superb U, cut square with 4 large margins, barred oval '24' pmk. Scott 6 cat US$1500. SG 57(var) cat £1500++, plus premium for the scarce shade. Exceptional quality example. 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$550 | ||
2259 |
1854-57 QV 1d red, wmk Large Star, perf 14, Die II, Alphabet 111, pr tied to piece by 2 strikes of barred town '17' of Adne in GREEN. FU. SG 29/33 SG Spec C8id cat £1000+. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$230 | ||
2260 |
1854-57 QV 2d blue, stars, plate 5, letters MH, wmk large crown, perf 14. F-VF fresh M, nice deep colour. Scott 17 cat US$3000. SG 34 cat £2800. Rare genuine M. 2009 Behr photo cert (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$650 | ||
2261 |
1855-57 QV Surface printed issues 4d small, medium & large wmks, 6d lilac (2 shades) & 1/-, all no cnr letters. F-VF U, 6d x2 & 1/- light pmks, 1x 6d with barred 'C' (Constantinople) pmk. Scott 22,25,26,27,28 cat US$1950+++. SG 62, 63, 64, 68 (2)-Z97, 72 cat £2853 inc SG Specified +125% premium for lightly used 6d & 1/-. (6) (P)
| SOLD at A$230 | ||
2262 |
1855-57 QV surface printed selection, no cnr letters inc 1855-57 4d carmine blued paper, wmk Small Garter, 4d rose-carmine white paper wmk Large Garter, 4d carmine blued paper, 4d pale carmine white paper & 4d rose, all wmk Medium Garter. 1857 6d lilac thick paper & 6d pale lilac. 1857 1/- green wmk inverted, plus 1/- pale green. G-VFU. Scott ex 22 - 28 cat US$4300. SG ex 62-73 cat £3720 = A$7200. Nice group. (9) (P)
| SOLD at A$400 | ||
2263 |
1858-79 QV Line engraved selection inc 1864-79 QV 1d rose-red, plate 120, 1851-76 QV 2d blue, plate 15, 1870 QV ½d rose, horiz pr, plate 12 & 1870 QV 1½d rose-red, plate 1. F-VF fresh M / ½d pr MUH. Scott 30,32,33,58 cat US$1435+. SG 43, 47, 48 & 51 cat £1517 for M, plus premium MUH pr. (4 items). (P)
| SOLD at A$250 | ||
2264 |
1862-64 QV small cnr letters inc 3d deep carmine rose, 3d bright carmine rose, wmk inverted, 3d pale carmine-rose, 4d bright red, 4d pale red with hair lines, 6d deep lilac, wmk inverted, 6d lilac, 6d lilac with hair lines, 1/- deep green & 1/- green. F-VF U. Scott ex 37- 42 cat US$3110. SG ex 75-91 cat £4085 = A$8000. Nice group. (10) (P)
| SOLD at A$350 | ||
2265 |
1862-64 QV 4d bright red small white cnr letters KD-DK. F-VF fresh M, original gum. Scott 34a cat US$2500. SG 81 cat £2300. Rare genuine M. (P)
| SOLD at A$350 | ||
2266 |
1862-64 QV 9d bistre, small white cnr letters CD-DC. F-VF fresh M, original gum & nice deep colour. Scott 40d cat US$7000. SG 86 cat £5800. Very rare in genuine mint condition. 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)
| SOLD at A$1000 | ||
2267 |
1862-64 QV 9d straw, small white cnr letters LD-DL. F-VF fresh M. Scott 40 cat US$4500. SG 87 cat £4000. Rare genuine M. (P)
| SOLD at A$650 | ||
2268 |
1864-79 QV 1d lake-red plate 118, letters EI-FI, EJ-FJ, blk of 4. F-VF fresh MUH. Scott 33b cat US$300 for M. SG 44-pl118 cat £280 for M singles, should be at least double, £560 MUH, plus premium for blk. (4). (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
2269 |
1865-67 QV large white cnr letters, 3d rose, 4d vermilion, plate 12, 6d lilac, plate 5, 9d straw & 1/- green, plate 4, wmk emblems or large garter (4d). F-VF U. Scott 43,44,45,46,48 cat US$1523. SG 92, 93, 97 & 100 cat £1340. (5). (P)
| SOLD at A$120 | ||
2270 |
1865-80 QV Surface Printed collection 1865-67 4d vermilion, range of Plates 7-13 inc Used in Alexandria (B01), Malta (A25). 3d rose, Plates 4-10. 6d lilac, Plates 6-9 & 1/- green, Plates 5-7, all with large white cnr letters. 1873-80 large coloured letters inc 3d Plates 11-19. Selection 6d grey, Plates 13-17. 2½d mauve, range of Plates to 17. 2½d blue, Plates 17-23 & 1/- green, Plates 9-12. Mostly G-VFU, with U selected for nice pmks. SG cat £6300+ = A$11,500+. (69) (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
2271 |
1867-80 QV 6d shades, large white cnr letters, wmk spray of rose, inc 6d lilac with hyphen wmk inverted, 6d deep lilac, 6d purple, 6d bright lilac, with 'A26' Gibraltar pmk, 6d dull violet, with 'A25' Malta pmk & 6d mauve, also with 'A25' Malta pmk. F-VF U. SG ex 104-108 cat £1215+ A$2350. Nice group. (6). (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$140 | ||
2272 |
1867-80 QV 9d straw plate 4, large white cnr letters JA-AJ, wmk Spray of Rose. F-VF fresh M, small tear LL cnr. Scott 52 cat US$2900. SG 110 cat £2500. (P)
| SOLD at A$220 | ||
2273 |
1867-80 QV 10d pale red-brown, plate 1, large white cnr letters BA-AB, wmk Spray of Rose. F-VF M, original gum. Scott 53 cat US$4250. SG 113 cat £3600. Rare genuine M. (P)
| SOLD at A$550 | ||
2274 |
1867-80 QV 2/- blue 4 shades, with dull blue, deep blue, pale blue & the rare milky blue. F-VFU. Scott 5555a-d cat US$3145. SG 118-20 & 120b cat £2740 = A$5350. (4). (P)
| SOLD at A$275 | ||
2275 |
1867-80 QV 2/- cobalt, large white cnr letters BP-PB, wmk Spray of Rose. FU, barred oval pmk. Scott 55c cat US$3450. SG 120a cat £3000. Very rare shade. RPSL photo cert. (P)
| SOLD at A$675 | ||
2276 |
1867-80 QV 2/- brown, large white cnr letters IO-OI. Superb fresh MLH, nice original gum, sl reperfed, unusually nice bright colour. Scott 56 cat US$35,000. SG 121 cat £30,000. Extremely rare in genuine mint original gum condition. Brandon photo cert. (P)
| SOLD at A$6000 | ||
2277 |
1867-83 QV 5/- rose, plate 1, wmk Maltese Cross. F-VFU, barred oval LS pmk, nice colour. Scott 57 cat US$775. SG 127 cat £675. (P)
| SOLD at A$90 | ||
2278 |
1867-83 QV 10/- greenish-grey, letters EF-FE, wmk Maltese Cross. VFU, light Glasgow cds. Scott 74 cat US$3750++. SG 128 cat £5250 inc SG Specified + 75% premium for lightly used. (P)
| SOLD at A$650 | ||
2279 |
1867-83 QV 10/- greenish-grey, cnr letters HD-DH, wmk Maltese Cross. F-VF U, barred oval pmk, nice perfs. Scott 74 cat US$3750. SG 128 cat £3000. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
2280 |
1867-83 QV 10/- grey-green, plate 1, letters GB-BG, wmk Large Anchor on paper. VFU, squared circle 'Lombardy MR 29 83' pmk, perfect perfs & excellent centring. Scott 91a cat US$4675. SG 131 cat £4500. Rare high value. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$800 | ||
2281 |
1867-83 QV 5/- rose, plate 4, letters FC-CF, wmk Large Anchor on sl blued white paper. Superb U, Edinburgh MY 18 83 cds. Scott 90 cat US$4700++. SG 134 cat £6125 inc SG Specified + 75% premium for lightly used. Rare so nice. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$650 | ||
2282 |
1867-83 QV 10/- grey-emerald, plate 1, letters DF-FD, wmk Large Anchor on sl blued white paper. VFU, 'Registered DE 9 83' cds, perfect perfs & excellent centring. Scott 91 cat US$5250. SG 135 cat £4000. Rare high value. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$800 | ||
2283 |
1867-83 QV 10/- greenish-grey, wmk Large Anchor, white paper. Superb U, neat 'Registered Charing Cross' cds, excellent centring. Scott 91a cat US$4675++, SG 135 cat £7000 inc SG specified +75% premium for lightly used. Unusually nice quality. (P)
| SOLD at A$1900 | ||
2284 |
1867-83 QV £5 orange, BLUED paper, letters DA. F-VFU, boxed pmk plus 'High Holborn WC / 28 NO 88' small cds from correct blued paper period, nice colour. Scott 93b cat US$14,500. SG Spec J128, SG 133 cat £12,500. Rare top value & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$3000 | ||
2285 |
1867-83 QV £5 orange, letters CM, white paper. VF fresh M, nice original gum & beautiful bright colour. Scott 93 cat US$14,500+. SG 137 cat £12,500+. Very rare in genuine mint condition as very few collectors could afford to buy such a high denomination stamp (=5 gold sovereigns!). Iconic Great Britain QV stamp. Exp (in pencil) by Tommy Allen, Giulio Bolaffi & Alberto Diena, while new certificate can be obtained on request. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$7500 | ||
2286 |
1872-88 QV surface printed selection inc 1872-73 QV 6d deep chestnut, 6d chestnut, 6d pale buff, 6d grey variety '12 doubled at left' all large white cnr letters, 1873-80 1/- orange-brown, 4d vermilion, 4d sage-green, 4d grey-brown, all large coloured letters, wmk Spray of Rose (4d Large Garter). 1880-83 4d grey-brown & 1/- orange-brown, wmk Imperial Crown. 1880-83 6d on 6d lilac. 1880-81 QV 1½d Venetian-red. F-VFU. Scott ex 59-95 cat US$3382. SG122, 122a, 123, 125, 151-154, 162, 167 cat £2910+ = A$5700. Useful group. (12) (P)
| SOLD at A$230 | ||
2287 |
1873-80 QV 2½d rosy mauve plate 1, white paper, wmk small anchor, plus 2½d rosy mauve plate 12, wmk orb. F-VF M/UN. Scott 66,67 cat US$1375. SG 139 - pl 1 & 141 - pl 12 cat £1200. (2). (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$110 | ||
2288 |
1873-80 QV 2½d blue, plate 19, large coloured cnr letters FG-GF. VF fresh M. Scott cat US$675. SG 142- pl 19 cat £575. (P)
| SOLD at A$90 | ||
2289 |
1873-80 QV 3d rose, plate 18 & 20, large coloured cnr letters, wmk Spray of Rose, plus 6d grey; plate 16. F-VF M/UN. Scott 61,62 cat US$2175.SG 144 - pl 15, 144 pl 20, 147 - pl 16 cat £1875 (3). (P)
| SOLD at A$180 | ||
2290 |
1873-80 QV 6d grey plate 16, large coloured cnr letters LN-NL, wmk Spray of Rose. VF fresh MLH. Scott 62 cat US$575. SG 147 pl 16 cat £500. (P)
| SOLD at A$80 | ||
2291 |
1880-83 QV 2½d blue plate 21, 3d rose, plate 21 & 3d on 3d lilac. F-VF M/UN. Scott 82,83,94 cat US$1900. SG 157 - pl 21, 158 - pl 21 & 159 cat £1650. (3). (P)
| SOLD at A$140 | ||
2292 |
1883-84 QV 2/6 lilac, blued paper, letters. VFU, 'London FE 8 84' cds. Scott 96a cat US$1750. SG 175 cat £1500. RPSL photo cert. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
2293 |
1883-84 QV 2/6 lilac, letters FB-BF, white paper. VF fresh M. Scott 96 cat US$700. SG 178 cat £600. (P)
| SOLD at A$190 | ||
2294 |
1883-84 QV 2/6 deep lilac, letters AM-MA, white paper. VF fresh MUH with nice never hinged original gum. SG Spec K10(2). SG 179 cat £825 for M, should be at least double, £1650 MUH. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$550 | ||
2295 |
1883-84 QV 10/- cobalt, letters DC-CD, white paper. Superb U, 'House of Commons 29 AP 86' cds. Scott 109a cat US$9650++. SG 182 cat £11,250 inc SG specified +50% premium for lightly used. Very rare shade in premium quality. 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)
| SOLD at A$2300 | ||
2297 |
1883-84 QV 5d dull green. VF fresh MUH with, pristine never hinged original gum, nice colour. Scott 104 cat US$675 for M. SG 193 cat £580 for M, should be at least double, £1160 MUH. Rare MUH. 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)
| SOLD at A$400 | ||
2298 |
1883-1902 'GOVT PARCELS' opts inc QV 1½d lilac, 1/- orange-brown, plate 13. QV Jubilee 1½d, 6d, 9d & 1/- green. QV 1d lilac, QV Jubilee 2d, 4½d & 1/- green & carmine. KEVII set 1d to 1/-. F-VFU. Scott O27,O30-43 cat US$2428.SG O61, O64-72, O74-78 cat £1847. Scarce genuine & in above average quality for these. (15) (P)
| SOLD at A$300 | ||
2299 |
1883-86 'GOVT PARCELS' opt QV 6d dull green. VFU with parcel cancel that is much lighter than usual, & with good colour. Scott O28 cat US$1600++. SG O62 cat £2800 inc SG specified +100% premium for lightly used. Rare genuine. 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$550 | ||
2300 |
1883-86 'GOVT PARCELS' opt QV 9d dull green. VFU, '8 MR 90' cds, excellent colour. Scott O29 cat US$1350++. SG O63 cat £2400 inc SG specified +100% premium for lightly used. Rare genuine. 2024 Ceremuga photo-cat. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
2301 |
1884-88 QV £1 brown-lilac, wmk 3 Orbs letters AH-HD from 1888 printing made in error on wrong wmk paper. VFU, light oval registered pmks, nice colour & excellent centring. Scott 123 cat US$5250+. SG Spec K16. SG 186 cat £6750 inc SG specified +50% premium for lightly used. Wmk Orbs many times scarcer than wmk Crowns. Unusually nice example. (P)
| SOLD at A$1600 | ||
2302 |
1887-1900 QV Jubilee set ½d to 1/- inc new colours. VF fresh MUH, never hinged original gum, nice bright colours. Scott 111-122,125-126 cat US$833 for M. SG 197-211 & 213-14 cat £1082. Very scarce MUH. (14) (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$700 | ||
2303 |
1887-1900 QV Jubilee set ½d to 1/- inc both ½d & 1/- New Colours. VF fresh MUH, nice bright colours. Scott 111-11,125-126 cat US$833 for M. SG ex 197-214 cat £1000+. Very scarce MUH so nice. (14) (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$650 | ||
2304 |
1887-92 QV £1 green, letter CA-AC. Superb fresh MLH with nice original gum, beautiful colour. Scott 124 cat US$4100. SG Spec K17. SG 212 cat £3500. Premium quality top value & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$2000 | ||
2305 |
1896-1903 'OW OFFICIAL' opt QV set ½d-10d, plus KEVII ½d-2½d. F-VFU. Scott O44-O48,O49-O52 cat US$6290.SG O31-39 cat £5660. Lower genuine but higher vals opts uncertain. (9) (P)
| SOLD at A$350 | ||
2306 |
1896-1902 'O.W. OFFICIAL' opt QV 1d lilac. VFU, on piece. Scott O45 cat US$165. SG O33 cat £150. Scarce genuine. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
2307 |
1902-10 KEVII ½d to 1/- (ex 7d), plus 1½d (2), 1d & 2½d shades, DLR printing. VF fresh MUH, never hinged original gum, nice bright colours. Scott ex 127 - 138 cat US$1883. SG ex215-57 cat £1272. Very scarce MUH. (16) (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$700 | ||
2308 |
1902-10 KEVII ½d to 1/-, plus ½d shade, DLR printing. VF fresh MUH, beautiful bright colours. Scott ex 127 - 138 cat US$1758. SG ex 215-257 cat £1300. Very scarce MUH. (15) (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$700 | ||
2309 |
1902-10 KEVII ½d to 1/-,, plus ½d shade, DLR printing. VF fresh M/MLH. Scott ex 127 - 138,145 cat US$783. SG ex 215-259 cat £1346 as cheapest. (15) (P)
| SOLD at A$325 | ||
2310 |
1902-10 KEVII 1d red, DLR booklet printing, opt SPECIMEN (SG type 22). F-VF fresh MUH, typical bklt perfs. SG 219s, SG Spec M5w cat £275 for M, should be at least double, £550 MUH. 2021 Ceremuga photo cert . (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
2311 |
1902-10 KEVII 1d red, DLR printing, opt SPECIMEN (SG type 17), wmk Imperial Crown inverted. Superb fresh MUH. SG 219wis, SG Spec M5au cat £400 for M, should be at least double, £800 MUH. Rare genuine example. 2021 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
2312 |
1902-10 KEVII 1½d to 1/-, DLR printing all on chalk-surfaced paper. VF fresh MUH, couple sl disturbed gum. Scott 129d-138d cat US$1445.SG ex 223-57a cat £1200. (9) (P)
| SOLD at A$400 | ||
2313 |
1902-10 KEVII 2/6 pale dull purple, chalk-surfaced paper, DLR printing. F-VF fresh M. Scott 139c cat US$345. SG 261 cat £350. (P)
| SOLD at A$90 | ||
2314 |
1902-10 KEVII 2/6 dull purple, DLR printing. VF fresh MLH. Scott 139c cat US$345. SG 262 cat £350. (P)
| SOLD at A$100 | ||
2315 |
1902-10 KEVII 10/- ultramarine, DLR printing, opt SPECIMEN (SG type 16). VF fresh M. SG Spec M53s. SG 265s cat £500. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
2316 |
1902-10 KEVII £1 dull blue-green, DLR printing. Superb fresh MLH, with nice original gum, bright colour & excellent centring. Scott 142 cat US$2000. SG 266 cat £2000. Scarce top value in premium quality. 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$800 | ||
2317 |
1902-10 KEVII £1 dull blue-green, DLR printing, opt SPECIMEN (SG type 17). F-VF fresh M, nice colour. SG 266s cat £2000 as normal. SG Spec M55t cat £3800. Very rare & sought after opt type. 2021 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$2800 | ||
2318 |
1902-10 KEVII £1 dull blue-green DLR printing opt SPECIMEN type 16. F-VF fresh M. SG 266s cat £1400. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$550 | ||
2319 |
1902 'GOVT PARCELS' opt KEVII 6d pale dull-purple, variety 'broken E in PARCELS'. VFM. SG Spec MO11(var). SG O76(var) cat £275, plus premium for variety.
| SOLD at A$55 | ||
2320 |
1902 'GOVT PARCELS' opt KEVII 1/- green & carmine. VF fresh MUH. Scott O43 cat US$1550 for M. SG O78 cat £1350 for M, should be at least double, £2700 MUH. Rare genuine example & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$1200 | ||
2321 |
1911-13 KEVII 7d slate-grey, Somerset House printing, opt CANCELLED (SG type 25). Superb fresh MUH. SG 305(s). SG Spec M38t cat £450 for M, should be at least double, £900 MUH. Rare copy of RPSL photo cert for strip of 3, plus 2021 Ceremuga photo cert . (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$550 | ||
2322 |
1911-13 KEVII £1 deep green, Somerset House printing. VF fresh MLH Scott 142b cat US$2300. SG Spec M56. SG 320 cat £2000. Rare mint top values. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$900 | ||
2323 |
1912-24 KGV simplified set ½d to 1/-, wmk Simple Cypher (only one 9d). VF fresh MUH. SG ex 351-96 cat £425. (14) (P)
| SOLD at A$190 | ||
2324 |
1913 KGV Seahorses 10/- indigo-blue, Waterlow printing. VF fresh MUH appearance (but expertly regummed). Scott 175 cat US$1100 for M. SG 402 cat £850 for M or £1500 MUH. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
2325 |
1913 KGV Seahorse £1 deep green. VF fresh MLH, with nice original gum, right marginal. Scott 176 cat US$3000. SG Spec N72(2) cat £4500. SG 403 cat £2800. Rare top value. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$1600 | ||
2326 |
1913 KGV Seahorses £1 dull blue-green. VF fresh MUH, left marginal with, pristine never hinged original gum, perfect perfs & nice colour. Scott 176a cat US$4375. SG 404 cat £3800+ & under-catalogued MUH (as M cat £2800). Rare genuine MUH. 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$2000 | ||
2328 |
1915 KGV Seahorses 2/6 grey-brown, DLR printing. VF fresh MLH. SG Spec N64(3). SG 407 cat £400. (P)
| SOLD at A$120 | ||
2329 |
1915 KGV Seahorses 10/- deep blue, DLR printing. Superb U, light cds. Scott 175c cat US$1000++. SG 411 cat £1450 inc SG Specified +45% premium for lightly used. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
2330 |
1915 KGV Seahorses 10/- blue, DLR printing. VF MUH, never hinged original gum. Scott 175b cat US$4600. SG 412 cat £3250 & under-catalogued MUH (as M cat £2500). Rare genuine MUH. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$1200 | ||
2331 |
1924-26 KGV set ½d to 1/-, wmk Block Cypher. VF fresh MUH. SG 418-429 cat £250 MUH. (12) (P)
| SOLD at A$110 | ||
2333 |
1929 KGV £1 black UPU Congress opt SPECIMEN in red. Superb fresh MLH, almost MUH. SG 438s cat £3000+. Rare stamp. (P)
| SOLD at A$1800 | ||
2334 |
1934-36 KGV Photogravure ½d, 1d & 1½d, wmk INVERTED & ½d, 1d, 1½d & 2d, wmk SIDEWAYS. VF fresh MUH. SG 439a-442ab & 439wc-441wi cat £347. (7) (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$160 | ||
2335 |
1935 KGV Silver Jubilee 2½d Prussian blue ERROR OF COLOUR (instead of normal blue), plus normal to compare. MLH, expertly repaired UR cnr perf, but superb appearance. Scott 229a cat US$13,500. SG 456a cat £12,000+. Only 3 sheets were issued by mistake at one PO & most were used on normal mail. One of the most famous errors of colour of all of philately & the key KGV period GB stamp. Copy of 2004 Brandon photo-cert. (P)
| SOLD at A$2500 | ||
2336 |
1937-47 KGVI sets ½d-2½d, wmk sideways & set ½d-2½d wmk inverted. VF fresh MUH. SG 462a-466a, 462wi-466wi cat £352. (10) (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
2337 |
1911-35 KGV Mint collection inc 1911-12 KGV Downey Heads ½d & 1d, types A&B bottom margin with Control nos. 1912 wmks imperial Crown & Single Cypher 1d & 2d, plus Multi Cypher inc shades. 1912-24 KGV set to 1/-, wmk Single Cypher. 1924 & 1925 Exhibition sets 1d & 1½d. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1934 photogravure set to 1/. 1934 Seahorses set to 10/-, re-engraved. VFM, most fresh. SG cat £1100+. (57). (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
2338 |
1924-36 KGV & KEVII MUH collection. 1924 & 1925 KGV Exhibition sets. 1929 UPU ½d-2½d. 1934-36 KGV Photogravure set to 1/-. 1935 Silver Jubilee set, plus ½d, 1d & 1½d inverted wmks. 1936 KEVII set, plus ½d, 1d & 1½d inverted wmk. VF MUH, most fresh. SG cat £318. (33)
| AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
2339 |
1924-42 Booklet & Coil wmks stamp collection inc 1929 KGV ½d, 1d & 1½d, 1925 UPU ½d-1½d. 1935 Silver Jubilee ½d-1½d, all wmk inverted. 1937-50 KGVI range to 2½d, wmk inverted. 1941-42 KGVI Coil Stamps 1d, 2d & 2½d, wmk sideways. VF fresh MUH. SG cat £464. (31).
| AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
2340 |
1840 Mulready 1d black envelope, A164 on back flap. VF UN. SG ME2 cat £350. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$200 |
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