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Lot | Description | Reserve | Estimate | Your Bid |
1691 |
½d Pale bluish-green blk of 4, plated as 5L39-40, 5L45-46, 5L46 shows advanced state of cracked Electro left wattles to roo's forearm (ACSC 65(5)ka), 5L45 flaw right side of crown (ACSC 65(5)j). Great positional piece with 2 listed varieties. Superb fresh MUH. ACSC 65A(ka) cat for M is $550, should be at least double, MUH $1100, plus other variety & 2 stamps $1200+. (4) (P) |
A$350 (US$242) (€217) (£182) |
A$500 (US$345) (€310) (£260) |
1692 |
½d Dull green JBC monogram bottom right blk of 12, plated as Electro 5 right pane R49-54, 55-60 identified by minor variety 5R60 - break above emu's back. MUH effected by rust spots & 2-tone suntanned gum but collectable appearance. ACSC 63(5)zb cat $1000 Mint, should be at least double, $2000, plus other stamps $2150. (12) |
A$150 (US$104) (€93) (£78) |
A$200 (US$138) (€124) (£104) |
1693 |
½d Green shades, pale bluish green (2), deep bluish green, yellowish green, thinner paper. Fresh VF MLH. SG 48(var). ACSC 65 cat $264. (5) |
A$50 (US$35) (€31) (£26) |
A$75 (US$52) (€47) (£39) |
1694 |
½d Bluish-green CA monogram, marginal bottom right blk of 24, plated as Electro 5 right pane 28-30, 34-36, 40-42, 46-48, 51-54, 57-60 identified by 5R36 upper LF retouched & thickened (ACSC 65(5)r), also minor flaw 5R60 - break above emu's back. This is a CA monogram substituted for JBC & is quite scarce. MUH, tone spots & suntanned gum, but still collectable appearance. ACSC 65(5)zd cat $1200 M, should be at least double, $2400, plus other stamps -total $2800. (24) |
A$200 (US$138) (€124) (£104) |
A$300 (US$207) (€186) (£156) |
1695 |
½d Pale bluish-green blk of 6 plated as 5R43-44, 5R49-50, 5R55-66 with major variety 5R43 'thin fraction at right' (ACSC 65A(5)s). F-VF fresh 2 MLH / 4 MUH. SG 20(var). ACSC 65A(5)s cat $175 Mint, plus additional stamps $240. (6) |
A$75 (US$52) (€47) (£39) |
A$100 (US$69) (€62) (£52) |
1696 |
½d Pale blue green pr 4L1-2 Second State with 2 listed varieties 4L1 - flan on Emu's back (ACSC 65(4)d, 4L2 -spot after 2 (ACSC 65(4)e. This is the second state before the crown top deteriorated significantly & disappeared in the Third & Final state. F MLH. SG 48(var), ACSC 65(4)d & e cat $150. (2). |
A$40 (US$28) (€25) (£21) |
A$60 (US$41) (€37) (£31) |
1697 |
½d Bluish-green 4 prs with listed varieties, 4R40-41 with 4R40 barb on fraction bar (ACSC 65(4)u), 6L52 headless emu (ACSC 65(6)h), 7L44 SW cnr broken (ACSC 65(7)d), 7R23-24 flaw behind roo's head (ACSC 65(7)k). F-VFM several with light toning. SG 48(var), ACSC cat $300. (8) |
A$60 (US$41) (€37) (£31) |
A$75 (US$52) (€47) (£39) |
1698 |
½d Yellowish green marginal blk of 4 position 4R49-50, 4R55 (spot before 2), 4R56 (spot between TA of Postage). F MLH (2)/MUH (2) both varieties VF. SG 20(var), ACSC 65(4)v & va $150 for M, should be worth double MUH in pr $300. (4). |
A$80 (US$55) (€50) (£42) |
A$120 (US$83) (€74) (£62) |
1699 |
½d Bluish-green strip of 4 with the bottom horiz row imperf as perf pins did not punch below stamp design. Probably jumped perfs which have been trimmed but an interesting piece from serious KGV collection with normal for comparison. 2M/2VF MUH. SG 48(var), ACSC 65A. |
A$50 (US$35) (€31) (£26) |
A$100 (US$69) (€62) (£52) |
1700 |
½d Green, Electro 4, UL cnr pr, varieties 'white flaw on emu's back' (pos 4L1) & 'white spot after 2 in RVT' (pos 4L2). A scarce multiple, hinged in upper selvedge only, stamps VF MUH. SG 48(var), ACSC 65A(4)d/e cat $150 as M singles, should be at least double, $300 MUH positional pr. |
A$80 (US$55) (€50) (£42) |
A$100 (US$69) (€62) (£52) |
1701 |
½d Green variety 'white spot after 2 in RVT' (pos 4L2). FM. SG 48(var), ACSC 65A(4)e cat $75. |
A$25 (US$17) (€16) (£13) |
A$35 (US$24) (€22) (£18) |
1702 |
½d Bluish Green Electro 4 listed varieties, 4L3 - 8 Wattles at Left (ACSC 65A(4)f), 4L 8 - flaw below TR (ACSC 65A(4)h), 4L 43 - notch under FP (ACSC 65A(4)n. FU. SG 48(var), ACSC cat $150. (3). |
A$40 (US$28) (€25) (£21) |
A$60 (US$41) (€37) (£31) |
1703 |
½d Bluish Green Electro 4 Listed varieties, 4L52 - Flaw Right side of Crown (ACSC 65A(4)o), 4L60 - flaw over E (ACSC 65A(4)p), 4R40 - barb on fraction bar (ACSC 65A(4)v), 4255 - white spot before 2 (ACSC 65A(4)v. G-FV. SG 48(var), SG 48(var), ACSC cat $200. (4). |
A$40 (US$28) (€25) (£21) |
A$50 (US$35) (€31) (£26) |
1704 |
½d Pale bluish green position 5L16 - White Spot on Roo's back (ACSC 65(5)e. VF MLH. SG 48(var), ACSC 65A(5)e cat $75. |
A$20 (US$14) (€12) (£10) |
A$30 (US$21) (€19) (£16) |
1705 |
½d Green Electro 5 varieties, 5L11 - spot Roo's back, 5L17 - 8 Wattles at left (ACSC 65A(5)f), 5R22 - flaw Emu's Leg (ACSC 65A(5)n), 5R31 - flaw left Wattles (ACSC 65A(5)q). G-FU. SG 48(var), ACSC cat $200. (4). |
A$40 (US$28) (€25) (£21) |
A$60 (US$41) (€37) (£31) |
1706 |
½d Pale bluish-green position 5R26 horizontal crack through king's head (ACSC 65(5)o). This is a scarce variety & only developed later in LM wmk printings. VF MLH. SG 48(var), ACSC 65A(5)o cat $75. |
A$30 (US$21) (€19) (£16) |
A$40 (US$28) (€25) (£21) |
1707 |
½d Pale bluish-green position 5R43-44, with 5R43 - thin fraction at right (ACSC 65A(5)s) with position 5R44 normal, for comparison. Nice positional pr. VF MLH. SG 20(var), ACSC 65A(5)s cat $175 + normal $20 = $195. (2) |
A$60 (US$41) (€37) (£31) |
A$80 (US$55) (€50) (£42) |
1708 |
½d Green variety 'thin fraction' (pos 5R43) upper stamp in LL cnr vert trio. F-VF M. SG 48(var), ACSC 65A(5)s cat $175 as single. |
A$50 (US$35) (€31) (£26) |
A$80 (US$55) (€50) (£42) |
1709 |
½d Bluish Green Electro 6 varieties, 6L1 - flaw on A (ACSC 65A(6)d), 6L29 - break over U (ACSC 65A(6)f), 6L49 retouch shading behind head (ACSC 65A(6)g), 6L53 neckless Emu (ACSC 65A(g)i), 6L54 - retouch to crack (ACSC 65A(6)j. G-FU. SG 48(var), SG 48(var), ACSC cat $250. (5). |
A$50 (US$35) (€31) (£26) |
A$75 (US$52) (€47) (£39) |
1710 |
½d Bluish Green Electro 7 varieties, 7 L49 - retouch shading in front of Face (ACSC 65A(7)e), 7R24 - flaw behind Roo Ear (ACSC 65A(7)k), 7R33 - diag scratch LVT (ACSC 65A(7)m). G-FU. ACSC cat $150.SG 48(var) (3). |
A$30 (US$21) (€19) (£16) |
A$45 (US$31) (€28) (£23) |
1711 |
½d Green shade collection with all listed shades, the deep green shade is much rarer than stated by ACSC & is difficult to find. FU. SG 48(var), ACSC 65(A-E) cat is $140. (9). |
A$40 (US$28) (€25) (£21) |
A$60 (US$41) (€37) (£31) |
1712 |
½d Bluish Green Electro 7 listed varieties, 7R45 - gash right Wattles (ACSC 65A(7)0), 7R52 - Flaw above LIA - (ACSC 65A(7)p), 7R58 S.W cnr shaved (ACSC 65A(7)r), 7R5G - gash behind Kangaroo Ear (ACSC 65A(7)s). G-FU. SG 48(var), ACSC cat $200. (5).65A |
A$40 (US$28) (€25) (£21) |
A$60 (US$41) (€37) (£31) |
1713 |
½d Deep bluish-green (heavy print) plated as 6L1-2, 6L7-8, 6L1 extended serif on left side of A of Postage (ACSC 65(6)d). This is the scarce heavy print shade. Superb fresh F-VF MUH. SG 48(var), ACSC 65B(6)d cat $75 M, should be at least double $150 MUH plus 3 other MUH = $375. (4) |
A$75 (US$52) (€47) (£39) |
A$100 (US$69) (€62) (£52) |
1714 |
½d Yellow-green marginal blk of 30 plated as Electro 5 right pane 1-30 with an advanced state of horiz crack through king's head, 5R22 ACSC 65(5)o, other major varieties are 5R14 'retouched NW cnr' (ACSC 65(5)m), 5R22 'white flaw at top of emu's leg' (ACSC 65(5)n & 5R29 'break in top frame' (ACSC 65(5)p). VF fresh. SG 48(bar). ACSC 65E cat for variety $75 x4 for cheapest shade = $300, should be at least double, for this scarce shade $600, plus 25 MUH, 1 Mint total $1765. (30) |
A$250 (US$173) (€155) (£130) |
A$375 (US$259) (€233) (£195) |
1715 |
½d Yellowish-green (ACSC 65E) marginal blk of 6 pos 5R43-44, 5R53-54, 5R63-64 with variety thin fraction at right (ACSC 65E(5)s). Nice positional piece in a scarcer shade. VF MLH/MUH, 1 non-variety stamp has inclusion sl yellowish gum. ACSC cat $480. (6) (P) |
A$100 (US$69) (€62) (£52) |
A$130 (US$90) (€81) (£68) |
1716 |
½d Pale yellowish-green blk of 4 plated as 4L1-2, 4L7-8. This is the scarce 3rd & final shade which shows the missing crown tops on 4L1-2 which is not listed by ACSC, it has 4 listed varieties 4L1 flaw emu's back (ACSC 65(4)d), 4L2 spot after 2 (ACSC 65(4)e), 4L7 retouch shading behind roo (ACSC 65(4)g), 4L8 white flaw below T R (ACSC 65(4)h). A scarce positional piece. F 3 MLH/1 MUH. ACSC 65E(4)d, e, g, h cat $300 plus premium for shade x2 = $600. (4) |
A$75 (US$52) (€47) (£39) |
A$100 (US$69) (€62) (£52) |
1717 |
½d Yellowish green plates as 4L8 - flaw under TR. Superb fresh MUH. SG 48(var), ACSC 65E(4)b cat $75, should be double MUH $150, plus premium for shade. |
A$40 (US$28) (€25) (£21) |
A$50 (US$35) (€31) (£26) |
1718 |
½d Pale yellowish-green marginal plated as 4L25 missing shading behind emu's leg (ACSC 654(I)) & 4L26 retouch SW cnr (ACSC 65(k)j). Nice positional pr in scarcer shade. Superb fresh VF MUH. ACSC 65E(4)I & j cat $150 plus premium for x2 & extra shade. (2) |
A$80 (US$55) (€50) (£42) |
A$120 (US$83) (€74) (£62) |
1719 |
½d Pale yellowish green position 5L17 - 8 Wattles at left. VF MUH. SG 48(var), ACSC 65E(5)f cat M $75 should be double MUH $150. |
A$35 (US$24) (€22) (£18) |
A$50 (US$35) (€31) (£26) |
1720 |
½d Yellowish green marginal pr with major variety thin fraction at right (5R26). Fresh superb MLH. SG 48a cat £100. ACSC 65E(5)s cat $175 for normal shade. (2) |
A$50 (US$35) (€31) (£26) |
A$75 (US$52) (€47) (£39) |
1721 |
½d Yellowish green position 5R43 thin fraction at right with normal to compare. VF MLH. SG 48a cat £100, ACSC 65E(5)s cat $175, plus normal, total $225. (2). |
A$50 (US$35) (€31) (£26) |
A$75 (US$52) (€47) (£39) |
1722 |
½d Yellowish green, major variety thin fraction at right (5R43). G-FU. ACSC 65E(5)s cat $250 for variety, this shade is 5 times normal shade. |
A$60 (US$41) (€37) (£31) |
A$100 (US$69) (€62) (£52) |
1723 |
½d Yellowish-green variety THIN FRACTION at right (pos 5R43). Superb U, lightly cancelled. SG 48a cat £140+. ACSC 65E(5)s cat $250+. with normal for comparison. 2017 Drury photo cert. (P) |
A$60 (US$41) (€37) (£31) |
A$90 (US$62) (€56) (£47) |
1724 |
½d Pale yellowish-green bottom marginal pr plated as 4L60 flaw over E (ACSC 65(4)p) & 4R55 spot before 2 (ACSC 65(4)v). Nice positional pr on scarcer shade. Fine MLH. ACSC 65E(p) & (l) cat $150. (2) |
A$50 (US$35) (€31) (£26) |
A$75 (US$52) (€47) (£39) |
1725 |
½d Bluish-green bottom marginal strip of 3 with row of vertical perforations out of alignment with stamps above (perf tones at top), also single marginal gutter stamp for comparison, & 2 shades of inverted wmk -pale bluish-green & bluish-green. SG 48(var), ACSC 65(var).F-VF M. (6). (P) |
A$75 (US$52) (€47) (£39) |
A$100 (US$69) (€62) (£52) |
1726 |
½d Pale bluish-green blk of 4 positions 5L16-17, 5L22-23 with 3 listed varieties, 5L16 spot on roo (ACSC 65(5)e), 5L17-8 wattles at left (ACSC 65(5)f), 5L22 notch left side of cross (ACSC 65(5)g), nice positional piece. VF 2MLH/2MUH (2). ACSC 65A(e), (f) & (g) cat $150, should be doule MUH $75 x2 = $150, total $300. (4) |
A$80 (US$55) (€50) (£42) |
A$120 (US$83) (€74) (£62) |
1727 |
1d Carmine-pink (G101) Cooke printing. Stamp VF fresh MUH, marginal. SG 49 cat £250 for M, should be at least double, £500 MUH. ACSC 73A cat $1250. Copy of 2009 Drury photo cert for blk it came from. (P) |
A$400 (US$276) (€248) (£208) |
A$550 (US$380) (€341) (£286) |
1728 |
1d Carmine pink (G101) Cooke printing with clear Carlton 19 Feb 18 cds. VFU. SG 49 cat £140, ACSC 73A cat $275. (P) |
A$100 (US$69) (€62) (£52) |
A$130 (US$90) (€81) (£68) |
1729 |
1d Carmine rose (G104) Harrison printing. Superb W/C fresh MUH. SG 50 cat £32. ACSC 74A cat $80. |
A$30 (US$21) (€19) (£16) |
A$40 (US$28) (€25) (£21) |
1730 |
1d Carmine-rose (G104) part Harrison imprint blk of 4 7/53 - 54(Ferns), 7/59-60 (RA join). Top pr M 7/54 has a thin, bottom pr inc 7/60 F MUH varieties both VF. SG 50(var), ACSC 74A(4)ia & 74A(4)j cat $850, +$80 MUH single. (P) |
A$220 (US$152) (€136) (£114) |
A$300 (US$207) (€186) (£156) |
1731 |
1d Carmine rose Harrison shades, Carmine rose (G104), Deep carmine rose (G105) & Pale carmine rose (G106). Fresh VF 2 MLH,1MUH. SG 50 cat £96. ACSC 74A & B cat $100, 74C $90, total $190. (3) |
A$60 (US$41) (€37) (£31) |
A$75 (US$52) (€47) (£39) |
1732 |
1d Red Harrison printing with shades carmine rose (G104) & carmine aniline (G107). VF MLH. SG 50(var), ACSC 74A&D cat $325. (2). (P) |
A$100 (US$69) (€62) (£52) |
A$150 (US$104) (€93) (£78) |
1733 |
1d Deep carmine rose (G105) Harrison printing. Fresh VF MLH. SG 50 cat £32. ACSC 74B cat $50. |
A$15 (US$10) (€9) (£8) |
A$20 (US$14) (€12) (£10) |
1734 |
1d Deep carmine rose (G105) Harrison printing. Superb M. SG 50 cat £32. ACSC 74B cat $50. |
A$20 (US$14) (€12) (£10) |
A$30 (US$21) (€19) (£16) |
1735 |
1d Deep carmine rose (G105). A FU example with Melbourne cds, pale carmine rose (G104) , SG50(var), VFU, Private Perfin (WC) dated 30 Sep 20 & a State perfin (Tasmania - T). F-VFU. SG50(var), ACSC 74A(var) (4) |
A$40 (US$28) (€25) (£21) |
A$60 (US$41) (€37) (£31) |
1736 |
1d Carmine-rose pr 5/31-5/32 with variety break in L frame. VF fresh MLH. SG21(var), ACSC 71V(3)h cat $400. (2) (P) |
A$140 (US$97) (€87) (£73) |
A$180 (US$124) (€112) (£94) |
1737 |
1½d Black brown blk of 4. Fresh VF MUH. SG 51(var). ACSC 84A cat $100. (4) |
A$25 (US$17) (€16) (£13) |
A$40 (US$28) (€25) (£21) |
1738 |
1½d Grey black blk of 4. Fresh VF MUH. SG 51(var). ACSC 84C cat $200. (4) |
A$40 (US$28) (€25) (£21) |
A$60 (US$41) (€37) (£31) |
1739 |
1½d Black (grey) brown blk of 4, very thin paper (0.065mm), plated as 2L49-50, 2L55-56. VF fresh MUH, minor gum bends. ACSC 84C as cat $700 as blk of 4. (4) (P) |
A$180 (US$124) (€112) (£94) |
A$250 (US$173) (€155) (£130) |
1740 |
1½d Brown Electro 7 vert pr (pos 7R42, 48). Upper stamp with ACSC variety 'White flaws in LR cnr' (pos 42) & lower stamp 'Cracked Electro through top of LVT' (pos 48). W/C, VFU. A scarce multiple. SG 59(var), ACSC 86D(7)kl ct $360, plus premium for multiple. |
A$50 (US$35) (€31) (£26) |
A$100 (US$69) (€62) (£52) |
1741 |
1½d Deep brown perf OS variety 'white flaw obliterating emu's toes at right' (later state). Bold 1922 Bathurst cds. FU. Variety unlocated. SG 59(var), ACSC 86(U)bag cat $500. Scarce. |
A$50 (US$35) (€31) (£26) |
A$100 (US$69) (€62) (£52) |
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