Note: MUH = MNH = UMM = **, other abbreviations click here | |
Unsold lots available for sale at indicated reserve plus 21.45% buyer's commission plus postage & insurance.Loading... | First | Previous | Next | Last | Index |
Lot | Description | Status | ||
3786 |
1854 Swan 1d black, rouletted about 12-13 on 4 sides. VFU, barred numeral '1' pmk. Scott 6 cat US$750, SG 2 cat £850++ & under-catalogued as genuine rouletted examples are rather rare. Certificate can be obtained on request. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
3787 |
1854-55 Swan 4d blue imperf, variety 'T of Postage shaved to a point at foot'. VFU, 4 margins with numeral 8 of Fremantle. SG 3ad cat £1000. 2017 Brandon photo cert. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$550 | ||
3788 |
1854-55 Swan 4d blue, imperf, variety 'WEST in squeezed-down letters & F of FOUR with pointed foot'. Superb UN, 4 margins. SG 3aj cat £4000 for UN. Very rare variety & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$2500 | ||
3789 |
1854-55 Swan 4d blue, imperf, variety 'P of PENCE with small head' Fresh M appearance, expertly repaired, VF appearance. SG 3ar cat £3750 for UN. Very rare variety. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
3790 |
1854-55 Swan 4d slate-blue, imperf, wmk swan sideways. Superb fresh UN as issued, 4 large even margins, fantastic deep colour. Scott 3b cat US$4500, SG 3c cat £4000++. Very rare shade in simply exceptional quality. 2007 BPA photo cert. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$3300 | ||
3791 |
1854-55 Swan 4d blue, imperf, variety 'titled border' Superb MLH, original gum, 4 large margins. SG 3i cat £3250 for UN. Very rare & important variety. 2006 RPSV photo cert. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$2000 | ||
3792 |
1854-55 Swan 4d blue imperf, variety' tilted border' intermediate plate pos 34. GU, cut to shape, barred '1' pmk. SG 3i cat £1600. Rare major variety. 2022 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$230 | ||
3793 |
1854-55 Swan 4d pale blue, imperf, variety 'swan & water above ENCE damaged'. Fresh UN, tiny thins, 4 large margins & superb appearance. SG 3o cat £4250 for UN. Very rare variety. 2007 BPA photo cert.
| AVAILABLE at A$1300 | ||
3794 |
1854-55 Swan 4d deep red-brown, imperf. Superb UN, 4 margins. Sc 4a cat US$2250. SG 4a cat £2000. Rare shade. BPA photo-cert. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$1200 | ||
3795 |
1854-55 Swan 1/- deep red-brown, imperf. Superb fresh UN, cut square with 4 margins, nice colour. Scott 5b cat US$2250, SG 4a cat £2000 for UN. Rare shade. 2006 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$1200 | ||
3796 |
1854-55 Swan 1/- deep red-brown, imperf. F-VF U, barred oval pmk cut square with 4 margins. Scott 5b cat US$1100. SG 4a cat £1100. Rare shade. 2023 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
3797 |
1854-55 Swan 1/- grey-brown, imperf. VF UN, 4 margins. Sc 5a cat US$700. SG 4b cat £800. Scarce shade. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
3798 |
1854-55 Swan 1/- pale brown, imperf. Superb UN, 4 margins. Sc 5 cat US$550. SG 4c cat £550. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
3799 |
1854-55 Swan 1/- pale brown, imperf wmk Swan sideways, horiz pr. Superb fresh UN, all 4 margins, insignificant trace of pressed crease at top. Scott 5 cat US$1100+, SG 4c cat £1100+ as singles, plus premium for pr. Nice classic multiple. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$550 | ||
3800 |
1854-55 Swan 1/- pale brown, imperf. VFU, 4 margins, barred '8' pmk. Scott 5 cat US$350, SG 4c cat £325. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
3801 |
1854-55 Swan 4d pale blue, rouletted on about 13 on 3 sides, wmk swan sideways. VFU, barred '2' numeral pmk. Scott 8 cat US$800, SG 5 cat £750 & undercatalogued as genuine rouletted examples are rather rare. Certificate can be obtained on request. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
3802 |
1854-55 Swan 1/- pale brown, rouletted about 9 on all 4 sides. F-VFU, barred oval '1' pmk. Scott 10 cat US$1250, SG 6a cat £1100. Rare genuine rouletted. 2005 RPVS photo cert. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$550 | ||
3803 |
1854-55 Swan 1/- pale brown roulette about 12 on 4 sides. F-VF oval barred '2' pmk in blue. SG 6a cat £1100. Rare genuine roulette. 2011 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$650 | ||
3804 |
1857-59 Swan 2d brown-black on red lithographed, imperf, error printed on both sides (inverted on reverse). VFU, cut square with typical margins as stamps printed very close together. Scott 2b cat US$900. SG 15a cat £900. 2002 Sismondo photo cert. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$425 | ||
3805 |
1857-59 Swan 6d grey-black, lithographed, imperf. VFU appearance, 4 margins, small expert repair UR cnr, barred oval pmk. Scott 4 cat US$700. SG 19 cat £600. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
3806 |
1857-59 Swan 6d grey-black, lithographed, imperf variety only faintly printed on right side so missing Australia'. F-VF U, almost 4 margins, barred '3' pmk. SG 19(var) cat £600+, plus premium for this major variety (varieties on 4d are all listed in SG at 7x to 10x normals while equally rare positional varieties on 2d & 6d are unjustifiably unlisted). (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
3807 |
1857-59 Swan 6d grey-black lithographed, roulette about 12 on all 4 sides. Superb U, barred oval '1' pmk, unusually large & even margins showing position of adjoining stamp at base. Scott 9 cat US$2500. SG 23 cat £1400. Rare genuine & this exceptional quality example is probably the best recorded. RPSL photo-cert. (P)
| SOLD at A$1400 | ||
3808 |
1860-64 Swan 4d blue, imperf, wmk Swan sideways. Superb UN, 4 margins. Sc 15(var). SG 26a cat £3500. 2011 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$1800 | ||
3809 |
1860-64 Swan 2d pale orange, rouletted about 12 on 3 sides. VFU, barred pmk. Scott 17a cat US$300, SG 29 cat £300 & under-catalogued as genuine are rare. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
3810 |
1860-64 Swan 6d sage-green, rouletted about 10 on 4 sides. VFU, barred '8' pmk. Scott 19 cat US$750, SG 32 cat £750 & under-catalogued as genuine examples are rare. Certificate can be obtained on request. (P)
| SOLD at A$550 | ||
3811 |
1861 Swan 1d rose-carmine, wmk Swan, rough perf 14-16. F-VFM. Scott 24B cat US$375. SG 44 cat £350. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
3812 |
1864 Swan 1d bistre, DLR imperf proof vert pr, wmk crown CC sideways reversed. Superb fresh M, all 4 margins. SG 52(p). Rare, only 1 sheet recorded. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
3813 |
1864 Swan 1d violet, imperf plate proof opt SPECIMEN type D5 (15½ x 11½mm), wmk crown CC upright. Superb fresh M, 4 margins. SG 57(p) normal cat £180. Ex DLR archives & extremely rare, only several recorded. Certificate can be obtained on request. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$800 | ||
3814 |
1864-79 Swan 1/- bright green, wmk crown CC upright, perf 12½. VF fresh M. Scott 34 cat US$300. SG 61 cat £300. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
3815 |
1864 Swan 1/- bright green, DLR imperf proof vert pr, wmk crown CC upright. Superb fresh M, all 4 margins. SG 61(p) cat £600 as normal. Rare, only 1 sheet recorded. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
3816 |
1874 \'ONE PENNY\' opt Swan 2d yellow, wmk crown CC, perf 12½ error opt TRIPLE. GU, expertly repaired UR cnr etc, barred oval \'1\' pmk. Scott 41c cat US$7500, SG 67b cat £7500. Great rarity, only several recorded. BPA photo cert. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$1500 | ||
3817 |
1882-85 Swan 4d carmine, wmk crown CA sideways (Crown to left of CA), perf 14. VF fresh MLH. Scott 51 cat US$200. SG 78 cat £190. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
3818 |
1885 '1d' opt Swan 3d cinnamon. F-VF fresh MUH. SG 91a cat £85 for M, should be at least double, £170 MUH. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
3819 |
1885-93 Swan ½d green IMPERF horiz pr, wmk crown CA, from DLR archive imprimatur sheet. Superb fresh MUH, left marginal with all 4 margins. SG 94(p). Rare, only 1 sheet existed. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
3820 |
1885-93 Swan 4d chestnut IMPERF horiz pr, wmk crown CA, from DLR archive imprimatur sheet. Superb fresh MUH, all 4 margins. SG 98(p). rare, only 1 sheet existed. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
3821 |
1885-93 Swan 5d bistre, IMPERF horiz pr, wmk crown CA, from DLR archive imprimatur sheet. Superb fresh MUH, all 4 margins. SG 99(p). Very rare, only 1 sheet existed. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
3822 |
1893 Swan Internal Revenue 5/- dull purple, Postal Fiscal, plus 6d dull purple (3) wmk CA crown, tied together on piece by oval 'R' pmks. Postally GU, some flts but still attractive. SG F14 cat £54 for 6d as loose stamps while 5/- is unlisted. Rare franking. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
3823 |
1895 'Half-penny' opt Swan 3d red-brown, opt in red & green, opts overlapping, wmk crown CA. VF MUH. SG 111b cat £85 for M, should be £170 MUH. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
3824 |
1898-1907 Swan 2d yellow, IMPERF horiz pr, wmk W crown A, from DLR archive imprimatur sheet. Superb fresh MUH, all 4 margins. SG 113(p). Very rare, only 1 sheet existed. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
3825 |
1898-1907 Swan 2½d blue IMPERF horiz pr, wmk W crown A, from DLR archive imprimatur sheet. Superb fresh MUH, all 4 margins. SG 114(p). Rare, only 1 sheet existed. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
3826 |
1898-1907 Swan 6d bright violet, IMPERF horiz pr, wmk W crown A, from DLR archive imprimatur sheet. Superb fresh MUH, all 4 margins, horiz gum bend. SG 115(p). Rare, only 1 sheet existed. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
3827 |
1898-1907 Swan 6d bright violet, IMPERF vert gutter pr, wmk W crown A, from DLR archive imprimatur sheet. Superb fresh MUH, all 4 margins. SG 115(p). Very rare, only 1 sheet existed & only several gutter prs recorded. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$375 | ||
3828 |
1898-1907 Swan 1/- olive-green, IMPERF horiz pr, wmk W crown A, from DLR archive imprimatur sheet. Superb fresh MUH, all 4 margins. SG 116(p). Rare, only 1 sheet existed. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
3829 |
1898-1907 Swan 1/- olive-green, IMPERF vert gutter pr, wmk W crown A, from DLR archive imprimatur sheet. Superb fresh MUH, all 4 margins. SG 116(p). Rare, only 1 sheet existed & only several gutter prs are recorded. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$375 | ||
3830 |
1902-11 QV £1 orange-brown wmk V crown facing left. Superb fresh MLH, excellent centring. Scott 88 cat US$450, ACSC W68a cat $750+. SG 128 cat £450+. Exp Their. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
3831 |
1902-11 QV £1 orange-brown. Superb fresh M.Scott 88 cat US$450, ACSC W68A cat $750. SG 128 cat £450. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
3832 |
1902-11 QV £1 orange (1909 printing). VF fresh MLH. Scott 88a cat US$750, ACSC W68B cat $1250. SG 128a cat £750. Rare shade. Exp Bloch, plus Brandon photo cert. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$525 | ||
3833 |
1902-11 QV 2/- brownish-red on yellow, wmk V crown upright, perf 11. VF fresh M. Scott 84d cat US$325. SG 134 cat £300. ACSC W62A cat $500. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
3834 |
1902-11 QV 2/- bright red on yellow, perf 11. F-VF fresh MLH. Scott 84d cat US$325, ACSC W60 cat $400, SG 134 cat £300. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
3835 |
1902-11 QV 2/- bright red on yellow, perf 11. VF fresh MLH. ACSC W62 cat $500, Scott 84d cat US$325. SG 134 cat £300. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
3836 |
1902-12 Swan 1d carmine-rose, wmk V crown upright, MIXED perfs, comb perf 12½x12, plus extra single-line perf 11 at top. VF fresh MUH. ACSC W10, SG 135a cat £1500++ for M for compound perfs, plus premium for compound mixed perfs, & should be at least double, £3000 MUH. Rarity as only several recorded & photo cert can be obtained on request. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$1200 | ||
3837 |
1902-11 QV 10/- bright purple. VF fresh M, nice colour. ACSC W67B cat $1600. Scott 87a cat US$950. SG 142a cat £950. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
3838 |
1902-04 Official 'Medical' h/s opt on 1898-1907 Swan 2d bright yellow, wmk W crown A. VFU, barred pmk. SG 113(var). Rare provisional used by the WA Health Department. 2016 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
3839 |
1902-04 Official 'Medical' h/s opt on 1902-11 Swan 1d carmine-rose, horiz pr, wmk V crown sideways, perf 12½. VFU, 'Northam 6 FE 04' barred duplex pmk. SG 117(var). Rare provisional used by the WA Health Dept. 2016 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
3840 |
Postmark collection 1914-1990s A-Y in s/book ranging from 1d Kangaroo & 1d red KGV to decimal period, inc Benger, Denmark, Mornington, Mandiga, Parkerville on 1s Wan. Range of 1990s rubber cds, inc Paid, Relief, Christmas Is, Cocos & Keeling Islands. Few NT & small collection of WA numerals (49) on mainly 2d Swans from 1-36 inc Williams River (23), Sharks Bay (32). Appear all diff. (1800+).
| AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
3841 |
Postmark: 'Mil PO Canning Weir' cds, fair strike ties AIF 2d to 1940 (Dec) cover to UK, only open 2 months.
| AVAILABLE at A$80 |
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