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Unsold lots available for sale at indicated reserve plus 21.45% buyer's commission plus postage & insurance. First | Previous | Next | Last | Index
1860-1970s A-Z collection in 4 loose leaf albums & 2 s/books strength is in 1800s-1930s across most countries inc Bermuda 1920s Tercentenary set to 1/-, 1924 high values to 10/-, British Solomon Is 1922 KGV to 10/- Canada range from 1860s inc 1859 beaver 5c, Newfoundland 1865 2c cod, Ceylon 1857-67 QV to 1/-, Kenya & Uganda 1922 high values to 10/-, Ireland 1922 opts to 1/- M, Heligoland 1867-90 range inc reprints, India & States range, Cook Is 1892 to 2½d, 1893 White Fern to 1/-, Samoa Palms to 2/6, 1914 GRI to 6d, Malaya range of States from 1883, also Switzerland coll'n 1860s-1990s, small China/Taiwan coll'n & Australia U. Coll'n 1966-80s Pitcairn Is Seven Seas hingeless album. Mostly diff various in tins, loose & covers. Useful old time collection ex Deceased Estate. With plenty of better stamps throughout. Some earlies mixed condition. Mainly U from GU-VFU. About 10% F-VF MLH to MUH. SG STC £10,000++ = A$20000+. (8000+ 30 cvrs).
British Empire: 1910-35 KGV collection in 4 binders. A-Z of Commems inc Australia 1913-36 Kangaroo to 5/-. 1931 Air OS opt set 2d & 3d. Barbados 1919 Victory to 3/-. Basutoland 1933 KGV Crocodile to 10/-. Levant 1921 KGV Seahorses 45Pi & 180Pi. Cayman 1921-26 KGV to 5/-. Cyprus 1934 KGV Pic to 45Pi. India 1926-33 KGV to 25R. Ireland 1922 Free State opt to 5/-. KUT 1935 KGV Pic to £1. Nauru 1924-48 Ship to 10/-. Newfoundland 1911-15 Coronation to 15c. 1910-11 Guy to 15c. 1919 Caribou to 36c. 1931 Air to $1. 1933 Gilbert to 32c. New Guinea 1931 Hut Air to 10/-. 1932-34 Undated Bird set to £1 Used & Air to £1. 1935 Bulolo £2. New Zealand 1931 Smiling Boy 1d & 2d. North Borneo 1922 Malaya Borneo Exhib opt to 50c. NWPI 1915-22 opt Roo to 10/-. Papua 1931 OS opt Lakatoi to 2/6. 1932-40 Pic to 10/-. St Helena 1912-16 KGV Pic to 3/-. St Lucia 1934 KGV Pic set to 10/-. Sarawak 1934 Raja to £10/ Southern Rhodesia 1924 KGV Admiral to 5/- & 1931 KGV Field Marshall to 5/-. Mostly G-VF M/U, some parts mixed. SG cat £12,500+ = A$25,000+. Attractive collection. (4650) (P)
 SOLD at A$2400
1935 KGV Silver Jubilee British Empire omnibus collection comp (ex Egypt) inc Canada, Falklands, Hong Kong etc. VF M/MLH. SG cat £1250. (249) (P)
1935 KGV Silver Jubilee British Empire omnibus collection comp (ex Egypt) inc Canada, Falklands, Hong Kong etc. VF M/MLH. SG cat £1250. (249) (P)
British Empire: 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee Omnibus collection of perf SPECIMEN issues, with 42 diff sets. Mostly F-VF M/MUH. Rarely offerred sets.
 SOLD at A$800
British Empire: KGVI 1937-52 collection in 4 binders. A-Z inc Aden 1939 KGVI Pic to 10R. Antigua 1938 KGVI Pic to £1. Ascension 1935-53 KGVI Pic set to 10/-, plus perfs. Bahrain 1938-42 KGVI Pic to 25R. Basutoland 1938 KGVI Crocodile set to 10/-. Bechuanaland 1938 KGVI Cattle to 10/-. Cyprus 1938-51 KGVI Pic to £1. Falklands 1938 KGVI Pic to £1. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1952 KGVI Pic to £1. Gambia 1938 KGVI Elephant set to 10/-. Hong Kong 1948 KGVI Silver Wedding $10 U. India 1948 Gandhi set to 10R U. KUT 1938-51 KGVI Pic to £1, plus perfs. Malacca 1949 KGVI Palm Tree set to $5. Montserrat 1938 KGVI Views to £1. North Borneo 1945 BMA opt Pic to $5. Northern Rhodesia 1938-52 KGVI Giraffe & Elephant to 20/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. Nyasaland 1938 KGV Leopard to £1. Pakistan 1947 KGVI Service set to 10R. Seychelles 1938 KGVI Pic to 5R inc 1R green. Singapore 1948-52 KGVI Palm Tree sets to $5, both perfs. Swaziland 1938 KGVI Shields to 10/-, plus perfs. Tristan Da Cunha 1952 opt KGVI Ship set to 10/-. F-VF M/MUH/U. SG cat £19,000+ = A$38,000+. Attractive collection. (5800) (P)
 SOLD at A$3500
Arabia & Arab States: 1890s-1970s collection in binder with Aden 1937 Dhow set to 10R. 1939-48 KGVI Pic set to 10R. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1951 KGVI decimal Surch set to 10s on 10R. 1953-63 QEII Pic set to 20/-. Seiyun 1942 Sultan Pic set to 5R. 1948 Silver Wedding set M & U. South Arabia from 1964 inc Defs & Commems. Bahrain 1964 Sheikh Pic to 10R. Range of 1960s-70s Qatar. Abu Dhabi 1964 Pic set to 10R. Range of Umm al Qiwain Pic, plus other Trucial States. Mostly F-VF M/MUH/U, some tropicalisation in parts. SG cat £3900+ = A$7800+. (1375) (P)
Bahamas: 1859-1971 Mint collection on Minkus pages. 1859-60 QV Chalon 1d imperf. 1861-82 QV Chalon range of shades, wmks & perfs. 1883 Surch FOUR PENCE on 6d. 1884-90 QV set to £1. 1901-03 Queen's Staircase set to 3/-. 1902-07 KEVII set to £1 plus set to 6d wmk mult crown. 1911-19 Queen's Staircase set to 3/-. 1912-19 KGV set to £1. War Tax issues appear comp. 1920 Victory set to 1/-. 1921-37 KGV set to £1. 1921-29 Queen's Staircase set to 3/-. 1929 Tercent set to 3/-. 1938-52 KGVI set to £1. 1942 Columbus 450th Anniv opt set to £1. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1948 Tercent set to £1. 1954-63 QEII Pic set to £1. 1964 New Constitution opt set to £1. 1964-65 QEII Pic set to £1. 1966 decimal Surch set to $3. 1967 QEII decimal Pic set to $3. Mostly F-VF M/MUH. SG cat £3900+ = A$7800+. Nice collection. (350) (P)
 SOLD at A$1000
British Asia: 1882-1953 collection on Scott album pgs. Ceylon from 1882 inc 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1935 KGV Pic set to 1R. 1938 KGVI Pic set to 10R. 1954 Pic Def set to 10R. Maldives 1951 Dhow Pic vals to 10R. Hong Kong from 1882 QV inc 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938 KGVI 1c-$10. 1941 Centenary set. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1954 QEII set to $10. Straits settlements from 1882. Malay States inc FMS from 1901, Penang 1954-55 QEII to $5. Most F-VF M/U, majority (70%+) M. SG cat £2400+ = A$4800+. (460). (P)
British West Indies: 1862-1970s collection in binder with Antigua 1863-87 QV to 6d inc wmk & shades. 1953-62 QEII Pic set to $4.80. Barbuda 1922 opt KGV set to 5/- (SG cat £150). St Kitts Nevis 1938-50 KGVI Pic set to £1. Virgin Is 1849 St Ursula set to 5/- (£150). 1913-19 KGV set to 5/-. 1922-28 KGV Badge to 5/-. 1938-47 KGVI Badge set to £1. 1952 KGVI Pic set to $4.80. 1956-62 QEII Pic set to $4.80. St Vincent 1938-47 KGVI Pic to £1. St Lucia 1936 KGV Pic set to 10/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. Most G-VF M/MUH/U, some parts with tropicalised gum/gum spots. SG cat £2200+ = A$4400+. (1090) (P)
Gibraltar: 1886-1975 collection on pages. 1889-96 QV Spanish Currency to 2P. 1898 QV GB Currency set to 1/-. 1921-29 KGV to 5/-. 1925-32 KGV New Colours set to £5 inc £5 nice MUH (SG cat £1600 for M, should be £3200 MUH). 1931 KGV The Rock set. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938-49 KGVI Pic set to £1. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1960 QEII Pic set to £1. 1967 QEII Ship set to £1. 1971 Views se-tenant prs set to £1. Mostly F-VF M/MUH/U. SG est cat £5400 = A$10,800. (330) (P)
 SOLD at A$1300
India & Area: 1860-1955 collection in Scott album India 1860-76 QV to 1R. 1882-87 QV to 1R. 1895 QV High vals 2R-5R 1911-13 KGV to 25R, with the 10R, 15R & 25R M. 1937 KGVI Pic set to 25R. 1941 Gandhi set to 10R. Bundi 1947 Rajah & View set to 1R. Nepal 1881-1906 Native Paper range. Pakistan 1947 opt KGVI India set to 25R. 1948 Pic Def set to 25R. Bahawalpur 1948-49 appears comp. Most F-VF M/U, 70%+ being M. SG cat £3100+ = A$6200+. (730). (P)
 SOLD at A$900
British Middle East: 1918-46 collection on pgs inc Aden 1937 Dhow set to 10R (SG cat £1200). 1939 KGVI Pic set to 10R. 1951 Decimal Surch set to 10s. Also Aden States from 1942 sets. Iraq 1918 Inc British Occup opt Pics to 10R. Also range from Kuwait, Bahrain & Jordan. F-VF M/UH, 80%+ being M. SG cat £1700+ = A$3400+. (255). (P)
Rhodesia, Swaziland & Basutoland: 1892-1960s collection in binder. Rhodesia 1892 Arms £1 & 1898 Arms £5. Southern Rhodesia 1924-29 KGV Admiral set to 5/- M & U. 1931-37 KGV Field Marshall set to 5/-. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1937 KGVI set to 5/-. 1953 QEII Pic set to £1. Northern Rhodesia 1925-29 Giraffe & Elephants set to 20/-. 1938-52 KGVI Giraffe & Elephants set to 20/-, plus 1953 QEII set to 20/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. Rhodesia & Nyasaland 1954-56 QEII set to £1. Swaziland 1938 KGVI Shields set to 10/-. Basutoland 1933 KGV Crocodile to 5/-. 1938 KGVI Crocodile set to 10/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. Most G-VF M/MUH/U, some tropicalised gum etc. SG cat £3800+ = A$7600+. (1250) (P)
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