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Search Result for "1010"

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2½d Indigo perf Large OS. VFU. SG O4 cat £150. ACSC 9Aba cat $300. Scarce genuine. (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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German Occup Croatia: 1941-45 WWII MUH collection in s/book inc 1941 opt Yugoslavia King set to 30D. 1941 Brod Exhib opt set with tabs. 1941-42 Pic set to 100K, plus tete-beche pr to 20k. Also horiz prs, to 10k error imperf vert & 30k vert pr imperf horiz, plus 1.50k imperf pr. 1942 Aviation M/S perf & imperf. 1942 surch 0.25 on 2k tete-beche blk of 4. 1943-44 Castle 3.5k imperf pr, rare unissued essay design. 1943 President 12k + 8k M/S perf & imperf. 1943 Zagreb Exhib 9k, 'S' variety. 1943 opt 18k, offset variety 1943 Legion range of imperf proof colour trials. 1943 700th Anniv, double perfs variety, plus sheetlet. 1943-44 President set to 1010k - 1944 Postal set sheetlets. 1945 Storm Division set with initials OA at base (reprints), 1945 Feldpost opt Military stamp (rare unissued). 1945 Postal Employees set, sheetlets, plus 50+25 sheetlet with' white dot obliterates, plus sign' variety. Mostly VF fresh MUH. Mi cat €3200+ = A$5300+. Unusually nice quality collection. (550 + 21 M/S or sheetlets).AVAILABLE at A$800

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Samoa: 1893-1914 Postal Cards U with 1893 10pf forerunner with full message, 1900 opts 10pf, 5+5pf Double reply cards (2) & 10+10pf Double reply & 5pf with no wmk or print date (full message). 1901 Yacht 5pf & 10pf single cards. Then GRI opts ½d (2), 1d & ½d reply half. VF U/CTO, plus a 1914 PPC. Mi cat €1010. (13).AVAILABLE at A$250

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1906-07 opt Labuan Crown 8c black & vermilion, right marginal blk of 10, bottom right stamp Line through 'B' variety. VF MUH, sl dull gum from interleaving. SG 147/147a cat £505 for M, should be at least double, £1010 MUH, plus premium for positional multiple. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1938 Submarine M/Sheet, with no 000223 on back. Superb MUH, much nicer than usual gum. SG MS857g cat £700 for M so at least double, £1400 MUH, Edifil 781 cat €1010. Key Civil War M/Sheet. (P)AVAILABLE at A$650