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1911-79 Booklets collection with 1911-17 type (cover only). 1928-30 1½d red inverted wmk (3 stamps), 1930 Airmail (1 stamp), 1930-34 inverted wmk 2d (4 stamps) - these all poor to fair with all covers written on. Then 1927 Canberra, 1934-5 new cover 2d (3 stamps), 1935-37 2d (9 stamps), 1938 KGVI 2d 2 diff, 1942 KGVI 2½d (2 diff), 1952 KGVI 3½d (2 diff), QEII 3/6 (2), 4/- (3), 5/- (5), 1966 4c red (4), 5c/4c/50c & $1 (4) & 5c blue $1, 1968 Famous Aust (7), 1969 PMs (8) inc a stapled, 1970 FA (4), 1972 PMs (12), plus 1979 Football set Rockdale, Parramatta & Bexley, also 1974-82 private types (6). Poor condition early, later F-VF appearance, but all missing from 1 to almost all stamps, or some toning from barely visible to heavier. Inc wax leaves (3) & a stapled. All diff. Pfr cat $11,000+ when comp. Useful lot for budget collector. (74)AVAILABLE at A$450

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British Commonwealth selection on hagners with Australia Kangaroos 1913 1st wmk set to 1/- (2, ACSC cat $600), plus 1d red wmk INV (2, cat $100). 1916 set to 2/- maroon (3 sets, cat $675 inc 2/- brown), plus extras 3d, 6d, 9d, 1/- (2 of ea cat $180) & 5/- bicolour ($250). British Occupation of Cyrenaica 1950 Pic set to 500M MLH SG 136-148 cat £225. British Occupation of Italian Colonies 1942-52 collection (116) with GB KGVI Defs for MEF, EAF, Eritrea, Somalia, Tripolitania opts. Mixed M & U, STC £340. Morocco Agencies QV-QEII 2 opt collection (490) mixed M & U from all zones inc French & Spanish, plus Tangier to 1957. New Zealand 1860s-1960s collection (630, retail $4200). 1860s QV Chalons, 1d brown, 2d blue (3), 2d orange & 3d lilac. 1870s QV Sidefaces to 1/- green. 1880s-90s QV to 1/- chestnut inc Adverts (12). 1890s Pics to 1/- inc 4d Terraces (3) & 6d green Kiwi. 1908 KEVII set to 1/-, 1915 KGV of 15 to 1/-, plus extras. 1920 Victory set. 1976 Admirals 2/- (2) & 3/-. 1935 Pics to 3/- inc perf variations. 1940 Centennial set. 1953 Pics to 2/- & 1940 Centennial set. Arms Postal Fiscals (27) to £1 wmk INV. 1980s-1930s Lighthouses to 6d pink, plus others inc 1939 Express 6d. Mostly F-VFM/U. Retail $6450+. Well worth inspection. (1300+)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1d Violet & 1d green Mint collection on hagners. 1d violet (50), shades, major varieties inc blk of 18 plate 4, blk of 4 with 'ferns' & 'RA joined' (cat $1160), 1d green single wmk (15) with shades & varieties inc 'RA joined' & 'run N' (cat $550), LM wmk (13, $260), SM wmk perforation 14 (26) inc shades, inverted wmk, major varieties 'flaw under neck' (7/37, cat $300), Mullet imprint pr with 'RA joined' (cat $1000 for blk of 4) & Mullet imprint blk of 4 with 'RA retouch' (cat $350), SM wmk perforation 13½x12½, shades, few varieties, CofA wmk (20) inc inverted wmk blk of 4, Ash imprint blk of 4 & opt OS Ash imprint blk of 4. F-VF MLH, mainly VF MUH. SG 57, 76(var). ACSC cat $4000+. (130)AVAILABLE at A$500

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4d Olive, Ash imprint blk of 4, plate 4 with variety diag white line on King's neck (4R55). VF 2 MLH/2 MUH. SG 102(var). ACSC 116A(4)z cat $550. (4)SOLD at A$180

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4d Greenish-olive opt OS top marginal pr with varieties 'white spot on right value shield' (4R5) & 'flaw right wattles' (4R6). Fresh VFU. SG O16(var). ACSC 116 B(OS)(4)h, I cat $240. (2)AVAILABLE at A$80

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4d Greenish-olive with variety 'roo's tongue out' (4L25). F-VF MLH. SG 102(var), ACSC 116B(4)d cat $120.AVAILABLE at A$40

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4d Greenish-olive with variety 'top of crown broken' (4L18). FU with cnr cancel. SG 104(var), ACSC 116B(4)d cat $75.AVAILABLE at A$15

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4d Greenish-olive variety 'kangaroo's tongue out' (4L25). Fresh VF MLH. SG 102(var). ACSC 116B(4)e cat $120.AVAILABLE at A$40

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4d Greenish-olive variety 'right frame thickened & bulging' (4R42). Fresh VF MLH. SG 102(var). ACSC 116B(4)k cat $120.AVAILABLE at A$40

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4d Greenish-olive, 4 examples with OS opt in diff positions from top of the stamp to centre position, plus very heavy opt with duplication of the OS & likely a double opt. Interesting range. FU. SG O126, ACSC 116B(OS) cat $250 as standard OS. (5)AVAILABLE at A$150

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4d Greenish-olive opt OS vert pr, plated (3L1) 'white flaw in left wattles' (3L7). Fresh VF MUH (variety), VF MLH second stamp. SG O16(var). ACSC 116 B (OS) (3) d cat $120 Mint, should be at least double, $240 MUH & extra stamp $290. (2)AVAILABLE at A$75

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4d Greenish-olive opt OS with variety 'distorted SE cnr' (4R60). F-VFU centred to left. SG O16(var). ACSC 116 B (OS) (4) o cat $120.AVAILABLE at A$35

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4d Olive variety distorted SE cnr. Superb CTO ex PO set. SG 102(var), ACSC 116Awa(4)o cat $75 with CTO should be double $150.AVAILABLE at A$35

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4d Greenish-olive & Olive C of A wmk Ash imprint plate 4 prs, both with variety king's neck flaw. 1st with WA perfin. F-VF fresh MUH, hinged selvedge only. SG 129(var) ACSC 116(4)z x2 cat $1100 as 2 M imprint blks, so half = $550 for prs. (4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$180

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1913 Engraved 1d pale red, KGV Plate 1 almost full sheet of 116 (ex UL cnr blk of 4). All 4 imprints (2-2c). Inc 25 listed varieties 59(1)f, g, h, I, j to 59(1)ye. Fragile with a number of hinges strengthening margins, stamps VF MUH, mostly very fresh, horiz gum crease on 1 row, few perf separations. SG 17a(var). ACSC 59A(1)f-ye z za zb zc etc cat of imprint blks, varieties & singles is $4500 M, should be at least double, $9000 MUH. (116)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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1929 Centenary of WA 1½d Swan Plate No 1-11 UL cnr blks of 4, plus Ash imprint blk of 4 fresh. Mostly F-VF MUH, No 8 with thin & No 11 cnr flt. SG 116(var). ACSC cat $450. (12 blks)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1996 Robertson Paintings set 45c & $1.20 in sheets of 50. VF fresh MUH. SG 113-116. FV alone $132+. (3 sheets).AVAILABLE at A$100

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Lettercard: 1914-18 KGV 1d red-violet Die 1 perf 12½, view Rundle St Adelaide. Superb fresh UN ACSC LC18(116A) cat $175AVAILABLE at A$65

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1898-1907 Swan 1/- olive-green, IMPERF horiz pr, wmk W crown A, from DLR archive imprimatur sheet. Superb fresh MUH, all 4 margins. SG 116(p). Rare, only 1 sheet existed. (P)AVAILABLE at A$275

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1898-1907 Swan 1/- olive-green, IMPERF vert gutter pr, wmk W crown A, from DLR archive imprimatur sheet. Superb fresh MUH, all 4 margins. SG 116(p). Rare, only 1 sheet existed & only several gutter prs are recorded. (P)AVAILABLE at A$375

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1938-53 KGVI High values set 2/- to £1, the 2/- to 10/- perf 13, others perf 14. VF fresh MUH. SG 116e, 117d, 118f, 119e, 120b & 121 cat £500. (6) (P)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1963 Giant Panda set 8f-10f, imperf. VF fresh MUH, 4 large margins. S59i. SG 2116-2118i cat £300. (3) (P)SOLD at A$325

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1965 2nd National Games set 4f-43f. Superb fresh MUH. C116. SG 2280-90. (11) (P)AVAILABLE at A$575

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1929-37 KGV Whale & Penguin set ½d-£1, plus 6d & 1/- shades. F-VF fresh MLH. SG 116-26, 121a & 127a cat £788. (13). (P)AVAILABLE at A$550

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1920 redrawn Pic Def 2.50Mk claret full sheets of 50 with selvedge (5 sheets), all with 'H 4891.20' printing imprints. Generally VF MUH, sl aging etc, plus the original battered envelope they were sent Registered to Sydney with red boxed 'Gebuhr bezahlt/Taxe percue' h/s & 'Lubeck 30 8 23' cds (this being cash payment provisional inflation usage due to lack of high value stamps). SG 116b cat £200 M, should be at least double, £400 MUH. Mi 115 cat €700+ as singles. Interesting intact find. (250)AVAILABLE at A$50

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1920 New Values 2M50 lilac, blk of 4 with top margin, UR stamp variety 'large blank area on left man's shoulder' (pos 4). VF MUH. SG 116. Mi 115IPOR cat €110+ for variety plus premium for positional multiple.SOLD at A$40

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Upper Silesia: 1921 Polish Uprising issue imperfs pmk collection on 10f-1Mk inc Birkental, Hindenburg, Hohenlohehutte, Morgenroth, Knurow, Konigshutte, Schoppintz, Tichau, & Zaborze, plus Hindenburg, Orzesche & Idaweiche on cover/card. F-VFU. MI 1-7B cat €1160++, plus premium for many rare pmks. (33 inc 3 cover/cards). (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1931-32 Composite imperf PROOF sheetlet of 4 in olive-black (colour of issued 3Fr) containing 1932 Airmail 90c, & 1931 (Dec) Christmas Charity 1Fr, 1.50Fr & 5Fr, size 142x118mm.Superb fresh MUH, 'Vut no2' m/s at left. SG 116a, 152-53 & 156(p). Mi 153P, 154P, 157P & 160PKLB cat €3000. Extremely rare, only several printed. 2024 Ceremuga photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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France-Alsace: 1940 Elsass opt Hitler set 3pf-100pf, blks of 4 all top marginal. Superb fresh MUH. SG 1-16 cat £116 for M, should be at least double, £232 MUH. Mi 1-16 cat €220 - both, plus premium for marginal. (16 blks).AVAILABLE at A$100

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1935 Registered cover franked KGV Silver Jubilee set 1d to 1/- tied by 'Registered Accra Gold Coast 12 DE 35' pmks. To London. SG 113-116 cat £80 as loose stamps & 'from x3' on cover.AVAILABLE at A$60

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1936 Registered cover franked KGV Silver Jubilee set 1d to 1/- tied by 'Registered Sekondi Gold Coast 8 JAN 36' pmks. To London. SG 113-116 cat £80 as loose stamps & 'from x3' on cover.AVAILABLE at A$60

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1920 King set 1e-5Kr, plus 1921-22 New Colours set 5a-40a, all blks of 4 VFU -the 1e-1K cds, 2a, & 5K with 'Tollur' cancels. Mi 83-103 €740+. SG 116-36 cat £800+ as singles, plus premium for rare multiples. (21 blks)AVAILABLE at A$150

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Travancore: 1941-42 SERVICE opt lake 1a green, blk of 4, error opt double, (bottom opt shift across both stamps), perf 12½. Superb UN as issued. SG O96c cat £116++ as singles, plus premium for blk. (4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$70

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1931 Dated Bird Airmail ½d to 5/- VF fresh MUH. SG 163-174 cat £116 for M, should be at least double, £232 MUH. (12). (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1917 ONE PENNY surch Lakatoi set on ½d-2/6 all as UR cnr marg blks of 4 - 6d LR with JBC monogram. VF fresh MUH. SG 106-11 cat £116 for M singles should be at least double, £232 MUH, plus premium for blks. (6 blks). (P)AVAILABLE at A$180

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1929-30 Airmail opts Lakatoi 3d (2 shades), plane opt 6d Harrison, & 3d to 1/- Ash printings. VFU. SG 112, 114, 116 & 18-20 cat £97. (6).AVAILABLE at A$70

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1929-30 Lakatoi Airmail opt 3d (2 shades), plane opt 6d & 1/- Harrison & 3d to 1/- Ash printings. VFU all with nice cds. SG 112, 114, 116-20 cat £122. (7).AVAILABLE at A$90

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1929-30 Airs with 'Air Mail' opt 3d Ash, & plane opt 6d & 1/- Harrison, 3d Ash printing. VFU, Port Moresby cds. SG 114, 116-18 cat £64. (4)AVAILABLE at A$40

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1935 KGV Silver Jubilee opt Pictorial 5d variety 'accent flaw' on LL stamp of Ash imprint blk of 4. VF MUH. SG 153a+153 cat £116 for M singles, should be at least double, £232 MUH, plus premium for imprint blk. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1914 'GRI / 2½d' on Yacht 20pf ultramarine, variety 'comma after I', in bottom marginal vert pr se-tenant with normal. VF fresh M/MUH with the variety MUH. SG 104d+104 cat £610 as M singles, should be at least double, MUH so £1160 as singles, plus premium for se-tenant pr. Rare, only 170 printed & desirable as se-tenant multiple. 2004 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (2) (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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1951 Air Isabella 60c green, right marginal, error IMPERF between stamp & margin. Superb fresh MUH. SG 1166(var), Ed 1097smd cat €200. Very rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$80

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1951 Air Isabella 60c green, LR cnr marginal, error IMPERF between stamp & margin. VF MLH, tiny specs on gum. SG 1166(var), Ed 1097smd cat €100 & under-catalogued as very rare.AVAILABLE at A$40

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1996 50th Anniv of King Accession 100B M/Sheet, imperf (117x116mm), on thin card with 074 at back. Superb UN as issued. Mi A78 cat €1000. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1869 Pictorial 3c ultramarine plate proof on India paper, imperf, in issued colour. VF UN as made, 4 margins. SG 116(p) cat £250 as normal. Sc 114P3 cat US$45 (normal cat US$225).AVAILABLE at A$45

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1869 Pictorial 10c yellow, plate proof on India paper, imperf, in issued colour. VF UN as made, 4 margins. SG 118(p) cat £2000 as normal. SC 116P3 cat US$45 (normal cat US$1850).SOLD at A$45