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Search Result for "124"

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1913-65 virtually comp pre-decimal collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with Kangaroos 1st wmk (12) to 5/-, 2nd wmk set to 2/-, 3rd wmk to 5/-, plus 10/- 'Star' Telegraph Puncture. SM & CofA wmk sets to 5/- inc both OS opts G-F U, listed retail $2550. KGV Heads comp set of 72 (retail $750) to 1/4 inc 1d red Die III, 4d lemon, 1d green Die II, 4½d violet Die II & OS opt set of 7. Then 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved, 1928 Kookaburra M/sheet M,1931-32 OS opt set of 6 to 1/- inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d. All 1930s Commem sets inc 1932 Bridge to 5/- & 1934 Vic Cent to 1/- both perfs. 1938 KGVI Robes sets to £1 thick & thin papers VFU, 1946 BCOF opt set to 2/- M, 1949 Arms to £2 & all QEII pre-decimals inc 1964 Navigator set to £2. An attractive mostly F-VF U collection, retail $4800. (420) (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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New Zealand: Health M/Sheet MUH accumulation to 1973 Prince Edward with 1957 prs (26), 1959 (6), 1960 Birds (8), 1961 Birds (3), 1963 Prince Andrew (7), 1966 Birds (12), 1967 Rugby (4), 1968 Olympics (2), 1969 Cricket (15), 1971 Hockey (18), 1972 Tennis, 1973 Prince Edward (3) & 1965 Birds. All appear fresh MUH, SG cat £1240 = A$2500. (105)AVAILABLE at A$180

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1½d Red pr with variety 'two billed emu retouched' (21R24), this is the first state with 'flaw behind king's head'. 1½d dull red blk of 4 with 2nd state which shows 'flaw removed & emu's head retouched'. F-VF MLH. SG 77(var). ACSC 89 D (21) m & ma cat $100 with additional stamps $124. (6)AVAILABLE at A$40

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5d Bright Chestnut rough paper, single-line perf OS. FV. SG O60 cat £180. ACSC 124 cat $250. (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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½d Orange Mint SM wmk, perf 13½x12½ & CofA wmk variety collection on hagners inc SM wmk Electro 8 Ash imprint blk of 4 & 8, Electro 9 Ash imprint blks of 4 & 8, Electro 9 Ash imprint blks of 4 & 8, variety blks of 4 Electro 8 & 9, CofA Electro 8 & 9 Ash imprint prs & blks. Mainly F MUH, some F MLH. SG 94, 124(var). ACSC 68/69 var cat $1500+. (68)AVAILABLE at A$300

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½d Orange lower left marginal blk of 4. Fresh VF MUH. SG 124 cat £44. ACSC 69A cat $80. (4)AVAILABLE at A$30

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½d Orange bottom marginal blk of 4. Fresh VF MUH. SG 124 cat £44. ACSC 69A cat $80. (4)AVAILABLE at A$20

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Set ½d Orange to 1/4 greenish blue & sm wmk surcharges 2d on 1½d red & 5d on 4½d violet. Fresh F-VF MUH. SG 119 & 120 & 124-31 cat £160 for M, should be at least double, £320 MUH. ACSC cat $680. (10). (P)SOLD at A$170

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Set ½d Orange to 1/4 greenish blue inc extra shades of 2d, 3d, 4d, 5d & small multiple wmk surch 2d on 1½d red & 5d on 4½d violet. Fresh F-VF MLH. SG 119-20 & 124-31 cat M £230. ACSC cat $440. (16).AVAILABLE at A$100

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Postmarks: Numeral Cancels 842 (RR) on 1d Shield pr. 1093 (4R) on 1897 QV pr. 1244 (4R) VF strike on 1s Shield. 1671 (4R) on 2d 1897 QV 2d. (4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$70

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1876-1900 QV 9d rose-lilac (2 shades) & 9d rose-lilac, large holes (2 shades), wmk Broad Star, perf 11½ - 12½. F-VF fresh M/MLH. SG 123, 124 cat £108. (4)AVAILABLE at A$50

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1902-04 QV Thin Postage 8d ultramarine, variety spelling error 'EIGNT' for 'EIGHT'. Superb fresh M. Scott 124Ab cat US$2600, SG 272a cat £2500. An important & interesting error (the printer J.B. Cooke was even asked about this stuff-up in front of a SA parliamentary commission!). PF/NY & Friedl photo certs. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1700

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1963 Hwangshan Landscape set 4f-50f. Superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. S57. SG 2124-39. Rare so nice. (16) (P)AVAILABLE at A$2000

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1967 Oilwell Firefighters 8f set. VF fresh MUH. C124. SG 2332-2334. (3)SOLD at A$190

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Luxembourg 1931 Zeppelin 1st Sth America flight cover franked Luxembourg Airmail 1¾ blue tied by Luxembourg 24 8 31' cds & German Eagle Air 2Mk black & blue pr tied by 'Friedrichshafen 29 8 31' cds. To New York via Rio de Janiero (b/s). Sieger 124. (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1906-12 KEVII £1 purple & black on red. Stamp VF fresh MUH, left marginal. Scott 78 cat US$360 for M, SG 124 cat £300 for M, should be at least double, £600 MUH. (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1906-12 KEVII £1 purple & black on red. F-VF fresh MLH. Scott 78 cat US$360, SG 124 cat £300. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1941-42 French Legion on Eastern Front collection inc 100Fr M/Sheet showing Russian Bear & town in flames. 1941 Airmails both sets F & F+10, & same 1942 with Ostfront opts. 1942 Battle Scenes set plus extras & half sheets of green, violet, red & blue inc some with dated tabs. VF fresh MUH. Mi cat €1900+. All genuine & seldom offered. (124+M/S). (P)AVAILABLE at A$550

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Estonia: 1941 Swastika & Arms set 15k-30k, 2 sets on covers, chalky paper set tied by 'Viljandi 10 XII 41 Eesti' cds, ordinary paper perf 11½ tied by 'Viljandi 14 IX 41 Eesti' cds. VFU. Mi I-3x & 1-3y cat €105 as loose stamps or €240 on covers. SG 3-5A & 3-5B cat £124 as loose stamps. (2 cvrs).AVAILABLE at A$70

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1935 KGV Silver Jubilee set 20c to 1/-, perf SPECIMEN. VF fresh MUH. SG 124s-127s cat £170 as M, should be at least double, £340 MUH. Scarce genuine set. (4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$220

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1935 Registered cover franked KGV Silver Jubilee set 20c to 1/- tied by 'Nairobi 24 SP 35' cds. To Glasgow. SG 124-27 cat £11 as loose stamps & 'from x3' on cover.AVAILABLE at A$15

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Johore: 1922-41 Sultan $100 green & scarlet, wmk script. VF F/C with m/s lines. Scott 124 cat US$160 for F/C, SG 127 cat £150 as F/C (normal M cat £2000). (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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1899 Large '4 CENTS' opt Pictorial set 5c-$10 $5 & $10 4½mm spacing, opt SPECIMEN. F-VF M/MLH. SG 112-124s cat £250 (normal cat £500). (12). (P)AVAILABLE at A$170

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1899 Large '4 CENTS' opt Pictorial set 5c-$10, $5 & $10 4½mm spacing. VF fresh M/MLH. SG 112-124 cat £500. (12). (P)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1902-03 Crown 16c green & brown, variety 'line through B'. VF fresh MLH. SG 124b cat £120. (P)AVAILABLE at A$60

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1915-16 opt Kangaroo 9d violet 1st wmk pr from 3rd setting with substituted opt types a + c. This setting is very rare in 9d as only 92 panes of 30 were opt with the bottom row being types a+c+c+c+b+c. The vast majority of these panes were broken up, so only a very small number of this combination a & c se-tenant survive. In addition this pr has the scarce purple opt which can clearly be seen through the back of the stamps & nice combination as such. VF fresh MLH. SG 79 cat £124 as singles, should be at least 4 times £496 for rare pr. SG notes 3rd setting prs, 'se-tenant are scarce' but on 9d very rare. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (2) (P)AVAILABLE at A$375

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1864-71 QV Chalon 1/- green, wmk star, perf 12½. VFU, part 'Nelson' cds. Scott 37a cat US$135, CP A6m(1) cat NZ$375. SG 124 cat £180. (P)AVAILABLE at A$80

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1975 Shells set of 6 20c-$2 sheets of 100 with imprints at LL cnrs. Fresh MUH. FV $440, CP cat $1240. (600)AVAILABLE at A$325

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2009 & 2010 Anzac Prestige $19.90 Booklets part 2 & 3. VF fresh MUH. SG SP9 & 10 cat £55. CP W120B & 124B cat NZ $90. Australian retail $80. (2).SOLD at A$35

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1947-59 Ball Bay 3d emerald-green & 2/- deep blue on white paper, both LL cnr marginal blks of 4 with Authority imprints. VF fresh 2 MLH/3 MUH. SG 6a & 12a cat £124 as singles, plus premium for blks. (2 blks)SOLD at A$80

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1916-31 Lakatoi 1½d cobalt & light brown, right marginal horiz pr, wmk Crown to right, left stamp 'POSTACE' variety VF MUH. SG 95b/95bd cat £62 for M singles, should be at least double, £124 MUH, plus premium for pr. (P)AVAILABLE at A$70

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1935 KGV Silver Jubilee set 1½d to 1/-, perf SPECIMEN. VF fresh MUH. SG 124s-127s cat £190 for M, should be at least double, £380 MUH. Scarce genuine set. (4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$220

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1935 Registered cover franked KGV Silver Jubilee set 1½d to 1/- tied by 'St Helena 2 OC 35' cds. To Sydney with arrival b/s. SG 124-7 cat £42 as loose stamps & 'from x4' on cover.AVAILABLE at A$50

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Guinea: 1918 Surch set 5c/40c - 25c/10P, variety opts shifted all about. VF fresh M/MLH. SG 166-69 cat £550. Ed 124-27 cat €280 & under-catalogued. Only 2000 sets printed. (4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1869 Pictorial set 1c-90c, plate Proofs on card, imperf, in issued colours. VF UN as made, all 4 margins. SG ex 114-124(p) cat £38,350 as normals. Sc 112PU-122PU cat US$1015 (normals cat US$32,975). (10) (P)AVAILABLE at A$900

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1869 Lincoln 90c carmine & black, plate proof on India paper, imperf, in issued colours. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 124(p) cat £12,000 as normal. Sc 122P3 cat US$180 (normal cat US$11,000). (P)AVAILABLE at A$160

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1873 Official Dept of State 12c green, blk of 4, plate proofs on India paper, imperf, in issued colour. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG O241(p) cat £1200 as normals. Sc O63P3 cat US$100+ (normal cat US$1240). Rare multiple. (4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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1987 Red Cross Postal Tax 4D issue for Macedonia, error INVERTED centre/frame. VF UN as issued. SG 2371(var), Mi Z124K. Very rare, only 1 sheet recorded. 2010 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150