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Search Result for "141"

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1913-75 collection on Seven Seas illustrated pages in binder, small range of Roos to 5/- (3rd wmk), KGV to 1/4 inc 1d red Die II, 1914 6d Engraved Kookaburra, 1928 3d blue Kookaburra M/Sheet cds at Philatelic Exhibition (flts), 1931 Kingsford Smith comp inc opt OS, 1934 VIC Cent to 1/- (both perfs), 1935 Silver Jubilee & ANZAC, 1937 NSW all comp, Robes set to £1 (2 sets). 1949 Arms comp to £2, Navigators set of 8 to £2 (2 sets), 1971 Christmas se-tenant blk of 7, comp to 1975, range of Postage Dues from 1902 to 2/- & later to 5/- (3), small collection of Reg labels & pmks, blks of 6 Cinderellas, 1938 Philatelic Society (36). BCOF set used to 1/- & useful KGV to 5d M. Mainly F-VF U, some mixed condition, album with toning. Interesting collection. ACSC cat $2500+. (600 + 5 M/S)SOLD at A$350

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1931 Kingsford Smith 2d red set of 8 Plate Numbers UL cnr blks of 4, plus Ash imprint blk of 4. All VF M/MUH (9 blks of 4). ACSC 141z-zh cat $230. (36)AVAILABLE at A$80

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1931 Kingsford Smith OS opt set 2d & 3d. W/C fresh MUH. SG O123-24 cat £360 as M & should be at least double, £720 MUH = A$1450. ACSC 141-42 (OS) cat $1025 & retail similar. Rare genuine MUH set. Certificate can be obtain on request. (P)SOLD at A$500

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1931 Kingsford Smith opt OS set 2d & 3d. F-VF MUH. SG O123-4 cat £360 for M, should be at least double, £720 MUH. ACSC 141-2(OS) cat $1250. Scarce genuine set. (2) (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1931 Kingsford Smith 2d red opt OS, UL cnr marg plate no 7 blk of 4. VF fresh 1MLH/3MUH. SG O123(var), ACSC 141(OS)zf cat $3750+ for M, plus premium for the 3 MUH stamps. Very rare genuine opt plate blk. Certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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1932 Bridge 5/- green, plus 2d & 3d. Superb M, excellent centering. ACSC 148 cat $550.SG 141-143 cat £425. (3) (P)SOLD at A$275

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2014 QEII Birthday set 70c & $2.60 sheets of 50. VF fresh MUH. SG 4141-42. FV $165 alone. (2 sheets).AVAILABLE at A$120

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1913-63 Bicolour ½d to 5/- collection in various wmks & perfs inc 1913 wmk crown over double-lined A, thin paper to 1/-, 1931 CofA wmk to 1/- inc scarce 3d & 6d, 1938 to 5/-, 1946 redrawn values to 2/-. All diff, F-VFU. SG D76-141 cat £700+. ACSC cat $1100. (66) (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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Lettercard: 1911-12 KGV Fullface 1d dark brown on white enamelled stock, cream inside, view Wool Carting, w/o comma. Superb fresh UN. ACSC LC10(141d) cat $150.AVAILABLE at A$60

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1907-11 QV Large Chalon set 2/6 - £1, lithographed, plus 2/6 shades (2) & 5/-, wmk crown A sideways. VFM. Scott 141 - 144,141a,141b,142a cat US$1358.ACSC ex Q52-65 cat $1600. SG 309-312, 309a, 309b & 310a cat £1145. Rare set. (7). (P)AVAILABLE at A$525

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1907-11 QV Large Chalon set 2/6-£1, wmk crown A sideways. VF fresh M/MLH. Scott 141-144 cat US$973. SG 309-312 cat £715. ACSC ex Q55-65 cat $1175. Rare set. (4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$325

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1935 Registered cover franked KGV Silver Jubilee set 1½d to 1/- tied by 'Nassau 31 May 35' cds. To London by air with Miami & New York transit b/s, sl reverse stains. SG 141-44 cat £40 as loose stamps & 'from x4' on cover.AVAILABLE at A$50

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1897-98 QV Maple Leaves set ½c-10c, imperf proofs, on card. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG 141-149(p) cat £450 as normal set, Unitrade 66P-73P cat C$2000. Attractive & rare set. (8) (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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1872-80 QV 2R50 dull rose, wmk crown CC, perf 12½, unissued w/o opt. Superb fresh UN with traces of gum, excellent colour. SG 141 cat £3500. Extremely rare & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1700

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1924 Olympic Games 50c green & carmine 'Arenes de Nimes' unissued design, 'Epreuve de Luxe' die proof 113x141mm. Superb fresh UN as made. Maury 186A. Very rare & attractive. Exp Brun AIEP, plus 2013 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1000

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India: 1941 'FRANCE LIBRE' blue opt Brahma 18ca vermilion & carmine, error INVERTED h/s opt from 2nd printing. VFU on piece. SG 141(var) cat £750 as normal, plus premium for inverted, Yv 139a cat €1500+. Key stamp as normal, extremely rare as invert error. (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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Poland-General Govt: 1940 Eagle & Swastika opt 24gr/25gr left marginal horiz pr, left variety 'broken n & e in General'. VF fresh MUH. Mi 22/22I cat €141. Exp Schmutz & Ceremuga AIEP.SOLD at A$80

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Auschwitz Concentration Camp: 1941 censored cover (side flap gone) with camp rules on front (7 points), franked Hindenburg 15pf tied by 'Auschwitz (Ober-Schles) 21 1141' cds. Sent by prisoner to occupied Poland. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1873-80 QV 2½d rosy mauve plate 1, white paper, wmk small anchor, plus 2½d rosy mauve plate 12, wmk orb. F-VF M/UN. Scott 66,67 cat US$1375. SG 139 - pl 1 & 141 - pl 12 cat £1200. (2). (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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1938-52 KGVI 2c grey, perf 14, FULL SHEET of 120, with plate 1 & sheet no. VF MUH, darker gum. SG 141 cat £240, plus premium for full sheet.AVAILABLE at A$80

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Spanish Currency: 1914-26 opt KGV Seahorses 12 Pesetas on 10/- blue, DLR printing. VF MUH. Scott 57a cat US$125 for M, SG 141 cat £130 for M, should be at least double, £260 MUH. (P)AVAILABLE at A$180

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1940 Official opt Centennial set ½d to 1/-. VF fresh MUH. CP SO26a-38a cat NZ$475. SG O141-51 cat £225. (11) (P)SOLD at A$140

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1940 Official opt Centennial set of 8 with 'ff' joined variety in se-tenant prs with & w/o variety. VF fresh MUH. CP ex SO26a-35b. SG ex O141a-49a cat £690 as singles, plus premium for se-tenant positional multiples which should be at least +50% so est cat £1035+. (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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1945 Battle of Grunwald 5zl blue. VFU, tied to pieces by 'Grunwald 1410-15.7-1945', 'Lancut 21.8.24' cds & 'Poczta Polska Markowa' provisional pmk. SG 532 cat £75+. MI 405 cat €150+. Scarce genuine used. (3)AVAILABLE at A$60

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1910-13 KGV Double Head 5d purple-brown & ochre,error of colour, perf 14. Superb fresh MLH, sl redistributed gum. Scott 107a cat US$725, SG 141ab cat £650. (P)AVAILABLE at A$240

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1910-13 KGV Double Head 5d purple-brown & yellowish-ochre, error of colour, perf 14. Superb MLH. Scott 107a cat US$725. SG 141ab cat £650. (P)AVAILABLE at A$475

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1910-13 KGV Double Head 5d purple-brown & ochre, ERROR OF COLOUR, perf 14. VFU, Bulawayo Station 1912 cds. Scott 107a cat US$165, SG 141ab cat £150. (P)AVAILABLE at A$75

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Guinea: 1920 King set 1c-10P, with control no A000,000 at back (Specimen). F-VF fresh M. Sc 171-183. SG 183-195 cat £65+ for normals. Ed 141N-153N cat €92. (13)AVAILABLE at A$60

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1922 'Adana January 5th 1922' opt Mosque 5Pi blk of 4, error 'Adana' inverted on both left stamps. VF fresh MUH. SG A112(var), Mi 780(var). Mayo 141 & 141B cat US$640++ for M singles, should be at least double, US$1280++ for such MUH se-tenant blk. Very rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1873 Official Executive set 1c-10c carmine large DIE PROOFS on India paper on card (107x141mm) in near issued colour. VF UN as made. SG O189-93(p) cat £3750 as normals. Sc O10-14P1 cat US$500 (normal cat US$4275). Rare proof set. (5). (P)AVAILABLE at A$350

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Australia: The Kangaroo Issue of Australian Stamps by H Dormer-Legge. 141 pgs pub Orlo-Smith c1948. Rev spine splits, G/VGC.AVAILABLE at A$20