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Search Result for "163"

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1927-48 KGV / KGVI mainly Commems inc 1/4 KGV SM perf 14 VF CTO, 1/6 Hermes Airmails (all printings), 1934 Macarthur 2d - 9d (4 - inc 1 CTO), 1935 Silver Jubilee 2/- (4) -inc scarce postally used Ash imprint pr with Melb Shipmail room cds, 1936 SA Cent 2d - 1/- (2). GU-FU, few faulty, these not counted in reserve. ACSC cat $1100+. (53).AVAILABLE at A$90

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Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 4: Australia 1966-2018 decimal MUH stock in 5 large Lighthouse s/books inc 1966 Fish sets (7), Birds to 30c (8 sets), 1966 Navigators 40c (14) & 50c (8), 1969 Primary Ind sets (10), 1971 Christmas sets (4), 1972 Christmas sets (5), Primary Ind (4) & 1973 National Dev (6), these retail $680. Then plenty of other 1960d-s-2000s Pics Commem sets, to 2018 WRESAT Pics. Generally fresh MUH, FV $1630, plus another $680 retail for the others, total $2300.SOLD at A$700

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India - Feudal States: 1866-1949 collection/accumulation in s/book inc Bhopal 1870s-90s Embossed inc 1872 ½a, 1903 ¼a sheet of 16. Officials to 1R, Alwar 1877-1901 Daggers, Charkhari from 1890s Daggers to 4a. 1909-19 Crossed Swords perf & imperf. 1931 Pictorials to 3R. Cochin from 1892 inc useful 1900s-40s Rajah issues plus Officials. Jaipur from 1911 Chariots, Jammu & Kashmir from 1866 circular issues. Kishangarh from 1899 inc 1904 Rajah set to 1R. Sirmoor from 1892, Travancore from 1888 inc Officials. Most G-VF M/U. SG est cat £4100++ = A$8200+. (1635).SOLD at A$700

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1996 Children's Book Council 45c set of 4 self adhesive blk of 8 - only issued in strips. VF fresh MUH. SG 1634-37(var). ACSC 1984ca cat $200 & undercatalogued. (P)AVAILABLE at A$90

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1998 Olympic Legends $5.40 philatelic barcode, opt Olymphilex 2000. Limited Edition no. 163. SG SB119(var). Retail $95.AVAILABLE at A$30

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1927 Atlantic Airmail Flight 'Air Mail / DE PINEDO / 1927' red opt 60c black. Superb fresh M, original gum & exceptional centring. SG 163 cat £42,000++, Unitrade C4 cat C$70,000++, plus significant premium for the superb centring. Only 300 printed of which over 230 were used on mail, & remaining 66 presented to De Pinedo & other dignitaries of which less than half are now recorded as surviving. Thus in mint condition this is one of the major rarities of world airmails, especially with such nice centring - probably the best in existance. Exp Kessler & Sanabria, plus 1967 Bolaffi & 1967 Alberto Diena photo-certs, while diff new certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$40000

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1927 Atlantic Airmail Flight 'Air Mail / DE PINEDO / 1927' red opt 60c black. Superb U with the wavy line portion of 'ST JOHNS N/FLD 20 MAY 1927' cancel (note: genuine used examples only occur with the wavy line portion of the cancel due to position on envelopes), excellent centring & very fresh. SG 163 cat £13,000+, Unitrade C4 cat C$25,000. Only 300 printed & actually only a small fraction survived, as most were used on covers to dignitaries & officials in Italy (eg: to Mussolini) & around the world. One of the key rarities of world airmails. Exp A Bolaffi, G Bolaffi & Alberto Diena, plus 2005 Raybaudi photo-cert, while diff new certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$10000

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1963 Pictorial set ½d to 5/-, prs, ex printer archive, with IMPERF 1d, 2d, 3d, 1/6, 2/, 3/- & 5/-, plus perf 5d, 6d, 8d & 1/- (these 4 values unknown imperf), all wmk NZ star. VF fresh MUH. SG 163-73(p). Rare, only 1 sheet of ea imperf made. (7 prs imperf, 4 perf) (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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1938-44 KGVI Pictorial set ½d-£1. VF fresh MUH. SG 146-163 cat £475. (18). (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Algeria: 1941 View of Algiers 30c-1Fr. Epreuve de Luxe. VF fresh UN as made, with tissue paper interleaves attached. SG 170-72(p), Yv 163-65EP. (3).AVAILABLE at A$50

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1945 SA/SS Storm Troopers set 12+38pf scarlet, LR cnr marginal blks of 15, with row numbers. VF fresh MUH. Mi 909-10 cat €1350+, SG 897-898 cat £1635+, both as singles, plus premium for blks. (2 blks of 15).AVAILABLE at A$275

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Russia-Pleskau: 1941 Madonna 60+40K M/Sheet on white paper with vert lattice wmk, imperf. Superb U, Pskov '29.12.42' cds at UL cnr as issued, 121x163mm. Mi Blk 1X cat €1700. Only 1539 printed & few survived. 2017 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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Russia-Pleskau: 1941 Madonna 60+40K M/Sheet on white paper with vert lattice wmk, imperf. Superb fresh UN as issued, 121x163mm. Mi Blk 1X cat €1700. Only 1539 printed & few survived. 2017 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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Fredersdorf: 1945 Numeral Provisionals, 14x9½mm double-lined blue frame set 5pf-XIIpf, large violet numerals with red signature, plus large format 38x21mm double-lined blue frame set 5pf-XIIpf as 2 se-tenant horiz prs, all 4 with error colours(!) perf, tied by 'Fredersdorf 20 OKT 1945 Berlin' oval pmks to registered cover (sl aging), 'Berlin- Frohanau 6.10.45' b/s & official Fredersdorf pictorial cachet. Mi Sp161FI, 162FIII, 163FI, 164FI & SP101b- 104b cat €1180 as loose singles & unpriced on cover. Extremely rare, only 250 sets printed, & only several such se-tenant colour error prs recorded! Sturm cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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1941 British Occupation set 2c-$1. VF fresh MUH. SG 163-68 cat £90. (6)AVAILABLE at A$50

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1941 Centenary set 2c-$1. VF fresh MUH. SG 163-68 cat £90 (6)AVAILABLE at A$50

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Fiume: 1920 'Reggenza Italiana de Carnaro' opt Military Post set 1c/5c-10L/20c, tied by 'Fiume d'Italia 20 NOV 20 Posta Militare' cds, in Official PO printed presentation folder with PO cachets & signature. VF. SG ex 146-62 & E163-64 cat £1100++, Sass 131-47 & E3-4 cat €1800+, both as loose stamps, & €2250 for bklt. 2014 Colio photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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1939 20th Anniv M/Sheet (size 144 x 163mm). VF fresh MUH. SG MS395a cat £90, Mi Blk3 cat €130.AVAILABLE at A$30

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1925 Type-set Postage Due 2½d black, blk of 4 (2x2), LR stamp error '2' of '½' OMITTED. VF fresh M/MLH all 4 margins. Scott J5a, SG D5/D5a cat £908 as singles, plus premium for positional setenant blk which should be +50% so est cat £1630. Rare genuine example of this important error & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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1884 Hidalgo 5P blue. VF fresh M. SG 154 cat £225. Yv 90 cat €300. Scott 163 cat US$350. (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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1931 Dated Bird Airmail ½d to 5/- VF fresh MUH. SG 163-174 cat £116 for M, should be at least double, £232 MUH. (12). (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1931 Dated Bird Airmail set ½d-£1. VF fresh MUH. SG 163-176 cat £300 for M, should be at least double, £600 MUH. (14). (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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1931 Dated Bird Airmail ½d orange bottom marginal blk of 4. VF fresh MUH. SG 163 cat £13 for M, should be at least double, £26 MUH.SOLD at A$10

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1931 Dated Bird Airmail set ½d - £1. VF fresh MLH. SG 163-76 cat £300. (14) (P)AVAILABLE at A$220

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1931 Dated Bird Airmail ½d, 2d, 4d, 5d, 6d, 9d & 2/-. VFU, all clear Namatanai cds. SG ex 163-73 cat £123++, plus premium for pmks. (7). (P)AVAILABLE at A$80

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1931 Dated Bird Airmail ½d orange bottom marginal horiz pr with Ash imprint. VFU, 'Kokopo 2 AU 31' cds. SG 163 cat £7++AVAILABLE at A$10

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1931-40 Arms £2/10/- red Postal Fiscal, single wmk, Cowan paper. VF fresh MLH. CP Z47b cat NZ$750. SG F163 cat £500. (P)AVAILABLE at A$375

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1939 Airmail 2d & 5d to 1/- all LR cnr blks of 4, plus 1938 Declaration 2d Ash imprint blk of 4. VF fresh MUH. SG 158, 163, 165-7 cat £132 as singles, plus premium for blks. (5 blks).AVAILABLE at A$40

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1910-13 KGV Double Head 10/- deep myrtle & orange, unofficially rouletted, as made from IMPERF proof sheet. VF fresh M. SG 163(var), normal cat £650+. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300