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Search Result for "273"

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Christmas Island: 1993 Seabirds (100 sets), 1994 Orchids (100 sets), 2000 faces (100 sets) in bundles. G-VFU many on piece. SG cat £1700 = A$3400. (1500)AVAILABLE at A$80

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2005 Fashion Designers $100 'Cheque book' of 20 x $5 Dinnigan- Isogawa philatelic barcode. VF MUH. FV $100. SG SB180(var) cat £110+. Pfr B273 cat $200 -both as 20 single bklts.AVAILABLE at A$65

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Registered Envelopes: 1914-67 used range with Kangaroo 4d uprated (ACSC RE3B), 1916-20 KGV 4d uprated use of old NSW stock (RE6A & 8), 1920-21 KGV 5d old NSW stock (RE10A), 1921 new format 5d straight edge flap (RE11A & B), 1922 curved flap (RE12), 4½d surch (RE17 & 17d), 1928-30 oval die 4½d violet both sizes (RE21 & 22), same with 5d surch (RE24B & 25), KGVI oval die 5d 3 diff (RE 29-31), QEII 1/7 (RE 38), 2/5, 24c & 25c (RE 42, & 45-6). F-VFU. ACSC cat $1273+ with some very interesting usages. (20).AVAILABLE at A$230

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1902-04 QV Thin Postage 3d, 4d, 6d & 9d, blks of 4. VF fresh M/MLH, 3d sl horiz gum crease on 2. SG 268-70, 273 cat £372. ACSC S18, S20, S23, S27 cat $560, plus premium for blks. (4 blks). (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1884-96 Crown & Arms Stamp Duty 15/- purple-brown Postal Fiscal, wmk V crown (SG w33) sideways, perf 12½, opt Specimen type 24b in italics. VF fresh M. SG 273(s) cat £1800 as normal & unpriced as Specimen. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1948 KGVI Silver Wedding set 20c & £1 with local h/s SPECIMEN (Samuel type K4) in violet, both in UR cnr blks of 8 or 9, with sheet number 001. VF fresh M, with paper adhesions to reverse from mounting in archive book. SG 157-58(s). UNIQUE blks as only 1 sheet of 60 of ea existed, ex KUT postal archive. We sold a set of singles in auction 273 for $815, & a set of imprint blks for $11,000 in auction 278, so such unique sheet no cnr multiples would calculate to $7000-$8000. Copy of BPA photo certs for sheets they came from, plus 2013 Ceremuga photo cert. (17) (P)AVAILABLE at A$4500

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1928-31 Moscicki 1z black on cream, horiz laid paper. VF fresh MUH. Scott 255a cat US$120, SG 273a cat £65 for M, should be at least double, £130 MUH. Mi 258v cat €100.AVAILABLE at A$70

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1905-09 KEVII set ½d-2½d, opt SPECIMEN, wmk mult crown. VF MUH. SG 273-276s cat £110 for M, should be at least double, £220 MUH. (4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$120