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2012 Centenary of Expedition (2nd issue) set 60c - $1.20 in sheets of 50. VF fresh MUH. SG 218-22. FV alone $90. (2 sheets).AVAILABLE at A$70

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1924-32 KGV 2/6 black & pale orange-vermilion on grey-blue, wmk script. Superb fresh MLH, nice original gum. Scott 95a cat US$3500, SG 89h cat £2750. Beautiful example of this rare shade. RPSL photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1400

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1921-32 KGV 100R dull purple & blue, wmk script, opt SPECIMEN. Superb fresh MUH with, pristine never hinged original gum. SG 360s cat £650 for M, should be at least double, £1300 MUH (normal cat £2750 M, £5500 MUH). (P)AVAILABLE at A$1000

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Cundinamarca: 1883 type-set Provisional 2R black/green. Superb UN as issued, 4 large margins. Scott 16 cat US$2200 & much under-catalogued. Yv 10Acat €3250. SG 12 cat £2750. Extremely rare genuine with only several recorded -this is the very example illustrated in Scott catalog. 1975 Friedl/Bloch & 2024 Ceremuga photo-certs. (P)AVAILABLE at A$5000

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1883-86 'GOVT PARCELS' opt QV 9d dull green, letters NL-LN. Superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum, bottom marginal, nice deep colour. SG Spec L20, SG O63 cat £2750 for M, should be at least double, £5500 MUH. Genuine mint examples are almost never seen while this pristine MUH example is a significant rarity. 2010 RPSL photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$2700

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Sardinia: 1851 King 5c black. VFU appearance with black diamonds pmk, tiny thin, 4 margins. Scott 1 cat US$2000, SG 2 cat £2750. Sass 1 cat €4500. Rare genuine. 2010 Scheller photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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Sardinia: 1851 King 5c black. FU with both black & red cancels, almost 3 margins. SG 2 cat £2750. Sass 1 cat €4500. Rare genuine. 2010 Scheller photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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Sardinia: 1854 King Embossed 40c dull rose. Superb U appearance, 'Genova 13 March 1855' cds, tiny thin & tear at base, 4 large margins & excellent colour. Scott 9 cat US$2750, SG 18 cat £4250. Sass 9 cat €6000. Very rare genuine. 2014 Bottacchi AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$550

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Sardinia: 1854 King Embossed 40c dull rose. Superb U with 'S. Remo' cds, 4 large margins & excellent colour. Scott 9 cat US$2750, SG 18 cat £4250. Sass 9b cat €6000. Very rare genuine & in beautiful quality. 2014 Bottacchi AIEP photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1100

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Sardinia: 1854 King Embossed 40c dull rose. Superb U with 'Turin 7 April 1855' cds, 4 large margins & excellent colour. Scott 9 cat US$2750, SG 18 cat £4250. Sass 9b cat €6000. Very rare genuine & in premium quality. 2013 Bottacchi AIEP photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1100

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Crete: 1901 Registered cover franked Umberto 1Pi/25c blue (2), tied by 'La Canea Of Postale Italiano 11 3 01' cds, to Germany with 'Bologna' transit & German arrival b/s. SG 1 cat £200++, Sass 1 cat €220++, both for loose stamps, cat €2750+ on cover. Attractive & rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$350

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Trentino: 1918 Venezia Tridentina opt Italy King & Arms set 1c-1L. VF fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. SG 19-27, Sass 19-27 cat €2750. 2019 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (9). (P)AVAILABLE at A$650

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1904-07 KEVII 50R grey & red-brown, wmk mult crown. Superb fresh M, original gum, nice deep colours & excellent centring. Scott 30A cat US$2750, SG 33 cat £3000. Very rare mint top value in perfect quality. Certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$2500

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FMS: 1904-22 Elephants $25 green & orange, wmk mult crown. Superb F/C, Stamp Office Apr 1920 cds, bright colours. Scott 37, SG 51 cat £180 as F/C (normal U cat £2750). (P)SOLD at A$130

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1898-1908 Arms £5 deep blue, perf 14½. VFU/CTO with weak postal cds in cnr. Scott 74 cat US$3000. SG 92 cat £2750. Rare high value. (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1922-37 KGV Ship 15/- grey & purple/blue. Superb U on piece with 'St Helena AP 13 29' cds. Scott 94 cat US$2750, SG 113 cat £3500+ as loose stamp, plus premium for such nice piece with full pmk. Rarity so in such nice genuine used condition & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$2200

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Guinea: 1909 'HABILITADO PARA CORREOS 10 cen de peseta' black opt Fiscal 50P lake, imperf, with control no A 0,000,024 on back. Superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum, right marginal with 4 huge margins. Sc 101A cat US$2750 for M, SG 98 cat £3500 for M, should be at least double, £7000 MUH. Ed 58AH cat €5550 M, so est €11,100 MUH. Great high value rarity in MUH condition as only 20 printed! Graus AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$4000

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Guinea: 1909 'HABILITADO PARA CORREOS 10 cen de peseta' black opt Fiscal 75P rose, imperf, with control no A 0,000,024 on back. Superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum, right marginal with 4 huge margins. Sc 101B cat US$2750 for M. SG 99 cat £3500 for M, should be at least double, £7000 MUH. Ed 58AJ cat £5550 M, so est €11,000 MUH. Great high value rarity in MUH condition as only 20 printed! Graus AEIP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$4000

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1921 Nationalist Govt 'Osmanli Postalari 1337' machine opt Foreign Affairs Fiscal 5Pi bright green. VF fresh M. Mi 734, SG A63 cat £2750. A rare & impressive stamp! 2009 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1861 Washington 24c lilac, plate proof on India paper, imperf, in issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 74(p) cat £2750 as normal. Sc 78P3 cat US$80 (normal cat US$2750). (P)AVAILABLE at A$80

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1873 Official Treasury Dept set 1c-90c brown LARGE DIE PROOFS on India paper (mostly about 62x75mm), removed from card. Mostly VF fresh UN as made. SG O250-60(p), (normal cat £2750). Sc O72-82P1 cat US$880 (normal US$3115). Rare & attractive (11) (P)AVAILABLE at A$325

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1873 Official Treasury set 1c-90c brown, plate proofs on card, imperf, in issued colours. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG O250-O260(p) cat £2750 as normals. Sc O72P4-O82P4 cat US$115 (normals cat US$3215). (4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$120

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1873 Official Treasury set 1c-90c scarlet, trial colour proofs on thin card, imperf, instead of brown issued colour, for Atlanta Exhibition. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG O250-O260(p) cat £2750 as normals. Sc O72TC4b-O82Tc4b cat US$407 (normals cat US$3215). Only 1 sheet of ea printed. (11) (P)AVAILABLE at A$375

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1873 Official Treasury set 1c-90c blue, trial colour proofs on thin card, imperf, instead of brown issued colour, for Atlanta Exhibition. F-VF UN as made, most 4 margins. SG O250-O260(p) cat £2750 as normals. Sc O72TC4e-O82Tc4e cat US$407 (normals cat US$3215). (11) (P)AVAILABLE at A$275

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1902-03 Marshall $5 dark green, perf 12. Superb fresh MLH, with nice original gum & excellent centring. Sc 313 cat US$2250. SG 319 cat £2750. Rare mint top value in excellent quality. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1700