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Search Result for "525"

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Cinderellas, Classics, pmks, locals, revenues, postage stamps, mostly Europe with scattered British Commonwealth sighted. Mostly in circuit book pgs remainders with Pics from 50c to $10. A great 'Fossicking lot'. Unchecked as received ex John Amiet Estate. (few 100)SOLD at A$300

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KGV: Near comp collections (62, ex opts) on Seven Seas pgs inc 1d red Dies II & III, 4d lemon, SM perf 14 set of 8 to 1/4, SM wmk perf 13½x12½ 1d green Die II M, 4½d Die II CTO & CofA wmk set to 1/4. Then semi-specialised inc single wmk ½d green wmk INV (2), 2d orange perf OS wmk INV (cat $100), 4d lemon perf OS (cat $400) & perf OS/NSW (unlisted, rare), SM wmk perf 14 set of 8 to 1/4, plus 2d, 3d, 4d perf OS (cat $300) & 3d blue perf OS wmk INV (3 inc vert pr, cat $525). SM wmk perf 13½x12½ 1d green Die II VF Postally Used (cat $100), CofA wmk opt OS set of 5 to 5d. Some sl mixed condition, still much to commend, mostly G-F/VFU with CTO sighted, mentioned stamps cat $2550, total much higher. (540)SOLD at A$425

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KGV single wmk 1½d red Specialised collection (245) inc 'retouched AUST' (13, ACSC 89 unlisted, est val $25 ea, $325), 'white flaw in 1st A of Australia' (8, 89(15)e cat $200), 'retouch under ALI' (7, ACSC 89 unlisted, est cat $25 ea, $200), 'retouch over GE' (8, 89(16)h, $200), '8 wattles at left' (19, 89(16)e, cat $475), '8 wattles at right' (21, ACSC 89(15)ka, cat $525), 'PQSTAGE' (8, 89(22)t cat $280), 'two bullet holes in kangaroo's shoulder' (11, ACSC 89(17)h cat $225, 'upper frame broken left of crown' (14, 89(15)h cat $375, 'spot on emu's leg' (25, unlisted ACSC sets cat $625), 'white spot on kangaroo's body' (13, ACSC 89(17)n cat $325), 'scratched plate at UR' (6, ACSC 89(17)c, $150), 'flaw above left wattles' (14, 89(16)l $350), plus others. Mostly F-VFU, est total ACSC cat $4650. Also F-VFM group (8) inc 5 ACSC listed flaws, cat $250. (253)AVAILABLE at A$350

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Pre-decimal collector's accumulation to 1965 in thick s/book with Kangaroos (90) inc 1st wmk 3d (3), 4d, 6d (5 ea), 2nd wmk 2/-, 3rd wmk inc 3d olive wmk INV perf OS (cat $525) with Drury cert. CofA inc £1 grey GU (closed tear at left). KGV (165) to 5d inc 1d, 2d, 4d opt OS (5 of ea). 1930s 3d Commems (50), plus 1936 SA Cent sets (5). 1940 AIF (5 sets). 1949 Arms £2 (5). QEII Commems/Defs inc 2/- Commems with extras, various others. Generally G-F/VFU. High individual retail. (1450)SOLD at A$250

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Peru: Collection 1857-1984 on pages inc 1857 Provisional Steamships 1R & 2R (SG cat £5250 but 'as is'). 1858-60 Arms imperfs inc 1P small lettering (£160) & ½P (£375). 1862-66 Embossed Arms set to 1P (both colours). 1871 Train 5c. 1873 Llama for Lima 2c (£50). 1880 UPU 'Peru' opt range to 1S. 1881 UPU 'Lima' opt 50c (£750) & 1S (£140). 1883 Triangle, plus UPU opt 1S (£275). 1894 President, plus Horseshoe opt 1S (£170). 1895 President set to 1S. From 1919 appears largely comp inc 80+ sets & 7 M/S. Excellent coverage of Airmails inc 1927 opt 50c (£50). 1935 400th Anniv set to 10S (£55). Later appears comp. All diff. Generally F-VF M/MUH/U. SG cat £4150+, plus £5250 for 1857 Steamships = £9400+. (Steamships not counted in estimate), Good coverage with some scarce items & sets. (1150, 7 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$700

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3d Olive Die I perf OS wmk INVERTED tied to large cover by 'Warrnambool 29 JE 23' cds. SG O45cw cat £75 as loose stamp & 'from x10' on cover. ACSC 13Ea/b cat $525 - see footnote. Rare usage. (P)SOLD at A$190

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3d Violet-blue with rare combination of coarse mesh paper & dry ink. Fresh VF MUH. ACSC 104A a & c, cat $175 MUH dry ink, should be at least triple for coarse mesh $525. 2024 Drury photo cert. (P)SOLD at A$170

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1d Green INVERTED wmk coil strip of 3 with typical coil trimmed side perfs, catalogued as an inv wmk strip of 2 MUH & 1M, but would be worth double or more as a coil. F M/MUH. SG95aw, ACSC81a cat $525 for inverted wmk. (3) (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1928 Kookaburra 3d blue M/Sheet tied to cover front with both the red & 2 blue Exhibition 31 OC 28 pmk. SG MS106 cat £250 as loose M/S & would cat 'from x6' on cover. ACSC 133MS cat $475/$525 for red or blue cancels & quite rare with both, so est $1000+. (P)SOLD at A$300

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1929 WA 1½d Swan UL cnr plate number blks of 4 1-4 & 6-1. F-VF M/MUH. Also imprint blks of 4 (2) inc OS Perfin (as is). Attractive. ACSC cat $300, plus the OS perfin cat $525. (11 blks)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Lettercard: 1914-18 KGV 1d all diff Die I perf 12½, views Albert Bridge w/o sky, Blue Gum Log, & Buffalo Gorge. F-VF UN. ACSC LC18 (3B, 11 & 19) cat $525. (3).AVAILABLE at A$170

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Lettercard: 1914-18 KGV 1d all diff Die 1 perf 12½, views Perth Road, Riverina District, & River Murray South Australia. Superb fresh UN view sides, text sides with suntan bars. ACSC LC18(99B, 113A & 112) cat $525. (3).AVAILABLE at A$130

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Registered Envelopes: 1951-66 KGVI-QEII SPECIMEN opts with 1951 KGVI 1/0½, 1956 QEII 1/7 original text, 1959 2/5 bar opts, 1966 QEII 24c green h/s SPECIMEN in green, & CTO FDI. Superb fresh UN. ACSC RE36wa, 38w, 40aw, 45Ay, & 45Bwb cat $525. (5). (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Bolivia: 1930 Zeppelin First Europe Pan-America Round Flight cover franked Air opts '6 V 1930' opt set 5c/10c - 1B, plus 'Z' opt set 1B50/15c - 6B/35c, tied by 'Correos de Bolivia La Paz 14 MAYO 30' cds. To Berlin with flight cachet & arrival b/s. F-VF, sl water staining. SG 228-35 & 241-3 cat £525 as loose stamps alone. Sieger 60D cat €1800. Extremely rare franking. (P)SOLD at A$900

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1934-41 Charity & Hitler booklet se-tenants Mint collection inc from booklet sheets, inc extras, with Wagner 13 diff combinations, unfortunately some stuck to page (Mi cat €760), 1934 Workers with 2 panes & all combinations (€525), again some stuck, 1935 Costumes comp inc panes (€255), 1936 Olympics comp but only 1 pane, 1936 Buildings comp in 2 panes (€169), 1937 Ships then all comp to 1940 Buildings with all panes & combinations (€637). Then Hitler with all panes & missing only 2 combinations (€266). Some stuck, only a minority, some others with sl adhesion marks, generally VF M/MUH with overall good appearance. Mi cat €2600+. (580, inc 22 panes)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Gibraltar: 1886-1985 Mint collection seems comp in Schaubek hingeless album. 1886 opt QV Bermuda set to 1/- (SG cat £1200). 1886-87 QV set to 1/- (£600). 1889 Surch set to 75c (£200). 1889 QV set to 5p (£225). 1898 QV to 1/- (£190). 1903 KEVII set to £1 (£1200). 1904-08 KEVII to £1 (£1100). 1904-12 set to 8/- (£700). 1912 KGV set to £1. 1921-27 KGV set to 8/- (£400). 1921-30 KGV set to _ (£250), plus £5 (£1600). 935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938-44 KGVI set to £1. 1948 Silver Wedding set 1953 QEII Pic set to £1 & 1960 set to £1. 1967-69 QEII Ship set to £1. 1971 Views set se-tenant prs to £1. 1982 Air set to £5. Commems appear comp. Most F-VF M/MUH, few tropicalised perfs etc, post 1953 being MUH. SG cat £8700+ = A$17,000+. Impressive & valuable collection. (525 + 17 M/S) (P)SOLD at A$3800

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1840 QV 1d intense black, plate 7, letters EH. VFU, almost 4 margins, red Maltese Cross pmk. SG Spec AS45. SG 1-pl 7 cat £525. (P)SOLD at A$160

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1867-83 QV 10/- greenish-grey, letters EF-FE, wmk Maltese Cross. VFU, light Glasgow cds. SG Spec J124. SG 128 cat £5250 inc SG Specified + 75% premium for lightly used. (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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Great Barrier Island: 1899 'Special Post' 1/- blue & Pigeon Gram 1/- pale blue on buff. FM, 1st sl perf tones, 2nd thinned. CP 2 & 4 cat NZ$525. (2) (P)SOLD at A$130

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1861 QV 1d rose-red, left marginal horiz strip of 3, error IMPERF VERT, no wmk. F-VF UN, sl traces of creases. SG 1a cat £350 for pr, so est £525 as strip of 3. Rare. (P)SOLD at A$130

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1845 New York Postmaster Provisional 5c black with dot in P of Post, small die proof on bond paper, imperf, in issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 reduced margins. SG 65(p) cat £1500 as normal. Sc 9X1p1c cat US$525 (normal cat US$1500). (P)AVAILABLE at A$200