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Search Result for "606"

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Fiji: 1871-2019 collection in a Koroni loose leaf illustrated album & 2 Lighthouse s/books inc 1872 Surch set to 12c, 1878 various Surch & issues to 6d in various perfs, 1881 various 1/- perfs & 5/-, 1891-92 Surch, 1891-8 various issues to 5d in a range of perfs, 1903 KEVII to 5/-, KGV 1912 set to £1, 1922 set to 5/- with 3 plate number singles. 1938 KGVI set to £1 with most perfs, 1971 set to $2, 1972 set normal wmk & sideways wmk to $2, 1995 set to $2, range of 2006 Surcharges to 50c. Value is in the period to 1940 where there is a strong range of diff perf issues. Many comp sets & not much missing from 1940s. Many fresh VF MUH with some used especially in early period inc few F/C. Some earlies very variable condition. Pre 1990 cat £3500, post 1990 £1800 with a FV of $1200. Total SG cat £5300+ = $10,000+. (1400+, 60+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$650

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1950 Currency Revaluation cover franked 'GROSZY' black opts type 3 of Katowice & Krakow on 1948 Warsaw Fund & Philatelic Congress & 1949 Trade Union Congress set, tied by 'Cieszyn 21.11.50' cds. Mi 605, 606 & 630-32 cat €67 as loose stamps & should be double on €134.AVAILABLE at A$40

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1932 Philatelic Exhib Moscow set 15k & 35k, plus 1933 'Leningrad 1933' opt Exhib set 15+30k & 35+70k. VFM. Mi 422-423, 427-428 cat €730. SG 601.602, 606-607 cat £473. (4). (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1933 'Leningrad 1933' opt Moscow Exhib set 15+30k & 35+70k. VFM. Mi 427-428 cat €600. SG 606-607 cat £350. (2). (P)AVAILABLE at A$200