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Military cigarette card collection with Wills Australian issues inc 1915 Recruiting Posters (12, cat £8, £96), Aviation (40 mixed, cat £120), Britain's Defenders (48/50, £75, Signalling (25, £40), Modern War Weapons (46/50, £100), Soldiers of the World (45 mixed, cat £12 ea, £540), Types of the Commonwealth Military Forces Capstan rev (38, £105) & Vice Regal rev (28, £75), Types of the British Army (45/50, £120), United States War Ships (45 mixed, £180). Then other cards with Magpie Cigarettes 'Official War Photographs' (70/75, cat £350). Players 'Army Corps & Divisional Signs' (58 mixed, cat £45), American Tobacco Co 'Battle Scenes' (24/25, cat £17 ea, £400), Champion 'Great War 1914-1917' (22/24, £88) & Triumph set of 32 'Great War Deeds' (cat £128). Some sl mixed condition inc rev foxing, mostly F-VF condition. Total 2022 CTCL cat £2460 = A$4900. Also misc odds (30) inc 12 diff VC Heroes. (600)AVAILABLE at A$375

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Falkland Islands & Dependencies: 1878-1968 collection on Scott pgs. 1878-79 QV 6d no wmk, & 1884 4d wmk CA. 1891-1902 QV to 1/- 1904-05 KEVII to 1/-. 1929-32 KGV Whale & Penguin to 1/-. 1933 Centenary ½d to 2/6. 1935 Silver bilee set. 1952 KGVI Pic set to £1. 1960 QEII Birds set to £1. Dependencies 1946-49 KGVI Map set to 1/-. 1954 QEII Ship set to £1. 1944-45 KGVI Pic opt sets for Graham Land, South Orkneys, Georgia & Shetlands. Most F-VF M/MUH/U majority (90%) being M/MUH. SG cat £2200+ = A$4400+. (185) (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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Japan 1870-2004 collection on VF illustrated hingeless pgs in 7 albums with s/cases to 1996 & then loose in pkts, range of earlies inc 1872-20s, 1876-92 various to 8s, 1884 Silver Wedding 5s, 1939 National Park M/S, 1975-85 seems fairly comp, 1986-90 about 50% comp, later issues loose in pkts not filed. Opportunity to acquire extensive illustrated Japanese albums. Numerous M/S, many sets, all different. Albums probably retail $700+. Mainly F-VFU, some VF MUH inc M/S. (1000+, 40+ M/S).SOLD at A$300

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South Africa - Cape of Good Hope: 1864-1904 Mint collection inc 1864-77 Hope Seated 4d & 6d (2 shades) crown CC, with outer frame line. 1871-76 Hope Seated ½d, ½d wmk inverted, 1d & 4d, crown CC, no outer frame line. 1874-76 ONE PENNY on 1/-. 1879 THREE PENCE on 4d. 1880 3 on 3d. 1882-83 Hope Seated to 3d, wmk crown CA & 1884-90 to 6d, wmk Anchor. 1891 2½d on 3d. 1892 2½d green. 1893 1d on 2d, variety 'no stop'. 1893-1902 Hope Standing set. 1893-98 Hope Seated set to 5/-, plus ½d blk of 36. 1902-84 KEVII to 1/-. Mostly G-VF M/UN, some mixed. SG cat £3100+ = A$6200+. (80) (P)AVAILABLE at A$425

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Turkey & Middle East: 1865-1990s collection with Turkey 1865-70 Star & Crescent to 5Pi inc printings & Surch. 1876-90 to 5Pi. 1912 Red Crescent Charity Stamps. 1913 range of Pics to 10Pi. Bulgaria 1879 Lion Arms to 1Fr. Eastern Romelia 1884-85 Lion opt Crescent vals to 1Pi. Israel from 1948 Coins to 15p with tabs. British Forces in Egypt 1932 Letter Seal 1pi. Iraq 1991 Occupation opt labels plus Sadam Hussein banknote. Most F-VF M/U. SG cat £1300+ = A$2600+. (155).AVAILABLE at A$200

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1884-96 Stamp Duty 1/- deep blue on blue Postal Fiscal blk of 14, perf 12, error DOUBLE vert perfs in middle. F-VF MUH, 1 stamp thins, some perf separations & bit tropicalised. SG 256a cat £3850 for M singles, should be at least double, £7700 MUH, plus premium for unique mint multiple. (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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1884-96 Crown & Arms Stamp Duty 15/- purple-brown Postal Fiscal, wmk V crown (SG w33) sideways, perf 12½, opt Specimen type 24b in italics. VF fresh M. SG 273(s) cat £1800 as normal & unpriced as Specimen. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1884-96 Arms Stamp Duty £10 mauve, Postal Fiscal, perf 11, wmk 5th 'V crown' upright (SG type 104) from 1900s-50s reissued printings. VF fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. SG 279(var) would cat £18,000 for original printing, while the reissue is still extremely rare in mint condition & especially desirable as perfect MUH. Certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$2000

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1884-1900 Stamp Duty £25 dull blue-green, typographed, wmk V crown (w33) upright, perf 12½. Fresh CTO, Melbourne 11 DE 00 cds, diag tear but superb appearance. SG 289 cat £500. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1884-90 QV £1 Venetian-red. F-VF fresh MLH. Scott 32 cat US$350. SG 57 cat £275. (P)SOLD at A$150

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Bahamas: 1859-1954 Mint collection in hingeless album inc 1859-60 QV Chalon 1d horiz pr imperf. 1861-80 QV Chalon range inc shades, wmks & perfs 1883 Surch FOURPENCE on 6d. 1884-90 QV vals to £1. 1901 Queen's Staircase set to 3/-. 1902 KEVII set to £1 plus 1906 wmk mult crown set to 6d. 1911-19 Queen's Staircase set to 3/-. 1912-19 KGV vals to £1 (both shades). 1918-20 WAR TAX opts appear comp. 1920 Victory set to 1/-. 1921-29 Queen's Staircase set to 3/-. 1929-32 KGV to 5/-. 1929 Tercent set to 3/- 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938-52 KGVI to £1. 1942 450th Anniv opt set to £1. 1948 Tercent set to £1. 1948 Silver Wedding set. Most F-VF M/MUH. SG cat £3200+ = A$6400+. Nice collection. (185). (P)AVAILABLE at A$900

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Bahamas: 1863-1980 collection in Vario binder with slipcase inc 1863 1d, 4d, 6d & 1/-, 1884 QV 5/- & £1, 1902 KEVII set to £1, 1911 Staircase to 3/-, 1912 KGV set to £1, 1938 KGVI to £1, 1942 Columbus set to £1, 1948 KGVI set to £1, 1954 QEII set to £1 (2 sets), 1964 New Constitution, 1965 QEII set to £1, 1967 Decimal Currency set to $3. Then virtually comp to 1980s inc M/S. Many comp sets. Mainly F-VF MLH/MUH inc some FU, tropicalisation in parts. SG cat £3000+ = A$6000+. (600 + 50 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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Bahamas: 1859-1971 Mint collection on Minkus pages. 1859-60 QV Chalon 1d imperf. 1861-82 QV Chalon range of shades, wmks & perfs. 1883 Surch FOUR PENCE on 6d. 1884-90 QV set to £1. 1901-03 Queen's Staircase set to 3/-. 1902-07 KEVII set to £1 plus set to 6d wmk mult crown. 1911-19 Queen's Staircase set to 3/-. 1912-19 KGV set to £1. War Tax issues appear comp. 1920 Victory set to 1/-. 1921-37 KGV set to £1. 1921-29 Queen's Staircase set to 3/-. 1929 Tercent set to 3/-. 1938-52 KGVI set to £1. 1942 Columbus 450th Anniv opt set to £1. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1948 Tercent set to £1. 1954-63 QEII Pic set to £1. 1964 New Constitution opt set to £1. 1964-65 QEII Pic set to £1. 1966 decimal Surch set to $3. 1967 QEII decimal Pic set to $3. Mostly F-VF M/MUH. SG cat £3900+ = A$7800+. Nice collection. (350) (P)SOLD at A$1000

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Bulgaria 1879-1939 collection in loose leaf album inc 1879 to 50c, 1881 to 30c, 1884 Postage Due to 50St, 1884 Surcharges inc 5St on 30St, 1880s-1900s range inc Commems, 1931 Balkan Olympics set to 50L, 1932 Air to 28L, 1937 M/S, strong in early period, many sets all difference, high cat. Mainly GU-VFU, some F-VF MLH, pages are aged, a few stamps effected. SG cat £5000+ = A$10,000+. (300+)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1885 use of 1884 GB QV 5d green with 'British Army PO Egypt MY 21 85' cds. SG ZA9 cat £500. Rare usage from Suakin during Gordon Relief expedition. (P)AVAILABLE at A$180

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Germany Colonies & POs: 1884-1919 Lighthouse hingeless illustrated album with 42 pages & slipcase. As new. Retail $300.SOLD at A$150

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Turkey POs 1884-1908 Mint collection with 1884 opts (4, SG cat £555) inc 1¼/25pf & 1½/50pf, 1889 opts (£215), plus 2½pi/50pf better 'dunkelrosarot' shade - Mi cat x10 of cheapest shade - so est £500+ (Steuer photo cert). 1900 opt Germania set to 25Pi/5Mk (£500), 1902 diff font 'A' set of 5 (£840), 1905 opt Germania set with wmk (£650) & with wmk set ex 10p & 20p cheapies (£325) & finally 1908 French currency set to 100c/80pf (£140). Mostly F-VF M/MLH. SG cat £3500. (59). (P)AVAILABLE at A$850

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1884-91 QV set ½d to 2/- wmk crown CA, plus ½d & 1d listed shades. VF fresh M/MLH. SG 11-19 cat £194. (11). (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1884-91 QV set ½d to 2/-, wmk crown CA, plus ½d, 1d, 3d, 4d, 6d, 1/- & 2/- listed shades. Mostly VF M/MLH. SG 11-19, plus 15a-19a cat £451. (16) (P)AVAILABLE at A$275

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1884-91 QV 2d grey. VF fresh MLH. Scott 14 cat US$50, SG 13 cat £55.AVAILABLE at A$25

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1884-91 QV 3d olive, wmk crown CA. VF fresh MLH. Scott 16 cat US$28, SG 15a cat £29.AVAILABLE at A$10

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1884-88 'I.R. OFFICIAL' opt QV 10/- ultramarine. VF fresh M. Scott O9 cat US$11,500, SG Spec L8(4). SG O10 cat £11,500 but opt is forged (genuine basic stamp alone cat £2200). Attractive. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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1884-88 I.R. OFFICIAL opt QV 10/- ultramarine on white paper. Superb U with Manchester cds. Scott O9 cat US$3600, SG O10 cat £3750+. Beautiful stamp & extremely rare as such a nice genuine example. 1984 BPA & 2012 RPSL photo certs. (P)AVAILABLE at A$2300

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1884 BCM '½ oz Letter' 6d magenta with violet British Vice-Consulate cachet. F-VF fresh M with cnr gum as issued, usual sl thins, 4 huge margins. SG 1a cat £3000. Extremely rare & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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1884 Large red '8' opt QV 8c/12c dull purple. VF fresh M. Scott 65 cat US$575, SG 80 cat £650. (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Perak: ca1884 'PERAK' opt QV Judicial 10a brown & purple, seriffed, opt 15 x 3mm with curved tail to 'R'. VF F/C, initials & 29 92 m/s. Bft 5.AVAILABLE at A$15

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Perak: ca1884 'PERAK' opt QV Judicial 25c brown & purple, seriffed, opt 15x3mm with curved tail to 'R'. VF F/C, red m/s 'cancelled'. Bft 6.AVAILABLE at A$30

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Perak: ca1884 'PERAK' opt QV Judicial 50c brown & purple, seriffed, opt 15 x 3mm with curved tail to 'R'. VF F/C, m/s initials. Bft 7.AVAILABLE at A$30

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Perak: ca1884 'PERAK' opt QV Judicial $1 brown & green, seriffed, opt 15 x 3mm with curved tail to 'R'. VF F/C, m/s initials. Bft 8.AVAILABLE at A$40

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Perak: ca 1884 seriffed 'PERAK' opt QV Judicial $3 brown & green, opt 15x3mm, curved tail 'R'. VF F/C, m/s initials. Bft 10 (P)AVAILABLE at A$70

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1884 Hidalgo 5P blue. VF fresh M. SG 154 cat £225. Yv 90 cat €300. Scott 163 cat US$350. (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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1884-85 QV 4d blue, wmk crown CA. Superb fresh M, original gum, excellent centring. Scott 9 cat US$2100, SG 11 cat £2250. Very rare in genuine mint condition. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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Tonsberg Bypost (Local Post): 1884-85 Castle 3o orange, vert pr, error IMPERF between, perf 13. VFM. Very rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$80

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1939 Lermontov set 15k-45k, being 'specimen' stamps from UPU distribution, with local 'AMOSTRA' h/s (type PORC8) applied by Portuguese Ministry for Colonies. F-VF UN affixed to pieces ex archive pgs. SG 884-86(s), Mi 726-28(s). Unique stamps from Portuguese India Goa Postal Archive UPU specimen collection. 2019 Ceremuga photo cert. (3) (P)AVAILABLE at A$170

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1882-86 Arms £5 green Postal Fiscal. Postally VFU, 'Kroonstad JA 18 1884' cds. SG F15 cat £120+ & greatly under-catalogued. Rare top value. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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Fernando Poo: 1884-93 'Habilitado Para Correos' circular opt Alfonso 1c green, opt in blue. Superb fresh MLH. Sc 9(var) cat US$188 as per footnote, SG 9A cat £160, Ed 9A cat €205. (P)AVAILABLE at A$120

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Fernando Poo: 1884-93 'Habilitado Para Correos' circular opt King 50c/1c grey, black opt. Superb fresh MLH. Sc cat US$120. SG 9B cat £160, Ed 9 cat €175. (P)AVAILABLE at A$110

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Fernando Poo: 1884-93 'Habilitado Para Correos' opt Alfonso 50c/2c rose, opt in blue. VF fresh M. Sc 11. SG 10A cat £42, Edifil 10A cat €50.AVAILABLE at A$30

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1988 QEII Ruby Wedding opt 65p, error opt INVERTED. VF fresh. SG 442 unlisted. EC T58840Va cat £750. Rare, only 1 sheet of 50 discovered. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1879-1956 Postage Due collection on album pgs. 1879 1c-50c set in brown. 1884-89 1c-30c, red brown 1891-93 set to 50c, bright claret. 1894-95 1c-50c, deep claret, plus later printings wmks & shades in 1917-23 perf 11 to 50c. 1930-31 ½c-$5 & 1931-32 set ½c - 50c. Most F-VF U, some M. Scott cat US$2700+ = A$4000+. SG cat £2800+ = A$5400+. (75).AVAILABLE at A$400

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Army. Collection of manuals, Cadet Record of Service Books & collector's magazines/booklets. Manuals inc Field Exercises 1884 (one loose page, cover separated), half of latch is present. Army Drivers Licence ca 1940s. Cadet Musketry (1911). Reprint of 1908 Web Equipment Manual. 4 various Army/Cadet Regulations. Photocopy of 1963 Aust Dress Manuals. Plus 3 Cadet Record of Service Books, 2 are WWI, other 1920s & used copy of the book British Commonwealth Web Equipment 1871-1944. Plus other booklets. (17)AVAILABLE at A$100

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Australia: Group of Histories of Iconic Retailers with Fletcher & Jones 'The Fletcher Jones Story' (1984), Gay Provider 'The Myer Story', Alan Marshall 1961 'Against the Current', the story of Adeline Keating, International Buyer for Sydney Myer, Gadsden - the first 100 Years', 'The Store on the Hill', Keith Dunstan 1979 A Biography of Georges - Collins St Melbourne, 'A Very Good Business' - a Biography of James Hardie Industries, pub 1988, The Bellwether - A History of William Adams 1884-1984. Seven books in total, an interesting group of business biographies. Then another 5 unusual books inc 'Visions of a Republic' - the work of Lucien Henry, pub 2001, Precious Legacy - Treasures from the Jewish Museum in Prague & 1000 Years of the Olympic Games - treasures of ancient Greece. These 3 published by Power House Museum, Sydney. Mostly VG-EXC.AVAILABLE at A$75