Search Result for "1974" | ||||
Lot | Description | Status | ||
1974![]() Click for more photos | 1949 John Forrest 2½d on LE Phillips generic FDC with indistinct 'Richmond North/VIC' cds. A spectacular unappealing non pic FDC of high rarity! | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
137![]() Click for more photos | 1913-74 collection in older style s/book with Kangaroos to 5/-, KGV to 1/4 inc OS opts to 4d, 1914 Kookaburra 6d engraved, 1931 Kingsford Smith to 6d brown, 1934 VIC Cent & Macarthur sets, 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/-. 1936 SA & 1937 NSW Sesqui sets. KGVI to £1 Robes FU, plus 10/- opt SPECIMEN. 1940 AIF set. 1949 Arms set, plus £1, £2 opt SPECIMEN. 1964 Navigators to 10/- U & set of 6 to £2 M. Comprehensive decimals G-FU inc 1974 Paintings to $10. Also pre-dec M/MUH multiples inc KGV Heads imprint prs (8) to 3d blue (cat $880). SM wmk 1½d, red plate dot prs set of 4 (cat $300), 1931 Kingsford Smith set blks of 4 ($120) & 1930s-40s imprint blks (22, cat $470) to 5/- Robes inc 1940 AIF 1d, 2d, 3d & all 4 1946-47 Commems set trios to 1/- Mitchell. Total ACSC cat/retail $2700. (860) | AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
138![]() Click for more photos | 1913-74 collection in large s/book with Kangaroos (24) to 5/- inc 4d orange, 5d chestnut, 6d opt OS & 2/- brown, plus £1 & £2 copies. KGV (52) to 1/4 inc 4d lemon & OS opt set to 5d FU. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved MUH (cat $275). 1928 Kookaburra 3d M/Sheet VF MLH. 1931-32 OS opt set of 6 to 1/- Lyrebird inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d. 1934 VIC Cent sets to 1/- (2) & Macarthur set to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/- U & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/- VFU. 1937 KGVI Robes to £1 F-VFU. 1940 AIF to 6d. 1949 Arm set to £2, 1950s-60s QEII pre-decimals inc 1963 Navigator set to £2 King & decimal Pic/Commem to 1974 Christmas inc high val Paintings to $10. Generally F-VFU with odd M/MUH sighted. ACSC cat/retail $1800+. (680) | AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
140![]() Click for more photos | 1913-75 near comp collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with Kangaroos 1st wmk to 2/-, 2nd wmk to 2/-, 3rd wmk to 2/- brown, SM wmk to 5/- & CofA wmk to 5/- inc 6d opt OS, plus 10/-, £1, £2 opt SPECIMEN. KGV comp (retail $750) inc single wmk 1d Die III & 4d lemon, SM wmk perf 14 to 1/4, 1d green Die II, 4½d violet Die II & opt OS set to 5d. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved. 1928 Kookaburra 3d M/Sheet with pale Exhibition cancel. 1931-32 OS opt set of 6 to 1/- inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d. 1932 Bridge set to 5/- & all other 1930s high val Commem sets F-VFU. 1937 Robes to £1 thick & thin papers. 1949 Arms set to £2. 1953-75 QEII comp inc 1964 Navigator set of 8 to £2 King, 1966 Defs to $4 Navigator, 1974 Paintings to $10 & all other Pic/Commem sets inc 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 25. A well balanced, neat, mostly F-VFU collection, nicer than most. ACSC cat/retail $4800. (670+) | AVAILABLE at A$900 | ||
144![]() Click for more photos | 1913-81 collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with Kangaroos (29) inc CofA wmk set to 10/-, retail $300. KGV (26) to 1/4. 1934 VIC Cent & Macarthur sets. 1935 ANZAC 1/-. 1937 KGVI Robes 5/-, 10/- & £1. 1949 Arms to £2, QEII pre-dec near comp inc 1964 Navigator set of 6 to £2 & decimals virtually comp MUH to end 1981 (FV $110) inc 1966 Defs to $4, 1971 Christmas blk of 25 (toned) & 1974-79 Paintings to $10. Some sl mixed G-V/VFU, plus MUH decimals. (700) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
201![]() Click for more photos | 1966-1980 comprehensive MUH collection in Lighthouse hagner binder with 1966 Defs to $4 King inc 75c-$4 opt SPECIMEN & $1 Flinders perf 14¾. 1966-72 booklet pane set of 29 inc QEII 4c, 5c/4c slogans. 1969 Flight UL cnr blk of 25. 1970 ANPEX M/Sheet. All scarcer 1967-73 commem sets inc 1971 Christmas 7c blks of 25 cream & white papers, 1974-79 Paintings to $10 inc SPECIMEN opts. All fresh MUH. Retail $1000+. Also 1980s-90s SPECIMEN opt cancellation to $20 Gardens. | AVAILABLE at A$220 | ||
202![]() Click for more photos | 1966-82 decimal specialised collection in 3 well filled s/books with 1966 QEII 1c-6c positional blks/multiples (ACSC cat $750) inc 4c red plate number blks of 20 (7, cat $210). 1966 Fish sets cnr/sheet number blks of 4. 1966 Birds in blks inc 30c LR sheet number & LL cnr blks of 4 & 20c Whistler 'partial missing grey in LR cnr pr', 75c Cook study inc plate number 3 blk of 10, plus 'recutting flaws' on 3 positional blks of 4. $1 Flinders LR cnr plate 3 blk of 10 & LR cnr blk of 10, middle stamp 'retouch UL cnr' (Pos L10/3). Extensive 1966-70 4c & 5c Commem in positional multiples with sheet numbers & varieties (ACSC cat $1360). 1968 inc 5c Soil/Medical thick bars gutter blk of 10 with 'needle in thumb' variety & Autotron blks of 4 (3), 1969 Flight blks inc comp sheet of 100& 1970 RV 5c gutter blks of 10 (2). Other period pieces inc 1969 Prime Ind 7c LR cnr strip of 5 (2) with sheet numbers 000004 & 000006. 1970 Cook M/Sheet with Fake ANPEX opt. 1970s coil collection inc wrappers (5 diff), 2c aniline magenta printing strip of 3 & 7c missing buff & misplaced green colour (8, cat $300 ea, $2400) inc strip of 4. 1970-73 6c & 7c Commems in blks &multiples (cat $1600) inc 6c ANA & 6c RAAF studies. 1971 7c Christmas multiples inc bisected gutter blk of 30 & 7c CWA group. 972 Rehab collection, Pioneer Life study to 60c & Munich Olympics multiples. 1972 Christmas 35c Autotron strip of 4, UL cnr blk of 4 & blk of 9, all with varieties, ACSC cat $180. 1974 Paintings $2 blks of 8 & 15 with varieties (cat $200). 1974 UPU set opt SPECIMEN blks of 9. 1974 Christmas plate number blks with 10c (10) & 35c (5). 1975 IWY 10c aniline violet printing blks of 6 & 4 (ACSC cat $500). 1978 Aviator gutter blk collection, 1978 Birds to 55c Autotron blks of 10. 1979 Trains & 1978 Fishing to 55c Autotron blks. 1980 High Court 22c aniline printing blk of 4. 1981 Aircraft 22c imperf pr, plus much more inc Frama printing errors & 1993 Candlestick trial set of 3 in vertical prs (retail $600). Appears fresh & clean throughout, total ACSC/retail $12,000. | AVAILABLE at A$1400 | ||
204![]() Click for more photos | 1966-1998 MUH Collection in 4 Seven Seas Hingeless albums (pages VGC 1981 onwards inc some Optionals, retail $400) inc 1966 Defs to $4 King, 1970 ANPEX M/Sheet, 1971 Christmas blks of 25 cream & white papers, plus all other better early 1970s commem sets, 1974-79 Paintings to $10, 1980s Pics/commems inc SPECIMEN opts & high vals to $20 Gardens, 1990-1998 Booklets inc Koala Reprints & 1996 AFL set of 16 Teams, other extras inc 1993 Parliamentary standard & reversed panes of 25 & assorted self adhesives. Retail $600 to end 1985 with another $1040 FV to end 1998, plus $400 for the albums. Total $2040. | SOLD at A$550 | ||
207![]() Click for more photos | 1966-2015 Decimal used collection in 530 hagners (14 binders) inc 1966 Navigators set to $4 (6), 1969 Prime Ind (14 sets), 1970 Cook (10 sets), 1971 Christmas (12 sets), 1972 Prime Ind (6 sets), 1974 Paintings to $4 (8 sets) then vast majority of other Pic/Commem to late 1990s, then thinning out to Christmas 2015. Some light tropicalisation, generally G-F/VFU. Huge individual retail, plus extra for the 530 hagners. (Many 1000s) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
221![]() Click for more photos | 1990s-2000 Philatelic Exhibition accumulation mostly M/Sheets (95) inc Australia 99 Navigator imperf pr, 1991 Phila Nippon, 1992 Genova, 1993 Bangkok, 1993 Sydney Stamp & Coin Show, 1995 Swanpex, 1995 Sydney Centrepoint, 1997 Hong Kong, 2003 Bangkok & others to 2015 Singapore set of 5. Also booklets (20) inc 1974 Melbourne Stamp Week, 1984 AUSIPEX & Indopex 93 & Canberra Stamp Show 96. All fresh & clean, FV $270. | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
291![]() Click for more photos | Covers: 1970-90s collection (960) in 7 albums, plus 8th album with around 160 unsorted PSE with good variety & minimal duplication inc scattered 1960s Commem singles, 1970 Large Cook PO envelope, unaddressed. 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 17, 1974 Paintings trio to $4, 1980s Framas & 1990s high val Pic/Commem sets inc vals to $20. Then 2nd carton with more 1980s-90s FDC (550) with the usual range of Pic/Commem sets & singles inc many non letter rate vals to $20 Gardens inc 2004 Olympic Gold Medallists FDC set of 17 diff, plus another 750 20c-45c Pic/Commem PSE mixed UN/CTO. (2250) | SOLD at A$300 | ||
294![]() Click for more photos | Covers: 1971-2000 FDC accumulation (1600) to Sydney Olympic Commems inc 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 7 (10), 1974 paintings set to $4 (4), 1990s Gardens to $20 then over 800 long Pic/Commem sets, single Commem covers/short sets (750), plus PSE (650) & 1970s-80s PPC (400). Generally fresh & clean. (2650). | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
315![]() Click for more photos | Covers: 1968-77 extensive FDC collection/accumulation inc 1968 Soil/Medical gutter prs (2) & 1969 Christmas set. 1970 onwards mostly PO Official unaddressed inc Grasslands (3), Expo (3), Royal Visit (3) & Large Cook (4). 1971 RSPCA (7), Indigenous Art (18), 1971 Christmas blk of 7 (8), other 6c, 7c Commems with extras, 1972 Beef set (15), 1972 Christmas (10), 1973 Fam Aust (9), 1973 Nat Dev (5), 1974 Paintings (9), 1974 Animals (10) & other issues contemporary to period in similar qty. Some mostly light tropical spots in a few of the early FDC o/w clean & fresh & VFU condition. (1000+) | SOLD at A$120 | ||
367![]() Click for more photos | Philatelic Exhibition M/Sheet accumulation (100) inc Australia 99 Navigators IMPERF pr, 1990 New Zealand 1991 Phila Nippon, 1992 World Columbian, 1993 Sydney Stamp & Coin Fair, 1996 Indonesia, 1996 10th Asian International, 1997 Hong Kong, 1999 Queensland Stamp Show, 2004 China, 2007 Sydney & many others. Also booklets (20) inc 1974 Melbourne, 1984 AUSIPEX (2 diff), 1994 Melbourne & 1996 Canberra. All fresh & clean, FV $280. | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
382![]() Click for more photos | Three volume decimal specialised collection to early 1980s with 1966 QEII 1c-6c positional multiples (ACSC cat $900) inc 4c red plate number blks of 20 (8, cat $240) & scarce range of 3c plated cnr blks. 7c-10c Fish sheet nos & other multiples. Birds to 30c inc 24c UR pane of 40, 30c Autotrons LL cnr blk & LR cnr sheet no blk of 4. Navigator set to $4 blks of 4, plus 75c Plate 3 UR blk with re-cutting flaw (pos 2/1, 2/2), plus another 3 multiples with re-cuts. $1 Flinders variety 'missing LL frame' (pos R9/3) in LR cnr blk of 10. Extensive 1966-70 4c & 5c Commems in positional blks & large multiples (cat $1400) inc 4c Banking, 5c Medical 'needle in thumb' flaws (6) inc Autotron multiple, 5c Flight cnr blks of 25 (6) inc 4 sheet no multiples, 5c Cook sheet of 100 bi-sected vertically & 1970 RV 5c misplaced tiara blk of 20. Other 967-70 issues inc 1968 WWW 20c left pane of 50 & 25c Intelsat Autotron gutter blk of 20, 1968 Flowers 6c, 13c & 30c in positional multiples, 1970 Cook M/Sheet opt ANPEX consecutive pr (scarce) & forged opt number 1502. 1970 coil collection inc 7c missing buff & misplaced green (9, cat $2700 inc strip of 4), plus 4 diff coil wrappers (cat $100) 1970-73 6c & 7c Commems in blks & multiple (cat $2000) inc 1971 RAAF 6c study. 1971 Christmas 7c blks of 25 (2), plus Autotron mirror blk of 12 & 1972 Olympics varieties. 1972 Rehab group, 1974 Painting $2 gutter blk of 10 (cat $100) & 'fungus flaw' in sheet no blk of 9 ($100). 1974 Christmas plate no blk of 4 collection (cat $530). 1975 IWY 10c aniline print blk of 4 (2, cat $800). 1976 Olympics group. 1978 Australia Day pink & green gum gutter blks. 1978 Birds with large multiple to 25c, 1980 High Court 22c aniline print strip of 4 (cat $80), 1983 WCY 27c aniline print blk of 10 thematics, plus much more inc 1978 Flower 18c missing black, 1980 Aeroplane 22c imperf Proof (cat $100) & 1993 CPS candlestick trial set of 3 in vert prs (retail $600). Appears fresh & clean throughout. Total ACSC cat/retail $12,900. | AVAILABLE at A$1500 | ||
454![]() Click for more photos | Aerograms: British Commonwealth collection from Antigua to Vanuatu in 7 thick albums inc Australia (100), 1971-1996 inc 1972 Christmas (2) h/s SPECIMEN, h/s PMG/TEST LETTER in block capitals (ACSC cat $100 ea, $200), 1973 12c Jet h/s CANCELLED (unlisted, cat $100). 1974 OHMS 30c Jet VF UN. Basutoland, Bechuanaland, Cayman Is, Falkland Is, Fiji, Gibraltar, Great Britain QE Machins & Christmas Commems, Hong Kong, Ireland, Isle of Man (36) from 1974 to 1993, Jersey, Malaysia, Mauritius, New Zealand (50) inc semi-official commems & stampless pictorial private issues. PNG (35) to 1995, St Helena, South Africa inc SWA opts, Norfolk Is, Nauru, Tuvalu & Vanuatu. Over 650 aerograms from 1971-1995 plus another 60 assorted British Aerograms in album. Some CTO, mostly fresh UN. (700+) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
464![]() Click for more photos | Australia: Collection to mid 1970s in hagner album inc Kangaroos (15) to 10/- 3rd wmk (ACSC cat $700), 1946 BCOF opt set of 8 to 5/- F-VFM (cat $450), 1935 KGV SJ 2d red plate varieties (12) inc 'Bird in sky' (2, cat $75 ea), 'Retouches at top right', 'Hairline in front of horse' & 'Retouches to upper frame'. G-FU, est total cat $450. Small specialised Decimal MUH collection in 1974 Christmas 10c plate 1 blk of 8 & 35c plate 3 blk of 4, 1970 RV 'Crown flaw' vert strip of 8 plus 1960s sheet number multiples. Another hagner album with British Commonwealth inc GB 1930s Seahorses 2/6, 5/-, 10/-. World collection in 2 springback albums with Australia to 2014 inc 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved & Decimal high val Pics to $10 Waratah. Then Aland, Iceland, Nepal & Persia Pics, Defs & Commems. Also 3 plastic bags with Australia Decimal on/off paper & 2 binders with around 70 used hagners. Large carton. | SOLD at A$350 | ||
473![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth carton lot with Egypt 1920s-60s collection in Palma s/book. Malta collection to 1968 in springback album inc 1948 Self Govt set to 10/- VFU. GB collection 1974-85 MUH collection in SG illustrated pgs, plus 1937 KGVI high val set of 6 to £1 brown G-FU (4 sets cat £240). Indonesia 1996 Australia-Indonesia Cuscus joint issue booklet (4, retail $400). AAT 1957-91 collection inc 1966 Pics to $1 MUH & VFU. Australia collection to 1990 inc pre-decimal imprints (60) to 2/6 Aborigine M/MUH, 1969-75 PO Pack near comp collection (retail $350) & 1971 7c Christmas blk of 25. Small Australian states collection in Royal springback album inc 50 spare black pages. British Commonwealth oddments inc Ceylon 1938 KGVI Pic set to R5 VFU (SG cat £100). Nauru virtually comp 1924-88 collection in Seven Seas hingeless album. Pitcairn Is MUH Pic/Commem sets (60) in large s/book & South Africa 1920s-80s collection in 2 vols. 11 albums in large carton. (Many 100s) | AVAILABLE at A$325 | ||
478![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth 1940s-70s MUH accumulation with Australia 1967 Commems 4c Banking Lion, YWCA, Gynaecology & 1988 Soil/Medical 5c in sheets of 100, plus 1974 UPU sets (60) opt SPECIMEN in blks of 30. Anguilla Tercentenary opt set of 6 in large blks or part sheets (60 sets, cat £225). Bechuanaland opts on South Africa Victory set of 3 prs (30, cat £105). Montserrat & St Helena 1946 Victory sets (60 of ea, cat £78). Southern Rhodesia 1947 RV set (100, cat £60), plus others. (2800+) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
484![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth 1970s-80s MUH collection/accumulation in hagners with PNG to early 1970s with pre-dec Pic/Commem sets (55) inc 1952 Defs to £1 Fisherman. 1960 Postal Charges opt set of 5 M to 3/- (SG cat £60). 1963 Rabaul 10/- (5) & QEII £1 (5). 1964 Birds to 10/- (3 sets) & Headdresses to 5/- (10) sets in blks of 4 & 6. Decimal Pic/Commem sets (100+) to 1969 Heritage inc 1966 Butterflies, 1966 Myths (10), 1966 Games (22), 1967 Industries (26), 1967 WWII Anniv (14) & 1969 Shells to $2 (8). Mostly fresh MUH, retail $1200+. Pitcairn is Pic sets (40) to 1987 inc 1964 Pics to 8/- & 22 diff decimal sets inc 1984 Fish to $3, plus 1981 QM M/Sheets (10, FV $45). Vanuatu 1980s M/Sheets (16) with 5 diff & 1982-87 Pic/Commem sets (36), mostly all diff inc 1987 Fish (3) & 1987 Hurricane Relief Surcharges (3 sets). Also red binder with Aust scarcer 1970s FDC (8, retail $200) inc 1974 Paintings (2), 1971 Christmas blks of 7 (2) & 1970 Large Cook (addressed) MUH Frama sets (6 diff, retail $65). Christmas Is 1987 Wildlife sheetlets (2, retail $120) & other pacific is MUH pic sets (28). 4 albums in total with wide variety mostly F-VF MUH. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
489![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth Carton Lot with concise 1981 RW Collection, Australia 1966-1975 MUH collection loose in hagner plus Seven Seas hingeless album to 1984 to place them in! Christmas Is 1958-75 MUH collection in Seven Seas slip hingeless album plus extra 1958, 1963 & 1969 Def sets (retail $300). Disorganised sets/singles in two maroon binders inc British West Indies KGV SJ sets (8). M/Sheet mess inc 1978 QEII Coronation Jubilee set of 21. NZ Healths 1968, 70, 72, 73 & 74 (retail $200), plus 1996 Best of Trio ($60). Australia 1982 Brisbane Exhib Number 9999 & 10001, plus Hong Kong, Tuvalu & others. British Pacific 1980s MUH mess with Nauru (FV $32), Fiji ($60), Pitcairn ($58) & Samoa ($65), plus Indonesia 1996 Joint Issue Cuscus Booklets (4, cat $400). Norfolk Is 1947-1984 near comp Used collection in Seven Seas album inc 1953 Defs to 5/- Brown Bridge, 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird, 1969 Birds to $1, 1983 Flowers to $5 & 1974 UPU M/Sheet. Also GB 1970s FDC collection & Australia 2010 Great Australian Railway set of 4 Gold Foil stamps (No.256/750) with C.O.A. retail $80. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
493![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth carton lot with collection/accumulation in 4 albums, plus hagners, pages etc, with British South Africa inc KUT 1930s-1970s inc 1937-54 KGVI to 3/- U, with extras, 1954 Officials to £1, cat £250. Nigeria 1900-1970 inc 1953 Defins (2 sets), 1961 Defins, 1965 Defins U cat £160. Rhodesia 1950s-1970 cat £170, Sth Africa 1931-2010, noted 1933-48 Pics inc 5/- pr, 1938 Voortrekker set in prs, 1939 Huguenot 1d, 1½d in prs M/MUH, plus set in prs U. 1941-45 War Effort selection M & others, cat £630. British West Indies inc Barbuda, Bermuda, M/MUH & many others M/U, cat £100+. New Zealand collection in Illus album 1898-1974 mostly U, retail NZ$300+. Various others F/VF. (2000+, 30 M/S) | SOLD at A$190 | ||
494![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth carton lot. New Zealand 1990s FDC collection (45, FV $165) plus RNZAF Commem Flight covers (16 diff) mostly pilot signed. GB 1980s FDC collection in album. America/British Caribbean MUH collection in Chinese s/book, British Pacific Islands in hagner album with Norfolk Is to 1966 inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Defs to 5/- brown Bridge & 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird. Samoa to 1980 inc 1962 Pics to 5/-, 1967 Birds to $4 & 1972 Wildlife to $5 Lizard. Also 1997 Diana Memorial Pics for Fiji (81c), Tokelau $1) & Vanuatu (95c) sheets of 50. Australia inc 1936 South Aust 1/- (6) F-VFU. 1966-71 MUH collection inc 1966 Defs to $4 King, 1971 Christmas blks of 7 & AAT 1966 Pics to $1 plus Indonesia 1996 Joint Issue Cuscus booklets (4, cat $100 ea). Pacific Island PO Packs inc PNG 1981, 82, 86 Year Packs, Nauru 1960s-70s collection inc 1964 Pic set to 5/- CTO (6), 1974 1st Contact (6), 1975 Phosphate sets (20), 1975 Christmas (20) & 1979 Christmas (9) total retail $240, NZ 1984 & 1991 PO Year albums, PNG 1975 Independence M/Sheets (50) & others inc Australia KGVI imprints & other MUH stamps in older sheet file & British Commonwealth in springback album inc GB KGVI to £1 brown, Fiji KGVI Defs to 10/-, South Africa Voortrekker sets & Solomon Is KGVI to 10/-. 12 albums in total, mixed G-F/VFU, M/MUH. (100s) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
500![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth: Massive M/sheet accumulation with 75 diff in 4 hanger album inc Australia Local Railway Post (24) with 4 diff inc imperf variations & SPECIMEN opts, plus 1970 Cook BiCent imperf (12, retail $120). Gilbert Is 1978 QEII SJ (18, FV $49). Kiribati 1979 Rowland Hill (20, FV $20). Cook Is/Penrhyn 1978 QEII SJ (40 with 4 diff, FV $170), Norfolk Is 1974 UPU (3, retail $135). Pitcairn (85 mixed FV $170) with 8 diff inc 1978 QEII SJ (12), AUSIPEX 84 (8), 1981 QM 920) London 1980 (9) & 1974 Shells (10). Samoa (200 mixed) with 11 diff (FV Sam $235) inc 1975 'Joyita' (6), 1975 Christmas (7), CAPEX 78 (19), Christmas 78 (33), London 1980 (34), ZEAPEX 80 (43) & 1981QM (20). NZ Cinderella M/Sheets (30) inc 1984 Pigeon Flight (20). PNG (69) with 1975 Independence (50) & 1985 PU Centenary (9). Seychelles London 1980 (15), 1980 Olympics (8) & 1984 Olympics (7) Singapore 1998 Joint Issue (30, FV $117), plus 8 others inc Changi Airport (3). Tristan da Cunha (15) with 4 diff inc 1981 Dodgson (4), Ships Crests (6) & Shipwrecks (5). Tuvalu (80, FV $64) inc 1982 RV (25) opt SPECIMEN, 1996 Year of the Rat (40) & London 1980 (9). Vanuatu (92, FV $144) with 1982 Christmas (6), 1981 Christmas (12), 1983 Communication Year (13) AUSIPEX 64 (13), 1985 Independence (12), 1985 QMCII). AMERIPEX '86 (12) & 1983 Economic Zone (14), plus Solomon Is, Mauritius, Norfolk Is, Malaysia & Nauru. All fresh & clean. Huge Face Val & even higher retail. (800 M/Sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
533![]() Click for more photos | Carton lot with British Empire omnibus collections (3) for 1937 KGVI Coronation M/U in Westminster album, 1946 Victory & 1953 QEII both appear comp M in 2 small s/books. SG cat £430. World, mostly Thematic collection, in large s/book with wide range of Pics & Commems, plus 30 M/sheets. Australian pre-decimal in 48pg KEK s/book inc 1934 Vic Cent 1/- (4), KGVI to 5/- Robes. Arms sets to £1 (3), 1950s 2/- Commems (40) & Cattle 5/- (40) cream & white papers, plus dec FDC (200) inc Commem/Pic cancels. Then more covers inc FAI History of Aviation Stamp Collection with 56 World FDC in over-size custom album, & 1981 RW Omnibus collection with 24 FDC. Finally Norfolk Island near comp MUH (odd CTO) to end 1974 in VGC Seven Seas hingeless album (pgs to Dec 1991) inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Defs to 5/- brown Bridge, surcharges set of 5 to 2/8, 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird, 1966 dec opts to $1 (both), 1967 Ships, 1969 Birds & other Pics/Commems to 1974 UPU M/sheets retail $600 inc the VGC hingeless album. Variable M/MUH/U. | AVAILABLE at A$325 | ||
537![]() Click for more photos | Carton lot with Australia pre-decimal collection inc 1930s Commem sets to 1/-, 1937 KGVI Defs to £1 Robes, 1949 Defs to Arms to £2, QEII Navigators to 10/- Flinders, decimal Pics to late 1970s inc Paintings to $10, plus 1966-90 Seven Seas hingeless album (new retail $250). Faroes 1990s MUH Pic sets with 1995 Leaf Hopper Beetles (200, SG cat £2200), 1995 Tourism pr (50 sets, cat £230), Europa pr (100 sets, £620), Ravens pr (50 sets, £220), Rural Life trio (50 sets, £600) & 1995 Christmas (100 sets, £440), all fresh MUH, total SG cat £4310 = A$8300. Australia, GB & Europe 1960s-80s Pics/Commems collection in VGC hagners. Germany Lighthouse illustrated pgs for West Berlin 1948-69 on original boxes (retail $80). New Zealand 1940s-60s M/MUH/U pre-decimal accumulation inc 1940 Officials to 1/-, 1940s-60s Health sets MUH in quantity inc odd plate number/imprint blk, 1953 QEII Coronation sets MUH (12), 1954 QEII Defs to 10/- U (2 sets), 1955 QEII sets to 8d brown MUH (7), 1956 Southland Centenary sets MUH (40), 1960 Pic sets near comp (4) to £1 Geyser & plenty of other 1950s/60s Pic/Commem sets with around 4000 stamps in total. Norfolk Is comp collection to end 1975 in Seven Seas album inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Defs to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Defs to 10/- Bird & all dec inc 1974 UPU M/Sheet. Also some other bits & pieces inc Russia, Spain & 1981 RW collection. Few flts, mostly F-VF M/MUH/U. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
541![]() Click for more photos | Carton lot with Australian Territories in Seven Seas album with AAT 1957-83 comp inc 1966 Pics to $1 Mock Sun, Christmas Is to 1979 inc 1958 QEII Defs & 1968 Fish sets. Cocos Is to 1976 comp. Norfolk Is 1966-79 inc 1969 Birds set & 1974 UPU M/Sheet. British Commonwealth collection to mid 1960s with Australia inc 1930s high val Commems, 1937 KGVI to £1 Robes, 1949 Defs to £2 Arms & QEII pre-dec to £1 Bass. Then Canada, GB, Hong Kong, Malaya, NZ, Portugal & USA. Faroes 1990s MUH Pic/Commem accumulation with 1995 Leaf Hopper Beetles (190 sets, SG cat £3000), Tourism pr (50 sets, £230), Europa pr (100 sets, £620), Raven pr (50 sets, £220) & 1995 Rural Life trio (50 sets, £600), all fresh MUH, total SG cat £4670 = A$8900. GB 1971-79 MUH collections inc QEII Machins to £5 blue. Germany Lighthouse illustrated pgs for 1872-1918 Empire & WWII General Govt (retail $80). Australia 1980s FDC accumulation in 2 FDC albums. New Zealand 1790, 73, 74, 75, 77, 83 PO Year Packs (retail $200), plus 1984 PO Year Album. San Marino collection in blue springback album. World general collection in 2 thick loose leaf albums inc Australia 1970s-80s Mint decimals, then Europe, South East Asia, Pacific Islands, USA. Some sl mixed condition, M/U/MUH. Large carton. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
543 | Carton Lot with Ireland 1922-2000 collection (3000+) with good variety throughout, strength in commems, higher value Pics to £2, plus empty 'White Ace' album with illustrated pgs to 2000. Tatty 1930s-1950s M/MUH collection (280) inc Airmails, Express Post, Pics & Commems. Seven Seas 1968-72 Arabian States collection in illustrated album. Australia 1966-76 MUH collection (retail $260) in Seven Seas hingeless album inc 1966 Defs to $4 King, all 1969-73 Commem sets & 1974 Defs to $4 Painting. Australian 1950s-70s FDC in maroon binder inc 20 1950s Pre-decimal covers. Denmark 1974-1983 Year Packs (6), British Pacific accum in hagners inc Australia 1966 Birds 6c, 20c, 24c, 30c blks of 15 (rev spots MUH), Christmas Island 1969 Fish, Norfolk Is near comp 1947-1972 collection inc 1953 Pics to 5/- Brown Bridge & 1960 Pics to 10/- Birds, AAT 1960s-7s Pics in quantity G-FU & others. Also Aust Territory collection on loose pages. World mess in white binder. All neatly packed into single carton mixed M/MUH/G-F/VFU. | SOLD at A$300 | ||
564![]() Click for more photos | Cook Islands - Aitutaki: 1972-96 M/U collection in springback album with 170 Pic/Commem sets to 1996 Olympics both M/MUH & CTO inc 1974 Shells to $5 (cat £76), 1978 OHMS opts on Shells to $5 (cat £60), 1981 Birds to $5 Kingfisher (£125), 1983 Surcharge set of 19 to $5.60 (cat £120). 1984 Birds set of 20 to $9.60 (cat £160). 1985 OHMS opt set of 25 to $9.60 (£200). 1989 Moon Landing 20th Anniv (£35). 1992 Pacific Arts set inc Royal Visit opts (£45) & 1994 Flowers set to $5 Hibiscus MUH/CTO (cat £40). Then 60 M & 60 CTO M/Sheet, plus some uncounted extras at the back. Mentioned Pic sets add up to £860 (A$1600) with grand total much higher with a FV NZ$1100 = A$1000. Some light foxing sighted, a mostly fresh & clean collection. (100s) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
566![]() Click to enlarge photo | Covers: Carton inc Australia mainly 1980s FDC collection in 7 Lighthouse cover binders & loose, inc Lettercards, PSEs & maxicards. 1950s-70 FDC inc 1959 5d QEII, 1971 Christmas blk of 7, 1974 Printings $1-$4, 1977 $10, few QANTAS First Jet Flights 1950s to Hawaii, Singapore etc. Few Hutt River covers, fairly extensive, odd minor tones, mostly fresh & clean. Also 1976 WWF Official collection of World Wildlife FDC with 108 FDC in large green album. Approx 1100 covers in 10 well-filled albums & loose in boxes. Replacement cost of albums would be more than our reserve. | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
579![]() Click for more photos | Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 14. British Commonwealth 1970s-2000s M/Sheet accumulation Part 1. Solomon Islands (15, retail $90) inc 2004 World Bird Festival set of 3. Norfolk Is (40, retail $180) inc 1974 UPU. Kiribati (13, retail $95) inc 1981 RW trio. Vanuatu (23, retail $100). Niue (33, retail $190). PNG (80, retail $370) inc a huge Philatelic Exhibition emissions. Nauru (70, retail $200). Tuvalu (50, retail $310). New Zealand (45, retail $200). Pitcairn (48, retail $280) inc 1980 London Exhibition (13) & QM Birthday (15). Christmas Is 1977 Christmas (30, retail $50). All fresh MUH with 7440 assorted M/Sheets (retail $1850) with some duplication. | SOLD at A$220 | ||
582![]() Click for more photos | Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 18. British Pacific Islands 1970s-90s MUH accumulation in shoebox with Australia 1974 Churchill M/Sheets (30), 1978 QEII SJ M/Sheets (10), Cook Is 1989 Locomotive sets (9, FV $90), 1981 RW M/Sheet pr with opts (8, FV $96) & 1978 QEII SJ M/Sheet trio (5 sets), Niue M/Sheet accumulation (115) inc 1980 ZERAPEX Exhibition (10), 1987 Statue of Liberty pr (9 sets), 1981 QM set of 3 M/Sheets (8 sets), 1978 QEII Coronation (12), plus others, total FV $450). Penrhyn Is 1981 RW M/Sheet set of 6 (8 sets, FV $152), plus another 12 composite M/S (FV $48) & 1987 Statue of Liberty M/Sheet pr (15 sets, FV $100). Pitcairn Is 1980 London 80 M/Sheets (100, FV $140). Samoa 1970s-90s MUH M/Sheets (95) with good variety inc 1997 Hong Kong Exhibition (12). Solomon Is M/Sheet accumulation (300) to 2005 Trafalgar Bi-Cent Celebrations inc 1969 Pacific Games (10), 1992 Guadalcanal 50th Anniv pr (20 sets), SUIPEX 84 (20) & SYDPEX 88 (20). Tuvalu 1980s Thematic sets inc Birds, Fish & 1986 RW, plus M/Sheets (70) inc 1988 Scouts World Jamboree (30, FV $75). Over 850 M/Sheets, plus Pic/Commem sets, all fresh MUH. Huge individual retail, plus high total FV. | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
589![]() Click for more photos | Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 31. Pacific Islands 1970s-2000s M/Sheet accumulation Part Two with Niue (55, retail $280), Penrhyn Is (14, retail $120) inc stray William & Kate selection, Samoa (60, retail $290), Norfolk Is (50, retail $230), Pitcairn (16, 1900s-2000s, retail $150), plus London 1980 Exhibition (50, retail $110) & 1981 Queen Mother sheetlet (34, retail $230), Nauru (67, retail $270) inc 1974 UPU (10, retail $80) & Tuvalu (50, retail $290). Some mostly mild duplication. All fresh MUH, solid FV & good Thematic content inc a variety pf Philatelic Exhibition emissions, marked retail $2000. (395) | SOLD at A$250 | ||
590![]() Click for more photos | Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 32: Pacific Islands 1970s-2000s M/Sheet accumulation Part One with Vanuatu (37, FV $90) with strong Tropical Thematic content, marked retail $200. Nauru (55, retail $235) inc 1974 UPU (14), Solomon Is (21, retail $100). PNG (73, retail $370) inc 1997 Diana Memorial (9). Norfolk Is (50, retail $220). New Zealand (35, retail $230) inc scarce 1969 Cook M/Sheet. Fiji (45, retail $250). Kiribati (48, retail $280). Some mostly light duplication. All fresh MUH, solid FV & good Thematic content inc a variety of Philatelic Exhibition emissions, marked retail $1900. (370) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
601![]() Click for more photos | Enigmatic carton lot with Egypt 1890s-1950s in 2 s/books, plus post Millennium MUH New Issue sets in glassines. Australia 1988 Bi-Cent folder set of 5 in black Brisbane EXPO box. 1982 Year of the Scout collection with 106 FDC in Official brown box. 1983 Great Automobiles of the World Mint stamp collection with 106 diff MUH Pics on individual illustrated cards in custom green box. British Commonwealth M/Sheet collection (50) inc 1978 QEII Silver Jubilee set of 21. Fiji 1980s-90s MUH sets (46) inc Architecture to $5 (6 sets), London 1980 (10), plus mixed M/Sheet (10) inc 1990s WWF Bats & 1997 Rugby Championship. Nauru 1980s-90s Pic/Commem sets 56, mostly blks of 4, Norfolk Is 1947-74 collection inc Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1952 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird, 1966 decimal opts, 1967 Ships & 1969 Birds & 1974 UPU M/Sheets. World G-H collection in 40 hagners inc Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guyana, Holland & Hong Kong Defs to $50, plus 1996 Past & Present Prestige booklet. Australia 1913-80 collection G-FU in Seven Seas Junior Album with Kangaroos to 5/-, KGV to 1/4. 1931 Airmail 6d brown (2) inc OS opt. 1932 Lyrebird 1/- opt OS, 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee to 2/-, 1940 AIF set, 1949 Arms to £2 & decimals near comp to 1980. (100s) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
650![]() Click for more photos | Good British Commonwealth carton lot with 1970s booklet collection (40) inc 1977/78 QEII SJ types & PNG 1970-93 collection (13, cat £135). Norfolk Is 1947-74 collection inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Pics to 5/- Brown Bridge (2 sets), 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird (2 sets), plus 10/- opt SPECIMEN (3 diff UN), 2/8 Local Govt (2), 1966 opt set to 1/- & 1969 Birds set to $1. Mixed MUH/M/U. Australia 1890s-1980s accum in 25 hagners. 1997 Diana Memorial sheets of 50 (8 diff, FV A$150) inc Fiji, Solomon Is, Tokelau & Vanuatu. 1970s-90s M/Sheet inc NZ Health prs MUH 1968, 69, 71 & 73 (retail $170), plus 1995 Singapore sheetlet ($40). NZ 1930s-80s Used collection inc 1970 Pics to £1 Geyser. GB 1930s-70s in hagners & s/book. Australia 1966-80 collection in illustrated album inc 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 7 & 1974 Paintings to $10, Singapore 1970s Pics/Commems in hagner album inc 1971 Painting PO Pack, Festival M/Sheet & 1970 Expo M/S. Eleven albums in total, mixed MUH/M/G-F/VFU. Large carton. (many 100s) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
663![]() Click for more photos | Grenada Grenadines: 1973-1990 Collection on approx 90 hagners in 2 binders inc 1974 comp to $5, 1985 Butterflies comp to $20, 1986 Chagall comp with M/S, many comp sets with M/S, strong thematics. Mainly VF MUH. FV $2000. (1100+, 280+ M/S). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
688![]() Click for more photos | Large carton inc Great Art Stamps of the World with 108 FDC 1978-81 inc comp sets in 'International Council of Museums Foundation' custom album (original cost ca.$500. Then more FDC with 150 Australian/AAT 1980s-90s Pic/Commem sets & odd M/sheet in 2 bags, plus EXPO 88 set in folder. Then stamps with Australia 1920s-60s M/MUH collection in black s/book, Africa Pics/Commems/Thematics in thick blue s/book, plus Tokelau $1 & Vanuatu 95c 1997 Diana Memorials, 100 of ea in MUH sheets of 50 FV A$180+. Jersey collection to 1987 in KABE hingeless album with 60 MUH Pic/Commem sets inc 1969 Defs to £1, other QEII to £5, plus 1941/43 Pics set of 8 to 3d (total SG cat £140). Norfolk Is near comp to 1974 UPU M/sheet in springback album inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Defs to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Local Govt 2/8 & Defs set to 10/- Bird, 1966 opt set, 1967 Ships, 1969 Birds to $1 & most other Pic/Commem sets (160, retail $240). PNG 1952-85 collection inc 1952 Defs to £1 Fisherman, 1963 Pics to £1 QEII, 1964 Birds to 10/-, 1966 Butterflies to $2 & 110 other Pic/Commem sets, mixed M/MUH/U. Also 1973 RW & 1974 Churchill British Commonwealth Omnibus MUH collections. | AVAILABLE at A$375 | ||
689![]() Click for more photos | Large British Commonwealth carton lot with Australia Die Proof replica Card group (10, ACSC cat $80), 1969-75 PO Pack collection (45, retail $450) inc 1969-75 Christmas comp & 1970, 71 Selected Issue packs, Seven Seas 1982-98 hingeless leaves for booklets only, 1940s, 60s pre-decimal cnr/imprint blks of 4 (55), 1974-89 collection inc to $10 Gardens in 40 hagners, Canada 1890s-40s collection on loose pgs, plus collection extras in Chinese s/book. NZ 1890s-1970s collection (100s) in springback album. More British Pacific inc Norfolk Is 1947-98 with 80+ Pic/Commem sets inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/-, 1953 Defs to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird (2 sets), 1966 opts to $1 (5 sets), 1967 Ships to $1 (6 sets), 1969 Birds to $1 (7 sets) inc blks of 4 & others to $8 1997 Stamp Anniv. Seven Seas Christmas Is 1958-85 hingeless album with scattered contents. Tokelau $1 & Vanuatu 95c 1997 Diana Memorial MUH (100 of ea, FV A$180) in sheets of 50. Then more MUH Vanuatu with 35 1990s MUH Pic/Commem sets, plus 18 M/Sheets. 10 albums in large carton & as always variable condition throughout but mostly F-VF. (many 100s) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
690![]() Click for more photos | Large carton with Australia 1969-75 near comp PO Pack collection (50) inc 1969-75 Christmas comp, 1970 & 71 Selected Issues & Aust Terr Packs to early 1970s (retail $480+). Australian Phonecard accumulation inc 1990 Adelaide Grand Prix $5 Packs (3) & Nauru Com Card $10 Mice pr (10 sets UN, FV $200). Australia Territories disorganised MUH/U accumulation (few 100) inc AAT 1966 Pic sets (5) to $1 Mock Sun & 2 1973 Def PO Packs, Christmas Is 1958 QEII sets MUH (2), plus M & CTO 1963 Pics to $1 Bird blks of 4 MUH & 1968 Fish to $1 blks of 4 MUH. Norfolk Is 1967 Ships to $1 blks of 4, plus 2 PO Packs, 1969 Birds PO Packs (2), plus set CTO, 1974 UPU M/Sheet (2), 1987 Scenes to $5, 1997 Explorers to $5, plus other MUH Pic sets. PNG M/Sheets for 1992 Columbian, 1993 Bangkok, 1994 Phila Korea & 1995 Singapore Exhib (5 of ea MUH), est retail $110. Australia 1991 (Jan) to 2006 (Dec) Seven Seas hingeless leaves in VGC (new retail $400). British Commonwealth collection in 1950s springback binder with 1946 Victory sets (45), Canada Pics & 1953 QEII Coronation odds. Australia 1988 First Fleet Limited Edition artists print, plus issued set in Commem folder. Lastly Airmails of the World Stamp Collection MUH collection on 108 artist drawn cards in unique custom-made album with estimated New Issue cost around $180. Large carton. | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
699![]() Click for more photos | Mixed collection carton lot with France 1976 Collection Historique de Timbre Poste Francais with 42 Die Proofs individual printed on pgs with descriptive text above & issued stamps CTO at left, all in Official PO Deluxe slipcase album. Olympics Pictorial Packs of 60 diff (50, with 3000 stamps in total). Australia 1970s PPC (100) in 2 binder & Royal Aust Armoured Corp Commem cover collection in black binder. Aust Terr/Pacific Is MUH collection with 140 Pic/Commem sets & over 30 M/Sheets in 65 well filled hagners inc Christmas Island 1958, '63 & '68 Def sets to $1, plus Australia, Fiji, Pitcairn, PNG, Nauru & Samoa. Also 1997 Diana Memorial Pics for Bahamas, Tokelau & Vanuatu (100 of ea, FV A$200) in comp sheets. Aust Post 1990s Topical Books (4, retail $60) inc ANZAC Tradition, Our Pets & Creatures of the Night. Finally Norfolk Is 1947-74 M/MUH collection (retail $200) inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Defs to 10/- Bird & all dec Pic/Commem sets to 1974 UPU. Big carton. | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
703![]() Click for more photos | Neat carton lot with Official Collection of World Wildlife FDC with 108 covers in custom-made green album. Huge original costs. Australia 1973-79 WCS FDC collection (60) inc 1974 Painting trio, 1979 Paintings $5 & Pic/Commem sets or singles in mini album, plus 100 Official PO FDC to 1982 in another 2 albums. Australia 1930s-60s pre-decimals in thick blue s/book inc 1936 SA Cent sets (2), 1940 AIF to 6d (2), 1949 Arms £1 blk of 4 U, 12 1940s Commem imprint blks of 4 MUH (cat $140+), plus others. More Australia in brown s/book with Kangaroos (200) to 2/-, KGV (110) to 5d brown inc perf OS 4d blue (4) & 2d brown. Also KGVI to 10/- Robes & some Aust States. 4 large Chinese s/books with more Australia, 1970s British Pacific Is collection in 2 Chinese s/book & GB QEII Machins, Pics, Commems (100s) in the 4th. More GB to 1981 RW in medium springback album inc 1887 QV to 1/- green, 1902 KEVII to 1/- bi-colour, 1910 KEVII to 2/6 violet, 1912-34 KGV to 5/-, 1937 KGVI 2/6- £1 set of 6 & QEII dec to £5 blue (SG cat £950). Finally PNG 1980s-90s MUH Commem sets (16) mostly blks of 10 inc 1982 Coral to 3K. Large carton. (1000) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
717![]() Click for more photos | New Zealand: 1950s-70s MUH accumulation in 72 hagners with Health M/sheets 1958 (22 prs, NZ retail $440), 1971 Health (15 prs, $600), 1974 Health M/Sheet (10, $350). 1988 Centenary of RPSNZ M/sheets (17, $85). Then 1970s Commem sets imprint/plate num multiples (20 diff, retail $800+) inc 1969 Cook blks of 9, 1970 Pics to $2 blks of 4, 1971 Cars plate num/imprint blks of 10, 1972 Flowers blks of 10, 1972 Lakes imprint cnr blks of 9 & 1973 Anniv blks of 15. All fresh MUH. Also some F-VFM pre-decimals inc 1954 QEII 5/-, 10/- horiz prs. Total NZ retail $2450. (many 100s) | SOLD at A$250 | ||
729![]() Click for more photos | Norfolk Island: 1947-74 near comp MUH collection with 1947 Ball Bay set of 18 to 2/- blue inc ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d white paper (SG cat £190), 1953 Pics set (5/- brown tiny rev spot), 1958-60 Surcharge set, 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird, plus extra 10/- with thin central SPECIMEN opt & all other pre-dec inc 2/8 Local Govt. Decimals to 1974 UPU M/Sheet inc 1966 opt, 1967 Ships & 1969 Bird sets except for the 5/- brown, all fresh MUH. SG cat £400, retail $60 (retail $600). (148, plus M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
730![]() Click for more photos | Norfolk Island: 1947-76 collection/accumulation in hagners with 1947 Ball Bay set to 2/- blue MUH, plus another 2 sets F-VFM. 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge MUH (2) & F-VFM (2). 1958-60 Surcharge set of 5 (5 sets, retail $150). 1960 Local Govt 2/8 (2). 1960 Pic sets to 10/- MUH (2, cat £75), plus 10/- opt SPECIMEN M (2 diff, cat £75). 1962 Fish sets MUH (3), plus extras to 1/6. 1964 Scenes set of 4 (14, retail $85). 1966 decimal opt sets (15, inc both $1, retail $180). 1967 Ships sets (2). 1969 Birds sets (3). 1974 UPU M/Sheets (5), plus others. Mostly VF MUH, retail over $1400. (850, plus 5 M/S) | SOLD at A$300 | ||
734![]() Click for more photos | Norfolk Island: 1947-69 collection in hagners with 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue MUH, 1956 white paper Ball Bay set to 2d MLH, 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge MUH, 1958-60 Surcharges set, 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird, plus extra 10/- opt SPECIMEN, sl tropicalised gum, plus all other pre-decimals, decimals to 1969 Birds inc 1966 opt set & 1967 Ships to $1. Also 1974 UPU set inc M/Sheet. Mostly fresh MUH, SG cat £350, retail $540. (128, plus M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
743![]() Click to enlarge photo | Norfolk Island: 1974 UPU M/Sheet stock of 13. VF fresh MUH. SG MS 162 cat £195, retail $585. (13 M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
744![]() Click to enlarge photo | Norfolk Island: 1974 UPU M/Sheet stock of 13. VF fresh MUH. SG MS 162 cat £195, retail $585. (13 M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
751![]() Click for more photos | Pacific Islands collection inc New Caledonia 1892-mid 1970s mostly Used inc 1928 Defs to 5F, 1928 Postage Dues to 3F, 1966/70 Birds to 37F with extras, 1967 Butterflies, 1968 Shells to 60F often with part set extras, then similar Pics/Commems also with extras, cat £950. Norfolk Is 1947-90s inc 1947 Ball Bay set of 12 to 2/- brown blks of 4, 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge M, 1960 Defs to 10/- Bird, plus extra 10/- opt SPECIMEN, 1960 Local Govt, 1966 Surch set MUH (2 sets), 1974 UPU M/sheet MUH. Then later issues FV $64. Pitcairn Is 1957-93 inc 1977 to $2 QEII (5 sets) mid 1970s-93 FV $135. Samoa 1962-80s MUH inc modern FV $40, Tuvalu 1979-89 inc 1989 Bird Officials (4 sets), 1981 Defs/Officials (5 sets), 1981 Defs (3 sets) FU/CTO cat £140 & various others. F-VF. (c1000+) | AVAILABLE at A$140 | ||
786![]() Click for more photos | Ships: 1974-2019 MUH collection in folder with 72 Pic sets, 66 M/Sheets plus un-counted singles. All fresh MUH. Vendor retail $920. | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
809![]() Click for more photos | Thematic Stamps-on-Stamps collection A-Z in s/books & binders mostly Mint but also inc some covers, Cinderellas etc. Noted Argentina 1979 Stamp Exhibition M/Sheet set of 4 SG 1646/49 (cat £172), Australia 1950s-c2000 sets & M/Sheets inc 1999 Navigators M/Sheet double perf & others FV $50, Belgium 1925 Anniv set M (cat £75), Brazil 1938-93 inc 1938 Exhibition M/Sheet, 1941 Stamp cent & M/S (2 of) 1941 Air, stamp cent M/S MUH & others (cat £240), China & Taiwan 1972-90s sets & M/Sheets (FV £110+), Cuba 1940-2000 inc 1955 Air Exhibition M/S, 1986-91 History MUH etc (cat £250+), France 1949-2000 inc 1949 10Fr Stamp Cent M & Used on Commem Postcard etc (cat £200), French Polynesia 1974-97 inc 1974 100Fr UPU, 1993 Officials set MUH etc (cat £160), Germany West 1949-80s inc 1949 Stamp Cent set MUH & on FDC, 1951 NBA set MUH etc (cat £400+), Hungary 1950-99 inc 1950 PO Museum set MUH, 1951 50th Anniv set, 1962 Stamp Day M/Sheet perf & imperf (2) MUH, 1965 Stamp Day set imperf & M/Sheet perf, imperf MUH, 1976 Italia M/Sheet perf & imperf MUH & others (cat £500), Italy 1951 Tuscany Stamp Cent MUH & Trieste set MUH & others (cat £170+), Japan 1921 50th Anniv set M(cat £360), Korea North & South sets & M/Sheets Mostly MUH (cat £160), Philippines 1954-98 inc 1954 Stamp Cent M/Sheet M, 1977 Espamer Amphilex, 1984 Ausipex, 1998 Exhibition set of 8 M/Sheet MUH etc (cat £200+), M/Sheet, 1943 Cent M/Sheet MUH etc (cat £260), Sweden 1955 Stamp Anniv set of 4 imperf & a range of imperf colour separations etc (30 diff) MUH, Uruguay 1921 Air opt set M (cat £30). These are but a selection of items, there are many other sets & M/Sheets not catalogued. With close to 4000 stamps + approx 1000 sets/issues & 780+ M/Sheets in total. A tremendous array largely VF. (3950+, 780 M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$700 | ||
2266![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1974 Animals 25c Anteater comp sheet of 100 with Autotrons at left, both sheet numbers & varieties 'retouch in brown right of top of front paw' (pos UP1/5), 'first A of Anteater retouched' (LP1/8), 'retouch in brown over hind paw' (LP3/10) & 'retouch in brown left of front paw' (LP4/6). Lightly folded through gutter, fresh MUH. ACSC 660 d e f g z za zb cat $180. (100) | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
2267![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1974 Paintings $1 Light Horseman, sheet of 50 (3rd printing) with Autotrons at top, both sheet numbers & varieties 'bullet hole in forehead' (pos LP 4/3) & 'cut-throat' flaw (RP 3/4). sl discolouration at UL cnr, other 49 stamps fresh MUH. ACSC 664 d e z zc zf cat $185. | SOLD at A$60 | ||
2268![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1974 UPU set 7c & 30c opt SPECIMEN. 20 sets in blks of 20, 7c plated as Sheet A lower pane with colour bars at right, 30c upper pane with sheet number in lower gutter selvedge. Some mostly light tropicalisation, mostly VF MUH. ACSC 675/76(var) Note 6, cat $250 as 5 blks of 4. (40) | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
2269![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1974 Newspaper 7c perf 14 x 15, sheet of 100, plated as Sheet C with variety 'stogey in mouth' (pos R3/5). Central gutter fold, fresh MUH. ACSC 678 e cat $50. (100) | AVAILABLE at A$15 | ||
2270 | 1974 Gemstone 9c on 8c Opal sheet of 100 plated as Sheet A, upper pane with colour bars at right, T shaped device at lwr right cnr, ACSC listed plate varieties 'Vertical line through uncut opal (2 diff, pos 6, 7/5) & ACSC listed opt flaws with 'Shaved C at top right' (pos 3/3), Broken 9 & lwr bar (6/1) & Thick 9 (10/1). Couple of indistinct minor tones o/w fresh MUH. ACSC 646 d g u h cat $135. | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
2271![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1974 Christmas 10c, sheet of 100 with Plate number 4 at left. Scattered hard to see toning traces. A scarce F-VF MUH multiple. ACSC 680 zf. (100) | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
2272![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1974 Christmas 35c Plate 3 at right, sheet of 100 (bi-sected horiz) with ACSC varieties '2 re-cut lines on donkey's hind leg' (pos 5/7, cat $50), 'void in ground shading' (cat $30 ea) in upper pane Pos 4/7, 4/9, 5/6 & 5/8-9-10 & 'retouched void shading' (cat $30 ea) upper pane Pos 1/8, 3/3, 3/4, 3/6, 3/8, 4/6, 4/8, 5/7 & lower pane 1/8, 4/6, 5/6, 5/8. Single rev spot (pos L5/5). VF fresh MUH. ACSC 681 ea f fd zc cat $650+. | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
2273![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1974 Christmas 35c Plate Numbers 2 & 3, left marginal gutter blks of 4. VF fresh MUH. ACSC 681 z zb cat $150. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
2274![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1974 Christmas 35c Plate Numbers 2 & 3, right marginal gutter blks of 4. F-VF MUH. ACSC 2a 2c cat $150. | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
2813![]() Click to enlarge photo | Aerogramme-Official: 1974 Jet 'Official Mail' stamp. Superb fresh UN, unfolded. ACSC A05 cat $20++. | SOLD at A$15 | ||
2814![]() Click to enlarge photo | Aerogramme-Official: 1974 Jet 'Official Mail' stamp. Superb fresh UN, unfolded. ACSC A05 cat $20++. | AVAILABLE at A$10 | ||
3372![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1905-10 Lyrebird 2/6 blue-green UR cnr marginal blk of 4 with sheet no 19746, wmk crown single-lined A, perf 11½x11. Stamps superb fresh MUH. ACSC N65. SG 349a cat £320 for M, singles should be at least double, £640+ MUH, plus premium for positional multiple. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
7170![]() Click for more photos | 1974 Commonwealth Games set of 5 to 23c in sheets of 100 with imprint/plate numbers at LL cnrs. Some scattered tone spots o/w fresh MUH. FV $60, CP cat $530. (500) | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
7171![]() Click for more photos | 1974 Anniversaries set 4c, 5c, 8c sheets of 100 with imprint/plate numbers at LL cnrs. 4c creased off UL, fresh MUH. CP cat $210. (300) | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
7172![]() Click for more photos | 1974 Aeroplanes set 3c, 4c, 5c &23c in sheets of 100 with imprint/plate numbers at LL cnrs. Fresh MUH. CP cat $475. (400) | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
7173![]() Click for more photos | 1974 Health set 3c, 4c, 5c in sheets of 100 with imprint/plate numbers at LL cnrs. Cpl of tiny spots, fresh MUH. CP cat $325. (300) | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
7174![]() Click for more photos | 1974 Christmas set 3c, 5c, 10c in sheets of 100 with plate numbers at LR cnrs. Some tropicalisation mostly through centre folds. F-VF MUH. CP cat $270. | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
7175![]() Click for more photos | 1974 Off-Shore issues set 6c, 8c, 18c & 23c in sheets of 100 with imprint/plate numbers at LL cnrs. Traces of tropicalisation, fresh MUH. FV $55, CP cat $600+. (400) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
7269![]() Click for more photos | 1974 UPU Anniv free form set 10c-40c, plus 1975 2nd Settlement set 10c & 35c, plus 1978 Girl Guides set 18c-45c. VF fresh MUH sheets of 25. SG 158-64 & 203-6 cat £120+. FV $67. (10 sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
7270![]() Click for more photos | 1974 UPU Anniv free-form set 10c-40c, plus 1975 2nd Settlement set 10c & 35c. VF fresh CTO full sheets of 25, plus OHMS lge envelope some were sent in. SG 158-64 cat £121. (6 sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$20 | ||
8035![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1966-75 Airmail 200p Boeing 720B, King Faisal cartouche (1974), no wmk. VFU. Mi 383Y unpriced, Sc C87, SG 744 cat £275. Rare stamp that was not supplied as new issues & missed by almost all collectors. 2014 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
9189![]() Click for more photos | Australia Christmas 1974 by David McLeary pub 1981. In-depth study of the 10c & 35c Christmas Issues, H/C, 106 pgs, illustrated throughout. Minor pg edge foxing o/w near new. | AVAILABLE at A$35 | ||
9408![]() Click for more photos | Postal Stationery Higgins & Gage 'Sectional Catalogue' group with Australia 1984 AUSIPEX Edition Section 1 Abu Dhabi to Azores (1977 edition). Section 2 Baden to Bushire (1977 edition). Section 3 Cameroon to Czechoslovakia (1974 edition). All in individual binders. | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
9436![]() Click for more photos | Thematics: Birds of the World on stamps, pub ATA 1974. 100+ pgs, plus supplement to Birds of the World in Philately ATA 1986, 60+ pgs. Both near new. (2). | AVAILABLE at A$10 | ||
9506![]() Click for more photos | Australia: Vietnam War Australian Regimental/Unit Histories inc The Team (AATTV) 1962-72, Ian McNeil, pub AWM 1984. Vietnam Task, 5th Battalion RAR 1966-97, PUB 1968. We Too Were ANZACs (6th Battalion RAR 1969-70) by Col B Avery, pub by Slouch Hat 2004. Vietnam Shots (A Photographic Account by McKay & Stewart, pub 2002). Mission Vietnam, RAAF Operations 1964-74 by G Odgers, pub 1974. Long Tan & Beyond, Alpha Company 6 RAR 1966-67 by Col CS Mollison, pub 2005. The Battle of Long Tan 1966, as told by the Commanders to Grandin. The Battle of Coral, 1968 by Lex McAulay, pub 1988. The Battle of Ngok Tavak 1968 by Bruce Davies, pub 2008. First to Fight -Australian Diggers, NZ Kiwis & US Paratroopers Vietnam 1965-66 by Bob Green, pub 1988. The Nasho's War - Australian National Servicemen & Vietnam by M Dapin, pub 2014. Ghost Platoon 1969 by Frank Walker, pub 2011. Vietnam, the comp story of the Australian War by Bruce Davies, pub 2012. Tiger Men by Barry Petersen & signed by author 1988. Viet Cong - The Organisation & Techniques of the NLF of South Vietnam, pub by M.I.T. Press 1966 & others inc 'Select Documents in International Affairs (No 18) Vietnam Jan 1968-Dec 1969, released by Department of Foreign Affairs, Canberra 1972. Mostly VF-near new condition, retail $800+. (23) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
9545![]() Click to enlarge photo | Great Britain: The Household Cavalry H/C 1952;The Brigade of Guards H/C 1952; 'The British Army' S/C 1980 by Jock Haswell; Biographical Dictionary of World War 2, H/C D/J 1972 by Christopher Tunney; 'Manchester Photographic Collection' S/C 2003 by Chris Makepeace; 'It Can Now Be Revealed' S/C 1950; 'Liddell Hart's History of the First World War' S/C 1972; 'A Bridge Too Far' H/C D/J 1974 by Cornelius Ryan. VGC. Good lot. (8 books) | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
9561![]() Click for more photos | WWII Major Battle Histories (14) inc Inside the Third Reich (Albert Speer), The Years of Extermination-Nazi Germany & the Jews 1939-45 (Friedlander), Hitler's War 1939-42 (Irving). Plus Mein Kampf (A Hitler) English translation, 640pgs, pub 1992. Dunkirk-The British Evacuation (Jackson). D-Day (The Battle of Normandy), Stalingrad & Berlin (The Downfall) all by Antony Beevor. D-Day (Abrose). Armageddon (The Battle for Germany 1941-45) & Nemesis (The Battle for Japan 1944-45) both by Max Hastings. Arnhem (L Clark). Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union (English translation of the original Russian book, P Poselov Editor) pub Moscow 1974 inc illustrations & maps. The last battle (Ryan). Infamy-Pearl harbour & its Aftermath (J Toland, 2001 Penguin Edition). Other WWI history books (7) inc Wings of War-Airborne Warfare 1918-45 (Harderode), Mostly VG-excellent/near new. Retail/original costs $650. (22) | AVAILABLE at A$100 |