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Decimal PO Year Albums 1981-87,1989-93, 96-97, 2000, Bicentennial box of 5 (2), & 2000 Gold Medal sheetlets. FV $680. VF MUH.SOLD at A$230

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Canada 1870-2000s Collection/Accumulation in a s/book, on hagners & on pgs 1990-2004 inc QV 1870s-90s 1c-20c, range 1910-60s inc 1927 Confederation 12c, 1942 War Effort comp, 1906-1933 Postage Dues to 10c, largely comp 1990-2000 inc M/S. FV 1990-2004 is C$320. Largely VF MLH-MUH, some FU. FV of M/MUH C$320. SG cat £2300+ = A$4600+. (1600, 30+M/S, 2 bklts).AVAILABLE at A$200

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Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 12. British Commonwealth Part 1. Back-up accumulation in 7 s/books with Australia Kangaroos (80), KGV (460) to 5d F-VFU. 1966-72 MUH Commem sets (55) in glassines inc 1966 Bird sets (8), 1971 Christmas (4 sets), 1972 Prim Ind (11), 1972 Christmas 910), total retail $500+. Norfolk Is 1968-75 Commem sets (75). PNG 1960s-70s Commem sets (260) with odd CTO. Mostly VF MUH inc blks & multiples. Then misc collections inc Botswana (220), Gibraltar (240) QV Sidefaces to 1960s QEII Pics. Faroe Islands M/MUH (330) 1975-99. Greenland (100) & Faroes VFU/CTO (320). Small WWF collection with 25 MUH Pic/Commem sets & mixed Thematic collections in Springback binder. 10 albums in total. Large carton. Mostly F-VF. (1000s)SOLD at A$325

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Hong Kong: 1962-2006 extensive accumulation of high val Defs inc 1967-73 $10 (13), 1973-82 $20 (3), 1982 Defs in blks of 4 & singles MUH. 1982-87 Def $10, $20 (15 ea), $50 (13) U, 1987-88 to $50 2 sets MUH, plus $10 (13), $20 (22), $50 (13), 1992 Def to $50 MUH, plus $10 (44), $20 (17), $50 (11), 1997 $10 (39), $20 (34), $50 (33), 1999 $10 (40), $20 (45), $50 (30). 2002 $10 (16), $13 (14), $20 (36), $40 (69), 2006 $50 (2) U. Some on piece, some varied condition mostly F-VF. SG cat £4600+ = A$9200. (c600)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Collection in album with Anonymous 'Modern Movie Stars & Cinema Celebrities' (Teofani & Co London 1934) set of 48 (cat £60). Godfrey Phillips 1936 Annuals (Flowers, set of 50, £15), Famous Crowns (1938, £15), Film Stars (1934, £40), The Old Country (1935, £40), Ships that have made history (£20), Shots from the films (1934, medium size set of 48, £40), Nicholas Sarong & Co 1923-1925 Celebrities & Their Autographs (medium size set of 100, £120). Also Hoadley 1940 'Wild West' set of 50, cat £110. Nine sets in total, generally F/VF condition. 2022 CTCC cat £460 = A$900.AVAILABLE at A$100

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John Player collection Part Three with 12 sets inc Military Uniforms of the British Empire Overseas (1938, £140), RAF Badges (1937, £30), Riders of the World (1914, £85), Shakespearean series (1914, £45), Uniforms of the Territorial Army (1939, £45), War Decorations& Medals (1927, £80) plus others inc Wonders of the World, Wild Animal Heads, Sea Fishes, Players Past & Present. All VF/Excellent condition. 2022 CTCC cat £460 = A$900.AVAILABLE at A$100

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Military cigarette card collection with Wills Australian issues inc 1915 Recruiting Posters (12, cat £8, £96), Aviation (40 mixed, cat £120), Britain's Defenders (48/50, £75, Signalling (25, £40), Modern War Weapons (46/50, £100), Soldiers of the World (45 mixed, cat £12 ea, £540), Types of the Commonwealth Military Forces Capstan rev (38, £105) & Vice Regal rev (28, £75), Types of the British Army (45/50, £120), United States War Ships (45 mixed, £180). Then other cards with Magpie Cigarettes 'Official War Photographs' (70/75, cat £350). Players 'Army Corps & Divisional Signs' (58 mixed, cat £45), American Tobacco Co 'Battle Scenes' (24/25, cat £17 ea, £400), Champion 'Great War 1914-1917' (22/24, £88) & Triumph set of 32 'Great War Deeds' (cat £128). Some sl mixed condition inc rev foxing, mostly F-VF condition. Total 2022 CTCL cat £2460 = A$4900. Also misc odds (30) inc 12 diff VC Heroes. (600)AVAILABLE at A$375

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Sport: Cigarette Card collection inc Wills Lawn Tennis 1931 set of 25 medium size full colour cards (cat £250), Race Horses & Jockeys 1938 set of 40 medium cards (£90), Melbourne Cup Winners 1906 (50 mixed odds, cat £400), Horses of Today 1906 with Capstan back (32, £110), Havelock (24, £120) & Vice Regal (35, cat £120). Ogdens Jockeys 1930 (44/50, cat £110), Players Derby & Grand National Winners (40/50, £60). Also other Sports/Pastimes inc Football with English Internationals 1991 (2 sets) & Wizard Famous Footballers 1955 (16, cat £40). Sweetacres Chewing Gum 1930s Sports Champions etc (30 mixed, cat £210) inc Cricket, notably H Larwood, Swimming Boy Charlton & Flight inc Bert Hinkler & Charles Kingsford Smith. Also Carreras Believe it or Not (32/50, cat £25). Mostly F-VF condition, total cat £1450 = A$2900. (460)SOLD at A$300

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½d Green collection with shades, inverted wmk (3), major varieties plates 3 - 7 inc Plate 3 clubbed fraction bar (3R11 - cat $1200), Plate 4 listed varieties (10) inc Eight Wattles (4L3), spot under T (4L8), accent on E (4L60) white between TA (4R50), plate 5 listed varieties (7) inc spot on Roo (5L16). Flaw Kings Head (5L32), break in top frame (5R29), Plate 6 varieties (6) inc Flaw Kings Head (6L11), break over U (6L29), Plate 7 varieties (4) inc SW cnr broken (7L44), Flaw Roo's Head (7R24). Also unplated flaws. Opportunity to acquire a good variety collection. Mostly G-VFU. SG 20(var). ACSC 63(var) cat $4600+. (80+).AVAILABLE at A$500

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1½d Rose-red Mullett imprint blk of 8 plate 4 with translucent paper with 'broken top to crown' (4L53) before type B re-entry & 'ST of Postage joined before corrections'. F-VF 2 MLH/6 MUH. SG 96(var). ACSC 92 A (4) a b z a cat $150, should be at least double, for translucent paper $300, variety & additional stamps $460. (8)AVAILABLE at A$80

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1959-65 Airmail covers franked 2/3 with Flowers both papers single & double frankings. 1962 Games, 1963 Royal Visit & Cable, 1965 ANZAC & ICY. Most to Denmark. ACSC cat $460. (9)AVAILABLE at A$90

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1966 Navigators set 40c & 50c CTO 'GPO Melbourne'. 75c, $1, $2, $4 opt SPECIMEN. MLH. ACSC 460-66 cat $110. (6)AVAILABLE at A$45

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Ascension: 1922-80s Mint collection in binder inc 1922 opt KGV St Helena set to 3/- (SG cat £325). 1924-33 KGV Ship set to 3/- (£350). 1934 KGV Pic set to 5/- (£130). 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938-53 KGVI Pic set to 10/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1956 QEII Pic set to 10/-. 1963 QEII Bird set to £1. 1981-82 Flower set to £1. 1986 Ship set to £2. G-VF M/MUH, post 1960 MUH, some gum tropicalisation. SG cat £2300+ = A$4600+. (475 + 19 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$550

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British Asia: 1882-1953 collection on Scott album pgs. Ceylon from 1882 inc 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1935 KGV Pic set to 1R. 1938 KGVI Pic set to 10R. 1954 Pic Def set to 10R. Maldives 1951 Dhow Pic vals to 10R. Hong Kong from 1882 QV inc 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938 KGVI 1c-$10. 1941 Centenary set. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1954 QEII set to $10. Straits settlements from 1882. Malay States inc FMS from 1901, Penang 1954-55 QEII to $5. Most F-VF M/U, majority (70%+) M. SG cat £2400+ = A$4800+. (460). (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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1900-80s collection in binder inc 1900 QV set ½d & 1d. 1902-05 KEVII to 1/-, plus wmks. 1907 h/s Surch ½d & 1d on 5/-. 1907-09 KEVII set to 10/-. 1912-20 KGV set to 10/-, & 1921-26 KGV to 10/-, plus wmks. 1932 Centenary set to 10/-. 1938-48 KGVI Pic set to 10/-, plus perfs. 1948 Silver Wedding set M&U. 1950 KGVI Pic set to 10/-. 1953-62 QEII Pic set to £1. 1962-64 QEII Pic set to £1. 1969 QEII Def set to £1, plus 1969 dec Surch set to $2. Good coverage of Commems. Most G-VF M/MUH/U, some tropicalisation in parts, 70%+ being M/MUH. SG cat £4600+ = A$9200+. (1100 + 27 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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1940 Red Cross 1Fr+2Fr deep violet-black violet w/o red cross Epreuvre de Artiste sunken DIE PROOFS (120-135x115mm). 4 are progressive proof states from no shading in centre, diag background shading added, background then cross-hatched shading, then more shading on nurse & patient, then the final state. VF fresh UN as made. SG 667(p), Maury 460EPA cat €450++ ea, thus €2250++. Believed a UNIQUE group & fantastic for exhibition. (5). (P)AVAILABLE at A$1800

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Saumur: 1945 'Courrier de la Liberation Liaison Postale Aerienne Special Saumer-La Reunion 20 MAI 1945 Journee Commemorative' labels in sheetlets of 4 perf & imperf. VF fresh UN as made. Mayer 1&1a cat €460 as singles. (2 blks). (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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India: 1892-1948 collection on Exhibition pgs inc 1892-1900 Tablet to 1Fr. 1903 Surch to 0,40 on 50c. 1914 Brahma & Temple to 5Fr. 1923 Surch to 5R. 1929 New Currency to 5R. 1931 & 37 Exhibition sets. 1942-43 France Libre opt to 5R inc 1fa 6ca blue opt. 1943 Surch to 3Fr 3ca. 1942 Air set to 10R. 1948 Gods to 2fa 2ca. Mostly G-VFU, odd M/UN. SG cat £2300+ = A$4600+. (160) (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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Kiautschou - China: 1898-1918 used collection with forerunner 3pf (SG cat £75), German PO China opts with Tsingtao cds (£1050), 1900 Tsingtao provisional 5pf/10pf (£70), 1901 Yachts to 2Mk (£450), 1905 Chinese currency to $1 (£460) & 1905 with wmk to $1½ (£575). Mostly F-VF U. SG cat £2680. (44). (P)AVAILABLE at A$625

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Estonia: 1941 Eesti swastika set 15-30k blks of 4 in both the cream & white thick papers. VF fresh MUH. SG 3A-5B cat £280 for M, should be at least double, £560 MUH. Mi 1x-3x & 1y-3y cat €460. (6 blks). (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Serbia: 1941 POW Charity set 0.50+1.50D - 4+12D, with underprint, 1st 2 pointing up & last 2 pointing down, all with 'E' to left. VFU by special 'Beograd' cds tied on special Red Cross envelope. SG G50-53A(var), Mi 54III-57AIII cat €460+ as loose stamps alone, & should be at least double, €920+ on cover. Exp Ceremuga. (4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1915 KGV Seahorses 10/- blue, DLR printing. VF MUH, never hinged original gum. Scott 175b cat US$4600. SG 412 cat £3250 & under-catalogued MUH (as M cat £2500). Rare genuine MUH. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1100

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1886 '3 CENTS' opt Arms 4c pink, horiz se-tenant pr, left stamp variety 'small 3' in diff font, perf 14 (pos 24-25). Superb fresh M, bright colour & unusually nice quality for this issue. SG 18a cat £1640+ as singles, plus premium for positional se-tenant pr which should be +50%, so est cat £2460. Exp Scott, while new certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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NWPI accumulation 1915-22 opt Kangaroo 2d to 1/- range inc 1st wmk 2d strip of 3 (type c), 1/- strip of 6 (type a), 2nd wmk 2d strip of 6 which has red staining on the back apparently caused by water damage putting out a fire in Rabaul Treasury safe when it was opened with oxyacetylene torch, 9d & 1/-, 3rd wmk 2d strip of 4 a, a, b, c with scarce purple opt which can be plainly seen from back, 5th setting 2d & 2½d. Mainly fresh VF MUH. SG cat £730 for M, should be at least double, £1460 MUH. (25)SOLD at A$325

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1977 Surch 30FNH Port Vila opt. VF MUH. SG 237 cat £250. Yv 488B cat €460. (P)AVAILABLE at A$140

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1925 Anniv of 1905 Rebellion imperf set 3k-14k, being 'specimen' stamps from UPU distribution, with local 'COLONIAS' h/s (type PORC 3) applied by Portuguese Ministry for the Colonies. F-VF UN affixed to piece ex archive pgs. SG 460-62(s), Mi 302-04B(s). Unique stamps from Portuguese India Goa Postal Archive UPU specimen collection. 2019 Ceremuga photo cert. (3) (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Russia & Soviet Union: 1864-1928 Mint collection in s/book 1864-1917 Arms vals to 10R inc perf & imperf. Noted 1883-88 70K, no Thunderbolts. 1913 Tercentenary set to 5R. 1914 Charity issue inc perfs 1922 Rostov-on-Don Charity set. 1922 Air opt Consular Fee 12Mk on 2R25, 24Mk on 3R, 120Mk on 2R25, 600Mk on 3R, 1200Mk on 10K & 1200Mk on 2R25. 1923 Charity opt vals to 4R+4R on 5000R. 1922 Children opt 1K imperf, 2K, 3K, 5K & 10K. 1925-28 Soldiers, Workers & Peasants to 5R, inc perfs & imperfs. 1924 Lenin Mourning selection inc perf & imperf, plus printings. F-VFM. SG cat £4600+ = A$9000+. Mi cat €4800+ = A$8000+. (445) (P)AVAILABLE at A$2000

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SWA: 1923-70s collection inc 1923-26 KGV to 2/6 inc horiz bilingual prs. 1927-30 opt Pic to 10/-, horiz bilingual prs. 1931 Pic Def set to 20/- horiz bilingual prs, plus Airs. 1935 Voortrekker set. 1941-43 War Effort set to 1/3, plus 1943-44 Bantam set to 1/-. 1954 Pic Def set to 10/-. 1961 decimal Def set to R1. Mostly G-VF M/MUH/U, tropicalisation in parts. SG cat £890+. (460) (P)AVAILABLE at A$275

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1920 'CORREO AEREO' opt King 1P claret, IMPERF with blue control no A000,030 on back. VF fresh MUH sl vert gum crease top marginal with all 4 margins. SG 357a cat £425, Ed 296s cat €460. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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China: 2006 Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue, 460 pgs inc Treaty Ports, Provinces, Japanese Occupation, Communist China, Hong Kong & others. G/VGC.SOLD at A$15