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Search Result for "865"

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Vanuatu 1980-2006 attractive MUH collection in large hagner binder, inc Commems, Pictorials, Defs. A colourful & attractive assembly with thematic contents Marine, Birds, Flowers, Aviation M/Sheets etc. Largely VF MUH. SG cat £1150 = A$2250. (200 + 59 M/S)SOLD at A$300

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Canada Provinces: 1851-70 small collection on Harris pgs. British Columbia & Vancouver 1865 QV 5c. 1867-69 crown V 2c. New Brunswick from 1851 inc 1860-63 QV Pic set to 17c. Also 1851 1/- (doubtful & not counted in total). Nova Scotia 1860-63 QV to 12½c Prince Edward Island 1861 QV 1d & 6d, perf 9. 1862-65 QV vals to 6d. 1870 QV Chalon 3d M & U. 1872 QV set 1c-12c. Most G-VF M/U, some mixed. SG cat £2350+ = A$4600+. (29)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Canada - Newfoundland: 1860-1947 collection inc 1860 Triangle 3d & Crown & Flowers 5d. 1860-62 Flowers 6d M & U & 8d. 1865-70 Pictorial & Portrait to 24c inc Seal 5c black & Ship 13c. Range of 1868-98 Portrait & Pic inc perf & roulettes. 1897 400th Anniv set to 60c. 1897-1918 Royal Portrait set. 1911-15 Coronation to 15c. 1919 Caribou to 36c. 1923-24 Pic to 20c. 1928-31 Publicity issues to 30c, plus redrawn types. 1932-40 Pic to 48c. 1937 Additional Coronation set to 48c. Mostly G-VF M/U. SG cat £3000+ = A$4000+.(345) (P)SOLD at A$450

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Great Britain: 1840-2010 collection in 11 s/books with 1840 QV 1d black (2, cat £750). 1841 1d red imperf (10) & 2d blue (4, cat £740). 1855 QV No Letters 4d, 6d (3) & 1/- (£850). 1862 QV Small Letters 1/- (2), 6d, 4d & 3d (£1230). 1865 QV Large Letters 3d (2), 6d (2), 10d (2), 1/- (3) & 2/- blue (£1550). 1864 QV 1d Plate Numbers 71-220 (300). 1870 QV ½d Bantams (20, £600). 1873 QV Coloured Letters 6d grey (5), 1/- green (2) & 8d orange (£1100). 1880 QV 2½d blue (5), 3d/3d lilac, 4d brown, 6d/6d lilac (4) & 1/- brown (£1180). 1880 QV 1d Venetian red (20, £300). 1883 QV high vals 2/6 (4), 5/- (3) & 10/- (£1900). 1883 QV mono-colours ½d slate (10), 1½d lilac (4), 2½d (5) & 6d green (3) cat £1100. 1887 QV bi-colours sets to 1/- green (8, cat £1600). 1902 KEVII sets to 1/- (7, cat £1400), plus 2/6 (4, £600), 5/- (8, £1760) & 10/- blue (£500). 1913-19 KGV Seahorses 2/6 (14, £1200), 5/- (12, £1620) & 10/- pale blue (£175). 1924 Exhib set (4) & 1925 (2) cat £300. 1935 Seahorses 2/6 (19, £760), 5/- (10, £850) & 10/- (9, £720). 1937 KGVI sets to £1 (6, £360). 1952 KGVI sets to £1 (5, £125). QEII pre-decimal Commem sets MUH/U, plus Castles to £1 MUH & Postage Dues. Large quantity of decimals inc MUH Pics (FV £100). UN Commems/Machins to £5 (unknown FV), plus plenty of sets & singles. Very mixed, some earlies Fair, mostly G-F/VF U. Est SG cat to 1952 £23,200 = A$44,500, plus extra for the rest. (Many 1000s)SOLD at A$1400

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Intriguing old-time 1860s-1960s collection/accumulation on retired circuit sheets. With useful selections inc Germany & States inc West Germany 1949 UPU, plus various others inc DDR. France 1863-60 inc 1876-90 P&C to 75c, 1949 Airs to 1000Fr, 1954 Airs, 1956 Relief set G/FU, Great Britain QV-QE G/FU selection also noted 1940 Taxed cover & GB, Br PA in East Arabia inc 1950 Defs set M, Cook Is & Dep selection, Japan 1899-1960 inc 1938 & 1939 Nat Parks sets G/FU, 1949 Famous People set SG 557/74 M (cat £225) & 10Y Nichi M, 1952 Crown Prince set 1948 Athletic Meet set, 1952 100Y Fishing (2) M, Italy 1899 to 1960 inc 1951 Milan Fair set FU & others, Indonesia inc 1946 Pics to 200c in blks of 4 FU, part set on postal card, Manchukuo selection inc 1937 5 Year Plan set M, Newfoundland 1865-80 inc 1870 6c, 10c, 12c GU, North Borneo 1886 2c, 4c, 8c imperf M, Mauritius 1863-post 1900 15c M, Russia 1920-70 inc 1936 Pioneers set CTO, 1947 8 Year Plan set, imperf M, & others, Spain 1850-1960s, Thailand 1900-60s inc 1909 6s on 4s pale scarlet GU, 1951 5b King M & others, Yugoslavia pre & post war inc 1956 Olympics set M (cat £225), Zanzibar 1895 ½a with small second Z var M, 1957 Defs M, much more, some mixed condition but many F/VF cat £4500 = A$8500. (4000+)AVAILABLE at A$375

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Latin America: 1853-1930s collection in s/book inc Argentina from 1862 inc 1899 Liberty to 1p. Bolivia from 1866. Brazil 1860s Emperor to 500R. 1890s Liberty to 1000R. Chile 1853-60 Columbus 5c & 20c imperf. Useful Colombia inc 1859-60 Arms to 20c. 1860 Arms 20c. 1869 Triangle 2½c. 1862-63 Arms to 50c &1863 to 1p. 1865 to 1p & 1866 to 10p. Later Arms to 10p. Ecuador from 1865 Arms. Mexico from 1856-60 Hidalgo to 4R. Venezuela from 1863 Arms issues. Mostly G-VF M/U, mixed in parts. SG cat £2300+ = A$4500+. Lots of seldom seen issues. (1025).SOLD at A$350

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New Zealand: 1865-1986 collection in locally made illustrated album with 1860s QV Chalons (5) to 6d brown inc 2d orange & 3d lilac. 1898 Pics to 2/- Milford Sound. 1901 Boer War 1½d brown. 1906 Christchurch Exhibition ½d & 1d. 1909 KEVII to 1/- inc Official opts 1920 Victory set. 1926 Admirals 2/- blue. 1931 Airmail trio to 7d brown. 1935 Pics to 3/- inc Official opts to 2/-. 1940 Centenary in Official opts to 1/-. 1954 QEII set to 10/-. 1960 Pic set to £1 & 1967-81 decimals inc higher val Commems. Health rev comp inc 1929 & 1930 Nurses. Then BOB with Arms to £1 inc 3/6 Surcharges, 5/- opt Official & 15/- olive, plus Revenues, Officials & Lighthouses. Some mixed condition, generally G-FU. NZ retail $2050. (800)AVAILABLE at A$240

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Portugal: 1853-1969 collection in hingeless KABE album 1853 Queen 5R & 25R. 1855-57 King to 100R. 1862-64 King to 100R. 1866-67 King Curved labels imperf to 100R. 1867-70 King Curved labels perf to 100R. 1870-76 King Straight labels to 300R. 1864-85 King to 500R. 1892-93 Provisorio opts. 1895-1905 Carlos to 500R. 1910 Republica opt set to 1000R. 1923-28 Commems 1928-29 Ceres Surch to 2E. 1930-38 Def to 1E. 1933-34 Red Cross opt to 10E. 1939 Legion to 1.75E. 1940 Centenaries set. 1940 Rowland set. 1949 Portraits M/S. Mostly G-VF M/MUH/U, mixed in earlies. SG cat £4300+ = A$8400 (865).AVAILABLE at A$600

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Romania & Russia: 1958-1915 collection on pgs. Romania 1862 Arms 6p. 1865 Prince Cuza 10p. 1866 Prince Carol 2p & 20p. 1868 Prince to 18b. 1869 Prince no beard 10b & 15b. 1872 Prince to 50b. 1890 King to 50b. 1890-91 25th Anniv to 15b. 1894-96 King to 2L. Range of 1906 Commems. Russia 1858 Arms 10K, 20K & 30K with & w/o wmk. 1868 to 30K. 1889-1913 Arms to 7R. 1906 Arms 5R & 10R. 1913 Tercentenary set to 5R. PO in Levant 1884 Numeral to 7K. Mostly G-VF M/U. SG cat £1800+ = A$3200+. (183)AVAILABLE at A$120

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Romania: 1862-1980s extensive collection in an old Minkus illustrated album (1862-1982) with M/Sheets (1932-82) on Minkus pgs in Lighthouse binder. Also various Romania Occupation issues. Collection inc 1862 Prince Cuza 6p & 30p, 1865 2p-20p, 1864 Unissued set 2p-20p, 1866 Prince Carol 2p-20p, 1868 Prince 2b-18b, Prince no beard 5d-50b, 1872 Prince to 25b, 1876 Prince to 50b, 1889 Colour Changes to 50b, 1890 King to 50b. 1891 25th Anniversary to 15b, 1893 King to 50b, 1903 Mail Coach comp to 50b, PO comp to 5L, 1906 commemoratives various Welfare, Jubilee issues comp, 1907-18 issues & 1919-40 largely comp, People's Republic 1948-81 virtually comp. Large majority of M/S 1932-80 are almost comp inc 1932 Phil Exhib, 1939 Charles I Cent, 1946 25th Anniv of Orchestra etc. Also inc 1919 Romania Occupation issues, Transylvania, Debrechen, Temesvar, Occupation of Romania, 1917/18 German Occupation of Austria. This is a comprehensive collection which would be difficult to duplicate in Australia. Some toning, mostly to album extremities. Stamps mostly F-VF fresh. Well worth the time to rehouse, you will have a nice collection. VF MLH & VFU. SG cat £11,000 = A$20,000+. (3000+, 120+ M/S) (P)SOLD at A$1200

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Zanzibar: 1865-1955 Used collection inc 1800-05 Indian QV issues all with Zanzibar pmk inc ½a blue, ½a green, 2a6p (2 diff) & 3a. 1895-96 opt QV India to 6a. 1897 opt QV BEA ½a. 1896 Sultan to 5R, plus wmk mult rosette to 8a. 1899-1901 Sultan to 5R. 1908-09 Sultan to 5R. 1913 Sultan, Canoe & Dhow to 50R. 1914-29 Sultan Canoe to 4R. 1936 Sultan Canoe & Dhow New Currency to 10/-. 1936 Jubilee set in blks of 4. 1952-55 Sultan & View to 5s. Mostly G-VFU. SG cat £4300+ = A$8000+. (157 + 3 cvrs) (P)SOLD at A$750

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1865 Cover franked QV 6d violet-blue roulette 8½, tied by 'Auburn JU 26 65' cds (rated 3R) - another alongside. To England with 'Andover AU 22 65' b/s. SG 28 cat £8 as loose stamp, 'from x4' on cover. (P)SOLD at A$100

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Newfoundland: 1860-1924 collection on Harris album pgs. 1860 Triangle 3d & Crown & Flowers 1d. 1862-64 Flowers 4d & 6½d. 1865-70 QV Pic set to 24c inc 5c brown, plus 1868-73 5c black M & U. Good coverage of 1870-90s Pic issues. 1897-1918 Royal Portrait to 5c. 1923-24 Pic set to 24c. Mostly G-VF M/U, some mixed. SG cat £3200+ = A$6200+. (79) (P)SOLD at A$600

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Shanghai: 1865 Large Dragon 8ca olive-green, antique numerals with value 'CANDAREENS' on thin wove paper. This is the 1st issue in China, being a post opened by foreign merchants, serving Shanghai & the other cities open to foreign trade. Superb fresh UN, 4 large margins. Sc 3 cat US$650. SG 4 cat £750 & under-catalogued. Rare genuine & certificate can be obtained upon request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$550

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Caen: 1944 FRANCE LIBEREE opt Mercury/Petain set 10c-4.50F tied to 7 fronts, mostly by 'Noyal s/ Vilaine Ille et Vilaine' cds. Mayer 1-15 cat €865. Rare genuine set. Exp Ceremuga. (15) (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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France-Russia: 1942 French Legion on Eastern Front Airmail set F & F+10 with OSTFRONT opts, tied to Fieldpost cover by 'Feldpost 01 2 43' cds with 'Dienstelle F.P. Nr03865A' cachet in red & censor tape & h/s at left. Maury 4&5 cat €900+ for this franking. Mi IV&V. Very rare genuine postally used cover. 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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France-Russia: 1942 French Legion on the Eastern Front battle scenes F+1F charity stamps set of 5 inc 'Watch over Moscow' design of soldier looking over the front lines, tied to Fieldpost cover by 'Feldpost 12 8 43' cds. To France with 'Dienstelle F/P. nr 03865A' cachet in red & censored at left. Maury 6-10 cat €400+. Mi VI-X. Rare genuine postally used cover. 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1865-67 QV large white cnr letters, 3d rose, 4d vermilion, plate 12, 6d lilac, plate 5, 9d straw & 1/- green, plate 4, wmk emblems or large garter (4d). F-VF U. SG 92, 93, 97 & 100 cat £1340. (5). (P)AVAILABLE at A$140

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1865-80 QV Surface Printed collection 1865-67 4d vermilion, range of Plates 7-13 inc Used in Alexandria (B01), Malta (A25). 3d rose, Plates 4-10. 6d lilac, Plates 6-9 & 1/- green, Plates 5-7, all with large white cnr letters. 1873-80 large coloured letters inc 3d Plates 11-19. Selection 6d grey, Plates 13-17. 2½d mauve, range of Plates to 17. 2½d blue, Plates 17-23 & 1/- green, Plates 9-12. Mostly G-VFU, with U selected for nice pmks. SG cat £6300+ = A$11,500+. (69) (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1865-67 QV 4d vermilion, plate 12 large white cnr letters UR-RK. VF fresh M, nice original & bright colour. SG Spec J59. SG 94 p12 cat £575. (P)AVAILABLE at A$170

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1865 QV 2a orange, wmk Elephant Head. Superb fresh MLH, top marginal with ornate pattern. SG 62 cat £150. (P)SOLD at A$150

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1882-85 'B' opt QV Straits range inc 10c & 24c wmk crown CC, then 2c UN & U, 4c brown, 6c & 8c wmk crown CA. G-VF U, 1 UN, few imperfections. SG 7, 9, 15, 17, 19, 20 cat £865. Scarce genuine. (7). (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1865 Franklin 1c red, Bowlsby Coupon Essay, plate proof on white paper, imperf. Superb fresh M, 4 large margins. SG 63-E13d cat US$250. Very rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1865 Franklin 1c blue, Bowlsby Coupon Essay, plate proof on white paper, perf. Superb fresh M, gummed only on stamp. SG 63-E13h cat US$300 & under-catalogued. Very rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250