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1948 Farrer 2½d left pane of 80 with perf-pip at UR cnr & Authority imprint at LL. Some mostly light toning affecting 20 stamps. F-VF MUH. ACSC 272 z cat $160+. (80)AVAILABLE at A$15

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1911-79 Booklets collection with 1911-17 type (cover only). 1928-30 1½d red inverted wmk (3 stamps), 1930 Airmail (1 stamp), 1930-34 inverted wmk 2d (4 stamps) - these all poor to fair with all covers written on. Then 1927 Canberra, 1934-5 new cover 2d (3 stamps), 1935-37 2d (9 stamps), 1938 KGVI 2d 2 diff, 1942 KGVI 2½d (2 diff), 1952 KGVI 3½d (2 diff), QEII 3/6 (2), 4/- (3), 5/- (5), 1966 4c red (4), 5c/4c/50c & $1 (4) & 5c blue $1, 1968 Famous Aust (7), 1969 PMs (8) inc a stapled, 1970 FA (4), 1972 PMs (12), plus 1979 Football set Rockdale, Parramatta & Bexley, also 1974-82 private types (6). Poor condition early, later F-VF appearance, but all missing from 1 to almost all stamps, or some toning from barely visible to heavier. Inc wax leaves (3) & a stapled. All diff. Pfr cat $11,000+ when comp. Useful lot for budget collector. (74)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1914-86 collection in hagner album with 1914 Kookaburra 6d engraved, 1931 Kingsford Smith sets M & U, 1932 Lyrebird 1/- opt OS, 1934 VIC Cent sets to 1/- (both) & Macarthur to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & 1936 Cable set Ash imprint blks of 4, cat $100, KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/- U. 1936 SA & 1937 NSW Sesqui sets M & U. 1937 KGVI to 10/- M & Robes 5/-, 10/-, £1 VFU. 1949 Arms set to £1 FU, plus 10/-, £1, £2 opt SPECIMEN. 1940s-50s imprint blks of 4 (24) inc 1950 KGVI Defs to 2/6 Aborigine. 1952 KGVI 3½d brown, 1963 QEII 5d green & 1965 QEII 5d red 'exploded' booklets (cat $210). 1964 Navigator set to £2 & Birds to 3/-, plus decimals to mid 1980s inc Paintings to $10. M/MUH/U, generally F-VF, est cat/retail $1600. (970)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1928-56 KGV, KGVI & QEII collection with duplication on Varios in Lighthouse binder with slipcase mainly in blks of 4 inc imprints, noted 1928 Kookaburra M/S (2), 1930s, Swan, Stuart, Kingsford Smith plate blks, KGV imprints inc 3d & 6d Kingsford Smith, 9d 150th NSW Anniv (2), 1940 AIF set to 6d, range of 1938 KGVI Defs to 1/- with various imprints, 5/- Robes, both papers, 10/- Robes blk of 4, 1941 QEII Defs, 1952-56 various blks of 4. 3d Kooka (12), 3d Sturt (16), 3d Air (8), 3d Kingsford Smith (12), 6d (10), 3d Bridge (12), 3d VIC Cent (24), 2d Macarthur 'dark hills' (8) inc imprint 3d (12), 3d Cable (10), 3d SA Cent (15), 1/- (11) inc 2 imprint blks of 4, 3d Sesqui (16), 9d (12) imprint blk of 4 (2), 5/- Robes thick & thin imprint blks of 4, 10/- thick (4), AIF 3d & 6d (12 ea), plus most later issues (ex Arms) to 1957 in similar quantities inc 1946 BCOF set ½d to 1/- in imprint blks (2 sets), plus some KGV. Some flts & gum tone throughout. Mainly F, VF appearance MLH/MUH. ACSC cat $7700+. Value at estimate. Inspect to evaluate. Interesting range with plenty of potential. (1500+)AVAILABLE at A$700

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Australian Territories collection in springback album with 1946 'BCOF JAPAN' opt set of 7 M (retail $180). AAT 1957-86 (155) inc 1966 Pics to $1. Christmas Is 1958-76 (90) inc 1958 QEII & 1968 Fish sets to $1. Cocos Is 1963-79 (60) inc 1963 Pics to 2/3 M. Norfolk Is (285) to 1979 inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Defs to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird, 1966 dec opt set, 1969 Birds to $1 & others mostly F-VFM. PNG (700) to 1979 inc 1952 Defs to £1 Fisherman M & U, 1963 Pics to QEII £1 M & U, 1964 Birds to 10/-, & 1966-79 decimal Pic/Commem sets near comp. F-VFM. (1300)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Covers: Pre-Decimal FDC collection (340) to 1965 Churchill inc 1937 KGVI 1d, 2d Die I (7), 1946 Mitchell (registered), 1951 Federation (2 diff cachets), 1952 KGVI 1/0½d. Aborigine 2/6 on single FDC, 1953 Coronation, 1953 Tas Sesqui Cent. 1955 South Aust Cent registered St Paul's (2 diff cachets) 1959 Flowers to 3/- & 1964 Birds set. Decimals (300) to 1979 Trains with wide range of cachets inc 1970 Expo, Grasslands & RV unaddressed PO Pictorials then mostly Private cachets or PO Generic with good variety & minimal duplication. Nearly all addressed, some sl mixed condition inc minor tropicalising, generally F-VF. (640).SOLD at A$170

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KGVI: 1937-52 convoluted semi-specialised collection on Seven Seas pgs with 1937 Defs (31) to 1/4 inc green Coil Tester, QM 1d brown & KGVI 2d violet Coil prs, KGVI 2d red wmk inv (2) & 3d blue Dies (6) inc Die I 'white wattles'. Die IA TA cut apart. Zoologicals (23) inc ½d Coil prs (2). 1938 Robes (12) to £1 inc sets of 3 thick & thin papers M, set of £1 thick paper U, plus extra shade & 10/- thick paper opt SPECIMEN. 1940 AIF sets M & U, plus extra 6d marginal pr MUH. 1942 Defs to 5½d Emu inc Coil prs (4), plus thin papers 2½d red & 3½d blue MUH (ACSC cat $75 ea). 1940s Commems comp, plus 1946 Peace 2½d no wmk (cat $200). 1949 Arms set to £2 MLH, plus 5/- red thin paper M (cat $175) & 10/- violet thin paper U. 1952 Defs to 2/6 Aborigine no wmk inc thin papers MUH 3d red (cat $100) & 7½d blue ($75) & 3 diff Coil prs. Quite a comprehensive collection inc a good range of the Coil prs & the elusive thin papers. Mixed M/MUH/G-VF U. Total ACSC $2400. (185) (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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Australian Territories 1916-18 2 vol collection on Seven Seas hingeless pages. Inc Nauru with 1916 10/- Seahorse opt Nauru, light cnr cancel, 1924 Ships to 9d, 1954 -78 range, AAT 1957-91 inc 1959, 1973 & 1979 sets, Christmas Is 1963 set, range of sets & M/S to 1978, Cocos Is range 1963-79, Norfolk Is 1947 Ball Bay FDC set to 2/- (12), range 1953-78. Mainly FU, about 20 VF M-MUH. Papua New Guinea 1952 Pictorial to £1, then range to 1978, some covers, many comp sets, all diff. (700+ 7 covers). (P)SOLD at A$300

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Australian Territories collection 1947-2011 in 6 volumes & loose inc Norfolk Is 1947-88 com inc 1947 Ball Bay set to 2/- M&U white paper to 1½d, 1960 set to 10/-. 1966 Decimal to $1, Christmas Is 1958 set to $1, 1963 set to $1, 1968 Fish to $1, 1972 Ships to $1, various 1990s Chinese New Year M/S, Cocos 1969 to $1, 1976 Ships to $1, various Marine Life sheets, AAT 1957 to 2/3, 1966 to $1 1973 Food Chain to $1, FDC with base cds, Casey, Davis, Mawson, Macquarie is, PNG coll'n 1952-94 comp (no opts), 1952 to £1, 1963 to £1, 1964 Birds to 10/- & others to 1994. Artefacts to 10k, small collection of Nauru. Also Australia Post Territories colln's 1994-2010 in folder MUH. Covers have been punched to put in binder FV $306. Total FV approx A$900. (2800, 60 M/S, 17 covers).AVAILABLE at A$400

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Beaut British Commonwealth carton lot with AAT Pics to 1999 Mawson's Hut in thick s/book inc 1966 Defs to $1 Mock Sun. Faroe Islands 1990s MUH Pics/Commems with 1995 Leaf Hopper Insects (150 sets, SG cat £1650), Tourism pr (50 sets, £230), Raven prs (50, £220), Rural Life trio (50 sets, £600), 4k St Olaf (100, cat £240) & 1995 Christmas pr (100 sets, £440). All fresh MUH, total SG cat £3300 = A$6600). Australia 1966-79 decimal collection in Seven Seas hingeless album (GC, new retail $100) inc 1971 Christmas blk of 7 & Paintings to $10. GB 1952-77 QEII collection in Schaubek illustrated album very near comp G-FU inc Wildings, Castles, Regionals & plenty of Pics/Commems, generally G-FU, plus 1953-70 M/MUH collection in red s/book. Indonesia Joint Issue with Australia 1996 Cuscus booklets (4, cat $100 ea). Large green Lighthouse s/book with a selection of Australian M/Sheets MUH/CTO inc 1970 Cook Bi-Centenary (4). Thematic Art collection in VGC SG Senator springback binder (retail $80+). Also covers with India 1961-66 FDC collection (65), Jersey 1980s Aviation covers inc 2 SG albums & stamps of all countries 1981-82 FDC with around 200 diff loose in bag. Generally F-VF M/MUH, G-F/VFU, Large carton.AVAILABLE at A$300

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Big double carton lot with plenty to play with inc Australia 1980s PO Packs (FV $280). Box of Australia UN PSE. Sweden 1970s FDC (130). British Commonwealth FDC collection (80) inc Christmas Is 1958 QEII set to $1, Fiji 1960s 8c QEII Registration envelopes UN (6), Ross Dependency 1959 Pic set to 1/9, Norfolk Is 1947 Ball Bay set, NZ 1954 QEII to 10/- blue, 1967 Lighthouse opt sets (2, retail $250) & 1967 Defs to $2 Geyser (2 sets, retail $150). 1960s-70s British Commonwealth collections in 3 VGC SG Senator springback albums (new retail $300+) with Australia MUH/VFU 1966-71 inc Navigator $1 perf 14¾ MLH & 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 25. Fiji 1969-84 with 150 MUH/CTO Pic/Commem sets inc 1969 Defs to $2 QEII. NZ 1967-84 inc 1967 Defs to $10 (retail $160) & 1967-75 Health M/S comp ($360) & Tokelau 1967-84. Thin blue s/book with British Antarctic Territory Pic sets (16) inc vals to £3, plus small India 1920s-30s selection. Interesting 1930s-40s collection in medium springback album inc Ceylon, China, Cyprus, India, GB, Malaya & USA. Pacific Islands collection in 46 hagners with PNG 1952-80 inc 1952 Defs to £1 Fisherman, Nauru 1954-80, plus Fiji, Tonga & Samoa. Red s/book with 1970s-80s MUH collection with Australia, Nauru & Norfolk Is. Finally GB 1940s-1940s accumulation in 2 s/books inc 1841 QV 2d blue imperf, 1847 QV 6d embossed, 1890s QV to 1/- green KGV Seahorses 2/6 (37), 5/- (22), 10/- (3), 1937 KGVI sets of 6 to £1 (4) & 1952 KGVI high val sets (10). Usual variable condition for carton lot with G-F/VFU, M & MUH Pics, Commems, Defs & Thematics. (Few 1000)AVAILABLE at A$350

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British Commonwealth: Atlantic & Antarctic 1940-70 collection in hagner album inc Tristan Da Cunha 1952 KGVI set to 10/-, 1954 & 1960 QEII sets to 10/-, 1961 QEII set to 1R, 1963 Resettlement set, 1965 set to £1, 1971 Surch set, BAT 1963 QEII set MUH, plus most VFU, 1973 Explorers set to £1 MUH & VFU. Falkland Island Dependencies 1944 sets to 1/- Graham Land, South Georgia, South Orkneys, South Shetlands. Mainly F-VF MLH/MUH, plus some VFU, some sl tropicalisation. SG cat £1500+ = A$3000. (800 + 18 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$275
British Commonwealth collection in 5 illustrated hingeless albums inc AAT 1966-2001 with MUH sets & M/S, post 1973 FV $80, Nauru 1954-84 pre-dec FU/CTO others MUH. Papua New Guinea 1952-84 pre-dec G-VFU, 1966 on MUH, comprehensive. Samoa 1962-84, earlier G-VFU, later MUH. Tuvalu 1976-80. Some aging, mostly F-VF. (c1000, 10 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$60

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British Commonwealth 1970s-80s MUH collection/accumulation in hagners with PNG to early 1970s with pre-dec Pic/Commem sets (55) inc 1952 Defs to £1 Fisherman. 1960 Postal Charges opt set of 5 M to 3/- (SG cat £60). 1963 Rabaul 10/- (5) & QEII £1 (5). 1964 Birds to 10/- (3 sets) & Headdresses to 5/- (10) sets in blks of 4 & 6. Decimal Pic/Commem sets (100+) to 1969 Heritage inc 1966 Butterflies, 1966 Myths (10), 1966 Games (22), 1967 Industries (26), 1967 WWII Anniv (14) & 1969 Shells to $2 (8). Mostly fresh MUH, retail $1200+. Pitcairn is Pic sets (40) to 1987 inc 1964 Pics to 8/- & 22 diff decimal sets inc 1984 Fish to $3, plus 1981 QM M/Sheets (10, FV $45). Vanuatu 1980s M/Sheets (16) with 5 diff & 1982-87 Pic/Commem sets (36), mostly all diff inc 1987 Fish (3) & 1987 Hurricane Relief Surcharges (3 sets). Also red binder with Aust scarcer 1970s FDC (8, retail $200) inc 1974 Paintings (2), 1971 Christmas blks of 7 (2) & 1970 Large Cook (addressed) MUH Frama sets (6 diff, retail $65). Christmas Is 1987 Wildlife sheetlets (2, retail $120) & other pacific is MUH pic sets (28). 4 albums in total with wide variety mostly F-VF MUH.AVAILABLE at A$300

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British Commonwealth Carton Lot with Australia 1948-1971 FDC collection (80), strength in Pre-decimal commems inc odd FFC. British Commonwealth 1970s-80s MUH Pic/Commems & M/Sheets inc Australia 1971 Christmas 7c set of 7 (10), light gum tones MUH, plus 1966-73 MUH collections (retail $100) inc 1966 Defs to $4, AAT 1966 Pics to $1 Mock Sun, China PRC 1990s Pic sets, Indonesia 1996 Joint Issue Cuscus booklets (4, cat $400). Nauru 1966 Pics sets to $1 blks of 15 MUH (retail $150). Nevis 1984 Tourism Imperf blks of 4, NZ 1960 Pics to £1 Geyser, PNG 1975 Independence M/Sheets (50) & St Vincent 1986 King Arthur imperf proof blks of 6 (2 diff). Seychelles 1980 Pics to $20 plus much more, mostly F-VF MUH. Then Christmas Island 1952-74 MUH collection inc extra 1958, 1963 & 1969 Def sets (retail $220), plus 1986 Pics to % Turtle. Cocos Is 1990s Exhibition opt M/Sheets (15, retail $180) inc 1990 BIRDPEX (2), Norfolk Is 1947-1970 F-VFU collection inc 1953 Pics to 5- Brown Bridge & 1960 Defs to 10/- Bird. Cocos Island to mid 1980s inc Pic/Commem sets, blks of 4 or gutter blks of 10. GB FDC collection plus others inc Jersey Commem sets sheet of 20. Ten albums in total, mixed CTO/MUH/M/G-F/VFU. (100s)AVAILABLE at A$300

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British Commonwealth collection in 3 large & 4 smaller s/books & on leaves, strong in Pacific, also inc Canada QV to 1980s inc 1935, 1937, 1942 Pics to $1 with extras. Newfoundland 1886-1937 Coronation set of 11 M, Cook Is/Niue, Aitutaki, Penrhyn c1900-80 mostly M. Niue inc 1931 2d/1½d (14 M-MUH in blks). Penrhyn Is inc 1902 Surch selection, 1917-20 to 1/-, similar Aitutaki cat £330+. Tokelau 1940-2003, Ross Dep 1957-2011, retail $200+, Nauru 1954-80s inc Defs, Pics with extras, 1970s-80s MUH, FV $150+ also Papua New Guinea 1952-mid 80s M in 64 pg s/book, 1970s-80s FV K420, then similar range 1952-2000 U, also in 64 pg s/book inc 1952 to £1 (2), 1966 to $2 (3), extensive later Pics, Defs, colourful range, Norfolk Is 1947-80 inc 1970s decimal issues with extras, mostly F-VFM, MUH. Mostly F-VF condition. (4000+)AVAILABLE at A$220

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British Commonwealth sets & singles inc Australia 1986 Wildlife 36c lower marginal 'MODULE 4' traffic light blk of 20, fresh MUH, ACSC 1149/53z cat $150. 1937 KGVI 3d blue Die I VFM (3, cat £195). Bahrain 1952-55 opts to 10R MLH (£70). Cayman Island 1962 QEII set to £1 MUH (£110), Dominica 1951 KGVI Pics to $2.40 MUH (£55). Barbados 1965 & 1966 Marine Life sets to $2.50 tropicalised gum MUH. Falkland 1sL Dep 1944 set of 8 (all 4) to 1/-MUH (cat £76). French Antarctic 1956 Pics 12f, 20f, 200f MUH (£126). GB 1948 KGVI SW £1 first MUH (£40). New Guinea 1915 GRI 1d opt on DNG 5pfg Youth with OS opt, SG O2 cat £100. New Zealand 'KEVII Land' opt on 1901 Universal VFU (cat £50). Qatar 1951 Pics 1R-10R VFM (£125). New Hebrides 1908 Inter-Island Post 1d & 2d FM. Japan early 1900s Commem sets inc 1915 Coronation (cat £80), 1928 Enthronement & 1935 Visit to Manchukuo. USA 1977, 78, 79 $5 Duck Stamps blks of 4 MUH. Zambia 1964 Pics to £1 plus others. Some F-VF M/U, generally fresh MUH. Total cat £1500+ = A$3000. (265)AVAILABLE at A$300

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British Empire: 1938-59 KGVI & QEII sets collection inc Bechuanaland 1938 KGVI Cattle set to 10/-. Dominica 1938 KGVI Pic vals to 10/-. Fiji 1938 KGVI Pic set to £1. Gambia 1938 KGVI Elephant set to 10/-. Gilbert & Ellice Is 1938 KGVI Pic to 5/-. Nyasaland 1938 KGVI Leopard vals to £1 & 1945 KGVI Pic set to 20/-. Papua New Guinea 1952 Pic Def set to £1. Solomons 1939 KGVI Pic set to 10/-. Somaliland 1953 QEII Pic set to 10/-. F-VF M/MLH, 6U. SG cat £1350+ = A$2700+. (145).AVAILABLE at A$300

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British Pacific: 1966-86 collection on hagners in 4 APO albums inc Samoa 1970-86, 1967 Birds to $4, 1972 to $5, 1983 Fruits to $5 in blks of 4 (SG cat £700, FV $600), TPNG 1966-93 inc 1952 10/- Map, 1973 to $2, 1982 Coral to $7, 1987 Ships to 3K, 1989 Stamp Duty 5K on 25t (SG cat £300+, FV 250K), Nauru 1968-82 range, Fiji 1969-82 range inc blks & sheets. Some U/MLH, mainly fresh MUH. SG cat £1400 = = A$2800. High FV estimate A$800+. (2800+, 100+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$200

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British Pacific carton lot with Australian Territories MUH to mid 1980s in 3 Seven Seas hingeless albums with AAT to 1987 Scenes Series III (retail $100), Christmas Is to 1987 Christmas M/Sheet (retail $300) inc 1958 QEII, 1968 Fish, 1981 Birds to $4 & 1987 Wildlife to $5.00. Cocos Is to 1988 Christmas (retail $160) inc pre-decimal Pics comp & Shells to $3.00. PNG to end 1986 in Seven Seas hingeless album (retail $180) inc 1952-58 high val Pics 10/- Map & £1 Fisherman MUH, 1964 Birds to 10/- & 96 decimal Pic/Commem sets inc 1966 PNG Year Album retail $45. Australia 3 vol 1971-86 FDC/PSE collection (300), plus misc oddments inc Australia 1970 Cook PO Packs (2) & 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 25 MUH.Total retail over $900. (100s)AVAILABLE at A$140

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Carton lot with British Commonwealth accumulation inc AAT with pre-dec Pic sets to 2/3 (2), 1966 Pics to $1 & 1973 PO Pack. Australia 1940s-50s imprint blks (20) inc 1951 Defs to 8½d Aborigine. Aust decimal MUH to early 1980s inc 1973 Fam Australians blks of 4 (12), 1972 Prime Ind (2 sets) & 1971 Christmas blk of 7. Indonesia 1996 Aust-Indonesia Cuscus Joint Issue booklet (4, cat $400). Norfolk Is to 1970s Commems comp sheets of 50 (6 diff) inc 1970 Cook sets. NZ 1965-75 Health M/Sheets (11) MUH, plus 1969 Cook M/S, retail $300. Nevis 1984 $1.20 Tourism set marginal IMPERF blks of 4. Then stamps of All Countries 1980 FDC collection with around 200 diff in 2 brown boxes. Australia 1914-80 & 1985-92 G/VGC Seven Seas hingeless in 2 separate binders (new retail $300). Aust decimal mess in s/book & general World collection in springback album. Egypt 1890s-1970s accumulation (100s) in thick Lighthouse s/book. 1918-30 Palestine collection (110+) in blue binder. Lastly near comp 1952-82 M/MUH PNG collection with 1952 Pics to £1 Fisherman MLH, 1963 Pics to QEII £1, 1964 Birds to 10/- & decimal Pic/Commem sets. 10 albums in total, mixed M/MUH G-FU. (100s)AVAILABLE at A$250

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Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 13. British Commonwealth Part 2. 1981 RW collection/accumulation with 66 Commem sets, plus 70 M/Sheets. Mostly all diff, fresh MUH. 1997 Princess Diana Memorial M/Sheet accumulation (54, retail $260) with around 25 diff. Great Britain 1968-69 pre-dec MUH sets (560, est cat £220) with 10 diff inc 1968 Anniv to 1/9 Cook (140), 1969 Ships (40), Concorde (80), Prince of Wales (60) & 1969 Christmas (80). Nauru 1960s-80s pic/ sets (340) mostly fresh MUH inc 1978 Pics to $5 blks of 4, plus pre-decimals inc KGV opt set to 6d, 1950s Pics to 5/-. NZ to 1970 in red s/book inc 1953 QEII to 10/- blue & 1967 1st decimals to $2 Geyser. Then Vol 2 to mid 1990s inc 1971 Defs to $2 (12 sets, retail $180), 1972 Flowers (15 sets, $90), 1973-75 Scenic sets (29, $160), plus 1980s-90s Pics/Commems (FV $180) inc Birds to $10. PNG 1952-80 MUH accumulation inc 1960 Postage Due sets (3) to 3/-, 1958 Cattle 2/5 (18), 1964 Birds to 3/- (6 sets), 1960s Commem sets (25) & 1966-80 decimal Pic sets (110) inc 1969 Shells to $2 (3 sets).AVAILABLE at A$275

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Enigmatic carton lot with Egypt 1890s-1950s in 2 s/books, plus post Millennium MUH New Issue sets in glassines. Australia 1988 Bi-Cent folder set of 5 in black Brisbane EXPO box. 1982 Year of the Scout collection with 106 FDC in Official brown box. 1983 Great Automobiles of the World Mint stamp collection with 106 diff MUH Pics on individual illustrated cards in custom green box. British Commonwealth M/Sheet collection (50) inc 1978 QEII Silver Jubilee set of 21. Fiji 1980s-90s MUH sets (46) inc Architecture to $5 (6 sets), London 1980 (10), plus mixed M/Sheet (10) inc 1990s WWF Bats & 1997 Rugby Championship. Nauru 1980s-90s Pic/Commem sets 56, mostly blks of 4, Norfolk Is 1947-74 collection inc Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1952 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird, 1966 decimal opts, 1967 Ships & 1969 Birds & 1974 UPU M/Sheets. World G-H collection in 40 hagners inc Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guyana, Holland & Hong Kong Defs to $50, plus 1996 Past & Present Prestige booklet. Australia 1913-80 collection G-FU in Seven Seas Junior Album with Kangaroos to 5/-, KGV to 1/4. 1931 Airmail 6d brown (2) inc OS opt. 1932 Lyrebird 1/- opt OS, 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee to 2/-, 1940 AIF set, 1949 Arms to £2 & decimals near comp to 1980. (100s)AVAILABLE at A$275

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Falkland Islands & Dependencies: 1878-1968 collection on Scott pgs. 1878-79 QV 6d no wmk, & 1884 4d wmk CA. 1891-1902 QV to 1/- 1904-05 KEVII to 1/-. 1929-32 KGV Whale & Penguin to 1/-. 1933 Centenary ½d to 2/6. 1935 Silver bilee set. 1952 KGVI Pic set to £1. 1960 QEII Birds set to £1. Dependencies 1946-49 KGVI Map set to 1/-. 1954 QEII Ship set to £1. 1944-45 KGVI Pic opt sets for Graham Land, South Orkneys, Georgia & Shetlands. Most F-VF M/MUH/U majority (90%) being M/MUH. SG cat £2200+ = A$4400+. (185) (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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Germany 1872-1989 Three Volume collection with 1872 Shields inc Small Shield 1/4g, 1/2g, 5g, 1872 Large Shield 1/4g, 5g, other earlies Weimar Republic selection inc Bavaria issues opt 'Deutsches Reich' to 20Mk, 1922-23 & 1925 Inflationary selection (unchecked), 1923 Castles set, 1928 Airs part set to 3Mk, 1928-32 President set, 1930 Exhibition M/Sheet M, plus 8pf (2) & 15pf G-VFU, 1933 2Mk Chicago Flight FU, 1934 Airs set, 1920s-30s Welfare Fund sets/part sets, 1936 Olympics M & U.. Also Officials plus other issues to 1945. Post WWII Allied Occupation issues M&U with many extras. Soviet Zone inc 1948 Presentation to 80pf (11), 60pf (45), lower values many extras U. West Berlin mostly 1948 used - 1989 inc 1948 Black opts to 80pf, Red opts to 80pf, 1949 UPU set, 1949 Goethe set, 1945 Surch 2 sets, 1951 Bell set at left 20pf, 40pf, 1951-52 Bell at right set, 1953 Bell at centre, 1952 Olympics set, 1953 Uprising set, 1957 Buildings set, 1986 Famous Women set, extensive charity sets 1960s to 1980s, plus others. Some sl mixed condition plus duplication where noted, mostly G-VFU, with some F-VFM, MUH. SG cat £8100 = A$16,200. (few 1000)AVAILABLE at A$800

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Germany: Collections in 3 albums- 1st volume to 1994 in Davo illustrated album, with 1870s Small Eagles (6), Large Eagles (9) to 3kr, 1900 Reich Post to 3M, 1902 Deutsches Reich to 5M, all G-F/VFU. Then mostly M inc 1920 Bavaria opt Deutches Reich to 20Mk (ex 3Mk), 1924-27 Castles set, 1927 ILO opt set, 1933 Reich stag set, 1933 Welfare 25pf, 1934 Welfare Fund set UN, 1935 Welfare Fund set, 1936 Olympics M/Sheet, 1936 Brown Ribbon M/Sheet, 1937 opt M/Sheet MUH, Belgium 1943 Waffen set, Michel IX/XIV in sheets of 4 hinged in selvedge (cat €600); 2nd album with Berlin 1949-1990 a solid mostly F-VF M-MUH collection inc 1999 Berlin black opts to 5Mk, 1999 UPU set, 1949-54 Building to 5Mk, 1950 Orchestra set M, 1951-53 Bell (all 3 sets), Bell at centre MUH, others M, 1952 Olympics set, 1952-53 Berliners set, 1970 President set, 1975 Industry set, 1985 Famous Women & 1987 Tourist Sights sets MUH. 3rd album with West Germany inc 1951 St Mary's set, 1955-1980 good range MUH inc 1959 Beethoven M/Sheet. Largely F-VF. SG cat £6600 = A$13,200. (2200, 6 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$600

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Germany: Post-WWII UK dealer stock mostly M/MUH with West Germany (500) inc 1949 UPU (2 U, SG cat £120), 1949 Refugee Relief set (£140), 1951 Posthorns inc 15pf, 20pf, 25pf, 40pf, 60pf & 70pf all MUH (£1200+), 1951 Relief MUH (£170), plus 30pf U (£150), 1952 Relief MUH (£150), 1953 Relief U (£120), 1959 Beethoven M/S (7, cat £217) & range to 1980s (total SG cat £6000+). Berlin 1948-80s (140, £6100+) inc 1948 black opt set M (cat £450), red opt set M (£1600), 1949 Buildings (£1000), UPU set M (£950), Goethe MUH (£375), Surch set M (£300), Relief MUH (£425), 1950 Orchestra MUH (£185), 1952 Berliners MUH (£160) & some more. East Germany (250) (cat £970) to 1980s inc 1950 Academy set M (£170) & 1955 M/Sheets (3, £95), plus odds earlier (85) inc Bavaria 1911 blks of 4, 1919 Free state opts top 3 vals from 2 sets U (£245). Also Colonies & POs (50+, £650+). VF fresh MUH M/MUH/U. Total SG cat £14,000 = A$26,000. Marked UK retail £4800 = A$9600 conservatively priced. Excellent stock for resale. (1000, 16 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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Germany-West Berlin, 1949-90 collection in Lighthouse hingeless album inc 1949 red Berlin opt to 1M, 1949 Berlin Relief Fund set & M/Sheet, 1952 Olympics set, 1952 Famous Berliners set, 1986 Famous German Women set, virtually comp from 1957-1990 with many sets, range of M/S, booklet panes, postal stationery etc. Mainly VF MUH from 1957, earlies mostly MLH & VFU. SG cat £6000 = A$12,000, plus high cost of album. (800 + 15 M/S, 10 P/Cs). (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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Germany: West Berlin 1948-1990 Used collection on illustrated pages in 2 thick springback binders inc 1948-54 Buildings to 5M, 1951-53 Bell part sets, 1950 10pf Orchestra, 1952 30pf Beethoven, 1952 Famous Berliners, 1953 Uprising set, 1958 Defins to 3DM, 1986 Women to 350pf with commem cds, 1987 Tourist to 380pf, plus many others. All F-VFU,CTO. SG cat £2000 = A$4000. (100s)AVAILABLE at A$240

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Germany - East: 1949-80 collection in 2 Davo illustrated albums & a loose leaf album inc 1950 Science comp, 1951 Friendship set to 50pf, 1952 Politicians etc comp set to 84pf, 1953 5 Year Plan no imprint comp to 84pf, 1950 Debria M/S, 1953 Marx M/S (2), 1955 Engels M/S, 1957 National Memorials M/S. Quite comprehensive from early inc many comp sets, all diff, also Soviet Occup 1945-48. Some tropicalisation effecting album & a few earlies would definitely benefit from rehousing. Mainly fresh VFU. SG cat £3500+ = A$7000. (3400+, 120+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Israel: 1948-2011 huge collection on exhibition annotated pgs & in 4 s/books. 1948 Doar Ivri 1st Coins 3p-50p on FDC, plus vals to 50p on Airmail cover to Australia, 1949 Road to Jerusalem 250p with tab, plus control blk of 4, 1949 Flag 20p with tab, 1949 Petah Tikva 40p with left & right tabs. New Year set with tabs. 1950 2nd Coin set with tabs, 1949 UPU set with tabs, 1950 Air set to 250p with tabs, 1950 Camel 500p with tab, 1952 Menorah 1000p with tab. Collection then appears comp, all with tabs, plus M/S were issued. F-VF fresh MUH with some early used (90%+ MUH). SG cat £6900+ = A$13,800+. (2100+ 100 M/S & 45 covers/FDCs)AVAILABLE at A$1100

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Large carton inc Great Art Stamps of the World with 108 FDC 1978-81 inc comp sets in 'International Council of Museums Foundation' custom album (original cost ca.$500. Then more FDC with 150 Australian/AAT 1980s-90s Pic/Commem sets & odd M/sheet in 2 bags, plus EXPO 88 set in folder. Then stamps with Australia 1920s-60s M/MUH collection in black s/book, Africa Pics/Commems/Thematics in thick blue s/book, plus Tokelau $1 & Vanuatu 95c 1997 Diana Memorials, 100 of ea in MUH sheets of 50 FV A$180+. Jersey collection to 1987 in KABE hingeless album with 60 MUH Pic/Commem sets inc 1969 Defs to £1, other QEII to £5, plus 1941/43 Pics set of 8 to 3d (total SG cat £140). Norfolk Is near comp to 1974 UPU M/sheet in springback album inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Defs to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Local Govt 2/8 & Defs set to 10/- Bird, 1966 opt set, 1967 Ships, 1969 Birds to $1 & most other Pic/Commem sets (160, retail $240). PNG 1952-85 collection inc 1952 Defs to £1 Fisherman, 1963 Pics to £1 QEII, 1964 Birds to 10/-, 1966 Butterflies to $2 & 110 other Pic/Commem sets, mixed M/MUH/U. Also 1973 RW & 1974 Churchill British Commonwealth Omnibus MUH collections.AVAILABLE at A$375

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Large carton lot with World collection (many 100s) in well filled 1930s Rapkin Move-A-Leaf album inc pre WWII China, India & States, NZ QEII Pics to 10/- blue, PNG 1952 Defs to £1 Fishermen, plus Europe & British Africa. Australia with KGV 1d red collection (300) inc shades & varieties with LM wmk (7) Die II (7) & Die III (2). 1969-75 PO Pack collection (45, retail $450) inc 1969-75 Christmas comp & 1970, 71 selected issues. 1913-65 M/MUH pre-decimal collection (230) inc KGV to 4d, KGVI to 5/- & QEII to 7/6 Cook. 1978-84 FDC collection in thick album & bundle of 100 1978 18c Pictorial cards. GB 1948-83 M/MUH collection (500) inc 80 mixed Pic/Commem sets, plus uncounted Used in another 2 albums. Also box of unsorted Club Circuit Sheets & British Cwlth QEII Jubilee FDC collection in custom made album. Usual sl variable condition, mixed M/MUH/G-F/VFU! (Few 1000)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Papua New Guinea 1952-2000 MUH collection in two hagner albums, inc 1952 Pics to £1 Fisherman, 1963 Defs to QEII £1, 1964 Birds to 10/- & all other Pre-Decimal Pics & Commems, comprehensive Decimals with 170 more Pic/Commem sets inc vals to K10 Birds plus 19 M/Sheets to 2000 Sydney Olympics inc 1990s Philatelic Exhibition emissions. All fresh MUH. Retail $600 to end 1975, total $1000+.AVAILABLE at A$180

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Papua New Guinea: Near comp MUH collection 1952-end 2004 in 2 VGC Seven Seas hingeless albums (new retail $450). Pre-decimals to 1965 inc 1952 Defs to £1 Fisherman MLH, 1958 Pics to 5/- Coffee MUH inc 1/7, 2/5 Cattle, 1963 Defs to QEII £1, 1964 Birds to 10/- & all the other pre-dec Pic/Commem VF MUH (retail $300). Then 190 Pic/Commem sets 1966-2004 & 36 M/S (retail $2100), plus MUH 2005-15 M/Sheets & Pics (FV 140K), total of A$2900.AVAILABLE at A$275

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Samoa: 1880s-2014 collection on Seven Seas pgs in 2 binders inc early 1880s range of Palm Trees to 2/6 in various perfs inc Surcharges, Provisional Govt etc. Also range of Samoa Express to 5/-, offered 'as is' & not included in valuation. German Colonial Yachts to 3Mk, GRI opt ½d on 3pf (1 with no fraction bar), ½d on 5pf, 2½d on 20pf, 1916 NZ Fiscal stamps 2/- to 10/-, 1920 Victory set, various 1921 Native Huts to 1/-, 1935 NZ Fiscal Arms stamps 2/6 & 10/-, 1935 & 52 sets to 3/-. Reasonably comp from 1952-90s then some gaps later. Issues inc 2013 Threatened Species to $5 & opt Official, 2014 Threatened Species to $25 & opt Official. Earlies mostly U/FU, few flts in the 1880 period. Generally fresh VF MUH. SG cat pre 1970 £1100, 1971 & later £1400, total SG cat £2500+ = A$5000. (1200+, 80+ M/S)SOLD at A$450

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Samoa 1890s-2014 Extensive Collection on 120 hagners in 4 binders inc 1899 opt Provisional Govt to 4d, NZ issues opt Samoa to 1/-, 1935 set comp to 3/-, 1952 comp to 3/-, & 1967 Birds set comp to $4, 1972 comp to $5 (x2). 1983 Fruit comp to $5, 1988 Birds comp to $20, 2014 Threatened Species opt Official comp to $25, 2015 Butterflies Express Letter stamps comp inc M/S to $75. Seems fairly comp from 1970s. Many thematic M/S. Mainly VF fresh MUH few earlies MLH. FV of moderns $2300 alone. (1400+, 140+ M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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Triple carton accumulation inc plastic tubs of mess with Germany 1860s-1990s inc 1945 12th Anniv set, Allied Zones Baden 1948-49 Views set, West Germany 1950-1990s inc 1950 10pf Bach, 1951 St Mary's set, 1951 Relief 30pf, 1952 Otto, 1952, 1954 & 1955 Relief sets, 1952 Hostels set & others U & 1953 Liebig. Then late 1980s-90s sets Christmas booklets. Berlin 1949-1954 inc 1949 Building 1mk to 5mk. 1952 Olympic set, 1953 Bell Clapper at centre set, 1951 20pf Lortzing, 1953 Uprising set, 1953 30pf Kaiser Church & others. SG cat £2300. Israel 1954-1968 selection inc 1960 Taviv M/Sheet MUH & FU, cat £210. Also some world sorted into take-away tubs noted. France & Switzerland. Also Australian covers inc 1980s FDC, plus business size envelopes franked 60c (200), $1.00 (240) & $1.10 (40), all ready for posting out (FV over $400). (large quantity). Mostly G-VFU, some F-VF M & MUH.AVAILABLE at A$200

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Tristan da Cunha: 1952-2008 collection on KABE hingeless pgs & in mounts on plain pgs in 2 large loose leaf albums inc 1952 opt to 10/-, 1954 Island Scenes to 10/-, 1960 Marine Life to 10/-, 1961 Decimal Currency to 1R, 1963 Resettlement to 10/-, 1965 Ships to £1, 1972 Plants to £1, 1994 Ships to £5, 2000 Monarchs to £5, 2005 Birds to £5, also noted 1957 Postage Dues to 5d & (5) c1950-60 Tristan Postcards receiving & delivery mail, also set of 9 values ex 1960 'Potato' sheetlet to 1/-. Mostly comp. Many fresh VF MUH, some CTO, small number MLH. Pre-dec cat £350, dec cat £1250, FV £300. Total SG cat £1600 = A$3200. (900+, 50 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$375

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Two Carton Lot E: Australian Wildlife Cinderella accumulation inc Victoria 1973-81 set of 27 $2, $3, $10 Hunting Licence stamps. 1990s Wetland M/Sheets of 4 $10 Ducks (22) plus extra Black Prints (5) for Taipei Philatelic Exhibition. Also 2 sheetlets of 10 opt SPECIMEN plus blks of 4 (Eight) with or w/o SPECIMEN opts, other multiples inc $8 blks of 4 (3), Value OMITTED M/Sheet PROOFS (3) & $15 blks of 4 (Four) inc SPECIMEN opts. Also some singles & FDI cards/Park Entrance tickets, FV MUH $1380 plus proofs, Specimens & CTO. Other Cinderellas inc Victoria 1970s Railway Stamps, NSW Pre-Decimal Revenues, Exhibition Ephemera & Christmas labels. World M/Sheet accumulation (110) inc Birds, Butterflies, Marine Life, Flowers & Wild Animals plus another 60 hagners in 2 binders. Also British Commonwealth 1960s-70s-80s collection in 3 large s/books inc NZ 1960s Pics to £1 Geyser, St Vincent SPECIMEN opt sets, plus Dominica, Fiji, Rhodesia, Zimbabwe high value Def sets, plus much more inc British Commonwealth Used collection 1952-1962 in two SG illustrated loose leaf albums. All neatly packed into 2 cartons, mixed MUH/M/F-VFU. (many 100s)SOLD at A$450

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United Nations (N.Y.) 1951-85 collection with extras in s/book, loose leaf album, FDC album & Presentation Packs, inc 1955 10th Anniv M/Sheet MUH (cat £180) & M/S on illustrated FDC, mainly sets & FDC to 1976 inc 1952 Air Letter. Mainly fresh VF MUH, few VFU. SG cat £500+. (400 + 20 FDC + 5 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$120

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USA & Area: 1893-1952 selection inc 1893 Columbus to 50c. 1901 Pan American Expo to 10c. 1918 Flying Jenny Air set to 24c. 1951 & 1952 Duck Hunting $2. Possessions inc 1898 Puerto Rico opt to 10c & 1898 Philippines opts to $1, plus 1898 Cuba opts to 10c. Most G-VF M/UN/U. SG cat £1950+ = A$3900+. (45).SOLD at A$300

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Varied carton lot Europe in binder inc Vatican, Swiss Pics, Hungary, Greece, France inc bklts, plus isolated Br Cwlth inc GB KGVI £1 brown, PNG 1952 £1 Fisherman, Fiji KGVI to 5/- M, Ceylon & others. Then more PNG with 180 MUH 1980s Pic/Commem sets, mostly blks on 4 in 2 s/books, 1970s-80s FDC (120). Another plastic bag with 1960s-70s Australia/AAT PO Packs (44, retail $450+) inc 1969 Christmas (2), 1970 Cook (3), 1971 Christmas, 1971 Selected Issues & 1972 Christmas. Also album of FDC inc Australia 1971 Sydney Philatelic Centre opening (retail $50), 1971 Christmas blks of 7 (2, $50), NZ 1969 Cook M/sheet, Pitcairn 1954 Pic & Def set to 2/6, Ross Dependency 1957 Pics FDC & 1958 Commems cover, plus others inc various Olympics types. Also Princess of Wales FDC collection. Large carton.AVAILABLE at A$250

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Vatican: Mint collection 1852-1987 almost comp in Lighthouse hingeless album & s/book. Papal States 1852 Arms 3b & 5b, 1867 Cents to 20c & 1868 perf to 80c, 1929 Pope & Arms set to 10L inc express (Sass cat €250), 1933 Holy Year set to 1.25L (€175), 1933 Pope Pictorial set to 20L (€190), 1934 Congress set (€1100), 1936 Exhib to 5L (€380+), 1938 Congress set to 1.25L (€225), 1939 'Sede Vacante' opt set to 75c (€150),1947 Air set to 100L, 1948 Air 250L, 1949 Pope & buildings set to 100L inc express (€170), 1951 Chalcedon set to 100L (€110+), 1953 Air set (€130), 1952 Stamp Cent M/S (€250), 1953 Lombard 100L, 1953-78 appears comp inc 80+ sets. S/book with 1979-87 inc 30+ sets, 1931 Postage Due opt set to 1.10L (€150). All diff, neat & clean. Mostly VF fresh MUH, odd M earlier. Mixed condition in Papal States as expected. Sass cat €5900 = A$10,000. Seldom offered this comp. Nice lot. (950, 7 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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1952 Aboriginal 2/6 Deep brown, wmk, irregular upper marginal blk of 36. Four stamps with rev tropical spots, mostly VF MUH. ACSC 265 cat $12 ea, total $432. (36)SOLD at A$50

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1952 Jamboree 3½d maroon, upper pane of 80, couple hard to see light tones, o/w fresh MUH. ACSC 286 cat $80. (80)AVAILABLE at A$25

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1952 Australia - Sth Africa & return 'boomerang' covers to Cocos Is, Mauritius & South Africa. VF. AAMC 1308a cat $150. (3)SOLD at A$40

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A.C.T. Instructional/Express mail, mainly 1960s-80s with Received Damaged at Canberra (2), Queen Victoria Terrace (2), Woden or unnamed, a few unclaimed markings, Express inc 1952 from Parliament House & 1991 with rare 'Paid At Canberra Express Courier' h/s, a few Messenger Delivery. (21 items)AVAILABLE at A$90

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1952-54 QEII surch set 1/2a on ½d-1R on 1/6. VF MUH. SG 80-89 cat £32. (10)AVAILABLE at A$15

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1952 QEII ½a on ½d orange-red, error 'fraction ½ OMITTED'. VF fresh MUH. SG 80a cat £180. (P)AVAILABLE at A$110

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Belgium: 1893-2002 Mint collection inc 1893-1900 King & Arms set to 2Fr, all with tags (SG cat £850+). 1905-08 King set to 2Fr with tags (£600). 1910 & 1911 Charity sets with tags inc '1911' Brussels set (£500). 1914 & 1915 Red Cross sets (£240). 1912 King & Arms set to 5Fr with tags (£200). 1915-22 King Pic set to 10Fr (£650). 1918 Red Cross opt set to 10F+10Fr (£1500). 1919-20 'Tin Hat' King set to 10F (£1000). 1924 Brussels Exhib M/S (£375). 1922-27 King set to 10F (£180). 1930 Antwerp Exhib M/S U (£475). 1931-32 King set to 10F (£130). 1931 Soldiers Fund M/S U (£325). 1932 Mercier Fund set to 10F+40F (£650). 1932 Infantry set (£200). 1932 TB Fund set (£150). 1933 Abby Fund set to 10F+40F (£1100). 1933 TB Fund set (£300) & 1934 set (£190). 1935 Brussels Exhib M/S (£225). 1936 Burgerhout Exhib M/S (£120). 1952 UPU set to 40F+10F (£375). 1957 Antarctic M/S (£225). Then really good coverage of Commems & Defs + M/S where issued. VF fresh M/MUH, post 1960 being almost all MUH. SG cat £23,000+ = A$46,000+. Beautiful collection. (2900 + 90 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$4000

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British Empire: KGVI 1937-52 collection in 4 binders. A-Z inc Aden 1939 KGVI Pic to 10R. Antigua 1938 KGVI Pic to £1. Ascension 1935-53 KGVI Pic set to 10/-, plus perfs. Bahrain 1938-42 KGVI Pic to 25R. Basutoland 1938 KGVI Crocodile set to 10/-. Bechuanaland 1938 KGVI Cattle to 10/-. Cyprus 1938-51 KGVI Pic to £1. Falklands 1938 KGVI Pic to £1. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1952 KGVI Pic to £1. Gambia 1938 KGVI Elephant set to 10/-. Hong Kong 1948 KGVI Silver Wedding $10 U. India 1948 Gandhi set to 10R U. KUT 1938-51 KGVI Pic to £1, plus perfs. Malacca 1949 KGVI Palm Tree set to $5. Montserrat 1938 KGVI Views to £1. North Borneo 1945 BMA opt Pic to $5. Northern Rhodesia 1938-52 KGVI Giraffe & Elephant to 20/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. Nyasaland 1938 KGV Leopard to £1. Pakistan 1947 KGVI Service set to 10R. Seychelles 1938 KGVI Pic to 5R inc 1R green. Singapore 1948-52 KGVI Palm Tree sets to $5, both perfs. Swaziland 1938 KGVI Shields to 10/-, plus perfs. Tristan Da Cunha 1952 opt KGVI Ship set to 10/-. F-VF M/MUH/U. SG cat £19,000+ = A$38,000+. Attractive collection. (5800) (P)AVAILABLE at A$3500

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British West Indies: 1862-1970s collection in binder with Antigua 1863-87 QV to 6d inc wmk & shades. 1953-62 QEII Pic set to $4.80. Barbuda 1922 opt KGV set to 5/- (SG cat £150). St Kitts Nevis 1938-50 KGVI Pic set to £1. Virgin Is 1849 St Ursula set to 5/- (£150). 1913-19 KGV set to 5/-. 1922-28 KGV Badge to 5/-. 1938-47 KGVI Badge set to £1. 1952 KGVI Pic set to $4.80. 1956-62 QEII Pic set to $4.80. St Vincent 1938-47 KGVI Pic to £1. St Lucia 1936 KGV Pic set to 10/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. Most G-VF M/MUH/U, some parts with tropicalised gum/gum spots. SG cat £2200+ = A$4400+. (1090) (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1952 Airmail covers franked Australia Kangaroo ½d & KGVI 3½d tied 'RAAF PO Cocos Island 19 FE 52' cds, to Sydney. 1953 franked Koala 4d tied 'RAAF PO Cocos Island 10 NO 53' cds to England, both with large 'RAAF SERVICE' h/s. SG 228, 230a & 247. (2).SOLD at A$50

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1849-1990 extensive collection in 5 Lighthouse s/books inc 1849 Ceres to 40c, 1853 to 80c, 1862 to 80c, 1863-70 to 80c, 1869 5Fr, 1871 to 80c, 1876-85 Peace & Commerce to 5Fr, 1923 Bordeaux Philatelic 1Fr (cat £650), 1925 Paris Philatelic set, 1926 War Orphans set, 1927 Air Marseilles set (cat £600), 1928 Sinking Fund, 1931 Sinking Fund, 1936 Air set to 3F50, 1936 Air set M & U (cat £680), 1947 UPU set 1949 Air set, 1957 & 57 Air sets, various National Relief Funds inc 1954 & 55, range of Postage Dues, booklets range inc 1952 Red Cross (XSB2 cat £600). Also 1952-3 booklets XSB3 & B4 (cat £425). Extensive range from 1900s, many sets. Also inc Davo France illustrated album with pages 1849-1996. Earlies mostly U, some variable condition & mixed margins, later mostly F-VF MLH/MUH & F-VFU. SG cat £20,000+ = A$40,000. (5000 + 40+ booklets) (P)AVAILABLE at A$2500

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French Colonies: 1891-1957 collection for Reunion & Madagascar in s/book inc Reunion general issue with diag opt to 25c, 1892 set to 1F, 1907 set to 5F, 1922-24 Surch set to 20F, 1933 set to 20F, various issues to 1950 inc unissued Vichy French issues. Madagascar inc 1891 set to 5F, 1903 set to 2F, 1908-22 set to 5F, 1922 Surch set to 20F, 1930 set to 20F, 1935 set to 20F, 1943 Surch set to 20F on 5F grey-blue, 1952 Air set to 500F. Quite comprehensive collection, most sets are M & U. The early French issues have not been checked for varieties. SG cat £2,700+ = A$5,400. (1100+) (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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India: 1952 Passport Revenue 3Rs & 10Rs top values. F-VF fresh MUH. Bft 8-9. CEPF 8-9 cat €500+. Very rare. (2) (P)AVAILABLE at A$180

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India: 1892-1954 Mint collection on Exhibition pgs inc 1892-1900 Tablet set to 1Fr, plus New Colours. 1903 Surch 0,40 on 50c. Also 1892-1900 & 1903 Surch Fournier forgeries. 1903 Bisected Fiscals opt 0.05 & Postes. 1914 Brahma & Temple set to 5Fr, plus 1922 New Colours. 1923 Surch to 5Fr. 1929 New Currency set to 5R. 1931 & 1937 Exhibition sets, plus 1937 M/S. 1939 150th Anniv set. 1941 France Libre opt to 5R & 1942-43 with Cross opt to 5R. 1943 France Libre opt Surch to 3fa 4ca. 1942 Lotus Flowers set to 5R. 1948 Gods set. 1952 Medal 1fa imperf Postage Dues inc 1923 opt set. 1928 opt set. 1929 set & 1948 set. Mostly F-VFM. SG cat £3000+ = A$6000. (345) (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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Allied Zones: 1945-52 Postal History inc Anglo-US Zones Monogram ex 4pf-25pf to Switzerland. 1946 Numerals 10pf & 15pf. 1948 Buildings ex 2pf-24pf. Berlin inc 1948 black opt 25pf on Berlin Airlift cover, 1950 Airmail franked UPU 24pf & Tax Stamp, 1951 Bells clapper right 10pf & 20pf & finally West Germany 1952 Otto 30pf. SG cat £155 as loose stamps alone. (7).AVAILABLE at A$70

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West Berlin: 1948-90 comp mint collection inc 1948 'Berlin' opt set to 5Mk. 1949 red opt 'Berlin' set to 2Mk. 1949-54 Building set to 5Mk. 1949 Goethe set. 1949 Surch set to 1Mk on 3Mk. 1949 Relief Fund set, plus M/S. 1950 Europe Recovery 20pf. 1950 Orchestra set 1951-53 Bell sets with clappers left, right & centre. 1952-53 Portrait set to 40pf. Then all Commems & Defs to 1990, plus M/S where issued. VF fresh M/MUH, post 1960 being MUH. SG cat £8500+ = A$17,000+. Nice collection. (760 + 8 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$750

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Postal Stationery: 1951-90 collection appears 99% comp, in expensive Vario/Lighthouse slipcase album, most both UN & U, noted 1953 Kollwitz 20pf U (Mi P44 cat €500), many diff view cards, 1952 Lottery card, Double Reply cards, plus envelope inc PTPO etc. VF fresh UN/U. Mi cat €2000+ & under-catalogued. Excellent lot. (200+)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1952 Postage Due 4c black right marginal blk of 6, top middle stamp error 'missing crown in wmk' Stamps fresh MUH. SG D16/D16a cat £181+ as singles, plus premium for positional blk should be +50%, so est cat £270+. (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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1952 Red Cross set 5Y scarlet & 10Y deep green & red, full sheets of 20 with inscriptions & imprint. VF fresh MUH. Sak C227-28 cat 80,000Y+. SG 651-52 cat £400+, plus premium for sheets. (2 sheets)AVAILABLE at A$90

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1954 use of airmail envelope franked 1952 Li Su Doc (2), Peace 20w (2) & Liberation Monument 10w, all imperf, tied 'Kesong 54 3 26' cds. SG N50, 51 & 73. To Czechoslovakia with m/s censor 'Kontrola' on back. Sent to Czechoslovak Officer of the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1955 use of airmail envelope franked 1952 Li Su Doc 70w, Taedong Gate 5w lake & 1955 Liberation 10w green pr, all imperf, tied by 'Kesong 55 8 12' cds. To Czechoslovakia. SG 50, 82 & 97a. Sent by Czechoslovak Office of the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1952 Pic set ½d-£1 Fisherman. Fresh MUH. SG 1-15 cat £90, retail $200.AVAILABLE at A$70

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1952 Pictorials 10/- Map & £1 Fisherman opt SPECIMEN. Fresh MUH. SG 14-15s cat £42, retail $160.AVAILABLE at A$60

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1952-58 Pictorial 10/- & £1 opt SPECIMEN. VF fresh MUH. SG 14s & 15s cat £75. (2).AVAILABLE at A$50

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1952 Definitive 10/- Map blk of 4. CTO with Boroko cds. SG 14 cat £50+AVAILABLE at A$40

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1952-64 Specimen opts on Map 10/-, Native £1, Rabaul 10/-, Queen £1, plus Bird 10/-. VF fresh MUH. SG 14s, 15s, 44, 45s & 71s cat £265. This is a comp set of the early Specimens. (5) (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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PNG: 1925-2000 comp sheets ranging in size from 30-100 stamps in 2 sheet files, commences with 1925 ½d New Guinea Huts (2), ½d Birds Airmail & comp set of 1937 Coronation values, then PNG range from 1952-2000 inc 1961 5d Legislative Council (sheet of 100), 1964 2/3 Birds (100), 1973 Panorama $1 & $2 (sheets of 50), 1987 Ships 5t, 35t, 40t, 70t & 2K, range of Surcharges inc 1995 Pope Paul 21t & 1K (SG 745/46) in full sheet of 20, 1994 21t on 35t Fish (sheet of 50) SG 708 etc. Generally fresh Superb MUH, few earlies have some toning. SG cat £2300+. This is a rare opportunity to acquire a large quantity of full sheets for further research on varieties. (100 + sheets) (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1952-90s specialised collection/accumulation on Vario pages in 2 binders inc 1952 Defs to Fisherman £1 VF MUH, another set MLH, & imprint prs & blks of 4 inc 10/- Map pr, £1 prs (2), plus 10/- & £1 Specimen, 1963 Pics to QEII £1, inc 10/- & £1 blks of 4, 10/- & £1 Specimens, range of By Authority imprint blks, 1964 Birds to 10/- singles & some blks, 1966 Butterflies, 1968 Shells singles & comp to $2 blks of 4, 1960 Postal Charges range inc (4) 6d on 7½d blue (SG cat £45 ea), 1960 Postal Charges in singles & blks, small range of Australian stamps used in PNG 1947-52 on piece with various town cds. Then range from 1970s-90s in singles, blks CTO/MUH, 1980s PO packs, coil strips & a few covers, (4) 1970s stamp booklets inc 1973 INTERPEX (SG cat £120). This is a large collection with a lot of potential. Many VF MUH/CTO some VF MLH, some aging on earlies. SG est cat £3000+. (3500+, 4 s/books) (P)AVAILABLE at A$475

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1952-64 range of By Authority imprints mostly blks of 4 inc 1952 Pictorials ½-£1 comp (16), 1958 set of 7 to 5/- with 1/7 & 2/5 Cattle, 1961 set of 5 to 3/-, 1957-59 Surch set, 1963 5th Pacific Conf, 1962-64 various to 2/-, 1960 1d to 3/- Postal Charges set of 5 comp (SG cat £60 for singles). Generally F-VF MUH with some tropicalisation. SG cat £760+ for singles, plus premium for imprints at least double, so est £1520+. (50) (P)AVAILABLE at A$275

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FDC: 1952-63 with 1952 Pictorial set to £1, 1959 5d Surch, 1961 Pics (4) to 2/-, 1962 Malaria, 1962 Conference & 1963 Rabaul. F-VF. SG cat £37+ as loose stamps. Retail $350.AVAILABLE at A$40

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1952 Customs Clearance Card for parcel from the USA, franked def 40gr Refinery & Postage Dues 1zl (3) & 10gr vert BISECT (R half), tied by 'Lipnica Wielkan 23 6 52' cds. Mi 690, P143(var) & P151. Rare usage & franking. (P)AVAILABLE at A$180

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Portugal 1853-1972 Extensive collection in 2 SG loose leaf albums, most issues from 1853 are present in quantity inc 1853 25R (4), 1856 King 5R (2), values to 100R, 1862 King to 100R, 1866 to 120R, 1867 to 240R, 1870 to 1000R, 1882 to 500R. Fairly comp from 1892 to 1972 inc 1892 Provisorio opt. 1894 500th Anniv to 300R, 1898 Vasco da Gama to 150R, 1912 Ceres to 20E with various printings & shades, 1931 Don Pereira set 1940s better M/Sheets inc 1945 President M/S, 1946 Castle M/S, 1946 Bank M/S, 1952 NATO set M&U (cat £570). Also 1876 Newspaper stamps, 1920s-30s Parcel Post. The vendor some years ago calculated a cat value of £21,000 as marked by pg. A check with latest SG cat shows is definitely higher. Mainly VF MLH, U-FU early issue have some faults. SG est cat £24,000+ = A$48,000. Valuable collection. (3300+ 10M/S). (P)SOLD at A$1600

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1946-52 sets & M/Sheets: Guinea 1946 Anniv set MLH (SG cat £130), India 1952 St Francis 9T M/Sheet MUH (£23), Mozambique 1946 Air Taxe percue set 50c - 50E MUH (£140), St Thomas & Prince. 1948 Fruit set MUH (£170) & Timor 1948 Peoples M/S MUH (£180). VF all but 1st MUH. SG c at £643 & undercatalogued as seldom seen issues. (3 sets & 2M/S).AVAILABLE at A$160

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1952 KGVI Pic set 2c-10R. VF fresh M/MLH. SG 158-172 cat £90. (15)AVAILABLE at A$35

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1952 World: SG Postage Stamp Catalogue : Part II Foreign Countries Small A5 format, 1125 pgs. VGC.AVAILABLE at A$10

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Germany: Kleines Handbuch der Deutschen Feldpost 1937-1945, by A Clement, 76 pgs pub 1952. Faded cover, o/w VG condition.SOLD at A$30

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Great Britain: SG QEII Pre-decimals 1952-70 Specialised Catalogue inc cylinder numbers, plate/marginal markings, varieties, phosphors, regionals & FDC, illustrated throughout. 3rd Edition, 1976 & VGC, faded at spine DJ. Current Edition (2019) retail $90.AVAILABLE at A$15

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Cricket 1952-2000 Team Autograph selections inc South Africa 1952-53 Touring side to Australia signatures on pg out of autograph book in John Cheetham, Hugh Taxfield etc, Mosman 1st XI 1950s inc Ian Craig, Doug Ford etc, (with boxer Jimmy Carruthers autograph on reverse), Natal team sheet signatures 1979/80, Indian Touring team to New Zealand signatures inc Mohammad Azharuddin, Sachin Tendulkar, Kapil Dev etc & India 1999-2000 Tour of Australia team signatures (inc Sachin Tendulkar, Sourav Ganguly, Harbhajan Singh & Kapil Dev). (5 sheets, 73 autographs).AVAILABLE at A$100

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Great Britain: The Household Cavalry H/C 1952;The Brigade of Guards H/C 1952; 'The British Army' S/C 1980 by Jock Haswell; Biographical Dictionary of World War 2, H/C D/J 1972 by Christopher Tunney; 'Manchester Photographic Collection' S/C 2003 by Chris Makepeace; 'It Can Now Be Revealed' S/C 1950; 'Liddell Hart's History of the First World War' S/C 1972; 'A Bridge Too Far' H/C D/J 1974 by Cornelius Ryan. VGC. Good lot. (8 books)AVAILABLE at A$50

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Library reduction - 2 books with Hard Cover (11) inc 'Adolf Hitler, My Part in his Downfall' (Milligan, 1971, 1st edition), 'History of the United States Marine Corps' (A.R. Millett, 1980), 'Immediate Action' (McNab, 1995), 'Flames in the Sky, WWII Aerial Battles (Closterman, 1952), 'Naval Ratings Handbook' (1938) & 5 others. Soft Cover (17): 'Nancy Wake' Fitzsimons, 2001), 'Dusty Warriors' (Holmes, 2007), 'Sniper One (SGT Dan Mills, 2007), '3 Para, Afghanistan 2006 (Bishop), 'Inside the 3rd Reich (Speer), 'Origins of the 2nd World War (Taylor), 'True Stories of the SAS (Hunter, 1998) plus 10 others. Mixed VG-VF condition with more recent titles as new. Retail $300+ (28)AVAILABLE at A$50