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1951 Federation 5½d blue, sheet of 84 with full perf-pips at left & Authority imprint at LL cnr. 5 stamps minor bends, VF MUH. ACSC 282 ba z cat $185. (84)AVAILABLE at A$50

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1913-80 collection/accumulation in 3 as new Lighthouse 32 pg s/books (1 with Used, 2 with Mint). Used pre-decimal inc 1913 Kangaroo 1st wmk to 9d with 'flaw above I' (ACSC 24(2)g cat $175), 3rd wmk to 2/- inc 3d olive pr with inverted wmk (cat $350), KGV to 1/4, inc 4d lemon, 1/4 (3) then range to 10/- Navigator, Postage Due to 5/-, Mint inc 2d green SM wmk, perf 14, double perf (cat $300), 3d Harbour Bridge imprint blk of 4, range to 1965 Birds inc 2 stamp booklets, then decimal to 1970s inc 1971 Christmas blk of 25. GU-FU, M has tropicalisation throughout although some are Fine. ACSC cat $2000+. (2500 + 8 s/books)SOLD at A$220

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1913-2005 collection in 2 quality SG album with illustrated pgs, inc 1st wmk to 1/-, 2nd wmk to 2/-, 3rd wmk to 5/- & £1 grey, SM wmk to 10/-, (10/- & £1 both telegraph punctures), CofA wmk to £1 FU, £2 GU, KGV to 1/4 virtually comp with all wmks, perforations inc all 1/4, noted 4d orange inverted wmk with variety 'PE joined (ACSC 110A(2)va), 2d red SM strip of 3 with ink clogging around bottom wmk line. Mostly comp from mid 1920s-1997 with Bridge set to 5/- CTO, Robes set to £1, Arms set to £2, Navigators to £1, Navigators to $4, Paintings to $20, 1998 to 2005 about 75% comp, range of Postage Dues to 5/-, AAT 1957-2005 mostly comp. Few mixed condition but generally F-VFU. ACSC cat $6000+. (2000+50+M/S). (P)SOLD at A$1000

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1913-2012 Collector's accumulation sorted into eleven medium-large European s/books inc Kangaroos (95) to 5/-, KGV (180) to 1/4 inc Official Perfins, 1936 S.Aust Cent set to 1/- (4) & 1950s-60s Pre-decimal Pics to 5/-. Then many 1000s of stamps to 2012 QEII Jubilee inc high value non-letter rate Pics & Commems, 1966 Navigator set to $4 King (10), 1970s Paintings to $10, 1980s Gardens to $10, 2000 Sydney Olympic Pictorial plus good variety of International Post Issues in a separate volume. Overall quite comprehensive, G-F/VFU/CTO. (many 1000s)SOLD at A$250

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1927-90 extensive ex dealer back-up stock in massive 64pg s/book inc 1928 Kookaburra 3d (10) inc perf OS (5), 1929 Airmail 3d green (10) inc perf OS (5). 1931 Kingsford Smith sets (4) to 6d brown Airmail, 1934 VIC Cent sets to 1/- (5), 1935 ANZAC 1/-, 1936 SA sets (5) & 1937 NSW to 9d (5). 1930s 3d blue Commems (25). 1937 KGVI Robes 5/- (10), 10/- (2) & £1 (2), plus 10/- opt SPECIMEN. 1940 AIF sets to 6d (4). 1949 Arms set to £2 (3), 1950s 2/- Commems (40) inc comp sets. 1959 Cattle 5/- (10). 1964 Navigators sets to £1 (2), plus extra 7/6 (2) & £2 King. 1960s 2/3 Commem (30). Extensive decimals (4000+) to 1989 inc comp collection inc 1970s Paintings to $10. Some, mostly light, tropicalisation, generally F-VFU, huge retail with pre-decimals alone over $2000. (5200+)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1937 KGVI 3d blue Die 1 (90) SG 168 cat £2160. 3d Die II thick paper (700) SG 168c cat £7 ea = £4900. 1/4 magenta (800) SG 175 cat £250 ea = $2000. All G-FU total SG cat £9060 = A$18,100+. (1590)AVAILABLE at A$200
1966-2000 MUH collection in 6 hagner albums inc strips, blks, booklet panes & M/S, seems comp with a minimum of 2 copies of ea issue, noted decimal Navigators, 1971 Xmas blk of 25, Paintings to $10, AFL Centenary etc. Fresh VF MUH. Estimate FV $1000+.SOLD at A$375

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1981-end 2000 Decimal FDC collection in 9 matching maroon binders with 530 FDC in 300 1- or 2-strip hagner style pgs inc 1980s Pics to $20 Gardens & 1990s Pic/Commem sets, plus odd M/Sheet. Also Christmas Is 1990s Lunar New Year M/Sheets, plus AAT & Cocos Is. Mostly VF condition, FV $650 1991-2001, plus another $500 for the binders & pages, total $1150. Also some ephemera inc Australia Post Olympic Games Prestige stamp album. (530)SOLD at A$130

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1990s-2000 Philatelic Exhibition accumulation mostly M/Sheets (95) inc Australia 99 Navigator imperf pr, 1991 Phila Nippon, 1992 Genova, 1993 Bangkok, 1993 Sydney Stamp & Coin Show, 1995 Swanpex, 1995 Sydney Centrepoint, 1997 Hong Kong, 2003 Bangkok & others to 2015 Singapore set of 5. Also booklets (20) inc 1974 Melbourne Stamp Week, 1984 AUSIPEX & Indopex 93 & Canberra Stamp Show 96. All fresh & clean, FV $270.AVAILABLE at A$200

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1993-early 2000 FDC collection (330) now loose in shoebox with wide variety inc Pic/Commem sets, inc 35 M/Sheets to $10 Wetland, International Post to $20 Uluru, 2008 Beijing & 2012 London Olympics Gold Medalist FDC & scattered Territories inc Christmas Is Chinese New Year sets, FV $800. Original PO costs higher. (330)AVAILABLE at A$220

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2000 Sydney Olympics PO album with set of 16 $450 Gold Medalist sheetlets, digital print with Possum logo at LR (Victoria). FV $72.SOLD at A$60

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2000 Sydney Olympics PO Album with set of 16 Gold Medalists digital print with Kangaroo logo set LR cnr. Fresh MUH. Still not easy to find comp. FV $72. (16)SOLD at A$60

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2000 Sydney Olympics PO Album with set of 16 Gold Medalists digital print from NSW with Platypus logo at LR cnr. Fresh MUH. Still not easy to find comp. FV $72.SOLD at A$50

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AAT: 1957-61 Pre-decimal MUH stock of all vals inc 30 sets of 7, plus extra Map 2/- (30). 1959 1/- (35) & 2/3 (30) & uncounted 5d & 8d. Mostly F-VF MUH, some tropicalised gum. SG cat £1000+ = A$2000+. (510)AVAILABLE at A$130

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Australian Antarctic Territory: 1957-2012 Collection in 3 Parts. VFU on approx 20 hagners inc 1959 set to 2/3, 1966 Decimals to $1, 1973 Ships, 1987 Scenes comp to $1, 1988 Transport to $2, in singles, strips, blks most with 2 to 3 sets with 5-10 of lower values. CDS range from FDI, cnr CTOs General cds. Second Part is a range 1980-2000s AAT Maxi-cards (60) mainly 1980s-2000s on 30+ hagners cds mainly with Kingston Tas cds. Third Part are FDCs (140) to 2016 Hurley inc 1963 Pics to 2/3, 1966 Defs to $1 (Macquarie Is cds), 1973 Food Chain set (Macquarie Is cds), 1980s-90s Pic/Commem sets inc Base cancel & Post Millennium M/S. Mostly VF fresh VFU/CTO. SG cat £1200++. (200+, 140+ FDC, & 60 Maxi-cards). (P)AVAILABLE at A$160
Carton with collection of covers & stationery. Inc FDCs c1970-c2000 extensive range with some earlier mostly official, also some Commem covers, exhibition cancels noted AAT inc 1984 Scenes Plate 1 10 sets, 1988 Environment 5 sets base cds (approx 600 covers). Also PSEs UN & FDI from late 1970s-90s, some Commem cancels & others (approx 350 PSEs). Also an interesting selection of 17 old-time USA & Great Britain share certificates. Mostly F/VFU. (967)AVAILABLE at A$80

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Christmas Island: 1993 Seabirds (100 sets), 1994 Orchids (100 sets), 2000 faces (100 sets) in bundles. G-VFU many on piece. SG cat £1700 = A$3400. (1500)AVAILABLE at A$80

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Christmas Island Christmas issues 1993-2008 G-VFU close clipped, single paper with higher values. Vendor's list available. F/VF. Retail $2400. (Approx 2000)AVAILABLE at A$80

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Covers: 1971-2000 FDC accumulation (1600) to Sydney Olympic Commems inc 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 7 (10), 1974 paintings set to $4 (4), 1990s Gardens to $20 then over 800 long Pic/Commem sets, single Commem covers/short sets (750), plus PSE (650) & 1970s-80s PPC (400). Generally fresh & clean. (2650).AVAILABLE at A$250

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Covers: 1981-end 2000 FDC collection in 9 maroon Aust Post FDC binders with 500 FDC in 315 1- or 2-strip pages. Reasonably comprehensive inc AAT, Christmas Is 1990s Lunar New Year M/Sheets, Cocos Is sets, high val Commem sets, Pics to $20 Gardens M/Sheets to $10 Wetlands & Philatelic Exhibition inc 1999 World Stamp Expo & 2000 Olymphilex. Also more 2000 Olympic covers inc Opening/Closing Days, Torch Relay set of 9, Centenary of Women in Olympics set of 17 & 28 diff Pictorial pmks set of all 17 Days from 15 Sep - 1 Oct (476 diff at a cost of around $300) thematics, plus some Olympic ephemera with Sydney 2000 Official Souvenir Books, Follow the Flame (Olympic Torch Relay) & Australia Post Olympic Games Prestige stamp album. (1000)SOLD at A$180
Decimal 1970s to post 2000 MUH accumulation s/book & loose largely MUH sets, plus some packs. All VF. FV $1040.SOLD at A$425

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Decimals: 65c Pics & Commems (2000), uncancelled, no gum. FV $1300.SOLD at A$350

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Decimals: 70c Pics & Commems (2000), uncancelled, no gum. FV $1400.SOLD at A$350

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Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 4: Australia 1966-2018 decimal MUH stock in 5 large Lighthouse s/books inc 1966 Fish sets (7), Birds to 30c (8 sets), 1966 Navigators 40c (14) & 50c (8), 1969 Primary Ind sets (10), 1971 Christmas sets (4), 1972 Christmas sets (5), Primary Ind (4) & 1973 National Dev (6), these retail $680. Then plenty of other 1960d-s-2000s Pics Commem sets, to 2018 WRESAT Pics. Generally fresh MUH, FV $1630, plus another $680 retail for the others, total $2300.SOLD at A$700

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Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 5: Australian Territory Pic/Commem sets in individual glassines with Christmas Is (150) inc 1963 to $1 Bird (8 sets, retail $100). Cocos Is (120) to mid 1990s. Nauru 1970s Pic sets (150) inc vals to $2 or $5. PNG 1960s pre-dec Commems to 1990s Pics (500) inc 1963 Rabaul 10/- (3), QEII £1 (2) & 1964 Birds to 10/-. Solomon Is 1965-2005 (350). Tokelau (50). Tuvalu (180) to mid 2000s. Lightly duplicated with good variety throughout, all appear fresh MUH. (1450 sets).SOLD at A$325

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FDC collection 1975-2000 all unaddressed on hagners in 10 binders. Wide range inc $10 & $20 International Post, Paintings, AFL Centenary. Range of CDS inc Bandiana MIL PO etc. Range of Maxi Cards inc 1999 Rugby Series, also 1991 Parcel Post Postage Paid FDCs, few Pitcairn Is. VF. (600+, 10 albums)AVAILABLE at A$120

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FDC collection 1980s-2000s all unaddressed on hagners in 15 binders & loose inc 2004 Olympic & 2006 Commonwealth Games Gold Medal Winners in qty. Wide range, values to $10. Range of interesting pmks, some Military. VF. (900+, 2 cartons)SOLD at A$350

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FDC collection 2000-04 mostly Pics/Commems inc Sydney 2000 Olympic Gold medallist set of 16 FDC, International Post, some AAT, largely VF. High cost/FV. (490)SOLD at A$100

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Kangaroos & KGV accumulation in glassines in filing boxes with individual values in packets with Kangaroos ½d to 2/- & KGV ½d-5d, inc 1d reds, wmk range single to CofA, also small range of State issues NSW, SA & WA, noting a few number cds, then range from KGV Commems 1927 to Decimals. Ex Deceased Estate offered as received, variety & pmk potential. Condition mixed, some damaged noted in packets Mostly G-VFU. High cat value. Roos (1500) inc 1d reds (1000+), KGV 2000 +, others 1927-2000 (3000+). Guesstimate 6500+.SOLD at A$650

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KGV 1924 no wmk 1d green (200), 1½d red (250) G-VFU in bundles. SG 83-84 cat £5200. ACSC 79 cat $2000 & ACSC 90 cat $6250, total $8250. (450)AVAILABLE at A$140
Kiloware: 1980s-90s-2000 Pic/Commem Commem mix plus some foreign on variable size paper with scattered, uncancelled Pics sighted in the mix. Unchecked as received from Victorian sources. Weight 8.3kg plus $45 FV inc uncancelled commems attached to the outside of the carton.SOLD at A$100

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Postage Due selection 1902-30 with 1902 Mono-colour 'void base' ½d & 4d VFM (SG cat £60). 1902-09 'complete design' (28) inc ½d blk of 4 m/s cancel, plus 2 singles M & 1d (9) inc 2 prs & blk of 4 & 2d pr. 5d pr (SG cat £130). 1/- (8, cat £880) inc blk of 4 & pr. Generally F-VF UN, plus 5/- emerald lightly pmk, 1909-36 Bi-colour low vals (24) Mint inc 1913 thin paper 3d (2, SG D82, cat £130 ea) & 4d 'misplaced centre' (SG D83(var) cat £150). 1922 3rd wmk 4d (2, SG D96 cat £76). Generally UN (54) mostly no gum, total SG cat £2000+ = A$4000. Also another 100 Used to 1/- very mixed condition. (174)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Three volume decimal specialised collection to early 1980s with 1966 QEII 1c-6c positional multiples (ACSC cat $900) inc 4c red plate number blks of 20 (8, cat $240) & scarce range of 3c plated cnr blks. 7c-10c Fish sheet nos & other multiples. Birds to 30c inc 24c UR pane of 40, 30c Autotrons LL cnr blk & LR cnr sheet no blk of 4. Navigator set to $4 blks of 4, plus 75c Plate 3 UR blk with re-cutting flaw (pos 2/1, 2/2), plus another 3 multiples with re-cuts. $1 Flinders variety 'missing LL frame' (pos R9/3) in LR cnr blk of 10. Extensive 1966-70 4c & 5c Commems in positional blks & large multiples (cat $1400) inc 4c Banking, 5c Medical 'needle in thumb' flaws (6) inc Autotron multiple, 5c Flight cnr blks of 25 (6) inc 4 sheet no multiples, 5c Cook sheet of 100 bi-sected vertically & 1970 RV 5c misplaced tiara blk of 20. Other 967-70 issues inc 1968 WWW 20c left pane of 50 & 25c Intelsat Autotron gutter blk of 20, 1968 Flowers 6c, 13c & 30c in positional multiples, 1970 Cook M/Sheet opt ANPEX consecutive pr (scarce) & forged opt number 1502. 1970 coil collection inc 7c missing buff & misplaced green (9, cat $2700 inc strip of 4), plus 4 diff coil wrappers (cat $100) 1970-73 6c & 7c Commems in blks & multiple (cat $2000) inc 1971 RAAF 6c study. 1971 Christmas 7c blks of 25 (2), plus Autotron mirror blk of 12 & 1972 Olympics varieties. 1972 Rehab group, 1974 Painting $2 gutter blk of 10 (cat $100) & 'fungus flaw' in sheet no blk of 9 ($100). 1974 Christmas plate no blk of 4 collection (cat $530). 1975 IWY 10c aniline print blk of 4 (2, cat $800). 1976 Olympics group. 1978 Australia Day pink & green gum gutter blks. 1978 Birds with large multiple to 25c, 1980 High Court 22c aniline print strip of 4 (cat $80), 1983 WCY 27c aniline print blk of 10 thematics, plus much more inc 1978 Flower 18c missing black, 1980 Aeroplane 22c imperf Proof (cat $100) & 1993 CPS candlestick trial set of 3 in vert prs (retail $600). Appears fresh & clean throughout. Total ACSC cat/retail $12,900.AVAILABLE at A$1500
Voluminous tea chest lot with decimal bundles accumulation to 2000 inc 1980s Waltzing Matilda, Children's Books, Bi-centenary, Skiing 45c Animals/Birds through to 2000 Olympics. Massive 1989-2009 FDC collection in 4 plastic tubs c1500 covers, largely VFU. (70,000+)SOLD at A$140

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South Australia: 1855-1912 accumulation in 3 s/books inc 1855-58 QV 2d imperf (4 inc shades). 1868-1900 QV perf to 2/- inc wmks, perfs & shades. Range of 1868-1904 QV 1d green & 2d orange inc wmks & perfs. Range of QV Long Toms to 2/6 inc perf OS. Good range of 1876-1901 OS opts to 2/- inc varieties. Mostly G-VF M/U, 80% being Used, mixed in some parts but overall OK. SG cat £2000+ = A$4000+. (500)SOLD at A$450

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South Australia 1855-1912 inc 1855 1d-6d imperf Used, 1867 6d blue which has been incorrectly perfed so postage appears twice, 1906 values to 5/-, range of OS 1874-90s, some Stamp Duty stamps to 1/- & 1896 2d QV cover b/s Terowie Railway, bulk in box, some on piece, mainly values to 2d (1200+), pmk & variety interest. Some varied condition, mostly GU-FU. SG cat est £2000+. (1400)SOLD at A$350

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Victoria pmks on covers. Extensive part-collection, most from about 1930-2010 with a few earlier, commercial & philatelic covers, strength in later period, mostly letters Ce-Mi, Oa-Ox, RAAF-Rye, Ta-Wi, inc FDCs, FDI cancels, commem cancels, a few machine cancels, a few Paid, illustrated, reliefs, registered, many open/closing day covers, etc, some dupes, no great rarities seen but noted Corio North, Cowleys Ck, Crimea, Dookie Ag College (4), Drik Drik (3), Elizabeth St Stamp Kiosk 1 (4 R), Glenluce, Gre Gre North, Hawksburn SE2, Karawinna, Kooyong, Logan (2), Magpie (2), Nilma, fair 1940s oval Red Hill/Post Office, etc, also a very few pieces inc CIC Benalla (4R), CIC Mildura, Commerce House (2), poor to very fine, likely some rarities among the modern rubber types, (2000)AVAILABLE at A$700

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1850s-1912 accumulation packets, on paper & loose inc a few covers, NSW 1850s Laureates 2d blue & 6d brown imperf, 1880s range to 1/-, South Australia quantity of lower values to 4d, VIC, QLD Mint range & TAS few cds on Pictorials, there are numeral cancels & some pmk potential, few early Commonwealth period with mixed State, KGV values, quite a number are ex-packages with various frankings. Good lot, ex deceased estate of a KGV collector. Not touched for decades. Varies from G-FU. (2000+)SOLD at A$450

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Three Carton Consignment with World collection in four near new 64 black page Lighthouse s/books (retail $90 ea, $360) with Germany to 1970s inc Pre WWI Colonies, Japan 1890s-1970s, New Zealand to late 1970s inc Official opts to 2/- KGVI. Russia to early 1980s. Also China (320) to 1930s, Bahrain (120) & Qatar (170) in 16 page s/books. Off paper mixes in tins & boxes with Australia, Portugal & Colonies, Germany, Israel, Japan, New Zealand & USA. Plus India 1930s-40s-50s covers & Indian States Postal Stationery mess. Medium shoebox with Australia PO Packs (FV $175), 1977 QEII RV Silver Medallion & 1990s-2000s Pre-Paid maxicards (170) in packs of issue. 2012 Olympic Gold Medalists PNC set of 7, in commem album (retail $160). Plus misc covers (60) in black binder inc NSW 1854 from Richmond to Sydney franked QV 2d Laureate, Victoria 1904 Advertising envelopes (3), Australia 1929-1935 Flight covers, Germany 1954 Bells set FDC, French Antarctic Territory 1980s FDC, Great Britain-Austria 1934 Zeppelin Flight cover. Selected Rhodesia 1960s FDC plus two books on Aust Postal History. (many 1000s)SOLD at A$450

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1850s-2000s World collection/accumulation in 11 s/books & binders. Rhodesia from 1892 Arms inc Southern & Northern Rhodesia. East Africa/KUT from 1890s. Sthn Rhodesia 1924-29 KGV Admirals to 2/6. France from 1850s. New Zealand 1990s-2000s MUH collection inc M/S. Australia & States inc 1913-36 Roo vals to 5/-. 1965 Churchill Omnibus collection inc range of FDCs. Netherlands Indies 1870s-1940s collection inc Airmail covers. Mostly G-VF M/MUH/U, some parts mixed. SG cat £4400+ = A$8800+. (6000+)SOLD at A$375

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1850s-1960s World collection/accumulation in old Rapkin album plus in envelopes GB from 1850s QV 1d red & 2d blue inc 1887-1900 QV Jubilee range. Album contains A-Z with useful 1920s-30s period. 1930s-60s range of covers & FDCs. Envelopes with A-Z countries inc Germany 1920s-30s. New Zealand 1891 Lighthouse set to 1/- (SG cat £375). Also 1957 SG World simplified catalogue. Mostly G-VF M/U, majority U. SG cat £3500+ = A$7000+. (2000+).AVAILABLE at A$250

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1860s-2000s Europe large collection on pgs in 8 binders in large carton inc Austria 1870s-1920 to 25k, German Occup 1945 unissued 1-5RM, 1945 Views to 5s, 1950 Birds to 20s, strong in scarcer 1940/50s issues, Belgium range 1860s-1920s inc 1930 Airs to 5f, Czechoslovakia range 1920s, good range of later. M/S, covers, Bohemia Moravia range, France good range to 1920s inc 1949 Air Views to 1000f. 1954 Airs to 1000f inc blk of 4, Netherlands from 1880s to 1920s inc 1906 Tuberculosis set, Ruanda-Urundi, Neth Indies, Russia 1880s-1920s inc 1925 Lenin to 10R, 1934 Air to 80k Sweden 1860s-1920s range, 1936 Tercentenary, range of other countries inc Luxemburg, Monaco, Switzerland etc, plus lots more. Extensive collection only briefly reviewed so could be finds. Vast number face diff, some light duplication. Mainly U-FU, some VF MLH. Reserved at $100 per album. SG est cat £6000-£8000. (14,000+, 100+ M/S, 30+ covers).AVAILABLE at A$500

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1880s-1970s World collections with extras in 4 Vario binders, 3 with slipcases & 1 binder inc USA Revenue & Postage Stamps 1890s-1970s inc 1890s Proprietary Stamps, Stock Transfer, Postage Dues, Airmail & Postage Stamps inc 1933 1c & 3c Souvenir panes of 25 imperf, various M/Sheets, 100+ plate number blks, prs, blks of 4 etc. Collection of most Central & South America countries inc Cuba, Brazil, Chile, Venezuela etc inc Venezuela 1896 Miranda comp set to 1b, 1940 Independence Air to 2b. Middle East collection inc Iran, Crete, Iraq, Egypt, Israel etc, noted Israel 1948-70s mainly with tabs. Finally collection of themes inc Astronauts, Christmas, UPU, Flowers etc. Interesting collection. GU-FU & F-VF MUH, some tropicalisation throughout. SG cat £2000+ = A$4000+. (7100 + 10 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Australian Antarctic Territory 1983-2000 noted 1983 Wildlife (150 sets) 1988 Environment 200 Used in bundles of 100 (cat £1250), 1995 Whales & Dolphins set in bundles of 100 (cat £700), 2000 Penguins set in bundles of 100 (cat £800), 2001 Seals set of 4 (65 ea) in bundles (cat £175), 2002 Antarctic Research (40+ sets) in bundles (cat £600+), various others. Mostly F-VFU. Total SG cat £3300+ = A$6600! (1400+)SOLD at A$80

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AUSIPEX 84 collection in 10 hagners with 15 Pic sets, 20 M/Sheets plus other ephemera. Then another 340 hagners with huge variety inc Australian States (320) inc Tasmania QV Chalons to 1/- & Victoria 1897 Charity pr, 2½d val opt SPECIMEN. Australia Pre-decimals (120) mixed M/U inc 1932 Bridge 2d, 3d opt OS. Decimals (100s) inc MUH Pic/Commems (FV $300) to $5. Then World with 1000s of stamps inc Arab States Pics & Thematics, China (300) inc PRC Pics & Sun-Yat-Sen opt, British Commonwealth inc 1937 KGVI Coronation & 1946 Peace sets. Then Pacific Islands, Africa, Europe & South East Asia with Pics, Defs & Commems. Limited duplication throughout, mostly G-F/VFU. Also small selection of covers inc Australia Frama FDC sets, Australia 1994 PO Year Album. (approx 12000)SOLD at A$250

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Australia & World carton lot inc 1927-65 VGC Seven Seas hingeless album (new retail $100). Decimal accumulation in 9 albums with 1966-2000 accumulation in 4 s/books. FDC/PSE collection in 2 volumes, mixed Maxicards (200+) & 2 black Vario album with more decimals inc 1970 Cook M/Sheet (5), plus Die Proof Reprint Cards (12, cat $96). 2nd carton with mostly foreign inc PNG 1966-86 with 90 MUH sets inc 1966 Butterflies & 1969 Shells sets. 1964-2006 PNG Used collection inc 1964 Birds to 10/- & post Millennium high value Pics to 5, 10 & 20K. Also bundle of 100 Australian 1990s Phonecards to $20 & off-paper mess in brown box. Usual sl mixed G-F/VFU - M/MUH condition, all neatly packed into 2 cartons.SOLD at A$275

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Decimal PO Year Albums 1981-87,1989-93, 96-97, 2000, Bicentennial box of 5 (2), & 2000 Gold Medal sheetlets. FV $680. VF MUH.SOLD at A$230

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Australian Territory MUH collection in 45 hagners with AAT to 2001 Centenary inc 1957 Pics to 2/3 Penguin (4 sets), 1966 Defs to $1 Mock Sun (4 sets), 1971 Treaty, 1972 Cook (4 sets) & 1973 Food Chain (4 sets). Retail $370 to end 1975 plus other FV $70. Cocos Island to 2000 Crabs inc 1963 set of 6 to 2/3 Bird Imprint blk of 4 (ACSC cat $275), 1969 Pics 4 sets ($40), 1990 $5 opt ($60) & other MUH Pic/Commem sets (FV$290). Total retail/FV $1065.AVAILABLE at A$180
British Commonwealth collection in 2 s/books & hagner binder. Great Britain QV to c2000, noted KGVI 1948 Silver Wedding, 1951 Festival high vals ( 2 sets) G-VFU. Extensive collection of 1980s-90s with extras. New Zealand 1930s-c2000 mostly inc 1960 to £1, 1967, 1968 to $2, later issues extensive with extras. Some MUH inc Best of 1996 etc FV $90 FD & other covers 1981-96 (75). Mainly G--VFU. (3000+)SOLD at A$60

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British Commonwealth: 1953-2000s collection in 4 binders & s/books. Antigua to Bahamas range of QEII Commems & Defs inc Antigua 1970 Ship set to $5. Bahamas 1954 QEII Pic to £1. 1964 New Constitution opt set to £1. Also BIOT inc 1965 opt set to 10R. Mauritius 1967-2017 collection in 2 s/books inc 1967 Self Govt opt set to 5R. 1969-73 QEII Fish set to 10R. Good coverage of Commems & M/S. Thematic collection in binder of Turtles inc M/S. F-VF M/MUH/U. SG cat £2200+ = A$4400+. Attractive collection. (1500 + 45 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$375

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British Commonwealth 1970s-80s MUH collection/accumulation in hagners with Kiribati (95 Pic sets, FV $168) with 10 diff inc 1979 Defs to $5 Flag (5 sets). Nauru (70) to 1979 Flight with 20 diff. 1954 to 5/- (4). 1963 to 3/3 blks of 4, 1966 Defs to $1 & 1968 opts. PNG (210 Pic sets) with 55 diff to 1987 Fish inc 1970 Artefacts (60), 1971 Fauna (12), 1973 Panorama to $2 (3), 1976 Fish (10), Headdress to K2 (3) & others, 1987 Marine Life. Tokelau (230 sets, FV $210) with 24 diff to 1987 Olympic Sports inc 1966 opts trio to 2/- (34), 1967 decimal opt set of 7 (7 sets), 1977 Pics to $1 (6), 1984 Fish to $2 (5) & 1987 Flora to 75c (5). Tuvalu (170 sets) mixed MUH/CTO (FV $250) with 12 diff to 1981 Butterflies inc 1978 Independence (7), 1979 Fish to $5 (5), 1980 Cowries, 1980 Moths & 1981 Ships. Also M/Sheets inc 1982 RV opt SPECIMEN (10) & 1996 Year of the Rat (20). Huge FV. All fresh & clean with 775 sets in total, plus scattered M/S. (2000+)AVAILABLE at A$275

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British Commonwealth carton lot with collection/accumulation in 4 albums, plus hagners, pages etc, with British South Africa inc KUT 1930s-1970s inc 1937-54 KGVI to 3/- U, with extras, 1954 Officials to £1, cat £250. Nigeria 1900-1970 inc 1953 Defins (2 sets), 1961 Defins, 1965 Defins U cat £160. Rhodesia 1950s-1970 cat £170, Sth Africa 1931-2010, noted 1933-48 Pics inc 5/- pr, 1938 Voortrekker set in prs, 1939 Huguenot 1d, 1½d in prs M/MUH, plus set in prs U. 1941-45 War Effort selection M & others, cat £630. British West Indies inc Barbuda, Bermuda, M/MUH & many others M/U, cat £100+. New Zealand collection in Illus album 1898-1974 mostly U, retail NZ$300+. Various others F/VF. (2000+, 30 M/S)SOLD at A$190

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British Commonwealth collection in 3 large & 4 smaller s/books & on leaves, strong in Pacific, also inc Canada QV to 1980s inc 1935, 1937, 1942 Pics to $1 with extras. Newfoundland 1886-1937 Coronation set of 11 M, Cook Is/Niue, Aitutaki, Penrhyn c1900-80 mostly M. Niue inc 1931 2d/1½d (14 M-MUH in blks). Penrhyn Is inc 1902 Surch selection, 1917-20 to 1/-, similar Aitutaki cat £330+. Tokelau 1940-2003, Ross Dep 1957-2011, retail $200+, Nauru 1954-80s inc Defs, Pics with extras, 1970s-80s MUH, FV $150+ also Papua New Guinea 1952-mid 80s M in 64 pg s/book, 1970s-80s FV K420, then similar range 1952-2000 U, also in 64 pg s/book inc 1952 to £1 (2), 1966 to $2 (3), extensive later Pics, Defs, colourful range, Norfolk Is 1947-80 inc 1970s decimal issues with extras, mostly F-VFM, MUH. Mostly F-VF condition. (4000+)AVAILABLE at A$220

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British Empire & Commonwealth: 1860-2000s ranges in s/book & on Vario pgs. Needs sorting but noted items inc Barbados 1860-80 Britannia vals to 1/- inc perfs & wmks. Aden 1939 KGVI Pic to 10R. Cyprus 1938 KGVI Pic vals to 90Pi. Pitcairn Is 1940 KGVI Pic set to 2/6. Sierra Leone 1907-10 KEVII vals to 2/-. Singapore 1948-51 KGVI Palm Tree vals to $5. St Vincent 1938 KGVI Pic set to £1. Cayman Is 1938 KGVI Pic set to 10/-. Gold Coast 1938 KGVI Castle set to 10/-. Hong Kong 1862-80s QV selection to 48c, plus selection of 1870s & 80s Surch to $1 on 96c. 1912-37 KGV vals to $5. Also 2014 British Empire SG catalogue 1840-1970. Mostly G-VF M/MUH/U, mixed on parts. SG cat £3100+ = A$6200+. (2000)AVAILABLE at A$350

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Canada 1870-2000s Collection/Accumulation in a s/book, on hagners & on pgs 1990-2004 inc QV 1870s-90s 1c-20c, range 1910-60s inc 1927 Confederation 12c, 1942 War Effort comp, 1906-1933 Postage Dues to 10c, largely comp 1990-2000 inc M/S. FV 1990-2004 is C$320. Largely VF MLH-MUH, some FU. FV of M/MUH C$320. SG cat £2300+ = A$4600+. (1600, 30+M/S, 2 bklts).AVAILABLE at A$200

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Carton lot inc The Improved (early 1900s edition) Postage Stamp Album with Asia inc Japanese Revenues, Europe inc France Ceres & Napoleons, GB 1840s onwards, plus some Empire issues. Then another 14 album inc 1977 QEII Silver Jubilee in blue binder, 1981 RW collection in large blue album inc M/Sheets & non crown Agent sets & singles, GB 1890s-1980s collection in red springback album. Blue binder with British Commonwealth Pics/Commems inc AAT 1966 Defs to $1. Australia in 3 s/books inc 1940 imprint blks, plus 1956-2000 Olympics MUH collection in Junge album. Australia 1970s Official PO Pre-Paid PPC (100). 1984 Los Angeles Olympics Official IOC FDC collection in original blue box. British Pacific Is 1930s-70s Used collection in philatelic binder with Fiji to 1975 inc 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee, 1954 Defs to £1 Bugler, QEII 1960s Defs to £1 Arms & 1970s MUH pics & British Solomon Is similar era inc 1940 Defs. 1948 KGVI Silver Wedding set, 1956 QEII to £1 Shield, 1965 Pics to £1 Canoe & 1966 opts to $2. Also NZ 1984-87 PO Year Albums (FV $85). Fifteen albums in total. Large carton. (1000s)AVAILABLE at A$275
Carton Lot with Ireland 1922-2000 collection (3000+) with good variety throughout, strength in commems, higher value Pics to £2, plus empty 'White Ace' album with illustrated pgs to 2000. Tatty 1930s-1950s M/MUH collection (280) inc Airmails, Express Post, Pics & Commems. Seven Seas 1968-72 Arabian States collection in illustrated album. Australia 1966-76 MUH collection (retail $260) in Seven Seas hingeless album inc 1966 Defs to $4 King, all 1969-73 Commem sets & 1974 Defs to $4 Painting. Australian 1950s-70s FDC in maroon binder inc 20 1950s Pre-decimal covers. Denmark 1974-1983 Year Packs (6), British Pacific accum in hagners inc Australia 1966 Birds 6c, 20c, 24c, 30c blks of 15 (rev spots MUH), Christmas Island 1969 Fish, Norfolk Is near comp 1947-1972 collection inc 1953 Pics to 5/- Brown Bridge & 1960 Pics to 10/- Birds, AAT 1960s-7s Pics in quantity G-FU & others. Also Aust Territory collection on loose pages. World mess in white binder. All neatly packed into single carton mixed M/MUH/G-F/VFU.SOLD at A$300

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China PRC 2010-18 magnificent M/Sheetlet accumulation with 40 diff with good Thematic content inc Art, Birds, Olympics, Fish, Flowers, Lighthouses, Tourism & others with around 2000 M/Sheets or sheetlets, plus 100s more single stamps in blks & multiples. Odd light crease or adhesion. Fresh CTO ex bulk postage payments for parcels sent to Australia. (1000s)SOLD at A$250

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Collection/accumulation in 4 large & 6 small to medium albums. South America selections of Argentina, Brazil, Chile etc, Sub-Continent collection inc Bangladesh 1970s-80s inc 1976 10t Def (44 U cat £200+) & others, Ceylon/Sri Lanka mostly 1980s-90s Birds U with extras. Similar Burma & Pakistan. Hong Kong QV to post 2000 inc KGVI to $2 with extras, 1954 to $5 (2), later Defs inc 1987-88 to $50 (4), 1997 to $50, 2002 to $50 (4), 2006 to $20 (5), plus Commems cat £350+, South & South West Africa cat £200, Transvaal inc 1902 to 2/- (5) & others cat £250. Also some Scandinavia, Malta, Worldwide Airmail labels & others. A good mixed collection/accumulation, 10 albums in total, generally G-VFU. (5000+)SOLD at A$150
Cover & stationery collection 1948-c2000. A colourful & varied assembly, noted Australia 1960-96 Commercial & FDCs, also Aust Territories FDC & Pacific Is covers inc Fiji, 1948 (25 May) cover Suva to Melbourne, PNG FDCs/Aerogrammes (55), other Pacific. Southern Africa, Homelands/SWA 1980s covers (150+). Great Thematic content, Maxi Cards (60+), First Day sheet (20). Few others, F-VF. (480)AVAILABLE at A$60

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Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 14. British Commonwealth 1970s-2000s M/Sheet accumulation Part 1. Solomon Islands (15, retail $90) inc 2004 World Bird Festival set of 3. Norfolk Is (40, retail $180) inc 1974 UPU. Kiribati (13, retail $95) inc 1981 RW trio. Vanuatu (23, retail $100). Niue (33, retail $190). PNG (80, retail $370) inc a huge Philatelic Exhibition emissions. Nauru (70, retail $200). Tuvalu (50, retail $310). New Zealand (45, retail $200). Pitcairn (48, retail $280) inc 1980 London Exhibition (13) & QM Birthday (15). Christmas Is 1977 Christmas (30, retail $50). All fresh MUH with 7440 assorted M/Sheets (retail $1850) with some duplication.SOLD at A$220

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Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 15. British Commonwealth 1970s-2000s M/Sheet accumulation Part 2. 1996 China Philatelic Exhibition group of 24 mixed. 1978 QEII SJ (18), Christmas Is 1977 Christmas (50), Norfolk Is (25). PNG (55) inc EXPO 99 & Singapore 95 Exhibition. New Zealand (40), Niue (15), Samoa (38), Solomon Is (68) inc 1999 Philex France. St Vincent 1980s Elvis set of 8 M/Sheets (20 sets). St Thomas & Prince Islands (42 diff) with 5 of ea with good Thematic content inc Flowers, Pandas, Ships, Cats, Art & Dinosaurs. Then Nauru London 1980 (25), Pitcairn London 1980 (12) & 1981 Queen Mother (10) full up the rest of the carton. Huge individual retail. Mostly fresh MUH with approx 850 M/Sheets in total.SOLD at A$230

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Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 16. British Commonwealth 1970s-2000s M/Sheet accumulation Part 3. St Thomas & Prince Islands (42 diff) with 5 of ea with good Thematic content inc Art, Cats, Flowers, Marine Life & Ships. 1996 China Philatelic Exhibition group of 24 mixed M/S. Christmas Is 1977 Christmas (30), Nauru London 80 (25) & Pitcairn London 1980 (12). St Vincent 1980s Elvis set of 8 M/Sheets (6 sets). 1978 QEII SJ (16 diff). PNG (80) inc World Expo 99 & Singapore 95 Exhibitions. New Zealand (80). Aitutaki/Penrhyn Islands (12), Niue (17), Samoa (35). Solomon Is (65), plus much more inc Alderney, Norfolk Is, Nauru, Tanzania & Tuva. Mostly fresh MUH with approx 800 M/Sheets in total.AVAILABLE at A$200

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Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 19. Carton with 1979 Tristan Da Cunha Visit of RSM QEII FDC (40). 1970s Prestige style booklets (40) with Nevis S.V. Polynesia (33, FV $400+) & Paraguay 1978 QEII SJ (7). Australia 2015 Singapore Exhibition set of 6 M/Sheets (retail $70). Barbuda 1970s Fish set of 4 to $5 (50 sets, FV $350+). Marshall Islands 1980s MUH Pic/Commem sets in large multiples. World Dinosaur thematics (sets??) in glassines (200, retail over $300). European Year sets in glassines (15, retail $300+), plus others all arranged in medium flat carton. (Approx 2000)SOLD at A$160

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Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 28. Monster packet accumulation with 800 Vietnam, 200 Mexico MUH (6 packs), NZ 500 diff (3), 600 diff (2) & 200 all large diff (7 packs), Japan Pics 700 diff, Iran (1000 mixed), Hungary 2000 diff (2 packs) & 1000 diff, 50 diff Soccer (100), 1000 Russia (4 packs), plus 700 Belgium, Canada Commems 700 diff (2 packs), 250 Libya (2 packs), 1000 Bulgaria (3 packs), plus much more inc 100 Anguilla (2 packs) & 500 Ecuador. Approx 30,000 stamps neatly packed into medium carton.SOLD at A$200

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Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 31. Pacific Islands 1970s-2000s M/Sheet accumulation Part Two with Niue (55, retail $280), Penrhyn Is (14, retail $120) inc stray William & Kate selection, Samoa (60, retail $290), Norfolk Is (50, retail $230), Pitcairn (16, 1900s-2000s, retail $150), plus London 1980 Exhibition (50, retail $110) & 1981 Queen Mother sheetlet (34, retail $230), Nauru (67, retail $270) inc 1974 UPU (10, retail $80) & Tuvalu (50, retail $290). Some mostly mild duplication. All fresh MUH, solid FV & good Thematic content inc a variety pf Philatelic Exhibition emissions, marked retail $2000. (395)SOLD at A$250

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Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 32: Pacific Islands 1970s-2000s M/Sheet accumulation Part One with Vanuatu (37, FV $90) with strong Tropical Thematic content, marked retail $200. Nauru (55, retail $235) inc 1974 UPU (14), Solomon Is (21, retail $100). PNG (73, retail $370) inc 1997 Diana Memorial (9). Norfolk Is (50, retail $220). New Zealand (35, retail $230) inc scarce 1969 Cook M/Sheet. Fiji (45, retail $250). Kiribati (48, retail $280). Some mostly light duplication. All fresh MUH, solid FV & good Thematic content inc a variety of Philatelic Exhibition emissions, marked retail $1900. (370)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 36. Tokelau 1990s-2000s M/Sheet accumulation (100+) with 30 diff inc Chinese New Year 1995-2010, Exhibition emissions, local Thematics inc British Royalty, Beetles, Coins, Space. All fresh MUH, marked retail $680 with an estimated FV $450. (105)SOLD at A$100

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Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 38: World M/Sheet accumulation 1970s-early 2000 in medium carton with reasonable variety inc St Vincent, 1980 Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley set of 4 (8 sets of ea, retail $240). Then other Caribbean Is Pics, Exhibition Cinderellas, Pacific Area inc Marshall Is, Palau, PNG, NZ & others. 1996 Beijing Philatelic Exhibition. Mongolia & Russia. Asia inc Hong Kong, North Korea, Europe & others. Variable duplication, all fresh MUH. Estimated total retail $3000. (1100+)SOLD at A$275

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Diverse carton lot with Australia 1930s-90s Pics/Commems (2500+) in 2 s/books & over 70 hagners inc 1931 Kingsford Smith 6d (3), 1936 SA Cent to 1/- (3 sets), pre-dec QEII to £1 Bass & high val dec Pics. 1956-2000 Official Australian Olympic MUH collection in custom-made album 1969-75 near comp PO Pack collection (retail $350) inc AAT & Cocos Is Def sets. British Empire 1935 KGV SJ, 1937 KGVI Coronation & 1946 Victory sets & singles in another s/book. Czechoslovakia 1920s-50s in contemporary loose leaf album. Fiji 1977-2012 MUH collection inc 2008 Emergency opt ERRORS. PNG 1980s-90s MUH Pic sets & M/Sheets inc Exhibition emissions. Norfolk Is near comp 1947-69 collection inc 1953 Pics to 5/- brown bridge, 1960 Defs to 10/- green & 1969 Bird sets (2) to $1.00. 10 albums in total with many 100s of stamps. Medium carton.AVAILABLE at A$250

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Fiji: 1901-2013 collection on leaves in 2 quality Lighthouse binders & slipcase (retail $120) inc 1912-36 KGV to 5/-, 1937-52 KGVI to 5/- mostly M, 1954 QEII to £1 M, 1959 QEII Defs to £1 Arms FU, 1968 QEII pre-dec to £1 & 1969 1st Dec Defs to $2, very comprehensive inc sets & M/S through to the scarcer 1990s & post-Millennium Pic sets & M/Sheets. Noted 2000 Millennium M/sheet 2006-16 Surcharge selection. An extensive array of Thematic sets or M/Sheets inc Aviation, Birds, Butterflies, British Royalty, Fish, Flowers, Shells, Ships, Sport, Whales & WWF emissions. Largely VF, total cat £2050 = A$4100. High FV. (980, 61 M/S & sheetlets)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Fiji: 1935-2017 collection on 80 hagners in 3 binders inc 1935 Jubilee, 1948 Silver Wedding, 1954, 59 & 68 QEII sets comp to £1, decimals to $2 (2 diff), 1971 Birds, Flowers comp to $2, seems comp 1960s-2000s, many M/S, strong thematics Birds, Fish, Whales etc. Few earlies but vast majority diff. Some earlies VF MLH but 1960s on all appear to be VF fresh MUH. SG cat value £1700 = A$3400. FV $1450+. (1600+, 90+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$450

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Germany: 1872-1937 used collection in hagners. Inc 1872 Shields ¼g, 1/3g, ½g to 5g, 1K, 3K, 7K. 1874 2½g on 2½g, 1921 Defs to 20Mk, 1923 Inflation issues selection inc Surch & new values, 1924 Castles, 1928 Defs to 80pf. Officials inc 1920 series selection, 1923 Surch selection, 1924 80pf SG O385 & others. Some varied condition, many F-VFU. SG cat £2000+ = A$4000. (345)AVAILABLE at A$60

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Germany: 1890s-1990s Postal Cards & other items from specialist collection inc West Germany 1950-92 Pictorial Postal cards collection plus few pre-1945 period, then a few 1951 Posthorns, 1954 Heuss, then 1959 Heuss (43), 1961 Famous Germans 10pf (23) & 15pf (52), 1964 Architecture 15pf (20 & 20pf (13), 1970 President (7) 1971 Accident Prevention (15), 1977 Castles 40pf (11), 50pf (85), 60pf (30), 1987 Tourist Sites (9). Also some later 2000-19 Postal Cards & covers/FDC (80+). About 50% UN, 50% U/FDC. I cat €700++. Also Shipmail PPC with 1897 'Nur fur Marine-Schiffpost opt 10pf red Eagle cards UN & U with 'Manke PO No2' cds (Mi cat €75). Other PPC (20) inc KDMS no 2, 16, 37, 43 & 45 plus 2 unable to see number. Then 'DS Australische' (9) - 2 with Aden transit, DS Ost Asiatische (2) 1 with Gibraltar transit cds 'DS Ost Afrika Linie' & 'Ost Afrika Hauptlinie'. DS Hamburg West Afrika DS Linie Hamburg - Sudamerika on cover to Belgium with Tenerife b/s. Also ca 1920 'Lost Colonies' & Territories set of 19 Yacht etc labels. Interesting lot. (485 + 19 stamps).AVAILABLE at A$250

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Germany: West Berlin 1948-1990 Used collection on illustrated pages in 2 thick springback binders inc 1948-54 Buildings to 5M, 1951-53 Bell part sets, 1950 10pf Orchestra, 1952 30pf Beethoven, 1952 Famous Berliners, 1953 Uprising set, 1958 Defins to 3DM, 1986 Women to 350pf with commem cds, 1987 Tourist to 380pf, plus many others. All F-VFU,CTO. SG cat £2000 = A$4000. (100s)AVAILABLE at A$240

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Germany-East 1945-1988 Two volume collection with Allied Occupation-Soviet Zone 1947 Victims of Fascism sets M & set FU, Mecklenburg 1946 Scenes set Imperf SG RB22-27 FU, West Saxony 1946 Leipzig Fair set Imperf FU, SG RD47-50, 1948 Fam People sets M & set FU. East Germany 1949-1988 inc 1950 Bach set M, 1950 Debria M, 1950 Academy of Sciences set MUH, 1953 5 Year Plan set FU, then very comprehensive both M & U with good range of Pic/Commem sets plus M/Sheets. Mostly F-VF condition. SG cat £2850 = A$5700. (c.2000)AVAILABLE at A$300
Great Britain collections in carton inc QEII Machin specialised collection on leaves & in binders. Mostly ½p-2½p inc £1 Wedgwood exploded book inc pane with ½p sideband FU, coil strips etc, then various inc Machin. 1998-2004 on illustrated leaves cat £530, FDCs 2007-2009 cat £350+, 2002, 2003 QEII Coronation Prestige booklets. MUH FV £145 & others F-VFU. (2000+, 48 covers)SOLD at A$140

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Great Britain 1840-early 2000s discordant collection in 2 near new Lighthouse s/books with QV 1840 1d black (SG cat £375). 1841 1d red imperf pmk Numeral 9 in Maltese Cross cancel (SG cat £180). 1880 QV 5d indigo VFU (SG 169 cat £175). 1883 QV 5/- rose. 1887 QV 1/- green opt 'I.R./OFFICIAL' cat £375 with 2021 photo-cert. 1902-12 KEVII 10d (11, cat £825) inc Private Perfins. 1913-18 KGV Seahorses 2/6 VFM. 5/- VFU & 10/- FU (cat £470). 1912 KGV ½d green with underprint M (small thin) with photo-cert, SG PP 251a cat £180. 1924 & 1925 Exhibition prs M (£80). 1948 KGVI SW £1 MUH. 1951 KGVI high vals to £1 brown MUH (cat £100) & Used, Selected MUH decimals (FV £100) inc 1990s Castles to £5, Britannia £10 & QEII Anniv, Pictorials. Mixed G-F/VFU, plus mentioned MUH. SG cat £3300 to 1953, plus £100 FV for decimal MUH, total £3400 = A$6800. (100s)SOLD at A$325

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Great Britain: 1902-2000 collection in 6 albums with 1902-10 KEVII to 5/-, 1915-34 KGV Seahorses 2/6 (8), 5/- (9) & 10/- (3). 1924 Wembley sets (3), 1937 KGVI sets (2) to £1 (cat £120), 1948 £1 RSW (2), 1951 Festival to £1, 7 sets extras. Extensive & voluminous QEII M & U Machin Defs, Wilding Pics/Commems with many extras to 2000, also with Regionals. Few flts mostly G-VFU. (5000+)SOLD at A$120
Great Britain: 1965-89 FDC collection in 18 albums with approx 700 covers inc envelope cachet variations, plus Commem pmks. Then another approx 2000 loose FDC, 1965-end 99 in packets/envelopes, plus guesstimate 800 PHQ cards mostly CTO/FDI sets & uncounted PO Packs. All neatly packed into 7 medium cartons. Appear fresh & clean. (Approx 3500 items)AVAILABLE at A$160

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Great Britain - Guernsey: 1969-2000 collection on hagners in 3 binders inc 1969 set comp to £1, 2006 QEII £10 80th Birthday, plus 100s of Commem sets & M/S. Appears comp. Some VF MLH in earlies with all later issues VF fresh MUH, practically all diff. FV alone £700 = A$1400. (1400+, 100+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Great Britain - Jersey: 1969-2000 collection on hagners in 4 binders, appears near comp, inc 1969 set to £1 & Postage Due set to 5/-, 1997 Birds to £2, later Chinese New Year M/S, 100s of Commem sets & M/Sheets. Very clean, predominantly diff. Few early MLH mainly VF fresh MUH. Total FV £2000+ = A$4000+ alone! (2000+, 120+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$700

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Great Britian - Isle of Man: 1973-2010 collection on hagners in 3 binders, appear comp inc 1973 set to £1, 1978 set to £1, 1983 Sea Birds (2), 1993 Ship to £5, plus 100s of Commem. Many comp sets & M/Sheets. Many high values. Few earlies MLH, mainly VF fresh MUH, almost all diff. FV alone a huge £2000+ = A$4000+. Extensive collection in excellent condition. (2200+, 150 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$700

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Grenada Grenadines: 1973-1990 Collection on approx 90 hagners in 2 binders inc 1974 comp to $5, 1985 Butterflies comp to $20, 1986 Chagall comp with M/S, many comp sets with M/S, strong thematics. Mainly VF MUH. FV $2000. (1100+, 280+ M/S). (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Hong Kong 1880-1990s collection/accumulation in 2 s/books & loose inc QV 1882 to 10c inc 1891 20c surch KGV to $5 inc 4c & 5c blks of 4 M, KGVI to $1, few China opt, range of MUH blks of 4 1970s-90s (40+), M/S 1984 HK Jockey Club (3), Chinese New Year 87, 89, 90 & 91, various 1980s MUH sheets of 50 inc 1984 40c Lantern, 1989 60c Visit (13 sheets), FDCs 1960s-80s inc 1968 Seacraft, various Chinese New Years inc 1969 Cockerel, 70 Dog, 71 Pig etc (100+), few others inc 1st Flight HK to UK 1946 cover. Few early mixed condition. Some U-FU, mainly VF MUH. SG STC approx £2000 = A$4000. (1000+, 10 M/S, 110 covers).SOLD at A$275

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India: MUH Dealer's stock 1984-2019 on hagners strength in 1999 on, an extensive & attractive array of sets + M/Sheets with extras, good thematic content inc cricket, birds, etc. Largely VF fresh. Marked retail $2000+ (1400+, 390 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$350

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Indonesia: 1998 Gemstones set of 2 numbered limited edition M/Sheets for Indonesia 2000 Philatelic Exhibition, SG MS2407 cat £30 each 100 sets. FV $350 alone. SG cat £3000 = A$5500. Zonnebloem MS 6T cat €2500 = A$4100. Attractive thematic. (200 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$120

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Indonesia Philatelic Exhibition 5000Rp M/Sheets (2500) with 'Singpex 98' (500, SG MS2420 cat £2250) & 'Australia 99' (2000, SG MS2511 cat £7000). Total SG cat around A$16,000. Zonnebloem cat €5500 = A$9100. FV alone A$1250. (2500 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$250

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Malay area: 1890s-2000s inc Kelantan 1911 Arms $2 blk of 4 MUH, Japanese Occup Straits KGVI 5c brown with large boxed red h/s UN (£900), Perlis 1951 8c red blk of 9 MLH/MUH, Sarawak & Singapore 1948 Silver Wedding sets M/MUH (£148) -tropicalised, some year 2000 stamps & M/S, Circuit book with 1964 Flowers U (100), some modern post 2000? With colour shifts & double prints etc varieties (15). Then M/U range of pre 1955 inc Johore (26), Negri Sembilan (12), FMS (5), Pahang (17), Perak (66) etc SG cat £850+ inc Straits Settlements (125). Total SG cat £2000+. (25).AVAILABLE at A$300
New Zealand: Accumulation MUH inc 2000 Queen Mother Centenary Album (FV $92), Christmas to 2000, Healths to 2000. Plenty of other Pic/Commem sets. FV $1170. (many 100s).SOLD at A$300

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New Zealand: 1994-97 Limited Edition albums I-VIII (only 2000 of ea) (retail $1360) inc Cricket (Vol I, MUH sets tone spots), Maori Language, Race Horses, Rugby League & Vineyards etc. These albums have the scarce stamp colour separations.SOLD at A$400

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New Zealand array 1996-2019 inc 1996-2000 Best of Packs set of 5 (retail $220) plus 2017 & 2018 Year Books (incomplete?, FV $160). Then sets & M/Sheets 2001 to 2019 FU, plus Health sets + M/Sheets on FDC. Total retail $575. Also Australia 2020 NZ Exhibition M/Sheet set of 4 (FV $19) fresh MUH. (170, 13 FDCs, 39 M/S)SOLD at A$140

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New Zealand: 1980s-2000s High values with Arms $6, $8 & $10 plus $20 (2). VF fresh MUH. FV $584.SOLD at A$230

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New Zealand - Niue: 1930s-2000s collection on 90 hagners in 3 binders, noted 1944 set to 3/-, 1950 set to 3/-, 1984 Flowers to $8.20, 1986 Stampex comp to $4.25, 1992 Birds to $15 & opt OHMS to $15, various comp sets, many M/S. VF fresh & some earlies MLH, decimal issues VF fresh MUH. SG cat £1500. Huge FV of $2200 = A$3000+. Excellent lot, almost all diff. (1000+, 260+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$450

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Nigeria: 1887-2000 used collection on pages in 2 binders & loose on hagners inc Lagos 1876-1906 inc 1887 QV to 1/-, 1904 KEVII to 1/-, Northern Nigeria 1900-12 inc 1902, 1905, 1910 & 1912 KEVII to 1/-, Southern Nigeria 1901-12 inc 1905 & 1907 KEVII to 2/6, 1914 Crown Colony to 10/- inc some shades, 1936 KGV to 5/-, 1938 KGVI to 5/- with shades & perfs, 1953 QEII set to £1, 1961 & 65 sets to £1. Seems fairly comp 1970-2000 inc M/S. Noted Biafra 1968 Independence FDC. Mainly G-VF U. SG cat £1800+. (1000+20 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$325

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Pacific Collection 1870s-1980s inc Gilbert & Ellice 1938 KGVI to 5/-, New Caledonia 1930s to 5F, Cook Is 1902 Bird to 6d, 1936 5/- NZ Arms opt Cook Islands, Pitcairn Is 1940 KGVI to 2/6, 1957 QEII to 2/6 both M & U, Samoa 1877 Samoa Express 1d, 3d, 6d unissued 2d & 9d offered as is (SG cat £1400) Western Samoa opt on 2/6, 5/- NZ Fiscal stamps, British Solomon Is 1939 KGVI to 5/-. Various comp sets inc 1993 Crabs, Tonga from 1890s inc 1920 Queen to 1/-, various Gold foil issues, range of M/S, covers throughout. Some light duplication, mostly F-VF M/U. SG cat £2000+ = A$4000+. (3000+, 20 M/S, 20 covers).SOLD at A$200

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Papua New Guinea 1952-2000 MUH collection in two hagner albums, inc 1952 Pics to £1 Fisherman, 1963 Defs to QEII £1, 1964 Birds to 10/- & all other Pre-Decimal Pics & Commems, comprehensive Decimals with 170 more Pic/Commem sets inc vals to K10 Birds plus 19 M/Sheets to 2000 Sydney Olympics inc 1990s Philatelic Exhibition emissions. All fresh MUH. Retail $600 to end 1975, total $1000+.AVAILABLE at A$180

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Papua New Guinea: M/Sheets stock (700, FV K3730 = A$1620) with 1999 Hiri Moale Festival (250), Olympex 2000 (250), QEII Golden Jubilee 2002 (100) & 2008 K10 Pioneer Art (100). Also 2007 85t Personalised Stamp with Common Cuscus sheet of 20 (100 sheets), FV K1700 = A$1760. All fresh MUH, total FV A$2380. (800)AVAILABLE at A$170

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Philatelic Exhibition M/Sheet collection from a range of countries (110 diff), mostly 2011-17 inc 2011 PhilaNippon, 2013 Thailand, 2015 Monaco, 2015 Europhilex London, 2015 Hong Kong, 2015 Singapore, 2016 New York, 2016 Philataipei, 2017 China, 2017 Bandung, 2018 Macau & others with limited editions of 1000 or 2000 sighted. All fresh MUH with an average new issue cost of $8 each.AVAILABLE at A$110

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Quantity in carton with WWF 1990s-2000s MUH/FDC sets (9) inc Cocos Is Reef Sharks, Black Woodpecker, Cuban Crocodile & River Gorilla in distinct black binder. PNG 1980s-90s Pic/Commem sets (18) mostly blks of 10 inc 1987 Ships to 3K. 1997 Diana Memorial, Bahamas 15c, Vanuatu 95f & Tokelau $1, 100 of ea (FV A$200) fresh MUH in sheets of 50. Australia 1940s-50s imprint blks of 4 (72) inc to 2/6 Aborigine all evenly suntanned M/MUH, min ACSC cat $550, plus 1972 Olympics sets (30) & 1972 Christmas 35c (20) in large blks. 1978-82 PO Postcard Packs set of 4 (retail $100). Australia 1968-78 FDC collection (112) inc to $10 Painting. NZ 1950s-80s FDC collection (60) inc Ross Dep pre-dec Pics & 1981 Bee Hive $5 (5). World collection in 4 European made s/books inc Japan MUH pics, Germany post WWII Allied Occup sets, East Germany Pics, British Pacific Is inc Tuvalu 1982 RV M/Sheets (10) opt SPECIMEN & Indonesia 1996 Marsupial booklets (10). France high val Airmails to 1000Fr, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Australia decimals, Greece, Russia Pics & World Thematics, plus 100 Olympic Packs of 30 diff. Large carton. (few 1000)AVAILABLE at A$250

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Revenue/Cinderella/Local Post collection in s/book inc Ceylon 1890s QV Foreign Bill (12). Alsace & Lorraine 1900-09 'Quittungscarte' cards (3) with 156 Social Security Revenues. Straits Settlements Embossed revenues to $5. Australia 1940s Tax Stamps (7) to 4/- & 1980s patent Office $50 & $100 Fee stamps. NSW Numeral Stamp Duties to £10 green in relief tax opts to £5 brown. Yemen 1930s Revenues (5 diff). West Aust Swan bi-colour Duty Stamps to 2/- brown. Cinderellas inc Aust Post 1971-75 Coil Strip Wrappers (6, cat $150), 2000 Olympics 45c Herb Elliott Essay colour reproduction of the comp unissued sheetlet of 10 stamps (now broken up). Philatelic Exhibition ephemera. Parramatta 1938 NSW 150th Anniv bi-colour labels (44). NZ 1994 Greenpeace Antarctica M/Sheets (2 diff), IMPERF Proof strip of 3. European 1930s Tourist Publicity labels sheetlets of 20 diff with Spain (5 diff) & Portugal (5 diff). GB 1973 50p Canada Life booklet cover Proof vert strip of 3 & 1940s Coil Machine Testing labels strip of 10 MUH. Local stamps inc NSW Railway Post M/Sheets (24) mainly imperf Proofs or with SPECIMEN opts. NSW 1950s tramways 6d blue Packet stamps (7). Norway 1860s-90s Local Post (Bypost) collection (30). Australia 1981 PO Strike XL circumvention $1 Airmail stamp sheet of 100, plus others in large s/book.AVAILABLE at A$400
Russia: Collection/stock in 5 binders inc 1947 1k Kremlin (43), 1954-58 25k Pilot (40). 25k Architect (45), 30k Scientist (38), 20k Farm Girl (42) in blks MUH, various sheetlets, M/Sheets MUH, then 1990 Marine (53 sets), 1990 Ducks (50 sets), 1990 Submarine (50 sets) MUH cat £2100+ = A$4200. Then several binders of retired & remaindered stock M&U. Retail $400. Mostly F-VF. (2000, 50 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$40

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Shipping carton with British Commonwealth 1981 Royal Wedding extensive MUH collection in thick Lighthouse turn-bar binder (retail $120) with 67 diff Pic sets & 72 M/Sheets. Some minor foxing on the pgs, stamps appear fresh MUH. An impressive collection. Australia 1978-98 PSE collection in 3 miniature PW Albums inc 1979 Human Rights 20c opt 'IYC' pmk FDI (very scarce, contemporary retail $160). Nauru 1978 MUH Pics to $5 plate number blks of 15 MUH (FV $150), plus another set to $2 plate number blks (FV $75). More MUH Nauru with 52 1970s Pic/Commem sets inc 1978 Surcharges (15 sets, retail $225), plus 22 M/Sheets, Pitcairn Pic sets (20) inc to $2, plus 26 M/S. Norfolk is 1970s-80s Pic/Commem sets (54), plus 32 M/S, mostly fresh MUH inc blks of 4. Ross Dependency collection with 48 MUH sets to 2000 Transport (retail $500) inc 1957 Defs & 1967 1st decimal Pics. Australian States basic U collection in Seven Seas illustrated album inc NSW 1888 Cent set to 5/- Map. 8 albums, plus PNG 1986 PO Year Album. Large carton.AVAILABLE at A$220

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Solomon Islands: 2012-16 M/Sheets MUH collection with 2000 diff inc individual vals to $35 & great thematic/local contents inc Marine Life, Shells, Mushrooms, History, Transport, Olympics, Sports, Flight, Space, Ships, Royalty & more. FV $6700 = A$1200.AVAILABLE at A$230

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South Africa: 1850s-2000 ex dealer's stock in 10 s/books & a binder, inc various colonies with Cape of Good Hope 1853-64 Triangles 1d & 6d (2), 1864-84 Hope to 5/-, Natal 1859 QV 3d blue, various to 1902 KGVI to 2/6, others inc Orange Free State, Orange River Colony, Transvaal, Zululand. Also inc Basutoland, Bechuanaland Protectorate, Swaziland KGVI set to 10/-, Nyasaland KGV £1, Rhodesia & South West Africa. South Africa inc 1913 KGV to 10/- inc some inverted wmks, 1½d tete-beche pr, 1929 Air set inc 1/- (8) with various cds, 1926-54 to 10/- various bilingual prs, large number of higher values 2/6 (80+), 5/- (30+), 10/- (30+), range to 1980s inc some Homelands. This is a large accumulation with wmk inverted, perforation varieties, bilingual prs & varieties noted throughout, mainly comp sets. Mostly G-VF U, fresh VF MLH-MUH. SG cat £6500+ = A$13,000. (10,000 + 40 M/S) (P)SOLD at A$400

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Thematic Stamps-on-Stamps collection A-Z in s/books & binders mostly Mint but also inc some covers, Cinderellas etc. Noted Argentina 1979 Stamp Exhibition M/Sheet set of 4 SG 1646/49 (cat £172), Australia 1950s-c2000 sets & M/Sheets inc 1999 Navigators M/Sheet double perf & others FV $50, Belgium 1925 Anniv set M (cat £75), Brazil 1938-93 inc 1938 Exhibition M/Sheet, 1941 Stamp cent & M/S (2 of) 1941 Air, stamp cent M/S MUH & others (cat £240), China & Taiwan 1972-90s sets & M/Sheets (FV £110+), Cuba 1940-2000 inc 1955 Air Exhibition M/S, 1986-91 History MUH etc (cat £250+), France 1949-2000 inc 1949 10Fr Stamp Cent M & Used on Commem Postcard etc (cat £200), French Polynesia 1974-97 inc 1974 100Fr UPU, 1993 Officials set MUH etc (cat £160), Germany West 1949-80s inc 1949 Stamp Cent set MUH & on FDC, 1951 NBA set MUH etc (cat £400+), Hungary 1950-99 inc 1950 PO Museum set MUH, 1951 50th Anniv set, 1962 Stamp Day M/Sheet perf & imperf (2) MUH, 1965 Stamp Day set imperf & M/Sheet perf, imperf MUH, 1976 Italia M/Sheet perf & imperf MUH & others (cat £500), Italy 1951 Tuscany Stamp Cent MUH & Trieste set MUH & others (cat £170+), Japan 1921 50th Anniv set M(cat £360), Korea North & South sets & M/Sheets Mostly MUH (cat £160), Philippines 1954-98 inc 1954 Stamp Cent M/Sheet M, 1977 Espamer Amphilex, 1984 Ausipex, 1998 Exhibition set of 8 M/Sheet MUH etc (cat £200+), M/Sheet, 1943 Cent M/Sheet MUH etc (cat £260), Sweden 1955 Stamp Anniv set of 4 imperf & a range of imperf colour separations etc (30 diff) MUH, Uruguay 1921 Air opt set M (cat £30). These are but a selection of items, there are many other sets & M/Sheets not catalogued. With close to 4000 stamps + approx 1000 sets/issues & 780+ M/Sheets in total. A tremendous array largely VF. (3950+, 780 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$700

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Tristan da Cunha: 1952-2008 collection on KABE hingeless pgs & in mounts on plain pgs in 2 large loose leaf albums inc 1952 opt to 10/-, 1954 Island Scenes to 10/-, 1960 Marine Life to 10/-, 1961 Decimal Currency to 1R, 1963 Resettlement to 10/-, 1965 Ships to £1, 1972 Plants to £1, 1994 Ships to £5, 2000 Monarchs to £5, 2005 Birds to £5, also noted 1957 Postage Dues to 5d & (5) c1950-60 Tristan Postcards receiving & delivery mail, also set of 9 values ex 1960 'Potato' sheetlet to 1/-. Mostly comp. Many fresh VF MUH, some CTO, small number MLH. Pre-dec cat £350, dec cat £1250, FV £300. Total SG cat £1600 = A$3200. (900+, 50 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$375

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Tristan da Cunha: 1971-2015 specialist collection crammed into 2 s/book mainly comp sets in blks of 4, 8, 12. Mostly blks with colour plate numbers & registration markings, as well as imprint blks with printer details etc. Very extensive collection inc 1972 Flowering Plants x 4 diff sets of blks, 1994 Ships x 4, 2000 Monarchs x 4, 2005 Birds x 2 etc. Seems all fresh VF MUH. SG cat £9800+ = A$19,600+. Fantastic modern collection. (4800 + 50 M/S).AVAILABLE at A$1800

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Tuvalu 1976-2015 MUH Extensive collection on 120+ hagners in 6 binders inc 1976 set to $2 (x2), 1979 Fish & 1983 Handicrafts Normal & opt Official to $5, 1989 Birds to $5 opt Official (x2), 1991 WWII ship to $1.50, 1992 & 1997 Fish to $3, 1999 Flowers & M/S (5) 2000 Fish, Butterflies, Birds, Cat & Dogs comp in sheetlets & M/S (5), 2001 Insects to $3, numerous sets & M/S. Strong Thematics. Almost all VF fresh MUH. FV est $2700 = A$2700 as Tuvalu uses Australian currency. Seldom offered modern issues. (1500+, 400+ M/S). (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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Twelve album carton lot with GB 1953-71 near comp pre-decimal MUH collection in KABE hingeless album inc Castles to £1, 1950s/60s Commem sets & Machins to £1 black. World booklet collection (60) strength in 1970s-80s British Royalty inc 1977-78 QEII Silver Jubilee & 1981 RW. Australia mess inc 1960s booklet panes, 1968 Soil/medical gutter prs, 1969 Flight 5c blks of 9, 1972 Olympics 35c (12) & 1950s-60s Pics/Commems inc high val sets. Also 1990s PO publications (5) with PO Packs (issue costs $75) inc Antarctic Whales, Military Aviation & Planet earth. 1966-2000 mixed MUH/UN/VF U collection (many 100s) to 2000 Olympics in large binder inc 1966 Navigators opt SPECIMEN UN, better 1970s Commems MUH inc 1971 Christmas 7c blks of 7 (2), high val Paintings to $10 VFU & much more inc non-letter rate Pics/Commems & assorted M/Sheets with plenty of extras, plus more decimal Pics in green Chinese s/book with useful pickings to $20 Gardens, blue s/book with NZ 1950 Health sets in comp sheets. Aust 1980s FDC in black springback album World Collection in 1960s Seven Seas Golden Age loose leaf album. A diverse group with 13 albums in large carton inc 1997 Diana Memorial sheets of 50 (8 dif) inc Fiji, Kiribati, Solomon Is, Fiji, St Kitts & Vanuatu! (Few 1000)AVAILABLE at A$325

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USA 1870s-1960s collection in Lincoln album mainly early period 1870s Head range to 15c, 1893 Colombians to 30c, 1898 Trans-Mississippi Expo to $1, 1917-50 various to $1, 1930-60 Airmails, 1976 Bicentennial sheet, 1897-1931 Postage Dues to 10c, also some loose & in Envelope & hagners. Patchy, usual mixed condition in early later mostly G-VFU. SG STC £2000+= A$4000+. (500 + 2 cvrs).SOLD at A$200

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Varied carton lot with Norfolk Is 1947 Ball Bay sets of 14 to 2/- blue (3), 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge & 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird (2 sets) all VFM, retail $200. 1997 Diana Memorial sheets of 50 with Vanuatu 95c (2) & Tokelau $1 (2), total FV A$180. Channel Is 1980s-90s collection with 40 Pic/Commem sets & 20 M/Sheets. 1977 QEII Silver Jubilee FDC collection in custom made silver binder. British Commonwealth collection in 2 springback albums inc Canada to late 1960s, Malta, Zimbabwe, Sierra Leone, Tonga & Sarawak, plus USA 1880s-1980s in a 3rd album. 1984 Los Angeles Olympics FDC collection in red album. Australia 1993-2000 VGC Seven Seas hingeless album (replacement value $200). 1978 18c PPC & 1980 22c PPC (100 of ea). Finally Australia 1970s PO Pack collection (45, retail $500) inc 1969-75 Christmas comp, plus 1970 & 1971 selected issue packs. Few mixed condition, mostly MUH/M/F-VFU condition.AVAILABLE at A$300

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Vietnam North: 1951-2019 collection in green binder, 1951 Ho Chi Minh set M (SG N4-6), plus 100d (3) U. 1954 Victory set, 1954 50d SG N14 U, 1958 Education set, 1961 Space Flight 5 sets inc blks of 4 CTO. 1961 Artists Long Imperf set & M/Sheet. 1962 Folk Dancing set & M/Sheet, 1962 Flower sets Imperf & Perf M. Then various 1960s + 1970s Flowers + Fruit sets perf + Imperf M inc 1971 Tigers set & M/Sheet, various later sets to 1970s-1980s, plus a selection to post 2000. Some light duplication but mostly F-VF condition. Total cat £2350 = A$4700. A good collection of an unusual area. (1400++, 10 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$220
World collection in 4 albums with West Indies selection. Europe inc Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Germany & Danzig selection on cards. Poland 1963-92 M sets & M/Sheets with many Thematics inc Space, Sports & Birds. Then PNG 1960s-70s selection M&U. Palau 1993-2004 range of sets & M/Sheets, Russia selection with various Patriotic Pics. Also Afghanistan 1960s-70s sets & M/S, Pakistan 1954-2004 M/U. An interesting varied range. Total retail $1900+, plus Michel cats S/West Europe 2019 Germany 2021/22, Australia 2021/22. F/VF. (2000+, 60+ M/S)SOLD at A$140

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World collection in 5 large albums/binders, 2 small albums/binders, leaves etc. Inc Austria 1915 Feldpost selection M&U, 1940s-60s sets/singles mostly MUH (cat £225), Great Britain 1969-90s FDCs & others (85), Canada 1999/2000 Millennium/Peace issue in uncut sheet of 9 (sl tone), Hong Kong 1965-90s inc 1965 Churchill set MUH, 1988 def pack, 1990s Lunar New Year issues etc mostly MUH (cat £290), Macau 1990s M/Sheet selection (cat £35), New Zealand, Ross Dep 1957-95 inc 1957 Pic sets (4) inc FDC. 1994 Seal Defs imprint blks of 6 & singles etc retail $370+ (FV $135), some Europe inc Denmark & Greece, plus a mix of others.SOLD at A$100

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World M/sheets modern 2000s stock with Romania CAPEX 96 (200, Mi cat €600), Portugal 2003 Orchids (100, €900), Bosnia-Herzegovina 2006 Europa (200, €2000), Cyprus 2006 Europa (100, €500), Jamaica Europa 2006 (100, €900), Montenegro Europa 2006 imperf (200, €4000) & Map of Europe (250, €5000), Peru Europa 2006 (250, €1750). Total 1400 M/S, Mi cat €14,840 = A$24,600. Also Solomon Is 2006 Europa set of 6 M/sheets (approx 100 of ea) FV $7100 = A$1300, plus Tonga-Niuafu'ou 2012 Butterfly set of 12 to $8.00 both imperf & perf, 20 set in comp sheets. FV T$1860 = A$1200. All fresh MUH, total FV & cat A$27,400. (1400 M/S, plus extras)AVAILABLE at A$250

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Great Britain: Two volume collection with Gallaher Ltd 1930s sets (11) inc Army Badges (1939, £40), Dogs Series 1 & 2 (£55), Famous Film Scenes (1935, £35), Portraits of Famous Stars (1935, £50), plus others. Mostly VF condition. 2022 CTCC cat £330. R J Lea Ltd 1912 'Old English Pottery & Porcelain' (Nos 1-50, cat £150), 1912-1913 'Old Pottery & Porcelain sets 3, 4 & 5' (Nos 101-260, cat £375). Millhoff & Co 1927 'Antique Pottery' set of 54 (cat £50) & 1928 England Historic & Picturesque set of 25 medium size cards (cat £35). Ogdens 1923 British Birds set of 50 cut-outs (£50) plus others. Generally VF or better condition with 22 sets in total. 2022 CTCC cat £1000+ = A$2000.SOLD at A$250

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Cricket 1995 ACB set of 109 inc World Series, Sheffield Shield & Mercantile Mutual Cup. Then NRL Rugby with 2014, '17, '20 Traders sets in albums, 2022 Traders sets (3), & 2023 set loose. 2016 Elite set (loose) & 2021 Elite set in album, plus undated Extreme set in sealed pack. Then Baseball 2020 with part sets of 170 & 198, respectively. Star Wars Rise of Skywalker (99) & Harry Potter (170). As new. (2000).AVAILABLE at A$180

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10/- Grey & pink. VF CTO part 'Melbourne 25 AP 13' cds quarter strike from UPU distribution. SG 14 cat £750. ACSC 47Awa(var) cat $2000. (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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2/- Red-brown aniline, with previous unrecorded variety 'scratch from GE to gulf coast'. Generally these scratches only occurred in a specific printing, are scarce & difficult to plate. FU with 'Melbourne 13 AP 17' cds. SG 41b(var) cat £500+. ACSC 37G cat $2000+ for shade, plus this stamp is a nice combination with rare variety. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert for shade. (P)SOLD at A$400

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4½d Violet collection on hagners inc single wmk shades, perf OS (3), major varieties 'retouch RVT & numeral' (1R29), 'deformed left frame & break' (1R55) etc, 4½d violet small mult perf 14 shades, perf OS, variety 'deformed left frame with break' (1R55 x2) etc, 4½d violet small mult wmk shades. G-VFU. ACSC cat $2000+. (50+)AVAILABLE at A$200

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½d Orange Electro 7 inverted wmk gutter blk of 40 with Harrison 2-line imprint ('N over MP', 'no stop after printer'). The blk is the right 2 rows of left & the 2 rows of right of Electro 7, which is proven by 7R7 'broken left frame', also shows 7R13 'white flaws below king's ear'. Quite unique. Fresh VF MUH with one minor perf separation. SG 56w(var). ACSC 66Aa(7) cat with inv wmk, 2 varieties & imprint blk is $2000. (40) (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1d Red salmon eosin, part Sydney cds. FU. SG 21(var). ACSC 71SA cat $2000. 2004 Drury photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$750

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1d Carmine-red single line perforation collection on hagner inc LR marginal cnr blk of 4. Vendor has identified this as Plate 3, pane 6 which would be a no monogram right cnr strip of 2 (ACSC lists strip of 3 cat $4250), few flts but scarce, also inc marginal left side blk of 6 with printing pin hole. Superb MUH, also inc 2 blks of 4 & a pr. Good for research. F MLH (3), VF MUH (18). SG 21(var). ACSC 70A(var) cat $2000++. (21).SOLD at A$600

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1d Red 1914-20 Extensive U collection of varieties, beautifully annotated in 3 Lighthouse s/books, inc major varieties right & left plates (160+), from saddle on emu (1/36) to Run N (8/60), sub cliches (7), Die II range with all positions (90+), range of minor varieties & compartment lines & dots, few inverted wmk, Die III, large multi wmk inc a few varieties, range of smooth & rough paper shades. Small range of 1d violet & green varieties & compartment lines. ACSC cat $14000+ with major varieties (160), $6400; sub cliches (7) $2000+, Die II (90) $2700 other minor varieties (700 say $5 ea=$3500. (1300)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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½d Dull green JBC monogram bottom right blk of 12, plated as Electro 5 right pane R49-54, 55-60 identified by minor variety 5R60 - break above emu's back. MUH effected by rust spots & 2-tone suntanned gum but collectable appearance. ACSC 63(5)zb cat $1000 Mint, should be at least double, $2000, plus other stamps $2150. (12)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1/4 Turquoise-blue Ash imprint pr. VFM. ACSC 130 A za cat $2000. (P)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1928 Kookaburra 3d blue, on Mitchell FDC with clear 'Subiaco 29 OC 28 West Australia' cds being date of issue of the M/Sheet at the Melbourne Philatelic Exhibition. The official date of issue for the sheet stamps was 2 Nov 1928. A rare pre-release FDC. ACSC cat $2000 for the November date. (P)SOLD at A$500

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1973 Marine Life 1c Banded Shrimp variety 'yellow OMITTED'. VFU/CTO, plus normal to compare. SG 545b cat £1200. ACSC 635cb cat $2000. (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1984 Victoria Sesquicentenary 30c pr in blk of 30, error 'bright rose & black partly omitted from elliptical void area' of the central blk of 4 at base inc 1 stamp MISSING the denomination! (error caused by foreign material on the paper that fell off after printing the black, red, yellow etc so that only the blue was printed). VF MUH, sl gum tones. SG 359a(var). ACSC 1085cb cat $2000+. Rarity as 1 other vertical pr recorded. This very item previously sold for $1700+ in a 2003 Sydney auction. (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1984-88 Marine Life 55c error cyan colour totally OMITTED, so missing the inscription Bennett's Nudibranch from top margin. Superb fresh U on maxicard as always, plus normal to compare. SG 930a cat £1500. ACSC 1053c cat $2500 & this very item sold for $2000+ in a 2003 Sydney auction. Very rare, less than 10 recorded. (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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2000-02 SES $4.50 with various 45c stamp issues all diff, majority Sports. VF fresh MUH. FV $76. Original PO cost $255. (17).AVAILABLE at A$50

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2000 Paralympian of the Year $9 SES set of 7 with 45c Globe with tabs for ea category winner. FV $63 alone. VF fresh MUH. (7).AVAILABLE at A$40

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2000 Paralympian of the Year $9 SES set, 45c Globe with tabs for ea category winner. FV $63 alone. VF fresh MUH. (7).AVAILABLE at A$40

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2000 Stawell Gift $4.50 SES, 45c Millennium & generic tabs, plus imperf proof sheet of background & tabs only. VF fresh MUH. (2).SOLD at A$20

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2000 Paralympian of the Year $9 SES set, 45c Globe with tabs for ea category winner. FV $63 alone. VF fresh MUH. (7).AVAILABLE at A$40

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2000 Paralympic Team NSW $4.50 SES, 45c Kangaroo & flag with generic photo tabs. VF fresh MUH.AVAILABLE at A$7

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2000 Paralympian of the Year $9 SES set, 45c Globe with tabs for ea category winner. FV $63 alone. VF fresh MUH. (7).AVAILABLE at A$40

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2000 Sydney Olympics PO Album with set of Gold Medallists sheetlets. Digital Print with Possum logo at LR (Victoria). FV $72.AVAILABLE at A$40

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2000 Richmond AFL Club $9 SES with players tabs, plus imperf proof sheet with tabs only printing. VF fresh MUH. (2).AVAILABLE at A$25

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2000 Olympics Sydney-Athens handover $9 & $30 SES generic PO issues tabs, plus Olymphilex 2000 SES $9 with generic woman tab. VF MUH. FV $48. (3).AVAILABLE at A$35

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1998 Olympic Legends $5.40 philatelic barcode, opt Olymphilex 2000. Limited Edition no. 163. SG SB119(var). Retail $95.AVAILABLE at A$30

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1998 Olympic Legends $5.40 generic barcode, opt Olymphilex 2000. Limited Edition no. 43. SG SB119(var). Retail $85.AVAILABLE at A$25

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2000 Olympics $4.50 original print philatelic barcode, opt in silver Olymphilex 2000. Limited Edition no. 0385. SG SB137(var). Retail $65.AVAILABLE at A$20

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2000 Olympics $4.50 original print philatelic barcode, opt in gold Olymphilex 2000. Limited Edition no. 1137. SG SB137(var). Retail $50.AVAILABLE at A$15

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1902-04 Completed Design 10/- dull green wmk crown NSW, single line perf 11. VFU with partial NSW in 3 concentric circles CTO pmk. SG D43 cat £2000. ACSC D44w cat $3250. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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2000 Penguins 45c pr & 2011 Expedition 60c Anniv set in sheets of 50. VF fresh MUH. SG 130-31 & 207-11. FV alone $52. (2 sheets)AVAILABLE at A$40

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Envelope - PTPO: 1940-41 KGVI 1d green embossed DOUBLETON. Superb condition - addressed but w/o pmk & flap stuck. ACSC ES76 cat $4000 UN or $2000 U. Extremely rare with only several recorded. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1000

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Wrapper: 1953 QEII 3½d black UNISSUED photographic PROOF on glazed paper 80x100mm, endorsed 'To be used for newspaper wrappers' & 'H' at top, plus '12.2.53' in pencil on back. ACSC W26(p)1 cat $2000 & was previously sold in a Melbourne auction for $2400+. UNIQUE item illustrated in ACSC. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1000

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Wrapper - Official: 1922-23 OHMS KGV 1d violet solid OS die for Deputy Commissioner for Maternity Allowances. VF UN. ACSC WO5 cat $2000. Extremely rare in UN condition. This example illustrated in ACSC & possibly the only recorded. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1000

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Wrapper - PTPO: 1915-19 KGV 1d red Die II with ' 20 Posted' h/s. Superb U, 'Melbourne 24 JE 1921' pmk. ACSC WS9 cat $2000. Die II are extremely rare with only several recorded & unique usage. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$750

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1860 QV Chalon 2d blue, imperf, wmk Large Star. F-VF U, almost 3 margins, on piece tied rayed '131' of Gladstone pmk. Scott 2 cat US$1950, SG 2 cat £2000. Very rare genuine imperf & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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1895 QV 2½d pale reddish-purple horiz pr, imperf plate PROOF, blank background, 2 cnr numerals on bluish granite paper, no wmk. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG 213(p). ACSC Q23(PP)1F cat $2000+. Very rare. (2) (P)AVAILABLE at A$275

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1895 QV 2½d light brown horiz pr, imperf plate PROOF, blank background, 2 cnr numerals on bluish granite paper, no wmk. Fresh UN as made, small thin, 4 large margins. SG 213(p). ACSC Q23(PP)1G cat $2000, plus premium for pr. Very rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$180

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1854-55 Swan 4d deep red-brown, imperf. Superb UN, 4 margins. Sc 4a cat US$2250. SG 4a cat £2000. Rare shade. BPA photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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1854-55 Swan 1/- deep red-brown, imperf. Superb fresh UN, cut square with 4 margins, nice colour. Scott 5b cat US$2250, SG 4a cat £2000 for UN. Rare shade. 2006 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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1929 Crown L opt Orval Abbey set 5c+5c - 10Fr+10Fr, opt for the laying of the Abbey's 1st stone. Superb fresh MUH. SG 543-51 cat £1000 for M, should be at least double, £2000 MUH. COB 272A-K cat €1850. (9)AVAILABLE at A$650

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1860-1970s A-Z collection in 4 loose leaf albums & 2 s/books strength is in 1800s-1930s across most countries inc Bermuda 1920s Tercentenary set to 1/-, 1924 high values to 10/-, British Solomon Is 1922 KGV to 10/- Canada range from 1860s inc 1859 beaver 5c, Newfoundland 1865 2c cod, Ceylon 1857-67 QV to 1/-, Kenya & Uganda 1922 high values to 10/-, Ireland 1922 opts to 1/- M, Heligoland 1867-90 range inc reprints, India & States range, Cook Is 1892 to 2½d, 1893 White Fern to 1/-, Samoa Palms to 2/6, 1914 GRI to 6d, Malaya range of States from 1883, also Switzerland coll'n 1860s-1990s, small China/Taiwan coll'n & Australia U. Coll'n 1966-80s Pitcairn Is Seven Seas hingeless album. Mostly diff various in tins, loose & covers. Useful old time collection ex Deceased Estate. With plenty of better stamps throughout. Some earlies mixed condition. Mainly U from GU-VFU. About 10% F-VF MLH to MUH. SG STC £10,000++ = A$20000+. (8000+ 30 cvrs).AVAILABLE at A$800

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1906 opt Labuan Crown set 1c-$1/8c. VFU, all nice Brunei cds. SG 11-22 cat £800. Only 2000 printed & rare used. (12) (P)AVAILABLE at A$550

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1932 Airmail set 18L-28L, UR cnr marginal blks of 4. Superb fresh MUH. Mi 249-251 cat €1000+. SG 323-25 cat £1000+ for M singles, should be at least double, £2000+ MUH, plus premium for rare multiples. (12) (P)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1851 Prince 6d slate-violet, imperf on vert laid paper. VFU, appearance, sm tear at left, 4 huge margins, concentric circles pmk. SG 2 cat £1400. Unitrade 2 cat C$2000. Rare with such large margins. 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1852-57 QV 7½d yellow-green, imperf. F-VFU, tiny edge tear at right, 4 large margins, concentric circles pmk. SG 12 cat £3500. Unitrade 9 cat C$5000/2000. Rare classic. (P)AVAILABLE at A$725

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1852-57 QV 7½d yellow-green, imperf. GU, closed tear at base, 3½ margins. SG 12 cat £3500. Unitrade 9 cat C$5000/2000. (P)AVAILABLE at A$325

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1852-57 Cartier 10d bright blue on thin paper. Superb U, 4 large margins, light cancel. SG 13 cat £2000. Unitrade 7 cat C$2400. Premium quality example. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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1852-57 Cartier 10d dull blue on thin paper. VFU, 4 margins, tiny cut in LL cnr margin. SG 14 cat £2000. Unitrade 7i cat C$2500. (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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1852-57 Cartier 10d blue, imperf. FU appearance, repaired UR & LR, 4 margins. SG 15 cat £2000. Unitrade 7 cat C$2400/1200. (P)AVAILABLE at A$230

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1897 QV Jubilee $2 deep violet. F-VF fresh MLH. SG 137 cat £1100. Unitrade 63 cat C$2000/1200. (P)SOLD at A$475

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1897 QV Jubilee $4 violet. F-VF fresh M. Unitrade 64 cat C$2000/1200. SG 139 cat £1400. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1897 QV Jubilee $4 violet. VF fresh M. SG 139 cat £1400. Unitrade 64 cat C$2000. (P)AVAILABLE at A$525

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1897 QV Jubilee $5 olive-green. Superb fresh MLH, excellent centring. SG 140 cat £1500. Unitrade 65 cat C$2000. Unusually nice top value. (P)SOLD at A$950

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1897-98 QV Maple Leaves set ½c-10c, imperf proofs, on card. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG 141-149(p) cat £450 as normal set, Unitrade 66P-73P cat C$2000. Attractive & rare set. (8) (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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1964 Peonies 2Y M/Sheet. Superb fresh MUH, original size 77x136mm. S61M, SG MS2199a cat £2000. Scarce so nice. (P)AVAILABLE at A$2500

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2000 New Year Dragon 45c sheet of 50.. VF fresh MUH. SG 476-7 cat £87. FV $22.50.AVAILABLE at A$18

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1921-28 Collection inc 1921 SCADTA to 5p plus 15c, 20c & 30c, horiz IMPERF prs. 1923-28 Servicio Transportes set to 5p (SG cat £200). 1928 Mendez Goodwill Flight opt set 20c & 30c. F-VF M/MUH, 4U. Scott ex C25-54 cat US$1000+. SG cat £1000+ = A$2000+, plus the rare imperf prs. (37). (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Germany: 1932 Zeppelin 7th Sth America flight PPC franked Hindenburg 6pf tied by 'Deutsche Marine Schifspost N28 29 9 32' cds of the Cruiser 'Karlsuhe' with Condor-Zeppelin cachet & returned to Kiel Germany. Sieger 184B cat €2000. Extremely rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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1866-67 Arms serpentine roulette 1Mk brown roulette C with teeth 2¼mm. Fresh MLH, 2 shortish teeth but better than usual condition. Scott 11 cat US$2000, Fa 10C cat Kr20,000, Mi 10C cat €3000+, SG 49 cat £3500+ & all under-catalogued. Ex Faberge - position 33 in his reconstruction (colour photocopy provided). 2011 Schwenson photo cert. (P)SOLD at A$700

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1866-67 Arms serpentine roulette 1Mk brown roulette C with teeth 2¼mm. VF fresh MLH, tiny natural paper pinhole but superb appearance. Scott 11 cat US$2000, Fa 10C cat Kr20,000, Mi 10C cat €3000+, SG 49 cat £3500+ & all under-catalogued. Ex Faberge - position 8 in his reconstruction (colour photocopy provided). 2022 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)SOLD at A$1000

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1881-92 Postage Due 5Fr black. VFU appearance, expertly repaired UL cnr perf, light cancel. Yv T24 cat €2000, Maury T24 cat €2000. SG D295 cat £2500. Rare genuine example. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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France: 1876-2000 Mint collection on album pgs in 4 binders (ea stamp neatly in Hawids). 1876-1900 Peace & Commerce range to 5Fr. 1900-23 Blanc, Merson & Mouchon to 5Fr. 1907-19 Sower to 35c. 1917-19 War Orphans 2c+3c - 1F+1F. 1918 Red Cross 15c+5c. 1922 War Orphans Fund Surch set to 11F on 5F+5F. 1926-27 War Orphans set to 5Fr+1F. 1927 Strasbourg 5F+10F gutter pr. 1927 opt Air set 2Fr & 5Fr. 1927-30 Sinking Fund sets. 1929-33 high val views to 20Fr. 1936 Air set to 50F (SG cat £1200). 1936 Banknote Air 50F. 1936 Transatlantic Air set 1F50 & 10F. 1937 PEXIP M/S. Then comprehensive coverage of Commems & Defs inc 1950 National Fund set. 1954 Air set to 1000F. 1953 Sports set. 1954 National Fund set & 1955 set. 1957 Air set to 1000F. F-VF fresh M/MUH, post 1960 being MUH. SG cat £38,000+ = A$76,000+. Beautiful & valuable collection. (3100 + 24 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$5500

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1943 Military Airmail opt Petain 80c brown with 'Par Avion Batiment de Ligne Richelieu' issued on Battleship Richelieu in New York. Superb fresh MUH. Yv PAM 11 cat €1800+, Maury PAM 2 cat €2000. Rare as less than 100 printed. 2016 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$900

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Wurttemberg: 1916 Municipal Service 25th Anniv 2½pf-50pf in FULL SHEETS of 40 with full margins & printing order imprints! Superb fresh MUH. Mi D123-9 cat €2000 for singles, SG M202-08 cat £880 for M singles, should be at least double, £1760 MUH, plus huge premium for rare full sheets. (7 sheets of 40).AVAILABLE at A$400

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Wiesbaden: 1886-98 Used collection inc 1886 Numeral selection inc shades. 1887 '2' & '3' h/s opt inc INVERTED opts. 1887 Numerals to 20pf inc imperfs. 1887 Medical Congress 3pf violet & gold. 1887 Arms 3pf inc 3pf green imperf. 1893 Buildings 2pf & 3pf. 1894 Kaiser Wilhelm II 2pf & 3pf (both colours). 1895 Theatre 2pf (3 diff colours). 1895 Kaiser Wilhelm I 3pf. 1896 Numeral 3pf. 1898 Kaiser Friedrich III opt. F-VFU, some M but 90%+ being Used. Mi cat €1200+ = A$2000+. (70) (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Upper Silesia: 1920 Dove & Coal Mine 40pf olive-green, UL cnr marginal vert strip of 4, error IMPERF at left between stamps & margin, with printers imprint. VF fresh MUH. SG 27(var). Mi 21UI cat €1200++ as singles, plus premium for multiple with imprint so would have to be €2000+ as such. Extremely rare & spectacular error multiple. 2014 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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1922 Pictorials 3c-5Fr colour trial plate PROOFS inc values in 2 colours, 15c with pink centre shifted & bicolours (11) -some close to issued colours. SG ex 84-97PI est cat €2000. Attractive & rare group. (22). (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1928 Christmas Charity set 40c-10Fr composite imperf PROOF sheetlet in olive-green (colour of issued 3Fr) on normal paper (155x113mm), with the 10Fr being rejected ESSAY design that has '10F + 10F' denomination at sides which was changed to just '10F' in centre. Superb fresh, MLH in margins, stamps MUH, 'mo 3 3+ m/s at left. SG 128-34(p). Mi 128-34PKLB cat €2000 for M, or €4000 MUH (singles would still cat €3500). Extremely rare, only several printed. 2024 Ceremuga photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1700

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1928 Christmas Charity set 40c-10Fr composite imperf PROOF sheetlet in lake colour of issued 2Fr, normal paper (155x113mm), with the 10Fr being rejected ESSAY design that has '10F+10F' denomination at sides which was changed to just '10F' in centre. Superb fresh, MLH in margin & small edge tears at left (can be trimmed), stamps MUH. SG 128-34(p). Mi 128-34PKLB cat €2000 for M, or €4000 MUH (singles would still cat €3500). Extremely rare, only several printed. 2024 Ceremuga photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1700

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1948 Flood Relief Fund Airmail M/Sheet. Superb U with perfect strike 'Mettlach (Saar) 13.12.48' cds. Mi Blk 2 cat €2400+. Sc CB1a cat US$2000+, SG MS 256a cat £3000+. Extremely scarce with genuine pmk. 2014 Sismondo photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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Croatia: 1945 Storm Troopers M/Sheet with set 50+50k to 100+100k, stamps with 'A.O.' imprints as base of ea. Superb fresh MUH, pristine original gum, with margins in perfect condition & original size 216x133mm. Only 2500 printed & few of those survived WWII. Mi Blk 8 cat €2200+, SG MS144a cat £2000 for M, should be at least double, £4000 MUH. Genuine perfect condition examples of this M/S are very seldom offered - beware of the very dangerous reprints that exist! 1996 APS & 2010 Ceremuga photo certs. (P)AVAILABLE at A$2500

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Montenegro: 1944 Red Cross opt set of 7 used on Yugoslav King Postcard with 5-line 1 Lire opt, reverse tied by 'Berane 22 V 44' cds. SG 104-10 cat £1700+ as loose stamps alone. Mi 29-35 cat €700 for CTO stamps with this cancel & cat €2000 on cover, plus the card Mi P1 unpriced used. Sass 21-24 & PA-11 cat €1500 as set on cover, plus card Interitalia P4 cat €800=€2300. (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Fredersdorf: 1945 Numeral Provisionals format 14x9½mm, double-lined blue frame 5pf left marginal blk of 6 & XII pf, large numerals (XII Pfr in red), signed in red or black, tied by 'Fredersdorf 24 NOV 1945 Berlin' oval pmks to registered cover. Mi Sp101b & Sp109b cat €120 as loose U stamps & €210 on cover.Only 2000 printed & rare on correctly franked cover. Exp Harder BPP. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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Fredersdorf: 1945 Numeral Provisionals, horiz format set 5(pf) - 30(pf), large square dotted frame in blue, imperf, with 'F.M' h/s in violet or red, tied by 'Fredersdorf 9 NOV 1945 Berlin' violet oval pmk to registered cover. VF. Mi Sp256-60 cat €1100 as loose stamps & €2000 on cover. Extremely rare, only 50 sets printed. 2014 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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Postal Stationery: 1951-90 collection appears 99% comp, in expensive Vario/Lighthouse slipcase album, most both UN & U, noted 1953 Kollwitz 20pf U (Mi P44 cat €500), many diff view cards, 1952 Lottery card, Double Reply cards, plus envelope inc PTPO etc. VF fresh UN/U. Mi cat €2000+ & under-catalogued. Excellent lot. (200+)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1867-83 QV 5/- rose, Plate 2, letters JA-AJ, wmk Maltese Cross. FU, light barred oval pmk. Scott 57 cat US$1750, SG Spec J122. SG 126-p12 cat £1500. 2000 Louis BPP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1867-83 QV 5/- rose, Plate 1, letters BG-GB, wmk Maltese Cross. FU, light barred pmk, nice colour. Scott 57 cat US$775, SG Spec J121(1). SG 121-p11 cat £675. 2000 Louis BPP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$80

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1902-10 KEVII ½d green, DLR printing, left marginal bklt pane of 6, opt SPECIMEN (SG type 22), wmk Imperial Crown INVERTED. VF fresh MUH. SG 27s(var), SG Spec MB1at cat £2000, plus +40% SG specified premium MUH £2800. Extremely rare. 2021 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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1902-10 KEVII 5d dull purple & ultramarine chalk-surfaced paper, DLR printing, opt CANCELLED (SG type 20) being special specimen ex DLR archives. Superb fresh M. SG 242a(s)(var). SG Spec M29u cat £2000. Major rarity as only several recorded. 2021 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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1902-10 KEVII £1 dull blue-green, DLR printing. Superb fresh MLH, with nice original gum, bright colour & excellent centring. Scott 142 cat US$2000. SG 266 cat £2000. Scarce top value in premium quality. 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)SOLD at A$750

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1911-13 KEVII £1 deep green, Somerset House printing. VF fresh MLH Scott 142b cat US$2300. SG Spec M56. SG 320 cat £2000. Rare mint top values. (P)AVAILABLE at A$900

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Cochin, Dhar, Duttia & Faridkot: 1879-1949 collection with Cochin from 1892 inc 1911-48 Rajah selection inc Officials. Noted 1943 ONGCG opt 4a vert strip of 3 & 1948 3p blk of 20. Dhar 1897 Typeset set to 2a. Duttia 1897-1920 Ganesh range inc blks. Faridkot 1879-86 h/s blue range to 1p plus later multicolour issues. Most F-VF M/U. SG cat £1000+ = A$2000+. (224).SOLD at A$300

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Orcha: 1914-42 collection inc 1914-35 Arms 1a used & ¼a M. 1935 Rajah to 25R plus ¼a, 1¼a, 3a & 8a imperf proof prs. Also 1R horiz pr & ¼a vert error imperf between & vals to 4a in blks or gutter blks of 4. 1939-42 Rajah to 2R M inc 1a blk of 4. F-VF M/U. SG cat £1000+ = A$2000+. (110). (P)AVAILABLE at A$350

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Indonesia: 1978 Tiger 100Rp M/Sheet (100, SG 1492 cat £1300), 1996 Rhino 2400Rp M/S (50, SG cat £325), plus another 50 M/S opt 'Bursa Filateli SEA Games 1997', unlisted SG est. cat £325, 1998 Minerals set of 2 numbered M/S for Indonesia 2000 Philatelic Exhib (40 sets, SG MS2407 cat £1200), plus another 100 large size only M/Sheet (100, SG2407b est. cat £1500). All fresh MUH. Zonnebloem cat €3400 = A$5600. Total SG cat £4650 = A$8400. (380)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Sardinia: 1851 King 5c black. VFU appearance with black diamonds pmk, tiny thin, 4 margins. Scott 1 cat US$2000, SG 2 cat £2750. Sass 1 cat €4500. Rare genuine. 2010 Scheller photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1945 Massa Carrara CLN liberation local 'Massa Carrara 1944-45 C.C.A.' opt 5L/25c, with opt applied across top of a blk of 4, with notary control cachet on back. VF fresh MUH. CEI 1 cat €2000. Rare genuine as only 250 printed. Copy of 2004 Raybaudi photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$350

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Fiume: 1919 Pictorial 20Cor olive perf 11½, April printing on white paper, vert pr, error IMPERF between. Superb fresh MLH/MUH. SG 69(var) cat £360 as normal singles. Sass C48i cat €2000+. Very rare. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Fiume-Arbe: 1920 small ARBE opt 10 LIRE 10 on 20c brown UNISSUED, with black 'coiled snake' control opt on front instead of back. VF UN. SG 162a(var) cat £2000 w/o 'ARBE'. Sass 146(var) cat €950 w/o 'ARBE' Very rare. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Fiume-Veglia: 1920 small VEGLIA opt 10 LIRE 10 on 20c brown UNISSUED, with black coiled snake 'control opt on front instead of back'. VF UN. SG 162a(var) cat £2000 w/o 'Veglia.' Sass 146(var) cat €950 w/o 'Veglia.' Very rare. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1934 Air Communications M/Sheet, size 110x100mm. Superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. Sak C56 cat 340,000Y. Sc C8 cat US$2000. SG MS271 cat £1300 for M, should be at least double, £2600 MUH. The key M/S of Japan & rare so nice. Certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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1922-27 KGV £20 red & green, opt SPECIMEN. F-VF fresh M, nice bright colours. Scott 41B cat US$2000. SG 101s cat £2000 (normal cat £32,000). Rare ultra high value. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1100

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1933 Airmen Fund planes set 8-68s to 40-190s perf & imperf, tied to reg express airmail cover 'Riga 29 VI 39' cds, with h/s reg label/cachet, air & express labels, plus TB Surch on reverse 9 on 6-2s (2) & 17 on 2-4s blk of 4. To Switzerland. VF. SG 243-6 A & B cat £850++, Mi 228-31 A & B cat €700++ as loose stamps, plus premium on cover. Purchased by vendor in 1990s for DM2000 = A$1600. Spectacular & very rare cover. (P)AVAILABLE at A$850

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Johore: 1922-41 Sultan $100 green & scarlet, wmk script. VF F/C with m/s lines. Scott 124 cat US$160 for F/C, SG 127 cat £150 as F/C (normal M cat £2000). (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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Johore: 1922-41 Sultan $100 green & scarlet, wmk script, opt SPECIMEN. F-VF fresh MUH. SG 127s cat £450 for M, should be at least double, £900 MUH (normal cat £2000 M so £4000 MUH). (P)AVAILABLE at A$550

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1880 '8' opt QV 12c carmine, with '12' obliterated in red, error opt INVERTED. Superb fresh MLH, nice original gum. Scott 12c. SG 11a cat £2000. Very rare genuine mint. BPA photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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1880 '8' opt QV 12c carmine, with '12' obliterated in red, wmk crown CC reversed. Superb fresh MLH, nice original gum. Scott 12. SG 11x cat £2000. Very rare genuine mint. Exp Roig while new certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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1880 '8' opt QV 12c carmine with '12' obliterated in red, wmk crown CC reversed. Superb M, original gum. Scott 12. SG 11x cat £2000. Very nice genuine M. Exp Champion, plus RPSL photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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1934 University 10P violet & brown. Superb fresh MLH (actually MUH with never hinged original gum, with sl dull areas from interleaving). SG 552 cat £1100. Yv 500 cat €1350 Scott 706 cat US$2000. Rare top value. (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1916-23 opt KGV Seahorses 10/- indigo-blue, Waterlow printing, opt SPECIMEN. VF MUH, evenly tropicalised gum. SG 18s cat £1000 for M, should be at least double, £2000 MUH (normal cat £11,000 M). Key stamp. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1899-1910 Queen 10G orange-red, horiz pr. VFU, 'Amsterdam 2 SEP 5' cds. Scott 86, NVPH 80 cat €1500+. SG 197 cat £2000+ as singles, plus premium for very rare top value multiple. (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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NWPI accumulation 1915-22 opt Kangaroo 2d to 2/- range inc 1st wmk 2d blk of 6 (type c), 1/- strip of 6 type a, 2nd wmk 2d blk of 8 with variety 'scratch under P of Postage' (ACSC 6 (2) g cat $375 M), 3rd wmk 2d strip of 4 a+a+b+c with scarce purple opt which can clearly be seen through the back of stamp, 2nd type a blotchy printing, most of which were opt, 5th setting 3d with clear olive-green & yellow-green shades & 1/-. Mainly VF MUH, few VF MLH. SG cat £916 for M, should be at least double, £1832 MUH, plus extra ACSC listed variety so est £2000. (39)SOLD at A$525

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1902-07 Pictorial 1/- orange-red wmk NZ Star inverted (w12b) as used on QV issues, perf 11. F-VF U. CP E18c cat NZ$4000. SG 315ba cat £2000. Extremely rare. RPSL photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$625

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New Zealand 1967-2000 collection in 5 binders & loose inc 1967-70 Pics to $2, 1970-2000 Pic/Commem sets, 1993 Prehistoric Animals, 1994 $20, 1967-90 Health stamps & M/S, various Exhibition M/S & souvenir sheets, range of FDCs, NZ collector's pack 1976-2000, 1990-2000s Best of NZ & limited issues. Also NZ Dependency collection 1900-80s inc Niue 3d brown pr (SG 22C, cat £200), 198 & 31 Postal Fiscals to £1. Mainly F MUH, some tropicalisation, covers VF. FV alone NZ$700 plus the Dependency collection. (600+ M/S, 100+ FDC).AVAILABLE at A$300

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Postmarks: 1890s collection with Akassa oval type 1 (weak), boxed type 4 (3) on GB 1d, 1d+5d, & 2½d, all full or near full strikes. type 5 with 1d, 1d (2) & 5d strip of 3. Burutu sans-seriffed pmk on 2½d, full strike, seriffed opt with singles 1d & 2½d (2 ea), 1d prs (2), another pr with part of 10d, 1d & 2d (2 ea) on piece, Lokoja type 8 QV 1d (2) & Nthn Nigeria 1d, all part strikes. Fair to mostly F-VF U, most on piece inc full to near full strikes. SG cat £2000+. (29) (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1904-12 KEVII 2/- booklet front & back covers with interleaf, black on deep red. Some staining & edge flts etc. SG SB1-5 cat £2000-£2250 for comp booklet.AVAILABLE at A$20

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Norfolk Island: 1997-2004 Local postage booklets comp collection inc 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Parrot, 2001 Bounty Day, 2001 Mini Games, 2002 Kingfisher, 2002 Bowls & 2004 Palm & Fern. Also 2001 Premium booklet, Perfume. VF fresh MUH. FV $30. SG ex SB8-SB20 & SP1 cat £101. (10 bklts)AVAILABLE at A$35

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1907 Small Papua opt Lakatoi 6d black & myrtle-green, error DOUBLE opt, both equally strong & one shifted over description. Superb fresh MLH, with nice original gum & perfect centring. Scott 24a cat US$7000, SG 43a cat £7000+. Extremely rare, only 1 sheet of 30 printed. 2000 BPA photo cert, while new AIEP certificate can be obtained on request. (P)SOLD at A$5750

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1907-10 Lakatoi Large Papua 2/6 black & chocolate, wmk sideways, perf 11, variety 'POSTAGIE' instead of 'POSTAGE' (pos 5). Superb fresh MLH. SG 48a cat £2000. Very rare, only 136 sheets printed & variety was only once per sheet. Exceptional quality example & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)SOLD at A$1500

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1916-31 Lakatoi 4d light brown & orange sheet of 40 (5x8) with Ash imprint & variety 'rift in sky' at right above sail retouched. Stamps MUH, margins & 2 stamps toned. SG 99a cat £1000 as M singles, should be at least double, £2000 MUH, plus premium for imprint, variety & sheet. Extensive positional variety notes. Rare sheet. (P)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1917 'ONE PENNY' opt Lakatoi 2/6 rose-carmine, wmk VERTICAL INVERTED instead of sideways, UL cnr BLOCK of 4. Important discovery of which only 1 sheet of 40 existed, & no other vert-inverted or vert upright wmks are known on any of the 'One Penny' opts. Superb MUH with never hinged original gum. SG 111w cat £10,000 for M singles, should be double £20,000 MUH. Singles have sold for between $2000+ to $3000+ in our previous auctions, thus making this blk $8,000 to $12,000. Spectacular multiple. Should it remain unsold, we will split it up & offer as singles. 2014 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)SOLD at A$6500

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1994 Emergency opt 5t-35t Musical Bow, blk of 9 with right centre stamp error value 5t opt TOTALLY MISSING, with part of 't' missing on lower stamp. VF fresh MUH. SG 731/731a listed but unpriced. Extremely rare with the 5t totally missing as usually traces still present. Previous examples we have offered have sold up to $2000+. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$550

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2001 Surch 50t/25t Sydney 2000 Olympics, error opt DOUBLE, both opts equally strong & beside each other. Superb MUH. Mi 906DD, SG 904(var) est cat £600 based on others. rare, only 1 sheet of 50 was discovered. 2015 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)SOLD at A$300

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2001 Surch 50t/25t Sydney 2000 Olympics, error opt TRIPLE! LL cnr imprint blk of 4. As one opt is greatly shifted down the 50t appears in the sheet margin at base just below the bottom row of stamps & is missing from the top row, thus the 5 upper stamps in sheet had 3 opt rectangles but only 2 opt '50t'. Superb MUH. Mi 906DDD, SG 904(var) est cat £2400+ based on others. Extremely rare, only 1 sheet of 50 was discovered so only 4 imprint blocks exist. 2004 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert (4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1000

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2001 Surch K2.65 on 65t PhilexFrance, error opt DOUBLE, 2nd opt shifted down &/or left 4-6mm, UR cnr blk of 4 with diff placement on ea stamp. (in the unique erro sheet 2nd opt was misplaced at a sl angle, giving wider spacing of opts at left of sheet, with UR cnr opts close together). VF fresh MUH. Mi 908DD, SG 906(var) est cat £2000+ based on others. Extremely rare, only 1 sheet of 50 was discovered so only 4 imprint blocks exist. 2015 AIEP Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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PNG: 1925-2000 comp sheets ranging in size from 30-100 stamps in 2 sheet files, commences with 1925 ½d New Guinea Huts (2), ½d Birds Airmail & comp set of 1937 Coronation values, then PNG range from 1952-2000 inc 1961 5d Legislative Council (sheet of 100), 1964 2/3 Birds (100), 1973 Panorama $1 & $2 (sheets of 50), 1987 Ships 5t, 35t, 40t, 70t & 2K, range of Surcharges inc 1995 Pope Paul 21t & 1K (SG 745/46) in full sheet of 20, 1994 21t on 35t Fish (sheet of 50) SG 708 etc. Generally fresh Superb MUH, few earlies have some toning. SG cat £2300+. This is a rare opportunity to acquire a large quantity of full sheets for further research on varieties. (100 + sheets) (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1950 Currency Revaluation 'GROSZY' reddish opt type 3 of Katowice & Krakow on 1948 Culture M/Sheet on ea stamp tied to cover by 'Sosnowiec 20 5 52' cds. To Denmark. SG MS615a cat £500 for normal, should be double, with opts & double again on cover, so £2000. Mi Blk A10 cat €2000, should be double, on cover, €4000. Rarity! 2019 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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1921 cover franked perf Pictorial 10Mk, tied by 'Wilno 23 VI 21' cds. To Moscow with arrival b/s. SG 40, Mi 40A. Rare destination. 2000 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$230

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1897 Arms £2 rosy-red, thick paper, perf 15. VF fresh M, original gum, tiny thins, nice colour. Scott 58 cat US$2000, SG 74 cat £2000. Very rare in genuine mint condition & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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1897 Arms £2 rosy-red, thick paper, perf 15. Superb fresh MLH, nice original gum & beautiful colour. Scott 58 cat US$2000, SG 74 cat £2000. Rare genuine mint as this stamp is rarer than the £5 & £10 values. Certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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1910-13 KGV Double Head 2d black & slate, perf 15. Superb fresh MUH. Scott 103b cat US$1000 for M, SG 171b cat £1000 for M, should be at least double, £2000 MUH. Rare so nice. 2004 BPA photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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1922 Rostov on Don Famine set 2000R-6000R. VF UN as issued, all 4 margins. Mi Z1-4 cat €180, SG 261-4 cat £225. Scarce genuine set. Exp Ceremuga (4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$110

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1914 'GRI / 5 Shillings' opt 5Mk carmine & black, variety 'broken stop after I'. Superb U on piece with 'Apia (Samoa) 10.9.14'. Mi 13PFI cat €2200, SG 114(var) cat £1500+ as normal & variety should be at least +33% premium, so est £2000+. Only total of 535 printed with only small fraction of the variety & desirable as such as nice piece. 2002 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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1857-61 embossed 6d green tied by oval Pmburg pmk on cover to England with m/s '6' charge on front, b/s London & Manchester MY 1 & 2 59 cds. VF with stamp unusually large size & strong embossing. Scott 2 cat US$2000+. SG 5 cat £1600+ both as loose stamps & 'from x2' on cover. Very rare & attractive classic cover. 1946 PHS & 1985 Holcombe photo-certs. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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1869 'POSTAGE' opt QV 1/- green, opt SG type 7b. F-VF U appearance, expertly repaired. Scott 37 cat US$2000, SG 37 cat £2500. Very rare genuine example. 2007 BPA photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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1997-2000 Animal Def 5c-90c, plus R3, all marginal horiz IMPERF prs. Also 2000 Fish 70c & 70c vert imperf prs. VF fresh MUH, almost all 4 margins. SG 1012a-1021, 1024, 1208, 1212(var). Rare group as only 1 sheet of ea recorded. (13 prs)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1997-2000 Geometric Tortoise 10c, LL cnr marginal blk of 4, error IMPERF. VF fresh MUH, all 4 margins. SG 1013(var). (P)AVAILABLE at A$55

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1997-2000 Spotted Hyena 30c LL cnr marginal blk of 4, error IMPERF. VF fresh MUH, all 4 margins. SG 1015(var).AVAILABLE at A$55

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1997-2000 Rabbit 40c, LR cnr marginal blk of 4, error IMPERF. VF fresh MUH, all 4 margins. SG 1016(var).AVAILABLE at A$55

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1997-2000 Monkey 50c, LL cnr marginal blk of 4, error IMPERF. VF fresh MUH, all 4 margins. SG 1017(var).AVAILABLE at A$55

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1997-2000 Cape Hunting Dog 60c, blk of 4, error IMPERF. VF fresh MUH, all 4 margins. SG 1018(var). (P)AVAILABLE at A$55

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1997-2000 Cape Hunting Dog 60c, LL cnr marginal blk of 4, error IMPERF. VF fresh MUH, all 4 margins. SG 1018(var).AVAILABLE at A$55

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1997-2000 Roan Antelope 70c LL cnr marginal blk of 4, with printers note & date. VF fresh MUH, all 4 margins. SG 1019(var).AVAILABLE at A$55

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1997-2000 Giraffe R3, LL cnr marginal blk of 4, error IMPERF. VF fresh MUH, all 4 margins. SG 1024(var). (P)AVAILABLE at A$55

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2000 Fish 5c Surgeon fish LR cnr marginal blk of 4 with sheet barcode, error IMPERF. VF fresh MUH, all 4 margins. SG 1204(var). (P)AVAILABLE at A$55

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2000 Fish 60c Surgeon fish, LR cnr marginal blk of 4 with sheet barcode. VF fresh MUH, all 4 margins. SG 1211(var). (P)AVAILABLE at A$55

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2000 Fish 80c Cowfish, LL cnr marginal blk of 4, error IMPERF. VF fresh MUH, all 4 margins. SG 1213(var).AVAILABLE at A$55

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1931 Air Pan American set 5c-4P, special printing in diff colours. VF fresh MLH. SG 707-712(p), Mi 592F-597F cat €182, Ed 614cc-619cc cat €138. Only 2000 sets printed. (6). (P)AVAILABLE at A$70

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1938 Anniv of USA Constitution 1P+5P Airmail opt M/Sheet, no.1038. Superb fresh MUH. Ed 766 cat €2500; Sc C97c cat US$2500. SG MS848 cat £1500 for M, so should be at least double, £3000 MUH. Only 2000 printed & seldom seen MUH. Dr Enzo Diena AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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1938 Anniv of USA Constitution 1P+5P Airmail opt M/Sheet, no 1272. Superb fresh MLH, stamp MUH. Ed 766 cat €1500+; Sc C97c cat US$1500+. SG MS848 cat £1500+. Very scarce as only 2000 printed. Exp, plus 2013 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$900

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1950 Franco Canary Islands Visit Air opt 10c on 25P, first printing WITHOUT control no at back. VFU. Ed 1083 cat €2000. SG 1151a cat £2000. Very rare genuine example. 2003 Raybaudi photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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Elobey, Annobon & Corisco: 1905 Curly Head set 1c-10P, with blue A000,000 (specimen) control no. on back. VF MUH. Sc 19-34 cat US$1500+, SG 19-34 cat £1000 as normal M, should be at least double, £2000 MUH, Edifil 19N-34N cat €1915 for M so est €2700 MUH. Only 1000 such sets printed & very rare MUH. 2013 Ceremuga photo cert. (16) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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Guinea: 1904 'HABILITADO PARA CORREOS 10 Cen de Peseta' red opt Fiscal 75P deep violet, imperf with Control No A0,000,022 on back. Superb fresh MLH, 4 large margins. Sc unlisted value. SG 19 cat £1300. Ed 26W cat €2000. Extremely rare high value. 2019 CEM photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1100

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Guinea: 1918 Surch set 5c/40c - 25c/10P, variety opts shifted all about. VF fresh M/MLH. SG 166-69 cat £550. Ed 124-27 cat €280 & under-catalogued. Only 2000 sets printed. (4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1920 1st Tiger Scouts Fund opt set 2s-1T. VF fresh M. Scott B12-B17 cat US$735. SG 199-204 cat £900. Rare genuine as only 2000 sets printed & certificate can be obtained on request. (6). (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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1914 Wide opt Yacht 20pf, 25pf & 30pf. VF fresh MLH. Scott 38-40 cat US$130. Yv 35-37 cat €320. SG H4-6 cat £145. Only 2000 25pf & 30pf printed. Exp Holcombe. (P)AVAILABLE at A$90

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1922 Parcel Card franked Nationalist Govt 'Osmanli Postalari 1336' opt Religious Tribunal fiscal 1000Pi, plus 3 Ottoman stamps -all cut as per PO rules, tied by 'Tokat 27 6 22' pmks, with 'Samsoun' arrival b/s. Mi 715 cat €2000, SG A23 cat £1800 -both as loose stamp alone & worth several times more on card. Only 575 of the 1000Pi printed & very rare mixed franking. 2013 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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1848 Franklin 5c brown & Washington 10c black, plate proofs on card, imperf, in issued colours. F-VF UN as made, almost all 4 margins. SG 1, 2(p) cat £42000 as normals. Sc 3P4, 4P4 cat US$500 (normals cat US$43,500). (2). (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1869 Pictorial 10c yellow, plate proof on India paper, imperf, in issued colour. VF UN as made, 4 margins. SG 118(p) cat £2000 as normal. SC 116P3 cat US$45 (normal cat US$1850).SOLD at A$45

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1873 Official Dept of State 30c green, blk of 4, plate proofs on India paper, imperf, in issued colour. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG O244(p) cat £2000 as normals. Sc O66P3 cat US$100+ (normal cat US$2100). Rare multiple. (4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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1873 Dept of State $2 green & black. VFU with oval registered cancel. Sc O68 cat US$3000. SG O246 cat £2000. Very rare genuine used high value. 2024 Ceremuga photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1100

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1893 Columbus $4 rose carmine. VF fresh MLH, nice original gum. Sc 244a cat US$2000. SG 249a cat £2500. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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1898 Trans-Mississippi $2 black & red, bicolour Essay, with comp design (centre of issued 2c), on India paper, on card (201x152mm). Superb fresh UN as made. SG 299(p) cat £2500 as normal. Sc 293-E7 cat US$750+ (normal cat US$2000) & under-catalogued. Very rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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USA: 1882-1980s collections on Minkus pgs in 3 binders inc 1890-93 Portrait vals to 90c. 1893 Columbus 1c-50c. 1898 Trans-Mississippi 1c - $1. 1901 Pan-American Expo set to 10c. 1904 Louisiana Expo set. 1907 Jamestown Expo set. 1915 Panama Expo set. 1912-13 Parcel Post to $1. 1922-26 Portrait & Pics to $5. 1925 Norse-American set. 1918 Jenny Biplane Air set. 1923 Air set. 1933 Zeppelin 50c thematics plus United Nations - New York 1951 vals to $1. 1955 10th Anniv set, plus M/S. UN-Europe 1969 Pic set to 10F.S. 1962 UNTEA opt Neth New Guinea set to 5G. Mostly G-VF M/U, some mixed, 80%+ being M. SG cat £6900+ = A$12,500+. (2000+). (P)SOLD at A$800

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Canal Zone: 1904-06 '8 cts PANAMA' red 13mm reading up opt Canal Zone Map 50c bistre-brown. Fresh MLH, repaired tear at left Scott 15 cat US$2000. SG 15 cat £3000. Rare genuine as only 450 printed. APS photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$675

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1866-68 Arms 2b yellow, diag BISECT (LL half) on piece. U, Caracas cds. Yv 18(var). Scott 21a cat US$3000 on cover. SG 27b cat £2000 on cover. Rare genuine. (P)SOLD at A$140

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1963 Qara Provisional 'Yemen' bilingual framed RED opt on Consular Fee 10b black, with violet-black bar over lower inscription. VF fresh MUH. Mi 57a(var), SG R38 cat £1300. Only total of 2000 printed. 2017 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1963 Qara Provisional 'Yemen' bilingual framed RED opt on Consular Fee 10b black, with violet-black bar over lower inscription which is DOUBLE, one weakly inked. VF fresh MUH. Mi 57a(var), SG R38 cat £1300++. Only total of 2000 printed. 2017 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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British Commonwealth Revenues by J Barefoot, 2000 edition with over 260 illustrated & priced pages from Aden to Zululand (not inc GB, pub separately). Used, VGC.AVAILABLE at A$20

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Great Britain SG Specialised Catalogues. Vol 4 QEII Defs 9th Edition May 2000 & Vol 5 QEII Decimal Special Issues 3rd Edition 1998. Both loose leaf format with around 1370 pgs. Useful info. Near new condition.SOLD at A$15

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Great Britain SG Specialised Catalogues. Vol 4 QEII Defs 9th Edition May 2000 & Vol 5 QEII Decimal Special Issues 3rd Edition 1998. Both loose leaf format with around 1370 pgs. Near new condition.AVAILABLE at A$15

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Cricket 1952-2000 Team Autograph selections inc South Africa 1952-53 Touring side to Australia signatures on pg out of autograph book in John Cheetham, Hugh Taxfield etc, Mosman 1st XI 1950s inc Ian Craig, Doug Ford etc, (with boxer Jimmy Carruthers autograph on reverse), Natal team sheet signatures 1979/80, Indian Touring team to New Zealand signatures inc Mohammad Azharuddin, Sachin Tendulkar, Kapil Dev etc & India 1999-2000 Tour of Australia team signatures (inc Sachin Tendulkar, Sourav Ganguly, Harbhajan Singh & Kapil Dev). (5 sheets, 73 autographs).AVAILABLE at A$100

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Cricket. Autographed photos & Autographs on programs/menus & other items. Noted inc Doug Walters (luncheon Club folder), Pura Cup Final Program 2000 signed Andrew Symonds, Jim Maher etc, Ian & Greg Chappell, Doug Walters, Alan Davidson on menu, other inc Steve Waugh, Paul Reiffel, Craig McDermott, Merv Hughes, Graeme Hick, Alvin Kallicheran, Michael Vaughan, Rod Marsh, Denis Lillee, Ian Botham & others. Also an interesting selection of unsigned action. photos of Adam Gilchrist & the Australian Team during the Steve Waugh captaincy era.(40).AVAILABLE at A$90

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Olympics. 2000 Sydney Commemorative Foster's Beer Cans in bronze colour. In un-opened slab of 24 tinnies (2) plus single cans (12) mixed gold, silver & bronze colours. Beer would be well past its prime. We are selling the cans, not the beer. RARE with very few sets surviving totally intact. (60 cans). Despatch by Pack & Send only.AVAILABLE at A$75

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Olympics. 2000 Sydney Commemorative Foster's Beer Cans in bronze colour. In un-opened slab of 24 tinnies (2) plus single cans (12) mixed gold, silver & bronze colours. Beer would be well past its prime. We are selling the cans, not the beer. RARE. (60 cans). Not suitable for desppatch by post.AVAILABLE at A$75

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Olympics. 2000 Sydney Commemorative Foster's Beer Cans in gold & bronze colours, both in comp, un-opened slabs of 24 cans. Beer would be well past its prime. We are selling the cans, not the beer. RARE with very few cases surviving totally intact. (48 cans) Despatch by Pack & Send only.AVAILABLE at A$60

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Australia: Military book lot 1880-2000 Inc 'War & Peace, Aust 1939-49', 'The Commanders' by DM Horner, 'Australians at War- The Australian Light Horse' by Time Life, 'Masterpieces of the Australian War Memorial', 'Gallipoli Illustrated' by Kit Denton, 'Australia's Armed Forces' by Gellett. 'Brother Digger' by Patricia Shaw, 'Fear Drive My Feet' by Peter Ryan, 'Australian War Heroes' by James Holledge & 'Black Beret' by RAAC Association. F. (10).AVAILABLE at A$60

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Australia. 'Weary - The life of Sir Edward Dunlop', (Ebury, 1st edition 1994). 'My Story', (General Peter Cosgrove, 1st edition 2006). 'Nancy Wake', (Fitzsimmons 2001). (18 hours, the true story of an Australian SAS War Hero', (Lee 2007). 'Tobruk', (P Fitzsimmons, author autographed 1st edition 2006). 'Under the Influence - a History of Alcohol in Australia', (Fitzgerald & Jordan, 2009). 'Manhattan to Baghdad', (McGeough, 2003). 'Bali to Baghdad & Beyond', (Cocks, 2005). 'Broadsides, the Age of Fighting Sail 1775-1815', (Miller 2000). 'Sealing their Fate, 22 days that decided the Second World War', (Downing 2009). 'Dusty Warriors', (Holmes 2007). 'The Latter Days at Colditz, (Rid, 1953/2003). 'The Gunpowder plot, terror & faith in 1605', (Fraser 1996).'Klaus Fuchs - the man who stole the Atom Bomb', (Moss, 1987). Odd minor stain, VG to near new condition. Retail $350+. (14)AVAILABLE at A$70

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Aviation related books: ca1914-2000 . Inc 'Von Richthofen & The Flying Circus' by B. Robertson, 'Knights Of The Air' by Time Life, 'Famous Pilots & Their Planes' by Francis Mason, 'Aces High 1914-18' by Clark, 'Fighters & Bombers of WWII in colour' by Michael Taylor, & Aircraft Identification Book-Budapest (in Hungarian). Some great photos & wealth of information. G - VGC. (6)AVAILABLE at A$50

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German Orders, Decorations & Medals 1800 - 1945 Catalogue with valuations. 2010 edition, 896 pgs, over 2000 photos with valuations for over 4000 diff medals & award badges of the diff states, Imperial & 3rd Reich. All illustrations in full colour. Exc reference. NewAVAILABLE at A$40

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Great Britain/Australia. Special Air Service Regiment collection (32) from foundation in WWII to operations in Iraq 2005 inc David Stirling, The Authorised Biography of the Creator of the SAS (Hoe, 500pgs hb pub 1992), Ghost Force, the Secret History of the SAS (Connor, 375pgs hb, pub 1998), Who Dares Wins, The SAS 1950-Gulf War (Geraghty, 600pgs, pub 1983), Eye of the Storm - 25 Years in Action with the SAS (Ratcliffe DCM, 336pgs, pub 2000). The Complete Encyclopedia of the SAS (Barry Davies, BEM, 375pgs, pub 2001), SAS - The Soldiers Story (Ramsay, 250pgs hb, pub 1996). SAS Sniper (Rob Maylor, 330pgs, pub 2010). Seven Troop (A McNab DCM, 420 pgs hb, pub 2008). Warrior Bros, My Life in the Australian SAS (Fennell, 334pgs, pub 2008). General Sir Peter de la Billiere - Storm Command, a Personal Account of the Gulf War (350pgs hb, pub 1992). Willie Apiata VC - The Reluctant Hero (Little, 255pgs hb, pub 2008). Also contemporary books (18) inc Phantom (Warner, 200+pgs hb, pub 1982). PARA! Fifty Years of the Parachute Regiment (Harclerode, 400pgs hb, pub 1992). 3 PARA - Afghanistan Summer 2006 (Bishop, 280pgs, pub 2007). Squaddie - A Soldier's Story (McLaughlin, 320pgs, pub 2006). SBS, The Inside Story of the Special Boat Service (Parker, 310pgs hb, pub 1997). First into Action, A Personal Account of the Life of the SBS (Falconer, 338pgs hb, pub 1998). The Gurkhas (Parker, 276pgs hb, pub 1999). The Gurkhas-Special Force (Bellamy, 414pgs, pub 2011). A great lot of military history from WWII to recent Middle Eastern conflicts. Mostly VG to near new, total retail/original cost $1650. (50 books)AVAILABLE at A$200

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USA Marine Corp Unit Insignia in Vietnam 1961-75, A Photographic reference, 2004, 176pgs. Illustrates over 500 diff badges plus decorations, medals, ribbons, badges & insignia of the US Navy WWII to present, 2000, 122pgs. Both new. Invaluable references. Retail $160. (2 vols)AVAILABLE at A$80

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Vietnam, War. 1976-2000. historical & military importance. 'Death In The Rice fields'. H/C 1979. 'Battle Ground' (USMC). H/C 1991.'Vietnam: The Ten Thousand Day War'. H/C 1981. 'Platoon' VHS Video tape. 1986. also 'Minnesota- A History Of The State'. H/C 1963. (5 items).AVAILABLE at A$40

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Vietnam War USA Point of View (25) inc Vietnam-A History (Karnow 1983), Vietnam-The Ten Thousand Day War (Maclear 1981), American Soldier (General Tommy Franks 2004), A Bright Shining Lie (John Paul Vann) & America in Vietnam (Sheehan 1988), Anatomy of A War (Kolko 1985, Vietnam-Conflict & Controversy (Elliott 1996), Air America from WWII to Vietnam (Robbins 2001), Spies & Commandos-How America Lost the Secret War in North Vietnam (Conboya Andrade 2000), Line Doggie-Foot Soldier in Vietnam (Gadd 1987), Steel My Soldier Hearts (Col. Hackworth 2003), Cheating Death-Combat Rescues in Vietnam & Laos (Marrett 2006), Tiger Force (Sallah & Weiss 2006). Plus others of interest inc 'Coffee Table' size books. Roll Call Thud-A Photographic Record of the F-105 Thunderchief (Campbell & Hill 1996) & The Vietnam Experience - Images of War (Fisher & Stone 1986). Very diverse group inc strong Political overtones. Mostly F-VF condition inc some near new. Retail around $500. (28).AVAILABLE at A$60

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World Medal Collector's reference library: 'Medals to Australia with Valuations' (3rd ed, R.D. Williams 1990, H/C. new); Ditto 4th edition, 2000, H/C with dust wrapper, new; 'Orders & Decorations' (V. Mericka 1969); 'The Iron Cross - A History 1813-1957' (G. Williamson 1984); 'The Duke-A Hero's Hero at Sandakan- Capt Lionel Matthesus GC; MC ' (D. Matthews, 2008, soft cover, new); 5 x Osprey Men-at-Arms series (Peter The Great's Army, Flags of The Napoleonic Wars-2; Luftwaffe Airborne & Field Units etc); The Complete NZ Distinguished Conduct Medal (A. Polaschek, No.49 of 1000, signed by author, 1983); 'Australian Army Unit Colour Patches 1987-2008' (P. Blackwell, 2008, new), 'Australasian Military Chits' (Yarwood, 2006, soft cover, new); 'Australian Bicentenary Medals' (L.J Carlisle, 1988, soft cover, new); 'Renniks' Aust Coin & Banknote Values' (21st ed, E.J. Cummings, 2004, new); 'Propaganda postcards of WWII 'R. Menchine, 2000, soft cover, new); 'Military Tokens of the British Commonwealth' (J.F. Yarwood, 2005, soft cover, spring bound, new). Mostly new/as new. Some desirable & hard to obtain editions. (17 items)AVAILABLE at A$140