Note: MUH = MNH = UMM = **, other abbreviations click here | |
Unsold lots available for sale at indicated reserve plus 21.45% buyer's commission plus postage & insurance.Loading... | First | Previous | Next | Last | Index |
Lot | Description | Status | ||
2252 |
1973 Famous Australian 7c blk of 4, sheet of 100 with Type V perf pip in UL cnr. Fresh MUH. ACSC 630 b c cat $78.
| AVAILABLE at A$20 | ||
2253 |
1973 Famous Australian 7c blk of 4, comp sheet of 100 with Type V perf pip in LL cnr. Folded horiz row 5 & 6. Fresh MUH. ACSC 630 ba cc cat $78.
| AVAILABLE at A$20 | ||
2254 |
1973 National Development 25c Iron Ore upper pane of 50 with varieties 'lower portion of Copeland imprint missing' (pos 3/1) & 'lower portion of ND of Copeland missing' (pos 3/2) & sheet number in upper gutter. VF MUH. ACSC 632d/e za cat $130.
| AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
2255 |
1973 National Development 30c Beef Roads upper pane of 50 with varieties 'retouch in sun' (pos 1/1), 'red line over Roads week' (pos 1/10) & sheet number in upper gutter. F-VF MUH. ACSC 633deza cat $130.
| AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
2256 |
1973 Marine Life 1c Banded Shrimp horiz strip of 3, variety 'yellow OMITTED' on right stamp, only sl trace on centre stamp, left stamp normal. VFU. SG 545b cat £1200+ for single. ACSC 635cc cat $2500. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
2257 |
1973 Marine Life 1c Banded Shrimp variety 'yellow OMITTED'. VFU/CTO, plus normal to compare. SG 545b cat £1200. ACSC 635cb cat $2000. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
2258 |
1973 Marine Life 2c Fiddler Crab sheet of 100 with colour bars at base plated as Sheet A, left pane with ACSC variety 'Vertical Weakness left of 2c' (pos 9/2) VF fresh MUH. ACSC 637 d z cat $45.
| AVAILABLE at A$15 | ||
2259 |
1973 Gemstone 6c Chrysoprase, sheet of 100 with colour bars at right, plated as Sheet A with coloured line at LR cnr. Fresh MUH. ACSC 641 z cat $26.
| SOLD at A$10 | ||
2260 |
1973 Gemstone 7c Agate on WHITE paper, sheet of 100 plated as Sheet C lwr pane with T shaped device in UL cnr. Odd tone spot traces o/w fresh MUH with PVA Gum incorporating helecon. ACSC 643 cat $600.
| AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
2261 |
1973 Gemstone 7c Agate on cream paper, plated as Sheet A, upper pane colour bars at right & T shaped device in LR cnr, plus traces of 'doctor blade' flaw in blue in lower selvedge. A few minor tropical tones, F-VF MUH. ACSC 642a z cat $520.
| AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
2262 |
1973 Gemstone 7c Agate white KP6T paper, sheet of 100, plated as Sheet C upper pane with T shaped device in LL cnr. Right selvedge small flt & trimmed, 1 stamp small inclusion, fresh MUH with PVA gum incorporating Helecon. ACSC 643 cat $600. Rare sheet.
| AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
2263 |
1973 Gemstone 10c Sapphire sheet of 100 with colour bars at right, plated as Sheet A lower with T shaped device at UR cnr. VF fresh MUH. ACSC 647 za cat $26.
| SOLD at A$10 | ||
2264 |
1973 Opera House 7c perf 14½x14 sheet of 100, plated as Sheet A with diag colour bars at right & ACSC varieties 'vertical retouches through right of stamp, strip of 3' (pos U6,7, 8/1). F-VF MUH. ACSC 653 d z za cat $100
| AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
2265 |
1973 Sydney Opera House 7c, perf 15 x 14, sheet of 100 plated as Sheet C (no ACSC listed flaws). VF MUH with unfolded gutter. ACSC 654 cat $350. SG 556b cat £400.
| AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
2266 |
1974 Animals 25c Anteater comp sheet of 100 with Autotrons at left, both sheet numbers & varieties 'retouch in brown right of top of front paw' (pos UP1/5), 'first A of Anteater retouched' (LP1/8), 'retouch in brown over hind paw' (LP3/10) & 'retouch in brown left of front paw' (LP4/6). Lightly folded through gutter, fresh MUH. ACSC 660 d e f g z za zb cat $180. (100)
| AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
2267 |
1974 Paintings $1 Light Horseman, sheet of 50 (3rd printing) with Autotrons at top, both sheet numbers & varieties 'bullet hole in forehead' (pos LP 4/3) & 'cut-throat' flaw (RP 3/4). sl discolouration at UL cnr, other 49 stamps fresh MUH. ACSC 664 d e z zc zf cat $185.
| SOLD at A$60 | ||
2268 |
1974 UPU set 7c & 30c opt SPECIMEN. 20 sets in blks of 20, 7c plated as Sheet A lower pane with colour bars at right, 30c upper pane with sheet number in lower gutter selvedge. Some mostly light tropicalisation, mostly VF MUH. ACSC 675/76(var) Note 6, cat $250 as 5 blks of 4. (40)
| AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
2269 |
1974 Newspaper 7c perf 14 x 15, sheet of 100, plated as Sheet C with variety 'stogey in mouth' (pos R3/5). Central gutter fold, fresh MUH. ACSC 678 e cat $50. (100)
| AVAILABLE at A$15 | ||
2270 |
1974 Gemstone 9c on 8c Opal sheet of 100 plated as Sheet A, upper pane with colour bars at right, T shaped device at lwr right cnr, ACSC listed plate varieties 'Vertical line through uncut opal (2 diff, pos 6, 7/5) & ACSC listed opt flaws with 'Shaved C at top right' (pos 3/3), Broken 9 & lwr bar (6/1) & Thick 9 (10/1). Couple of indistinct minor tones o/w fresh MUH. ACSC 646 d g u h cat $135.
| AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
2271 |
1974 Christmas 10c, sheet of 100 with Plate number 4 at left. Scattered hard to see toning traces. A scarce F-VF MUH multiple. ACSC 680 zf. (100)
| AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
2272 |
1974 Christmas 35c Plate 3 at right, sheet of 100 (bi-sected horiz) with ACSC varieties '2 re-cut lines on donkey's hind leg' (pos 5/7, cat $50), 'void in ground shading' (cat $30 ea) in upper pane Pos 4/7, 4/9, 5/6 & 5/8-9-10 & 'retouched void shading' (cat $30 ea) upper pane Pos 1/8, 3/3, 3/4, 3/6, 3/8, 4/6, 4/8, 5/7 & lower pane 1/8, 4/6, 5/6, 5/8. Single rev spot (pos L5/5). VF fresh MUH. ACSC 681 ea f fd zc cat $650+.
| AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
2273 |
1974 Christmas 35c Plate Numbers 2 & 3, left marginal gutter blks of 4. VF fresh MUH. ACSC 681 z zb cat $150.
| AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
2274 |
1974 Christmas 35c Plate Numbers 2 & 3, right marginal gutter blks of 4. F-VF MUH. ACSC 2a 2c cat $150.
| AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
2275 |
1975 Coil 10c Sturt's Desert Pea comp roll of 1000 enclosed in black 'Starter Strip' (cat $25). ACSC 537, FV $100.
| AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
2276 |
1975 Coil 10c Sturt's Desert Pea comp roll of 1000 enclosed in black 'Starter Strip' (cat $25). ACSC 537, FV $100.
| AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
2277 |
1975 Coil 10c Sturt's Desert Pea comp roll of 1000 enclosed in black 'Starter Strip' (cat $25). ACSC 537, FV $100.
| AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
2278 |
1975 Science 11c Atomic Absorption comp sheet of 100 with Autotrons at top, both sheet numbers & ACSC varieties 'weakness to orange bar at top' (pos LP 6/1) & 'broken O in To' (7/2). Fresh MUH. ACSC 705, d e z za zb cat $100.
| AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
2279 |
1975 Science 24c Radio Astronomy comp sheet of 100 with Autotrons at top, both sheet numbers & ACSC variety 'diag retouch over Astronomy' (pos RP 1/4). Fresh MUH. ACSC 706, d z za zb cat $95.
| SOLD at A$30 | ||
2280 |
1975 Science 33c Immunology comp sheet of 100 with Autotrons at top & both sheet numbers & ACSC variety 'weakness in red dots at base of right circle' (pos 10/5). VF MUH. ACSC 707, d z za zb cat $130.
| AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
2281 |
1975 Science 48c Oceanography comp sheet of 100 with Autotrons at top & both sheet numbers. Fresh MUH. ACSC 708 z za zb cat $110.
| AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
2282 |
1975 PNG Independence 25c Bird sheet of 100 with Autotrons at top, both black sheet numbers & both ACSC listed varieties 'Blue flaw over UIN of GUINEA' (pos LP2/1) & 'Retouch in green at LR' (PR (6/4). VF MUH with unfolded gutter. ACSC 729 d e z za zb cat $120.
| AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
2283 |
1975 Christmas 15c blue gum comp sheet of 100 with colour bars at base & ACSC varieties 'black spot on chalice' (pos L4/5) & 'black flaw on left shoulder of first king' (L5/10). Creased through central gutter, fresh MUH. ACSC 730 aa, d e z zc cat $95 as white gum, plus x6 premium for blue gum, $570!
| AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
2285 |
1976 Nationhood 18c Die I sheet of 100, plated as Sheet A with diag colour bars at right. ACSC 732 z za cat $70.
| AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
2286 |
1976 Nationhood 18c Die I sheet of 100 with faint vert doctor blade flaw through left selvedge. Plated as Sheet A with diag colour bars at right. VF fresh MUH.
| AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
2287 |
1976 Explorer 18c Forrest sheet of 100 with Autotrons at top, both black sheet numbers, variety 'horiz retouch left of Forrest's head' (pos LP 1/2). VF fresh MUH. ACSC 735 d z za zb cat $80.
| AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
2288 |
1976 Olympics 25c Diving on KP6T paper (pink gum) with Autotrons at left, both black sheet numbers & varieties 'retouch to last A of Australia' (Pos UP5/2) & 'weakness to diver's lower back' (LP5/9). VF MUH. ACSC 744 d e z za zb cat $120.
| AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
2289 |
1976 Olympics 25c Diving on KP5D paper (clear gum) with autotrons at left, both black sheet numbers & ACSC listed varieties 'Retouch at last 'a' of Australia' (UP 5/2) & 'Weakness to Diver's lwr back' (LP 5/9). VF fresh MUH. ACSC 746 d e f z za zb cat $260.
| AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
2290 |
1976 Scenes 25c Broken Bay sheet of 100, plated as Sheet B with ACSC listed variety 'retouch in water at middle right' (pos LP 7/4). Fresh MUH. ACSC 748f cat 65.
| SOLD at A$25 | ||
2291 |
1976 Scenes 25c Broken Bay, sheet of 100, plated as Sheet C with ACSC listed variety 'Flaw between boats' (pos LP 5/15). Fresh MUH. ACSC 748g cat $65.
| SOLD at A$25 | ||
2292 |
1976 Christmas 15c Madonna & Child sheet of 100, plated as Sheet C with T shaped device in left selvedge opp gutter. Fresh MUH. ACSC cat $25.
| SOLD at A$14 | ||
2293 |
1977 Christmas 15c 'Surfing Santa' plate as Sheet A with colour loss at base. Fresh MUH. ACSC 787 z za cat $45.
| SOLD at A$24 | ||
2294 |
1978 Aviators 72c M/Sheet Postal Forgery (made in Netherlands), position B with ' Anniv of first' with pink T in first. VF fresh MUH & normal to compare. SG MS662(var). ACSC 794cd cat $100+. Scarce. (2)
| AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
2295 |
1978 Aviators 72c M/Sheet Postal Forgery (made in Netherlands), position D with blue dot in front of tail. VF fresh MUH & normal to compare. SG MS662(var). ACSC 794cd cat $100+. Scarce. (2)
| AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
2296 |
1978 Trees 25c Ghost Gum sheet of 100 on Shoalhaven white paper (blue gum) with Autotrons at left, gutter wedges & both black sheet numbers. VF fresh MUH. ACSC 797a z za zb cat $70.
| SOLD at A$20 | ||
2297 |
1978 Birds, 15c Forest Kingfisher sheet of 100 (1st printing) with sheet numbers 099615 & 099614, Autotrons at left & gutter wedges. VF MUH. ACSC 804A z zb zc cat $40.
| SOLD at A$15 | ||
2298 |
1978 Birds, 15c Forest Kingfisher sheet of 100 (2nd printing) with sheet numbers 000989 & 000988, Autotrons at left & gutter wedges. VF MUH. ACSC 804B za zc ze cat $40.
| SOLD at A$15 | ||
2299 |
1978 Birds 20c Robin sheet of 100 with colour bars at right, plated as Sheet A lower with T device located at UL cnr. VF fresh MUH. ACSC 806 za cat $35.
| SOLD at A$15 | ||
2300 |
1978 Birds 25c Plovers sheet of 100, 2nd printing with upper black Autotron re-engraved & wider tonal gutter wedges, inc variety 'white spot in background at LR' (Pos RP10/1). VF fresh MUH. ACSC 808B d za ze zf cat $80.
| SOLD at A$25 | ||
2301 |
1978 Birds 25c Plovers sheet of 100, 2nd printing with upper black Autotron re-engraved & wider tonal gutter wedges, inc variety 'white spot in background at LR' (Pos RP10/1). VF fresh MUH. ACSC 808B d za ze zf cat $80.
| SOLD at A$25 | ||
2302 |
1978 Birds 30c Oystercatcher sheet of 100 with Autotrons at top, gutter wedges & both black sheet numbers. VF fresh MUH. ACSC 809 z za zb cat $60+.
| SOLD at A$25 | ||
2303 |
1979 Railways 20c Double Fairlie sheet of 100 (no colour bars). VF fresh MUH. ACSC 844 cat $30.
| AVAILABLE at A$18 | ||
2304 |
1979 Christmas 25c Gifts sheet & 100 with colour control circles in vert gutter & variety 'horiz green line in US flag' (Pos 2/7, both panes). Couple of light tropical spots effecting a couple of stamps, o/w VF fresh MUH. ACSC 851 d z cat $90+.
| SOLD at A$20 | ||
2305 |
1980 Stamp Week 66c M/Sheet opt Austamp 90 ASDA Dinner numbered. VF fresh MUH. SG MS757(var). Retail $125.
| AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
2306 |
1980 Aircraft 22c IMPERF horiz pr. VF fresh MUH. Originates from the 2nd of only 2 imperf sheets recorded (the 1st imperf sheet was sold intact in our auction 350 & will remain intact). SG 761(var). Using ACSC numbering & estimating prices from other imperfs of the period this would be ACSC 883PP(3) est cat $200 per imperf pr. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
2307 |
1981 Endangered Species 25c Greater Bilby perf 13½ x 12½, two diff printings with 'Australia 25c' in grey-green or olive-green shades, both in comp sheet of 100. All fresh MUH.
| SOLD at A$40 | ||
2308 |
1982 Reptiles 15c Tortoise perf 14x14½ comp sheet of 100. Fresh MUH. ACSC 936 cat $80.
| SOLD at A$15 | ||
2309 |
1982 Commonwealth Games M/S set of 5 Ausipex 84 promotional opts. VF fresh MUH. SG MS863(var). Retail $85. (5).
| AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
2310 |
1982 Commonwealth Games M/S with 2 diff Ausipex 84 promotional opts. VF fresh MUH. SG MS863(var). Retail $35. (2).
| AVAILABLE at A$10 | ||
2311 |
1982 Commonwealth Games M/S with 4 diff Ausipex 84 promotional opts. VF fresh MUH. SG MS863(var). Retail $75. (4).
| AVAILABLE at A$15 | ||
2312 |
1984 Victoria Sesquicentenary 30c pr in blk of 30, error 'bright rose & black partly omitted from elliptical void area' of the central blk of 4 at base inc 1 stamp MISSING the denomination! (error caused by foreign material on the paper that fell off after printing the black, red, yellow etc so that only the blue was printed). VF MUH, sl gum tones. SG 359a(var). ACSC 1085cb cat $2000+. Rarity as 1 other vertical pr recorded. This very item previously sold for $1700+ in a 2003 Sydney auction. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
2313 |
1984 Clipper ship 75c 'Sobraon' full imperf printer's sheet of 300 reduced to 43% of actual size -now 300x260mm, plus extra wide margins (total size 440x315mm). VF fresh UN as made.
| AVAILABLE at A$8 | ||
2314 |
1984-88 Marine Life 55c error cyan colour totally OMITTED, so missing the inscription Bennett's Nudibranch from top margin. Superb fresh U on maxicard as always, plus normal to compare. SG 930a cat £1500. ACSC 1053c cat $2500 & this very item sold for $2000+ in a 2003 Sydney auction. Very rare, less than 10 recorded. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
2315 |
1987-88 Wildlife 37c strip of 5 UR cnr blk of 10 (2 strips) with 'Module 6' in margin, plus UL strip with blank margin. SG 1072a(var). ACSC 1218za cat $120 for blk of 20. (15).
| AVAILABLE at A$20 | ||
2316 |
1990 Australia-Russia Antarctica set 41c & $1.10 panes of 50. VF fresh MUH. FV $75 alone. SG 1261-62 cat £70+. (2 panes).
| AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
2317 |
1992 Threatened Species 45c sheetlet of 5. Error punch-hole at base. Fresh CTO. ACSC 1567b cat $200+
| AVAILABLE at A$35 | ||
2318 |
1992 Sheffield Shield set 45c & $1.20 in ½ sheets of 50. VF fresh MUH. SG 1381-2. FV alone $82.
| AVAILABLE at A$55 | ||
2319 |
1992 Christmas set 40c-$1 in ½ sheets of 50. VF fresh MUH. SG 1383-85. FV alone $92. (½ sheets x 3).
| AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
2320 |
1993 World Heritage Sites set 45-$2 sheets of 50. VF fresh MUH. SG 1392-95. FV alone $212. (4 sheets).
| AVAILABLE at A$140 | ||
2321 |
1995 National Trust $1 & $2 deep olive-black PROOFS. VF fresh MUH. SG 1516-17(p). ACSC 1841-2PP(1) cat $600. (2). (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$190 | ||
2322 |
1995 National Trust $1 deep olive-black PROOF right marginal blk of 4 - issued in deep red & blue. VF fresh MUH. SG 1516(p). ACSC 1841PP(1) cat $1200+ as singles. (4) (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$375 | ||
2323 |
1995 National Trust $2 deep olive-black PROOF right marginal blk of 4 - issued with the cup in blue. VF fresh MUH. SG 1517(p). ACSC 1842PP(1) cat $1200+ as singles. (4) (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$375 | ||
2324 |
1996 Queen's Birthday 45c imperf proof left marg vert pr MISSING intaglio printing of head & FV. VF fresh MUH. SG 1589(p). ACSC 1919PP(1) cat $300+ & undercatalogued as only 1 sheet recorded. Rare & spectacular. (2) (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$140 | ||
2326 |
1996 Children's Book Council 45c set of 4 self adhesive blk of 8 - only issued in strips. VF fresh MUH. SG 1634-37(var). ACSC 1984ca cat $200 & undercatalogued. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
2327 |
1997-98 Birds 45c set of 4 self adhesive blk of 8 SNP Cambec perf 11½ - only issued in strips from rolls. VF fresh MUH. SG 1687-90(var). ACSC 1955cc cat $400. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$140 | ||
2328 |
1997 Aborigine Dreaming Cartoon 45c top marginal IMPERF vert pr, plus extra portions at right so looks like blk of 4. VF fresh MUH. SG 1704(var). ACSC 2044 cat $350++. Less than 1 sheet of 50 was recorded. (P)
| AVAILABLE at A$140 | ||
2329 |
1998 QEII Birthday 45c sheet of 50. VF fresh MUH. SG 1757. FV alone $22.50 (1 sheet).
| AVAILABLE at A$14 | ||
2330 |
1998 Australian Navy Fleet Air Arm 45c sheet of 50. VF fresh MUH. SG 1758. FV alone $22.50 (1 sheet).
| AVAILABLE at A$14 | ||
2331 |
1998 Youth Arts 45c sheet of 50. VF fresh MUH. SG 1798-99. FV alone $22.50 (1 sheet).
| AVAILABLE at A$14 | ||
2332 |
1998 Ocean 45c Dragon & Dolphin sheet of 50. VF fresh MUH. SG 1822-3 cat £27. FV $22.50
| AVAILABLE at A$14 | ||
2333 |
1999 Australia 99 Navigator 45c M/Sheets, set imperf plus with A99 perfin. VF fresh MUH. SG MS1852c/(var). Retail $70. (2)
| AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
2334 |
1999 Navigators $2.70 M/S pr with 'A99' perfin. VF fresh MUH. SG MS1852(var). Retail $45. (2).
| SOLD at A$15 | ||
2335 |
1999 Australia 99 Navigators 45c M/Sheet pr with A99 Perfin, pr imperf & 'Flying Cloud' Clipper Ship 45c sheetlet of 10 with Exhib margin tabs. VF fresh MUH. SG 1727(var), MS1852c & 1852a/b. Retail $90. (5)
| AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
2336 |
1999 Children's TV $4.50 sheetlet of 10, opt Queensland Stamp Show. Limited Edition no. 241. VF fresh MUH. SG 1871-5(var). Retail $36.
| AVAILABLE at A$13 | ||
2337 |
1999 Greetings set 45c (5), & $1 sheets of 20. VF fresh MUH. SG 1896-1901. FV alone $65. (6 sheets).
| AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
2338 |
2000-02 SES $4.50 with various 45c stamp issues all diff, majority Sports. VF fresh MUH. FV $76. Original PO cost $255. (17).
| AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
2339 |
2000 Paralympian of the Year $9 SES set of 7 with 45c Globe with tabs for ea category winner. FV $63 alone. VF fresh MUH. (7).
| AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
2340 |
2000 Paralympian of the Year $9 SES set, 45c Globe with tabs for ea category winner. FV $63 alone. VF fresh MUH. (7).
| AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
2341 |
2000 Stawell Gift $4.50 SES, 45c Millennium & generic tabs, plus imperf proof sheet of background & tabs only. VF fresh MUH. (2).
| SOLD at A$20 | ||
2342 |
2000 Paralympian of the Year $9 SES set, 45c Globe with tabs for ea category winner. FV $63 alone. VF fresh MUH. (7).
| AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
2343 |
2000 Paralympic Team NSW $4.50 SES, 45c Kangaroo & flag with generic photo tabs. VF fresh MUH.
| AVAILABLE at A$7 | ||
2344 |
2000 Paralympian of the Year $9 SES set, 45c Globe with tabs for ea category winner. FV $63 alone. VF fresh MUH. (7).
| AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
2345 |
2000 Sydney Olympics PO Album with set of Gold Medallists sheetlets. Digital Print with Possum logo at LR (Victoria). FV $72.
| AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
2346 |
2000 Richmond AFL Club $9 SES with players tabs, plus imperf proof sheet with tabs only printing. VF fresh MUH. (2).
| AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
2347 |
2000 Olympics Sydney-Athens handover $9 & $30 SES generic PO issues tabs, plus Olymphilex 2000 SES $9 with generic woman tab. VF MUH. FV $48. (3).
| AVAILABLE at A$35 |
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