Search Result for "1930" | ||||
Lot | Description | Status | ||
1930![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1942 KGVI 3½d Grey blue, right base part pane of 60 (6 x 10) with selvedge 3 sides. Minor toning affecting 5 stamps, o/w VF MUH ACSC 231 B cat $60. (60) | AVAILABLE at A$12 | ||
115![]() Click for more photos | 1913-65 collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with Kangaroos 1st wmk (11) to 2/- with extra 2/- brown, plus 1/- 3rd wmk to fill the gap. 2nd wmk 9d, 2/-, 5/- (ACSC cat $1100), 3rd wmk set of 10 to 5/-. SM wmk (5) to 5/-, CofA (8) to £1, plus both OS opts. KGV (72) with single wmk to 1/4 inc 4d lemon, violet, blue. SM wmk perf 14 set of 8 to 1/4 inc 2d brown, 4 olive. Perf 13½x12½ comp to 1/4 inc 1d green Die II FU & 4½d Die II CTO. CofA wmk set of 8 & all OS opts. Then appears comp to end 1965 inc 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved. 1928 Kookaburra 3d blue M/Sheet VFU, 1931-32 OS opt set of 6 to 1/- inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d CTO (as is!). 1932 Bridge 5/- CTO & all the other 1930s Commem sets inc 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee to 2/-. 1938 Robes sets (2) to £1 slate. 1940 AIF set. 1946 BCOF opt set of 7 to 5/- Robes. 1949 Arms to £2, plus extra 5/- shade. QEII pre-dec comp inc 1959 Pics to Cattle 5/- white paper & 1964 Navigator set of 8 to £2. Mostly F-VFU, sl mixed condition in earlier. ACSC cat $6800. A good solid collection. (410) (P) | SOLD at A$525 | ||
116![]() Click for more photos | 1911-79 Booklets collection with 1911-17 type (cover only). 1928-30 1½d red inverted wmk (3 stamps), 1930 Airmail (1 stamp), 1930-34 inverted wmk 2d (4 stamps) - these all poor to fair with all covers written on. Then 1927 Canberra, 1934-5 new cover 2d (3 stamps), 1935-37 2d (9 stamps), 1938 KGVI 2d 2 diff, 1942 KGVI 2½d (2 diff), 1952 KGVI 3½d (2 diff), QEII 3/6 (2), 4/- (3), 5/- (5), 1966 4c red (4), 5c/4c/50c & $1 (4) & 5c blue $1, 1968 Famous Aust (7), 1969 PMs (8) inc a stapled, 1970 FA (4), 1972 PMs (12), plus 1979 Football set Rockdale, Parramatta & Bexley, also 1974-82 private types (6). Poor condition early, later F-VF appearance, but all missing from 1 to almost all stamps, or some toning from barely visible to heavier. Inc wax leaves (3) & a stapled. All diff. Pfr cat $11,000+ when comp. Useful lot for budget collector. (74) | AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
117![]() Click for more photos | 1913-64 collection in older style springback album with Kangaroos (65) with 1st wmk (22) to 1/- inc ½d, 1d (2), 2d, 3d wmk inverted (ACSC cat $450) & 3d olive perf OS/NSW horiz pr. 2nd wmk set of 7 to 5/- ($1300) top 2 parcel pmks. 1916 3rd wmk set (8) to 5/-, plus extras to 5/- light grey & pale yellow. SM wmk to 5/- & CofA wmk set to 10/-. KGV (90) inc 1d green Die II & SM wmk perf 14 set of 8 to 1/4. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved VFU. 1930s Commem sets inc VIC Cent (2) & Macarthur trio to 9d F-VFU. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/- MLH. 1937 Robes to £1 & 1949 Arms set to £2 U. QEII pre-decimals inc high val Commems & Navigators to £1. A bit disorganised, mixed M/MUH/F-VFU, cat/retail $4700. (460) | AVAILABLE at A$550 | ||
121![]() Click for more photos | 1913-50 Pre Decimal collection on pgs inc Roos (22) G-VF U inc 1st wmk to 2/-, 3rd wmk 5/-, 10/-, £1 light brown & blue (cat £2500) the last 2 both G-FU, plus SM/CofA wmk to 2/- M/MUH. KGV single wmk to 1/4 inc 4d lemon-yellow, LM wmk 1d red, SM wmk perf 14 to 1/4, CofA wmk to 1/4, (4d, 5d 1/4 MUH), range of 1930s KGV/KGVI commems inc 1934 Vic set to 1/-, Macarthur to 9d. 10/- Robes blk of 4 thick paper & £1 thin paper. KGVI 1937-40s defs, & some Postage Dues 1902 to 10d, 1909 to 5/-. Mostly F-VF M/MLH/U, some mixed condition. ACSC cat $9000. (170+). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1100 | ||
124![]() Click for more photos | 1913-65 virtually comp pre-decimal collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with Kangaroos 1st wmk (12) to 5/-, 2nd wmk set to 2/-, 3rd wmk to 5/-, plus 10/- 'Star' Telegraph Puncture. SM & CofA wmk sets to 5/- inc both OS opts G-F U, listed retail $2550. KGV Heads comp set of 72 (retail $750) to 1/4 inc 1d red Die III, 4d lemon, 1d green Die II, 4½d violet Die II & OS opt set of 7. Then 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved, 1928 Kookaburra M/sheet M,1931-32 OS opt set of 6 to 1/- inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d. All 1930s Commem sets inc 1932 Bridge to 5/- & 1934 Vic Cent to 1/- both perfs. 1938 KGVI Robes sets to £1 thick & thin papers VFU, 1946 BCOF opt set to 2/- M, 1949 Arms to £2 & all QEII pre-decimals inc 1964 Navigator set to £2. An attractive mostly F-VF U collection, retail $4800. (420) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$800 | ||
126![]() Click for more photos | 1913-65 collection on Seven Seas pages inc Roo 1st wmk to 1/-, 2nd wmk to 1/-, 3rd wmk to 5/-, CofA wmk to 10/-, KGV comp single wmk to 1/4 inc 1d red Die II & III, SM perf 14 comp to 1/4, CofA comp to 1/4, 6d engraved Kooka, 1931 Kingsford Smith comp inc opt,1930-40s commems comp, 1937, Robes 5/- to £1 inc both papers, 1949 Arms comp to £2, 1964 Navigators comp set of 8 to £2. Odd flts, mainly F-VFU. ACSC cat $4900. (250). | AVAILABLE at A$375 | ||
131![]() Click for more photos | 1913-65 collection in hagner style album with Kangaroos 1st wmk to 1/- inc perf large OS to 4d, plus £2 black & rose with Telegraph Puncture. 2nd wmk 2d, 6d, 9d, 1/-, 2/- G-FU (ACSC cat $600). 3rd wmk to 2/- maroon, plus £1 brown & blue Telegraph Puncture. SM wmk set to 2/- maroon, CofA wmk to 5/-. Also OS perfin set 1d to 5/-, NSW Govt perfins (10) to 2/-, plus 6d Chestnut opt OS. ACSC cat $2200 to 5/- bi-colours as normal U KGV (100+) to 1/4 inc OS opts to 4d, Federal perfins to 5d & NSW State perfins to 5d. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved (rounded cnr), 1929 Airmail 3d green perf OS CTO. 1931 Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d opt OS, 1932 Lyrebird 1/- opt OS postally U. 1934 VIC Cent to 1/- & Macarthur set to 9d U. 1930s-40s imprint blks (25) inc 1948 Hermes 1/6 claret McCracken blk of 4. 1937 Robes set to £1. 1940 AIF set to 6d M. 1949 Arms to £2 U. 1950s/60s high val Commem sets & 1964 Navigator set of 8 to £2 King. Variable condition throughout, mixed M/MUH/G-F/VFU. ACSC cat $3700, plus another $4700 for the £1 & £2 bi-colour Kangaroos. (650) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$900 | ||
134![]() Click for more photos | 1913-65 collection in 1950s loose leaf album inc 5d brown M (cat $250) other Kangaroos to 5/-, plus 10/-, £1, £2 opt SPECIMEN (cat $320), KGV to 1/4 inc 3d blue perf OS wmk INV (cat $175) & 2d brown perf OS/NSW. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved, 1930s Commems comp inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d, 6d brown opt OS, 1932 Bridge 5/- green Postally U (ACSC cat $400) & 1935 KGV SJ set to 2/- M. 1937 KGVI set to £1 Robes. 1949 Arms set to £2 green, pre-decimal QEII high val Pics to £1 Bass G-FU & 1966 Navigator set to $4 King MUH. Mostly mixed G-FU condition. ACSC cat $2000+. | SOLD at A$275 | ||
137![]() Click for more photos | 1913-74 collection in older style s/book with Kangaroos to 5/-, KGV to 1/4 inc OS opts to 4d, 1914 Kookaburra 6d engraved, 1931 Kingsford Smith to 6d brown, 1934 VIC Cent & Macarthur sets, 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/-. 1936 SA & 1937 NSW Sesqui sets. KGVI to £1 Robes FU, plus 10/- opt SPECIMEN. 1940 AIF set. 1949 Arms set, plus £1, £2 opt SPECIMEN. 1964 Navigators to 10/- U & set of 6 to £2 M. Comprehensive decimals G-FU inc 1974 Paintings to $10. Also pre-dec M/MUH multiples inc KGV Heads imprint prs (8) to 3d blue (cat $880). SM wmk 1½d, red plate dot prs set of 4 (cat $300), 1931 Kingsford Smith set blks of 4 ($120) & 1930s-40s imprint blks (22, cat $470) to 5/- Robes inc 1940 AIF 1d, 2d, 3d & all 4 1946-47 Commems set trios to 1/- Mitchell. Total ACSC cat/retail $2700. (860) | AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
140![]() Click for more photos | 1913-75 near comp collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with Kangaroos 1st wmk to 2/-, 2nd wmk to 2/-, 3rd wmk to 2/- brown, SM wmk to 5/- & CofA wmk to 5/- inc 6d opt OS, plus 10/-, £1, £2 opt SPECIMEN. KGV comp (retail $750) inc single wmk 1d Die III & 4d lemon, SM wmk perf 14 to 1/4, 1d green Die II, 4½d violet Die II & opt OS set to 5d. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved. 1928 Kookaburra 3d M/Sheet with pale Exhibition cancel. 1931-32 OS opt set of 6 to 1/- inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d. 1932 Bridge set to 5/- & all other 1930s high val Commem sets F-VFU. 1937 Robes to £1 thick & thin papers. 1949 Arms set to £2. 1953-75 QEII comp inc 1964 Navigator set of 8 to £2 King, 1966 Defs to $4 Navigator, 1974 Paintings to $10 & all other Pic/Commem sets inc 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 25. A well balanced, neat, mostly F-VFU collection, nicer than most. ACSC cat/retail $4800. (670+) | AVAILABLE at A$900 | ||
145![]() Click for more photos | 1913-1985 Extensive near comp collection in Davo Hingeless album with kangaroos 1st wmk ½d to 5/-, 2nd wmk set to 5/-, 3rd wmk to 5/-, plus £1 grey G-FU & £2 opt SPECIMEN type B MLH. SM wmk to 5/-, CofA wmk to 10/-. KGV Heads comp (56) to 1/4. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved, 1929 3d Kooka M/Sheet, UN (thinned UR cnr), 1930s commems inc 1932 Bridge set to 5/-, 1934 Vic Cent Macarthur, 1935 ANZAC & KGV SJ sets, 1937 KGVI to £1 Robes, 1949 Arms set ,1964 Navigators set of 6 U, BCOF set of 7 (5/- thin paper), 2/-, 5/- U, OS opts inc 6d Roo SM + CofA wmks, 1931 Kingsford Smith pr & KGV to 5d. Decimals 1966 to 1985, AAT 1957 to 1984. Generally G-F/VFU. Retail $4500+. (1040) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$800 | ||
151![]() Click for more photos | 1914-50 pre-decimal accumulation in large white binder with 1914 Kookaburra 6d engraved (5), 1930 Sturt perf OS CTO (4 sets), 1931 Kingsford Smith opt OS CTO (4 sets), 1931 Kingsford Smith opt OS 2d (6) & 3d (3) mostly VF CTO, other Airmails with 1929 3d green (7), 6d brown (5) & 6d violet (5), 1932 Lyrebird 1/- opt OS (2). 1934 VIC Cent sets (14) to 1/- black, 1935 ANZAC 1/- (2) & KGV Silver Jubilee sets to 2/- (2). 1936 SA sets to 1/- (7), 1937 Robes 5/- (10), 10/- (9) inc SPECIMEN opt & £1 (6). 1940 AIF 6d brown (12). 1949 Arms 10/- (25), £1 (15) & £2 (3), plus reasonable range of 1930s 2d & 3d Commems, scattered Kangaroos to 2/- M, KGV to 1/4 inc OS opts to 4d olive. Also 1964 Navigators 7/6 (4), 10/- (22), £1 (9) & £2 (3). Generally F-VF. ACSC cat $3850 not counting Kangaroos or KGV! (100s) | SOLD at A$350 | ||
154![]() Click for more photos | 1914-65 comprehensive collection in older style Seven Seas hingeless album with Kangaroos (35) inc 1st wmk to 1/-. 2nd wmk 2d, 6d, 1/-. 3rd wmk set to 2/- maroon, plus wmk INV 1d, 2d, 1/- U & wmk SIDEWAYS 1/- M. SM wmk to 2/- & CofA set to 5/- inc 6d opt OS. KGV Sidefaces comp set of 72 with single wmk to 1/4 inc 1d red Die III & 4d lemon, SM wmk perf 14 set of 8 inc 2d brown, 4d olive & perf 13½x12½ to 1/4 inc 1d green Die II & 4½d violet Die II. CofA wmk to 1/4 & all OS opts ACSC cat $1260. 1914 Kookaburra 6d claret M. 1930-32 OS opt set of 6 to 1/- Lyrebird inc Kingsford Smith 2s, 3d. 1934 VIC Cent sets to 1/- M & U, 1934 Macarthur set VFU. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/-. 1937 Robes 10/- opt SPECIMEN (2), plus £1 thick & thin papers FU. 1940 AIF set MLH. 1949 Arms to £2 U. 1953-65 QEII mostly MUH inc 1964 Birds set to 3/-, plus 1964 Navigator set of 6 to £2 King F-VFU. A near comp M/MUH/F-VFU collection, cat $3900. (390) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
156![]() Click for more photos | 1914-1997 above average collection F-VFU/CTO in thick hagner album with 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved. KGV Single wmk (50) to 1/4 inc 1d Red Die II, 1d Rosine rough paper, 1d carmine Die III & 5d bright chestnut rough paper perf OS. LM wmk set inc carmine-pink Cooke Printing (SG 49 cat £140. SM wmk perf 14 set to 1/4. SM wmk perf 13½ x 12½ inc 1d green Die II lightly cancelled, CofA wmk set to 1/4. 1930s Commems comp inc 1932 Bridge set to 5/- & KGV SJ to 2/- violet, 1937 KGVI Robes set to £1 Thick & Thin papers. 1949 Arms to £2 green. 1963-64 Navigator set of 8 to £2. Set of 15 OS opts to 1/- Lyrebird inc KGV to 5d & Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d, 6d,. 1947 BCOF opt set to 5/- Robes. Also 1941-1965 mostly MUH Coil pair collection (16 diff, cat $375) inc 1941 KGVI 2d violet, 1942 KGVI 2d mauve CofA wmk (ACSC cat $75), 1951 KGVI 3d green & 3d red & QEII Defs to 5d red. Comprehensive Decimals to 1997 Christmas inc 24 diff M/Sheets to 1996 AFL & high value Pic/Commem to $20 Gardens. Also 1957-1997 AAT collection inc Whales M/Sheets. All F-VFU/CTO plus the MUH Coils. ACSC cat $3200 to end 1965 plus extra for the Decimals (est FV $650) & AAT sections. (1700+) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$800 | ||
159![]() Click for more photos | 1920s-60s chaotic collection in hagner album with KGV (80) to 5d brown, G-FU with mostly Federal or State Official Perfins. 1930s high val Commems inc 1931 Kingsford Smith sets (3), 1934 VIC Cent to 1/-, 1935 ANZAC 1/-, 1930s-50s imprint blks (45) to 5/- Robes, plus 1936 Cable 2d plate number 2, 4 cnr blks of 4. Mostly F-VF M/MUH. Then Used array to mid 1960s inc 1929 Airmail 3d green (10), 1930s 3d blue Commems (30), 1931 Kingsford Smith set, 1934 VIC Cent sets (3), 1936 South Aust to 1/- (2), 1937 KGVI to 10/- Robes, plus extra 10/- opt SPECIMEN. 1937 NSW Sesqui sets (3). 1940 AIF set to 6d (3), 1949 Arms sets to £2 (3) & 1964 Navigators to £1 Bass. Also Postage Dues useful accumulation (200) to 5/- & AAT pre-decimal Pics to 2/3 Penguins. Variable condition throughout, mixed M/MUH, G-F/VFU. (100s) | SOLD at A$300 | ||
166![]() Click for more photos | 1927-90 extensive ex dealer back-up stock in massive 64pg s/book inc 1928 Kookaburra 3d (10) inc perf OS (5), 1929 Airmail 3d green (10) inc perf OS (5). 1931 Kingsford Smith sets (4) to 6d brown Airmail, 1934 VIC Cent sets to 1/- (5), 1935 ANZAC 1/-, 1936 SA sets (5) & 1937 NSW to 9d (5). 1930s 3d blue Commems (25). 1937 KGVI Robes 5/- (10), 10/- (2) & £1 (2), plus 10/- opt SPECIMEN. 1940 AIF sets to 6d (4). 1949 Arms set to £2 (3), 1950s 2/- Commems (40) inc comp sets. 1959 Cattle 5/- (10). 1964 Navigators sets to £1 (2), plus extra 7/6 (2) & £2 King. 1960s 2/3 Commem (30). Extensive decimals (4000+) to 1989 inc comp collection inc 1970s Paintings to $10. Some, mostly light, tropicalisation, generally F-VFU, huge retail with pre-decimals alone over $2000. (5200+) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
167![]() Click for more photos | 1928-31 semi specialised collection on loose leaves with 1928 Kookaburra 3d M/Sheet, plus single with red Exhibition pmk. 1930 Sturt 1½d plate number set of 8 blks of 4 & 3d plate 1, 2 cnr blks of 4. 1931 Kingsford Smith 2d set of 8 plate numbers cnr blks of 4, 3d plate number trio cnr blks of 4, plus 2d, 3d imprint multiples. Mostly F-VF M/MUH. ACSC cat $1200. | SOLD at A$230 | ||
168![]() Click for more photos | 1928-56 KGV, KGVI & QEII collection with duplication on Varios in Lighthouse binder with slipcase mainly in blks of 4 inc imprints, noted 1928 Kookaburra M/S (2), 1930s, Swan, Stuart, Kingsford Smith plate blks, KGV imprints inc 3d & 6d Kingsford Smith, 9d 150th NSW Anniv (2), 1940 AIF set to 6d, range of 1938 KGVI Defs to 1/- with various imprints, 5/- Robes, both papers, 10/- Robes blk of 4, 1941 QEII Defs, 1952-56 various blks of 4. 3d Kooka (12), 3d Sturt (16), 3d Air (8), 3d Kingsford Smith (12), 6d (10), 3d Bridge (12), 3d VIC Cent (24), 2d Macarthur 'dark hills' (8) inc imprint 3d (12), 3d Cable (10), 3d SA Cent (15), 1/- (11) inc 2 imprint blks of 4, 3d Sesqui (16), 9d (12) imprint blk of 4 (2), 5/- Robes thick & thin imprint blks of 4, 10/- thick (4), AIF 3d & 6d (12 ea), plus most later issues (ex Arms) to 1957 in similar quantities inc 1946 BCOF set ½d to 1/- in imprint blks (2 sets), plus some KGV. Some flts & gum tone throughout. Mainly F, VF appearance MLH/MUH. ACSC cat $7700+. Value at estimate. Inspect to evaluate. Interesting range with plenty of potential. (1500+) | AVAILABLE at A$700 | ||
169![]() Click for more photos | 1928-end 65 MUH collection in Seven Seas hingeless album inc 1928 Kookaburra 3d blue, 1931 Kingsford Smith set of 4 to 6d brown, 1932 Kookaburra 6d & Lyrebird 1/-, 1932 Bridge 2d, 3d opt OS, 1934 VIC Cent set to 1/- on sun-tanned paper & Macarthur set 2d, 3d, 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/-, 1936 SA to 1/-, 1937 NSW Sesqui set, 1937 KGV Defs (18) to 10/- Robes thick & thin papers. 1940 AIF set to 6d, 1949 Arms to £1 (horiz crease MUH), 1950 KGVI Defs to 2/6 Aborigine no wmk, 1953-65 QEII pre-decimals comp inc Produce Food strips, 1959-61 Pics to 5/- Cattle white paper, 1963 Navigator set of 8 to £2 King, 1964 Birds to 3/- & all high val Commems. Some darker sun-tanned gum to late 1930s. Generally F-VF MUH. ACSC cat $2240. (270) | AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
171![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Sturt 1½d & 3d. Ten sets fresh MUH. SG cat £110 as M, should be at least double, £220 MUH. ACSC cat $230. (20). | SOLD at A$35 | ||
172![]() Click for more photos | 1930-48 KGV& KGVI Commems on 16 hagners. 1930 1½d Sturt Plate blks of 4. Nos 1-8, Ash imprint blk of 4 (2), 3d Sturt Plate blks of 4 Nos 1-2 (2), Ash imprint blk of 4, 1934 Macarthur 2d imprint blks (3 inc 1 Dark Hills), 3d imprint blk of 4, 9d imprint pr 1935 Jubilee 2d Plate blks of 4, No 1 (2), No2, No3 (2), No4, No5, No6 (2) & imprint blk of 4, 2/- Plate 1 marginal single with fold through top, 1936 SA Cent imprint blks of 4 - 2d, 3d, 1/-. 1937 1/6d Hermes Chalk paper McCracken imprint blk (2), 1948 Hermes CofA wmk McCracken imprint blk. Also 1-2 sets of ea issue 1930 Sturt set perf OS. Some faults but generally F-VF MLH/MUH. ACSC cat $4000+ (150+). | SOLD at A$250 | ||
193![]() Click for more photos | 1937-65 collection in album with many notations inc 3d KGVI blue Die I 'white wattles' MUH, 3d blue Die II Ash imprint pr, part 1930 used newspaper wrapper, 1937-49 Animals inc perf 13½x14 1/- Ash imprint pr FU, various coil prs, 5/- to £1 Robes thick paper used sets (2), 10/- Robes Specimens (2), 1940 AIF varieties 1d 'broken rifle butt' & 'broken wings' & imprint prs, 1949 Arms set to £2, 1950 KGVI 6½d brown & green re-entries, various 1963 5d QEII imperfs, Navigators to £2, 1937 ½d to 5/- & 1950s imprint prs & blks, some perf pips blks, inc 5/- Robes prs (3), some pmks & varieties. Interesting collection, value at our estimate. Mainly FU, VF MUH. ACSC cat $3000+. (800+) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
194 | 1940s-60s massive off-paper mix/accumulation (many 1000s) with Pics, Commems, Defs inc OHMS Savings For Service envelopes inc 1930s-40s 1/6 claret Airmails, 1945 Peace, 1946 Gloucester sets inc quantity 1950s-60s Pics/Commems sorted into plastic bags, plus enormous mess inc vals to £1 Arms at the bottom of the carton. Also 1914-63 unbalanced collection in 2 contemporary springback albums inc sparse Kangaroos to 2/-, KGV (120) inc ½d orange opt OS blk of 16, & 1d red (50) inc shades & varieties, 1934 VIC Cent set, 1934 Macarthur sets (3) & scattered 1940s imprints inc 2d, 3d, 6d AIF blks of 4. | SOLD at A$130 | ||
271![]() Click for more photos | Bundleware: Mostly 1950s-1980s Pics/Commems/Defs in bundles of 100, inc KGV 1½d & 2d, scattered 1930s-1960s Pre-decimal commems, Defs to 5/- Arms & wide range of 1960s-70s-80s Decimals to $2 Painting. Appear G-F/VFU. All neatly packed in two boxes of 50,000 stamps. Total $100,000. | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
276![]() Click for more photos | Cinderellas: NSW 1980s Railway Local Post M/Sheets (21) inc SPECIMEN opts & IMPERF proofs. NSW 1950 Govt Tramway 6d blue Packet stamps (10). QLD pre-decimal Railway Parcel stamps (18) to 2/6 'Hollis Hopkins & Co' imprint. Australia 1971-75 decimal Coil Wrappers (6, cat $150). NSW 1938 150th Anniv labels (42 diff) Revenues inc pre-dec QLD Tax stamps (8) to 4/- & Melbourne Patent Office $50 & $100 Fee stamps, Koala Research M/Sheets, Exhibition M/Sheets, ephemera & labels 1971 XL Postal Strike $1 stamps comp sheet of 100, retail $500. 1911 Commonwealth essay reprint strips of 5 in 6 diff colours. World mix inc Alsace & Lorraine pre WWI Social Security Revenues (156) on 'Quittungscarte' cards. NZ 1980s/90s Greenpeace - Antarctica M/Sheet proof multiples. GB 1940s Coil Machine Test labels strip of 10 MUH. European 1930s Tourist Publicity labels in sheets of 20 diff with Spain (4 diff colours) & Portugal (5 diff colours). Norway 1860s-90s Local Post (Bypost) collection (24 diff), plus other Revenues & Cinderellas. Large s/book. | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
279![]() Click for more photos | Collection 1913-77 with Kangaroos to 5/-. KGV to 1/4 inc 1d red Die II, 1d carmine LM wmk & OS opt set of 6 to 5d. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved, 1930 Sturt pr perf OS, 1931 Kingsford Smith set to 6d inc 2d, 3d opt OS. 1934 VIC Cent sets (2) & Macarthur to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV SJ set to 2/-. 1937 KGVI to £1 Robes. 1940 AIF set FU. 1949 Arms 5/-, 10/- MUH & sets to £2 (2) G-FU. 1959 Pics to 5/- Cattle MUH (2 sets). 1950s-60s high val Commem sets MUH & U. 1964 Navigators to £1 Bass MUH & F-VFU (2 sets). Decimals to 1970s Paintings inc 1966 Navigator sets to $4 MUH (2) & FU (2). 1968 Flowers sets (2), 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 7 (2) & AAT 1966 Defs to $1 Mock Sun all F-VF MUH, plus much more to early 1970s MUH & U. Some sl mixed M/MUH/G-F/VFU condition. | AVAILABLE at A$220 | ||
283![]() Click for more photos | Covers: 1930s KGV 1d green (mainly SM perf 13½x12½) Victoria advertising covers. Good range inc Hoffman Brick & Potteries etc. Most covers have slogan cancels Post Early, Grow More Wheat etc. All diff. VF condition. ACSC 81 & 82 1d green plain covers $10 x 30 = $300+ advertising covers worth significantly more. (30) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
373![]() Click for more photos | Postal Stationery: 1930s-80s specialist consignment remains with KGV-QEII used envelopes (13), UN QEII 4c-20c duplication (heavy, plus 10c long type albino stamp impression ($100), 3½d orange with large red Specimen opt (ACSC cat $150), plus KGV Star 1½d on 2d red UN ($100) & KGV oval 2d on 1½d red ($50). Also Lettercards KGVI-QEII (23) fresh MUH, also 1962 5d blue with Automatic PO opt used FDI ($200), & finally 1942 Queen 1d+1d doubleton PC uprated for use to USA ($40). Total ACSC cat $1400. (80). | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
376![]() Click for more photos | Postal Stationery - Postcards: 1911-54 unused with 1911 KGV 'the left half', 1918 surch 1½d on 1d red, 1920 1½d brown w/o footnote, 1923 same opt 1d on 1½d, 1924 1d green, 1925 1d green die 3, 1930 1½d brown, 1938 KGVI 1½d, 1953 QEII 3d die 2, & 4d/3d green. Generally F-VF UN. ACSC cat $1000. (10). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
377![]() Click for more photos | Postal Stationery - Postcards: 1911-53 used with 1911 Scenic KGV 1d red text setting 1, views Phantom Falls, Buffalo Mts & Coimadai, all in shades of black (ACSC P21(2), (8) & (12).1918 KGV 1d red uprated ½d with 'City of Hawthorne' printed reverse, 1918-19 surch 1½d on 1d red sulphite stock (2), 1920-22 KGV 1½d brown buff stock, 1923 surch 1d on 1½d brown w/o footnote to Scotland, 1925-30 1d green die 3, 1930-37 1½d brown 83mm footnote, 1941-43 Queen 1d+1d doubleton, 1943-50 KGVI 2d, 1953-57 QEII 3d. F-VFU. ACSC cat $635 (13) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
379![]() Click to enlarge photo | Pre decimal bundleware noted KGV 1d red, range of 1d green - 1½d red, 1½d brown & 4d olive KGV x 2, 1930/40s commemoratives, 5/- Arms, 2/- Olympics, 2/- Cobb, 2/- Antarctic, 2/- Coronation, 2/- Qantas etc. Over 200 bundles but not all are 100. As received from vendor, all jumbled up so not easy to assess. Guesstimate 15,000+. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
383![]() Click for more photos | Varied range in 2 albums & loose in bag inc Kangaroos 5/- 3rd wmk 'Misplaced Roo' perf OS, CofA wmk 10/- (rounded cnr) & £1 Grey G-FU, plus others to 2/- maroon. 1930s Commems to 1/- Vic Cent or 1/- South Aust. 1940s KGVI Defs to £1 Arm. 1960s QEII Pre-decimal MUH/U to £1 Bass. Early Decimal MUH Pic/Commem inc 1966 Defs to $4 King. Plus various others Decimal covers/stationery in plastic bag. (approx 300) | AVAILABLE at A$220 | ||
404![]() Click for more photos | Victoria pmks on covers. Extensive part-collection, most from about 1930-2010 with a few earlier, commercial & philatelic covers, strength in later period, mostly letters Ce-Mi, Oa-Ox, RAAF-Rye, Ta-Wi, inc FDCs, FDI cancels, commem cancels, a few machine cancels, a few Paid, illustrated, reliefs, registered, many open/closing day covers, etc, some dupes, no great rarities seen but noted Corio North, Cowleys Ck, Crimea, Dookie Ag College (4), Drik Drik (3), Elizabeth St Stamp Kiosk 1 (4 R), Glenluce, Gre Gre North, Hawksburn SE2, Karawinna, Kooyong, Logan (2), Magpie (2), Nilma, fair 1940s oval Red Hill/Post Office, etc, also a very few pieces inc CIC Benalla (4R), CIC Mildura, Commerce House (2), poor to very fine, likely some rarities among the modern rubber types, (2000) | AVAILABLE at A$700 | ||
405![]() Click for more photos | Victoria Registered Mail: Huge collection of registered covers sorted by label types, stated all diff, from 1930s-80s but majority from early 1950s to early 1970s with blue labels, includes A1 Mine Settlement, Altona Nth (2) & West, Anderson RS, Ararat Nth & Sth, Archerton, Arnold, Arthur's Creek, Ascot Vale Central, East & West, Avonsdale, Axedale, Bairnsdale East, Balmattum (R.) (front), Bambra Rd, Bambra Rd Sth, Banyena, Beauville, Bell Park, Benjeroop, Bennison, Bentleigh Nth (2), Berrybank, Bleak House, Bolwarrah (2), Booran Rd, Boorhaman, Brighton - North Rd, Were St & West, Bullarto, Bullen West, Burleigh (2), Byaduk Nth, Camp Pell, Cannie, Cape Otway, Cardigan, Carlsruhe RS, Carranballac, Castella, Cathkin, Childers, Chinkapook, Christmas Hills, Clarinda, Cliffside, Clonard, Clyde, Codrington, Coghills Ck, Colac East, Colginabbin West, Combeinbar, Coomboona, Coragulac, Crimea, Cross Keys (3), Cudge, Cumberland Park, Dendy, Diggora West, Draytonville, Dutton Way, Echuca Sth, Elgar Park (2), Eltham Nth, Ensay Sth (front), Essendon Aerodrome & Airport, Faversham, Fentons Creek (2), Fishermans Beach, Footscray - Argyle St, Ballarat Rd (5), Geelong Rd (3) & Park (2), Fortuna, Galah, Gardner, Gelliondale, Gilbank (2), Gilderoy, Glenalbyn (Rail), Glengala, Glenmaggie, Glenroy Sth, Granya, Greythorn, Hattah, Healesville West, Heatherdale, Hernes Oak, Hicksborough, High Camp Plain (2), Highton, Hillside, Hordern Vale, Horsham Nth, Sth (2) & West, Hunter, Invergordon, Iona, Ivanhoe East & West, Jacana, Jumbunna, Katandra, Kerrisdale (Rail), Kiata, King Valley, Kongwak, Kurting, Ky Valley, Lake Charm Rail, Licola, Lillimur Sth (2), Lima Sth, Lindenow Sth, Lyndhurst, Macclesfield, Maribyrnong, McKillop, Merri (2), Metropolitan Farm, Mittyack, Modewarre, Moondara, Mordialloc Nth (2), Morwell - Bridge, East & Upper, Mt Buffalo Chalet, Mt Moriac Mt Waverley Nth (2), Munro, Murray Lock No 9, Napoleons, Navigators, Nelsons Hill, Nerrina (front), Newhaven, North Blackburn (2), Pedrina Park, Pennydale (2), Petersons, Pirron Yallock, Poolaigelo, Portland West, Redesdale, Reservoir Eat, Ross Bridge, Seaholme (2), Sinclair (2), Smith Gully Rd, South Blackburn, South Purrumbete, Springmount, Steiglitz, Sylvester (3), Tahar, Taranginnie, Tarranyurk, Teddywaddy, Toolondoo, Toolong, Tottenham East (2), Tyabb, Tyntynder Central, Tysons Reef, Waaia, Wandong, Wangaratta West, Warrambook - East, Nth, Sth & West, Wensleydale, Western Camp (2), Whitfield, Whittington, Williamstown Beach, Willow Grove (2), Wollert, Woodfield & Yabba Nth. Many in the A-G letters with cds rarity RR-RRRR noted on reverse. Mostly F-VF. This collection is an amazing effort that took very many years to achieve. This collection was previously offered but the vendor has subsequently added another 115 items to it. (1800-1850 covers). | AVAILABLE at A$6000 | ||
418![]() Click for more photos | Three Carton Consignment with World collection in four near new 64 black page Lighthouse s/books (retail $90 ea, $360) with Germany to 1970s inc Pre WWI Colonies, Japan 1890s-1970s, New Zealand to late 1970s inc Official opts to 2/- KGVI. Russia to early 1980s. Also China (320) to 1930s, Bahrain (120) & Qatar (170) in 16 page s/books. Off paper mixes in tins & boxes with Australia, Portugal & Colonies, Germany, Israel, Japan, New Zealand & USA. Plus India 1930s-40s-50s covers & Indian States Postal Stationery mess. Medium shoebox with Australia PO Packs (FV $175), 1977 QEII RV Silver Medallion & 1990s-2000s Pre-Paid maxicards (170) in packs of issue. 2012 Olympic Gold Medalists PNC set of 7, in commem album (retail $160). Plus misc covers (60) in black binder inc NSW 1854 from Richmond to Sydney franked QV 2d Laureate, Victoria 1904 Advertising envelopes (3), Australia 1929-1935 Flight covers, Germany 1954 Bells set FDC, French Antarctic Territory 1980s FDC, Great Britain-Austria 1934 Zeppelin Flight cover. Selected Rhodesia 1960s FDC plus two books on Aust Postal History. (many 1000s) | SOLD at A$450 | ||
423![]() Click for more photos | 1850s-1960s World collection/accumulation in old Rapkin album plus in envelopes GB from 1850s QV 1d red & 2d blue inc 1887-1900 QV Jubilee range. Album contains A-Z with useful 1920s-30s period. 1930s-60s range of covers & FDCs. Envelopes with A-Z countries inc Germany 1920s-30s. New Zealand 1891 Lighthouse set to 1/- (SG cat £375). Also 1957 SG World simplified catalogue. Mostly G-VF M/U, majority U. SG cat £3500+ = A$7000+. (2000+). | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
425![]() Click for more photos | 1860s-2000s Europe large collection on pgs in 8 binders in large carton inc Austria 1870s-1920 to 25k, German Occup 1945 unissued 1-5RM, 1945 Views to 5s, 1950 Birds to 20s, strong in scarcer 1940/50s issues, Belgium range 1860s-1920s inc 1930 Airs to 5f, Czechoslovakia range 1920s, good range of later. M/S, covers, Bohemia Moravia range, France good range to 1920s inc 1949 Air Views to 1000f. 1954 Airs to 1000f inc blk of 4, Netherlands from 1880s to 1920s inc 1906 Tuberculosis set, Ruanda-Urundi, Neth Indies, Russia 1880s-1920s inc 1925 Lenin to 10R, 1934 Air to 80k Sweden 1860s-1920s range, 1936 Tercentenary, range of other countries inc Luxemburg, Monaco, Switzerland etc, plus lots more. Extensive collection only briefly reviewed so could be finds. Vast number face diff, some light duplication. Mainly U-FU, some VF MLH. Reserved at $100 per album. SG est cat £6000-£8000. (14,000+, 100+ M/S, 30+ covers). | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
427![]() Click for more photos | 1871-1950s Europe & Area inc Switzerland International bodes range with 1920 Society of Nations opt vals to 10Fr. Spain 1950 Franco Visit opt 50c & 1P. 1930 Columbus set. 1930 Goya set. St Pierre & Miquelon 1885 Spm opt Peace & Commerce imperf 5c, 10c & 15c. Alsace & Lorraine 1870-71 Numeral to 25c. Saar 1922 Landscapes set to 25Mk. F-VF M/U. SG cat £1550+ = A$3100+. Useful lot. (120). | SOLD at A$250 | ||
428![]() Click for more photos | 1880s-1960s World collections with extras in 4 Vario binders with slipcases, s/book & album inc Spain 1872 ¼c blk of 4, 1928 Rome Catacombs to 5p, 1928 Air Service to 1p, 1930 Goya 1p-10p, 1930 Air Goya Designs to 10p, 1930 Columbus Issue set to 10p, 1930 Columbus Air set to 10p, Yugoslavia & States inc 1951 Airs to 500d, various French & Spanish Colonies inc Spanish Sahara, Morocco, Fernando Poo, French Polynesia, Algeria, etc, small Russia collection 1940s-60s. Few minor tones mostly G-VF U, F-VF MLH/MUH. SG cat £1700+ = A$3400. (2900+) | SOLD at A$220 | ||
431![]() Click for more photos | 1890s-1960s Consignment remains with 1965 ITU Anniv custom slipcase album with Br Commonwealth & Foreign issues (some sl tones) - noted French Polynesia & Sthn Antarctic Terr (2ea) SG cat £600+ with album total £1100+. Bulgaria 1932 Airmail set (£250), Portugal 1894 Henry to 100R on envelope with special pmks (£88), Spanish West Africa 1950 Air set (£70), & 2 covers with 1930 Goya stamps, plus PNG 1989 PO Year album. Virtually all F-VF MUH, some U. (350+) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
434![]() Click for more photos | 1930s Tourist Publicity labels mostly sheets of 20 with Belgium, France & Colonies, Portugal, Romania & Spain. Some still with the booklet cover - some of which have anti Cancer Fund opt. Overall F-VF MUH. Some flts, separations, edge tones etc. Attractive lot. (266). | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
449![]() Click for more photos | 5 older style loose leaf albums (inc 3 Triumph) with good variety inc Australian States, Australian Commonwealth inc Kangaroos to 2/-, 1930s Commems, KGVI Defs to £1 Robes & Arms to £2, Canada 1930s Pics to $1 blue, GB inc 1840s QV imperfs 1d brown (4) & 2d blue (2), 1890s QV to 1/- green, KEVII to 5/- carmine & KGVI to £1 brown. NZ inc 1860s QV Chalons 6d brown & 1/- green & 1920s KGV to 3/- violet, plus other British Empire & Western Europe. World collections in another 3 loose leaf albums inc Pakistan 1950s-70s World Pictorials inc GB 1960s-80s Commem sets. Australia decimal accumulation in 9 small black page albums. British Commonwealth in 20 hagners inc Australia 1971 Christmas 7c sets M (12) & Cook M/Sheets MUH (4). SWA 1980 Wildlife set to R2 MUH. Indonesia 1996 Joint Issue with Australia Cuscus booklets (4, cat $100 ea), Norfolk Is 1960s Pic sets, Nevis 1984 $1.20 Tourism set IMPERF LL cnr plate number blks of 4, plus others. Finally Australia 1930s-60s FDC collection (110) inc 1937 NSW Sesqui (2), 1959-61 Pics to 5/- Cattle, 1964 Birds to 3/- & 1950s-60s Commems, plus AAT FDC (20) inc scattered Base Cancels. 19 albums in total, usual mixed M/MUH/G-F/VFU condition. Large carton. | SOLD at A$275 | ||
464![]() Click for more photos | Australia: Collection to mid 1970s in hagner album inc Kangaroos (15) to 10/- 3rd wmk (ACSC cat $700), 1946 BCOF opt set of 8 to 5/- F-VFM (cat $450), 1935 KGV SJ 2d red plate varieties (12) inc 'Bird in sky' (2, cat $75 ea), 'Retouches at top right', 'Hairline in front of horse' & 'Retouches to upper frame'. G-FU, est total cat $450. Small specialised Decimal MUH collection in 1974 Christmas 10c plate 1 blk of 8 & 35c plate 3 blk of 4, 1970 RV 'Crown flaw' vert strip of 8 plus 1960s sheet number multiples. Another hagner album with British Commonwealth inc GB 1930s Seahorses 2/6, 5/-, 10/-. World collection in 2 springback albums with Australia to 2014 inc 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved & Decimal high val Pics to $10 Waratah. Then Aland, Iceland, Nepal & Persia Pics, Defs & Commems. Also 3 plastic bags with Australia Decimal on/off paper & 2 binders with around 70 used hagners. Large carton. | SOLD at A$350 | ||
468![]() Click for more photos | Big British Commonwealth carton lot with Asia/Pacific Is 1990s MUH Pic sets (40) & M/Sheets (20). 1978 Coronation SJ set of 21 M/Sheets. 1997 Diana Memorial sheets of 50 (8 diff, FV A$150). Indonesia 1996 Cuscus Joint Issue with Australia booklets (4, cat $100 ea). Aust/NZ Local Railway M/Sheets, plus more, all in black binder. General collection in blue springback album with GB inc KGVI high vals to £1 brown, NZ KGV inc Official opts & Indian States. Neat NZ collection to early 1980s in small s/book inc QV 2d Chalon black printing blk of 4, 1930s-60s Healths, 1967 Pics to $2 Geyser & other MUH decimal Pics. Australia 1970s-80s FDC with Darwin pmks in thick cover album. USA 1970s 3 volume Commem FDC collection. SG 1930s empty Ideal loose leaf album. Norfolk Is 1960s-70s Pic/Commem accumulation inc comp sets. KUT dealer back-up stock (100s) to early 1960s inc KGV Defs to 3/-, 1940s KGVI to £1, 1950s QEII to 20/-, plus plenty in between inc some Pics/Commems. 9 albums in total, mixed G-F/VFU, M/MUH. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
470![]() Click for more photos | Big double carton lot with plenty to play with inc Australia 1980s PO Packs (FV $280). Box of Australia UN PSE. Sweden 1970s FDC (130). British Commonwealth FDC collection (80) inc Christmas Is 1958 QEII set to $1, Fiji 1960s 8c QEII Registration envelopes UN (6), Ross Dependency 1959 Pic set to 1/9, Norfolk Is 1947 Ball Bay set, NZ 1954 QEII to 10/- blue, 1967 Lighthouse opt sets (2, retail $250) & 1967 Defs to $2 Geyser (2 sets, retail $150). 1960s-70s British Commonwealth collections in 3 VGC SG Senator springback albums (new retail $300+) with Australia MUH/VFU 1966-71 inc Navigator $1 perf 14¾ MLH & 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 25. Fiji 1969-84 with 150 MUH/CTO Pic/Commem sets inc 1969 Defs to $2 QEII. NZ 1967-84 inc 1967 Defs to $10 (retail $160) & 1967-75 Health M/S comp ($360) & Tokelau 1967-84. Thin blue s/book with British Antarctic Territory Pic sets (16) inc vals to £3, plus small India 1920s-30s selection. Interesting 1930s-40s collection in medium springback album inc Ceylon, China, Cyprus, India, GB, Malaya & USA. Pacific Islands collection in 46 hagners with PNG 1952-80 inc 1952 Defs to £1 Fisherman, Nauru 1954-80, plus Fiji, Tonga & Samoa. Red s/book with 1970s-80s MUH collection with Australia, Nauru & Norfolk Is. Finally GB 1940s-1940s accumulation in 2 s/books inc 1841 QV 2d blue imperf, 1847 QV 6d embossed, 1890s QV to 1/- green KGV Seahorses 2/6 (37), 5/- (22), 10/- (3), 1937 KGVI sets of 6 to £1 (4) & 1952 KGVI high val sets (10). Usual variable condition for carton lot with G-F/VFU, M & MUH Pics, Commems, Defs & Thematics. (Few 1000) | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
474 | British Commonwealth collection in 2 s/books & hagner binder. Great Britain QV to c2000, noted KGVI 1948 Silver Wedding, 1951 Festival high vals ( 2 sets) G-VFU. Extensive collection of 1980s-90s with extras. New Zealand 1930s-c2000 mostly inc 1960 to £1, 1967, 1968 to $2, later issues extensive with extras. Some MUH inc Best of 1996 etc FV $90 FD & other covers 1981-96 (75). Mainly G--VFU. (3000+) | SOLD at A$60 | ||
486![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth carton lot with 1977-78 QEII Silver Jubilee collection in water damaged s/book with Commem sets, booklets & M/Sheets, mixed stuck down/disturbed gum/MUH. AUSIPEX 84 collection in 2 brown albums with 33 Pic sets, 50 M/Sheets inc 1982 Games opt set of 5 (retail $100), plus assorted ephemera. Australia 1920s-50s MUH/M/U accumulation in s/book inc 1930s Commems to 9d purple. Faroes 1990s MUH Pic/Commem accumulation with 1995 Leaf Hopper Insects (150 sets, SG cat £1650), Tourism (50 sets, £230), Europa pr (100 sets, £620), Rural Life trio (50 sets, £600), 4K St Olaf (100, cat £240) & 1995 Christmas pr (100 sets, £400). All fresh MUH, total SG cat £3780 = A$14,500. Jersey 1980s FDC/Commem cover accumulation. Indonesia 1996 Joint Issue with Australia Cuscus booklets (4, cat $100 ea). British Commonwealth Ships collection with 32 MUH Pic sets & 18 M/Sheets. Also 1940s-70s Australia M/MUH accumulations & New Zealand 1960 Pics to £1 Geyser MUH. Then more New Zealand with 1990 150th Anniv Heritage collections with FDC & MUH Pic/Commem sets in solid slipcase album (retail $150). All neatly arranged in large carton. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
491![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth carton lot with KGVI Coronation near comp omnibus collection, plus 6 diff FDCs. 1890s-1970s collection in thick loose leaf album inc Hong Kong QV to $1 on 96c grey, China opt on KGV $1 & KGVI to $5. Then Ceylon, Ireland, Malay States & Malaysia Pics to $10. Australia 1914-2004 collection in 3 albums inc Kangaroos, KGV. 1930s Commem sets inc 1934 VIC Cent, 1935 ANZAC 1/- & 1936 SA. KGVI Defs to £2 Arms & decimal Pics/Commems inc International Post to $10, plus 1969-75 PO Pack collection (40) est retail $400 inc 1970 RV Jap Pack, 1971 Christmas, 1971 Selected Issues, plus 1978-82 postcard wallets set of 4. Christmas/Cocos Is 1960s Pic set collection in Seven Seas hingeless albums. New Zealand 1984, 85 & 87 PO Year Albums. PNG 1967-69 FDC collection (70) inc Shell sets to $2 (3). Some sl mixed conditions as always in a carton lot, mostly F-VF M/MUH/U. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
493![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth carton lot with collection/accumulation in 4 albums, plus hagners, pages etc, with British South Africa inc KUT 1930s-1970s inc 1937-54 KGVI to 3/- U, with extras, 1954 Officials to £1, cat £250. Nigeria 1900-1970 inc 1953 Defins (2 sets), 1961 Defins, 1965 Defins U cat £160. Rhodesia 1950s-1970 cat £170, Sth Africa 1931-2010, noted 1933-48 Pics inc 5/- pr, 1938 Voortrekker set in prs, 1939 Huguenot 1d, 1½d in prs M/MUH, plus set in prs U. 1941-45 War Effort selection M & others, cat £630. British West Indies inc Barbuda, Bermuda, M/MUH & many others M/U, cat £100+. New Zealand collection in Illus album 1898-1974 mostly U, retail NZ$300+. Various others F/VF. (2000+, 30 M/S) | SOLD at A$190 | ||
496![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth Collection/accumulation in 14 albums with Australian States (780) with NSW (300), Qld (400), inc 1860s-70s QV Chalons (60) to 6d green, 1880s-90s QV Sidefaces to 1/- violet & early 1900s QV 2d blue 'Cracked Plate' varieties (2) plus S.Aust QV (80), Australian Commonwealth to Decimal era with concise collection in older style Seven Seas pgs inc KGV to 1/4, 1934 Vic Cent & Macarthur sets, 1935 ANZAC 1/-, KGV SJ set & KGVI Defs to £1 blue, all mostly FU. Aust 1940s-60s Pre-decimal M/MUH collections inc 28 Imprint blks with vals to 1/6. KGV Sideface accum to 5d in s/book plus 1930s 2d commems in hagner album. Then PNG 1950s-1980s M/MUH/U collection in 3 albums plus 2007 First Personalised Stamp 5.35K Orchids in sheets of 20 (7 diff, FV K749) inc Woodlark Island Cuscus 'Double Print, one INVERTED'. British Commonwealth accum in 35 hagners inc Perak 1887-89 1c opts on Straits Settlement QV 1c rose (25 inc opt variations). Ireland & New Zealand collection in large s/book, G-FU. USA Pics in another album. 1983 Commonwealth Day collection of 52 diff FDC in blue binder. Plus more inc unsorted mess in boxes & large general world collection. (few 1000) | SOLD at A$350 | ||
498![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth collections in 2 large cartons with Australia 1965-1977 near comp M collection (FV $40) on loose leaves inc 1966 Defs to $4 King fresh MUH. Aust Decimals 1966-89 VFU inc Pics to $10. Canada accumulation in plastic bag. GB 1860s-1970s in black Lighthouse s/book with 1870s-80s QV to 1/- green inc 6d chestnut, 1902 KEVII to 2/6 violet, 1930s KGV to 10/- Seahorse & KGVI Defs to £1 brown. Channel Islands Pic/commems in another Lighthouse s/book, plus literature inc Aden postage stamps 1937-1968. SG 2018 Australia catalogue inc States & Territories. Rennicks Stamps of Australia inc Decimals to December 2020. Also 1970s-90s World Pics inc 35 hagners European Colonies collection with over 1500 stamps inc Belgian, French & Italian Colonies in Africa with good variety throughout. Dutch East Indies, Portuguese Timor & others. 1000s of stamps in total, mixed M/MUH/G-FU. 2nd carton with 5 over-size cover albums inc Australia 1970 RV commem cover set of 22 (cat £120), 2023-2024! FDC (FV $100+), plus 2020-2923 Inwards high FV mail to Sydney suburbs. Finally AAT collection (FV $140) with pic/commem sets or M/Sheets to 2024. Antarctic Birds. All neatly around in 2 large cartons. | SOLD at A$200 | ||
501![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth selection on hagners with Australia Kangaroos 1913 1st wmk set to 1/- (2, ACSC cat $600), plus 1d red wmk INV (2, cat $100). 1916 set to 2/- maroon (3 sets, cat $675 inc 2/- brown), plus extras 3d, 6d, 9d, 1/- (2 of ea cat $180) & 5/- bicolour ($250). British Occupation of Cyrenaica 1950 Pic set to 500M MLH SG 136-148 cat £225. British Occupation of Italian Colonies 1942-52 collection (116) with GB KGVI Defs for MEF, EAF, Eritrea, Somalia, Tripolitania opts. Mixed M & U, STC £340. Morocco Agencies QV-QEII 2 opt collection (490) mixed M & U from all zones inc French & Spanish, plus Tangier to 1957. New Zealand 1860s-1960s collection (630, retail $4200). 1860s QV Chalons, 1d brown, 2d blue (3), 2d orange & 3d lilac. 1870s QV Sidefaces to 1/- green. 1880s-90s QV to 1/- chestnut inc Adverts (12). 1890s Pics to 1/- inc 4d Terraces (3) & 6d green Kiwi. 1908 KEVII set to 1/-, 1915 KGV of 15 to 1/-, plus extras. 1920 Victory set. 1976 Admirals 2/- (2) & 3/-. 1935 Pics to 3/- inc perf variations. 1940 Centennial set. 1953 Pics to 2/- & 1940 Centennial set. Arms Postal Fiscals (27) to £1 wmk INV. 1980s-1930s Lighthouses to 6d pink, plus others inc 1939 Express 6d. Mostly F-VFM/U. Retail $6450+. Well worth inspection. (1300+) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
507![]() Click for more photos | British Empire: 1600s-1930s Revenues inc NSW 1866 QV Stamp Duty to £1. 1908 KEVII Stamp Duty to £1. South Australia KEVII to £1. Australia 1925 Customs Duty to 7d. Canada 1865 QV Bill Stamps to $1. 1930s Electricity to $10. GB 1690s-1800s Embossed Revenues. Cape of Good Hope 1865 QV Stamp Duty to £1. Most G-VF M/U, some mixed. Bft cat £230+++ for the listed items. Interesting lot. (115). | SOLD at A$240 | ||
522![]() Click for more photos | British Pacific Islands accumulations & collection in carton with Fiji 1912-80 inc 1938-55 to 5/- M with extras, 1954 to £1 MUH, 1959-67 to £1, 1969 Defs MUH & many others cat £600+, Nauru collection 1954-80s mostly MUH inc late 1970s-80s in packs, sheets FV $490. New Zealand collection 1882-1978 inc 1898 Pics to 9d, later 1930s issues & sets, retail $540. Solomon Is collection 1981-85 MUH sets & M/S with extras cat £100+. Largely VF. (700+, 30+) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
526![]() Click for more photos | Canada: 1850s-1990s accumulation/collection on loose leaves with 1859 12½c, 17c, 1868 to 15c, 1870-90 to 10c (2) with shades & extras, 1893 QV 50c, 1908 Quebec 10c, 20c, KGV inc 1912-21 Coils selection, 1922-33, 1930-31 Coils with extras, 1930-31 Pics to $1, 1932 Ottawa, 1935 Silver Jubilee, 1937-38 Pics & Coils, 1942-46 Pics with many extras, 1946 Peace set, plus $1 Peace U (8) & set M thematics, plus a qty of others loose & in packets, many others. Some mixed condition but mostly F-VF. SG cat £2600 = A$5200+. (800+) | SOLD at A$160 | ||
527![]() Click for more photos | Canada: 1859-1983 collection on white Ace pages in 2 albums inc 1859 5c Beaver, 12½c, 1868 QV to 15c, 1870 QV to 10c, 1888 QV to 50c, 1898 QV to 20c, 1903 KEVII to 50c, 1928 set to 50c, 1935 to $1, 1937 to $1, Special Delivery inc 1898 10c, strong in early period to 1930s, comprehensive from 1940s-70s. Albums some toning, earlies mostly F-VFU, later VF MLH. SG cat £2400 = A$4800. (700+) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
534![]() Click for more photos | Carton lot inc The Improved (early 1900s edition) Postage Stamp Album with Asia inc Japanese Revenues, Europe inc France Ceres & Napoleons, GB 1840s onwards, plus some Empire issues. Then another 14 album inc 1977 QEII Silver Jubilee in blue binder, 1981 RW collection in large blue album inc M/Sheets & non crown Agent sets & singles, GB 1890s-1980s collection in red springback album. Blue binder with British Commonwealth Pics/Commems inc AAT 1966 Defs to $1. Australia in 3 s/books inc 1940 imprint blks, plus 1956-2000 Olympics MUH collection in Junge album. Australia 1970s Official PO Pre-Paid PPC (100). 1984 Los Angeles Olympics Official IOC FDC collection in original blue box. British Pacific Is 1930s-70s Used collection in philatelic binder with Fiji to 1975 inc 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee, 1954 Defs to £1 Bugler, QEII 1960s Defs to £1 Arms & 1970s MUH pics & British Solomon Is similar era inc 1940 Defs. 1948 KGVI Silver Wedding set, 1956 QEII to £1 Shield, 1965 Pics to £1 Canoe & 1966 opts to $2. Also NZ 1984-87 PO Year Albums (FV $85). Fifteen albums in total. Large carton. (1000s) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
535![]() Click for more photos | Carton lot with Japan 1970 EXPO collection with folders & M/Sheet. WWF 1976 Official collection of Wildlife FDC set of 108 in custom made green album with estimated new issue cost of $500. 2 Lighthouse FDC albums with a variety of covers (150) inc Ireland, Fiji, Israel, Ceylon & GB mixed FDC/Commercial Mail. Australia collection in Seven Seas Junior album, plus decimal duplicates in thick s/book. World 1930s collection in maroon springback album inc Europe, French Colonies & Indian States. Australian 1940s Commem imprint blks (18) inc comp sets on loose pgs. AAT 1957-73 collection on Seven Seas pgs, plus 1966-73 PO Pack set of 4 (retail $75). Aust Territory & Pacific Islands accumulation in red Lighthouse s/book with 150 MUH Pic/Commem sets inc Christmas Is 1958 QEII to $1 blks of 4, Cocos Is 1963 Pic sets to 2/3, NZ 1953 Officials to 3/-, plus 1969 Cook M/Sheet (2), Pitcairn KGVI to 2/6 & QEII to 8/-, these retail $560. Finally Nauru collection 1966-88 in 20 hagners with 60 Pic/Commem sets & 18 M/S inc 1979 Rowland Hill numbered set of 12. Overall variable condition mixed M/MUH, G-F/VFU. Large carton. (100s) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
537![]() Click for more photos | Carton lot with Australia pre-decimal collection inc 1930s Commem sets to 1/-, 1937 KGVI Defs to £1 Robes, 1949 Defs to Arms to £2, QEII Navigators to 10/- Flinders, decimal Pics to late 1970s inc Paintings to $10, plus 1966-90 Seven Seas hingeless album (new retail $250). Faroes 1990s MUH Pic sets with 1995 Leaf Hopper Beetles (200, SG cat £2200), 1995 Tourism pr (50 sets, cat £230), Europa pr (100 sets, £620), Ravens pr (50 sets, £220), Rural Life trio (50 sets, £600) & 1995 Christmas (100 sets, £440), all fresh MUH, total SG cat £4310 = A$8300. Australia, GB & Europe 1960s-80s Pics/Commems collection in VGC hagners. Germany Lighthouse illustrated pgs for West Berlin 1948-69 on original boxes (retail $80). New Zealand 1940s-60s M/MUH/U pre-decimal accumulation inc 1940 Officials to 1/-, 1940s-60s Health sets MUH in quantity inc odd plate number/imprint blk, 1953 QEII Coronation sets MUH (12), 1954 QEII Defs to 10/- U (2 sets), 1955 QEII sets to 8d brown MUH (7), 1956 Southland Centenary sets MUH (40), 1960 Pic sets near comp (4) to £1 Geyser & plenty of other 1950s/60s Pic/Commem sets with around 4000 stamps in total. Norfolk Is comp collection to end 1975 in Seven Seas album inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Defs to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Defs to 10/- Bird & all dec inc 1974 UPU M/Sheet. Also some other bits & pieces inc Russia, Spain & 1981 RW collection. Few flts, mostly F-VF M/MUH/U. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
540![]() Click for more photos | Carton Lot with Australia 1913-1995 collection in thick 64-page Lighthouse s/book inc Kangaroos to 2/- Brown. KGV to 1/4, 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved, 1930s Commem set to 2/- KGV SJ, 1937 KGVI Defs to £1 Robes, 1949 Arms set to £2, Pre-Decimal QEII to £1 Bass & extensive Decimals inc high val Pics to $20 Gardens (100s). Also 1980s FDC collection (90) inc 1985 Kangaroo Frama sets (2). Mixed accumulation in 3 albums inc PNG 1975 Independence M/Sheets (50). African States collection (1600), mixed MUH/U with Belgian Congo, Burundi, Congo Republic, Ruanda, Urundi & Rwanda. United Nations 1963-1978 Year Folder collection. USA 1860s-1940s Revenue/Documentary collection in Liberty album. Finally 2nd Australian collection in Schaubek hingeless album inc 1968-72 Booklet panes & 1971 Christmas 7c pane of 25. 10 albums in total, mixed M/MUH/G-F/VFU. (few 1000) | SOLD at A$325 | ||
541![]() Click for more photos | Carton lot with Australian Territories in Seven Seas album with AAT 1957-83 comp inc 1966 Pics to $1 Mock Sun, Christmas Is to 1979 inc 1958 QEII Defs & 1968 Fish sets. Cocos Is to 1976 comp. Norfolk Is 1966-79 inc 1969 Birds set & 1974 UPU M/Sheet. British Commonwealth collection to mid 1960s with Australia inc 1930s high val Commems, 1937 KGVI to £1 Robes, 1949 Defs to £2 Arms & QEII pre-dec to £1 Bass. Then Canada, GB, Hong Kong, Malaya, NZ, Portugal & USA. Faroes 1990s MUH Pic/Commem accumulation with 1995 Leaf Hopper Beetles (190 sets, SG cat £3000), Tourism pr (50 sets, £230), Europa pr (100 sets, £620), Raven pr (50 sets, £220) & 1995 Rural Life trio (50 sets, £600), all fresh MUH, total SG cat £4670 = A$8900. GB 1971-79 MUH collections inc QEII Machins to £5 blue. Germany Lighthouse illustrated pgs for 1872-1918 Empire & WWII General Govt (retail $80). Australia 1980s FDC accumulation in 2 FDC albums. New Zealand 1790, 73, 74, 75, 77, 83 PO Year Packs (retail $200), plus 1984 PO Year Album. San Marino collection in blue springback album. World general collection in 2 thick loose leaf albums inc Australia 1970s-80s Mint decimals, then Europe, South East Asia, Pacific Islands, USA. Some sl mixed condition, M/U/MUH. Large carton. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
543 | Carton Lot with Ireland 1922-2000 collection (3000+) with good variety throughout, strength in commems, higher value Pics to £2, plus empty 'White Ace' album with illustrated pgs to 2000. Tatty 1930s-1950s M/MUH collection (280) inc Airmails, Express Post, Pics & Commems. Seven Seas 1968-72 Arabian States collection in illustrated album. Australia 1966-76 MUH collection (retail $260) in Seven Seas hingeless album inc 1966 Defs to $4 King, all 1969-73 Commem sets & 1974 Defs to $4 Painting. Australian 1950s-70s FDC in maroon binder inc 20 1950s Pre-decimal covers. Denmark 1974-1983 Year Packs (6), British Pacific accum in hagners inc Australia 1966 Birds 6c, 20c, 24c, 30c blks of 15 (rev spots MUH), Christmas Island 1969 Fish, Norfolk Is near comp 1947-1972 collection inc 1953 Pics to 5/- Brown Bridge & 1960 Pics to 10/- Birds, AAT 1960s-7s Pics in quantity G-FU & others. Also Aust Territory collection on loose pages. World mess in white binder. All neatly packed into single carton mixed M/MUH/G-F/VFU. | SOLD at A$300 | ||
544![]() Click for more photos | Carton lot: Stamps & covers, FAI (Federation Aeronautique International) Official 'History of Aviation' cover collection with 107 FDC in thick custom-made album, original cost well over $800! Australia decimal FDC/PSE (150) inc 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 7. Then stamps with Norfolk Is (800) 1947-95 in 40 hagners inc Ball Bay to 2/-, 1967 Ships to $1, 1980s-90s high val Def sets to $5. Fiji 1935-86 near comp U/M/MUH collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with 1937 KGVI Defs to £1 Bugler MUH inc 5d blue Canes & 6d Map Die I (SG cat £275), 1950s QEII Defs to £1 Arms MUH, 1968 Defs to £1 QEII & 75 Dec Pic/Commem sets inc to $5, mostly fresh MUH. Other Pacific Is inc Samoa pre-dec Pics, Tokelau 1997 Diana Memorial $1 MUH (100) in 2 sheets of 50, FV A$90. Vanuatu 1997 Diana Memorial 95t (100) again in sheets of 50 MUH, plus Australia 1970s-80s decimals MUH/VF U in hagners inc to $5 Kangaroo. Finally more Australia with 1913-66 collection in illustrated album inc Kangaroos (35) to 5/-, KGV (45) to 1/4 inc 1d red Die II (2) & LM wmk (2), 1930s Commems to 1/- Vic Cent, high val KGVI to £1 Arms & QEII pre-dec Pic/Commem sets. Mixed M/MUH/U. (many 100s) | AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
546![]() Click for more photos | Carton lot inc Russia: 1980 Moscow Olympics Commem MUH collection in hingeless slipcase album with huge original issue costs (approx $500 in 1986). Also 1970s/80s M/Sheet accumulation (110) CTO/MUH inc Lenin, Historic Events, Space Exploration, plus small s/book with 1920s-40s Defs & Commems. World mess in another 4 small s/books inc Belgium, Netherlands, Vietnam, PNG, pre-decimal Pics to 10/- Rabaul & early decimals to $2 Shell. Cook Island 1960s pre-decimal Pics to £1 Airmail opt & Australia MUH 1960s pre-decimal high val Pics & Commems. Then more pre-decimal MUH Australia in small box inc 1940s imprint blks (25), mostly Pics/Commems to 1/6. GB 1971-94 collection on loose pgs with approx 200 Pic/Commem sets & QEII Machins to £5. World A-H collection on 1930s pgs inc Belgium Railway Post, Cochin & French Revenues. British Commonwealth collection to 1940s on loose pgs with many 100s of stamps mixed M & U inc Canada, Ceylon, Hong Kong, NZ & GB. Australia 1990s PO Albums (4, new issue costs $60). 1981 RW collection in blue binder, Australia 1970s PO Pre-Paid PPC accumulation (100), Egypt etc. (1000s) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
598![]() Click for more photos | Diverse carton lot with Australia 1930s-90s Pics/Commems (2500+) in 2 s/books & over 70 hagners inc 1931 Kingsford Smith 6d (3), 1936 SA Cent to 1/- (3 sets), pre-dec QEII to £1 Bass & high val dec Pics. 1956-2000 Official Australian Olympic MUH collection in custom-made album 1969-75 near comp PO Pack collection (retail $350) inc AAT & Cocos Is Def sets. British Empire 1935 KGV SJ, 1937 KGVI Coronation & 1946 Victory sets & singles in another s/book. Czechoslovakia 1920s-50s in contemporary loose leaf album. Fiji 1977-2012 MUH collection inc 2008 Emergency opt ERRORS. PNG 1980s-90s MUH Pic sets & M/Sheets inc Exhibition emissions. Norfolk Is near comp 1947-69 collection inc 1953 Pics to 5/- brown bridge, 1960 Defs to 10/- green & 1969 Bird sets (2) to $1.00. 10 albums in total with many 100s of stamps. Medium carton. | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
600![]() Click for more photos | Eight volume carton lot with Mongolia 1960-70s Pics, Commems, Thematics (700), Australia 1966-80 collection in s/book inc 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 25. 1970s-80s FDC in 2 vols inc 1970 Grasslands PO envelope unaddressed, 1970 Cook M/Sheet & 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 7 & 1971 Sydney Philatelic Centre Opening (2, cat $40 ea). Great Britain 1930s-90s accumulation (100s) in 2 s/books inc 1960s pre-dec high val Commems & good range of Small Machins to £5 brown, plus Britannia £10 (28). Also 1970-75 PO Pack accumulation (55) inc Regional Machins. Disorganised mess in 35 hagners inc Hong Kong 1980s QEII to $50, GB 1970s QEII to £5 blue, plus Ireland, Fiji & Europe. Black binder with more British Commonwealth inc PNG 1964 Bird 10/- blk of 10 MUH, Norfolk Is 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- & 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge M, Christmas Is 1958 QEII to $1 MUH, AAT 1966 Pics to $1 MUH, Cocos Is 1963 Defs to 2/3, Indonesia-Australia Joint issue booklets (4, Pfr cat $100 ea, $400). GB high values to 10/- Seahorse inc 1880s QV 1/- green (cat £160), 8d orange (£350) & 2/6 violet (£160), KEVII 2/6 (3) & KGV 2/6 brown (5) & 5/- red (6). Some sl mixed condition, unorthodox array variable G-F/VFU M/MUH inc History of Transportation MUH collection in blue box. | SOLD at A$325 | ||
616![]() Click for more photos | France: Collection to 1990. All very messy inc 1849 Ceres 10c, 20c 4 margins, 1862 Ceres, 1863-70 Napoleon Heads to 80c wiith extras, 1877-90 Peace & Commerce to 1Fr with extras, plus 20c red/yellow-green M, later key type issues, 1925 5Fr Peace & Commerce M, extensive 1930s Pics/Commems with extras noted 1935 Unemployed Intellectuals set, 50c + 2Fr. Post war inc 1947 500Fr Air, 1949, 51, 53 Nat relief sets, 1949 Airs to 300Fr & others M. Also some 1980s sets & booklets MUH & others. Mostly F-VFM, MUH total SG cat £3100 = A$6200+. (1200+) | SOLD at A$220 | ||
617![]() Click to enlarge photo | France: 1870-1970s extensive collection in Scott album inc 1871 Ceres range to 80c, 1887 Peace & Commerce range to 75c, 1900-20 Merson range to 10Fr, 1918 15c+5c Red Cross Fund, 1930 Colonial Exhibition set to 1Fr50, 1934 Cartier set, 1937 National Museums, 1935 Normandie set, 1936 Air to 3Fr50 & 10Fr, 1938 Clement Ader, 1947 Air 500Fr, 1949 Air set to 1000Fr, 1953 Sports set. Many sets all diff with range of 1930-50s scarcer sets inc 1950s National Relief Fund, range of French Colonies from 1890s inc China, Egypt, Port Said, Turkey, General French Colonies 1860s, German Occupation of Lorraine comp to 100pf. Mainly F-VF MLH/MUH, some G-VF U, mixed condition in parts. SG cat £5500+ = A$11,000. (2200 + 5 booklets) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$650 | ||
619![]() Click for more photos | Germany 1872-1989 Three Volume collection with 1872 Shields inc Small Shield 1/4g, 1/2g, 5g, 1872 Large Shield 1/4g, 5g, other earlies Weimar Republic selection inc Bavaria issues opt 'Deutsches Reich' to 20Mk, 1922-23 & 1925 Inflationary selection (unchecked), 1923 Castles set, 1928 Airs part set to 3Mk, 1928-32 President set, 1930 Exhibition M/Sheet M, plus 8pf (2) & 15pf G-VFU, 1933 2Mk Chicago Flight FU, 1934 Airs set, 1920s-30s Welfare Fund sets/part sets, 1936 Olympics M & U.. Also Officials plus other issues to 1945. Post WWII Allied Occupation issues M&U with many extras. Soviet Zone inc 1948 Presentation to 80pf (11), 60pf (45), lower values many extras U. West Berlin mostly 1948 used - 1989 inc 1948 Black opts to 80pf, Red opts to 80pf, 1949 UPU set, 1949 Goethe set, 1945 Surch 2 sets, 1951 Bell set at left 20pf, 40pf, 1951-52 Bell at right set, 1953 Bell at centre, 1952 Olympics set, 1953 Uprising set, 1957 Buildings set, 1986 Famous Women set, extensive charity sets 1960s to 1980s, plus others. Some sl mixed condition plus duplication where noted, mostly G-VFU, with some F-VFM, MUH. SG cat £8100 = A$16,200. (few 1000) | AVAILABLE at A$800 | ||
621![]() Click for more photos | Germany: 1872-1980s collection in 2 binders. Strength in Weimar republic/Third Reich period inc 1927 ILO (SG £300), 1930 Welfare (SG £180), 1934 Welfare (£186), 1936 Olympics M/S (1 MUH, 1 VFU), 1937 Hitler M/S 635 - 3 M & 2 VFU, 1 with Berchtesgarten pmk, M/S 636, others are Memel 1920 Occup inc SG 24a (£60), 1914 Belgian Occup, Saar, East & West Germany etc. Early cards/covers with mainly post war from Allied Occup. VF MUH/MLH & VFU. SG cat £3700 = A$7400. (1400+, 10 M/S, 50 cards & covers) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
627![]() Click for more photos | Germany: 1930s-40s Third Reich Postal History covers inc Hitler & Hindenburg 6pf view cards, many PTPO Postcards, Commem cards, special pmks etc (total 40+ Postcards). Also covers, pictures & photos of Hitler, Registered, Auschwitz Concentration Camp covers, Ravensbruck Concentration comp letter, Luftfeldpost covers franked blue plane, plus 1936 Hitler M/Sheets (26, cat €680) CTO with various diff pmks inc scarce postal use on cover. 1938 Sudetenland Registered cover, 1943 Parcel Card for 'Remaining effects of the Fallen - duty free'. Very interesting lot for historical study. (110 + 26 M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
632![]() Click for more photos | Germany (West) 1872-1990 collection in 4 albums inc 1872 Shields selection mostly Used inc Large Shield 1/3g, 2½g, 1899 Reichspost 3Mk, 1920s Weimar Republic issues inc Welfare sets, 1927 ILO 8pf, 15pf, 1928 President set (ex 20pf), 1930 Exhibition 8pf, 15pf, 50pf, 1934 Colonisers set, 1928 2Mk Zeppelin, 1934 Airs to 3Mk, 1937 Birthday M/Sheet U, Officials selection. Also West Germany, Berlin,album of covers inc 1955 Car Show Commem covers with West Germany/Berlin combination. Mostly F-VF. SG cat £3700 = A$7400. Some variable condition plus some ETB cards 1975-80. (Few 1000) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
650![]() Click for more photos | Good British Commonwealth carton lot with 1970s booklet collection (40) inc 1977/78 QEII SJ types & PNG 1970-93 collection (13, cat £135). Norfolk Is 1947-74 collection inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Pics to 5/- Brown Bridge (2 sets), 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird (2 sets), plus 10/- opt SPECIMEN (3 diff UN), 2/8 Local Govt (2), 1966 opt set to 1/- & 1969 Birds set to $1. Mixed MUH/M/U. Australia 1890s-1980s accum in 25 hagners. 1997 Diana Memorial sheets of 50 (8 diff, FV A$150) inc Fiji, Solomon Is, Tokelau & Vanuatu. 1970s-90s M/Sheet inc NZ Health prs MUH 1968, 69, 71 & 73 (retail $170), plus 1995 Singapore sheetlet ($40). NZ 1930s-80s Used collection inc 1970 Pics to £1 Geyser. GB 1930s-70s in hagners & s/book. Australia 1966-80 collection in illustrated album inc 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 7 & 1974 Paintings to $10, Singapore 1970s Pics/Commems in hagner album inc 1971 Painting PO Pack, Festival M/Sheet & 1970 Expo M/S. Eleven albums in total, mixed MUH/M/G-F/VFU. Large carton. (many 100s) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
691![]() Click for more photos | Large carton lot with World collection (many 100s) in well filled 1930s Rapkin Move-A-Leaf album inc pre WWII China, India & States, NZ QEII Pics to 10/- blue, PNG 1952 Defs to £1 Fishermen, plus Europe & British Africa. Australia with KGV 1d red collection (300) inc shades & varieties with LM wmk (7) Die II (7) & Die III (2). 1969-75 PO Pack collection (45, retail $450) inc 1969-75 Christmas comp & 1970, 71 selected issues. 1913-65 M/MUH pre-decimal collection (230) inc KGV to 4d, KGVI to 5/- & QEII to 7/6 Cook. 1978-84 FDC collection in thick album & bundle of 100 1978 18c Pictorial cards. GB 1948-83 M/MUH collection (500) inc 80 mixed Pic/Commem sets, plus uncounted Used in another 2 albums. Also box of unsorted Club Circuit Sheets & British Cwlth QEII Jubilee FDC collection in custom made album. Usual sl variable condition, mixed M/MUH/G-F/VFU! (Few 1000) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
692![]() Click for more photos | Latvia & Estonia 1918-40 collection in as new Lighthouse hingeless album with deluxe binder & matching slipcase with illustrated pages. Lithuania inc 1919 range to 75k, 1920 Red Cross to 1, in various printings, 1928 President Death comp, 1931 Air Charity comp, 1932 Air comp, imperf (cat £150), 1932 Militia imperf comp, 1933 Air Charity to 25s (cat £300), 1936 Charity comp, 1940 Incorporation comp to 5l, Estonia inc 1919 to 15m, 1923 set, 1930 Surch 2K & 3K. Mainly FU. SG cat £1000+, album with pages retail $600+. (150) | SOLD at A$300 | ||
703![]() Click for more photos | Neat carton lot with Official Collection of World Wildlife FDC with 108 covers in custom-made green album. Huge original costs. Australia 1973-79 WCS FDC collection (60) inc 1974 Painting trio, 1979 Paintings $5 & Pic/Commem sets or singles in mini album, plus 100 Official PO FDC to 1982 in another 2 albums. Australia 1930s-60s pre-decimals in thick blue s/book inc 1936 SA Cent sets (2), 1940 AIF to 6d (2), 1949 Arms £1 blk of 4 U, 12 1940s Commem imprint blks of 4 MUH (cat $140+), plus others. More Australia in brown s/book with Kangaroos (200) to 2/-, KGV (110) to 5d brown inc perf OS 4d blue (4) & 2d brown. Also KGVI to 10/- Robes & some Aust States. 4 large Chinese s/books with more Australia, 1970s British Pacific Is collection in 2 Chinese s/book & GB QEII Machins, Pics, Commems (100s) in the 4th. More GB to 1981 RW in medium springback album inc 1887 QV to 1/- green, 1902 KEVII to 1/- bi-colour, 1910 KEVII to 2/6 violet, 1912-34 KGV to 5/-, 1937 KGVI 2/6- £1 set of 6 & QEII dec to £5 blue (SG cat £950). Finally PNG 1980s-90s MUH Commem sets (16) mostly blks of 10 inc 1982 Coral to 3K. Large carton. (1000) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
705![]() Click for more photos | Netherlands: 1890s-1990s disorganised collection/accumulation on leaves or hagners inc 1864 15c orange FU, other earlies, 1906 Anti TB sets (2), 1913 to 1g, 1923 Culture Fund, 1923 Anniv to 1g U. Also 1930s-50s range of Cultural Fund, Child Welfare Fund & other similar Charity sets M, 1969 Queen to 10G MUH, plus many Defs Used on leaves. Also booklets 1994-98 & others inc some Neth New Guinea F-VF. SG cat £1500+ = A$3000. (1200+) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
712![]() Click for more photos | New Zealand 1860s-1980 on Seven Seas pages in 2 binders with others on hagners inc 1860s QV to 1/-. 1870s QV to 5/-, 1898 2½d Wakitipu incorrect spelling, 1907 1/- red, 1930s Arms to 30/- inc 11/- on 11/- surch (cat £225), 1935 Pictorials to 3/- then range to 1980s. 1899 Postage Dues to 5d, small range of Samoa, inc Samoa Express. Reprints to 5/-, provisional Govt & Surcharge opt & 1890s Palms to 2/6, 1886 Bisect 1/- Palm on piece with Apia 1895 cds, various officials, few covers & M/S. Value is in early period. Some varied condition. Mainly G-VFU, some VF M/MUH. SG STC £3800+ = A$7600. (1200+) | SOLD at A$300 | ||
713![]() Click for more photos | New Zealand: 1862-1995 collection in Davo illustrated album with 1862 Full Face Queens 1d (2), 3d & 6d. 1874 QV 1d, 2d, 6d & 1/-. 1882 2nd Side Face to 1/-, 1898 Pics (33) to 2/- with extras 1909 KEVII to 1/-. 1915 KGV near comp to 1/-, 1920 Victory set, 1926 2/- & 3/- Admirals. Healths 1929, 1930 Nurses. 1931 Smiling Boys 1d & 2d, 1935, KGV SJ set 1953 QEII to 10/- blue. 1960 Pics to £1 Geyser, comprehensive decimals to $20 inc 1967 & 1968 Pic sets to $2 Geyser. Then 1931-35 Airmails set of 8 inc 5d in 3d green & 7d Faith in Australia F-VFU. Official inc KEVII 6d, 8d & 1/-, 1915 KGV (9) to 1/- & 1940 Centennial rev comp to 1/-. Lighthouses (22) comp 1947-81 & small collection Ross Dependency. All fresh & clean, generally F-VFU. Est retail NZ$4000. (1300, 25 M/S) | SOLD at A$220 | ||
714![]() Click for more photos | New Zealand: 1865-1986 collection in locally made illustrated album with 1860s QV Chalons (5) to 6d brown inc 2d orange & 3d lilac. 1898 Pics to 2/- Milford Sound. 1901 Boer War 1½d brown. 1906 Christchurch Exhibition ½d & 1d. 1909 KEVII to 1/- inc Official opts 1920 Victory set. 1926 Admirals 2/- blue. 1931 Airmail trio to 7d brown. 1935 Pics to 3/- inc Official opts to 2/-. 1940 Centenary in Official opts to 1/-. 1954 QEII set to 10/-. 1960 Pic set to £1 & 1967-81 decimals inc higher val Commems. Health rev comp inc 1929 & 1930 Nurses. Then BOB with Arms to £1 inc 3/6 Surcharges, 5/- opt Official & 15/- olive, plus Revenues, Officials & Lighthouses. Some mixed condition, generally G-FU. NZ retail $2050. (800) | AVAILABLE at A$240 | ||
727![]() Click for more photos | New Zealand - Niue: 1930s-2000s collection on 90 hagners in 3 binders, noted 1944 set to 3/-, 1950 set to 3/-, 1984 Flowers to $8.20, 1986 Stampex comp to $4.25, 1992 Birds to $15 & opt OHMS to $15, various comp sets, many M/S. VF fresh & some earlies MLH, decimal issues VF fresh MUH. SG cat £1500. Huge FV of $2200 = A$3000+. Excellent lot, almost all diff. (1000+, 260+ M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
750![]() Click for more photos | Pacific Collection 1870s-1980s inc Gilbert & Ellice 1938 KGVI to 5/-, New Caledonia 1930s to 5F, Cook Is 1902 Bird to 6d, 1936 5/- NZ Arms opt Cook Islands, Pitcairn Is 1940 KGVI to 2/6, 1957 QEII to 2/6 both M & U, Samoa 1877 Samoa Express 1d, 3d, 6d unissued 2d & 9d offered as is (SG cat £1400) Western Samoa opt on 2/6, 5/- NZ Fiscal stamps, British Solomon Is 1939 KGVI to 5/-. Various comp sets inc 1993 Crabs, Tonga from 1890s inc 1920 Queen to 1/-, various Gold foil issues, range of M/S, covers throughout. Some light duplication, mostly F-VF M/U. SG cat £2000+ = A$4000+. (3000+, 20 M/S, 20 covers). | SOLD at A$200 | ||
764![]() Click for more photos | Paraguay: 1929-50 Airmails collection in binder inc 1929 Admission Ticket to view the Zeppelin Airship Factory in Friedrichshafen. 1929 Aereo opt $6.80 on 4P blk of 4, error 'Ccrreo' for 'Correo'. 1931 Zeppelin opt 4P, plus 4 (2 prs) on cover to Germany & another cover to Germany with triangular Zeppelin pmk. Also 1930 Air 0.95c in red & blue on cover to New York with Zeppelin cachet in violet. 1929-31 Air issues appear comp. 1932 Zeppelin triangle set to 20P, plus 4P imperf pr. 1932 Correos opt Zeppelin set to 20P. 1934 '1934' opt Zeppelin set to 45P & 1935 '1935' opt set to 45P in blks of 4 1935 triangle Air set inc prs. Mostly F-VF M/U. Interesting lot. (230) | SOLD at A$350 | ||
768![]() Click for more photos | Revenue/Cinderella/Local Post collection in s/book inc Ceylon 1890s QV Foreign Bill (12). Alsace & Lorraine 1900-09 'Quittungscarte' cards (3) with 156 Social Security Revenues. Straits Settlements Embossed revenues to $5. Australia 1940s Tax Stamps (7) to 4/- & 1980s patent Office $50 & $100 Fee stamps. NSW Numeral Stamp Duties to £10 green in relief tax opts to £5 brown. Yemen 1930s Revenues (5 diff). West Aust Swan bi-colour Duty Stamps to 2/- brown. Cinderellas inc Aust Post 1971-75 Coil Strip Wrappers (6, cat $150), 2000 Olympics 45c Herb Elliott Essay colour reproduction of the comp unissued sheetlet of 10 stamps (now broken up). Philatelic Exhibition ephemera. Parramatta 1938 NSW 150th Anniv bi-colour labels (44). NZ 1994 Greenpeace Antarctica M/Sheets (2 diff), IMPERF Proof strip of 3. European 1930s Tourist Publicity labels sheetlets of 20 diff with Spain (5 diff) & Portugal (5 diff). GB 1973 50p Canada Life booklet cover Proof vert strip of 3 & 1940s Coil Machine Testing labels strip of 10 MUH. Local stamps inc NSW Railway Post M/Sheets (24) mainly imperf Proofs or with SPECIMEN opts. NSW 1950s tramways 6d blue Packet stamps (7). Norway 1860s-90s Local Post (Bypost) collection (30). Australia 1981 PO Strike XL circumvention $1 Airmail stamp sheet of 100, plus others in large s/book. | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
789![]() Click for more photos | Solomon islands: 1930s-2015 large collection on 180 hagners in 6 binders inc 1939 KGV to 10/-, 1956 QEII, 1985, 1966 decimal Currency, 1968 set, 1972 set all comp, 1987 Flowers comp, 2001 Birds, 206 Shells comp to $50, 2005 Pope John Paul commemorative issue printed on gold foil (Scott 1013-20), wide range of M/S, 100s of Commem sets, strong thematics. Appear near comp from 1960s. Some earlies VF MLH, predominantly VF MUH. SG cat $1800+ = A$3600 but SG does not have listings for most modern issues, FV alone $12,600 = A$2300. (1700+, 300+ M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$550 | ||
801![]() Click for more photos | Switzerland: 1850s-1950s convoluted, messy collection in older-style leaves inc 1854 10r & 15r Seated Helvetia imperf, 1860s-80s Seated Helvetia selection 1882-1903 Standing Helvetia perf 9½ 25c, 50c other perfs to 3Fr. 1900 UPU set U, 1924 Shield set, part set U. Various others & extras. Pro-Juventute inc 1920 set U, 1920s-30s sets/part sets & extras, 1929, 1930 set U. many useful, some mixed condition. Mostly F-VF. SG cat £2600+ = A$5200+. (800+) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
828![]() Click for more photos | Two Carton Lot A inc PNG 1986-1990 PO Year Albums set of 6 (retail $250), Australia accumulation to mid 1980s in 4 albums inc Pre-decimal to £2 Arms U & Decimal Pics MUH multiples. Australian Territories inc AAT to 2008, Nauru 1930s-1980s inc Ships (60) to 1/-, 1960s Pre-decimals to 5/- & MUH Decimals inc vals to $5. Norfolk Island from 1947 Ball Bay to 1970 Pics mixed M/MUH/U. NZ 1890s-1970s collection in loose leaf 'Kiwi' album inc QV to 1/-, KGV to 2/-, KGVI to 3/- plus Healths, Lighthouses & Decimal M/MUH Pics. World Thematic collection inc Christmas M/Sheets (200) in large binder plus 2nd album with another 180 M/Sheets inc 1981 RW, 1990s Philatelic Exhibitions, plus Ships, Birds, Motor Cars, Trains, Flight British Royalty & others. Also approx 60 hagners in two binders. General World collections in 2 loose leaf albums inc Australian Kangaroos to 5/-, Hong Kong 1980s QEII Defs to $50 in small s/book & Australian Phonecards in 2 albums & loose in tin. Mixed M/MUH/G-FU, all neatly packed into 2 cartons. | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
830![]() Click for more photos | Two Carton Lot C with Australia Pre-decimal mostly MUH accumulation (100s) to 1965 Christmas inc KGV low vals (26) & Kangaroo 2/- blk of 4. 1930s 2d (40) & 3d (26) Commems, 1940s Commem Trios (60 sets), 1950s/60s 2/- or 2/3 Commems (55). Decimal MUH 1980s-90s Pics/Commems (FV $190) inc Wetland $10 M/Sheets with Exhibition opts. 1953 QEII Coronation Flight Cover collection (18, cat $400) in FDC album plus 1980s Koala Research M/Sheets (30, FV $160). GB 1950s-90s High vals (100s) in hagner album inc Pre-decimal Castles £1 (190), £5 Machins (20) & £5 Castles (50). 60 Empty hagners in 2 white binders plus black binder with 100+ Thematic M/Sheets inc Birds, Flowers, Butterflies, African Wildlife & Fish plus range of sets & singles. China 1992 & 1993 Year folders. PNG 1985 & 1986 Year Albums. AAT, Cocos & Christmas Is Pics/Commems accum in 2 large s/books plus others. All neatly packed into 2 large cartons with around 30 albums in total. Mixed MUH/M/F-VFU. (many 100s) | SOLD at A$400 | ||
837![]() Click for more photos | USA 1870s-1960s collection in Lincoln album mainly early period 1870s Head range to 15c, 1893 Colombians to 30c, 1898 Trans-Mississippi Expo to $1, 1917-50 various to $1, 1930-60 Airmails, 1976 Bicentennial sheet, 1897-1931 Postage Dues to 10c, also some loose & in Envelope & hagners. Patchy, usual mixed condition in early later mostly G-VFU. SG STC £2000+= A$4000+. (500 + 2 cvrs). | SOLD at A$200 | ||
879![]() Click for more photos | Great Britain: Two volume collection with Gallaher Ltd 1930s sets (11) inc Army Badges (1939, £40), Dogs Series 1 & 2 (£55), Famous Film Scenes (1935, £35), Portraits of Famous Stars (1935, £50), plus others. Mostly VF condition. 2022 CTCC cat £330. R J Lea Ltd 1912 'Old English Pottery & Porcelain' (Nos 1-50, cat £150), 1912-1913 'Old Pottery & Porcelain sets 3, 4 & 5' (Nos 101-260, cat £375). Millhoff & Co 1927 'Antique Pottery' set of 54 (cat £50) & 1928 England Historic & Picturesque set of 25 medium size cards (cat £35). Ogdens 1923 British Birds set of 50 cut-outs (£50) plus others. Generally VF or better condition with 22 sets in total. 2022 CTCC cat £1000+ = A$2000. | SOLD at A$250 | ||
881![]() Click for more photos | John Player collection Part Two with 17 sets inc Curious Beaks (1929, £45), Cycling (1939, £45), Egyptian Kings & Queens (set of 25, £50), Film Stars 2nd & 3rd series sets (£95), Gilbert & Sullivan 1st & 2nd series sets (£120), History of Naval Dress (1930, £60), Kings & Queens of Europe (1935, £80), Military Uniforms (1938, £40) plus others inc Natural History, Miniatures, Flags & Hidden Beauties. All VF/Excellent condition. 2022 CTCC cat £680 = A$1350. | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
885![]() Click to enlarge photo | Sport: Cigarette Card collection inc Wills Lawn Tennis 1931 set of 25 medium size full colour cards (cat £250), Race Horses & Jockeys 1938 set of 40 medium cards (£90), Melbourne Cup Winners 1906 (50 mixed odds, cat £400), Horses of Today 1906 with Capstan back (32, £110), Havelock (24, £120) & Vice Regal (35, cat £120). Ogdens Jockeys 1930 (44/50, cat £110), Players Derby & Grand National Winners (40/50, £60). Also other Sports/Pastimes inc Football with English Internationals 1991 (2 sets) & Wizard Famous Footballers 1955 (16, cat £40). Sweetacres Chewing Gum 1930s Sports Champions etc (30 mixed, cat £210) inc Cricket, notably H Larwood, Swimming Boy Charlton & Flight inc Bert Hinkler & Charles Kingsford Smith. Also Carreras Believe it or Not (32/50, cat £25). Mostly F-VF condition, total cat £1450 = A$2900. (460) | SOLD at A$300 | ||
892![]() Click for more photos | Ten volume collection inc Westminster Tobacco Co 1920s Indian Empire & 1920 New Zealand 'Real photo' sets, Senior Service Cigarettes 1930s medium size 'Real photo' sets of 48 cards (13 diff, cat £285) inc British Railways (1938), Flying (1938) & Sights of Britain Series 1, 2, 3 plus extra 12 'Sights of London' for KGV SJ. John Player 'Post 1960 Issues' (10 diff sets, cat £135). China & Co, Jersey (Tobacconists) comp collection of all 9 sets (cat £150), mostly Views of Jersey, plus 1962 Flower sets (cat £50) & 1961 Cars (£30). Brooke-Bond Tea collection in 4 albums with over 45 diff 1970s-90s sets, plus fifth album with 8 diff Canadian Issues sets inc Birds of North America (1962, cat £50), Tropical Birds (1964, £45) & Wild Flowers of North America (1961, £45), plus much more inc a selection of South African cards. Generally excellent/near new. Mentioned sets cat £700 = A$1400, plus much more for the rest & high costs of the ten VGC albums. | SOLD at A$250 | ||
900![]() Click for more photos | Europe: 1930s Liebig Chromos collection in factory made green album with 50 diff sets of 6 inc Belgian Expeditionary Corps. Belgium Military Aviation, Jeanne D'Arc, Bizarre Mammals, Antarctica, Military Music & much more. All in excellent condition. (300 cards) | SOLD at A$75 | ||
902![]() Click to enlarge photo | Trade Cards. Australia 1930s Allens Confectionery accumulation with Defence 1st series (180), Defence 2nd series (220), Fighter Planes (50), Kings & Queens of England (260), Soldiers of the Empire (45) plus Sports & Flags of Nations (65). Mostly F-VF condition. CTCC cat £3500 = A$7000. (820) | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
952![]() Click for more photos | China/Manchuria: Early 1900s Fu-Shun city views set of 12 issued by Nobundo Bookshop inc street scene, railway station, primary school, Colliery Views & others. Liaoyang City scenes/Environs (4) issued by Yamaki Bookshop inc Monument & Railway Station. This is part of a postcard collection from a Japanese traveller to China between 1900s & 1930s. Two Liaoyang cards with surface stains o/w F-VF UN. (16) | SOLD at A$170 | ||
953![]() Click for more photos | China-Manchuria: Mukden (now Shenyang), early 1900s city views set of 9 inc Japanese War Memorial, Famous Places (3 diff), North Tomb (2), plus others, all issued by Sanyodo Bookshop. Chang-Chun city views (5) in Railway Stations (3 diff). This is part of a postcard collection from a Japanese traveller to China between 1900s & 1930s. All F-VF UN. (14) | SOLD at A$150 | ||
956![]() Click for more photos | China-Manchuria: Dalian (Dairen/Dalang). Early 1900s city views set of 8 cards under Japanese Administration inc Pier, Nihonbashi (Bridge), Electoric Park, Yamato Hotel & Dairen Shrine. Also Rice Field in Manchuria & Chinese. This is part of a postcard collection from a Japanese traveller to China between 1900s & 1930s. All VF UN. (10) | SOLD at A$100 | ||
959![]() Click for more photos | Entertainment: Collection of mostly Stage & Screen inc WS Percy set of 6 plus 1930s Autograph. Gladys Moncrieff promotional photograph for Columbia Records (2), Amy Bock (NZ, 3), Nell Stewart at the Lyric Theatre, Fitzroy VIC. The Scarlet Troubadours & Eleanor Powell in MGM Pictures Born to Dance. Her Forbidden Marriage, The Fatal Wedding, The Crocodile Soldier (Melbourne 1911), Lizzie (the) Hippopotamus from Wirth Bros Circus & Zoo Percy Grainger playing a Steinway Piano plus others inc Josephs Famous Chimpanzee. Wertheim Australian Pianos Pictorials (2 diff) & Luna Park St Kilda real photo. An attractive difficult assembly, mostly F-VF condition. (38 items) | AVAILABLE at A$220 | ||
963![]() Click for more photos | Great Britain. Comic cards 1930s original artwork selection with 1935 Dudley Buxton (unsigned) water colour depicting hiker titled 'Down in the Forest Something Stirred' plus Proof card with Isle of Man 'Dis-Approved for Sale' cachet on reverse. Also another 2 1950s cards both with 'DIS-APPROVED' cachets. Then another 6 1930s Comic cards, original artwork with these Bobbies?, I Guess I'll Get Some?, Oh I'm Happy?, What Size Collar?, She Aint Got A?, Yes darling? plus Chin Chin w/o issued card. A unique selection, original artwork seldom seen. (17 items) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
974![]() Click for more photos | Silver plate. rays, serving dishes, plates, fruit bowl etc, c1930s-90s (21 items) & a book 'Australian Silver 1800-1900' by Hawkins (plus research material on Dixon & Sons). A mix of Australian & English made. The trays vary in size, some have inscriptions/dedications. Wear & corrosion on some items. Mostly G-VGC. (22) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
975![]() Click for more photos | Silver plate. Tea pots, creamers, sugar bowls etc c1930-60s. Ornate designs. Inc those made by Dixon & Sons. G-VGC. (25 items) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
976![]() Click to enlarge photo | Silver plate. Cutlery c1930s-60s. Quite ornate. Appear all to be same pattern (or very close). Inc knives, forks (various), spoons (various), ladles, tongs, large serrated knife, cake server, cheese knife. G-VGC. (143) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
977![]() Click for more photos | Silver plate. Cutlery. Inc spoons, forks, carvery set, sugar/ice tongs. Various sizes, 1930s-60s. All appear to be made by Dixon & Son. Several styles are represented here, 22 pieces are art-deco pattern (cake forks, spoons, carving set, serving forks & spoons). G-VGC. (209) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
978![]() Click to enlarge photo | Silver plate. Cutlery. Various makers & styles c1930s-60s. Inc forks (various types), spoons (various), knives, sharpening steels, carving forks, carving knives, ice tongs, serving ladles. Bagged & sorted by style/pattern. G-VGC. (216) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
979![]() Click for more photos | Silver plate. Cutlery. Forks & spoons (various sizes) c1930s-50s. Mostly by Dixon & Sons. Same pattern. Sorted in bags by style/maker. G-VGC. (250) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
1146![]() Click for more photos | 1907-39 covers & PPC range inc 4 x 1d red KGV 1914-19 inc varieties dot before 1 (6/21) & notch left top frame (7/32) & G74 carmine red with Drury photo cert, 1930s VF Sydney Harbour Bridge letterette with 5 photos to NZ, 4x 1930s covers with variety of stamps inc 4d olive, 5d brown & 6d Kingsford Smith. Nice collection. Generally FU 1 cover has missing cnr. 1907 English TPO cds card, stamp removed. (10). | AVAILABLE at A$140 | ||
1187![]() Click for more photos | 1930s KGV 1d green (mainly SM wmk perf 13½x12½) on Victoria advertising covers. Good range, Melbourne Pottery Co etc. Most have slogan cancels, Air Mail Saves Time, Grow More Wheat etc. All diff. VFU. ACSC 81 & 82, plain covers cat $300+. Advertising covers worth significantly more. (30) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
1784![]() Click for more photos | 1914-36 KGV collection MUH on Seven Seas hingeless pgs with 1914 6d Kookaburra, 1928 3d & M/Sheet, Canberra, Airmail, Swan, Sturt, 1932 Kookaburra & Lyrebird, Hermes (3 diff), 1930 Kingsford Smith set, plus 6d brown (2) inc OS opt, 1932 Bridge set to 5/-, plus OS opts, Victoria both perfs, Macarthur set of 4, ANZAC, Silver Jubilee, Cable & SA Anniv. F-VF MUH, majority fresh. SG cat £1285 for M, should be at least double, £2570. ACSC cat $3900. (45 + M/S) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1100 | ||
1788![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1927-30 Commems perf OS set MUH with 1927 Canberra, 1928 Kookaburra, 1929 Airmail 3d, 1930 Sturt 1½d, 3d set. All VF fresh MUH. SG cat £175 as M, should be at least double, £350 MUH = A$700. ACSC cat $430. (6). (P) | SOLD at A$120 | ||
1789![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1927-30 Commems perf OS set with Canberra 1½d, Kookaburra 3d blue, Airmail 3d green, Swan 1½d & 1930 Sturt 1½d, 3d. All VFU/CTO. SG cat £90. ACSC $180. (6) | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
1791![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1927-30 Commems perf OS comp with 1½d Canberra & Swan, 3d Kooka & Airmail, 1930 Sturt pr. VF U/CTO. SG O112-13 & O119-22 cat £83. (6). | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
1804![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Sturt 1½d carmine blk of 28 (4 x 7). Upper 2 stamps VFM, other 26 fresh MUH. SG 117. ACSC 139 A cat $216. | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
1805![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Sturt 1½d red Ash imprint blk of 4. Stamps W/C VF MUH. ACSC 139 zh cat $40. | SOLD at A$12 | ||
1807![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Sturt 1½d set of Plate Nos 1-8, UL cnr blks of 4, plus Ash imprint blk of 4. Generally F-VF M/MUH. SG 117(var). ACSC cat $200. (9 blks) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
1808![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Sturt 3d blue Plate Nos 1 & 2, UL cnr blks of 4. F-VF MUH. ACSC 140z/za cat $200. | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
3072![]() Click for more photos | Lettercard: 1930 KGV 2d on 1½d red. Superb fresh UN. ACSC LC63 cat $60. | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
3223![]() Click for more photos | Postcard - Official: 1930 KGV 1½d on 1d green, Die I solid OS die type 3 with UR cnr flaw. VF UN, suntan bands on reverse. ACSC PO9A cat $200. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
3224![]() Click to enlarge photo | Postcard: 1930 KGV 1½d on 1d green Die III. Superb fresh UN. ACSC P66 cat $100. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
3248![]() Click for more photos | Registered Envelope: 1923 Surch KGV 4½d brown, plus another with variety 'envelpe', plus 1930 KGV 5d brown type 1. VF fresh UN. ACSC RE17, RE17d & RE26 cat $550. (3) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
3250![]() Click for more photos | Registered Envelopes: 1924-40 KGV-KGVII with 1924-24 & 1928 4½d, 1928-360 oval 4½d on 5d 18mm setting short & long, 1930 5d & 1944 5d. Mostly F-VF UN. ACSC RE19d, 21, 24B, 25B, 26 & 32 cat $570. (6). | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
3253![]() Click for more photos | Registered Envelope: 1930 Surch KGV 5d on 4½d violet on 1923 issue design (RE20B). VF fresh UN, sl edge scuffs at base. ACSC RE23 cat $1500. Only tiny number printed & extremely rare in UN condition. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$475 | ||
3254![]() Click for more photos | Registered Envelope: 1930 Surch KGV 5d on 4½d violet oval die on standard & long types. Superb fresh UN. ACSC RE24A-B cat $250. (2) | AVAILABLE at A$85 | ||
3286![]() Click for more photos | 1930 'Cormoran' wreck cover stamp floated away & a bit 'wrecked' with 2-line cachet 'Damaged by water on SS Comorin'. | AVAILABLE at A$110 | ||
3288![]() Click for more photos | 1930s covers Adelaide to Darwin Air Service dated 19 MR 31 with KS 3d 6d violet. 150th NSW Anniv set 2d, 3d, 9d sent on FDI to London & forwarded by BNSW Berkeley Square to their client Col Tristan James, a decorated WWI Veteran at Clapham Common. Unusual. ACSC 143 cat $230. (2). | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
3289![]() Click for more photos | 1932-1939 single correspondence (19) with covers & stationery, from an English Visitor with 1932 covers (2) franked KGV 4d olive SM wmk (cat $100 ea) & letter cards KGV 1½d, plus KGVI 2d with intact margins (2). 1934 KGV 2d envelope. 1938 Airmail to London franked 1/6 Hermes. 1938 cover with 2d Sesqui pmks 'paquebot/Sydney'. 1939 Mail (12) to Isle of Wight inc Great Britain KGV 1½ envelope prated with Aust issues pmk 'Fremantle Paquebot' machine cancel KGVI 5d Registered Envs (2) both uprated with KGVI Defs. KGVI 2d env uprated to Registration with 1/4 magenta, other 1930s Postal Stationery, some uprated. Attractive & interesting selection. (19). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$140 | ||
3498![]() Click to enlarge photo | Relief Tax: 1930 opt Numeral £5 brown. VF F/C. Bft 17 cat £20. | AVAILABLE at A$15 | ||
3985![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 'B.I.T. OCT. 1930' opt Centenary set 60c-1F75 all lower marginal blks of 4, top 12 vals with more imprints. VF MUH. COB 305-307 cat €280+. SG 569-571 cat £140+ for M singles, should be at least double, £280 MUH, plus premium for blks. (3 blks) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
3989![]() Click for more photos | Belgium: 1893-2002 Mint collection inc 1893-1900 King & Arms set to 2Fr, all with tags (SG cat £850+). 1905-08 King set to 2Fr with tags (£600). 1910 & 1911 Charity sets with tags inc '1911' Brussels set (£500). 1914 & 1915 Red Cross sets (£240). 1912 King & Arms set to 5Fr with tags (£200). 1915-22 King Pic set to 10Fr (£650). 1918 Red Cross opt set to 10F+10Fr (£1500). 1919-20 'Tin Hat' King set to 10F (£1000). 1924 Brussels Exhib M/S (£375). 1922-27 King set to 10F (£180). 1930 Antwerp Exhib M/S U (£475). 1931-32 King set to 10F (£130). 1931 Soldiers Fund M/S U (£325). 1932 Mercier Fund set to 10F+40F (£650). 1932 Infantry set (£200). 1932 TB Fund set (£150). 1933 Abby Fund set to 10F+40F (£1100). 1933 TB Fund set (£300) & 1934 set (£190). 1935 Brussels Exhib M/S (£225). 1936 Burgerhout Exhib M/S (£120). 1952 UPU set to 40F+10F (£375). 1957 Antarctic M/S (£225). Then really good coverage of Commems & Defs + M/S where issued. VF fresh M/MUH, post 1960 being almost all MUH. SG cat £23,000+ = A$46,000+. Beautiful collection. (2900 + 90 M/S) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$4000 | ||
3990![]() Click for more photos | 1893-1935 MUH blks collection inc 1893-1900 King & Arms vals to 25c in blks of 4 with tabs. 1922-27 King 1F & 1F75 tete-beche blks of 4. 1915-22 Scheldt 1Fr blk of 4. 1918 Red Cross opt 10c & 15c blks of 4, plus 40c & 50c blks of 6 & 1Fr blk of 4. 1925 75th Anniv set blks of 4. 1929 GPO set blks of 4. 1930 Anti TB Fund set blks of 4. 1930 Independence Cent set blks of 4. 1930 Air blk of 4. 1930 BIT opt set blks of 4. 1935 Exhibition set sheetlets of 10. Mostly VF fresh MUH. SG cat £2200 for M, should be at least double, £4400 MUH, plus premium for blks. (49 blks) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$700 | ||
4015![]() Click for more photos | 1860-1970s A-Z collection in 4 loose leaf albums & 2 s/books strength is in 1800s-1930s across most countries inc Bermuda 1920s Tercentenary set to 1/-, 1924 high values to 10/-, British Solomon Is 1922 KGV to 10/- Canada range from 1860s inc 1859 beaver 5c, Newfoundland 1865 2c cod, Ceylon 1857-67 QV to 1/-, Kenya & Uganda 1922 high values to 10/-, Ireland 1922 opts to 1/- M, Heligoland 1867-90 range inc reprints, India & States range, Cook Is 1892 to 2½d, 1893 White Fern to 1/-, Samoa Palms to 2/6, 1914 GRI to 6d, Malaya range of States from 1883, also Switzerland coll'n 1860s-1990s, small China/Taiwan coll'n & Australia U. Coll'n 1966-80s Pitcairn Is Seven Seas hingeless album. Mostly diff various in tins, loose & covers. Useful old time collection ex Deceased Estate. With plenty of better stamps throughout. Some earlies mixed condition. Mainly U from GU-VFU. About 10% F-VF MLH to MUH. SG STC £10,000++ = A$20000+. (8000+ 30 cvrs). | AVAILABLE at A$800 | ||
4098![]() Click for more photos | 1930 Wedding of King Boris with Princess Giovanna set 1l-6l as special 'Ministerial' presentation M/Sheet with 4 stamps se-tenant, perf 11½. Superb fresh with gummed stamp area MUH, ungummed margin MLH almost MUH, size 175x250mm. SG 300-03 (MS), Mi 222-25 Ministerblock mentioned in footnote but unpriced. Major rarity with only 60 printed & as these were given to non-philatelic dignitaries at the wedding so only a fraction have survived, with less than 10 recorded, most in poor condition - this is the best quality example recorded. 2016 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$7000 | ||
4170![]() Click for more photos | 1912-35 KGV Mint collection on Harris album pgs inc 1912-25 KGV Def set to $1, plus shades & 1c horiz coil pr imperf x perf 8. 1928-29 KGV Pic set to $1 & 1930-31 set to $1. 1932 KGV Quebec set to 13c. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1935 KGV Pic set to $1. 1928-35 Airs appear comp. 1922-35 Special deliveries appear comp. Postage Dues inc 1931-32 & 1933-34 sets to 10c. Mostly F-VF M/MUH. SG cat £1950+ = A$3900+. (125) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
4242![]() Click for more photos | 1930s cover franked USS Black Hawk franked Chicago Century of Progress 1c blk of 4 tied by 'USS Black Hawk Asiatic Station Chefoo China SEP 3 1934' pmk, or franked Mt Rainier 3c tied by USS Black Hawk Shanghai China OCT 27 1934 pmk, plus with printed Navy Day pictorial cachet. VF. (2) | SOLD at A$30 | ||
4351![]() Click for more photos | 1929-32 collection inc 1929 Pictorial set to 5P (SG cat £180). 1930 Simon Bolivar Cent opt set. 1932 Correo Aereo opt set to 5P (£350). 1929 International Air set to 5P. 1929 first Flight cover Bogota to Buga. F-VF M, 1U plus the cover. SG cat £760+. (42 + cvr). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
4353![]() Click for more photos | Airmail Postal History 1920s-50s internal & international with SCADTA issues to pay internal air fees & normal Colombia stamps for the overseas portion of flight. With 1921 & 1923 issues (180 stamps on 135 covers) to 1P, with better issues inc 60c orange (2, SG cat £68), 30c/20c grey (3, £195) 30c 'Provisional' on 60c (2, £86), 'R'' opts etc. Also 1929 issues with & w/o opts (28 on 20 covers), Avianca 'A' opts (100+ on 47 covers), Lansa 'L' opts (38 on 17 covers) mixed a & L opts (3 covers). & more (16). Some better inc 1932 10c brown opt 'Correo Aero' scarce printed matter rate solo franking, 1930 Bolivar opt 30c/1P rare on contemporary commercial cover, plus the good surch already noted. Destinations inc Canada, Canal Zone, Czechoslovakia, Ecuador, England, France, Germany, Israel, Switzerland, USA & Venezuela. With some nice pictorial advertising, Flight covers etc. The 1921-23 cat £?475 for the SCADTA alone as loose stamps, plus the 100s of others & for on cover. Fantastic lot for specialist. (425+ stamps on 245+ covers). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1300 | ||
4360![]() Click for more photos | Argentina: 1930 Zeppelin Round World Flight, Argentine mail cover franked Zeppelin green opt full set 20c-1P80, tied by 'Aeropostal Argentina 21 MAY 30' cds. To Germany with flight cachet, Friedrichshafen b/s. SG 587-91 cat £600+ as loose stamps. Sieger 63G9a) cat €3300. Extremely rare franking combination 2002 Eichele photo-cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1800 | ||
4498![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Coronation 'Lion' 4g deep green, ERROR OF COLOUR (printed in colour of 8g, instead of correct violet colour). VF fresh MUH, UR cnr marginal, centring as always. SG 280(var), Yv 183a cat €1200 for M, should be at least +50% premium MUH so est €1800+. Very rare, only 1 sheet of 50 was discovered. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
4499![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Coronation 'Lion' 4g deep green, ERROR OF COLOUR (printed in colour of 8g, instead of correct violet colour). F-VF fresh MUH, centring as always. SG 280(var), Yv 183a cat €1200 for M, should be at least +50% premium MUH so est €1800+. Very rare, only 1 sheet of 50 was discovered. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
4578![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Sinking Fund 1F50+3F50 reddish-purple, LL cnr marginal blk of 4 with '18.1.30' printing date imprint. VF fresh M/3MUH. Yv 256 cat €580+. SG 480 cat £480 for M single, MUH should be at least double, £840, plus premium for blk. (P) | SOLD at A$210 | ||
4663![]() Click for more photos | French Colonies: 1891-1957 collection for Reunion & Madagascar in s/book inc Reunion general issue with diag opt to 25c, 1892 set to 1F, 1907 set to 5F, 1922-24 Surch set to 20F, 1933 set to 20F, various issues to 1950 inc unissued Vichy French issues. Madagascar inc 1891 set to 5F, 1903 set to 2F, 1908-22 set to 5F, 1922 Surch set to 20F, 1930 set to 20F, 1935 set to 20F, 1943 Surch set to 20F on 5F grey-blue, 1952 Air set to 500F. Quite comprehensive collection, most sets are M & U. The early French issues have not been checked for varieties. SG cat £2,700+ = A$5,400. (1100+) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
4762![]() Click for more photos | Syria: 1930 PPC franked 1925 Bridge 3Pi tied by 'Damas 18 AP 30' cds. SG 184. Interesting use of old Ottoman period PPC. | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
4838![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930-32 Ebert 4pf, 12pf & 80pf ochre, plus Hindenburg 6pf, 10pf, 20pf grey being 'specimen' stamps from UPU distribution, with local 'SPECIMEN' h/s (type BEC2a) applied by receiving postal authority. Mostly F-VF UN as were affixed to archive pgs. SG 425(s), 427(s), 430(s), 431(s), 434(s) & 442(s). Mi 435-7(s), 454(s) & 465-6(s). Unique stamps from Bechuanaland Postal Archive UPU specimen collection. 2019 Ceremuga photo cert. (6). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
4839![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 South America Flight opt Zeppelin 2RM, with '1. SUDAMERKA FAHRT' opt, wmk vertical, variety 'moon over Zeppelin'. VF fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. SG 456a(var). Mi 438YI cat €3000+, plus premium for positional marginal should be +50% = €4500. Very rare variety & almost never seen in such fresh MUH condition. 2016 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1000 | ||
4840![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 South America Flight opt Zeppelin set 2RM & 4RM, with '1. SUDAMERKA FAHRT' opts. VFU/CTO, 'Bayreuth 20.3.31' cds. Mi 438-39 cat €800. SG 456-57 cat £1000. Exp Peschl BPP. (2). (P) | SOLD at A$190 | ||
4841![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 opt '30 JUN 1930' set 8pf & 15pf, plus 1927-33 Official 4pf deep blue & 10pf brown, being 'specimen' stamps from UPU distribution, with local 'SPECIMEN' h/s (type BEC2a) applied by receiving postal authority. Mostly F-VF UN as were affixed to archive pgs. SG 459-60(s), O426(s), & O433(s). Mi 444-5(s), D130-31(s). Unique stamps from Bechuanaland Postal Archive UPU specimen collection. 2019 Ceremuga photo cert. (4) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
4842![]() Click for more photos | 1930 Airmail booklet 2RM with panes of Eagle 10pf & 20pf with 'X' tabs. F-VF MUH, sl perf tones. SG SB27 cat £3000. Mi MH19 cat €2300. Very rare booklet. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
4843![]() Click for more photos | 1930 Charity Views booklet 2RM 8pf & 15pf panes with tabs, both perf margins. VF fresh MUH. SG SB26 cat £600. Mi MH29.1 cat €450. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$110 | ||
4844![]() Click for more photos | 1930-31 Airmail Eagle booklet se-tenants inc 10pf red tete-beche pr, 10pf + 15pf pr (+ U) & 20pf with 'X' tab, plus 20pf panes with 5 or 6 'X' tabs. M/MUH, some tropicalised. SG 393a, 395b/c cat £1475 for the 2 panes & the tete-beche. Mi H-Bl47B & 49B, K7 & W22 cat £1350. (2 panes & 3prs) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$160 | ||
4845![]() Click for more photos | 1930-32 Charity booklet se-tenants inc 1930 8pf & 15pf 6 diff vertical prs or trios & 2 horiz. 1931 both panes, 1 separated, plus vertical combinations (7) & horiz (2). 1932 both panes, plus horiz (4) & vert (4), plus blks (4) cat as appropriate prs. VF fresh M/MUH. Mi 576-80, S84, W37-8, HB1 70B & 71A, S88-92, S94 & 96, W40, HB1 72B & 73B, S100-W44 cat €1560. (33 combinations) | SOLD at A$220 | ||
4897![]() Click for more photos | Germany: 1872-1945 collection in 2 VGC Lindner hingeless albums. 1872 Embossed Eagles range (30, SG cat £3600) inc 5M/UN, & 9/9k surch U (£750), 1875-1900 Arms, 1900 Reichspost to 3Mk, later to 5Mk inc new colours & wmks, then extensive defins near comp, Airmails, Officials, Inflation surch, commems & Charities, 1930 Iposta M/Sheet VF MLH (£700), 1931 Zeppelin Polar flight opt set M (£1100). 1933 onwards Reich issues inc Wagner set (£450), 1923 Charity Anniv opt singles (set of 4 £600), 1934 Workers (£120), 1935 Ostropa M/S in typical condition with stamps separated & margin damaged, 1936 Olympics M/S (£130), Hitler M/S (3, £180) & 1937 Brown Ribbon M/S (£90), 1939 Nurburgring opt set (£85), 1939 opt Danzig set (£85), Officials etc. Very near comp. F-VF M/MUH/U. All M counted as hinged, but MUH sighted. SG cat almost £13,000 = A$26,000. Valuable collection. (1050 + 9 M/S). | AVAILABLE at A$1500 | ||
5060![]() Click for more photos | Danzig: 1920-39 Collection in VGC Kabe hingeless album with 1920 first opt set inc surch (ex Innendienst set of 3), then simplified surch set with extras, 1921 Ships & Air sets, all Arms sets to 1923 surch lavender set, all other Airs, 1924-25 Pictorials, 1929 Exhib opt set U (no 'November 1930' opts), 1932 opt Exhib set & all Pics to 1939, all 3 M/sheets inc Productivity M/S VFU FDI cds (SG cat £650), all Officials & Dues inc 1938-39 Dues new wmk set U (60pf M - £560). VF M/U. SG cat £3300+ - A$6600. Attractive collection. (400, + 3 M/S). | SOLD at A$750 | ||
6020![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Parliament Millenary set 3a-10Kr, plus 10a Airmail. VF fresh MLH. Fa 173-88 cat 3000Kr, SG 158-73 cat £400. (16). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$110 | ||
6021![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Parliament Millenary set 3a-10K inc 10a Airmail. VF fresh MUH. Fa 173-88 cat 6500Kr. SG 158-73 cat £400 for M, should be at least double, £800 MUH. (16). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$230 | ||
6022![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Official opt Parliament Millenary set 3a-10Kr, inc 10a Air. VF fresh MLH. Fa Tj59-74 cat 6500Kr, SG O174-89 cat £900. (16). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$220 | ||
6251![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Transatlantic Flight 7.70L light blue & drab. VF fresh MUH. Scott C27 cat US$900, SG 303 cat £700 for M, should be at least double, £1400 MUH, Sass A25 cat €1100. 2023 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
6477![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930-39 King set 1m-£1, perf SPECIMEN. VF M/MLH. SG 194b-207s cat £425. (16) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
7088![]() Click for more photos | New Guinea: 1880s-1930s Postmark collection with many rare items inc 1889 'Finsc[hhafen]' on Germania 10pf, later German types with superb 'Deulon' small part '[Ma]ron', superb s/l 'Herbertshohe' on GNG 50pf (2) on piece (used during GRI period) & 'Rabaul/NOV 2 1914' on Kangaroo 1d both in violet, a few on NWPI inc 'Kieta' (double-arcs) on 4d orange & 'Namatanai' on KGV on 1d violet, Mandate inc 'Post Office Wau' on Dated Airs 5/-, 'Aitapi New Guinea' in violet & 'Marienberg' in violet, 38mm 'District Office Ambunti' on office scrap etc. Fantastic little lot offered intact as received. (57) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$900 | ||
7126![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1882-1930 QV Stamp Duty 3/- purple on chalk-surfaced DLR paper, wmk NZ Star, rough perf 14 (1913). Superb fresh MLH. SG F100 cat £180. CP Z4j cat NZ$325. (P) | SOLD at A$140 | ||
7431![]() Click for more photos | 1930 Lakatoi Plane opt 3d sepia-black & bright blue-green, Harrison printing on yellowish paper (with correct identification of Harrison printing confirmed by plating). VF fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum, left marginal, in unusually nice condition as only 2 sheets of 40 printed, & most of the recorded stamps became badly tropicalised due to remaining too long in Papua. Scott C2a cat US$3800 for M, SG 115 cat £4000 for M, should be at least double, £8000 MUH. Very rare genuine example as most offered either have forged opts or are misidentified, often unfortunately with incorrect certificates. 2018 Ceremuga AIEP photo-cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$6000 | ||
7432![]() Click for more photos | 1930 Airmail plane opt 1/- sepia & olive, opt in deep carmine-lake (instead of normal carmine), Harrison printing on yellowish paper, blk of 4 with 1st stamp major variety 'AI,R' due to comma between I & R. VF 2MLH/2MUH. SG 117(var). Only small 1st part of printing was in deep lake with the variety present, which was then corrected for subsequent printings. Very rare variety that deserves to be listed in SG. RPSL photo cert. (4) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$800 | ||
7479![]() Click for more photos | Papua: 1901-41 comprehensive used collection beautifully presented in New Age stamp album inc 1901 BNG Lakatoi ½d to 1/-, 1906 Large Papua opt to 2/6, 1907 Small Papua opts to 2/6, plus perf OS 2/6, various Small Papua with perf 11 & 12½ inc perf OS, 1911 mono-colours with 2d mauve wmk Crown to right, 1916-31 bi-colours to 10/-, range of opts inc Airmail opt 3d Harrison printing, Aeroplane opt 6d Harrison with DOUBLE perf, 1932-40 to £1 inc ½d McCracken. Range of scarce pmks inc Tamatai, Nepa etc, also Queensland QV on piece with BNG cancel, plus varieties & small range of 1930-41 covers inc 2 1941 Censored covers. Mostly VFU & few M. SG cat £4800+ = A$9600. Nice lot offered intact as received. (200+, 15 covers) (P) | SOLD at A$1000 | ||
7537![]() Click to enlarge photo | c1930s Arms 2.50s green Impuesto revenue, printer's sample proof, opt 'Waterlow & Sons Ltd Specimen', with sm security punch. VF fresh UN as made. Rare! | AVAILABLE at A$15 | ||
7629![]() Click for more photos | Postal History: 1928-41 usages with 1928 Airmail cover with Airs 1gr, 2gr (6 on reverse), & 5gr (2) tied by 'Lwow 26 XI 28' cds. 1936 Flight cover Lwow-Palestine with Polish & Hebrew pictorial cachets. 1934 cover with stamps with 'Challenge 1934 special pmks. 1938 Balloon Post with stamps tied by green Balloon pmks. Military covers (2) ca 1937 with cachets for 6th Podhale Rifles Regiment & same for 2nd Battalion. 1930s Postcards with views at left (5), range of 1938 covers (8) most reg express, a few others. All usages from towns in eastern Poland that are now in Ukraine. (23). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
7861![]() Click for more photos | 1930 Graf Zeppelin Moscow Flight set 40k & 80k IMPERF. Superb MUH with never hinged original gum, 4 large margins. Mi 390-91C cat €6000. SG 574b-75b cat £3800. Rare set as only 1000 printed. Exp Filatelia SSSR, while new certificate can be obtained on request. (2) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$2700 | ||
8233![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930-44 Ship 1d black & carmine Type II, English & Afrikaans stamp, Rotogravure printing, error centre OMITTED, with 2 normals to compare. VF fresh MUH. Scott 34c cat US$4500. SG 43ewa cat £1800 for M horiz pr, should be at least double, £3600 MUH. (4). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$800 | ||
8234![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930-44 Union Buildings 2d slate-grey & lilac, Rotogravure printing (1931) UL cnr marginal strip of 3 with 3 stamp size blank tabs, with a TETE-BECHE pr. Stamps superb fresh MUH with, pristine never hinged original gum, perfect perfs. SG 44a cat £8000 for M pr alone & should be at least double, £16,000 MUH, plus premium for positional multiple. Great rarity & this is the best quality example recorded. Certificate can be obtained on request. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$11000 | ||
8235![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930-44 Pictorial 1/- brown & deep blue photogravure horiz bilingual pr, wmk Springbok head inverted, left stamp variety 'twisted Horn flaw'. F-VF U. SG 48dw cat £325. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
8257![]() Click for more photos | South Africa: 1910-94 collection in Lighthouse album with illustrated pages, 3 s/books & a sheet file inc 1913 KGV to 2/6 with 1½d tete-beche pr, 1929 Air set to 9d (2), various bilingual prs, all M inc 1927 1/-, 1930 1/- & 2/6 (2), 1933 1/-, 5/- & 10/-, 1938 sets Voortrekker Centenary & Commemoration, 1939 Huguenot Landing set, 1945 redrawn 2d with all shades, various other prs, 1932 1/- inverted pr, 1941 War Effort ½d-2d Bantam in blks of 4 or 6, various 1930/40 plate numbers, various Arrow prs & blks, 1948 booklet panes, 1954 Animals comp to 10/-, various 1920-40s Postage Dues & Officials. One s/book is devoted to varieties to 1950 inc 1941 3d 'cigarette flaw' (SG 91a cat £120), 1951 3d 'flying saucer' (SG 117ab cat £90), 1949 1½d 'extended rigging' & 'pennant' flaw. 1000+ other varieties not cat listed, in singles, prs & blks. Finally 1940-50s in sheets MUH & CTO inc Basutoland, Swaziland, SWA etc. Extensive specialist collection with a lot of potential. Mainly fresh VF MLH-MUH, some G-VF U. SG cat £7000+ = A$14,000+. (6000+, 30+ M/S) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$900 | ||
8334![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Air Congress set 5c-4P, with blue control no A000,000 at back (=specimen). VF fresh MLH. SG 547-552 cat £170+ as normals, plus large premium for specimen, Ed 483N-488N cat €619. (6). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
8335![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Columbus 20c red printer's sample proof (instead of violet) opt 'Waterlow & Sons Ltd Specimen' with small security punch. VF fresh UN as made. SG 600(p), Ed 538MT unlisted in this colour! | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
8336![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Air Pinzon 30c orange, unissued colour. VF MUH. SG 614(var), Ed 553cc cat €48. | AVAILABLE at A$15 | ||
8337![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Spanish-American Exhibition set 1c-10P, plus 10P engraved & 20c Express. VF fresh MLH. Ed 566-82 cat €200. SG 627-E643 cat £253. (17). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
8338![]() Click for more photos | 1930 Spanish-American Exhibition 1c-10P basic set, plus 20c Express. VF fresh MUH. SG 627-E643 cat £72 for M, should be at least double, £144 MUH, Edifil 566-8 & 582 cat €205. (16). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
8339![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Spanish American Exhib imperf & colour trial proofs selection 5c grey, 10c green, 25c blue, 50c black, 1P grey-blue colour trial, 4P blue & 4P black, colour trial. VF M/UN, all 4 margins. SG ex 629-640(p), Ed 583s, 584s, 585s, 587s, 589ccs, 591ccs cat €135. Scarce group. (7). | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
8340![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Spanish-American Exhib 10P orange-brown (recess printed), top marginal gutter blk of 4, plus 10P chocolate photogravure printing). Stamps VF MUH, some perf separation. SG 641-42 cat £417 for M singles, should be at least double, £834 MUH, plus premium for blks. Ed 581-82 cat €1114 as singles. Rare & impressive top value blks. (2 blks of 4). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
8341![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Air Spanish-American Exhib 1P green, error missing head. VF fresh MUH. SG 650(var), Ed 588ecet cat €96. Spectacular. | SOLD at A$40 | ||
8342![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Air Spanish-American Exhib 1P green, error head INVERTED. Superb fresh MUH, bottom marginal. SG 650(var), Ed 588ecei cat €120+. Spectacular inverted centre error. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
8343![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Air Spanish-American Exhib 1P green, LL cnr marginal blk of 4, error head INVERTED. VF fresh MUH. SG 650(var), Ed 588ecei cat €480+. Spectacular inverted centre error. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
8344![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Air Spanish-American Exhib 1P yellow green, vert gutter pr, error head omitted on both stamps. VF fresh MUH. SG 650(var), Ed 588ecef cat €192+. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
8345![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Air Spanish-American Exhib 1P yellow-green bottom marginal horiz pr, error head omitted & imperf between. VF fresh MUH. SG 650(var), Ed 588ecefsp cat €186+. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
8346![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Air Spanish-American Exhib 1P green, blk of 4, printed from 2 plates, variety head shifted left. VF fresh MUH. SG 650, Ed 588ec cat €316+. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
8347![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Air Spanish-American Exhib 1P green, UL cnr marginal vert pr, error IMPERF. VF fresh MUH. SG 650(var), Ed 588ecs cat €308+. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
8986![]() Click for more photos | 1879-1956 Postage Due collection on album pgs. 1879 1c-50c set in brown. 1884-89 1c-30c, red brown 1891-93 set to 50c, bright claret. 1894-95 1c-50c, deep claret, plus later printings wmks & shades in 1917-23 perf 11 to 50c. 1930-31 ½c-$5 & 1931-32 set ½c - 50c. Most F-VF U, some M. Scott cat US$2700+ = A$4000+. SG cat £2800+ = A$5400+. (75). | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
9042![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Zeppelin Airmail 65c green. VF fresh MUH. SG A687 cat £250 for M, should be at least double, £500 MUH. Sc C13 cat US$250+. (P) | SOLD at A$220 | ||
9043![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Zeppelin Airmail 65c, $1.30 & $2.60. VF fresh MUH all with never hinged original gum. SG A687-A689 cat £1400 for M, should be at least double, £2800 MUH. Sc C13-C15 cat US$1675+. (3) (P) | SOLD at A$1600 | ||
9044![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Zeppelin Airmail $1.30 brown. Superb fresh MUH. SG A688 cat £550 for M, should be at least double, £1100 MUH. Sc C14 cat US$575+. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
9045![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Zeppelin Airmail $2.60 blue. Superb fresh MUH. SG A689 cat £800 for M, should be at least double, £1600 MUH. Sc C15 cat US$850+. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$750 | ||
9047![]() Click for more photos | USA: 1857-1990s Mint Collection in 2 hingeless Lighthouse slipcase albums 1861-67 Portrait vals to 15c. 1869 Pictorial 1c & 10c. 1870-88 Portrait vals to 90c. 1893 Columbus 1c-30c. 1898 Trans Mississippi vals to $2. 1901 Pan-American Expo set to 10c. 1917 Jamestown Expo set. 1920 Pilgrim set 1924 Huguenot set. 1925 Norse-American set. 1933 Century 1c M/S & 1933 Philatelic 3c M/S. 1954-59 Portrait set to $5. Then useful commems to 1980s. Airmails inc 1930 Zeppelin 50c. Also 1976 Flags sheet. Most G-VF M/UN/MUH, very mixed condition in earlies. SG cat £19,000+ = A$37,000, plus the nice albums which retail at $900. (1075). (P) | SOLD at A$1600 | ||
9051![]() Click for more photos | 1930s-40s Bird thematic Naval covers & cards with duplex pmks of 1931 USS Tern, 1932 USS Partridge San Diego, 1935 USS Swallow Navy Yard Puget Sound (pictorial cover), USS Seagull Lahaina Maui TH, USS Vireo Navy Day (pic cover), 1936 USS Grebe San Pedro Calif (pic h/s cover), USS Whippoorwill Christmas Day, 1938 USS Turkey 1st day PO, 1939 USS Bittern Manila PI (pic cover), 1941 USS Osprey 1st day (pic cover) & undated USS Bobolink. VF. (11). | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
9236![]() Click for more photos | Australia: KGV 1½d Die II by Gordon Ward, pub Orlo-Smith c1930. 53pgs, minor age spots. VGC. | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
9277![]() Click for more photos | Australia - Victorian Government Punctures by Bryan Toop. 34 pgs, 3rd edition 1984 with listings of punctures on Commonwealth Stamps, early 1930s onwards. Near new. | AVAILABLE at A$20 | ||
9278![]() Click for more photos | Australia - Victorian Government Punctures by Bryan Toop. 34 pgs, 3rd edition 1984 with listings of punctures on Commonwealth Stamps, early 1930s onwards. Near new. | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
9306![]() Click for more photos | British Empire Review 1961-68. Robson Lowe London. A Resume of Prices Realised at Auction of British Empire Stamps. 92 pgs inc illustrations inc Australia 1930 Kangaroo £2 comp left pane! Worn DJ o/w VGC. | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
9398![]() Click for more photos | Papua: The Outside Man (Jack Hides of Papua) by James Sinclair. Non-philatelic biography of Jack Hides, 1930s Field Officer & Explorer. Hardcover, original DJ, 270 pgs, pub 1969. | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
9453![]() Click for more photos | Cricket: 1930 Australian Test Team set (?) of 15 real photos with DJ (Don) Bradman (Postally U July 1930), W A'Beckett, A Fairfax, CV Grimmett, A Jackson, PM Hornibrook, T Hurwood, AF Kippax, S McCabe, WA Oldfield, WH Ponsford, VY Richardson (Vice Capt), CW Walker, T Wall & WM Woodfull (Capt). Odd minor crease or sl bend, VF condition. Rare as a set. (15) | AVAILABLE at A$800 |