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Dealer's stamp display cards (11.5x7cm) with clear plastic front attached to a light grey inert plastic backing. As new/new (1800) in bundles of 100. Also Prinz folded hinges in packets of 1000 (20).SOLD at A$100

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1913-65 collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with Kangaroos 1st wmk (11) to 2/- with extra 2/- brown, plus 1/- 3rd wmk to fill the gap. 2nd wmk 9d, 2/-, 5/- (ACSC cat $1100), 3rd wmk set of 10 to 5/-. SM wmk (5) to 5/-, CofA (8) to £1, plus both OS opts. KGV (72) with single wmk to 1/4 inc 4d lemon, violet, blue. SM wmk perf 14 set of 8 to 1/4 inc 2d brown, 4 olive. Perf 13½x12½ comp to 1/4 inc 1d green Die II FU & 4½d Die II CTO. CofA wmk set of 8 & all OS opts. Then appears comp to end 1965 inc 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved. 1928 Kookaburra 3d blue M/Sheet VFU, 1931-32 OS opt set of 6 to 1/- inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d CTO (as is!). 1932 Bridge 5/- CTO & all the other 1930s Commem sets inc 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee to 2/-. 1938 Robes sets (2) to £1 slate. 1940 AIF set. 1946 BCOF opt set of 7 to 5/- Robes. 1949 Arms to £2, plus extra 5/- shade. QEII pre-dec comp inc 1959 Pics to Cattle 5/- white paper & 1964 Navigator set of 8 to £2. Mostly F-VFU, sl mixed condition in earlier. ACSC cat $6800. A good solid collection. (410) (P)SOLD at A$525

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1913-36 Kangaroo & KGV accumulation of wmks & shades to 5/- inc odd OS & perf OS NSW. Noted 1st wmk to 1/- inc 4d (4). 1914-36 KGV wmks & shades with range of 1d red dies & shades (110). Most G-VF M/U, mixed in some. SG cat £1400+ = A$2800+. (365)AVAILABLE at A$240

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1913-65 collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with Kangaroos 1st wmk set to 1/-. 2nd wmk 2d, 6d & 1/-. 3rd wmk set of 9 to 2/- maroon. SM wmk to 2/- CofA to 5/- inc 6d opt OS ACSC cat $1020. KGV (57) with single wmk to 5d inc 1d Die II, 1d Die III & 4d lemon. LM wmk 1d carmine. SM wmk to 1/4 inc 4½d Die II, CofA wmk set to 1/4 & OS opts to 5d brown (cat $700). 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved. 1927-30 Commems perf OS CTO set of 6. 1931 Kingsford Smith set, plus 2d red opt OS CTO. 6d brown Airmail (2) inc OS opt. 1932 Lyrebird 1/- opt OS VFU. 1934 VIC Cent sets to 1/- (both) & Macarthur set to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/-. 1937 KGVI set to £1 Robes. 1940 AIF set. Pre-dec QEII comp inc 1959 Pics to 5/- Cattle white paper. 1964 Navigator set of 8 to £2 (£1, £2 m/s cancels) & all high val Commem sets. Some heavier pmks. Generally G-F/VFU. Total cat $2800. (100s)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1913-65 virtually comp pre-decimal collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with Kangaroos 1st wmk (12) to 5/-, 2nd wmk set to 2/-, 3rd wmk to 5/-, plus 10/- 'Star' Telegraph Puncture. SM & CofA wmk sets to 5/- inc both OS opts G-F U, listed retail $2550. KGV Heads comp set of 72 (retail $750) to 1/4 inc 1d red Die III, 4d lemon, 1d green Die II, 4½d violet Die II & OS opt set of 7. Then 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved, 1928 Kookaburra M/sheet M,1931-32 OS opt set of 6 to 1/- inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d. All 1930s Commem sets inc 1932 Bridge to 5/- & 1934 Vic Cent to 1/- both perfs. 1938 KGVI Robes sets to £1 thick & thin papers VFU, 1946 BCOF opt set to 2/- M, 1949 Arms to £2 & all QEII pre-decimals inc 1964 Navigator set to £2. An attractive mostly F-VF U collection, retail $4800. (420) (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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1913-65 Used collection in older style Seven Seas illustrated album with Kangaroos (30) inc 1st wmk to 1/-, 2nd wmk 2d, 6d, 1/-, 3rd wmk to 2/-, SM to 2/- & CofA wmk to 5/- inc 6d opt OS. KGV (68) with single wmk to 1/4 inc 1d red Die II, 1d Die III, 4d lemon & 1/4 turquoise, LM wmk set of 5, SM wmk to 1/4 inc perf 14, 2d brown, 4d olive, CofA wmk set to 1/4 & all opts to 5d brown G-FU. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved. 1931 Kingsford Smith set to 6d Airmail, 1934 VIC Centenary sets to 1/- both perfs & Macarthur set to 9d. 1937 KGVI 5/-, 10/- & £1 Robes, 1949 Arms 1961 Pics to Cattle 5/- white paper, Navigators to 10/- & all high val Commem sets. Some sl mixed condition, solid G-F/VFU. ACSC cat $1800. (360)AVAILABLE at A$220

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1913-74 collection in large s/book with Kangaroos (24) to 5/- inc 4d orange, 5d chestnut, 6d opt OS & 2/- brown, plus £1 & £2 copies. KGV (52) to 1/4 inc 4d lemon & OS opt set to 5d FU. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved MUH (cat $275). 1928 Kookaburra 3d M/Sheet VF MLH. 1931-32 OS opt set of 6 to 1/- Lyrebird inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d. 1934 VIC Cent sets to 1/- (2) & Macarthur set to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/- U & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/- VFU. 1937 KGVI Robes to £1 F-VFU. 1940 AIF to 6d. 1949 Arm set to £2, 1950s-60s QEII pre-decimals inc 1963 Navigator set to £2 King & decimal Pic/Commem to 1974 Christmas inc high val Paintings to $10. Generally F-VFU with odd M/MUH sighted. ACSC cat/retail $1800+. (680)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1913-75 near comp collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with Kangaroos 1st wmk to 2/-, 2nd wmk to 2/-, 3rd wmk to 2/- brown, SM wmk to 5/- & CofA wmk to 5/- inc 6d opt OS, plus 10/-, £1, £2 opt SPECIMEN. KGV comp (retail $750) inc single wmk 1d Die III & 4d lemon, SM wmk perf 14 to 1/4, 1d green Die II, 4½d violet Die II & opt OS set to 5d. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved. 1928 Kookaburra 3d M/Sheet with pale Exhibition cancel. 1931-32 OS opt set of 6 to 1/- inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d. 1932 Bridge set to 5/- & all other 1930s high val Commem sets F-VFU. 1937 Robes to £1 thick & thin papers. 1949 Arms set to £2. 1953-75 QEII comp inc 1964 Navigator set of 8 to £2 King, 1966 Defs to $4 Navigator, 1974 Paintings to $10 & all other Pic/Commem sets inc 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 25. A well balanced, neat, mostly F-VFU collection, nicer than most. ACSC cat/retail $4800. (670+)AVAILABLE at A$900

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1913-86 collection in s/book with Kangaroos (53) inc 1st wmk set to 1/- (cat $300) & perf Large OS (ex 2½d) to 2/- (cat $900), 3rd wmk to 5/-, plus perf Small OS near comp to 5/- (cat $1400) inc 4d orange. Also SM wmk to 2/- & CofA wmk comp to 5/- inc 6d chestnut opt OS. KGV (80) to 1/4 inc OS/NSW Perfin (12) to 4d blue, perf OS to 1/4 & OS opt set of 6 to 5d brown. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved, 1927-30 Commems perf OS set of 6 to 3d Sturt. 1931-32 OS opt set of 6 CTO to Lyrebird 1/- inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 4d, 1934 VIC Cent set to 1/- & Macarthur set to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/- all VFU/CTO. 1937 KGVI Defs to £1 Robes. 1949 Arms set of 4 to £2. Pre-dec QEII appear comp inc 1964 Navigator set of 6 to £2. Decimals to mid 1980s mostly VFU/CTO inc high val Pic/Commem sets & Paintings to $10 Kangaroos & KGV generally G-FU, then mostly VFU/CTO. ACSC cat $2800. (1000)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1934 Macarthur Centenary 2d, 2d dark hills, & 3d (100 ea). Mostly G- VFU in bundles cat £1900 = A$3800. (300)AVAILABLE at A$100

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1935 KGV Silver Jubilee 2d (100), 3d (200), 2/- (20). SG 156-158 cat £3430 = A$6800+. (320)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1936 South Australia Centenary 3d & 2d. 50 of ea, F-VF MUH. ACSC cat $1000. SG 161-2 cat £800, should be double, £1600 MUH. (100).AVAILABLE at A$100

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1936 South Australia Centenary 3d & 2d. 50 of ea. Mostly VF MUH. ACSC cat $1000. SG 161- 62 cat £800 as M, should be double, £1600 MUH. (100).AVAILABLE at A$100

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1936 Cable to 1940 AIF 2d Commem accumulation loose & in bundles. Unchecked as received. Weight 800g, G-FU. (11,500). Suit researcher.AVAILABLE at A$100

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1937 KGVI 3d blue Die 1 (90) SG 168 cat £2160. 3d Die II thick paper (700) SG 168c cat £7 ea = £4900. 1/4 magenta (800) SG 175 cat £250 ea = $2000. All G-FU total SG cat £9060 = A$18,100+. (1590)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1937-66 blks of 4 collection inc 1937 NSW Sesqui set 2d, 3d, 9d Ash imprint. KGVI 1/4 magenta & 10/- Robes Ash imprints. 1937 Hermes 1/6 claret thick paper McCracken imprint (toned). 1949 Arms 5/- Authority imprint, plus others. Mostly F-VF M/MUH, ACSC cat $800. 1966 Navigator set of 6 in blks, MUH (FV $34). 1966/67 QEII 4c & 5c/4c booklet panes set of 6 MUH, retail 200. All F-VF M/MUH. Total cat $1000.AVAILABLE at A$170

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1937-65 collection in album with many notations inc 3d KGVI blue Die I 'white wattles' MUH, 3d blue Die II Ash imprint pr, part 1930 used newspaper wrapper, 1937-49 Animals inc perf 13½x14 1/- Ash imprint pr FU, various coil prs, 5/- to £1 Robes thick paper used sets (2), 10/- Robes Specimens (2), 1940 AIF varieties 1d 'broken rifle butt' & 'broken wings' & imprint prs, 1949 Arms set to £2, 1950 KGVI 6½d brown & green re-entries, various 1963 5d QEII imperfs, Navigators to £2, 1937 ½d to 5/- & 1950s imprint prs & blks, some perf pips blks, inc 5/- Robes prs (3), some pmks & varieties. Interesting collection, value at our estimate. Mainly FU, VF MUH. ACSC cat $3000+. (800+)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1940 AIF 6d (86), 3d (310), 1d & 2d (100 each). Mostly in bundles, G-VFU. SG cat £6400+ = A$12,800. (596)AVAILABLE at A$230

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Australia 1966-1994 in 2 Seven Seas hingeless albums with slip cases, inc blk of 25 1971 Christmas, some gutter blks of 10 with colour bars, 1966 Navigator specimen set to $4 (2) with both size opt on 75c Cook, also 1981 PO Year album, 1966-88 reasonably comp inc gutter strips & multiples later issue patchy. Mostly F-VF MUH. Some toning on pages not affecting MUH stamps. FV $500+. (800+).SOLD at A$180

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1993-early 2000 FDC collection (330) now loose in shoebox with wide variety inc Pic/Commem sets, inc 35 M/Sheets to $10 Wetland, International Post to $20 Uluru, 2008 Beijing & 2012 London Olympics Gold Medalist FDC & scattered Territories inc Christmas Is Chinese New Year sets, FV $800. Original PO costs higher. (330)AVAILABLE at A$220

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Covers: 1971-2000 FDC accumulation (1600) to Sydney Olympic Commems inc 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 7 (10), 1974 paintings set to $4 (4), 1990s Gardens to $20 then over 800 long Pic/Commem sets, single Commem covers/short sets (750), plus PSE (650) & 1970s-80s PPC (400). Generally fresh & clean. (2650).AVAILABLE at A$250

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Covers: Massive accumulation with Australia 1980s Frama FDC (160). Commem PSE (1600) from 1978 Human Rights 20c to mid 1988 Bi-Cent sets, mixed UN/FDI. Oversize 20c-27c Pics (300) & small size Defs (450). Then Postal Stationery with decimal 4c to 22c QEII Letter Cards VF UN (140). 1980s Aerogrammes (240). 1981 brown Postcard boxes (4) with 168 22c Pic Postcards & 1982 black (2) with 84 27c Pic Postcards fresh UN. All up around 3800 covers/aerogrammes/cards & PSEs, all neatly packed into 2 large cartons.AVAILABLE at A$120

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Decimals: 45c Pics & Commems uncancelled, no gum (4000) in packs of 1000. FV $1800.SOLD at A$325

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KGV collection 1913-30s on hagners with shades & varieties from 1d engraved to 5d. Noted single wmk ½d green (5) inc inv wmk. Cypress-green (2), ½d orange (10) inc inv wmk blks (2), 1d red (18) mainly identified by G number inc s/line & Harrison LM wmk (2), G31 inv wmk, 3 with Drury certs, 1½d red blk with 'HALEPENCE' & 'thin RAL', LM wmk ½d green (21) inc yellowish-green blk & thin paper blk of 5, SM perf 14 ½d orange marginal strip, 1d green blk with 'wattle line', 'nick LF' & 'neck flaw retouch' SM perf 13½x12½ 1d green (6) inc Die II, Die I/II prs (2), 1½d red (18) inc blk of 6 with type A/B re-entry shading behind roo, inv wmk blk, 3d blue Ash imprint pr with type A/B, 2d red booklet inv wmk panes of 6 (2), CofA wmk 1d green (20) inc inv wmk & Ash imprint thin paper blk of 8, 3d blue Ash imprint pr & blk, 4d olive marginal cnr blk, 5d brown Ash imprint blk. Mostly F-VF M/MUH. ACSC cat $8000+. (160+)SOLD at A$850

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Three volume decimal specialised collection to early 1980s with 1966 QEII 1c-6c positional multiples (ACSC cat $900) inc 4c red plate number blks of 20 (8, cat $240) & scarce range of 3c plated cnr blks. 7c-10c Fish sheet nos & other multiples. Birds to 30c inc 24c UR pane of 40, 30c Autotrons LL cnr blk & LR cnr sheet no blk of 4. Navigator set to $4 blks of 4, plus 75c Plate 3 UR blk with re-cutting flaw (pos 2/1, 2/2), plus another 3 multiples with re-cuts. $1 Flinders variety 'missing LL frame' (pos R9/3) in LR cnr blk of 10. Extensive 1966-70 4c & 5c Commems in positional blks & large multiples (cat $1400) inc 4c Banking, 5c Medical 'needle in thumb' flaws (6) inc Autotron multiple, 5c Flight cnr blks of 25 (6) inc 4 sheet no multiples, 5c Cook sheet of 100 bi-sected vertically & 1970 RV 5c misplaced tiara blk of 20. Other 967-70 issues inc 1968 WWW 20c left pane of 50 & 25c Intelsat Autotron gutter blk of 20, 1968 Flowers 6c, 13c & 30c in positional multiples, 1970 Cook M/Sheet opt ANPEX consecutive pr (scarce) & forged opt number 1502. 1970 coil collection inc 7c missing buff & misplaced green (9, cat $2700 inc strip of 4), plus 4 diff coil wrappers (cat $100) 1970-73 6c & 7c Commems in blks & multiple (cat $2000) inc 1971 RAAF 6c study. 1971 Christmas 7c blks of 25 (2), plus Autotron mirror blk of 12 & 1972 Olympics varieties. 1972 Rehab group, 1974 Painting $2 gutter blk of 10 (cat $100) & 'fungus flaw' in sheet no blk of 9 ($100). 1974 Christmas plate no blk of 4 collection (cat $530). 1975 IWY 10c aniline print blk of 4 (2, cat $800). 1976 Olympics group. 1978 Australia Day pink & green gum gutter blks. 1978 Birds with large multiple to 25c, 1980 High Court 22c aniline print strip of 4 (cat $80), 1983 WCY 27c aniline print blk of 10 thematics, plus much more inc 1978 Flower 18c missing black, 1980 Aeroplane 22c imperf Proof (cat $100) & 1993 CPS candlestick trial set of 3 in vert prs (retail $600). Appears fresh & clean throughout. Total ACSC cat/retail $12,900.AVAILABLE at A$1500

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Victoria: 1850-1912 collection in binder inc 1850-57 QV Halflengths to 3d inc 1d pr, 2d, Ham 2nd state. 1852-55 Queen on Throne 2d (4 inc shades). 1854 QV octagonal 1/- imperf. 1856 Queen on Throne 1d. 1854-55 QV Woodblocks to 2/-. 1863-73 QV Laureates to 1/- inc 8d orange. 1873 QV 2d M. 1901-13 QV Postage to 5/-. 1890 Postage Dues to 1/-. Mostly G-VF M/U, mixed in parts. SG cat £3900+ = A$7800+. (420) (P)SOLD at A$650

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Victoria Registered Mail: Huge collection of registered covers sorted by label types, stated all diff, from 1930s-80s but majority from early 1950s to early 1970s with blue labels, includes A1 Mine Settlement, Altona Nth (2) & West, Anderson RS, Ararat Nth & Sth, Archerton, Arnold, Arthur's Creek, Ascot Vale Central, East & West, Avonsdale, Axedale, Bairnsdale East, Balmattum (R.) (front), Bambra Rd, Bambra Rd Sth, Banyena, Beauville, Bell Park, Benjeroop, Bennison, Bentleigh Nth (2), Berrybank, Bleak House, Bolwarrah (2), Booran Rd, Boorhaman, Brighton - North Rd, Were St & West, Bullarto, Bullen West, Burleigh (2), Byaduk Nth, Camp Pell, Cannie, Cape Otway, Cardigan, Carlsruhe RS, Carranballac, Castella, Cathkin, Childers, Chinkapook, Christmas Hills, Clarinda, Cliffside, Clonard, Clyde, Codrington, Coghills Ck, Colac East, Colginabbin West, Combeinbar, Coomboona, Coragulac, Crimea, Cross Keys (3), Cudge, Cumberland Park, Dendy, Diggora West, Draytonville, Dutton Way, Echuca Sth, Elgar Park (2), Eltham Nth, Ensay Sth (front), Essendon Aerodrome & Airport, Faversham, Fentons Creek (2), Fishermans Beach, Footscray - Argyle St, Ballarat Rd (5), Geelong Rd (3) & Park (2), Fortuna, Galah, Gardner, Gelliondale, Gilbank (2), Gilderoy, Glenalbyn (Rail), Glengala, Glenmaggie, Glenroy Sth, Granya, Greythorn, Hattah, Healesville West, Heatherdale, Hernes Oak, Hicksborough, High Camp Plain (2), Highton, Hillside, Hordern Vale, Horsham Nth, Sth (2) & West, Hunter, Invergordon, Iona, Ivanhoe East & West, Jacana, Jumbunna, Katandra, Kerrisdale (Rail), Kiata, King Valley, Kongwak, Kurting, Ky Valley, Lake Charm Rail, Licola, Lillimur Sth (2), Lima Sth, Lindenow Sth, Lyndhurst, Macclesfield, Maribyrnong, McKillop, Merri (2), Metropolitan Farm, Mittyack, Modewarre, Moondara, Mordialloc Nth (2), Morwell - Bridge, East & Upper, Mt Buffalo Chalet, Mt Moriac Mt Waverley Nth (2), Munro, Murray Lock No 9, Napoleons, Navigators, Nelsons Hill, Nerrina (front), Newhaven, North Blackburn (2), Pedrina Park, Pennydale (2), Petersons, Pirron Yallock, Poolaigelo, Portland West, Redesdale, Reservoir Eat, Ross Bridge, Seaholme (2), Sinclair (2), Smith Gully Rd, South Blackburn, South Purrumbete, Springmount, Steiglitz, Sylvester (3), Tahar, Taranginnie, Tarranyurk, Teddywaddy, Toolondoo, Toolong, Tottenham East (2), Tyabb, Tyntynder Central, Tysons Reef, Waaia, Wandong, Wangaratta West, Warrambook - East, Nth, Sth & West, Wensleydale, Western Camp (2), Whitfield, Whittington, Williamstown Beach, Willow Grove (2), Wollert, Woodfield & Yabba Nth. Many in the A-G letters with cds rarity RR-RRRR noted on reverse. Mostly F-VF. This collection is an amazing effort that took very many years to achieve. This collection was previously offered but the vendor has subsequently added another 115 items to it. (1800-1850 covers).AVAILABLE at A$6000

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Victoria: Postal Stationery 1880s-1900s Postcards (40) inc CTO types, QV perf OS die, Beer & Baccy card, cpl of Franks etc. Mostly UN. Stieg cat US$800. Also some PPC 1904-11 (10) inc Victoria views & stamps, plus 1883-1911 covers (13) inc local & overseas usages inc to USA, Canada, Ceylon, Germany & Belgium. (63)AVAILABLE at A$200
Postmarks: 1980s-1990s cds on cover collection in 14 large albums with NSW (1100) from Aberdeen to Zetland inc good range of Framas inc Alstonville, Awata, Banksia, Bathurst West, Blacksmiths, Booragul, Bowning, Barnsley, Broom's Head, Burcher, Capertree, Captains Flat, Cooks Hill & Cummock to name but a few. Also ACT covers (90) with a variety of cds, NSW 1980s 'Last Day' covers (90) from Adamstown Heights to Yarrabandai, plus another 160 unchecked. 1940s Correspondence to Sydney. Northern Territory covers (100) from Alice Spring to Yulaba inc Algangula, Elliott, Howard Springs & Pine Creek. Queensland (550) from Acacia Ridge to Yorkeys Knob. South Australia (140) from Adelaide to Yorketown. Tasmania (360) from Alonnah to Zeehan inc more pmked Framas inc Bagdad, Beauty Point, Bicheno, Blackman's Bay, Brighton, Campania, Castle Forkes Bay, Chigwell, Chudleigh, Colebrook, Coles Bay & Collinsville to name a few. Victoria (360) from Aireys Inlet to Yarraville. West Aust (200) from Albany to York again with a variety of pmked Framas. Also approx 600 Machine cancels inc NSW (300) & other States (300). All in 18 large albums plus another 2 with 140+ 1960s-80s commem pmks. Generally F-VF condition. Total 2800 covers.AVAILABLE at A$250

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1850s-2000s World collection/accumulation in 11 s/books & binders. Rhodesia from 1892 Arms inc Southern & Northern Rhodesia. East Africa/KUT from 1890s. Sthn Rhodesia 1924-29 KGV Admirals to 2/6. France from 1850s. New Zealand 1990s-2000s MUH collection inc M/S. Australia & States inc 1913-36 Roo vals to 5/-. 1965 Churchill Omnibus collection inc range of FDCs. Netherlands Indies 1870s-1940s collection inc Airmail covers. Mostly G-VF M/MUH/U, some parts mixed. SG cat £4400+ = A$8800+. (6000+)SOLD at A$375

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1860s-2000s Europe large collection on pgs in 8 binders in large carton inc Austria 1870s-1920 to 25k, German Occup 1945 unissued 1-5RM, 1945 Views to 5s, 1950 Birds to 20s, strong in scarcer 1940/50s issues, Belgium range 1860s-1920s inc 1930 Airs to 5f, Czechoslovakia range 1920s, good range of later. M/S, covers, Bohemia Moravia range, France good range to 1920s inc 1949 Air Views to 1000f. 1954 Airs to 1000f inc blk of 4, Netherlands from 1880s to 1920s inc 1906 Tuberculosis set, Ruanda-Urundi, Neth Indies, Russia 1880s-1920s inc 1925 Lenin to 10R, 1934 Air to 80k Sweden 1860s-1920s range, 1936 Tercentenary, range of other countries inc Luxemburg, Monaco, Switzerland etc, plus lots more. Extensive collection only briefly reviewed so could be finds. Vast number face diff, some light duplication. Mainly U-FU, some VF MLH. Reserved at $100 per album. SG est cat £6000-£8000. (14,000+, 100+ M/S, 30+ covers).AVAILABLE at A$500

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1865-1940s MUH World selection. Useful Latin America inc Paraguay 1870 Lion 1R blk of 4, Nicaragua 1877 Volcano set to 25c roul. El Salvador from 1867 Volcanos inc Officials. Ecuador 1894 Portraits to 5s. Romania 1865 Prince Cuza unissued set. Then ranges of Commems to 1940s. Malta 1928 Postage & Revenue opts to 1/-. Spanish Morocco from 1903 opts to 10P. Most F-VF fresh MUH. SG cat £800+ for M, should be at least double, for earlier MUH so £1200+. (465).SOLD at A$200

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1950-70s Europa Mint collection in binder. Good range inc the better Luxembourg 1950 'Promote United Europe' set to 4Fr (SG cat £400), 1956 set to 4Fr (£650) & 1957 set to 4Fr (£255). Cyprus inc 1963 both sets. Liechtenstein 1960 50R (£130). Portugal 1965-70 sets to 4E30. Andorra range of sets. Most F-VF M/MUH. SG cat £4900+ = A$9800+ (1600+, 40M/S).AVAILABLE at A$325

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1990s MUH M/Sheets of Indonesia with1997 Minerals M/Sheet of 9, plus label (SG 2312(var) cat £1050), 1996 Rhino M/S of 8 stamps (100), SG 2267a £650, 1996 Sports Week M/S set of 2 with Istanbul 96 opts (SG MS2266 cat £650), 1998 Anti-Drug sheetlet of 8 Tete-Beche prs (SG 2415a, £1120), 1998 Juvalex & Singpex M/S (100 of ea, £825). 1999 'Australia 99' 5000Rp M/S (100, £350). Fresh MUH in neat bundles of 100. Total SG £4645 = A$8400. Zonnebloem cat €3560 = A$5700. (800 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$170

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2005 Gambia Pope John Paul commemorative 40D silver plated stamps (6 diff) Ex Mi 5548/68, 50 of ea cat, €1800 & 80D gold plated stamps (2 diff) 50 of ea Mi ex569/74 cat €900. 400 stamps in total, Michel cat €2700 = A$4500.AVAILABLE at A$120

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2012 Tonga Thematics: Niuafo'ou Butterflies set of 12 to $8, (50 imperf sets) in sheets of 20 & panes of 10, FV T$2300 = A$1500, SG cat £2100. 2012 Niuafo'ou Titanic $13.60 M/Sheet both imperf & perf (25ea), & $3.85 M/S imperf & perf (50ea). FV T$1060 = A$700 SG cat £1100, 2012 Democracy $27 M/S imperf & normal (50ea), FV T$2700 = A$1800, SG cat £2700. All fresh MUH, total SG cat £5900 = A$11,800, FV = A$4000!AVAILABLE at A$230

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2017 Lunar New Year of the Rooster 200 comp sets from Aitutaki, Cook Islands, Samoa & Tonga = 800 sets, in sheets of 20, fresh MUH. FV A$5170. SG cat £7950 = A$15,900.AVAILABLE at A$400

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Australian Antarctic Territory 1983-2000 noted 1983 Wildlife (150 sets) 1988 Environment 200 Used in bundles of 100 (cat £1250), 1995 Whales & Dolphins set in bundles of 100 (cat £700), 2000 Penguins set in bundles of 100 (cat £800), 2001 Seals set of 4 (65 ea) in bundles (cat £175), 2002 Antarctic Research (40+ sets) in bundles (cat £600+), various others. Mostly F-VFU. Total SG cat £3300+ = A$6600! (1400+)SOLD at A$80

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Australian Antarctic Territory: 1957-2019 MUH collection in Seven Seas slipcase binder (on pgs to 1989 & then on hagners), comp to 2014 & then mostly comp to 2019 inc M/S. 1957-65 pre-decimal set. 1966 Pic Def set. 1973 Pic Def set. 1979-81 Ship set. 1995 Dolphin set + M/S, 1995 Singapore & 1996 CAPEX opt M/S. VF fresh MUH. SG cat £800+, retail $950+, FV alone $310+. (235, +24 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$250

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Argentina: 2005 Antarctic Expedition M/Sheet (200). SG cat £650. Argentina 2004 Spain Stamp Exhibition M/Sheet (500) SG cat £350 ea = £1750. All fresh MUH in packs of 100 total SG cat £2400 = A$4800. (700 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$160

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Australia: 1915-2011 Used collection in 5 s/book & albums inc 1915-20s KGV to 1/4, (60+) few commems 1935 KGV Jubilee to 2/-, 1949 Arms to £2, range of Decimals inc Navigators to $4, fairly comprehensive in Decimal period inc M/S), range of early States. Then FDCs 1975 - 2011 in 18 binders. Plus APO. G-VFU, covers quite clean, postcards series 1-4, aerogrammes 1970s-80s maxicards. ACSC est cat $2500+ Housed in 3 cartons. (1200 +, 800+ FDC)AVAILABLE at A$220

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Australian Territories collection 1947-2011 in 6 volumes & loose inc Norfolk Is 1947-88 com inc 1947 Ball Bay set to 2/- M&U white paper to 1½d, 1960 set to 10/-. 1966 Decimal to $1, Christmas Is 1958 set to $1, 1963 set to $1, 1968 Fish to $1, 1972 Ships to $1, various 1990s Chinese New Year M/S, Cocos 1969 to $1, 1976 Ships to $1, various Marine Life sheets, AAT 1957 to 2/3, 1966 to $1 1973 Food Chain to $1, FDC with base cds, Casey, Davis, Mawson, Macquarie is, PNG coll'n 1952-94 comp (no opts), 1952 to £1, 1963 to £1, 1964 Birds to 10/- & others to 1994. Artefacts to 10k, small collection of Nauru. Also Australia Post Territories colln's 1994-2010 in folder MUH. Covers have been punched to put in binder FV $306. Total FV approx A$900. (2800, 60 M/S, 17 covers).AVAILABLE at A$400

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British Commonwealth: Atlantic & Antarctic 1940-70 collection in hagner album inc Tristan Da Cunha 1952 KGVI set to 10/-, 1954 & 1960 QEII sets to 10/-, 1961 QEII set to 1R, 1963 Resettlement set, 1965 set to £1, 1971 Surch set, BAT 1963 QEII set MUH, plus most VFU, 1973 Explorers set to £1 MUH & VFU. Falkland Island Dependencies 1944 sets to 1/- Graham Land, South Georgia, South Orkneys, South Shetlands. Mainly F-VF MLH/MUH, plus some VFU, some sl tropicalisation. SG cat £1500+ = A$3000. (800 + 18 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$275

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British Empire & Commonwealth 1870s-1980s collections with extras in 2 Vario binders, 1 Seven Seas hingeless album & Tuvalu PO hingeless album inc Fiji 1876 VR 1d-6d inc 2d Surch, 1882 QV 5/-, 1903 KEVII to 5/-, 1912 KGV to 5/-, 1938 KGV set to £1 inc some shades & perfs, 1954 & 62 QEII set to £1, Gilbert & Ellice 1911 set to 1/-, 1912 KGV to 5/-, 1939 KGVI to 5/-, 1956 QEII set to 10/-, 1965 QEII to £1. Kiribati 1977-80s collection inc 23 PO Packs, Pitcairn Island 1940 KGVI set to 2/6, 1948 Wedding, 1957 QEII set to 2/6, 1964 QEII set to 5/-, usually 1 set M & VFU of each. Many comp sets, large collection. F-VF MLH & G-VF U, tropicalisation effecting some stamps particularly on pages. SG cat £3400+ = A$6800+. (2100 + 40+ M/S)SOLD at A$375

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British Commonwealth 1940s-70s MUH accumulation with Australia 1967 Commems 4c Banking Lion, YWCA, Gynaecology & 1988 Soil/Medical 5c in sheets of 100, plus 1974 UPU sets (60) opt SPECIMEN in blks of 30. Anguilla Tercentenary opt set of 6 in large blks or part sheets (60 sets, cat £225). Bechuanaland opts on South Africa Victory set of 3 prs (30, cat £105). Montserrat & St Helena 1946 Victory sets (60 of ea, cat £78). Southern Rhodesia 1947 RV set (100, cat £60), plus others. (2800+)AVAILABLE at A$170

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British Commonwealth: Massive M/sheet accumulation with 75 diff in 4 hanger album inc Australia Local Railway Post (24) with 4 diff inc imperf variations & SPECIMEN opts, plus 1970 Cook BiCent imperf (12, retail $120). Gilbert Is 1978 QEII SJ (18, FV $49). Kiribati 1979 Rowland Hill (20, FV $20). Cook Is/Penrhyn 1978 QEII SJ (40 with 4 diff, FV $170), Norfolk Is 1974 UPU (3, retail $135). Pitcairn (85 mixed FV $170) with 8 diff inc 1978 QEII SJ (12), AUSIPEX 84 (8), 1981 QM 920) London 1980 (9) & 1974 Shells (10). Samoa (200 mixed) with 11 diff (FV Sam $235) inc 1975 'Joyita' (6), 1975 Christmas (7), CAPEX 78 (19), Christmas 78 (33), London 1980 (34), ZEAPEX 80 (43) & 1981QM (20). NZ Cinderella M/Sheets (30) inc 1984 Pigeon Flight (20). PNG (69) with 1975 Independence (50) & 1985 PU Centenary (9). Seychelles London 1980 (15), 1980 Olympics (8) & 1984 Olympics (7) Singapore 1998 Joint Issue (30, FV $117), plus 8 others inc Changi Airport (3). Tristan da Cunha (15) with 4 diff inc 1981 Dodgson (4), Ships Crests (6) & Shipwrecks (5). Tuvalu (80, FV $64) inc 1982 RV (25) opt SPECIMEN, 1996 Year of the Rat (40) & London 1980 (9). Vanuatu (92, FV $144) with 1982 Christmas (6), 1981 Christmas (12), 1983 Communication Year (13) AUSIPEX 64 (13), 1985 Independence (12), 1985 QMCII). AMERIPEX '86 (12) & 1983 Economic Zone (14), plus Solomon Is, Mauritius, Norfolk Is, Malaysia & Nauru. All fresh & clean. Huge Face Val & even higher retail. (800 M/Sheets).AVAILABLE at A$250

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British Commonwealth/World Thematics Birds: Two shoeboxes of envelopes (some empty) from single set up to blks of 4 with around 800 1970s-80s Pic sets in total, plus isolated booklets or M/Sheets. Odd CTO sighted, generally fresh MUH. (est. 800 sets)AVAILABLE at A$275

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British Empire: 1600s-1930s Revenues inc NSW 1866 QV Stamp Duty to £1. 1908 KEVII Stamp Duty to £1. South Australia KEVII to £1. Australia 1925 Customs Duty to 7d. Canada 1865 QV Bill Stamps to $1. 1930s Electricity to $10. GB 1690s-1800s Embossed Revenues. Cape of Good Hope 1865 QV Stamp Duty to £1. Most G-VF M/U, some mixed. Bft cat £230+++ for the listed items. Interesting lot. (115).SOLD at A$240

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British Empire: 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee Omnibus collection Used in pgs inc Australia set, Dominican set on Registered cover. Swaziland set on Registered cover. Hong Kong set. Falkland Is 1/- blk if 4. Canada set. Nyasaland set in prs. British Forces in Egypt opt 1Pi. F-VFU. SG cat £1400+ = A$2800+. (185 + 3 covers)AVAILABLE at A$275

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British Empire: Omnibus accumulation in a stockbook & on 15 hagners, 1935 Silver Jubilee scarce range inc Bechuanaland, Dominica etc, 1937 Coronation, at least 30+ comp countries, 1945 Victory many sets inc blks of 4 & blks up to 40, 1949 UPU many sets, few others. Vendor has made some comments on varieties (unchecked) & this is an opportunity to acquire these sought after issues for research. Needs rehousing, mainly fresh F-VF MLH-MUH, some FU/CTO. SG est cat £1400+ = A$2800. (1000+)AVAILABLE at A$170

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British Pacific: 1966-86 collection on hagners in 4 APO albums inc Samoa 1970-86, 1967 Birds to $4, 1972 to $5, 1983 Fruits to $5 in blks of 4 (SG cat £700, FV $600), TPNG 1966-93 inc 1952 10/- Map, 1973 to $2, 1982 Coral to $7, 1987 Ships to 3K, 1989 Stamp Duty 5K on 25t (SG cat £300+, FV 250K), Nauru 1968-82 range, Fiji 1969-82 range inc blks & sheets. Some U/MLH, mainly fresh MUH. SG cat £1400 = = A$2800. High FV estimate A$800+. (2800+, 100+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Canada: 1850s-1990s accumulation/collection on loose leaves with 1859 12½c, 17c, 1868 to 15c, 1870-90 to 10c (2) with shades & extras, 1893 QV 50c, 1908 Quebec 10c, 20c, KGV inc 1912-21 Coils selection, 1922-33, 1930-31 Coils with extras, 1930-31 Pics to $1, 1932 Ottawa, 1935 Silver Jubilee, 1937-38 Pics & Coils, 1942-46 Pics with many extras, 1946 Peace set, plus $1 Peace U (8) & set M thematics, plus a qty of others loose & in packets, many others. Some mixed condition but mostly F-VF. SG cat £2600 = A$5200+. (800+)SOLD at A$160

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Canada: 1859-1983 collection on white Ace pages in 2 albums inc 1859 5c Beaver, 12½c, 1868 QV to 15c, 1870 QV to 10c, 1888 QV to 50c, 1898 QV to 20c, 1903 KEVII to 50c, 1928 set to 50c, 1935 to $1, 1937 to $1, Special Delivery inc 1898 10c, strong in early period to 1930s, comprehensive from 1940s-70s. Albums some toning, earlies mostly F-VFU, later VF MLH. SG cat £2400 = A$4800. (700+)AVAILABLE at A$275

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Carton lot: Stamps & covers, FAI (Federation Aeronautique International) Official 'History of Aviation' cover collection with 107 FDC in thick custom-made album, original cost well over $800! Australia decimal FDC/PSE (150) inc 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 7. Then stamps with Norfolk Is (800) 1947-95 in 40 hagners inc Ball Bay to 2/-, 1967 Ships to $1, 1980s-90s high val Def sets to $5. Fiji 1935-86 near comp U/M/MUH collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with 1937 KGVI Defs to £1 Bugler MUH inc 5d blue Canes & 6d Map Die I (SG cat £275), 1950s QEII Defs to £1 Arms MUH, 1968 Defs to £1 QEII & 75 Dec Pic/Commem sets inc to $5, mostly fresh MUH. Other Pacific Is inc Samoa pre-dec Pics, Tokelau 1997 Diana Memorial $1 MUH (100) in 2 sheets of 50, FV A$90. Vanuatu 1997 Diana Memorial 95t (100) again in sheets of 50 MUH, plus Australia 1970s-80s decimals MUH/VF U in hagners inc to $5 Kangaroo. Finally more Australia with 1913-66 collection in illustrated album inc Kangaroos (35) to 5/-, KGV (45) to 1/4 inc 1d red Die II (2) & LM wmk (2), 1930s Commems to 1/- Vic Cent, high val KGVI to £1 Arms & QEII pre-dec Pic/Commem sets. Mixed M/MUH/U. (many 100s)AVAILABLE at A$450

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Covers: Large 1960s-80s & later accumulation in 2 big flat boxes, mostly inwards to Australia from British Pacific Islands, Singapore, GB, New Guinea, Italy, Israel, Canada, Netherlands, NZ, France, Belgium, Zimbabwe, USA & more. Some variable condition, mostly commercial with some philatelic mail sighted. Approx 1800 items.SOLD at A$325

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Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 16. British Commonwealth 1970s-2000s M/Sheet accumulation Part 3. St Thomas & Prince Islands (42 diff) with 5 of ea with good Thematic content inc Art, Cats, Flowers, Marine Life & Ships. 1996 China Philatelic Exhibition group of 24 mixed M/S. Christmas Is 1977 Christmas (30), Nauru London 80 (25) & Pitcairn London 1980 (12). St Vincent 1980s Elvis set of 8 M/Sheets (6 sets). 1978 QEII SJ (16 diff). PNG (80) inc World Expo 99 & Singapore 95 Exhibitions. New Zealand (80). Aitutaki/Penrhyn Islands (12), Niue (17), Samoa (35). Solomon Is (65), plus much more inc Alderney, Norfolk Is, Nauru, Tanzania & Tuva. Mostly fresh MUH with approx 800 M/Sheets in total.AVAILABLE at A$200

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Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 28. Monster packet accumulation with 800 Vietnam, 200 Mexico MUH (6 packs), NZ 500 diff (3), 600 diff (2) & 200 all large diff (7 packs), Japan Pics 700 diff, Iran (1000 mixed), Hungary 2000 diff (2 packs) & 1000 diff, 50 diff Soccer (100), 1000 Russia (4 packs), plus 700 Belgium, Canada Commems 700 diff (2 packs), 250 Libya (2 packs), 1000 Bulgaria (3 packs), plus much more inc 100 Anguilla (2 packs) & 500 Ecuador. Approx 30,000 stamps neatly packed into medium carton.SOLD at A$200

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Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 35: Single country 1970s-90s Pic/Commem/Thematic set collection in packets with Cambodia (6, cat US$35 ea, total $210), Burkina-Faso/Upper Volta (10, $75 ea, $750), Central Africa (10, $63 ea, $630), Chad (7, $60 ea, $420), Congo (8, $78 ea, $620), Grenada/Grenadines (9, $83 ea, $750), Guinea Bissau 6 diff MUH Pic sets (6 packs at $100 ea, $600), Ivory Coast (7 packs, $44 ea, total $300), Niger (7 packs, $38 ea, $265). Russia 33 diff MUH sets (9 packs, cat $90 ea, total $800). Nepal 96 diff MUH Pics inc comp sets in blks of 10 (cat $1000). Afghanistan 30 diff M/Sheets (10 of ea, cat $865). Guinea 18 diff Pic sets or M/Sheets (10 of ea in blks, cat $1700. All fresh & clean, mixed MUH/CTO. Total 2004 Scott cat val $6600. Cost vendor US$900. (1000s)SOLD at A$220
Europe collection in 3 cover albums & 2 s/books. Inc Austria 1948-84 covers, mixed Commem/FDC (295). Netherlands 1954-85 (11 covers) inc 1955 NATO, Slovakia 1994 covers (22), Pacific Is, some others. Russia collection 1933-89 M/U inc 1951 Power Station set of 5 FU (cat £60), 1970-89 sets & M/Sheets noted (90+). F/VF. (c380 covers, 800+, 90+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$120

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Fiji: 1871-2019 collection in a Koroni loose leaf illustrated album & 2 Lighthouse s/books inc 1872 Surch set to 12c, 1878 various Surch & issues to 6d in various perfs, 1881 various 1/- perfs & 5/-, 1891-92 Surch, 1891-8 various issues to 5d in a range of perfs, 1903 KEVII to 5/-, KGV 1912 set to £1, 1922 set to 5/- with 3 plate number singles. 1938 KGVI set to £1 with most perfs, 1971 set to $2, 1972 set normal wmk & sideways wmk to $2, 1995 set to $2, range of 2006 Surcharges to 50c. Value is in the period to 1940 where there is a strong range of diff perf issues. Many comp sets & not much missing from 1940s. Many fresh VF MUH with some used especially in early period inc few F/C. Some earlies very variable condition. Pre 1990 cat £3500, post 1990 £1800 with a FV of $1200. Total SG cat £5300+ = $10,000+. (1400+, 60+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$650

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Fiji 1935-70 extensive M/MUH collection in 2 s/books inc 1939-55 KGVI Defs to £1 Bugler (41 values) shades, dies, perfs mostly MUH, 1959-62 to £1, 1961 to £1 inc £1 blk of 4 MUH, 1964 to £1 MUH also £1 blk of 4, others in blks, 1968 Defs (16 sets) in blks, 1971-72 Birds (8 sets) to $5, plus extras. Also good range of Commem/Pic sets in large blks. Both s/books heavily powdered with fine chalk to prevent rust & would benefit greatly from rehousing. Mostly F-VF MUH, SG cat £1400 = A$2800. (500+)AVAILABLE at A$120

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Germany: 1928-45 UK dealer's stock MUH inc 1935 Costumes set (SG cat £225), Winter Olympics & Lufthansa (£160), 1936 Olympics set (£160), 1938 Brown Ribbon (£190), 1939 Derby Anniv (£100), Art Day Women (3, £132), Postal Employees Fund (£110), Winter Relief (£75), 1940 Brown Ribbon (£150), Postal Employees Fund (£70) & 1945 SS/SA pr (£110), M/Sheets inc 1936 Olympics pr (£350), Brown Ribbon (2, £80), 1937 Hitler 6pf M/S with opt (SG MS638 cat £400), MS 635 (£90) & 1937 Brown Ribbon opt (£225). VF fresh MUH. SG cat £5600 = A$11,000. Marked UK retail £1800+ = A$3600 conservatively priced. Excellent lot for resale. (190, 7 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1000

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Germany: Post-WWII UK dealer stock mostly M/MUH with West Germany (500) inc 1949 UPU (2 U, SG cat £120), 1949 Refugee Relief set (£140), 1951 Posthorns inc 15pf, 20pf, 25pf, 40pf, 60pf & 70pf all MUH (£1200+), 1951 Relief MUH (£170), plus 30pf U (£150), 1952 Relief MUH (£150), 1953 Relief U (£120), 1959 Beethoven M/S (7, cat £217) & range to 1980s (total SG cat £6000+). Berlin 1948-80s (140, £6100+) inc 1948 black opt set M (cat £450), red opt set M (£1600), 1949 Buildings (£1000), UPU set M (£950), Goethe MUH (£375), Surch set M (£300), Relief MUH (£425), 1950 Orchestra MUH (£185), 1952 Berliners MUH (£160) & some more. East Germany (250) (cat £970) to 1980s inc 1950 Academy set M (£170) & 1955 M/Sheets (3, £95), plus odds earlier (85) inc Bavaria 1911 blks of 4, 1919 Free state opts top 3 vals from 2 sets U (£245). Also Colonies & POs (50+, £650+). VF fresh MUH M/MUH/U. Total SG cat £14,000 = A$26,000. Marked UK retail £4800 = A$9600 conservatively priced. Excellent stock for resale. (1000, 16 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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Germany: 1945-77 collection in massive KABE springback album near comp for Allied Occup Zones (mi cat €4200), Berlin & West Germany. Noted various Russian Zones (Mi cat €400), Anglo-American Zone, 1948 Posthorn band & 'all over' opt Pictorial sets (€500), French Zone all sets, Saar extensive inc 1949 Relief Fund set U (€650), West Germany (€2500) inc all scarce early Charity sets, Berlin (€2900 inc some BERLIN opts, some East Germany inc 1950 Debria M/Sheet on nice FDC. Also Lindner hingeless albums for extra French Zone with some sets, plus Anglo-US Zone almost empty album. Mostly F-VFU, some M/MUH in fresh condition. Total Mi cat €9500+ = A$19,000, SG cat would be higher. Attractive collection. (1800).AVAILABLE at A$650

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Germany-West Berlin, 1949-90 collection in Lighthouse hingeless album inc 1949 red Berlin opt to 1M, 1949 Berlin Relief Fund set & M/Sheet, 1952 Olympics set, 1952 Famous Berliners set, 1986 Famous German Women set, virtually comp from 1957-1990 with many sets, range of M/S, booklet panes, postal stationery etc. Mainly VF MUH from 1957, earlies mostly MLH & VFU. SG cat £6000 = A$12,000, plus high cost of album. (800 + 15 M/S, 10 P/Cs). (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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Germany - East: Collection 1948-59 in 2 binders, strength in philatelic covers addressed to Australia inc 1951 German/Chinese Friendship FDC, many others to late 1950s. Also 1953 Marx M/Sheet pr plus singles ex M/S FU-CTO. 1955 Engels M/Sheet, 1954 Stamp Day M/Sheet MUH & FU (First Day cancel), 1957 Memorial Fund M/Sheet FU, 1953-55 Miners issue in blks inc 80pf, others, some booklet panes. Covers in mixed condition (cat £4000) with some toning plus the G-VFU stamps (cat £2400) & scattered MUH multiples. Total cat A$12,800. (1070, 9 M/Sheets, 179 covers)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Gibraltar: 2007 Personalised Tab Pics 'You Stamps' in comp sheets of 20. Trio comprising NVI G (local post), Birthday, With Love & Meet Our New Baby with 1500 stamps of ea. 225 sheets, total 45,000. SG cat £1800 = A$3600. FV = £1350 = A$2700.AVAILABLE at A$230

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Great Britain 1840-early 2000s discordant collection in 2 near new Lighthouse s/books with QV 1840 1d black (SG cat £375). 1841 1d red imperf pmk Numeral 9 in Maltese Cross cancel (SG cat £180). 1880 QV 5d indigo VFU (SG 169 cat £175). 1883 QV 5/- rose. 1887 QV 1/- green opt 'I.R./OFFICIAL' cat £375 with 2021 photo-cert. 1902-12 KEVII 10d (11, cat £825) inc Private Perfins. 1913-18 KGV Seahorses 2/6 VFM. 5/- VFU & 10/- FU (cat £470). 1912 KGV ½d green with underprint M (small thin) with photo-cert, SG PP 251a cat £180. 1924 & 1925 Exhibition prs M (£80). 1948 KGVI SW £1 MUH. 1951 KGVI high vals to £1 brown MUH (cat £100) & Used, Selected MUH decimals (FV £100) inc 1990s Castles to £5, Britannia £10 & QEII Anniv, Pictorials. Mixed G-F/VFU, plus mentioned MUH. SG cat £3300 to 1953, plus £100 FV for decimal MUH, total £3400 = A$6800. (100s)SOLD at A$325
Great Britain: 1965-89 FDC collection in 18 albums with approx 700 covers inc envelope cachet variations, plus Commem pmks. Then another approx 2000 loose FDC, 1965-end 99 in packets/envelopes, plus guesstimate 800 PHQ cards mostly CTO/FDI sets & uncounted PO Packs. All neatly packed into 7 medium cartons. Appear fresh & clean. (Approx 3500 items)AVAILABLE at A$160

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Indonesia: 1997 Minerals M/Sheet of 9, plus label (SG 2312(var) cat £1050), 1996 Rhino M/S of 8 stamps (100), SG 2267a £650, 1996 Sports Week M/S set of 2 with Istanbul 96 opts (SG MS2266, £650), 1998 Anti-Drug sheetlet of 8 Tete-Beche prs (SG 2415a, £1120), 1998 Juvalex & Singpex M/S (100 of ea, £825). 1999 'Australia 99' 5000Rp M/S (100, £350). Fresh MUH in neat bundles of 100. Total SG £4645 = A$8400. Zonnebloem €3560 = A$5900. (800)AVAILABLE at A$170

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Interesting mixed range in 3 albums & sheet file largely M. Inc Germany/Allied Occupation French general issues inc 1947 1Mk Goethe (18), 2Mk Schiller (20), 5Mk Heine (16) in blks largely MUH (cat £350), also Saar 1947 issues in blks, Iran 1909 4Kr, 10Kr, 15Kr, 1919 opts to 12Ch, '1925' Surch 1Kr green (19) & others (cat £600+). Also Iran, India, Nepal random issues in sheets, also French Colonies noted Wallis & Futuna 1985-87 Shells in sheets of 25 & others cat £300+. Russian Civil War Neighbouring Republic issues noted Azerbaijan 1923 Arms h/s selection, Transcaucasian Republic inc 1923 Star Surch on Arms opt inc 1R (7) M with extras, also Pic sets in qty MUH, Georgia 1923 Surch issues on Russian Arms with many extras, opts on Soviet Republic inc 10,000r/1000r, 20,000/500r c50 ea MUH & other Surch in qty. Swaziland 1938 KGVI to 10/-, Tuva 1926-35 inc 1932 opt to 15K, 1935 Airmails to 5t, 1934 Pics & more. Largely VF, total cat £3700+. (1800+, 5 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$160

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Ireland: 1922-84 collection/stock in black s/book with 1922 opts to 2/6, plus lower value extras. 1940-68 Defs inc St Patrick 2/6 (9), 5/- (10), 10/- (3), earlier Commems with many extras inc 1948-65 Airs 5 sets, 1949 6d Tom Davis (9), 1949 3d Insurrection (11), 1949 Recognition 9 sets, also additional 3d (14), 1954 Education 7 sets, plus extra 1/3 (9), 1963 1/3d Red Cross (10). Also Europa sets inc 1964 1/5 (14), 1965 1/5 (13) & others often similar qty to mid 1980s. Some varied condition but mostly F-VFU. SG cat £2500+ = A$5000. (c1800)SOLD at A$250

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Israel: 1948-2011 huge collection on exhibition annotated pgs & in 4 s/books. 1948 Doar Ivri 1st Coins 3p-50p on FDC, plus vals to 50p on Airmail cover to Australia, 1949 Road to Jerusalem 250p with tab, plus control blk of 4, 1949 Flag 20p with tab, 1949 Petah Tikva 40p with left & right tabs. New Year set with tabs. 1950 2nd Coin set with tabs, 1949 UPU set with tabs, 1950 Air set to 250p with tabs, 1950 Camel 500p with tab, 1952 Menorah 1000p with tab. Collection then appears comp, all with tabs, plus M/S were issued. F-VF fresh MUH with some early used (90%+ MUH). SG cat £6900+ = A$13,800+. (2100+ 100 M/S & 45 covers/FDCs)AVAILABLE at A$1100

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Italian States - Romagna: 1859 Type-set set ½b-20b, plus ½b, 1b, 2b, 3b, 5b, 6b & 8b shades UN. Also 2b, 3b, 5b & 20b U. Mostly F-VF UN/U, few imperfections. SG cat £8000 = A$15,000+. Sass cat €10,000 = A$16,600+. All stamps genuine. (20) (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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Kiribati: 1979-2005 collection/accumulation in 4 s/books, 1979 & 80 sets to $5, 1981 OKGS opt set to $5, 1982 Birds set to $5, Specimen set to $5, 1990 Fish to $5, 1993 Tarawa set sheetlets, 1994 Butterflies to $5 & Specimen set to $5, 2002 Fish to $10. Fairly comp, many comp sets, range of M/S, strong in Specimen opts, good thematics Fish, Butterflies etc, some variety inc 1985 Reef Fish inc wmk. Mainly fresh VF MUH, few U/CTO sets. SG cat £1400= A$2,800. FV A$1400+, both plus Specimens. (1400+,130+ M/S)SOLD at A$400

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Malaya & States: 1886-1980 collection with extras with Straits Settlements 1867 QV to 24c, 1887 to 32c, 1912 KGV to $2, 1921 KGV to $5, BMA to $5 inc $5 green & red, 1957 Pictorial issue to $5 for Kedah, Kelantan, Negri Sembilan, Penang, Perak, Perlis, Selangor, Trengganu, extensive Singapore KGVI to $5, 1948 Wedding set, 1955 set to $5. Noted a few Japanese Occupation issues. Mainly F-VF MLH/MUH, some G-VF U, some rather mixed & tropicalisation in parts. SG cat £3400+ = A$6800+. (3200 + 10 M/S)SOLD at A$450

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Netherlands: 1852-1964 collection in Schaubek album. 1852-64 King set to 15c imperf. 1867-69 King set to 50c. 1869-71 King Arms to 2.50G. 1891-96 Princess to 5G. 1898-1907 Queen & Numeral to 5G. 1906 Anti TB set. 1913 Centenary to 2½G. 1914-25 Queen to 5G. Useful 1920s-30s Child Welfare sets. 1949-51 Queen to 10G. Postage Dues 170s 5c & 10c. Also 1983 Netherlands Catalogue. Mostly G-VF M/U. SG cat £3800+ = A$7600+. (750)AVAILABLE at A$220

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New Guinea - NWPI: 1915-22 opts KGV Kangaroo Used collection with range of various O/P types, wmks & colours inc SG 106a 2d grey Die IIA, SG 110a 6d grey-blue (2), SG O9a 6d grey blue perf OS, SG O11 1/- emerald, KGV inc SG 100 5d Surch (type 6) VFU, SG O18 2d orange perf OS (8), SG O19 2d scarlet perf OS (3). Range of Radio Station cancels inc 2/- 'Cancelled Nauru' (2). Finally 3 fake O/P inc 1½d KGV brown (never issued in NG). Mostly G-VF U. SG cat £2800 = A$5600. Good collection. (110+) (P)AVAILABLE at A$425

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New Zealand 1860s-1980 on Seven Seas pages in 2 binders with others on hagners inc 1860s QV to 1/-. 1870s QV to 5/-, 1898 2½d Wakitipu incorrect spelling, 1907 1/- red, 1930s Arms to 30/- inc 11/- on 11/- surch (cat £225), 1935 Pictorials to 3/- then range to 1980s. 1899 Postage Dues to 5d, small range of Samoa, inc Samoa Express. Reprints to 5/-, provisional Govt & Surcharge opt & 1890s Palms to 2/6, 1886 Bisect 1/- Palm on piece with Apia 1895 cds, various officials, few covers & M/S. Value is in early period. Some varied condition. Mainly G-VFU, some VF M/MUH. SG STC £3800+ = A$7600. (1200+)SOLD at A$300

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New Zealand: 1865-1986 collection in locally made illustrated album with 1860s QV Chalons (5) to 6d brown inc 2d orange & 3d lilac. 1898 Pics to 2/- Milford Sound. 1901 Boer War 1½d brown. 1906 Christchurch Exhibition ½d & 1d. 1909 KEVII to 1/- inc Official opts 1920 Victory set. 1926 Admirals 2/- blue. 1931 Airmail trio to 7d brown. 1935 Pics to 3/- inc Official opts to 2/-. 1940 Centenary in Official opts to 1/-. 1954 QEII set to 10/-. 1960 Pic set to £1 & 1967-81 decimals inc higher val Commems. Health rev comp inc 1929 & 1930 Nurses. Then BOB with Arms to £1 inc 3/6 Surcharges, 5/- opt Official & 15/- olive, plus Revenues, Officials & Lighthouses. Some mixed condition, generally G-FU. NZ retail $2050. (800)AVAILABLE at A$240

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New Zealand: 1950s-70s MUH accumulation in 72 hagners with Health M/sheets 1958 (22 prs, NZ retail $440), 1971 Health (15 prs, $600), 1974 Health M/Sheet (10, $350). 1988 Centenary of RPSNZ M/sheets (17, $85). Then 1970s Commem sets imprint/plate num multiples (20 diff, retail $800+) inc 1969 Cook blks of 9, 1970 Pics to $2 blks of 4, 1971 Cars plate num/imprint blks of 10, 1972 Flowers blks of 10, 1972 Lakes imprint cnr blks of 9 & 1973 Anniv blks of 15. All fresh MUH. Also some F-VFM pre-decimals inc 1954 QEII 5/-, 10/- horiz prs. Total NZ retail $2450. (many 100s)SOLD at A$250

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Nigeria: 1887-2000 used collection on pages in 2 binders & loose on hagners inc Lagos 1876-1906 inc 1887 QV to 1/-, 1904 KEVII to 1/-, Northern Nigeria 1900-12 inc 1902, 1905, 1910 & 1912 KEVII to 1/-, Southern Nigeria 1901-12 inc 1905 & 1907 KEVII to 2/6, 1914 Crown Colony to 10/- inc some shades, 1936 KGV to 5/-, 1938 KGVI to 5/- with shades & perfs, 1953 QEII set to £1, 1961 & 65 sets to £1. Seems fairly comp 1970-2000 inc M/S. Noted Biafra 1968 Independence FDC. Mainly G-VF U. SG cat £1800+. (1000+20 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$325

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Norfolk Island: 1947-2010 Used collection in 3 s/books inc 1947-59 Ball Bay set to 2/-. 1953 Pic set to 5/-. 1960-62 Pic Def set to 10/-. 1966 Decimal opt set to $1. 1967 Ship set to $1. 1970-71 Bird set to $1. 1979 Map set, plus M/S. 1976-77 Butterfly set to $2. 1980-81 Air set to $5. 1987-88 Views set to $5. 1990-91 Ship set to $5. Collection then appears comp for Defs & Commems inc M/S. From 2006 inc blks or gutter blks for ea set. VF U/CTO. SG cat £1800+ = A$3600+. FV alone is $1000+ & moderns purchased as new issues at above FV, plus high retail of earlies. (2700+, 55 M/S, 15 bklts).SOLD at A$450

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Papua: 1901-41 used collection inc 1901 wmk horiz ½d to 1/- (SG 1-7), 1906 Large Papua to 2/6, 1907 Small Papua wmk vert ½d to 2/6 comp, 1907-10 various to 2/6, 1916 Lakatoi to 5/- with various shades, 1920s-30s various opts, 1932 Pics to 5/-, then comp to 1941, some interesting pmks particularly on the earlies inc Daru, Buna, several versions of Samarai. G-VF U. SG cat £2400+ = A$4800. (130+) (P)SOLD at A$525

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Papua New Guinea: M/Sheets stock (700, FV K3730 = A$1620) with 1999 Hiri Moale Festival (250), Olympex 2000 (250), QEII Golden Jubilee 2002 (100) & 2008 K10 Pioneer Art (100). Also 2007 85t Personalised Stamp with Common Cuscus sheet of 20 (100 sheets), FV K1700 = A$1760. All fresh MUH, total FV A$2380. (800)AVAILABLE at A$170

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Poland: 1918-70s collection in 2 loose leaf albums inc 1919 Austria Newspaper Stamps set to 30h, 1924 Inflation issue set to 2,000,000M, 1925 National Fund set inc scarce 40g+40g, 1938 Independence set to 3z, 1941-43 issues of Polish Exiled Govt, 1919 Polish PO in Constantinople set to 5M, German Occupation 1939 various issues, 1939 Hindenburg set to 2z, 1940 Official set to 5z, 1941 Hitler to 1z60, some early 1916 unauthorised issues. Quite comprehensive 1950s-70s, many comp sets, all diff. Mainly G-VF U, some M, sl tropicalisation. SG cat £1800+. (2500+)SOLD at A$325

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Rhodesia & BSAC: 1892-1913 Mint collection. 1892-93 Arms £5 horiz pr. 1897 Large Arms to 8d. 1898-1908 Arms to £5 inc £5 superb horiz strip of 3 (with 2019 photo cert). 1909-12 'RHODESIA' opt Arms to 7/6. 1909-11 Surch set to 2/- to 5/-. 1910-13 KGV Double Head to 2/-. F-VF M/UN. SG cat £14,800+ = A$29,600+. (80) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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Solomon Islands: 1907-2013 collection in 2 s/books inc 1907 Large Canoes set to 1/-, 1908 Small Canoes set to 5/-, 1914 set to 2/6 with shades, 1922 set to 10/- with shades, 1939 KGVI to 10/-, 1956 QEII to £1, 1965 set to £1, 1966 decimal Surcharges wmk sideways to $2, 1968 set to $2, inc glazed paper set, 1987 Flowers set to $10, 2013 Fish set to $50, many M/S, there are a few early KGV plate numbers, quite comprehensive, many sets. Fresh VF MUH, some early used. SG cat £2900+ = A$5800. (1200+, 90+ M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$550

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Solomon islands: 1930s-2015 large collection on 180 hagners in 6 binders inc 1939 KGV to 10/-, 1956 QEII, 1985, 1966 decimal Currency, 1968 set, 1972 set all comp, 1987 Flowers comp, 2001 Birds, 206 Shells comp to $50, 2005 Pope John Paul commemorative issue printed on gold foil (Scott 1013-20), wide range of M/S, 100s of Commem sets, strong thematics. Appear near comp from 1960s. Some earlies VF MLH, predominantly VF MUH. SG cat $1800+ = A$3600 but SG does not have listings for most modern issues, FV alone $12,600 = A$2300. (1700+, 300+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$550

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South Africa - Natal 1862-1902 small range in 1950s stock pages with 1862 wmk Star 1d (2), 1863 wmk CC 1d (2), 1859-62 no wmk 3d (15), 1861-63 6d grey (6), 1863-65 wmk CC 6d lilac (5), 6d violet (4), 1867 1/- green, 1870-73 opt Postage vert opt 1d (10), 3d opt Postage, 6d 1875-76 opt Postage horiz, 6d violet (17), 1/- (6), 1895 'Half' on 1d rose M (14), U (23), 1882-89 to 6d with extras. Usual old-time mixed condition, generally G-VFU. SG cat £2900+ = A$5800. (270)AVAILABLE at A$250

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South Africa Homelands 1981-90 collection/accumulation on Vario sheets/hagners in 3 binders covering Transkei, Venda, Bophuthatswana & Ciskei. Inc Bophuthatswana 1981-1985 values to 2R (200+), range of unaddressed covers PCs 1981-90 (70+) with values to 50c, Ciskei 1981-90 (200+), unaddressed covers & PCs 1981-90 (60+) inc some colourful PCs of Fish, Transkei 1981-1988 (300+), unaddressed covers & PCs 1981-90 (70+), Venda 1970-1980s (200+), unaddressed covers & PCs (60+). Beautifully written up with details of ea homeland & maps. Many comp sets. VFU/CTO, covers CTO. SG cat approx £800. (900+ estimate 250 sets & 250+ covers/PCs).AVAILABLE at A$100

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Switzerland: 1850s-1950s convoluted, messy collection in older-style leaves inc 1854 10r & 15r Seated Helvetia imperf, 1860s-80s Seated Helvetia selection 1882-1903 Standing Helvetia perf 9½ 25c, 50c other perfs to 3Fr. 1900 UPU set U, 1924 Shield set, part set U. Various others & extras. Pro-Juventute inc 1920 set U, 1920s-30s sets/part sets & extras, 1929, 1930 set U. many useful, some mixed condition. Mostly F-VF. SG cat £2600+ = A$5200+. (800+)AVAILABLE at A$150

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Thematics - Flowers/Orchids/Pics Carton Four. Continuing massive accumulation inc approx 800 covers, FDC, Commem envelopes, PO Packs, cards etc, plus large quantity of mostly MUH stamps, M/Sheets, sheetlets, sets & singles with strong thematic content throughout. No heavy duplication, all fresh & clean. Total weight over 10kg.AVAILABLE at A$250

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Thematic: War in Ukraine M/Sheet, 6 diff with Liberia 2022 $800 Mine Sniffing Dog & $800 Russian Guided Missile Cruiser 'Moskva' sunk. Togo 4 diff inc M/Sheet of 8 diff Defence Armament. VF fresh CTO. All in shrink-wrapped bundles of 200. (1600)AVAILABLE at A$110

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Thematics - Flowers/Orchids/Pics Carton Two: Massive accumulation inc approx 800 covers, FDCs, Cards, Commem Envelopes & PO Packs, plus large quantity of mostly MUH stamps, M/Sheets, sheetlets, sets & singles with strong thematic content. No heavy duplication, all fresh & clean. Total weight over 8kg.AVAILABLE at A$250

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Tonga Thematics: 2012 Niuafo'ou Butterflies set of 12 to $8, (50 imperf sets in sheets of 20 & panes of 10) FV T$2300 = A$1500, SG cat £2100. 2012 Niuafo'ou Titanic 100th Anniv $1360 M/Sheet (25 of each) both imperf & perf & $3.85 M/Sheet (50 of ea, imperf & perf). FV T$1060 = A$700 SG cat £1100, 2012 Democracy $27 M/S imperf (50) & normal (50), FV T$2700 = A$1800, SG cat £2800. All fresh MUH, total SG cat £5900 = A$11,800, FV A$4000!AVAILABLE at A$230

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Tristan da Cunha: 1971-2015 specialist collection crammed into 2 s/book mainly comp sets in blks of 4, 8, 12. Mostly blks with colour plate numbers & registration markings, as well as imprint blks with printer details etc. Very extensive collection inc 1972 Flowering Plants x 4 diff sets of blks, 1994 Ships x 4, 2000 Monarchs x 4, 2005 Birds x 2 etc. Seems all fresh VF MUH. SG cat £9800+ = A$19,600+. Fantastic modern collection. (4800 + 50 M/S).AVAILABLE at A$1800

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Tristan da Cunha: 1977-2011 sheets & blks collections of various sizes stored in divided manila folders in box. Most with colour plate nos 'registration' markings & printer imprints, inc comp sheets of 25th Anniv Coronation, plus various other Countries (20), 1983 Island History set in sheets of 50, 2005 various Islands in sheets of 25. Few M/S, FDC. VF superb MUH. SG cat £7400+ = A$14,800. Opportunity to do a plating study. (7800+)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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USA: 1893-1940 collection in Mystic album. 1893 Columbus to 50c. 1898 Trans-Mississippi to 50c. 1901 Pan American Expo set to 10c. 1904 Louisiana Purchase set. 1907 Jamestown set. 1913 Panama Expo set plus perf 10 set. 1922-25 Def Pic & Portrait to $5. 1924 Huguenot set. 1925 Norse-American set. 1926 White Plains Souvenir sheet. 1932 Washington set MUH. Collection then appears comp to 1940. Most F-VF M/MUH/U. Scott cat US$2600+. SG cat £2800+ = A$5600+. (495)SOLD at A$325

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World 1890s-1980s in 4 hagner binders with 100+ hagners & Australia Schaubek hingeless album 1966-1980s, wide range of countries Europe, South America, British Commonwealth inc Hong Kong British Est Indies, French Colonies, Spanish Colonies, Nauru, Norfolk Is etc. Noted 1893 Shanghai Local Post 2c & 15c with album of animals inc 1959 Niger set to 500f (cat £150), 1948 Royal Silver Wedding high values of 15R, £1 for Morocco Agencies, Bahrain, Kuwait, Tangiers. Various South Africa & related Countries with prs inc English & Afrikaans, FV for Aus Decimals is $200+ & related Territories is $150+. Also small Faroe Islands collection. Mainly Fresh VF MUH, some F-VFU. SG cat £1800+ plus FV $350+ = A$4000.. (2500+).SOLD at A$275

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Churchman collection in 2 albums with Eastern Proverbs series 1 & 2 (50, cat £55). Modern Wonders medium (48, cat £20). The RAF at Work (48, £45), Treasure Trove small (50, cat £20) & medium (12, £20). Wonderful Railway Travel (50, £30) & World Wonders (50, £20). Ringers Cigarettes Cinema Stars set of 50 (cat £100). RJ Hill Scenes from the Films (1938, cat £40). Lambert & Butler Rhodesian Series (£35) & Wonders of Nature (£25). Richard Lloyd & Sons Old English Inns (1923, £50). Kensitas Cigarettes silks with National Flags set of 60 (£75) & British Empire Flags set of 48 (£50) & Kensitas Flowers set of 60 (1934, cat £180). Also RJ Lea Ltd Butterflies (silk set of 12, cat £50). 16 sets in 2 albums, all VF/Excellent condition. CTCC 2022 cat £800 = A$1600.SOLD at A$210

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Wills Australian Issues collection Part One with 1913 Animals (cut-outs) set of 60 (cat £70), Arms of the British Empire (1919, £65), Australian Butterflies (Silk, set of 50, cat £160), Australian Wild Flowers (1913, £75), Birds of Australia (1915 Yellow backs set of 100, £175), Britains Defenders (1915, £80), British Empire Series (1912, £65), Crests & Colours of Aust Universities (1929, £55), Dogs - Heads (1927 2nd series, set of 20, cat £70). 9 sets in total, generally F-VF condition with some light toning/tropicalisation, mostly on the reverse. 2022 CTCC cat £800+ = A$1600.SOLD at A$180

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Trade cards: Liebig (Meat) extraction late 1800s chrome-litho multi-coloured cards with Australia sets of 6 (2, both diff backs), plus duplicate & New Guinea group of 5. Some minor rev foxing, F-VF. (18)AVAILABLE at A$100

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Railways. NSW Railways Tickets. Massive collection/hoard with approx 8000 NSW GR tickets, primarily from the last issues of Edmondson Tickets prior to changing to magnetic cards. Huge variety with no heavy duplication, offered as bundled up by NSW Railways. Generally VF/Excellent condition. As noted previously, hoards of such complexity/quality rarely appear on the open market. (8000)AVAILABLE at A$800

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Railways: QueenslandRailway Ticket accumulation (8000) with 32 diff 1980s Edmonston Card Tickets in neat consecutively numbered bundles of 250 inc Strathpine - Doomben, Brunswick St-South Brisbane, Coopers Pls-Brunswick St, Gailers-Brunswick St, Norman Pk-Doboy & Nundah-Norman Park, others. All appear new unused. (8000)AVAILABLE at A$170

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Golden-Age collection (350) to mid 1920s in shoebox with scattered Asia inc Burma, China, Japan & Vietnam. Then mostly Great Britain/Ireland with Rural, Village, Town or City Views with reasonable variety plus Western Europe inc Anvers, Bergen, Hamburg, Milano, Naples, Paris & Stavanger. Also 1940s-50s Australian Views (35) inc Rose Series real photos. 2nd shoebox with around 40 mixed Pre WWII booklets, envelopes & folders with good variety inc Cannes, Gibraltar, Isle of Man, Lugans, London, Malta, Port Douglas, Torquay & Ventnor. 3rd shoebox with 100s more cards inc Australia 1978-1982 18c to 27c Pre Paid Packs set of 4, plus another 250 1970s-80s Pictorials mixed UN & Used. Approx 800 cards in total, all in 3 shoeboxes.SOLD at A$200

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Silver plate. rays, serving dishes, plates, fruit bowl etc, c1930s-90s (21 items) & a book 'Australian Silver 1800-1900' by Hawkins (plus research material on Dixon & Sons). A mix of Australian & English made. The trays vary in size, some have inscriptions/dedications. Wear & corrosion on some items. Mostly G-VGC. (22)AVAILABLE at A$100

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Kangaroo bundleware & loose 1d red (200), 2d grey (200) & 3d olive (50) on paper, loose & in pkts, 2½d in pkt (50+), 3d, 6d, 9d, 1/- (100+) & 2/- (50) bundles, some in pkts, not checked as received ex Deceased Estate. Some mixed condition. Mostly GU-some VFU. Numbers are estimates. (800+).SOLD at A$450

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2½d Pale bright-blue perf OS, UR cnr marginal blk of 4. VF fresh MUH. SG O44 cat £400 for M singles, should be at least double, £800 MUH, plus premium for positional blk. ACSC 11Eb cat $1900. Nice multiple. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$550

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£1 Olive-brown & pale blue. G-FU with 'Ship Mail Room Melbourne' cds, perfs obscured by pmk but are all intact, excellent centring. SG 44b cat £1800. ACSC 52E cat $4500. (P)AVAILABLE at A$550

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£2 Black & rose, variety 'white flaw adjoining NSW coast'. VF fresh MLH, with nice original gum & deep colours. SG 114(var) cat £4500+, plus premium for variety. ACSC 57A(D)va cat $8000+. Rare top value & desirable with variety. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$3000

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£2 Grey & rose-crimson. FU. SG 114 cat £800. ACSC 57A cat $1200. (P)SOLD at A$500

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£2 Black & rose, variety 'white scratch through kangaroo's back'. VFU, light cds. SG114(var) cat £800+, plus premium for variety. ACSC 57A(V)q cat $1750. (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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£2 Black & rose variety 'white collar on Kangaroo' FU. SG 114(var) cat £800. ACSC 57A(V)t cat $1750. (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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5/- Grey & yellow-orange, variety 'white line adjacent to coast in bight. VF fresh M. SG 135(var) cat £180++, plus premium for variety. ACSC 46A(D)e cat $800. (P)AVAILABLE at A$230

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1½d red Die II & 2d red Die II, bundleware & loose. shade, pmk & variety interest. Ex Deceased Estate as received, hasn't been touched for 20+ years, note on box states mainly unsorted. Approx 50-50 split between 1½d & 2d. Usual condition avg to fine. (8000+).SOLD at A$160

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Imprint blk collection 1924-30 inc 1½d red single wmk, 2 diff Mullett imprint blks of 8 believed to be either electro 25 & 26 with imprint 5mm below stamps, stamp R56 showing P deformed, 1½d red 2 small multiple wmk perf 13½x12½ Ash imprint blks of 4, Mullett imprint blk of 8 plate 4 with variety 'ST joined', 1d green small multiple wmk perf 13½x12½ & Two Pence on 1½d John Ash imprint strip of 4. Odd flts or heavy hinging. Mostly F-VF MLH/MUH. ACSC cat $1800. (7 blks)AVAILABLE at A$275

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½d green collection inc shades, inverted wmk (3), state perfins, major varieties Plate 1 to 3 inc Plate 1 scratch through right side (1R18), flaw right wattles (1R19), Dash right value table (1R47), flaw behind Emu (1R59), in total 7 Plate 1 varieties ($80 ea) Plate 2 inc Gash in Roo Tail (2L1), En of Penny joined (2L 14), white flaws value table (2R30), Plate 3, clubbed fraction bar in pr (3R11 - cat $1200). Mostly G-VFU. SG 20(var). ACSC 63(var) cat approx $2800+. (60+).AVAILABLE at A$300

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1d Red shade collection from an old time collection. Noted smooth paper G1 & G2 single line perf, G12 salmon red, G17½ deep red aniline, G23 crimson, G26 salmon, G32 brown red, rough paper, G68 rosine, G70 deep rosine, G70½ damson (2), possibly G70½ lilac rose. Inc a few shade variations within the recognised shades. Odd M/UN, mostly U, predominantly VFU. ACSC $800+. (42)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1d Red 1914-1918 bundleware, loose in envelopes etc, ex Deceased Estate as received, hasn't been touched for 20+ years. Shade, pmk & variety potential, smooth & rough papers. Usual condition average to FU. (8000+).SOLD at A$1300

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1d Carmine-red (G31) Plate 1 Harrison one line imprint pr. VF MUH, left stamp tiny mark on emu. SG 21(var), ACSC 71Y(1) cat $900 as M, so should be at least double, $1800 MUH. (P)SOLD at A$300

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1d Carmine Red (G31) Harrison one line imprint strip of 4 positions 7/59, 7/60 (RA Join), 8/55, 8/56 (Roo tongue out). Fine MLH/MUH, rounded cnr. SG 21(var), ACSC 71Y(4)zj cat $1800 as blk of 4. (4). (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1d Rosine, (G68) rough paper. Superb fresh MLH. SG 47c cat £400. ACSC 72I cat $800. Copy of 2020 Drury photo cert for blk it came from. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1d Deep rosine (G70) rough paper, perf OS. VF fresh MUH. SG O54c(var). ACSC 72Jbb cat $800 for M, should be at least double, $1600 MUH. Copy of 2021 Drury photo cert for blk it came from. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1d Deep rosine (G70) rough paper perf OS. VF fresh M marginal. SG O54c(var). ACSC 72Jbb cat $800. Copy of 2021 Drury photo cert for blk it came from. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1d Deep rosine (G70) rough paper, perf OS. VF fresh MLH marginal. SG O54c(var). ACSC 72Jbb cat $800. Copy of 2021 Drury photo cert for blk it came from. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1d Deep rosine (G70) Die II on cover Michelago to Tharwa (now a suburb in ACT) dated 17 April 1918. Stamp has perf flts & envelope roughly opened. Michelago pmk is A1. Sent to a remote country property, rare item & usage. ACSC 72Ji cat Die I on cover $800, Die II off cover $500 would be at least double. If Fine retail would be $1000+.AVAILABLE at A$350

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1d Red smooth paper mint variety collection on hagners inc inverted wmk (3, one with dot before 1), neck flaw (2 prs, 1 pink shade), 'RA joined' (5, with bottom marginal), Die II (2), range of diff scarcer shades inc bright brown-red (G24), salmon (G26) & pink (G28), inc Harrison one line imprint pr with 'RA joined' ($1800 as blk of 4), 'dot before 1' & 'thin left frame' in pr. Generally F-VF MLH, few VF MUH. Nice lot. ACSC cat $7000+. (45)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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1d Red shade collection from an old time collection. Noted smooth paper G1 & G2 single line perf, G11 bright red, G12 salmon red, G19 deep scarlet aniline, G23½ brownish rose, G26 salmon, then rough paper G64 pale rose red, G70 deep rosine, G70½ damson. Also large multiple wmk G105 deep carmine rose, Die 3 G109. Inc a few shade variations within the recognised shade. VF-Superb U. ACSC cat $1800+. Nice collection. (50)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1d Green coarse mesh paper, blk of 4. VF fresh 2MH/2MUH. SG 76(var). ACSC 77Baa cat $1200 for M, should be at least double, for 2 MUH $1800. 2024 Drury photo cert. (4). (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1½d Blue-green coarse mesh paper (unsurfaced paper) perf OS. VF MLH with typical yellowish gum. SG O70A cat £475 as non OS M. ACSC 88Caba cat $800 as normal, should be at least double, $1600 perf OS. 2024 Drury photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1½d Green coarse mesh paper. VF MLH. SG 61a cat £475 = A$950. ACSC 88Aa cat $800. 2024 Drury photo-cert.AVAILABLE at A$100

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1½d Green, unsurfaced coarse mesh paper, blk of 4. Superb U with central 'Nhill/14 AP 24/Vic' cds, sl perf separations. SG 61a cat £800 = A$1600. ACSC 88Aa $1200 as 4 singles. Very rare multiple. 2020 Drury photo cert.AVAILABLE at A$350

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1½d Green coarse mesh paper, horiz strip of 4. SG 61a cat £800 = A$1600 as 4 singles. ACSC 88Aab cat $1200. GU. Very rare multiple. 2021 Drury photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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2d orange 1920-22 bundleware & loose, pmk, shade & variety potential, not checked for inv wmks. Ex deceased estate as received not touched for 20+ years. Usual mix of average to VF. (8000+).SOLD at A$400

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2d Brown-orange 'cracked electro vertically through right side' (1R34). F-VFU. SG 62(var). ACSC 95A(1)l cat $800. Part 'Deep Water NSW 13 JA 21' cds. Scarce. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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2d Red-brown on coarse mesh paper & hard to see wmk. VF MUH. ACSC 97Aaa cat $400 for M, should be at least double, $800 MUH. 2021 Drury photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1/4 Pale Greenish-blue Perf OS perf 14, VF MLH. SG O96 cat £800. ACSC 129Ab $1750. Very scarce stamp. (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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1½d Red blk of 8 plated as 4L45-48, 4L51-54, containing type B re-entries 'shading behind Kangaroo' (4L47) & type B 're-entry duplication of shading right wattles' (4L53). This is a scarce positional piece with 2 type A & B prs, 4L46-47 (ACSC 92B(4)fb MLH) & 4L-52-53 (ACSC 92B(4)hb MUH). Fresh top row MLH, bottom row 4 MUH. SG 96(var). ACSC 92B(4)fb cat $200 M, hb cat $1800 M, should be at least double, $3600 MUH, total $3800. (8) (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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3d Blue Die II Ash imprint blk of 4 with imprint 'N over N'. F-VF MUH, mostly fresh, few irregular perfs. SG 100(var). ACSC 108 A z cat $400 for M, should be at least double, $800 MUH. (4)SOLD at A$70

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1d Green blk of 12 with plate 1 dent in bottom frame varieties on 6 stamps. Fine MLH (1), MUH (5) bottom pr perf tones. ACSC 82B(I)df cat M $800 variety strip 5 are MUH, these should be at least double, $1400. (12) (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1d Green marginal blk of 4 from LR cnr pos 8/53 - 8/54 (cnr dot hardly shows) 8/59-8/60 (Run N). There is no mention in the ACSC or various plating studies of 8/54 being corrected? In addition the blk is thin paper. Interesting positional piece. MUH 1 toned perf, sun tanned gum. VF appearance. SG 125(var), ACSC 82Bab, (4)s, vc cat $900 for M, should be double $1800 MUH. (4). (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1938 KGVI Robes set 5/-, 10/-, £1, thick paper imprint prs with 5/-, 10/- Authority & £1 Ash. F-VF MUH. SG 176-78. ACSC cat $800. (6) (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1950 QM 2d yellow-green comp coil roll, 960 stamps in green starter wrapper. Foxing to outer perfs. SG 237a cat £3600 = A$7200. ACSC 48 bg/bi cat $4800 as 480 coil prs, plus extra for the wrapper. An extremely rare survivor. comp coils of this era are never seen.SOLD at A$325

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1953 QEII 3d green COIL PERF, upper half sheet of 160 with characteristic large & small holes in the horiz perfs & traces of perf pips in upper margins. Some minor off-setting of the gum, fresh MUH. SG 262ab cat £800 = A$1600 as 40 blks of 4. ACSC 295be cat $1000. A very scarce multiple. (160)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Air Letter: 1944 KGVI 7d blue with QANTAS Christmas cachet. VFU, light 'Sydney 1944' cds. ACSC A2d cat $800. AAMC 992e cat $800. Only 100 flown. (P)AVAILABLE at A$275

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Envelope: 1921 KGV 'Star' 2d orange with Postage. F-VF UN. ACSC EP22 cat $800. Very rare in UN condition. (P)AVAILABLE at A$220

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Envelopes - PTPO: KGVI-QEII range inc KGVI oval die 1d brown, 1d green (5), 1½d green (7), 2d (2), 2½d (12), 3d, round Die 3d (4) & 3½d (3). QEII 3d green (8), 3½d red, then small die 4d plum, 5d dark blue & light blue (2), 5c orange (6), 6c (3), 7c (7) & 18c. Mostly F-VFU inc some PO types -appear all diff. ACSC $800+ (65).AVAILABLE at A$160

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1860-72 QV Diadem 6d purple, (Plate II), wmk '12', inverted & reversed, perf 13. F-VFM, with sl disturbed original gum. Sc 40c cat US$800. SG 165b cat £750. Rare genuine mint. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1885-86 POSTAGE blue opt QV 10/- mauve & claret, opt SPECIMEN, FULL SHEET of 50, perf 10. Mostly superb fresh MUH, 4 stamps diag crease & sl perf separation in middle. SG 241as cat £4000 for M singles (normal M cat £95,000), MUH should be at least double, £8000 MUH, plus premium for full sheet. Probably unique sheet & fantastic for research or exhibition. (P)AVAILABLE at A$3000

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1905-10 Shield 1d rose-carmine, wmk crown/single-lined A, error DOUBLE PRINT with impressions overlapping but very clear. VF MUH. SG 334a cat £550 for M, should be at least double, £1100 MUH. ACSC N12c cat $800 M, $1600 MUH. Only 1 sheet believed printed. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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New South Wales used in Queensland. 1851-60 Numeral cancel collection on Laureates or Diadems imperf with 74 of Callandoon (2) on 1d Diadem pr or 6d Registered. 81 of Warwick (3), 85 of Drayton with barred numeral on 1855 2d laureate & numeral in rays (3 diff). 86 of Gayndah with barred numeral cancels on Laureates 2d, 3d tied to cover front to England, plus strike on 2d Diadem & rayed numerals (4) on 1d or 2d Diadems. 87 of Ipswich with barred numerals on 2d laureates (3) & rayed numerals (5) inc piece with Ipswich & Drayton cds. 95 of Brisbane with barred numerals on Laureates (4) & Diadems (30, rayed numerals (10) on 1d-6d Diadems, plus 2 part Duplex cancels on imperf Diadems. 96 of Maryborough with barred numerals on 2d, 3d Laureates & rayed numerals (7) on QV Diadems. 133 of Myall Creek on 1d Diadem & another poor strike on 6d Diadem. 151 of Condamine, 6 typically fuzzy strikes on imperf Diadems inc 1/- horiz pr, a very scarce cancel. 214 of Toowoomba on QV 2d Diadem imperf. Quality of strike variable from Fair to Superb, a neat collection. SG cat £2400 = A$4800, plus premium for pmks. (70) (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1906-10 Commonwealth 9d pale brown & blue, LINE PERF 11, perf OS, wmk crown double-lined A, with DOUBLE PERFS at right. Superb U, Bundaberg cds. ACSC Q45Bb(var) cat $1500++, plus premium for double perf error. SG 285(OS) cat £800 as normal & much under- catalogued, perf OS unlisted & should be at least double, £1600+, plus premium for double perf error. Extremely rare perf OS as only several recorded - one of the previous we offered sold for $4000+ commission in our auction 318, while the double perf error is the only recorded & believed unique. 2018 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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1906-10 Commonwealth 9d pale brown & blue, LINE PERF 11, perf OS, wmk crown double-lined A. VFU. ACSC Q45Bb cat $1500+. SG 285(OS) cat £800 as normal & much undercatalogued, perf OS unlisted & should be at least double, £1600+. Extremely rare perf OS as only several recorded - one of the previous we offered sold for $4000+ commission in our auction 318. 2018 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$900

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Railways: Cairns-Mulgrave Tramway: 1897 small design 1/- violet, blk of 6, MISSING control nos. UN as made, bit tropicalised & sl horiz crease in middle. Cat $1800+ as singles. Extremely rare multiple. (6) (P)SOLD at A$325

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1853-54 QV Courier 4d pale orange, Plate I, worn impression. VF UN appearance, cut square with 4 margins, but as there is some traces of cleaned staining so stamp can not be classified as unused. Scott 2 cat US$7500 for UN. SG 9 cat £8000 for UN or £450 for U. Fantastic spacefiller for a mint collection. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert as per above. (P)AVAILABLE at A$650

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1884-96 Crown & Arms Stamp Duty 15/- purple-brown Postal Fiscal, wmk V crown (SG w33) sideways, perf 12½, opt Specimen type 24b in italics. VF fresh M. SG 273(s) cat £1800 as normal & unpriced as Specimen. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1854-55 Swan 1/- grey-brown, imperf. VF UN, 4 margins. Sc 5a cat US$700. SG 4b cat £800. Scarce shade. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1854-55 Swan 4d pale blue, rouletted on about 13 on 3 sides, wmk swan sideways. VFU, barred '2' numeral pmk. Scott 8 cat US$800, SG 5 cat £750 & undercatalogued as genuine rouletted examples are rather rare. Certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Postmark collection 1914-1990s A-Y in s/book ranging from 1d Kangaroo & 1d red KGV to decimal period, inc Benger, Denmark, Mornington, Mandiga, Parkerville on 1s Wan. Range of 1990s rubber cds, inc Paid, Relief, Christmas Is, Cocos & Keeling Islands. Few NT & small collection of WA numerals (49) on mainly 2d Swans from 1-36 inc Williams River (23), Sharks Bay (32). Appear all diff. (1800+).AVAILABLE at A$200

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1937 Dhow set ½a-10R on front & back of cover, 'Aden 1 Apr 37' cds of First Day of Issue. VFU. SG 1-12 cat £800+ as loose stamps & 'from x6' on cover. Very rare FDC. (P)AVAILABLE at A$575

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1922 opt KGV View set ½d to 3/-, opt SPECIMEN. VFM. SG 1s-9s cat £800. Rare set. (9). (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1910 80th Birthday set 1h-10Kr. Mostly VF M/MLH. Mi 161-177 cat €600. SG 223-239 cat £800. (17). (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1933 WIPA Exhib 50+50g ultramarine, granite paper, perf 12 from M/Sheet. VF fresh MUH. Mi 556C cat €800, SG 704(var) cat £550+ for M, should be at least double, £1100+ MUH. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1934-47 Postage Due 1d black, diag BISECT (UL half). VFU, on piece with 'GPO Barbados 3 FE 35 Registration' cds. Scott J2a cat US$2500, SG D2a cat £1800 both for on cover. Very rare example from genuine postal usage. (P)AVAILABLE at A$170

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Barbados: 1852-1950 Mint collection in hingeless album inc 1852-55 Britannia (1d) & (4d) imperf. 1858 Britannia 6d pr & 1/- imperf. 1861-80 Britannia perf vals to 1/- inc wmks & perfs. 1873 Britannia 5/-. 1882-86 QV to 5/-. 1892-1903 QV Seahorses set to 2/6 (both colours). 1897-98 QV Jubilee set to 2/6. 1905 QV Seahorses set to 2/6. 1906 Nelson set to 1/-. 1912 KGV Seahorses set to 3/- & 1916 set to 3/-. 1918 Victory to 3/-. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1950 KGVI Pic set to $2.40. F-VF M/MLH. SG cat £3900+ = A$7800+. Nice collection. (193) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1000

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1860-1970s A-Z collection in 4 loose leaf albums & 2 s/books strength is in 1800s-1930s across most countries inc Bermuda 1920s Tercentenary set to 1/-, 1924 high values to 10/-, British Solomon Is 1922 KGV to 10/- Canada range from 1860s inc 1859 beaver 5c, Newfoundland 1865 2c cod, Ceylon 1857-67 QV to 1/-, Kenya & Uganda 1922 high values to 10/-, Ireland 1922 opts to 1/- M, Heligoland 1867-90 range inc reprints, India & States range, Cook Is 1892 to 2½d, 1893 White Fern to 1/-, Samoa Palms to 2/6, 1914 GRI to 6d, Malaya range of States from 1883, also Switzerland coll'n 1860s-1990s, small China/Taiwan coll'n & Australia U. Coll'n 1966-80s Pitcairn Is Seven Seas hingeless album. Mostly diff various in tins, loose & covers. Useful old time collection ex Deceased Estate. With plenty of better stamps throughout. Some earlies mixed condition. Mainly U from GU-VFU. About 10% F-VF MLH to MUH. SG STC £10,000++ = A$20000+. (8000+ 30 cvrs).AVAILABLE at A$800

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British Empire: KGVI 1937-52 collection in 4 binders. A-Z inc Aden 1939 KGVI Pic to 10R. Antigua 1938 KGVI Pic to £1. Ascension 1935-53 KGVI Pic set to 10/-, plus perfs. Bahrain 1938-42 KGVI Pic to 25R. Basutoland 1938 KGVI Crocodile set to 10/-. Bechuanaland 1938 KGVI Cattle to 10/-. Cyprus 1938-51 KGVI Pic to £1. Falklands 1938 KGVI Pic to £1. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1952 KGVI Pic to £1. Gambia 1938 KGVI Elephant set to 10/-. Hong Kong 1948 KGVI Silver Wedding $10 U. India 1948 Gandhi set to 10R U. KUT 1938-51 KGVI Pic to £1, plus perfs. Malacca 1949 KGVI Palm Tree set to $5. Montserrat 1938 KGVI Views to £1. North Borneo 1945 BMA opt Pic to $5. Northern Rhodesia 1938-52 KGVI Giraffe & Elephant to 20/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. Nyasaland 1938 KGV Leopard to £1. Pakistan 1947 KGVI Service set to 10R. Seychelles 1938 KGVI Pic to 5R inc 1R green. Singapore 1948-52 KGVI Palm Tree sets to $5, both perfs. Swaziland 1938 KGVI Shields to 10/-, plus perfs. Tristan Da Cunha 1952 opt KGVI Ship set to 10/-. F-VF M/MUH/U. SG cat £19,000+ = A$38,000+. Attractive collection. (5800) (P)AVAILABLE at A$3500

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Arabia & Arab States: 1890s-1970s collection in binder with Aden 1937 Dhow set to 10R. 1939-48 KGVI Pic set to 10R. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1951 KGVI decimal Surch set to 10s on 10R. 1953-63 QEII Pic set to 20/-. Seiyun 1942 Sultan Pic set to 5R. 1948 Silver Wedding set M & U. South Arabia from 1964 inc Defs & Commems. Bahrain 1964 Sheikh Pic to 10R. Range of 1960s-70s Qatar. Abu Dhabi 1964 Pic set to 10R. Range of Umm al Qiwain Pic, plus other Trucial States. Mostly F-VF M/MUH/U, some tropicalisation in parts. SG cat £3900+ = A$7800+. (1375) (P)AVAILABLE at A$650

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Bahamas: 1859-1971 Mint collection on Minkus pages. 1859-60 QV Chalon 1d imperf. 1861-82 QV Chalon range of shades, wmks & perfs. 1883 Surch FOUR PENCE on 6d. 1884-90 QV set to £1. 1901-03 Queen's Staircase set to 3/-. 1902-07 KEVII set to £1 plus set to 6d wmk mult crown. 1911-19 Queen's Staircase set to 3/-. 1912-19 KGV set to £1. War Tax issues appear comp. 1920 Victory set to 1/-. 1921-37 KGV set to £1. 1921-29 Queen's Staircase set to 3/-. 1929 Tercent set to 3/-. 1938-52 KGVI set to £1. 1942 Columbus 450th Anniv opt set to £1. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1948 Tercent set to £1. 1954-63 QEII Pic set to £1. 1964 New Constitution opt set to £1. 1964-65 QEII Pic set to £1. 1966 decimal Surch set to $3. 1967 QEII decimal Pic set to $3. Mostly F-VF M/MUH. SG cat £3900+ = A$7800+. Nice collection. (350) (P)SOLD at A$1000

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British Asia: 1882-1953 collection on Scott album pgs. Ceylon from 1882 inc 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1935 KGV Pic set to 1R. 1938 KGVI Pic set to 10R. 1954 Pic Def set to 10R. Maldives 1951 Dhow Pic vals to 10R. Hong Kong from 1882 QV inc 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938 KGVI 1c-$10. 1941 Centenary set. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1954 QEII set to $10. Straits settlements from 1882. Malay States inc FMS from 1901, Penang 1954-55 QEII to $5. Most F-VF M/U, majority (70%+) M. SG cat £2400+ = A$4800+. (460). (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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Gibraltar: 1886-1975 collection on pages. 1889-96 QV Spanish Currency to 2P. 1898 QV GB Currency set to 1/-. 1921-29 KGV to 5/-. 1925-32 KGV New Colours set to £5 inc £5 nice MUH (SG cat £1600 for M, should be £3200 MUH). 1931 KGV The Rock set. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938-49 KGVI Pic set to £1. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1960 QEII Pic set to £1. 1967 QEII Ship set to £1. 1971 Views se-tenant prs set to £1. Mostly F-VF M/MUH/U. SG est cat £5400 = A$10,800. (330) (P)SOLD at A$1300

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Rhodesia, Swaziland & Basutoland: 1892-1960s collection in binder. Rhodesia 1892 Arms £1 & 1898 Arms £5. Southern Rhodesia 1924-29 KGV Admiral set to 5/- M & U. 1931-37 KGV Field Marshall set to 5/-. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1937 KGVI set to 5/-. 1953 QEII Pic set to £1. Northern Rhodesia 1925-29 Giraffe & Elephants set to 20/-. 1938-52 KGVI Giraffe & Elephants set to 20/-, plus 1953 QEII set to 20/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. Rhodesia & Nyasaland 1954-56 QEII set to £1. Swaziland 1938 KGVI Shields set to 10/-. Basutoland 1933 KGV Crocodile to 5/-. 1938 KGVI Crocodile set to 10/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. Most G-VF M/MUH/U, some tropicalised gum etc. SG cat £3800+ = A$7600+. (1250) (P)AVAILABLE at A$650

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1909 KEVII Surch set 30pa on 1½d to 5Pi on 1/- opt SPECIMEN type GB17. Superb fresh MUH. SG 16s-21s. Extremely rare - this very set was previously sold in 2012 for $3800. 2001 BPA photo cert. (5). (P)AVAILABLE at A$1000

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1906 opt Labuan Crown set 1c-$1/8c. VFU, all nice Brunei cds. SG 11-22 cat £800. Only 2000 printed & rare used. (12) (P)AVAILABLE at A$550

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1906 opt Labuan Crown 2c/8c black & vermilion, variety 'line through B'. VF UN. SG 13c cat £800. rare, only 100 printed. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1943 Elephant 20c yellow-green & 30c olive-brown, plus Watch Tower 1R red-orange & 2R bright violet all FULL SHEETS of 200 with marg ea 2 panes of 100 with gutters. VF MUH, mostly very fresh. JSCA 2B67-70 cat Y130,000+ = A$1500+. SG J94-J97 cat £520+ as singles, plus premium for scarce gutter prs, & for full sheets which are very impressive. (4 sheets = 800).AVAILABLE at A$150

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1852-57 Prince 6d greenish-grey, on thin wove paper. GU, 3½ margins, concentric circles pmk. SG 10 cat £1400. Unitrade 5b cat C$1600/800. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1859 Prince 10c brown. F-VF fresh MLH, redistributed gum, bit soaked into paper at right. SG 36 cat £1500. Unitrade 17b cat C$1600/800. (P)AVAILABLE at A$180

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1859 Prince 10c brown. Fresh UN, added UL cnr. SG 36 cat £1500, Unitrade 17b cat C$1600/800. (P)AVAILABLE at A$120

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1897 QV Jubilee 50c ultramarine imperf plate proof on card. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 135(p) cat £200 for normal. Unitrade 60P cat C$600. Only 800 made. (P)AVAILABLE at A$160

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1897 QV Jubilee $2 deep violet imperf plate proof on card. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 137(p) cat £1100 for normal. Unitrade 62P cat C$800. Only 750 made. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1897 QV Jubilee $3 bistre imperf plate proof on card. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 138(p) cat £1500 for normal. Unitrade 63P cat C$800. Only 750 made. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1897 QV Jubilee $4 violet imperf plate proof on card. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 139(p) cat £1400 for normal. Unitrade 64P cat C$800. Only 650 made. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1897 QV Jubilee $5 olive-green, imperf proof, on card. Superb fresh UN as made, 4 margins. SG 140(p) cat £1400 as normal, Unitrade 65P cat C$800. Only 800 printed. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1897 QV Jubilee $5 olive-green. GU-FU in sound condition with fully intact perfs. SG 140 cat £750. Unitrade 65 cat C$1600/800. (P)SOLD at A$220

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1868-71 crown V 50c mauve, perf 14. VF fresh M, original gum. SG 32 cat £1000. Unitrade 12 cat C$1800. 2003 APS photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$675

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1932 Trans-Atlantic opt $1.50/$1 blue. Superb fresh MUH. Unitrade C12 cat C$800. SG 221 cat £250 for M, should be at least double, £500 MUH. (P)SOLD at A$400

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1851-60 Crown & Flowers 6d deep green. VFU, 4 margins, barred oval pmk. SG 6 cat £1800. Unitrade 6 cat C$3000. Rare genuine classic & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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1912-25 KGV 500R dull green, wmk mult crown, opt SPECIMEN. F-VF fresh M. Scott 217s. SG 322s cat £800 (normal £8500). (P)AVAILABLE at A$550

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1921-32 KGV 20c blue vertical gutter Die I & Die II se-tenant pr, wmk script. Superb fresh MUH. SG 350c cat £400 for M, should be at least double, £800 MUH. (P)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1921-32 KGV 1R purple on yellow vertical gutter Die I & Die II se-tenant pr, wmk script. Stamps VF fresh MUH. SG 354b cat £400 for M, should be at least double, £800 MUH. (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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Penrhyn Is: 1920 Captain Cook Landing ½d black & emerald, top marginal blk of 4, error part IMPERF, which has horiz & bottom 2 stamps vert imperf. Superb fresh MLH. SG 32a cat £1800. Extremely rare, only several recorded. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1100

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1921-23 KGV £1 purple & black on red. Stamp superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum, bottom marginal. Scott 88 cat US$1400 for M, SG 101 cat £1400 for M, should be at least double, £2800 MUH. Rare so nice & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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1930 Coronation 'Lion' 4g deep green, ERROR OF COLOUR (printed in colour of 8g, instead of correct violet colour). VF fresh MUH, UR cnr marginal, centring as always. SG 280(var), Yv 183a cat €1200 for M, should be at least +50% premium MUH so est €1800+. Very rare, only 1 sheet of 50 was discovered. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1930 Coronation 'Lion' 4g deep green, ERROR OF COLOUR (printed in colour of 8g, instead of correct violet colour). F-VF fresh MUH, centring as always. SG 280(var), Yv 183a cat €1200 for M, should be at least +50% premium MUH so est €1800+. Very rare, only 1 sheet of 50 was discovered. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1878-79 QV 1d claret no wmk, thin paper. F-VF UN. SG 1 cat £800. Rare & often misidentified stamp. (P)AVAILABLE at A$275

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1915-19 'WAR STAMP' opt KGV 1d bright scarlet, error opt INVERTED. Stamp VF MUH, UL cnr marginal. Scott MR2c cat US$800 for M, SG 139ac cat £600 for M, should be at least double, £1200 MUH. Brandon photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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1892-1945 Railway Parcels Mint collection on pgs inc 1892 10c imperf & 10c, 25c perf. 1901 Train set to 2F. 1924 Surch set to 3F30 on 50c. 1926 perf 11 set to 3F (Yv cat €300). Good range of 1920s - 30c A, B, C & D opts. 1941-45 Train & Bridge sets to 4F50. F-VF fresh M/MLH. Yv cat €2900+ = A$4800+. Seldom offered area. (212) (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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1909 Shipwreck cover from 'Galeries Lafayette' (stamps floated away) with 2-line violet cachet 'Naufrage de la Ville d'Alger' front & back. Originally to Algeria & redirected to Corsica, plus 1912 PPC of same as ship was refloated & continued in service. Originally purchased for $800 !AVAILABLE at A$100

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1941-42 Petain 20c purple full sheet of 100 IMPERF, 2 panes of 50 with gutter & full margins inc '4.11.41' printing date imprint in LR. Superb fresh MUH. SG 709(var), Maury 505nd cat est €1800. Extremely rare & possibly unique as full sheet. (100)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1941-42 Petain 40c blue full sheet of 100 IMPERF, 2 panes of 50 with gutters & full margins inc '18 10 41' printing date imprint LR cnr. Superb fresh MUH. SG 711(var), Maury 507nd cat est €1800. Extremely rare & possibly unique as full sheet. (100)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1941-42 Petain 50c green full sheet of 100 IMPERF, 2 panes of 50 with gutter & full margins inc '10 10 41' printing date imprint at LR. Superb fresh MUH. SG 712(var), Maury 508nd cat est €1800. Extremely rare & possibly unique as full sheet. (100)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1941-42 Petain 70c blue full sheet of 100 IMPERF, 2 panes of 50 with gutter & full margins inc '28 10 41' printing date imprint LR cnr. Superb fresh MUH. SG 714(var), Maury 510nd cat est €1800. Extremely rare & possibly unique as full sheet. (100)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1941-42 Petain 2Fr50 blue full sheet of 100 IMPERF, 2 panes of 50 with gutter & full margins inc '13 10 41' printing date imprint at LR. Superb fresh MUH. SG 724(var), Maury 520nd cat est €1800. Extremely rare & possibly unique as full sheet. (100)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1943 War Relief Fund Petain set 1+10Fr & 2+25Fr IMPERF strip of 4 with gutter label. Superb fresh MUH lower marginal. SG 772a(var), Maury 571And cat €1800++. Very rare & spectacular item. (P)AVAILABLE at A$900

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1943 World War II Relief Fund full sheet of 25, with 5 setenant strips of 5 with printer's 'coin date' at base. VF fresh MUH. SG 780A cat £400+ as M strips, so should be at least double, £800+ MUH. Maury 580A cat €750+ as strips, large premium for attractive sheetAVAILABLE at A$275

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1943 Military Airmail opt Petain 80c brown with 'Par Avion Batiment de Ligne Richelieu' issued on Battleship Richelieu in New York. Superb fresh MUH. Yv PAM 11 cat €1800+, Maury PAM 2 cat €2000. Rare as less than 100 printed. 2016 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$900

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Provins: 1944 Cross 'Republic Francais 1944' opts on Petain 60c & 2.40Fr both green opts INVERTED tied by 'Courtacon Seine et Marne 14 9 44' cds. Mayer 18(var) & 34(var) cat €800++. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Madagascar: 1895 Majungu Provisional '0.15' red m/s opt Peace & Commerce 1Fr olive-green on toned paper. Superb U appearance, expertly repaired in margin almost not detectable. Scott 22B cat US$6000, SG 25 cat £8000, Sc 22B cat US$6000, Maury 2 cat €8250. Yv 2 cat €8000, Extremely rare provisional, only tiny number genuine examples known. 2019 Scheller photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$3500

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Togo: 1915 cover franked thin opt Yacht 10/5pf horiz pr (opt type 1), plus 10/5pf vertical bisect left half (opt type II), tied by 4 strikes 'Anecho Togo 23.1.15' cds, to Dahomey with 'Cotonou 26 Janv 15' & 'Porto-Novo 27 Janv 15' arrival b/s. F-VF fresh. Maury 2II cat €8000, Yv 24d, Mi 2H cat €10,000. Very rare provisional usage due to shortage of 5pf stamps at Anecho. We sold a similar bisect cover for $5000+, plus buyers commission in our auction 253. Exp Calves, plus 2013 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$3000

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1874 QV Cameo 4d brown wmk crown CC imperf. Stamp superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum, top marginal, 4 large even margins. Scott 3 cat US$400 for M, SG 5 cat £400 for M, should be at least double, £800 MUH. Very rare MUH classic & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)SOLD at A$525

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Bavaria: 1880s-1920 Postal Cards & Lettercards collection on expensive Vario sheets in Lighthouse slipcase binder, with various colour Numerals, Luitpold types, 1896 Nurnberg Exhibition picture cards with Exhib pmks, double reply cards, upratings, 3pf + 2pf doubletons, 1912 printed Flugpost card with 25pf blue (Mi cat €80), 1911 colour PPC (3 diff), 1914-18 Arms types, 1919 'Volkstaat' opts (6) & 'Free state' opts (15), Officials inc opts etc. Could be anything among all the print dates. Mi cat €400+ as cheapest types so total could well be €800+. (70)AVAILABLE at A$130

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Heligoland: 1875-90 Numeral 1Mk (1s) deep green, scarlet & black, perf 11½. VF fresh M. Mi 19B cat €1800. SG 18a cat £1500. Exp Engel & Lemberger, while diff new certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1000

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Wurttemberg: 1860s-1916 Postal Stationery collection on expensive Vario sheets in Lighthouse & slipcase binder. Mostly Postal Cards with range of diff types inc original imprint barred out & new 3pf added, 'Muster' opt (specimen). A few envelopes, Lettercards, Wrappers, Postal Money Orders, mostly F-VF UN. Mi cat €420+ for cheapest types so total could well be €800+. (58).AVAILABLE at A$150

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1916 Germania booklet 75pf with 7½pf grey, 5 panes of 6 with perf margin. F-VF MUH, sl perf tones. SG SB6 cat £2250. Mi MH6A cat €1800. Rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1923 Schliersee Inflation Provisional 8,000Mk on white paper 'Postamt' seal, with 'Postamt (arms) Schliersee' violet h/s & '* Schliersee * 8000 Mark verrechnet E46 No 101/69' red h/s, tied by 'Schliersee 26 AUG 23' cds on piece of postcard. Mi 3z cat €500+. Only 200 made & tiny number recorded as surviving. Very rare local issue for the Inflation specialist. Exp Ceremuga. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1927 Beethoven & Kant booklet 2RM code 6 with panes of 10 of Beethoven 8pf & Kant 15pf 2 'X' tabs. F-VF MUH, panes bit tropicalised but booklet still fresh appearance. SG SB21 cat £7500. MI MH22.3 cat €8000. Very rare booklet. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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1928-29 Charity Arms booklet se-tenants with 1928 pane with 'X' tab (Mi cat €300), bad gum tones, then the rainbow strip of 4 (KZ10), all 4 8+15 combinations, 'X' 8pf MUH (S56 cat €1800), unfortunately expertly rejoined, 8pf, plus text (S58, €240) & text +15 horiz pr (W32, €210). Then 1929 rainbow strips (Mi KZ13 & 15, €210), 8+15 & 15+8 prs, 8 + 'X' & 2 diff horiz text + 5pf. Also 1925 'X' + 20pf (€210) & 1926 'X' + 10 (€150). Mostly VF fresh M/MUH. Mi cat €1585, plus the rejoined item €1800 = €3385. (19 items) (P)AVAILABLE at A$230

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1930 South America Flight opt Zeppelin set 2RM & 4RM, with '1. SUDAMERKA FAHRT' opts. VFU/CTO, 'Bayreuth 20.3.31' cds. Mi 438-39 cat €800. SG 456-57 cat £1000. Exp Peschl BPP. (2). (P)SOLD at A$190

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Carolines: 1899 Eagle 25pf orange 48 deg opt. VF fresh MLH. SG 5 cat £2250. Mi 5I cat €1800. Rare stamp. Exp Richter, plus 2004 Steuer BPP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$750

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Carolines: 1899 Eagle 50pf brown 48 deg opt. Superb fresh MLH. SG 6 cat £950. Mi 6I cat €800. Exp Bothe BPP. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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East Africa: 1893-1912 Postal Cards with 1895 used no opt Eagle reply half U, 1893 single line opt 3p/5pf (UN & 2 CTO), 5p/10pf (UN & 2U), 3p/5pf & 5p/10pf Double reply cards (UN), 1896 3p/5pf & 5p/10pf both single & double cards (UN), plus 5p single & 3p double U. 1899 opt 3p single & Answer half & 5p/10pf UN. Then Yacht types inc 1900 3p & 5p both single & double cards UN, 5pf single & 5pf front half of Reply card (U). 1904 3p (UN & U). 1905 7½h (UN & CTO), 4h & 7½h both double replies (UN). 1909 4h (UN & 4U), 1910 divided front 4h (U) & 4h+4h Double reply, finally 1919 7½+7½ double reply (UN). Noted better pmks inc Marangu cat €400 premium on cover, Mpapua (+€30), Usambara railway TPO (2 diff, +€175) etc. Mi/ArGe cat €1800+ inc ArGe pmks premiums. Interesting lot. (20). (P)AVAILABLE at A$650

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New Guinea: 1897-99 opt set 3pf-50pf, plus extra shades of 3pf (2), & 20pf-50pf. VFU, range of diff pmks, most expertised. SG 1-6 cat £800. Mi 1-6 inc 1b, 1c & 5b cat €730. (11). (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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New Guinea: 1897-99 opt Eagle 25pf orange, error opt INVERTED. Superb fresh MLH. Scott 5a cat US$2100, SG 5(var), Mi 5bk cat €2800. Only 1 sheet printed, which was discovered before it was sent to the colony. Important New Guinea rarity. Dr Steuer AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1100

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South West Africa: 1900-12 Postal History with Registered (6) inc 1912 franked Yachts 20pf & 30pf tied 'Okahanja' cds, 1900 franked single hyphen opts to 50pf tied 'Swakopmund' cds. 1911 franked Yacht 1Mk (assume with wmk) tied 'Luderitzbucht' cds (Mi cat €350 on cover). 1906 franked Yacht 5pf UR cnr margin blk of 6 tied by 'Usakos' cds. 1906 Yachts 5pf blk of 4 plus 25pf, tied by 'Kub' cds. 1911 Yacht 3pf (4), 5pf & 25pf tied 'Keetmanshoop' cds. Also single franking inc 1900 2-line diag opt 10pf (2 covers), Yacht 10pf (3), 1893 Eagle forerunner 20pf tied Windhoek cds. Finally a single hyphen opt 10pf UR diag bisect tied by 'Keetmanshoop 25/6 00' cds (Mi cat €1200). Total Mi cat on cover or loose is €1800+. Interesting lot. (15) (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1920 'Danzig' opt 'Grosser Innendienst' Germania 60pf magenta. Superb fresh MLH, perfect centring. Mi 47 cat €1400+. SG 32a cat £1800+. Only 2400 printed. Exp Holtz plus 1933 Kniep BPP photo-certs & 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo certs. (P)SOLD at A$700

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1920 'Danzig' opt 'Grosser Innendienst' GPO 1Mk carmine Superb fresh MLH, perfect centring. Mi 48 cat €1400+. SG 32a cat £1800+. Only 2120 printed. Exp twice inc Holtz plus 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo certs. (P)SOLD at A$700

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1920 'Danzig' opt 'Grosser Innendienst' allegorical 2Mk blue. Superb fresh MLH, perfect centring. Mi 49 cat €1400+. SG 34b cat £1800+. Only 2280 printed. Exp Holtz plus 1933 Kniep BPP photo-certs & 2024 Ceremuga photo certs. (P)SOLD at A$700

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1931 Christmas Charity set 40c+15c to 5Fr+5Fr, on registered cover (vert fold), tied by 7.1.32 cds & with 'Wesermunde-Fischerhafen 8.1.32' arrival b/s. F-VF U. Mi 151-157 cat €800+. SG 150-156 cat £950+, both as loose stamps, plus premium for cover. Exp ArGe Saar. (P)AVAILABLE at A$170

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Belgium-Russia: 1943 Flemish Legion on Eastern Front Airmail opt '+50Fr' set of 4 historic battle designs, ea in M/Sheet of 4, with diff 'plane 1943' opts types I-IV. F-VF MUH, sl traces of gum tropicalisation. Mi V-VIII KLB (I-IV) cat €1800+. Only 920 sets of ea types printed. (4 M/S). (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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Channel Islands - Jersey: 1940 German Occupation Arms of Jersey 'Etats de Jersey' 1d scarlet design prepared by Bigwoods, both normal stamp & also with 'swastika / 1940' opt. These stamps were prepared by the Bigwoods printery but due to objections from Bailiff of Jersey & consultations with Berlin, they were never issued. Superb fresh MUH, pristine original gum & both matching LL cnr marginal. SG JW19 & 20 cat £6000++, & under catalogued (non-cnr examples in our auction 295 sold for $5800+). Only 2 sheets of 30 recorded of each, & of those many were creased etc, only tiny number of perfect MUH examples such as these existing. Major rarity of significant historical importance. Copies of 1984 Mohle BPP photo certs for blks, plus 2013 Ceremuga photo certs. (P)AVAILABLE at A$6000

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Croatia: 1944 Francetic 12.50+287.50K sheetlet of 30 with margins. Superb fresh MUH. Mi 161KLB cat €400+, SG 134 cat £420 as M singles, so £800+ MUH. Rare sheetlet! (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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Estonia: 1941 Swastika set 15k-30k MLH & on cover with other stamps, Pictorials to 100k MUH & on cover, plus 15k IMPERF between horiz pr, 15k imperf blk of 15 & 20k marginal blks of 4 (2) MUH & Pernau type II opt set inc 3k perf. Some tones, the Pernau set VF fresh MUH. Mi cat €800+ as stamps, plus premium for the covers. (45, 2 covers) (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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France - Russia: 1941 French Legion on Eastern Front 100Fr M/Sheet showing Russian Bear & town in flames. Superb fresh MUH, with never hinged original gum. Maury Bloc 1 cat €750. Mi Blk I cat €800. Rare genuine MUH. Exp Mayer, plus 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$425

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France - Russia: 1941 French Legion on Eastern Front 100Fr M/Sheet showing Russian Bear & town in flames. VFU/CTO with German 'Feldpost 16.3.42' cds. Maury Blk 1 cat €650. Mi Blk I cat €800+. Very rare with genuine cds. 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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France - Russia: 1942 French Legion on Eastern Front set Airmail F (+10F) green & red, & F+10 red & blue with OSTFRONT opts shifted, 1st up & right, 2nd up & left. VF fresh MUH. Maury 4g & 5g cat €220. Mi IV(var) - V(var) cat €800++ as normals, plus premium for shifted opts.AVAILABLE at A$80

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France - Russia: 1942 French Legion on the Eastern Front battle scenes F+1F with printed tabs. Issued by French Legion Against Bolshevism. Blks of 4 with dated & undated pictorial tabs. VF fresh MUH. Maury 6-10. Mi VI-XZfBr cat €800. (5 blks) (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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France - Russia: 1942 French Legion on the eastern front battle scenes F + 1F charity stamps with Watch over Moscow design of soldier looking over the front lines, imperf proofs in blue with red text & in violet w/o text, both vertical gutter prs with pictorial tabs at left. VF fresh UN as made. Maury 10(var). Mi XP+ XPZf(var) cat €2800+ as singles, plus premium for extremely rare positional gutter multiple. Each with 2011 Ceremuga photo cert. (2 blks) (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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France: 1945 Atlantic Pocket 'Festung Lorient' h/s opts on Mercury 10c-50c, Petain 60c-4.50Fr, Arc de Triumph 4Fr & 5Fr, plus Arms 5Fr, with 5 stamps genuine opts (with certificates), & 11 stamps forged opts (expertised as such). VF fresh MUH. Mi 1-15 would cat €42,450 in total, while the genuine cat €5400. Genuine examples of all stamps of this issue are rare, only 200-1800 printed of those present in this lot (while some of the other values only 20 or 30 printed). Fantastic lot for the collector that does not wish to spend the $30,000-$40,000 that the set would otherwise cost. 5 stamps with 2022 Ceremuga photo certs. (16) (P)AVAILABLE at A$2700

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France: 1944 St Nazaire Atlantic Pocket large & small souvenir M/Sheets franked Mercury 30c & Petain 70c, or Mercury 10c, all tied by 'La Baule 11 11 44' cds for Anniv of end WWI (Mayer 8 & 9 cat €190). 1945 'Poche de Atlantique' souvenir 1.50Fr card & 4.50Fr registered cover for 1st day of provisional use of meter franking due to shortage of stamps with 'La Baule 8 1 45' cds (Mayer cat €420). Also registered cover franked Petain 70c pr opt 'Taxe Percue' & tied by 'Guerande 19 3 45' cds & taxed for Poste Restant. VF fresh. Mayer cat €800+. (5)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Laibach (Slovenia): 1944 Orphans Fund 25c-5L Winter Relief Fund 25c-5L & Homeless Fund 1.25L & 2.50L Express sets tied to Registered express airmail cover by 'Laibach 12 IV 44' cds, plus special cachets & b/s. SG 104-17 cat £8300 as loose stamps, Mi 31-44 cat €8800 for sets on cover. 1997 Raybaudi photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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Montenegro: 1943 'Deutsche Militar-Verwaltung Montenegro' opt Yugoslav set 0.50L/3D - 20L/4D, tied to 4-line opt Postal Card 1L/4D by 'Bernan 19.XI.43 cds. SG 76-84 cat £1400+ as loose stamps alone. Mi 1-9 cat €580 for CTO stamps with this cancel or €1500 for set on cover, plus card Mi P1 unpriced used. Sass 1-9 cat €3300 as set on cover, plus card Interitalia P4 cat €800 for card = €4100. Rare & attractive. (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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Montenegro: 1944 Refugee Fund set of 9 used on Yugoslav King Postcard with 5-line 1 Lira opt, opts 'Fluchtlingshilfe Montenegro', tied by 'Berane 13.VII.44' cds. SG 95-103 cat €2500+ as loose stamps alone. Mi 20-28 cat €1000 for CTO stamps with cancel cat €2400 for set on cover, plus the card Mi P1 unpriced used. Sass 15-20 & PA 6-8 cat €2800 as set on cover, plus card Interitalia P4 cat €800, total €3600. (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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Montenegro: 1944 Red Cross opt set of 7 used on Yugoslav King Postcard with 5-line 1 Lire opt, reverse tied by 'Berane 22 V 44' cds. SG 104-10 cat £1700+ as loose stamps alone. Mi 29-35 cat €700 for CTO stamps with this cancel & cat €2000 on cover, plus the card Mi P1 unpriced used. Sass 21-24 & PA-11 cat €1500 as set on cover, plus card Interitalia P4 cat €800=€2300. (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Russia-Pleskau: 1942 Red Cross Madonna 60+40K M/Sheet with Red Cross, on white paper, no wmk, perf 11¾. VFU, Pskov '28.4.42' cds in top L cnr as issued, MUH gum on stamps & MLH margins, size 114x154mm. Mi Blk 4Z cat €800. Only total 2645 printed. 2017 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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Serbia: 1941 Smederovo Explosion M/Sheet imperf. VFU with 'Beograd 1 / 22.IX.41' special violet First Day of Issue cds, some tiny tone spots on reverse, with gum as removed from special presentation card. SG MSG49b cat £1200+, Mi Blk 2 cat €800+. Very rare with genuine contemporary cancels. 2012 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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Fredersdorf: 1945 Numeral Provisionals, large format 38x28mm single lined black frame 5pf, 6pf, 8pf & 30pf, large numerals with 'FM' h/s opt. Superb U, all on piece with 'Fredersdorf 20 NOV 1945 Berlin' oval violet pmks. Mi Sp241, 242, 243 & 245 cat €800+. Very rare, only 50 of each printed! Exp Dr Heber & Dr Harder BPP, plus 2019 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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Russian Zone - West Saxony: 1945 Leipzig large '8' in circle opt Hitler 8pf orange, tied by 'Holzhausen Sachs' cds to cover. VFU. Mi AII cat €800+. Very rare as these opts were prepared as a general Soviet Zone issue but due to miscommunication between diff commanders order was given to withdraw stocks from POs & destroy them. However, Holzhausen & Zwenkau POs did not get the order in time & sold a small quantity on 3rd August. 2014 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1840 QV 1d black, plate 7, horiz pr, letters KH-KI. VFU, 4 margins with red Maltese Cross cancels. SG Spec AS 4g cat £1800. (P)AVAILABLE at A$575

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1854-57 QV 2d blue, stars, plate 5, letters MH, wmk large crown, perf 14. F-VF fresh M, nice deep colour. Scott 17 cat US$3000. SG 34 cat £2800. Rare genuine M. 2009 Behr photo cert (P)AVAILABLE at A$625

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1883-86 'GOVT PARCELS' opt QV 6d dull green. VFU with parcel cancel that is much lighter than usual, & with good colour. Scott O28 cat US$1600++. SG O62 cat £2800 inc SG specified +100% premium for lightly used. Rare genuine. 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$525

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1887-90 'GOVT PARCELS' opt QV 1/- dull green. VF fresh M, nice deep colour. Scott O36 cat US$800, SG Spec L29. SG O68 cat £700. Rare genuine Mint. (P)SOLD at A$300

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1902-10 KEVII ½d green, DLR printing, left marginal bklt pane of 6, opt SPECIMEN (SG type 22), wmk Imperial Crown INVERTED. VF fresh MUH. SG 27s(var), SG Spec MB1at cat £2000, plus +40% SG specified premium MUH £2800. Extremely rare. 2021 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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1902-10 KEVII 1d red, DLR printing left marginal bklt pane of 6, opt SPECIMEN (SG type 22), wmk Imperial Crown, plus front & back bklt cvrs & advert inserts (6 diff). VF fresh MUH, plus also the booklet covers & all advert pages from the original booklet this pane came from. SG 219s, SG Spec MB5t cat £1800, plus +40% SG specified premium MUH £2520. Extremely rare. 2021 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1100

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1902-10 KEVII 1d red, DLR printing, opt SPECIMEN (SG type 17), wmk Imperial Crown inverted. VF fresh MUH. SG 219wis, SG Spec M5au cat £400 for M, should be at least double, £800 MUH. Rare genuine. 2021 Ceremuga photo cert (P)AVAILABLE at A$325

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1902-10 KEVII 1d red, DLR printing, left marginal bklt pane of 6, opt SPECIMEN (SG type 22), wmk Imperial Crown INVERTED. VF fresh MUH. SG 219wis, SG Spec MB5at cat £1800, plus 40% SG Specified premium MUH, £2520. Extremely rare. 2021 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1100

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1902-10 KEVII 1½d Slate-purple & bluish green on chalk-surfaced paper, DLR printing opt CANCELLED (SG type 18) being special specimen ex DLR archives. Superb fresh MLH. SG 224(2)(var). SG Spec M9t cat £1800. Major rarity as only several recorded. 2021 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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1902-10 KEVII 2d pale grey-green & carmine-red on chalk-surfaced paper, DLR printing, opt CANCELLED (SG type 18) being special specimen ex DLR archives. VF fresh M. SG 227(s)(var). SG Spec M12t cat £1800. Major rarity as only several recorded. 2021 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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1902-10 KEVII 4d deep green & chocolate-brown on chalk-surfaced paper, DLR printing, opt CANCELLED (SG type 18) being special specimen ex DLR archives. Superb fresh M. SG 238(s)(var). SG Spec M24S cat £1800. Major rarity as only several recorded. 2021 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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1902-10 KEVII 9d slate-purple & ultramarine on chalk-surfaced paper, DLR printing, opt CANCELLED (SG type 18) being special specimen ex DLR archives. Superb fresh M. SG 251a(s)(var). SG Spec M40t cat £1800. Major rarity as only several recorded. 2021 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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1902-10 KEVII 10d Slate-purple & carmine, in chalk-surfaced paper, DLR printing opt 'CANCELLED' (SG type 18) being special specimen ex DLR archive, error DOUBLE opt - at top & bottom. Superb fresh M. SG 255(s)(var). SG Spec M43t(var) cat £1800++, plus premium for opt error. Major rarity as only several recorded. 2021 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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1902-10 KEVI 1/- dull green & scarlet on chalk-surfaced paper, DLR printing, opt CANCELLED (SG type 18) being special specimen ex DLR archives. Superb fresh M. SG 259(s)(var). SG Spec M46t cat £1800. Major rarity as only several recorded. 2021 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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1902-10 KEVII £1 dull blue-green, DLR printing, opt SPECIMEN (SG type 17). Superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. SG 266s. SG Spec M55t cat £3800 for M, should be at least double, £7600 MUH. Extremely rare pristine MUH genuine example of this sought after opt type. 2021 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$4000

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1902-10 KEVII £1 dull blue-green, DLR printing, opt SPECIMEN (SG type 17). Fresh MLH, expertly repaired surface scuff, VF appearance. SG 266s. SG Spec M55t cat £3800. Very rare & sought after opt type. 2021 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1600

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1902-03 'ARMY OFFICIAL' opt KEVII 6d pale dull purple opt SG type O6. VF fresh M, original gum & excellent colour. Scott O62 cat US$3250, SG Spec MO22. SG O52 cat £2800. Very rare genuine. 2007 RSPL photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1700

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1913 KGV Seahorse £1 deep green. VF fresh MLH, with nice original gum, right marginal. Scott 176 cat US$3000. SG Spec N72(2) cat £4500. SG 403 cat £2800. Rare top value. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1600

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1913 KGV Seahorses £1 green. Superb fresh MLH, with nice original gum, perfect perfs & beautiful deep colour. Scott 176 cat US$3000, SG Spec N72(1), SG 403 cat £2800. Rare top value. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1800

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1913 KGV Seahorses £1 dull blue-green. VF fresh MUH, left marginal, pristine never hinged original gum, perfect perfs & nice colour. Scott 176a cat US$4375. SG 404 cat £3800+ & under-catalogued MUH (as M cat £2800). Rare genuine MUH. 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)SOLD at A$1900

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Greece: 1896-1954 MUH collection inc 1896 Olympics to 40L. 1901-02 Pic Defs to 5Dr. 1906 2nd Olympics to 1Dr. 1927 Defs to 25Dr. 1933 Zeppelin set (SG cat £200 for M). 1935-39 Air set to 100Dr (£100 for M). 1940 Youth set to 100Dr (£550 for M) plus Air set to 100Dr (£550 for M). 1951 St Paul set to 10,000Dr (£300). 1954 Art set to 20,000Dr (£375). F-VF fresh MUH. SG cat £2300+ for M, should be at least double, for the MUH, total £5800. Excellent lot. (198). (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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Grenada: 1860s-190s collection with extras in Vario binder with slipcase inc 1863 QV to 6d, 1881 Surch on ½d deep mauve with variety 'OSTAGE' superb cds on piece (cat £130), 1883 QV set to 1/-, 1883 QV 1d tete-beche blk of 6 with 3 prs (cat £900), 1886 1d on 1½d orange Surch Double, sold 'as is', 1895 QV set to 1/-, 1902 KEVII set SPECIMEN to 10/-, 1913 KGV set to 10/- inc some shades, 1906 Badge set to 10/-, 1934 KGV set to 5/-, 1938 KGVI set to 10/- with some shades & perfs inc 10/- (5), 1951 KGVI & 1953 QEII sets to $2.50, then fairly comp to 1980s, plus Barbados 1900 Seal to 10d, 1938 to 5/-, 1950 KGVI set to $2.40, 1953 QEII set to $1.20 with shades. Mostly F-VF MLH/MUH, some G-VF U, tropicalisation on some stamps. SG cat £4000+ = A$8000+. (1600+, 170 M/S, 6 S/B) (P)AVAILABLE at A$650

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1925 Sports & Scout Fund set 100K-2500K IMPERF horiz prs. Superb fresh MUH, all 4 margins. SG 452-59(I), Mi 403-10, Sc B80-87(I) cat US$900 for M, should be at least double, US$1800 MUH, plus premium for prs. (8prs) (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1920 King set 1e-5Kr, plus 1921-22 New Colours set 5a-40a, all blks of 4 VFU -the 1e-1K cds, 2a, & 5K with 'Tollur' cancels. Mi 83-103 €740+. SG 116-36 cat £800+ as singles, plus premium for rare multiples. (21 blks)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1930 Parliament Millenary set 3a-10K inc 10a Airmail. VF fresh MUH. Fa 173-88 cat 6500Kr. SG 158-73 cat £400 for M, should be at least double, £800 MUH. (16). (P)AVAILABLE at A$230

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1869-78 QV Telegraph 1R grey, Die I, wmk wide 'crown / INDIA'. VF MUH, never hinged original gum. SG T8 cat £800 for M, should be at least double, £1600 MUH. (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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1869-78 QV Telegraph 25R reddish-lilac, Die I, wmk wide 'crown INDIA', marginal with plate no control. F-VF MUH, never hinged original gum. SG T16 cat £1400 for M, should be at least double, £2800 MUH, plus premium for control. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1000

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1902-11 KEVII 25R brownish orange & blue. VFU, bright colours. Scott 76 cat US$300 for T/C, SG 147 cat £600 for T/C or £1800 for U. Key top value. (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Kishangarh: 1899-1947 collection inc 1899-1900 Arms 1a green. 1899-1900 Arms vals to 5R inc 1R, 2R & 5R blks of 4. Also selection to 1R Tete-beche prs. 1904 Arms 8a blk of 4. 1904-10 Rajah set to 5R blks of 4 plus 1a & 1R imperf proofs. 1913 Rajah ¼a blk of 4 & 2a pr. 1913-16 Rajah to 1R & 1928-36 range to 5R. 1943 Rajah ½a full sheet of 10. Also 1948-49 Rajasthan h/s. Kishangarh Rajah 4a. Range of officials inc 1a horiz strip of 6. Most G-VF M/U. SG cat £1900+ = A$3800+ (148). (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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Indonesia: 1996 Rhino M/Sheet (100) all with 'SEA Games Oktober 1997 opts (SG 2267a(var), est. cat £650), 1997 Cultural Anniversaries M/Sheet (100), SG 2308(var) £1050, 1998 Anti-Drug sheetlet (100), SG 2415a(var) £1120, 1998 Juvalex & Singpex M/S (100 of ea, £825), 1998 Gemstones M/S pr (100, SG 2405(var), £660), Australia 99 M/S (100, £325). All fresh MUH in bundles of 100. FV $550 alone. Zonnebloem cat €3280 = A$5250. Total SG cat £4650 = A$8300. (800)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1948 1st Coins Doar Ivri 250m deep green, on THIN yellowish paper (as used for the low values, instead of the thick white paper used for the 250m), rare perf 10, with FULL TAB perf at base, error vert perfs shifted right so they cut through 2 of the denomination. Superb fresh MUH with never hinged original gum. SG 7aTB(var), Bale 7faTB(var) cat US$4000++ for normal imperf at base tab, unlisted with the rare perf at base & est at least +100% premium so US$8000+. Extremely rare, only several sheets printed on this paper & probably only 10 examples existed of such with tab perf at base. 2020 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$2500

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Parma: 1852 Arms 40c black on pale blue. F-VFU, 3½ margins. Scott 5 cat US$550, SG 8 cat £1000. Sass 5a cat €1800. (P)AVAILABLE at A$140

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Parma: 1852 Arms 40c black on pale blue. VFU, 4 margins. SG 8 cat £1000. Sass 5a cat €1800. (P)AVAILABLE at A$220

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Parma: 1852 Arms 40c black on blue, on letter wrapper tied by square diamond mesh cancel with 'PARMA 12 GIUGNO' pmk at UR, with 'Piacenza 20 GIUG' red arrival b/s. VFU, 3½ margins. SG 9 cat £600 for loose stamp. Sass 5 cat €4800. Very rare & attractive classic cover. (P)AVAILABLE at A$550

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Parma: 1853-57 Newspaper Tax Shield 6c black on rose. Superb U, with red cds, 4 margins. SG N1 cat £500+. Sass SG 1 cat €800+. Exp Diena, Kosack & Their. (P)AVAILABLE at A$140

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Parma: 1853-57 Newspaper Tax Shield 6c black on rose. Superb U with red cds, 4 margins. Scott PR1 cat US$375, SG N1 cat £500+. Sass SG1 cat €800+. Unusually nice. (P)AVAILABLE at A$140

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Parma: 1859 Provisional Government 40c red, 2nd printing shade. VF fresh M, original gum, 4 large margins. SG 33 cat £800. Sass 17 cat €1200. 2022 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Romagna: 1859 Type-set set ½b-20b. Mostly F-VF UN/U, odd imperfections as expected. SG cat £21,500+ = A$39,000+. Sass cat €30,000+ = A$49,800+. All stamps genuine but mixture of genuine & forged cancels. 6b & 20b with negative APS photo cert. (19) (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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Romagna: 1859 type-set set ½b-20b, plus ½b & 1b listed shades. F-VF U, few imperfections, all barred diamond pmks, 3-4 margins. SG 1-10 cat £20,000+ = A$40,000. Sass 1-9 cat €27,800 = A$46,000. Extremely rare genuine used set. With 5 certs inc 2014 Scheller photo-cert for 6b rarest value & 2014 Bottachi AIEP photo-cert for 20b top value. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1400

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Sardinia: 1851 King 40c lilac-rose. F-VF U appearance with dotted pmk, sl thins etc, 3 margins. SG 5 cat £5,800. Sass 3d cat €10,000. Rare genuine. 2010 Scheller photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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Sardinia: 1851 King 40c lilac-rose. F-VF U appearance, sl thins, dotted pmk, 3½ margins. Scott 3c cat US$23,500, SG 5 cat £5,800. Sass 3d cat €10,000. 2010 Scheller photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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Sardinia: 1851 King 40c rose. F-VF U with dotted pmk, tiny pinhole, 2½ margins. Scott 3 cat US$4000, SG 7 cat £5500. Sass 3 cat €8000. Rare genuine. 2010 Scheller photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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Sardinia: 1853 King Embossed 40c pale rose on coloured paper. Superb U, with 'Alessandria 8 Ottobre 1855' cds, 4 large margins. Scott 6 cat US$800, SG 11 cat £1300. Sass 6 cat €1600. Rare genuine. 2014 Bottacchi photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$325

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1921 'BLP' blue opt King 20c orange, type I litho opt. VF fresh MUH. SG B113 cat £1800 for M, should be at least double, £3600 MUH. Sass 2 cat €3500. Exp Alberto Diena AIEP & others, plus 2004 Raybaudi photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$625

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1924 Official Franking Permit Stamps 'Consorzio Bibliot Torino' set 5c-50c, for the 'National Society for Libraries for the People'. F-VF MUH, sl tropicalised gum. Sass EP30-33 cat €800. (4). (P)AVAILABLE at A$110

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1922-23 'Busta Lettera Postale' advertising lettercard (2 serie Piemonte) with advert for 'Societa Nazionale Navagazione' on front & for 'White star Line' on back & many small adverts inside, franked 'BLP' type II litho blue opt 20c orange. VFU, uprated 30c red, tied by 'Amb Torino-Piacenza 4 5 23' railway TPO cds. SG B131 cat £500++ for loose stamp alone, Sass BLP 7 ct €1800. Extremely rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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1945 Torino CLN liberation 'C.L.N.' fancy opt basic set Monuments 5c-3L & Express 1.25L. VF fresh MUH. CEI 18-31 cat €1800. Rare genuine as only 400 printed. 2023 Ceremuga photo cert. (14) (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1945 Aosta liberation local partisan opts on Bandiera Brothers set 25c, 1L & 2.50L, in setenant pairs of 2 diff opt languages, plus opts with coat of arms on set 10c-2L (inc both 1L), ea in blk of 4 with opts in French & Italian setenant with stamps w/o opts. & then the 'Autonomous Aosta' opts in similar format bilingual blks. VF MUH. CEI 1-6, 10-25 & 26-41 cat €12,800 = A$21,000+. Historical & rare issues, offered very cheaply. The key 1st set with 2013 Raybaudi photo cert. (3 prs & 16 blks). (P)AVAILABLE at A$900

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Eritrea: 1934 'SERVICIO DI STATO' opt Rome-Mogadiscio Air 25L+2L carmine. Superb fresh MLH. Sc CBO1 cat US$2800, Sass Sa1 cat €3250, SG O238 cat £4000. Rare genuine as only 750 printed. Exp Bloch, plus 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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Somalia: 1934 Rome-Mogadiscio intermediate registered FFC Somalia-Rome Official 'Ministero delle Colonie' franked Rome-Mogadiscio 25L+5L opt 'SERVICIO DI STATO', tied by 'Mogadiscio 13 11 34' cds, with special Airmail label, & red flight cachet, Rome arrival b/s. VF-superb. SG O209 cat €7000 as loose stamp. Sc CB01 cat US$8000 on flown cover. Sass SA1 cat €12,000 on Airmail cover. Diena photo cert. Rarity as only 750 printed & only 100 covers flown. 1970 Alberto Diena AIEP & 2024 Ceremuga photo certs. (P)AVAILABLE at A$6000

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Fiume: 1920 'Reggenza Italiana de Carnaro' opt Military Post set 1c/5c-10L/20c, tied by 'Fiume d'Italia 20 NOV 20 Posta Militare' cds, in Official PO printed presentation folder with PO cachets & signature. VF. SG ex 146-62 & E163-64 cat £1100++, Sass 131-47 & E3-4 cat €1800+, both as loose stamps, & €2250 for bklt. 2014 Colio photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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1949 Forestation 5Y bright green LL cnr marginal imprint blk of 12 & LR cnr marginal blk of 6. VF fresh MUH. Sak C157 cat 46,800Y+. SG 525 cat £225+, plus premium for blks. (2 blks).AVAILABLE at A$30

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1949 Meteorological Observatory 8Y green, UL cnr marginal blk of 12 with inscriptions, plus 1949 Radio Mast & Pigeon 8Y blue, UR cnr marginal blk of 24, with inscription. VF fresh MUH. Sak C161 & C162 cat 28,800Y+. SG 534 & 535 cat £162+. (2 blks).AVAILABLE at A$25

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1951 Tourist Issues 8Y marginal blks with 8Y reddish brown blk of 12, 8Y carmine blk of 12, with inscription, 8Y red blk of 12, with inscription. VF fresh MUH. Sak C208, C210 & C214 cat 76,800Y+. SG 623, 639 & 643 cat £423+, plus premium for blks. (3 blks).AVAILABLE at A$60

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1953 Athletic Meeting 5Y & 5Y set se-tenant blk of 14, with margins with inscription. VF fresh MUH. Sak C239.240 cat 18,800Y+. SG 716, 717/716a cat £134+.AVAILABLE at A$15

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1922-27 KGV £1 black & orange, right marginal blk of 4, with SPECIMEN violet h/s local opt type K3 (22x2.5mm) which was used for presentation sets (instead of the black DLR type opt used for UPU distribution). Superb fresh MUH. SG 95s(var) cat £900 for normal M, should be at least double, £1800 MUH, plus premium for blk. Extremely rare multiple. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1948 KGVI Silver Wedding set 20c & £1 with local h/s SPECIMEN (Samuel type K4) in violet, both in UR cnr blks of 8 or 9, with sheet number 001. VF fresh M, with paper adhesions to reverse from mounting in archive book. SG 157-58(s). UNIQUE blks as only 1 sheet of 60 of ea existed, ex KUT postal archive. We sold a set of singles in auction 273 for $815, & a set of imprint blks for $11,000 in auction 278, so such unique sheet no cnr multiples would calculate to $7000-$8000. Copy of BPA photo certs for sheets they came from, plus 2013 Ceremuga photo cert. (17) (P)AVAILABLE at A$4500

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1923 Birth of Princess 10Fr green M/Sheet (80x59mm), type I, perf 11½x11 (25x17 holes), with control punch in LR cnr & 4 positioning pinholes. VF MUH with typical gum. SG MS221 cat £1900 for M, should be at least double, £3800 MUH, Mi Blk 1I cat €2500. Only total 5100 printed together of all perf types. 2022 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$750

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1923 Birth of Princess 10Fr green M/Sheet (80x60mm), type II, perf 11½x11, with perfs beyond stamp cnrs (26x19 holes), with control punch in lower margin & 4 positioning pinholes. VF fresh with nicer than typical gum, stamp MUH, margin MLH with tiny thin. SG MS221 cat £1900 for M, should be at least double, £3800 MUH, Mi Blk 1II cat €2500. Only total 5150 printed together of all perf types. 2022 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$575

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1902-03 KEVII $100 purple & green/yellow, wmk crown CA, opt SPECIMEN. VF fresh M, nice deep colour. Scott 104A cat US$800, SG 122s cat £800 (normal cat £22,000). (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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1904-10 KEVII $25 grey-green & black, wmk mult crown, opt SPECIMEN. VF fresh MLH. Scott 145s cat US$800. SG 139s cat £500 (normal cat £3500). (P)AVAILABLE at A$375

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1906-12 KEVII $25 purple & blue/blue, opt SPECIMEN. VF fresh M, nice deep colour. SG 168s cat £800 (normal cat £3750). (P)AVAILABLE at A$650

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Selangor: 1895-99 Elephants $10 green & purple. Superb fresh MLH, with nice original gum & deep colours. Scott 40 cat US$800, SG 65 cat £950. Rare high value in beautiful condition. (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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1948 $10 KGVI Silver Wedding UR blk of 20. MUH with heavily tropicalised gum. SG 351 cat £700 (while U would cat £800). Scarce multiple. (20).AVAILABLE at A$100

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1893 use of Arms 1c orange Postcard uprated 2c brown Arms tied by 'Sandakan 12 NOV 1893' red-brown cds. To Germany with 'Erfurt 17 12 93' arrival cds. H & G, Tan P1 cat MR120, plus SG 38 cat £28 for loose stamps alone & SG specifies valuation of 'from x100' on cover making it £2800+. Correctly franked at 3c foreign postcard rate & significant rarity. (P)SOLD at A$800

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1879 QV 2c blue-green, wmk CA crown sideways. Superb UN, 1 expertly repaired perf. Scott 1 cat US$1625, SG 1 cat £1800. Rare 1st issue & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$900

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Penang: 1965-68 Orchids 15c multicoloured UR cnr marginal blk of 4 error IMPERF between stamps & right margin. VF fresh MUH. SG 71(var). ISC 71b cat M$800. Very rare multiple. (P)SOLD at A$120

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1848-59 QV Post Paid 1d red-brown latest impression. VFU appearance, small thins & expertly repaired at right, now with 4 margins, concentric circle '16' pmk. Scott 3e cat US$750, SG 24 cat £800. 2106 BPA photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1859-61 Britannia 6d blue, imperf. VF UN, sl staining at base, 4 margins. Scott 18 cat US$800, SG 32 cat £900. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1899-1911 collection inc 1899 Pic Def set to 5P, plus 'OFFICIAL' opt to 5P. 1903 New Colours set to 50c, plus Official to 1P. 1911 Official opt 5P blk of 4, Mint with 2023 MEPSI photo cert (SG cat £1600). F-VF M/U. SG cat £2700+ = A$5400+. Scott cat US$3000+ = A$4800+. (84) (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1934 University Airmail 20P carmine & brown. Superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. SG 560 cat £1300 for M, should be at least double, £2600 MUH. Yv A59 cat €1500 M, so €3000 MUH Scott C61 cat US$1800 M, so US$3600 MUH. Rare top value in exceptional quality. 2023 MEPSI photo cert. (P)SOLD at A$900

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Nauru: 1916-80 collection with extras in Vario binder with slipcase inc 1916 set to 1/-, Seahorses 2/6, 5/- & 10/- with shades, 1924 Ships set to 10/- shiny paper most both M & U, 1954 set to 5/-, also blks of 4 & imprint blks of 4 to 5/-, fairly comp range to 1980s, 200+ marginal blks of 4 with printer, plate numbers etc. Mainly F-VF MLH/MUH, plus some F-VFU, some tropicalisation throughout. SG cat £2900 = A$5800. (1600+) (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1941 'France Libre' opt Gold Currency 1Fr, 2Fr, 5Fr & 10Fr, marginal blks of 4. VF MUH, usual colonial gum. SG F73-76 cat £436+, Yv 132-35 cat €800+, plus premium for blks (4 blks) (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1857-63 QV Chalon 1/- blue-green, no wmk, thick soft white paper, provisional serrated perf 16-18 at Nelson, no wmk. VFU, barred oval '15' pmk. Scott 10b cat US$7000, CP A6c(V) cat NZ$17,000+. SG 26 cat £8000+. Extremely rare, only several genuine examples recorded & this is probably the best quality one. 2021 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$5000

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1864-71 QV Chalon 2d blue plate I worn state, wmk Star, perf 12½. VF MLH partial original gum. Scott 32a cat US$325, SG 113 cat £400. CP A2m(2) cat NZ$800. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1864-71 QV Chalon 1/- yellow-green, wmk Large Star, perf 12½. VF UN. Scott 37 cat US$325. CP A6M(4) cat $800. SG 125 cat £400. (P)SOLD at A$150

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1864-71 QV Chalon 1/- yellow-green, wmk Star, perf 12½ horiz pr. VF fresh M, original gum. Scott 37 cat US$750+. SG 125 cat £800+. Rare multiple. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1907-11 OFFICIAL opt Kiwi 6d bright carmine-pink. VF fresh MUH with nice never hinged original gum. Scott O27. SG O64 cat £450 for M, should be at least double, £900 MUH. CP EO14g cat NZ$1800. Rare MUH. 2024 Ceremuga photo cert . (P)AVAILABLE at A$475

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Niue: 1902-70 collection in Vario binder with slipcase inc 1902-03 Surch to 1/-, 1917 set to 1/- with some perf varieties, 1918 Postal Fiscals to £1, 1931 Postal Fiscals to £1, 1938 1/- to 3/- then range to 1970s inc M/S, some Penrhyn Islands. Mainly F-VF MLH/MUH, some VFU, sl tropicalisation. SG cat £800+. (600+,100+ M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$220

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Burutu: 1898-99 use of GB QV 1d lilac, 2½d purple on blue (5) & 2/6 lilac (UL cnr flt), all tied to single piece by type 4 rectangular h/s 'The Royal Niger Company Chartered & Limited Post Office Burutu' seriffed pmk with indistinct 1899 date. SG Z59 & Z67 cat £800+ as singles. (P)SOLD at A$70

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1907-11 KEVII New Colours set ½d-£1, opt SPECIMEN. VF MUH. SG 33-44s cat £400 for M, should be at least double, £800 MUH & rare as such. (12) (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1903-04 KEVII £10 grey & blue, with SPECIMEN h/s local opt type N&4 (18x3mm), which was used for presentation sets (instead of the DLR type opt used for UPU distribution). VF UN. SG 67s cat £500++ (normal cat £9500), plus premium for the rare opt. Extremely rare - only 4 recorded & the 1st example we offered sold for $1800+ commission. Certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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1907-10 Lakatoi small Papua ½d black & deep green wmk sideways, perf 11 full sheet of 30 (5x6) inc varieties 'rift in sky' & 'Comet' no left margin. VF fresh 1MLH/29 MUH. SG 59a cat £900+ for M, should be at least double, £1800 MUH, plus premium for varieties & full sheet.AVAILABLE at A$300

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1930 Lakatoi Plane opt 3d sepia-black & bright blue-green, Harrison printing on yellowish paper (with correct identification of Harrison printing confirmed by plating). VF fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum, left marginal, in unusually nice condition as only 2 sheets of 40 printed, & most of the recorded stamps became badly tropicalised due to remaining too long in Papua. Scott C2a cat US$3800 for M, SG 115 cat £4000 for M, should be at least double, £8000 MUH. Very rare genuine example as most offered either have forged opts or are misidentified, often unfortunately with incorrect certificates. 2018 Ceremuga AIEP photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$6000

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Papua: 1901-41 comprehensive used collection beautifully presented in New Age stamp album inc 1901 BNG Lakatoi ½d to 1/-, 1906 Large Papua opt to 2/6, 1907 Small Papua opts to 2/6, plus perf OS 2/6, various Small Papua with perf 11 & 12½ inc perf OS, 1911 mono-colours with 2d mauve wmk Crown to right, 1916-31 bi-colours to 10/-, range of opts inc Airmail opt 3d Harrison printing, Aeroplane opt 6d Harrison with DOUBLE perf, 1932-40 to £1 inc ½d McCracken. Range of scarce pmks inc Tamatai, Nepa etc, also Queensland QV on piece with BNG cancel, plus varieties & small range of 1930-41 covers inc 2 1941 Censored covers. Mostly VFU & few M. SG cat £4800+ = A$9600. Nice lot offered intact as received. (200+, 15 covers) (P)SOLD at A$1000

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1960 'POSTAL CHARGES 6d. IXIXIXIXIX' opt on 7½d blue with Postage blocked out. Superb U. SG D1 cat £450. Rare genuine example as only 800 printed & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)SOLD at A$400

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1960 'POSTAL CHARGES 6d.' opt 7½d blue, error opt DOUBLE, both equally strong with diff inking & well separated, LL cnr IMPRINT blk of 4. VF fresh MUH, with never hinged original gum. SG D4a cat £4800++ as singles, plus large premium for imprint blk which should be at least +50% premium so est £7200+. Very rare genuine as only 2 sheets of 36 printed (other sheet with one opt weaker) & this is the only recorded surviving imprint blk. 1978 RPSV photo cert while new AIEP certificate can be obtained on request. (4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$5500

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1960 Stamp Centenary set 40gr-2zl50, in sheetlets of 4. VF fresh MUH, but margins reduced. Mi 1151-55 KLB cat €800, SG 1145-49 cat £1000 for sheetlets. (5 blks of 4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1921 Court letter return receipt franked Court Delivery 1920 Provisional '2mk' h/s opt on Austria 10h black & blue, tied by 'Sad Powiatowy / Drohobych' eagle h/s. Fi 2 cat zl800. Rare. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$120

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1950 Currency Revaluation 'Groszy' violet opt type 23 of Warszawa on 1948 Roosevelt M/Sheet with opt on ea stamp, tied to envelope by 'Warszawa 14 12 50' cds. SG MS645d(var) cat £900 for normal, should be double, with opts, £1800. Mi Blk A11 cat €2200+. Very rare. 2019 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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1950 Currency Revaluation 'GROSZY' black opt type 3 of Katowice & Krakow on 1948 Roosevelt M/Sheet with opt on ea stamp, tied by reg cover by 'Sosnowiec 12 4 52' cds. To Denmark. SG MS465d(var) cat £900 for normal, should be double, with opt, £1800. Mi Blk A11 cat €2200. Both should be double, on cover, £3600 or €4400. Rarity! 2019 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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1895 St Anthony set 2½r-500r. VFU. Scott 132-146 cat US$1810. SG 327-41 cat £1800. Rare set. (15). (P)SOLD at A$500

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1898-1908 Arms 1d red, right marginal horiz pr error IMPERF between & at left. Stamps superb fresh MUH. Scott 60e cat US$450 for M, SG 78c cat £800 for M, should be at least double, £1600 MUH. Rare so nice. (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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1930 Graf Zeppelin Moscow Flight set 40k & 80k IMPERF. Superb MUH with never hinged original gum, 4 large margins. Mi 390-91C cat €6000. SG 574b-75b cat £3800. Rare set as only 1000 printed. Exp Filatelia SSSR, while new certificate can be obtained on request. (2) (P)AVAILABLE at A$2700

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1935 Air Rescue Exped set 1K-50K. VFM. Mi 499-508 cat €1100. SG 678-687 cat £800. (10) (P)AVAILABLE at A$650

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1935 Moscow Railway set 5k-20k. F-VF M, sl tropicalised gum. Mi 509x-512x cat €800. SG 688-691 cat £275. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Russia & Soviet Union: 1864-1928 Mint collection in s/book 1864-1917 Arms vals to 10R inc perf & imperf. Noted 1883-88 70K, no Thunderbolts. 1913 Tercentenary set to 5R. 1914 Charity issue inc perfs 1922 Rostov-on-Don Charity set. 1922 Air opt Consular Fee 12Mk on 2R25, 24Mk on 3R, 120Mk on 2R25, 600Mk on 3R, 1200Mk on 10K & 1200Mk on 2R25. 1923 Charity opt vals to 4R+4R on 5000R. 1922 Children opt 1K imperf, 2K, 3K, 5K & 10K. 1925-28 Soldiers, Workers & Peasants to 5R, inc perfs & imperfs. 1924 Lenin Mourning selection inc perf & imperf, plus printings. F-VFM. SG cat £4600+ = A$9000+. Mi cat €4800+ = A$8000+. (445) (P)AVAILABLE at A$2000

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Russia & Soviet Union: 1904-46 Mint collection inc 1904 War Fund set. 1923 Agricultural set perf & imperf. 1933 Leningrad Exhibition opt set (SG cat 350). 1933 Stratosphere set (£275). 1935 North Pole Flight opt 1R on 10K (£750). 1935 Anti War set (£400). 1935 Sport set (£350). 1934 Stratosphere Disaster set plus 1944 10th Anniv set. 1935 Air Rescue set (£800). 1934 Zeppelin Air set (£425). Mostly VF M/MUH, some tropicalised gum etc (useful stock for dealer who can solve that). Mi cat €5500+ = A$9100+. SG cat £5200+ = A$10,000+. (101) (P)AVAILABLE at A$2000

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1922-37 KGV Ship £1 grey & purple on red. VFU, light St Helena cds. Scott 99 cat US$700, SG 96 cat £800. (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1923 Tercentenary set ½d-£1, opt SPECIMEN. VF fresh M. SG 48s-60s cat £800. Rare set. (13). (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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1923 Tercentenary £1 black & purple on red. Superb fresh MLH Scott 64 cat US$825. SG 60 cat £800. (P)AVAILABLE at A$550

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1923 Tercentenary £1 black & purple on red. VF fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. Scott 64 cat US$825 for M, SG 60 cat £800 for M, should be at least double, £1600 MUH. Rare top value in exceptional condition. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1100

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1881 QV 1d drab, wmk small star, rough perf 11-12½. F-VF fresh M. Scott 26 cat US$800. SG 37 cat £700. Rare genuine M. (P)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1914 'G.R.I. 2 Shillings' opt Yacht 2Mk blue. VF MLH. Scott 111 cat US$4000. Mi 11 cat €3800. SG 112 cat £3500. Very rare genuine as only 126 printed. Exp Friedl, plus 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$2500

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1914 'G.R.I. 5 Shillings' opt Yacht 3Mk violet-black. Superb U, Apia cds. Mi 12 cat €1800. Scott 112 cat US$1500. SG 113 cat £1200. Rare, genuine. Only 458 printed. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$900

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1882-86 Arms 10/- orange Postal Fiscal, top marginal blk of 4. Superb fresh MUH. SG F12 cat £400 for M singles, should be at least double, £800 MUH, plus premium for blk. (P)AVAILABLE at A$180

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1930-44 Ship 1d black & carmine Type II, English & Afrikaans stamp, Rotogravure printing, error centre OMITTED, with 2 normals to compare. VF fresh MUH. Scott 34c cat US$4500. SG 43ewa cat £1800 for M horiz pr, should be at least double, £3600 MUH. (4). (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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1930-44 Union Buildings 2d slate-grey & lilac, Rotogravure printing (1931) UL cnr marginal strip of 3 with 3 stamp size blank tabs, with a TETE-BECHE pr. Stamps superb fresh MUH with, pristine never hinged original gum, perfect perfs. SG 44a cat £8000 for M pr alone & should be at least double, £16,000 MUH, plus premium for positional multiple. Great rarity & this is the best quality example recorded. Certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$11000

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1923 setting III opt Postage Due 6d black & slate, right marginal blk of 8 (4 bilingual prs), 2nd pr error 'Wes for West in South West Africa'. Superb fresh MUH. SG D5/D5a cat £800 for M, should be at least double, £1600 MUH, plus premium for blk. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1927-30 SWA opt Pictorial 2d grey & maroon, horiz bi-lingual pr, error opt DOUBLE, one INVERTED (both equally strong with one over buildings portion of design). VF fresh MLH. Scott 99d cat US$800, SG 60cb cat £750. Only 1 sheet printed from which very few stamps have survived. Certificate can be obtained on request. (2) (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1920 UPU Congress set 1c-10P, perf 13½, with blue controls on reverse (top 2 are 'A.000,000' = specimens). VF fresh MUH. Ed 297-309 cat €1880. SG 361-373 cat £800 for M, should be at least double, £1600 MUH & rare as such. 2021 Ceremuga photo cert. (13) (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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1931 Montserrat 900th Anniv 4P magenta, perf 11½. VF fresh MUH. Ed 647 cat €1430, SG 724A cat £800 for M, should be at least double, £1600 MUH. Rare MUH key value. (P)AVAILABLE at A$275

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Fernando Poo: 1905 King set 1c-10P with central no A.000,000 on back (=specimens). VF 172-87 cat £425 for M, should be at least double, £850 MUH. Ed 136N-51N cat €540 for M, so est €800 MUH. Only 1000 Surch sets printed & rare MUH. (16) (P)AVAILABLE at A$325

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1924 UPU Congress set 5o-5Kr (King top values). VF fresh MLH. Fa 196-10 cat Kr 4800, SG 146-60 cat £800. (15) (P)AVAILABLE at A$190

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1924 UPU Anniversary set 5o-5Kr (Bird top values). VF fresh MUH. SG 161-75 cat £900+ for M, should be at least double, £1800 MUH. Fa 211-25 cat 13,500Kr+. (15) (P)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1918 'Schweitzer Post Vaduz' Courier Stamp perf 11½ on all 4 sides. This special WWI stamp was for mail from Vaduz in Liechtenstein to Sevelen in Switzerland where it was put into the normal mail system. VF fresh M. Mi 1A cat €700. Zum 1a cat SFr800. Very rare Local Post. Exp Zum, plus 2023 Ceremuga photo cert (P)AVAILABLE at A$275

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1918 'Schweizer Post Vaduz' courier stamp perf 11½ on 3 sides, top imperf as from top of sheet. This special WWI stamp was for mail from Vaduz in Liechtenstein to Sevelen in Switzerland where it was put into the normal mail system. VF fresh MLH. Mi 1B cat €700, Zum 1b cat SFr800. Very rare local post. 2017 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1945 Peace set 5c-10Fr, all LL cnr marginal blks of 4, some with imprint. VF fresh MUH. Mi 447-59 cat €1800+. SG 447-59 cat £1100 for M, should be at least double, £2200 MUH, plus premium for nice blks. (13 blks of 4). (P)AVAILABLE at A$650

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1944-2005 Mint collection in hawid mounts on pgs. League of Nations opt Pic set to 10Fr. Labour Office 1944 opt Pic set to 10Fr & 1950 opt set to 70c (SG cat £160). Education 1944 opt Pic set to 10Fr & 1950 opt set to 70c. Health 1944 opt Pic set to 10Fr (£350). Refugees 1950 opt set to 2Fr (£275). UN 1950 opt Pic set to 10Fr (£700). VF fresh M/MUH. SG cat £1900+ = A$3800+. Beautiful collection. (262) (P)AVAILABLE at A$475

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1920 2nd Tiger Scouts Fund opt set 2s-1T all blks of 4, inc with control cachets on backs of 3s, 5s, 10s, 15s. F-VF, 2s-15s MUH & 1T M, mostly evenly tropicalised. Scott B18-B23 cat US$2400++. SG 205-10 cat £2900++ both as M singles, should be at least double, for such mostly MUH blks, so est £5800. Only 3000 sets printed & extremely rare in multiples. Certificates can be obtained on request. (24) (P)AVAILABLE at A$2000

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1914 Wide opt Yacht 40pf black & carmine. VF fresh MLH. Scott 41 cat US$225. Yv 38 cat €800. SG H7 cat £250. Only 550 printed. Exp Champion & Kosack, plus 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$230

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1914 Thin opt Yacht 40pf black & carmine. VFU, 'Anecho Togo 10.14' cds. Scott 161 cat US$625. Yv 28 cat €850. SG 6 cat £800. Only 550 printed. Exp Brun, plus 2002 Ceremuga AIEP photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$325

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1914 thin opt Yacht 80pf black & carmine on rose. VFU appearance with Anecho cds, reperfed. Scott 162 cat US$625. Yv 29 cat €850. SG 7 cat £800. Only 550 printed. Exp Bothe BPP. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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Togo: 1915 'Occupation Franco Anglais' opt Postcards inc 5c/5pf Yacht UN & CTO, plus double reply 5+5pf Postcard CTO, & opt 10pf red CTO - addressed. All CTO are 'Anecho 11/8' cds. Mi P1-P3 cat €800. Rare group. (4). (P)AVAILABLE at A$180

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1852-60 Britannia (1d) greenish-blue, lithographed, 2nd issue. GU, tiny thins, 2 margins, barred square '2' pmk. Scott 12a cat US$800, SG 15 cat £1200. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Trinidad & Tobago: 1860-1970s collection in Vario binder with slipcase inc Trinidad 1862 Britannia 1d, 1860 4d violet, 4d grey, 1869 5/-, 1883 QV to 5/-, 1896 Britannia to £1 opt SPECIMEN, Tobago 1879 QV 5/-, 1882-85 QV to 1/-, Trinidad & Tobago 1913 Britannia set to £1, 1922 KGV set to £1, 1935 KGV to 72c, 1938 KGVI to $4.80, 1953 & 1960 QEII to $4.80, Postage Dues to 1/-, fairly comp to 1970s. Mostly F-VF MLH/MUH, plus G-VF U. Tropicalisation throughout. SG cat £500+ = A$7000. (800 + 25 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$650

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1909 Printed Matter opt Tougra set 5pa-5Pi, perf 12. Superb fresh MLH. SG N276A-N281A cat £800, Mi 1691c-1741C cat €1200. Rare set! (6). (P)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1922 Parcel Card franked Nationalist Govt 'Osmanli Postalari 1336' opt Religious Tribunal fiscal 1000Pi, plus 3 Ottoman stamps -all cut as per PO rules, tied by 'Tokat 27 6 22' pmks, with 'Samsoun' arrival b/s. Mi 715 cat €2000, SG A23 cat £1800 -both as loose stamp alone & worth several times more on card. Only 575 of the 1000Pi printed & very rare mixed franking. 2013 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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1945 Soviet Star 10f-200f (20f with 1945 in design), all 2 panes of 100 for ea value, the 10f plate no 1 & plate 1A with Cyrillic imprint LR margin, 20f plate 2 & 2A with imprint & scissors cutting symbols in gutter, 40f plate 1 & plate 1A with imprint, 60f plate 1 (2 sheets), 100f plate 1 & plate 1A with imprint, 200f plate 1 & plate 1A with imprint. Both 100f sheet have double perfs both horiz & vertical. Mostly VF MUH. Mi 81, 83-86 & 88 cat €2800+ as singles, plus premium for sheets with plate numbers/imprints, & for the unique 100f double perf error sheets. Fantastic items for the specialist. (12 sheets) (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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1861 Washington 12c black, plate proof on India paper, imperf, in issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 15B(p) cat £1800 as normal. Sc 69P3 cat US$65 (normal cat US$1700). (P)AVAILABLE at A$70

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1869 Pictorial 24c green & reddish-lilac, trial colour proof on India paper, imperf. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 122(p) cat £8000 as normal. Sc 120TC3a listed but unpriced (normal cat US$8000). Very rare, only 1 sheet printed. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1870-71 Stanton 7c vermilion H grill (10x12mm) or I grill (8½ x 10mm). VF U, cork pmk. Scott 138 cat US$525 or 138A cat US$800. SG 140 cat £550. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1873 Official Dept of Interior set 1c-90c vermilion LARGE DIE PROOFS on India paper (most about 62x75mm), removed from card. Mostly VF fresh UN as made. SG O194-203(p), (normal cat £1300). Sc O15-24P1 cat US$800 (normal US$1450). Rare & attractive (10) (P)AVAILABLE at A$275

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1873 Official Dept of Justice set 1c-90c purple LARGE DIE PROOFS on India paper (mostly about 61x75mm), removed from card. Mostly VF fresh UN as made. SG O204-13(p), (normal cat £6000). Sc O25P1-34P1 cat US$800 (normal US$6685). Rare & attractive. (10). (P)AVAILABLE at A$275

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1873 Official Justice set 1c-90c purple, large DIE PROOFS on India paper on card (145x210mm), in issued colour. VF UN as made, some aging on edge but sunken area very nice. SG O204-13(p) cat £6000 as normals. Sc O25-34P1 cat US$800 (normal cat US$6690). Rare proof set. (10) (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1875 Newspaper Periodical 12c-96c rose, Continental Bank Note Co printing, plate proofs on card, imperf, in issued colours. VF UN as made, few reverse blemishes, all 4 margins. SG N187-94(p), cat £9800 as normals. Sc PR16P4-PR23P4 cat US$96 (normals cat US$11,150). (8). (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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1875 Newspaper Periodical 12c rose, Continental printing on hard paper. VF UN. SG N187 cat £800. Sc PR16 cat US$325 for UN or US$800 for M. (P)SOLD at A$200

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1875 Newspaper Periodical $3 dark violet, trial colour DIE PROOF on India paper on card (73x89mm), imperf, instead of vermilion issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG N196(p) cat £1800 as normal. Sc PR25TC1ak cat US$600 (normal cat US$2500). Extremely rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1875 Newspaper Periodical $3 brown-rose plate proof on India paper, imperf, instead of vermilion issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG N196(p) cat £1800 as normal. Sc PR25TC3b cat US$35 (normal cat US$2500).AVAILABLE at A$35

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1875 Newspaper Periodical $3 dull orange plate proof on India paper, imperf, instead of vermilion issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG N196(p) cat £1800 as normal. Sc PR25TC3g cat US$35 (normal cat US$2500).AVAILABLE at A$35

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1875-79 Newspaper Periodical 12c deep rose, large DIE PROOF on India paper on card (145x225mm), imperf, in issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG N187(p) cat £800 as normal. Sc PR16P1 cat US$100+ (normal cat US$800).AVAILABLE at A$100

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1875-79 Newspaper Periodical $3 vermilion, large DIE PROOF on India paper on card (145x225mm), imperf, in issued colour. VF UN as made, 4 margins. SG N196(p) cat £1800 as normal. Sc PR25P1 cat US$100+ (normal cat US$2500).AVAILABLE at A$130

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1879-1956 Postage Due collection on album pgs. 1879 1c-50c set in brown. 1884-89 1c-30c, red brown 1891-93 set to 50c, bright claret. 1894-95 1c-50c, deep claret, plus later printings wmks & shades in 1917-23 perf 11 to 50c. 1930-31 ½c-$5 & 1931-32 set ½c - 50c. Most F-VF U, some M. Scott cat US$2700+ = A$4000+. SG cat £2800+ = A$5400+. (75).AVAILABLE at A$400

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1879 Newspaper Periodical set 12c-96c deep red, plate proofs on India paper, imperf, in near issued colours. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG ex N234-N241(p) cat £7800 as normals. Sc PR63P3-PR70P3 cat US$200+ (normals cat US$8500). Rare. (8) (P)AVAILABLE at A$220

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1879 Newspaper Periodical $9 orange, American Bank Note Co printing on soft paper. VF UN. SG N245 cat £800. Sc PR74 cat US$325 for UN or US$800 for M. (P)SOLD at A$250

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1879 Newspaper Periodical $24 dark violet, American Bank Note Co printing on soft paper. VF UN. SG N247 cat £800. Sc PR76 cat US$300 for UN or US$800 for M. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1885 Newspaper Periodical 84c rose-carmine, American Bank Note Co printing on soft paper. VF UN. SG N259 cat £800. Sc PR88 cat US$350 for UN or US$900 for M. (P)SOLD at A$300

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1898 Trans-Mississippi 50c black & blue-green, bicolour Essay, with comp design, on India paper, on card (203x153mm). Superb fresh UN as made. SG 297(p) cat £800 as normal. Sc 291-E8 cat US$750. Very rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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1918-50s Airmail & Special Delivery collection on album pgs. Airmails 1918 Flying Jenny set to 24c. 1923 Pic set to 24c. 1933 Zeppelin 50c. 1934-39 comp. Special Delivery 1885 10c, inscribed ?at a Special Delivery Office? 1885-1917 issues are comp. Also 1925-29 Special Handling 10c-25c plus 25c shade. Most F-VF M/U. Scott cat US$800+. SG cat £900+. (71)SOLD at A$250

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1930 Zeppelin Airmail 65c, $1.30 & $2.60. VF fresh MUH all with never hinged original gum. SG A687-A689 cat £1400 for M, should be at least double, £2800 MUH. Sc C13-C15 cat US$1675+. (3) (P)SOLD at A$1600

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1930 Zeppelin Airmail $2.60 blue. Superb fresh MUH. SG A689 cat £800 for M, should be at least double, £1600 MUH. Sc C15 cat US$850+. (P)AVAILABLE at A$750

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Vatican: 1852-2011 collection on Marini alb pgs in 6 binders starting with Papal States 1852-57 Arms vals to 8b imperf & 1867 vals to 80c imperf. Vatican 1929 Pope & Arms set to 10L. 1931 Parcel Post opt set to 10L. 1933 Pope & Pictorial set to 20L. 1934 Provisional Surch set to 3L70 on 10L (SG cat £1900). 1935 Congress set to 1L25. 1936 Expo set to 5L. 1939 Sede Vacante opt set. 1949 Pope & Pictorial set to 100L. 1953 Lombard 100L. Then a large comp run of sets. F-VF mostly fresh M/MUH/U, post 1960 being 90%+ MUH. SG cat £4000+ = A$8000+. (1290 + 40 M/S) (P)SOLD at A$700

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1900 '1900' opt Bolivar 25c blue. VFU. Yv 74 cat €350. Scott 158 cat US$600. SG 216 cat £800. Rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$170

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1913 Dhow 10R green & brown, right marginal blk of 4, wmk mult rosettes. Superb fresh MUH with, pristine never hinged original gum. SG 260 cat £900 for M singles, should be at least double, £1800 MUH, plus premium. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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1913 Dhow 50R black & purple, wmk mult rosettes. VF fresh MUH, never hinged original gum. Scott 138 cat US$800 for M, SG 260e cat £800 for M, should be at least double, £1600 MUH. Rare MUH high value. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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1913 Dhow 200R brown & black. VFU, Zanzibar cds. Scott 140, SG 260g cat £1800 for M, unpriced U. Rare top value. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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1936 Whitfield King & Co Standard Catalogue of the Postage Stamps of the World. 800+ pgs. VGC.AVAILABLE at A$10

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Switzerland/Liechtenstein: 2009 Zumstein catalogue with 800+ colour pgs inc booklets, se-tenant multiples, Pro Juventute & Pro Patria, Hotel Posts & United Nations. Liechtenstein inc Airmails, framas & Officials. Near new, retail A$60+.AVAILABLE at A$15

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Horse Racing Books. Stallions (A Directory of Australian Stud Racing Horses). Edited by Jennifer Churchill. 8 diff from Vol 2 (1990) to Vol 24 (2012). All full colour, some minor edge foxing. Great historical content, near new. Original costs around $800.AVAILABLE at A$60

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Australia: Vietnam War Australian Regimental/Unit Histories inc The Team (AATTV) 1962-72, Ian McNeil, pub AWM 1984. Vietnam Task, 5th Battalion RAR 1966-97, PUB 1968. We Too Were ANZACs (6th Battalion RAR 1969-70) by Col B Avery, pub by Slouch Hat 2004. Vietnam Shots (A Photographic Account by McKay & Stewart, pub 2002). Mission Vietnam, RAAF Operations 1964-74 by G Odgers, pub 1974. Long Tan & Beyond, Alpha Company 6 RAR 1966-67 by Col CS Mollison, pub 2005. The Battle of Long Tan 1966, as told by the Commanders to Grandin. The Battle of Coral, 1968 by Lex McAulay, pub 1988. The Battle of Ngok Tavak 1968 by Bruce Davies, pub 2008. First to Fight -Australian Diggers, NZ Kiwis & US Paratroopers Vietnam 1965-66 by Bob Green, pub 1988. The Nasho's War - Australian National Servicemen & Vietnam by M Dapin, pub 2014. Ghost Platoon 1969 by Frank Walker, pub 2011. Vietnam, the comp story of the Australian War by Bruce Davies, pub 2012. Tiger Men by Barry Petersen & signed by author 1988. Viet Cong - The Organisation & Techniques of the NLF of South Vietnam, pub by M.I.T. Press 1966 & others inc 'Select Documents in International Affairs (No 18) Vietnam Jan 1968-Dec 1969, released by Department of Foreign Affairs, Canberra 1972. Mostly VF-near new condition, retail $800+. (23)AVAILABLE at A$200

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German Orders, Decorations & Medals 1800 - 1945 Catalogue with valuations. 2010 edition, 896 pgs, over 2000 photos with valuations for over 4000 diff medals & award badges of the diff states, Imperial & 3rd Reich. All illustrations in full colour. Exc reference. NewAVAILABLE at A$40