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Kiloware 1980s-90s, 200s & later Office mix on mostly close-clip single paper with a variety of un-cancelled stamps sighted inc FV $27 in M/Sheets on the outside of the parcel. Unchecked as received from Victorian source. Weight 9kg. Also NVA Concession Post (1.8kg) in separate plastic bag.SOLD at A$150

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Michel Colour Guide. 1992 Edition, 47 pgs with around 600 diff colours/shades. Updated edition, est retail €300!AVAILABLE at A$30

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1913-65 collection in Seven Seas album with Kangaroos (26) inc 3rd wmk set of 12 to 5/- G-FU. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved, 1928 Kookaburra 3d M/Sheet, 1931 Kingsford Smith sets (2), plus 2d, 3d opt OS & 6d brown (4) inc OS opts (2). 1932 Bridge 2d, 3d opt OS (2 sets, M & MUH). 1934 VIC Cent to 1/- (4 sets M/U) & Macarthur set to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/- (2) & KGV Silver Jubilee sets to 2/- (2). 1936 SA Cent sets (2) & 1937 NSW Sesqui sets to 9d M (2), F-VFM. 1937 KGVI Robes set to £1 & 1949 Arms to £2 G-FU. Pre-dec QEII near comp inc 1964 Navigators to £1. Some sl mixed condition, M/MUH/G-FU, listed retail $1600. (320)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1913-65 semi-specialised collection in loose leaf album with Kangaroos (75) inc 1st wmk (20) to 1/- inc 3d Die II (cat $400), 3d olive wmk INV (ACSC cat $225), 5d brown Large OS ($90) & Small OS ($125). 2nd wmk (6) to 1/- inc 9d perf OS/NSW (retail $400). 3rd wmk (40) to 2/- maroon inc OS perfins & 3d Die II (cat $200). SM wmk to 2/- & CofA to 5/- G-FU. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved M. KGV (110) with single wmk (75) to 1/4 inc 1d red Die II (5), 1d red Die III, ½d orange wmk INV, 2d brown & 4d blue. SM wmk (25) to 1/4 inc 4½d Die II CTO & CofA wmk set to 1/4. 1931 Kingsford Smith set, plus 6d violet blk of 4 with ACSC listed re-entries (cat $150). 1934 VIC Cent sets (2) & Macarthur set to 9d & 1949 Arms to £2. 1950s QEII Pics to 5/- & 1964 Birds to 3/-. Variable condition inc some heavier pmks mostly G-F/VFM or Used. Est cat/retail $3600. (470)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1913-65 collection in hagner style album with Kangaroos 1st wmk to 1/- inc perf large OS to 4d, plus £2 black & rose with Telegraph Puncture. 2nd wmk 2d, 6d, 9d, 1/-, 2/- G-FU (ACSC cat $600). 3rd wmk to 2/- maroon, plus £1 brown & blue Telegraph Puncture. SM wmk set to 2/- maroon, CofA wmk to 5/-. Also OS perfin set 1d to 5/-, NSW Govt perfins (10) to 2/-, plus 6d Chestnut opt OS. ACSC cat $2200 to 5/- bi-colours as normal U KGV (100+) to 1/4 inc OS opts to 4d, Federal perfins to 5d & NSW State perfins to 5d. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved (rounded cnr), 1929 Airmail 3d green perf OS CTO. 1931 Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d opt OS, 1932 Lyrebird 1/- opt OS postally U. 1934 VIC Cent to 1/- & Macarthur set to 9d U. 1930s-40s imprint blks (25) inc 1948 Hermes 1/6 claret McCracken blk of 4. 1937 Robes set to £1. 1940 AIF set to 6d M. 1949 Arms to £2 U. 1950s/60s high val Commem sets & 1964 Navigator set of 8 to £2 King. Variable condition throughout, mixed M/MUH/G-F/VFU. ACSC cat $3700, plus another $4700 for the £1 & £2 bi-colour Kangaroos. (650) (P)AVAILABLE at A$900

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1913-65 specialised collection in thick illustrated 60 black pg s/book with Kangaroos (140) with single wmk to 1/- inc wmk inverted ½d, 1d (3), 2d, 3d & 1/- (ACSC cat $675), 3rd wmk to 5/- inc wmk inverted 2d & 9d (cat $350), plus OS/NSW to 6d & perf OS to 5/-. SM wmk to 5/- & CofA wmk to 5/-. Total ACSC $3200. KGV (260) to 1/4 inc single wmk ½d orange wmk INV blk of 4, OS opt set of 7 to 5d, perf OS (30) to 1/4 & perf OS/NSW (22) to 4d lemon. Est ACSC cat $1050. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved M & U (cat $180). 1929-36 1½d/2d Commem plate number blks (28, cat $600) with 1936 Cable set of 4 UL cnr, 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee 2d (14) & Kingsford Smith (3), plus 1½d Sturt (4) & 1½d Swan (3) imprint blks (10, cat $300) from 1½d Swan to 2d Cable. 3d Commem plate number blks (10, cat $440) with Kingsford Smith plates 1 & 3, 3d Bridge plates 3 & 4, 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee plate 1 all 4 cnrs & 1936 Cable plate 1 (2), plus 3d Bridge & 3d VIC Cent imprint blks (cat $100), 1931-37 Commem sets with 1934 VIC Cent (5), Macarthur to 9d (2), 1935 ANZAC 1/- (2) & KGV Silver Jubilee to 2/- (3), 1936 SA to 1/- (3) & 1937 NSW Sesqui to 9d (3). KGVI issues inc 1937 Robes set to £1, plus £1 Ash imprint pr CTO (cat $350). 1940 AIF sets (8), plus imprint blks (4) to 3d blue. Other KGVI era imprint blks (50) inc to 2/6 Aborigine. 1949 Arms set to £2 FU & useful QEII inc 1959 Pics to 5/- blks of 4, 1964 Navigator set to £2, plus extras to 10/- & 1964 Birds set of 4 MUH. Generally F-VF U/M/MUH condition, bit messy in places, total cat/retail $8200. (2300)AVAILABLE at A$1000

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1913-70 collection/accumulation to £2 Kangaroo on Vario pages in Lighthouse binder with slipcase. Range of Roos (approx 200 inc 72 FU) inc 1st wmk to 2/-, 3rd wmk to 5/- (4), CofA to £2 (£2 closed tear), KGV Head range (approx 700) to 1/4 inc several pages of 1d red shades, then KGV/KGVI range inc 1914 6d claret Kookaburra, 32 5/- Harbour Bridge, 34 1/- VIC Cent (6), 35 1/- ANZAC (4) etc, KGVI 3d blue (qty) with Die I, Die IA, Robes set with both papers to £1, Arms 5/- to £2, inc £1 (5), £2 (3), Navigators to £2, 1971 Christmas se-tenant blk of 7, BCOF 5/-, some pmk potential noted QLD number 346 on 1d Roo (rate 4R). Not checked for varieties, some blks inc 10/- UL blk of 4, 5/- Robes blk of 8, range of perf OS & Private perfins. This is a substantial duplicated used collection inc high values with strength in 1920s-40s. Condition varied especially Roos but predominantly G-VFU. Reserve is conservative with only the better stamps included. The balance is free. Mainly U-VFU. ACSC est cat $15,000+. (6000+)AVAILABLE at A$900

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1913-75 collection in hagner album with Kangaroos (14) to 5/- plus £1 & £2 copies, KGV 22) to 1/4 inc 4d lemon. 1914 Kookaburra 6d engraved M. 1931 Kingsford Smith to 6d brown Airmail. 1932 Lyrebird 1/- & Kookaburra 6d. 1934 VIC Cent set to 1/- & Macarthur to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee to 2/-. 1936 SA & 1937 NSW sets. 1937 KGVI to £1 Robes F-VFU & 1940 AIF set M. 1949 Arms to £2. QEII pre-dec M/MUH inc 1959 Pics to 5/- Cattle & 1964 Navigators to £2 King. Decimals near comp MUH to 1975 Christmas inc 1966 Defs to $4 & most late 1960s-early 70s Pic/Commem sets inc Fam Australians/Prime Ministers booklet panes. Mixed F-VFU/M/MUH cat/retail $1300. (600)AVAILABLE at A$375

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1913-75 collection on Seven Seas illustrated pages in binder, small range of Roos to 5/- (3rd wmk), KGV to 1/4 inc 1d red Die II, 1914 6d Engraved Kookaburra, 1928 3d blue Kookaburra M/Sheet cds at Philatelic Exhibition (flts), 1931 Kingsford Smith comp inc opt OS, 1934 VIC Cent to 1/- (both perfs), 1935 Silver Jubilee & ANZAC, 1937 NSW all comp, Robes set to £1 (2 sets). 1949 Arms comp to £2, Navigators set of 8 to £2 (2 sets), 1971 Christmas se-tenant blk of 7, comp to 1975, range of Postage Dues from 1902 to 2/- & later to 5/- (3), small collection of Reg labels & pmks, blks of 6 Cinderellas, 1938 Philatelic Society (36). Interesting collection BCOF set used to 1/-. Also some useful KGV to 5d M. Mainly U-VFU, some tone/mixed condition, album with toning. ACSC cat $2500+. (600 + 5 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1913-1990 in VGC Lighthouse hingeless album turn bar binder with matching slipcase & illustrated pages, inc Kangaroos to 2/-, KGV to 1/4 (single wmk & CofA wmk), range of Pre-decimal & Decimal. Navigators to $4, some 1938 Postage Dues, AAT 1957-61, 1973 Decimal set comp to $1. Decimals FV approx $100. Also 1958 scarce returned surcharge, Dead Letter Office, Letter with 8d Tax with 8d Postage Dues. A few mixed condition. Mostly fresh VF MLH-MUH, some U-FU. ACSC cat $1500 plus album pages retail $600+. (800 + 5 M/S)SOLD at A$150

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1913-2005 collection in 2 quality SG albums with illustrated pgs, inc 1st wmk to 1/-, 2nd wmk to 2/-, 3rd wmk to 5/- & £1 grey, SM wmk to 10/-, (10/- & £1 both telegraph punctures), CofA wmk to £2. £1 FU, £2 FU small repaired tear, KGV to 1/4 virtually comp with all wmks, perforations inc all 1/4, noted 4d orange inv wmk, strip of 3 2d red SM with ink clogging around bottom wmk line. Mostly comp from mid 1920s-1997 with Harbour Bridge set to 5/- (CTO), also inc Robes set to £1 Arms set to £2, Navigators to £1, Navigators to $4, Paintings to $10 & $20, 1998 to 2005 about 75% complete, range of Postage Dues to 5/-, AAT 1957-2005 mostly complete. Few mixed condition generally F-VFU. ACSC cat $6000+. (2000+50+M/S). (P)AVAILABLE at A$1100

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1914-65 M/U collection with Kangaroos set to 5/- U inc 6d brown opt OS & short set of 5 to 3d olive M. KGV to 1/4 inc OS opts to 4d. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved M & U. 1931 Kingsford Smith sets to 6d brown Airmail (2). 1934 VIC Cent sets (2), 1935 ANZAC 1/- M & U. 1935 KGV Jubilee sets to 2/- VFU & M. 1936 SA sets M & U. 1937 KGVI Robes 5/-, 10/-, £1. 1949 Arms to £2, plus 10/-, £1, £2 opt SPECIMEN. Comprehensive QEII to 1965 Christmas M & U inc Navigators to 10/- Flinders. Mostly F-VFM. ACSC cat/retail $1600. (540)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1914-86 collection in hagner album with 1914 Kookaburra 6d engraved, 1931 Kingsford Smith sets M & U, 1932 Lyrebird 1/- opt OS, 1934 VIC Cent sets to 1/- (both) & Macarthur to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & 1936 Cable set Ash imprint blks of 4, cat $100, KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/- U. 1936 SA & 1937 NSW Sesqui sets M & U. 1937 KGVI to 10/- M & Robes 5/-, 10/-, £1 VFU. 1949 Arms set to £1 FU, plus 10/-, £1, £2 opt SPECIMEN. 1940s-50s imprint blks of 4 (24) inc 1950 KGVI Defs to 2/6 Aborigine. 1952 KGVI 3½d brown, 1963 QEII 5d green & 1965 QEII 5d red 'exploded' booklets (cat $210). 1964 Navigator set to £2 & Birds to 3/-, plus decimals to mid 1980s inc Paintings to $10. M/MUH/U, generally F-VF, est cat/retail $1600. (970)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1930s-60s blk of 4 collection with imprints (45) inc KGV 1d green CofA wmk Ash imprint blk of 4 (ACSC cat $100). 1937 Hermes 1/6 claret McCracken imprint thick & thin papers MUH (cat $250). 1937 KGVI Defs 3d blue Die 1 Ash imprint lightly toned M/MUH ($375). 3d brown, 1/4 magenta & 5/- Robes imprints all MUH ($150), 1937-48 Zoologicals (6) to 9d Platypus inc 4d, 6d McCracken imprints. Then assorted other imprints to 1951 Federation inc 1940s Gloucester, Mitchell & Peace sets. Mostly MUH, total ACSC $1600. Then other MUH blks of 4 (100) to mid 1960s inc 1950s high val Commem sets to 2/-, 1964 Birds set of 8 to 3/- (ACSC cat $160) & 1966 dec Navigators set of 6 to $4 King ($180). Generally fresh & clean, ACSC cat $2100.SOLD at A$350

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1936 South Australia Centenary 3d & 2d. 50 of ea, F-VF MUH. ACSC cat $1000. SG 161-2 cat £800, should be double, £1600 MUH. (100).AVAILABLE at A$100

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1936 South Australia Centenary 3d & 2d. 50 of ea. Mostly VF MUH. ACSC cat $1000. SG 161- 62 cat £800 as M, should be double, £1600 MUH. (100).AVAILABLE at A$100

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1966-80 decimal specialised collection in 3 well-filled European s/books with 1966 QEII 1c-6c positional blks/multiples (ACSC cat $600+) inc 4c red plate no blks of 20 (6, cat $180). 1966 Fish sets red sheet no blks of 4 & UL cnr blks of 10 ($120), Birds to 30c in positional multiples (cat $460) inc 24c LL cnr blk of 20. 30c UR cnr blk of 8 & LR cnr sheet no blk of 10. 1966 75c Cook, plate no 3 upper & lower blks of 20 (cat $200), plus 're-cutting flaws' in 4 positional multiples ($200). Extensive 1966-70 4c & 5c Commems in positional blks, large multiples (cat $1550) inc 5c Soil/Medical Autotron blks, 1969 Flight left pane of 50 with car shading retouches ($150) & Cook 5c Autotron gutter blk of 20. Other period issued inc 1969 Prim Ind set LL cnr sheet no blks of 24 (cat $160) & 1970 Cook M/Sheet forged ANPEX opt. 1970 coil collection inc 7c missing buff & misplaced green colours (8) cat $300 ea ($2400) & 4 diff coil wrappers (cat $100), 1970-73 6c & 7c Commem in blks & multiples (cat $1450) in extensive RAAF variety group (cat $260) & 1971 Christmas 7c blks of 25 inc red & black sheet nos, plus 1972 Pioneer Life 5c, 10c, 15c in multiples. 1972 Christmas 35c Autotron blk of 4 & UL cnr blk of 25 with 4 ACSC variety (cat $160). 1973 Nat Dev blks, 1974 Paintings Autotron blks (cat $100) & $2 sheet no blk of 9 with variety ($100). 1974 Christmas plate nos with 10c (6) & 35c Plate 3 (2). 1975 IWY 10c 'aniline' violet print (8, cat $400) inc blk of 4. 1977 Cricket study inc 18c aniline print blk of 25. 1978 Trees Autotron gutter blks of 20. 1978 Birds collection. 1980 SYDPEX M/Sheets, plus much more inc some extras notably 1993 Candlestick trial set of 3 in vert prs (retail $600) & 1994 Kangaroos 45c self-adhesives IMPERF (2 diff). Appears fresh & clean throughout. Total ACSC/retail $9800.SOLD at A$1200

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1966-1998 MUH Collection in 4 Seven Seas Hingeless albums (pages VGC 1981 onwards inc some Optionals, retail $400) inc 1966 Defs to $4 King, 1970 ANPEX M/Sheet, 1971 Christmas blks of 25 cream & white papers, plus all other better early 1970s commem sets, 1974-79 Paintings to $10, 1980s Pics/commems inc SPECIMEN opts & high vals to $20 Gardens, 1990-1998 Booklets inc Koala Reprints & 1996 AFL set of 16 Teams, other extras inc 1993 Parliamentary standard & reversed panes of 25 & assorted self adhesives. Retail $600 to end 1985 with another $1040 FV to end 1998, plus $400 for the albums. Total $2040.AVAILABLE at A$550

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1966-2001 M/MUH collection in Seven Seas pages (hingeless 1986-2001, retail $350+). Very near comp inc 1966 Defs to $4, 1971 Christmas 7c blks of 9 & 25, 1970s Paintings to $10, 1980s high vals to $20 Gardens & 1999-2001 International Post Pics to $20 Uluru. Retail $350 to end 1980 & FV $635 1981-2001. Also AAT collection M/MUH to 2012 Expedition M/Sheet (FV $150) inc 1963 Defs to 2/3 Penguins & 1966 Pics to $1 F-VFM, plus 1995 Singapore opt & 1996 CAPEX opt M/Sheets MUH (retail $80). Total costs/retail $1600.AVAILABLE at A$350

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1982-2002 booklet panes CTO/VFU inc 1982 Eucalyptus 60c (19), $1 (10), plus 1986 Alpine Flowers 5c (220), 25c (200) (retail $420), 1995 United Nations 45c sheet stamp set with tabs to left & right (100 ea), 2002 Wedding Prestige booklet (35) CTO (original FV $315) with Coburg cds. Mostly VF. (1600+)AVAILABLE at A$70

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1996 Indonesia-Australia Joint Issue booklets with pane of ten 300Rp Cuscus stamps, fresh MUH. Scarce type I pane 76x234mm. SG SB18 cat £875 = A$1600 for common type. Pfr B186 cat $100 ea is $10,000. (100)AVAILABLE at A$150

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Booklets: 1996 Indonesia-Australia Joint Issue booklets with pane of ten 300Rp Cuscus stamps, fresh MUH. Scarce type I pane 76x234mm. SG SB18 cat £875 = A$1600 for common type. Pfr B186 cat $100 ea is $10,000. (100)AVAILABLE at A$150

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Booklets: Private Anniv/Exhibition opts accumulation part Three with $6 self-adhesives (100) inc ANZAC Day 2013, Earlwood Stamp Club Day of Stamps 2011 & 2014, Doctor Who 50 Years 2013, Mary Poppins 2014 & others. FV $600. (100)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Booklets: Private Anniv/Exhibition opts accumulation part four with $6 self-adhesives (100) inc The Beatles 50th Anniv 2013, Earlwood Stamp Club Day of Stamps 2011, Voyager 1 2013, Dirk Hartog Anniv 2016, Mary Poppins 2014 & others. FV $600. (100)AVAILABLE at A$300
Carton with collection of covers & stationery. Inc FDCs c1970-c2000 extensive range with some earlier mostly official, also some Commem covers, exhibition cancels noted AAT inc 1984 Scenes Plate 1 10 sets, 1988 Environment 5 sets base cds (approx 600 covers). Also PSEs UN & FDI from late 1970s-90s, some Commem cancels & others (approx 350 PSEs). Mostly F/VF. (950)AVAILABLE at A$120
Covers: 1970-99 FDC collection in 3 Davo albums, 40 hagners & loose in 2 boxes, strength in 1990s Pic/Commem sets inc 1994 Family & 1995 Dunlop PNC, plus AAT Base Cancels (44) inc sets of 4 Bases. All fresh & clean inc vals to $20 Gardens. Also another 30 size 2 hagners in 2 plastic packs & empty FDC album. (600).AVAILABLE at A$80
Covers: 1971-2000 FDC accumulation (1600) to Sydney Olympic Commems inc 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 7 (10), 1974 paintings set to $4 (4), 1990s Gardens to $20 then over 800 long Pic/Commem sets, single Commem covers/short sets (750) plus PSE (650) & 1970s-80s PPC (400). Generally fresh & clean with around 2650 cards/covers in total.AVAILABLE at A$350

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Covers: 1995-2014 FDC collection inc AAT, Cocos & Christmas Is in 2 strip hagner style pgs (420) with 780 FDC in 12 binders with good variety inc Framas, M/Sheets, high val Pic/Commem sets, International Post & Christmas Is New Year sets & M/Sheets. All fresh & clean, FV $1950, plus another $600 costs for the albums, total $2550.AVAILABLE at A$500

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Covers: 1929-90 First Flight covers large accumulation in 2 small cartons, mostly 1950s-80s inc bulk 1981 Chichester inc diff types, lots of 1948 Qantas World Flight, plus some overseas flights inc NZ & much more. Estimate 100 diff, inc diff frankings, cachets, pmks etc. AAMC est cat $7000. (600)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Decimal accumulation to 2015 $1 Pic/Commem mess inc 1986 Christmas 30c sets of 5 (200), scarce ex M/Sheets! 1996 AFL Centenary 45c P&S sets (1600) bundles of 100 G/FU. Then 40 sets of sheet stamps G/FU & another 80 M/sheets CTO. 1990s-2010s accumulation of sheet stamps inc $1 (880+), plus 45c-70c (280) off-paper, plus lower values on-paper G/FU. Then 2010-19 Singapore Commercial Mail with 60 covers addressed to Australia. (28,500+, 80 M/S, 60 covers)AVAILABLE at A$200

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FDC collection 1975-2000 all unaddressed on hagners in 10 binders. Wide range inc $10 & $20 International Post, Paintings, AFL Centenary. Range of CDS inc Bandiana MIL PO etc. Range of Maxi Cards inc 1999 Rugby Series, also 1991 Parcel Post Postage Paid FDCs, few Pitcairn Is. VF. (600+, 10 albums)AVAILABLE at A$170

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Kangaroo cover collection (25) with ½d green & 1d red on NSW PPC to France, 1d red covers (15) inc 1914 Robert Reid & Co (Melb) Private perfin to Launceston 1d intense red Die I from Oakleigh West (VIC) to Forth Tasmania. 1d Die I to Edinburgh with GB Postage Due 2d brown attached. 1913 (March) from Brownhill (WA) to New York with USA arrival 'TAX' pmks. 1913 perf OS/NSW on OHMS envelope from Bathurst to Sally's Flat & 1913 PPC from Mullaley (NSW) to Mundooran. 2d grey (flts) plus KGV ½d green on 1915 envelope to USA. 1931 Airmail covers (2) to England, both franked 9d violet, 1/- green plus KGV 2d red (ACSC $375 ea). 1941 'Clipper Mail NZ-USA' Airmail covers (5) franked. 2/- maroon prs, all with censor tape & cachets. 1918 long envelope to USA franked 3rd wmk 2½d indigo with light violet censor cachet. 1d covers slightly mixed condition, others mostly F-VF. ACSC cat $1600. Also Kangaroo Postal Stationery with 1d red Postal Card & 1d red wrapper F-VF UN (ACSC cat $225), total cal val $1825. (27)SOLD at A$300

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Three volume decimal specialised collection to early 1980s with 1966 QEII 1c-6c positional multiples (ACSC cat $900) inc 4c red plate number blks of 20 (8, cat $240) & scarce range of 3c plated cnr blks. 7c-10c Fish sheet nos & other multiples. Birds to 30c inc 24c UR pane of 40, 30c Autotrons LL cnr blk & LR cnr sheet no blk of 4. Navigator set to $4 blks of 4, plus 75c Plate 3 UR blk with re-cutting flaw (pos 2/1, 2/2), plus another 3 multiples with re-cuts. $1 Flinders variety 'missing lower left frame' (pos R9/3) in LR cnr blk of 10. Extensive 1966-70 4c & 5c Commems in positional blks & large multiples (cat $1400) inc 4c Banking, 5c Medical 'needle in thumb' flaws (6) inc Autotron multiple, 5c Flight cnr blks of 25 (6) inc 4 sheet no multiples, 5c Cook sheet of 100 bi-sected vertically & 1970 RV 5c misplaced tiara blk of 20. Other 967-70 issues inc 1968 WWW 20c left pane of 50 & 25c Intelsat Autotron gutter blk of 20, 1968 Flowers 6c, 13c & 30c in positional multiples, 1970 Cook M/Sheet opt ANPEX consecutive pr (scarce) & forged opt number 1502. 1970 coil collection inc 7c missing buff & misplaced green (9, cat $2700 inc strip of 4), plus 4 diff coil wrappers (cat $100) 1970-73 6c & 7c Commems in blks & multiple (cat $2000) inc 1971 RAAF 6c study. 1971 Christmas 7c blks of 25 (2), plus Autotron mirror blk of 12 & 1972 Olympics varieties. 1972 Rehab group, 1974 Painting $2 gutter blk of 10 (cat $100) & 'fungus flaw' in sheet no blk of 9 ($100). 1974 Christmas plate no blk of 4 collection (cat $530). 1975 IWY 10c aniline print blk of 4 (2, cat $800). 1976 Olympics group. 1978 Australia Day pink & green gum gutter blks. 1978 Birds with large multiple to 25c, 1980 High Court 22c aniline print strip of 4 (cat $80), 1983 WCY 27c aniline print blk of 10 thematics plus much more inc 1978 Flower 18c missing black, 1980 Aeroplane 22c imperf Proof (cat $100) & 1993 CPS candlestick trial set of 3 in vert prs (retail $600). Appears fresh & clean throughout. Total ACSC cat/retail $12,900.AVAILABLE at A$1500

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Unorthodox carton lot with DIE PROOF Reprint Card collection (30 diff) in Seven Seas slipcase album (2 sets, cat/retail $600), SPECIMEN opt collection 1984-94 with duplication (FV $290) in Seven Seas slipcase hingeless album to $20 Paintings. 1990s FDC (30) in as new album inc Philatelic Exhibition pmks 1993-95 Christmas Is MUH collection (FV $60) in Seven Seas hingeless slipcase album. Also Europe collection on 1960s loose leaf pgs. Six albums.AVAILABLE at A$170

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1850-1912 States collection on old album pgs with NSW 1850-51 Sydney View 3d. 1854-60 QV Diadems to 1/- imperf & 1860-72 to 1/- perf. 1861-97 QV Coin 5/-. 1888-90 Centenary to 20/-. 1897 Charity 1d. Queensland to 1/-. 1882-95 QV solid background to 2/-. South Australia 1855-58 QV 2d & 6d imperf. 1902-04 QV thin Postage to 5/-. Victoria 1850-57 QV Halflength 1d. 1852-55 Queen on Throne 2d. 1863-80 QV Laureates to 5/-. 1878 QV 2d on green Emergency paper. 1897 QV Charity 1d. Western Australia 1864-88 Swans to 1/-. 1902-13 QV Swans to 5/-. Mostly G-VFU some M/UN, very mixed condition in parts. SG cat £3100+ = A$6000+. (885)SOLD at A$500

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South Australia: 1859-1912 accumulation in binder. 1859-64 QV roulette vals to 2/-. 1868-1902 QV perf to 2/- inc wmks & perfs plus shades. 1886-96 QV Postage & Revenue vals to £15. 1868-1904 selection of QV 1d & 2d inc perfs & roulettes. 1874-1901 OS selection vals to 1/- inc 2d orange pr, variety no stop after 'S'. Mostly G-VF M/UN/U, some usual mixed. SG cat £3600+ = A$7000+. (625)SOLD at A$500

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Tasmania: 1853-1912 collection used with m/s cancels on Seven Seas pgs inc 1853 QV Courier 4d (cut to shape). 1857-67 QV Chalon imperf to 1/-, plus shades (inc 2 pr). 1864-80 QV Chalon perf to 1/-, plus shades. 1870-1912 QV Sideface vals to 5/-. 1892-99 QV Tablet vals to 10/-, plus £1 opt REVENUE. 1863 Postal Fiscals vals to 5/- imperf & 1864 to 10/- perf. 1880 Platypus set. 1900 Revenue opt selection to £1. Most G-VF U & F/C. SG cat £2900+ = A$5600+ for normal U. (71).AVAILABLE at A$275

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Victoria: 1850-1912 collection/accumulation inc QV Half-lengths 1850-57 inc 1d (12), 2d (2) & 3d (5). 1852-55 Queen on Throne 2d (13) inc printings & shades. 1854-55 QV Woodblock vals to 2/- inc 1/- registered, 1859 QV Woodblock 2/- green perf, selection inc shades. 1857-63 QV Emblems 1d, 2d & 4d, good range of perf, imperf & roulette inc wmks, shades & papers. 1884 Stamp Duty £10, 1897 QV Charity set, 1900 Boer War Fund Charity set. Mostly G-VF M/UN/U, rather mixed throughout. SG cat £3900+ = A$7600+. (195) (P)SOLD at A$525

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1860s-1940s World in a 1930s Universal Stamp album by William Ackland with detailed colour maps (10), packed with stamps inc Austria (150+), Belgium inc Railway stamps, China, Finland inc 1860-71 Arms serpentine roulettes with typical teeth 5-40p, mixed condition, SG cat £3000, Mi cat €3000+. France (100+) inc various French Colonies, Germany (300+) mainly 1910-1930s period, Great Britain (100+), 1890 QV, 1910 KGV inc 2/6 Seahorses (3), Netherlands inc 1946 Queen 2½G-10G, Hungary (150+), Italy (100+), Japan (80+), NSW 1888 20/- (cat £160) FU, Portugal 1911 Republica & Surch opt on Postage Due set 5R-500R/100R VFU, Mi cat €200, SG cat £200), Romania, Russia (100+), Western Samoa 1945 opt on 30/-, NZ Fiscal (4 MUH) (SG cat £1100), 1955 opt on £2 MUH (2), cat £190, Malaysia States, USA (200+), Australia & States (100+) inc 5/- Roo, 1938 9d NSW Sesqui pr, various British Commonwealth inc New Guinea & Papua. Usual varied collection condition mainly U-VFU. SG cat £6000+ = A$11000+. (2800+) (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1880s-1970s World collection in a thick loose leaf album, 2 s/book, & loose in envelopes. Wide range inc various Europe, USA, China, Bavaria, British Commonwealth etc, some States, covers, Crown Agents album Princess Di 21st Birthday collection, 1983 Heritage album collection of Commonwealth covers. Wide range of early World, not checked in detail. Large carton. Mainly GU-VFU, some VF MUH. (6000+, 50+ covers)SOLD at A$200

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1890s-1960s Consignment remains with 1965 ITU Anniv custom slipcase album with Br Commonwealth & Foreign issues (some sl tones) - noted French Polynesia & Sthn Antarctic Terr (2ea) SG cat £600+ with album total £1100+. Bulgaria 1932 Airmail set (£250), Portugal 1894 Henry to 100R on envelope with special pmks (£88), Spanish West Africa 1950 Air set (£70), & 2 covers with 1930 Goya stamps plus PNG 1989 PO Year album. Virtually all F-VF MUH, some U. (350+)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1915-30 Ideal album with British Empire (500, cat £940) inc Australia Kangaroos 3d olive & 6d brown M & KGV to 1/4 U. Canada 1922 KGV to $1 U & 1930 KGV set to 10c M. GB KGV to 10d M & to 1/- U plus 1924 Exhibition set. Ireland 1922 opts (8 mixed) & South Africa 1920s Pics. Rest of the World (cat £4550) with Europe inc Bavaria, Belgium (cat £600) inc 1915 Red Cross trio & 1928 Pics to 10FR M. France inc 1920s Charity opts (cat £300), Germany (cat £460) inc 1930 Brandenburg Gate 15pf carmine, Iceland, Italy (cat £220), Lithuania, Poland & Silesia. Also Africa, Asia, Central America, Middle East, Russia, South America & USA. Some Mint sighted, mostly G-F/VFU. Total STC £5500 = A$10,500, purchased by vendor from a well known internet dealer for $1250. (Many 100s)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1950-70s Europa Mint collection in binder. Good range inc the better Luxembourg 1950 'Promote United Europe' set to 4Fr (SG cat £400), 1956 set to 4Fr (£650) & 1957 set to 4Fr (£?255). Cyprus inc 1963 both sets. Liechtenstein 1960 50R (£130). Portugal 1965-70 sets to 4E30. Andorra range of sets. Most F-VF M/MUH. SG cat £4900+ = A$8900+ (1600+, 40M/S).AVAILABLE at A$375

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1960-1990 Birds Thematic coll'n in 4 hagner binders6 with 80+ hagners, wide array of Countries Africa, British Pacific, Russia, Japan, South America, Malta, Hong Kong, Tristan Da Cuhna, French Colonies, Israel, Poland, Hungary etc. Predominantly comp sets. Mainly fresh VF MUH. (250-300 sets, 1600+70+M/S).SOLD at A$375

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2006 Europa 50th Anniv M/sheets stock with Solomon Is set of 6 M/S (approx 100 sets, FV $7100 = A$1300). Then Montenegro imperf M/S (200, Mi 2B cat €3000), Montenegro Map of Europe (250, Mi Blk32 cat €5000), Peru (250, Mi Blk32 cat €1750), Jamaica $230 M/S (100, Mi Blk56 cat €900), & Cyprus (100, Mi Blk25 cat €500). Total Mi cat €11,150 = A$18,500. Also Romania CAPEX 96 M/S (100) & Tonga Niuafo'ou 2012 Butterfly set of 12 to $8, both imperf & perf comp sheets of 20. FV T$1860 = A$1185. Huge total FV & cat over $20,000. (1600 M/S, plus extras).AVAILABLE at A$300

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2015 Pacific Islands Easter Celebrations M/Sheets for Aitutaki, Cook Is, Niuafo'ou, Penrhyn, Samoa & Tonga with 100 M/Sheets of ea. SG cat £5600 = A$10,900, with Penrhyn, Aitutaki & Cook Is FV NZ$2400. (600)AVAILABLE at A$230

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Australian Antarctic Territory 1983-2000 noted 1983 Used in bundles, 1988 Environment 200 Used in bundles of 100 (cat £1250), 1995 Whales & Dolphins set in bundles of 100 (cat £700), 2000 Penguins set in bundles of 100 (cat £800), 2001 Seals set of 4 (65 ea) in bundles (cat £175), 2002 Antarctic Research (40+ sets) in bundles (cat £600+), various others. Mostly F/VF. Total SG cat £3300+ = A$6500! (1400+)AVAILABLE at A$100

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Austria 1850s-1958 inc VGC Lighthouse hingeless album with illustrated pages. 1850s-1860s to 15k, 1870s to 20k, 1920 Newspaper stamps comp to 3k, 1922 Queen to 10,000K, range to 1940s inc 1946 Race Fund comp & 1948 Tuberculosis comp to 1s40+70g. Album with pages retail $500+. Mostly VF MLH-MUH, some U-FU. SG cat £600+ = A$1100, plus $500+ album with pages. (700+)SOLD at A$275
Big 3 carton mess with Australia loose in box inc KGV (few 100) to 1/4 plus 1890s States & Decimal Revenues. Aust 1980s FDC (600) & PSE (350) plus assorted 1950s-80s World covers/cards/envelopes (250). World packets &loose in blue box with GB, China, Malaysia, Pacific Is, Scout thematics & others. Then 1960s retired Circuit books (8) with minimal contents. Old-time 'Rainbow' (EW Cole/Melbourne) & Victory plus another twelve medium to large albums with variable contents inc Hungary 1960s-70s Pics/commems & British Commonwealth inc India & Hong Kong in hagners. Also old-time cigarette card album with over 200 cards inc birds, Arm of the British Empire (WWI), War Incidents, Flight & Historic events. Usual variable condition, all in 3 well filled cartons. Sold on behalf of Mary Mackillop Missions.SOLD at A$150
British Asia collection/accumulation on hagners & leaves with Hong Kong inc QV/KEVII selection G/FU, similar India, Malaya/Fed States 1867 to KGVI inc 1867-72 to 30c G/FU, 1883 wmk CA inc 32c (2), 96c, 1912-33 KGV to $1 G/FU, also $5 Fiscal, 1936 to $5 G/FU & others, (cat £600), North Borneo, Labuan selections plus off-paper 100s of Hong Kong, India, Malaya inc BMA opts lower values, many extras, Pakistan & others total cat £1000+. F/VF.SOLD at A$150

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British Asia & Pacific collection 1870s-1980s in an album, on 30+ hagners & on album pgs inc Ceylon 1938 KGVI set comp to 5R, Hong range 1870-1990s inc KGVI to $1, Aden 1942 Quaiti State to 5R, 1955 to 10/-, 1954 Seiyun comp to 10/-, Morocco Agencies, Kuwait etc opt on KGVI QEII to 5/- Pitcairn Is 1940 KGVI set to 2/6, Sudan 1948 comp to 50p, range of Malay States inc early Strait Settlements & KGVI to $1, Brunei range 1907-1947 River views to 50c, Labuan QV to10c, North Borneo range inc 1947 set comp to $5, Fiji range 1878-1922 to 6d, British Solomon Is inc small Canoes to 4d, 1922 to 1/-, 1939 KGVI to 2/-, small range of Papua inc BNG 1d, 2d, range to 1/- Pictorials, range of early New Guinea & later Papua New Guinea, small collection of Australian States, some pmks, numeral cds, large range of India 1900s-50s, Burma inc Japanese Occup. Gilbert Is/Kiribati 1970s-80s collection in album (noted Samoa range inc 1870s Samoa Express to 5/-, sold as is, Mauritius range from 1890s). Very disorganised but a lot of valuable material. Mostly VF MLH/MUH, U-VFU. SG cat £3000+=A$6000+. (2500 + 10 covers).AVAILABLE at A$500

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British Commonwealth 1970s/80s MUH Pic/Commem accumulation in 6 sheet files with Falkland Is (70 sets) with 14 diff (cat £100) inc 1983 150th Anniv to £2 (blks of 4) & 1981 Shellfish plate number blks, plus 1982 Liberation M/Sheets (7), Kiribati (FV A$220), 1979 Pic sets to $5 Flag (20 sets) & 1981 Island Maps gutter blks of 10. Pitcairn Is to 1987 with 1977 Defs to QEII $2 (100 sets in sheets of 25, FV $520, plus another 160 sets (13 diff) inc 1980 Handicraft (17). 1984 Fish to $3 (12 sets, FV $126), 1985 Paintings (13 sets, FV $30). 1985 & 87 Ships & 1987 Trees, total FV NZ$980. Tokelau Is Pic/Commem sets (200+, FV NZ$490) 14 diff inc 1969 History (30 sets), 1976 Pics to $1 (26), plus 1981 Reprint set (16), 1982 Fishing (16 sets), 1984 Copra Industry strips of 5 (32). 1984 Defs to $2 Black Marlin (12 sets), 1986 Architecture (12 sets) & 1986 Flowers (12 sets). All fresh MUH with 660 sets in total with high total FV A$1600), plus another A$190 cat for the Falkland Islands. All VF fresh MUH. (100s of sets)AVAILABLE at A$350

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British Commonwealth carton lot. large blue s/book with A-Z selection noted Australia 1975-88 MUH sets FV $185, British Africa KGV-QEII Commems, Def short sets, Pics M/MLH, plus later general Pics/Commems, some Disney. Sorters dream with biscuit tin of Canada off-paper (few 1000) inc 1893 50c QV, 1937 $1 Pic G/FU. Great Britain to 1980 inc ice cream container some QV/KGVI G/FU, decimal period Pics/Commems, Machins to £5, 1989/92 Castles to £5 in qty G/FU, than Malta 'Sovereign Order of Malta' collection with 1966-84 MUH sets & M/Sheets, retail US$140. Some mixed condition, mainly F/VF. (6000)AVAILABLE at A$180

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British Commonwealth collections in 3 binders with Norfolk Is (two collections), the first from 1947-2002 in Seven Seas illustrated album with M/MLH to 1987 inc strong Pre-decimal & MUH to 2002, 2nd collection 1947-1998 MLH/MUH inc useful Pre-decimal then Decimal MLH/MUH plus extras FU. Total cat £1400+ (post 1976) plus FV $480. Pitcairn Island 1940-1991 inc 1948 KGVI SW UPU set, mostly M/MLH, a strong collection cat £500. Three solid mostly F-VF collections. (1600+, 38 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$350

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British Commonwealth selection on hagners with Australia Kangaroos 1913 1st wmk set to 1/- (2, ACSC cat $600), plus 1d red wmk INV (2, cat $100). 1916 set to 2/- maroon (3 sets, cat $675 inc 2/- brown), plus extras 3d, 6d, 9d, 1/- (2 of ea cat $180) & 5/- bicolour ($250). British Occupation of Cyrenaica 1950 Pic set to 500M MLH SG 136-148 cat £225. British Occupation of Italian Colonies 1942-52 collection (116) with GB KGVI Defs for MEF, EAF, Eritrea, Somalia, Tripolitania opts. Mixed M & U, STC £340. Morocco Agencies QV-QEII 2 opt collection (490) mixed M & U from all zones inc French & Spanish, plus Tangier to 1957. New Zealand 1860s-1960s collection (630, retail $4200). 1860s QV Chalons, 1d brown, 2d blue (3), 2d orange & 3d lilac. 1870s QV Sidefaces to 1/- green. 1880s-90s QV to 1/- chestnut inc Adverts (12). 1890s Pics to 1/- inc 4d Terraces (3) & 6d green Kiwi. 1908 KEVII set to 1/-, 1915 KGV of 15 to 1/-, plus extras. 1920 Victory set. 1976 Admirals 2/- (2) & 3/-. 1935 Pics to 3/- inc perf variations. 1940 Centennial set. 1953 Pics to 2/- & 1940 Centennial set. Arms Postal Fiscals (27) to £1 wmk INV. 1980s-1930s Lighthouses to 6d pink, plus others inc 1939 Express 6d. Mostly F-VFM/U, retail $6450+. Well worth inspection. (1300+)AVAILABLE at A$600

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British Empire: 1860-2000s ranges in s/book & on Vario pgs. Needs sorting but noted items inc Barbados 1860-80 Britannia vals to 1/- inc perfs & wmks. Aden 1939 KGVI Pic to 10R. Cyprus 1938 KGVI Pic vals to 90Pi. Pitcairn Is 1940 KGVI Pic set to 2/6. Sierra Leone 1907-10 KEVII vals to 2/-. Singapore 1948-51 KGVI Palm Tree vals to $5. St Vincent 1938 KGVI Pic set to £1. Cayman Is 1938 KGVI Pic set to 10/-. Gold Coast 1938 KGVI Castle set to 10/-. Hong Kong 1862-80s QV selection to 48c, plus selection of 1870s & 80s Surch to $1 on 96c. 1912-37 KGV vals to $5. Also 2014 British Empire SG catalogue 1840-1970. Mostly G-VF M/MUH/U, mixed on parts. SG cat £3100+ = A$6000+. (2000)AVAILABLE at A$450

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British Empire/Commonwealth collection in 90 hagners with NWPI opts (13) to 1/- Kangaroo F-VF M. New Guinea (65, cat £600) inc Dated Birds opt OS set of 11 to 5/- VF M (SG cat £225) & Undated Birds opt Airmail set to £1 VFM (cat £275). Papua (60, cat £750). BNG Lakatois 2½d, 6d & 1/-. 1907 Lakatoi opt Papua set of 8 F-VF M (cat £250), 1908 Small Papua Lakatoi set of 6 to 1/- M & U (cat £250). 1932 Pics to 2/- M & 1935 KGV SJ set. PNG (300) to 2002 Lakatoi Centenary. South Africa (160) to 1954 Pics & SW Africa (150) (most MUH) Pic sets to early 1980s. St Helena (70) 1940s-70s M/MUH. St Vincent (70), Swaziland KGVI to 2/6 violet M. Tangier opts on GB Pics/commems inc vals to 10/- Castle (cat £100+). Trinidad & Tobago (160) mixed M & U. Newfoundland (100 cat £140) inc 1937 KGVI Coronation set to 48c & 1941 Pic set to 48c F-VF M. Nova Scotia 1860-63 QV set of 6 to 12½c black (£100). Prince Edward 1861-72 QV Sidefaces (9) to 12c violet F-VF M (Cat £130). Canada (330) to Post Millennium era inc 1927 Confederation set M. New Zealand (380) inc isolated revenues, 1940 Centennial set opt official, Ross Dependency Pics/commems. Scrappy presentation throughout. Total SG cat well over £2200 = A$4400. Mixed M/MUH/F-VFU. (est 2000-2500)AVAILABLE at A$500

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British Pacific Islands accumulations & collection in carton with Fiji 1912-80 inc 1938-55 to 5/- M/MLH with extras, 1954 to £1 MUH, 1959-67 to £1 M/MUH, 1969 Defs MUH & many others cat £600+, Nauru collection 1954-80s mostly MUH inc late 1970s-80s in packs, sheets FV $490. New Zealand collection 1882-1978 inc 1898 Pics to 9d, later 1930s issues & sets, retail $540. Solomon Is collection 1981-85 MUH sets & M/S with extras cat £100+. Largely VF. (700+, 30+)AVAILABLE at A$240

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British Pacific: 1966-86 collection on hagners in 4 APO albums inc Samoa 1970-86, 1967 Birds to $4, 1972 to $5, 1983 Fruits to $5 in blks of 4 (SG cat £700, FV $600), TPNG 1966-93 inc 1952 10/- Map, 1973 to $2, 1982 Coral to $7, 1987 Ships to 3K, 1989 Stamp Duty 5K on 25t (SG cat £300+, FV 250K), Nauru 1968-82 range, Fiji 1969-82 range inc blks & sheets. Some U/MLH, mainly fresh MUH. SG cat £1400. High FV estimate A$800+. (2800+, 100+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$200

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British West Indies collection 1860s-1990s in 2 binders. British Guiana 1860-1970s inc 1860 2c, 8c, 12c, 1862-69 6d, 24d used (flts), 1934-51 KGV Pics 60c-$1 M/MLH, lower values mostly U, 1954 part set to $5, 1966 Independence opt set M, 1966-67 both wmks to $5 M/MLH. Trinidad & Tobago 1863-1990s inc 1896 5/-. KGV (faded), 1914 Red Cross M, 1921-22 5/- SG 213 M, £1 SG 215 M (blunt cnr), 1935 Pics M/U inc 72c FU, 1938 Defs M/MLH, 1953 Defs selection inc $4.80 FU, 1960-67 to $4.80 M/MLH & later sets M/MLH & others. As stated some mixed condition but inc better & many F/VF. SG cat £1600+ = A$3000+. Also inc SG Sectional Cat 2009 Ed. (730, 3 M/S)SOLD at A$210

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Canada: 1850s-1990s accumulation/collection on loose leaves with 1859 12½c, 17c, 1868 to 15c, 1870-90 to 10c (2) with shades & extras, 1893 50c QV U, 1908 Quebec 10c, 20c, KGV inc 1912-21 Coils selection, 1922-33, 1930-31 Coils U with extras, 1930-31 Pics to $1, 1932 Ottawa, 1935 Silver Jubilee, 1937-38 Pics & Coils, 1942-46 Pics with many extras, 1946 Peace set U, plus $1 Peace U (8) & set M thematics plus a qty of others loose & in packets, many others. Some mixed condition but mostly F/VF. SG cat £2600 = A$4900+. (800+)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Canada 1859-1969 collection in VGC Davo hingeless album with slipcase with illustrated pages inc 1878 QV to 6c, 1897 Jubilee to 8c, 1935 Silver Jubilee set, various issues to $1 to 1960, few Postage Dues, special delivery, airmail etc. Some earlies mixed condition, mainly U-FU, some VF MLH, some discolouration behind mount in places but mainly fine. SG cat £600+ = A$1100, album with pages retail $300+. (200+)AVAILABLE at A$150

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Canada 1870-78 collection in red springback binder with 1868-97 QV (19) to 10c salmon inc ½c black VF UN plus 1868 12½c blue with Cork cancel. 1897 QV Maple Leaves set of 8 to 10c (cat £110) & Old Head set of 11 to 20c olive (£210). 1897 QV Jubilee (9) to 50c (cat £500) inc 10c & 20c. 1903 KEVII set of 7 to 50c (£200). 1908 Tercentenary (6) to 10 violet (£225). 1911-31 KGV (26) to $1 orange (£60). 1928 Pic set to $1 Parliament Buildings (£225) 1930-33 KGV Defs (30) to 10c M (cat £290). 1930 Pics to $1 Mount Edith U (£90) & set of 5 top vals to $1 (cat £385) inc 13c violet. 1935 & 1937 Pic sets to $1 U (£70) plus 1935-48 KGV or KGVI Heads to 8c inc coils F-VFM (£200). 1942 War Effort to $1 & 1946 Peace Conversion Pics to $1. Then good range of Officials Used 1949-63 inc OHMS opts. Also Postage Dues with 1930 & 1935 set to 10c FM (cat £140) & Express 1922-46 F-VFM (13, cat £250). Mostly fresh & clean, a good solid M & F-VFU collection. SG cat £4600 = A$8800. (680)AVAILABLE at A$500

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Canada 1870-2000s Collection/Accumulation in a s/book, on Hagners & on pgs 1990-2004 inc QV 1870s-90s 1c-20c, range 1910-60s inc 1927 Confederation 12c, 1942 War Effort comp, 1906-1933 Postage Dues to 10c, largely comp 1990-2000 inc M/S. Largely VF MLH-MUH, some V-FU. FV of M/MUH C$320. SG cat £2300+ = A$4500+. (1600, 30+M/S, 2 bklts).AVAILABLE at A$240

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Canada: 1859-1983 collection on white Ace historical illustrated pages in 2 albums inc 1859 5c Beaver, 12½c packet postage, 1868 QV range to 15c, 1870 QV to 10c, 1888 QV to 50c, 1898 QV to 20c, 1903 KEVII to 50c, 1928 set to 50c, 1935 to $1, 1937 to $1, range of Special Delivery inc 1898 10c, strong in early period to 1930s, comprehensive from 1940s-70s. Albums some toning, earlies mostly F-VFU, later VF MLH. SG cat £2400+ = A$4600. (700+)AVAILABLE at A$325

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Canada Provinces: 1851-70 small collection on Harris pgs. British Columbia & Vancouver 1865 QV 5c. 1867-69 crown V 2c. New Brunswick from 1851 inc 1860-63 QV Pic set to 17c. Also 1851 1/- (doubtful & not counted in total). Nova Scotia 1860-63 QV to 12½c Prince Edward Island 1861 QV 1d & 6d, perf 9. 1862-65 QV vals to 6d. 1870 QV Chalon 3d M & U. 1872 QV set 1c-12c. Most G-VF M/U, some mixed. SG cat £2350+ = A$4600+. (29)AVAILABLE at A$350

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Carton lot with British Empire omnibus collections (3) for 1937 KGVI Coronation M/U in Westminster album, 1946 Victory & 1953 QEII both appear comp M in 2 small s/books. SG cat £430. World, mostly Thematic collection, in large s/book with wide range of Pics & Commems, plus 30 M/sheets. Australian pre-decimal in 48pg KEK s/book inc 1934 Vic Cent 1/- (4), KGVI to 5/- Robes. Arms sets to £1 (3), 1950s 2/- Commems (40) & Cattle 5/- (40) cream & white papers, plus dec FDC (200) inc Commem/Pic cancels. Then more covers inc FAI History of Aviation Stamp Collection with 56 World FDC in over-size custom album, & 1981 RW Omnibus collection with 24 FDC. Finally Norfolk Island near comp MUH (odd CTO) to end 1974 in VGC Seven Seas hingeless album (pgs to Dec 1991) inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Defs to 5/- brown Bridge, surcharges set of 5 to 2/8, 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird, 1966 dec opts to $1 (both), 1967 Ships, 1969 Birds & other Pics/Commems to 1974 UPU M/sheets (retail $600 inc the VGC hingeless album).AVAILABLE at A$325

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China-PRC 2010 Onwards: Vast off-paper accumulation part 1 inc 2010 Asian Games M/Sheets, 2012 Asian Beach Games 1.2Y Volley Ball, 1.20Y Surfing. 2014 Filial Piety 1.20Y Jumping Corp, 2016 Filial Piety M/S, 2016 Solar Terms blks of 6 (400, cat £2600), 2010 Wood Prints M/S (25, £300+) 2017 Dinosaurs M/S (150, £1400), 2017 Filial Piety 1.2Y sheetlets of 16, 2020 Flowers 1.2Y M/S of 8, & much more. (weight 4.4kg). All fine CTO with reasonable variety. Ex Bulk Postage payments for large parcels sent to Australia. Est SG cat £20,000 = A$38,000. (15,000)AVAILABLE at A$350

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China-PRC 2010 Onwards: Vast off-paper accumulations part 2 strength in 2010-20 issues inc 2011 New Year Wood Print M/Sheets, 2014 internet 1.20Y E-Business, 2016 80th Anniv sheetlets, Filial Piety sheetlets, Tourism M/Sheets & 2016 Solar blks of 6 (400, cat £2600). 2017 Dinosaurs M/S (150, cat £1400) 2017 Zhan Qian 1.20Y Commem, plus 6Y M/Sheets. 2020 Flowers (?) M/S of 8, plus much more! Weight 4.4kg. All fresh CTO with reasonable variety. Ex Bulk Postage payments for large parcels sent to Australia. Approx 15,000. Est SG cat £20,000 = A$38,000.AVAILABLE at A$350

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China-PRC: 2010 Onwards Vast off-paper accumulation part 3 inc 2010 Expo M/Sheets, 2011 Wood Prints sheetlets, 2015 Yellow River M/S. 2016 Solar Terms blks of 6 (400, cat £2600), 2016 Red Mansions 1.2Y sheetlets of 16, 2016 Tourism M/Sheets (2 diff). 2017 Dinosaurs M/Sheets (150, £1400). 2017 Mongolia sheetlet of 18 & 2018 Flowers 1.2Y sheetlet of 16, plus much more! Weight 4.3kg, all fresh CTO with reasonable variety. Ex Bulk Postage payments for large parcels sent to Australia. Est SG cat £20,000 = A$38,000. (15,000)AVAILABLE at A$350

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China-PRC: 2012-18 Vast Pic/Commem accumulation with reasonable diversity inc 2013 Off-shore Oil, 2015 Verses, Disney, Birds, Environmental Day, 2017 Birds, 2018 Winter Olympics & others inc Greetings or New Year to 2020 Year of the Rat. Duplication throughout. All VFU ex Bulk Postage Payments on Parcels to Australia, attached to large white sheets of paper. Estimated SG cat £6500+ = A$12,000. (6000)AVAILABLE at A$120

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Cocos Island: 1968-2017 Extensive MUH collection in 70 hagners inc 1963 Pre-Decimals sets (2), 1969 Birds to $1, 1985 Sheets to $3, 1990 Coral Reefs booklets (both, SG cat £30) 1990 Surcharge set of 7 to $5 Aeroplane. (SG cat £100+), 1991 'Official Paid' opts CTO (2, cat £120 ea), 2006 Coral Reefs sheetlets (2 cat £50) & other Pic/Commem sets to 2017 Garden Fruits, M/sheet. Generally fresh MUH. FV $720, plus another $900 cat val for mentioned items, total over $1600.SOLD at A$325
Cook Islands: 2014 Bees & Bugs $4, $11.50 & $13.60 set of 3 in se-tenant sheetlets, 60 sets in sheets of 6 sets. VF fresh MUH. FV CI$1740 = A$1600. SG cat £2100 = A$4000. (10 sheetlets)AVAILABLE at A$180

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Cook Islands - Aitutaki: 1972-96 M/U collection in springback album with 170 Pic/Commem sets to 1996 Olympics both M/MUH & CTO inc 1974 Shells to $5 (cat £76), 1978 OHMS opts on Shells to $5 (cat £60), 1981 Birds to $5 Kingfisher (£125), 1983 Surcharge set of 19 to $5.60 (cat £120). 1984 Birds set of 20 to $9.60 (cat £160). 1985 OHMS opt set of 25 to $9.60 (£200). 1989 Moon Landing 20th Anniv (£35). 1992 Pacific Arts set inc Royal Visit opts (£45) & 1994 Flowers set to $5 Hibiscus MUH/CTO (cat £40). Then 60 M & 60 CTO M/Sheet, plus some uncounted extras at the back. Mentioned Pic sets add up to £860 (A$1600) with grand total much higher with a FV NZ$1100 = A$1000. Some light foxing sighted, a mostly fresh & clean collection. (100s)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Covers: Massive accumulation with Australia 1980s Frama FDC (160). Commem PSE (1600) from 1978 Human Rights 20c to mid 1988 Bi-Cent sets, mixed UN/FDI. Oversize 20c-27c Pics (300) & small size Defs (450). Then Postal Stationery with decimal 4c to 22c QEII Letter Cards VF UN (140). 1980s Aerogrammes (240). 1981 brown Postcard boxes (4) with 168 22c Pic Postcards & 1982 black (2) with 84 27c Pic Postcards fresh UN. All up around 3800 covers/aerogrammes/cards & PSEs, all neatly packed into 2 large cartons.AVAILABLE at A$150

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Europe 1860s-2000s Large collection on pgs in 8 binders in large carton inc Austria 1870s-1920 to 25k, German Occup 1945 unissued 1-5RM, 1945 Views to 5s, 1950 Birds to 20s, strong in scarcer 1940/50s issues, Belgium range 1860s-1920s inc 1930 Airs to 5f, Czechoslovakia range 1920s, good range of later. M/S, covers, Bohemia Moravia range, France good range to 1920s inc 1949 Air Views to 1000f. 1954 Airs to 1000f inc blk of 4, Netherlands from 1880s to 1920s inc 1906 Tuberculosis set, Ruanda-Urundi, Neth Indies, Russia 1880s-1920s inc 1925 Lenin to 10R, 1934 Air to 80k Sweden 1860s-1920s range, 1936 Tercentenary, range of other countries inc Luxemburg, Monaco, Switzerland etc, plus lots more. Extensive collection only briefly reviewed so could be finds. Vast number face diff, some light duplication. Mainly U-FU, some VF MLH. Reserved at $100 per album. SG est cat £6000-£8000. (14,000+, 100+ M/S, 30+ covers).AVAILABLE at A$600

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Fiji: 1935-2017 collection on 80 hagners in 3 binders inc 1935 Jubilee, 1948 Silver Wedding, 1954, 59 & 68 QEII sets comp to £1, decimals to $2 (2 diff), 1971 Birds, Flowers comp to $2, seems comp 1960s-2000s, many M/S, strong thematics Birds, Fish, Whales etc. Few earlies but vast majority diff. Some earlies VF MLH but 1960s on all appear to be VF fresh MUH. SG cat value £1700 = A$3300. FV $1450+. (1600+, 90+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$550

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France & Colonies 1850-60 collection in VGC Lighthouse hingeless illustrated album 1849-1959 2 s/books on pgs, loose in packets & on hangers. Inc various 1850s Ceres to 80c imperf & perf, 1976 range to 75c, 1900 to 10f, 1881 Postage Due set to 50c etc then issues to 1950s inc 1000f Plane, strong in Colonies with issues from 1880s inc Guadeloupe 1891 comp set to 1F, Reunion 1943 set comp to 20F, St Pierre Miquelon 1909 Fishing set comp to 5f, many comp sets & early key types, inc 1903 POs in China 75c surcharge FU, potential as only briefly reviewed. The Lighthouse illustrated album retails for $600+. Mainly VF MLH, some G-FU. SG cat £1500+=A$3000+. Another lot where the collector bought stamps at auction & never did anything with them.SOLD at A$425

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Germany 1872-1968 Collection in 4 Lighthouse illustrated albums inc 1872 Shields (4), 1870s Eagles to 50pf, 1902 Deutsches Reich to 5Mk bicolour, 1920s Weimar Repub issues, mostly G/FU officials, 1933 to 1949 M/U also Occup issues, West Germany 1950-1968 M/U inc 1952 Hostels set FU. Berlin 1950 to 1964 M/U. Useful starter collection wrapped in 4 quality illus albums. Total cat £2000+, plus cost of albums c$600 = A$3900. (1000+).AVAILABLE at A$170

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Germany: 1872-1980s collection/accumulation on s/cards inc 1872 Eagle Small Shield to 5gr. 1872-74 Eagle Large Shield to 18Kr. 1872 Numeral 10gr & 2Mk, plus shades. 1875 'Pfenige' set to 50pf. 1902-17 Germania range to 5Mk. 1933 Zeppelin Chicago flight opt 2Mk. 1935 OSTROPA M/S. 1926 Air set to 3Mk. 1935 Costumes set to 40pf. 1936 Brown Ribbon M/S. 1937 Hitler M/S, plus Culture Fund M/S. 1936 Munchen Reim M/S. Range of 1950-80s West Germany Commems & Defs. Mostly G-VF M/U, mixed earlies. SG est cat £6000+ = A$10,000+. (3000+)AVAILABLE at A$275

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Germany: 1926-45 UK dealer stock mint inc 1928 Zeppelin set (SG cat £140), plus 2RM (£70), 1933 Frederick set (£60), 1933 Wagner set (£450), 1934 Airmail set (£140), extra 2Mk & 3Mk (£78), then extensive range to 1945 inc 1935 Costumes (£50), 1935 Ostropa M/S - interleaf adhered to gum but still unusually nice (£1600 for UN), plus 1936 Brown Ribbon M/S (2 MUH, £80). VF fresh M/MUH. SG cat £3100 = A$6000+. Marked UK retail £1100 = A$2200 conservatively priced. Excellent stock for resale. (123, 3 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$650

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Germany: 1928-45 UK dealer's stock MUH inc 1935 Costumes set (SG cat £225), Winter Olympics & Lufthansa (£160), 1936 Olympics set (£160), 1938 Brown Ribbon (£190), 1939 Derby Anniv (£100), Art Day Women (3, £132), Postal Employees Fund (£110), Winter Relief (£75), 1940 Brown Ribbon (£150), Postal Employees Fund (£70) & 1945 SS/SA pr (£110), M/Sheets inc 1936 Olympics pr (£350), Brown Ribbon (2, £80), 1937 Hitler 6pf M/S with opt (SG MS638 cat £400), MS 635 (£90) & 1937 Brown Ribbon opt (£225). VF fresh MUH. SG cat £5600 = A$11,000. Marked UK retail £1800+ = A$3500 conservatively priced. Excellent lot for resale. (190, 7 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1100

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Germany: Post-WWII UK dealer stock mostly M/MUH with West Germany (500) inc 1949 UPU (2 U, SG cat £120), 1949 Refugee Relief set (£140), 1951 Posthorns inc 15pf, 20pf, 25pf, 40pf, 60pf & 70pf all MUH (£1200+), 1951 Relief MUH (£170), plus 30pf U (£150), 1952 Relief MUH (£150), 1953 Relief U (£120), 1959 Beethoven M/S (7, cat £217) & range to 1980s (total SG cat £6000+). Berlin 1948-80s (140, £6100+) inc 1948 black opt set M (cat £450), red opt set M (£1600), 1949 Buildings (£1000), UPU set M (£950), Goethe MUH (£375), Surch set M (£300), Relief MUH (£425), 1950 Orchestra MUH (£185), 1952 Berliners MUH (£160) & some more. East Germany (250) (cat £970) to 1980s inc 1950 Academy set M (£170) & 1955 M/Sheets (3, £95). Plus odds earlier (85) inc Bavaria 1911 blks of 4, 1919 Free state opts top 3 vals from 2 sets U (£245). Also Colonies & POs (50+, £650+). VF fresh MUH M/MUH/U. Total SG cat £14,000 = A$26,000. Marked UK retail £4800 = A$9500 conservatively priced. Excellent stock for resale. (1000, 16 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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Germany-West collection 1960-1992 fresh MUH in 3 as new SAFE hingeless albums. Comprehensive range. VF. SG cat £1880=$3600, plus high cost of albums over $600, so total $4200. (c1000, 22 M/sheets).SOLD at A$170

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Germany-West Berlin, 1949-90 collection in Lighthouse hingeless album inc 1949 red Berlin opt to 1M, 1949 Berlin Relief Fund set & M/Sheet, 1952 Olympics set, 1952 Famous Berliners set, 1986 Famous German Women set, virtually comp from 1957-1990 with many complete sets, range of M/S, booklet panes, postal stationery etc. Mainly VF MUH from 1957, earlies mostly MLH & VFU. SG cat £6000=A$11500, plus high cost of album. (800 + 15 M/S, 10 P/Cs). (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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Germany - East: 1949-90s collection in 3 s/books inc 1949 UPU 50pf. 1950-51 President set to 5Mk. 1950 DEBRIA M/S M & U (SG cat £425). 1950 Science set to 50pf M & U (£290). 1960 Piech M/S. 1954 Buchenwald M/S. Then good coverage of Commems & Defs, plus M/S where issued. Also 1990s Reunited German issues. Mostly F-VF M/MUH/U, some earlier tropicalised. SG cat £3200+ = A$6000+. (3000+, & 90+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$230

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Gibraltar 1886-1995 in a VF Davo hingeless album with slipcase & illustrated pages, also inc Lighthouse hingeless pages for Cyprus 1880-1955 & Malta 1860-1963. Gibraltar inc 1931 Rock full set, 1935 Silver Jubilee set, 1938 KGV to 1/-, 1953 QEII to 5/-, 1960 & 1967 QEII to 5/-, 1971 Decimal Currency in prs complete to £1, many comp sets to 1990s, Cyprus inc various 1900-20s KGV to 2¾p, 1938 KGV to 90r, 1953 QEII to 250m, Malta inc 1938 KGV to 1/-, 1956 QEII to 2/6. Mostly fresh VF MLH-MUH, some U-FU. SG cat £450 = A$800. Album with pages retail $600+. (300 + 5 M/S)SOLD at A$150

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Gibraltar: 1953-2018 collection in large s/book & FDC album inc 1953 QEII set to £1, 1960 set to £1, 1962 Ships set to £1, 1971 Decimal Currency to £1 in prs, 1977 set to c, 1981 Aircraft set to £5, 1987 Gun set to £5, quite comprehensive, FDC range from 1970s-80s with strength in 1990s, several stamp booklets, range of M/Sheets. F-VF MLH-MUH/FU-CTO. SG cat £850+ with FV of MUH alone £300 = A$570. (600+, 25+ M/S, 75+ covers)AVAILABLE at A$250

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Gibraltar: 2007 Personalised Tab Pics 'You Stamps' in comp sheets of 20. Trio comprising NVI G (local post), Birthday, With Love & Meet Our New Baby with 1500 stamps of ea. 225 sheets, total 45,000. SG cat £1800 = A$3400. FV = £1350 = A$2600.AVAILABLE at A$275

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Great Britain: 1841-1970 collection/accumulation in thick Lighthouse s/book inc 1841 QV 1d red-brown UN (SG 5 cat £600) & 1855 QV No Letters 6d lilac (7, cat £840), 1860s-70s Large White Letters, 3d (4), 4d (11), 6d (4) & 1/- (2), 1870s-80s QV to 1/- green inc 6d/6d violet (2), 8d orange (2), 9d straw & 6d buff. 1881 6d grey plates (10). 1883 QV high vals 2/6 (9) & 5/- (8). 1887-92 Jubilee to 1/- lower values & extras, 1876 Telegraphs to 1/- brown-orange UN, 1902-10 KEVII to 1/- M & to 1/- G/FU with many extras, 1907-10 2/6 (9). 5/- (4). 1910-34 KGV to 1/- G/FU with many extras, 1934 Seahorses 2/6 (11), 5/- (10), 10/- (4), KGVI inc 1939-48, 1951 Festival high vals to £1 with extras G/FU. Similar QEII Commems & Defs to 1970. Some mixed condition as usual in lots like this but many G-F-VF. SG cat £19,000+ = A$36,000. (1100+)AVAILABLE at A$600

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Great Britain: 1841-1970 collection in Royal Album with 1841 QV imperfs 1d brown (4) & 2d blue (2). 1862 QV 4d bright red QV Small Letters (cat £140). 1867 QV Large Letters 9d straw Plate 4, 10d chestnut Plate 1 & 1/- green Plate 4 (£760). 1872 QV 6d grey Plate 12 (2, £600), 1873-80 QV 6d grey (2) & 8d orange. 1883 QV 2/6 shades (2) & 5/- rose FU (£635). 1887 QV to 10d inc Govt Parcel opts on 1½d, 6d & 9d (£225). 1902 KEVII to 1/- bicolour (£160), plus 2/6 (3, £540) & 5/- (2, £400). 1915 KGV Seahorses 5/- (2) & 2/6 cat £270. 1934 2/6 Seahorse (2, £80), plus 1952 KGVI Pics to £1 & pre-dec QEII Commems. A neat collection cat £4000+ = A$7500. (560)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Great Britain: 1850s-1990s collection/accumulation in 3 albums, 4 s/books & a binder inc 1850s 1d red-brown (100) with many numeral cancel & not plated, 1873 QV 6d (20), duplicated range of Seahorses to 10/-, KEVII to 1/-, KGV to 1/-, some classification of various 1970-90 QEII Machins between various printings, phosphor bands etc (500-600 with blks), FPO 1 in Tientsin, China piece & APO 1 in Shanghai with cover sent via Siberia dated 30/3/32, album of PO Packs 1973 Christmas to 1990 & some loose (70+), 1980s PHQ cards (40+). Interesting accumulation which requires work. Many Used-FU. Est SG cat £3000+. (2000 + 70 PO Packs)SOLD at A$180

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Great Britain 1854-1952 collection/accumulation neatly arranged on hagners & QEII collection in VGC Stanley Gibbons hingeless album with slipcase & illustrated pages 1952-1990 (binder needs repair). Inc 4 1854 1d red brown, various QV to 6d, KEVII to 6d, KGV to 1/-, KGVI to 10/-, QEII to £1, range of 1950s-1980 inc Regional issues. Also noted several KEVII Army Officials, 1930s-40s Postage Due to 2/6, few numeral cds on earlies. Mainly U-FU, some VF MLH. SG cat £1400+ = A$2600. Album retail $400+. (1400+)SOLD at A$110

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Great Britain 1991-2018 extensive possibly comp FDC collection in 13 SG Major Cover albums (est retail $400) with Pic/Commem sets, M/Sheets & Defs in booklet panes with great variety, strength in post 2000 modern culture issues inc Star Wars, Thunderbirds, Harry Potter, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Game of Thrones, David Bowie, Alice in Wonderland & more! Very fresh condition, FV of the stamps alone £3000, plus premium for the FDC & the 13 expensive albums. Original cost $6000+. (930)SOLD at A$1050

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Great Britain: Covers 1960-2013 Pic/ FDC collection (260) inc 1960 Europa, 1961 Savings Bank & Parliament Conference, 1962 NPY, 1963 Paris Conference, Red Cross, FFH & Life Boats. All on illustrated envelopes cat £260. Then Decimal Machin FDC (90) inc Regionals, booklet panes & high vals (4) from £1.30 to £1.50, 1980s commem covers (220) with wide range of envelope cachets & pmks. Also scarce UN PHQ pictorial cards. Approx 600 covers/cards in total, mostly F-VF condition.AVAILABLE at A$80

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Hong Kong: 1962-2006 extensive accumulation of high val Defs inc 1967-73 $10 (13), 1973-82 $20 (3), 1982 Defs in blks of 4 + singles MUH. 1982-87 Def $10, $20 (15 ea), $50 (13) G/FU, 1987-88 to $50 2 sets MUH, plus $10 (13), $20 (22), $50 (13) G/FU, 1992 Def to $50 MUH, plus $10 (44), $20 (17), $50 (11), 1997 $10 (39), $20 (34), $50 (33), 1999 $10 (40), $20 (45), $50 (30). 2002 $10 (16), $13 (14), $20 (36), $40 (69), 2006 $50 (2) G/FU. Some on piece, some varied condition mostly F/VF. SG cat £4600+ = A$8850. ()c600AVAILABLE at A$250

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Indonesia: 1995 50th Anniv of Republic M/Sheet. Superb MUH. SG MS2185 cat £2060 = A$3700. FV alone R625,000 = A$600. (250)AVAILABLE at A$120

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Indonesia: 1996 Booklet with Joint Issue with Australia pane of 10 300Rup Cuscus stamps. First printing 76x234mm. 100 comp booklets fresh MUH. SG SB18 cat £875 = A$1600 for common 2nd printing 71x230mm. Zonnelbloem SHP7/1996 MS1 €2250. Pfr Australian cat $100 ea, total $10,000. (100)AVAILABLE at A$150

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Interesting mixed range in 3 albums & sheet file largely Mint. Inc Germany/Allied Occupation French general issues inc 1947 1Mk Goethe (18), 2Mk Schiller (20), 5Mk Heine (16) in blks largely MUH (cat £350), also Saar 1947 issues in blks, Iran 1909 4Kr, 10Kr, 15Kr, 1919 opts to 12Ch, '1925' Surch 1Kr green (19) MLH/MUH & others (cat £600+). Also Iran, India, Nepal random issues in sheets, also French Colonies noted Wallis & Futuna 1985-87 Shells in sheets of 25 & others cat £300+. Russian Civil War Neighbouring Republic issues noted Azerbaijan 1923 Arms h/s selection, Transcaucasian Republic inc 1923 Star Surch on Arms opt inc 1R (7) MLH/MUH with extras, also Pic sets in qty MUH, Georgia 1923 Surch issues on Russian Arms with many extras, opts on Soviet Republic inc 10,000r/1000r, 20,000/500r c50 ea MUH & other Surch in qty. Swaziland 1938 KGVI to 10/- M/MLH, Tuva 1926-35 inc 1932 opt to 15K, 1935 Airmails to 5t, 1934 Pics M & more. Various others, largely VF, total cat £3700+. (1800+, 5 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Japan & Korea: 1870s-2000s collection on approx 80pgs in a binder inc Japan 1871 Dragon, 1880s Kobans to 25s, 1949 Postal Week, various Philatelic Week (1957-68), strong Thematics animals, Culture, Flowers etc. Korea 1890s-2000 inc 1903 4ch Falcon, range of 1950s inc 1957 1000h Deer, North Korea from 1950s noted 1965 Anniv of Workers Party M/S. Mostly F-VFU. SG cat £2000+. (1600+, 10 M/S). (P)SOLD at A$160

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Kiloware: Germany post Millennium Pics/Commems, appears good variety mostly on rough-torn single paper (weight 6.5kg). Machine Label (600g) with reasonable coverage to modern era. Private City Post Pics (600g). All fresh & clean, unchecked as received from European source. Weight 7.7kg.SOLD at A$180

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Latvia & Estonia 1918-40 collection in as new Lighthouse hingeless album with deluxe binder & matching slipcase with illustrated pages. Lithuania inc 1919 range to 75k, 1920 Red Cross to 1, in various printings, 1928 President Death comp, 1931 Air Charity comp, 1932 Air comp, imperf (cat £150), 1932 Militia imperf comp, 1933 Air Charity to 25s (cat £300), 1936 Charity comp, 1940 Incorporation comp to 5l, Estonia inc 1919 to 15m, 1923 set, 1930 Surch 2K & 3K. Mainly FU. SG cat £1000+, album with pages retail $600+. (150)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Luxembourg 1852-1940 collection in near new Lighthouse hingeless album (turn bar binder) with illustrated pages & matching slipcase, inc range of issues from 1859 to 1882 to 1F, 1914 Duchess comp to 5F, various 1920s-30s Child Welfare sets, 1938 Abbey Restoration set comp, interesting 1939 Presentation Folder with special cds on Abbey Restoration set, German Occupation to 100pf, also M/S 1946 War Victims stamp exhibition. A few stamps in hagners adhering stamps in album. Mainly fresh VF MLH-MUH, some U-FU. SG cat £600 = A$1100, plus album with pages retail $400+. (200+)SOLD at A$220

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Mining/Exploration/Minerals/Gemstones/Fossils collection in SIX volumes/binders 1960s-2000 most fresh MUH with 9 colourful extensive range of sets & M/Sheets covering 160 sets plus single stamp issues and 100 M/Sheets. Noted China, Botswana 1974, Grenada 2001 Previous Stones set, Minerals set, Kenya 1977 Minerals set, Sri Lanka 1976 Gems. Also French Colonial (or ex Colony), 1990s sets & M/Sheets, plus other semi-official issues. Cat £1600++. Also a range of covers, maxi cards, PSEs etc. Many unusual issues, largely VF. Estimated cat £1600, plus extra for semi-official/local issues. (160 sets, 100 M/S etc)AVAILABLE at A$375

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Monaco collection 1885-1959 in as new Lighthouse album (turn bar binder) with illustrated hingeless pages, 1885 to 1959 inc 1885 25c FU, 1891 to 1Fr, 1924 range to 3Fr, 1933 Air 1F50 on 5F, 1933 range to 3F50, 1937 Postes opt to 2F50, 1946 Roosevelt comp to 15Fr+10F, 1955 range set to 50F, 1956 Philatelic Exhib comp to 100F. Generally VF MLH-MUH, U-FU. Noted a few with toning & spots on back. Album with pages retail $375+. SG cat £600+ = A$1100 plus album retail. (150)SOLD at A$250

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Netherlands 1945-2004 extensive collection mostly MUH in 4 Davo illustrated albums with good coverage from 1958 onwards inc Cultural Relief, Charity sets & other Commems. Strong from 1970s inc Charity sets & M/Sheets, later issues often 2 of each, Defs right through to 2004, extensive range. Earlier some toning to 1970 o/w fresh MUH, SG cat £4050 = A$7700, plus another $600 replacement cost for the hingeless albums. (1200+, 125 M/S & sheetlets)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Netherlands Indies & Indonesia: 1864-1978 collection in 2 hingeless Lighthouse red turn bar albums with illustrated pages & matching slipcases. Commences with Netherlands Indies 1864-1908 inc 1864 10c & 1868 10c, 1870-88 vals to 2G50, 1908 Java opt to 1G & other opt to 1G, Netherlands New Guinea 1950-61 inc 1950 set to 5G (toning) & 1953 Flood Relief set, West Iran 1963-70, Indonesia 1951-78 inc 1953 Disasters Fund comp to 5R, 1971-74 Fish sets, 1975 Orchids sets, mainly comp from 1956-78, all diff. Strong in late 60s-early 70s M/S, inc 1967 Disaster Fund, 1968 Save Borobudur Monument, 1971 Visit Asean. Mainly VF MLH, some toning on early period. SG cat £1300+ = A$2300, plus albums retail $600+. (900 + 30+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$300

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New Guinea - NWPI: 1915-22 opts Used collection inc Kangaroo 2d to 10/-, 2d, 3d, 9d 1st wmk, 2/- 2nd wmk, 5/- 3rd wmk (3) Radio cancels, 10/- 3rd wmk, KGV 1d red (50) with range of shades inc variety 7/37 neck flaw', SG 100, KGV 1d on 5d, perf OS range inc Kangaroo 3d & KGV 1d rosine perf OS. Mostly GU-VFU. SG cat £3600+ = A$7000. (150) (P)AVAILABLE at A$650

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New Hebrides & Vanuatu: 1925-80s M/MUH collection inc 1925 Dual Currency set to 5/- (5Fr). 1938 Gold Currency to 5Fr. 1953 Pic set to 5Fr, plus Postage Dues, 1977 Maps Def set. 1972 Pic set to 5Fr. Useful Commem sets. Most F-VF M/MUH. SG cat £800+. Yv cat €1000+ = A$1600. (250).AVAILABLE at A$230

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New Zealand: 1855-1985 collection on various pages with imperf QV Chalons to 1/- (retail NZ$2575) & perfs ($2430), 1873-1900 QV Sidefaces sets ($600) 2/- F/C & no 5/-, 1898 Pics to 5/- ($825) & Officials ($850), 1906 Christchurch set ($850), KEVII & KGV ($600), 1920 Victory set, 1925 Dunedin, Admirals inc Officials ($500), then comp to 1985, inc Health comp (no M/S), Lighthouses near comp, QV Fiscals with F/C ($175). Arms Fiscals Postally U inc 30/- with Airmail cds ($400), some Dues, FDC (25) etc. Mostly G-VFU, typical mixed earlies. NZ retail $13,000+. (1100) (P)SOLD at A$750

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New Zealand: 1874-1964 collection in Campbell-Patterson illustrated album with 1874 QV Sideface (5) to 1/- green. 1882 2nd QV (22) to 1/- chestnut inc 1d rose, 2d violet (2) & 3d yellow rev Adverts. 1899 Pics (34) to 5/- My Cook inc ½d, 2d, 3d, 2/- opt Official. 1909 KEVII set to 1/-, plus Official opts (10) inc 3d (2), 8d (2) & 1/- (2). 1915 KGV Engraved (24) to 1/- G/FU, plus 4d, 6d, 8d, 9d, 1/- opt Official M (retail $700). 1927 Admirals 2/- & 3/- F-VFU & 2/- opt Official M ($550). 1935 Pic set to 2/- opt Official. 1953 QEII to 5/- U & Officials to 3/- M. 1958 2d opt on 1½d Stars M (retail $250). 1960 Pic set to £1 U. Then Commems to 1964 inc 1906 Christchurch Exhibition 1d, 3d, 6d M ($700), 1913 Auckland Exhib ½d U ($60), 1919 Victory set, 1940 Centenary sets to 1/- inc Official opts, 1903 & 1939 6d Express Delivery stamps, 1908 Victoria Land opt on 1d Dominion VFU. 1931-35 Airmails set of 8. 1944 Lighthouses ½d, 1d, 1d, 2d, 3d & 6d rose set of 6 M ($80), Postal Fiscals to £1 Arms. Finally Healths near comp to 1962 inc 1931 1d & 2d Smiling Boys. A solid basic mostly F/VF/M/U collection inc some extras, NZ retail $6000+. (600) (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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New Zealand 1953-2000 Used collection in 3 hingeless Seven Seas albums (new retail $600). Inc useful pre-decimal 1960 Pics to £1, 1967 Pics to $2. Post 1970 extensive collection of sets & M/Sheets inc Health series & M/Sheet. Christmas series, Exhibition M/Sheets & others. F/VF, some tone but these can easily be fixed. Retail NZ$2200+, plus the high cost of the albums. Reserved at way less than replacement cost of the albums. (1000+, 78 M/Sheets)SOLD at A$150

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New Zealand: 1950s-70s MUH accumulation in 72 hagners with Health M/sheets 1958 (22 prs, NZ retail $440), 1971 Health (15 prs, $600), 1974 Health M/Sheet (10, $350). 1988 Centenary of RPSNZ M/sheets (17, $85). Then 1970s Commem sets imprint/plate num multiples (20 diff, retail $800+) inc 1969 Cook blks of 9, 1970 Pics to $2 blks of 4, 1971 Cars plate num/imprint blks of 10, 1972 Flowers blks of 10, 1972 Lakes imprint cnr blks of 9 & 1973 Anniv blks of 15. All fresh MUH. Also some F-VFM pre-decimals inc 1954 QEII 5/-, 10/- horiz prs. Total NZ retail $2450. (many 100s)AVAILABLE at A$250

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New Zealand: 1967-1993 MUH collection in two Seven Seas illustrated albums (hingeless 1981 onwards, retail $200) inc 1967 1st Decimal Defs to $2 Geyser (both), 1967-75 Health M/Sheets comp MUH (retail $375). 1969 Cook M/Sheet, 1970 Pics to $2. Early 1970s Commem sets, 1980-1993 Exhibition M/Sheets (16, retail $260), 1987 CAPEX pr, 1988 SYDPEX & 1991 Phila-Nippon pr, plus plenty of other Pic/Commem set inc vals to $10 & a variety of M/Sheets. All fresh & clean. Retail $600 to end 1975, $260 for the Exhibition Emission, $380 FV for the rest, total $1240, plus extra for the albums.AVAILABLE at A$250

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New Zealand: Collection 1855-2013 in 6 large Seven Seas binders (hingeless pgs 1953 on, retail $1200) inc 1855 QV Chalon imperf 6d yellow-brown, no wmk (retail $400). 1882 QV 2/- blue Postal Fiscal opt Official. 1898 Pics to 2/- inc Official opts to 6d. 1908 KEVII to 1/-. 1915 KGV to 1/- inc Official opts. 1919 Victory set of 7. 1931 Arms £1 pink & £3 green. 1931 Health 2d blue Smiling Boy. 1940 Centennial set. 1954 QEII Defs to 10/-. 1960 Pics to £1. Then strength in decimals (100s) inc 1967 Pics to $2 Geyser, 1970s-80s Pic/Commem sets, 1990s-2013 Exhibition M/Sheets inc 1994 Hong Kong, 1995 Singapore, 1996 CANPEX pr, 1999 World Expo & others to 2013 Upper Hutt National. Also over-size sheetlets inc 2006 Hawkes Bay, 2009 A Tiki Tour, 2011 Beyond the Coast & 2012 Tiki Tour No 2. Generally G-VFU to 1980, then mostly fresh CTO to Christmas 2013. Estimated retail $1500 to end 1966, plus $5600 for the decimals & another $1200 for the 6 albums. Also Ross Dependency collection. Total $8500+. (many 100s)AVAILABLE at A$600

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Niue: 1974-97 collection in springback album with 200 M-MUH/CTO sets (FV $1240) inc 1976 Pics to $2, 1977 Surcharges to $3.20, 1980 Hurricane relief opts, 1981 Flowers to $10 MUH/CTO, 1984 Flowers to $8.30 Hibiscus, 1985 OHMS opt set comp MUH/CTO (cat £125), 1986 Birds set to 8 (£60), 1992 Birds to $15 MUH/CTO (£110), plus OHMS opts comp (£120). Then 240 M/CTO M/Sheets (FV $540) inc 1980 ZEAPEX, 1984 AUSIPEX pr, 1985 Birds set, 1979 & 1989 Moon Landing 10th & 20th Anniversaries. Some minor foxing, mostly fresh & clean, total FV MUH/CTO $1780 = A$1600. (100s)AVAILABLE at A$120

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Norfolk Island: 1947-74 near comp MUH collection with 1947 Ball Bay set of 18 to 2/- blue inc ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d white paper (SG cat £190), 1953 Pics set (5/- brown tiny rev spot), 1958-60 Surcharge set, 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird, plus extra 10/- with thin central SPECIMEN opt & all other pre-dec inc 2/8 Local Govt. Decimals to 1974 UPU M/Sheet inc 1966 opt, 1967 Ships & 1969 Bird sets except for the 5/- brown, all fresh MUH. SG cat £400, retail $60 (retail $600). (148, plus M/S)AVAILABLE at A$180

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Norfolk Is: 1987 WWF Endangered Birds set 5c-55c, horiz se-tenant strip of 5, stock of 60 strips, inc 1 full sheet. VF fresh MUH. SG 425a cat £420, retail $600. (60 strips)AVAILABLE at A$70

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Papua New Guinea Pics/Commems: 1970-early 1980s in 2 sheet files, mostly full sheets or large blks. Excellent thematic content Marine, Flowers, Birds etc. Total FV 1500K = A$600+. Esti 500+ sets.AVAILABLE at A$130

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Papua New Guinea: 2007 Personalised Stamps in sheets of 20, set of 31 diff sheets with 85t (11 diff), 3K (9 diff), 3.35K (6 diff), 5.35K (5 diff), plus K1 sheets of 12 (2 diff). FV K1920 as single sheets. Wholesale lot of 5 sets, total FV K9600 = A$3840. All fresh MUH.AVAILABLE at A$230

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Papua New Guinea: 2007 Personalised Stamps in sheets of 20, set of 31 diff sheets with 85t (11 diff), 3K (9 diff), 3.35K (6 diff), 5.35K (5 diff), plus K1 sheets of 12 (2 diff). FV K1920 as single sheets. Wholesale lot of 5 sets, total FV K9600 = A$3840. All fresh MUH.AVAILABLE at A$230

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Pitcairn Island: 1940-2017 extensive collection on approx 80 hagners in 3 binders inc 1940 KGVI set comp to 2/6 (2), 1949 Silver Wedding, 1957 QEII comp to 2/6 with shades, 1969 set to $1, 1995 Birds comp to $5, 2000 Flowers to $10, many comp sets, good range of M/S. Seems fairly comp from late 1950s. Opportunity to acquire a large collection from this remote island. A few earlies MLH, 48 Wedding MUH, predominantly VF fresh MUH. A few duplicates. Mostly diff. SG cat value £2500 = A$4800. FV alone $1600. (1400+, 80+ M/S)SOLD at A$650

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Russia & RSFSR 1857-1923 collection in as new Lighthouse hingeless album (Turn bar binder) with illustrated pages inc 1858 20k orange & blue, 1866 1k-5k, 1875 to 10k, 1900 to 10r, 1914 War Charity to 10k with various perfs, 1921 to 1000r, 1922 surch to 100,000r. Mostly VF MLH, VFU. SG cat £600+, album & pages retail $500+. (120+)AVAILABLE at A$250

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Russia: 1900-94 collection in 6 binders inc 1923-25 Worker/Soldier imperf 3R (2), 5R (4), perf 13½ 3R (4), 5R (3), perf 10 3R (5) (total cat £1970), 1925-28 Lenin inc 1R (3), 2R (4), 5R (7) mixed perfs, 1927-33 Postage Due Surch mixed perfs etc inc 8k/1k (18), 8k/2k (17), 8k/14k (13), plus others, approx 200 stamps, cat £2600 = A$5000. Then 2 binders of dealers' stocks with M/U sets & singles. 1980 Moscow Olympics collection, 1980-84 collection MUH/CTO in 2 expensive Davo illustrated albums. Also Latvia 1918-30s M/U sets/singles inc 1929 Meierovics set M/MUH, 1936 White Cross sets MUH & FU, plus 1991-95 Pictorial selection. Mostly F-VF, est total cat £4000 = A$7500. (1600, plus 60 M/S or shlts)SOLD at A$400

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Russia: 1983-90 attractive full sheets or large blks MUH. Thematics inc 1983 Aircraft (34 sets), 1983 Ships (60 sets), 1980 Trees (56), 1981 Flowers (30), 1984 Flowers (60), 1988 Flowers (41), 1985 Plants (36) sets MUH, 1989 Bees (38 sets) & some others inc Dolphins, Space & Zeppelins. Largely MUH & VF cat £3150 = A$6000. (3000+)AVAILABLE at A$80

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Samoa: 2006 50th Anniv of the 1st Europa Stamp set of 4 M/Sheets of 4 stamps (100 of ea). Fresh MUH. SG cat £1750. FV ST$7040 = A$3900. Mi cat €6000 = A$10,000. (400 M/S).AVAILABLE at A$150

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Samoa: 2016 National Geographic Creative Stamps featuring Animals of the World, set of 16 to $3.60 in se-tenant blks of 4 as sheetlets. 100 sets. VF fresh MUH. FV ST2480 = A$1300+. Useful thematic group. (100 sets = 1600 stamps)AVAILABLE at A$140

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Solomon Islands: M/Sheets 2017 Polar Bears $40, 2017 Pope Francis $40, 2015 WWII 70th Anniv $48, 2003 Australian Nobel Prize Winners $28 & 2012 $20 Coral Reefs. 100 of ea, all fresh CTO. Total FV $17,600 = A$3200. (500)AVAILABLE at A$100

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Solomon islands: 1930s-2015 large collection on 180 hagners in 6 binders inc 1939 KGV to 10/-, 1956 QEII, 1985, 1966 decimal Currency, 1968 set, 1972 set all comp, 1987 Flowers comp, 2001 Birds, 206 Shells comp to $50, 2005 Pope John Paul commemorative issue printed on gold foil (Scott 1013-20), wide range of M/S, 100s of Commem sets, strong thematics. Appear near comp from 1960s. Some earlies VF MLH, predominantly VF MUH. SG cat $1800+ but SG does not have listings for most modern issues, FV alone $12,600 = A$2300. (1700+, 300+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$650

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Solomon Islands: 2006 M/Sheets Europa 50th Anniv set of 12 to $15 in 6 M/Sheets, stock of 200 sets. VF fresh MUH. FV S$14,200 = A$2600. SG MS1137 cat £23 x 200 = £4,600 = A$9,000. (1200 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$180

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South Africa - Cape of Good Hope: 1864-1904 Mint collection inc 1864-77 Hope Seated 4d & 6d (2 shades) crown CC, with outer frame line. 1871-76 Hope Seated ½d, ½d wmk inverted, 1d & 4d, crown CC, no outer frame line. 1874-76 ONE PENNY on 1/-. 1879 THREE PENCE on 4d. 1880 3 on 3d. 1882-83 Hope Seated to 3d, wmk crown CA & 1884-90 to 6d, wmk Anchor. 1891 2½d on 3d. 1892 2½d green. 1893 1d on 2d, variety 'no stop'. 1893-1902 Hope Standing set. 1893-98 Hope Seated set to 5/-, plus ½d blk of 36. 1902-84 KEVII to 1/-. Mostly G-VF M/UN, some mixed. SG cat £3100+ = A$6000+. (80) (P)AVAILABLE at A$475

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Switzerland: 1854-1960s collection in Safe album inc 1854-62 Strubelli imperf to 1Fr, plus shades. 1862-81 Sitting Helvetia to 1Fr inc 1Fr (2) Used. 1882-1907 Standing Helvetia to 3Fr inc shades & wmk. 1900 UPU set. 1923-40 Airmail to 2Fr. 1914-18 high val Pic to 10Fr. 1945 Peace set to 10Fr inc blks of 4. 1915-60s pro juventute sets inc 1915-17 sets. Mostly G-VF M & U, 90%+ being used, some mixed earlies. SG cat £6000+ = A$11,500+. (850) (P)AVAILABLE at A$650

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Switzerland 1850s-1950s convoluted, scrappy collection in older-style leaves inc 1854 10r & 15r Seated Helvetia imperf, 1860s-80s Seated Helvetia selection 1882-1903 Standing Helvetia perf 9½ 25c, 50c other perfs to 3Fr. 1900 UPU set U, 1924 Shield set, part set U. Various others & extras. Pro-Juventute inc 1920 set U, 1920s-30s sets/part sets & extras, 1929, 1930 set U. many useful, some mixed condition. Mostly F/VF. SG cat £2600+ = A$5000+. (800+)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Tonga-Niuafo'ou Island 2015-16 Butterfly set of 6 to $89 (4 sets) & Tongan-Kingdom 2015-16 Butterfly set of 6 to $89 (4 sets). Fresh MUH. Total FV T$2888 = A$1860, SG cat £2388 = A$4600.AVAILABLE at A$220

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Tristan da Cunha: 1952-2008 collection on KABE hingeless pgs & in mounts on plain pgs in 2 large loose leaf albums inc 1952 opt to 10/-, 1954 Island Scenes to 10/-, 1960 Marine Life to 10/-, 1961 Decimal Currency to 1R, 1963 Resettlement to 10/-, 1965 Ships to £1, 1972 Plants to £1, 1994 Ships to £5, 2000 Monarchs to £5, 2005 Birds to £5, also noted 1957 Postage Dues to 5d & (5) c1950-60 Tristan Postcards receiving & delivery mail, also set of 9 values ex 1960 'Potato' sheetlet to 1/-. Mostly comp. Many fresh VF MUH, some CTO, small number MLH. Pre-dec cat £350, dec cat £1250, FV £300. Total SG cat £1600 = A$3000. (900+, 50 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$450

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USA 1847-1943, Extensive Collection in 2 older style Schaubek hingeless albums inc slipcases with illustrated pgs 1847-1983, 2 s/books & 20+ hagners, inc 1861 range to 30c, 1867 30c, 1870 range to 30c, 1887 to 30c, 1890 to 15c, 1901 Pan American Exposition range to 10c, then 1900s to 1983 inc 1904 Louisiana Purchase set to 10c. 1907 Jamestown Exposition comp, 1908 Franklin to $1, 1916 Franklin to $1, 1920 Pilgrim Fathers complete, various Airmail, Special Delivery, Postage Due, various commems from 1934 National Parks mainly inc comp sets, Presidents, Famous Americans comp. Some M/S from 1936 Philatelic Exhib, 1976 Bicentenary sheet of 50, 1940s-80s marginal plate number blks of 4 (100+). Also range of multiples 1950-80s. Some earlies mixed condition mostly F-VF MLH/MUH, V-VFU. Some pgs are affected by toning. SG cat £3000+=A$6000. (4000+ 10 M/S).AVAILABLE at A$375

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USA 1857-1986 in Scott illustrated album with 1857 Franklin 1c blue & Washington 10c green. 1861-67 Presidents (14) inc 2c Black Jack (2, one with grill), 15c Lincoln, 24c Washington (4) inc pr with grill & 30c Franklin. 1869 Pictorial set to 12c Paddle Steamer. 1870-79 Presidents (30) inc 90c Perry (cat £250). 30c Hamilton & 7c Stanton. 1893 Columbian Expo set to 30c (cat £300). 1895 Defs to $2 Madison. 1898 Mississippi set to 50c (£380). 1901 Pan-American set (cat £140). 1904 Louisiana set FU (£95). 1913 Panama-Pacific Expo sets of 4 perf 10 & perf 12 (cat £175). Early 1900s Coils inc imperfs. 1922 Defs to $5 America & plenty of Pics/Commems in 1970s, 80s, 90s multiples & M/Sheets. Also BOB inc Airmails & pre-cancels. 2nd album with United Nations. 1951-80 inc Geneva & Vienna Office, stationery cut-outs, Canal Zone & Revenues. 2 well-filled albums, contents variable condition. Est cat val £5600 = A$10,5000. (100s)SOLD at A$400

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World M/sheets modern 2000s stock with Romania CAPEX 96 (200, Mi cat €600), Portugal 2003 Orchids (100, €900), Bosnia-Herzegovina 2006 Europa (200, €2000), Cyprus 2006 Europa (100, €500), Jamaica Europa 2006 (100, €900), Montenegro Europa 2006 imperf (200, €4000) & Map of Europe (250, €5000), Peru Europa 2006 (250, €1750). Total 1400 M/S, Mi cat €14,840 = A$24,600. Also Solomon Is 2006 Europa set of 6 M/sheets (approx 100 of ea) FV $7100 = A$1300. Plus Tonga-Niuafu'ou 2012 Butterfly set of 12 to $8.00 both imperf & perf, 20 set in comp sheets. FV T$1860 = A$1200. All fresh MUH, total FV & cat A$27,400. (1400 M/S plus extras)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Trade/Cigarette Card box lots Part One. Semi-sorted accumulation with many 1000s of cards inc Wills silk cards Butterflies (100), Wildflowers (50), Arms of the British Empire (50) these cat £600 plus quantity of loose Cigarette Cards. Then many 100s more 1930s-90s Trade Cards inc Allens (Confectionery) 1930s Wild Animals (60). Then mixed range to mid 1990s TV Week sets inc Weston's Biscuits 1961, Veteran & Vintage Cars 1st Series (80, cat £160), 1962 2nd Series (80, cat £15) & White Wings 1963 Castaways (200). Messy mix, generally F-VF condition all in 2 flat Reflex boxes. (Approx 4000)SOLD at A$200

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Trade Cards: Football (Soccer). Topps Match ATTAX Season 2019/20 comp set (331) in album plus some Gold Limited Edition cards, vendor retail $400. Topps Match ATTAX Season 2017/18 comp set (446) in album plus some Gold Limited Edition cards, retail $400. Panini PR12M 2020 Baseball card near comp set (290) cards. Very attractive, retail $200. NSW NRL collection 2021 Elite set, 2016 base set in album, 2015 set in white binder. Also 2020 Trades sets (2) & 2020 Elite set in boxes plus Team sets (mixed years) in white box. Approx 2250 cards in total, est retail $1300. Then Pokemon accumulation (1800) inc Shrouded Fable Elite Trainer Box (retail $50), Paldeon Fates, Temporal Forces & Twilight Masquerade in original boxes. All as new condition, approx 4000 cards in total, estimated total, retail $1600.SOLD at A$250

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1d Red Die II with variety 'extra island' (2 Tasmanias) State 1. FU, ACSC 3(E)d cat $600. Also 1d red Die I with unplated variety 'white flaws over 1st N of Penny' (similar to extra island flaw). (2) (P)AVAILABLE at A$90

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9d Violet perf Large OS. VF fresh M. SG O9 cat £375. ACSC 24ba cat $600. Scarce genuine. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1/- Green INVERTED wmk. F-VF fresh MLH. SG 11w cat £1600. ACSC 30Aa cat $4000. Rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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2d Grey Plate 1 varieties (5) with 'white flaw in Gulf of Carpentaria' (pos 1L6), 'thick UR frame' (L12), 'thick upper frame at left' (L18), 'left frame thickened at UL cnr' (L27) perf OS (cat $60 x2 for perf OS), 'deformed LIA' (R29) perf OS (cat $125 x2), plus wmk INVERTED. Mostly W/C, F-VF U. ACSC 7aba(1)d g h i l cat $600+. (6)AVAILABLE at A$130

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9d Violet Die IIB blk of 4. F-VF fresh MUH. SG 39b cat £300 for M, should be at least double, £600 MUH. ACSC 27 cat $1500+. (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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10/- Grey & aniline-pink, variety 'white flaw after I of Australia' & 'broken coast near Sydney' (pos R43). F-VF fresh MLH. SG 43b(var) cat £600+, plus premium for variety. ACSC 48B(D)j cat $1750. (P)AVAILABLE at A$325

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10/- Grey & pink variety wmk INVERTED. VFU. SG 43aw cat £1600. ACSC 48a cat $3750. Very attractive example of a RARE stamp. (P)AVAILABLE at A$850

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10/- Grey & deep aniline pink opt SPECIMEN type B. F-VF fresh MLH. SG 44a(s). ACSC 58Bx cat $600. (P)AVAILABLE at A$180

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£1 Brown & pale blue. VFU, 'Ship Mail Room Melbourne' cds. SG 44 cat £1600. ACSC 52D cat $2500. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1000

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£2 Black & rose opt SPECIMEN type B. W/C VF MLH. SG 45as. ACSC 56Ax cat $600. (P)SOLD at A$200

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Set: 2d Grey to 2/- maroon inc 2d Die IA, 6d Die IB & 1/-, range of shades inc 3d yellow olive to deep olive. Mainly F-VF fresh M/MLH. SG 25-40 & 73-74 cat £1350. ACSC cat $2600+. (23). (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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½d Orange & green, 1d red Engraved, 1d red collection in album & loose Vario type pages, 1d red Engraved (40) inc shades, plus lots of varieties, plate no 1-4 blks of 4 Used, some retouches, ½d orange (50+), ½d green single wmk (120), plus major cracked electro on LM wmk ACSC 63 (5) Ka cat $650 G-GU. 1d red comb perf collection is extensive (700+) with Die II printed envelope Mint (crease) ACSC EP-5 cat $600, various Die II major varieties inc substituted cliche, range of smooth & rough paper shades, date range, various minor flaws etc, also Die III & LM wmk. G-VF U. ACSC cat $5000+. (900 + 3 covers) (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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Covers: 1925 OHMS Registered Unclaimed covers with KGV perf OS 1½d red S wmk with misplaced perfs (ACSC 89Aba) & 3d pale dull violet-blue S wmk Dry Ink (ACSC 104BC). From Perth, various markings unknown by letter carrier, dead letter office etc. Both varieties are not listed on cover but priced as single stamps $300, should be at least double, $600+ on cover. VF fresh. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1d Red KGV variety collection. Major varieties (11) inc 4/40 'thin G', 6/2 'colour spot SE cnr', 6/55 'flaw RF', 8/60 'run N', then large collection of other varieties (110+) from Plates 1-8 per BSAP 1d plating study. Collections this detailed are not often seen. G-VF U. Listed varieties cat $480, plus unlisted at $10 ea = $1600+. (120+)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1d Carmine-aniline (G33) variety 8/25 NY joined. FU cancel clear of variety. ACSC 71Z(4)o cat $600. (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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1d Deep rosine (G70) rough paper, perf OS. VF fresh MUH. SG O54c(var). ACSC 72Jbb cat $800 for M, should be at least double, $1600 MUH. Copy of 2021 Drury photo cert for blk it came from. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1½d Blue-green coarse mesh paper (unsurfaced paper) perf OS. VF MLH with typical yellowish gum. SG O70A cat £475 as non OS M. ACSC 88 C a ba cat $800 as normal, should be at least double, $1600 perf OS. 2024 Drury photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1½d Green perf OS coarse mesh paper. Part 'Millicent' SA cds, VFU. SG O70a cat £200 x2 for perf OS. ACSC 88Aba cat $300, should be at least double, $600 perf OS. 2022 Drury photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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2d Orange variety coarse mesh paper. F-VF fresh MUH. SG 62(var), ACSC 95Eac cat $300 for Mint, should be at least double $600 MUH. 2024 Drury photo cert.AVAILABLE at A$150

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2d Red brown coarse mesh paper blk of 4. VF fresh 1MLH/3MUH. SG 78(var). ACSC 97Aaa cat $1600 M, should be at least double, $2400 MUH. 2024 Drury photo cert. (4). (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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4d Buff Orange perf OS pr with major variety weeping 4 (2L18), rare pmk Parcel Post Rockhampton 15 OCT 19 well clear of variety. SG 041(var), ACSC 110F(2)f cat $120 + $30 = $150 with perf OS x 4 = A$600 ordinary variety but in superb cds pr should be double. (2). (P)SOLD at A$130

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4d Greenish-olive no imprint pr with variety diag white line on king's neck. Superb fresh MUH. ACSC 114(4)za cat $600 as M blk of 4, should be at least $300 M & double $600 MUH. (2)AVAILABLE at A$150

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4½d Pale violet coarse mesh paper. W/C, sun-tanned gum MUH. ACSC 118Dab cat $600 as M, so estimate $1000 MUH. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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4½d Violet coarse mesh paper & uneven impression. W/C fresh MLH. ACSC 118Aab cat $600. 2017 Drury photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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½d Yellow-green marginal blk of 30 plated as Electro 5 right pane 1-30 with an advanced state of horiz crack through king's head, 5R22 ACSC 65(5)o, other major varieties are 5R14 'retouched NW cnr' (ACSC 65(5)m), 5R22 'white flaw at top of emu's leg' (ACSC 65(5)n & 5R29 'break in top frame' (ACSC 65(5)p). VF fresh. SG 48(bar). ACSC 65E cat for variety $75 x4 for cheapest shade = $300, should be at least double, for this scarce shade $600, plus 25 MUH, 1 Mint total $1765. (30)AVAILABLE at A$250

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½d Pale yellowish-green blk of 4 plated as 4L1-2, 4L7-8. This is the scarce 3rd & final shade which shows the missing crown tops on 4L1-2 which is not listed by ACSC, it has 4 listed varieties 4L1 flaw emu's back (ACSC 65(4)d), 4L2 spot after 2 (ACSC 65(4)e), 4L7 retouch shading behind roo (ACSC 65(4)g), 4L8 white flaw below T R (ACSC 65(4)h). A scarce positional piece. F 3 MLH/1 MUH. ACSC 65E(4)d, e, g, h cat $300 plus premium for shade x2 = $600. (4)AVAILABLE at A$75

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1d Green marginal pr 7/31 Wattle line state I. Flaw under neck state 1. Very scarce positional piece in unretouched state. VF M-MUH. SG 86c(var), ACSC 80B(4)f,h cat $360 for M, (4)h is MUH, should be double, $600 -total $660. (2). (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1½d Red type B re-entry 'white halo above IA of ALIA & kangaroo's head' (pos 4L53), FM. ACSC 92 (4) ha cat $1400. 1½d Golden scarlet pr, left stamp with type B re-entry 'retouched shading behind kangaroo' (pos 4L47). In pr with normal, F-VF M. ACSC SG 87(var), 92B(4)fb cat $200. Total $1600. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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FIVE PENCE on 4½d deep violet-aniline. VF fresh MUH. SG 120(var). ACSC 125B cat $600 for M, should be at least double $1200 MUH. Rare shade. 2024 Drury photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1913 Engraved 1d red KGV Plate 1 half sheet of 60 (1/1-1/60) minor separation & LR marg blk of 20 (1/66-70 1/76-80 1/86-90 1/96-100) inc Plate 1 imprint blk 59(1)z & imprint blk right side 59(1) zc (separated). Also inc 22 listed varieties 59(1)def - 59(1) w & y, ya, yc. ACSC cat value of M imprint blks, varieties & singles is $3050, should be at least double, $6000 MUH. All but 2 stamps VF MUH, mostly very fresh, horiz gum crease on 1 row. SG 17a(var). ACSC 59A(1)d-w & plate blks of 8 $575, mint 22x $60 = $1320, other stamps 22 varieties = 42x $15 = $630. Total $2500+, should be at least double, $5000 MUH. The separated imprint blk normal cat $525 x2. (80)AVAILABLE at A$1000

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1935 KGV Silver Jubilee 2d red set of 6 plate nos from all 4 positions inc plate 5 LL cnr, upper two stamps with prominent cracked electro? flaw in central margin. A scarce assembly. Generally F-VF M/MUH, odd sl tone. SG 156. ACSC cat $600, plus premium for the unlisted cracked electro. (24 blks).AVAILABLE at A$130

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1954 Royal Visit 3½d carmine-red, variety 'retouch to duke's forehead, State I' (pos ShD 3/6). VFU, pmk clear of variety, normal to compare. ACSC 308j cat $600. Very rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$275

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1963 QEII 5d green Sheet C LL cnr gutter perf-pin blk of 9 with variety 'retouched cross hatching between Queen's eyes & oval, State II extra retouches behind Queen's neck (pos R8/3). VF fresh MLH/MUH, variety stamps MUH. ACSC 398ha cat $600.AVAILABLE at A$100

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1971 Christmas 7c cream paper sheet of 100 with full Autotrons, both black sheet numbers & varieties 'retouch in rust left of A of Australia' (pos RP 5/2), 'broken line at right end of crown on 1st wise man' (RP 5/4, 10/4), 'small weakness in green above 7c' (RP 1/3), 'retouch in mauve in LR cnr' (LP 3/1) & 'retouch in mauve over middle of 2nd wise man' (LP 8/5). Folded, fresh MUH. ACSC 573d, 573e (both), 574d, 578de z/za/zb cat $600.AVAILABLE at A$150

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1971 Christmas 7c cream paper sheet of 100 with Autotrons at top, both black sheet nums & ACSC varieties 'retouch in mauve in LR cnr' (pos L3/1), 'retouch in mauve over middle of 2nd wise man' (L8/5), 'small weakness in green above 7c' (R1/3), 'retouch in rust left of A of Australia' (R5/2), 'broken line at right end of crown on 1st wise man' (pos R5/4, 10/4). Folded through central gutter, fresh MUH. ACSC 573d, 573e, 574e, 578 d e z za zb cat $600.AVAILABLE at A$120

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1972 Overland Telegraph 7c comp sheet of 100 with Autotrons at top, both sheet nums & ACSC varieties 'retouch under RALIA' (pos LP 9/5), 'weak screen/retouches right of 7c' (RP 1, 2, 3/5). Light central gutter crease, fresh MUH. ACSC 600 d e (both) f z za zb cat $135.SOLD at A$45

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1973 Gemstone 7c Agate on WHITE paper, sheet of 100 plated as Sheet C lwr pane with T shaped device in UL cnr. Odd tone spot traces o/w fresh MUH with PVA Gum incorporating helecon. ACSC 643 cat $600.AVAILABLE at A$150

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1973 Gemstone 7c Agate white KP6T paper, sheet of 100, plated as Sheet C upper pane with T shaped device in LL cnr. Right selvedge small flt & trimmed, 1 stamp small inclusion, fresh MUH with PVA gum incorporating Helecon. ACSC 643 cat $600. Rare sheet.AVAILABLE at A$150

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1996 Queen's Birthday 45c imperf proof blk of 4, MISSING intaglio printing of the head & face value. VF fresh MUH. SG 1589(p). ACSC 1919PP(1) cat $600+ & much under-catalogued as only 1 sheet recorded. Rare & spectacular. (4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1922-30 Bicolour 1d red & green 3rd wmk, perf 14, error wmk INVERTED. F-VF fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. ACSC D106a cat $10,000++, SG D92w cat £6000++, both for M, should be at least double, MUH, so $20,000+ or £12,000+. Major rarity - only 4 examples recorded. - one of these was offered in auction 320 where it sold for $12,000+ comm. Certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$3800

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Lettercard: 1911-12 KGV Fullface 1d on greyish/greenish stock max 0.22mm thick, views Blue Lake in green, Viaduct in blue & On the Murray bright rose-red. View sides mostly superb fresh UN, all with varying degree of uneven suntanning. ACSC L10(12, 136A & 94A) cat $600. (3).AVAILABLE at A$180

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Lettercard: 1917 KGV Fullface 1d violet roul & 1d back perf reissued outer Reply Cards, views Hobart from the Bay. UN, 1st with suntan bars on reverse, 2nd sl photo cnr stains. ACSC LC 29 & 31 (63) cat $600. (2).AVAILABLE at A$160

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Lettercard: 1917 KGV Fullface 1d purple-black reissued inner reply card perf, view Viaduct near Adelaide. GU, sl crease & trimmed 2 sides. ACSC LC30(136A) cat $600. Very rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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Lettercard: 1924-25 KGV 1½d red on grey stock, view National Park (no boat). Superb U, 'Ballarat 15 APR 25' pmk. ACSC LC55(91) cat $600. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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Registered Envelope: 1919 KGV 4d orange new layout, all text & lines in red, Middows vert laid stock. VF UN, extra stamp removed as are all known UN examples. ACSC RE9 cat $6000. Extremely rare as only 3 examples in UN condition recorded. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$2000

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Registered Envelopes: 1921-30 KGV 5d grey-brown with setting 1 & straight edge flap. F-VF UN. ACSC RE11A cat $600. (P)AVAILABLE at A$170

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Registered Envelope: 1921 KGV 5d brown, new text layout, inc space for Reg label, tapered straight edge flap. Superb fresh UN. ACSC RE11B cat $600. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Registered Envelope: 1942-48 KGVI 5½d brown with red text & lines, with curved flap on back right. Superb fresh UN. ACSC RE30 cat $600. Rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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Wrappers: 1938-50s range with 1953 QEII 2½d brown (3) inc uprated for Airmail letter rate (total franking 1/6), 1959 5d blue & 1975 11c/7c uprated. Also 1938 Queen 1d PO & PTPO ($180) & QEII PTPO 3½d orange embossed ($250). Mostly G-VFU, some mixed. ACSC cat $600. (9)AVAILABLE at A$120

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1897-99 QV Jubilee 2½d purple Die I, sheet of 120, the 2 panes rejoined, Die I pane with margins at base, left & right inc 'WAC', 'GPrO NSW' & '1897' monograms, plus inscriptions, perf 11x12, & die II pane of 60 with full margins with same monograms, perf 11x12. Stamps VF fresh 6M/114MUH. SG 295 cat £3600 for M singles, should be at least double, £7000+ MUH, plus premium for sheet. Probably unique. Ex Hutson. (120) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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1899 QV Centenary 6d emerald-green, IMPERF horiz pr, with crown NSW (w40), on chalk-surfaced paper. Superb fresh M, all 4 margins. SG 307a cat £600. Rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1905-10 Shield 1d rose-carmine, wmk crown/single-lined A, error DOUBLE PRINT with impressions overlapping but very clear. VF MUH. SG 334a cat £550 for M, should be at least double, £1100 MUH. ACSC N12c cat $800 M, $1600 MUH. Only 1 sheet believed printed. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1905 Commonwealth 9d brown & ultramarine, perf 11, FULL SHEET of 120 with all margins. Stamps VF fresh MUH, some perf separations. ACSC N50 cat $18,000+++ for M singles, should be at least double, $36,000 MUH. SG 351a cat £15,600+++ for M singles, so should be at least double, £31,200 = A$60,000 - both for singles, plus premium for sheet. Believed to be unique as sheet of this perf & an important item for NSW specialist. Ex Hutson. (P)AVAILABLE at A$3500

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1907 QV 2½d Prussian blue UL cnr marginal horiz pr with part inscriptions, wmk crown double lined A. Stamps VF fresh MUH, LR cnr sl crease. ACSC N22 est cat $600+ counting premium MUH. SG 356 cat £200 for M singles should be at least double, MUH so £400+, plus premium for positional multiple. (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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1906-10 Commonwealth 9d pale brown & blue, LINE PERF 11, perf OS, wmk crown double-lined A, with DOUBLE PERFS at right. Superb U, Bundaberg cds. ACSC Q45Bb(var) cat $1500++, plus premium for double perf error. SG 285(OS) cat £800 as normal & much under- catalogued, perf OS unlisted & should be at least double, £1600+, plus premium for double perf error. Extremely rare perf OS as only several recorded - one of the previous we offered sold for $4000+ commission in our auction 318, while the double perf error is the only recorded & believed unique. 2018 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$900

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1906-10 Commonwealth 9d pale brown & blue, LINE PERF 11, perf OS, wmk crown double-lined A. VFU. ACSC Q45Bb cat $1500+. SG 285(OS) cat £800 as normal & much undercatalogued, perf OS unlisted & should be at least double, £1600+. Extremely rare perf OS as only several recorded - one of the previous we offered sold for $4000+ commission in our auction 318. 2018 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$900

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1907-11 QV Large Chalon set 2/6 - £1, lithographed, plus 2/6 shades (2) & 5/-, wmk crown A sideways. VFM. ACSC ex Q52-65 cat $1600. SG 309-312, 309a, 309b & 310s cat £1145. Rare set. (7). (P)AVAILABLE at A$575

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1860-69 'TEN PENCE' opt QV 9d orange-red, 2nd rouleted all 4 sides, wmk Large Star. F-VFM. SG 35 cat £600. Exp Stolow (P)AVAILABLE at A$275

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1886-96 QV Postage & Revenue £1 blue opt SPECIMEN (15x2mm), wmk crown narrow SA sideways, perf 10. Fresh M, thin, VF appearance. SG 199s cat £600 as normal. Rare specimen type. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1886-96 QV Postage & Revenue 50/- dull pink, wmk Crown/narrow SA sideways, perf 10, opt SPECIMEN (12x1.5mm). VF fresh MLH. SG 201s cat £6000 for normals (while other perfs cat £750 even as U). (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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1904-11 QV Thick Postage £1 blue perf 12. Superb fresh M. SG 292 cat £400. ACSC S73 cat $600. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1904-11 QV Thick Postage 5/- rose-scarlet wmk crown SA, perf SA. VF fresh MUH. SG 290(SA) cat £80+ for m, should be at least double, £160+ MUH, plus premium for scarce perf SA. ACSC S68b(var) cat $300 M, so $600 MUH for normal OS. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1868-1905 Specimen opts all wmk Crown SA inc 1868 QV 6d blue, plus offset variety. 1868 QV 9d, plus 2 prs, 1 with part sheet wmk. 1868 QV 2/-, plus pr & wmk inverted. 1868 QV 1d green, plus wmk inverted & 2d orange. 1883-99 QV ½d-6d, plus 3d wmk inverted & 4d & 6d shade & diff perf. 1891-93 Surch 2½d on 4d & 5d on 6d, plus 5d wmk inverted & 5d perf 13 & perf 13 wmk inverted. 1894-1904 QV Kangaroo 2½d, plus shade & 5d Shield. 1899-1905 GPO ½d. F-VF M/MLH. SG cat £3100+ = A$6000+ for normals, while some Specimens are listed at £35 ea most are unlisted, est total cat £1000+. (28)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1856-57 QV Chalon 1d deep red-brown, imperf horiz pr, no wmk, on Pelure paper. F-VFU, almost 4 margins, light barred pmk. Sc 10. SG 24 cat £1600+ as singes, plus premium for multiple. RPSL photo cert. (P)SOLD at A$800

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1900 'REVENUE' opt QV Tablet £1 green & yellow Postal Fiscal. Superb fresh MUH, LL cnr marginal. SG F39 cat £300 for M, should be at least double, £600 MUH. Beautiful quality positional example. (P)SOLD at A$400

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1901-10 QV Postage ½d blue-green, State II right marginal blk of 30, wmk V/Crown inverted, perf 12x12½. VF fresh MUH, 1 spot on gum. SG 384ba cat £420 for M singles, should be at least double, £840 MUH. ACSC V14ab cat $600 M, so $1200 MUH, plus premium for blk. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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Envelopes: 1884-1913 uses with range of diff dies with & w/o 'Stamp Duty' -about half with printed user address etc, 'Shire' types, 1d+1d yellow-brown doubleton (2) etc. Majority F-VFU. Stieg est cat US$600+. (30).SOLD at A$230

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Wrappers: 1887-1903 collection with 1887 pale pink, & bright red, 1894 ½d orange (5) inc printed text, & uprated ½d orange cut-out, 1901 ½d green w/o Postage CTO, U & uprated U to Mauritius, 1d red CTO & U to Mauritius. 1901 ½d CTO & U. 1903 single thick lines ½d 2U & CTO & 1d thick lines CTO. Also 1887 ½d red PTPO on coloured papers (4UN), plus Sth Aust Wrappers (3) inc opt OS. Fair-VF UN/U/CTO. Stieg cat US$600+. (26).AVAILABLE at A$170

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1854-55 Swan 4d blue imperf, variety' tilted border' intermediate plate pos 34. GU, cut to shape, barred '1' pmk. SG 3i cat £1600. Rare major variety. 2022 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$240

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1857-59 Swan 6d grey-black, lithographed, imperf variety only faintly printed on right side so missing Australia'. F-VF U, almost 4 margins, barred '3' pmk. SG 19(var) cat £600+, plus premium for this major variety (varieties on 4d are all listed in SG at 7x to 10x normals while equally rare positional varieties on 2d & 6d are unjustifiably unlisted). (P)AVAILABLE at A$375

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1864 Swan 1/- bright green, DLR imperf proof vert pr, wmk crown CC upright. Superb fresh M, all 4 margins. SG 61(p) cat £600 as normal. Rare, only 1 sheet recorded. (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1902-11 QV 10/- bright purple. VF fresh M, nice colour. ACSC W67B cat $1600. SG 142a cat £950. (P)AVAILABLE at A$575

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South Arabia - Seiyun: 1966 2nd issue 5f/5c with BLACK opt (instead of usual blue), blk of 4. VF fresh MUH. SG 55(var), Mi 55b cat €600+. Copy of Rendon AIEP photo cert for sheet it came from. (4)AVAILABLE at A$100

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1924-33 KGV Ship set ½d to 3/-. VFU, all nice reg pmks. SG 10-20 cat £600+. (12). (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1933 WIPA Exhib 50+50g ultramarine, granite paper, perf 12 from M/Sheet. VF fresh MLH. Mi 556C cat €600, SG 704(var) cat £550++. (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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1934-36 Costumes 2S grey-green blk of 4. VF fresh MUH. SG 734 cat £300 for M, should be at least double, £600 MUH. Mi 584 cat €600. (P)AVAILABLE at A$120

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1936 Dolfuss 10S slate-blue. Superb fresh MUH, marginal. Mi 588 cat €1400, SG 793 cat £1300 for M, should be at least double, £2600 MUH. Key stamp in exceptional quality. 2022 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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1919-20 King 'Tin Hat' 10Fr claret. VF fresh MUH. COB 178 cat €600, SG 250 cat £225 for M, should be at least double, £450 MUH (P)AVAILABLE at A$90

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1918-22 KGV set 2/- to £1, wmk mult crown. VF fresh M/MLH. SG 51b-55 cat £600. (6) (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1924-37 View set 1c-$1, opt or perf SPECIMEN, wmk script. VF fresh M. SG 60-78s cat £600. Rare set. (18) (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1852-57 Prince 6d greenish-grey, imperf, wove paper. VFU, 4 large margins, concentric circles pmk. SG 10 cat £1400. Unitrade 5b cat C$1600. Greene Foundation photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$750

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1859 Prince 10c brown. F-VF fresh MLH, redistributed gum, bit soaked into paper at right. SG 36 cat £1500. Unitrade 17b cat C$1600/800. (P)AVAILABLE at A$190

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1859 Prince 10c brown. Fresh UN, added UL cnr. SG 36 cat £1500, Unitrade 17b cat C$1600/800. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1893 QV Widow set 20c vermilion & 50c blue. F-VFM. SG 115-116 cat £600. Unitrade 46-47 cat C$1200/400. (2) (P)AVAILABLE at A$180

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1897 QV Jubilee ½c-$5, imperf proofs on card. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG 121-40(p) cat £6000 for normals, Unitrade 50-65(p) cat C$7000. Beautiful & rare set. (16) (P)AVAILABLE at A$2500

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1897 QV Jubilee 50c pale ultramarine opt SPECIMEN in sans-serif letters. Superb fresh MLH. SG 134s cat £190 as normal, Unitrade 60 cat C$600+, plus premium for the sans-serif opt which is much scarcer on the 50c. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1897 QV Jubilee $3 bistre. F-VF fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. SG 138 cat £1500 for M, should be at least triple, £4500 MUH, Unitrade 63 cat C$6000/3600. Very rare genuine MUH & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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1897 QV Jubilee $5 olive-green. FU in sound condition with fully intact perfs. SG 140 cat £750. Unitrade 65 cat C$1600/800. (P)AVAILABLE at A$230

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1868-71 Crown V 25c yellow, perf 14. VF MLH, nice original gum. SG 31 cat £275. Unitrade 11 cat C$600. (P)SOLD at A$130

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1851-60 Crown & Flowers 6d olive-yellow. VFU, 4 large margins, barred oval pmk. SG 4 cat £850. Unitrade 2 cat C$1600. Nice classic. (P)SOLD at A$550

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1857-64 Flowers 4d scarlet-vermilion. GU, close margins, barred oval pmk. SG 4 cat £4000. Unitrade 4 cat C$6000/3000. Rare genuine classic. (P)SOLD at A$750

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Argentina: 1930 Zeppelin Round World Flight, Argentine mail cover franked Zeppelin green opt full set 20c-1P80, tied by 'Aeropostal Argentina 21 MAY 30' cds. To Germany with flight cachet, Friedrichshafen b/s. SG 587-91 cat £600+ as loose stamps. Sieger 63G9a) cat €3300. Extremely rare franking combination 2002 Eichele photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$2000

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1924-28 KGV £1 purple & black/red. Stamp superb fresh MUH, UL cnr marginal. SG 102 cat £300 for M, should be at least double, £600 MUH. (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1928 Anniversary set ¾Pi-£1. VF fresh MUH. SG 123-32 cat £300 for M, should be at least double, £600 MUH. (10). (P)SOLD at A$475

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1874-75 Sphinx & Pyramid 5pa brown, LR cnr marginal blk of 16 as 8 tete-beche prs, perf 13½x12½. VF 11M/5MUH, some part separation & hinge reinforcing. SG 35fa cat £600 for M prs, plus premium MUH stamps & for positional multiple should be +50%, so est cat £900. (P)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1934 UPU Congress 50Pi sepia. Stamp superb fresh MUH. SG 231 cat £300 for M, should be at least double, £600 MUH. (P)SOLD at A$300

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1906-12 KEVII £1 purple & black on red. Stamp VF fresh MUH, left marginal. SG 124 cat £300 for M, should be at least double, £600 MUH. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1915-19 'WAR STAMP' opt KGV 1d bright scarlet, error opt INVERTED. Stamp VF MUH, UL cnr marginal. SG 139ac cat £600 for M, should be at least double, £1200 MUH. Brandon photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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1866 Arms serpentine roulette 5p deep brown on pale lilac, teeth 1¾mm, vert laid paper. VF fresh M. SG 18 cat £600, Fa 5c cat Kr3500, Mi 5B cat €500. (P)AVAILABLE at A$55

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1866 Arms serpentine roulette 5p purple-brown on grey, teeth 2½mm, vert laid paper. F-VF fresh MLH. SG 19 cat £600, Fa 5 cat Kr3000, Mi 5c cat €500. (P)AVAILABLE at A$55

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1925 Paris Exhibition M/Sheet P&C 5Fr red blk of 4 (140x219mm). VF MUH with never hinged original gum that has small areas of aging, but still fresh appearance. Yv BF1 cat €5600. SG MS412a cat £1700 for M, should be at least double, £3400 MUH. Rare genuine MUH. (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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1943 Military Airmail opt Angers 10Fr violet with 'Par Avion Batiment de Ligne Richelieu', issued on Battleship Richelieu in New York. VF fresh MUH. Yv PAM 10 cat €1600, Maury PAM 7 cat €1700. Very rare, only 1 or 2 sheets of 50 printed. 2016 Ceremuga photo cert (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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St Nazaire: 1945 LIBERATION opts covers franked Petain with 80c 2.40F registered & 4.50F Registered Express, ea with s/l h/s 'Taxe Percue, Ilot de St Nazaire, Vive la Liberation' All with 'Batz s Imer, Loire Inferieure 9 5 45' cds. Mayer L2 cat €600+. (3). (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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St Nazaire: 1945 LIBERATION opts Petain 2F & 5F (2), tied by 'La Baule les Pins Infions Loire' to Express cover. Mayer L2 & 3 cat £600+. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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St Nazaire: 1945 'LIBERATION' h/s opt on Petain 1.20Fr postal card, with 'TAXE PERCUE' postage paid h/s & 'ILOT de St NAZAIRE / VIVE la LIBERATION' at left, with 'Guerande 11.5.45' cds & 'GUERANDE' s/l. Superb fresh. Mayer L13 cat €600. Rare & attractive. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1944 Marianne de Fernez 2Fr & 50Fr black-brown unissued values in gutter pr. VF MUH. SG 843-7(var), Maury 648B & C cat €310+ as singles, plus large premium for gutter pr, so est €600+. Extremely rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1944 Marianne de Fernez 2Fr & 50Fr grey unissued values in gutter pr. VF MUH. SG 843-7(var), Maury 648B & C cat €310+ as singles, large premium for gutter pr, so est €600+. Extremely rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1944 Marianne de Fernez 2Fr & 50Fr red-brown unissued values in gutter pr. VF MUH. SG 843-7(var), Maury 648B & C cat €310+ as singles, plus large premium for gutter pr, so est €600+. Extremely rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1944 Marianne de Fernez 2Fr & 50Fr violet unissued values in gutter pr. VF MUH. SG 843-7(var), Maury 648B & C cat €310+ as singles, plus large premium for gutter pr, so est €600+. Extremely rare (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1953 Postal Strike Saumur pre-cursors to the issued stamps listed in Maury, diff colour typed or m/s labels with Saumer Liberty cachets inc uncut sheets of 15 or 16 (2 diff), plus 1953 Philatelic Expo printed cover with 4c stamp with cachet etc. Est cat €1600+ based on the other listed items. Interesting lot. (64, + cover).AVAILABLE at A$200

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Benin: 1892 '40' red opt Commerce 15c blue on pale blue blk of 4. VFU, Porto Neuivo Benin 2 JUIN 93 cds. SG 15 cat £560 as singles, plus premium for blk. Yv 15 cat €600 as singles. Rare multiple. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Madagascar: 1895 Majungu Provisional '0.15' red m/s opt Peace & Commerce 1Fr olive-green on toned paper. Superb U appearance, expertly repaired in margin almost not detectable. SG 25 cat £8000, Sc 22B cat US$6000, Maury 2 cat €8250. Yv 2 cat €8000, Extremely rare provisional, only tiny number genuine examples known. 2019 Scheller photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$3500

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1869-72 QV Cameo 6d blue, no wmk, imperf. VFM, 4 margins. SG 3a cat £600. (P)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1913-26 Germania booklet 2Mk with 5pf (3 panes), 10pf (1 pane) & 5pf & 10pf (4) se-tenant pane. MUH, some edge flts & spots but with original staple & full contents. SG SB5 cat £9500. Mi MH5.14A-5.20A range cat €6000-€8000. Extremely rare early booklet. (P)SOLD at A$900

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1921 Germania booklet 8Mk with panes of 40pf, 30pf + 40pf, 30pf, 10pf + 30pf, 10pf. F-VF MUH, odd sl perf tones. SG SB14 cat £300. Mi MH14.2A cat €600. (P)AVAILABLE at A$110

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1925 Charity booklet pane 20pf vertical pr with 'X' tabs at left. Superb MUH. SG 391a cat £600. Mi H-Bl43B cat €800. (P)AVAILABLE at A$220

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1927 Hindenburg booklet 1.50RM thick cover with pane of 8pf & 15pf. F-VF fresh MUH. SG SB22 cat £425. Mi MH24.2 cat €600. (P)AVAILABLE at A$110

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1928 Charity booklet 1.50RM with 3 panes of Arms 8pf & 15pf with 'X' tab. F-VF MUH, odd perf tone. SG SB24a cat £900. Mi MH27.1 cat €600. (P)AVAILABLE at A$110

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1930 Charity Views booklet 2RM 8pf & 15pf panes with tabs, both perf margins. VF fresh MUH. SG SB26 cat £600. Mi MH29.1 cat €450. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1931 Charity Views booklet 2RM with 8pf & 15pf panes with tabs, both panes perf margins. F-VF M/MUH, some perf tones, panes partially stuck. SG SB29 cat £600. Mi MH30.1 cat €450.SOLD at A$70

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1934 Workers Charity booklet 2RM with 4pf, 6pf, 8pf, 12pf in 2 panes with imperf margins. F-VF MUH, some sl toned perfs. SG SB36 cat £600. Mi MH40.2 cat €400.AVAILABLE at A$70

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1934-41 Charity & Hitler booklet se-tenants Mint collection inc from booklet sheets, inc extras, with Wagner 13 diff combinations, unfortunately some stuck to page (Mi cat €760), 1934 Workers with 2 panes & all combinations (€525), again some stuck, 1935 Costumes comp inc panes (€255), 1936 Olympics comp but only 1 pane, 1936 Buildings comp in 2 panes (€169), 1937 Ships then all comp to 1940 Buildings with all panes & combinations (€637). Then Hitler with all panes & missing only 2 combinations (€266). Some stuck, only a minority, some others with sl adhesion marks, generally VF M/MUH with overall good appearance. Mi cat €2600+. (580, inc 22 panes)AVAILABLE at A$375

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1936-37 Hindenburg booklet 2RM code 4 with 1pf, 3pf, 5pf, 6pf, 8pf & 12pf in 4 panes. F-VF M, some perf tones, all panes stuck. SG SB39 cat £600. Mi MH36.3 cat €400.AVAILABLE at A$60

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1937 Hitler 6pf M/sheets perf, imperf, & roul margins. VF fresh MUH, sl gum glazing. SG MS 635-7 cat £765. Mi Blk 7-9 cat €600. (3)AVAILABLE at A$120

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Marshalls: 1901 Yacht 5Mk red & black, no wmk. Superb fresh MUH. SG 23 cat £250 for M, should be at least double, £500 MUH. Mi 25 cat €600. Steuer BPP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$275

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Marshalls: 1901 Yacht 5Mk red & black, no wmk. VFU 'Jaluit 13 5 07' cds. SG 23 cat £700. Mi 25 cat €600. Exp Grobe. (P)AVAILABLE at A$220

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Marshalls: 1901 Yacht 5Mk red & black no wmk with 'Nauru Marshall-Inseln 16 4 14' cds. Superb U. SG 23 cat £700++. Mi 25 cat €600++, plus large premium for usage in Nauru. Exp Pfenninger, while certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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New Guinea: 1900 Yacht 5Mk carmine & black no wmk VFU, Rabaul cds. Mi 19 cat €600. SG 19 cat £700. Exp Bloch. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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New Guinea: 1900-01 Yacht 5Mk red & black, no wmk. VFU, 'Berlinhafen DNG' cds. SG 19 cat £700+. Mi 19 cat €600+, plus premium for scarcer cancel. Exp Dr Lantelme BPP. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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New Guinea: 1897-1919 collection Mint with 1897 opt set plus extra listed 3pf & 25pf shades, 1900-1908 Yacht set 3pf-5Mk no wmk & 1914-19 set 3pf-5Mk (26 x 17 holes), with wmk. VF M/MLH. SG cat £600+. Mi cat €536. (26) (P)AVAILABLE at A$350

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South West Africa: 1897-1900 'Deutsch-Sudwestafrika' opt Eagle 25pf orange. VFU, Windhoek cds. Mi 9 cat €500, SG 9 cat £600 (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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South West Africa: 1901 Yacht 25Mk red & black, no wmk. Superb fresh MUH. SG 23 cat £300 for M, should be at least double, £600 MUH. Mi 23 cat €480. (P)AVAILABLE at A$230

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Togo: 1900 Yacht 5k carmine & black no wmk. VFU, 1 pulled perf at base, 'Togo 10.11.00' cds. Mi 19 cat €600. SG G19 cat £700. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1921 Ship 5pf purple & brown, 2 imperf PROOFS, 1 with frame only, the other centre only, both wmk large honeycomb. Superb fresh MUH. Mi 53Ph1-2 cat €600, SG 44(p). Very rare. 2014 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (2). (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1921 Ship 10pf slate-violet & orange, 2 imperf PROOFS, 1 frame only, other centre only, both wmk large honeycomb. VF fresh MUH. Mi 54Ph1-2 cat €600, SG 45(p). 2014 Ceremuga photo cert (2) (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1921 Ship 25pf carmine & green, 2 imperf PROOFS, 1 with frame only, the other centre only, both wmk large honeycomb. VF fresh MUH. Mi 55Ph1-2 cat €600, SG 46(p). 2014 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (2). (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1921 Ship 2Mk deep green & blue, 2 imperf PROOFS, 1 with frame only, the other centre only, both wmk large honeycomb. Superb fresh MUH. Mi 59Ph1-2 cat €600, SG 50(p). 2014 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (2). (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1921 Ship 3Mk emerald & black, 2 imperf PROOFS, 1 frame only, other centre only, both wmk large honeycomb. VF fresh MUH. Mi 60Ph1-2 cat €600, SG 51(p). 2014 Ceremuga photo cert (2) (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1921 Ship 5Mk red & slate,2 imperf PROOFS, 1 with frame only, the other centre only, both wmk large honeycomb, the frame only is top marginal with 75,00 in margin. Mi 61Ph1-2 cat €600, SG 52(p). 2014 Ceremuga photo cert. (2). (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1921 Ship 10Mk chestnut & deep green, 2 imperf PROOFS, 1 with frame only, the other centre only, both wmk large honeycomb. VF fresh MUH. Mi 62Ph1-2 cat €600++, SG 53(p). 2014 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert.(2) (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1921 Airmail 40pf-2Mk black imperf PROOFS, chalk paper. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. Mi 66-69P2 cat €1600, SG 57-60(p). Very rare. 2014 Ceremuga AIEP photo certs. (4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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1928 Christmas 10Fr brown 'Madonna' top value. VF fresh MUH, sl glazed gum. SG 134 cat £600 for M, should be at least double, £1200 MUH. Mi 134 cat €900. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1928 Christmas Charity 10Fr brown. VF MUH. Mi 134 cat €900. SG 134 cat £600 for M, should be at least double, £1200 MUH. (P)AVAILABLE at A$275

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Albania: 1943 '14 Shtator 1943' opt Pictorial set 1q on 3q-3Fr, plus Express 25q. VFU with 'Peje 20.4.44' cds. SG 389-E402 cat £600, Mi 1-14 cat €500. Rare in used condition. 2014 Ceremuga photo cert. (14). (P)AVAILABLE at A$325

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Belgium-Russia: 1943 Flemish Legion on Eastern Front Airmail opt '+50Fr' on historic battle design in orange, black & yellow in M/Sheet of 4, ea with diff 'plane & 1943' opt types I-IV, error opt INVERTED. VF fresh MUH, insignificant gum glazing. Mi VIII KLB cat €1600+++ as singles alone. Only 920 sets of ea type of normal opt printed & only several invert opt sheetlets recorded! (P)AVAILABLE at A$1000

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Channel Islands - Jersey: 1940 German Occupation Arms of Jersey 'Etats de Jersey' 1d scarlet design prepared by Bigwoods, both normal stamp & also with 'swastika / 1940' opt. These stamps were prepared by the Bigwoods printery but due to objections from Bailiff of Jersey & consultations with Berlin, they were never issued. Superb fresh MUH, pristine original gum & both matching LL cnr marginal. SG JW19 & 20 cat £6000++, & under catalogued (non-cnr examples in our auction 295 sold for $5800+). Only 2 sheets of 30 recorded of each, & of those many were creased etc, only tiny number of perfect MUH examples such as these existing. Major rarity of significant historical importance. Copies of 1984 Mohle BPP photo certs for blks, plus 2013 Ceremuga photo certs. (P)AVAILABLE at A$6000

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Croatia: 1943 Croat Legion in Russia set 1+0.50K - 9+4.50K imperf PROOF blks of 4 in 8 diff colours/shades for ea value, plus set of pale 1st print only & blk of 4 imperf vert of ea value. VF fresh MUH. SG 85-8(p). Mi 107-10UP(var) cat €1600+. Rare & spectacular. (40 blks = 160 proofs). (P)AVAILABLE at A$900

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Laibach (Slovenia): 1945 Famous Slovenes set 15c & 4L blue, vert se-tenant strip of 6 with 3 diff 4L & 3 diff 15c designs, perf 11, unissued due to the defeat of the Third Reich. Superb fresh MUH, with top & bottom margins. Mi IA-VIA cat €600. Rare! 2014 Ceremuga photo cert. (6). (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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Lithuania - Zarasai: 1941 RED & BLACK opt range 5k-60k, all horiz prs, all either se-tenant opt types or Mi listed varieties se-tenant with normals, such as 'Lie uva instead of Lietuva', '1941- I-26 instead of 1941-VI-26' etc. VFU/CTO, light 'per favour' cds. Mi ex 1-7, types I-III, varieties PF1, PFII & PFVI cat €6000+. Very rare group for specialist! (16) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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Montenegro: 1944 Refugee Fund set of 9 used on Yugoslav King Postcard with 5-line 1 Lira opt, opts 'Fluchtlingshilfe Montenegro', tied by 'Berane 13.VII.44' cds. SG 95-103 cat €2500+ as loose stamps alone. Mi 20-28 cat €1000 for CTO stamps with cancel cat €2400 for set on cover, plus the card Mi P1 unpriced used. Sass 15-20 & PA 6-8 cat €2800 as set on cover, plus card Interitalia P4 cat €800, total €3600. (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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Russia-Pleskau: 1941 'Pleskau 20 Kop' vert boxed opt Soviet 3k green-blue, imperf. VFU, with part 'Pskov 18.8.41' cds, 4 margins. Mi 3 cat €1600. Very rare genuine example as only 757 printed. 2017 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1100

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Russia-Pleskau: 1942 Red Cross Madonna 60+40k M/Sheet with brown Cross, shifted design on rough yellowish paper no wmk, imperf. VFU, Pskov 11.3.42 cds in top left cnr as issued, with MUH gum on stamps & MLH margin, size 119x161mm. Mi Blk 2Z cat €1700/€2600. Only total 2597 printed & tiny portion of those w/o wmk. 2017 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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Russia-Pleskau: 1942 Red Cross Madonna 60+40K M/Sheet with Red Cross, on rough yellowish paper, straight-line wmk 'LIGAT' at bottom, perf 11¾. VFU, Pskov '23.3.42' cds at top L as issued, with MUH gum on stamps, size 114x159mm, UL cnr crease in margin only. Mi Blk 3X cat €850 (stamps alone cat €600+). Only total 2575 printed. 2017 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Russia-Pleskau: 1942 Red Cross Madonna 60+40k M/Sheet with Red Cross, on rough yellowish paper, no wmk, perf 11¾. VFU, Pskov '9.4.42' cds in centre & at top left & MUH gum, size 114x150mm. Mi Blk 3Z cat €1600. Only total 2575 printed & small fraction w/o wmk. 2017 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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Fredersdorf: 1945 'F.M' violet h/s opts on Inflation 6Mk dark blue & 12/5Mk orange, 2 sets tied by 'Fredersdorf 15.11.1945 Berlin' oval pmk to registered Postcard, addressed to Berlin. Mi 67-68 cat €400 as loose U & €600 for on cover. Very rare. Exp Dr Heber. (P)AVAILABLE at A$350

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Russian Zone - Thuringia: 1945 Christmas Anti Fascist 2RM M/Sheet (3pf, 4pf & 5pf), on yellowish-grey paper (type t) FULL SHEET of 6, showing the type I-VI with positional varieties as illustrated in Mi. Superb MUH appearance (but expertly regummed). SG MS RF9(var), Mi Blk 1t KLB cat €9600++ = A$15,000++ for 6 singles, plus premium for rare full sheet. Spectacular exhibition item. 1997 Stroh BPP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$2000

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Germany - East: 1949-75 extensive collection in 2 Lighthouse illus DDR hingeless stamp albums, 1 with slipcase, inc 1950 Science comp, 1950 & 52 Pieck comp to 5DM, 1952 Politicians etc comp set to 84pf, 1953 5 Year Plan no imprint comp to 84pf. Mostly comp with many sets, all diff, strong in early M/Sheets inc 1950 Debria, 1950 & 58 Pieck. 1953 Karl Marx both perf (2) & imperf (2), 1955 Engles M/S etc. Mostly VF MLH/MUH, some tropicalisation on earlies. SG cat £3600+ = A$7000 + 2 Lighthouse albums + pages are worth US$800 retail. (1900 + 38 M/S) (P)SOLD at A$450

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1906-11 KEVII New Colours set 1d to 8/-, opt SPECIMEN. VFM. SG 66s-74s cat £600. Rare set. (8) (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1925-32 KGV £5 violet & black. VF fresh MLH, nice original gum & deep colours. SG 108 cat £1600. Rare top value. (P)AVAILABLE at A$900

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1925-32 KGV £5 violet & black. VF MUH with nice never hinged original gum. SG 108 cat £1600 for M, should be at least double, £3200 MUH. Rare MUH top value & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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1912-24 KGV £1 purple & black/red. Superb fresh MUH, with pristine never hinged original gum, right marginal. SG 24 cat £600 for M, should be at least double, £1200 MUH. (P)AVAILABLE at A$575

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1867-80 QV 10d pale red-brown, plate 1, large white cnr letters BA-AB, wmk Spray of Rose. F-VF M, with original gum. SG Spec J97(2). SG 113 cat £3600. Rare genuine mint. (P)AVAILABLE at A$575

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1867-80 QV 10d deep red brown large white cnr letters, wmk spray of rose. VFU, barred pmk, nice colour. SG Spec J97. SG 114 cat £600. (P)SOLD at A$100

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1883-84 QV 2/6 lilac, letters FB-BF, white paper. VF fresh M. SG Spec K10(1). SG 178 cat £600. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1902-10 KEVII ½d green, DLR printing, left marginal bklt pane of 5, plus St Andrews cross tab, opt SPECIMEN (SG type 17), wmk Imperial Crown inverted. Stamps superb fresh MUH. SG 217s(var), SG Spec MB2as cat £2600 for M, plus +40% SG specified premium MUH, £3640. Extremely rare. 2012 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$2000

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1902-10 KEVII £1 dull blue-green, DLR printing, opt SPECIMEN (SG type 17). Superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. SG 266s. SG Spec M55t cat £3800 for M, should be at least double, £7600 MUH. Extremely rare pristine MUH genuine example of this sought after opt type. 2021 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$4000

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1913 KGV Seahorses £1 dull blue-green. F-VFU. SG Spec N72 (3). SG 404 cat £1600. Key stamp. (P)AVAILABLE at A$375

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1929 KGV PUC £1 black. GU, sl creases, purple pmk. SG 438 cat £600. (P)AVAILABLE at A$170

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1941 Centenary 25c chocolate & blue top marginal blk of 30 with sheet no. VF MUH, sl tropicalised gum. SG 167 cat £600+, plus premium for blk.AVAILABLE at A$100

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1933 Scout Jamboree set 10f-40f IMPERF horiz prs. Superb fresh MUH, all 4 margins. SG 563-567(I) cat US$300 for M, should be at least double, US$600 MUH, plus premium for prs. (5 prs). (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1931 King 40a claret, redrawn head (type II). VF fresh MUH. Mi 164 cat €650. SG 190 cat £300 for M, should be at least double, £600 MUH. (P)AVAILABLE at A$220

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1933 Air Balbo Flight opt set 1Kr-10Kr. VF M/MLH. SG 205-07 cat £2250, Sc C12-14 cat US$2600, Fa 165-67 cat 17,500Kr. The key set of Iceland. Exp, plus 2022 Ceremuga photo certs. (3) (P)AVAILABLE at A$750

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1869-78 QV Telegraph 1R grey, Die I, wmk wide 'crown / INDIA'. VF MUH, never hinged original gum. SG T8 cat £800 for M, should be at least double, £1600 MUH. (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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1900 'TELEGRAPH' opt QV Foreign Bill 2R purple. VF fresh M, left marginal. SG T53 cat £600. Very rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1902-11 KEVII 25R brownish orange & blue. VFU, bright colours. SG 147 cat £600 for T/C or £1800 for U. Key top value. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1911-23 KGV 25R orange & blue, wmk star. VFM, nice bright colours. SG 191 cat £600. Scarce top value. (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1911-23 KGV 25R orange & blue, wmk Large Star. VF fresh MLH. SG 191 cat £600. Scarce top value. (P)SOLD at A$325

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Indonesia: 1978 Tiger 100Rp M/Sheet (100, SG 1492 cat £1300), 1996 Rhino 2400Rp M/S (50, SG cat £325), plus another 50 M/S opt 'Bursa Filateli SEA Games 1997', unlisted SG est. cat £325, 1998 Minerals set of 2 numbered M/S for Indonesia 2000 Philatelic Exhib (40 sets, SG MS2407 cat £1200), plus another 100 large size only M/Sheet (100, SG2407b est. cat £1500). All fresh MUH. Zonnebloem cat €3400 = A$5600. Total SG cat £4650 = A$8400. (380)AVAILABLE at A$220

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Indonesia: 1997 Cultural Anniversaries M/S with 3 sets & label (100, SG 2310var cat £1050), 1996 Sports Week M/S pr (SG MS2666, £650), 1996 Rhino M/S with 2 sets of 4 (SG 2270var £650), 1998 Anti-Drug sheetlet with 8 Tete-Beche prs (SG 2415var, £1120), 1998 Minerals set of 2 M/S (100 sets, SG 2403/06, £660). 1998 Juvalux & Singpex M/S (100 of ea, £825), 1999 Australia 99 Exhib M/S (100, £350). All fresh MUH in neat bundles of 100, FV A$450 alone. Total SG £5300 = A$9600. Zonnebloem €4000 = A$6400. (1000 M/S) (lot no out of orrder)AVAILABLE at A$180

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Papal States: 1867 Arms 3c black on GREEN glazed paper, UNISSUED. This stamp was prepared as part of the new 1867 series of 6 denominations 3c to 80c, but before they were issued it was decided to change the postal rates & introduce a new 2c value. This new 2c was then prepared in green & thus the 3c changed to grey/drab colour, & all sheets of the 3c green were then officially burned, only couple single stamps retained in archives, Fresh UN (it was never gummed), pressed diag crease & expertly recoloured surface rubbing etc, but beautiful bright colour & fantastic appearance. SG 37a cat £250,000 = A$480,000, Sass 21 cat €240,000 = A$400,000 specifically for this condition as per footnote (cat €600,000 = A$1,000,000 for perfect condition). Only 7 examples have ever been recorded, most of which are faulty. This is the rarest non-error stamp of Italian States & an important classic rarity of the world. 1978 Oliva, 1992 Dr Enzo Diena AIEP & 2023 Ceremuga photo certs. (P)AVAILABLE at A$50000

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Parma: 1852 Arms 40c black on blue, on letter wrapper tied by square diamond mesh cancel with 'PARMA 12 GIUGNO' pmk at UR, with 'Piacenza 20 GIUG' red arrival b/s. VFU, 3½ margins. SG 9 cat £600 for loose stamp. Sass 5 cat €4800. Very rare & attractive classic cover. (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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Parma: 1853-55 Arms 25c red-brown. VFU, 4 margins, Piacenza cds. SG 14 cat £600. Sass 8 cat €1000. (P)AVAILABLE at A$180

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Parma: 1859 Provisional Govt 10c brown. VF fresh M, original gum, tiny thin, 4 margins. SG 29 cat £1600. Sass 14 cat €2200 (P)AVAILABLE at A$180

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Parma: 1859 Provisional Govt 20c blue. On piece Parma 1860 cds. VFU, thin, 4 huge margins. SG 31 cat £300. Sass 15 cat €600. (P)AVAILABLE at A$70

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Romagna: 1859 type-set 6b black on yellow-green. VFM, almost 4 margins, original gum & adhesions. SG 8 cat £600. Sass 7 €900. (P)AVAILABLE at A$90

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Sardinia: 1853 King Embossed 40c pale rose on coloured paper. Superb U, with 'Alessandria 8 Ottobre 1855' cds, 4 large margins. SG 11 cat £1300. Sass 6 cat €1600. Rare genuine. 2014 Bottacchi photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$375

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Sardinia: 1854 King Embossed 40c dull rose. Superb U appearance, 'Genova 13 March 1855' cds, tiny thin & tear at base, 4 large margins & excellent colour. SG 18 cat £4250. Sass 9 cat €6000. Very rare genuine. 2014 Bottacchi AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$650

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Sardinia: 1854 King Embossed 40c dull rose. Superb U with 'S. Remo' cds, 4 large margins & excellent colour. SG 18 cat £4250. Sass 9b cat €6000. Very rare genuine & in beautiful quality. 2014 Bottacchi AIEP photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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Sardinia: 1854 King Embossed 40c dull rose. Superb U with 'Turin 7 April 1855' cds, 4 large margins & excellent colour. SG 18 cat £4250. Sass 9b cat €6000. Very rare genuine & in premium quality. 2013 Bottacchi AIEP photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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1921 'BLP' blue opt King 20c orange, type I litho opt. VF fresh MUH. SG B113 cat £1800 for M, should be at least double, £3600 MUH. Sass 2 cat €3500. Exp Alberto Diena AIEP & others, plus 2004 Raybaudi photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$625

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1921 'BLP' red opt King 25c blue type I litho opt. F-VF fresh MUH. SG B114 cat £300 for M, should be at least double, £600 MUH. Sass 3 cat €750. Exp Enzo Diena AIEP, plus copy of 2007 Raybaudi photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$110

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1945-48 Work, Justice & Family 100L carmine, perf 14. VF fresh MUH. SG 669 cat £600, Sass 565 cat €575. (P)AVAILABLE at A$90

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1945-48 Work, Justice & Family 100L bright carmine rough perf 14. VF fresh MUH. SG 669 cat £600, Sass 565a cat €600. (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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1954 Parcel Post 1000L ultramarine, top value setenant pair, comb perf 13¼, wmk 'winged wheel'. Superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum & excellent centring. Sass PP81 cat €6000, SG P868 cat £10,000. By far the rarest stamp of post-war Italy & desirable in perfect MUH condition. 2023 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1800

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1945 Massa Carrara CLN liberation local 'Massa Carrara 1944-45 C.C.A.' opt set 5L/25c, 5L/50c & 10L/50c with opts applied across top of a blk of 4 of each, all with notary control cachets on back. VF fresh MUH. CEI 1-3 cat €6000 = A$9500+. Very rare genuine as only 250 sets printed. 1989 Raybaudi photo cert. (3 blks) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1000

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Polish Settlements in Italy: 1946 War Relief M/Sheet set 1L+99L - 5L+195L. VFU, ea with 'Osiedle Barletta 7.3.1946' cds. Sass F2-4 cat €600 for M, used much rarer, should be at least x4, so €2400. Only 1000 sets printed & few used. 2014 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (3 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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Cyrenaica: 1934 'SERVICIO DI STATO' opt Rome-Mogadiscio Air 25L+2L carmine. Superb fresh MLH. Sc CBO1 cat US$2600, Sass SA1 cat €3250. SG O136 cat £4000. Rare genuine as only 750 printed. Exp Bloch, plus 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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Somalia: 1932 Pictorial set 5c-25L, perf 12. VF fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. SG 161-78 cat £1300 for M, should be at least double, £2600 MUH. Sass 167-84 cat €8250 = A$13,000. Key set that is almost never seen in nice MUH condition. 2022 Ceremuga photo-cert. (18) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1700

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Fiume: 1920 large 'ARBE' opt set 5c-25c, all tied by '13 XI 21 Arbe' cds, in official PO printed presentation folder with PO cachets & signature. VFU. SG 1A-4A cat £1175++, Sass 1-4 cat €1600++, both for loose stamps & €2400 for bklt. 2014 Prof Bilandzic photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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Fiume: 1920 large ARBE opt set 5c-25c. Superb VFU, tied to pieces by 'ARBE 13 XI 20' cds. SG 1A-4A cat £1175. Sass 1-4 cat €1600. Rare genuine as only 450 sets printed & most were used. Ex Oliva, plus 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Fiume: 1920 large 'VEGLIA' opt set 5c-25c, tied by 'Veglia XII 20'' cds in official PO printed presentation folder with PO cachets & signature. VFU. SG 1A-4A cat £1175+, Sass 1-4 cat €1600+, both for loose stamps & €2400 for bklt. 2014 Bilandzic photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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1916 WAR STAMP opt KGV 3d purple on lemon, LL cnr blk of 4 with plate no.1, error opt type 20 INVERTED. VF fresh MUH, crease in margin only. SG 72aa cat £1300 for M, should be at least double, £2600 MUH, plus extra for plate blk. 2005 BPA photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1934 Air Communications M/Sheet, size 110x100mm. Superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. Sak C56 cat 340,000Y. Sc C8 cat US$2000. SG MS271 cat £1300 for M, should be at least double, £2600 MUH. The key M/S of Japan & rare so nice. Certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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1935 New Year's Greetings 1½s carmine, full sheet of 20 with margins & imprints. VF fresh MUH. Sak N1 cat 180,000Y. Sc 222 cat US$700. SG 280 footnote cat £600 for M, should be at least double, £1200 MUH. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1949-52 Portraits 8Y-10Y selection of blks, strips & singles inc 8Y deep emerald blk of 10, 8Y grey-olive blk of 9, 8Y deep green blk of 12, 8Y deep blue-green blk of 12, 8Y deep reddish-violet blk of 12, 8Y brown-purple blk of 10, 8Y reddish-violet strip of 3, pr & single, 8Y brown-lake blk of 10, 8Y brown blk of 14, 8Y grey-green strip of 3, 8Y blue blk of 12 & 10Y dull green blk of 8. Mostly VF fresh MUH. Sak ex C174-86 cat 326,600Y+. SG ex 557-69 cat £1767+. (14 items)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1897-1903 QV Lions 10R yellow-bistre. Superb fresh MLH. SG 97 cat £600. (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1912-21 KGV 500R green & red on green, opt SPECIMEN. Superb fresh M. SG 63s cat £1600 (normal cat £45,000). Rare top value. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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1922-27 KGV £100 black & red, opt SPECIMEN. VF fresh MLH, nice original gum & deep colours. SG 105s cat £6000 (normal cat £160,000). Very rare ultra top value & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$4500

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1939 'KUWAIT' opt KGVI set ½a - 15R. Superb U with nice Kuwait cds. SG 36-51 cat £600. (13). (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1935 Intellectuals 20Fr green. VF fresh MUH. Mi 280 cat €600. SG 338 cat £350 for M, should be at least double, £700 MUH. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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FMS: 1900 opt Perak Elephants $25 green & orange, opt SPECIMEN. VF fresh MLH, beautiful colours. SG 14s cat £600 (normal cat £17,000). Rare top value. (P)SOLD at A$500

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FMS: 1922-34 Elephants $25 green & orange, wmk mult script, opt SPECIMEN. Superb MUH with nice never hinged original gum. SG 82s cat £600 for M, should be at least double, £1200 MUH (normal cat £2250+ for M). Rare top value. (P)AVAILABLE at A$900

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Johore: 1922-41 Sultan $10 green & black, wmk script on thin striated paper. VF fresh MLH. SG 125a cat £600. Rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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Selangor: 1891 'SELENGOR TWO CENTS' opt QV 24c green, op SG type 36. F-VF MLH. SG 45 cat £350. Only 600 of this type printed. (P)SOLD at A$250

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Selangor: 1891 'SELANGOR TWO CENTS' opt QV 24c green, opt SG type 37. VF MLH. SG 46 cat £350. Only 600 of this type printed. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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Selangor: 1891 'SELANGOR TWO CENTS' opt QV 24c green, bottom marginal vert setenant pr, opt SG type 38 top & type 39 at bottom. Superb fresh MUH/MLH. SG 47 & 48 cat £450 for M singles, should be at least double, £600 MUH, plus premium for the setenant pr. (P)AVAILABLE at A$325

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1886-87 Arms $2 sage-green, inscribed British North Borneo with 'British' measuring 12mm, IMPERF horiz pr. Superb fresh UN, 4 large margins. SG 32a cat £600 & undercataloged. Very rare. (2). (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1886 'Ten Cents Revenue' opt Arms 50c violet, postal fiscal, variety 'no stop after Cents & stop after Revenue'. F-VF fresh M. SG F3b cat £600. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1881 'Eight Cents' on QV 12c carmine, type 5 surch, error wmk INVERTED & REVERSED. VFM. SG 15y newly listed but unpriced (basic stamp SG 9y cat £600, while SG 15w cat £400 for wmk inverted alone, so this should be at least cat £600). Very rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1899-1911 collection inc 1899 Pic Def set to 5P, plus 'OFFICIAL' opt to 5P. 1903 New Colours set to 50c, plus Official to 1P. 1911 Official opt 5P blk of 4, Mint with 2023 MEPSI photo cert (SG cat £1600). F-VF M/U. SG cat £2700+ = A$5200+. Sc cat US$3000+ = A$4600+. (84) (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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1934 University Airmail 20P carmine & brown. Superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. SG 560 cat £1300 for M, should be at least double, £2600 MUH. Yv A59 cat €1500 M, so €3000 MUH. SC C61 cat US$1800 M, so US$3600 MUH. Rare top value in exceptional quality. 2023 MEPSI photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$900

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1939 Sarabia Flight opt Morelos Statue 20c blue red. Superb fresh MLH. SG 626a cat £475. Yv A89 cat €600. Sc C93A cat US$425. Exp Kessler. (P)AVAILABLE at A$180

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1996 Atlanta Olympics 400t Wrestling comp sheet of 25 IMPERF, with 'Centenary Games' 500t Basketball & 600t Judo M/Sheets printed on top. VF fresh MUH. SG 2556 & MS2558a-b(var). Spectacular!AVAILABLE at A$50

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1896 Monastery set 1n-2F, IMPERF horiz prs, on thin card. Superb fresh UN as made, all 4 large margins. SG 90-101(var), Mi 224-34 cat €600++. Rare, only 1 sheet of 50 of ea recorded. (12 prs). (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1923 25th Anniv 5G indigo. VF fresh MUH. NVPH 131 cat €475, SG 269 cat £300 for M, should be at least double, £600 MUH. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1915-22 opt Kangaroo & KGV collection on hagners with a range of various opt types, wmks & colours inc Kangaroo 1st wmk 2d, 2½d, 3d, 6d, 9d (purple opt), 1/-, 10/-. 2nd wmk 2d, 3d, 6d, 9d, 1/-, 2/-. 3rd wmk 2d, 2/-, £1 5th Setting 2d to 10/-. Most KGV values inc Die II (SG 103b), ½d green flaw TR (ACSC 63(4)h. Mostly F-VF M/MUH, majority rather unusually fresh. SG cat £1600. (52) (P)SOLD at A$450

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1931 Dated Bird Airmail set ½d-£1. VF fresh MUH. SG 163-176 cat £300 for M, should be at least double, £600 MUH. (14). (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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1931 Undated Birds 6d-£1. VF fresh MUH. SG 177-89 cat £300 for M, should be at least double, £600 MUH. (15) (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1939 Bulolo Airmail 10/- pink. Superb MUH. SG 224 cat £600. Key stamp of set. (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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New Guinea: 1925-39 used collection inc 1925 Huts to £1 comp inc 3 shades of 6d, 1931 Huts Airmail to £1 comp inc 2 shades of 6d, 1931 Dated Birds comp to £1, 1931 Dated Birds Airmail comp to £1, 1932 Undated Birds comp to £1, 1932 Undated Birds Airmail comp to £1, 1935 Bulolo £2 & £5 Air, 1939 Bulolo comp to £1, also Coronation & Silver Jubilee comp, 1925 Huts opt OS comp to 2/- inc both shades of 6d, 1931 Dated Birds opt OS comp to 5/-, 1932 Undated Birds opt OS comp to 5/-. VFU/CTO some cnr cancels but mostly nice proper cds. SG cat £5600 = A$10,500+. Useful. Complete collection of all New Guinea stamps. (140+) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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1977 Surch 25FNH & 30FNH Port Vila opts. VF MUH. SG F250-51 cat £370. Yv 478A & 478B cat €600. Key values of set. (2). (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1874-78 QV 2/- deep rose. Superb fresh M, excellent centring for this issue. CP C7a cat NZ$1250+, SG 185 cat £600+.AVAILABLE at A$300

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1902-07 Mt Cook 5/- deep red, wmk NZ star sideways, perf 14. VFU, part '?auchelle 10 AU 12 D' cds. CP E21e cat NZ$600. SG 329 cat £375. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1940-58 Arms £3 green Postal Fiscal, mult wmk inverted. Superb fresh MUH. CP Z48c cat NZ$600. SG F208w cat £250. (P)AVAILABLE at A$180

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1940-58 Arms £4 light blue Postal Fiscal, mult wmk inverted. VF fresh MUH. CP Z50b cat NZ$600. SG F210 cat £350. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1940-58 Arms £4 blue, mult wmk inverted. Superb MUH. SG F210 cat £350. CP Z50b cat NZ$600. (P)AVAILABLE at A$220

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1897-1900 Arms £1 black & dull purple. Superb fresh MLH. SG 51 cat £600. Scarce high value. (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1908-11 KEVII set ½d-£1, opt SPECIMEN. VF fresh MLH. SG 72-81s cat £600. Rare set. (10). (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1945 KGVI Pictorial set ½d to 20/-, perf SPECIMEN. VF fresh MUH. SG 144s-157s cat £600. Rare genuine set especially MUH & certificate can be obtained on request. (14) (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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Papua: 1901-41 used collection inc 1901 wmk horiz ½d to 1/- (SG 1-7), 1906 Large Papua to 2/6, 1907 Small Papua wmk vert ½d to 2/6 comp, 1907-10 various to 2/6, 1916 Lakatoi to 5/- with various shades, 1920s-30s various opts, 1932 Pics to 5/-, then comp to 1941, some interesting pmks particularly on the earlies inc Daru, Buna, several versions of Samarai. GU-VFU. SG cat £2400+ = A$4600. (130+) (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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Papua: 1901-31 Lakatoi collection on pages in binder with detailed notations, commences with BNG ½d to 1/- with varieties, Large & Small Papua opts to 2/6, 1907-10 various perfs Large & Small Papua ½d to 1/- with varieties, shades, perf OS, 1911 monocolours 1d to 2/6, 1913 Surcharges, 1916-31 ½d to 5/- with shades, varieties, perf OS. Extensive collection with over 350+ Town pmks, QLD stamps with BNG bar cds (4), BNG with bar cds (30+), inc many varieties & Stamp Duty opts (15). Generally F-VF U. SG cat £6000+ = A$11,500+. Good collection offered intact. (700+) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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2001 Surch 50t/25t Sydney 2000 Olympics, error opt DOUBLE, both opts equally strong & beside each other. Superb MUH. Mi 906DD, SG 904(var) est cat £600 based on others. rare, only 1 sheet of 50 was discovered. 2015 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1950 Currency Revaluation 'GROSZY' black opt type 3 of Katowice & Krakow on 1948 Roosevelt M/Sheet with opt on ea stamp, tied by reg cover by 'Sosnowiec 12 4 52' cds. To Denmark. SG MS465d(var) cat £900 for normal, should be double, with opt, £1800. Mi Blk A11 cat €2200. Both should be double, on cover, £3600 or €4400. Rarity! 2019 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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1950 Currency Revaluation cover franked 'GROSZY' black opt type 3 Katowice & Krakow on 1946 Education M/Sheet on reg cover with 1951 6 Year Plan mining 90gr, tied by 'Sosnowiec 11 4 52' cds. To Denmark. SG MS571d(var) cat £1900. Mi Blk 9 cat €1500 - both for normal, should be at least double, with opt, & double again on cover so £7600 or €6000. Great rarity, only several examples of this M/Sheet with genuine opts recorded & probably unique on cover. 2019 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$2700

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Polish Settlements in Italy: 1946 War Relief M/Sheets set 1L+99L - 5L+195L. VFU, ea with 'Osiedle Barletta 7.3.1946' cds. Sass F2-4 cat €600 for M, used much rarer, should be at least 4x, so €2400. Only 1000 sets printed & few used. 2017 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (3 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1853 Queen Maria Embossed 100R lilac. FU, expertly repaired at left, 4 margins, barred pmk. Mi 4 cat €2600. SG 9 cat £3250. (P)AVAILABLE at A$220

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1867-70 King Embossed 240R pale dull lilac curved labels, perf 12½. Superb U, barred '41' pmk. Mi 33 cat €600. SG 67 cat £750. Unusually nice quality. (P)AVAILABLE at A$230

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1888 Interest Tax Revenues (Decima de Juros) 100R, 200R, & 600R green imperf colour proofs (instead of issued colour brown), left marginal imperf horiz prs. VF fresh UN. Very rare, only 1 sheet of 30 of ea recorded. (3 prs = 6). (P)AVAILABLE at A$80

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1888 Interest Tax Revenues (Decima de Juros) 100R, 200R, & 600R green imperf colour proofs (instead of issued colour brown), UL cnr blks of 12 (6x2). VF fresh UN. Unique positional multiples as only 1 sheet of 30 of ea recorded (3 blks = 36). (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1889 Interest Tax Revenues (Decima de Juros) 100R, 300R, 400R, 500R, 600R & 900R brown, right marginal horiz prs. VF fresh UN. Very rare, only 1 sheet of 30 of ea was recorded. (6 prs = 12). (P)AVAILABLE at A$120

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1889 Interest Tax Revenues (Decima de Juros) 100R, 300R, 400R, 500R, 600R & 900R brown upper blks of 12 (6x2) with margins 3 sides. Mostly VF fresh UN. Unique positional multiples as only 1 sheet of 30 of ea was recorded. (6 blks = 72). (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1892-93 Arms £5 sage-green, no wmk. Superb fresh UN (ex BSAC archives, which flooded during WWII bombings). SG 12 cat £1600. 2019 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$275

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1892-93 Arms £5 sage-green, with sheet wmk letters on whole stamp. Superb fresh UN (ex BSAC archives, which flooded during WWII bombings). SG 12(var) cat £1600+, plus premium for scarce wmk. 2019 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$275

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1898-1908 Arms 1d red, right marginal horiz pr error IMPERF between & at left. Stamps superb fresh MUH. SG 78c cat £800 for M, should be at least double, £1600 MUH. Rare so nice. (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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1910-13 KGV Double Head 3/- bright green & magenta, unofficially rouletted, as made from IMPERF proof sheet. VF fresh MUH. SG 158a(var), normal cat £1300 for M, should be at least double, £2600 MUH. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1922 Rostov on Don Famine set 2000R-6000R. VF UN as issued, all 4 margins. Mi Z1-4 cat €180, SG 261-4 cat £225. Scarce genuine set. Exp Ceremuga (4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$110

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1930 Graf Zeppelin Moscow Flight set 40k & 80k IMPERF. Superb M, original gum, 4 large margins. Mi 390-91C cat €6000. SG 574b-75b cat £3800. Rare set as only 1000 printed. Exp Filatelia SSSR, while new certificate can be obtained on request. (2) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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1933 'Leningrad 1933' opt Moscow Exhib set 15+30k & 35+70k. VF M. Mi 427-428 cat €600. SG 606-607 cat £350. (2). (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1934 Air 10th Anniv set 5k-80k, wmk pattern. VFM. Mi 462-466y cat €600. SG 643A-647A cat £400. (5). (P)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1934 Air 10th Anniv set 5k-80k no wmk. VF M, some darker gum. Mi 462z-466z cat €600. SG 643B-647B cat £325. (5). (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1934 Air 10th Anniv set 5k-80k no wmk. VF M/2 UN, even aging. Mi 462z -466z cat €600. SG 643B - 647B cat £325. (5). (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1923 Tercentenary £1 black & purple on red. VF fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. SG 60 cat £800 for M, should be at least double, £1600 MUH. Rare top value in exceptional condition. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1100

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1914 'GRI 2 Shillings' opt Yacht 2Mk blue. Stamp Superb MUH, nice never hinged original gum, left marginal. Mi 11 cat €6000, SG 112 cat £3500 for M, should be at least double, £7000 MUH. Only 126 printed & rarity MUH. 1964 BPA & 2003 Brandon photo certs. (P)AVAILABLE at A$5000

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1914 'GRI / 3 Shilling' opt 3Mk violet-black, variety 'broken stop after I'. Superb U bottom marginal on piece with 'Apia' cds. Mi 12PFI cat €2400, SG 113(var) cat £1200+ as normal, plus variety should be at least a +33% premium, so est £1600+. Only total of 458 printed with only small fraction of the variety. RPSL & PF photo certs, while new AIEP specyfying the variety can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1000

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1933 Wilberforce KGV 10/- black & sage-green KGV. VF fresh MUH. SG 179 cat £300 for M, should be at least double, £600 MUH. (P)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1967 Housing Congress 10c, error opt '1967 & bar' OMITTED, with normal to compare. VF fresh MUH. SG 95a cat £1600. Very rare. (2) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1000

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1923 Setting II opt KGV 10/- blue & olive-green, horiz se-tenant pr. VF fresh MLH. SG 14 cat £600. Only 1200 prs printed. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1923-26 setting II opt KGV 10/-, English single. VF fresh MLH. SG 14 cat £600 for M pr or £140 for U single. (P)AVAILABLE at A$80

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1923 setting III opt Postage Due 6d black & slate, right marginal blk of 8 (4 bilingual prs), 2nd pr error 'Wes for West in South West Africa'. Superb fresh MUH. SG D5/D5a cat £800 for M, should be at least double, £1600 MUH, plus premium for blk. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1923-26 setting IV opt KGV £1 pale olive green & red se-tenant pr. U on piece with Windhoek cds, left stamp creased before use, right stamp superb. SG 40a ca £600. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1916 Forerunner usage of Parcel Post Label card franked South Africa KGV 2/6 (cnr flt) tied by 'Swakopmund 13 11 16' cds. SG Z13 cat £70 as loose stamp & great rarity on parcel label. SASC SA13 cat R4000 as stamp & unpriced on cover label which the 5/- is cat some R4000 for stamp & cat R60,000 = A$6000 on cover parcel label which means the unpriced 2/6 would be similar. Great rarity & probably unique usage. (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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1870 Allegorical 'Spain' 1E600m grey-lilac. GU, on piece with barred diamond pmk, small tear at left but NO punch cancel. SG 183 cat £1000, Edifil 111 cat €1475. Very rare genuine postally used. (P)AVAILABLE at A$180

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1920 UPU Congress set 1c-10P, perf 13½, with blue controls on reverse (top 2 vals are 'A.000,000' = specimens). VF fresh MUH. Ed 297-309 cat €1880. SG 361-373 cat £800 for M, should be at least double, £1600 MUH & rare as such. 2021 Ceremuga photo cert. (13) (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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1930 Columbus 20c red printer's sample proof (instead of violet) opt 'Waterlow & Sons Ltd Specimen' with small security punch. VF fresh UN as made. SG 600(p), Ed 538MT unlisted in this colour!AVAILABLE at A$40

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1931 Montserrat 900th Anniv 4P magenta, perf 11½. VF fresh MUH. Ed 647 cat €1430, SG 724A cat £800 for M, should be at least double, £1600 MUH. Rare MUH key value. (P)AVAILABLE at A$275

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1938 Submarine Mail Civil War set 1P-15P, opt MUESTRA (specimen), all in blks of 4. VF fresh UN. SG 857a-857e(s) cat £2600 for normal singles. Ed 775-80M cat €1944+ as singles, while specimen multiples are extremely rare. (24) (P)AVAILABLE at A$650

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1938 Submarine Mail Civil War set 1P-15P, black PROOFS from defaced plates, on medium card, all in cnr blks of 4. VF fresh UN as made. SG 857a-857e(s) cat £2600 for normals. Ed 775-80PR cat €984+. Very rare in positional blks. (6 blks of 4). (P)AVAILABLE at A$230

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1950 Franco Canary Islands Visit Air opt 10c on 25P, first printing WITHOUT control no at back. Superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. Ed 1083 cat €6000. SG 1151a cat £5000. Genuine examples are extremely rare, especially in such nice condition. 2013 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$3500

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1950 Franco Canary Islands Visit Air opt 10c on 25P, first printing WITHOUT control no at back. VF fresh MLH, nice original gum. Ed 1083 cat €3600. SG 1151a cat £5000. Very rare genuine example. Dr Saeftel BPP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1000

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Rio De Oro: 1905 Curly Head set 1c-10P, with blue control no. A000,000 (specimen) on back. VF MUH. Sc 1-16 cat US$1700+, SG 1-16 cat £950 for normal M, should be at least double, £1900 MUH, Edifil 1N-16N cat €1750 for M, so est cat €2600 MUH. Only 1000 such sets printed & very rare MUH. 2013 Ceremuga photo cert. (16) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1600

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1918 'Schweizer Post Vaduz' courier stamp, perf 11½ on 3 sides, top imperf as from top of sheet. This special WWI stamp was for mail from Vaduz in Liechtenstein to Sevelen in Switzerland where it was put into the normal mail system. Superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. Mi 1B cat €1300 MUH, Zum 1b cat SFr1600. Very rare local post, especially MUH. 2010 Ceremuga-photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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1907 'Siam Postage' opt Rama V set 10 Ticals on 10T, 20 Ticals on 20T & 40 Ticals on 40T olive-green & all h/s 'Specimen'. VF fresh MLH. Scott 106-108s cat US$12,600. SG 106-108s cat £12,000 both as normals. Very rare high values set. (3)AVAILABLE at A$2500

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1920 2nd Tiger Scouts Fund opt set 2s-1T, control cachets on back. VF fresh MLH. Scott B18 - B23 cat US$600+. SG 205-10 cat £725+. Very scarce genuine with 3000 sets printed & certificate can be obtained on request. (6) (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1971 '2½p' violet h/s National Savings 6d black & green Postal Fiscal, left marginal vert pr bottom stamp opt OMITTED. Superb U, Tristan da Cunha 5 Feb 1972 cds. SG F2a cat £600+ & under-catalogued. Extremely rare, only several recorded. 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)SOLD at A$375

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1847 Franklin 5c red-brown, plate proof on card, imperf, in issued colour with smudged ink resulting in doubling of portions of design. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 1(p) cat £7000 as normal. Sc 3PU cat US$250 (normal cat US$6000). PFNY photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$220

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1847 Franklin 5c brown, plate proof on card, imperf, in issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 1(p) cat £7000 as normal. Sc 3PU cat US$250 (normal cat US$6000). (P)SOLD at A$220

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1861 Franklin 30c orange, plate proof on India paper, imperf in issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 67(p) cat £2500 as normal. Sc 71P3 cat US$50 (normal cat US$2600).AVAILABLE at A$60

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1861 Jefferson 5c brown plate proof on India paper, imperf, in issued colour. VF UN as made, tiny surface scuff, 4 margins. SG 71(p) cat £6000 as normal. Sc 76P3 cat US$45 (normal cat US$5500).AVAILABLE at A$40

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1869 Pictorial 1c buff plate proof on India paper, imperf, in issued colour. VF UN as made, 4 margins. SG 114(p) cat £700 as normal. Sc 112P3 cat US$55 (normal cat US$600).AVAILABLE at A$55

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1873 Official Agriculture 1c-10c yellow plate proofs on card, imperf, in issued colours. VF UN as made, all 4 margins. SG 0180-0184(p) cat £1550 as normals. Sc01P4-05P4 cat US$50 (normal cat US$1600). (5).AVAILABLE at A$50

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1873 Official Dept of Justice set 1c-90c purple LARGE DIE PROOFS on India paper (mostly about 61x75mm), removed from card. Mostly VF fresh UN as made. SG O204-13(p), (normal cat £6000). Sc O25P1-34P1 cat US$800 (normal US$6685). Rare & attractive. (10). (P)AVAILABLE at A$275

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1873 Official Justice set 1c-90c purple, plate proofs on card, imperf, in issued colours. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG 0204-0213(P) cat £6000 as normals. Sc 025P4-034P4 cat US$100+ (normals cat US$6690). (10). (P)SOLD at A$150

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1875 Newspaper Periodical 36c black, trial colour DIE PROOF on card (55 x 86mm), imperf, instead of rose issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG N189(p) cat £850 as normal. Sc PR18TC1af(var) cat US$600 plus premium for rare unlisted variety printed directly on card (normal cat US$1000). Probably unique. (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1875 Newspaper Periodical 60c black blk of 4, plate proofs on India paper, imperf, instead of rose issued colour. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG N191(P) cat £5200 as normals. Sc PR20TC3a cat US$140+ (normals cat US$6000). Rare multiple. (4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1875 Newspaper Periodical 72c black blk of 4, plate proofs on India paper, imperf, instead of rose issued colour. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG N192(P) cat £5600 as normals. Sc PR21TC3a cat US$140+ (normals cat US$6000). Rare multiple. (4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1875 Newspaper Periodical 84c black blk of 4, plate proofs on India paper, imperf instead of rose issued colour. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG N193(P) cat £7600 as normals. Sc PR22TC3a cat US$140+ (normals cat US$7400). Rare multiple. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1875 Newspaper Periodical $1.92 green, trial colour DIE PROOF on India paper on card (69x79mm), imperf, instead of brown issued colour. Superb UN as made. SG N195(p) cat £1700 as normal. Sc PR24TC1af cat US$600 (normal cat US$2250). Extremely rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1875 Newspaper Periodical $3 dark violet, trial colour DIE PROOF on India paper on card (73x89mm), imperf, instead of vermilion issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG N196(p) cat £1800 as normal. Sc PR25TC1ak cat US$600 (normal cat US$2500). Extremely rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1875 Newspaper Periodical $9 green, trial colour DIE PROOF on India paper on card (73x88mm), imperf, instead of orange issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG N198(p) cat £4000 as normal. Sc PR27TC1ah cat US$600 (normal cat US$4500). Extremely rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1875 Newspaper Periodical $9 dark violet, trial colour DIE PROOF on India paper on card (73x88mm), imperf, instead of orange issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG N198(p) cat £400 as normal. Sc PR27TC1am cat US$600 (normal cat US$4500). Extremely rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1879 Postage Due 50c brown. F-VF fresh MUH with never hinged original gum. Sc J7 cat US$1600. SG D213 cat £600 for M, should be at least double, £1200 MUH. (P)SOLD at A$350

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1895 Newspaper Periodical 10c black, large DIE PROOF on India paper on card (76x95mm), imperf in issued colour. Superb UN. SG N282(p) cat £650 as normal. Sc PR105P1 cat US$125 (normal cat US$600).AVAILABLE at A$60

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1930 Zeppelin Airmail $2.60 blue. Superb fresh MUH. SG A68a cat £800 for M, should be at least double, £1600 MUH. Sc C15 cat US$850. (P)AVAILABLE at A$750

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Cheever & Towie: 1849 envelopes & address (2c) red blk of 6, plus staggered printing blk of 4, classic forgeries from 1860s-80s. F-VF 1 M/9 MUH, almost all 4 margins. Sc 37L1 cat US$6000 = A$8500 for originals. (10)AVAILABLE at A$25

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1958 Airmail 500L green & deep turquoise-green, perf 14. VF fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. SG 190a cat £5500, Sass A331 cat €6000. Extremely rare stamp of which only 4 or 5 sheets were issued & most used. Dr Enzo Diena AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1100

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1900 '1900' opt Bolivar 25c blue. VFU. Yv 74 cat €350. Sc 158 cat US$600. SG 216 cat £800. Rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1895-96 'Zanzibar' opt QV India set ½a-5R, opt in black. VFU. SG 3-21 cat £600. Rare set. (15) (P)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1904 Arms 1R blue & red, wmk Rosette sideways. VF fresh MLH. SG 220a cat £600. (5) (P)SOLD at A$100

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1908-09 View of Port 30R black & sepia. Superb fresh MUH with, pristine never hinged original gum. SG 241 cat £800 for M, should be at least double, £1600 MUH. (P)SOLD at A$1200

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1913 Dhow 20R black & green, blk of 4, wmk mult rosettes. Superb fresh 2M/2MUH. SG 260b cat £1600 for M singles, MUH should be at least double, £2400, plus premium for blk. (P)SOLD at A$2000

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1913 Dhow 50R black & purple, wmk mult rosettes. VF fresh MUH, never hinged original gum. SG 260e cat £800 for M, should be at least double, £1600 MUH. Rare MUH high value. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200