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German Colonies & POs Abroad postmark Catalogue, 1st English edition 2019, 235 pgs with valuation on piece or cover inc POs in China, Field Post during Boxer Rebellion, South Seas (Pacific) Seapost, Navy Ship Mail & all the colonies. Illustrated throughout. Essential reference. New. Retail $100+.AVAILABLE at A$70

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2024 SG Commonwealth & Empire Stamps 1840-1970 Illustrated Catalogue, 714 pgs with full colour & lists every stamp issued to end 1970 inc wmk/perf variations, Postage Dues, errors or varieties, & Telegraphs. NEW Retail $180.AVAILABLE at A$120

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Australian Imperial Forces Postal History 1914-18 by Bob Emery, 343 pgs, pub 1984. Plus 1988 Supplement with 193 pgs. Both excellent condition inc illustrated DJ. (2)SOLD at A$70

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Australia -Tasmania: Postal History & Postal Marking Part I (1984 Reprint) & Part II, comp with plates. Tasmania Hand Cancellations 1913-88 Part I & II inc Hobart & Launceston. All VF or better. (4)AVAILABLE at A$80

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Australia - Victoria Postmarks: -The Barred Numerals (1856-1912) by Freeman, 2nd Ed, pub 2018. 484pgs with all known cancels illustrated in full colour & rarity ratings C to RRRRR for the extremely rare (1-3 recorded) examples, plus listings for the Duplex Cancels, again with rarity ratings, up to 5R for comp strikes. The definitive work on this subject. New in shrink wrap.AVAILABLE at A$150

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British Commonwealth 2022 SG 1840-1970 Stamp Catalogue, 700+ pgs in full colour & lists every stamp issued by Empire/Commonwealth Countries inc wmk/perfs, varieties, Officials & Postage Dues. Near new, retail $185.AVAILABLE at A$80

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British Commonwealth 2024 SG 1840-1970 Stamp Catalogue with 714 colour pgs listing every stamp issued to end 1970 inc Wmk/perf variations, Booklets, Officials, Postage Dues, Telegraphs plus Errors or plate varieties. Contents GC, re-attached cover. Replacement retail $200.SOLD at A$60

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Malaya: The Postal History of British Malaya Vol III by Edward Proud. Unfederated States 365 pgs pub 1984. VG condition.AVAILABLE at A$80

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Scott Classic Specialised Catalogue of Stamps & Covers of The World 1840-1940, 2015 edition with British Commonwealth countries to 1952. Over 1300 pgs & illustrated throughout inc prices for M/MUH/VFU plus 'Revenue Cancel' & 'On Cover' for some issues. Minor internal split, F-VF condition.AVAILABLE at A$100

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USA: American Stampless Cover Catalogue, 1984 4th Edition 2 vol hard cover set, 700 pgs with a wealth of data & information inc illustrations. The standard reference work. Minor edge foxing, missing DJ, o/w as new. Invaluable reference. (2 vols)AVAILABLE at A$100

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1913-1985 Extensive near comp collection in Davo Hingeless album with kangaroos 1st wmk ½d to 5/-, 2nd wmk set to 5/-, 3rd wmk to 5/-, plus £1 grey G-FU & £2 opt SPECIMEN type B MLH. SM wmk to 5/-, CofA wmk to 10/-. KGV Heads comp (56) to 1/4. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved, 1929 3d Kooka M/Sheet, UN (thinned UR cnr), 1930s commems inc 1932 Bridge set to 5/-, 1934 Vic Cent Macarthur, 1935 ANZAC & KGV SJ sets, 1937 KGVI to £1 Robes, 1949 Arms set ,1964 Navigators set of 6 U, BCOF set of 7 (5/- thin paper), 2/-, 5/- U, OS opts inc 6d Roo SM + CofA wmks, 1931 Kingsford Smith pr & KGV to 5d. Decimals 1966 to 1985, AAT 1957 to 1984. Generally G-F/VFU. Retail $4500+. (1040) (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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1937 NSW Sesqui Cent set 2d, 3d, 9d blks of 6 plus extra 9d (12) in UL & LR cnr blks of 6. All VF fresh MUH. ACSC cat $840. SG 193/97 cat £620 = A$1200+. (30)AVAILABLE at A$180

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1990s-2000 Philatelic Exhibition accumulation mostly M/Sheets (95) inc Australia 99 Navigator imperf pr, 1991 Phila Nippon, 1992 Genova, 1993 Bangkok, 1993 Sydney Stamp & Coin Show, 1995 Swanpex, 1995 Sydney Centrepoint, 1997 Hong Kong, 2003 Bangkok & others to 2015 Singapore set of 5. Also booklets (20) inc 1974 Melbourne Stamp Week, 1984 AUSIPEX & Indopex 93 & Canberra Stamp Show 96. All fresh & clean, FV $270.AVAILABLE at A$200

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2023 Super high value postage parcel pieces with frankings of 1979 McMahons Point $5 (54), 1984 Mentone $5 (sheet of 50), 2006 Soccer $1.25 (25), 2010 Flight Anniv $2.10 (25), 2012 Apples $5 (sheet of 50), 2012 Road Trip $2.35 (sheet of 50), 2013 Bush Babies $2.60 (45) & $6.45 (split sheet of 50), 1983 Coronation Anniv $2.60 (22), & a few others. All with Torrensville 25 AUG 2023 cds. Some with wrinkles, creases, about $220 FV damaged or with clear tape. Total FV $1470. SG cat £2400.AVAILABLE at A$150

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AAT: 1984-89 Scenes 2c (150), 5c (290), 10c (200), 15c (350), 20c (228), 25c (269), 45c (150), 60c (200), 75c (140), 85c (150), 90c (65), $1 (250). Additionally not included a selection of blks, many with Mawson cds cancels. (c2400)AVAILABLE at A$80

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AAT Covers: 1966-2010 Base Cover collection (300) in 3 thick albums with 1966 Def sets to $1 Mock Sun for Macquarie Is (2), Mawson (2) & Wilkes, these retail $150 per set, total $750. 1971 Treaty & 1972 Cook sets of all 4 bases on PO envelopes (retail $100), plus 1972 Cook set on rarely seen WCS covers ($100). 1973 Food Chain set of 4 bases on PO envelopes (retail $300), plus set blks of 4 on individual PO envelopes pmk Davis ($100) & Macquarie Is, Mawson sets on the rarely seen WCS envelopes ($150 ea, $300). 1979-81 Ships I, II & III pmk all 4 bases ($90), plus Series II blks of 4 with Mawson cds. 1982 Mawson set blks of 4 all 4 bases ($50), 1984 - Scenes I, II, III ($80), plus series III blks of 4 all 4 bases. 1989 Nolan blks f 4 all from the bases (hard to find, $100). 1990 Joint Issue with USSR set of 8 inc M/sheets ($40). Then another 20 diff base cover sets of 4 (FV $240) from 1991 Treaty to 2010 Macquarie Is. Also a selection of FDC (35) with Aust pmks to 2014 Expeditions. VF fresh. (335)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Aerogrammes: Five volume collection to late 1980s with vols 1 & 2 to 1979 (210) inc 1944 KGVI 7d AIR LETTER in yellow paper UN (ACSC A2 cat $150). 1945-52 KGVI 7d AIR LETTER on greyish paper (3) & blue paper (8), F-VF UN (cat $220), 1954 10d Globe (4, $40), 1950s-1960s Pre-decimal 10d commems (10) to 1965 Conference (cat $100). Then Decimals (100+) to 1979 Christmas mostly F-VF UN. Vol 3 with 320 assorted inc Aeroplanes, Christmas, Commems inc 1982 Brisbane Games & 1984 AUSIPEX Exhibitions plus Generic Pictorials to 1987 53c Aeroplane with 26 diff mixed UN/CTO. Vols 4 & 5 with Private Productions inc 1953 QANTAS, 1953 QEII Coronation commem flights (4 diff, cat $200), 1959 ANPEX Aerogram, 1960s Moomba Festivals, plus 1970s/80s, Generic Pictorial produced by Hallmark John Sands, Valentines & others. Also another 2 folders with assorted inc Pre-decimals postally used & Decimals to mid 1990s UN. 7 albums. Medium carton. (100s)AVAILABLE at A$150
Carton with collection of covers & stationery. Inc FDCs c1970-c2000 extensive range with some earlier mostly official, also some Commem covers, exhibition cancels noted AAT inc 1984 Scenes Plate 1 10 sets, 1988 Environment 5 sets base cds (approx 600 covers). Also PSEs UN & FDI from late 1970s-90s, some Commem cancels & others (approx 350 PSEs). Also an interesting selection of 17 old-time USA & Great Britain share certificates. Mostly F/VFU. (967)AVAILABLE at A$80
Covers: 1966-2011 collection (750) in 3 albums & loose inc some useful postal stationery, plus Commem covers inc AUSIPEX 84 & Bicent Heritage collection, also Silk covers with AUSIPEX cancels, various PSEs (200+) UN & FDI. Then some MUH issues & uncancelled FDC with FV $50. Some mixed condition most F-VFU. (1070+)AVAILABLE at A$80
Covers collection 1970-2003 & some postal stationery mostly FDI with extras, also Commem covers inc Exhib Cancels 1982 & Commonwealth Games/Anpex 82, Ausipex 84, Sydpex 88 with extras, also Antarctic Base covers with extras. VFU. (750)AVAILABLE at A$60
Covers 1976-89 FDC collection inc Paintings to $10, AAT 1983-89 Base Cancel sets of 4 (18). AUSIPEX 1984 pmk sets of 10 with M/Sheet covers (3), Silk cover sets (3), Frama FDC sets (10), 1987 Cup-Pex set (2), plus plenty of other sets, singles & M/S. Fresh & clean. (900)AVAILABLE at A$50

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Covers: Massive accumulation with Australia 1980s Frama FDC (160). Commem PSE (1600) from 1978 Human Rights 20c to mid 1988 Bi-Cent sets, mixed UN/FDI. Oversize 20c-27c Pics (300) & small size Defs (450). Then Postal Stationery with decimal 4c to 22c QEII Letter Cards VF UN (140). 1980s Aerogrammes (240). 1981 brown Postcard boxes (4) with 168 22c Pic Postcards & 1982 black (2) with 84 27c Pic Postcards fresh UN. All up around 3800 covers/aerogrammes/cards & PSEs, all neatly packed into 2 large cartons.AVAILABLE at A$120

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KGV 1924 no wmk 1d green (200), 1½d red (250) G-VFU in bundles. SG 83-84 cat £5200. ACSC 79 cat $2000 & ACSC 90 cat $6250, total $8250. (450)AVAILABLE at A$140

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Philatelic Exhibition M/Sheet accumulation (100) inc Australia 99 Navigators IMPERF pr, 1990 New Zealand 1991 Phila Nippon, 1992 World Columbian, 1993 Sydney Stamp & Coin Fair, 1996 Indonesia, 1996 10th Asian International, 1997 Hong Kong, 1999 Queensland Stamp Show, 2004 China, 2007 Sydney & many others. Also booklets (20) inc 1974 Melbourne, 1984 AUSIPEX (2 diff), 1994 Melbourne & 1996 Canberra. All fresh & clean, FV $280.AVAILABLE at A$200

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New South Wales: Postmarks & Postal History. Introduction lot with covers (13) inc 1843 Melbourne NSW to Edinburgh, 1859 Liverpool to England franked QV Diadem 6d grey imperf tied by numeral 20, 1861 Sydney-Sussex franked QV Diadem 6d violet. Early 1900s Registered Mail to Hobart (6) inc Broken Hill, Cobar, Gilgandra, Narrabri West & Wellington, 1904 cover Yalgogrin North to Hobart with numeral 1736 cancel, plus 4 Edwardian era NSW PPC. Other numeral cancels (6) on stamps, all highly rated with 221 (RRR) on 1850s QV 6d brown Diadem imperf, 305 type 4B (RRR) on QV 2d blue, 963 (RRRRR) part strike on 1d dull red QV, 966 (RRRRR) poor strike on piece with West Tamworth cds alongside, 1010 (RRRR) of Tin Tin Hull superb strike on piece with cds alongside & 1080 (RRRRR) of Cedar Party Creek near comp strike on 1d Shield, plus 2 very useful reference works 'The Postal History of NSW 1788-1901' (pub 1988) & 'Numeral Cancels of NSW' (pub 2012). Excellent lot to start collecting this interesting field. (25 items) (P)SOLD at A$450

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South Australia: 1868-1912 QV collection inc 1868 QV 2d orange, imperf proof. 1876-1900 QV 9d selection of 4 diff shades, wmk Broad Star. 1876-1904 QV 1d green & 2d orange (2 shades), perf 10 & 1d green, 1d red, 2d orange & 2d violet, perf 13, wmk Crown/Narrow SA, plus shades. 1882 HALF-PENNY opt QV 1d. 1883-99 QV 3d, perf 10, plus ½d-6d, perf 13, plus shades. 1891-93 QV Surch 2½d on 4d (5d on 6d, 2 shades of ea, perf 10, plus 2½d, perf 15. 1894-1906 QV Kangaroo 2½d perf 15, plus perf 13 (2 shades) & 5d Shield 2 shades, perf 13. Also 2½d & 5d, perf 12x11½d. 1899 GPO ½d both perfs. 1905-19 QV GPO basic set to 5d, plus shades. 1901-02 QV 1/- & 2/- wmk crown SA. Mostly F-VFM, many fresh. SG cat £840+. (52)SOLD at A$275

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1822-1935 Postal History: inc Great Britain 1839 Folded Letter dated 23 Dec 1839 endorsed 4 for the uniform Four Penny Post rate at that time. 14th Jan 1840 Folded Letter rate '2' & with 'TP Chancery Lane' 2-line h/s in dull green. 1840 Unaccepted Mulready Envelope designs (2). Envelopes (2) beautifully illustrated types by Valentine, or Ackerman. Then 1854 Folded Letter with 1d red (3) with transcript. Also a 1822 folded letter ?Surabaya' to Batavia with transcript, h/s Franco in red, & Zee Brief Franco etc. NSW long folded letter (separations) to London, with transcript. Also ornate printed sheet for Ned Indies FFC, & finally 2 USA Banknotes, poor condition - 1 for Nth Carolina 17 Mar 1754. Also 1855 letter wrapper with Tenerife de la Victoria h/s & La Laguna Canarias 18 SET 55? red cds. Interesting lot. (13).SOLD at A$200

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1840-1980s World A-V collection/accumulation recently rehoused in 8 quality as new Lighthouse 32 pg s/books. With Europe, Austria, Denmark, Germany & German States, Switzerland etc, French Colonies inc French Polynesia 1913 set to 5F, Asia inc China Several 1950-60s sets, Japan, strong in British Comm inc Great Britain 1840s 1d black, 1d red brown, QV to 1/- etc, Australian States, but no Australia, inc NSW 1860s to 1/-, Canada 1893 QV 20c, Fiji QV to 5/-, KGV to 5/-, 1917 1d Postage Due, Malaya States inc Strait Settlements to $5, Hong Kong, Nigeria 1938 KGVI to 5/-, British Solomons 1922 KGV to 5/-, South Africa & Colonies inc Natal, Cape of Good Hope, Transvaal etc. Also loose in packets inc Papua ½d-2d Lakatoi & accessories inc UV detector, magnifying glass etc. Also inc approximately 250 FDC from Norfolk Is, Christmas Is, & Cocos, few Aust FDC & PSE 1965-1980s. Most of the value in pre 1940s material. Mainly G-VFU, MLH with an estimate 10% affected by toning. SG cat £9000+ = A$18,000. 2 large cartons. (9000, +250 covers).AVAILABLE at A$750

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1970s-90s (or later) Marine Life Extensive 5 Vol collection, mostly VF MUH with over 500 sets, plus 230 M/Sheets or sheetlets. A wonderfully colourful collection noted BIOT 1994 Sharks, British Virgin Is 1997 Defs, Greenland 1987-91 Marine Life, Grenada Marine sets, Guyana 1995 Marine Life set & M/Sheets, 1998 Marine Life sets & M/Sheets, Iceland 1998 Fish, Philippines 1996 Aseanpex M/S, Fish sets & M/Sheets, Palau 1983 to $10, 1995 Fish set, Qatar 1991 Fish set (2 sets), South Georgia 1987 Birds, 1994 Whale & Dolphins sets, Tonga 1984-90s Marine sets & Surcharges with extras, Turks & Caicos 1983 Whales set & M/Sheet. Many others, some mostly light toning. Mainly F-VF MUH. SG cat £5500 = A$11,000. (500 sets, 230 M/Sheets)SOLD at A$800

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1979 Rowland Hill Anniversary & GB 1d Black collection with over 160 M/Sheets, 115 sets/singles & 20 covers/stationery in 4 large deluxe illustrated albums. Surrounding the actual stamps is replicas of various rarities as well as stories relevant to these stamps + philatelic history in general. Also noted 1840 1d Black (2+ margins) used on piece, Argentina 1979 Exhibition/Ships in sheetlets of 4, cat £170 & others. Largely VF. (115 sets, 160 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$220

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1990s MUH M/Sheets of Indonesia with1997 Minerals M/Sheet of 9, plus label (SG 2312(var) cat £1050), 1996 Rhino M/S of 8 stamps (100), SG 2267a £650, 1996 Sports Week M/S set of 2 with Istanbul 96 opts (SG MS2266 cat £650), 1998 Anti-Drug sheetlet of 8 Tete-Beche prs (SG 2415a, £1120), 1998 Juvalex & Singpex M/S (100 of ea, £825). 1999 'Australia 99' 5000Rp M/S (100, £350). Fresh MUH in neat bundles of 100. Total SG £4645 = A$8400. Zonnebloem cat €3560 = A$5700. (800 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$170

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2024 SG Commonwealth & British Empire Stamps 1840-1970 illustrated catalogue, 714 colour pgs listing every stamp issued to end 1970 inc wmk/perf variations, Booklets, Officials, Postage Dues, Telegraphs plus Errors or Plate varieties. GC with cover laminated. Replacement retail $200.AVAILABLE at A$100

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5 older style loose leaf albums (inc 3 Triumph) with good variety inc Australian States, Australian Commonwealth inc Kangaroos to 2/-, 1930s Commems, KGVI Defs to £1 Robes & Arms to £2, Canada 1930s Pics to $1 blue, GB inc 1840s QV imperfs 1d brown (4) & 2d blue (2), 1890s QV to 1/- green, KEVII to 5/- carmine & KGVI to £1 brown. NZ inc 1860s QV Chalons 6d brown & 1/- green & 1920s KGV to 3/- violet, plus other British Empire & Western Europe. World collections in another 3 loose leaf albums inc Pakistan 1950s-70s World Pictorials inc GB 1960s-80s Commem sets. Australia decimal accumulation in 9 small black page albums. British Commonwealth in 20 hagners inc Australia 1971 Christmas 7c sets M (12) & Cook M/Sheets MUH (4). SWA 1980 Wildlife set to R2 MUH. Indonesia 1996 Joint Issue with Australia Cuscus booklets (4, cat $100 ea), Norfolk Is 1960s Pic sets, Nevis 1984 $1.20 Tourism set IMPERF LL cnr plate number blks of 4, plus others. Finally Australia 1930s-60s FDC collection (110) inc 1937 NSW Sesqui (2), 1959-61 Pics to 5/- Cattle, 1964 Birds to 3/- & 1950s-60s Commems, plus AAT FDC (20) inc scattered Base Cancels. 19 albums in total, usual mixed M/MUH/G-F/VFU condition. Large carton.SOLD at A$275

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Asia: 1884-1960s MUH selection inc China 1923 Constitution set. Japan from 1894 inc 1896 War China set. 1915 Coronation to 10s. Thailand 1925-27 Airs to 50s. Korea 1884 Arms to 100m. South Korea 1946-60s range of Commems. Most F-VF fresh MUH. SG cat £1000+ for M, should be at least double, for earlier MUH so £1700+. (155 + bklt).AVAILABLE at A$250

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AUSIPEX 84 collection in 10 hagners with 15 Pic sets, 20 M/Sheets plus other ephemera. Then another 340 hagners with huge variety inc Australian States (320) inc Tasmania QV Chalons to 1/- & Victoria 1897 Charity pr, 2½d val opt SPECIMEN. Australia Pre-decimals (120) mixed M/U inc 1932 Bridge 2d, 3d opt OS. Decimals (100s) inc MUH Pic/Commems (FV $300) to $5. Then World with 1000s of stamps inc Arab States Pics & Thematics, China (300) inc PRC Pics & Sun-Yat-Sen opt, British Commonwealth inc 1937 KGVI Coronation & 1946 Peace sets. Then Pacific Islands, Africa, Europe & South East Asia with Pics, Defs & Commems. Limited duplication throughout, mostly G-F/VFU. Also small selection of covers inc Australia Frama FDC sets, Australia 1994 PO Year Album. (approx 12000)SOLD at A$250

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Big double carton lot with plenty to play with inc Australia 1980s PO Packs (FV $280). Box of Australia UN PSE. Sweden 1970s FDC (130). British Commonwealth FDC collection (80) inc Christmas Is 1958 QEII set to $1, Fiji 1960s 8c QEII Registration envelopes UN (6), Ross Dependency 1959 Pic set to 1/9, Norfolk Is 1947 Ball Bay set, NZ 1954 QEII to 10/- blue, 1967 Lighthouse opt sets (2, retail $250) & 1967 Defs to $2 Geyser (2 sets, retail $150). 1960s-70s British Commonwealth collections in 3 VGC SG Senator springback albums (new retail $300+) with Australia MUH/VFU 1966-71 inc Navigator $1 perf 14¾ MLH & 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 25. Fiji 1969-84 with 150 MUH/CTO Pic/Commem sets inc 1969 Defs to $2 QEII. NZ 1967-84 inc 1967 Defs to $10 (retail $160) & 1967-75 Health M/S comp ($360) & Tokelau 1967-84. Thin blue s/book with British Antarctic Territory Pic sets (16) inc vals to £3, plus small India 1920s-30s selection. Interesting 1930s-40s collection in medium springback album inc Ceylon, China, Cyprus, India, GB, Malaya & USA. Pacific Islands collection in 46 hagners with PNG 1952-80 inc 1952 Defs to £1 Fisherman, Nauru 1954-80, plus Fiji, Tonga & Samoa. Red s/book with 1970s-80s MUH collection with Australia, Nauru & Norfolk Is. Finally GB 1940s-1940s accumulation in 2 s/books inc 1841 QV 2d blue imperf, 1847 QV 6d embossed, 1890s QV to 1/- green KGV Seahorses 2/6 (37), 5/- (22), 10/- (3), 1937 KGVI sets of 6 to £1 (4) & 1952 KGVI high val sets (10). Usual variable condition for carton lot with G-F/VFU, M & MUH Pics, Commems, Defs & Thematics. (Few 1000)AVAILABLE at A$350

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Booklets: British Commonwealth 1970s-80s accumulation with Jersey (28) to £1. GB 1963 2/- Holiday Resorts (20, SG cat £80). Australia (20) inc 1968-72 Prime Ministers or Famous Aust booklet set (retail $70) & AUSIPEX 84 (2 diff, $30). Canada 1970s mixed covers (22). PNG 1970-94 (18, retail $250). Ireland (22) inc 'Team of the Millennium' (9 diff). Pacific Is (18) inc Fiji, NZ & Vanuatu. British Commonwealth Prestige (15) inc QEII Silver Jubilee & 1981 RW, plus assorted others. Mostly all diff, generally fresh & clean. (220)AVAILABLE at A$150
British Commonwealth collection in 5 illustrated hingeless albums inc AAT 1966-2001 with MUH sets & M/S, post 1973 FV $80, Nauru 1954-84 pre-dec FU/CTO others MUH. Papua New Guinea 1952-84 pre-dec G-VFU, 1966 on MUH, comprehensive. Samoa 1962-84, earlier G-VFU, later MUH. Tuvalu 1976-80. Some aging, mostly F-VF. (c1000, 10 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$60

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British Commonwealth 1970s/80s MUH Pic/Commem accumulation in 6 sheet files with Falkland Is (70 sets) with 14 diff (cat £100) inc 1983 150th Anniv to £2 (blks of 4) & 1981 Shellfish plate number blks, plus 1982 Liberation M/Sheets (7), Kiribati (FV A$220), 1979 Pic sets to $5 Flag (20 sets) & 1981 Island Maps gutter blks of 10. Pitcairn Is to 1987 with 1977 Defs to QEII $2 (100 sets in sheets of 25, FV $520, plus another 160 sets (13 diff) inc 1980 Handicraft (17). 1984 Fish to $3 (12 sets, FV $126), 1985 Paintings (13 sets, FV $30). 1985 & 87 Ships & 1987 Trees, total FV NZ$980. Tokelau Is Pic/Commem sets (200+, FV NZ$490) 14 diff inc 1969 History (30 sets), 1976 Pics to $1 (26), plus 1981 Reprint set (16), 1982 Fishing (16 sets), 1984 Copra Industry strips of 5 (32). 1984 Defs to $2 Black Marlin (12 sets), 1986 Architecture (12 sets) & 1986 Flowers (12 sets). All fresh MUH with 660 sets in total with high total FV A$1600), plus another A$190 cat for the Falkland Islands. All VF fresh MUH. (100s of sets)AVAILABLE at A$350

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British Commonwealth 1970s-80s MUH collection/accumulation in hagners with Kiribati (95 Pic sets, FV $168) with 10 diff inc 1979 Defs to $5 Flag (5 sets). Nauru (70) to 1979 Flight with 20 diff. 1954 to 5/- (4). 1963 to 3/3 blks of 4, 1966 Defs to $1 & 1968 opts. PNG (210 Pic sets) with 55 diff to 1987 Fish inc 1970 Artefacts (60), 1971 Fauna (12), 1973 Panorama to $2 (3), 1976 Fish (10), Headdress to K2 (3) & others, 1987 Marine Life. Tokelau (230 sets, FV $210) with 24 diff to 1987 Olympic Sports inc 1966 opts trio to 2/- (34), 1967 decimal opt set of 7 (7 sets), 1977 Pics to $1 (6), 1984 Fish to $2 (5) & 1987 Flora to 75c (5). Tuvalu (170 sets) mixed MUH/CTO (FV $250) with 12 diff to 1981 Butterflies inc 1978 Independence (7), 1979 Fish to $5 (5), 1980 Cowries, 1980 Moths & 1981 Ships. Also M/Sheets inc 1982 RV opt SPECIMEN (10) & 1996 Year of the Rat (20). Huge FV. All fresh & clean with 775 sets in total, plus scattered M/S. (2000+)AVAILABLE at A$275

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British Commonwealth 1970s-80s MUH collection/accumulation in hagners with PNG to early 1970s with pre-dec Pic/Commem sets (55) inc 1952 Defs to £1 Fisherman. 1960 Postal Charges opt set of 5 M to 3/- (SG cat £60). 1963 Rabaul 10/- (5) & QEII £1 (5). 1964 Birds to 10/- (3 sets) & Headdresses to 5/- (10) sets in blks of 4 & 6. Decimal Pic/Commem sets (100+) to 1969 Heritage inc 1966 Butterflies, 1966 Myths (10), 1966 Games (22), 1967 Industries (26), 1967 WWII Anniv (14) & 1969 Shells to $2 (8). Mostly fresh MUH, retail $1200+. Pitcairn is Pic sets (40) to 1987 inc 1964 Pics to 8/- & 22 diff decimal sets inc 1984 Fish to $3, plus 1981 QM M/Sheets (10, FV $45). Vanuatu 1980s M/Sheets (16) with 5 diff & 1982-87 Pic/Commem sets (36), mostly all diff inc 1987 Fish (3) & 1987 Hurricane Relief Surcharges (3 sets). Also red binder with Aust scarcer 1970s FDC (8, retail $200) inc 1974 Paintings (2), 1971 Christmas blks of 7 (2) & 1970 Large Cook (addressed) MUH Frama sets (6 diff, retail $65). Christmas Is 1987 Wildlife sheetlets (2, retail $120) & other pacific is MUH pic sets (28). 4 albums in total with wide variety mostly F-VF MUH.AVAILABLE at A$300

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British Commonwealth carton lot with 1977-78 QEII Silver Jubilee collection in water damaged s/book with Commem sets, booklets & M/Sheets, mixed stuck down/disturbed gum/MUH. AUSIPEX 84 collection in 2 brown albums with 33 Pic sets, 50 M/Sheets inc 1982 Games opt set of 5 (retail $100), plus assorted ephemera. Australia 1920s-50s MUH/M/U accumulation in s/book inc 1930s Commems to 9d purple. Faroes 1990s MUH Pic/Commem accumulation with 1995 Leaf Hopper Insects (150 sets, SG cat £1650), Tourism (50 sets, £230), Europa pr (100 sets, £620), Rural Life trio (50 sets, £600), 4K St Olaf (100, cat £240) & 1995 Christmas pr (100 sets, £400). All fresh MUH, total SG cat £3780 = A$14,500. Jersey 1980s FDC/Commem cover accumulation. Indonesia 1996 Joint Issue with Australia Cuscus booklets (4, cat $100 ea). British Commonwealth Ships collection with 32 MUH Pic sets & 18 M/Sheets. Also 1940s-70s Australia M/MUH accumulations & New Zealand 1960 Pics to £1 Geyser MUH. Then more New Zealand with 1990 150th Anniv Heritage collections with FDC & MUH Pic/Commem sets in solid slipcase album (retail $150). All neatly arranged in large carton.AVAILABLE at A$300

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British Commonwealth carton lot with QEII 1953 Coronation Omnibus collection F-VFM, plus 1981 RW MUH collection in red binder. PNG 1970s MUH accumulation in glassines & PO Packs, plus 1965-69 FDC collection (60) inc 1966 Butterfly & 1969 Shell sets to $2 in small album. Christmas Is 1958-86 CTO collection in thick s/book inc 1958 QEII to $1 (2 sets), 1963 Pics to $1 Bird (4), 1968 Fish (4 sets), 1976 Explorers to $2 & 1982 Birds to $4 blks of 4. Large brown s/book with Falkland Is 1980s Commems. Fiji Kiribati 1979 Pics to $2 blks of 5. Nevis 1984 $1.20 Tourism set imperf plate number blks of 4. NZ 1966-74 Health M/Sheets (11), plus 1969 Cook (2), retail $260. Singapore 2015 50th Anniv MUH collection (FV $40). Tokelau 1997 Diana Memorial $1 Pics & Vanuatu 95t Pics, 100 of ea in sheets of 50 & FV A$210. Finally Australia 1960s-70s MUH accumulation inc 1971 Christmas 7c sets (2), plus 1996 Indonesia/Australia Cuscus Joint Issue booklets (4, cat $100 ea). Then more Australia with 1940s-60s pre-decimal MUH collection in s/book & 1980s FDC in album, 2 empty Seven Seas hingeless albums & bundle of 100 1970s Aust Post PPC. Lastly Pitcairn 1960s-70s MUH collection in 25 hagners with 150 Commem sets inc blks of 4 & 46 assorted M/Sheets.AVAILABLE at A$300

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British Commonwealth Carton Lot with concise 1981 RW Collection, Australia 1966-1975 MUH collection loose in hagner plus Seven Seas hingeless album to 1984 to place them in! Christmas Is 1958-75 MUH collection in Seven Seas slip hingeless album plus extra 1958, 1963 & 1969 Def sets (retail $300). Disorganised sets/singles in two maroon binders inc British West Indies KGV SJ sets (8). M/Sheet mess inc 1978 QEII Coronation Jubilee set of 21. NZ Healths 1968, 70, 72, 73 & 74 (retail $200), plus 1996 Best of Trio ($60). Australia 1982 Brisbane Exhib Number 9999 & 10001, plus Hong Kong, Tuvalu & others. British Pacific 1980s MUH mess with Nauru (FV $32), Fiji ($60), Pitcairn ($58) & Samoa ($65), plus Indonesia 1996 Joint Issue Cuscus Booklets (4, cat $400). Norfolk Is 1947-1984 near comp Used collection in Seven Seas album inc 1953 Defs to 5/- Brown Bridge, 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird, 1969 Birds to $1, 1983 Flowers to $5 & 1974 UPU M/Sheet. Also GB 1970s FDC collection & Australia 2010 Great Australian Railway set of 4 Gold Foil stamps (No.256/750) with C.O.A. retail $80.AVAILABLE at A$300

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British Commonwealth Carton Lot with Australia 1948-1971 FDC collection (80), strength in Pre-decimal commems inc odd FFC. British Commonwealth 1970s-80s MUH Pic/Commems & M/Sheets inc Australia 1971 Christmas 7c set of 7 (10), light gum tones MUH, plus 1966-73 MUH collections (retail $100) inc 1966 Defs to $4, AAT 1966 Pics to $1 Mock Sun, China PRC 1990s Pic sets, Indonesia 1996 Joint Issue Cuscus booklets (4, cat $400). Nauru 1966 Pics sets to $1 blks of 15 MUH (retail $150). Nevis 1984 Tourism Imperf blks of 4, NZ 1960 Pics to £1 Geyser, PNG 1975 Independence M/Sheets (50) & St Vincent 1986 King Arthur imperf proof blks of 6 (2 diff). Seychelles 1980 Pics to $20 plus much more, mostly F-VF MUH. Then Christmas Island 1952-74 MUH collection inc extra 1958, 1963 & 1969 Def sets (retail $220), plus 1986 Pics to % Turtle. Cocos Is 1990s Exhibition opt M/Sheets (15, retail $180) inc 1990 BIRDPEX (2), Norfolk Is 1947-1970 F-VFU collection inc 1953 Pics to 5- Brown Bridge & 1960 Defs to 10/- Bird. Cocos Island to mid 1980s inc Pic/Commem sets, blks of 4 or gutter blks of 10. GB FDC collection plus others inc Jersey Commem sets sheet of 20. Ten albums in total, mixed CTO/MUH/M/G-F/VFU. (100s)AVAILABLE at A$300

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British Commonwealth carton lot with KGVI Coronation near comp omnibus collection, plus 6 diff FDCs. 1890s-1970s collection in thick loose leaf album inc Hong Kong QV to $1 on 96c grey, China opt on KGV $1 & KGVI to $5. Then Ceylon, Ireland, Malay States & Malaysia Pics to $10. Australia 1914-2004 collection in 3 albums inc Kangaroos, KGV. 1930s Commem sets inc 1934 VIC Cent, 1935 ANZAC 1/- & 1936 SA. KGVI Defs to £2 Arms & decimal Pics/Commems inc International Post to $10, plus 1969-75 PO Pack collection (40) est retail $400 inc 1970 RV Jap Pack, 1971 Christmas, 1971 Selected Issues, plus 1978-82 postcard wallets set of 4. Christmas/Cocos Is 1960s Pic set collection in Seven Seas hingeless albums. New Zealand 1984, 85 & 87 PO Year Albums. PNG 1967-69 FDC collection (70) inc Shell sets to $2 (3). Some sl mixed conditions as always in a carton lot, mostly F-VF M/MUH/U.AVAILABLE at A$300

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British Commonwealth carton lot. New Zealand 1990s FDC collection (45, FV $165) plus RNZAF Commem Flight covers (16 diff) mostly pilot signed. GB 1980s FDC collection in album. America/British Caribbean MUH collection in Chinese s/book, British Pacific Islands in hagner album with Norfolk Is to 1966 inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Defs to 5/- brown Bridge & 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird. Samoa to 1980 inc 1962 Pics to 5/-, 1967 Birds to $4 & 1972 Wildlife to $5 Lizard. Also 1997 Diana Memorial Pics for Fiji (81c), Tokelau $1) & Vanuatu (95c) sheets of 50. Australia inc 1936 South Aust 1/- (6) F-VFU. 1966-71 MUH collection inc 1966 Defs to $4 King, 1971 Christmas blks of 7 & AAT 1966 Pics to $1 plus Indonesia 1996 Joint Issue Cuscus booklets (4, cat $100 ea). Pacific Island PO Packs inc PNG 1981, 82, 86 Year Packs, Nauru 1960s-70s collection inc 1964 Pic set to 5/- CTO (6), 1974 1st Contact (6), 1975 Phosphate sets (20), 1975 Christmas (20) & 1979 Christmas (9) total retail $240, NZ 1984 & 1991 PO Year albums, PNG 1975 Independence M/Sheets (50) & others inc Australia KGVI imprints & other MUH stamps in older sheet file & British Commonwealth in springback album inc GB KGVI to £1 brown, Fiji KGVI Defs to 10/-, South Africa Voortrekker sets & Solomon Is KGVI to 10/-. 12 albums in total, mixed G-F/VFU, M/MUH. (100s)AVAILABLE at A$300

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British Commonwealth carton lot with Norfolk Is 1953-66 M/MUH/U collection (110) inc 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Pic sets (3), plus extra 10/- opt SPECIMEN, plus 1967 Ships to $1 blks of 4 MUH. 1966 decimal opt set. AAT 1966 Pic sets (2) to $1 MUH. NZ 1957-75 Health M/Sheet MUH collection (14, retail $300) & 1996 Best Of M/Sheet trio ($60). Tuvalu 1982 RV M/Sheets opt SPECIMEN (6). 1997 Princess Diana Memorial sheets of 50 (8 diff) inc Tokelau $1, Fiji 81c, Solomon Is $2 & Vanuatu 95t, plus others inc Indonesia/Australia 1996 Joint Issue Cuscus booklet (4, cat $100 ea). All in pink binder. Then Australia in 4 albums, strength in decimals inc 1971 Christmas sets UN/M (6), plus unaddressed FDC & over 140 other 1970s-80s FDC. AAT 1957-84 Christmas Is 1958-82 & Cocos Is 1963-82 comp MUH collections (retail $400) in Seven Seas hingeless pgs. NZ 1984, 85 & 86 PO Year Albums, plus 2 maroon springback binders with around 80 unused pgs. 11 albums in total. Large carton. (Many 100s)AVAILABLE at A$300

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British Commonwealth: Massive M/sheet accumulation with 75 diff in 4 hanger album inc Australia Local Railway Post (24) with 4 diff inc imperf variations & SPECIMEN opts, plus 1970 Cook BiCent imperf (12, retail $120). Gilbert Is 1978 QEII SJ (18, FV $49). Kiribati 1979 Rowland Hill (20, FV $20). Cook Is/Penrhyn 1978 QEII SJ (40 with 4 diff, FV $170), Norfolk Is 1974 UPU (3, retail $135). Pitcairn (85 mixed FV $170) with 8 diff inc 1978 QEII SJ (12), AUSIPEX 84 (8), 1981 QM 920) London 1980 (9) & 1974 Shells (10). Samoa (200 mixed) with 11 diff (FV Sam $235) inc 1975 'Joyita' (6), 1975 Christmas (7), CAPEX 78 (19), Christmas 78 (33), London 1980 (34), ZEAPEX 80 (43) & 1981QM (20). NZ Cinderella M/Sheets (30) inc 1984 Pigeon Flight (20). PNG (69) with 1975 Independence (50) & 1985 PU Centenary (9). Seychelles London 1980 (15), 1980 Olympics (8) & 1984 Olympics (7) Singapore 1998 Joint Issue (30, FV $117), plus 8 others inc Changi Airport (3). Tristan da Cunha (15) with 4 diff inc 1981 Dodgson (4), Ships Crests (6) & Shipwrecks (5). Tuvalu (80, FV $64) inc 1982 RV (25) opt SPECIMEN, 1996 Year of the Rat (40) & London 1980 (9). Vanuatu (92, FV $144) with 1982 Christmas (6), 1981 Christmas (12), 1983 Communication Year (13) AUSIPEX 64 (13), 1985 Independence (12), 1985 QMCII). AMERIPEX '86 (12) & 1983 Economic Zone (14), plus Solomon Is, Mauritius, Norfolk Is, Malaysia & Nauru. All fresh & clean. Huge Face Val & even higher retail. (800 M/Sheets).AVAILABLE at A$250

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British Empire: 1847-1900 QV selection inc GB 1847-54 QV Embossed range inc 6d (4 with shades), 10d horiz pr & 1/- (2 cut square). India 1895 High vals 2R, 3R & 5R. Madagascar 1895 Runners vals to 2/-. Canada 1897 Maple Leaves set to 10c & 1898 QV set to 20c. Also 1868 Large Queens to 15c, & 1870 Small Queen to 10c. Fiji 1871 CR Monogram 1d & 6d. 1876-77 VR opts to 6d. 1882 QV 5/- Hong Kong 1862-1900 QV vals to 48c inc wmks. 1890s Surch vals to $1 on 96c Straits Settlements 1867 Crown opt India vals to 32c. Tonga from 1886 Kings to 1/-. 1895 King 2½d. Mostly G-VF M/U, very mixed in parts. SG cat £12,750+ = A$25,500+. (110).AVAILABLE at A$700

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British Empire & Commonwealth: 1860-2000s ranges in s/book & on Vario pgs. Needs sorting but noted items inc Barbados 1860-80 Britannia vals to 1/- inc perfs & wmks. Aden 1939 KGVI Pic to 10R. Cyprus 1938 KGVI Pic vals to 90Pi. Pitcairn Is 1940 KGVI Pic set to 2/6. Sierra Leone 1907-10 KEVII vals to 2/-. Singapore 1948-51 KGVI Palm Tree vals to $5. St Vincent 1938 KGVI Pic set to £1. Cayman Is 1938 KGVI Pic set to 10/-. Gold Coast 1938 KGVI Castle set to 10/-. Hong Kong 1862-80s QV selection to 48c, plus selection of 1870s & 80s Surch to $1 on 96c. 1912-37 KGV vals to $5. Also 2014 British Empire SG catalogue 1840-1970. Mostly G-VF M/MUH/U, mixed on parts. SG cat £3100+ = A$6200+. (2000)AVAILABLE at A$350

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British Pacific MUH collection in 4 s/books with Australia 1966-84 (retail $560) inc 1970 ANPEX M/Sheet & 1971 Christmas blk of 25. Duplicate 1966-84 collection MUH (near comp, retail $420) inc Paintings to $10. Extra 1966-73 collection (retail $180), plus various odds to 1980 FV $100, total retail/FV $1260. PNG 1966-82 with over 90 MUH Pic/Commem sets (minor duplication) inc 1966 Butterflies to $2, 1969 Shells & 1972 Panorama (retail $350). AAT 1966-80 MUH collection (retail $80) inc 1966 Defs to $1 Mock Sun. New Zealand 1967-81 MUH collection (retail $300) with 85 Pic/Commem sets inc 1967 Pics to $2 Geyser (both), plus Arms set of 4 to $10.AVAILABLE at A$170

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Carton lot with British Commonwealth accumulation inc AAT with pre-dec Pic sets to 2/3 (2), 1966 Pics to $1 & 1973 PO Pack. Australia 1940s-50s imprint blks (20) inc 1951 Defs to 8½d Aborigine. Aust decimal MUH to early 1980s inc 1973 Fam Australians blks of 4 (12), 1972 Prime Ind (2 sets) & 1971 Christmas blk of 7. Indonesia 1996 Aust-Indonesia Cuscus Joint Issue booklet (4, cat $400). Norfolk Is to 1970s Commems comp sheets of 50 (6 diff) inc 1970 Cook sets. NZ 1965-75 Health M/Sheets (11) MUH, plus 1969 Cook M/S, retail $300. Nevis 1984 $1.20 Tourism set marginal IMPERF blks of 4. Then stamps of All Countries 1980 FDC collection with around 200 diff in 2 brown boxes. Australia 1914-80 & 1985-92 G/VGC Seven Seas hingeless in 2 separate binders (new retail $300). Aust decimal mess in s/book & general World collection in springback album. Egypt 1890s-1970s accumulation (100s) in thick Lighthouse s/book. 1918-30 Palestine collection (110+) in blue binder. Lastly near comp 1952-82 M/MUH PNG collection with 1952 Pics to £1 Fisherman MLH, 1963 Pics to QEII £1, 1964 Birds to 10/- & decimal Pic/Commem sets. 10 albums in total, mixed M/MUH G-FU. (100s)AVAILABLE at A$250

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Carton lot inc The Improved (early 1900s edition) Postage Stamp Album with Asia inc Japanese Revenues, Europe inc France Ceres & Napoleons, GB 1840s onwards, plus some Empire issues. Then another 14 album inc 1977 QEII Silver Jubilee in blue binder, 1981 RW collection in large blue album inc M/Sheets & non crown Agent sets & singles, GB 1890s-1980s collection in red springback album. Blue binder with British Commonwealth Pics/Commems inc AAT 1966 Defs to $1. Australia in 3 s/books inc 1940 imprint blks, plus 1956-2000 Olympics MUH collection in Junge album. Australia 1970s Official PO Pre-Paid PPC (100). 1984 Los Angeles Olympics Official IOC FDC collection in original blue box. British Pacific Is 1930s-70s Used collection in philatelic binder with Fiji to 1975 inc 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee, 1954 Defs to £1 Bugler, QEII 1960s Defs to £1 Arms & 1970s MUH pics & British Solomon Is similar era inc 1940 Defs. 1948 KGVI Silver Wedding set, 1956 QEII to £1 Shield, 1965 Pics to £1 Canoe & 1966 opts to $2. Also NZ 1984-87 PO Year Albums (FV $85). Fifteen albums in total. Large carton. (1000s)AVAILABLE at A$275

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Carton lot with British Commonwealth Pics/Commems inc Antigua 1938 KGVI Defs to 5/-. Cocos Is 1990 Exhibition M/Sheets (2), Falkland Is 1938 KGVI Pics to 2/6 Penguins, Nevis 1984 Tourism $1.20 Pic set of 4 imperf plate number gutter blks of 10 fresh MUH & Virgin Is 1935 KGV SJ set & 1938 KGVI high vals to £1. Indonesia 1996 Joint Issue with Australia Cuscus booklet (4, cat $100 ea), plus much more inc 1997 Diana Memorial Pics with Tokelau $1. Vanuatu 95f & Bahamas 15c (100 of ea) in sheets of 50, all in brown binder. 2nd binder with more MUH British Commonwealth inc M/Sheet (60), PNG 1970s Commem sets (60) in blks of 4 or 10. Samoa 1971-83 Pic/Commem sets (14 diff). 1977 QEII SJ collection with 35 M/Sheets & 25 Pic sets fresh MUH ex New Issue Service, plus 1978 Jubilee M/Sheets set of 21 diff. Australia 1978-81 PO Card Wallets 18c-22c set of 4 packs. West Germany Lighthouse illustrated pgs 1949-74 as new in original boxes (retail $140), plus lightly duplicated collections in European s/book. Asia collection in 2 older style loose leaf albums inc Hong Kong, Siam, Malaysia, India, Ceylon, Japan & Indonesia. New Zealand 1970, 71, 73, 74, 76, 78, 81, 83 PO Year Packs (retail $240), plus 1984 Year Album. Finally Australia 1986-93 decimal VFU/CTO collection (FV $300+) in Seven Seas illustrated album, plus small FDC collection inc AAT Base Cancel covers. Usual variable M/MUH/U.AVAILABLE at A$300

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Carton lot with Australian Territories in Seven Seas album with AAT 1957-83 comp inc 1966 Pics to $1 Mock Sun, Christmas Is to 1979 inc 1958 QEII Defs & 1968 Fish sets. Cocos Is to 1976 comp. Norfolk Is 1966-79 inc 1969 Birds set & 1974 UPU M/Sheet. British Commonwealth collection to mid 1960s with Australia inc 1930s high val Commems, 1937 KGVI to £1 Robes, 1949 Defs to £2 Arms & QEII pre-dec to £1 Bass. Then Canada, GB, Hong Kong, Malaya, NZ, Portugal & USA. Faroes 1990s MUH Pic/Commem accumulation with 1995 Leaf Hopper Beetles (190 sets, SG cat £3000), Tourism pr (50 sets, £230), Europa pr (100 sets, £620), Raven pr (50 sets, £220) & 1995 Rural Life trio (50 sets, £600), all fresh MUH, total SG cat £4670 = A$8900. GB 1971-79 MUH collections inc QEII Machins to £5 blue. Germany Lighthouse illustrated pgs for 1872-1918 Empire & WWII General Govt (retail $80). Australia 1980s FDC accumulation in 2 FDC albums. New Zealand 1790, 73, 74, 75, 77, 83 PO Year Packs (retail $200), plus 1984 PO Year Album. San Marino collection in blue springback album. World general collection in 2 thick loose leaf albums inc Australia 1970s-80s Mint decimals, then Europe, South East Asia, Pacific Islands, USA. Some sl mixed condition, M/U/MUH. Large carton.AVAILABLE at A$300

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Carton lot with British Commonwealth accumulation in 40 hagners inc 1978 QEII SJ set of 21 M/Sheets. Australia inc 1953 Tasmania 150th Anniv sets blks of 20 MUH, 1965 ICY 2/3 cnr blk of 20 & 1971 Christmas 7c blks of 7 & 25. Indonesia 1996 Joint Issue with Australia Cuscus booklet (4, cat $100 ea). Nevis 1984 Tourism $1.20 set of 4, UR cnr IMPERF plate number blks of 4 MUH. New Zealand 1968-74 Health M/Sheets (9), plus 2006 Kiwipex Exhibition set of 4 & 1969 Cook M/Sheet all VF MUH (retail $260). NZ 1953-85 collection in Seven Seas hingeless pgs (retail $350) with decimals near comp MUH inc 1967 Arms set to $10 & 1967, 69, 72-75 Health M/Sheets (retail $275). Germany 1995 PO Year Album, plus Lighthouse illustrated pages for 1945-49 Allied Occup & Saar new, retail $200. Israel 1990s MUH/CTO accumulation in thick Lighthouse s/book with M/Sheets, sheetlets & variety of Pic/Commem sets. GB 1970s FDC collection (66) in black album. USA mixed accumulation inc pre-cancels in maroon binder. Art collection in thick loose leaf album Australia. Norfolk Is 1947-81 collection in hagner album inc 1953 Defs to 5/- brown bridge. 1960 Birds set to 10/-, 1967 Ships sets (5), 1969 Birds, 1986 RW set gutter blks of 10, plus Framas & of Pics/Commems. Some sl mixed condition, generally F-VF MUH/M/U.AVAILABLE at A$300

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Cook Islands: 2018 Rarotonga Birds 20c-$10 set of 12. 60 sets in M/Sheets of 6. FV NZ$46.40 per set, total $2784 = A$2500. SG £3000+ = A$6000.AVAILABLE at A$230

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Cook Islands - Aitutaki: 1972-96 M/U collection in springback album with 170 Pic/Commem sets to 1996 Olympics both M/MUH & CTO inc 1974 Shells to $5 (cat £76), 1978 OHMS opts on Shells to $5 (cat £60), 1981 Birds to $5 Kingfisher (£125), 1983 Surcharge set of 19 to $5.60 (cat £120). 1984 Birds set of 20 to $9.60 (cat £160). 1985 OHMS opt set of 25 to $9.60 (£200). 1989 Moon Landing 20th Anniv (£35). 1992 Pacific Arts set inc Royal Visit opts (£45) & 1994 Flowers set to $5 Hibiscus MUH/CTO (cat £40). Then 60 M & 60 CTO M/Sheet, plus some uncounted extras at the back. Mentioned Pic sets add up to £860 (A$1600) with grand total much higher with a FV NZ$1100 = A$1000. Some light foxing sighted, a mostly fresh & clean collection. (100s)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Croatia: 1943 Portrait set 1k, 2k & 3k50, plus 1944 War Victims 1k & 2k, all sheets of 100. VF fresh MUH. Mi 103-105, z3 & z4 cat €220+ SG 82-84, 138b, 138c cat £200 for M singles, should be at least double, £400, plus premium for full sheets. (5 sheets).AVAILABLE at A$70

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Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 11. British Commonwealth Omnibus collection with 1981 Royal Wedding sets of 3 (22 diff) in gutter blks of 10 in custom-made album (new issue costs around $600), 1964 Churchill Commem collection in 45 hagners with 56 M/Sheets & 65 assorted Commem sets. 1984 AUSIPEX collection in over-filled album with 45 M/Sheets, 38 Pic sets & 14 covers/cards. 1986 Queen Mother MUH collection with 60 Commem sets & 57 M/sheets in KABE illustrated hingeless album. Also Channel Is 1976-97 M/Sheet collection (74) in 35 hagners. Kiribati 1970s-80s accumulation (few 100) inc 1982 Birds to $5 (12 sets), 1984 AUSPEX sets (20), official opt sets inc Bird set (6) to $2 & SPECIMEN opt sets (6 diff). Overall mostly fresh MUH. Huge new issue costs!AVAILABLE at A$325

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Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 18. British Pacific Islands 1970s-90s MUH accumulation in shoebox with Australia 1974 Churchill M/Sheets (30), 1978 QEII SJ M/Sheets (10), Cook Is 1989 Locomotive sets (9, FV $90), 1981 RW M/Sheet pr with opts (8, FV $96) & 1978 QEII SJ M/Sheet trio (5 sets), Niue M/Sheet accumulation (115) inc 1980 ZERAPEX Exhibition (10), 1987 Statue of Liberty pr (9 sets), 1981 QM set of 3 M/Sheets (8 sets), 1978 QEII Coronation (12), plus others, total FV $450). Penrhyn Is 1981 RW M/Sheet set of 6 (8 sets, FV $152), plus another 12 composite M/S (FV $48) & 1987 Statue of Liberty M/Sheet pr (15 sets, FV $100). Pitcairn Is 1980 London 80 M/Sheets (100, FV $140). Samoa 1970s-90s MUH M/Sheets (95) with good variety inc 1997 Hong Kong Exhibition (12). Solomon Is M/Sheet accumulation (300) to 2005 Trafalgar Bi-Cent Celebrations inc 1969 Pacific Games (10), 1992 Guadalcanal 50th Anniv pr (20 sets), SUIPEX 84 (20) & SYDPEX 88 (20). Tuvalu 1980s Thematic sets inc Birds, Fish & 1986 RW, plus M/Sheets (70) inc 1988 Scouts World Jamboree (30, FV $75). Over 850 M/Sheets, plus Pic/Commem sets, all fresh MUH. Huge individual retail, plus high total FV.AVAILABLE at A$275

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Double carton deceased estate. Small literature group inc Postage Stamps of the United Kingdom 1840-1890 (pub 1890). Flags of the World (pub 1917) & Australian Commonwealth Hand (Commem) Postmarks (pub 1986), British Commonwealth Omnibus collection in 2 volumes with 1937 KGVI Coronation sets (44), 1981 RW with 38 Pic sets, plus M/Sheets & booklets, 1980 QM Birthday sheetlets (10). Seven Seas illustrated albums with Australia to 1984 with scattered contents. Cocos Is hingeless album to 1997 in slipcase binder (new retail $700+). South Africa Homelands MUH collection, plus much more inc Australia pre-decimal MUH. 30 albums/books/folders in total, some toning sighted mostly on the cheaper pgs, stamps mostly G-F/VFU. (Quantity)AVAILABLE at A$120

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European collection in 6 large, 1 small album & on pages with Belgium to mid 1970s inc 1870 30c chestnut & 40c rose M, 1893 1F carmine/green M (crease), Railways inc 1895 to 90c U, Newspaper opt selection etc cat c£750. Denmark 1854-2007 inc 1875 to 100o lower value extras, 1925 Airs 15o FU & others, Danish West Indies 1873 3c-10c, 1900 5c, 1907 20B U cat £740, Sweden 1858-1981 inc 1846-91 Posthorns to 1Kr, 1903 5Kr U, many later sets, part sets cat £1100, Hungary 1918-38 selection cat £170, Switzerland Pro Juventute, Pro Patria sets 1960s-70s in blks of 4 MUH mostly some adhering earlier & others FU cat £400. Venezuela 1962 Orchid set & others inc 1976 United Nations FDC collection inc East Europe. F-VF total cat £3000+. (1000s)AVAILABLE at A$250
Europe collection in 3 cover albums & 2 s/books. Inc Austria 1948-84 covers, mixed Commem/FDC (295). Netherlands 1954-85 (11 covers) inc 1955 NATO, Slovakia 1994 covers (22), Pacific Is, some others. Russia collection 1933-89 M/U inc 1951 Power Station set of 5 FU (cat £60), 1970-89 sets & M/Sheets noted (90+). F/VF. (c380 covers, 800+, 90+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$120

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Falkland Islands & Dependencies: 1878-1968 collection on Scott pgs. 1878-79 QV 6d no wmk, & 1884 4d wmk CA. 1891-1902 QV to 1/- 1904-05 KEVII to 1/-. 1929-32 KGV Whale & Penguin to 1/-. 1933 Centenary ½d to 2/6. 1935 Silver bilee set. 1952 KGVI Pic set to £1. 1960 QEII Birds set to £1. Dependencies 1946-49 KGVI Map set to 1/-. 1954 QEII Ship set to £1. 1944-45 KGVI Pic opt sets for Graham Land, South Orkneys, Georgia & Shetlands. Most F-VF M/MUH/U majority (90%) being M/MUH. SG cat £2200+ = A$4400+. (185) (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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Fiji Postal Stationery: Postcards 1895, 1903 Pirogue & 1904 KEVII comp unused, 1895 1d black, 2d green (white & buff stocks) used with messages, 1d+1d violet, 1903 ½d on 1½d, 1904 ½d, ½d+½d & 1d used no message, Lettercard 1895 1½d unused & used (with selvedge stuck) some ageing in unused & a few cnr flts, used are rare. HG 1-10, A1a cat (1984) US$550 approx. (20).AVAILABLE at A$90

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France: Collection to 1990. All very messy inc 1849 Ceres 10c, 20c 4 margins, 1862 Ceres, 1863-70 Napoleon Heads to 80c wiith extras, 1877-90 Peace & Commerce to 1Fr with extras, plus 20c red/yellow-green M, later key type issues, 1925 5Fr Peace & Commerce M, extensive 1930s Pics/Commems with extras noted 1935 Unemployed Intellectuals set, 50c + 2Fr. Post war inc 1947 500Fr Air, 1949, 51, 53 Nat relief sets, 1949 Airs to 300Fr & others M. Also some 1980s sets & booklets MUH & others. Mostly F-VFM, MUH total SG cat £3100 = A$6200+. (1200+)SOLD at A$220

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Germany 1850s-2010 valuable & extensive collection in 22 various s/books & 3 Linder illustrated albums commencing with German States inc Bavaria (130+) 1850s 3k & 6k imperf, 1880 Arms to 80pf, 1911 Luitpold to 2m, range to 1920s inc 1m Official, Saxony (20+) 1850 Arms 3pf (as is & not counted in cat value), 1851 Friedrich to 3ngr, 1855 Johann to 3ngr, 1863 Arms to 3ngr, Prussia 1850s 3gr & 4pf, Oldenberg (5) 1861 imperf to 3g yellow (as is & not counted), Heligoland (10) 1867 to 6sch & 1875 3pf U, range of WWI German Occup issues inc Belgium (70+), 1916 various to 2f50c, Poland (18), Eupen & Malmedy (10), Russia (20+) etc, others inc Danzig (150+), Allenstein various 1920-26 issues inc Official to 10m, Memel (60+), Lithuania (8) etc, Saar 1920-59, Germany inc 1872 to 5g, 1880 to 50pf, 1902 to 5m, extensive range to 1945 inc Inflation issues to 100,000m, 1928 President comp to 80pf, 1932 Hitler M/S etc Bohemia & Moravia (150+), Allied Occup 1945 to 80pf, 1946 to 1m inc apparent 75pf offset, 1949 Buildings to 5DM, Soviet zone 1948 Politicians to 84pf, West Germany7 extensive range 1950s to 200g inc 1970-76 & 1982-86 comp MUH on Linder pgs, East Germany 1950s-90s, Berlin (West) 1949-90 inc 1951 Bell set comp, 1986 Famous Women comp to 500pf (MUH & FU sets cat £360), small range of German colonies. 1998-2004 Deutsche Post first day cds. This is a very extensive collection which has only briefly been summarised & has a lot of potential. Some earlies mixed & albums have toning but largely not affecting stamps. Mostly G-VFU, some VF superb MUH. SG cat £20,000+ = A$40,000+. (10,000 + 50+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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Germany - East: 1949-80 collection in 2 Davo illustrated albums & a loose leaf album inc 1950 Science comp, 1951 Friendship set to 50pf, 1952 Politicians etc comp set to 84pf, 1953 5 Year Plan no imprint comp to 84pf, 1950 Debria M/S, 1953 Marx M/S (2), 1955 Engels M/S, 1957 National Memorials M/S. Quite comprehensive from early inc many comp sets, all diff, also Soviet Occup 1945-48. Some tropicalisation effecting album & a few earlies would definitely benefit from rehousing. Mainly fresh VFU. SG cat £3500+ = A$7000. (3400+, 120+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Great Britain: 1840-1990 collection in loose leaf album with 1840 QV 1d black. 1841 QV imperfs 1d brown & 2d blue (2). 1855 QV 6d lilac. 1862 QV 1/- green. 1870s QV 3d, 5d (2) & 1/- pmk C of Constantinople (cat £360), plus 4d vermilion plate 14 pmk C51 of St Thomas (Danish West Indies, cat £110). 1873 QV 1/- green wmk Spray of Rose FU (SG 150 cat £150). 1880s QV opts 3d/3d & 6d/6d lilac (cat £300). 1883 QV high vals 2/6, 5/- (2, inc Private perfins) & 10/-. 1887 QV Sidefaces to 1/- inc 6d & 9d opt 'Govt Parcels' 1902-10 KEVII set to 10/-. 1934 KGV Seahorse set 2/6, 5/-, 10/- (cat £190). 1939 KGVI set of 6 to £1 brown. 1948 KGVI Silver Wedding £1. Comprehensive QEII pre-dec inc Castles to £1. Wide range of 1970s-80s-90s Pics/Commems. Some mixed condition, many G-F/VFU. High cat value. (Few 100)AVAILABLE at A$350

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Great Britain 1840-early 2000s discordant collection in 2 near new Lighthouse s/books with QV 1840 1d black (SG cat £375). 1841 1d red imperf pmk Numeral 9 in Maltese Cross cancel (SG cat £180). 1880 QV 5d indigo VFU (SG 169 cat £175). 1883 QV 5/- rose. 1887 QV 1/- green opt 'I.R./OFFICIAL' cat £375 with 2021 photo-cert. 1902-12 KEVII 10d (11, cat £825) inc Private Perfins. 1913-18 KGV Seahorses 2/6 VFM. 5/- VFU & 10/- FU (cat £470). 1912 KGV ½d green with underprint M (small thin) with photo-cert, SG PP 251a cat £180. 1924 & 1925 Exhibition prs M (£80). 1948 KGVI SW £1 MUH. 1951 KGVI high vals to £1 brown MUH (cat £100) & Used, Selected MUH decimals (FV £100) inc 1990s Castles to £5, Britannia £10 & QEII Anniv, Pictorials. Mixed G-F/VFU, plus mentioned MUH. SG cat £3300 to 1953, plus £100 FV for decimal MUH, total £3400 = A$6800. (100s)SOLD at A$325

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Hong Kong 1880-1990s collection/accumulation in 2 s/books & loose inc QV 1882 to 10c inc 1891 20c surch KGV to $5 inc 4c & 5c blks of 4 M, KGVI to $1, few China opt, range of MUH blks of 4 1970s-90s (40+), M/S 1984 HK Jockey Club (3), Chinese New Year 87, 89, 90 & 91, various 1980s MUH sheets of 50 inc 1984 40c Lantern, 1989 60c Visit (13 sheets), FDCs 1960s-80s inc 1968 Seacraft, various Chinese New Years inc 1969 Cockerel, 70 Dog, 71 Pig etc (100+), few others inc 1st Flight HK to UK 1946 cover. Few early mixed condition. Some U-FU, mainly VF MUH. SG STC approx £2000 = A$4000. (1000+, 10 M/S, 110 covers).SOLD at A$275

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India: MUH Dealer's stock 1984-2019 on hagners strength in 1999 on, an extensive & attractive array of sets + M/Sheets with extras, good thematic content inc cricket, birds, etc. Largely VF fresh. Marked retail $2000+ (1400+, 390 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$350

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Indonesia: 1997 Minerals M/Sheet of 9, plus label (SG 2312(var) cat £1050), 1996 Rhino M/S of 8 stamps (100), SG 2267a £650, 1996 Sports Week M/S set of 2 with Istanbul 96 opts (SG MS2266, £650), 1998 Anti-Drug sheetlet of 8 Tete-Beche prs (SG 2415a, £1120), 1998 Juvalex & Singpex M/S (100 of ea, £825). 1999 'Australia 99' 5000Rp M/S (100, £350). Fresh MUH in neat bundles of 100. Total SG £4645 = A$8400. Zonnebloem €3560 = A$5900. (800)AVAILABLE at A$170

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Ireland: 1922-84 collection/stock in black s/book with 1922 opts to 2/6, plus lower value extras. 1940-68 Defs inc St Patrick 2/6 (9), 5/- (10), 10/- (3), earlier Commems with many extras inc 1948-65 Airs 5 sets, 1949 6d Tom Davis (9), 1949 3d Insurrection (11), 1949 Recognition 9 sets, also additional 3d (14), 1954 Education 7 sets, plus extra 1/3 (9), 1963 1/3d Red Cross (10). Also Europa sets inc 1964 1/5 (14), 1965 1/5 (13) & others often similar qty to mid 1980s. Some varied condition but mostly F-VFU. SG cat £2500+ = A$5000. (c1800)SOLD at A$250

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Japan 1870-2004 collection on VF illustrated hingeless pgs in 7 albums with s/cases to 1996 & then loose in pkts, range of earlies inc 1872-20s, 1876-92 various to 8s, 1884 Silver Wedding 5s, 1939 National Park M/S, 1975-85 seems fairly comp, 1986-90 about 50% comp, later issues loose in pkts not filed. Opportunity to acquire extensive illustrated Japanese albums. Numerous M/S, many sets, all different. Albums probably retail $700+. Mainly F-VFU, some VF MUH inc M/S. (1000+, 40+ M/S).SOLD at A$300

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Large carton lot with World collection (many 100s) in well filled 1930s Rapkin Move-A-Leaf album inc pre WWII China, India & States, NZ QEII Pics to 10/- blue, PNG 1952 Defs to £1 Fishermen, plus Europe & British Africa. Australia with KGV 1d red collection (300) inc shades & varieties with LM wmk (7) Die II (7) & Die III (2). 1969-75 PO Pack collection (45, retail $450) inc 1969-75 Christmas comp & 1970, 71 selected issues. 1913-65 M/MUH pre-decimal collection (230) inc KGV to 4d, KGVI to 5/- & QEII to 7/6 Cook. 1978-84 FDC collection in thick album & bundle of 100 1978 18c Pictorial cards. GB 1948-83 M/MUH collection (500) inc 80 mixed Pic/Commem sets, plus uncounted Used in another 2 albums. Also box of unsorted Club Circuit Sheets & British Cwlth QEII Jubilee FDC collection in custom made album. Usual sl variable condition, mixed M/MUH/G-F/VFU! (Few 1000)AVAILABLE at A$300
Mixed world collections/accumulation in 4 albums or s/books, plus many loose. Australia Pre-decimal MLH-MUH with some pre-war, also FDCs, PSEs & loose Mess to late 1980s (few 1000). Belgium 1910 to 1960s on leaves (cat £200). Ireland 1929-1975 on leaves inc 1953 Festival, set 1953 Emmet Anniv, 1960 Europa set, plus various others (cat £300). Spain 1850s-1870s selection inc 1851 6r blue U, 1854 6r Blue U (remainder cancel) & 1854 Officials 1L on blue QV. USA 1850s-1970s inc 1851-61 10c U (pen cancel), 1893 Columbians to 10c, 1851-61 30c UN, 1901 Pan-Am set, 1912 Parcel Post $1, plus others (cat £1100), also qty of used off paper, United Nations/Vienna 1979-84 MUH/CTO in blks of 4 many extras, cat £1000. Also few empty albums inc Lighthouse binders, Great Britain 1970-79 in Lindner album mostly empty. Many others F-VF. (5000++)AVAILABLE at A$200

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New Zealand: 1984-97 Year Albums, comp ex 1986, FV $635. Also 1984-90 again ex 1986, FV $185. Total FV NZ$820.AVAILABLE at A$250

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New Zealand: 1980s-2000s High values with Arms $6, $8 & $10 plus $20 (2). VF fresh MUH. FV $584.SOLD at A$230

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New Zealand - Niue: 1930s-2000s collection on 90 hagners in 3 binders, noted 1944 set to 3/-, 1950 set to 3/-, 1984 Flowers to $8.20, 1986 Stampex comp to $4.25, 1992 Birds to $15 & opt OHMS to $15, various comp sets, many M/S. VF fresh & some earlies MLH, decimal issues VF fresh MUH. SG cat £1500. Huge FV of $2200 = A$3000+. Excellent lot, almost all diff. (1000+, 260+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$450

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Norfolk Island: 1967-68 Ships set 1c-$1 in a special presentation packs (8). VF fresh MUH. SG 77-90 cat £84. (8 sets)AVAILABLE at A$30

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Papua New Guinea: 2007 Personalised Stamps in sheets of 20, set of 31 diff sheets with 85t (11 diff), 3K (9 diff), 3.35K (6 diff), 5.35K (5 diff), plus K1 sheets of 12 (2 diff). FV K1920 as single sheets. Wholesale lot of 5 sets, total FV K9600 = A$3840. Fresh MUH.AVAILABLE at A$200

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Papua New Guinea: 2007 Personalised Stamps in sheets of 20, set of 31 diff sheets with 85t (11 diff), 3K (9 diff), 3.35K (6 diff), 5.35K (5 diff), plus K1 sheets of 12 (2 diff). FV K1920 as single sheets. Wholesale lot of 5 sets, total FV K9600 = A$3840. Fresh MUH.AVAILABLE at A$200

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Russia: 1983-90 attractive full sheets or large blks MUH. Thematics inc 1983 Aircraft (34 sets), 1983 Ships (60 sets), 1980 Trees (56), 1981 Flowers (30), 1984 Flowers (60), 1988 Flowers (41), 1985 Plants (36) sets, 1989 Bees (38 sets) & some others inc Dolphins, Space & Zeppelins. Largely VF MUH cat £3150 = A$6300. (3000+)AVAILABLE at A$40

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Samoa: 2015 Express Letter $10, $12.50, $56.25 & $75 set of 4 Butterflies. 100 sets in sheetlets of 4. Fresh MUH. FV Sam$15,375 = A$8440. SG E1-E4 cat £9500 = A$19,000. (25 sheets)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Samoa: 2015 Marine $6.25, $12.50, $45 set of 3 in setenant sheetlets, 60 sets in sheets of 6 sets. VF fresh MUH. FV STS $3840 = A$2400. SG cat £2700 = A$5400. (10 sheetlets)AVAILABLE at A$160

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Samoa: 2015 Marine Life $6.25, $12.50 & $45 set of 3 in se-tenant sheetlets. 60 sets in sheets of 6 sets. VF fresh MUH. FV STS $3840 = A$2400. SG cat £2700 = A$5400. (10 sheetlets)AVAILABLE at A$160

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Shipping carton with Australia 1980-86 FDC collections (140) all with 'Currie King Island' pictorial FDI pmks. Lighthouse 'BOGA1' mint sheet file (3) with misc Australia inc 1970 Grasslands 5c comp sheet, Newspaper Wrappers & Aerogrammes. Tokelau 1948-90 collection in blue springback album with 37 MUH Pic/Commem sets to 1990 Handicrafts (SG cat £70). Christmas Is MUH collection with 38 Pic/Commem sets to 1986 Flowers inc 1958 QEII & 1968 Fish sets to $1 & 1984 Birds to $4. Samoa 1962-86 near comp MUH collection in Seven Seas illustrated/hingeless album with 37 M/Sheet & 98 Pic/Commem sets inc 1962 Independence, 1967 Birds to $5, 1972 Wildlife to $5 Lizard & 1983 Fruit to $5. Also 1996-2015 Pics/Commems (FV $585 = A$330) inc 2015 Marine Life trio FV $63 & 2015 WWF Snake M/Sheet set of 4, 2014 Marine Life set to $25 Shark, 2013 Tequila Festival $30 M/Sheet & 2013 Bird set to $15. Singapore 1880s-1990s collection (300) with QV (23) to 50c, KEVII (34) to $1, KGV (54) to $1, plus 1935 Silver Jubilee set, KGVI (50) to $2 & QEII Def/Pic set to $10 Ships, Insects, Tourism & Trains.AVAILABLE at A$180

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South Africa: 1970-80 accumulation in s/book, values to 5R inc blks, strips etc. Homelands collection in s/book 1970-80 values to 5R, many comp sets, SWA/Namibia inc 1980 Wildlife comp to 2R, Bophuthatswana inc 1984 Industry comp to 2R, Ciskei inc 1981 Birds comp to 2R, Transkei & Venda. Mainly fresh VF MUH. (1000 + 40 M/S)SOLD at A$80

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South Africa: 1850s-2000 ex dealer's stock in 10 s/books & a binder, inc various colonies with Cape of Good Hope 1853-64 Triangles 1d & 6d (2), 1864-84 Hope to 5/-, Natal 1859 QV 3d blue, various to 1902 KGVI to 2/6, others inc Orange Free State, Orange River Colony, Transvaal, Zululand. Also inc Basutoland, Bechuanaland Protectorate, Swaziland KGVI set to 10/-, Nyasaland KGV £1, Rhodesia & South West Africa. South Africa inc 1913 KGV to 10/- inc some inverted wmks, 1½d tete-beche pr, 1929 Air set inc 1/- (8) with various cds, 1926-54 to 10/- various bilingual prs, large number of higher values 2/6 (80+), 5/- (30+), 10/- (30+), range to 1980s inc some Homelands. This is a large accumulation with wmk inverted, perforation varieties, bilingual prs & varieties noted throughout, mainly comp sets. Mostly G-VF U, fresh VF MLH-MUH. SG cat £6500+ = A$13,000. (10,000 + 40 M/S) (P)SOLD at A$400

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South Africa - Cape of Good Hope: 1864-1904 Mint collection inc 1864-77 Hope Seated 4d & 6d (2 shades) crown CC, with outer frame line. 1871-76 Hope Seated ½d, ½d wmk inverted, 1d & 4d, crown CC, no outer frame line. 1874-76 ONE PENNY on 1/-. 1879 THREE PENCE on 4d. 1880 3 on 3d. 1882-83 Hope Seated to 3d, wmk crown CA & 1884-90 to 6d, wmk Anchor. 1891 2½d on 3d. 1892 2½d green. 1893 1d on 2d, variety 'no stop'. 1893-1902 Hope Standing set. 1893-98 Hope Seated set to 5/-, plus ½d blk of 36. 1902-84 KEVII to 1/-. Mostly G-VF M/UN, some mixed. SG cat £3100+ = A$6200+. (80) (P)AVAILABLE at A$425

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Thematic Stamps-on-Stamps collection A-Z in s/books & binders mostly Mint but also inc some covers, Cinderellas etc. Noted Argentina 1979 Stamp Exhibition M/Sheet set of 4 SG 1646/49 (cat £172), Australia 1950s-c2000 sets & M/Sheets inc 1999 Navigators M/Sheet double perf & others FV $50, Belgium 1925 Anniv set M (cat £75), Brazil 1938-93 inc 1938 Exhibition M/Sheet, 1941 Stamp cent & M/S (2 of) 1941 Air, stamp cent M/S MUH & others (cat £240), China & Taiwan 1972-90s sets & M/Sheets (FV £110+), Cuba 1940-2000 inc 1955 Air Exhibition M/S, 1986-91 History MUH etc (cat £250+), France 1949-2000 inc 1949 10Fr Stamp Cent M & Used on Commem Postcard etc (cat £200), French Polynesia 1974-97 inc 1974 100Fr UPU, 1993 Officials set MUH etc (cat £160), Germany West 1949-80s inc 1949 Stamp Cent set MUH & on FDC, 1951 NBA set MUH etc (cat £400+), Hungary 1950-99 inc 1950 PO Museum set MUH, 1951 50th Anniv set, 1962 Stamp Day M/Sheet perf & imperf (2) MUH, 1965 Stamp Day set imperf & M/Sheet perf, imperf MUH, 1976 Italia M/Sheet perf & imperf MUH & others (cat £500), Italy 1951 Tuscany Stamp Cent MUH & Trieste set MUH & others (cat £170+), Japan 1921 50th Anniv set M(cat £360), Korea North & South sets & M/Sheets Mostly MUH (cat £160), Philippines 1954-98 inc 1954 Stamp Cent M/Sheet M, 1977 Espamer Amphilex, 1984 Ausipex, 1998 Exhibition set of 8 M/Sheet MUH etc (cat £200+), M/Sheet, 1943 Cent M/Sheet MUH etc (cat £260), Sweden 1955 Stamp Anniv set of 4 imperf & a range of imperf colour separations etc (30 diff) MUH, Uruguay 1921 Air opt set M (cat £30). These are but a selection of items, there are many other sets & M/Sheets not catalogued. With close to 4000 stamps + approx 1000 sets/issues & 780+ M/Sheets in total. A tremendous array largely VF. (3950+, 780 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$700

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Tristan da Cunha 1966-87 MUH collection/accumulation with over 280 Pic/Commem sets with approx 70 diff inc 1965 ICY, 1966 Garrison, 1977 Birds to £2 Albatross & wide range of 1980s issues inc 1983 Island History plate number blks, 1984 Woollen Industry gutter blks, 1985 Flags cnr imprint blks of 6, 1986 Fauna cnr plate number blks of 4, 1986 Halley's Comet imprint blks of 6, 1987 Insects gutter blks & 1987 Rock hopper Penguins gutter blks. All fresh MUH with useful Thematics sighted inc Birds, British Royalty, Insects, Sharks, Sport, Ships & Scouts. (280+ sets)AVAILABLE at A$180

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Turkey & Middle East: 1865-1990s collection with Turkey 1865-70 Star & Crescent to 5Pi inc printings & Surch. 1876-90 to 5Pi. 1912 Red Crescent Charity Stamps. 1913 range of Pics to 10Pi. Bulgaria 1879 Lion Arms to 1Fr. Eastern Romelia 1884-85 Lion opt Crescent vals to 1Pi. Israel from 1948 Coins to 15p with tabs. British Forces in Egypt 1932 Letter Seal 1pi. Iraq 1991 Occupation opt labels plus Sadam Hussein banknote. Most F-VF M/U. SG cat £1300+ = A$2600+. (155).AVAILABLE at A$200

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Two Carton Lot B inc New Zealand 1984, 85, 86 PO Year Albums (retail $120), 1970s-80s mostly British Commonwealth M/Sheet, gutter blk or sheetlet accum (200) with good Thematics inc Trains, Motor Cars, Philatelic Exhibition, Sport, Trains, Ships, Aircraft & British Royalty inc Tuvalu & Kiribati 1981 RW Trios (9 sets of ea). PNG 1970s-80s accum with over 200 MUH Pic/Commem sets plus odds & framas Australian Postal Stationery accum mostly 1940s/1980s Letter-cards (60) inc very scarce 'Generic' for Norfolk Island. Thematic Horse collection in blue s/book. Australia to mid 1980s in s/book inc Kangaroos to 5/- with Official Perfins sighted. Samoa 1960s-70s-80s MUH accum with 260 Pic/Commem sets plus 65 M/Sheets. Two orange binders with around 60 hagner sheets plus green binder with 140 Thematic M/Sheets inc Bugs, Butterflies, Birds, Dinosaurs, Fish, Flowers & African Wild Animals. Also oversize s/book with Australia inc Kangaroos to 5/-, KGV to 1/4 & Decimal Pics to $20. SG 'KGVI' large leaf album & 1980s Solomon Islands American Cup collection. All in 2 cartons. Mixed M/MUH/G-F/VFU.AVAILABLE at A$320

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Two Carton Lot D with Great Britain 19850, 86 & 92 PO Year Albums & 1980s PO Pack accum (FV £160 = A$310). Australia 1890s-1980s Used accum in 40 hagners. 1970s-1980s Used Dec Pics in Chinese s/book. 1982, 1983 PO Year Albums. 1966-1992 Seven Seas hingeless pages in 3 VGC binders (new retail $250+). 1940s-70s Active Service covers (15) inc Vietnam (3). 1984-94 Frama FDC collection & 1990s & 'Birds/Flowers' Framas specialised collection (100s) inc weak prints & re-constructed strips in 28 hagners. 1980s-90s high value SPECIMEN opts (FV $350) inc blks of 4 to $10 Gardens. British Pacific Island collection with 140 1960s-80s Pic/Commem sets inc Cook Is. Gilbert & Ellice, Kiribati, Solomons, Pitcairn Is, Tonga & Tuvalu. Also 140 M/Sheets inc African Wild Animals, then Birds, Butterflies, Flowers & Fish, plus much more. Mixed M/MUH/F-VFU, all really packed into 2 large cartons. (many 100s)AVAILABLE at A$325

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Varied carton lot with Norfolk Is 1947 Ball Bay sets of 14 to 2/- blue (3), 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge & 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird (2 sets) all VFM, retail $200. 1997 Diana Memorial sheets of 50 with Vanuatu 95c (2) & Tokelau $1 (2), total FV A$180. Channel Is 1980s-90s collection with 40 Pic/Commem sets & 20 M/Sheets. 1977 QEII Silver Jubilee FDC collection in custom made silver binder. British Commonwealth collection in 2 springback albums inc Canada to late 1960s, Malta, Zimbabwe, Sierra Leone, Tonga & Sarawak, plus USA 1880s-1980s in a 3rd album. 1984 Los Angeles Olympics FDC collection in red album. Australia 1993-2000 VGC Seven Seas hingeless album (replacement value $200). 1978 18c PPC & 1980 22c PPC (100 of ea). Finally Australia 1970s PO Pack collection (45, retail $500) inc 1969-75 Christmas comp, plus 1970 & 1971 selected issue packs. Few mixed condition, mostly MUH/M/F-VFU condition.AVAILABLE at A$300

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Variable carton lot. Australia 1950s Commems in large blks or part sheets inc 1954 Cobb & Co set, 1956 Olympics set of 4, 1957 AAT 2/- Map, 1957 Flying Doctor 7d & 1958 Kingsford Smith 8d. All in blks of 40 (retail $360), plus letter rate Commems from 1954 Red Cross to 1958 Broken Hill again in blks of 40, all with reverse spotting. 1970s 18c or 20c PO PPC (approx 150) VF UN. 1980-81 FDC collection in brown album. Australian Territories 1980s-90s Pic/Commem sets CTO in PO glassines as purchased. British Commonwealth mess inc 1997 Diana Memorial sheets of 50 with Vanuatu (2), Tokelau (2) & Bahamas (2), total FV A$200+. Samoa 1971-74 MUH collections, Tuvalu, Fiji, PNG Pic sets. Mixed M/Sheet inc Hong Kong Olympics. NZ 1984-86 PO Year Albums (FV $55). Aust Territories M/U collection to mid 1970s in vintage Seven Seas illustrated album. C-F collection in 45 hagners inc Ceylon, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Egypt, Ireland, Fiji & Finland. USA 1928-32 FFC/Airmail Commem cover collection in 2 volumes. Some foxing or toning seen, still a commendable carton. (many 100s)AVAILABLE at A$300

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World M/sheets modern 2000s stock with Romania CAPEX 96 (200, Mi cat €600), Portugal 2003 Orchids (100, €900), Bosnia-Herzegovina 2006 Europa (200, €2000), Cyprus 2006 Europa (100, €500), Jamaica Europa 2006 (100, €900), Montenegro Europa 2006 imperf (200, €4000) & Map of Europe (250, €5000), Peru Europa 2006 (250, €1750). Total 1400 M/S, Mi cat €14,840 = A$24,600. Also Solomon Is 2006 Europa set of 6 M/sheets (approx 100 of ea) FV $7100 = A$1300, plus Tonga-Niuafu'ou 2012 Butterfly set of 12 to $8.00 both imperf & perf, 20 set in comp sheets. FV T$1860 = A$1200. All fresh MUH, total FV & cat A$27,400. (1400 M/S, plus extras)AVAILABLE at A$250

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WWF Collection 1984-2013 in Seven Custom albums with 52 diff MUH sets, & 208 matching WWF FDC. New cost around $1500.AVAILABLE at A$180

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Cricket. Cigarette & Trade cards inc Arthur Mailey (4 diff), Alan Kippax etc, Scanlens Trade cards inc 1980-81 48 of 84 & 50+extras, 1993 World series comp 110 cards & part set 91/110, 1993 John Ireland Aus Cricketers set of 25, Cricket related retro postcards 50+. Various books/magazines inc Oct 1922 Ed The Cricketer (no cover) 1966/67 Sth Africa v Australia, The World of Kapil Dev various other items. (350).SOLD at A$75

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Collectibles: Price Guides 1984-1985 Lyle Price Guide set of 3 with 'A Fortune in Your Attic', 'Price Guide to Collectibles' & 'Price Guide to Printed Collectible'. Lots of useful info in 1340 pgs.AVAILABLE at A$30

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6d Chestnut opt OS. W/C VF fresh MUH. SG O133 cat £42 for M, should be at least double, £84 MUH. ACSC 23A(OS) cat $125.SOLD at A$40

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4½d Violet perf OS Harrison imprint pr, inc variety 'break in left frame of right stamp'. VF fresh MLH. SG O84(var) cat £650++ as singles. ACSC 118Abzb cat $900 as normals while perf OS cat x11 for singles, so $7400+ for OS imprint pr! Extremely rare & possibly unique combination. 2018 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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1½d Black brown blk of 4. Fresh VF MUH. SG 51(var). ACSC 84A cat $100. (4)AVAILABLE at A$25

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1½d Purple-black wmk inverted. F fresh MUH. SG 51w cat £45. ACSC 84 B a cat $175.SOLD at A$60

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1d Green & 1½d red blks of 4. Fresh VF 2 MLH, 2 MUH (1d green), 1½d 1 MLH, 3 MUH. SG 83 & 84 cat £130. ACSC 79 & 90A cat $235. (8)SOLD at A$50

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1½d Red blk of 4. W/C VF fresh MUH, rounded cnr. SG 84 cat £100. ACSC 90A cat $200. (4)AVAILABLE at A$40

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1½d Deep red with variety 'scratched electro' (17R3). VFU. SG 84(var). ACSC 90 B (17) l cat $110, should be at least double, $220 with scarce shade. Fine 10 SE 24 cds clear of variety.AVAILABLE at A$40

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1½d Deep red with variety 'flaw in right wattles' (18R60). This is an early printing & doesn't show flaw in right value shield & wattle flaw is just developing. F VFU. SG 84(var). ACSC 90 B (18) vaa cat $150, should be at least double, $300 with scarce shade.AVAILABLE at A$50

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1913 Engraved 1d red shades & varieties collection inc 'retouch right frame' (ACSC 59(1)g), 'weak entry & retouch top frame' (59(1) h), 'retouch UR frame' (59(1)i), 'dash under E' (59(2)r), 're-entry right side' (59(4)g) inc 6 CTOs. GU-VFU. SG 17(var). ACSC 59(var) cat $840. (40)AVAILABLE at A$140

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1935 KGV Silver Jubilee set 2d, 3d, 2/-. Fresh MUH. SG 156-58 cat £42 as M, should be at least double, £84 MUH. ACSC cat $120. (3)SOLD at A$50

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1949 UPU 3½d sheet of 84 with perf-pips at left, Authority imprint of LL cnr & ACSC listed variety 'Spot in margin under L of POSTAL' (pos 14/3). Two tone spots at LR cnr, F-VF MUH. ACSC 276 b d z cat $255. (84)AVAILABLE at A$40

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1951 Federation 5½d sheet of 84 with Authority imprint at LL cnr. Fresh MUH. ACSC 828 z cat $172. (84)AVAILABLE at A$40

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1951 Federation 5½d blue, sheet of 84 with full perf-pips at left & Authority imprint at LL cnr. 5 stamps minor bends, VF MUH. ACSC 282 ba z cat $185. (84)AVAILABLE at A$50

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1951 Federation 1/6, sheet of 84 with Authority imprint of LL cnr. Some light tropical spots. ACSC 283 z cat $190. (84)AVAILABLE at A$40

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1951 Federation 1/6, sheet of 84 with perf-pip traces at right & Authority imprint at LL cnr. VF fresh MUH. ACSC 283 z cat $180. (84)AVAILABLE at A$80

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1951 Gold/Vic Govt Centenary 3d pr, sheet of 160 with perf-pips at top & both Authority imprints at base. Around ten stamps with rev spots o/w fresh MUH. ACSC 284/285 ba zb zc cat $375. (160)AVAILABLE at A$50

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1951 Centenary 3d Gold/Victoria Govt se-tenant pr right pane of 80 with Authority imprint LL cnr. VF fresh MUH. ACSC 284-85 zd cat $165.AVAILABLE at A$25

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1951 Gold/Victorian Govt Centenary 3d pr, sheet of 160 with perf-pips at centre base & both Authority imprints. Scattered toning, mainly in the upper cnrs. ACSC 284/285 bb zb cat $350. (160)AVAILABLE at A$40

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1951 Gold & Responsible Government Centenaries 3d setenant pr IMPERF Die PROOF with large margins in its original card holder with CBA Note Printing Branch cachet in violet on reverse. Only 8 made, 7 of which are numbered, 2 of which are now in the Royal collection & Australia Post archival coll'n. This proof numbered 21 was presented to Sir G Chippendall, Director General of the PMG Department. VF fresh as printed. ACSC 284/285DP(1) cat $5000. Extremely rare specialist item. (P)SOLD at A$1900

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1961 Melba 5d blue, sheet of 120 with perf-pips at right. Scattered light toning effecting 8 stamps, F-VF MUH. ACSC 384 ba cat $137. (120)AVAILABLE at A$30

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1961 Melba Centenary 5d near comp sheet of 112 (missing TL cnr blk of 8) with full perf pips at left. Couple of small tone spots, o/w fresh MUH. ACSC 384b cat $238.AVAILABLE at A$25

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2013 Genesis of the Kangaroo & Map $6 sheetlet (no. 306/500) & KGV $6 SES. VF fresh MUH, 1st lwr crease. Limited Editions 184/500 for Melbourne Exhibition.SOLD at A$25
1979 Railways 20c Double Fairlie sheet of 100 (no colour bars). VF fresh MUH. ACSC 844 cat $30.AVAILABLE at A$18

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1982 Commonwealth Games M/S set of 5 Ausipex 84 promotional opts. VF fresh MUH. SG MS863(var). Retail $85. (5).AVAILABLE at A$25

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1982 Commonwealth Games M/S with 2 diff Ausipex 84 promotional opts. VF fresh MUH. SG MS863(var). Retail $35. (2).AVAILABLE at A$10

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1982 Commonwealth Games M/S with 4 diff Ausipex 84 promotional opts. VF fresh MUH. SG MS863(var). Retail $75. (4).AVAILABLE at A$15

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1984 Victoria Sesquicentenary 30c pr in blk of 30, error 'bright rose & black partly omitted from elliptical void area' of the central blk of 4 at base inc 1 stamp MISSING the denomination! (error caused by foreign material on the paper that fell off after printing the black, red, yellow etc so that only the blue was printed). VF MUH, sl gum tones. SG 359a(var). ACSC 1085cb cat $2000+. Rarity as 1 other vertical pr recorded. This very item previously sold for $1700+ in a 2003 Sydney auction. (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1984 Clipper ship 75c 'Sobraon' full imperf printer's sheet of 300 reduced to 43% of actual size -now 300x260mm, plus extra wide margins (total size 440x315mm). VF fresh UN as made.AVAILABLE at A$8

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1984-88 Marine Life 55c error cyan colour totally OMITTED, so missing the inscription Bennett's Nudibranch from top margin. Superb fresh U on maxicard as always, plus normal to compare. SG 930a cat £1500. ACSC 1053c cat $2500 & this very item sold for $2000+ in a 2003 Sydney auction. Very rare, less than 10 recorded. (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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1995 National Trust $1 & $2 deep olive-black PROOFS. VF fresh MUH. SG 1516-17(p). ACSC 1841-2PP(1) cat $600. (2). (P)AVAILABLE at A$190

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1995 National Trust $1 deep olive-black PROOF right marginal blk of 4 - issued in deep red & blue. VF fresh MUH. SG 1516(p). ACSC 1841PP(1) cat $1200+ as singles. (4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$375

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1995 National Trust $2 deep olive-black PROOF right marginal blk of 4 - issued with the cup in blue. VF fresh MUH. SG 1517(p). ACSC 1842PP(1) cat $1200+ as singles. (4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$375

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1996 Children's Book Council 45c set of 4 self adhesive blk of 8 - only issued in strips. VF fresh MUH. SG 1634-37(var). ACSC 1984ca cat $200 & undercatalogued. (P)AVAILABLE at A$90

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2007 Architecture set 50c-$2.45 sheets of 50, the 50c with setenant prs. VF fresh MUH. SG 2843-46. FV $197 alone. (3 sheets).AVAILABLE at A$130

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2010 Trains 55c (2) - $2.10 sheets of 50 ($2.10 in 2 sheets of 25). VF fresh MUH. SG ex 3384-87. FV $159 alone. (4 sheets).AVAILABLE at A$110

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2012 Road Trip IMPERF M/Sheets folder, 1 embellished special printing. VF fresh MUH. SG MS3842(var). Limited Edition 130/500. Retail $95. (2)AVAILABLE at A$35

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2012 Road Trip M/Sheets collection with $2.40 M/S for ea destination & 2 composite value M/S inc one holographic. VF fresh MUH. Only 200 printed with every M/S unique to this folder. SG 3842(var). Original retail $275 & 1st we have offered.AVAILABLE at A$180

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2012 Wilderness set $1.65-$4.50 sheets of 50. VF fresh MUH. SG 3848-50. FV $425 alone. (3 sheets).AVAILABLE at A$300

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1973 Food Chain set 1c-$1 in sheets of 100 (1c large multiples). VF fresh MUH. FV $300+ alone. SG 23-34 cat £845 as singles plus premium for sheets. (1200)AVAILABLE at A$240

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1982 Mawson 27c, 1983 Wildlife 27c, & 1984 Treaty 27c panes of 50. VF fresh MUH. FV alone $40. SG 53, 55-60 cat £60. Retail $80. (3 sheets).AVAILABLE at A$27

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1984 Anniv Expedition set 30c & 85c in sheets of 100. VF fresh MUH. SG 61-62. FV alone $115. (2 sheets).AVAILABLE at A$80

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1984 Magnetic Pole set 30c & 85c panes of 50. VF fresh MUH. FV alone $57. SG 61-2 cat £50. Retail $110. ( 2 panes).AVAILABLE at A$40

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1984-87 Scenes 2c, 5c, 15c, 25c, 30c, 33c & 45c in sheets of 100. VF fresh MUH. SG 63, 64, 66-70 & 72. FV alone $176. (7 sheets).AVAILABLE at A$125

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1984-87 Scenes 75c sheet of 100. VF fresh MUH. SG 74. FV $75.AVAILABLE at A$55

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1984-87 Scenes 85c sheet of 100. VF fresh MUH. SG 75. FV $85.AVAILABLE at A$60

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1984-87 Scenes 90c sheet of 100. VF fresh MUH. SG 76. FV $90.AVAILABLE at A$65

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1984-87 Scenes $1 sheet of 100. VF fresh MUH. SG 77. FV $100.AVAILABLE at A$70

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1989 Nolan Landscapes set 30c-80c in sheets of 100. VF fresh MUH. SG 84-87. FV alone $218. (4 sheets).AVAILABLE at A$150

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Lettercard: 1911-12 KGV Fullface 1d rose on greenish, view 'Mt Lofty Ranges'. Superb fresh UN. ACSC LC10(84A) cat $175. (P)AVAILABLE at A$120

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Lettercard: 1913-14 Kangaroo 1d carmine original die, view Mt Lofty Ranges, variety with stop after Australia- ACSC says has no stop. Superb fresh UN. ACSC L14(84C) cat $150.AVAILABLE at A$60

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Lettercard: 1913-14 Kangaroo 1d deep violet original die, view Mt Lofty Ranges. Superb fresh UN. ACSC L14(84C) cat $150.AVAILABLE at A$90

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Lettercard: 1913-14 Kangaroo 1d bright purple die 2, view Mt Lofty Ranges. Superb fresh UN. ACSC L16(84A) cat $175.AVAILABLE at A$65

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Lettercard: 1924-25 KGV 1½d red on grey stock, view Mt Lofty Ranges, inc cracked plate. UN evenly suntanned, perf separations etc. ACSC LC55(84B) cat $500.AVAILABLE at A$75

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Lettercard: 1962 'Australia's First Automatic PO' opt QEII 5d blue, plus 5d envelope same opt. Superb fresh UN. ACSC LC84c & EP60c cat $300. (2)AVAILABLE at A$65

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Postmarks: Numeral Cancels 842 (RR) on 1d Shield pr. 1093 (4R) on 1897 QV pr. 1244 (4R) VF strike on 1s Shield. 1671 (4R) on 2d 1897 QV 2d. (4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$70

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1841 Folded stampless letter with 'Paid Ship Letter Sydney MA 17 1841' red oval pmk & boxed red 'Maitland Post Paid', reverse with 'Maitland Post Office MA 16' & 'General Post Office MA 17 1841', plus 'Ship Letter' all in black. To London with arrival b/s, 1st page missing but still very interesting contents of letter inc a shepherd killed by black men & arrest of bushrangers.AVAILABLE at A$100

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Registered Official Envelope: 1891 use of Centennial QV 6d red OS in die, pale buff stock, no flap seal. VFU, '1384' barred oval pmk of Hornsby Junction. Scarcer type.AVAILABLE at A$40

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1886-96 QV Postage & Revenue 15/- brownish-yellow, wmk crown narrow SA sideways, perf 10. VFM, original gum. Scott 84a cat US$900. SG 198 cat £850. Rare genuine M. 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1886-96 QV Postage & Revenue 15/- brownish-yellow, perf 10, wmk crown narrow SA sideways. F-VFU/CTO w/o date. Scott 84a cat US$375. SG 198 cat £375. (P)AVAILABLE at A$180

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1886-96 QV Postage & Revenue 15/- brownish-yellow, wmk crown narrow SA upright, perf 11½. Superb U/CTO, part Adelaide cds. Scott 84 cat US$275. SG 198a cat £275. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1904-11 QV Thick Postage 6d blue-green, wmk crown SA, perf OS. VF fresh MLH. SG 284(OS) cat £45+, plus premium for scarce perf OS. ACSC S42bd cat $120.SOLD at A$60

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1904-11 QV Thick Postage 6d green & 9d rosy-lake, wmk crown SA, both perf SA. VF fresh MLH. SG 284 & 286(SA) cat £73+, plus premium for scarce perf SA. ACSC S42bd & S49b(var) cat $300 for normal OS.(2) (P)SOLD at A$120

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Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 1/6 purple NEI 3 Dozen Bottled, smaller size, no wmk. Superb fresh UN as issued. Bft 84. Rare so nice. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1884-96 Stamp Duty 1/- deep blue on blue Postal Fiscal blk of 14, perf 12, error DOUBLE vert perfs in middle. F-VF MUH, 1 stamp thins, some perf separations & bit tropicalised. SG 256a cat £3850 for M singles, should be at least double, £7700 MUH, plus premium for unique mint multiple. (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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1884-96 Crown & Arms Stamp Duty 15/- purple-brown Postal Fiscal, wmk V crown (SG w33) sideways, perf 12½, opt Specimen type 24b in italics. VF fresh M. SG 273(s) cat £1800 as normal & unpriced as Specimen. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1884-96 Arms Stamp Duty £10 mauve, Postal Fiscal, perf 11, wmk 5th 'V crown' upright (SG type 104) from 1900s-50s reissued printings. VF fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. SG 279(var) would cat £18,000 for original printing, while the reissue is still extremely rare in mint condition & especially desirable as perfect MUH. Certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$2000

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1884-1900 Stamp Duty £25 dull blue-green, typographed, wmk V crown (w33) upright, perf 12½. Fresh CTO, Melbourne 11 DE 00 cds, diag tear but superb appearance. SG 289 cat £500. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1901-10 QV Postage ½d blue-green, State II right marginal blk of 30, wmk V/Crown inverted, perf 12x12½. VF fresh MUH, 1 spot on gum. SG 384ba cat £420 for M singles, should be at least double, £840 MUH. ACSC V14ab cat $600 M, so $1200 MUH, plus premium for blk. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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Literature: The Barred Numerals of Victoria (1856-1912) by Freeman, 2nd Ed, pub 2018. 484pgs with all known cancels illustrated in full colour & rarity ratings C to RRRRR for the extremely rare (1-3 recorded) examples, plus listings for the Duplex Cancels, again with rarity ratings, up to 5R for comp strikes. The definitive work on this subject. New in shrink wrap.AVAILABLE at A$150

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Stamp Duty: 1902-20s Numeral 3d black imperf plate proof full sheet of 80. F-VF UN as made, sl tropicalized. Bft 84(p). Possibly UNIQUE as a sheet. (80) (P)AVAILABLE at A$180

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1902-11 QV 2/- brownish-red on yellow, wmk V crown upright, perf 11. VF fresh M. Scott 84d cat US$325. SG 134 cat £300. ACSC W62A cat $500. (P)AVAILABLE at A$120

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1902-11 QV 2/- bright red on yellow, perf 11. F-VF fresh MLH. Scott 84d cat US$325, ACSC W60 cat $400, SG 134 cat £300. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1902-11 QV 2/- bright red on yellow, perf 11. VF fresh MLH. ACSC W62 cat $500, Scott 84d cat US$325. SG 134 cat £300. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1984 Dos Santos set, 16 (Kz) & 55(Kz), bottom marginal blks of 10, with sheet number & imprint. VF fresh MUH. Mi A700, B700 cat €500 as singles, plus premium for imprint blks. (2 blks of 10).AVAILABLE at A$65

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1934-36 Costumes 2S grey-green blk of 4. VF fresh MUH. SG 734 cat £300 for M, should be at least double, £600 MUH. Mi 584 cat €600. (4)AVAILABLE at A$80

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Postal History: 1840s-1913 usages inc stampless folded letter wrappers 1845, 1847 & similar, various h/s inc 2-line 'Buczacz 4 Apr', 'Sandec 29 Nove', 'Nadworna 12 Nov', & ornate 'Reccomundirt Lemberg.' 1857 Letter Wrapper franked Arms 9k blue tied Stanislav cds. 1888 Reg franked Arms 10k blue(2) - front & back tied 'Sadagora cds, & Teschen' cds. Court Documents franked Court Delivery stamps 'set' of diff values 1898 17½Kr, 1904 34h, & 1916 10h (these 3 alone Mi cat €215), plus PPC used Fieldpost & 1913 Parcel Card Bohemia-Galicia with 'Fishconserve' & Postage Due 4k, tied 'Chorostkow' cds. All usages from towns in eastern Galicia which was afterwards in Poland & now in Ukraine. (10).AVAILABLE at A$180

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1884-90 QV £1 Venetian-red. F-VF fresh MLH. Scott 32 cat US$350. SG 57 cat £275. (P)SOLD at A$150

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Bahamas: 1859-1954 Mint collection in hingeless album inc 1859-60 QV Chalon 1d horiz pr imperf. 1861-80 QV Chalon range inc shades, wmks & perfs 1883 Surch FOURPENCE on 6d. 1884-90 QV vals to £1. 1901 Queen's Staircase set to 3/-. 1902 KEVII set to £1 plus 1906 wmk mult crown set to 6d. 1911-19 Queen's Staircase set to 3/-. 1912-19 KGV vals to £1 (both shades). 1918-20 WAR TAX opts appear comp. 1920 Victory set to 1/-. 1921-29 Queen's Staircase set to 3/-. 1929-32 KGV to 5/-. 1929 Tercent set to 3/- 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938-52 KGVI to £1. 1942 450th Anniv opt set to £1. 1948 Tercent set to £1. 1948 Silver Wedding set. Most F-VF M/MUH. SG cat £3200+ = A$6400+. Nice collection. (185). (P)AVAILABLE at A$900

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Bahamas: 1863-1980 collection in Vario binder with slipcase inc 1863 1d, 4d, 6d & 1/-, 1884 QV 5/- & £1, 1902 KEVII set to £1, 1911 Staircase to 3/-, 1912 KGV set to £1, 1938 KGVI to £1, 1942 Columbus set to £1, 1948 KGVI set to £1, 1954 QEII set to £1 (2 sets), 1964 New Constitution, 1965 QEII set to £1, 1967 Decimal Currency set to $3. Then virtually comp to 1980s inc M/S. Many comp sets. Mainly F-VF MLH/MUH inc some FU, tropicalisation in parts. SG cat £3000+ = A$6000+. (600 + 50 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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Bahamas: 1859-1971 Mint collection on Minkus pages. 1859-60 QV Chalon 1d imperf. 1861-82 QV Chalon range of shades, wmks & perfs. 1883 Surch FOUR PENCE on 6d. 1884-90 QV set to £1. 1901-03 Queen's Staircase set to 3/-. 1902-07 KEVII set to £1 plus set to 6d wmk mult crown. 1911-19 Queen's Staircase set to 3/-. 1912-19 KGV set to £1. War Tax issues appear comp. 1920 Victory set to 1/-. 1921-37 KGV set to £1. 1921-29 Queen's Staircase set to 3/-. 1929 Tercent set to 3/-. 1938-52 KGVI set to £1. 1942 Columbus 450th Anniv opt set to £1. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1948 Tercent set to £1. 1954-63 QEII Pic set to £1. 1964 New Constitution opt set to £1. 1964-65 QEII Pic set to £1. 1966 decimal Surch set to $3. 1967 QEII decimal Pic set to $3. Mostly F-VF M/MUH. SG cat £3900+ = A$7800+. Nice collection. (350) (P)SOLD at A$1000

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British West Indies: 1862-1970s collection in binder with Antigua 1863-87 QV to 6d inc wmk & shades. 1953-62 QEII Pic set to $4.80. Barbuda 1922 opt KGV set to 5/- (SG cat £150). St Kitts Nevis 1938-50 KGVI Pic set to £1. Virgin Is 1849 St Ursula set to 5/- (£150). 1913-19 KGV set to 5/-. 1922-28 KGV Badge to 5/-. 1938-47 KGVI Badge set to £1. 1952 KGVI Pic set to $4.80. 1956-62 QEII Pic set to $4.80. St Vincent 1938-47 KGVI Pic to £1. St Lucia 1936 KGV Pic set to 10/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. Most G-VF M/MUH/U, some parts with tropicalised gum/gum spots. SG cat £2200+ = A$4400+. (1090) (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1913-21 KGV $5 purple & black on red. VF fresh MLH. Scott 84 cat US$290. SG 110 cat £275. (P)AVAILABLE at A$170

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Bulgaria 1879-1939 collection in loose leaf album inc 1879 to 50c, 1881 to 30c, 1884 Postage Due to 50St, 1884 Surcharges inc 5St on 30St, 1880s-1900s range inc Commems, 1931 Balkan Olympics set to 50L, 1932 Air to 28L, 1937 M/S, strong in early period, many sets all difference, high cat. Mainly GU-VFU, some F-VF MLH, pages are aged, a few stamps effected. SG cat £5000+ = A$10,000+. (300+)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1928-29 Bluenose Fishing Schooner 50c blue. VF fresh M. SG 284 cat £180. Unitrade 158 cat C$350. (P)AVAILABLE at A$120

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1932 Centenary set ¼d to 10/-. VF M/MLH. SG 84-95 cat £500. (12) (P)SOLD at A$220

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1932 Centenary set ¼d to 10/-, perf SPECIMEN diag. F-VF M/MLH. SG 84-95s cat £600. (12) (P)AVAILABLE at A$275

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1880-1905 Telegraph stamps collection inc 1880 CEYLON opt India QV Telegraphs to 2R89. 1881-02 QV to 50R. 1882-84 Surch to 5R/50R inc strong coverage of types inc '40 cents' on 2R50 (SG cat £110) & 5R/50R (£250) types. 1892-1903 typeset to 80c, plus dates. 1903-04 KEVII to 50R wmk CA crown, & 1905 to 25R wmk mult crown. Most F-VFU. SG cat £1470+ & under-catalogued as many of the QV opts & surch are almost never seen despite their low cat vals. Very comprehensive collection. (148). (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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Germany: 1932 Zeppelin 7th Sth America flight PPC franked Hindenburg 6pf tied by 'Deutsche Marine Schifspost N28 29 9 32' cds of the Cruiser 'Karlsuhe' with Condor-Zeppelin cachet & returned to Kiel Germany. Sieger 184B cat €2000. Extremely rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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1912-15 KGV set 10pa-45Pi, wmk mult crown. VF fresh MLH. SG 74-84 cat £275. (11). (P)AVAILABLE at A$180

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1885 use of 1884 GB QV 5d green with 'British Army PO Egypt MY 21 85' cds. SG ZA9 cat £500. Rare usage from Suakin during Gordon Relief expedition. (P)AVAILABLE at A$180

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1847 Folded letter wrapper endorsed 'Werro 14 Oct 1847', reverse with boxed Cyrillic h/s 'BEPPO 14 OKT 1847' = Werro. To Pernau with bilingual arrival cds. VF. Purchased by vendor in 1990s for DM190 = A$160.AVAILABLE at A$60

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1849-1990 extensive collection in 5 Lighthouse s/books inc 1849 Ceres to 40c, 1853 to 80c, 1862 to 80c, 1863-70 to 80c, 1869 5Fr, 1871 to 80c, 1876-85 Peace & Commerce to 5Fr, 1923 Bordeaux Philatelic 1Fr (cat £650), 1925 Paris Philatelic set, 1926 War Orphans set, 1927 Air Marseilles set (cat £600), 1928 Sinking Fund, 1931 Sinking Fund, 1936 Air set to 3F50, 1936 Air set M & U (cat £680), 1947 UPU set 1949 Air set, 1957 & 57 Air sets, various National Relief Funds inc 1954 & 55, range of Postage Dues, booklets range inc 1952 Red Cross (XSB2 cat £600). Also 1952-3 booklets XSB3 & B4 (cat £425). Extensive range from 1900s, many sets. Also inc Davo France illustrated album with pages 1849-1996. Earlies mostly U, some variable condition & mixed margins, later mostly F-VF MLH/MUH & F-VFU. SG cat £20,000+ = A$40,000. (5000 + 40+ booklets) (P)AVAILABLE at A$2500

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1930 Sinking Fund 1F50+3F50 reddish-purple, LL cnr marginal blk of 4 with '18.1.30' printing date imprint. VF fresh M/3MUH. Yv 256 cat €580+. SG 480 cat £480 for M single, MUH should be at least double, £840, plus premium for blk. (P)SOLD at A$210

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1944 Marianne de Fernez 2Fr & 50Fr black-brown unissued values in gutter pr. VF MUH. SG 843-7(var), Maury 648B & C cat €310+ as singles, plus large premium for gutter pr, so est €600+. Extremely rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1944 Marianne de Fernez 2Fr & 50Fr grey unissued values in gutter pr. VF MUH. SG 843-7(var), Maury 648B & C cat €310+ as singles, large premium for gutter pr, so est €600+. Extremely rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1944 Marianne de Fernez 2Fr & 50Fr red-brown unissued values in gutter pr. VF MUH. SG 843-7(var), Maury 648B & C cat €310+ as singles, plus large premium for gutter pr, so est €600+. Extremely rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1944 Marianne de Fernez 2Fr & 50Fr violet unissued values in gutter pr. VF MUH. SG 843-7(var), Maury 648B & C cat €310+ as singles, plus large premium for gutter pr, so est €600+. Extremely rare (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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Antarctic: 1984 Anniv of Manned Flight set 3Fr50 & 7Fr80 sheetlet of 10 with illustrated gutter. VF fresh MUH. SG 190-91 cat £40.AVAILABLE at A$10

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New Caledonia: 1953 Centenary set 1Fr50-13Fr, IMPERF horiz prs. VF fresh MUH. SG 331-4(var), Maury 284-7 cat €350. (4 prs). (P)AVAILABLE at A$70

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Syria: 1930 PPC franked 1925 Bridge 3Pi tied by 'Damas 18 AP 30' cds. SG 184. Interesting use of old Ottoman period PPC.AVAILABLE at A$30

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Syria: 1947 cover franked opt Fiscals 25Pi brown & 5Pi blue, tied by 'Alep 24 2 46' cds. SG 410 & T424 cat £33. Yv 284 & 296a cat €108 - both as loose stamps alone.AVAILABLE at A$50

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Syria: 1947 cover franked opt Fiscals 25Pi brown & 5Pi blue, tied by 'Alep 2 6 46' cds. To Paris. SG 410 & T422 cat £46. Yv 284 & 295 cat €83 - both as loose stamps alone.AVAILABLE at A$50

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1916-21 Germania booklet se-tenants inc from booklet pane sheets. 2½pf - 60pf prs or strips inc some 2½pf & 7½pf from coils. Better seen inc 7½ orange + 5pf green (Mi W6 cat €180), 15pf black-violet + 5pf green (W9, €300), 7½pf orange + 15pf yellow-brown (W10aa, €300), 7½pf reddish-orange + 15pf grey-violet (W11ba, €230), 7½pf orange & yellow-brown vert pr (57aa, €300), 7½pf orange + 15pf black-violet (58bb, €170) & many more. Mostly VF M/MUH, some toned perfs etc. Mi cat €1846. (59) (P)SOLD at A$250

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1925 Rhineland set 5pf-20pf being 'specimen' stamps from UPU distribution, with local 'SPECIMEN' h/s (type BEC2a) applied by receiving postal authority. VF UN as were affixed to archive pgs. SG 384-6(s), Mi 372-4(s). Unique stamps from Bechuanaland Postal Archive UPU specimen collection. 2019 Ceremuga photo cert. (3). (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1930-32 Charity booklet se-tenants inc 1930 8pf & 15pf 6 diff vertical prs or trios & 2 horiz. 1931 both panes, 1 separated, plus vertical combinations (7) & horiz (2). 1932 both panes, plus horiz (4) & vert (4), plus blks (4) cat as appropriate prs. VF fresh M/MUH. Mi 576-80, S84, W37-8, HB1 70B & 71A, S88-92, S94 & 96, W40, HB1 72B & 73B, S100-W44 cat €1560. (33 combinations)SOLD at A$220

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1932-33 Hindenburg Birthday set 4pf-50pf being 'specimen' stamps from UPU distribution, with local 'SPECIMEN' h/s (type BEC2a) applied by receiving postal authority. Mostly VF UN some affixed to piece ex archive pgs. SG 478-84(s), Mi 467-73(s). Unique stamps from Bechuanaland Postal Archive UPU specimen collection. 2019 Ceremuga photo cert. (7). (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1937 Airmail cover (edge flts etc) franked 1934 Air Eagle 10pf & 50pf, plus 2Mk Lilienthal & 3Mk Zeppelin (all vertical ribbed gum/paper, ex 3Mk rare horiz ribbed gum/paper), tied by 'Hagen (Westf) 7 1 37' cds, to Singapore by KLM via Holland. SG 526, 532, 535, 536a cat £784, Mi 530x, 535x, 538x & 539y cat €627 -both as loose stamps. The rare 3Mk gum/paper variety alone on cover cat €1000. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Germany Colonies & POs: 1884-1919 Lighthouse hingeless illustrated album with 42 pages & slipcase. As new. Retail $300.SOLD at A$150

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Turkey POs 1884-1908 Mint collection with 1884 opts (4, SG cat £555) inc 1¼/25pf & 1½/50pf, 1889 opts (£215), plus 2½pi/50pf better 'dunkelrosarot' shade - Mi cat x10 of cheapest shade - so est £500+ (Steuer photo cert). 1900 opt Germania set to 25Pi/5Mk (£500), 1902 diff font 'A' set of 5 (£840), 1905 opt Germania set with wmk (£650) & with wmk set ex 10p & 20p cheapies (£325) & finally 1908 French currency set to 100c/80pf (£140). Mostly F-VF M/MLH. SG cat £3500. (59). (P)AVAILABLE at A$850

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Postal Stationery: 1939 Deutsches Reich opt Arms Postcard set 5/5pf & 6/10pf on Danzig Arms. Superb UN. Mi P283-84 (Germany).AVAILABLE at A$60

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1922 Pictorials 3c-5Fr colour trial plate PROOFS inc values in 2 colours, 15c with pink centre shifted & bicolours (11) -some close to issued colours. SG ex 84-97PI est cat €2000. Attractive & rare group. (22). (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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Channel Islands - Jersey: 1940 German Occupation Arms of Jersey 'Etats de Jersey' 1d scarlet design prepared by Bigwoods, both normal stamp & also with 'swastika / 1940' opt. These stamps were prepared by the Bigwoods printery but due to objections from Bailiff of Jersey & consultations with Berlin, they were never issued. Superb fresh MUH, pristine original gum & both matching LL cnr marginal. SG JW19 & 20 cat £6000++, & under catalogued (non-cnr examples in our auction 295 sold for $5800+). Only 2 sheets of 30 recorded of each, & of those many were creased etc, only tiny number of perfect MUH examples such as these existing. Major rarity of significant historical importance. Copies of 1984 Mohle BPP photo certs for blks, plus 2013 Ceremuga photo certs. (P)AVAILABLE at A$6000

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Croatia: 1943 Portrait set 1k, 2k & 3k50, sheets of 100. VF fresh MUH. Mi 103-105 cat €160. SG 82-84 cat £160 for M singles, should be at least double, £320, plus premium for full sheets. (3 sheets).AVAILABLE at A$60

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Croatia: 1942 National Relief Fund set 3+1K - 5+5K 4K cnr marginal blks of 4, 4K variety 'fire at base' (pos 4). Also set in blks of 4, 4K variety 'account on A' (pos 7), plus set in blks of 4, 4k varieties 'cross on D' (pos 11) & '1 for K' (pos 16). VF fresh MUH. SG 64-66(var). Mi 83-85 inc 84I, 84II, 84III & 84 IV cat €220+. (9 items).AVAILABLE at A$70

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Croatia: 1943 Famous Croats set 1K-3K50 of IMPERF PROOFS, ea in 4 diff shades of the issued colours, plus the issued perf set. VF fresh MUH. SG 82-84(p), Mi 103-05 UP cat €630+. Rare & attractive. (15) (P)AVAILABLE at A$180

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Laibach (Slovenia): 1944 Registered Express cover franked opts 5c-1L25, 2L55/5c, Airmails 25c & 75c, Express 1L25, tied by 'Laibach 15 IX 44' cds, with reg, Express & Airmail labels, plus censor tape & cachets. SG 65-75, 79, 84, 86 & E92 cat £319++, Mi 1-11, 14, 20, 21 & 23 cat €234++ -both as loose stamps. (P)AVAILABLE at A$180

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Laibach (Slovenia): 1944 Registered Express cover franked opt 30c, 35c, 1L25 & Airmail 25c, plus Italy (4) inc Hitler & Mussolini 10c & 20c tied by 'Laibach 15 VII 44 cds, with special h/s on both sides. SG 70, 71, 75 & 84 cat £94+. Mi 6,7,11 & 21 cat €79+ as loose stamps alone! Very unusual & attractive. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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Laibach (Slovenia): 1944 Airmail set 25c-10L & Air Express 2L, plus Red Cross opt set 1.25L & 2.50L, tied to Registered Express Air cover by 'Laibach 12 IV 44' cds, plus special cachets & b/s. SG 84-E91 & 102-3 cat £2843 as loose stamps, Mi 21-30 cat €3200 for sets on cover. 1997 Raybaudi photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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Montenegro: 1943 'Deutsche Militar-Verwaltung Montenegro' opt Yugoslav set 0.50L/3D - 20L/4D, tied to 4-line opt Postal Card 1L/4D by 'Bernan 19.XI.43 cds. SG 76-84 cat £1400+ as loose stamps alone. Mi 1-9 cat €580 for CTO stamps with this cancel or €1500 for set on cover, plus card Mi P1 unpriced used. Sass 1-9 cat €3300 as set on cover, plus card Interitalia P4 cat €800 for card = €4100. Rare & attractive. (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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Poland-General Govt: 1939-45 Collection Used comp inc 1939 opt Hindenburg set to 2z. 1940 Eagle & Swastika opt set to 3z inc 50g both types. 1940-41 Views set. 1941-44 Hitler set to 1.60z. 1944 5th Anniv 10z. 1940 Official set large to 5z & small to 50g. 1941 Radio 'U' & 'A' set of 2. VFU. Mi cat €484. SG cat £570+. (168).AVAILABLE at A$150

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1876-84 QV 2d green, wmk crown CC. VFM, tiny thin. Scott 6 cat US$150, SG 6 cat £160.AVAILABLE at A$30

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1876-84 QV 6d orange, wmk crown CC, perf 14. VF fresh MLH. Scott 8 cat US$325, SG 8 cat £375. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1884-91 QV set ½d to 2/- wmk crown CA, plus ½d & 1d listed shades. VF fresh M/MLH. SG 11-19 cat £194. (11). (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1884-91 QV set ½d to 2/-, wmk crown CA, plus ½d, 1d, 3d, 4d, 6d, 1/- & 2/- listed shades. Mostly VF M/MLH. SG 11-19, plus 15a-19a cat £451. (16) (P)AVAILABLE at A$275

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1884-91 QV 2d grey. VF fresh MLH. Scott 14 cat US$50, SG 13 cat £55.AVAILABLE at A$25

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1884-91 QV 3d olive, wmk crown CA. VF fresh MLH. Scott 16 cat US$28, SG 15a cat £29.AVAILABLE at A$10

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1913-21 KGV 20/- purple & black on red. Superb fresh MLH. Scott 80 cat US$175, SG 84 cat £180. (P)SOLD at A$120

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1913-21 KGV 20/- purple & black on red. VF fresh M. Scott 80 cat US$175, SG 84 cat £180. (P)AVAILABLE at A$120

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1935 KGV Jubilee 1d ultramarine & grey-black, LL cnr marginal blk of 4, UL stamp 'extra flagstaff' variety. VF fresh MUH. SG 113/113a cat £142 for M singles, should be at least double, £184 MUH, plus premium for blk.SOLD at A$30

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1840 QV 1d black, Plate 1B, letters KK. VFU, 4 margins, red Maltese Cross pmk. SG Spec AS4. SG 2PL18 cat £425. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1840 QV 1d black, plate 1b, letters PE. Superb fresh UN with 4 large margins. Scott 1 cat US$14,250, SG Spec AS5, SG 2-PL1b cat £12,500. Rare genuine unused in excellent quality. Certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$2500

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1840 QV 1d black, Plate 2, letters CA. VFU, 4 margins, red Maltese Cross pmk. SG Spec AS13. SG 2PL2 cat £425. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1840 QV 1d black, Plate 5, letters FE. VFU, 4 margins, red Maltese Cross pmk. SG Spec AS24. SG 2PL5 cat £425. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1840 QV 1d black, Plate 6, letters TG. VFU, 4 margins, red Maltese Cross pmk. SG Spec AS41. SG 2PL6 cat £425. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1840 QV 1d black, Plate 6, letters ID. VFU, 4 margins, red Maltese Cross pmk. SG Spec AS41. SG 2PL6 cat £425. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1840 QV 1d black, Plate 6, letters LA. VFU, 4 margins, red Maltese Cross pmk. SG Spec AS41. SG 2PL6 cat £425. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1840 QV 1d black, plate 7, horiz pr, letters KH-KI. VFU, 4 margins with red Maltese Cross cancels. SG Spec AS 4g cat £1800. (P)AVAILABLE at A$575

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1840 QV 1d black, plate 7, letters LL. Superb fresh MLH with nice original gum, 4 large margins. Scott 1 cat US$15,500, SG Spec AS46, SG 2-PL7 cat £13,500. Very rare in genuine mint condition, original gum. Certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$5000

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1840 QV 1d black, plate 10, letters RE, variety 'P converted to R'. VF fresh UN, tiny scuff UL cnr, 4 large margins. Scott 1 cat US$31,500 for this plate. SG Spec AS66c cat £30,000. SG 1-PL10 cat £27,500+. Rare genuine unused example of this plate & desirable with positional variety. Certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$2700

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1840 QV 1d black, plate 10, letters BJ, with variety 'w/o 'O' flaw (original state)'. VFU, 4 margins, black Maltese Cross cancel. SG Spec AS66a. SG 2 PL10 cat £1100+. (P)SOLD at A$475

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1840 QV 2d blue to pale blue, no lines, plate 1, letters BK. Superb fresh UN, 4 large margins, nice colour. SG Spec DS5/DS6 cat £38,000/£45,000, SG 5-PL1 cat £38,000. Very rare in such nice genuine unused condition & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$7000

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1840 QV 2d blue to bright blue, no lines, plate 1, letters AF. VF fresh UN, 4 margins, beautiful bright colour. SG Spec DS5/DS6A cat £38,000/£45,000, SG 5-PL1 cat £38,000. Very rare in genuine unused condition & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$5000

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1840 QV 2d deep bright blue, no lines, plate 1, letters TB. F-VF fresh UN, tiny cut in bottom margin, 3 margins, beautiful deep colour. SG Spec DS6A, Scott 2 cat US$43,500, SG 4-PL1 cat £45,000. Very rare in genuine unused condition. 2011 RPSL photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$3700

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1840 QV 2d deep blue, no lines, plate 1, letters PG. VFM, insignificant trace of horiz crease, 4 large margins, nice original gum & beautiful deep colour. Scott 2 cat US$43,500, SG Spec D55, SG 5-PL1 cat £38,000. Major rarity in genuine mint original gum condition & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$5750

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1840 QV 2d bright pale blue, plate 1, no lines, letters IF, on large folded letter dated JA 29 1841, tied by red Maltese Cross pmk, b/s Lauder JA 29 1841, & JA 30 1841 cds. VF, stamp 4 margins. SG Sec DS6A. SG 6 - pl1 cat £3000. (P)AVAILABLE at A$625

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1841 QV 1d red, imperf all with numbered Maltese Cross pmks inc 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 12. Mostly G-VF U, 2-4 margins. SG Spec B1u. SG 8m cat £1755+. (8) (P)AVAILABLE at A$170

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1841 QV 2d blue white lines, letters TK, Plate 4. Fresh UN, 2½+ margins. Scott 4 cat US$6000, SG Spec ES14, SG 14 cat £5000. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1841 QV 2d blue, with lines, imperf, letters HG. F-VF U, almost 4 margins, black Maltese Cross pmk with number 6. SG Spec EI VF. SG 14F-6 cat £700. (P)SOLD at A$65

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1841 QV 2d violet-blue white lines, letters SA, Plate 4, variety strong 'ivory head', paper with sl sign of lavender tint. VF fresh UN, 4 margins (3 large & 1 close but clear at left). SG Spec ES17 cat £9,000 for this shade/paper combination. SG 14/15aa cat £5000 as cheapest blue shade & cat £22,000 for violet-blue on strongly lavender tinted paper. Significant rarity. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1000

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1847-54 QV Embossed 1/- pale green, Die I, 2 silk threads 5mm apart. VFU, cut square, 4 margins, barred oval pmk. Scott 5 cat US$1000. SG 54i cat £1000. (P)AVAILABLE at A$170

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1847-54 QV Embossed 1/- pale green, tied by barred oval '42' pmk on cover to USA with b/s '1858 23 AP' & 'Boston May 6' red cds. VFU cut square with 4 margins. SG 54 cat £1900 for on cover. (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1847-54 QV Embossed 1/- deep green, Die II. VFU, cut square with 4 margins, barred oval '97' pmk. Scott 5a cat US$1000. SG 56ii cat £1200. Unusually nice. (P)AVAILABLE at A$275

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1847-54 QV Embossed 10d brown, Die III, 2 silk threads at right. VF U, cut square with 4 margins. Scott 6 cat US$1500. SG 57iii cat £1500. Very scarce with 4 margins as printed very close & often touching. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1883-84 QV 2/6 lilac, blued paper, letters. VFU, 'London FE 8 84' cds. Scott 96a cat US$1750. SG 175 cat £1500. RPSL photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$375

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1883-84 QV 2/6 lilac, letters FJ-JF on white paper. VFU, red cds, sl imperfections. Scott 96 cat US$185, SG Spec K10, SG 178 cat £240 inc SG specified +50% premium for lightly used.AVAILABLE at A$25

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1883-84 QV 2/6 deep lilac, letters AM-MA, white paper. VF fresh MUH with nice never hinged original gum. SG Spec K10(2). SG 179 cat £825 for M, should be at least double, £1650 MUH. (P)AVAILABLE at A$525

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1883-84 QV 10/- pale ultramarine on white paper. Superb fresh MLH. Scott 109 cat US$2625, SG Spec K14(3), SG 183a cat £2500. Scarce in such nice quality. (P)AVAILABLE at A$900

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1883-84 QV 6d dull green, letters RB-BR. VF fresh M, nice original colour. SG Spec K24. SG 194 cat £625. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1884-88 'I.R. OFFICIAL' opt QV 10/- ultramarine. VF fresh M. Scott O9 cat US$11,500, SG Spec L8(4). SG O10 cat £11,500 but opt is forged (genuine basic stamp alone cat £2200). Attractive. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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1884-88 I.R. OFFICIAL opt QV 10/- ultramarine on white paper. Superb U with Manchester cds. Scott O9 cat US$3600, SG O10 cat £3750+. Beautiful stamp & extremely rare as such a nice genuine example. 1984 BPA & 2012 RPSL photo certs. (P)AVAILABLE at A$2300

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1840 Mulready 1d black envelope, A164 on back flap. VF UN. SG ME2 cat £350. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1840 Folded stampless Letter with indistinct 2-line red 'TP' (To Pay) cachet, & h/s '2'. To Lincolns Inn with '2 An 2 SP 1 1841' b/s.AVAILABLE at A$20

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Locals: London Parcels Delivery Company 1846-1880s? labels range inc black on white (2) both inscribed 'Carriers & Railway Agents', 'Chief Office, Rolls Buildings, Fetter Lane', 1 with control no.M107 & the other 'P', both imperf, some flts. Also red on white label inscribed 'L.P.D.C. Rails Charges Paid' with oval violet 'London Parcels M107 Paid Delivery Co' cancel, imperf, plus octagonal violet cachet inscribed 'LPD Co Ltd A526 Paid' on thin buff card. RL 2 & others unlisted. Extremely rare group. (4 items). (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Locals: London Parcels Delivery Co 1847 black on red, 'PAID' label, inscribed 'Per L.P.D.C.', 'Chief Office, Rolls Buildings, Fetter Lane', control no. F547, imperf. RL 1. Extremely rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1896 1st Olympics set 1L-10Dr. F-VFM/MLH, mostly fresh with 10Dr especially nice Scott 117-128 cat US$1784. SG 110-121 cat £1700. Rare genuine set as forgeries are plentiful. Top values 5Dr & 10Dr with 2011 Ceremuga photo-certs. (12) (P)AVAILABLE at A$950

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1935 Sikkim Rocketgram R84 franked KGV 9p & blue rocket label opt Livestock, tied by 'Gangtok 28 SEP 35' cds with mountains cachet. Sl edge tears as usual. Reverse endorsed 'One Cookra' (a cock) & '155 such messages', plus signed Stephen H Smith. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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Indonesia: 1978 Tiger 100Rp M/Sheet (100, SG 1492 cat £1300), 1996 Rhino 2400Rp M/S (50, SG cat £325), plus another 50 M/S opt 'Bursa Filateli SEA Games 1997', unlisted SG est. cat £325, 1998 Minerals set of 2 numbered M/S for Indonesia 2000 Philatelic Exhib (40 sets, SG MS2407 cat £1200), plus another 100 large size only M/Sheet (100, SG2407b est. cat £1500). All fresh MUH. Zonnebloem cat €3400 = A$5600. Total SG cat £4650 = A$8400. (380)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1971 Shah set 5d-50R, blks of 4, low values right marginal, high values LR cnr marginal. VF fresh MUH. SG 1684-95 cat $100. Scott 1615-26 cat US$135. (12 blks)AVAILABLE at A$100

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Somalia: 1932 Pictorial set 5c-25L, perf 12. VF fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. SG 161-78 cat £1300 for M, should be at least double, £2600 MUH. Sass 167-84 cat €8250 = A$13,600. Key set that is almost never seen in nice MUH condition. 2022 Ceremuga photo-cert. (18) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1700

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Montenegro: 1941 bilingual 3-line opt Kings 25c-4D on cover, tied by 'Podgorica 2.VII.41' cds to Italy with 'Spalato Poste (Dalmazia) 4.7.41' cds. SG 1-6. Sass 1-6 cat €84+ as loose stamps & €210 for this franking.AVAILABLE at A$100

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Montenegro: 1941 Registered cover franked bilingual 3-line opt King 1D green in 2 blks of 4 tied by 'Hercegnovi 13 VI 41' to Denovic with arrival b/s. SG 2. Sass 2 cat €84+ as loose stamps & €220 for this franking. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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Montenegro: 1942 bilingual 3-line opt King 25c-4D on Censored cover (centre fold), tied by 'Cetinje 19 11 42' cds, to Ljubljana with 2 censor cachets. SG 1-6. Sass 1-6 cat €84+ as loose stamps & €220 for this franking. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1947-56 original issues collection of blks of 4 inc 1947-55 Peasants 1w blue perf & imperf (SG cat £160), 1954 Army 6th Anniv imperf (£440), 1956 Industry Nationalisation imperf (£280) etc. VF UN as issued. Mi 10, 19, 30, 32, 44y, 45y, 52, 53, 76, 84, 85, 92, 97, 101, 108, 109 & 110 cat €4000+. SG N10a, 18, 29, 31, 45, 45(var), 47-51a, 78, 82, 83, 93, 101, 103a, 112b, 113a & 114a cat £6400+. Extremely rare group of multiples. (20 blks) (P)AVAILABLE at A$2500

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1950-55 opt KGVI Pic set ½a on ½d - 10R on 10/-. VF fresh MUH. SG 84-92 cat £120. (9)AVAILABLE at A$100

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1884 BCM '½ oz Letter' 6d magenta with violet British Vice-Consulate cachet. F-VF fresh M with cnr gum as issued, usual sl thins, 4 huge margins. SG 1a cat £3000. Extremely rare & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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1884 Large red '8' opt QV 8c/12c dull purple. VF fresh M. Scott 65 cat US$575, SG 80 cat £650. (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1917 'RED CROSS 2c' opt KGV 4c dull purple, blk of 4, LL stamp variety 'no stop'. VF fresh M. SG 217/217a cat £565+ as singles, plus premium for positional setenant blk which should be + 50% so est cat £848. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Perak: ca1884 'PERAK' opt QV Judicial 10a brown & purple, seriffed, opt 15 x 3mm with curved tail to 'R'. VF F/C, initials & 29 92 m/s. Bft 5.AVAILABLE at A$15

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Perak: ca1884 'PERAK' opt QV Judicial 25c brown & purple, seriffed, opt 15x3mm with curved tail to 'R'. VF F/C, red m/s 'cancelled'. Bft 6.AVAILABLE at A$30

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Perak: ca1884 'PERAK' opt QV Judicial 50c brown & purple, seriffed, opt 15 x 3mm with curved tail to 'R'. VF F/C, m/s initials. Bft 7.AVAILABLE at A$30

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Perak: ca1884 'PERAK' opt QV Judicial $1 brown & green, seriffed, opt 15 x 3mm with curved tail to 'R'. VF F/C, m/s initials. Bft 8.AVAILABLE at A$40

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Perak: ca 1884 seriffed 'PERAK' opt QV Judicial $3 brown & green, opt 15x3mm, curved tail 'R'. VF F/C, m/s initials. Bft 10 (P)AVAILABLE at A$70

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1894 Arms 25c-$2 inscr State of North Borneo' opt SPECIMEN. VF MLH. SG 81s-84s cat £106 as normals. (4).AVAILABLE at A$30

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1848-59 QV Post Paid 1d red-brown latest impression. VFU appearance, small thins & expertly repaired at right, now with 4 margins, concentric circle '16' pmk. Scott 3e cat US$750, SG 24 cat £800. 2106 BPA photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1884 Hidalgo 5P blue. VF fresh M. SG 154 cat £225. Yv 90 cat €300. Scott 163 cat US$350. (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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1899-1911 collection inc 1899 Pic Def set to 5P, plus 'OFFICIAL' opt to 5P. 1903 New Colours set to 50c, plus Official to 1P. 1911 Official opt 5P blk of 4, Mint with 2023 MEPSI photo cert (SG cat £1600). F-VF M/U. SG cat £2700+ = A$5400+. Scott cat US$3000+ = A$4800+. (84) (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1884-85 QV 4d blue, wmk crown CA. Superb fresh M, original gum, excellent centring. Scott 9 cat US$2100, SG 11 cat £2250. Very rare in genuine mint condition. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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1932 Anniversary set ½d to 5/-. VF MUH with all to 2/6 unusually fresh. SG 84-93 cat £180 for M, should be at least double, £360 MUH. (10). (P)SOLD at A$325

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1917-30 Bow & Arrow & Kukris ½a red-orange, on native paper, imperf, blk of 18 from LL sheet cnr (5x3, positions 41-45, 49-53 & 57-61), inc TETE-BECHE pr in cnr position. Superb UN as issued, all 4 margins. Mi 14/14BK, Sc 11/11a cat US$26,250++, SG 35/35a cat £18,000++, all as normal singles, with tete-beche pr listed but unpriced, while as U pair is rated at x 4 normal. Such positional blk with the tete-beche should be at least +50% premium, so est cat US$39,375 & £27,000. Great rarity of Nepal philately as only 3 examples of the tete-beche pair are recorded. 1984 Dr Hellrigl AIEP & 2024 Ceremuga photo certs. (15) (P)AVAILABLE at A$12000

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1915-16 opt Kangaroo 10/- grey & pink 1st wmk, opt type a. VF fresh MLH. Scott 9 cat US$170, SG 84 cat £150. (P)AVAILABLE at A$120

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1915-16 opt Kangaroo 10/- grey & pink, 1st wmk, opt type b. VF MUH. ACSC 47A cat $7,500 w/o opt, SG 84 cat £190 for M, should be at least double, £380 MUH. (P)SOLD at A$230

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1915-16 opt Kangaroo 2d grey, 2nd wmk pane of 30 with opt type a+b+b strips. Plated as 2R1-30 with major variety 2R10 'scratch under P of Postage' (ACSC 6 A (2) g), opt from 4th setting with hollow stops. Edge stamps have red staining apparently caused by water damage putting out a fire in the Rabaul Treasury safe when it was opened with oxyacetylene torch. A number of panes were reported effected but are rarely seen. Mostly VF fresh MUH. SG 94 £540 as M singles, should be at least double, £1080 MUH. ACSC 6 A (2) + variety cat $8450 MUH w/o opt. rare pane. (30) (P)SOLD at A$950

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1953-59 QEII Defs specialised collection of plate number, imprint & other blks, plus Counter Coil prs. 1953 with plate blks (35) inc 2/6 (CP cat NZ$450) & 3/-, 5/- & 10/- in UR cnr value blks of 4 ($840) as singles alone, other blks (42) & Coil prs (30). Then 1955 issue plate blks (7), other blks (27) & Coils (14), plus a 2d 'Stars' Surch ($150). Many plate blks are only 4 stamps where cat value is for blks of 6, so these counted at only half cat. Seems all VF fresh MUH. CP cat NZ$3690. Beautiful collection. (114 blks, 44 coil prs) (P)AVAILABLE at A$750

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1967 Pictorial set 1c-$2 (28) inc both $2 in blks of 4. SG 845-879 cat £184. NZ retail $380. (112)AVAILABLE at A$80

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1978 Centenaries 10c, 12c, 20c. 1980 Chalon Anniv 14c set of 3. All in sheets of 100 with imprint/plate numbers at LL cnrs. Fresh MUH. FV $84, CP cat $330. (600)AVAILABLE at A$60

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1996 Scenes 40c (6 diff) IMPERF blk of 12 being 2 strips of 6 self adhesives from rolls with die-cut perfs omitted. This from base of sheet with wide lower margin. VF fresh MUH, sl wrinkles. SG 1984-89(var). CP PC117aii(var). (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1960-62 Bird 10/- green opt SPECIMEN, both positions. VF fresh MUH. SG 36s cat £84. (2)SOLD at A$45

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2003 Landscapes 50c set Personalised Stamps, se-tenant full sheet of 20, unpriced. The sheets were sold at FV of $10 but if personalised sheets cost $20. VF fresh MUH. SG 846-849(var) footnote. Quite scarce.AVAILABLE at A$20

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Tonsberg Bypost (Local Post): 1884-85 Castle 3o orange, vert pr, error IMPERF between, perf 13. VFM. Very rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$80

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1907-10 Lakatoi Small Papua 2d wmk sideways, compound perf 11x 12½ with perf 12½ at right & perf 11 other 3 sides. Superb fresh MLH. Scott 36a cat US$1700, SG 73 cat £1700. Very rare genuine example. 1984 RPSV photo-cert, while new AIEP certificate can be obtained on request. (P)SOLD at A$1500

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1911-15 Lakatoi Monocolour set ½d-2/6. VF MUH. SG 84-91 cat £75 for M, should be at least double, £150 MUH. (8).AVAILABLE at A$120

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1911-15 Lakatoi monocolour set ½d-2/6, plus 1d perf 14. VF M/MLH. SG 84-92 cat £102. (10).AVAILABLE at A$70

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1911-15 Lakatoi monocolour set ½d-2/6 inc both ½d & 2½d shades. VF fresh M/MLH. SG 84-91 cat £87. (10).AVAILABLE at A$60

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1911-15 Lakatoi monocolour set ½d-2/6 with extra shades of all but the 2/6. VFU. SG 84-91 cat £145. (15).AVAILABLE at A$70

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1911-15 Lakatoi monocolour set ½d to 2/6. VFU. SG 84-91 cat £95. (8)AVAILABLE at A$40

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1911-15 Lakatoi monocolour set ½d - 2/6 (1d is perf 14). VF fresh CTO with gum. ½d & 1d pmk 'Port Moresby 12 JA 16', others '9 OCT 19'. SG 84-92 cat £95+. These are specimen stamps from UPU distribution, ex Belgium PO archives collection. (8) (P)SOLD at A$130

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1932-32 OS opt Lakatoi 6d dull purple & red purple left marginal blk of 4, UR stamp 'POSTACE' variety. VF MUH. SG O62/O62a cat £184 for M singles, should be at least double, £368 MU, plus 'premium for positional blk. (P)AVAILABLE at A$220

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1932-40 Pictorial ½d to 1/-. VF MUH. SG 130-39 cat £84 as M, should be at least double, £168 MUH. (10).AVAILABLE at A$80

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1975 Stamp Duty 5t brown, marginal blk of 20, plus 1984 '50t' opt Stamp Duty 5t brown, UL cnr marginal blk of 10. VF UN (5t)/MUH (50t). Bft 63, 78 cat £100 for singles, plus blks. (2 blks)AVAILABLE at A$30

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1975-95 Stamp Duty selection inc 1975 5t & 1K. 1984 50t on 5t. C1989 opt Shells 10t on 40t, plus 10t on 40t, opt larger in centre. 1988-95 50t on 60t, 1K on 90t. 1990 'DUTY STAMP' opt 5K on 70t. VF fresh MUH/2 UN. Bft 63, 69, 78, 100, 101, 103, 105, 110 cat £123. (8)AVAILABLE at A$40

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1984 '50t' opt Stamp Duty 5t brown, marginal blk of 25. VF fresh MUH. Bft 78 cat £125 for singles, plus premium for blk.AVAILABLE at A$40

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1932-33 Arms set 5gr-60gr. VF fresh MUH. Mi 272-8, SG 284a-89 cat £36 for M, should be at least double, £72 MUH. (7)AVAILABLE at A$25

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1932-33 Eagle 5gr-60gr blks of 4. VF fresh MUH. Mi 272-278, SG 284a-289 cat £144 for M, should be at least double, £288 MUH. (7 blks of 4)AVAILABLE at A$90

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1944-49 M/Sheets with 1944 Exhibition, 1945 Carmona, 1946 Castles & 1949 Avis Dynasty. VF MLH, last with interleaf adhered to gum. SG MS964a, 984a, 996a & 1028a cat £780. Mi Blk 5, 8, 10 & 14 cat €705. (4).AVAILABLE at A$120

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Kionga: 1916 'REPUBLICA' opt Carlos set. ½c on 100R-5c on 100R. VF fresh MLH. Mi 1-4 cat €95+ for UN. SG 1-4 cat €84+ for UN. Rarely seen with gum. (4). (P)AVAILABLE at A$80

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1898-1908 Arms 1/- bistre. VF fresh MLH. Scott 66 cat US$45, SG 84d cat £45.AVAILABLE at A$30

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1898-1908 Arms 1/- brownish-yellow. VF fresh M. Scott 66g cat US$40, SG 84d cat £45.SOLD at A$30

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1931 Zeppelin North Pole Flight set 30k-2R, imperf. VF MLH, all 4 margins. Mi 402B-405B cat €200. SG 584-587 cat £132. (4). (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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1934 Aviation 20k red with wmk, being 'specimen' stamp from UPU distribution, with local 'SPECIMEN' h/s (type PORC 6) applied by Portuguese Ministry for the Colonies. VF UN affixed to piece ex archive pgs. SG 645A(s), Mi 484Y(s). Unique stamps from Portuguese India Goa Postal Archive UPU specimen collection. 2019 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1939 Workers 5k red & 15k grey-green both perf 12x12½, being 'specimen' stamps from UPU distribution, with local 'SPECIMEN' h/s (type PORC 6) applied by Portuguese Ministry for the Colonies. VF UN affixed to piece ex archive pgs. SG 847a(s), 847c(s), Mi 676IA(s) & 679IA(s). Unique stamps from Portuguese India Goa Postal Archive UPU specimen collection. 2019 Ceremuga photo cert. (2) (P)AVAILABLE at A$120

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1939 Lermontov set 15k-45k, being 'specimen' stamps from UPU distribution, with local 'AMOSTRA' h/s (type PORC8) applied by Portuguese Ministry for Colonies. F-VF UN affixed to pieces ex archive pgs. SG 884-86(s), Mi 726-28(s). Unique stamps from Portuguese India Goa Postal Archive UPU specimen collection. 2019 Ceremuga photo cert. (3) (P)AVAILABLE at A$170

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1983-86 sheetlet selection inc 1983 Woman Cosmonaut 10K. 1984 Gagarin 15K. 1985 Spacewalk 10K. 1985 235 Days in Space 15K. 1986 Olympic Games 15K & 1986 Cosmonaut set 5K-15K. VF fresh MUH. Mi cat €900. (8 sheetlets)AVAILABLE at A$170

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1983-86 sheetlet selection inc 1983 Woman Cosmonaut 10K. 1984 Gagarin 15K. 1985 Spacewalk 10K. 1985 235 Days in Space 15K. 1986 Olympic Games 15K & 1986 Cosmonaut set 5K-15K. VF fresh MUH. Mi cat €900. (8 sheetlets)AVAILABLE at A$170

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1909 Jerusalem opt Ropit Anniv set 5pa/1k - 70Pi/7R. VFU, with 'ROPIT Jerusalem 1910' cds. Mi 39-47V, SG 84-92 cat £200+. Rare properly used! (9). (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1902 KEVII Tablet set ½d to 5/-, wmk crown CA. VF M/MLH. SG 76-84 cat £150. (9) (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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1935 KGV Silver Jubilee set 1d to 1/-, perf SPECIMEN. VF fresh MUH. SG 181-184 cat £150 for M, should be at least double, £300 MUH. Scarce genuine set. (4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1963 Postal Commem Airmail opt QEII £1 black & orange imprint strip of 5 with plate nos etc. VF MUH. SG 284(var) cat £250+ as singles, plus premium for rare multiple. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1875-76 'POSTAGE' opt QV Chalon 1/-green, error opt DOUBLE, opt SG type 18. F-VF U, Durban cds. Scott 50a cat US$425, SG 84a cat £700 & under-catalogued. Very rare & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1882-86 Arms 5/- rose Postal Fiscal, bottom marginal blk of 4. VF fresh MUH. SG F9 cat £192 as M singles, should be at least double, £384 MUH, plus premium for blk. (P)AVAILABLE at A$80

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1882-86 Arms £5 green Postal Fiscal. Postally VFU, 'Kroonstad JA 18 1884' cds. SG F15 cat £120+ & greatly under-catalogued. Rare top value. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1930 Spanish American Exhib imperf & colour trial proofs selection 5c grey, 10c green, 25c blue, 50c black, 1P grey-blue colour trial, 4P blue & 4P black, colour trial. VF M/UN, all 4 margins. SG ex 629-640(p), Ed 583s, 584s, 585s, 587s, 589ccs, 591ccs cat €135. Scarce group. (7).AVAILABLE at A$60

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1938 'AEREO+5Pts' opt Defence of Madrid 45c+2P. VF MLH, gum sl tropicalised. Scott CB6, SG 841 cat £425, Edifil 759 cat €510. (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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1938 'AEREO + 5Pts' opt Defence of Madrid 45c+2P error opt INVERTED. VFM. SG 841(var), Edifil 759hi cat €786. Exp Galvez, plus 2017 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$375

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1938 'AEREO + 5Pts' opt Defence of Madrid 45c+2P dull blue & light blue, error opt INVERTED over lower portion of design. Superb fresh MUH. SG 841(var), Ed 759hi cat €1570. Very rare genuine. Exp Roumet, plus 2021 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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1938 'AEREO+5Pts' opt Anniv USA Constitution 1P multicolour with lighter background. VF fresh MLH. SG 847 cat £400, Ed 765a cat €450. Exp Champion etc, plus 2021 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1938 Anniv of USA Constitution 1P+5P Airmail opt M/Sheet, no.1038. Superb fresh MUH. Ed 766 cat €2500; Sc C97c cat US$2500. SG MS848 cat £1500 for M, so should be at least double, £3000 MUH. Only 2000 printed & seldom seen MUH. Dr Enzo Diena AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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1938 Anniv of USA Constitution 1P+5P Airmail opt M/Sheet, no 1272. Superb fresh MLH, stamp MUH. Ed 766 cat €1500+; Sc C97c cat US$1500+. SG MS848 cat £1500+. Very scarce as only 2000 printed. Exp, plus 2013 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$900

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1938 Submarine Mail Civil War set 1P-15P, black PROOFS from defaced plates, on medium card, all in cnr blks of 4. VF fresh UN as made. SG 857a-857e(s) cat £2600 for normals. Ed 775-80PR cat €984+. Very rare in positional blks. (6 blks of 4). (P)AVAILABLE at A$230

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Fernando Poo: 1884-93 'Habilitado Para Correos' circular opt Alfonso 1c green, opt in blue. Superb fresh MLH. Sc 9(var) cat US$188 as per footnote, SG 9A cat £160, Ed 9A cat €205. (P)AVAILABLE at A$120

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Fernando Poo: 1884-93 'Habilitado Para Correos' circular opt King 50c/1c grey, black opt. Superb fresh MLH. Sc cat US$120. SG 9B cat £160, Ed 9 cat €175. (P)AVAILABLE at A$110

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Fernando Poo: 1884-93 'Habilitado Para Correos' opt Alfonso 50c/2c rose, opt in blue. VF fresh M. Sc 11. SG 10A cat £42, Edifil 10A cat €50.AVAILABLE at A$30

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Fernando Poo: 1896 'Correos' blue opt Fiscal 5c/10c rose-red, inscribed 'TBRA MOVIL FDO POO 1846', imperf. Superb fresh MLH, 4 margins. Sc 39. SG 31 cat £42, Edifil 41A cat €41.AVAILABLE at A$25

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Guinea: 1904 'HABILITADO PARA CORREOS 10 cen de peseta' black opt Fiscal 50c orange, imperf, with Control no 0,002, 798 on back. VF fresh M, 4 large margins, tiny tear at right. Sc 8B cat US$140. Ed 26E cat €184. Exp Galvez. (P)AVAILABLE at A$70

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Guinea: 1908-09 'HABILITADO PARA 05 CTMS' opt King 1c, 2c in red, 3c, 4c in black & 10c opt DOUBLE in red & black, all blks of 4. VF fresh MUH, 2 MLH in 10c blk. Sc 74-78(var). SG 87-81(var). Ed 58S-58V & 58Xhha cat €284 for M singles, MUH should be at least double, €338, plus premium for blks.AVAILABLE at A$90

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Guinea: 1911 'GUINEA 1911' in oval h/s King set 1c-10P 20c & 10P dots instead of '1911' (type II). VF fresh M/MLH. Sc 102-114(var) cat US$147++. SG 114-126 (footnote) cat £170++. Ed 72-84 inc 77A & 84A cat €545+ rare, only 500 printed of the 10P. (13). (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Guinea: 1911 'GUINEA 1911' or 'GUINEA' in oval opt King set 1c-10P, horiz setenant prs showing dated opt (type I) at right & no date (type II) at left (except 5c is vert pr both type II), blue control numbers on reverse. VF M/MLH. Sc 114-126(var) cat US$550++ as normal singles SG 114-26(var) cat £850++ per footnote for singles, Ed 72-84 & 72A-84A cat €1035++, plus premium for setenant prs. Only 500 type II sets printed & extremely rare as setenant prs. Top value 10P with 2022 Ceremuga photo-cert. (13 prs). (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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Guinea: 1922 King set 1c-10P, with control no A000,000 at back (Specimen). F-VF fresh M. Sc 184-196. SG 196-208 cat £70+ for normals. Ed 154N-166N cat €138. (13)AVAILABLE at A$70

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Thailand: 1947-2022 King Bhumibol comp collection in 10 special large hingeless slipcase albums made from Vario style pgs with protective sleeves (retail $700+). Early issues with Commems generally both MUH & VFU, & Defs VFU, while modern issues have MUH stamps, M/Sheets & sheetlets, plus VFU stamps of all & some VFU M/S too. Inc better issues such as 1953 Red Cross set. 1955 Surch set. 1961-68 King set to 40b. Useful M/S & sheetlets inc 1982 Bicentenary of Dynasty M/S. 1982 Bangkok Exhib M/S (SG cat £130), plus 2nd issue M/S & 3rd issue perf & imperf. 1987 Thaipex 87 M/S perf & imperf. 1988 Long Reign M/S set of 2. 1989 Thaipex 89 M/S perf & imperf. 1990 Minerals M/S perf & imperf. 1990 Letter Writing M/S perf & imperf. 1991 Red Cross M/S perf & imperf. Thaipex 91 M/S perf & imperf & Bangkok 93 M/S perf & imperf. 1992 New Year M/S perf & imperf. 1992 Queen's Birth sheetlet. Thai-China M/S perf & imperf. 1996 50th Anniv sheetlet. VF fresh MUH & VFU. SG cat £8400 = A$16,000. Very impressive collection of modern issues which are hardly ever offered for sale. (5500+60 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$2000

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1965-67 QEII Ships set ½d-£1 (ex the withdrawn 4½d & 10/- QEII), locally h/s small 'SPECIMEN' 10 x 1¼mm & mounted on a card 250x200mm, the card endorsed 42/11d per set. VF fresh. SG ex71-84b(s). Ex Tristan PO display. Unique & fantastic item for specialist. 2016 Ceremuga photo cert. (15) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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1965-67 QEII Ships set ½d-£1 locally h/s small SPECIMEN, 10x1¼mm, mounted on a card 253x125mm (4½d hidden behind the 10/- which is on a fold over flap), the 10/- QEII likewise behind the 4d, the later 1967 values 4d, 10/- & £1 with large SPECIMEN h/s, the card endorsed '42/11 per set'. VF UN. SG 71-84b(s). Ex Tristan PO display & absolutely UNIQUE specialist item. 2016 Ceremuga photo cert. (17) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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1971 Surch QEII Ships set ½p on 1d - 50p on 10/-, plus no surch £1, ea locally h/s large SPECIMEN (16x3½mm) mounted on card endorsed '£2.27½ per set'. VF UN. SG 137-48(s), & 84b(s). Ex Tristan PO display & unique specialist item. 2016 Ceremuga photo cert. (13). (P)AVAILABLE at A$1000

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1988 QEII Ruby Wedding opt 65p, error opt INVERTED. VF fresh. SG 442 unlisted. EC T58840Va cat £750. Rare, only 1 sheet of 50 discovered. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1845 New York Postmaster Provisional 5c black small die proof on India paper, imperf, in issued colour. VF UN as made, 4 reduced margins. SG 65(p) cat £1500 as normal. Sc 9X1P2 cat US$350 (normal cat US$1500). (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1845 New York Postmaster Provisional 5c black, position 6 in sheet of 9, plate proof on blue bond paper, imperf, in issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 65(p) cat £1500 as normal. Sc 9X1P5b cat US$150 (normal cat US$1500) (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1845 New York Postmaster Provisional 5c dark green, position 8 in sheet of 9, plate proof on bond paper, imperf, instead of black issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 65(p) cat £1500 as normal. Sc 9X1TC5b cat US$200 (normal cat US$1500) (P)SOLD at A$120

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1845 New York Postmaster Provisional 5c brown, trial colour proof on bond paper, imperf, instead of black issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 65(p) cat £1500 as normal. Sc 9X1TC5c cat US2300 (normal cat US$1500). (P)SOLD at A$130

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1847 Franklin 5c brown. FU, 3½ margins, red barred pmk. Scott 1 cat US$425. SG 1a cat £550. (P)SOLD at A$110

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1847 Washington 10c black. Superb U, 4 large margins, red barred pmk. Sc 2 cat US$850+. SG 2 cat £1500+. Exceptionally nice quality. (P)SOLD at A$900

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1847 Franklin 5c light brown, large DIE PROOF on India paper (51x64mm), imperf, in issued colour. Superb UN as made. SG 1(10) cat £7000 as normal. Sc 2TC1l cat US$1000 (normal cat US$60,000). 2021 PFNY photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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1847 Franklin 5c red-brown, plate proof on card, imperf, in issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 1(p) cat £7000 as normal. Sc 3PU cat US$250 (normal cat US$6000). (P)AVAILABLE at A$220

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1847 Washington 10c bluish-black, plate proof on card, imperf, in issued colour, from the 1875 reproduction. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 2(p) cat £35,000 as normal. Sc 4PU cat US$250 (normal cat US$37,500). (P)AVAILABLE at A$220

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1847 Washington 10c grey-black, plate proof on card, imperf, in issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 2(p) cat £35,000 as normal. Sc 4PU cat US$250 (normal cat US$37,500). (P)AVAILABLE at A$220

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1847 Washington 10c brown, trial colour proof on thin card, imperf, instead of black issued colour, for Atlanta Exhibition. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 2(p) cat £35,000 as normal. Sc 4TC4c cat US$450 (normal cat US$37,500). Only 1 sheet printed. (P)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1847 Washington 10c green, trial colour proof on thin card, imperf, instead of black issued colour, for Atlanta Exhibition. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 2(p) cat £35,000 as normal. Sc 4TC4d cat US$450 (normal cat US$37,500). Only 1 sheet printed. (P)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1848 Franklin 5c brown & Washington 10c black, plate proofs on card, imperf, in issued colours. F-VF UN as made, almost all 4 margins. SG 1, 2(p) cat £42000 as normals. Sc 3P4, 4P4 cat US$500 (normals cat US$43,500). (2). (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1873-1911 Officials collection on album pgs inc 1873 Agriculture vals to 12c. 1873 Interior 1c-90c. 1873 Justice vals to 12c. 1873 Navy vals to 30c. 1873 Post Office 1c-90c. 1873 Dept of State vals to 30c. 1873 Treasury 1c-90c. 1879 Printing inc Interior to 15c, Treasury to 10c, & War to 12c. 1910-11 Official to $1. Mostly G-VF M/U. Scott cat US$5500+ = A$8400+. SG cat £5700+ = A$11,000+. (85). (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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1873 Official Agriculture 1c-10c yellow plate proofs on card, imperf, in issued colours. VF UN as made, all 4 margins. SG O180-0184(p) cat £1550 as normals. Sc01P4-05P4 cat US$50 (normal cat US$1600). (5).AVAILABLE at A$50

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1873 Official Agriculture 10c yellow plate proof on India paper, imperf, in issued colour. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG O184(p) cat £550 as normal. Sc05P3 cat US$20 (normal cat US$525).AVAILABLE at A$20

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1873 Official War Dept 2c black trial colour proof on thin card, imperf, instead of rose issued colour, for Atlanta exhibition. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG O262(p) cat £250 as normal. Sc 084TC4a cat US$43 (normal cat US$260).AVAILABLE at A$40

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1875 Newspaper Periodical 2c-10c black, Continental Bank Note Co printing, plate proofs on card, imperf, in issued colours. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG N180-86(p) cat £2250 as normals. Sc PR9P4-PR15P4 cat US$84 (normals cat US$2725). (7).AVAILABLE at A$80

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1875 Newspaper Periodical 8c black, Continental printing on hard paper. VF UN. SG N184 cat £325. Sc PR13 cat US$140 for UN or US$350 for M. (P)SOLD at A$80

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1875 Newspaper Periodical 84c rose, Continental printing on hard paper. VF fresh M, original gum. SG N193 cat £1900. Sc PR22 cat US$1850. Very rare M. (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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1875 Newspaper Periodical 84c black blk of 4, plate proofs on India paper, imperf instead of rose issued colour. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG N193(p) cat £7600 as normals. Sc PR22TC3a cat US$140+ (normals cat US$7400). Rare multiple. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1875-79 Newspaper Periodical 84c rose, large DIE PROOF on India paper on card (145x225mm), imperf, in issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG N193(p) cat £1900 as normal. Sc PR22P1 cat US$100+ (normal cat US$1850).AVAILABLE at A$120

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1879-1956 Postage Due collection on album pgs. 1879 1c-50c set in brown. 1884-89 1c-30c, red brown 1891-93 set to 50c, bright claret. 1894-95 1c-50c, deep claret, plus later printings wmks & shades in 1917-23 perf 11 to 50c. 1930-31 ½c-$5 & 1931-32 set ½c - 50c. Most F-VF U, some M. Scott cat US$2700+ = A$4000+. SG cat £2800+ = A$5400+. (75).AVAILABLE at A$400

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1885 Newspaper Periodical 84c rose-carmine, American Bank Note Co printing on soft paper. VF UN. SG N259 cat £800. Sc PR88 cat US$350 for UN or US$900 for M. (P)SOLD at A$300

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Cheever & Towie: 1849 envelopes & address (2c) red blk of 6, plus staggered printing blk of 4, classic forgeries from 1860s-80s. F-VF 1 M/9 MUH, almost all 4 margins. Sc 37L1 cat US$6000 = A$8500 for originals. (10)AVAILABLE at A$25

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1928 Football Victories set 2c-8c, FULL SHEETS of 20 with gutter & margins. VF MUH, mostly fresh Scott 388-398 cat US$960+. Yv 371-373 cat €1050+. SG 581-583 cat £920+ all for M singles. MUH should be at least double, £1840, plus premium for full sheets. (3 sheets) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1100

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1984 Ausipex set 25c-100c & M/Sheet, all IMPERF, affixed in Walsall Security Printer's folder. SG 390-MS393(p). Attractive & only a couple made.AVAILABLE at A$90

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1899-1902 Bolivar 5c-2B (ex 50c orange). VFU. Yv 59-64 cat €420. Scott ex 142-149 cat US$240. SG ex 179-184 cat £348. (6) (P)SOLD at A$80

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1937 La Guiara Harbour set 25c, 70c & 1.80B, inscribed 'Nacionalization' instead of Aquisicion, unissued. VF fresh MUH. Sc 320(var) & C64-C65(var) footnote cat US$120. SG footnote cat £132. Yv 184A, 64A & 65A cat €475. (P)SOLD at A$60

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2018 SG British Commonwealth Catalogue 1840-1970, 645 pgs. As new condition.SOLD at A$40

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Australia: 1984 AUSIPEX 84 Official Catalogue. VGC inc VIC Centenary set Die Proof Replica (minor tone spots).AVAILABLE at A$10

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Australian Airmail Catalogue by N Eustis, 1984, 4th Edition. Minor foxing to end papers o/w VGC.AVAILABLE at A$20

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Australia: Postal Stationery Higgins & Gage Postal Stationery Catalogue Australasia, special issue for AUSIPEX 84 comp with price supplements. VGC & now hard to find.AVAILABLE at A$10

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Australia - Victorian Government Punctures by Bryan Toop. 34 pgs, 3rd edition 1984 with listings of punctures on Commonwealth Stamps, early 1930s onwards. Near new.AVAILABLE at A$20

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Australia - Victorian Government Punctures by Bryan Toop. 34 pgs, 3rd edition 1984 with listings of punctures on Commonwealth Stamps, early 1930s onwards. Near new.AVAILABLE at A$25

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Australia - Western Australia: The 4d Lithograph 1854-64 by Brian Pope. 52 pgs, pub RPSV 1984. Well researched, illustrated throughout inc constant plate flaws. Near new conditionAVAILABLE at A$35

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Australia - Western Australia The Machine Date Cancels to 1983. Part 1, Offices other than Perth. 42 pgs, illustrated throughout WASG Monograph No 2, pub 1984. As new.AVAILABLE at A$15

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Australia - Western Australia Postal Stationery by M Juhl, 30 pgs, pub by RSPC 1984. Some light spotting, G/VGC.AVAILABLE at A$10

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British Commonwealth 1984 SG 'Elizabethan' catalogue of modern stamps, 570 pgs inc wmk/perf variations, diff papers & major varieties inc missing colours. G-VGC.AVAILABLE at A$15

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British Empire: 1937 The Regent Catalogue of Empire Postage Stamps, 4th edition Robson Lowe edition, 484 pages plus section on Forgeries with 4 photo plates. Covers discoloured. G-VGC.AVAILABLE at A$10

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British Empire: 2023 SG 1840-1970 Stamp Catalogue, 700+ full colour pgs & lists every stamp issued to end 1970 inc wmk/perf variations, Officials, Postage Dues, Telegraphs plus errors or plate varieties. Contents GC reattached to cover, GC. Current edition retail $200.SOLD at A$40

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Great Britain: 1840-1841 Line-Engraved issues, The 'Daisy' Grand-Prix collection, Charities - Robson Lowe, London Oct 1996. As new, hard cover, illustrated in colour throughout.SOLD at A$10

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Great Britain: Numbers Issued 1840-1910. 32pg Monograph complied by R C Hyde. Pub SG 1990. VGC.AVAILABLE at A$25

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Great Britain: Postmarks of the Date Impression Books PO Records: Section 3, vols 5 & 6. Edited by Edward B Proud, pub 1984. 231pgs inc detailed index.AVAILABLE at A$30

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Great Britain SG QV Specialised Catalogue, 500 pgs inc line engraved alphabetic I, II, III & IV, Maltese Cross pmks, specialised listings of the 1d value 1840-1862, 2d 1840-1858, 1857 Embossed Series, surface printed stamps to 1900 plus official, Telegraph, Protective Overprints or Underprints, Mulready envelopes, 15th edition 2008. Central split, GC. Current edition retail over $100.AVAILABLE at A$25

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Great Britain: (New) Stoneham Great Britain Catalogue 1840-2007, 544 pgs inc Booklets, Self Adhesive Issues, Used Abroad, Controls, Officials, Postal Fiscals & Telegraphs, Specimen etc. 544 pgs, full colour. Near new.AVAILABLE at A$15

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Postal Stationery Higgins & Gage 'Sectional Catalogue' group with Australia 1984 AUSIPEX Edition Section 1 Abu Dhabi to Azores (1977 edition). Section 2 Baden to Bushire (1977 edition). Section 3 Cameroon to Czechoslovakia (1974 edition). All in individual binders.AVAILABLE at A$25

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South African: Boer War Philately of the Boer & British Prisoner of War Camps Part B: Prisoner of War Camps Overseas, 67 pg Monograph pub 1984.AVAILABLE at A$20

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Thematics: Birds of the World in Philately 252pgs pub 1984 American Topical Assoc with some illustrations. VGC still useful ref.AVAILABLE at A$10

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Autographs - Extensive collection, many on coloured business card size board, some on autograph book pages. Including swimmers. John Devitt, Ian O'Brien 1964 Gold medallist, Mark Kerry 1980 Olympic Gold medallist, Grant Kenny. Athletics. Steve Cram UK distance runner, Debbie Flintoff (King). 1988 Seoul Gold medallist, Glynis Nunn 1984 LA Olympics Gold medallist, Gary Honey 1982 Commonwealth Games Gold, 1984 Olympics Silver medal, Calvin Smith (USA runner) LA Olympics 4x100m Gold medallists, & World record holder 1983 Cyclist Dunc Grey 1932 Olympic Gold medallist Skiing. Sweden Sixten Jernbert 4 x gold medallist, Tennis. Wally Mason (2), Yannick Noah, Tracy Austin (3), Wendy Turnbull (3), Tony Roche, Evonne Goolagong-Cawley & others. (93).AVAILABLE at A$200

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Cricket 1980s Australia, Domestic Cricket team sheets. Inc Tasmania Nov 1982 (inc David Boon, Michael Holding, Roger Woolley), Tasmania 1984-85 (inc David Boon, Peter Faulkner), Victoria Dec 1985 (inc Ray Bright, Dean Jones, Merv Hughes), South Australia Jan 1986 (inc David Hookes, Rick Darling), Queensland March 1990 One Day semi-final (inc Greg Ritchie, Stuart Law), 1995 Feb (inc Matthew Hayden, Carl Rackermann, Andrew Symonds), 1998-98 (inc Ian Healy, Martin Love, Matthew Hayden), Tasmania 1998/99 inc David Boon, Rodney Tucker), South Australia 1998/99 (inc Greg Blewett, Jason Gillespie). (10 sheets, 121 autographs).AVAILABLE at A$120

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Cricket 1984-2001 Autographs - Collection of international Team Sheets, or team signatures. 1984 South Africa ODI team (inc Clive Rice, Graeme Pollock etc), 1992 South Africa team sheet (for ODI v India 1992) (Inc Kepler Wessels, W Cronje, Jonty Rhodes, Allan Donald), another contemporary South African team sheet (inc Allan Donald, Kepler Wessels), New Zealand v Sri Lanka ODI team sheet (inc Jeff Crowe, John Bracewell, Richard Hadlee), Sri Lanka (inc Arjuna Ranatunga Asoka De Silva), New Zealand 1994 UK Touring Team (inc Martin Crowe, Stephen Fleming, Danny Morrison), do 1997/98 Aus Tour Team Sheet (inc Chris Cairns, Stephen Fleming, Craig McMillan etc), Sri Lanka 1999 Tour of Australia team sheet inc Muttiah Muralitharan, Arjuna Ranatunga etc), Zimbabwe (v India), Inaugural Test Match signed team sheet & Test Program, Zimbabwe (v Bangladesh), 2001 team sheet, West Indies team sheet (undated) (inc Jeffrey Dujon, Jimmy Adams). (12 sheets, 170 autographs).AVAILABLE at A$120

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Army. Collection of manuals, Cadet Record of Service Books & collector's magazines/booklets. Manuals inc Field Exercises 1884 (one loose page, cover separated), half of latch is present. Army Drivers Licence ca 1940s. Cadet Musketry (1911). Reprint of 1908 Web Equipment Manual. 4 various Army/Cadet Regulations. Photocopy of 1963 Aust Dress Manuals. Plus 3 Cadet Record of Service Books, 2 are WWI, other 1920s & used copy of the book British Commonwealth Web Equipment 1871-1944. Plus other booklets. (17)AVAILABLE at A$100

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Australia: Vietnam War Australian Regimental/Unit Histories inc The Team (AATTV) 1962-72, Ian McNeil, pub AWM 1984. Vietnam Task, 5th Battalion RAR 1966-97, PUB 1968. We Too Were ANZACs (6th Battalion RAR 1969-70) by Col B Avery, pub by Slouch Hat 2004. Vietnam Shots (A Photographic Account by McKay & Stewart, pub 2002). Mission Vietnam, RAAF Operations 1964-74 by G Odgers, pub 1974. Long Tan & Beyond, Alpha Company 6 RAR 1966-67 by Col CS Mollison, pub 2005. The Battle of Long Tan 1966, as told by the Commanders to Grandin. The Battle of Coral, 1968 by Lex McAulay, pub 1988. The Battle of Ngok Tavak 1968 by Bruce Davies, pub 2008. First to Fight -Australian Diggers, NZ Kiwis & US Paratroopers Vietnam 1965-66 by Bob Green, pub 1988. The Nasho's War - Australian National Servicemen & Vietnam by M Dapin, pub 2014. Ghost Platoon 1969 by Frank Walker, pub 2011. Vietnam, the comp story of the Australian War by Bruce Davies, pub 2012. Tiger Men by Barry Petersen & signed by author 1988. Viet Cong - The Organisation & Techniques of the NLF of South Vietnam, pub by M.I.T. Press 1966 & others inc 'Select Documents in International Affairs (No 18) Vietnam Jan 1968-Dec 1969, released by Department of Foreign Affairs, Canberra 1972. Mostly VF-near new condition, retail $800+. (23)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Australia: Group of Histories of Iconic Retailers with Fletcher & Jones 'The Fletcher Jones Story' (1984), Gay Provider 'The Myer Story', Alan Marshall 1961 'Against the Current', the story of Adeline Keating, International Buyer for Sydney Myer, Gadsden - the first 100 Years', 'The Store on the Hill', Keith Dunstan 1979 A Biography of Georges - Collins St Melbourne, 'A Very Good Business' - a Biography of James Hardie Industries, pub 1988, The Bellwether - A History of William Adams 1884-1984. Seven books in total, an interesting group of business biographies. Then another 5 unusual books inc 'Visions of a Republic' - the work of Lucien Henry, pub 2001, Precious Legacy - Treasures from the Jewish Museum in Prague & 1000 Years of the Olympic Games - treasures of ancient Greece. These 3 published by Power House Museum, Sydney. Mostly VG-EXC.AVAILABLE at A$75

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Australia: Larger-size books (18) with 'British Battles & Medal (Spink, 1988), 'Aces High - The war in the Air over the Western Front 1914-18' (1973, 192 pgs); 'Knights of the Air 1914-18' (1981, 192 pgs); 'Battle of Britain' (by Len Deighton 1980, 224pgs) ; 'Fighter & Bomber Squadrons at War' (by A Brookes 1995), 'A Pictorial History of Australia at War' (1980, 324 pgs); 'Army Australia - an Illustrated History' (Odgers, 1988, 280pgs); 'Diggers - The Australian Army, Navy & Airforce in Eleven Wars 1860 - 1999 (Odgers, 544 pgs); 'Charles Kingsford Smith (1988, 160pgs); 'Heroic Australian Air Stories (1981, 192 pgs); 'The Royal Australian Airforce (Oxford University Press, 2001, missing front fly page o/w as new); 'Encyclopedia of the World's Special Forces (2003, 256 pgs, as new); ; 'Atlas of C20th Warfare' (2005, 352 pgs); 'The Eastern Front (Soviet-German War) 1941-45' (1984, 192 pgs); 'Stalingrad - The Vital 7 Days' (2005, 192 pgs); 'The Vietnam War' (1979, 248 pgs). Plus AWM publications 'Soldiering On' (1942), 'Khaki & Green' (1943), & 'Jungle Warfare' (1944). Mixed VG-VG condition, some near new. Retail $700+. (20)AVAILABLE at A$120

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British Commonwealth Bayonets by Skennerton & Richardson, 1984 1st ed, 404 pgs. As new, the standard reference. .Selling $150 - $200+ on the internet. (1 book)AVAILABLE at A$80

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Great Britain. 1828: Constables Miscellany vols 18 & 19. 'Thirty Years War' (Europe from the commencement of the Religious War in Germany until the Peace of Westphalia inc the siege of Antwerp 1584 & 1586). 660 pgs (3in x 5in), 2 loose pgs (inc front) in vol I, some light foxing/aging mainly in end-papers, original cloth covers clean. Generally VG condition (P)AVAILABLE at A$50

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Great Britain: ca1914-70. Inc 'Mountbatten' S/C 1985;. 'A Rumour Of War' H/C 1977; 'At The War' H/C 1916. 'Contact' H/C 1983. 'Gunner Inglorious' S/C 1984. 'Gunner Subaltern 1914-18' H/C 1971. 7/. 'Menzies & Churchill At War' S/C 1993. '3 Great War Stories' H/C D/J. 'Suez 1956' H/C 1978. Very informative historical content.. Fair - VGC. ( 9 books)AVAILABLE at A$40

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Library reduction - 28 books inc 'The Russian Revolution 1899-1919' (940 pgs, Pipes 1990). 'The Secret War against the Jews' (656 pgs, Aarons & Loftus 1994), 'The Voyage of Their Life - SS Derna & its Passengers (480 pgs, Armstrong 2001), 'The Gehlen Memoirs (General Reinhard Gehlen'. Then a mixture of 'un-orthodox titles' inc 'Beer Glorious Beer' (Cyril Pearl, 1969), 'Aust Cigarette Cards & their Values' (Skinner, 1984), 'Tough 101 Australian Gangsters', 'South with Scott (Evans, 1956), 'The Ghost of Flight 401' (Lockheed Tri-Star Crash, Florida, 1972) & 'Good Morning Hanoi' (Findlay, 2006). Plus 18 others. Lots of good reading here & high original cost. Mixed good - VF condition. (28)AVAILABLE at A$50

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USA: c.1914-1975 covering involvement in the major C20th conflicts. Inc 'George C Marshall Memories H/C D/J 1976. 'The REMF Returns' S/C 1992.. 'Strong Men Armed' S/C 1990. 'Germs' H/C D/J 2001. 5/. 'Mark Clark' H/C 1985. 'REMF Diary' S/C 1988. 'The Spirited Years' H/C D/J 1984. 'Brothers - Black Soldiers In Nam' D/J H/C 1982.. 'Unit Ride' H/C D/J 1981. 'A Rumour Of War' H/C D/J 1977. Interesting perspectives into America's war experiences. Generally G - VGC (10 books).AVAILABLE at A$40

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World Medal Collector's reference library: 'Medals to Australia with Valuations' (3rd ed, R.D. Williams 1990, H/C. new); Ditto 4th edition, 2000, H/C with dust wrapper, new; 'Orders & Decorations' (V. Mericka 1969); 'The Iron Cross - A History 1813-1957' (G. Williamson 1984); 'The Duke-A Hero's Hero at Sandakan- Capt Lionel Matthesus GC; MC ' (D. Matthews, 2008, soft cover, new); 5 x Osprey Men-at-Arms series (Peter The Great's Army, Flags of The Napoleonic Wars-2; Luftwaffe Airborne & Field Units etc); The Complete NZ Distinguished Conduct Medal (A. Polaschek, No.49 of 1000, signed by author, 1983); 'Australian Army Unit Colour Patches 1987-2008' (P. Blackwell, 2008, new), 'Australasian Military Chits' (Yarwood, 2006, soft cover, new); 'Australian Bicentenary Medals' (L.J Carlisle, 1988, soft cover, new); 'Renniks' Aust Coin & Banknote Values' (21st ed, E.J. Cummings, 2004, new); 'Propaganda postcards of WWII 'R. Menchine, 2000, soft cover, new); 'Military Tokens of the British Commonwealth' (J.F. Yarwood, 2005, soft cover, spring bound, new). Mostly new/as new. Some desirable & hard to obtain editions. (17 items)AVAILABLE at A$140