Search Result for "53" | ||||
Lot | Description | Status | ||
53![]() Click to enlarge photo | Australia KGVI ACSC Catalogue, 2019 edition with 232 colour pgs with imprints, varieties, cover valuations from solo & mixed frankings, 1946 BCOF opts inc Trial Printings, plus 1938-52 Postage Dues inc cover valuations. VGC with laminated covers. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
20 | Lighthouse 32 white pg s/books, box of 10 with glassine strips & interleaves with blue covers. New, retail $530. | AVAILABLE at A$325 | ||
36![]() Click for more photos | Australia: 1945-81 ACSC Library with 28 diff editions inc 8th edition (1945), 15th edition (pub by Aust Stamp Auctions 1953), 16th edition (Hawthorn Press 1955), 30th edition (front colour cover, 1969), 14th edition 1980 (last Hawthorn Press edition) & 41st edition, pub Seven Seas Stamps. Generally VG condition. Interesting reference group for historical information. (28) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
37![]() Click for more photos | Australia 1947-82 ACSC Concise Library with 14 diff editions inc Tenth Edition (1947), 15th edition (pub by Aust Stamp Auction 1953), 1967 (1st Decimal edition) & 41st edition (pub Seven Seas Stamps), plus odd duplicate. Generally VGC. Interesting reference group. (18) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
113![]() Click for more photos | 1890s-1940s Collection in Lighthouse s/book with Aust States (430) for NSW (90) inc 1888 Centenary 20/- Carrington VFU with crisp 'Orange' cds. QLD (60) to 2/- Large Chalon. S. Aust (100) inc long QV to 2/6 purple, Tas (50), Victoria (100) inc 1907 QV 5/- variety 'Double' strike to 'POSTAGE' (ACSC cat $250), WA Swans (30). Aust Commonwealth to mid 1940s with 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved MUH. Kangaroos £1 grey 3rd wmk, opt SPECIMEN type C, VFM (SG 75s cat £120, ACSC 53xb cat $350) & £1 grey CofA wmk opt SPECIMEN type D (ACSC cat $80). 1913-36 KGV collection (96) with Single wmk to 1/4 inc 1d red Die II & Die III, 4d lemon & 5d brown. LM wmk set of 5, SM wmk perf 14 set of 8 to 1/4 inc 2d brown & 4d olive. SM wmk perf 13½ x 12½ to 1/4 inc 1d green Die II & 4½d violet Die II. CofA wmk set of 8, all OS opts to 5d brown, plus OS/NSW perfins (10) to 4d blue. Then 1931 Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d opt OS, VFU/CTO. 1932 Lyrebird 1/- pr perf G/NSW, VFM, retail $180. 1941 KGVI 2½d/2d & 3½d/3d Ash imprint blks of 4 (3 of ea, ACSC cat $60) & 5½d/5d McCracken imprint blks (3, cat $90), 1946 BCOF opt set to 5/-, Thin paper Fine M (cat $260), plus other Pre-decimals & small selection of Qld Railway stamps. (630) (P) | SOLD at A$425 | ||
114![]() Click for more photos | 1902-76 collection in older style Seven Seas hingeless album with 1902 Postage Due mono-colours (7) to 5/- green & 1909-53 bi-colours (22) to 5/- CTO. Kangaroos (40) with 1st wmk (8) to 1/-, plus extra ½d, 1d, 2d wmk INV (cat $250). 2nd wmk 2d, 6d & 1/-. 3rd wmk set of 10 to 5/- inc 2/- maroon, plus wmk INV 2d, 3d, 9d Used ($525) & 1/- wmk sideways MUH sun-tanned gum ($275). SM wmk (5) to 5/-, CofA wmk to 5/-, plus 6d chestnut opt OS. KGV (60) to 1/4 1931-36 Pics & Commems comp inc 1931-32 OS opts set of 6 to 1/- Lyrebird inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d, 6d, 1932 Bridge set to 5/- (closed tear), 1935 ANZAC 1/- black & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/-. 1937 KGVI Def set to £1 Robes, 1949 Arms to £2, QEII pre-dec near comp inc 1964 Navigators to £2 King & comprehensive decimals to end 1976 inc high val Pics/Commems, plus 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 25. Some variable condition mixed G-F/VF Used. Estimate cat $3700. | AVAILABLE at A$375 | ||
122![]() Click for more photos | 1913-65 MUH/M/U collection in Seven Seas Hingeless album with kangaroos (32) to 5/- grey & yellow inc wmk INV 1d red, 2d grey, 3d olive FU (cat $325) & 1/- green wmk Sideways M (cat $250). KGV (56) to 1/4. G-FU inc OS opts to 4d olive. 1914 Kookaburra 6d engraved, 1931 Kingsford Smith trio to 6d violet, 1932 Bridge 2d, 3d opt OS, 1934 Macarthur set to 9d, 1935 ANZAC 1/-, 1936 S.Aust, 1937 NSW sets & others to 5/-. 1953-65 QEII Pre-decimal, near comp MUH inc 1959 Pics to 5/- Cattle, 1964 Navigator to 10/-. Pages with tropicalisation, stamps mostly fresh G-FU/M/MUH. ACSC cat/retail $1650. (340) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
135![]() Click for more photos | 1913-65 collection in Seven Seas illustrated album with Kangaroos (26) to 5/- inc 6d opt OS, plus Large OS perfin to 1/- (ex 2½d) cat $675 inc scarce 5d brown & 9d violet. Small OS perfin set of 14 to 5/- (cat $900) & perf OS/NSW (10) to 1/- ($350). KGV (55) inc CofA wmk set to 1/4 & all OS opts. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved W/C light pmk. 1931 Kingsford Smith set (2) inc OS opts. 1932 Lyrebird 1/- opt OS. 1934 VIC Cent to 1/- (2 sets), plus Macarthur set to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/-, plus KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/-. 1937 Robes set to £1 & 1949 Arms to £2 G-FU & other KGVI issues to 2/6 mixed M & U. 1953-66 QEII Defs & Commems mostly F-VF MUH inc 1959 Pics to 5/- Cattle cream paper, 1964 Navigators to 10/-, 1964 Birds set of 8 to 3/-, 1966 1st decimal set MUH to $4 King. An useful G-VFU/MUH collection, cat/retail $3300. (415) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
140![]() Click for more photos | 1913-75 near comp collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with Kangaroos 1st wmk to 2/-, 2nd wmk to 2/-, 3rd wmk to 2/- brown, SM wmk to 5/- & CofA wmk to 5/- inc 6d opt OS, plus 10/-, £1, £2 opt SPECIMEN. KGV comp (retail $750) inc single wmk 1d Die III & 4d lemon, SM wmk perf 14 to 1/4, 1d green Die II, 4½d violet Die II & opt OS set to 5d. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved. 1928 Kookaburra 3d M/Sheet with pale Exhibition cancel. 1931-32 OS opt set of 6 to 1/- inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d. 1932 Bridge set to 5/- & all other 1930s high val Commem sets F-VFU. 1937 Robes to £1 thick & thin papers. 1949 Arms set to £2. 1953-75 QEII comp inc 1964 Navigator set of 8 to £2 King, 1966 Defs to $4 Navigator, 1974 Paintings to $10 & all other Pic/Commem sets inc 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 25. A well balanced, neat, mostly F-VFU collection, nicer than most. ACSC cat/retail $4800. (670+) | AVAILABLE at A$900 | ||
146![]() Click for more photos | 1913-86 collection in s/book with Kangaroos (53) inc 1st wmk set to 1/- (cat $300) & perf Large OS (ex 2½d) to 2/- (cat $900), 3rd wmk to 5/-, plus perf Small OS near comp to 5/- (cat $1400) inc 4d orange. Also SM wmk to 2/- & CofA wmk comp to 5/- inc 6d chestnut opt OS. KGV (80) to 1/4 inc OS/NSW Perfin (12) to 4d blue, perf OS to 1/4 & OS opt set of 6 to 5d brown. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved, 1927-30 Commems perf OS set of 6 to 3d Sturt. 1931-32 OS opt set of 6 CTO to Lyrebird 1/- inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 4d, 1934 VIC Cent set to 1/- & Macarthur set to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/- all VFU/CTO. 1937 KGVI Defs to £1 Robes. 1949 Arms set of 4 to £2. Pre-dec QEII appear comp inc 1964 Navigator set of 6 to £2. Decimals to mid 1980s mostly VFU/CTO inc high val Pic/Commem sets & Paintings to $10 Kangaroos & KGV generally G-FU, then mostly VFU/CTO. ACSC cat $2800. (1000) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
154![]() Click for more photos | 1914-65 comprehensive collection in older style Seven Seas hingeless album with Kangaroos (35) inc 1st wmk to 1/-. 2nd wmk 2d, 6d, 1/-. 3rd wmk set to 2/- maroon, plus wmk INV 1d, 2d, 1/- U & wmk SIDEWAYS 1/- M. SM wmk to 2/- & CofA set to 5/- inc 6d opt OS. KGV Sidefaces comp set of 72 with single wmk to 1/4 inc 1d red Die III & 4d lemon, SM wmk perf 14 set of 8 inc 2d brown, 4d olive & perf 13½x12½ to 1/4 inc 1d green Die II & 4½d violet Die II. CofA wmk to 1/4 & all OS opts ACSC cat $1260. 1914 Kookaburra 6d claret M. 1930-32 OS opt set of 6 to 1/- Lyrebird inc Kingsford Smith 2s, 3d. 1934 VIC Cent sets to 1/- M & U, 1934 Macarthur set VFU. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/-. 1937 Robes 10/- opt SPECIMEN (2), plus £1 thick & thin papers FU. 1940 AIF set MLH. 1949 Arms to £2 U. 1953-65 QEII mostly MUH inc 1964 Birds set to 3/-, plus 1964 Navigator set of 6 to £2 King F-VFU. A near comp M/MUH/F-VFU collection, cat $3900. (390) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
157![]() Click for more photos | 1915-65 M/MUH collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with KGV single wmk (19) to 5d chestnut inc 2d brown, 4d orange, 4d pale blue & 4½d violet. LM wmk set of 5. SM wmk perf 14 to 4½d inc 2d brown & 3d blue, SM wmk perf 13½x12½ to 5d inc 3d blue Die I, 4d olive & 4½d violet. CofA wmk to 5d brown & OS opts to 5d brown. Generally F-VFM, ACSC cat $1700, plus 1914 Kookaburra 6d UN. 1931-32 OS opts (4) to 1/- Lyrebird F-VFM & Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d CTO. 1934 VIC Cent sets to 1/- (both) & Macarthur set to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/-. 1937 KGVI Defs to £1 inc 3d blue (5) & Robes 5/-, 10/-, £1 thick paper MLH & thin paper set MUH (£1 sun-tanned). 1940 AIF set. 1950s KGVI to 2/6 no wmk. 1953-65 QEII near comp MUH inc 1959 Pics to Cattle 5/- white paper, 1963-64 Navigator set of 8 to £2 King, 1964 Birds to 3/- & all high val Commems. All fresh & clean, ACSC cat $2560. Also 1902-60 Postage Dues (50, cat £725). F-VFM inc 1902 mono-colours (9) to 6d green, 1913 perf 14 to 6d, 1946 CofA wmk to 1/- & 1958 no wmk to 1/-. Mostly F-VF M/MUH as rated, total cat $5500. (400) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1300 | ||
163![]() Click for more photos | 1927-48 KGV / KGVI mainly Commems inc 1/4 KGV SM perf 14 VF CTO, 1/6 Hermes Airmails (all printings), 1934 Macarthur 2d - 9d (4 - inc 1 CTO), 1935 Silver Jubilee 2/- (4) -inc scarce postally used Ash imprint pr with Melb Shipmail room cds, 1936 SA Cent 2d - 1/- (2). GU-FU, few faulty, these not counted in reserve. ACSC cat $1100+. (53). | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
169![]() Click for more photos | 1928-end 65 MUH collection in Seven Seas hingeless album inc 1928 Kookaburra 3d blue, 1931 Kingsford Smith set of 4 to 6d brown, 1932 Kookaburra 6d & Lyrebird 1/-, 1932 Bridge 2d, 3d opt OS, 1934 VIC Cent set to 1/- on sun-tanned paper & Macarthur set 2d, 3d, 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/-, 1936 SA to 1/-, 1937 NSW Sesqui set, 1937 KGV Defs (18) to 10/- Robes thick & thin papers. 1940 AIF set to 6d, 1949 Arms to £1 (horiz crease MUH), 1950 KGVI Defs to 2/6 Aborigine no wmk, 1953-65 QEII pre-decimals comp inc Produce Food strips, 1959-61 Pics to 5/- Cattle white paper, 1963 Navigator set of 8 to £2 King, 1964 Birds to 3/- & all high val Commems. Some darker sun-tanned gum to late 1930s. Generally F-VF MUH. ACSC cat $2240. (270) | AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
192![]() Click for more photos | 1937 NSW Sesqui-Cent 9d (60), 3d (400+), 2d (60). Mostly G-VFU, some in bundles cat £1790 = A$3600. (530) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
196![]() Click for more photos | 1953 Coronation set 3½d, 7½d, 2/-. 52 sets in blks of 32 & 20. VF fresh MUH. SG 264-66 cat £260. ACSC cat $208. | SOLD at A$70 | ||
207![]() Click for more photos | 1966-2015 Decimal used collection in 530 hagners (14 binders) inc 1966 Navigators set to $4 (6), 1969 Prime Ind (14 sets), 1970 Cook (10 sets), 1971 Christmas (12 sets), 1972 Prime Ind (6 sets), 1974 Paintings to $4 (8 sets) then vast majority of other Pic/Commem to late 1990s, then thinning out to Christmas 2015. Some light tropicalisation, generally G-F/VFU. Huge individual retail, plus extra for the 530 hagners. (Many 1000s) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
217![]() Click for more photos | 1981-end 2000 Decimal FDC collection in 9 matching maroon binders with 530 FDC in 300 1- or 2-strip hagner style pgs inc 1980s Pics to $20 Gardens & 1990s Pic/Commem sets, plus odd M/Sheet. Also Christmas Is 1990s Lunar New Year M/Sheets, plus AAT & Cocos Is. Mostly VF condition, FV $650 1991-2001, plus another $500 for the binders & pages, total $1150. Also some ephemera inc Australia Post Olympic Games Prestige stamp album. (530) | SOLD at A$130 | ||
260![]() Click for more photos | Aerogrammes: Five volume collection to late 1980s with vols 1 & 2 to 1979 (210) inc 1944 KGVI 7d AIR LETTER in yellow paper UN (ACSC A2 cat $150). 1945-52 KGVI 7d AIR LETTER on greyish paper (3) & blue paper (8), F-VF UN (cat $220), 1954 10d Globe (4, $40), 1950s-1960s Pre-decimal 10d commems (10) to 1965 Conference (cat $100). Then Decimals (100+) to 1979 Christmas mostly F-VF UN. Vol 3 with 320 assorted inc Aeroplanes, Christmas, Commems inc 1982 Brisbane Games & 1984 AUSIPEX Exhibitions plus Generic Pictorials to 1987 53c Aeroplane with 26 diff mixed UN/CTO. Vols 4 & 5 with Private Productions inc 1953 QANTAS, 1953 QEII Coronation commem flights (4 diff, cat $200), 1959 ANPEX Aerogram, 1960s Moomba Festivals, plus 1970s/80s, Generic Pictorial produced by Hallmark John Sands, Valentines & others. Also another 2 folders with assorted inc Pre-decimals postally used & Decimals to mid 1990s UN. 7 albums. Medium carton. (100s) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
266![]() Click for more photos | Australian Territories collection in springback album with 1946 'BCOF JAPAN' opt set of 7 M (retail $180). AAT 1957-86 (155) inc 1966 Pics to $1. Christmas Is 1958-76 (90) inc 1958 QEII & 1968 Fish sets to $1. Cocos Is 1963-79 (60) inc 1963 Pics to 2/3 M. Norfolk Is (285) to 1979 inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Defs to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird, 1966 dec opt set, 1969 Birds to $1 & others mostly F-VFM. PNG (700) to 1979 inc 1952 Defs to £1 Fisherman M & U, 1963 Pics to QEII £1 M & U, 1964 Birds to 10/-, & 1966-79 decimal Pic/Commem sets near comp. F-VFM. (1300) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
274![]() Click to enlarge photo | Christmas Island: 1994-2009 Chinese New Year on paper G/-VFU with 45c, 50c in qty, plus 2001 Snake $1.35 (73), 2002 Horse $1.35 (34), 2003 Goat $1.50 (90), 2004 Monkey $1.45 (145), 2005 Rooster $1.45 (183), 2006 Dog $1.45 (117), 2007 Pig $1.45 (53) & many others inc vendor's list, stated retail $4000. Lots like this are just not available. (100s) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
280![]() Click for more photos | Collection to 1995 on loose pages with scattered pre-Federation States (90), Kangaroos (28) to 5/-, KGV (50) to 1/4. 1928-32 Commems with OS opts or Perfins. 1934 Vic Cent set to 1/-, 1937 KGVI Robes 5/-, 10/-, £1. 1938 NSW Sesqui set, 1949 Arms to £1 & 1964 Navigator set to £2 King. Also 1937-1965 Pre-decimal FDC (118) inc 1937 NSW Sesqui set (2), 1953 Food Produce set of 6, 1959 Pics to 5/- Cattle & Navigators to 10/- Flinders, some foxing/toning, mainly in the FDC. Then 1966-1995 MUH/M/U collection inc 1966 Def set to $4 M & U, plus Navigator set FDC. AAT 1966 Pic set to $1. 1969-72 PO Packs (14, retail $180) inc 1970 Cook & 1971 Christmas blk of 7. Then 1970s-80s-90s Pics with plenty of M/MUH sets, FDC & good variety of non-letter rate higher vals. Toning/foxing throughout, mainly on the envelope or pgs, mixed M/MUH G-FU. (many 100s) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
284![]() Click for more photos | Covers: 1933-64 First Flight covers to PNG 1933 (Feb) to Salamaua, 1934 return to New Guinea & Papua, 1938 to Papua, return to Papua (2), New Guinea (3), plus 1964 TAA flight addressed to Wewak, AAMC 296, 393, 809, 812, 1522 cat $530. Mixed condition. (10). | SOLD at A$90 | ||
305![]() Click for more photos | Covers: Pre-Decimal FDC collection (340) to 1965 Churchill inc 1937 KGVI 1d, 2d Die I (7), 1946 Mitchell (registered), 1951 Federation (2 diff cachets), 1952 KGVI 1/0½d. Aborigine 2/6 on single FDC, 1953 Coronation, 1953 Tas Sesqui Cent. 1955 South Aust Cent registered St Paul's (2 diff cachets) 1959 Flowers to 3/- & 1964 Birds set. Decimals (300) to 1979 Trains with wide range of cachets inc 1970 Expo, Grasslands & RV unaddressed PO Pictorials then mostly Private cachets or PO Generic with good variety & minimal duplication. Nearly all addressed, some sl mixed condition inc minor tropicalising, generally F-VF. (640). | SOLD at A$170 | ||
310![]() Click for more photos | Covers: Large FDC collection to 1978 Horse Racing with Pre-Decimals (350) inc 1937 KGVI 1d, 2d Die I (6), 1951 Federation (3 diff cachets), 1953 Coronation & 1954 RV sets. 1953 Tas Sesqui (2 diff cachets). 1955 Melbourne Olympics 2/- green (4 diff cachets). 1955 Cobb & Co (4 diff Coach cachets). 1959 Flowers set to 3/- Waratah. 1960 QLD Stamp Cent with 8 diff QV Chalon cachets & 1964 Birds to 3/-. Decimals (300) to 1978 Horse Racing, mostly private pictorial cachets or PO generic with wide range throughout. Nearly all addressed, some sl mixed condition, inc minor tropicalisation, generally F-VF. (650). | SOLD at A$120 | ||
333![]() Click for more photos | Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 6: Australian Territory back-up stock inc Cocos Is 1963 Pic sets (6, retail $180), plus scattered decimals MUH (FV $25). Norfolk Is to 1985 inc 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge (2 sets). 1960 Defs to 10/- Bird (2 sets), 1966 opts to $1 (5 sets), plus extra $1 (30). 1961 Bird sets (2). All F-VFU, plus reasonable range of 1970s-80s MUH decimals (FV $100) to $5 Flower. PNG 1981-95 with high FV inc 220 MUH Commem sets, plus 1982 Defs to K5 Bird (3 sets). 1987 Ships to K2 (7 sets) & 1991 Birds to K10 (4 sets). | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
376![]() Click for more photos | Postal Stationery - Postcards: 1911-54 unused with 1911 KGV 'the left half', 1918 surch 1½d on 1d red, 1920 1½d brown w/o footnote, 1923 same opt 1d on 1½d, 1924 1d green, 1925 1d green die 3, 1930 1½d brown, 1938 KGVI 1½d, 1953 QEII 3d die 2, & 4d/3d green. Generally F-VF UN. ACSC cat $1000. (10). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
377![]() Click for more photos | Postal Stationery - Postcards: 1911-53 used with 1911 Scenic KGV 1d red text setting 1, views Phantom Falls, Buffalo Mts & Coimadai, all in shades of black (ACSC P21(2), (8) & (12).1918 KGV 1d red uprated ½d with 'City of Hawthorne' printed reverse, 1918-19 surch 1½d on 1d red sulphite stock (2), 1920-22 KGV 1½d brown buff stock, 1923 surch 1d on 1½d brown w/o footnote to Scotland, 1925-30 1d green die 3, 1930-37 1½d brown 83mm footnote, 1941-43 Queen 1d+1d doubleton, 1943-50 KGVI 2d, 1953-57 QEII 3d. F-VFU. ACSC cat $635 (13) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
378![]() Click for more photos | Postal Stationery - Wrappers: 1913-60s used collection inc 1913 Kangaroo ½d green CTO, 1931 KGV 1d green with extra stamp box to USA, & uprated KGVI 3d blue to Germany, 1942 1½d, 1954 2½d, 1953 QEII 2½d, 1967 5c uprated to England, & 6c uprated to England. Also PTPO 1935 use of KGV 1d green with no text, plus OHMS 1919 KGV 1d red OS dots in die uprated ½d. F-VFU. ACSC cat $1100. (10). | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
382![]() Click for more photos | Three volume decimal specialised collection to early 1980s with 1966 QEII 1c-6c positional multiples (ACSC cat $900) inc 4c red plate number blks of 20 (8, cat $240) & scarce range of 3c plated cnr blks. 7c-10c Fish sheet nos & other multiples. Birds to 30c inc 24c UR pane of 40, 30c Autotrons LL cnr blk & LR cnr sheet no blk of 4. Navigator set to $4 blks of 4, plus 75c Plate 3 UR blk with re-cutting flaw (pos 2/1, 2/2), plus another 3 multiples with re-cuts. $1 Flinders variety 'missing LL frame' (pos R9/3) in LR cnr blk of 10. Extensive 1966-70 4c & 5c Commems in positional blks & large multiples (cat $1400) inc 4c Banking, 5c Medical 'needle in thumb' flaws (6) inc Autotron multiple, 5c Flight cnr blks of 25 (6) inc 4 sheet no multiples, 5c Cook sheet of 100 bi-sected vertically & 1970 RV 5c misplaced tiara blk of 20. Other 967-70 issues inc 1968 WWW 20c left pane of 50 & 25c Intelsat Autotron gutter blk of 20, 1968 Flowers 6c, 13c & 30c in positional multiples, 1970 Cook M/Sheet opt ANPEX consecutive pr (scarce) & forged opt number 1502. 1970 coil collection inc 7c missing buff & misplaced green (9, cat $2700 inc strip of 4), plus 4 diff coil wrappers (cat $100) 1970-73 6c & 7c Commems in blks & multiple (cat $2000) inc 1971 RAAF 6c study. 1971 Christmas 7c blks of 25 (2), plus Autotron mirror blk of 12 & 1972 Olympics varieties. 1972 Rehab group, 1974 Painting $2 gutter blk of 10 (cat $100) & 'fungus flaw' in sheet no blk of 9 ($100). 1974 Christmas plate no blk of 4 collection (cat $530). 1975 IWY 10c aniline print blk of 4 (2, cat $800). 1976 Olympics group. 1978 Australia Day pink & green gum gutter blks. 1978 Birds with large multiple to 25c, 1980 High Court 22c aniline print strip of 4 (cat $80), 1983 WCY 27c aniline print blk of 10 thematics, plus much more inc 1978 Flower 18c missing black, 1980 Aeroplane 22c imperf Proof (cat $100) & 1993 CPS candlestick trial set of 3 in vert prs (retail $600). Appears fresh & clean throughout. Total ACSC cat/retail $12,900. | AVAILABLE at A$1500 | ||
451![]() Click for more photos | Australian Territories 1916-18 2 vol collection on Seven Seas hingeless pages. Inc Nauru with 1916 10/- Seahorse opt Nauru, light cnr cancel, 1924 Ships to 9d, 1954 -78 range, AAT 1957-91 inc 1959, 1973 & 1979 sets, Christmas Is 1963 set, range of sets & M/S to 1978, Cocos Is range 1963-79, Norfolk Is 1947 Ball Bay FDC set to 2/- (12), range 1953-78. Mainly FU, about 20 VF M-MUH. Papua New Guinea 1952 Pictorial to £1, then range to 1978, some covers, many comp sets, all diff. (700+ 7 covers). (P) | SOLD at A$300 | ||
467![]() Click for more photos | Beaut British Commonwealth carton lot with AAT Pics to 1999 Mawson's Hut in thick s/book inc 1966 Defs to $1 Mock Sun. Faroe Islands 1990s MUH Pics/Commems with 1995 Leaf Hopper Insects (150 sets, SG cat £1650), Tourism pr (50 sets, £230), Raven prs (50, £220), Rural Life trio (50 sets, £600), 4k St Olaf (100, cat £240) & 1995 Christmas pr (100 sets, £440). All fresh MUH, total SG cat £3300 = A$6600). Australia 1966-79 decimal collection in Seven Seas hingeless album (GC, new retail $100) inc 1971 Christmas blk of 7 & Paintings to $10. GB 1952-77 QEII collection in Schaubek illustrated album very near comp G-FU inc Wildings, Castles, Regionals & plenty of Pics/Commems, generally G-FU, plus 1953-70 M/MUH collection in red s/book. Indonesia Joint Issue with Australia 1996 Cuscus booklets (4, cat $100 ea). Large green Lighthouse s/book with a selection of Australian M/Sheets MUH/CTO inc 1970 Cook Bi-Centenary (4). Thematic Art collection in VGC SG Senator springback binder (retail $80+). Also covers with India 1961-66 FDC collection (65), Jersey 1980s Aviation covers inc 2 SG albums & stamps of all countries 1981-82 FDC with around 200 diff loose in bag. Generally F-VF M/MUH, G-F/VFU, Large carton. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
476![]() Click for more photos | British Empire & Commonwealth: 1860-1980s collections with some extras in 2 Vario binder/s/book & 2 Minkus Maldive/Ceylon hingeless album, inc British Guiana 1860s to 2c, 1934 KGV set to $2, 1938 KGVI set to $3, 1954 QEII set to $5, also 1954 set cnr prs to $5 with plate numbers, British Honduras 1938 KGV set to $5, 1953 QEII set to $5, Nigeria 1921 KGV to 2/6, 1936 to 10/-, 1938 KGVI comp to 5/- with shades & most perfs, Ceylon 1950s-70s, 1946 Victory set in blks of 4, 40+ countries. Maldive Islands, 1906 3c & 4c, 1909 Minaret set to 1R, range to 1970s, Burma 1945 BMA set, 1946 Civil Admin set, 1947 Interim Govt sets to 10R. Many comp sets, scarcer issues, plus a huge range of other unmentioned stamps. Mostly F-VF MLH & G-VF U, minor tropicalisation throughout maybe effecting small percentage. SG cat £3600+ = A$7200+. (2300 + 4 M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$650 | ||
480![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth: 1953-2000s collection in 4 binders & s/books. Antigua to Bahamas range of QEII Commems & Defs inc Antigua 1970 Ship set to $5. Bahamas 1954 QEII Pic to £1. 1964 New Constitution opt set to £1. Also BIOT inc 1965 opt set to 10R. Mauritius 1967-2017 collection in 2 s/books inc 1967 Self Govt opt set to 5R. 1969-73 QEII Fish set to 10R. Good coverage of Commems & M/S. Thematic collection in binder of Turtles inc M/S. F-VF M/MUH/U. SG cat £2200+ = A$4400+. Attractive collection. (1500 + 45 M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$375 | ||
487![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth carton lot with QEII 1953 Coronation Omnibus collection F-VFM, plus 1981 RW MUH collection in red binder. PNG 1970s MUH accumulation in glassines & PO Packs, plus 1965-69 FDC collection (60) inc 1966 Butterfly & 1969 Shell sets to $2 in small album. Christmas Is 1958-86 CTO collection in thick s/book inc 1958 QEII to $1 (2 sets), 1963 Pics to $1 Bird (4), 1968 Fish (4 sets), 1976 Explorers to $2 & 1982 Birds to $4 blks of 4. Large brown s/book with Falkland Is 1980s Commems. Fiji Kiribati 1979 Pics to $2 blks of 5. Nevis 1984 $1.20 Tourism set imperf plate number blks of 4. NZ 1966-74 Health M/Sheets (11), plus 1969 Cook (2), retail $260. Singapore 2015 50th Anniv MUH collection (FV $40). Tokelau 1997 Diana Memorial $1 Pics & Vanuatu 95t Pics, 100 of ea in sheets of 50 & FV A$210. Finally Australia 1960s-70s MUH accumulation inc 1971 Christmas 7c sets (2), plus 1996 Indonesia/Australia Cuscus Joint Issue booklets (4, cat $100 ea). Then more Australia with 1940s-60s pre-decimal MUH collection in s/book & 1980s FDC in album, 2 empty Seven Seas hingeless albums & bundle of 100 1970s Aust Post PPC. Lastly Pitcairn 1960s-70s MUH collection in 25 hagners with 150 Commem sets inc blks of 4 & 46 assorted M/Sheets. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
488![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth Carton Lot with 1978 QEII Jubilee M/Sheet set of 21, then other M/Sheets inc PNG 1975 Independence (50), plus Christmas Is, Cocos, Norfolk, other PNG with 1990s Exhibition opts. Australia 1969-1975 virtually comp PO Pack collection inc 1970, 71 selected issues, Christmas comp 1971-1975, 1975 Gift Pack & AAT/Cocos Is packs to 1973. Indonesia's 1966 Joint Issue Cuscus booklets (4, cat $400). 1997 Diana Memorial sheet of 50 (4 diff) inc Fiji, Tokelau & Vanuatu. 1947-1969 Norfolk Island M/MUH collection inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Pics to 5/- Brown Bridge (2 sets), 1960 Defs to 10/- Bird plus extra 10/- opt SPECIMEN & 1969 Birds to $1 (2 sets). Nauru 1960s-70s MUH Pics/Commems inc multiples & blks. Pacific Island 1970s M/MUH Pic/Commem sets with Fiji (35) inc vals to $2.00 Flowers & Samoa (35). Cocos Islands Seven Seas pages to 1991, inc 1963 & 1969 Pic sets M. NZ 1890s-1990s collection in hagners with KGV to 1/- inc Official opts, 1940 Centennial set U inc Official opts to 1/-, 1968, 70, 72, 73, 74 & 1975 Health M/Sheets MUH (retail $250) & 1996 'Best of This' ($60). Big lot to sort through, mixed M/MUH/G-F/VFU. (100s) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
489![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth Carton Lot with concise 1981 RW Collection, Australia 1966-1975 MUH collection loose in hagner plus Seven Seas hingeless album to 1984 to place them in! Christmas Is 1958-75 MUH collection in Seven Seas slip hingeless album plus extra 1958, 1963 & 1969 Def sets (retail $300). Disorganised sets/singles in two maroon binders inc British West Indies KGV SJ sets (8). M/Sheet mess inc 1978 QEII Coronation Jubilee set of 21. NZ Healths 1968, 70, 72, 73 & 74 (retail $200), plus 1996 Best of Trio ($60). Australia 1982 Brisbane Exhib Number 9999 & 10001, plus Hong Kong, Tuvalu & others. British Pacific 1980s MUH mess with Nauru (FV $32), Fiji ($60), Pitcairn ($58) & Samoa ($65), plus Indonesia 1996 Joint Issue Cuscus Booklets (4, cat $400). Norfolk Is 1947-1984 near comp Used collection in Seven Seas album inc 1953 Defs to 5/- Brown Bridge, 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird, 1969 Birds to $1, 1983 Flowers to $5 & 1974 UPU M/Sheet. Also GB 1970s FDC collection & Australia 2010 Great Australian Railway set of 4 Gold Foil stamps (No.256/750) with C.O.A. retail $80. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
490![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth Carton Lot with Australia 1948-1971 FDC collection (80), strength in Pre-decimal commems inc odd FFC. British Commonwealth 1970s-80s MUH Pic/Commems & M/Sheets inc Australia 1971 Christmas 7c set of 7 (10), light gum tones MUH, plus 1966-73 MUH collections (retail $100) inc 1966 Defs to $4, AAT 1966 Pics to $1 Mock Sun, China PRC 1990s Pic sets, Indonesia 1996 Joint Issue Cuscus booklets (4, cat $400). Nauru 1966 Pics sets to $1 blks of 15 MUH (retail $150). Nevis 1984 Tourism Imperf blks of 4, NZ 1960 Pics to £1 Geyser, PNG 1975 Independence M/Sheets (50) & St Vincent 1986 King Arthur imperf proof blks of 6 (2 diff). Seychelles 1980 Pics to $20 plus much more, mostly F-VF MUH. Then Christmas Island 1952-74 MUH collection inc extra 1958, 1963 & 1969 Def sets (retail $220), plus 1986 Pics to % Turtle. Cocos Is 1990s Exhibition opt M/Sheets (15, retail $180) inc 1990 BIRDPEX (2), Norfolk Is 1947-1970 F-VFU collection inc 1953 Pics to 5- Brown Bridge & 1960 Defs to 10/- Bird. Cocos Island to mid 1980s inc Pic/Commem sets, blks of 4 or gutter blks of 10. GB FDC collection plus others inc Jersey Commem sets sheet of 20. Ten albums in total, mixed CTO/MUH/M/G-F/VFU. (100s) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
493![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth carton lot with collection/accumulation in 4 albums, plus hagners, pages etc, with British South Africa inc KUT 1930s-1970s inc 1937-54 KGVI to 3/- U, with extras, 1954 Officials to £1, cat £250. Nigeria 1900-1970 inc 1953 Defins (2 sets), 1961 Defins, 1965 Defins U cat £160. Rhodesia 1950s-1970 cat £170, Sth Africa 1931-2010, noted 1933-48 Pics inc 5/- pr, 1938 Voortrekker set in prs, 1939 Huguenot 1d, 1½d in prs M/MUH, plus set in prs U. 1941-45 War Effort selection M & others, cat £630. British West Indies inc Barbuda, Bermuda, M/MUH & many others M/U, cat £100+. New Zealand collection in Illus album 1898-1974 mostly U, retail NZ$300+. Various others F/VF. (2000+, 30 M/S) | SOLD at A$190 | ||
494![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth carton lot. New Zealand 1990s FDC collection (45, FV $165) plus RNZAF Commem Flight covers (16 diff) mostly pilot signed. GB 1980s FDC collection in album. America/British Caribbean MUH collection in Chinese s/book, British Pacific Islands in hagner album with Norfolk Is to 1966 inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Defs to 5/- brown Bridge & 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird. Samoa to 1980 inc 1962 Pics to 5/-, 1967 Birds to $4 & 1972 Wildlife to $5 Lizard. Also 1997 Diana Memorial Pics for Fiji (81c), Tokelau $1) & Vanuatu (95c) sheets of 50. Australia inc 1936 South Aust 1/- (6) F-VFU. 1966-71 MUH collection inc 1966 Defs to $4 King, 1971 Christmas blks of 7 & AAT 1966 Pics to $1 plus Indonesia 1996 Joint Issue Cuscus booklets (4, cat $100 ea). Pacific Island PO Packs inc PNG 1981, 82, 86 Year Packs, Nauru 1960s-70s collection inc 1964 Pic set to 5/- CTO (6), 1974 1st Contact (6), 1975 Phosphate sets (20), 1975 Christmas (20) & 1979 Christmas (9) total retail $240, NZ 1984 & 1991 PO Year albums, PNG 1975 Independence M/Sheets (50) & others inc Australia KGVI imprints & other MUH stamps in older sheet file & British Commonwealth in springback album inc GB KGVI to £1 brown, Fiji KGVI Defs to 10/-, South Africa Voortrekker sets & Solomon Is KGVI to 10/-. 12 albums in total, mixed G-F/VFU, M/MUH. (100s) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
495![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth carton lot with Norfolk Is 1953-66 M/MUH/U collection (110) inc 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Pic sets (3), plus extra 10/- opt SPECIMEN, plus 1967 Ships to $1 blks of 4 MUH. 1966 decimal opt set. AAT 1966 Pic sets (2) to $1 MUH. NZ 1957-75 Health M/Sheet MUH collection (14, retail $300) & 1996 Best Of M/Sheet trio ($60). Tuvalu 1982 RV M/Sheets opt SPECIMEN (6). 1997 Princess Diana Memorial sheets of 50 (8 diff) inc Tokelau $1, Fiji 81c, Solomon Is $2 & Vanuatu 95t, plus others inc Indonesia/Australia 1996 Joint Issue Cuscus booklet (4, cat $100 ea). All in pink binder. Then Australia in 4 albums, strength in decimals inc 1971 Christmas sets UN/M (6), plus unaddressed FDC & over 140 other 1970s-80s FDC. AAT 1957-84 Christmas Is 1958-82 & Cocos Is 1963-82 comp MUH collections (retail $400) in Seven Seas hingeless pgs. NZ 1984, 85 & 86 PO Year Albums, plus 2 maroon springback binders with around 80 unused pgs. 11 albums in total. Large carton. (Many 100s) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
501![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth selection on hagners with Australia Kangaroos 1913 1st wmk set to 1/- (2, ACSC cat $600), plus 1d red wmk INV (2, cat $100). 1916 set to 2/- maroon (3 sets, cat $675 inc 2/- brown), plus extras 3d, 6d, 9d, 1/- (2 of ea cat $180) & 5/- bicolour ($250). British Occupation of Cyrenaica 1950 Pic set to 500M MLH SG 136-148 cat £225. British Occupation of Italian Colonies 1942-52 collection (116) with GB KGVI Defs for MEF, EAF, Eritrea, Somalia, Tripolitania opts. Mixed M & U, STC £340. Morocco Agencies QV-QEII 2 opt collection (490) mixed M & U from all zones inc French & Spanish, plus Tangier to 1957. New Zealand 1860s-1960s collection (630, retail $4200). 1860s QV Chalons, 1d brown, 2d blue (3), 2d orange & 3d lilac. 1870s QV Sidefaces to 1/- green. 1880s-90s QV to 1/- chestnut inc Adverts (12). 1890s Pics to 1/- inc 4d Terraces (3) & 6d green Kiwi. 1908 KEVII set to 1/-, 1915 KGV of 15 to 1/-, plus extras. 1920 Victory set. 1976 Admirals 2/- (2) & 3/-. 1935 Pics to 3/- inc perf variations. 1940 Centennial set. 1953 Pics to 2/- & 1940 Centennial set. Arms Postal Fiscals (27) to £1 wmk INV. 1980s-1930s Lighthouses to 6d pink, plus others inc 1939 Express 6d. Mostly F-VFM/U. Retail $6450+. Well worth inspection. (1300+) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
502![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth sets & singles inc Australia 1986 Wildlife 36c lower marginal 'MODULE 4' traffic light blk of 20, fresh MUH, ACSC 1149/53z cat $150. 1937 KGVI 3d blue Die I VFM (3, cat £195). Bahrain 1952-55 opts to 10R MLH (£70). Cayman Island 1962 QEII set to £1 MUH (£110), Dominica 1951 KGVI Pics to $2.40 MUH (£55). Barbados 1965 & 1966 Marine Life sets to $2.50 tropicalised gum MUH. Falkland 1sL Dep 1944 set of 8 (all 4) to 1/-MUH (cat £76). French Antarctic 1956 Pics 12f, 20f, 200f MUH (£126). GB 1948 KGVI SW £1 first MUH (£40). New Guinea 1915 GRI 1d opt on DNG 5pfg Youth with OS opt, SG O2 cat £100. New Zealand 'KEVII Land' opt on 1901 Universal VFU (cat £50). Qatar 1951 Pics 1R-10R VFM (£125). New Hebrides 1908 Inter-Island Post 1d & 2d FM. Japan early 1900s Commem sets inc 1915 Coronation (cat £80), 1928 Enthronement & 1935 Visit to Manchukuo. USA 1977, 78, 79 $5 Duck Stamps blks of 4 MUH. Zambia 1964 Pics to £1 plus others. Some F-VF M/U, generally fresh MUH. Total cat £1500+ = A$3000. (265) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
514![]() Click for more photos | British Empire: 1938-59 KGVI & QEII sets collection inc Bechuanaland 1938 KGVI Cattle set to 10/-. Dominica 1938 KGVI Pic vals to 10/-. Fiji 1938 KGVI Pic set to £1. Gambia 1938 KGVI Elephant set to 10/-. Gilbert & Ellice Is 1938 KGVI Pic to 5/-. Nyasaland 1938 KGVI Leopard vals to £1 & 1945 KGVI Pic set to 20/-. Papua New Guinea 1952 Pic Def set to £1. Solomons 1939 KGVI Pic set to 10/-. Somaliland 1953 QEII Pic set to 10/-. F-VF M/MLH, 6U. SG cat £1350+ = A$2700+. (145). | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
533![]() Click for more photos | Carton lot with British Empire omnibus collections (3) for 1937 KGVI Coronation M/U in Westminster album, 1946 Victory & 1953 QEII both appear comp M in 2 small s/books. SG cat £430. World, mostly Thematic collection, in large s/book with wide range of Pics & Commems, plus 30 M/sheets. Australian pre-decimal in 48pg KEK s/book inc 1934 Vic Cent 1/- (4), KGVI to 5/- Robes. Arms sets to £1 (3), 1950s 2/- Commems (40) & Cattle 5/- (40) cream & white papers, plus dec FDC (200) inc Commem/Pic cancels. Then more covers inc FAI History of Aviation Stamp Collection with 56 World FDC in over-size custom album, & 1981 RW Omnibus collection with 24 FDC. Finally Norfolk Island near comp MUH (odd CTO) to end 1974 in VGC Seven Seas hingeless album (pgs to Dec 1991) inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Defs to 5/- brown Bridge, surcharges set of 5 to 2/8, 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird, 1966 dec opts to $1 (both), 1967 Ships, 1969 Birds & other Pics/Commems to 1974 UPU M/sheets retail $600 inc the VGC hingeless album. Variable M/MUH/U. | AVAILABLE at A$325 | ||
535![]() Click for more photos | Carton lot with Japan 1970 EXPO collection with folders & M/Sheet. WWF 1976 Official collection of Wildlife FDC set of 108 in custom made green album with estimated new issue cost of $500. 2 Lighthouse FDC albums with a variety of covers (150) inc Ireland, Fiji, Israel, Ceylon & GB mixed FDC/Commercial Mail. Australia collection in Seven Seas Junior album, plus decimal duplicates in thick s/book. World 1930s collection in maroon springback album inc Europe, French Colonies & Indian States. Australian 1940s Commem imprint blks (18) inc comp sets on loose pgs. AAT 1957-73 collection on Seven Seas pgs, plus 1966-73 PO Pack set of 4 (retail $75). Aust Territory & Pacific Islands accumulation in red Lighthouse s/book with 150 MUH Pic/Commem sets inc Christmas Is 1958 QEII to $1 blks of 4, Cocos Is 1963 Pic sets to 2/3, NZ 1953 Officials to 3/-, plus 1969 Cook M/Sheet (2), Pitcairn KGVI to 2/6 & QEII to 8/-, these retail $560. Finally Nauru collection 1966-88 in 20 hagners with 60 Pic/Commem sets & 18 M/S inc 1979 Rowland Hill numbered set of 12. Overall variable condition mixed M/MUH, G-F/VFU. Large carton. (100s) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
537![]() Click for more photos | Carton lot with Australia pre-decimal collection inc 1930s Commem sets to 1/-, 1937 KGVI Defs to £1 Robes, 1949 Defs to Arms to £2, QEII Navigators to 10/- Flinders, decimal Pics to late 1970s inc Paintings to $10, plus 1966-90 Seven Seas hingeless album (new retail $250). Faroes 1990s MUH Pic sets with 1995 Leaf Hopper Beetles (200, SG cat £2200), 1995 Tourism pr (50 sets, cat £230), Europa pr (100 sets, £620), Ravens pr (50 sets, £220), Rural Life trio (50 sets, £600) & 1995 Christmas (100 sets, £440), all fresh MUH, total SG cat £4310 = A$8300. Australia, GB & Europe 1960s-80s Pics/Commems collection in VGC hagners. Germany Lighthouse illustrated pgs for West Berlin 1948-69 on original boxes (retail $80). New Zealand 1940s-60s M/MUH/U pre-decimal accumulation inc 1940 Officials to 1/-, 1940s-60s Health sets MUH in quantity inc odd plate number/imprint blk, 1953 QEII Coronation sets MUH (12), 1954 QEII Defs to 10/- U (2 sets), 1955 QEII sets to 8d brown MUH (7), 1956 Southland Centenary sets MUH (40), 1960 Pic sets near comp (4) to £1 Geyser & plenty of other 1950s/60s Pic/Commem sets with around 4000 stamps in total. Norfolk Is comp collection to end 1975 in Seven Seas album inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Defs to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Defs to 10/- Bird & all dec inc 1974 UPU M/Sheet. Also some other bits & pieces inc Russia, Spain & 1981 RW collection. Few flts, mostly F-VF M/MUH/U. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
542![]() Click for more photos | Carton lot with British Commonwealth accumulation in 40 hagners inc 1978 QEII SJ set of 21 M/Sheets. Australia inc 1953 Tasmania 150th Anniv sets blks of 20 MUH, 1965 ICY 2/3 cnr blk of 20 & 1971 Christmas 7c blks of 7 & 25. Indonesia 1996 Joint Issue with Australia Cuscus booklet (4, cat $100 ea). Nevis 1984 Tourism $1.20 set of 4, UR cnr IMPERF plate number blks of 4 MUH. New Zealand 1968-74 Health M/Sheets (9), plus 2006 Kiwipex Exhibition set of 4 & 1969 Cook M/Sheet all VF MUH (retail $260). NZ 1953-85 collection in Seven Seas hingeless pgs (retail $350) with decimals near comp MUH inc 1967 Arms set to $10 & 1967, 69, 72-75 Health M/Sheets (retail $275). Germany 1995 PO Year Album, plus Lighthouse illustrated pages for 1945-49 Allied Occup & Saar new, retail $200. Israel 1990s MUH/CTO accumulation in thick Lighthouse s/book with M/Sheets, sheetlets & variety of Pic/Commem sets. GB 1970s FDC collection (66) in black album. USA mixed accumulation inc pre-cancels in maroon binder. Art collection in thick loose leaf album Australia. Norfolk Is 1947-81 collection in hagner album inc 1953 Defs to 5/- brown bridge. 1960 Birds set to 10/-, 1967 Ships sets (5), 1969 Birds, 1986 RW set gutter blks of 10, plus Framas & of Pics/Commems. Some sl mixed condition, generally F-VF MUH/M/U. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
543 | Carton Lot with Ireland 1922-2000 collection (3000+) with good variety throughout, strength in commems, higher value Pics to £2, plus empty 'White Ace' album with illustrated pgs to 2000. Tatty 1930s-1950s M/MUH collection (280) inc Airmails, Express Post, Pics & Commems. Seven Seas 1968-72 Arabian States collection in illustrated album. Australia 1966-76 MUH collection (retail $260) in Seven Seas hingeless album inc 1966 Defs to $4 King, all 1969-73 Commem sets & 1974 Defs to $4 Painting. Australian 1950s-70s FDC in maroon binder inc 20 1950s Pre-decimal covers. Denmark 1974-1983 Year Packs (6), British Pacific accum in hagners inc Australia 1966 Birds 6c, 20c, 24c, 30c blks of 15 (rev spots MUH), Christmas Island 1969 Fish, Norfolk Is near comp 1947-1972 collection inc 1953 Pics to 5/- Brown Bridge & 1960 Pics to 10/- Birds, AAT 1960s-7s Pics in quantity G-FU & others. Also Aust Territory collection on loose pages. World mess in white binder. All neatly packed into single carton mixed M/MUH/G-F/VFU. | SOLD at A$300 | ||
550![]() Click for more photos | China - Macao: 1953-2023 extensive collection mostly MUH in 75 VGC Vario pgs in 2 binder s, inc 1956 Map set, then bulk of collection mid 1990s-2023. A comprehensive & colourful range of sets, M/Sheets & sheetlets inc Lunar New Year sets & M/S, Architecture, various Anniv & many others. An attractive mainly VF MUH collection. SG cat £4150 = A$8300+. Recent issues seldom seen. (520, 285 M/S or sheetlets) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
571![]() Click for more photos | Cyprus & Gibraltar: 1880-1970s collection in binder. Cyprus 1902-10 KEVII to 12Pi. 1934 KGV Pic set to 45Pi. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938-51 KGVI to £1. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1955-60 QEII Pic set to £1. 1960-61 Republic opt set to £1. Range of Commems inc useful Europa sets. Gibraltar 1886-87 QV to 1/-. 1889-96 QV Spanish Currency to 5P. 1906-11 KEVII to 4/-. 1925-32 KGV to 10/-. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938-51 KGVI Pic set to £1. 1953-59 QEII Pic set to £1 & 1960-63 Def set to £1. 1971 Views se-tenant set to £1. Good coverage of Commems. Mostly G-VF M/MUH/U, parts with tropicalisation. SG cat £3300+ = A$6600+. (1135+, plus 23 M/S) | SOLD at A$375 | ||
578![]() Click for more photos | Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 13. British Commonwealth Part 2. 1981 RW collection/accumulation with 66 Commem sets, plus 70 M/Sheets. Mostly all diff, fresh MUH. 1997 Princess Diana Memorial M/Sheet accumulation (54, retail $260) with around 25 diff. Great Britain 1968-69 pre-dec MUH sets (560, est cat £220) with 10 diff inc 1968 Anniv to 1/9 Cook (140), 1969 Ships (40), Concorde (80), Prince of Wales (60) & 1969 Christmas (80). Nauru 1960s-80s pic/ sets (340) mostly fresh MUH inc 1978 Pics to $5 blks of 4, plus pre-decimals inc KGV opt set to 6d, 1950s Pics to 5/-. NZ to 1970 in red s/book inc 1953 QEII to 10/- blue & 1967 1st decimals to $2 Geyser. Then Vol 2 to mid 1990s inc 1971 Defs to $2 (12 sets, retail $180), 1972 Flowers (15 sets, $90), 1973-75 Scenic sets (29, $160), plus 1980s-90s Pics/Commems (FV $180) inc Birds to $10. PNG 1952-80 MUH accumulation inc 1960 Postage Due sets (3) to 3/-, 1958 Cattle 2/5 (18), 1964 Birds to 3/- (6 sets), 1960s Commem sets (25) & 1966-80 decimal Pic sets (110) inc 1969 Shells to $2 (3 sets). | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
585![]() Click for more photos | Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 26. Large shoebox with sets/singles in glassines inc Lundy Is 1953 QEII Coronation, 1970s-90s British Commonwealth MUH Pic sets in blks of 4 & M/Sheets. Australia/GB Maxicards inc comp sets. Australia 1983-93 Royal Easter Show (Sydney) Commem covers (2500) in boxes of 500. Plastic tub with 1990 Channel Is FDC, mainly Jersey. Also NZ 1990s Philatelic Exhibition M/Sheets (50 mixed) inc 1995 Jakarta (5, retail $200). World Pic packet mess in blue shoebox. World on-paper mix (1.2kg) in big black box. Mixed collection with Disney Thematics in s/book & hagner album with 90 MUH Pic sets, plus 30 M/Sheets. British Commonwealth accumulation in another 55 hagners with 126 M/Sheets inc Churchill Commems, 2011 RW, Christmas Is Pics, plus others. Tuvalu 1980s Leaders of the World collection with Pic sets & 13 MUH M/Sheets & 26 Pic sets. Finally large AUSIPEX collection in 3 illustrated official albums with 63 Pic/Commem sets, 52 M/Sheets, plus misc cards or Cinderellas. All neatly packed into 3 manageable cartons. | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
598![]() Click for more photos | Diverse carton lot with Australia 1930s-90s Pics/Commems (2500+) in 2 s/books & over 70 hagners inc 1931 Kingsford Smith 6d (3), 1936 SA Cent to 1/- (3 sets), pre-dec QEII to £1 Bass & high val dec Pics. 1956-2000 Official Australian Olympic MUH collection in custom-made album 1969-75 near comp PO Pack collection (retail $350) inc AAT & Cocos Is Def sets. British Empire 1935 KGV SJ, 1937 KGVI Coronation & 1946 Victory sets & singles in another s/book. Czechoslovakia 1920s-50s in contemporary loose leaf album. Fiji 1977-2012 MUH collection inc 2008 Emergency opt ERRORS. PNG 1980s-90s MUH Pic sets & M/Sheets inc Exhibition emissions. Norfolk Is near comp 1947-69 collection inc 1953 Pics to 5/- brown bridge, 1960 Defs to 10/- green & 1969 Bird sets (2) to $1.00. 10 albums in total with many 100s of stamps. Medium carton. | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
600![]() Click for more photos | Eight volume carton lot with Mongolia 1960-70s Pics, Commems, Thematics (700), Australia 1966-80 collection in s/book inc 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 25. 1970s-80s FDC in 2 vols inc 1970 Grasslands PO envelope unaddressed, 1970 Cook M/Sheet & 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 7 & 1971 Sydney Philatelic Centre Opening (2, cat $40 ea). Great Britain 1930s-90s accumulation (100s) in 2 s/books inc 1960s pre-dec high val Commems & good range of Small Machins to £5 brown, plus Britannia £10 (28). Also 1970-75 PO Pack accumulation (55) inc Regional Machins. Disorganised mess in 35 hagners inc Hong Kong 1980s QEII to $50, GB 1970s QEII to £5 blue, plus Ireland, Fiji & Europe. Black binder with more British Commonwealth inc PNG 1964 Bird 10/- blk of 10 MUH, Norfolk Is 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- & 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge M, Christmas Is 1958 QEII to $1 MUH, AAT 1966 Pics to $1 MUH, Cocos Is 1963 Defs to 2/3, Indonesia-Australia Joint issue booklets (4, Pfr cat $100 ea, $400). GB high values to 10/- Seahorse inc 1880s QV 1/- green (cat £160), 8d orange (£350) & 2/6 violet (£160), KEVII 2/6 (3) & KGV 2/6 brown (5) & 5/- red (6). Some sl mixed condition, unorthodox array variable G-F/VFU M/MUH inc History of Transportation MUH collection in blue box. | SOLD at A$325 | ||
606![]() Click for more photos | Fiji: 1871-2019 collection in a Koroni loose leaf illustrated album & 2 Lighthouse s/books inc 1872 Surch set to 12c, 1878 various Surch & issues to 6d in various perfs, 1881 various 1/- perfs & 5/-, 1891-92 Surch, 1891-8 various issues to 5d in a range of perfs, 1903 KEVII to 5/-, KGV 1912 set to £1, 1922 set to 5/- with 3 plate number singles. 1938 KGVI set to £1 with most perfs, 1971 set to $2, 1972 set normal wmk & sideways wmk to $2, 1995 set to $2, range of 2006 Surcharges to 50c. Value is in the period to 1940 where there is a strong range of diff perf issues. Many comp sets & not much missing from 1940s. Many fresh VF MUH with some used especially in early period inc few F/C. Some earlies very variable condition. Pre 1990 cat £3500, post 1990 £1800 with a FV of $1200. Total SG cat £5300+ = $10,000+. (1400+, 60+ M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$650 | ||
616![]() Click for more photos | France: Collection to 1990. All very messy inc 1849 Ceres 10c, 20c 4 margins, 1862 Ceres, 1863-70 Napoleon Heads to 80c wiith extras, 1877-90 Peace & Commerce to 1Fr with extras, plus 20c red/yellow-green M, later key type issues, 1925 5Fr Peace & Commerce M, extensive 1930s Pics/Commems with extras noted 1935 Unemployed Intellectuals set, 50c + 2Fr. Post war inc 1947 500Fr Air, 1949, 51, 53 Nat relief sets, 1949 Airs to 300Fr & others M. Also some 1980s sets & booklets MUH & others. Mostly F-VFM, MUH total SG cat £3100 = A$6200+. (1200+) | SOLD at A$220 | ||
617![]() Click to enlarge photo | France: 1870-1970s extensive collection in Scott album inc 1871 Ceres range to 80c, 1887 Peace & Commerce range to 75c, 1900-20 Merson range to 10Fr, 1918 15c+5c Red Cross Fund, 1930 Colonial Exhibition set to 1Fr50, 1934 Cartier set, 1937 National Museums, 1935 Normandie set, 1936 Air to 3Fr50 & 10Fr, 1938 Clement Ader, 1947 Air 500Fr, 1949 Air set to 1000Fr, 1953 Sports set. Many sets all diff with range of 1930-50s scarcer sets inc 1950s National Relief Fund, range of French Colonies from 1890s inc China, Egypt, Port Said, Turkey, General French Colonies 1860s, German Occupation of Lorraine comp to 100pf. Mainly F-VF MLH/MUH, some G-VF U, mixed condition in parts. SG cat £5500+ = A$11,000. (2200 + 5 booklets) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$650 | ||
619![]() Click for more photos | Germany 1872-1989 Three Volume collection with 1872 Shields inc Small Shield 1/4g, 1/2g, 5g, 1872 Large Shield 1/4g, 5g, other earlies Weimar Republic selection inc Bavaria issues opt 'Deutsches Reich' to 20Mk, 1922-23 & 1925 Inflationary selection (unchecked), 1923 Castles set, 1928 Airs part set to 3Mk, 1928-32 President set, 1930 Exhibition M/Sheet M, plus 8pf (2) & 15pf G-VFU, 1933 2Mk Chicago Flight FU, 1934 Airs set, 1920s-30s Welfare Fund sets/part sets, 1936 Olympics M & U.. Also Officials plus other issues to 1945. Post WWII Allied Occupation issues M&U with many extras. Soviet Zone inc 1948 Presentation to 80pf (11), 60pf (45), lower values many extras U. West Berlin mostly 1948 used - 1989 inc 1948 Black opts to 80pf, Red opts to 80pf, 1949 UPU set, 1949 Goethe set, 1945 Surch 2 sets, 1951 Bell set at left 20pf, 40pf, 1951-52 Bell at right set, 1953 Bell at centre, 1952 Olympics set, 1953 Uprising set, 1957 Buildings set, 1986 Famous Women set, extensive charity sets 1960s to 1980s, plus others. Some sl mixed condition plus duplication where noted, mostly G-VFU, with some F-VFM, MUH. SG cat £8100 = A$16,200. (few 1000) | AVAILABLE at A$800 | ||
624![]() Click for more photos | Germany: Collections in 3 albums- 1st volume to 1994 in Davo illustrated album, with 1870s Small Eagles (6), Large Eagles (9) to 3kr, 1900 Reich Post to 3M, 1902 Deutsches Reich to 5M, all G-F/VFU. Then mostly M inc 1920 Bavaria opt Deutches Reich to 20Mk (ex 3Mk), 1924-27 Castles set, 1927 ILO opt set, 1933 Reich stag set, 1933 Welfare 25pf, 1934 Welfare Fund set UN, 1935 Welfare Fund set, 1936 Olympics M/Sheet, 1936 Brown Ribbon M/Sheet, 1937 opt M/Sheet MUH, Belgium 1943 Waffen set, Michel IX/XIV in sheets of 4 hinged in selvedge (cat €600); 2nd album with Berlin 1949-1990 a solid mostly F-VF M-MUH collection inc 1999 Berlin black opts to 5Mk, 1999 UPU set, 1949-54 Building to 5Mk, 1950 Orchestra set M, 1951-53 Bell (all 3 sets), Bell at centre MUH, others M, 1952 Olympics set, 1952-53 Berliners set, 1970 President set, 1975 Industry set, 1985 Famous Women & 1987 Tourist Sights sets MUH. 3rd album with West Germany inc 1951 St Mary's set, 1955-1980 good range MUH inc 1959 Beethoven M/Sheet. Largely F-VF. SG cat £6600 = A$13,200. (2200, 6 M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
629![]() Click for more photos | Germany: Post-WWII UK dealer stock mostly M/MUH with West Germany (500) inc 1949 UPU (2 U, SG cat £120), 1949 Refugee Relief set (£140), 1951 Posthorns inc 15pf, 20pf, 25pf, 40pf, 60pf & 70pf all MUH (£1200+), 1951 Relief MUH (£170), plus 30pf U (£150), 1952 Relief MUH (£150), 1953 Relief U (£120), 1959 Beethoven M/S (7, cat £217) & range to 1980s (total SG cat £6000+). Berlin 1948-80s (140, £6100+) inc 1948 black opt set M (cat £450), red opt set M (£1600), 1949 Buildings (£1000), UPU set M (£950), Goethe MUH (£375), Surch set M (£300), Relief MUH (£425), 1950 Orchestra MUH (£185), 1952 Berliners MUH (£160) & some more. East Germany (250) (cat £970) to 1980s inc 1950 Academy set M (£170) & 1955 M/Sheets (3, £95), plus odds earlier (85) inc Bavaria 1911 blks of 4, 1919 Free state opts top 3 vals from 2 sets U (£245). Also Colonies & POs (50+, £650+). VF fresh MUH M/MUH/U. Total SG cat £14,000 = A$26,000. Marked UK retail £4800 = A$9600 conservatively priced. Excellent stock for resale. (1000, 16 M/S) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1300 | ||
639![]() Click for more photos | German Occup Croatia: 1941-45 WWII MUH collection in s/book inc 1941 opt Yugoslavia King set to 30D. 1941 Brod Exhib opt set with tabs. 1941-42 Pic set to 100K, plus tete-beche pr to 20k. Also horiz prs, to 10k error imperf vert & 30k vert pr imperf horiz, plus 1.50k imperf pr. 1942 Aviation M/S perf & imperf. 1942 surch 0.25 on 2k tete-beche blk of 4. 1943-44 Castle 3.5k imperf pr, rare unissued essay design. 1943 President 12k + 8k M/S perf & imperf. 1943 Zagreb Exhib 9k, 'S' variety. 1943 opt 18k, offset variety 1943 Legion range of imperf proof colour trials. 1943 700th Anniv, double perfs variety, plus sheetlet. 1943-44 President set to 1010k - 1944 Postal set sheetlets. 1945 Storm Division set with initials OA at base (reprints), 1945 Feldpost opt Military stamp (rare unissued). 1945 Postal Employees set, sheetlets, plus 50+25 sheetlet with' white dot obliterates, plus sign' variety. Mostly VF fresh MUH. Mi cat €3200+ = A$5300+. Unusually nice quality collection. (550 + 21 M/S or sheetlets). | AVAILABLE at A$800 | ||
641![]() Click for more photos | Germany - West: 1947-1983 M/U collection in Davo illustrated album (retail $150) inc Allied Occup Pics to 5 Mark, 1949 Stamp Cent, Relief M, 1949 UPU, MLH + FU, 1951-52 Posthorns to 25pf M, 70pf M, 1951 St Mary's + 1951 Exhib M/MLH, 1951-52 Posthorns to 25pf, 70pf, 1951 30pf Rontgen. M/MLH 1953 Exhib set FU, 1954 Relief set M/MLH later issues M/U, cat £2500+ Also Berlin small selection 1949-70s M/U cat £265. Various others, some mixed condition mostly F/VF total cat £2750 = A$5500, plus cost of album. (850). | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
644![]() Click for more photos | Germany: West Berlin 1948-1990 Used collection on illustrated pages in 2 thick springback binders inc 1948-54 Buildings to 5M, 1951-53 Bell part sets, 1950 10pf Orchestra, 1952 30pf Beethoven, 1952 Famous Berliners, 1953 Uprising set, 1958 Defins to 3DM, 1986 Women to 350pf with commem cds, 1987 Tourist to 380pf, plus many others. All F-VFU,CTO. SG cat £2000 = A$4000. (100s) | AVAILABLE at A$240 | ||
645![]() Click for more photos | Germany - East: 1949-80 collection in 2 Davo illustrated albums & a loose leaf album inc 1950 Science comp, 1951 Friendship set to 50pf, 1952 Politicians etc comp set to 84pf, 1953 5 Year Plan no imprint comp to 84pf, 1950 Debria M/S, 1953 Marx M/S (2), 1955 Engels M/S, 1957 National Memorials M/S. Quite comprehensive from early inc many comp sets, all diff, also Soviet Occup 1945-48. Some tropicalisation effecting album & a few earlies would definitely benefit from rehousing. Mainly fresh VFU. SG cat £3500+ = A$7000. (3400+, 120+ M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
646![]() Click for more photos | Germany-East 1945-1988 Two volume collection with Allied Occupation-Soviet Zone 1947 Victims of Fascism sets M & set FU, Mecklenburg 1946 Scenes set Imperf SG RB22-27 FU, West Saxony 1946 Leipzig Fair set Imperf FU, SG RD47-50, 1948 Fam People sets M & set FU. East Germany 1949-1988 inc 1950 Bach set M, 1950 Debria M, 1950 Academy of Sciences set MUH, 1953 5 Year Plan set FU, then very comprehensive both M & U with good range of Pic/Commem sets plus M/Sheets. Mostly F-VF condition. SG cat £2850 = A$5700. (c.2000) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
647![]() Click for more photos | Germany - East: Collection 1948-59 in 2 binders, strength in philatelic covers addressed to Australia inc 1951 German/Chinese Friendship FDC, many others to late 1950s. Also 1953 Marx M/Sheet pr plus singles ex M/S FU-CTO. 1955 Engels M/Sheet, 1954 Stamp Day M/Sheet MUH & FU (First Day cancel), 1957 Memorial Fund M/Sheet FU, 1953-55 Miners issue in blks inc 80pf, others, some booklet panes. Covers in mixed condition (cat £4000) with some toning plus the G-VFU stamps (cat £2400) & scattered MUH multiples. Total cat A$12,800. (1070, 9 M/Sheets, 179 covers) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
650![]() Click for more photos | Good British Commonwealth carton lot with 1970s booklet collection (40) inc 1977/78 QEII SJ types & PNG 1970-93 collection (13, cat £135). Norfolk Is 1947-74 collection inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Pics to 5/- Brown Bridge (2 sets), 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird (2 sets), plus 10/- opt SPECIMEN (3 diff UN), 2/8 Local Govt (2), 1966 opt set to 1/- & 1969 Birds set to $1. Mixed MUH/M/U. Australia 1890s-1980s accum in 25 hagners. 1997 Diana Memorial sheets of 50 (8 diff, FV A$150) inc Fiji, Solomon Is, Tokelau & Vanuatu. 1970s-90s M/Sheet inc NZ Health prs MUH 1968, 69, 71 & 73 (retail $170), plus 1995 Singapore sheetlet ($40). NZ 1930s-80s Used collection inc 1970 Pics to £1 Geyser. GB 1930s-70s in hagners & s/book. Australia 1966-80 collection in illustrated album inc 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 7 & 1974 Paintings to $10, Singapore 1970s Pics/Commems in hagner album inc 1971 Painting PO Pack, Festival M/Sheet & 1970 Expo M/S. Eleven albums in total, mixed MUH/M/G-F/VFU. Large carton. (many 100s) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
651 | Great Britain collections in carton inc QEII Machin specialised collection on leaves & in binders. Mostly ½p-2½p inc £1 Wedgwood exploded book inc pane with ½p sideband FU, coil strips etc, then various inc Machin. 1998-2004 on illustrated leaves cat £530, FDCs 2007-2009 cat £350+, 2002, 2003 QEII Coronation Prestige booklets. MUH FV £145 & others F-VFU. (2000+, 48 covers) | SOLD at A$140 | ||
653![]() Click for more photos | Great Britain 1840-early 2000s discordant collection in 2 near new Lighthouse s/books with QV 1840 1d black (SG cat £375). 1841 1d red imperf pmk Numeral 9 in Maltese Cross cancel (SG cat £180). 1880 QV 5d indigo VFU (SG 169 cat £175). 1883 QV 5/- rose. 1887 QV 1/- green opt 'I.R./OFFICIAL' cat £375 with 2021 photo-cert. 1902-12 KEVII 10d (11, cat £825) inc Private Perfins. 1913-18 KGV Seahorses 2/6 VFM. 5/- VFU & 10/- FU (cat £470). 1912 KGV ½d green with underprint M (small thin) with photo-cert, SG PP 251a cat £180. 1924 & 1925 Exhibition prs M (£80). 1948 KGVI SW £1 MUH. 1951 KGVI high vals to £1 brown MUH (cat £100) & Used, Selected MUH decimals (FV £100) inc 1990s Castles to £5, Britannia £10 & QEII Anniv, Pictorials. Mixed G-F/VFU, plus mentioned MUH. SG cat £3300 to 1953, plus £100 FV for decimal MUH, total £3400 = A$6800. (100s) | SOLD at A$325 | ||
678![]() Click for more photos | Italian States: 1819-67 Collection inc Modena 1852 Arms vals to 1L. 1859 Savoy Cross vals to 80c. 1859 Newspaper 10c. Naples 1858 Arms 1g & 10g. Parma 1852 Arms 15c & 25c. 1853-55 Arms 25c. 1857-59 Arms 25c. Sicily 1859 King vals to 10g. Papal States 1852-64 Arms vals to 7b, imperf. 1867-70 Arms vals to 80c perf. Romagna 1859 Type-set vals to 20b Sardinia 1819-20 Postal Stationery Horseman cut out selection on white paper. 1854 King Embossed 20c & 40c. 1855-63 King Embossed vals to 3L. Tuscany 1851-59 Lion vals to 4cr inc 1q. 1860 Savoy Cross vals to 80c. Mostly G-VF M/U, mixed in parts as expected. SG cat £56,000+ = A$112,000+. No certs so specialist knowledge required. (87). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1000 | ||
680![]() Click for more photos | Italian States - Sardinia: 1851-54 collection inc 1851 King 5c, 20c (5 inc shades) & 40c, 1853 King Embossed on coloured paper set with 5c, 20c (2 shades), & 40c with APS photo cert. 1854 King Embossed on white paper 5c (2 shades), 20c (3 inc shades) & 40c. Also unissued set 5c, 20c & 40c CTO. Mostly G-VF U, 2 UN, some flts & very variable margins. SG cat £19,500+ = A$37,000+. Sass cat €29,500+ = A$49,000+. All appear to be genuine & priced low due to condition. (20) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$800 | ||
688![]() Click for more photos | Large carton inc Great Art Stamps of the World with 108 FDC 1978-81 inc comp sets in 'International Council of Museums Foundation' custom album (original cost ca.$500. Then more FDC with 150 Australian/AAT 1980s-90s Pic/Commem sets & odd M/sheet in 2 bags, plus EXPO 88 set in folder. Then stamps with Australia 1920s-60s M/MUH collection in black s/book, Africa Pics/Commems/Thematics in thick blue s/book, plus Tokelau $1 & Vanuatu 95c 1997 Diana Memorials, 100 of ea in MUH sheets of 50 FV A$180+. Jersey collection to 1987 in KABE hingeless album with 60 MUH Pic/Commem sets inc 1969 Defs to £1, other QEII to £5, plus 1941/43 Pics set of 8 to 3d (total SG cat £140). Norfolk Is near comp to 1974 UPU M/sheet in springback album inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Defs to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Local Govt 2/8 & Defs set to 10/- Bird, 1966 opt set, 1967 Ships, 1969 Birds to $1 & most other Pic/Commem sets (160, retail $240). PNG 1952-85 collection inc 1952 Defs to £1 Fisherman, 1963 Pics to £1 QEII, 1964 Birds to 10/-, 1966 Butterflies to $2 & 110 other Pic/Commem sets, mixed M/MUH/U. Also 1973 RW & 1974 Churchill British Commonwealth Omnibus MUH collections. | AVAILABLE at A$375 | ||
689![]() Click for more photos | Large British Commonwealth carton lot with Australia Die Proof replica Card group (10, ACSC cat $80), 1969-75 PO Pack collection (45, retail $450) inc 1969-75 Christmas comp & 1970, 71 Selected Issue packs, Seven Seas 1982-98 hingeless leaves for booklets only, 1940s, 60s pre-decimal cnr/imprint blks of 4 (55), 1974-89 collection inc to $10 Gardens in 40 hagners, Canada 1890s-40s collection on loose pgs, plus collection extras in Chinese s/book. NZ 1890s-1970s collection (100s) in springback album. More British Pacific inc Norfolk Is 1947-98 with 80+ Pic/Commem sets inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/-, 1953 Defs to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird (2 sets), 1966 opts to $1 (5 sets), 1967 Ships to $1 (6 sets), 1969 Birds to $1 (7 sets) inc blks of 4 & others to $8 1997 Stamp Anniv. Seven Seas Christmas Is 1958-85 hingeless album with scattered contents. Tokelau $1 & Vanuatu 95c 1997 Diana Memorial MUH (100 of ea, FV A$180) in sheets of 50. Then more MUH Vanuatu with 35 1990s MUH Pic/Commem sets, plus 18 M/Sheets. 10 albums in large carton & as always variable condition throughout but mostly F-VF. (many 100s) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
690![]() Click for more photos | Large carton with Australia 1969-75 near comp PO Pack collection (50) inc 1969-75 Christmas comp, 1970 & 71 Selected Issues & Aust Terr Packs to early 1970s (retail $480+). Australian Phonecard accumulation inc 1990 Adelaide Grand Prix $5 Packs (3) & Nauru Com Card $10 Mice pr (10 sets UN, FV $200). Australia Territories disorganised MUH/U accumulation (few 100) inc AAT 1966 Pic sets (5) to $1 Mock Sun & 2 1973 Def PO Packs, Christmas Is 1958 QEII sets MUH (2), plus M & CTO 1963 Pics to $1 Bird blks of 4 MUH & 1968 Fish to $1 blks of 4 MUH. Norfolk Is 1967 Ships to $1 blks of 4, plus 2 PO Packs, 1969 Birds PO Packs (2), plus set CTO, 1974 UPU M/Sheet (2), 1987 Scenes to $5, 1997 Explorers to $5, plus other MUH Pic sets. PNG M/Sheets for 1992 Columbian, 1993 Bangkok, 1994 Phila Korea & 1995 Singapore Exhib (5 of ea MUH), est retail $110. Australia 1991 (Jan) to 2006 (Dec) Seven Seas hingeless leaves in VGC (new retail $400). British Commonwealth collection in 1950s springback binder with 1946 Victory sets (45), Canada Pics & 1953 QEII Coronation odds. Australia 1988 First Fleet Limited Edition artists print, plus issued set in Commem folder. Lastly Airmails of the World Stamp Collection MUH collection on 108 artist drawn cards in unique custom-made album with estimated New Issue cost around $180. Large carton. | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
699![]() Click for more photos | Mixed collection carton lot with France 1976 Collection Historique de Timbre Poste Francais with 42 Die Proofs individual printed on pgs with descriptive text above & issued stamps CTO at left, all in Official PO Deluxe slipcase album. Olympics Pictorial Packs of 60 diff (50, with 3000 stamps in total). Australia 1970s PPC (100) in 2 binder & Royal Aust Armoured Corp Commem cover collection in black binder. Aust Terr/Pacific Is MUH collection with 140 Pic/Commem sets & over 30 M/Sheets in 65 well filled hagners inc Christmas Island 1958, '63 & '68 Def sets to $1, plus Australia, Fiji, Pitcairn, PNG, Nauru & Samoa. Also 1997 Diana Memorial Pics for Bahamas, Tokelau & Vanuatu (100 of ea, FV A$200) in comp sheets. Aust Post 1990s Topical Books (4, retail $60) inc ANZAC Tradition, Our Pets & Creatures of the Night. Finally Norfolk Is 1947-74 M/MUH collection (retail $200) inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Defs to 10/- Bird & all dec Pic/Commem sets to 1974 UPU. Big carton. | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
700 | Mixed world collections/accumulation in 4 albums or s/books, plus many loose. Australia Pre-decimal MLH-MUH with some pre-war, also FDCs, PSEs & loose Mess to late 1980s (few 1000). Belgium 1910 to 1960s on leaves (cat £200). Ireland 1929-1975 on leaves inc 1953 Festival, set 1953 Emmet Anniv, 1960 Europa set, plus various others (cat £300). Spain 1850s-1870s selection inc 1851 6r blue U, 1854 6r Blue U (remainder cancel) & 1854 Officials 1L on blue QV. USA 1850s-1970s inc 1851-61 10c U (pen cancel), 1893 Columbians to 10c, 1851-61 30c UN, 1901 Pan-Am set, 1912 Parcel Post $1, plus others (cat £1100), also qty of used off paper, United Nations/Vienna 1979-84 MUH/CTO in blks of 4 many extras, cat £1000. Also few empty albums inc Lighthouse binders, Great Britain 1970-79 in Lindner album mostly empty. Many others F-VF. (5000++) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
713![]() Click for more photos | New Zealand: 1862-1995 collection in Davo illustrated album with 1862 Full Face Queens 1d (2), 3d & 6d. 1874 QV 1d, 2d, 6d & 1/-. 1882 2nd Side Face to 1/-, 1898 Pics (33) to 2/- with extras 1909 KEVII to 1/-. 1915 KGV near comp to 1/-, 1920 Victory set, 1926 2/- & 3/- Admirals. Healths 1929, 1930 Nurses. 1931 Smiling Boys 1d & 2d, 1935, KGV SJ set 1953 QEII to 10/- blue. 1960 Pics to £1 Geyser, comprehensive decimals to $20 inc 1967 & 1968 Pic sets to $2 Geyser. Then 1931-35 Airmails set of 8 inc 5d in 3d green & 7d Faith in Australia F-VFU. Official inc KEVII 6d, 8d & 1/-, 1915 KGV (9) to 1/- & 1940 Centennial rev comp to 1/-. Lighthouses (22) comp 1947-81 & small collection Ross Dependency. All fresh & clean, generally F-VFU. Est retail NZ$4000. (1300, 25 M/S) | SOLD at A$220 | ||
715![]() Click for more photos | New Zealand: 1874-1964 collection in Campbell-Patterson illustrated album with 1874 QV Sideface (5) to 1/- green. 1882 2nd QV (22) to 1/- chestnut inc 1d rose, 2d violet (2) & 3d yellow rev Adverts. 1899 Pics (34) to 5/- My Cook inc ½d, 2d, 3d, 2/- opt Official. 1909 KEVII set to 1/-, plus Official opts (10) inc 3d (2), 8d (2) & 1/- (2). 1915 KGV Engraved (24) to 1/- G/FU, plus 4d, 6d, 8d, 9d, 1/- opt Official M (retail $700). 1927 Admirals 2/- & 3/- F-VFU & 2/- opt Official M ($550). 1935 Pic set to 2/- opt Official. 1953 QEII to 5/- U & Officials to 3/- M. 1958 2d opt on 1½d Stars M (retail $250). 1960 Pic set to £1 U. Then Commems to 1964 inc 1906 Christchurch Exhibition 1d, 3d, 6d M ($700), 1913 Auckland Exhib ½d U ($60), 1919 Victory set, 1940 Centenary sets to 1/- inc Official opts, 1903 & 1939 6d Express Delivery stamps, 1908 Victoria Land opt on 1d Dominion VFU. 1931-35 Airmails set of 8. 1944 Lighthouses ½d, 1d, 1d, 2d, 3d & 6d rose set of 6 M ($80), Postal Fiscals to £1 Arms. Finally Healths near comp to 1962 inc 1931 1d & 2d Smiling Boys. A solid basic mostly F/VF/M/U collection inc some extras. NZ retail $6000+. (600) (P) | SOLD at A$600 | ||
716![]() Click for more photos | New Zealand 1940-1994 Collection in Seven Seas 1953-83 illustrated hingeless slipcase album & on 20 hagners inc 1953 QEII comp to 10/-, 1960 QEII comp to £1, 1967 Decimal Currency comp to $2, 1957-83 Health M/S comp (ex 1969), largely comp, few Ross Dependency, noted a few printing errors on 1970 issue, inc SG 932 '50c Missing Hill on Right'. Largely Fresh VF MUH, few VF MLH. Some toning on album pgs but most stamps are VF. SG cat £750+, FV of Decimals NZ $500 alone. (1100+ 80 M/S). | SOLD at A$170 | ||
723![]() Click for more photos | New Zealand: Collection 1855-2013 in 6 large Seven Seas binders (hingeless pgs 1953 on, retail $1200) inc 1855 QV Chalon imperf 6d yellow-brown, no wmk (retail $400). 1882 QV 2/- blue Postal Fiscal opt Official. 1898 Pics to 2/- inc Official opts to 6d. 1908 KEVII to 1/-. 1915 KGV to 1/- inc Official opts. 1919 Victory set of 7. 1931 Arms £1 pink & £3 green. 1931 Health 2d blue Smiling Boy. 1940 Centennial set. 1954 QEII Defs to 10/-. 1960 Pics to £1. Then strength in decimals (100s) inc 1967 Pics to $2 Geyser, 1970s-80s Pic/Commem sets, 1990s-2013 Exhibition M/Sheets inc 1994 Hong Kong, 1995 Singapore, 1996 CANPEX pr, 1999 World Expo & others to 2013 Upper Hutt National. Also over-size sheetlets inc 2006 Hawkes Bay, 2009 A Tiki Tour, 2011 Beyond the Coast & 2012 Tiki Tour No 2. Generally G-VFU to 1980, then mostly fresh CTO to Christmas 2013. Estimated retail $1500 to end 1966, plus $5600 for the decimals & another $1200 for the 6 albums. Also Ross Dependency collection. Total $8500+. (many 100s) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
728![]() Click for more photos | Nigeria: 1887-2000 used collection on pages in 2 binders & loose on hagners inc Lagos 1876-1906 inc 1887 QV to 1/-, 1904 KEVII to 1/-, Northern Nigeria 1900-12 inc 1902, 1905, 1910 & 1912 KEVII to 1/-, Southern Nigeria 1901-12 inc 1905 & 1907 KEVII to 2/6, 1914 Crown Colony to 10/- inc some shades, 1936 KGV to 5/-, 1938 KGVI to 5/- with shades & perfs, 1953 QEII set to £1, 1961 & 65 sets to £1. Seems fairly comp 1970-2000 inc M/S. Noted Biafra 1968 Independence FDC. Mainly G-VF U. SG cat £1800+. (1000+20 M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$325 | ||
729![]() Click for more photos | Norfolk Island: 1947-74 near comp MUH collection with 1947 Ball Bay set of 18 to 2/- blue inc ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d white paper (SG cat £190), 1953 Pics set (5/- brown tiny rev spot), 1958-60 Surcharge set, 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird, plus extra 10/- with thin central SPECIMEN opt & all other pre-dec inc 2/8 Local Govt. Decimals to 1974 UPU M/Sheet inc 1966 opt, 1967 Ships & 1969 Bird sets except for the 5/- brown, all fresh MUH. SG cat £400, retail $60 (retail $600). (148, plus M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
730![]() Click for more photos | Norfolk Island: 1947-76 collection/accumulation in hagners with 1947 Ball Bay set to 2/- blue MUH, plus another 2 sets F-VFM. 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge MUH (2) & F-VFM (2). 1958-60 Surcharge set of 5 (5 sets, retail $150). 1960 Local Govt 2/8 (2). 1960 Pic sets to 10/- MUH (2, cat £75), plus 10/- opt SPECIMEN M (2 diff, cat £75). 1962 Fish sets MUH (3), plus extras to 1/6. 1964 Scenes set of 4 (14, retail $85). 1966 decimal opt sets (15, inc both $1, retail $180). 1967 Ships sets (2). 1969 Birds sets (3). 1974 UPU M/Sheets (5), plus others. Mostly VF MUH, retail over $1400. (850, plus 5 M/S) | SOLD at A$300 | ||
732![]() Click for more photos | Norfolk Island: 1947-2010 Used collection in 3 s/books inc 1947-59 Ball Bay set to 2/-. 1953 Pic set to 5/-. 1960-62 Pic Def set to 10/-. 1966 Decimal opt set to $1. 1967 Ship set to $1. 1970-71 Bird set to $1. 1979 Map set, plus M/S. 1976-77 Butterfly set to $2. 1980-81 Air set to $5. 1987-88 Views set to $5. 1990-91 Ship set to $5. Collection then appears comp for Defs & Commems inc M/S. From 2006 inc blks or gutter blks for ea set. VF U/CTO. SG cat £1800+ = A$3600+. FV alone is $1000+ & moderns purchased as new issues at above FV, plus high retail of earlies. (2700+, 55 M/S, 15 bklts). | SOLD at A$450 | ||
733![]() Click for more photos | Norfolk Island: 1947-72 MUH collection in binder inc 1947-59 Ball Bay set to 2/- inc ½d, 1d, 1½d & 2d on white paper. 1953 Pic set to 5/-, 1960-62 Pic Def set to 10/-, plus 10/- opt SPECIMEN in 3 diff positions, 1960 surch set in blks of 4, 1962 Fish set in blks of 4, 1966 Decimal Def set to $1 in blks of 4 (top 3 vals imprint blks). 1967 Ship Def set to $1, blks of 4, 1970-71 Bird Def set to $1 in blks of 4. VF fresh MUH, odd U extras not counted. SG cat £480+. (440) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
734![]() Click for more photos | Norfolk Island: 1947-69 collection in hagners with 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue MUH, 1956 white paper Ball Bay set to 2d MLH, 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge MUH, 1958-60 Surcharges set, 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird, plus extra 10/- opt SPECIMEN, sl tropicalised gum, plus all other pre-decimals, decimals to 1969 Birds inc 1966 opt set & 1967 Ships to $1. Also 1974 UPU set inc M/Sheet. Mostly fresh MUH, SG cat £350, retail $540. (128, plus M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
736![]() Click for more photos | Norfolk Island: 1953-71 MUH blks collection inc some control blks. 1953 Bloody bridge 5/- blk. 1960-62 Pic Def vals to 5/-. 1962-63 Fish set to 2/3. 1967-68 Ship set to $1. 1970-71 Bird set to $1. VF fresh MUH. SG cat £340+ as singles, plus premium for multiples. (65 blks) | SOLD at A$100 | ||
751![]() Click for more photos | Pacific Islands collection inc New Caledonia 1892-mid 1970s mostly Used inc 1928 Defs to 5F, 1928 Postage Dues to 3F, 1966/70 Birds to 37F with extras, 1967 Butterflies, 1968 Shells to 60F often with part set extras, then similar Pics/Commems also with extras, cat £950. Norfolk Is 1947-90s inc 1947 Ball Bay set of 12 to 2/- brown blks of 4, 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge M, 1960 Defs to 10/- Bird, plus extra 10/- opt SPECIMEN, 1960 Local Govt, 1966 Surch set MUH (2 sets), 1974 UPU M/sheet MUH. Then later issues FV $64. Pitcairn Is 1957-93 inc 1977 to $2 QEII (5 sets) mid 1970s-93 FV $135. Samoa 1962-80s MUH inc modern FV $40, Tuvalu 1979-89 inc 1989 Bird Officials (4 sets), 1981 Defs/Officials (5 sets), 1981 Defs (3 sets) FU/CTO cat £140 & various others. F-VF. (c1000+) | AVAILABLE at A$140 | ||
757![]() Click for more photos | Papua New Guinea: 1953-1995 specialised collection in 3 thick albums inc 1966-93 issues VFU & 1975-95 issues MUH on illustrated Seven Seas pgs in 2 binders, loose leaf album with range of 1994/95 surch, inc 1994 surch set MUH, noted 1985 Tourist issue 65t omitted on FDC & pmk, Birds 1992 Large T (SG 757b, 758b) & 1993 small T on covers (SG 755b & 756b). Range of 1953-60 Commercial covers to 2/6 inc Parcel Piece with 2/- x2, 5/-, £1, few post WW2 Aust covers. Postmark interest with few relief cancels. VFU & VF MUH, covers VF. SG cat £1300+++, plus all the covers etc. (1100+, 5M/S, 80 covers). | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
776 | Russia: Collection/stock in 5 binders inc 1947 1k Kremlin (43), 1954-58 25k Pilot (40). 25k Architect (45), 30k Scientist (38), 20k Farm Girl (42) in blks MUH, various sheetlets, M/Sheets MUH, then 1990 Marine (53 sets), 1990 Ducks (50 sets), 1990 Submarine (50 sets) MUH cat £2100+ = A$4200. Then several binders of retired & remaindered stock M&U. Retail $400. Mostly F-VF. (2000, 50 M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
795![]() Click for more photos | South Africa: 1850s-2000 ex dealer's stock in 10 s/books & a binder, inc various colonies with Cape of Good Hope 1853-64 Triangles 1d & 6d (2), 1864-84 Hope to 5/-, Natal 1859 QV 3d blue, various to 1902 KGVI to 2/6, others inc Orange Free State, Orange River Colony, Transvaal, Zululand. Also inc Basutoland, Bechuanaland Protectorate, Swaziland KGVI set to 10/-, Nyasaland KGV £1, Rhodesia & South West Africa. South Africa inc 1913 KGV to 10/- inc some inverted wmks, 1½d tete-beche pr, 1929 Air set inc 1/- (8) with various cds, 1926-54 to 10/- various bilingual prs, large number of higher values 2/6 (80+), 5/- (30+), 10/- (30+), range to 1980s inc some Homelands. This is a large accumulation with wmk inverted, perforation varieties, bilingual prs & varieties noted throughout, mainly comp sets. Mostly G-VF U, fresh VF MLH-MUH. SG cat £6500+ = A$13,000. (10,000 + 40 M/S) (P) | SOLD at A$400 | ||
820![]() Click for more photos | Triple carton accumulation inc plastic tubs of mess with Germany 1860s-1990s inc 1945 12th Anniv set, Allied Zones Baden 1948-49 Views set, West Germany 1950-1990s inc 1950 10pf Bach, 1951 St Mary's set, 1951 Relief 30pf, 1952 Otto, 1952, 1954 & 1955 Relief sets, 1952 Hostels set & others U & 1953 Liebig. Then late 1980s-90s sets Christmas booklets. Berlin 1949-1954 inc 1949 Building 1mk to 5mk. 1952 Olympic set, 1953 Bell Clapper at centre set, 1951 20pf Lortzing, 1953 Uprising set, 1953 30pf Kaiser Church & others. SG cat £2300. Israel 1954-1968 selection inc 1960 Taviv M/Sheet MUH & FU, cat £210. Also some world sorted into take-away tubs noted. France & Switzerland. Also Australian covers inc 1980s FDC, plus business size envelopes franked 60c (200), $1.00 (240) & $1.10 (40), all ready for posting out (FV over $400). (large quantity). Mostly G-VFU, some F-VF M & MUH. | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
827![]() Click for more photos | Twelve album carton lot with GB 1953-71 near comp pre-decimal MUH collection in KABE hingeless album inc Castles to £1, 1950s/60s Commem sets & Machins to £1 black. World booklet collection (60) strength in 1970s-80s British Royalty inc 1977-78 QEII Silver Jubilee & 1981 RW. Australia mess inc 1960s booklet panes, 1968 Soil/medical gutter prs, 1969 Flight 5c blks of 9, 1972 Olympics 35c (12) & 1950s-60s Pics/Commems inc high val sets. Also 1990s PO publications (5) with PO Packs (issue costs $75) inc Antarctic Whales, Military Aviation & Planet earth. 1966-2000 mixed MUH/UN/VF U collection (many 100s) to 2000 Olympics in large binder inc 1966 Navigators opt SPECIMEN UN, better 1970s Commems MUH inc 1971 Christmas 7c blks of 7 (2), high val Paintings to $10 VFU & much more inc non-letter rate Pics/Commems & assorted M/Sheets with plenty of extras, plus more decimal Pics in green Chinese s/book with useful pickings to $20 Gardens, blue s/book with NZ 1950 Health sets in comp sheets. Aust 1980s FDC in black springback album World Collection in 1960s Seven Seas Golden Age loose leaf album. A diverse group with 13 albums in large carton inc 1997 Diana Memorial sheets of 50 (8 dif) inc Fiji, Kiribati, Solomon Is, Fiji, St Kitts & Vanuatu! (Few 1000) | AVAILABLE at A$325 | ||
830![]() Click for more photos | Two Carton Lot C with Australia Pre-decimal mostly MUH accumulation (100s) to 1965 Christmas inc KGV low vals (26) & Kangaroo 2/- blk of 4. 1930s 2d (40) & 3d (26) Commems, 1940s Commem Trios (60 sets), 1950s/60s 2/- or 2/3 Commems (55). Decimal MUH 1980s-90s Pics/Commems (FV $190) inc Wetland $10 M/Sheets with Exhibition opts. 1953 QEII Coronation Flight Cover collection (18, cat $400) in FDC album plus 1980s Koala Research M/Sheets (30, FV $160). GB 1950s-90s High vals (100s) in hagner album inc Pre-decimal Castles £1 (190), £5 Machins (20) & £5 Castles (50). 60 Empty hagners in 2 white binders plus black binder with 100+ Thematic M/Sheets inc Birds, Flowers, Butterflies, African Wildlife & Fish plus range of sets & singles. China 1992 & 1993 Year folders. PNG 1985 & 1986 Year Albums. AAT, Cocos & Christmas Is Pics/Commems accum in 2 large s/books plus others. All neatly packed into 2 large cartons with around 30 albums in total. Mixed MUH/M/F-VFU. (many 100s) | SOLD at A$400 | ||
841![]() Click for more photos | Varied British Commonwealth carton lot. An album with mixed Pic/commem sets inc AAT 1966 Defs to $1 (2) & 1973 Pic set blks of 4. Norfolk Is collection to 1966 opts inc 1953 Defs to 5/- Brown Bridge, 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird, plus extra 10/- opt SPECIMEN. 2/8 Local Govt (3) & 1958-60 Surcharge set of 5 (2). Swaziland 1961 opts (19) to R2/£1 MUH (cat £80). Indonesia-Australia 1966 Cuscus joint issue booklet (4 retail, $400). Hong Kong FDC (7) inc 1982 Defs set of 16 to $50 (SG cat £50 x 2 for FDC). Mixed 1970s-90s M/Sheets (40) inc Exhibitions. Australia collection to 1981 in Seven Seas illustrated pages with 1966-1972 booklet panes comp (retail $280) inc QEII 4c set of 6 slogans, 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 25 & high val Pics to $10 Painting. Also 2 s/books with 1970s-80s-90s Pic/commems inc to $20 Gardens, plus 1969-1975 near comp PO Pack collection (retail $350). 1980s-90s PSE/FDC collection (FV $180) in over filled album. PNG 1978-85 Annual Pack set of 8 (retail $150). British Pacific MUH collection in 35 hagners with Nauru, Samoa & PNG Pic/commem sets, plus 30 mixed M/S. 10 albums in total. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
842![]() Click for more photos | Varied carton lot with Norfolk Is 1947 Ball Bay sets of 14 to 2/- blue (3), 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge & 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird (2 sets) all VFM, retail $200. 1997 Diana Memorial sheets of 50 with Vanuatu 95c (2) & Tokelau $1 (2), total FV A$180. Channel Is 1980s-90s collection with 40 Pic/Commem sets & 20 M/Sheets. 1977 QEII Silver Jubilee FDC collection in custom made silver binder. British Commonwealth collection in 2 springback albums inc Canada to late 1960s, Malta, Zimbabwe, Sierra Leone, Tonga & Sarawak, plus USA 1880s-1980s in a 3rd album. 1984 Los Angeles Olympics FDC collection in red album. Australia 1993-2000 VGC Seven Seas hingeless album (replacement value $200). 1978 18c PPC & 1980 22c PPC (100 of ea). Finally Australia 1970s PO Pack collection (45, retail $500) inc 1969-75 Christmas comp, plus 1970 & 1971 selected issue packs. Few mixed condition, mostly MUH/M/F-VFU condition. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
845![]() Click for more photos | Vatican: Mint collection 1852-1987 almost comp in Lighthouse hingeless album & s/book. Papal States 1852 Arms 3b & 5b, 1867 Cents to 20c & 1868 perf to 80c, 1929 Pope & Arms set to 10L inc express (Sass cat €250), 1933 Holy Year set to 1.25L (€175), 1933 Pope Pictorial set to 20L (€190), 1934 Congress set (€1100), 1936 Exhib to 5L (€380+), 1938 Congress set to 1.25L (€225), 1939 'Sede Vacante' opt set to 75c (€150),1947 Air set to 100L, 1948 Air 250L, 1949 Pope & buildings set to 100L inc express (€170), 1951 Chalcedon set to 100L (€110+), 1953 Air set (€130), 1952 Stamp Cent M/S (€250), 1953 Lombard 100L, 1953-78 appears comp inc 80+ sets. S/book with 1979-87 inc 30+ sets, 1931 Postage Due opt set to 1.10L (€150). All diff, neat & clean. Mostly VF fresh MUH, odd M earlier. Mixed condition in Papal States as expected. Sass cat €5900 = A$10,000. Seldom offered this comp. Nice lot. (950, 7 M/S) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$700 | ||
930![]() Click for more photos | Australia: Children sets of 6 (5) with Kerry & Co Child Studies No 1, H & B Mother's Darlings, Graphic An Accident & Its Consequences, H & B At The Dance & Australian series The Escape. Also Graphic Mere Man Nos 1-5 & Art Series odds (15). All B&W cards. Generally F-VF condition. Also alphabetical E, J & N colour cards. (53) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
1095![]() Click for more photos | £1 Grey top marginal. Stamp superb fresh MUH, with never hinged original gum & perfect centring. SG 75 cat £650 for M, should be at least double, £1300 MUH. ACSC 53A cat $3750. 2022 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) | SOLD at A$1200 | ||
1096![]() Click for more photos | £1 Grey. VF MUH with never hinged original gum. SG 75 cat £650 for M, should be at least double, £1300 MUH. ACSC 53A cat $3750. 2019 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1200 | ||
1097![]() Click to enlarge photo | £1 Grey variety 'colour flaw on top frame over last 'A' of Australian'. VFU, light cds. SG 75(var) cat £350+, plus premium for variety. ACSC 53Ag cat $900. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
1098![]() Click to enlarge photo | £1 Deep grey. FU, light cds. SG 75 cat £350. ACSC 53B cat $575. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$140 | ||
1099![]() Click to enlarge photo | £1 Grey opt SPECIMEN type C, sub-type 2 'shaved P'. VF fresh MLH. SG 75s. ACSC 53Axf cat $1000. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
1100![]() Click to enlarge photo | £1 Grey opt SPECIMEN type D. FM. SG 75s cat £120. ACSC 53xh cat $375. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
1158![]() Click for more photos | 1½d Black-brown single wmk to 1½d brown CofA wmk collection inc shades & many varieties inc 1½d black-brown shades, inverted wmk (2), varieties Electro 1-4 inc 'TRA blurred' (1R59), 'long E' (3L22), 1½d black-brown LM wmk shades, inverted wmk (2), thin paper inverted wmk (3), 'scalloped lower frame' (1R50), 'TA joined' (2L27), 1½d brown single wmk shades, wmk inverted (3), 'HAIF PENCE' (3L26), 'flaw on T' (5L14), 'flaw on R' (7R40), 1½d brown LM wmk shades, 'retouch NW cnr' (8 L13), 'no crown top' (8L53), bright red-brown single wmk shades 'scratched Electro' (11R7), 'scratch NE cnr' (12R5), 1½d brown SM wmk shades, 'scratched plate' (1L31), thick letters of value (1R19), 1½d brown CofA wmk shades, 'scratched plate' (1L31), 'cut UL frame' (1L50), 2 CTO blks of 4. Good collection many varieties, some duplication, some tin-shed flaws. G-VFU, predominantly F-VFU. ACSC $5000+. (250+) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
1191![]() Click to enlarge photo | ½d Emerald-green JBC Monogram TL marginal blk of 30 with the monogram above the top margin which is rare, plated as Electro 2 left pane 1-30 identified by 2L1 'flaw middle left wattles' (ACSC 63(2)d), 2L7 'vertical gash in roo's tail' (63(2)f), 2L14 'EN of Penny joined' (53(2)g), 2L18 'flaw wattle stem' (63(2)h). This is a very rare positional piece & is caused by the mis-guillotining of sheets between Electros 3 & 2 which were printed is a pr in October 1915. Mostly F-VF MUH, suntanned gum with some spots but still attractive appearance. ACSC (2)2 cat for JBC pr = $1250 Mint, should be double, $2500 MUH for normal monogram at base, plus varieties & other stamps $3700. (30) (P) | SOLD at A$375 | ||
1208![]() Click to enlarge photo | ½d Pale orange inverted wmk Electro 7 blk of 8 plated as 7R41-42, 47-48, 53-54, 59-60 with 2 major varieties 7R53 spots in NE cnr & on emu's tail (ACSC 66C(7)g), 7R59 gash behind king's head (ACSC 66C(7)s. Good positional blk with 2 varieties & also inv wmk. Light suntanned 2 tone gum. SG56(var), ACSC 66C(7)q & s cat $100, worth double inv wmk $200 plus other inv wmk $320. (8) | SOLD at A$50 | ||
1245![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1d Carmine Rose (G30) Part Imprint blk of 4 plate 7/53-54 & 7/59-7/60 with part Harrison imprint inc varieties Ferns (7/54) & RA joined (7/60). Fresh VF 1 MLH/3 MUH. SG 21(vars) cat 120++. ACSC 71V(4)ia & j cat $150 for 2 mint varieties, MUH Ferns & 2 MUH stamps should be $360. (4) | SOLD at A$100 | ||
1249![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1d Carmine Red (G31) Part Imprint blk of 4 plated 7/53-7/54 & 7/59-7/60 with part Harrison imprint inc varieties Ferns (7/54) & RA joined (7/60). Fresh VF MUH (hinged in margin). SG 21c(var). ACSC 71Y(4)ia & J cat $160 for mint varieties, should be at least double, MUH & 2 additional stamps $400. (4) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
1299![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1d red Die III red & deep red shades (16), 3 listed varieties ($200 ea) & minor varieties. GU-VFU. SG 53(var). ACSC 75(var) cat $1300. (20). | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
1300![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1d red Die III carmine red & deep red shades (14) inverted wmk 3 listed varieties (cat $200 ea). G-VFU. SG 53(var). ACSC 75(var) cat $1300. (18). | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
1301![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1d Red Die III with G109 (carmine red) G110 deep red. Scarce Private Perfin V.O Co. The Die III was issued in July 1918 & only used for NSW & Tasmania official purposes. A small number were used for company perfin usage. VFU. SG 53(var), ACSC 75A/B (carmine red) cat $40x4 = $160. (3) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
1303![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1d Red Die III variety 'white flaw on S of Australia' (pos 56). W/C VF MLH. SG53(var), ACSC 75Am cat $375. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
1304![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1d Carmine red Die III majority variety 1/56 white flaw on S of Australia (ACSC 75Am). VF fresh MLH. SG 53(var) cat £75++, plus premium for variety. ACSC 75Am cat $375. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
1305![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1d Carmine-red Die III (G109) LL cnr JBC monogram strip of 3. VF fresh, stamps MUH. SG 53(var). ACSC 75Az cat $3750. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1000 | ||
1306![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1d Deep bright red Die III. F-VF fresh M. SG 53(var) cat £75++ premium for scarce shade. ACSC 75c cat $375. Scarce. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
1308![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1d violet part Harrison Imprint blk of 4, position 7/53-54 (Ferns), 7/59-60 (RA join). F MLH (2) F MUH (2). SG 57(var), ACSC 76A(4)ia & j $120 mint (4) j is MUH so should be double with additional stamps $210. (4). | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
1422![]() Click to enlarge photo | 4d Orange plated varieties & unidentified flaws. Noted 1L43 'break RF', 1L49 'spot left 4', 1L53 'spot emu tail', 2R25 'dent top RF', 2R50 'shading left of R wattles'. F-VFU. SG 22(var), ACSC 110H cat $135 as normal, should be at least double, $270 for identified & unidentified flaws. (9) | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
1538![]() Click for more photos | ½d Green Used collection of shades & varieties on hangers inc all listed shades, inverted wmk (9), various paper thickness & major varieties & plates 4-7 inc 'spot on emu's back' (4L1), 'spot after 2' (4L2), 'accent on E' (4L60), 'spot on kangaroo's back' (5L16), 'thin fraction' (5R43), 'handless & neckless emu' (6L52-53), 'SW cnr broken' (7L44) etc. Mostly GU-VFU. SG 48(var). ACSC 65(var) cat $2300+. (95+) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
1552![]() Click to enlarge photo | ½d Bluish Green Electro 6 varieties, 6L1 - flaw on A (ACSC 65A(6)d), 6L29 - break over U (ACSC 65A(6)f), 6L49 retouch shading behind head (ACSC 65A(6)g), 6L53 neckless Emu (ACSC 65A(g)i), 6L54 - retouch to crack (ACSC 65A(6)j. G-FU. SG 48(var), ACSC cat $250. (5). | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
1563![]() Click to enlarge photo | ½d Yellowish-green (ACSC 65E) marginal blk of 6 pos 5R43-44, 5R53-54, 5R63-64 with variety thin fraction at right (ACSC 65E(5)s). Nice positional piece in a scarcer shade. VF MLH/MUH, 1 non-variety stamp has inclusion sl yellowish gum. SG 48(var) ACSC cat $480. (6) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
1574![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1d Carmine-rose (G104) part Harrison imprint blk of 4 7/53 - 54(Ferns), 7/59-60 (RA join). Top pr M 7/54 has a thin, bottom pr inc 7/60 F MUH varieties both VF. SG 50(var), ACSC 74A(4)ia & 74A(4)j cat $850, +$80 MUH single. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$220 | ||
1606![]() Click for more photos | 1½d Red type B, variety re-entry (duplication of shading above right wattles) to 'broken top to crown' (pos 4L53). FU, neat machine pmk clear. SG 87(var), ACSC 91B(4)ha cat $1000. Very scarce. (P) | SOLD at A$90 | ||
1607![]() Click for more photos | 1½d Red with major variety 'type B re-entry, duplication of shading above right Wattles, etc' (4L53). Cds is clear of variety, VFU. SG 87(var). ACSC 91B(4)ha cat $1000. Cds is clear of variety (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
1627![]() Click to enlarge photo | ½d Pale-orange Electro 9 blk of 4 Plated 9L53-54, 9L59-60 with major variety 'break top frame left of crown'. Fresh VF 2 MLH / 2 MUH, variety is MUH. SG 95(var). ACSC 68B(9)i cat is $40 M, should be at least double, $80 MUH, plus other stamps $136. (4) | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
1632![]() Click to enlarge photo | ½d Pale orange LR blk of 4, plated 9R53-54, 9R59-60 with major variety 'spot before 2 in left value tablet'. Fresh VF 1 MLH / 3 MUH, variety is MUH. SG 94(var). ACSC 68B(9)o cat $50 M, should be at least double, $100 MUH, plus other stamps $150. (4) | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
1633![]() Click for more photos | 1½d Red blk of 8 plated as 4L45-48, 4L51-54, containing type B re-entries 'shading behind Kangaroo' (4L47) & type B 're-entry duplication of shading right wattles' (4L53). This is a scarce positional piece with 2 type A & B prs, 4L46-47 (ACSC 92B(4)fb MLH) & 4L-52-53 (ACSC 92B(4)hb MUH). Fresh top row MLH, bottom row 4 MUH. SG 96(var). ACSC 92B(4)fb cat $200 M, hb cat $1800 M, should be at least double, $3600 MUH, total $3800. (8) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
1649![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1½d Rose-red Mullett imprint blk of 8 plate 4 with translucent paper with 'broken top to crown' (4L53) before type B re-entry & 'ST of Postage joined before corrections'. F-VF 2 MLH/6 MUH. SG 96(var). ACSC 92 A (4) a b z a cat $150, should be at least double, for translucent paper $300, variety & additional stamps $460. (8) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
1706![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1d Green marginal blk of 4 from LR cnr pos 8/53 - 8/54 (cnr dot hardly shows) 8/59-8/60 (Run N). There is no mention in the ACSC or various plating studies of 8/54 being corrected? In addition the blk is thin paper. Interesting positional piece. MUH 1 toned perf, sun tanned gum. VF appearance. SG 125(var), ACSC 82Bab, (4)s, vc cat $900 for M, should be double $1800 MUH. (4). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
1719![]() Click to enlarge photo | 4d Olive bottom right marginal blk of 4 plated 4R 53-54, 4R 59-60 with variety 'distorted S.E. cnr' (4R60). F fresh MUH, minor marginal perf separation. SG 129(var). ACSC 117A(4)o cat $320 as 4 MUH singles, plus premium MUH variety = $400+. (4). | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
1868![]() Click for more photos | 1936 covers franked Hermes 1/6 no wmk, Cable set & SA Cent set, plus ea cover with Airmail 3d, tied by 'Pt Pirie', 'Whyalla 19 JE 36' cds or 'Whyalla 11 De 36' cds. SG 115, 153 & 159-63 cat £38 as loose stamps & 'from x3-6' on cover. ACSC 134, 161 & 169-73 cat $80 loose, & $285 these frankings. (3 covers) | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
2018![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1953 Produce Food strips 3d & 3½d FDC on individual green or red Haslem FDC. Hard to find, F-VF. | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
2019![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1953 Produce Food 3d Green comp sheet of 100, with Perf-pip at left, plated as sheet B with ACSC listed variety 'White line joining R to A' (pos U 5/6' & 'White spot after D of FOOD' (pos U2/7). Also Master Plate variety 'Retouch in front of roped leg of second cow' (pos 3/5, both panes). All fresh MUH with crisp white gum. ACSC 287 d e, 288g, 289 b ca cat $700 in 6 blks of 9 plus the perf-pip multiple. (100) | AVAILABLE at A$220 | ||
2020![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1953 Produce Food 3d Green upper pane of 50, plated as sheet D with ACSC listed variety 'White flaw in tablet left of 3d' (pos U5/5), plus Master Plate variety 'Retouch in front of roped leg of second cow (pos 3/5). Fresh MUH. ACSC 287d, 288, 289 c ca e cat $350 inc 3 blks of 9. (50) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
2021![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1953 Produce Food 3½d red comp sheet of 100 with all 12 Master plate variety on the Butter stamps in both upper & lower panes (ACSC cat $480 per pane, total $960). All fresh MUH inc 6 blks of 9. (100) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
2022![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1953 Produce Food 3½d red upper pane of 50 with all 12 'Master Plate' varieties on the Butter stamp (ACSC cat $480). UL cnr blk of 9 rev tones o/w F-VF MUH. (50) | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
2023![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1953 QEII 1d violet, sheet of 160. Couple stamps with minor bends & partial separation between 2 stamps at right. VF MUH. ACSC 293 cat $160. Scarce sheet. | SOLD at A$50 | ||
2024![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1953 QEII 3d green, sheet of 160. Tiny spot in central gutter, fresh MUH. ACSC 295 cat $160. | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
2025![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1953 QEII 3d green COIL PERF, upper half sheet of 160 with characteristic large & small holes in the horiz perfs & traces of perf pips in upper margins. Some minor off-setting of the gum, fresh MUH. SG 262ab cat £800 = A$1600 as 40 blks of 4. ACSC 295be cat $1000. A very scarce multiple. (160) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
2026![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1953 QEII 6½d orange no wmk left pane of 80. Cpl of tiny natural inclusions, VF fresh MUH. ACSC 299 cat $400. | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
2027![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1953 QEII Coronation 3½d sheet of 80. A few minor bends, fresh MUH. ACSC 300 cat $80. | AVAILABLE at A$20 | ||
2028![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1953 QEII Coronation 7½d violet sheet of 80. VF fresh MUH. ACSC 301. | SOLD at A$50 | ||
2029![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1953 QEII Coronation 2/- bluish-green left half sheet of 40. VF fresh MUH. SG 266 cat £160. ACSC 302 cat $80. | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
2030![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1953 Young Farmers 3½d sheet of 100 with vert guide lines in brown at right plus perf-pip traces at top & at base. F-VF MUH. ACSC 303(var) cat $100+. (100) | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
2031![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1953 Tasmania Sesqui 3½d Collin's/Paterson left pane of 80. Ten stamps scattered light toning, F-VF MUH. ACSC 304/305 c cat $160. Scarce. (80) | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
2032![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1953 Tasmania Sesqui 2/-, left ½ sheet of 40 with green perf-pip at left. 5 with toning at right o/w VF MUH. ACSC 306 b cat $260. (40) | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
2033![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1953 Tasmanian Stamp Centenary 3d, sheet of 120 with full perf-pips at right. Minor tone LL cnr & horiz crease. Mostly fresh MUH. ACSC 307 ba cat $100. Scarce sheet. (120) | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
2034![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1953 Tasmanian Stamp Centenary 3d, sheet of 120 with full perf-pips at left. VF fresh MUH. ACSC 307 b cat $100. Scarce sheet. (120) | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
2035![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1953 Tasmanian Centenary 3d sheet of 120 with full perf-pips at right. Four stamps tiny tone spots & diag crease LR cnr. F-VF MUH. ACSC 307 ba cat $140. (120) | AVAILABLE at A$35 | ||
2036![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1953 Tasmanian Stamp Centenary 3d red sheet of 120 with full perf pips at left. VF fresh MUH. ACSC 307b cat $140. (120) | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
2146![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1964 Aborigine 2/6 Emergency printing, no wmk, Authority imprint blk of 4. VF fresh MUH. SG 253bba cat £48. ACSC 267z cat $425. (4) (P) | SOLD at A$170 | ||
2213![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1970 Cook ANPEX M/Sheet No 35310 CTO with red Exhibition pmk. ACSC 528(var) cat $25 | SOLD at A$10 | ||
2222![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1971 Floral Coil 7c with variety 'MISSING Buff (details on red flower petals) & misplaced green.' VF fresh MUH with normal for comparison. SG 468bb cat £450. ACSC 535ce cat $300. | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
2223![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1971 Floral Coil 7c with variety 'MISSING Buff (details on red flower petals) & misplaced green.' VF fresh MUH with normal for comparison. SG 468bb cat £450. ACSC 535ce cat $300. | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
2224![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1971 Floral Coil 7c with variety 'MISSING Buff (details on red flower petals) & misplaced green.' VF fresh MUH with normal for comparison. SG 468bb cat £450. ACSC 535ce cat $300. | SOLD at A$80 | ||
2264![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1973 Opera House 7c perf 14½x14 sheet of 100, plated as Sheet A with diag colour bars at right & ACSC varieties 'vertical retouches through right of stamp, strip of 3' (pos U6,7, 8/1). F-VF MUH. ACSC 653 d z za cat $100 | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
2275![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1975 Coil 10c Sturt's Desert Pea comp roll of 1000 enclosed in black 'Starter Strip' (cat $25). ACSC 537, FV $100. | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
2276![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1975 Coil 10c Sturt's Desert Pea comp roll of 1000 enclosed in black 'Starter Strip' (cat $25). ACSC 537, FV $100. | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
2277![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1975 Coil 10c Sturt's Desert Pea comp roll of 1000 enclosed in black 'Starter Strip' (cat $25). ACSC 537, FV $100. | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
2314![]() Click for more photos | 1984-88 Marine Life 55c error cyan colour totally OMITTED, so missing the inscription Bennett's Nudibranch from top margin. Superb fresh U on maxicard as always, plus normal to compare. SG 930a cat £1500. ACSC 1053c cat $2500 & this very item sold for $2000+ in a 2003 Sydney auction. Very rare, less than 10 recorded. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
2415![]() Click to enlarge photo | 2008 Tourist Precincts set 55c-$2.75 sheets of 50, the 55c with setenant blks of 4. VF fresh MUH. SG 3053-59. FV $302 alone. (4 sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$210 | ||
2422![]() Click to enlarge photo | 2009 Earth Hour set 55c-$2.05 sheets of 50, the 55c with setenant prs. VF fresh MUH. SG 3153-55. FV $130 alone. (2 sheets) | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
2426![]() Click for more photos | 2009 Bush Babies set $1.45-$4.20 sheets of 50. VF fresh MUH. SG 3218-21. FV $532 alone. (4 sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$375 | ||
2427![]() Click for more photos | 2009 Bush Babies set $1.45-$4.20 sheets of 50. VF fresh MUH. SG 3218-21. FV $532 alone. (4 sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$375 | ||
2437![]() Click to enlarge photo | 2010 Kokoda $3.65 M/sheet opt 2013 Kangaroo Anniv. Limited Edition 453/500. VF fresh MUH. SG MS3374(var). Retail $28. | SOLD at A$18 | ||
2451![]() Click for more photos | 2011 Air Force set 60c-$3 sheets of 50 inc 60c setenant prs. VF fresh MUH. SG 3553-55. FV $240 alone. (3 sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$160 | ||
2572![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1988 Brisbane Expo Australia Post 53c Pack for Airmail Postage to Japan, Hong Kong, Philippines & India. Unopened as issued. Rare. Unlisted Pfr. | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
2597![]() Click to enlarge photo | 2002 Namatjira $4.50 philatelic barcode, opt QLD Stamp Show. Limited Edition no. 161. VF fresh MUH. SG SB153(var). Retail $26. | AVAILABLE at A$10 | ||
2598![]() Click to enlarge photo | 2002 Namatjira $4.50 generic barcode, opt QLD Stamp Show. Limited Edition no. 161. VF fresh MUH. SG SB153(var). Retail $26. | AVAILABLE at A$10 | ||
2599![]() Click to enlarge photo | 2002 Magic Rainforest $4.50 generic barcode, opt AFL Brisbane Winners. Limited Edition no. 053. VF fresh MUH. SG SB155(var). Retail $26. | AVAILABLE at A$10 | ||
2604![]() Click to enlarge photo | 2003 Bloom $100 'Cheque book' of 20 x $5 general barcode. VF MUH. FV $100. SG SB160(var) cat £70+. Pfr B253a cat $200 -both as 20 single bklts. | AVAILABLE at A$65 | ||
2605![]() Click to enlarge photo | 2003 Bloom $100 'Cheque book' of 20 x $5 philatelic barcode. VF MUH. FV $100. SG SB160(var) cat £70+. Pfr B253 cat $160 -both as 20 single bklts. | AVAILABLE at A$65 | ||
2714![]() Click for more photos | 1982 Mawson 27c, 1983 Wildlife 27c, & 1984 Treaty 27c panes of 50. VF fresh MUH. FV alone $40. SG 53, 55-60 cat £60. Retail $80. (3 sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$27 | ||
2795![]() Click for more photos | 1953 Coronation Flight covers from 13 diff nations (Malay States on single cover), plus 2 extra with diff frankings. AAMC cat $300. (15) | AVAILABLE at A$65 | ||
2796![]() Click for more photos | 1953 Coronation Airmail covers from 15 countries (Malay States all on 1 cover), plus extras with diff frankings, also Aerogrammes (4). All with matching cachet for ea country. AAMC cat $540. (21) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
2805![]() Click for more photos | 1964 Australia-London via Mexico FFC,, plus intermediates for Australia to Mexico & Bermuda, Fiji to Bermuda & London, Tahiti to London, & Mexico to GB. Then return flight intermediates of GB to Fiji, Bermuda to Tahiti, Fiji, & Australia, Mexico to Tahiti, Fiji & Australia. VF. AAMC 1530 & 30ca cat $520. (15). | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
2811![]() Click for more photos | Aerogrammes: 1944-2005 Four Vol specialised collection inc 1944 AIR LETTER on yellowish paper VF UN (ACSC A2 cat $200) & postally U (Dec 1944) to England with censor cachet. 1953 10d blue 'Globe' CTO FDI. 1956 10d Melbourne Olympics CTO with red pictorial pmk. 1959 10d ICSM commem opt SPECIMEN (ACSC A14 w cat $100), 1960 QANTAS Anniv opt SPECIMEN. 1961-1965 Pre-decimal Christmas commems UN/CTO inc 1961 opt SPECIMEN. 1962 Perth Games 10d (6) with diff Pictorial pmks. Comprehensive 1966-2005 Pics & Commems inc 1970 QANTAS 50th Anniv flight to London. Official Aerograms (4) with 'Postage Paid' opt SPECIMEN, 1959 (10d) Aeroplane (3) with VF postally Used to South Africa & opt SPECIMEN (2). Also 1944 KGVI 7d AIR LETTER for 'Members of Forces Overseas' VF UN (ACSC A1 cat $200) & 1968 QEII 5c Defence Forces Air Letter UN. All fresh & clean. ACSC cat $2100 to end of Vol One (1970 Qantas), plus much more for the other 3 albums. Inc many very scarce & hard to find items. (395 items) | AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
2822![]() Click for more photos | Envelope: 1953-59 QEII embossed 29mm 3d green & 3½d orange UPU dies, plus 4d plum. All opt large SPECIMEN in red. Superb fresh UN. ACSC EP50w, EP54w & EP55w cat $450. (3) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
3074![]() Click for more photos | Lettercards: 1953-80 QEII comp 1959-80, plus the later pictorials. Superb fresh UN. ACSC LC76, 81B & 83-99 cat $237. (22) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
3226![]() Click to enlarge photo | Postcard: 1951-53 KGVI 3d green. Superb fresh UN. ACSC P74 cat $30. | AVAILABLE at A$15 | ||
3267![]() Click to enlarge photo | Wrapper: 1953 QEII 3½d black UNISSUED photographic PROOF on glazed paper 80x100mm, endorsed 'To be used for newspaper wrappers' & 'H' at top, plus '12.2.53' in pencil on back. ACSC W26(p)1 cat $2000 & was previously sold in a Melbourne auction for $2400+. UNIQUE item illustrated in ACSC. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1000 | ||
3268![]() Click for more photos | Wrappers: 1938-53 KGVI range of Used types inc 1938 1½d green ACSC cat $200, 1942-50 1½d green in both sizes, plus a PTPO ($200), 1½d violet (2), 2½d brown to USA uprated, plus 2½d red oval dies Doubleton (2). ACSC cat $675. (8) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
3269![]() Click for more photos | Wrappers: 1938-50s range with 1953 QEII 2½d brown (3) inc uprated for Airmail letter rate (total franking 1/6), 1959 5d blue & 1975 11c/7c uprated. Also 1938 Queen 1d PO & PTPO ($180) & QEII PTPO 3½d orange embossed ($250). Mostly G-VFU, some mixed. ACSC cat $600. (9) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
3290![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1934 cover franked Vic Cent 3d perf 10½ & 1/- perf 11½, plus Hermes 1/6 no wmk perf 11, tied by 'Port Pirie 6 DE 34' cds. SG 148, 149a, 153 cat £32 as loose stamps & 'from x3-12' on cover. | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
3315![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1852-53 QV Laureate 6d grey-brown, variety partial DOUBLE PRINTING with shifting to the left, especially strong on SIX PENCE. FU, barred oval pmk, 2 margins. SG 76(var) cat £275+ as normal & variety worth several times. 2023 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
3486![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 2/- black on grey Barley Malt & Hops Exclusively 6 Dozen Bottled, smaller size. Superb fresh M. Bft 53. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
3527![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1900 QV Boer War Charity set 1d & 2d. VF fresh MLH with nice colours. Scott B1-B2 cat US$535.SG 263-264 cat £500. (2) (P) | SOLD at A$220 | ||
3692![]() Click for more photos | 1853-54 QV Courier 1d deep blue, earliest impression with lines clear & distinct, on very thin paper. Superb U, 4 huge margins, tiny imperfections on right edge away from design. Sc 1. SG 2(var) cat £1500+, plus premium for the rare 1st printing very thin paper which is inexplicably not separately listed in SG, but is known to specialists - new AIEP certificate can be obtained that will specifically describe it. 1999 Holcombe photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1100 | ||
3693![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1853-54 QV Courier 4d pale orange, Plate I, worn impression. VF UN appearance, cut square with 4 margins, but as there is some traces of cleaned staining so stamp can not be classified as unused. Scott 2 cat US$7500 for UN. SG 9 cat £8000 for UN or £450 for U. Fantastic spacefiller for a mint collection. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert as per above. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$650 | ||
3694![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1853-54 QV Courier 4d orange, Plate II, early impression with clear lines in design. Superb U with numeral 58 postal m/s cancel of Waterloo Point, 4 large margins & nice deep colour. Scott 2b cat US$425++. SG 10 cat £425++, plus premium for rare cancel. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo-cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$325 | ||
3746![]() Click to enlarge photo | Stamp Duty: 1966 Power Pylon $1 brown wmk 'TT' inverted IMPERF UL cnr blk of 4. VF fresh MUH. Bft 153(var). Only 1 sheet recorded. (4) | SOLD at A$30 | ||
3760![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1897 QV Hospital Charity set 1d & 2½d. VF MUH. SG 353-54 cat £158 for M, should be at least double, £316 MUH. (2) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
3761![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1897 QV Hospital Charity set 1d & 2½d. VF MUH. SG 353-4 cat £158 for M, should be at least double, £316 MUH. (2) (P) | SOLD at A$400 | ||
3891![]() Click for more photos | Ascension: 1922-80s Mint collection in binder inc 1922 opt KGV St Helena set to 3/- (SG cat £325). 1924-33 KGV Ship set to 3/- (£350). 1934 KGV Pic set to 5/- (£130). 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938-53 KGVI Pic set to 10/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1956 QEII Pic set to 10/-. 1963 QEII Bird set to £1. 1981-82 Flower set to £1. 1986 Ship set to £2. G-VF M/MUH, post 1960 MUH, some gum tropicalisation. SG cat £2300+ = A$4600+. (475 + 19 M/S) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$550 | ||
3986![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1953 Railway Parcel 200Fr deep green. VF fresh MUH. SG P1451 cat £275. COB TR334 cat €230. (P) | SOLD at A$70 | ||
3999![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1918-22 KGV 5/- deep green & deep red on yellow, wmk mult crown, variety 'broken crown & scroll'. Stamp VF MUH, right marginal. SG 53db cat £375 for M, should be at least double, £750. Nice positional example. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
4007![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1938-53 KGVI High values set 2/- to £1, the 2/- to 10/- perf 13, others perf 14. VF fresh MUH. SG 116e, 117d, 118f, 119e, 120b & 121 cat £500. (6) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
4020![]() Click for more photos | British Empire: KGVI 1937-52 collection in 4 binders. A-Z inc Aden 1939 KGVI Pic to 10R. Antigua 1938 KGVI Pic to £1. Ascension 1935-53 KGVI Pic set to 10/-, plus perfs. Bahrain 1938-42 KGVI Pic to 25R. Basutoland 1938 KGVI Crocodile set to 10/-. Bechuanaland 1938 KGVI Cattle to 10/-. Cyprus 1938-51 KGVI Pic to £1. Falklands 1938 KGVI Pic to £1. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1952 KGVI Pic to £1. Gambia 1938 KGVI Elephant set to 10/-. Hong Kong 1948 KGVI Silver Wedding $10 U. India 1948 Gandhi set to 10R U. KUT 1938-51 KGVI Pic to £1, plus perfs. Malacca 1949 KGVI Palm Tree set to $5. Montserrat 1938 KGVI Views to £1. North Borneo 1945 BMA opt Pic to $5. Northern Rhodesia 1938-52 KGVI Giraffe & Elephant to 20/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. Nyasaland 1938 KGV Leopard to £1. Pakistan 1947 KGVI Service set to 10R. Seychelles 1938 KGVI Pic to 5R inc 1R green. Singapore 1948-52 KGVI Palm Tree sets to $5, both perfs. Swaziland 1938 KGVI Shields to 10/-, plus perfs. Tristan Da Cunha 1952 opt KGVI Ship set to 10/-. F-VF M/MUH/U. SG cat £19,000+ = A$38,000+. Attractive collection. (5800) (P) | SOLD at A$3500 | ||
4021![]() Click for more photos | Arabia & Arab States: 1890s-1970s collection in binder with Aden 1937 Dhow set to 10R. 1939-48 KGVI Pic set to 10R. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1951 KGVI decimal Surch set to 10s on 10R. 1953-63 QEII Pic set to 20/-. Seiyun 1942 Sultan Pic set to 5R. 1948 Silver Wedding set M & U. South Arabia from 1964 inc Defs & Commems. Bahrain 1964 Sheikh Pic to 10R. Range of 1960s-70s Qatar. Abu Dhabi 1964 Pic set to 10R. Range of Umm al Qiwain Pic, plus other Trucial States. Mostly F-VF M/MUH/U, some tropicalisation in parts. SG cat £3900+ = A$7800+. (1375) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$650 | ||
4023![]() Click for more photos | British Asia: 1882-1953 collection on Scott album pgs. Ceylon from 1882 inc 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1935 KGV Pic set to 1R. 1938 KGVI Pic set to 10R. 1954 Pic Def set to 10R. Maldives 1951 Dhow Pic vals to 10R. Hong Kong from 1882 QV inc 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938 KGVI 1c-$10. 1941 Centenary set. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1954 QEII set to $10. Straits settlements from 1882. Malay States inc FMS from 1901, Penang 1954-55 QEII to $5. Most F-VF M/U, majority (70%+) M. SG cat £2400+ = A$4800+. (460). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
4024![]() Click for more photos | British West Indies: 1862-1970s collection in binder with Antigua 1863-87 QV to 6d inc wmk & shades. 1953-62 QEII Pic set to $4.80. Barbuda 1922 opt KGV set to 5/- (SG cat £150). St Kitts Nevis 1938-50 KGVI Pic set to £1. Virgin Is 1849 St Ursula set to 5/- (£150). 1913-19 KGV set to 5/-. 1922-28 KGV Badge to 5/-. 1938-47 KGVI Badge set to £1. 1952 KGVI Pic set to $4.80. 1956-62 QEII Pic set to $4.80. St Vincent 1938-47 KGVI Pic to £1. St Lucia 1936 KGV Pic set to 10/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. Most G-VF M/MUH/U, some parts with tropicalised gum/gum spots. SG cat £2200+ = A$4400+. (1090) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
4028![]() Click for more photos | Rhodesia, Swaziland & Basutoland: 1892-1960s collection in binder. Rhodesia 1892 Arms £1 & 1898 Arms £5. Southern Rhodesia 1924-29 KGV Admiral set to 5/- M & U. 1931-37 KGV Field Marshall set to 5/-. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1937 KGVI set to 5/-. 1953 QEII Pic set to £1. Northern Rhodesia 1925-29 Giraffe & Elephants set to 20/-. 1938-52 KGVI Giraffe & Elephants set to 20/-, plus 1953 QEII set to 20/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. Rhodesia & Nyasaland 1954-56 QEII set to £1. Swaziland 1938 KGVI Shields set to 10/-. Basutoland 1933 KGV Crocodile to 5/-. 1938 KGVI Crocodile set to 10/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. Most G-VF M/MUH/U, some tropicalised gum etc. SG cat £3800+ = A$7600+. (1250) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$650 | ||
4039![]() Click for more photos | British Honduras: 1865-1971 Mint collection on Minkus album pgs. 1865 QV 1d & 6d, no wmk. 1872-79 QV set to 1/-, wmk CC & 1882-87 set to 1/-, wmk CA. 1888 small Surch set to 50c on 1/- & large Surch set to 50c on 1/-. 1888 Two opt 50c on 1/-. 1891-1901 QV Tablet set to $5. 1899 REVENUE opt QV set to 50c on 1/-. 1902 & 1904-07 KEVII sets to $5. 1913-21 KGV to $5. 1922-33 KGV to $5. 1938-47 KGVI Pic set to $5. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1953-62 QEII Pic set to $5. 1962 QEII Birds set to $5. 1968 Animals set to $5. Mostly F-VF M/MUH, odd U. SG cat £4300+ = A$8600+. Nice collection. (285) (P) | SOLD at A$1200 | ||
4114![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1947 SERVICE opt KGVI Interim Govt opt set 3p-10R. VF fresh M/MUH with R MUH. SG O41-O53 cat £225. (13) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
4115![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1947 'SERVICE' opt Interim Govt KGVI set 3p-10R. VFU. SG O41-O53 cat £150. (13). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
4122![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1915 'C.E.F.' opt Yacht set ½d on 5pf-5s on 5Mk with 10pf both opt in black & in blue. VF M/MLH, some sl tropicalised gum. Scott 53-65 cat US$1147. Yv 26-37 cat €1195. SG B1-13 cat £915 & undercatalogued as only 1900 sets printed. Top vals exp Ceremuga AIEP. (14). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$575 | ||
4173![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1928-29 KGV & Pictorials set 1c-$1, all vertical prs IMPERF horiz, 8c also imperf at left from sheet edge. Superb fresh MUH. Unitrade 149-59 e/c cat C$5325++. SG 275-85(var) footnote cat £2560 for M, should be at least double, £5120 MUH. Only est 250 prs printed. Rare & spectacular set. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$2900 | ||
4199![]() Click for more photos | 1935 cover franked KGV Silver Jubilee set 4c - 24c tied by 'St Johns MY 6 35'. Sent locally. SG 250-53 cat £38 as loose stamps & 'from x2' on cover. | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
4212![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1917 'WAR STAMP 1½d' opt KGV 2½d deep blue, horiz pr, left stamp variety 'almost no fraction bar' VF fresh MLH. SG 53/53a cat £296+ as singles, plus premium for positional setenant pr which should be +50% so est cat £444. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$65 | ||
4219![]() Click for more photos | 1900-80s collection in binder inc 1900 QV set ½d & 1d. 1902-05 KEVII to 1/-, plus wmks. 1907 h/s Surch ½d & 1d on 5/-. 1907-09 KEVII set to 10/-. 1912-20 KGV set to 10/-, & 1921-26 KGV to 10/-, plus wmks. 1932 Centenary set to 10/-. 1938-48 KGVI Pic set to 10/-, plus perfs. 1948 Silver Wedding set M&U. 1950 KGVI Pic set to 10/-. 1953-62 QEII Pic set to £1. 1962-64 QEII Pic set to £1. 1969 QEII Def set to £1, plus 1969 dec Surch set to $2. Good coverage of Commems. Most G-VF M/MUH/U, some tropicalisation in parts, 70%+ being M/MUH. SG cat £4600+ = A$9200+. (1100 + 27 M/S) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1200 | ||
4241![]() Click for more photos | China: Revenues c1920s-40s accumulation inc SYS Savings Stamp opt. 1949 Communist Flag issues inc Surch. Buddhist Swastika opt inc Cigarette Taxes. Also a selection of various strips & blks. Mostly G-VF M/U, well above average for Revenues. (535) | SOLD at A$300 | ||
4290![]() Click for more photos | 1967 Thoughts of Mao 8f set of 2 se-tenant strips both LL cnr marginal WITH IMPRINTS, plus single. VF fresh MUH, with, pristine never hinged original gum & UNFOLDED, gold colour sl uneven but still much nicer than usual. W1. SG 2343-53 inc 2344a & 2349a cat £4250+ plus premium for imprints. Rare genuine examples of this very popular issue. 2024 Ceremuga photo-certs for strips. (11) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$3500 | ||
4291![]() Click for more photos | 1967 Thoughts of Mao 8f set of 2 se-tenant strips, plus single. VF fresh CTO with UH gum. W1. SG 2343-53 inc 2344a & 2349a cat £1140. (11) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$700 | ||
4328![]() Click for more photos | Registered Envelope: 1972 QEII 53c red. Superb fresh UN. ACSC unlisted. | AVAILABLE at A$10 | ||
4342![]() Click for more photos | 1952 Airmail covers franked Australia Kangaroo ½d & KGVI 3½d tied 'RAAF PO Cocos Island 19 FE 52' cds, to Sydney. 1953 franked Koala 4d tied 'RAAF PO Cocos Island 10 NO 53' cds to England, both with large 'RAAF SERVICE' h/s. SG 228, 230a & 247. (2). | SOLD at A$50 | ||
4388![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1902-04 KEVII ½Pi-18Pi wmk crown CA. VF fresh M/MLH. SG 50-58 cat £538. (9). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
4412![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1938 Czech Legion Battle Anniv Doss Alto 50h green imperf DIE PROOF in issued colour with unfinished value tablet, country name & outer frame, on thin card (53x68mm). Superb UN as made. SG 383(p)m Mi394(p). Extremely rare, only several made. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
4435![]() Click for more photos | 1919 Large court cover (vert centre fold) sent unfranked with 'Praha 18/Prag 18 7.1.19' cds & postage charge to recipient with Postage Due 40h red BISECT tied by Praha 1/Prag 7.1.19 'cds. SG D279(var). Mi P53B(var). Scarce provisional usage. | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
4561![]() Click for more photos | 1849-1990 extensive collection in 5 Lighthouse s/books inc 1849 Ceres to 40c, 1853 to 80c, 1862 to 80c, 1863-70 to 80c, 1869 5Fr, 1871 to 80c, 1876-85 Peace & Commerce to 5Fr, 1923 Bordeaux Philatelic 1Fr (cat £650), 1925 Paris Philatelic set, 1926 War Orphans set, 1927 Air Marseilles set (cat £600), 1928 Sinking Fund, 1931 Sinking Fund, 1936 Air set to 3F50, 1936 Air set M & U (cat £680), 1947 UPU set 1949 Air set, 1957 & 57 Air sets, various National Relief Funds inc 1954 & 55, range of Postage Dues, booklets range inc 1952 Red Cross (XSB2 cat £600). Also 1952-3 booklets XSB3 & B4 (cat £425). Extensive range from 1900s, many sets. Also inc Davo France illustrated album with pages 1849-1996. Earlies mostly U, some variable condition & mixed margins, later mostly F-VF MLH/MUH & F-VFU. SG cat £20,000+ = A$40,000. (5000 + 40+ booklets) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$2500 | ||
4582![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1942 National Relief Fund set 50c + 60c - 5F + 7F Arms. VF fresh MUH. Yv 553-564 cat €63. SG 757-768 cat £37 for M, should be at least double, £74 MUH. (12). | AVAILABLE at A$20 | ||
4586![]() Click for more photos | France: 1876-2000 Mint collection on album pgs in 4 binders (ea stamp neatly in Hawids). 1876-1900 Peace & Commerce range to 5Fr. 1900-23 Blanc, Merson & Mouchon to 5Fr. 1907-19 Sower to 35c. 1917-19 War Orphans 2c+3c - 1F+1F. 1918 Red Cross 15c+5c. 1922 War Orphans Fund Surch set to 11F on 5F+5F. 1926-27 War Orphans set to 5Fr+1F. 1927 Strasbourg 5F+10F gutter pr. 1927 opt Air set 2Fr & 5Fr. 1927-30 Sinking Fund sets. 1929-33 high val views to 20Fr. 1936 Air set to 50F (SG cat £1200). 1936 Banknote Air 50F. 1936 Transatlantic Air set 1F50 & 10F. 1937 PEXIP M/S. Then comprehensive coverage of Commems & Defs inc 1950 National Fund set. 1954 Air set to 1000F. 1953 Sports set. 1954 National Fund set & 1955 set. 1957 Air set to 1000F. F-VF fresh M/MUH, post 1960 being MUH. SG cat £38,000+ = A$76,000+. Beautiful & valuable collection. (3100 + 24 M/S) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$5500 | ||
4661![]() Click for more photos | 1953 Postal Strike Saumur pre-cursors to the issued stamps listed in Maury, diff colour typed or m/s labels with Saumer Liberty cachets inc uncut sheets of 15 or 16 (2 diff), plus 1953 Philatelic Expo printed cover with 4c stamp with cachet etc. Est cat €1600+ based on the other listed items. Interesting lot. (64, + cover). | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
4662![]() Click for more photos | 1953 Postal Strike labels from Saumur on 8 diff colour papers inc comp sheet of 15 with all 3 values setenant, plus 3 diff colour illustrated Postcards for 10th Anniv of original Saumur airmail stamp & more. Maury 4-6 cat €1000+. (50 + 3 cards). | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
4719![]() Click to enlarge photo | Martinique: 1892-1906 Peace & Commerce set 1c-1Fr plus new colours to 5Fr. All early 1900s Fournier forgeries. F-VF fresh MUH. SG 33-45, ex 46-53 cat £412+ as genuine. (20) | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
4731![]() Click to enlarge photo | New Caledonia: 1945 Kogu Bird Surch 1Fr20 on 5c, 2Fr40 on 25c & 4Fr50 on 25c, horiz prs, opt colour trial proof opts in BLACK, with 1Fr20/5c being UNISSUED as such (instead of RED opt). Superb fresh M, all affixed on pieces from De La Rue archive pgs. SG 294, 295 & 297(p). Yv 249, 253 & 255(p). Unique item for specialists. 2023 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (6) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$850 | ||
4732![]() Click to enlarge photo | New Caledonia: 1953 Centenary set 1Fr50-13Fr, IMPERF horiz prs. VF fresh MUH. SG 331-4(var), Maury 284-7 cat €350. (4 prs). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
4737![]() Click for more photos | Reunion: 1949 CFA opt Postage Dues 10c-10Fr Epreuvre de Luxes, no 1950-53 issues. VF fresh UN as made, with tissue paper interleaves. SG D333-39(p), Yv T36-42EPL est cat €230. (7) | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
4759![]() Click to enlarge photo | Syria: 1925 Registered covers with 1924 'Syrie' opt 3Pi/60c & 5Pi/1Fr tied by 'Damas 13 2 25' cds 7 opt 0P50/10c green, 1Pi50/30c orange, 2Pi/35c violet & 3Pi/60c lilac, tied by 'Damas 15 4 25' cds. SG 154, 157, 145, 150, 151 & 155 cat £53 as loose stamps alone. (2) | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
4769![]() Click for more photos | Togo: 1915 cover franked thin opt Yacht 10/5pf horiz pr (opt type 1), plus 10/5pf vertical bisect left half (opt type II), tied by 4 strikes 'Anecho Togo 23.1.15' cds, to Dahomey with 'Cotonou 26 Janv 15' & 'Porto-Novo 27 Janv 15' arrival b/s. F-VF fresh. Maury 2II cat €8000, Yv 24d, Mi 2H cat €10,000. Very rare provisional usage due to shortage of 5pf stamps at Anecho. We sold a similar bisect cover for $5000+, plus buyers commission in our auction 253. Exp Calves, plus 2013 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$3000 | ||
4795![]() Click to enlarge photo | Wurttemberg: 1906 opt Centenary set 2pf-25pf vert IMPERF prs. Superb UN as made, top marginal with all 4 margins. SG M153-57 footnote cat £375. Mi 107-11P cat €400. (10). | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
4858![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1933 Wagner booklet se-tenants with 8pf & 'X' tab, plus 8pf 'X' 8pf. VF fresh MUH. Mi W53-54 cat €500. (2) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$110 | ||
4860![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1934 Colonisers set 3pf-25pf. VF fresh MUH. SG 537-40 cat £225. Mi 540-43 cat €190. (4) | AVAILABLE at A$65 | ||
4861![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1934 Colonisers set 3pf-25pf. VF fresh MUH. SG 537-40 cat £225. Mi 540-43 cat €190. (4) | AVAILABLE at A$65 | ||
4862![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1934 Colonisers set 3pf-25pf in blks of 4. VF fresh MUH. SG 537-40 cat £900. Mi 540-43 cat €760. (4 blks) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
4863![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1934 Hindenburg Memorial set 3pf-25pf. VF fresh MUH. SG 545-50 cat £170. Mi 548-53 cat €140. (6) | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
4906![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1937 Airmail cover (edge flts etc) franked 1934 Air Eagle 10pf & 50pf, plus 2Mk Lilienthal & 3Mk Zeppelin (all vertical ribbed gum/paper, ex 3Mk rare horiz ribbed gum/paper), tied by 'Hagen (Westf) 7 1 37' cds, to Singapore by KLM via Holland. SG 526, 532, 535, 536a cat £784, Mi 530x, 535x, 538x & 539y cat €627 -both as loose stamps. The rare 3Mk gum/paper variety alone on cover cat €1000. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
4907![]() Click for more photos | 1939 Registered Airmail large cover (370x145mm) franked Hindenburg 30pf & 50pf (3) with Zeppelin 3RM strips of 4 & 11 (1 cnr flts), tied by 'Bremen 17 3 39' cds. To Melbourne with Sydney b/s. Thought to be for wool or cloth samples. SG 536 etc cat £770+. Mi 539 etc cat €550+ - both as loose stamps, plus premium on cover. | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
4984![]() Click to enlarge photo | New Guinea: 1897-1919 collection Mint with 1897 opt set, plus extra listed 3pf & 25pf shades, 1900-1908 Yacht set 3pf-5Mk no wmk & 1914-19 set 3pf-5Mk (26 x 17 holes), with wmk. VF M/MLH. SG cat £600+. Mi cat €536. (26) (P) | SOLD at A$325 | ||
5002![]() Click for more photos | New Guinea: 1898-1908 Postal Cards with1898 opt 5pf, 1899 opt 10pf single & double cards, 5pf double card. 1900 Yacht both 5pf & 10pf single & double cards -the10pf front half only & 1907 10pf w/o border. F-VFU, with variety of pmks inc Kieta, Matupi, Simpsonhafen etc, & most with arrival pmks. Mi cat €535++, plus premium for better pmks. (9). | AVAILABLE at A$220 | ||
5052![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1921 Ship 5pf purple & brown, 2 imperf PROOFS, 1 with frame only, the other centre only, both wmk large honeycomb. Superb fresh MUH. Mi 53Ph1-2 cat €600, SG 44(p). Very rare. 2014 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (2). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
5058![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1921 Ship 10Mk chestnut & deep green, 2 imperf PROOFS, 1 with frame only, the other centre only, both wmk large honeycomb. VF fresh MUH. Mi 62Ph1-2 cat €600++, SG 53(p). 2014 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert.(2) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
5190![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1931-32 Composite imperf PROOF sheetlet of 4 in olive-black (colour of issued 3Fr) containing 1932 Airmail 90c, & 1931 (Dec) Christmas Charity 1Fr, 1.50Fr & 5Fr, size 142x118mm.Superb fresh MUH, 'Vut no2' m/s at left. SG 116a, 152-53 & 156(p). Mi 153P, 154P, 157P & 160PKLB cat €3000. Extremely rare, only several printed. 2024 Ceremuga photo-cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1500 | ||
5260![]() Click for more photos | Croatia: 1941 Red Cross set 1.50K - 4K, ea in sheetlet of 20 with 5 tabs & decorative border. VF fresh MUH. Mi 66-68KLB cat €120. SG 51-53 cat £90 for M singles, so £180+ MUH. (3 sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
5261![]() Click for more photos | Croatia: 1941 Red Cross set 1.50+1.50K - 4+4K ea in a central gutter blk of 4 with 4 red cross labels, plus a central shield label, the 2k+2k variety 'cross' (pos 9) engraver's secret mark. VF fresh MUH. SG 51-53(var). Mi 66-68zf1+zf2 & 67I cat €100+. (3 blks) | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
5290![]() Click for more photos | Croatia: 1943-45 MUH Sheetlets collection inc 1943 Labour Fund set. 1943 700th Anniv Zagreb. 1944 Postal Official set. 1944 War Fund set. 1944 Labour Fund set. 1945 Postal Officials set. VF fresh MUH. Mi cat €353+. (23 sheetlets). | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
5537![]() Click to enlarge photo | Russia-Pleskau: 1941 Madonna 60+40K M/Sheet on white paper with vert lattice wmk, imperf. Superb U, Pskov '29.12.42' cds at UL cnr as issued, 121x163mm. Mi Blk 1X cat €1700. Only 1539 printed & few survived. 2017 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1200 | ||
5538![]() Click to enlarge photo | Russia-Pleskau: 1941 Madonna 60+40K M/Sheet on white paper with vert lattice wmk, imperf. Superb fresh UN as issued, 121x163mm. Mi Blk 1X cat €1700. Only 1539 printed & few survived. 2017 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1500 | ||
5555![]() Click for more photos | Serbia: 1941 POW fund set 0.50+1.50D - 4+12D, all type III, with 'E' pointing left tied by 'Nis 19 VI 43' cds. SG 50A-53A(var) cat in footnote £380++. Mi 54III, 55III, 56III & 57AIII cat €570++ - both as loose stamps, plus premium on cover. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
5556![]() Click for more photos | Serbia: 1941 POW Fund set 0.50+1.50D - 4+12D all type IV, with 'E' pointing right, on cover, tied by 'Nis 19 VI 43' cds to with SG 50A-53A(var) cat in footnote £380++. Mi 54IV, 55A IV, 56IV & 57AIV cat €570++ - both as loose stamps, plus premium on cover. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
5558![]() Click for more photos | Serbia: 1941 POW Charity 1st set 0.50+1.50 - 4+12D all full sheets of 50 ea (double panes of 25+25 stamps), 10 w/o underprint (on 2 values centre stamp with designers secret mark), 32 with underprint (1st 3 pointing up, last pointing down), 4 with 'E' pointing right & 4 with 'E' pointing left. VF fresh MUH. Mi 54-57I-IV & AI-AIV KLB cat €2065, SG G50-53A/B cat £1052++ as M singles, should be double, £2100++ MUH, plus premium for engravers mark, plus premium for full panes. Attractive & very rarely seen. (4 sheets = 200) (P) | SOLD at A$1100 | ||
5559![]() Click to enlarge photo | Serbia: 1941 POW Charity 1st set 0.50+1.50 - 4+12D all in strips of 4 ea, 1 with underprint (1st 2 pointing up, other 2 pointing down), 1 w/o underprint, 1 with 'E' pointing right & 1 with 'E' pointing left. VF fresh MUH. Mi 54-57I-IV cat €327, SG G50-53A/B cat £225+ as M singles, should be double, £450+ MUH, plus premium for se-tenant strips. Attractive & scarce. (16) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
5560![]() Click for more photos | Serbia: 1941 POW Charity 1st set 0.50+1.50 - 4+12D, all FULL PANES of 25, 5 in centre w/o underprint, 4 with 'E' (2 pointing right & 2 pointing left, rest with underprint pointing up), on ea blk. VF fresh MUH. Mi 54-57I-IV & 56VII-57AII cat €1070+ as singles, plus Mi specified +30 per cent = €1390. SG G50A-53A, G50B-53B cat £557 for M singles, should be at least double, £1100+ MUH, plus premium for panes. (4 panes of 25) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
5561![]() Click for more photos | Serbia: 1941 POW Charity 1st set 0.50+1.50-4+12D, all FULL PANES of 25, 5 in centre w/o underprint, 4 with 'E' (2 pointing right & 2 pointing left), rest with underprint pointing down on ea pane position 13 with engraver's secret mark of initials. VF fresh MUH. SG G50A-53A & G50B-53B. Mi 54-57 AI-AIV & 54AII-57AII cat €4210+ as singles, plus Mi specified +30% premium for se-tenant multiples so = €5473. Very rare matching set especially as the 1st value engravers mark occurred only in part of printing. 4 panes of 25. 2019 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$2000 | ||
5562![]() Click to enlarge photo | Serbia: 1941 POW Charity set 0.50+1.50D - 4+12D, with 'E' pointing left, pink underprint pointing up. VF fresh MUH. SG G50-53A footnote cat £104 for M, so £208+ MUH. Mi 54-57III cat €150. (4). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
5563![]() Click to enlarge photo | Serbia: 1941 POW Charity set 0.50+1.50D - 4+12D, with underprint, 1st 2 pointing up & last 2 pointing down, all with 'E' to left. VFU by special 'Beograd' cds tied on special Red Cross envelope. SG G50-53A(var), Mi 54III-57AIII cat €460+ as loose stamps alone, & should be at least double, €920+ on cover. Exp Ceremuga. (4) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
5564![]() Click to enlarge photo | Serbia: 1941 POW Charity set 0.50+1.50D - 4+12D, with underprint, 1st 2 pointing down & last 2 pointing up. VFU by special 'Beograd 7.XII.41' cds tied on special Red Cross envelope. SG G50-53A(var), Mi 54AI-57I cat €180+ as loose stamps alone, & should be at least double, on cover so €360+. Exp Ceremuga. (4) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
5565![]() Click to enlarge photo | Serbia: 1941 POW Charity set 0.50+1.50D - 4+12D, with underprint pointing up, with 'E' to right on 1st & 3rd stamps, & with 'E' to left on 2nd & 4th stamps. VFU by special 'Beograd 10.XII.41' cds tied on special Red Cross envelope. SG G50-53A(var), Mi 54IV-57III cat €360+ as loose stamps alone, & should be at least double, on cover so €720+. Exp Ceremuga. (4) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$230 | ||
5621![]() Click for more photos | Fredersdorf: 1945 'F.M' violet h/s opts Hitler set 1pf-5Mk, 1Mk & 2Mk perf 14 & 3Mk & 5Mk perf 12½. VFU, all on piece with 'Fredersdorf 20 JUL 1945 Berlin' cds in blue Mi 1-19, 20B, 21B, 22A, 23A cat €530+. (23). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
5622![]() Click to enlarge photo | Fredersdorf: 1945 'F.M' violet h/s opts Hitler set 1pf-5Mk, the 2Mk-5Mk perf 12½. VFU oval 'Fredersdorf 3 AUG 1945 Berlin' pmks on envelope Mi 1-23 cat €530+ as loose stamps. (23). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
5629![]() Click to enlarge photo | Fredersdorf: 1945 Numeral Provisionals, 31x23mm double-lined blue frame, h/s FM in violet or red, set 5pf, 6pf, 8pf & XIIpf. Superb U, all on piece with 'Fredersdorf 15 Sep 1945 Berlin' oval pmks. Mi Sp153-Sp156 cat €400++ Only 150 sets printed. Exp Dr Heber & Zierer BPP, plus 2019 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
5660![]() Click for more photos | West Berlin: 1948-90 comp mint collection inc 1948 'Berlin' opt set to 5Mk. 1949 red opt 'Berlin' set to 2Mk. 1949-54 Building set to 5Mk. 1949 Goethe set. 1949 Surch set to 1Mk on 3Mk. 1949 Relief Fund set, plus M/S. 1950 Europe Recovery 20pf. 1950 Orchestra set 1951-53 Bell sets with clappers left, right & centre. 1952-53 Portrait set to 40pf. Then all Commems & Defs to 1990, plus M/S where issued. VF fresh M/MUH, post 1960 being MUH. SG cat £8500+ = A$17,000+. Nice collection. (760 + 8 M/S) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$750 | ||
5662![]() Click for more photos | Postal Stationery: 1951-90 collection appears 99% comp, in expensive Vario/Lighthouse slipcase album, most both UN & U, noted 1953 Kollwitz 20pf U (Mi P44 cat €500), many diff view cards, 1952 Lottery card, Double Reply cards, plus envelope inc PTPO etc. VF fresh UN/U. Mi cat €2000+ & under-catalogued. Excellent lot. (200+) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
5808![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1902-10 KEVII 10/- ultramarine, DLR printing, opt SPECIMEN (SG type 16). VF fresh M. SG Spec M53s. SG 265s cat £500. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$240 | ||
5872![]() Click for more photos | 1953 London - Singapore FFC,, plus return flight & Italy - Ceylon intermediate. VF. (3) | AVAILABLE at A$12 | ||
5901![]() Click to enlarge photo | Locals: London Parcels Delivery Company ca1853 (no value) black on lilac horse & carriage, inscribed 'Chas Norman Secretary', perf at left only, with control no A604. Overall VFU for this fragile stamp, only mnr flts, blue crayon cancel. RL4. Extremely rare! Impressive & spectacular large format stamp. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$800 | ||
5939![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1906 2nd Olympic Games 50L green, imperf proof on card. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. Mi 153(p), SG 192(p). Rare. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
5947![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1940 Youth set 3D-100D, plus Airmail set 2D-100D. VF fresh MUH. Kar 571-80, A45-54 cat €1485. SG 534-53 cat £1750 for M, should be at least double, £3500 MUH. (20). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
5958![]() Click for more photos | Grenada: 1860s-190s collection with extras in Vario binder with slipcase inc 1863 QV to 6d, 1881 Surch on ½d deep mauve with variety 'OSTAGE' superb cds on piece (cat £130), 1883 QV set to 1/-, 1883 QV 1d tete-beche blk of 6 with 3 prs (cat £900), 1886 1d on 1½d orange Surch Double, sold 'as is', 1895 QV set to 1/-, 1902 KEVII set SPECIMEN to 10/-, 1913 KGV set to 10/- inc some shades, 1906 Badge set to 10/-, 1934 KGV set to 5/-, 1938 KGVI set to 10/- with some shades & perfs inc 10/- (5), 1951 KGVI & 1953 QEII sets to $2.50, then fairly comp to 1980s, plus Barbados 1900 Seal to 10d, 1938 to 5/-, 1950 KGVI set to $2.40, 1953 QEII set to $1.20 with shades. Mostly F-VF MLH/MUH, some G-VF U, tropicalisation on some stamps. SG cat £4000+ = A$8000+. (1600+, 170 M/S, 6 S/B) (P) | SOLD at A$650 | ||
6039![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1900 'TELEGRAPH' opt QV Foreign Bill 2R purple. VF fresh M, left marginal. SG T53 cat £600. Very rare. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
6101![]() Click to enlarge photo | Indonesia: 1997 Cultural Anniversaries M/S with 3 sets & label (100, SG 2310var cat £1050), 1996 Sports Week M/S pr (SG MS2666, £650), 1996 Rhino M/S with 2 sets of 4 (SG 2270var £650), 1998 Anti-Drug sheetlet with 8 Tete-Beche prs (SG 2415var, £1120), 1998 Minerals set of 2 M/S (100 sets, SG 2403/06, £660). 1998 Juvalux & Singpex M/S (100 of ea, £825), 1999 Australia 99 Exhib M/S (100, £350). All fresh MUH in neat bundles of 100, FV A$450 alone. Total SG £5300 = A$10,600. Zonnebloem €4000 = A$6650. (1000 M/S) (lot no out of orrder) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
6107![]() Click for more photos | 1915 Coronation both Official & Parcel Post opt sets 1ch-5To (SG P443-O476). Then both types of 1902 'PL Teheran' opts in black & red (SG 223, 223a, & 238 (2). 1911 Arms opt Service set 1ch-2Kr (SG O353-60) plus unissued 13ch, 26ch, 3Kr & 10Kr & 1911 Relais opts (7, 4 diff). VF fresh M. SG cat £660+++. As usual likely to be reprints. (59). | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
6129![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1922-23 Free State opt KGV 1d scarlet, right marginal blk of 15, 2nd row, 2nd stamp from left variety Reversed 'Q' for 'O' in 'ONE'. VF MUH, variety stamp very fresh. SG 53/53e cat £414 as M singles, should be at least double, £824 MUH, plus premium fo multiple. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
6158![]() Click to enlarge photo | Parma: 1853-55 Arms 5c orange-yellow. F-VFU, almost 4 margins. SG 11 cat £1000. Sass 6 cat €1400. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$140 | ||
6159![]() Click to enlarge photo | Parma: 1853-55 Arms 5c orange-yellow. F-VF U, almost 4 margins. Scott 6 cat US$640, SG 11 cat £1000. Sass 6 cat €1400. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$140 | ||
6160![]() Click to enlarge photo | Parma: 1853-55 Arms 15c pale red. VFU, 4 margins. SG 12 cat £475. Sass 7b cat €700. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
6161![]() Click to enlarge photo | Parma: 1853-55 Arms 15c pale red. VFU, 4 margins. Scott 7 cat US$325, SG 12 cat £475. Sass 7b cat €700. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
6162![]() Click to enlarge photo | Parma: 1853-55 Arms 15c red. VFU, 4 margins. Scott 7 cat US$325, SG 13 cat £375. Sass 7 cat €700. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
6163![]() Click to enlarge photo | Parma: 1853-55 Arms 15c red. VFU, 4 margins. SG 13 cat £375. Sass 7 cat €700. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
6164![]() Click to enlarge photo | Parma: 1853-55 Arms 25c red-brown. VFU, 4 margins, Piacenza cds. Scott 8 cat US$450, SG 14 cat £600. Sass 8 cat €1000. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$140 | ||
6165![]() Click to enlarge photo | Parma: 1853-55 Arms 25c red-brown. VFU, 4 margins. SG 14 cat £600. Sass 8 cat €1000. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$140 | ||
6166![]() Click to enlarge photo | Parma: 1853-55 Arms 25c deep brown. F-VFU, almost 4 margins, on piece with 'Parma 29 Ettembre' sl pmk. Scott 8 cat US$450, SG 15 cat £500. Sass 8a cat €1000. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
6167![]() Click to enlarge photo | Parma: 1853-55 Arms 25c deep brown. F-VF U, almost 4 margins, Parma 4 Febre 57 cds. SG 15 cat £500. Sass 8a cat €1000. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
6168![]() Click to enlarge photo | Parma: 1853 Newspaper Tax Arms 9c black, h/s on newspaper piece, inscribed 'Parma'. VF, 4 margins. Sass B1 cat €1400 on piece, & €3250 on newspaper. Very rare. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
6169![]() Click to enlarge photo | Parma: 1853 Newspaper Tax Arms 9c black, h/s on newspaper piece, inscribed 'Parma'. VF, 4 margins. Sass B1 cat €1400 on piece & €3250 on newspaper. Very rare. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
6170![]() Click to enlarge photo | Parma: 1853-57 Newspaper Tax Shield 6c black on rose. Superb U, with red cds, 4 margins. SG N1 cat £500+. Sass SG 1 cat €800+. Exp Diena, Kosack & Their. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$140 | ||
6171![]() Click to enlarge photo | Parma: 1853-57 Newspaper Tax Shield 6c black on rose. Superb U with red cds, 4 margins. Scott PR1 cat US$375, SG N1 cat £500+. Sass SG1 cat €800+. Unusually nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$140 | ||
6187![]() Click for more photos | Parma: 1852-59 collection on pgs inc 1852 Arms set 5c-40c, plus shades & pmks. 1854 Arms New Colours set 5c, 15c & 25c, plus shades. 1853 Newspaper Stamps 6c & 9c, plus shades. 1857-54 Arms regency set 15c, 25c & 40c inc UN & U, plus shades. 1859 Provisional Govt 5c-40c, plus shades. Also 5c 'A' variety, 20c 'thick 0 in 20' variety & 40c 'broken 0 in 40' variety (unlisted). Mostly G-VG UN or U, some flts & variable margins as expected. SG cat £100,000+ = A$190,000+. Sass cat €148,000 = A$245,000+. All stamps genuine but postmarks on the 1859 5c & 40c might not be correct & they are not counted in our reserve & estimate. (57) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$2200 | ||
6214![]() Click to enlarge photo | Sardinia: 1853 King Embossed 5c blue-green on coloured paper. F-VF U appearance with Novara 10 54 cds, tiny thin, 2 margins. Scott 4 cat US$1100, SG 9 cat £1400. Sass 4 cat €2500. Rare genuine. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$140 | ||
6215![]() Click to enlarge photo | Sardinia: 1853 King Embossed 5c blue-green, on coloured paper. F-VF U with '1 Apr 54' cds, 3½ margins. SG 9 cat £1400. Sass 4 cat €2500. Rare genuine. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$220 | ||
6216![]() Click for more photos | Sardinia: 1853 King Embossed 5c blue-green coloured paper. VFU with Arona 21 Feb 1856 cds, 4 margins. Scott 4 cat US$1100, SG 9 cat £1400. Sass 4 cat €2500. Rare genuine. 2012 Bottacchi AIEP photo-cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
6217![]() Click to enlarge photo | Sardinia: 1853 King Embossed 20c blue on coloured paper. VF U appearance with 'Torino Apr 54' cds, thins, 4 large margins. SG 10 cat £275. Sass 5 cat €400. | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
6218![]() Click to enlarge photo | Sardinia: 1853 King Embossed 20c blue on coloured paper. VFU appearance with 'Torino 29 Apr 54' cds, small thin, 4 large margins. Scott 5 cat US$200, SG 10 cat £275. Sass 5 cat €400. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
6219![]() Click to enlarge photo | Sardinia: 1853 King Embossed 20c blue on coloured paper. FU, 'Novara 21 MAG 54' cds, close margin. Scott 5 cat US$200, SG 10 cat £275. Sass 5 cat €400. | SOLD at A$35 | ||
6220![]() Click for more photos | Sardinia: 1853 King Embossed 40c pale rose on coloured paper. Superb U, with 'Alessandria 8 Ottobre 1855' cds, 4 large margins. Scott 6 cat US$800, SG 11 cat £1300. Sass 6 cat €1600. Rare genuine. 2014 Bottacchi photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$325 | ||
6221![]() Click for more photos | Sardinia: 1853 King Embossed 40c pale rose on coloured paper. Superb U, with '16 Genna 10 1854' cds, 4 large margins. SG 11 cat £1300. Sass 6 cat €1600. Rare genuine. 2014 Bottacchi photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$325 | ||
6235![]() Click for more photos | Sardinia: 1851-54 Classic collection on pgs inc 1851 King set inc 5c (2 shades), 20c (10) inc shades & pmks, 40c (2 shades). 1853 King Embossed on coloured paper set inc 5c, 20c (3) & 40c (2 shades). 1854 King Embossed on white paper set inc 5c (2 shades), 20c (4 inc shades) & 40c (3 diff shades). Also unissued printing set 5c, 20c & 40c all CTO. Mostly G-VF U, some flts & variable margins as expected. SG cat £40,000+ = A$80,000+. Sass cat €61,000+ = A$101,000+. All appear to be genuine & 5 of the better items with 2010 Scheller photo certs. (32) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$2700 | ||
6282![]() Click for more photos | 1941 Censored cover franked Italo-German Friendship 10c-75c tied by 'Campione D'Italia Como 14 5 41' cds. To Geneva with arrival b/s. SG 553-51 cat £16+. Sass 452-56 cat £20+ both as loose stamps alone. | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
6409![]() Click for more photos | Montenegro: 1942 Registered use of 'CRNA GORA' Italy 30c brown Postcard, 'Govenatorato' 5-line LIRE opt King 1D green & 1.50D red tied by 'Cetinje 5 III 42' cds, as uprating. SG 43 & 44B. Sass 40 & 41 cat €530+ as loose stamps & €1200 for this franking, plus the card Interitalia P2 cat €175, so total €1375. Rare item as only 3500 printed of 1.50D. 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
6433![]() Click for more photos | 1905-11 QV 1/- black on green, variety '$ for S in Shilling'. Superb fresh MLH appearance (expertly regummed). Scott 43a cat US$1100, SG 53b cat £1400. Important & very rare variety. 2010 RPSL photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
6453![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1949 Seto Inland Sea 10Y scarlet blk of 10 with top, right & bottom margins & part inscription, plus 10Y carmine blk of 10, with top, left & bottom margins & part inscription. VF fresh MUH. Sak C153-54 cat 114,000Y. SG 522-23 cat £670+, plus premium for blks. (2 blks of 10) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
6456![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1949 Electrical Communication Week 20Y blue M/Sheet, size 71 x 108mm. VF fresh MUH. Sak C160 cat 25,000Y. SG MS533 cat £140. | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
6457![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1949 Meteorological Observatory 8Y green, UL cnr marginal blk of 12 with inscriptions, plus 1949 Radio Mast & Pigeon 8Y blue, UR cnr marginal blk of 24, with inscription. VF fresh MUH. Sak C161 & C162 cat 28,800Y+. SG 534 & 535 cat £162+. (2 blks). | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
6464![]() Click for more photos | 1951 Tourist Issues 8Y blks with 8Y red-brown blk of 12, 8Y green blk of 14 & 8y yellow-brown blk of 15, all with margins & inscriptions. VF fresh MUH. Sak C204, C202 & C206 cat 78,700Y. SG 612, 614 & 616 cat £453. (3 blks). | AVAILABLE at A$65 | ||
6469![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1953 Athletic Meeting 5Y & 5Y set se-tenant blk of 14, with margins with inscription. VF fresh MUH. Sak C239.240 cat 18,800Y+. SG 716, 717/716a cat £134+. | AVAILABLE at A$15 | ||
6536![]() Click for more photos | 1947-56 original issues collection of blks of 4 inc 1947-55 Peasants 1w blue perf & imperf (SG cat £160), 1954 Army 6th Anniv imperf (£440), 1956 Industry Nationalisation imperf (£280) etc. VF UN as issued. Mi 10, 19, 30, 32, 44y, 45y, 52, 53, 76, 84, 85, 92, 97, 101, 108, 109 & 110 cat €4000+. SG N10a, 18, 29, 31, 45, 45(var), 47-51a, 78, 82, 83, 93, 101, 103a, 112b, 113a & 114a cat £6400+. Extremely rare group of multiples. (20 blks) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$2500 | ||
6537![]() Click for more photos | 1950-58 range of original issues all imperf inc 1951 Liberation Anniv 1w flag UN & 2w Soldiers U, 1953 Labor Day UN, 1954 Anti USA Day (2U Mi cat €300), 1956 Miner 10w U (€70), etc. Mostly VFU, few UN. Mi cat €880+. (46). | SOLD at A$275 | ||
6613![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1906-12 KEVII set 3c-$5, wmk mult crown, plus 4c dull purple chalk paper. VF fresh M/MLH. SG 153-167 cat £386. (16). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
6697![]() Click to enlarge photo | Kelantan: 1937-40 Sultan Tall Hat 1c-$2. VFU. SG 40-53 cat £383. (14). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
6718![]() Click to enlarge photo | Perak: 1891 'PERAK ONE CENT' w/o bar opt QV 2c bright rose LR cnr marginal vert se-tenant strip of 10 (full column), top 5 stamps opt SG type 30, 6th stamp SG 41, the 7th, 8th & 9th stamps SG type 34, 10th stamp type 37. Superb fresh MUH with never hinged original gum with minor offsets, top stamp sl gum bends. SG 53-56 cat £4350++ for M singles, should be at least double, £8700 MUH, plus huge premium for se-tenant strip. An amazing piece showing the arrangement of diff opt types in the sheet. Certificate can be obtained on request. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$4500 | ||
6751![]() Click for more photos | Kedah: 1942-44 'Dai Nippon 26 02 Malaya' 4-line h/s in blue on Sultan 50c black & blue partial sheet of 54 (no bottom row). VF MUH, 1 small thin. ISC BAT4 cat M$5400+. Bft 53 cat £2700+ both for M singles, plus premium MUH & for probably unique multiple. 2021 BPA photo cert. (54) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
6918![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1862 Britannia 1/- deep green, intermediate perf 14 to 16. F-VF U, barred oval '53' pmk. Scott 23 cat US$350, SG 55 cat £450. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
6929![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1934 University Air 20c-10P. VF fresh M/MLH. SG 553-59 cat £261. Yv A52-58 cat €500. Scott C54-60 cat US$885. (7) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
6935![]() Click for more photos | Mexico: 1919-90 Collection in 2 binders. Predominantly mint inc 1921 Indep Cent set. 1922-29 Air 50c. 1923-24 Pic to 1P inc 40c-1P blks. 1929-34 Air set to 1P. 1929 Official Airs 2c-40c (SG cat £490). 1934 University to 5P, plus Airs to 10P. 1935 Earhart Airmail opt 20c U (cat £4250 but doubtful). 1953 Air set (£110). 1961 25th Anniv Rocket Flight unissued 50c blk of 4 (not listed in SG, but Mi cat €300). Then largely comp to 1990. Mostly F-VF M/MUH/U, 80% being M/MUH. SG cat £2250+, plus £4250 for Earhardt opt not counted in valuation. (1850+, 30 M/S). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
6973![]() Click for more photos | 1917-30 Bow & Arrow & Kukris ½a red-orange, on native paper, imperf, blk of 18 from LL sheet cnr (5x3, positions 41-45, 49-53 & 57-61), inc TETE-BECHE pr in cnr position. Superb UN as issued, all 4 margins. Mi 14/14BK, Sc 11/11a cat US$26,250++, SG 35/35a cat £18,000++, all as normal singles, with tete-beche pr listed but unpriced, while as U pair is rated at x 4 normal. Such positional blk with the tete-beche should be at least +50% premium, so est cat US$39,375 & £27,000. Great rarity of Nepal philately as only 3 examples of the tete-beche pair are recorded. 1984 Dr Hellrigl AIEP & 2024 Ceremuga photo certs. (15) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$12000 | ||
6986![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1914-15 'GRI 2d' 5mm opt Marshalls Yacht 10pf carmine (4), GRI 2d 5mm opt Marshall Islands Yacht 20pf ultramarine (6). Opts are variable in different positions, so good material for plating. VF fresh MLH. SG 52 & 53 cat £270. (10) | SOLD at A$90 | ||
7096![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1921 Weapon & Idols set 1d-6d wmk script. VF MLH. SG 36-9 cat £22. Yv 70-72 cat €53. (3) | SOLD at A$10 | ||
7099![]() Click for more photos | 1953 Pictorial set 5c-5Fr 1972 Pic Def set 5c-5Fr. 1975 Bull 10Fr. 1977 Currency change surch set 5f on 5c - 500f on 10f. VF fresh MUH. SG 68-78, 158-169 & 220-232. Yv 155-65, 338-40, 463-75 cat €312. (37). | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
7135![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1913-25 OFFICIAL opt QV 2/- blue Stamp Duty Postal Fiscal wmk NZ Star chalk-surfaced DLR paper rough perf 14. VF fresh MLH. Scott O38 cat US$53, SG O82 cat £75. CP ZO2g cat NZ$150. | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
7147![]() Click for more photos | 1938-52 KGVI Defs specialised collection in as new Frank Godden loose leaf album ½d to 3/- with imprint & plate number blks of 4, 6 or 8 (some only part blks) cat as cheapest papers. Betters inc 1d red plate nos 3, 6, 8 & 12 (CP cat NZ$300), 3d blue plate 27 ($125) & nos 138 & 139 ($400) & plate 39 ($250), 2/- plates 1/1 (2, $200), 3/- plate 2/1 (2, $330) & plate 3A/1 ($165). Also some Counter Coil numbered prs (26 diff, $480) thematics, plus extra blks of shades, papers etc. VF fresh, appears all MUH. CP cat NZ$5300. Beautiful collection. (170 + blks, 26 coil prs) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1000 | ||
7155![]() Click for more photos | 1953-59 QEII Defs specialised collection of plate number, imprint & other blks, plus Counter Coil prs. 1953 with plate blks (35) inc 2/6 (CP cat NZ$450) & 3/-, 5/- & 10/- in UR cnr value blks of 4 ($840) as singles alone, other blks (42) & Coil prs (30). Then 1955 issue plate blks (7), other blks (27) & Coils (14), plus a 2d 'Stars' Surch ($150). Many plate blks are only 4 stamps where cat value is for blks of 6, so these counted at only half cat. Seems all VF fresh MUH. CP cat NZ$3690. Beautiful collection. (114 blks, 44 coil prs) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$750 | ||
7170![]() Click for more photos | 1974 Commonwealth Games set of 5 to 23c in sheets of 100 with imprint/plate numbers at LL cnrs. Some scattered tone spots o/w fresh MUH. FV $60, CP cat $530. (500) | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
7215![]() Click for more photos | 1953 Coronation sets on long FDC, ea with diff colour portraits at left of Queen & Duke, Charles, Anne & Charles/Anne together. Wellington special FDI pmks. Colourful. (5) | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
7261![]() Click for more photos | 1947-65 pre-decimal collections inc 1947 Ball Bay set to 2/-, plus 1959 3d green & 2/- blue. 1953 Defs to 5/- brown Bridge. 1958-60 Surch set of 5. 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird & all the other Pics/Commems. VF fresh MUH. SG cat £160. Retail $300. (61) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
7262![]() Click for more photos | 1953 Def set of 6 to 5/- brown Bridge on large Pictorial FDC with Provisional Registration label No 007. F-VF. | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
7315![]() Click for more photos | BCA & Nyasaland: 1891-1964 collection inc 1891 BCA opt Arms to 10/-. 1895-96 Arms to 5/-, opt SPECIMEN. 1903-07 KEVII to 10/-, opt SPECIMEN. 1913-33 KGV to £1, plus vals to 4/- opt SPECIMEN. 1934-35 KGV Leopard set. 1938-44 KGVI Leopard to 10/-. 1945 KGVI Pic to 20/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1953-54 QEII Pic set to 20/-. 1963 Surch set to £1. 1964 Pic Def set to £1. Mostly G-VF M/MUH/U, some tropicalisation in parts. SG est cat £2100+ = A$4200+. (535) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$550 | ||
7378![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1907-10 Lakatoi small Papua 6d black & myrtle-green wmk upright inverted, perf 11, sheet of 30 (5x6) inc varieties 'rift in sky' & 'comet'. Stamps MUH bit troplicalised with some spots. SG 53 cat £540 as M singles should be at least double, £1080 MUH, plus premium for varieties & full sheet. Extensive positional variety notes. | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
7466![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1934 Declaration set 1d-5d, plus 1935 KGV Jubilee opt set 1d-5d. VFU. SG 146-53 cat £52. (8). | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
7468![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1934 Declaration & 1935 Jubilee opt sets. VF MUH. SG 146-53 cat £37 for M, should be at least double, £74 MUH. (8). | SOLD at A$35 | ||
7474![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee opt Pictorial 5d variety 'accent flaw' on LL stamp of Ash imprint blk of 4. VF MUH. SG 153a+153 cat £116 for M singles, should be at least double, £232 MUH, plus premium for imprint blk. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
7584![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1945 Postal Congress 1+5zl green & Westerplatte Anniv 1+9zl black, both IMPERF, from 2nd printing. Superb fresh MUH, 4 huge margins from edge of sheet. SG 530(var) & 534(var). Mi 403U & 407U cat €270. (2) | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
7585![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1945 Postal Congress 1+5zl green. Superb U, 'Lublin 20.6.45' cds. SG 530 cat £50+. Mi 403 cat €80+. Scarce genuine used. Exp Ceremuga AIEP. | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
7586![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1945 Battle of Grunwald 5zl blue. VFU, tied to pieces by 'Grunwald 1410-15.7-1945', 'Lancut 21.8.24' cds & 'Poczta Polska Markowa' provisional pmk. SG 532 cat £75+. MI 405 cat €150+. Scarce genuine used. (3) | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
7587![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1945 Liberation Anniv 3zl carmine. Superb U, 'Krakow 6.X.45' cds. SG 533 cat £31+. Mi 406 cat €40+. Scarce genuine used. Exp Ceremuga AIEP. | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
7588![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1945 Westerplatte Anniv 1+9zl slate. Superb U, 'Krakow 4.X.45' cds. SG 535 cat £55+. Mi 407 cat €70+. Scarce genuine used. Exp Ceremuga AIEP. | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
7624![]() Click for more photos | 1950 Currency Revaluation 'GROSZY' black opt type 3 of Katowice & Krakow on 1948 Roosevelt M/Sheet (reduced margins) with opt on ea stamp, plus set 80g-120g all tied to reg cover by 'Krakow 5 1 52' cds. To USA. SG 465a - MS465d(var) cat £1040 -both for normal opt M/S, should be double, £2080. Mi 617-19 & Blk A11 cat €2530, plus should be double, on cover £4160 or €5060. Rarity! 2019 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$900 | ||
7700![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1853 Queen Maria Embossed 50R blue-green. VFU, 4 margins, barred '12' pmk. Mi 3b cat €2400. SG 7 cat £3000. Rare genuine classic. (P) | SOLD at A$450 | ||
7701![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1853 Queen Maria Embossed 100R lilac. FU, expertly repaired at left, 4 margins, barred pmk. Mi 4 cat €2600. SG 9 cat £3250. (P) | SOLD at A$180 | ||
7722![]() Click for more photos | Portugal 1853-1972 Extensive collection in 2 SG loose leaf albums, most issues from 1853 are present in quantity inc 1853 25R (4), 1856 King 5R (2), values to 100R, 1862 King to 100R, 1866 to 120R, 1867 to 240R, 1870 to 1000R, 1882 to 500R. Fairly comp from 1892 to 1972 inc 1892 Provisorio opt. 1894 500th Anniv to 300R, 1898 Vasco da Gama to 150R, 1912 Ceres to 20E with various printings & shades, 1931 Don Pereira set 1940s better M/Sheets inc 1945 President M/S, 1946 Castle M/S, 1946 Bank M/S, 1952 NATO set M&U (cat £570). Also 1876 Newspaper stamps, 1920s-30s Parcel Post. The vendor some years ago calculated a cat value of £21,000 as marked by pg. A check with latest SG cat shows is definitely higher. Mainly VF MLH, U-FU early issue have some faults. SG est cat £24,000+ = A$48,000. Valuable collection. (3300+ 10M/S). (P) | SOLD at A$1600 | ||
7734![]() Click for more photos | Mozambique: 1895 700th Anniv of St Anthony set 5R-300R, each a FULL SHEET of 28. Mostly VF UN as listed, some sl staining. SG 36-44 cat US$4788+. Mi 41A-49A cat €5320+. SG 71-79 cat £6832+, all as singles, plus premium for full sheets. Rare & spectacular items that nicely fit on album pgs. (9 sheets) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1000 | ||
7736![]() Click to enlarge photo | Mozambique Company: 1917 Red Cross opt set 2½r-700R. VFM. SG 189-95 cat £450, Afinsa 107-13 cat €535. (7). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
7850![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1925-28 Lenin 1R, 2R & 3R wmk pattern, perf 10½, plus 5R, perf 12½ & 10R perf 13½ & 1928-29 Lenin set 3R-10R, wmk diamonds, perf 10 or 10½. VFM, some tropical gum. SG 451-453, 454a, 455, 533-535 cat £204. Mi 296A, 297B, 308A-310A, 358A-360A cat €220. (8). (P) | SOLD at A$80 | ||
7860![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1927 Workers Defs 4k-80k ex the 3 issued in 1928, being 'specimen' stamps from UPU distribution, with local 'Especimen' h/s (type PORC5) applied by Portuguese Ministry for the Colonies. F-VF UN affixed to pieces ex archive pgs. SG ex508-22(s), Mi ex 339-53(s). Unique stamps from Portuguese India Goa Postal Archive. UPU specimen collection. 2019 Ceremuga photo cert. (12). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
7872![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1933 Stratosphere Record set 5K-20K. VFM. Mi 453-455 cat €500. SG 634-636 cat £275. (3) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$220 | ||
7879![]() Click for more photos | 1934 Ivan Federov set 20k & 40k, IMPERF. Superb M, 4 large margins. Scott 529a-30a. SG 653-54(var). Mi 472U-73U cat €3400. Rare, only several sheets of 50 printed of which many were CTO. 2024 Ceremuga photo-cert. (2) | AVAILABLE at A$1000 | ||
7890![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1935 President Kalinin set 3k-20k, being 'specimen' stamps from UPU distribution, with local 'SPECIMEN' h/s (type PORC 7) applied by Portuguese Ministry for the Colonies. F-VF UN affixed to piece ex archive pgs. SG 711-14(s), Mi 532-35(s). Unique stamps from Portuguese India Goa Postal Archive UPU specimen collection. 2019 Ceremuga photo cert. (4) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
7891![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1935 Tolstoy set 3k-20k perf 11, ex the 10k perf 14, being 'specimen' stamps from UPU distribution, with local 'SPECIMEN' h/s (type PORC 7) applied by Portuguese Ministry for the Colonies. F-VF UN affixed to piece ex archive pgs. SG 715, 716b, 717(s), Mi 536C, 537A, 538C(s). Unique stamps from Portuguese India Goa Postal Archive UPU specimen collection. 2019 Ceremuga photo cert. (3) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
7892![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1936 Party Activists set 2k-50k the 2k & 40k perf 11, 4k perf 14, being 'specimen' stamps from UPU distribution, with local 'SPECIMEN' h/s (type PORC7) applied by Portuguese Ministry for the Colonies. F-VF UN affixed to pieces ex archive pages. SG 718, 719b & 720, Mi 539AY, 540CY & 541AY. Unique stamps from Portuguese India Goa Postal Archive UPU specimen collection. 2019 Ceremuga photo cert. (3). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
7894![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1937 Pushkin ordinary paper set 10k-80k being 'specimen' stamps from UPU distribution, with local 'SPECIMEN' h/s (type PORC7) applied by Portuguese Ministry for the Colonies. F-VF UN affixed to pieces of archive pages. SG 728-32(s), Mi 549-53s. Unique stamps from Portuguese India Goa Postal Archive UPU specimen collection. 2019 Ceremuga photo cert. (5). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
7895![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1937 Pushkin chalk paper set 10k-1R the 10k perf 14½x12½, 80k 11x12½, others all perf 12½, being 'specimen' stamps from UPU distribution, with local 'SPECIMEN' h/s (type PORC7) applied by Portuguese Ministry for the Colonies. F-VF UN affixed to pieces of archive pages, some aging. SG 728a, 729-31, 732b & 733s, Mi 549Cx, 550-52Ax, 553Dx & 554Axs. Unique stamps from Portuguese India Goa Postal Archive UPU specimen collection. 2019 Ceremuga photo cert. (6). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
7907![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1950 Moscow Building Plan 1R set VF fresh MUH. Mi 1527-1534 cat €400. SG 1657-1664 cat £500. (8). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
7908![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1950 Moscow Building Plan 1R set. VF MLH/MUH. Mi 1527-1534 cat €400. SG 1657-1664 cat £500. (8). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
8020![]() Click for more photos | 1914 'GRI / 5 Shillings' opt 5Mk carmine & black, variety 'broken stop after I'. Superb U on piece with 'Apia (Samoa) 10.9.14'. Mi 13PFI cat €2200, SG 114(var) cat £1500+ as normal & variety should be at least +33% premium, so est £2000+. Only total of 535 printed with only small fraction of the variety & desirable as such as nice piece. 2002 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1200 | ||
8025![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1945-53 'WESTERN SAMOA' opt NZ Arms 30/- brown. VF fresh MLH. SG 211 cat £225. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
8026![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1945-53 WESTERN SAMOA opt NZ Arms £2 bright purple, wmk mult NZ star. VF fresh MLH. SG 212 cat £200. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$65 | ||
8027![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1945-53 'WESTERN SAMOA' opt NZ Arms £3 green. VF fresh M. SG 213 cat £325. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
8028![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1945-53 'WESTERN SAMOA' opt Arms £5 indigo-blue wmk mult star NZ. F-VF MUH. SG 214 cat £425. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
8043![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1896-97 QV Tablet set ½d - £1 opt SPECIMEN. Mostly F-VFM/UN, all affixed on pieces, ex archival collection. SG 41-53s cat £300. (13). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
8061![]() Click for more photos | 1896-32 SPECIMEN opt collection inc 1896-97 QV Tablet set to £1. 1907-12 KEVII New Colours set to £1. 1921-27 KGV Elephant set to £5. 1932 KGV Palm Trees set to £1. F-VF M/MLH, some tropicalised gum. SG 41-53s, 73-85s, 99-111s, 131-48s, 155-67s cat £1775. (64) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$750 | ||
8073![]() Click for more photos | 1935 Registered cover franked KGV Silver Jubilee set 1½d to 1/- tied by 'Registered Letter Office British Solomon 1ds 4 DE 35' cds. To Glasgow, edge tones. SG 53-6 cat £45 as loose stamps & 'from x2' on cover. | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
8080![]() Click for more photos | 1853 Triangle 1d deep brick-red on deeply blued paper, PB printing. Superb U, full margins, 'ivory head' on reverse, barred pmk. Scott 1b cat US$475+. SG 1a cat £500+. Unusually nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
8143![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1882-86 Arms range 6d to 10/- Postal Fiscals. VF fresh M/MLH, 1/- gum crease. SG ex F1-F12 cat £353. (7) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
8224![]() Click for more photos | South Africa: c1988 Homelands Revenues MUH collection with Bophuthatswana Arms set 2c-R100. Ciskei Arms to R100, plus Penalty opt Arms set to R10. Transkei Arms set 2c-R50, plus penalty opt Arms to R2. Venda Arms to R50, plus Penalty opt Arms set to R10. All diff. VF fresh MUH. Bft cat £537. (58) | AVAILABLE at A$110 | ||
8281![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1927 'South West Africa' & 'Suidwes Afrika' vert opt Ox Wagon 5/- black & green, horiz bilingual pr. VF fresh MUH. Scott 92 cat US$80 for M, SG 53 cat £75 for M, should be at least double, £150 MUH. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
8301![]() Click for more photos | 1853 Madrid Local Arms 3c bronze. VFU appearance, 4 margins, expertly repaired at bottom in margin only, black oval grid pmk. Scott 18, SG 31 cat £9500, Edifil 23 cat €10,700. Extremely rare genuine example. 2010 Scheller photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1700 | ||
8306![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1856 Queen 2R light violet, wmk 'diamond grid'. FU, 3½ margins, tiny tear at base, black '3 DIG 59' cds, plus red cds. Scott 43, SG 53 cat £28++, plus premium for rare pmk, Edifil 46 cat €110++ for black cds, red cds is unpriced. | AVAILABLE at A$15 | ||
8324![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1920 'CORREO AEREO' opt King set 5c-1P, plus 5c, error opt DOUBLE & another 5c error opt DOUBLE, 1 diag & shifted to right. F-VF fresh MLH. SG 353-357, 353b & 353b(var) cat £210++, Ed 292-296, 292hh, 292hhx cat €430. (7). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
8327![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1920 UPU Congress 1c black & blue-green sheet of 50, with sheet no A005304. VF MUH, some horiz folds. Ed 297 cat €35+, SG 361A cat €28 for M singles, should be at least double, £56 MUH, plus premium for full sheet. | AVAILABLE at A$20 | ||
8335![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Columbus 20c red printer's sample proof (instead of violet) opt 'Waterlow & Sons Ltd Specimen' with small security punch. VF fresh UN as made. SG 600(p), Ed 538MT unlisted in this colour! | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
8336![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Air Pinzon 30c orange, unissued colour. VF MUH. SG 614(var), Ed 553cc cat €48. | AVAILABLE at A$15 | ||
8337![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Spanish-American Exhibition set 1c-10P, plus 10P engraved & 20c Express. VF fresh MLH. Ed 566-82 cat €200. SG 627-E643 cat £253. (17). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
8463![]() Click to enlarge photo | Guinea: 1920 King set 1c-10P, with control no A000,000 at back (Specimen). F-VF fresh M. Sc 171-183. SG 183-195 cat £65+ for normals. Ed 141N-153N cat €92. (13) | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
8477![]() Click to enlarge photo | Philippines: 1872 'HABILITADO POR LA NACION' opt Cuba Queen 2R carmine on blue, wmk 'loops'. VFU, 4 margins. Ed 20E cat €153. SG 45 cat £160. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
8479![]() Click to enlarge photo | Rio de Oro: '1908 2 Cens' opt Curly Head 2P dull orange. Superb fresh M. Sc 36 cat US$53. SG 36 cat £95. Ed 34 cat €110. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
8555![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1945-55 M/Sheets 1945 Basel Stamp Centenary 10c, 1951 Lunaba Exhib 40c & 1955 Lausanne 10c+20c. VF fresh MUH. SG MS446b, 531a, 561a cat £640. Mi Blk12,14,15 cat €550. (3 M/S). | AVAILABLE at A$110 | ||
8599![]() Click for more photos | Thailand: 1947-2022 King Bhumibol comp collection in 10 special large hingeless slipcase albums made from Vario style pgs with protective sleeves (retail $700+). Early issues with Commems generally both MUH & VFU, & Defs VFU, while modern issues have MUH stamps, M/Sheets & sheetlets, plus VFU stamps of all & some VFU M/S too. Inc better issues such as 1953 Red Cross set. 1955 Surch set. 1961-68 King set to 40b. Useful M/S & sheetlets inc 1982 Bicentenary of Dynasty M/S. 1982 Bangkok Exhib M/S (SG cat £130), plus 2nd issue M/S & 3rd issue perf & imperf. 1987 Thaipex 87 M/S perf & imperf. 1988 Long Reign M/S set of 2. 1989 Thaipex 89 M/S perf & imperf. 1990 Minerals M/S perf & imperf. 1990 Letter Writing M/S perf & imperf. 1991 Red Cross M/S perf & imperf. Thaipex 91 M/S perf & imperf & Bangkok 93 M/S perf & imperf. 1992 New Year M/S perf & imperf. 1992 Queen's Birth sheetlet. Thai-China M/S perf & imperf. 1996 50th Anniv sheetlet. VF fresh MUH & VFU. SG cat £8400 = A$16,000. Very impressive collection of modern issues which are hardly ever offered for sale. (5500+60 M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$2000 | ||
8600![]() Click for more photos | 1953 Bangkok-Sydney cover franked King 15s & Airmail 3B, tied by 'Bangkok 18 11 53' cds. Signed by pilot. AAMC 1332 cat $90. | AVAILABLE at A$35 | ||
8614![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1916-20 London opt KGV 1/- black on emerald green (emerald-green back). VF fresh M. Scott 86a cat US$400. SG H53c cat £425. Very rare shade. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$230 | ||
8615![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1916-20 London opt KGV 1/- black on emerald green (with emerald-green back). VF fresh MLH. Scott 86a cat US$400, SG H53c cat £425. Very rare shade. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
8628![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1962 Emancipation opt Official 5/- orange-yellow & slate-lilac, UR cnr marginal blk of 5, right stamp 2nd row error 'MAII' for 'MAIL'. VF MUH. SG O14/O14a cat £1050 as singles, plus premium for very rare positional setenant blk should be +50%, est £1538. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$650 | ||
8650![]() Click for more photos | 1937-51 KGVI used with all Omnibus sets inc 1948 Silver Wedding, 1938-44 Pictorial Def set to $4.80, plus 12c shade. Also 1947-61 Postage Due 2d, 6c & 24c. All diff. VFU. SG cat £153. (31) | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
8651![]() Click for more photos | Trinidad & Tobago: 1860-1970s collection in Vario binder with slipcase inc Trinidad 1862 Britannia 1d, 1860 4d violet, 4d grey, 1869 5/-, 1883 QV to 5/-, 1896 Britannia to £1 opt SPECIMEN, Tobago 1879 QV 5/-, 1882-85 QV to 1/-, Trinidad & Tobago 1913 Britannia set to £1, 1922 KGV set to £1, 1935 KGV to 72c, 1938 KGVI to $4.80, 1953 & 1960 QEII to $4.80, Postage Dues to 1/-, fairly comp to 1970s. Mostly F-VF MLH/MUH, plus G-VF U. Tropicalisation throughout. SG cat £500+ = A$7000. (800 + 25 M/S) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$650 | ||
8659![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1965-67 QEII Ships set ½d-£1 locally h/s small SPECIMEN, 10x1¼mm, mounted on a card 253x125mm (4½d hidden behind the 10/- which is on a fold over flap), the 10/- QEII likewise behind the 4d, the later 1967 values 4d, 10/- & £1 with large SPECIMEN h/s, the card endorsed '42/11 per set'. VF UN. SG 71-84b(s). Ex Tristan PO display & absolutely UNIQUE specialist item. 2016 Ceremuga photo cert. (17) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1300 | ||
9030![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1898 Trans-Mississippi 8c black & dusty-red, bicolour Essay, with comp design, on India paper, on card (201x153mm). Superb fresh UN as made. SG 295(p). Sc 289-E4 cat US$750. Very rare. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$550 | ||
9031![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1898 Trans-Mississippi 1c black & violet, bicolour Essay, with comp design, on India paper, on card (203x153mm). Superb fresh UN as made. SG 296(p). Sc 290-E4 cat US$750. Very rare. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
9032![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1898 Trans-Mississippi 50c black & blue-green, bicolour Essay, with comp design, on India paper, on card (203x153mm). Superb fresh UN as made. SG 297(p) cat £800 as normal. Sc 291-E8 cat US$750. Very rare. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
9053![]() Click for more photos | Jenkins Camden Dispatch: 1853-54 Washington selection with stamp in green reconstructed full sheet of 60 (blks of 15 from ea cnr of the sheet), stamps in red 2 blks of 12, plus vert strip of 3. Stamp in blue, horiz strip of 5 & stamp in black vert pr, plus 4 vert strips of 3, all classic forgeries from 1860s-80s. F-VF MUH. Sc 89L1 cat US$37,000+ for originals. Very interesting group for specialist. (107) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
9082![]() Click for more photos | Vatican: 1852-2011 collection on Marini alb pgs in 6 binders starting with Papal States 1852-57 Arms vals to 8b imperf & 1867 vals to 80c imperf. Vatican 1929 Pope & Arms set to 10L. 1931 Parcel Post opt set to 10L. 1933 Pope & Pictorial set to 20L. 1934 Provisional Surch set to 3L70 on 10L (SG cat £1900). 1935 Congress set to 1L25. 1936 Expo set to 5L. 1939 Sede Vacante opt set. 1949 Pope & Pictorial set to 100L. 1953 Lombard 100L. Then a large comp run of sets. F-VF mostly fresh M/MUH/U, post 1960 being 90%+ MUH. SG cat £4000+ = A$8000+. (1290 + 40 M/S) (P) | SOLD at A$700 | ||
9203![]() Click for more photos | Australia: ACSC 15th Edition, 1953, pub by Aust Stamp Auctions inc Booklets & Postage Dues, 96pgs. Near new. | AVAILABLE at A$20 | ||
9236![]() Click for more photos | Australia: KGV 1½d Die II by Gordon Ward, pub Orlo-Smith c1930. 53pgs, minor age spots. VGC. | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
9404![]() Click for more photos | Paquebot & Ship Letter Cancellations of the World 1894-1951 by M A Studd. 85pgs, pub 1953 by Robson Lowe & illustrated throughout. Some light foxing, VGC. | AVAILABLE at A$35 | ||
9457![]() Click for more photos | Cricket 1952-2000 Team Autograph selections inc South Africa 1952-53 Touring side to Australia signatures on pg out of autograph book in John Cheetham, Hugh Taxfield etc, Mosman 1st XI 1950s inc Ian Craig, Doug Ford etc, (with boxer Jimmy Carruthers autograph on reverse), Natal team sheet signatures 1979/80, Indian Touring team to New Zealand signatures inc Mohammad Azharuddin, Sachin Tendulkar, Kapil Dev etc & India 1999-2000 Tour of Australia team signatures (inc Sachin Tendulkar, Sourav Ganguly, Harbhajan Singh & Kapil Dev). (5 sheets, 73 autographs). | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
9458![]() Click to enlarge photo | Cricket: 1953 Australian 'Greetings from the 1953 Australian Team in England', 6 diff 'real photos' with ID Craig, RN Harvey, AL Hassett, WA Johnston, RR Lindwall & KR Miller. Superb fresh UN. (6) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
9476![]() Click to enlarge photo | Rugby League. Parramatta 2008 Framed & Autographed picture of First Grade squad, issued in conjunction with Centenary of Rugby League. Noted Nathan Hindmarsh, Jarryd Hayne, Junior Paulo, Brett Finch, Krisnan Inu, Nathan Cayless. Overall dimension 530x410mm. Exc. | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
9515![]() Click for more photos | Australia. 'Weary - The life of Sir Edward Dunlop', (Ebury, 1st edition 1994). 'My Story', (General Peter Cosgrove, 1st edition 2006). 'Nancy Wake', (Fitzsimmons 2001). (18 hours, the true story of an Australian SAS War Hero', (Lee 2007). 'Tobruk', (P Fitzsimmons, author autographed 1st edition 2006). 'Under the Influence - a History of Alcohol in Australia', (Fitzgerald & Jordan, 2009). 'Manhattan to Baghdad', (McGeough, 2003). 'Bali to Baghdad & Beyond', (Cocks, 2005). 'Broadsides, the Age of Fighting Sail 1775-1815', (Miller 2000). 'Sealing their Fate, 22 days that decided the Second World War', (Downing 2009). 'Dusty Warriors', (Holmes 2007). 'The Latter Days at Colditz, (Rid, 1953/2003). 'The Gunpowder plot, terror & faith in 1605', (Fraser 1996).'Klaus Fuchs - the man who stole the Atom Bomb', (Moss, 1987). Odd minor stain, VG to near new condition. Retail $350+. (14) | AVAILABLE at A$70 |