Search Result for "23" | ||||
Lot | Description | Status | ||
23 | Lighthouse black Vario pages: 2 strip (20), 3 strip (70), 4 strip (25), 6 strip (35) & 7 strip (50). Used, mostly G-VG condition, new retail $400. (200) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
42![]() Click to enlarge photo | - KGVI latest (2024) edition with 237 colour pgs inc imprints, plate numbers, Specimen opts, die proofs, plate varieties, Note Printing Branch theft oddities, 1946 BCOF opts, postage dues & valuations for on cover. | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
53![]() Click to enlarge photo | Australia KGVI ACSC Catalogue, 2019 edition with 232 colour pgs with imprints, varieties, cover valuations from solo & mixed frankings, 1946 BCOF opts inc Trial Printings, plus 1938-52 Postage Dues inc cover valuations. VGC with laminated covers. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
80![]() Click for more photos | France: SG Semi-Specialised Catalogue current 2023 edition with 540 pgs inc UNESCO, Vichy Issues, Council of Europe, Andorra & Monaco inc booklets, officials, Postage Dues, Errors & varieties. New. Retail £43 plus shipping. | AVAILABLE at A$65 | ||
84![]() Click to enlarge photo | German Colonies & POs Abroad postmark Catalogue, 1st English edition 2019, 235 pgs with valuation on piece or cover inc POs in China, Field Post during Boxer Rebellion, South Seas (Pacific) Seapost, Navy Ship Mail & all the colonies. Illustrated throughout. Essential reference. New. Retail $100+. | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
88![]() Click for more photos | India SG Semi-Specialised Catalogue, current 2023 edition with 312 pgs inc Convention & Feudatory States. New. Retail £35 plus shipping. | SOLD at A$50 | ||
101![]() Click for more photos | Poland: SG Semi-Specialised Catalogue, current 2023 edition with 210 pgs inc Occupations, Military Post, Central Lithuania, Polish PO Abroad, Allenstein, Danzig, Marienwerder & Upper Silesia. New.. | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
103![]() Click for more photos | Russia: 2007 Michel Soviet Union Specialised Catalogue with over 1000 colour pgs for issues from 1923, prices for M/MUH/U/on cover. VF. New retail €150 = A$250. | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
133![]() Click for more photos | 1913-65 specialised collection in thick 60 black pg s/book with Kangaroos (140) with 1st wmk to 1/- inc wmk inverted ½d, 1d (3), 2d, 3d & 1/- (ACSC cat $675), 3rd wmk to 5/- inc wmk inverted 2d & 9d (cat $350), plus OS/NSW to 6d & perf OS to 5/-. SM wmk to 5/- & CofA wmk to 5/-. Total ACSC $3200. KGV (260) to 1/4 inc single wmk ½d orange wmk INV blk of 4, OS opt set of 7 to 5d, perf OS (30) to 1/4 & perf OS/NSW (22) to 4d lemon. Est ACSC cat $1050. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved M & U (cat $180). 1929-36 1½d/2d Commem plate number blks (28, cat $600) with 1936 Cable set of 4 UL cnr, 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee 2d (14) & Kingsford Smith (3), plus 1½d Sturt (4) & 1½d Swan (3), imprint blks (10, cat $300) from 1½d Swan to 2d Cable. 3d Commem plate number blks (10, cat $440) with Kingsford Smith plates 1 & 3, 3d Bridge plates 3 & 4, 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee plate 1 all 4 cnrs & 1936 Cable plate 1 (2), plus 3d Bridge & 3d VIC Cent imprint blks (cat $100), 1931-37 Commem sets with 1934 VIC Cent (5), Macarthur to 9d (2), 1935 ANZAC 1/- (2) & KGV Silver Jubilee to 2/- (3), 1936 SA to 1/- (3) & 1937 NSW Sesqui to 9d (3). KGVI issues inc 1937 Robes set to £1, plus £1 Ash imprint pr CTO (cat $350). 1940 AIF sets (8), plus imprint blks (4) to 3d blue. Other KGVI era imprint blks (50) inc to 2/6 Aborigine. 1949 Arms set to £2 FU & useful QEII inc 1959 Pics to 5/- blks of 4, 1964 Navigator set to £2, plus extras to 10/- & 1964 Birds set blks of 4 MUH. Generally F-VF U/M/MUH, bit messy in places, total cat/retail $8200. (2300) | SOLD at A$1000 | ||
171![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Sturt 1½d & 3d. Ten sets fresh MUH. SG cat £110 as M, should be at least double, £220 MUH. ACSC cat $230. (20). | SOLD at A$35 | ||
198![]() Click for more photos | 1957-64 collection in springback album inc 1959 QEII 2d coil perf lower marginal blk of 24 (ACSC cat $120), M/MUH & 5d blue coil perf blk of 24 (cat $750), M/MUH. 1963 QEII 5d green booklet pane of 6 with Plate number 2 at top, FM. 1964 Navigator set of 6 to £2 F-VF U (3 sets, retail $420). Also 1929 Airmail 3d green (10) inc perf OS (2) & 1931 Airmail 6d brown (12) inc opt OS (2), AAT pre-dec sets to 2/3 (7, retail $60), plus various coil perf strips of 6 MUH (4 diff, cat $150) & 1962 QEII 5d blue 'tropical' booklets (3) with wax interleaving (ACSC cat $525). All fresh & clean, total ACSC cat $2300+. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
228![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1996 Indonesia-Australia Joint Issue booklets with pane of ten 300Rp Cuscus stamps, fresh MUH. Scarce type I pane 76x234mm. SG SB18 cat £875 = A$1750 for common type. Pfr B186 cat $100 ea is $10,000+. (100) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
252![]() Click for more photos | 2023 Super high value postage parcel pieces with frankings of 1979 McMahons Point $5 (54), 1984 Mentone $5 (sheet of 50), 2006 Soccer $1.25 (25), 2010 Flight Anniv $2.10 (25), 2012 Apples $5 (sheet of 50), 2012 Road Trip $2.35 (sheet of 50), 2013 Bush Babies $2.60 (45) & $6.45 (split sheet of 50), 1983 Coronation Anniv $2.60 (22), & a few others. All with Torrensville 25 AUG 2023 cds. Some with wrinkles, creases, about $220 FV damaged or with clear tape. Total FV $1470. SG cat £2400. | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
267![]() Click for more photos | Australian Territories collection in 2 Seven Seas hingeless slipcase albums with Christmas Is to 1999 inc 1958 QEII Def set, 1963 Pics to $1 Bird, 1968 Fish (retail $100) & then near comp to end 1999 (FV $230) inc Lunar New Year gutter blk of 10. Cocos Is to 2014 (FV $390) inc 1963 pre-dec comp, 1976 Ships to $1, plus part sets in large blks, 1990 $5 Surcharge (retail $90), 1991 Postage Paid opt set of 6 (retail $80) & other Pic/Commem sets to 2014 Emden. Total retail/FV $950, plus another $400 for the hingeless albums. (650, 35 M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
268![]() Click for more photos | Australian Territories PO Year Folders 1994-2023. All fresh & clean. Rarely seen so comp! FV $875, retail $1950. Later years are very scarce. (100s) | AVAILABLE at A$650 | ||
269![]() Click to enlarge photo | Booklets: 1996 Indonesia-Australia Joint Issue booklets with pane of ten 300Rp Cuscus stamps, fresh MUH. Scarce type I pane 76x234mm. SG SB18 cat £875 = A$1750 for common type. Pfr B186 cat $100 ea is $10,000+. (100) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
285![]() Click for more photos | Covers - 1949 Northam Immigration Centre on Mil PO correspondence (25 Aug-21 Nov), 4 with return address Dept of Immigration Accommodation Centre, Northam, first two with Mil PO Northam cds (PMI type E31a) & last three Relief PO No 2 cds, neither recorded by PMI who record the Mil PO reopening 15 Aug-23 Sep 1949 but 'It is not known what cds was used'. One with Free the Baltic States label on back. (5). | SOLD at A$80 | ||
293![]() Click for more photos | Covers 1970-2023 FDC/PSE accumulation (220) inc 1979 Lindsay Creswick pmk & 1979 Red Cross with Billy Blood Drop red cachet, 1970 RV unaddressed FDC. 1967 Europa 1 Woomera Rocket Launch, plus 2013-23 mixed FDC (FV $340). Also 130 GB 1960s-80s FDC & misc items. (400). | SOLD at A$110 | ||
331![]() Click for more photos | Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 4: Australia 1966-2018 decimal MUH stock in 5 large Lighthouse s/books inc 1966 Fish sets (7), Birds to 30c (8 sets), 1966 Navigators 40c (14) & 50c (8), 1969 Primary Ind sets (10), 1971 Christmas sets (4), 1972 Christmas sets (5), Primary Ind (4) & 1973 National Dev (6), these retail $680. Then plenty of other 1960d-s-2000s Pics Commem sets, to 2018 WRESAT Pics. Generally fresh MUH, FV $1630, plus another $680 retail for the others, total $2300. | SOLD at A$700 | ||
338![]() Click for more photos | FDCs 1999-2011 (and a few earlier) with Victorian Pictorial cancels (85, FV $230), plus PNCs (3) & Scout badge cover (these 4 original RRP $60), all diff. VF. (90) | AVAILABLE at A$85 | ||
351![]() Click for more photos | KGV ½d Green to 1/4 collection/accumulation neatly set out in VGC Lighthouse 32 pg s/book with ½d green (43), ½d orange (34) inc perf OS (11). 1d violet (46) inc shades, perf OS & varieties inc 'neck flaw' (2). 1d red (280) inc wmk inv (19) varieties inc 'neck flaw' (4), 'run N' (10), 'dot before 1' (11), 'RA joined' (11). Shades inc rough paper rosine perf OS (G69 cat $75) & Official Perfins inc OS/NSW. 1d green (130) inc wmk inv (5), no wmk (5) inc OS Perfin & LM wmk (7) inc OS Perfin. 1½d green (48). 1½d black-brown (35). 1½d brown (135) inc wmk inv (5, cat $500). 1½d red (260). 2d brown Die I (30) inc perf OS (9, cat $675). 2d orange (60) inc 'dry ink' perf OS ($200). 2d red (200) inc 'dry ink' perf OS ($275). 3d blue (110) inc wmk inv perf OS. 4d orange (58) inc yellow/lemon colours & Official Perfins (10). 4d violet (23) inc perf OS (4, $160), 4d blue (45) inc 'cracked electro LVT' (cat $200). 4d olive mixed wmks (60) inc perf OS. 4½d violet single wmk (58) inc perf OS (7, cat $875). 4½d violet SM wmk (40), plus Die II CTO (2). 5d/4½d violet (17), 5d brown (100). 1/4 turquoise (35) inc single wmk perf OS (3). OS opts with ½d (14), 1d (22), 2d (32), 3d (3), 4d (9) & 5d (3). Late Fee (120) & Ship Mail (120) pmk. Extra OS perfins (90) to 1/4 & OS/NSW to 4½d. Mostly F-VF all fresh & clean. ACSC est cat $13,000. (2300) | AVAILABLE at A$700 | ||
353![]() Click for more photos | KGV 1d red shade collection from an old time collector. Noted smooth paper G1 & G2 single line perf, G17½ deep red (carmine), G23 crimson, G23½ brownish rose, G26 salmon, G32 Brown red, rough paper G68 rosine, G70½ lilac rose, G70½ damson (2) -last 3 flts, G71 plum, G109 Die III. VFU. ACSC cat $1200+. (40) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
354![]() Click for more photos | KGV 1d red 1914-20s collection on cut up computer generated pages. Range of shades inc G15½ reddish-pink aniline Die II with Drury cert (this is not listed in the ACSC but is recognised by 1d red specialists), G23 crimson with Drury cert, G25 brick with Drury cert, G68 rosine with Drury cert, range of Die II (18), Die III (2), wmk inv (4), left varieties (7) inc 'thin G', 'sub-cliche' (Die I), right plate varieties (25) inc 'dot before 1', 'ferns', range of perf OS, OS NSW, extra compartment lines etc. Also inc blk of 4, 1d blue marginal imperf 'Ideal Stamp' displayed at 1912 Jubilee International Stamp Exhibition & finally a 1d red which has been chemically altered to blue. GU-Fine Used. ACSC cat $4400. (160+) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
357![]() Click for more photos | KGVI: 1937-52 convoluted semi-specialised collection on Seven Seas pgs with 1937 Defs (31) to 1/4 inc green Coil Tester, QM 1d brown & KGVI 2d violet Coil prs, KGVI 2d red wmk inv (2) & 3d blue Dies (6) inc Die I 'white wattles'. Die IA TA cut apart. Zoologicals (23) inc ½d Coil prs (2). 1938 Robes (12) to £1 inc sets of 3 thick & thin papers M, set of £1 thick paper U, plus extra shade & 10/- thick paper opt SPECIMEN. 1940 AIF sets M & U, plus extra 6d marginal pr MUH. 1942 Defs to 5½d Emu inc Coil prs (4), plus thin papers 2½d red & 3½d blue MUH (ACSC cat $75 ea). 1940s Commems comp, plus 1946 Peace 2½d no wmk (cat $200). 1949 Arms set to £2 MLH, plus 5/- red thin paper M (cat $175) & 10/- violet thin paper U. 1952 Defs to 2/6 Aborigine no wmk inc thin papers MUH 3d red (cat $100) & 7½d blue ($75) & 3 diff Coil prs. Quite a comprehensive collection inc a good range of the Coil prs & the elusive thin papers. Mixed M/MUH/G-VF U. Total ACSC $2400. (185) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
370![]() Click for more photos | Postal Stationery - Lettercards: 1918-23 KGV 1½d & 2d range of types with LC41 Carting Far North, LC42 GPO Hobart, Mosman's Bay fresh UN & On the Murray, LC 43 Govt House Perth. 2d Orange LC45 Sydney Harbour, LC48 Burrinjack Onions (cat $1000, folded), Carting, GPO Hobart, Hawkesbury River, Mosman's Bay & Sydney Harbour. 2d red Govt House Sydney (addressed but UN) & On The Murray UN (view 94A cat $500) -both stuck. Mostly G-VF U/UN. ACSC cat $3200. Good starter lot for this interesting field. (14). | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
372![]() Click for more photos | Postage Due collection to 1960 inc 1923 1/- thin paper (SG D85 cat £30). 1922 3rd wmk (6) to 4d (both). 1931 CofA wmk 1d (4) & 2d (5) inc 2d perf 11 blk of 4 MUH. 1938 CofA wk set of 7 to 1/- F-VF MLH (cat £225). 1946-57 re-drawn Dies blks of 4 with 2d (2), 3d (2), 4d & 5d MUH (£320). 1958 set of 10to 2/- MUH (at £50), plus extras (24) inc 1d & 6d blks of 4. Odd minor tropical spot o/w fresh M/MUH, total SG cat £940 = A$1900. (93) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
373![]() Click for more photos | Postal Stationery: 1930s-80s specialist consignment remains with KGV-QEII used envelopes (13), UN QEII 4c-20c duplication (heavy, plus 10c long type albino stamp impression ($100), 3½d orange with large red Specimen opt (ACSC cat $150), plus KGV Star 1½d on 2d red UN ($100) & KGV oval 2d on 1½d red ($50). Also Lettercards KGVI-QEII (23) fresh MUH, also 1962 5d blue with Automatic PO opt used FDI ($200), & finally 1942 Queen 1d+1d doubleton PC uprated for use to USA ($40). Total ACSC cat $1400. (80). | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
376![]() Click for more photos | Postal Stationery - Postcards: 1911-54 unused with 1911 KGV 'the left half', 1918 surch 1½d on 1d red, 1920 1½d brown w/o footnote, 1923 same opt 1d on 1½d, 1924 1d green, 1925 1d green die 3, 1930 1½d brown, 1938 KGVI 1½d, 1953 QEII 3d die 2, & 4d/3d green. Generally F-VF UN. ACSC cat $1000. (10). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
377![]() Click for more photos | Postal Stationery - Postcards: 1911-53 used with 1911 Scenic KGV 1d red text setting 1, views Phantom Falls, Buffalo Mts & Coimadai, all in shades of black (ACSC P21(2), (8) & (12).1918 KGV 1d red uprated ½d with 'City of Hawthorne' printed reverse, 1918-19 surch 1½d on 1d red sulphite stock (2), 1920-22 KGV 1½d brown buff stock, 1923 surch 1d on 1½d brown w/o footnote to Scotland, 1925-30 1d green die 3, 1930-37 1½d brown 83mm footnote, 1941-43 Queen 1d+1d doubleton, 1943-50 KGVI 2d, 1953-57 QEII 3d. F-VFU. ACSC cat $635 (13) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
386![]() Click for more photos | New South Wales: 1914-60s postmark collection in quality s/book, mainly 1920-40s inc Roos 1st - 3rd wmk, KGV to 1/4 with 1d reds, KGV/KGVI Commems to 1/- inc rare Homebush Sales 23 AUG 34 on 1/- VIC Cent, Billy's Lookout, Burragorang, Chatsworth Island, Conisiton, Coutts Crossing, Duntroon Aust on KGV 3d -24 DE 24 which is later than listed by Hopson, Hill End on 5/- 3rd wmk Roo, Major Creek (violet), Tavern Hill, Tenterfield (red), Stokers Siding, Out of Course Sydney, various TPOs & Relief cds. Most cds are 'A' quality, many on piece, few on parcel labels. A difficult assembly with duplication limited to pmk type variation. (550+) (P) | SOLD at A$500 | ||
394![]() Click for more photos | Queensland Registered Mail: Useful lot mainly 1940s-80s sorted by label, stated all diff, inc Acacia Ridge, Alderley, Arran, Boolboonda, Boonarga, Bribie Is, Chardons Cnr, Cordelia, Finch Hatton, Gargett, Gaythorne, Gladstone, Harrisville, Mackay Sth, McKinlay, Middle Ridge, Murray Upper, Selwyn, Stafford Nth, Toowoomba City Nth, Wynnum Nth & Yangan, noted quite a few short lived Qld type black & blue labels in 1940s. (230+) | AVAILABLE at A$575 | ||
413![]() Click for more photos | Large accumulation in 72 hagners strength in 1890s/1900s era with NSW (1050) inc 300 Numeral pmks, QLD (400) inc 120 Numeral cancels to 712 plus scattered cds. Tasmania (340) inc 130 Numeral cancels to 299 plus Pics to 6d. Vic (440) inc 270 Numeral cancels to 1979. West Aust (50). Heavy duplication throughout inc vals to 1/-. Mixed G-V/VFU. (2300) | SOLD at A$200 | ||
420![]() Click for more photos | 1822-1935 Postal History: inc Great Britain 1839 Folded Letter dated 23 Dec 1839 endorsed 4 for the uniform Four Penny Post rate at that time. 14th Jan 1840 Folded Letter rate '2' & with 'TP Chancery Lane' 2-line h/s in dull green. 1840 Unaccepted Mulready Envelope designs (2). Envelopes (2) beautifully illustrated types by Valentine, or Ackerman. Then 1854 Folded Letter with 1d red (3) with transcript. Also a 1822 folded letter ?Surabaya' to Batavia with transcript, h/s Franco in red, & Zee Brief Franco etc. NSW long folded letter (separations) to London, with transcript. Also ornate printed sheet for Ned Indies FFC, & finally 2 USA Banknotes, poor condition - 1 for Nth Carolina 17 Mar 1754. Also 1855 letter wrapper with Tenerife de la Victoria h/s & La Laguna Canarias 18 SET 55? red cds. Interesting lot. (13). | SOLD at A$200 | ||
437![]() Click for more photos | 1970s-90s (or later) Marine Life Extensive 5 Vol collection, mostly VF MUH with over 500 sets, plus 230 M/Sheets or sheetlets. A wonderfully colourful collection noted BIOT 1994 Sharks, British Virgin Is 1997 Defs, Greenland 1987-91 Marine Life, Grenada Marine sets, Guyana 1995 Marine Life set & M/Sheets, 1998 Marine Life sets & M/Sheets, Iceland 1998 Fish, Philippines 1996 Aseanpex M/S, Fish sets & M/Sheets, Palau 1983 to $10, 1995 Fish set, Qatar 1991 Fish set (2 sets), South Georgia 1987 Birds, 1994 Whale & Dolphins sets, Tonga 1984-90s Marine sets & Surcharges with extras, Turks & Caicos 1983 Whales set & M/Sheet. Many others, some mostly light toning. Mainly F-VF MUH. SG cat £5500 = A$11,000. (500 sets, 230 M/Sheets) | SOLD at A$800 | ||
440![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1990s MUH M/Sheets of Indonesia with1997 Minerals M/Sheet of 9, plus label (SG 2312(var) cat £1050), 1996 Rhino M/S of 8 stamps (100), SG 2267a £650, 1996 Sports Week M/S set of 2 with Istanbul 96 opts (SG MS2266 cat £650), 1998 Anti-Drug sheetlet of 8 Tete-Beche prs (SG 2415a, £1120), 1998 Juvalex & Singpex M/S (100 of ea, £825). 1999 'Australia 99' 5000Rp M/S (100, £350). Fresh MUH in neat bundles of 100. Total SG £4645 = A$8400. Zonnebloem cat €3560 = A$5700. (800 M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
441![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1996 Booklet with Joint Issue Indonesia with Australia, pane of 10 300Rupees Cuscus stamps. First printing 76x234mm. 100 comp booklets fresh MUH. SG SB18 cat £875 = A$1590 for common 2nd printing 71x230mm. Zonnelbloem SHP7/1996 MS1 €2250. Pfr Australian cat $100 ea, total $10,000. (100) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
444![]() Click to enlarge photo | 2006 Europa 50th Anniv M/sheets stock with Solomon Is set of 6 M/S (approx 100 sets, FV $7100 = A$1300). Then Montenegro imperf M/S (200, Mi 2B cat €3000), Montenegro Map of Europe (250, Mi Blk32 cat €5000), Peru (250, Mi Blk32 cat €1750), Jamaica $230 M/S (100, Mi Blk56 cat €900), & Cyprus (100, Mi Blk25 cat €500). Total Mi cat €11,150 = A$18,500. Also Romania CAPEX 96 M/S (100) & Tonga Niuafo'ou 2012 Butterfly set of 12 to $8, both imperf & perf comp sheets of 20. FV T$1860 = A$1185. Huge total FV & cat over $20,000. (1600 M/S, plus extras). | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
445![]() Click for more photos | 2012 Tonga Thematics: Niuafo'ou Butterflies set of 12 to $8, (50 imperf sets) in sheets of 20 & panes of 10, FV T$2300 = A$1500, SG cat £2100. 2012 Niuafo'ou Titanic $13.60 M/Sheet both imperf & perf (25ea), & $3.85 M/S imperf & perf (50ea). FV T$1060 = A$700 SG cat £1100, 2012 Democracy $27 M/S imperf & normal (50ea), FV T$2700 = A$1800, SG cat £2700. All fresh MUH, total SG cat £5900 = A$11,800, FV = A$4000! | AVAILABLE at A$230 | ||
453![]() Click for more photos | Australian Antarctic Territory: 1957-2019 MUH collection in Seven Seas slipcase binder (on pgs to 1989 & then on hagners), comp to 2014 & then mostly comp to 2019 inc M/S. 1957-65 pre-decimal set. 1966 Pic Def set. 1973 Pic Def set. 1979-81 Ship set. 1995 Dolphin set + M/S, 1995 Singapore & 1996 CAPEX opt M/S. VF fresh MUH. SG cat £800+, retail $950+, FV alone $310+. (235, +24 M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
457![]() Click for more photos | Asia: 1884-1960s MUH selection inc China 1923 Constitution set. Japan from 1894 inc 1896 War China set. 1915 Coronation to 10s. Thailand 1925-27 Airs to 50s. Korea 1884 Arms to 100m. South Korea 1946-60s range of Commems. Most F-VF fresh MUH. SG cat £1000+ for M, should be at least double, for earlier MUH so £1700+. (155 + bklt). | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
467![]() Click for more photos | Beaut British Commonwealth carton lot with AAT Pics to 1999 Mawson's Hut in thick s/book inc 1966 Defs to $1 Mock Sun. Faroe Islands 1990s MUH Pics/Commems with 1995 Leaf Hopper Insects (150 sets, SG cat £1650), Tourism pr (50 sets, £230), Raven prs (50, £220), Rural Life trio (50 sets, £600), 4k St Olaf (100, cat £240) & 1995 Christmas pr (100 sets, £440). All fresh MUH, total SG cat £3300 = A$6600). Australia 1966-79 decimal collection in Seven Seas hingeless album (GC, new retail $100) inc 1971 Christmas blk of 7 & Paintings to $10. GB 1952-77 QEII collection in Schaubek illustrated album very near comp G-FU inc Wildings, Castles, Regionals & plenty of Pics/Commems, generally G-FU, plus 1953-70 M/MUH collection in red s/book. Indonesia Joint Issue with Australia 1996 Cuscus booklets (4, cat $100 ea). Large green Lighthouse s/book with a selection of Australian M/Sheets MUH/CTO inc 1970 Cook Bi-Centenary (4). Thematic Art collection in VGC SG Senator springback binder (retail $80+). Also covers with India 1961-66 FDC collection (65), Jersey 1980s Aviation covers inc 2 SG albums & stamps of all countries 1981-82 FDC with around 200 diff loose in bag. Generally F-VF M/MUH, G-F/VFU, Large carton. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
476![]() Click for more photos | British Empire & Commonwealth: 1860-1980s collections with some extras in 2 Vario binder/s/book & 2 Minkus Maldive/Ceylon hingeless album, inc British Guiana 1860s to 2c, 1934 KGV set to $2, 1938 KGVI set to $3, 1954 QEII set to $5, also 1954 set cnr prs to $5 with plate numbers, British Honduras 1938 KGV set to $5, 1953 QEII set to $5, Nigeria 1921 KGV to 2/6, 1936 to 10/-, 1938 KGVI comp to 5/- with shades & most perfs, Ceylon 1950s-70s, 1946 Victory set in blks of 4, 40+ countries. Maldive Islands, 1906 3c & 4c, 1909 Minaret set to 1R, range to 1970s, Burma 1945 BMA set, 1946 Civil Admin set, 1947 Interim Govt sets to 10R. Many comp sets, scarcer issues, plus a huge range of other unmentioned stamps. Mostly F-VF MLH & G-VF U, minor tropicalisation throughout maybe effecting small percentage. SG cat £3600+ = A$7200+. (2300 + 4 M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$650 | ||
477![]() Click for more photos | British Empire & Commonwealth 1870s-1980s collections with extras in 2 Vario binders, 1 Seven Seas hingeless album & Tuvalu PO hingeless album inc Fiji 1876 VR 1d-6d inc 2d Surch, 1882 QV 5/-, 1903 KEVII to 5/-, 1912 KGV to 5/-, 1938 KGV set to £1 inc some shades & perfs, 1954 & 62 QEII set to £1, Gilbert & Ellice 1911 set to 1/-, 1912 KGV to 5/-, 1939 KGVI to 5/-, 1956 QEII set to 10/-, 1965 QEII to £1. Kiribati 1977-80s collection inc 23 PO Packs, Pitcairn Island 1940 KGVI set to 2/6, 1948 Wedding, 1957 QEII set to 2/6, 1964 QEII set to 5/-, usually 1 set M & VFU of each. Many comp sets, large collection. F-VF MLH & G-VF U, tropicalisation effecting some stamps particularly on pages. SG cat £3400+ = A$6800+. (2100 + 40+ M/S) | SOLD at A$375 | ||
483![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth 1970s-80s MUH collection/accumulation in hagners with Kiribati (95 Pic sets, FV $168) with 10 diff inc 1979 Defs to $5 Flag (5 sets). Nauru (70) to 1979 Flight with 20 diff. 1954 to 5/- (4). 1963 to 3/3 blks of 4, 1966 Defs to $1 & 1968 opts. PNG (210 Pic sets) with 55 diff to 1987 Fish inc 1970 Artefacts (60), 1971 Fauna (12), 1973 Panorama to $2 (3), 1976 Fish (10), Headdress to K2 (3) & others, 1987 Marine Life. Tokelau (230 sets, FV $210) with 24 diff to 1987 Olympic Sports inc 1966 opts trio to 2/- (34), 1967 decimal opt set of 7 (7 sets), 1977 Pics to $1 (6), 1984 Fish to $2 (5) & 1987 Flora to 75c (5). Tuvalu (170 sets) mixed MUH/CTO (FV $250) with 12 diff to 1981 Butterflies inc 1978 Independence (7), 1979 Fish to $5 (5), 1980 Cowries, 1980 Moths & 1981 Ships. Also M/Sheets inc 1982 RV opt SPECIMEN (10) & 1996 Year of the Rat (20). Huge FV. All fresh & clean with 775 sets in total, plus scattered M/S. (2000+) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
486![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth carton lot with 1977-78 QEII Silver Jubilee collection in water damaged s/book with Commem sets, booklets & M/Sheets, mixed stuck down/disturbed gum/MUH. AUSIPEX 84 collection in 2 brown albums with 33 Pic sets, 50 M/Sheets inc 1982 Games opt set of 5 (retail $100), plus assorted ephemera. Australia 1920s-50s MUH/M/U accumulation in s/book inc 1930s Commems to 9d purple. Faroes 1990s MUH Pic/Commem accumulation with 1995 Leaf Hopper Insects (150 sets, SG cat £1650), Tourism (50 sets, £230), Europa pr (100 sets, £620), Rural Life trio (50 sets, £600), 4K St Olaf (100, cat £240) & 1995 Christmas pr (100 sets, £400). All fresh MUH, total SG cat £3780 = A$14,500. Jersey 1980s FDC/Commem cover accumulation. Indonesia 1996 Joint Issue with Australia Cuscus booklets (4, cat $100 ea). British Commonwealth Ships collection with 32 MUH Pic sets & 18 M/Sheets. Also 1940s-70s Australia M/MUH accumulations & New Zealand 1960 Pics to £1 Geyser MUH. Then more New Zealand with 1990 150th Anniv Heritage collections with FDC & MUH Pic/Commem sets in solid slipcase album (retail $150). All neatly arranged in large carton. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
498![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth collections in 2 large cartons with Australia 1965-1977 near comp M collection (FV $40) on loose leaves inc 1966 Defs to $4 King fresh MUH. Aust Decimals 1966-89 VFU inc Pics to $10. Canada accumulation in plastic bag. GB 1860s-1970s in black Lighthouse s/book with 1870s-80s QV to 1/- green inc 6d chestnut, 1902 KEVII to 2/6 violet, 1930s KGV to 10/- Seahorse & KGVI Defs to £1 brown. Channel Islands Pic/commems in another Lighthouse s/book, plus literature inc Aden postage stamps 1937-1968. SG 2018 Australia catalogue inc States & Territories. Rennicks Stamps of Australia inc Decimals to December 2020. Also 1970s-90s World Pics inc 35 hagners European Colonies collection with over 1500 stamps inc Belgian, French & Italian Colonies in Africa with good variety throughout. Dutch East Indies, Portuguese Timor & others. 1000s of stamps in total, mixed M/MUH/G-FU. 2nd carton with 5 over-size cover albums inc Australia 1970 RV commem cover set of 22 (cat £120), 2023-2024! FDC (FV $100+), plus 2020-2923 Inwards high FV mail to Sydney suburbs. Finally AAT collection (FV $140) with pic/commem sets or M/Sheets to 2024. Antarctic Birds. All neatly around in 2 large cartons. | SOLD at A$200 | ||
500![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth: Massive M/sheet accumulation with 75 diff in 4 hanger album inc Australia Local Railway Post (24) with 4 diff inc imperf variations & SPECIMEN opts, plus 1970 Cook BiCent imperf (12, retail $120). Gilbert Is 1978 QEII SJ (18, FV $49). Kiribati 1979 Rowland Hill (20, FV $20). Cook Is/Penrhyn 1978 QEII SJ (40 with 4 diff, FV $170), Norfolk Is 1974 UPU (3, retail $135). Pitcairn (85 mixed FV $170) with 8 diff inc 1978 QEII SJ (12), AUSIPEX 84 (8), 1981 QM 920) London 1980 (9) & 1974 Shells (10). Samoa (200 mixed) with 11 diff (FV Sam $235) inc 1975 'Joyita' (6), 1975 Christmas (7), CAPEX 78 (19), Christmas 78 (33), London 1980 (34), ZEAPEX 80 (43) & 1981QM (20). NZ Cinderella M/Sheets (30) inc 1984 Pigeon Flight (20). PNG (69) with 1975 Independence (50) & 1985 PU Centenary (9). Seychelles London 1980 (15), 1980 Olympics (8) & 1984 Olympics (7) Singapore 1998 Joint Issue (30, FV $117), plus 8 others inc Changi Airport (3). Tristan da Cunha (15) with 4 diff inc 1981 Dodgson (4), Ships Crests (6) & Shipwrecks (5). Tuvalu (80, FV $64) inc 1982 RV (25) opt SPECIMEN, 1996 Year of the Rat (40) & London 1980 (9). Vanuatu (92, FV $144) with 1982 Christmas (6), 1981 Christmas (12), 1983 Communication Year (13) AUSIPEX 64 (13), 1985 Independence (12), 1985 QMCII). AMERIPEX '86 (12) & 1983 Economic Zone (14), plus Solomon Is, Mauritius, Norfolk Is, Malaysia & Nauru. All fresh & clean. Huge Face Val & even higher retail. (800 M/Sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
507![]() Click for more photos | British Empire: 1600s-1930s Revenues inc NSW 1866 QV Stamp Duty to £1. 1908 KEVII Stamp Duty to £1. South Australia KEVII to £1. Australia 1925 Customs Duty to 7d. Canada 1865 QV Bill Stamps to $1. 1930s Electricity to $10. GB 1690s-1800s Embossed Revenues. Cape of Good Hope 1865 QV Stamp Duty to £1. Most G-VF M/U, some mixed. Bft cat £230+++ for the listed items. Interesting lot. (115). | SOLD at A$240 | ||
528![]() Click for more photos | Canada 1870-2000s Collection/Accumulation in a s/book, on hagners & on pgs 1990-2004 inc QV 1870s-90s 1c-20c, range 1910-60s inc 1927 Confederation 12c, 1942 War Effort comp, 1906-1933 Postage Dues to 10c, largely comp 1990-2000 inc M/S. FV 1990-2004 is C$320. Largely VF MLH-MUH, some FU. FV of M/MUH C$320. SG cat £2300+ = A$4600+. (1600, 30+M/S, 2 bklts). | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
530![]() Click for more photos | Canada Provinces: 1851-70 small collection on Harris pgs. British Columbia & Vancouver 1865 QV 5c. 1867-69 crown V 2c. New Brunswick from 1851 inc 1860-63 QV Pic set to 17c. Also 1851 1/- (doubtful & not counted in total). Nova Scotia 1860-63 QV to 12½c Prince Edward Island 1861 QV 1d & 6d, perf 9. 1862-65 QV vals to 6d. 1870 QV Chalon 3d M & U. 1872 QV set 1c-12c. Most G-VF M/U, some mixed. SG cat £2350+ = A$4700+. (29) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
537![]() Click for more photos | Carton lot with Australia pre-decimal collection inc 1930s Commem sets to 1/-, 1937 KGVI Defs to £1 Robes, 1949 Defs to Arms to £2, QEII Navigators to 10/- Flinders, decimal Pics to late 1970s inc Paintings to $10, plus 1966-90 Seven Seas hingeless album (new retail $250). Faroes 1990s MUH Pic sets with 1995 Leaf Hopper Beetles (200, SG cat £2200), 1995 Tourism pr (50 sets, cat £230), Europa pr (100 sets, £620), Ravens pr (50 sets, £220), Rural Life trio (50 sets, £600) & 1995 Christmas (100 sets, £440), all fresh MUH, total SG cat £4310 = A$8300. Australia, GB & Europe 1960s-80s Pics/Commems collection in VGC hagners. Germany Lighthouse illustrated pgs for West Berlin 1948-69 on original boxes (retail $80). New Zealand 1940s-60s M/MUH/U pre-decimal accumulation inc 1940 Officials to 1/-, 1940s-60s Health sets MUH in quantity inc odd plate number/imprint blk, 1953 QEII Coronation sets MUH (12), 1954 QEII Defs to 10/- U (2 sets), 1955 QEII sets to 8d brown MUH (7), 1956 Southland Centenary sets MUH (40), 1960 Pic sets near comp (4) to £1 Geyser & plenty of other 1950s/60s Pic/Commem sets with around 4000 stamps in total. Norfolk Is comp collection to end 1975 in Seven Seas album inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Defs to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Defs to 10/- Bird & all dec inc 1974 UPU M/Sheet. Also some other bits & pieces inc Russia, Spain & 1981 RW collection. Few flts, mostly F-VF M/MUH/U. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
541![]() Click for more photos | Carton lot with Australian Territories in Seven Seas album with AAT 1957-83 comp inc 1966 Pics to $1 Mock Sun, Christmas Is to 1979 inc 1958 QEII Defs & 1968 Fish sets. Cocos Is to 1976 comp. Norfolk Is 1966-79 inc 1969 Birds set & 1974 UPU M/Sheet. British Commonwealth collection to mid 1960s with Australia inc 1930s high val Commems, 1937 KGVI to £1 Robes, 1949 Defs to £2 Arms & QEII pre-dec to £1 Bass. Then Canada, GB, Hong Kong, Malaya, NZ, Portugal & USA. Faroes 1990s MUH Pic/Commem accumulation with 1995 Leaf Hopper Beetles (190 sets, SG cat £3000), Tourism pr (50 sets, £230), Europa pr (100 sets, £620), Raven pr (50 sets, £220) & 1995 Rural Life trio (50 sets, £600), all fresh MUH, total SG cat £4670 = A$8900. GB 1971-79 MUH collections inc QEII Machins to £5 blue. Germany Lighthouse illustrated pgs for 1872-1918 Empire & WWII General Govt (retail $80). Australia 1980s FDC accumulation in 2 FDC albums. New Zealand 1790, 73, 74, 75, 77, 83 PO Year Packs (retail $200), plus 1984 PO Year Album. San Marino collection in blue springback album. World general collection in 2 thick loose leaf albums inc Australia 1970s-80s Mint decimals, then Europe, South East Asia, Pacific Islands, USA. Some sl mixed condition, M/U/MUH. Large carton. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
550![]() Click for more photos | China - Macao: 1953-2023 extensive collection mostly MUH in 75 VGC Vario pgs in 2 binder s, inc 1956 Map set, then bulk of collection mid 1990s-2023. A comprehensive & colourful range of sets, M/Sheets & sheetlets inc Lunar New Year sets & M/S, Architecture, various Anniv & many others. An attractive mainly VF MUH collection. SG cat £4150 = A$8300+. Recent issues seldom seen. (520, 285 M/S or sheetlets) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
571![]() Click for more photos | Cyprus & Gibraltar: 1880-1970s collection in binder. Cyprus 1902-10 KEVII to 12Pi. 1934 KGV Pic set to 45Pi. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938-51 KGVI to £1. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1955-60 QEII Pic set to £1. 1960-61 Republic opt set to £1. Range of Commems inc useful Europa sets. Gibraltar 1886-87 QV to 1/-. 1889-96 QV Spanish Currency to 5P. 1906-11 KEVII to 4/-. 1925-32 KGV to 10/-. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938-51 KGVI Pic set to £1. 1953-59 QEII Pic set to £1 & 1960-63 Def set to £1. 1971 Views se-tenant set to £1. Good coverage of Commems. Mostly G-VF M/MUH/U, parts with tropicalisation. SG cat £3300+ = A$6600+. (1135+, plus 23 M/S) | SOLD at A$375 | ||
579![]() Click for more photos | Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 14. British Commonwealth 1970s-2000s M/Sheet accumulation Part 1. Solomon Islands (15, retail $90) inc 2004 World Bird Festival set of 3. Norfolk Is (40, retail $180) inc 1974 UPU. Kiribati (13, retail $95) inc 1981 RW trio. Vanuatu (23, retail $100). Niue (33, retail $190). PNG (80, retail $370) inc a huge Philatelic Exhibition emissions. Nauru (70, retail $200). Tuvalu (50, retail $310). New Zealand (45, retail $200). Pitcairn (48, retail $280) inc 1980 London Exhibition (13) & QM Birthday (15). Christmas Is 1977 Christmas (30, retail $50). All fresh MUH with 7440 assorted M/Sheets (retail $1850) with some duplication. | SOLD at A$220 | ||
584![]() Click for more photos | Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 24. Great Britain M/Sheet accumulation (33) to 2012 Olympic Games, FV £130. Then Cannel Islands M/Sheet mess with Guernsey (50, FV £75), Isle of Man (110, FV £135), Jersey (130, FV £240). Some superb local British Thematics sighted, plus a selection of Philatelic Exhibition emissions. Lightly duplicated throughout, fresh MUH. Total FV £580 = A$1200. (323) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
589![]() Click for more photos | Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 31. Pacific Islands 1970s-2000s M/Sheet accumulation Part Two with Niue (55, retail $280), Penrhyn Is (14, retail $120) inc stray William & Kate selection, Samoa (60, retail $290), Norfolk Is (50, retail $230), Pitcairn (16, 1900s-2000s, retail $150), plus London 1980 Exhibition (50, retail $110) & 1981 Queen Mother sheetlet (34, retail $230), Nauru (67, retail $270) inc 1974 UPU (10, retail $80) & Tuvalu (50, retail $290). Some mostly mild duplication. All fresh MUH, solid FV & good Thematic content inc a variety pf Philatelic Exhibition emissions, marked retail $2000. (395) | SOLD at A$250 | ||
590![]() Click for more photos | Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 32: Pacific Islands 1970s-2000s M/Sheet accumulation Part One with Vanuatu (37, FV $90) with strong Tropical Thematic content, marked retail $200. Nauru (55, retail $235) inc 1974 UPU (14), Solomon Is (21, retail $100). PNG (73, retail $370) inc 1997 Diana Memorial (9). Norfolk Is (50, retail $220). New Zealand (35, retail $230) inc scarce 1969 Cook M/Sheet. Fiji (45, retail $250). Kiribati (48, retail $280). Some mostly light duplication. All fresh MUH, solid FV & good Thematic content inc a variety of Philatelic Exhibition emissions, marked retail $1900. (370) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
619![]() Click for more photos | Germany 1872-1989 Three Volume collection with 1872 Shields inc Small Shield 1/4g, 1/2g, 5g, 1872 Large Shield 1/4g, 5g, other earlies Weimar Republic selection inc Bavaria issues opt 'Deutsches Reich' to 20Mk, 1922-23 & 1925 Inflationary selection (unchecked), 1923 Castles set, 1928 Airs part set to 3Mk, 1928-32 President set, 1930 Exhibition M/Sheet M, plus 8pf (2) & 15pf G-VFU, 1933 2Mk Chicago Flight FU, 1934 Airs set, 1920s-30s Welfare Fund sets/part sets, 1936 Olympics M & U.. Also Officials plus other issues to 1945. Post WWII Allied Occupation issues M&U with many extras. Soviet Zone inc 1948 Presentation to 80pf (11), 60pf (45), lower values many extras U. West Berlin mostly 1948 used - 1989 inc 1948 Black opts to 80pf, Red opts to 80pf, 1949 UPU set, 1949 Goethe set, 1945 Surch 2 sets, 1951 Bell set at left 20pf, 40pf, 1951-52 Bell at right set, 1953 Bell at centre, 1952 Olympics set, 1953 Uprising set, 1957 Buildings set, 1986 Famous Women set, extensive charity sets 1960s to 1980s, plus others. Some sl mixed condition plus duplication where noted, mostly G-VFU, with some F-VFM, MUH. SG cat £8100 = A$16,200. (few 1000) | AVAILABLE at A$800 | ||
622![]() Click for more photos | Germany: 1872-1937 used collection in hagners. Inc 1872 Shields ¼g, 1/3g, ½g to 5g, 1K, 3K, 7K. 1874 2½g on 2½g, 1921 Defs to 20Mk, 1923 Inflation issues selection inc Surch & new values, 1924 Castles, 1928 Defs to 80pf. Officials inc 1920 series selection, 1923 Surch selection, 1924 80pf SG O385 & others. Some varied condition, many F-VFU. SG cat £2000+ = A$4000. (345) | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
628![]() Click for more photos | Germany: 1936-64 M/Sheet inc 1936 Olympics set of 2 U. 1936 Brown Ribbon M & U. 1937 Hitler perf & imperf U (imperf rare pmk combination), plus Culture Fund M/S. 1937 Munchen Riem opt M/S MUH & U. East Germany 1955 Marx M/S imperf. Also 100,000Mk banknotes (3) from 1923 inflation period. Mostly G-VF M/MUH/U, some mixed. SG cat £850+. (16 M/S, +3 notes) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
642![]() Click for more photos | Germany: 1890s-1990s Postal Cards & other items from specialist collection inc West Germany 1950-92 Pictorial Postal cards collection plus few pre-1945 period, then a few 1951 Posthorns, 1954 Heuss, then 1959 Heuss (43), 1961 Famous Germans 10pf (23) & 15pf (52), 1964 Architecture 15pf (20 & 20pf (13), 1970 President (7) 1971 Accident Prevention (15), 1977 Castles 40pf (11), 50pf (85), 60pf (30), 1987 Tourist Sites (9). Also some later 2000-19 Postal Cards & covers/FDC (80+). About 50% UN, 50% U/FDC. I cat €700++. Also Shipmail PPC with 1897 'Nur fur Marine-Schiffpost opt 10pf red Eagle cards UN & U with 'Manke PO No2' cds (Mi cat €75). Other PPC (20) inc KDMS no 2, 16, 37, 43 & 45 plus 2 unable to see number. Then 'DS Australische' (9) - 2 with Aden transit, DS Ost Asiatische (2) 1 with Gibraltar transit cds 'DS Ost Afrika Linie' & 'Ost Afrika Hauptlinie'. DS Hamburg West Afrika DS Linie Hamburg - Sudamerika on cover to Belgium with Tenerife b/s. Also ca 1920 'Lost Colonies' & Territories set of 19 Yacht etc labels. Interesting lot. (485 + 19 stamps). | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
666![]() Click for more photos | Hong Kong 1935-2023 collection/stock on hagners in two binders inc 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee, 1967 & 1968 New Year sets, strength in 1988-2023 MUH sets inc commems + defs, plus an extensive array of M/Sheets with some extras. Total c.120 sets + 138 M/Sheets, plus some singles. Largely VF. Retail $1850+. (120 sets, 138 M/S) | SOLD at A$350 | ||
670![]() Click to enlarge photo | Indonesia: 1996 Booklet with Joint Issue with Australia pane of 10 300Rup Cuscus stamps. First printing 76x234mm. 100 comp booklets fresh MUH. SG SB18 cat £875 = A$1600 for common 2nd printing 71x230mm. Zonnelbloem SHP7/1996 MS1 €2250. Pfr Australian cat $100 ea, total $10,000. (100) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
671![]() Click to enlarge photo | Indonesia: 1997 Minerals M/Sheet of 9, plus label (SG 2312(var) cat £1050), 1996 Rhino M/S of 8 stamps (100), SG 2267a £650, 1996 Sports Week M/S set of 2 with Istanbul 96 opts (SG MS2266, £650), 1998 Anti-Drug sheetlet of 8 Tete-Beche prs (SG 2415a, £1120), 1998 Juvalex & Singpex M/S (100 of ea, £825). 1999 'Australia 99' 5000Rp M/S (100, £350). Fresh MUH in neat bundles of 100. Total SG £4645 = A$8400. Zonnebloem €3560 = A$5900. (800) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
675![]() Click for more photos | Interesting mixed range in 3 albums & sheet file largely M. Inc Germany/Allied Occupation French general issues inc 1947 1Mk Goethe (18), 2Mk Schiller (20), 5Mk Heine (16) in blks largely MUH (cat £350), also Saar 1947 issues in blks, Iran 1909 4Kr, 10Kr, 15Kr, 1919 opts to 12Ch, '1925' Surch 1Kr green (19) & others (cat £600+). Also Iran, India, Nepal random issues in sheets, also French Colonies noted Wallis & Futuna 1985-87 Shells in sheets of 25 & others cat £300+. Russian Civil War Neighbouring Republic issues noted Azerbaijan 1923 Arms h/s selection, Transcaucasian Republic inc 1923 Star Surch on Arms opt inc 1R (7) M with extras, also Pic sets in qty MUH, Georgia 1923 Surch issues on Russian Arms with many extras, opts on Soviet Republic inc 10,000r/1000r, 20,000/500r c50 ea MUH & other Surch in qty. Swaziland 1938 KGVI to 10/-, Tuva 1926-35 inc 1932 opt to 15K, 1935 Airmails to 5t, 1934 Pics & more. Largely VF, total cat £3700+. (1800+, 5 M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$160 | ||
691![]() Click for more photos | Large carton lot with World collection (many 100s) in well filled 1930s Rapkin Move-A-Leaf album inc pre WWII China, India & States, NZ QEII Pics to 10/- blue, PNG 1952 Defs to £1 Fishermen, plus Europe & British Africa. Australia with KGV 1d red collection (300) inc shades & varieties with LM wmk (7) Die II (7) & Die III (2). 1969-75 PO Pack collection (45, retail $450) inc 1969-75 Christmas comp & 1970, 71 selected issues. 1913-65 M/MUH pre-decimal collection (230) inc KGV to 4d, KGVI to 5/- & QEII to 7/6 Cook. 1978-84 FDC collection in thick album & bundle of 100 1978 18c Pictorial cards. GB 1948-83 M/MUH collection (500) inc 80 mixed Pic/Commem sets, plus uncounted Used in another 2 albums. Also box of unsorted Club Circuit Sheets & British Cwlth QEII Jubilee FDC collection in custom made album. Usual sl variable condition, mixed M/MUH/G-F/VFU! (Few 1000) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
692![]() Click for more photos | Latvia & Estonia 1918-40 collection in as new Lighthouse hingeless album with deluxe binder & matching slipcase with illustrated pages. Lithuania inc 1919 range to 75k, 1920 Red Cross to 1, in various printings, 1928 President Death comp, 1931 Air Charity comp, 1932 Air comp, imperf (cat £150), 1932 Militia imperf comp, 1933 Air Charity to 25s (cat £300), 1936 Charity comp, 1940 Incorporation comp to 5l, Estonia inc 1919 to 15m, 1923 set, 1930 Surch 2K & 3K. Mainly FU. SG cat £1000+, album with pages retail $600+. (150) | SOLD at A$300 | ||
696![]() Click for more photos | Middle East: 1915-60 MUH selection inc Saudi Arabia inc 1922-23 Arms to 5pi. 1934-57 Toughra to 100g. 1961 Official set to 100p. 1945 Kings Meeting set to 10g. Egypt 1933 Air set to 20m. Turkey 1915 Star & Crescent opt range to 50pi. F-VF fresh MUH. SG cat £760+ for M, should be at least double, for earlier MUH so £1000+. (80). (P) | SOLD at A$230 | ||
705![]() Click for more photos | Netherlands: 1890s-1990s disorganised collection/accumulation on leaves or hagners inc 1864 15c orange FU, other earlies, 1906 Anti TB sets (2), 1913 to 1g, 1923 Culture Fund, 1923 Anniv to 1g U. Also 1930s-50s range of Cultural Fund, Child Welfare Fund & other similar Charity sets M, 1969 Queen to 10G MUH, plus many Defs Used on leaves. Also booklets 1994-98 & others inc some Neth New Guinea F-VF. SG cat £1500+ = A$3000. (1200+) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
706![]() Click for more photos | Netherlands: 1906-2005 collection in 2 thick binders with many Charity-related sets M & U inc 1906 Anti TB set, 1923 Culture Fund, 1924-40 Child Welfare sets inc duplicated issues, 1927 Red Cross, 1928 Olympics, 1932 Tourist set, 1933 Seamen's Shanty FU, 1938 Child Welfare set on FDC, 1942 Legion Fund M/sheets M, 1950 Bombed Churches set, 1950 Culture Fund set, 1951 Culture Fund set on FD card. 1951-52 & 1954-59 Child Welfare sets all on FDC (high cat value). Comprehensive range of later sets & M/Sheets mostly MUH, often with accompanying FDC. Largely VF cat £2900, plus FDCs €900 = A$7200. (750, 27 M/S, 45 covers) | SOLD at A$240 | ||
739![]() Click to enlarge photo | Norfolk Island:1970-71 Birds set 1c-$1, 10 sets. VF fresh MUH. SG 103-117 cat £230. (150). | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
740![]() Click to enlarge photo | Norfolk Island: 1970-71 Birds set 1c-$1, 10 sets. VF fresh MUH. SG 103-117 cat £230. (150). | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
741![]() Click to enlarge photo | Norfolk Island:: 1970-71 Birds set 1c-$1, 10 sets. VF fresh MUH. SG 103-117 cat £230. (150) | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
759![]() Click for more photos | Papua New Guinea: 1966-67 sheets inc 1966-67 Butterfly 1c, 1970 Air Service 5c,1976 Fish set 5t-40t part sheets of 20. 1980 UPU set 7t-40t, 1980 Festival 20t, 1980 Census set 7t-50t, 1980 Red Cross 7t & 15t, 1981 Defence Force set 7t-50. Mostly sheets of 50. VF fresh MUH. SG cat £240. (1230). | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
763![]() Click to enlarge photo | Papua New Guinea: M/Sheets stock (700, FV K3730 = A$1620) with 1999 Hiri Moale Festival (250), Olympex 2000 (250), QEII Golden Jubilee 2002 (100) & 2008 K10 Pioneer Art (100). Also 2007 85t Personalised Stamp with Common Cuscus sheet of 20 (100 sheets), FV K1700 = A$1760. All fresh MUH, total FV A$2380. (800) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
764![]() Click for more photos | Paraguay: 1929-50 Airmails collection in binder inc 1929 Admission Ticket to view the Zeppelin Airship Factory in Friedrichshafen. 1929 Aereo opt $6.80 on 4P blk of 4, error 'Ccrreo' for 'Correo'. 1931 Zeppelin opt 4P, plus 4 (2 prs) on cover to Germany & another cover to Germany with triangular Zeppelin pmk. Also 1930 Air 0.95c in red & blue on cover to New York with Zeppelin cachet in violet. 1929-31 Air issues appear comp. 1932 Zeppelin triangle set to 20P, plus 4P imperf pr. 1932 Correos opt Zeppelin set to 20P. 1934 '1934' opt Zeppelin set to 45P & 1935 '1935' opt set to 45P in blks of 4 1935 triangle Air set inc prs. Mostly F-VF M/U. Interesting lot. (230) | SOLD at A$350 | ||
772![]() Click for more photos | Russia & RSFSR 1857-1923 collection in as new Lighthouse hingeless album (Turn bar binder) with illustrated pages inc 1858 20k orange & blue, 1866 1k-5k, 1875 to 10k, 1900 to 10r, 1914 War Charity to 10k with various perfs, 1921 to 1000r, 1922 surch to 100,000r. Mostly VF MLH, VFU. SG cat £600+, plus album retail $500+. (120+) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
778![]() Click for more photos | Samoa 1890s-2014 Extensive Collection on 120 hagners in 4 binders inc 1899 opt Provisional Govt to 4d, NZ issues opt Samoa to 1/-, 1935 set comp to 3/-, 1952 comp to 3/-, & 1967 Birds set comp to $4, 1972 comp to $5 (x2). 1983 Fruit comp to $5, 1988 Birds comp to $20, 2014 Threatened Species opt Official comp to $25, 2015 Butterflies Express Letter stamps comp inc M/S to $75. Seems fairly comp from 1970s. Many thematic M/S. Mainly VF fresh MUH few earlies MLH. FV of moderns $2300 alone. (1400+, 140+ M/S) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
785![]() Click for more photos | Shipping carton with Australia 1980-86 FDC collections (140) all with 'Currie King Island' pictorial FDI pmks. Lighthouse 'BOGA1' mint sheet file (3) with misc Australia inc 1970 Grasslands 5c comp sheet, Newspaper Wrappers & Aerogrammes. Tokelau 1948-90 collection in blue springback album with 37 MUH Pic/Commem sets to 1990 Handicrafts (SG cat £70). Christmas Is MUH collection with 38 Pic/Commem sets to 1986 Flowers inc 1958 QEII & 1968 Fish sets to $1 & 1984 Birds to $4. Samoa 1962-86 near comp MUH collection in Seven Seas illustrated/hingeless album with 37 M/Sheet & 98 Pic/Commem sets inc 1962 Independence, 1967 Birds to $5, 1972 Wildlife to $5 Lizard & 1983 Fruit to $5. Also 1996-2015 Pics/Commems (FV $585 = A$330) inc 2015 Marine Life trio FV $63 & 2015 WWF Snake M/Sheet set of 4, 2014 Marine Life set to $25 Shark, 2013 Tequila Festival $30 M/Sheet & 2013 Bird set to $15. Singapore 1880s-1990s collection (300) with QV (23) to 50c, KEVII (34) to $1, KGV (54) to $1, plus 1935 Silver Jubilee set, KGVI (50) to $2 & QEII Def/Pic set to $10 Ships, Insects, Tourism & Trains. | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
789![]() Click for more photos | Solomon islands: 1930s-2015 large collection on 180 hagners in 6 binders inc 1939 KGV to 10/-, 1956 QEII, 1985, 1966 decimal Currency, 1968 set, 1972 set all comp, 1987 Flowers comp, 2001 Birds, 206 Shells comp to $50, 2005 Pope John Paul commemorative issue printed on gold foil (Scott 1013-20), wide range of M/S, 100s of Commem sets, strong thematics. Appear near comp from 1960s. Some earlies VF MLH, predominantly VF MUH. SG cat $1800+ = A$3600 but SG does not have listings for most modern issues, FV alone $12,600 = A$2300. (1700+, 300+ M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$550 | ||
791![]() Click to enlarge photo | Solomon Islands: 2006 M/Sheets Europa 50th Anniv set of 12 to $15 in 6 M/Sheets, stock of 200 sets. VF fresh MUH. FV S$14,200 = A$2600. SG MS1137 cat £23 x 200 = £4,600 = A$9,200. (1200 M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$160 | ||
797![]() Click for more photos | South Africa - Natal 1862-1902 small range in 1950s stock pages with 1862 wmk Star 1d (2), 1863 wmk CC 1d (2), 1859-62 no wmk 3d (15), 1861-63 6d grey (6), 1863-65 wmk CC 6d lilac (5), 6d violet (4), 1867 1/- green, 1870-73 opt Postage vert opt 1d (10), 3d opt Postage, 6d 1875-76 opt Postage horiz, 6d violet (17), 1/- (6), 1895 'Half' on 1d rose M (14), U (23), 1882-89 to 6d with extras. Usual old-time mixed condition, generally G-VFU. SG cat £2900+ = A$5800. (270) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
813![]() Click for more photos | Tonga Thematics: 2012 Niuafo'ou Butterflies set of 12 to $8, (50 imperf sets in sheets of 20 & panes of 10) FV T$2300 = A$1500, SG cat £2100. 2012 Niuafo'ou Titanic 100th Anniv $1360 M/Sheet (25 of each) both imperf & perf & $3.85 M/Sheet (50 of ea, imperf & perf). FV T$1060 = A$700 SG cat £1100, 2012 Democracy $27 M/S imperf (50) & normal (50), FV T$2700 = A$1800, SG cat £2800. All fresh MUH, total SG cat £5900 = A$11,800, FV A$4000! | AVAILABLE at A$230 | ||
818![]() Click for more photos | Tonga-Niuafo'ou Island 2015-16 Butterfly set of 6 to $89 (4 sets) & Tongan-Kingdom 2015-16 Butterfly set of 6 to $89 (4 sets). Fresh MUH. Total FV T$2888 = A$1860, SG cat £2388 = A$4750. | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
820![]() Click for more photos | Triple carton accumulation inc plastic tubs of mess with Germany 1860s-1990s inc 1945 12th Anniv set, Allied Zones Baden 1948-49 Views set, West Germany 1950-1990s inc 1950 10pf Bach, 1951 St Mary's set, 1951 Relief 30pf, 1952 Otto, 1952, 1954 & 1955 Relief sets, 1952 Hostels set & others U & 1953 Liebig. Then late 1980s-90s sets Christmas booklets. Berlin 1949-1954 inc 1949 Building 1mk to 5mk. 1952 Olympic set, 1953 Bell Clapper at centre set, 1951 20pf Lortzing, 1953 Uprising set, 1953 30pf Kaiser Church & others. SG cat £2300. Israel 1954-1968 selection inc 1960 Taviv M/Sheet MUH & FU, cat £210. Also some world sorted into take-away tubs noted. France & Switzerland. Also Australian covers inc 1980s FDC, plus business size envelopes franked 60c (200), $1.00 (240) & $1.10 (40), all ready for posting out (FV over $400). (large quantity). Mostly G-VFU, some F-VF M & MUH. | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
836![]() Click for more photos | USA 1880s-1990s Collection in 2 Davo illustrated albums in 1893 Columbus to 8c, 1895 Def to 50c, 1898 Trans-Mississippi to 8c, 1904 St Louis set, 1922-32 to $5, 1923 Airs set, back of the book inc Special Delivery 1885 10c. Then extensive range of later 1960s-90s. Earlies mostly U later (mostly) MUH (FV US$235). Used some earlies mixed condition generally G-VF. SG cat £900 to early 1950s plus the MUH total A$2100. (100). | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
848![]() Click for more photos | Vietnam North: 1951-2019 collection in green binder, 1951 Ho Chi Minh set M (SG N4-6), plus 100d (3) U. 1954 Victory set, 1954 50d SG N14 U, 1958 Education set, 1961 Space Flight 5 sets inc blks of 4 CTO. 1961 Artists Long Imperf set & M/Sheet. 1962 Folk Dancing set & M/Sheet, 1962 Flower sets Imperf & Perf M. Then various 1960s + 1970s Flowers + Fruit sets perf + Imperf M inc 1971 Tigers set & M/Sheet, various later sets to 1970s-1980s, plus a selection to post 2000. Some light duplication but mostly F-VF condition. Total cat £2350 = A$4700. A good collection of an unusual area. (1400++, 10 M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$220 | ||
871![]() Click for more photos | Churchman collection in 2 albums with Eastern Proverbs series 1 & 2 (50, cat £55). Modern Wonders medium (48, cat £20). The RAF at Work (48, £45), Treasure Trove small (50, cat £20) & medium (12, £20). Wonderful Railway Travel (50, £30) & World Wonders (50, £20). Ringers Cigarettes Cinema Stars set of 50 (cat £100). RJ Hill Scenes from the Films (1938, cat £40). Lambert & Butler Rhodesian Series (£35) & Wonders of Nature (£25). Richard Lloyd & Sons Old English Inns (1923, £50). Kensitas Cigarettes silks with National Flags set of 60 (£75) & British Empire Flags set of 48 (£50) & Kensitas Flowers set of 60 (1934, cat £180). Also RJ Lea Ltd Butterflies (silk set of 12, cat £50). 16 sets in 2 albums, all VF/Excellent condition. CTCC 2022 cat £800 = A$1600. | SOLD at A$210 | ||
872![]() Click for more photos | Collection in album with Anonymous 'Modern Movie Stars & Cinema Celebrities' (Teofani & Co London 1934) set of 48 (cat £60). Godfrey Phillips 1936 Annuals (Flowers, set of 50, £15), Famous Crowns (1938, £15), Film Stars (1934, £40), The Old Country (1935, £40), Ships that have made history (£20), Shots from the films (1934, medium size set of 48, £40), Nicholas Sarong & Co 1923-1925 Celebrities & Their Autographs (medium size set of 100, £120). Also Hoadley 1940 'Wild West' set of 50, cat £110. Nine sets in total, generally F/VF condition. 2022 CTCC cat £460 = A$900. | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
879![]() Click for more photos | Great Britain: Two volume collection with Gallaher Ltd 1930s sets (11) inc Army Badges (1939, £40), Dogs Series 1 & 2 (£55), Famous Film Scenes (1935, £35), Portraits of Famous Stars (1935, £50), plus others. Mostly VF condition. 2022 CTCC cat £330. R J Lea Ltd 1912 'Old English Pottery & Porcelain' (Nos 1-50, cat £150), 1912-1913 'Old Pottery & Porcelain sets 3, 4 & 5' (Nos 101-260, cat £375). Millhoff & Co 1927 'Antique Pottery' set of 54 (cat £50) & 1928 England Historic & Picturesque set of 25 medium size cards (cat £35). Ogdens 1923 British Birds set of 50 cut-outs (£50) plus others. Generally VF or better condition with 22 sets in total. 2022 CTCC cat £1000+ = A$2000. | SOLD at A$250 | ||
891![]() Click for more photos | Wills (English) Collection Part Three with 11 sets inc 1915 Recruiting Poster set of 12 (cat £90), Railway Engines (1936, £50), Railway Equipment (1939, £20), The Coronation Series (1911, £55), The Reign of King George V (1935, £40), Time & Money (1906, £100), Wildflowers (1923 non adhesive, £35), Orders of the Past (£35). Generally VF-Excellent condition. 2022 CTCC cat £480 = A$960. | SOLD at A$100 | ||
894![]() Click for more photos | Cricket 1995 ACB set of 109 inc World Series, Sheffield Shield & Mercantile Mutual Cup. Then NRL Rugby with 2014, '17, '20 Traders sets in albums, 2022 Traders sets (3), & 2023 set loose. 2016 Elite set (loose) & 2021 Elite set in album, plus undated Extreme set in sealed pack. Then Baseball 2020 with part sets of 170 & 198, respectively. Star Wars Rise of Skywalker (99) & Harry Potter (170). As new. (2000). | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
1021![]() Click to enlarge photo | 6d Ultramarine perf Small OS. VF fresh MLH, top marginal. SG O23 cat £275. ACSC 17Abc cat $425. Scarce genuine. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
1023![]() Click to enlarge photo | 6d Ultramarine, perf Small OS variety wmk INVERTED. FU. ACSC 17Aabc cat $1500. SG O23w cat £1200. Rare genuine perf OS & certificate can be obtained on request. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$550 | ||
1038![]() Click to enlarge photo | CTO 1st wmk 2½d to 1/- ex Post Office set. F-VF all same cds of 'Melbourne DE 3 13' cds, 3d is a jumbo stamp due to mis perforation & 1/- is inverted wmk. SG 4-11w cat £238+. ACSC cat $850. (7). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
1064![]() Click for more photos | 3d Greenish-olive Die IIB with 1d KGV violet on cover with Melbourne 29 AU 1923 cds, to USA. F-VF. ACSC 14C cat $250+. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
1108![]() Click to enlarge photo | 9d Violet & 1/- blue-green gutter prs. Both VFM. SG 108, 109 cat £230. ACSC cat $600. | SOLD at A$180 | ||
1123![]() Click to enlarge photo | 6d Chestnut opt OS. W/C VF fresh MUH. SG O133 cat £42 for M, should be at least double, £84 MUH. ACSC 23A(OS) cat $125. | SOLD at A$40 | ||
1139![]() Click to enlarge photo | £2 Black & rose, variety 'scratch through kangaroo's back'. VF fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum & nice colours. SG 138(var) cat £4250 for M, should be at least double, £8500 MUH. ACSC 58A(V)q cat $23,000 with variety. Extremely rare genuine MUH & certificate can be obtained on request. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$5000 | ||
1150![]() Click for more photos | KGV Mint collection 1914-35 in Seven Seas hingeless pgs near comp ex 1d red Die II with 1913 Engraved 1d (2), single wmk (23) to 1/4 inc 1d red Die I shades (2), 1d red Die III, 4d orange, 4d lemon, 4d violet, 4d blue, 4d olive, 4½d violet & 5d brown. LM wmk set of 5 inc 1d carmine. No wmk 1d & 1½d. SM wmk perf 14 set to 1/4. SM wmk perf 13½x12½ set to 1/4 inc 1d green Die II, 3d blue Die I, 4½d violet Die I & 5d brown Die II. CofA set to 1/4 & OS opts set. F-VF fresh M/MLH. SG cat £1525 = A$3050. ACSC cat $2850. (71) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$800 | ||
1157![]() Click for more photos | 1d Green SM wmk perf 14, perf 13½ x 12½ & CofA wmk used collection with shades, numerous varieties inc perf 14 (60 cat $2100), secret mark (7/1) varieties, wattle line (7/31) & Neck flaw retouch (7/37), Roos tongue out (8/56) etc. Perf 13½x12½ inc varieties (40) cat $1200, wattle flaws (3/37), wattle line state III, CofA wmk inc State perfins & OS used by NSW for short period, major varieties (100+) cat $3000 inc various dents bottom frame, penny retouch (3/23), thin G retouch (4/40), dot before, retouch (6/21), run n retouch (8/60) etc. Mostly F-VFU. ACSC 80-82(var) cat $7100+ (500+) | AVAILABLE at A$700 | ||
1181![]() Click for more photos | Covers 1921-33 OHMS Registered Unclaimed covers with KGV perf OS 5d chestnut single wmk (ACSC 123Ab) dated 4 NO 21, 5d orange-brown SM wmk perf 13½x12½ (ACSC 126Ab) dated 29 MY 33, 1½d red single wmk (ACSC 89Abb) & 3d blue single wmk (ACSC 104Bba) dated 5 AUG 26. From Perth, various transit b/s, Not Known By Letter Carrier etc. VF. ACSC cat $395+. (3) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
1183![]() Click for more photos | 1925-28 OHMS Registered Unclaimed covers with KGV perf OS 1½d red single wmk (ACSC 89Abb) & 3d blue s wmk (ACSC 105Bba) dated 10 DEC 25. Second cover perf OS 1½d red single wmk (ACSC 89Abb) & 3d blue SM wmk perf 14 (ACSC 106Aba) dated 23 FEB 28. From Perth, various transit b/s, Unclaimed. VF fresh. ACSC cat $225. (2) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
1209![]() Click for more photos | 1d Red shade collection from an old time collection. Noted smooth paper G1 & G2 single line perf, G12 salmon red, G17½ deep red aniline, G23 crimson, G26 salmon, G32 brown red, rough paper, G68 rosine, G70 deep rosine, G70½ damson (2), possibly G70½ lilac rose. Inc a few shade variations within the recognised shades. Odd M/UN, mostly U, predominantly VFU. ACSC $800+. (42) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
1216![]() Click for more photos | 1d Red smooth & rough paper shade collection on hagners, the shades were selected by the vendor but large majority are correct inc crimson (G23), crimson inverted wmk (cat $500), crimson 'dry ink' (cat $375), bright red-brown (G24), brick perforated OS (2) (cat $500), pink (G28), carmine-pink (G29), brown-red (G32), also a deep 1918 shade listed as maroon, rough paper shades inc pale rose-red (G64), orange-red (G65), pink & rose-pink (G66 & 67), rosine (G68), maroon (G77). Also inc single line perforation, large multiple wmk Cooke printing inc very clear 11 FEB 18 cds & Harrison various carmine-rose shades. Very good shade collection. F-VFU. ACSC 71 & 72 cat $6500+. (110) | AVAILABLE at A$800 | ||
1297![]() Click for more photos | 1d Red shade collection from an old time collection. Noted smooth paper G1 & G2 single line perf, G11 bright red, G12 salmon red, G19 deep scarlet aniline, G23½ brownish rose, G26 salmon, then rough paper G64 pale rose red, G70 deep rosine, G70½ damson. Also large multiple wmk G105 deep carmine rose, Die 3 G109. Inc a few shade variations within the recognised shade. VF-Superb U. ACSC cat $1800+. Nice collection. (50) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
1344![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1½d Red Electro 23 marginal blk of 6 23L1-2, L7-8, L13-14 showing the vertical dark band through positions 2, 8 & 14. Fine positional piece. VF fresh MUH. ACSC 89(23)d, f & i cat $150, should be at least double, $300 MUH, & others $60, total $360. (6) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
1360![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1½d Red blk of 4, plated 22L22-23, L28-29 with varieties 'Halepence' (22L22) & 'thin RAL retouch' (22L28). The thin RAL variety shows a white flaw in left value tablet which is not mentioned in ACCC specialist study. Is that a later state? Fresh VF MLH. SG 77b & c cat £62 plus 2 other stamps £68. ACSC 89 D (22) i & j cat $100 with 2 other stamps $112. (4) | AVAILABLE at A$35 | ||
1361![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1½d Red no imprint blk of 4 Electro 23 with variety 5 'scratch through left wattles'. F-VF M/MUH, light bend on right pr. SG 77(var). ACSC 89D (23) z a cat $575. (4) | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
1445![]() Click to enlarge photo | 4d Violet Perf OS blk of 4 plated as 2L23 - 2L24, 2L29 - 2L30 showing major varieties thick horiz bar to right 4' (2L24) (gum bends) & flaws under right value shield (2L30) (sl flts). It is very difficult to identify 2L24 in a single stamp. The variety 2L30 proves it. SG O73(var), ACSC 111A(2)h & i cat $1700 as 4 MUH singles. Varieties cat nearly 4 x normals so this blk should cat double $3400 or more. Rare multiple. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
1459![]() Click to enlarge photo | 4d Ultramarine, variety 'splintered SW cnr' (1L58). FU, Moonta SA 11 JA 23. SG 65(var), ACSC 112A(1)k cat $90. | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
1466![]() Click to enlarge photo | 4d Ultramarine perf OS with variety 'horned emu, State 1' (2R17). FU with part Geelong 28 SE 23 cds. SG O74(var), ACSC 112A(2)t cat $90, plus 75% premium for perf OS is $157. | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
1516![]() Click to enlarge photo | 5d Deep bright chestnut, single line perf, variety 'break in bottom frame under NE of Pence' (1L3). VFU. SG 23(var), ACSC 122Af cat $140. | AVAILABLE at A$45 | ||
1517![]() Click to enlarge photo | 5d Chestnut, single line perf, variety 'flaw on kangaroo's neck' (1R54). VFU. SG 23(var), ACSC 122Av cat $140. | AVAILABLE at A$45 | ||
1518![]() Click for more photos | 5d Chestnut comb perf, wmk INVERTED. Superb U, light cnr cds. ACSC 123Aa cat $1250. SG 23bw cat £750. Scarce. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
1520![]() Click to enlarge photo | 5d Orange-brown, comb perf 14, wmk INVERTED. Superb fresh MLH, excellent centring. SG 23bw cat £950. ACSC 123Ca cat $1250. Scarce so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
1522![]() Click to enlarge photo | 5d Yellow-brown perf OS comb perf, variety 'broken NE cnr' (1L13) perf OS. VFU. SG 23(var), ACSC 123Eh cat $75 as normal, x2 perf OS is $150. | SOLD at A$30 | ||
1523![]() Click to enlarge photo | 5d brown (shades) minor varieties inc 1L35, 1L36, 1R22, 1R33 with others not plated. F-VFU. SG 23(var), ACSC 123 cat $200. (7) | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
1524![]() Click for more photos | 5d Chestnut perf OS comb perf interesting marginal stamp, the wmk very off-centre showing part of marginal letters & marginal wmk line & only a small portion of single wmk crown. It is similar to 1d red ACSC 72ac, which commands a considerable premium. Rare OS punctures in top margin. FU, sl wrinkling. SG O42c(var), ACSC 123Ab. A very interesting stamp. | SOLD at A$130 | ||
1525![]() Click to enlarge photo | 5d Chestnut comb perf, variety 'shading behind kangaroo' (1L55). VFU. SG 23(var), ACSC 123Ap cat $75. | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
1526![]() Click to enlarge photo | 5d Yellow-brown perf OS comb perf variety 'damaged NW cnr, State III' (1L56). VFU. SG O42c. SG 23(var), ACSC 123Ebqb variety cat $75 with perf OS 2x, should be at least double, $300 for scarcer shade. | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
1527![]() Click to enlarge photo | 5d Deep yellow-brown comb perf, variety 'flaw in king's hair' (1R56). VFU. SG 23(var), ACSC 123Evd, variety cat $75 but with premium for shade should be at least double, $150. | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
1528![]() Click to enlarge photo | 5d Deep yellow-brown comb perf variety 'retouch NE cnr State III' (1R59). FU. SG 23(var), ACSC 123Eveb variety $45, should be at least double, $90. | AVAILABLE at A$15 | ||
1529![]() Click to enlarge photo | 5d Yellow-brown comb perf variety 'flawed PE in PENCE' (1R60). FU. SG 23(var), ACSC 123Evfa, variety cat $75, should be double for shade. | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
1538![]() Click for more photos | ½d Green Used collection of shades & varieties on hangers inc all listed shades, inverted wmk (9), various paper thickness & major varieties & plates 4-7 inc 'spot on emu's back' (4L1), 'spot after 2' (4L2), 'accent on E' (4L60), 'spot on kangaroo's back' (5L16), 'thin fraction' (5R43), 'handless & neckless emu' (6L52-53), 'SW cnr broken' (7L44) etc. Mostly GU-VFU. SG 48(var). ACSC 65(var) cat $2300+. (95+) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
1544![]() Click to enlarge photo | ½d Bluish-green 4 prs with listed varieties, 4R40-41 with 4R40 barb on fraction bar (ACSC 65A(4)u), 6L52 headless emu (ACSC 65A(6)h), 7L44 SW cnr broken (ACSC 65A(7)d), 7R23-24 flaw behind roo's head (ACSC 65A(7)k). F-VFM several with light toning. SG 48(var), ACSC cat $300. (8) | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
1545![]() Click to enlarge photo | ½d Pale bluish-green blk of 4 positions 5L16-17, 5L22-23 with 3 listed varieties, 5L16 spot on roo (ACSC 65A(5)e), 5L17-8 wattles at left (ACSC 65A(5)f), 5L22 notch left side of cross (ACSC 65A(5)g), nice positional piece. VF 2MLH/2MUH (2). SG 48(var),ACSC 65Ae,f,g cat $150, should be doule MUH $75 x2 = $150, total $300. (4) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
1569![]() Click for more photos | 1d red shade & variety collection inc Cooke carmine-pink (G101), various Harrison shades, perforated OS (2), major varieties inc 'thinned left frame' (6/22), 'RA joined', 'pearl flaw', 'flaw under neck'. GU-VFU. SG 49-50(var). ACSC 73A-74(var) cat $2300+. (33) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
1586![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1d Green & 1½d red blks of 4. Fresh VF 2 MLH, 2 MUH (1d green), 1½d 1 MLH, 3 MUH. SG 83 & 84 cat £130. ACSC 79 & 90A cat $235. (8) | SOLD at A$50 | ||
1604![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1½d Red (shades) Void cnr varieties inc 2 partial corrections (1 dated 29 Nov 26, other 15 Mar 27). F-VFU (dated examples scarce). SG87(var), ACSC 91B(2)g, ga(var) cat $235. (3 diff). | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
1637![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1d Green blk of 4 plated as 3/29-30, 3/35-36, with variety rusted top right cnr (3/23) before 1928 Ash retouches. Fresh VF MUH. SG 95(var). ACSC 81B(2)d cat $75 plus additional stamps $111. (4) | AVAILABLE at A$35 | ||
1638![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1d Green marginal blk of 4, plated 3/23-24, 3/29-30, with varieties 'PENAVY' (3/23) & 'rusted top right cnr' (3/29). Fresh VF MUH. SG 95(var). ACSC 81 B (2) d & e cat $150 M, should be at least double, $324 MUH, plus other stamps. (4) | SOLD at A$70 | ||
1652![]() Click to enlarge photo | 2d Scarlet opt OS Used range showing significant variation in location of OS opt. There are 6 SM wmk perf 13½x12½, at least one of which qualifies as 'opt misplaced' (cat $200) & 4 CofA wmk. Interesting. U-FU. SG O123(var). ACSC 102 A (OS) ca & 103 (A) OS cat $290. (10) | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
1739![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1/4 Turquoise-blue VFU pr CofA wmk with part Adelaide pmk 23 FE 38, showing retouched thick 1 at right on 2nd stamp (1R57). SG 131(var), ACSC 131Bna cat $125. (2) | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
1743![]() Click to enlarge photo | Set ½d Orange to 1/4 greenish blue inc extra shades of 2d, 3d, 4d, 5d & small multiple wmk surch 2d on 1½d red & 5d on 4½d violet. Fresh F-VF MLH. SG 119-20 & 124-31 cat M £230. ACSC cat $440. (16). | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
1768![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1913 Engraved 1d red KGV Plate 3 minor & major varieties. Major variety ACSC 59(3)h weak entry in top R cnr & top of crown retouched, positions 3/23, 3/45, 3/60 & 3/73 shows RF behind emu's head very thin, 3/30 has re-entry between shading & base & right frame at bottom. Fresh VF MLH. SG 17a,c(var), ACSC cat $80. (7) | SOLD at A$40 | ||
1814![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1931 Kingsford Smith 2d red set of 8 Plate Numbers UL cnr blks of 4, plus Ash imprint blk of 4. All VF M/MUH (9 blks of 4). ACSC 141z-zh cat $230. (36) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
1815![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1931 Kingsford Smith OS opt set 2d & 3d. W/C fresh MUH. SG O123-24 cat £360 as M & should be at least double, £720 MUH = A$1450. ACSC 141-42 (OS) cat $1025 & retail similar. Rare genuine MUH set. Certificate can be obtain on request. (P) | SOLD at A$500 | ||
1816![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1931 Kingsford Smith opt OS set 2d & 3d. F-VF MUH. SG O123-4 cat £360 for M, should be at least double, £720 MUH. ACSC 141-2(OS) cat $1250. Scarce genuine set. (2) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
1817![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1931 Kingsford Smith 2d red opt OS, UL cnr marg plate no 7 blk of 4. VF fresh 1MLH/3MUH. SG O123(var), ACSC 141(OS)zf cat $3750+ for M, plus premium for the 3 MUH stamps. Very rare genuine opt plate blk. Certificate can be obtained on request. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1300 | ||
1820![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1931 Kingsford Smith 6d dull violet pr, 1 with variety 'extra islands' (R11/60). MLH. SG 123 b cat £ 80 in pr, ACSC 143e cat $100. (2) | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
1821![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1931 Kingsford Smith 6d violet variety 're-entry'. Superb MLH. SG 123a cat £60. ACSC 143d cat $100. | AVAILABLE at A$35 | ||
1822![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1931 Kingsford Smith 6d violet, variety 'extra islands' (pos 1/60). MUH in right marginal pr with VFM non variety stamp. SG 123(var). ACSC 143e cat $175. | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
1823![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1931 Kingsford Smith 6d violet, variety 're-entries to FO & LD'. VFU. SG 123a cat £110. ACSC 143d cat $125. | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
1882![]() Click to enlarge photo | Australian Commonwealth Specialists' Catalogue - KGVI latest (2024) edition with 237 colour pgs inc imprints, plate numbers, Specimen opts, die proofs, plate varieties, 1946 BCOF opts, Postage Dues & values on cover. | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
1925![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1941 KGVI 3½d opt on 3d blue UL cnr blk of 54. SG 201 cat £160. ACSC 223 cat $128. | AVAILABLE at A$20 | ||
1926![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1941 KGVI 3½d opt on 3d blue near comp sheet of 156 (missing central imprint) with LL Ash imprint cnr blk of 4. Couple hard to see light gum spots, fresh MUH. SG 201 cat £390. ACSC 323 z cat $320. | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
1930![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1942 KGVI 3½d Grey blue, right base part pane of 60 (6 x 10) with selvedge 3 sides. Minor toning affecting 5 stamps, o/w VF MUH ACSC 231 B cat $60. (60) | AVAILABLE at A$12 | ||
1931![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1942 KGVI 3½d blue, right pane of 80 with Authority imprint at LL cnr. VF fresh MUH. SG 207 cat £200. ACSC 231 zg cat $165. (80) | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
1932![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1942 KGVI 3½d deep blue thin translucent paper (0.075mm). VF MUH. SG 207(var). ACSC 231Da cat $125. | SOLD at A$30 | ||
1933![]() Click for more photos | 1945 Gloucester 3½d sheet of 60, plated as sheet B with extended line through upper & lower selvedge. Vertically divided, F-VF MUH. ACSC 233 z cat $120. (60) | AVAILABLE at A$10 | ||
1934![]() Click for more photos | 1945 Gloucester 3½d sheets of 60 trio plated as A, B & C depending on the gutter line positions/extension. Scattered toning throughout. ACSC 234 b ba za zb zc cat $500+. (60) | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
1935![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1945 Gloucester 3½d blue, sheet of 60, plated as Sheet A with perf-pips at top & extended gutter lines through selvedge & both Authority imprints. VF MUH. ACSC 234 b za zc cat $147. (60) | AVAILABLE at A$20 | ||
1936![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1945 Gloucester 3½d blue, sheet of 60, plated as Sheet B with extended gutter lines, plus both Authority imprints. VF MUH. ACSC 234 za zc cat $133. (60) | AVAILABLE at A$20 | ||
1937![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1945 Gloucester 3½d blue, sheet of 60, plated as Sheet C with extended gutter lines through upper selvedge, perf-pips at base & both Authority imprints. VF MUH. ACSC 234 ba za cat $138. (60) | AVAILABLE at A$20 | ||
1940![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1946 Peace 3½d blue, sheet of 60, plated as Sheet B with extended gutter lines, plus both Authority imprints. Odd isolated gum tones. F-VF MUH. ACSC 237 z zd cat $138. (60) | AVAILABLE at A$20 | ||
1951![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1948-49 Hermes 1/6 & Aboriginal Art 2/- CofA wmk, no imprint blks of 4. VF fresh, 2 MLH, 6 MUH. SG 223a, 224. ACSC 261 zf & 261 ze cat $200. (8) | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
1984![]() Click for more photos | 1950 QM 2d yellow-green comp coil roll, 960 stamps in green starter wrapper. Foxing to outer perfs. SG 237a cat £3600 = A$7200. ACSC 48 bg/bi cat $4800 as 480 coil prs, plus extra for the wrapper. An extremely rare survivor. comp coils of this era are never seen. | SOLD at A$325 | ||
2122![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1961 Melba Centenary 5d near comp sheet of 112 (missing TL cnr blk of 8) with full perf pips at left. Couple of small tone spots, o/w fresh MUH. ACSC 384b cat $238. | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
2123![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1962 Stuart Centenary 5d type I near comp sheet of 112 (missing LR cnr), plated as Sheet A with near comp perf-pips at left. VF MUH. ACSC 386Ab cat $238. | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
2220![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1970 Royal Visit set of 22 diff Commem pmks. Some mostly light tone spots effecting a couple of covers, mostly F-VF. APM cat $250. Also official unaddressed FDC with Bondi Junction pmk. (23) | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
2354![]() Click to enlarge photo | 2002 Magic Rainforest $2.70 M/Sheet opt Brisbane Show. VF fresh MUH. SG MS2239(var). Retail $28. | AVAILABLE at A$8 | ||
2358![]() Click to enlarge photo | 2003 High Court Anniv $1.95 M/S opt for Waverley Philatelic Soc. VF fresh MUH. SG MS2325(var). Retail $35. | AVAILABLE at A$8 | ||
2362![]() Click for more photos | 2004 Bon Voyage set 50c-$2 sheets of 50. VF fresh MUH. SG 2391-94. FV $247 alone. (4 sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
2363![]() Click for more photos | 2004 Eureka Stockade set 50c & $2.45 sheets of 50. VF fresh MUH. SG 2396-97. FV $147 alone. (2 sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
2376![]() Click for more photos | 2005 Bush Wildlife set $1-$1.80 sheets of 50. VF fresh MUH. SG 2523-26. FV $255 alone. (4 sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
2410![]() Click for more photos | 2008 Gorgeous Australia views set $1.35-$4 sheets of 50. VF fresh MUH. SG 2923-26. FV $502 alone. (4 sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
2461![]() Click for more photos | 2011 Golf set 60c-$2.35 sheets of 50 inc 60c setenant strips of 3. VF fresh MUH. SG 3641-45. FV $230 alone. (3 sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$160 | ||
2466![]() Click for more photos | 2012 Water birds set 60c-$2.35 sheets of 50 inc 60c setenant prs. VF fresh MUH. SG 3734-37. FV $230 alone.. (3 sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$160 | ||
2480![]() Click for more photos | 2012 Road Trip set 60c-$2.35 sheets of 50 inc 60c setenant strips of 3. VF fresh MUH. SG 3837-41. FV $230 alone. (3 sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$160 | ||
2544![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1967 QEII 50c with 5c/4c red permanent cover, edition N67/3, 'Post Parcels' tab. Unlisted advert order 76, 78-79a, 64d-O, 77a-52a, 68d-16e. VF fresh MUH. SG SB43(var). Pfr B123Ae(var) cat $130+ for normal. | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
2589![]() Click for more photos | 2001 Birds $90 'cheque book' of 20 x $4.50 bklts, general barcode. VF MUH. SG SB145(var), cat £80. Pfr B237 cat $160 - both as 20 single bklts. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
2590![]() Click to enlarge photo | 2001 Birds $90 'cheque book' of 20 x $4.50 booklets, philatelic barcode. SG SB145(var) cat £80. Pfr B237 cat $160 -both as 20 singles bklts. | SOLD at A$60 | ||
2600![]() Click to enlarge photo | 2002 Christmas $8 philatelic barcode, opt Christmas Dinner. Limited Edition no. 223. VF fresh MUH. SG SB156(var). Retail $26. | AVAILABLE at A$12 | ||
2675![]() Click for more photos | Covers: 1958 1d Die II & 5d Die II tied to 1960 Business Reply Post envelope from Bexley to Sydney (ACSC D151 cat $200). 6d Die II single franking from Naromine to Sydney (D155 cat $30). Both with GPO Sydney arrival cds. VF, total cat $230. (2) | AVAILABLE at A$65 | ||
2700![]() Click for more photos | 1973 Food Chain set 1c-$1 in sheets of 100 (1c large multiples). VF fresh MUH. FV $300+ alone. SG 23-34 cat £845 as singles plus premium for sheets. (1200) | AVAILABLE at A$240 | ||
2701![]() Click for more photos | 1973 Definitives 1c, 8c, 9c & 20c in sheets of 100. VF fresh MUH. SG 23, 26, 27 & 29. FV alone $38. (4 sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$28 | ||
2733![]() Click for more photos | 1995 Whales & Dolphins set 45c-$1 in 3 panes of 50. VF fresh MUH. FV alone $95. SG 108-11 cat £237. Retail $200. (3 panes) | AVAILABLE at A$65 | ||
2751![]() Click for more photos | 2014 Centenary of Expedition (4th issue) set 60c - $1.20 in sheets of 50. VF fresh MUH. SG 235-39. FV alone $90. (2 sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
2762![]() Click for more photos | 1934 New Zealand-Australia cover franked 7d blue Trans-Tasman Air Mail opt tied by Hataitai 23 JAN 34 cds, 'Auckland 17 DE 34' transit cds, flight cachet & Sydney b/s. AAMC 360 cat $75. Stamp SG 554 cat £45 as loose stamp & 'from x2' on cover. | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
2818![]() Click to enlarge photo | Envelope: 1923-24 KGV 'Star' 1½d on 2d orange no Postage. F-VF UN, sl aging. ACSC EP24 cat $750. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
2819![]() Click to enlarge photo | Envelope: 1923 KGV Star 1½d green. VF UN, edges sl aged. ACSC EP27 cat $200. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
2835![]() Click to enlarge photo | Envelope - Official: 1923 KGV Star 1½d on 2d red OS Die for Education Dept Melbourne. FU, sl tones, 'Murtoa' cds. ACSC EO14 cat $250. | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
2963![]() Click for more photos | Lettercard: 1914-18 KGV 1d brown-black Die 1 perf 12½, view Shipping Butter. Superb fresh UN. ACSC LC18(123) cat $175. | AVAILABLE at A$65 | ||
2964![]() Click for more photos | Lettercard: 1914-18 KGV 1d black Die 1 perf 12½, view Shipping Butter. Superb fresh UN. ACSC LC18(123) cat $175. | AVAILABLE at A$65 | ||
3039![]() Click for more photos | Lettercard: 1922-23 KGV 2d red views Government House Perth, & Pineapples (pickers). 1st suntan bars text side & perf separation at right, 2d suntanned. ACSC LC49(56E & 102B) cat $500. (2). | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
3040![]() Click for more photos | Lettercard: 1922-23 KGV 2d red, view Government House. Superb fresh UN. ACSC LC49(56E) cat $250. | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
3041![]() Click for more photos | Lettercard: 1922-23 KGV 2d red, view Government House Perth. FU, 'Melbourne 24 JL 1922' pmk. ACSC LC49(56E) cat $100. | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
3042![]() Click for more photos | Lettercard: 1922-23 KGV 2d red view Government House Sydney. VF fresh UN. ACSC LC49(57B) cat $250. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
3043![]() Click for more photos | Lettercard: 1922-23 KGV 2d red, view GPO Hobart. FU, 'Bordertown SA 13 MR 23' cds. ACSC LC49(58A) cat $100. | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
3045![]() Click for more photos | Lettercard: 1922-23 KGV 2d red, view 'Pineapples' (pickers). Superb UN. ACSC LC49(102B) cat $250. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
3046![]() Click for more photos | Lettercard: 1922-23 KGV 2d red, view Pineapples (pickers). VFU, 'Melbourne 5 SE 1923' pmk. ACSC LC49(102B) cat $100. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
3047![]() Click for more photos | Lettercard: 1923-24 KGV 1½d green, perf 12½, view 'The Gilderoy Ranges'. F-VF UN. ACSC LC51(52) cat $250. Scarce view. | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
3048![]() Click for more photos | Lettercard: 1923-24 KGV 1½d green perf 12½, view GPO Hobart. Superb fresh UN. ACSC LC51(58B) cat $175. | AVAILABLE at A$65 | ||
3049![]() Click for more photos | Lettercard: 1923-24 KGV 1½d green perf 12½, view Phantom Falls. VF fresh UN. ACSC LC51(100B) cat $175. | AVAILABLE at A$55 | ||
3050![]() Click for more photos | Lettercard: 1923-24 KGV 1½d green, perf 12½, view Trentham Falls. VFU. ACSC LC51(134) cat $500. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$140 | ||
3051![]() Click for more photos | Lettercard: 1923-24 KGV 1½d green perf 12½, view Zoo Adelaide. VF fresh UN, no gum. ACSC LC51(142D) cat $500. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$160 | ||
3074![]() Click for more photos | Lettercards: 1953-80 QEII comp 1959-80, plus the later pictorials. Superb fresh UN. ACSC LC76, 81B & 83-99 cat $237. (22) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
3076![]() Click for more photos | Lettercards: 1914-23 CTO KGV trio with 1d Die I perf 12½ view A Blue Gum Log. 2d orange perf 10 on cream Sydney Harbour. 1½d green perf 12½ GPO Hobart. Superb fresh CTO 1st Wyong NSW Aust cds, Melbourne cds on other 2 which are specimens for UPU. ACSC 18(11)var, 45(128B)x & 51(58B)x cat $300. (3) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
3091![]() Click for more photos | Postcard: 1911 KGV Fullface 1d red, 'Address Only' or 'The left half' admonitions (2 shades ea), one of the first with both sides printed for National Bank of Australasia on buff both sides stock, PTPO? & others white with buff reverse. Fair-VF U. ACSC P1 & P23 cat $130. (4) | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
3093![]() Click for more photos | Postcard: 1911 Coronation 1d grey King unframed diffuse oval, type 2, white reverse. VFU, 'Victoria 23 JUN 11' pmk. ACSC P2(2)A cat $75. | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
3145![]() Click for more photos | Postcard: 1911 Coronation 1d black Queen rectangle with unshaded arms, buff reverse. Superb U, 'Adelaide 23 JUL 12' pmk, printed reverse for Minarto Slate & Flagstone Coy. ACSC P13B cat $75. | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
3212![]() Click for more photos | Postcard: 1911 KGV Full Face 1d red, 'The left half' admonition, printed reverses for Royal Society of Victoria (closed spike-hole), Cosmopolitan Society Adelaide & Philatelic Society WA. Some flts, used 1913-15. ACSC P23 cat $90. (3) | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
3213![]() Click for more photos | Postcard: 1911 KGV Full Face 1d red, 'The left half' admonition, off-white reverse. To Germany, uprated Kangaroo ½d with 'Neerim South 18 AP 14' cds. U, edge tear & UL cnr crease. ACSC P23 cat $30+, plus the Kangaroo cat $60 as uprating. | SOLD at A$25 | ||
3215![]() Click to enlarge photo | Postcard: 1923 Surch ONE PENNY KGV on 1½d green, variety 'broken LR cnr'. Superb fresh UN. ACSC P60d cat $500+. Scarce so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
3217![]() Click to enlarge photo | Postcard: 1923 KGV 1d on 1½d emerald with footnote, off-white stock. Superb fresh UN. ACSC P54(2) cat $500. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
3218![]() Click to enlarge photo | Postcard: 1923 KGV 2d red. Superb fresh UN. ACSC P55 cat $500. Scarce so nice. | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
3219![]() Click to enlarge photo | Postcard: 1923 KGV 1d on 1½d brown from 1919 issue with 2 lines of text at base. Superb UN, front very fresh. ACSC P57 cat $1500. Very rare. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$425 | ||
3234![]() Click for more photos | POW: 1945 use of Airmail 1/- blue Lettersheet with ' Mi PO Myrtleford 23 JY 45'. To Italy with censor tape & cachet. VFU. ACSC POW2 cat $250. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
3237![]() Click for more photos | Registered Envelope: 1913 Kangaroo 4d orange long type (230x 110mm). Superb fresh UN. ACSC RE2 cat $1000. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$375 | ||
3245![]() Click for more photos | Registered Envelope: 1922-23 KGV 5d brown with saw-tooth edges & curved flap. Superb fresh UN. ACSC RE13 cat $300. | AVAILABLE at A$85 | ||
3246![]() Click for more photos | Registered Envelope: 1922-23 KGV 5d brown PROOF w/o stamp imprint, filing hole UR as ex archives. Superb fresh UN. ACSC RE13(p)1 cat $7500. UNIQUE example illustrated in ACSC. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$3300 | ||
3247![]() Click for more photos | Registered Envelope: 1923 Surch KGV 4½d on 5d brown, straight edge flap, text setting 3 on 1921 issue (RE11C). VF fresh UN. ACSC RE14C cat $1500 for U, unpriced UN, & would be at least $3000. Only 1 used recorded & this is the 1st UN example discovered. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. | AVAILABLE at A$1800 | ||
3248![]() Click for more photos | Registered Envelope: 1923 Surch KGV 4½d brown, plus another with variety 'envelpe', plus 1930 KGV 5d brown type 1. VF fresh UN. ACSC RE17, RE17d & RE26 cat $550. (3) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
3249![]() Click for more photos | Registered Envelope: 1923 4½ on 5d Brown KGV sideface, address lines at left. VF UN. ACSC RE16 cat $300. | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
3253![]() Click for more photos | Registered Envelope: 1930 Surch KGV 5d on 4½d violet on 1923 issue design (RE20B). VF fresh UN, sl edge scuffs at base. ACSC RE23 cat $1500. Only tiny number printed & extremely rare in UN condition. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$475 | ||
3272![]() Click to enlarge photo | Wrapper - Official: 1922-23 OHMS KGV 1d violet solid OS die for Deputy Commissioner for Maternity Allowances. Superb U, 'Melbourne 7 MR 23' cds. ACSC WO5 cat $1200. Very rare. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$575 | ||
3273![]() Click for more photos | Wrapper - Official: 1922-23 OHMS KGV 1d violet solid OS die for Deputy Commissioner for Maternity Allowances. VF UN. ACSC WO5 cat $2000. Extremely rare in UN condition. This example illustrated in ACSC & possibly the only recorded. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1000 | ||
3280![]() Click to enlarge photo | Wrapper - PTPO: 1938-40 KGVI 2d red & Queen 1d green DOUBLETON. Thought to have been used to send boxes, as suggested by folds, of medical samples to doctors. ACSC WS23 cat $1500. (P) | SOLD at A$375 | ||
3288![]() Click for more photos | 1930s covers Adelaide to Darwin Air Service dated 19 MR 31 with KS 3d 6d violet. 150th NSW Anniv set 2d, 3d, 9d sent on FDI to London & forwarded by BNSW Berkeley Square to their client Col Tristan James, a decorated WWI Veteran at Clapham Common. Unusual. ACSC 143 cat $230. (2). | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
3310![]() Click to enlarge photo | Australian Commonwealth Specialist Catalogue, Australian States 1901-12 Federal Period. 2023 Edition, 343 colour pgs with comprehensive listing of all stamps of the period inc Die/Plate Proofs, FDC, perfs & wmks, plate flaws, perf errors inc imperfs, compound & mixed, & OS perfins. New. | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
3315![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1852-53 QV Laureate 6d grey-brown, variety partial DOUBLE PRINTING with shifting to the left, especially strong on SIX PENCE. FU, barred oval pmk, 2 margins. SG 76(var) cat £275+ as normal & variety worth several times. 2023 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
3332![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1882-97 'NINEPENCE' opt QV 10d red-brown, wmk crown NSW (w40), perf 11, error opt DOUBLE. VF fresh MLH. Scott 96c cat US$325. SG 236dca cat £325. 2022 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) | SOLD at A$100 | ||
3336![]() Click for more photos | 1885-86 'POSTAGE' black opt QV 5/- lilac & green Stamp Duty, perf 12x10, wmk NSW upwards. F-VFM, original gum. Sc 72 cat US$850. SG 238b cat £1000. Rare genuine mint. 2011 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$575 | ||
3395![]() Click for more photos | New South Wales Postal Stationery Specimens: 1870s-90s collection with Postcards (2), Lettercards (3), Envelopes (4), Reg Env, Wrappers (6), Telegram 1/- & Official Postcard CTO, Envelopes (5) CTO/ Specimen. Almost all F-VF UN, majority very fresh. Nice lot. (23). | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
3398![]() Click for more photos | Envelopes: 1870-97 specialist range inc QV 1d red, 2d blue & ½d grey, 1888 Centennial 1d violet (8), plus 1d+1d Doubleton Scotch Whiskey, 2d Emu (10), 1897 Arms 1d red & QV 2d blue. Mostly VF UN. All diff inc diff colour stocks, diff flaps, shades etc. (23). | SOLD at A$160 | ||
3415![]() Click for more photos | Postcard: 1898 Numeral 1½d blue Christmas Greetings views Hawkesbury River, Mosman's Bay & GPO. All diff colours. VF UN, mostly fresh. PSSA PC23a. (4) | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
3416![]() Click for more photos | Postcard: 1898 Numeral 1½d blue view 'Mosman's Bay' in green-black, 'Greetings from' in lilac. VFU to Switzerland, barred oval '204' pmk, Bern arrival cds. H&G 23a. | SOLD at A$35 | ||
3417![]() Click for more photos | Postcard: 1898 Numeral 1½d blue New Year Greetings views Fairy Dell, Hawkesbury River, Mosman's Bay & Town Hall. VF UN, mostly fresh. PSSA PC23b. (4) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
3418![]() Click for more photos | Postcard: 1898 1½d blue view Technological Museum in dark red, 'With New Year Greetings' in salmon-pink. VF CTO NSW oval pmk. PSSA PC23b(var). | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
3419![]() Click for more photos | Postcard: 1898 Numeral 1½d blue, view 'Town Hall' in black, 'New Year Greetings' in grey. VFU, to Germany, 'Sydney NO 29 98' duplex pmk 'Hamm' arrival cds. H&G 23B. | AVAILABLE at A$35 | ||
3457![]() Click for more photos | Registered Envelope: 1898 QV 3d size G curved flap, used to Germany with QV 2½d tied by 'The Exchnage JU 23 05' Duplex, arrival b/s. H&G C12a. | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
3503![]() Click to enlarge photo | Stamp Duty: 1966 Numeral 15c green & blue IMPERF sheet of 100 with imprint 'VCN Blight, Government Printer'. F-VF MUH, margins & a few stamps sl tones. Bft 230(var). Extremely rare, only 1 other imperf sheet known. Originally coat vendor $690. | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
3521![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1895 QV 2½d pale carmine, horiz pr, imperf plate PROOF, blank background, 2 cnr numerals on bluish granite paper, no wmk. Superb UN as made, 4 large margins. SG 213(p). ACSC Q23(PP)1B cat $1000+. Very rare. (2) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
3522![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1895 QV 2½d pale reddish-purple horiz pr, imperf plate PROOF, blank background, 2 cnr numerals on bluish granite paper, no wmk. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG 213(p). ACSC Q23(PP)1F cat $2000+. Very rare. (2) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
3523![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1895 QV 2½d light brown horiz pr, imperf plate PROOF, blank background, 2 cnr numerals on bluish granite paper, no wmk. Fresh UN as made, small thin, 4 large margins. SG 213(p). ACSC Q23(PP)1G cat $2000, plus premium for pr. Very rare. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
3524![]() Click for more photos | 1895 QV 2½d pale brown, imperf plate PROOF, blank background, 2 cnr numerals, on bluish granite paper (with strong mesh), no wmk. VF fresh UN as made, 4 margins. SG 213(p), ACSC Q23(PP)1G cat $1000. Very rare. 2011 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
3526![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1897-98 QV 1d vermilion vert pr, compound plain & black roulette & perf 12½-13. VFU, on piece. Sc 123e cat US$200. SG 261 cat £200. Rare used multiple. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
3587![]() Click for more photos | 1858-59 QV 1/- orange, wmk star, roul, error PRINTED BOTH SIDES. VFU, diamond barred '123' pmk. Scott 9a, SG 18a cat £2500+. Unusually nice quality example of this very rare error with printing on reverse especially clear. RPSL photo cert. (P) | SOLD at A$1700 | ||
3595![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1860-69 'TEN PENCE' blue opt QV 9d yellow rouletted, reconstruction showing 6 types of opt. G-VFU, all Adelaide cds. Sc 23 cat US$195. SG 36 cat £300. (6). (P) | SOLD at A$110 | ||
3599![]() Click for more photos | 1874-77 OS opt QV 1d green, perf 11½x10. F-VF U, perf GPO/SA/23 OC 74 cds. Scott O27a cat US$400. SG O2 cat £475+ & under catalogued. Rare genuine. 2002 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
3601![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1876-1900 QV 9d rose-lilac (2 shades) & 9d rose-lilac, large holes (2 shades), wmk Broad Star, perf 11½ - 12½. F-VF fresh M/MLH. SG 123, 124 cat £108. (4) | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
3627![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1891-93 QV Surch set 2½d on 4d both pale green & deep green & 5d on 6d both pale brown & deep brown perf 10 plus 2½d on 4d perf 15. VF fresh M/MLH. SG 229, 229b, 230, 230a & 233 cat £118. (5) | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
3628![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1891-93 '2½d' opt QV 4d green blk of 4, perf 15, UL stamp variety '2' & '1½' closer F-VF fresh 2M/2MUH. SG 233-233b cat £310 for m singles, MUH should be at least double, £430, plus premium for blk. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
3629![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1894-1906 QV Kangaroo & Shield comp inc 2½d & 5d perf 15, 2½d, 3 shades & 5d, both shades, perf 13 & 2½d & 5d, perf 12x11½, all wmk crown SA. F-VF fresh M/MLH. SG 234-240 cat £239. (9) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
3631![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1894-1900 QV Kangaroo 2½d violet-blue blk of 4, with crown SA, perf 13. VF fresh MUH. SG 236 cat £160 for M, should be at least double, £320 MUH, plus premium for blk. (4). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
3636![]() Click for more photos | 1902-04 QV Thin Postage 3d, 4d, 6d & 9d, blks of 4. VF fresh M/MLH, 3d sl horiz gum crease on 2. SG 268-70, 273 cat £372. ACSC S18, S20, S23, S27 cat $560, plus premium for blks. (4 blks). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
3699![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1855 QV Chalon 6d dull lilac, wmk Large Star imperf, unissued. Fresh UN, 4 margins, closed diag tear. SG footnote after 18 cat £750. Only 1 sheet existed in poor creased condition & this is much better than average. 2023 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) | SOLD at A$325 | ||
3703![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1899-1900 Pictorial set ½d-6d, wmk Mult TAS. Superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. SG 229-236 cat £190 for M, should be at least double, £380 MUH. Rare so nice. (8) (P) | SOLD at A$550 | ||
3704![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1899-1900 Pictorial set ½d-6d, wmk Mult TAS. VF fresh MLH. Scott 86-93 cat US$214. SG 229-236 cat £190. (8) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
3706![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1899-1900 Pictorial 2½d indigo blk of 4. VF fresh MUH. SG 232 cat £104 for M singles, should be at least double, £208 MUH, plus premium for blk. | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
3707![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1899-1900 Pictorial 3d sepia UR cnr marginal horiz strip of 4 with printer's guide mark & part coloured Printer's screw head circle, wmk mult TAS. VF fresh MUH. SG 233 cat £100 for M singles, should be at least double, £200 MUH, plus premium for strip. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
3796![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1854-55 Swan 1/- deep red-brown, imperf. F-VF U, barred oval pmk cut square with 4 margins. Scott 5b cat US$1100. SG 4a cat £1100. Rare shade. 2023 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
3807![]() Click for more photos | 1857-59 Swan 6d grey-black lithographed, roulette about 12 on all 4 sides. Superb U, barred oval '1' pmk, unusually large & even margins showing position of adjoining stamp at base. Scott 9 cat US$2500. SG 23 cat £1400. Rare genuine & this exceptional quality example is probably the best recorded. RPSL photo-cert. (P) | SOLD at A$1400 | ||
3840![]() Click for more photos | Postmark collection 1914-1990s A-Y in s/book ranging from 1d Kangaroo & 1d red KGV to decimal period, inc Benger, Denmark, Mornington, Mandiga, Parkerville on 1s Wan. Range of 1990s rubber cds, inc Paid, Relief, Christmas Is, Cocos & Keeling Islands. Few NT & small collection of WA numerals (49) on mainly 2d Swans from 1-36 inc Williams River (23), Sharks Bay (32). Appear all diff. (1800+). | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
3891![]() Click for more photos | Ascension: 1922-80s Mint collection in binder inc 1922 opt KGV St Helena set to 3/- (SG cat £325). 1924-33 KGV Ship set to 3/- (£350). 1934 KGV Pic set to 5/- (£130). 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938-53 KGVI Pic set to 10/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1956 QEII Pic set to 10/-. 1963 QEII Bird set to £1. 1981-82 Flower set to £1. 1986 Ship set to £2. G-VF M/MUH, post 1960 MUH, some gum tropicalisation. SG cat £2300+ = A$4600+. (475 + 19 M/S) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$550 | ||
3893![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1910 80th Birthday set 1h-10Kr. Mostly VF M/MLH. Mi 161-177 cat €600. SG 223-239 cat £800. (17). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
3895![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1931 Rotary opt set 10g-1S. VF fresh M/MLH. Mi 518-523 cat €350. SG 666-671 cat £350. (6) | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
3928![]() Click for more photos | 1945 covers franked 'Osterreich' opt Hitler 8pf with Hitler blotted out, tied by Wien cds of 23rd-26th June 1945, plus Hitler 5pf Postal card with Osterreich opt 5pf affixed over original stamp imprint UN. (5). | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
3945![]() Click for more photos | 1855-58 Britannia (½d) green, imperf on white paper. VFU, 4 margins, barred oval pmk. Scott 5 cat US$230, SG 8 cat £150. 2002 RPSL photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$110 | ||
3983![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1919-20 King Tin Hat set 1c-10Fr. F-VF UN. COB 165-178 cat €900. SG 237-250 cat £1000. (14). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
3986![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1953 Railway Parcel 200Fr deep green. VF fresh MUH. SG P1451 cat £275. COB TR334 cat €230. (P) | SOLD at A$70 | ||
3989![]() Click for more photos | Belgium: 1893-2002 Mint collection inc 1893-1900 King & Arms set to 2Fr, all with tags (SG cat £850+). 1905-08 King set to 2Fr with tags (£600). 1910 & 1911 Charity sets with tags inc '1911' Brussels set (£500). 1914 & 1915 Red Cross sets (£240). 1912 King & Arms set to 5Fr with tags (£200). 1915-22 King Pic set to 10Fr (£650). 1918 Red Cross opt set to 10F+10Fr (£1500). 1919-20 'Tin Hat' King set to 10F (£1000). 1924 Brussels Exhib M/S (£375). 1922-27 King set to 10F (£180). 1930 Antwerp Exhib M/S U (£475). 1931-32 King set to 10F (£130). 1931 Soldiers Fund M/S U (£325). 1932 Mercier Fund set to 10F+40F (£650). 1932 Infantry set (£200). 1932 TB Fund set (£150). 1933 Abby Fund set to 10F+40F (£1100). 1933 TB Fund set (£300) & 1934 set (£190). 1935 Brussels Exhib M/S (£225). 1936 Burgerhout Exhib M/S (£120). 1952 UPU set to 40F+10F (£375). 1957 Antarctic M/S (£225). Then really good coverage of Commems & Defs + M/S where issued. VF fresh M/MUH, post 1960 being almost all MUH. SG cat £23,000+ = A$46,000+. Beautiful collection. (2900 + 90 M/S) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$4000 | ||
3991![]() Click for more photos | Belgium: 1902-45 Railway Parcels Mint collection inc 1902-14 set to 10F. 1923 set to 50F (SG cat £225). 1928 'Journaux Dagbladen 1928' opt set to 20F (£190). 1929-31 opt set to 20F (£225). 1934 set 3Fr-5Fr (£100). Mostly F-VF fresh M/MUH, few blemishes. SG cat £750+. (99) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
4009![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1970 Surch 2c/2d, wmk sideways, error green shifted 10mm right & sl up - note green plate number greatly shifted too. VF fresh MUH. SG 233(var). (4) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
4010![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1970 Surch 2c/2d wmk sideways, error lilac OMITTED (church etc), plus normal to compare. Superb fresh MUH. SG 233a cat £1100. Very rare. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$700 | ||
4031![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1948 KGVI Silver Wedding set 3c & $3. VFU. SG 322-323 cat £30. (2). | AVAILABLE at A$17 | ||
4099![]() Click for more photos | 1932 Airmail set 18L-28L, UR cnr marginal blks of 4. Superb fresh MUH. Mi 249-251 cat €1000+. SG 323-25 cat £1000+ for M singles, should be at least double, £2000+ MUH, plus premium for rare multiples. (12) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
4101![]() Click for more photos | Eastern Roumelia & South Bulgaria: 1880-85 Postcards. East Roumelia 1880 Circular Posthorn type 5pa, 10pa, 20pa, plus 5pa, 10pa & 20pa double reply cards. South Bulgaria 5pa, 10pa & 20pa, plus 5pa, 10pa & 20pa double reply cards, all with no frame around lion opt. Also 5pa, 10pa, 20pa, plus 5pa, 10pa & 20pa double cards with frame around lion opt. All diff. Mostly F-VF UN. Mi cat €1500+. Rarely seen material. (23) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
4118![]() Click for more photos | 1941 Registered Airmail Censor cover (opened out) franked KGVI 3p, 1½a (2), 4a, 8a, 1R & 2R, tied by 'Rangoon 22 SEP 41' cds. To USA via ChungKing, Hong Kong, Manilla & Hawaii on the last direct Clipper (left 10.10, later flights via Singapore), b/s Honolulu, New York & Hackensack arrival. SG 19, 23, 28-31 cat £21 & 'from x4' on cover. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$160 | ||
4126![]() Click for more photos | 1915 'C.E.F. 5S' opt Yacht 5mk carmine & black, variety 'S' broken at top. VFU, on piece with forged Duala (Kamerun) 11.10.15' cds. Mi 13II. SG B13b cat £1200 for M & unpriced U. Only 100 of this variety printed. 2023 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$550 | ||
4175![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1937-38 KGVI Pictorial set 1c-$1. VF M/MLH, mostly fresh. SG 357-367 cat £180. Unitrade 238-245 cat C$240. | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
4192![]() Click for more photos | 1927 Atlantic Airmail Flight 'Air Mail / DE PINEDO / 1927' red opt 60c black. Superb fresh M, original gum & exceptional centring. SG 163 cat £42,000++, Unitrade C4 cat C$70,000++, plus significant premium for the superb centring. Only 300 printed of which over 230 were used on mail, & remaining 66 presented to De Pinedo & other dignitaries of which less than half are now recorded as surviving. Thus in mint condition this is one of the major rarities of world airmails, especially with such nice centring - probably the best in existance. Exp Kessler & Sanabria, plus 1967 Bolaffi & 1967 Alberto Diena photo-certs, while diff new certificate can be obtained on request. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$40000 | ||
4195![]() Click for more photos | 1931-33 Airmail collection on pgs. 1931 Pictorial sets 15c, 50c & $1 with & w/o wmks, 1933 Pic set 5c-75c. VF fresh M. SG 192-97, 230-34 cat £365. Unitrade C6-11, C13-17 cat C$605. (11) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$160 | ||
4198![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1933 Balbo Flight opt $4.50 on 75c yellow-brown. Superb fresh MLH. SG 235 cat £275. Unitrade C18 cat C$450. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$160 | ||
4245![]() Click for more photos | 1949 World Federation of Trade Unions set $5000-$35,000 for North East China, original printing. VF fresh UN as issued. C3NE. SG NE261-NE263. Extremely rare genuine set. 2023 Ceremuga photo cert. (3) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$4750 | ||
4248![]() Click for more photos | 1950 1st Anniv Flag set $1000-$20,000 for NE China, original printing. Superb UN as issued. C6NE. SG NE293-97. Rare genuine set. 2023 Ceremuga photo cert. (5). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1500 | ||
4249![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1951 Gate of Heavenly Peace $100,000 scarlet, with pink network background. VFU, '55.5.23 Peking' cds. R5-5. SG 1497 cat £225. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
4258![]() Click for more photos | 1963 Monkey set 8f-22f. VF fresh MUH. S60. SG 2121-2123. (3) | AVAILABLE at A$85 | ||
4274![]() Click for more photos | 1964 Hydro-Electric Power Station set 4f-20f. Superb fresh MUH. S68. SG 2223-26. (4) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
4275![]() Click for more photos | 1965 Tsunyi Conference 8f set. VF fresh MUH. C109. SG 2235-37. (3) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$325 | ||
4283![]() Click for more photos | 1966 Industrial Machines set 4f-22f. Superb fresh MUH. S62. SG 2304-11. (8) (P) | SOLD at A$425 | ||
4284![]() Click for more photos | 1966 Sun Yat-Sen 8f. VF fresh MUH. C120. SG 2324. | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
4285![]() Click for more photos | 1966 Asian Games set 8f. VF fresh MUH. C121. SG 2328-31. (4) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
4286![]() Click for more photos | 1966 Lu Hsun 8f set. VF fresh MUH. C122. SG2329-31. (3) (P) | SOLD at A$325 | ||
4287![]() Click for more photos | 1967 Oilwell Firefighters 8f set. VF fresh MUH. C124. SG 2332-2334. (3) | SOLD at A$190 | ||
4288![]() Click for more photos | 1967 Liu Ying Chung 8f set. Superb fresh MUH. C123, SG 2335-40. (6) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
4289![]() Click for more photos | 1967 Third Five-Year Plan 8f set. VF fresh MUH. C118. SG 2341-2342. (2) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
4290![]() Click for more photos | 1967 Thoughts of Mao 8f set of 2 se-tenant strips both LL cnr marginal WITH IMPRINTS, plus single. VF fresh MUH, with, pristine never hinged original gum & UNFOLDED, gold colour sl uneven but still much nicer than usual. W1. SG 2343-53 inc 2344a & 2349a cat £4250+ plus premium for imprints. Rare genuine examples of this very popular issue. 2024 Ceremuga photo-certs for strips. (11) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$3500 | ||
4291![]() Click for more photos | 1967 Thoughts of Mao 8f set of 2 se-tenant strips, plus single. VF fresh CTO with UH gum. W1. SG 2343-53 inc 2344a & 2349a cat £1140. (11) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$700 | ||
4292![]() Click for more photos | 1967 Mao 18th Anniv 8f set. Superb fresh MUH. W6. SG 2370-71. (2). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$325 | ||
4294![]() Click for more photos | 1968 Mao Anti American Declaration 8f. VF fresh MUH. W9. SG 2396. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$325 | ||
4295![]() Click for more photos | 1968 Mao Anti American Declaration 8f. VF fresh MUH. W9. SG 2396. (P) | SOLD at A$325 | ||
4317![]() Click for more photos | 2003 New Year Goat 50c & $1.50 sheets of 50. VF fresh MUH. FV $100 alone. SG 523-24 cat £122+. (2 sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
4334![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1990 Provisional opt set inc both 10c plus 'Official Paid' CTO as always. Also $5/65c opt Plane. VF fresh MUH. SG 230, 234-9 & O1 cat £152. Retail $380. (8) | SOLD at A$90 | ||
4335![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1990 Surch $5/65c Aircraft. VF fresh MUH. SG 230 cat £17. Retail $85. | SOLD at A$10 | ||
4336![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1990 Christmas booklets $3 & $4 with 40c &/or 70c stamps in panes of 6 or 10 with tabs. VF fresh MUH. SG 231a & b cat £29. (2) | AVAILABLE at A$10 | ||
4342![]() Click for more photos | 1952 Airmail covers franked Australia Kangaroo ½d & KGVI 3½d tied 'RAAF PO Cocos Island 19 FE 52' cds, to Sydney. 1953 franked Koala 4d tied 'RAAF PO Cocos Island 10 NO 53' cds to England, both with large 'RAAF SERVICE' h/s. SG 228, 230a & 247. (2). | SOLD at A$50 | ||
4344![]() Click for more photos | 1991 covers (2) ea franked with 1991 Provisional 'Mainland Postage Paid' opt on 10c Shell, one of ea type (hatched & cross hatched), to NSW. SG 234 & 236. VF & scarce usages. (2). | AVAILABLE at A$35 | ||
4350![]() Click for more photos | 1921-28 Collection inc 1921 SCADTA to 5p plus 15c, 20c & 30c, horiz IMPERF prs. 1923-28 Servicio Transportes set to 5p (SG cat £200). 1928 Mendez Goodwill Flight opt set 20c & 30c. F-VF M/MUH, 4U. Scott ex C25-54 cat US$1000+. SG cat £1000+ = A$2000+, plus the rare imperf prs. (37). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
4353![]() Click for more photos | Airmail Postal History 1920s-50s internal & international with SCADTA issues to pay internal air fees & normal Colombia stamps for the overseas portion of flight. With 1921 & 1923 issues (180 stamps on 135 covers) to 1P, with better issues inc 60c orange (2, SG cat £68), 30c/20c grey (3, £195) 30c 'Provisional' on 60c (2, £86), 'R'' opts etc. Also 1929 issues with & w/o opts (28 on 20 covers), Avianca 'A' opts (100+ on 47 covers), Lansa 'L' opts (38 on 17 covers) mixed a & L opts (3 covers). & more (16). Some better inc 1932 10c brown opt 'Correo Aero' scarce printed matter rate solo franking, 1930 Bolivar opt 30c/1P rare on contemporary commercial cover, plus the good surch already noted. Destinations inc Canada, Canal Zone, Czechoslovakia, Ecuador, England, France, Germany, Israel, Switzerland, USA & Venezuela. With some nice pictorial advertising, Flight covers etc. The 1921-23 cat £?475 for the SCADTA alone as loose stamps, plus the 100s of others & for on cover. Fantastic lot for specialist. (425+ stamps on 245+ covers). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1300 | ||
4355![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1902 Bird ½d green, vert marg pr, error IMPERF horiz. Fresh MLH, tiny thin. Scott 27a cat US$1400. SG 23a cat £1300. Rare bird thematic. (P) | SOLD at A$400 | ||
4365![]() Click for more photos | Gibraltar: 1933 Registered Zeppelin 4th Sth America flight card (diag crease UR), franked KGV 1½d Pic & 1/- Def, tied by 'Gibraltar 25 JY 33' pmk & by 'Berlin 5 8 33' cds. To Brazil with 2 flight cachets b/s Pernambuco cds. Sieger 223B. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
4368![]() Click for more photos | Morocco Agencies: 1933 Zeppelin 7th Sth America flight registered cover franked KGV 3d & 1/- tied by Registered British PO Tangier 4 SP 33' pmks. To Brazil with 2 diff flight cachets, Pernambuco arrival b/s. Sieger 232B. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
4375![]() Click for more photos | Sudan: 1933 Zeppelin 4th Sth America flight cover franked Airmail 2½Pi & 3Pi, tied by 'Sudan Airmail Wadi Halfa 27 VII 33' cds. To Brazil with 2 diff flight cachets, Recife & Pernambuco b/s. Sieger 223B. Extremely rare. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$2200 | ||
4392![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1921-23 KGV set 10pa-45Pi, wmk script. VF fresh M/MLH. SG 85-99 cat £550. (15). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
4393![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1921-23 KGV 2Pi carmine & blue, variety broken bottom left triangle, wmk script. Superb fresh MLH. SG 93a cat £325. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
4394![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1921-23 KGV £1 purple & black on red, top value. Superb fresh MLH, beautiful bright colour & excellent centring. Scott 88 cat US$1400+, SG 101 cat £1400+. Rare stamp in premium quality. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1000 | ||
4395![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1921-23 KGV £1 purple & black on red. Stamp superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum, bottom marginal. Scott 88 cat US$1400 for M, SG 101 cat £1400 for M, should be at least double, £2800 MUH. Rare so nice & certificate can be obtained on request. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1500 | ||
4400![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1928 Anniversary set ¾Pi-£1, opt SPECIMEN. VF fresh MUH. SG 123-32s cat £700 for M, should be at least double, £1400 MUH. Rare set. (10) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$800 | ||
4401![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1928 KGV 50th Anniversary £1 blue & bistre-brown. VF fresh MLH. Scott 123 cat US$275. SG 132 cat £300. (P) | SOLD at A$80 | ||
4404![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1926-31 St Wenceslas Statue (2.50Kr) red imperf DIE PROOF in trial colour with blank value tablets on thin paper (83x110mm). Superb UN as made, sl diag bend. SG237(p), Mi 289(p). Extremely rare, only several made. Exp. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
4406![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1934 Czech Legion Anniv 1Kr purple imperf DIE PROOF trial colour on thick paper (80x55mm). Superb UN as made. SG329(p), Mi 323(p). Extremely rare, only several made. Exp Karasek AIEP (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
4459![]() Click for more photos | 1919 Use of Hungary 10h Post Card uprated Hradcany 5h tied by 'Pozsony 919 JUN 23' cds. To Vienna. Scarce mixed franking. | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
4470![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923-33 KGV Badge set ½d-£1 inc 3/- & 5/- both wmks. VF fresh M/MLH. SG 71-91 cat £400. (21). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
4478![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1934 UPU Congress £1 greenish-blue. Superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. Scott 190 cat US$400 for M, SG 232 cat £475 for M, should be at least double, £950 MUH. Rare MUH. (P) | SOLD at A$500 | ||
4489![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923 Airmail opt set 5Mk-45Mk/5Mk, inc 20Mk both colour opts. VF fresh MLH/MUH. SG 44-48 cat £212, Mi 41-45 cat €350. (6). (P) | SOLD at A$140 | ||
4490![]() Click for more photos | 1923 Airmail 10Mk/5Mk black opt, rough perf 11½. VF fresh M. SG 46a, Mi 43A cat €1500. Extremely rare genuine example. 2014 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$900 | ||
4493![]() Click for more photos | 1823 Folded letter wrapper endorsed 'Reval 11th July 1823' with Cyrillic 'Revel 1823 June 11' b/s. VF. Purchased by vendor in 1990s for DM200 = A$165. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
4495![]() Click for more photos | Postal History 1919-22 group with 1919 use of Tallinn PPC franked 35p blue imperf tied by Eesti cds - to England. 1920 card franked 15p red & 35p red tied Eesti pmk - to Finland, 1921 cover for Mechanical Woodworking Company franked 10p green, 15p red & 1Mk blue & purple-black, tied Tallin 1920 pmk - to Finland. 1922 card franked 2.50Mk pr tied by 'Wiljandi 23 2 22' cds. SG 7, 8, 9, 11, 18 & 23. Mi 7, 9, 10, 12, 16 & 28. (4) | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
4496![]() Click for more photos | 1923 Airmail opt set 5m-45m/5m (2 triangles & 3 triangle prs), plus 3 defins, tied to Registered Airmail cover by 'Tallinn 15 11 24' cds, with h/s reg label/cachet. To Finland, with b/s of Helsinki & Joensuu arrival cds. VF. Mi 41-45, SG 44-48a cat £785++ as loose stamps alone, plus large premium on cover. Purchased by vendor in 1990s for DM1100 = A$920. 2019 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$550 | ||
4539![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1912-23 KGV £1 purple & black on red, Die I. VF fresh M. Scott 91 cat US$300, SG 137 cat £275. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
4540![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1912-23 KGV £1 purple & black on red, Die I. VF fresh MUH, left marginal. Scott 91 cat US$300 for M, SG 137 cat £275 for M, should be at least double, £550 MUH. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
4541![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1912-23 KGV £1 purple & black on red Die II, wmk mult crown. Superb fresh MUH, W/C UL gutter cnr. Scott 91a cat US$300 for M, SG 137a cat £250 for M, should be at least double, £500 positional MUH. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
4561![]() Click for more photos | 1849-1990 extensive collection in 5 Lighthouse s/books inc 1849 Ceres to 40c, 1853 to 80c, 1862 to 80c, 1863-70 to 80c, 1869 5Fr, 1871 to 80c, 1876-85 Peace & Commerce to 5Fr, 1923 Bordeaux Philatelic 1Fr (cat £650), 1925 Paris Philatelic set, 1926 War Orphans set, 1927 Air Marseilles set (cat £600), 1928 Sinking Fund, 1931 Sinking Fund, 1936 Air set to 3F50, 1936 Air set M & U (cat £680), 1947 UPU set 1949 Air set, 1957 & 57 Air sets, various National Relief Funds inc 1954 & 55, range of Postage Dues, booklets range inc 1952 Red Cross (XSB2 cat £600). Also 1952-3 booklets XSB3 & B4 (cat £425). Extensive range from 1900s, many sets. Also inc Davo France illustrated album with pages 1849-1996. Earlies mostly U, some variable condition & mixed margins, later mostly F-VF MLH/MUH & F-VFU. SG cat £20,000+ = A$40,000. (5000 + 40+ booklets) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$2500 | ||
4585![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1992 Olympics M/Sheet special issue on black (size 143x123mm). VF fresh MUH. Maury Blk 2741b. Yv BF 14b cat €500. | SOLD at A$80 | ||
4586![]() Click for more photos | France: 1876-2000 Mint collection on album pgs in 4 binders (ea stamp neatly in Hawids). 1876-1900 Peace & Commerce range to 5Fr. 1900-23 Blanc, Merson & Mouchon to 5Fr. 1907-19 Sower to 35c. 1917-19 War Orphans 2c+3c - 1F+1F. 1918 Red Cross 15c+5c. 1922 War Orphans Fund Surch set to 11F on 5F+5F. 1926-27 War Orphans set to 5Fr+1F. 1927 Strasbourg 5F+10F gutter pr. 1927 opt Air set 2Fr & 5Fr. 1927-30 Sinking Fund sets. 1929-33 high val views to 20Fr. 1936 Air set to 50F (SG cat £1200). 1936 Banknote Air 50F. 1936 Transatlantic Air set 1F50 & 10F. 1937 PEXIP M/S. Then comprehensive coverage of Commems & Defs inc 1950 National Fund set. 1954 Air set to 1000F. 1953 Sports set. 1954 National Fund set & 1955 set. 1957 Air set to 1000F. F-VF fresh M/MUH, post 1960 being MUH. SG cat £38,000+ = A$76,000+. Beautiful & valuable collection. (3100 + 24 M/S) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$5500 | ||
4616![]() Click for more photos | Alencon: 1944 'Cross, V, Wreath' opt Ceres/Petain 40c, 70c, 80c, 1.20Fr & 1.50Fr, tied to 3 covers by 'Longny au Perche Orne 23-10 44' cds or 'Montagne au Perche 13-10 44' cds on 1.50Fr. Yv 3, 6, 7, 9 & 10. Mayer 3, 6, 7, 9 & 10 cat €295. (5 on 3 covers) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
4643![]() Click for more photos | Provins: 1944 Cross 'Republique Francaise 1944' opt on Petain green op INVERTED 1.50F tied to cover by 'Longueville Seine et Marne 23 10 44' cds but undeliverable & endorsed 'Inconnu' (unknown) & h/s 'Retour a l'envoyeur' (return to sender) & taxed '3' in red with Postage Dues 1F &2F tied by 'Provins 3 11 44' CDS. Mayer 31(var) cat €400+, plus premium for unusual Postage Due usage. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
4675![]() Click to enlarge photo | Crete PO: 1903 '20 PIASTRES' opt Merson 5Fr deep blue & buff. VF fresh M. Scott 120 cat US$235, SG 20 cat £250. Yv 20 cat €265. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
4689![]() Click for more photos | Guadeloupe: 1945 R F Cross of Lorraine, imperf blank duty DIE PROOF set of 12 diff colour combinations with OMITTED value tablets. Superb M/UN as made, all affixed on 8 & 18 August 1944 pieces from Thomas De La Rue archive pgs, all 4 margins. SG 183-201(p). Yv 178-96(p). Unique items for specialist. 2023 Ceremuga photo cert. (12) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1600 | ||
4690![]() Click to enlarge photo | Guinea: 1892-1900 Peace & Commerce set 1c-1Fr plus new colours set 10c-50c & Surch 05/2c, 05/4c, 05/15c, 05/20c, 10/40c & 10/75c, early 1990s Fournier forgeries. F-VF fresh MUH. SG 1-17 & ex 49A-55A cat £378+ as genuine. (23) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
4691![]() Click to enlarge photo | Guyana: 1945 Arms set 10c-20Fr, IMPERF proof colour trials. VF UN as made, all 4 margins, mounted on De La Rue archive pg dated 14 November 1944 which has folds & dirty as was printer's working proof, with notations that colours are approved but values are to be changed to show more clearly. SG 196-214(p). Yv 182-200(p). Unique. 2023 Ceremuga photo cert. (19). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$2000 | ||
4694![]() Click to enlarge photo | India: 1941 'France Toujours' & Cross circle h/s opt Brahma 15ca on 20c, from 2nd printing. VFU on piece. SG 162a cat £350, Yv 230A cat €400. Only 200 printed. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
4695![]() Click to enlarge photo | India: 1941 'France Toujours' & Cross circle h/s Pictorial 1fa3ca on 35c, from 2nd printing. VFU on piece. SG 162c cat £350, Yv 230C cat €400. Only 200 printed. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
4696![]() Click to enlarge photo | India: 1941 'France Toujours' & Cross circle h/s opt Brahma 3ca black & chocolate-brown, from 2nd printing. VFU on piece. SG 162e cat £300, Yv 230E cat €375. Only 200 printed. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
4698![]() Click for more photos | India: 1892-1954 Mint collection on Exhibition pgs inc 1892-1900 Tablet set to 1Fr, plus New Colours. 1903 Surch 0,40 on 50c. Also 1892-1900 & 1903 Surch Fournier forgeries. 1903 Bisected Fiscals opt 0.05 & Postes. 1914 Brahma & Temple set to 5Fr, plus 1922 New Colours. 1923 Surch to 5Fr. 1929 New Currency set to 5R. 1931 & 1937 Exhibition sets, plus 1937 M/S. 1939 150th Anniv set. 1941 France Libre opt to 5R & 1942-43 with Cross opt to 5R. 1943 France Libre opt Surch to 3fa 4ca. 1942 Lotus Flowers set to 5R. 1948 Gods set. 1952 Medal 1fa imperf Postage Dues inc 1923 opt set. 1928 opt set. 1929 set & 1948 set. Mostly F-VFM. SG cat £3000+ = A$6000. (345) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$800 | ||
4699![]() Click for more photos | India: 1892-1948 collection on Exhibition pgs inc 1892-1900 Tablet to 1Fr. 1903 Surch to 0,40 on 50c. 1914 Brahma & Temple to 5Fr. 1923 Surch to 5R. 1929 New Currency to 5R. 1931 & 37 Exhibition sets. 1942-43 France Libre opt to 5R inc 1fa 6ca blue opt. 1943 Surch to 3Fr 3ca. 1942 Air set to 10R. 1948 Gods to 2fa 2ca. Mostly G-VFU, odd M/UN. SG cat £2300+ = A$4600+. (160) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
4700![]() Click for more photos | Indochina: 1941 Vichy issue colonial soldiers imperf proof M/Sheet of 4 setenant in red, with Indochina 10+10c & 25+10c, & Senegal 1+1Fr & 2.50+1Fr. Superb fresh MUH. Maury 223(p) & 225(p), & 175(p) & 177(p) cat €5400, Yv 219a & 221b, & 170a & 172b unpriced as such se-tenant M/S. Extremely rare & spectacular. Exp Scheller, plus 2013 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1500 | ||
4713![]() Click to enlarge photo | Lebanon: 1922 Registered cover franked 1922-23 'OMF Syrie' opt 2Pi50/50c (2), tied by 'Beyrouth' cds. To London with arrival b/s. SG 96d. Opts with interesting diag shift error. | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
4714![]() Click for more photos | Lebanon: 1923 cover (centre fold) franked OMF Syrie opt 50c/10c & Syrie Grand Liban opt 10c/2c (5), indistinct pmks. To Egypt with arrival b/s. SG 96 & 97 cat £11 as loose stamps alone. | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
4715![]() Click for more photos | Lebanon: 1923 covers franked 1923 opt 'Syria Grand Liban' 1Pi/20c (2) tied by cds to reverse, plus 2nd cover with 1Pi/20c & 1Pi50/30c tied by 'Beyrouth 1 11 23' cds. SG 101 & 103 cat £11 as loose stamps alone. (2) | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
4718![]() Click for more photos | Madagascar: 1944 Travellers Tree Surch 50c on 5c, 2Fr40 on 25c & 3Fr on 25c, horiz prs, opt colour trial proof opts in BLACK, with 50c/5c being UNISSUED as such (instead of RED opt). Superb fresh M, all affixed on pieces from De La Rue archive pgs. SG 282, 286 & 287(p). Yv 290, 294-95. Unique item for specialists. 2023 Ceremuga photo cert. (6) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$850 | ||
4721![]() Click for more photos | Martinique: 1945 Victor Schoelcher 2Fr50 IMPERF proof colour trial set of 10 diff colours, being an UNISSUED value as was changed to 2Fr40 value. Superb fresh M as made, 2 affixed on piece from 10 September 1944 De La Rue archive pg & 8 MLH on another piece. SG 203-21(p). Yv 199-217(p). Unique item for specialists. 2023 Ceremuga photo cert. (10) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1200 | ||
4722![]() Click to enlarge photo | Martinique: 1945 Victor Schoelcher set 10c-20Fr, IMPERF proof colour trials. VF UN as made, all 4 margins, mounted on De la Rue archive pg dated 13 November 1944, 3 stamps fold from archive pg, with notations about colours being approved but vignette to be changed to show more clearly. SG 203-221(p). Yv 199-217(p) Unique. 2023 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$2500 | ||
4726![]() Click to enlarge photo | Morocco: 1945-47 Pictorials 1Fr30 & 3Fr50 Epreuvre de Luxes for redrawn type printing. VF fresh UN as made, with tissue paper interleaves attached. SG 296 & 300(p), Yv 228A & 231A EPL. (2). | AVAILABLE at A$20 | ||
4731![]() Click to enlarge photo | New Caledonia: 1945 Kogu Bird Surch 1Fr20 on 5c, 2Fr40 on 25c & 4Fr50 on 25c, horiz prs, opt colour trial proof opts in BLACK, with 1Fr20/5c being UNISSUED as such (instead of RED opt). Superb fresh M, all affixed on pieces from De La Rue archive pgs. SG 294, 295 & 297(p). Yv 249, 253 & 255(p). Unique item for specialists. 2023 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (6) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$850 | ||
4737![]() Click for more photos | Reunion: 1949 CFA opt Postage Dues 10c-10Fr Epreuvre de Luxes, no 1950-53 issues. VF fresh UN as made, with tissue paper interleaves. SG D333-39(p), Yv T36-42EPL est cat €230. (7) | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
4748![]() Click for more photos | Syria: 1922 cover franked OMF Syrie 3Pi/60c Merson 3-line opt tied by 'Halep 12 4 22' cds, then 'OMF Syrie' 4-line opts with 50c/10c green on Lettersheet to Bulgaria with 'Halep 30 4 23' cds, 1.50Pi/30c orange card tied 'Halep 9 7 23' cds & 2.50Pi/25c blue cover & the last 3 to USA. (4) | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
4753![]() Click for more photos | Syria: 1923? Registered cover franked 'OMF Syria' opts 25c/5c, 75c/15c & 1Fr50/30c tied by green 'Damas' cds. To France with Nancy arrival b/s. SG 71, 95, 96b & 96c. | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
4754![]() Click to enlarge photo | Syria: 1923 Registered cover franked 'OMF Syria' opt 5Pi/1Fr tied by ' Alexandretta 2 8 23' cds, to Paris. SG 75. Scarce usage from Hatay. | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
4769![]() Click for more photos | Togo: 1915 cover franked thin opt Yacht 10/5pf horiz pr (opt type 1), plus 10/5pf vertical bisect left half (opt type II), tied by 4 strikes 'Anecho Togo 23.1.15' cds, to Dahomey with 'Cotonou 26 Janv 15' & 'Porto-Novo 27 Janv 15' arrival b/s. F-VF fresh. Maury 2II cat €8000, Yv 24d, Mi 2H cat €10,000. Very rare provisional usage due to shortage of 5pf stamps at Anecho. We sold a similar bisect cover for $5000+, plus buyers commission in our auction 253. Exp Calves, plus 2013 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$3000 | ||
4770![]() Click for more photos | Wallis & Futuna: 1936 shipmail cover franked Wallis opt New Caledonia 30c orange-red & 1Fr 25 green & brown, tied by boxed 'PAQUEBOT' h/s & Nouvelles Hebrides Port Vila 7 MA 37' cds. To Luxembourg with Carmich arrival b/s. SG 23 & 71 cat £20 as loose stamps alone. Very unusual origin/destination combination. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
4771![]() Click to enlarge photo | West Africa: 1945 Soldiers set 10c-20Fr, all IMPERF proof colour trials, with 6 stamps being rejected colours. VF UN as made, all 4 margins, mounted on De La Rue archive pg dated 23 October 1944, with notations about exchanging colours of 70c vs 1Fr20, 2Fr vs 3Fr, & 30c vs 20Fr. SG 4-22 (p). Yv 4-22(p). Unique. 2023 Ceremuga photo cert. (19) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$2500 | ||
4792![]() Click for more photos | Wurttemberg: 1859 folded letter wrapper franked Arms imperf 3kr orange (2) tied by Jagsthausen cds dated 6/7 59 or 8/7 59. Apparently from Jagsthausen & then returned as suggested by diff dates, with extra stamp to pay return. Assume SG 23 cat £52 as loose stamps. Mi 12 cat €35 for single franking, or €100 for pr. | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
4796![]() Click for more photos | Wurttemberg: 1916 Municipal Service 25th Anniv 2½pf-50pf in FULL SHEETS of 40 with full margins & printing order imprints! Superb fresh MUH. Mi D123-9 cat €2000 for singles, SG M202-08 cat £880 for M singles, should be at least double, £1760 MUH, plus huge premium for rare full sheets. (7 sheets of 40). | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
4797![]() Click to enlarge photo | Wurttemberg: 1919 'Volkstaat Wurttemberg' opt Official set 2½pf-50pf IMPERF. Superb fresh MUH, top marginal with all 4 margins. SG ex O232-43(var). Mi ex 258P4-269b4 cat €300+. (5). | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
4809![]() Click for more photos | 1916-21 Germania booklet se-tenants inc from booklet pane sheets. 2½pf - 60pf prs or strips inc some 2½pf & 7½pf from coils. Better seen inc 7½ orange + 5pf green (Mi W6 cat €180), 15pf black-violet + 5pf green (W9, €300), 7½pf orange + 15pf yellow-brown (W10aa, €300), 7½pf reddish-orange + 15pf grey-violet (W11ba, €230), 7½pf orange & yellow-brown vert pr (57aa, €300), 7½pf orange + 15pf black-violet (58bb, €170) & many more. Mostly VF M/MUH, some toned perfs etc. Mi cat €1846. (59) (P) | SOLD at A$250 | ||
4812![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1920 redrawn Pic Def 2.50Mk claret full sheets of 50 with selvedge (5 sheets), all with 'H 4891.20' printing imprints. Generally VF MUH, sl aging etc, plus the original battered envelope they were sent Registered to Sydney with red boxed 'Gebuhr bezahlt/Taxe percue' h/s & 'Lubeck 30 8 23' cds (this being cash payment provisional inflation usage due to lack of high value stamps). SG 116b cat £200 M, should be at least double, £400 MUH. Mi 115 cat €700+ as singles. Interesting intact find. (250) | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
4816![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923-24 Rhineland Republic Inflation opt 'R.R' with '10 Millionen' on Numeral 50 tausend Mk, blk of 4, error opt INVERTED. VF UN. opts prepared during French Occupation of the Rhineland, but never issued. | SOLD at A$70 | ||
4817![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923-24 Rhineland Republic Inflation opt 'R.R' with '20 Millionen' on Numeral 50 tausend MK, blk of 4, error opt INVERTED. VF UN. opts prepared during French Occupation of the Rhineland, but never issued. | SOLD at A$70 | ||
4818![]() Click for more photos | 1923 Schliersee Inflation Provisional 8,000Mk on white paper 'Postamt' seal, with 'Postamt (arms) Schliersee' violet h/s & '* Schliersee * 8000 Mark verrechnet E46 No 101/69' red h/s, tied by 'Schliersee 26 AUG 23' cds on piece of postcard. Mi 3z cat €500+. Only 200 made & tiny number recorded as surviving. Very rare local issue for the Inflation specialist. Exp Ceremuga. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
4824![]() Click for more photos | 1926 Charity Arms booklet 2RM with panes of 5pf & 10pf inc 2 'X' tabs. VF fresh MUH. SG SB20 cat £1400. Mi MH23.1 cat €1100. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$230 | ||
4829![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1927 Hindenburg Charity booklet pane 8pf (4) & 15pf (3), plus 'X' tab, imperf margin. F-VF fresh MUH. SG 417a cat £200. Mi MB156A cat €230. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
4842![]() Click for more photos | 1930 Airmail booklet 2RM with panes of Eagle 10pf & 20pf with 'X' tabs. F-VF MUH, sl perf tones. SG SB27 cat £3000. Mi MH19 cat €2300. Very rare booklet. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
4897![]() Click for more photos | Germany: 1872-1945 collection in 2 VGC Lindner hingeless albums. 1872 Embossed Eagles range (30, SG cat £3600) inc 5M/UN, & 9/9k surch U (£750), 1875-1900 Arms, 1900 Reichspost to 3Mk, later to 5Mk inc new colours & wmks, then extensive defins near comp, Airmails, Officials, Inflation surch, commems & Charities, 1930 Iposta M/Sheet VF MLH (£700), 1931 Zeppelin Polar flight opt set M (£1100). 1933 onwards Reich issues inc Wagner set (£450), 1923 Charity Anniv opt singles (set of 4 £600), 1934 Workers (£120), 1935 Ostropa M/S in typical condition with stamps separated & margin damaged, 1936 Olympics M/S (£130), Hitler M/S (3, £180) & 1937 Brown Ribbon M/S (£90), 1939 Nurburgring opt set (£85), 1939 opt Danzig set (£85), Officials etc. Very near comp. F-VF M/MUH/U. All M counted as hinged, but MUH sighted. SG cat almost £13,000 = A$26,000. Valuable collection. (1050 + 9 M/S). | AVAILABLE at A$1500 | ||
4899![]() Click for more photos | 1923 PPC (view of Schliersee with lake & mountains) franked on picture side with Schliersee Inflation Provisional 30,000Mk on brown paper 'Postamt' seal, with 'Postamt (arms) Schliersee' violet h/s & '* Schliersee * 30 000 Mark verrechnet E46 No 2/171 IX' red h/s, tied by 'Schliersee 1 SEP 23' cds, with another strike on address side. Mi 5y cat €300++. Only 300 made of which tiny number are recorded as surviving, & especially desirable as such a nice proper usage. Very rare local issue for the Inflation specialist. Exp Infla-Berlin & Weinbuch BPP, plus 2020 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
4914![]() Click to enlarge photo | German Colonies & POs Abroad, Catalogue of the Postmarks, 1st English edition 2019, 235 pgs with valuation on piece or cover, inc POs in China, Field Post during Boxer Rebellion, South Seas (Pacific) Seapost, Navy Ship Mail & all the colonies. Illustrated throughout. Essential reference. New. Retail $100+. | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
4926![]() Click to enlarge photo | Carolines: 1915-19 Yacht 5Mk (25x17 perfs). VF fresh MUH. Scott 23 cat US$120, SG 29b cat £50 for M, should be at least double, £100 MUH. Mi 22IIB cat €170. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
4927![]() Click for more photos | Carolines: 1899-1910 Mint collection with 1899 opt 10pf & 20pf (SG cat £180), 1900 56 deg opt set in extra 20pf (£230), 1901 Yacht set to 5Mk no wmk (£275) & 1915-19 set of 3 inc 5Mk (£73). Mostly F-VF M/MLH. SG cat £758. (25). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$220 | ||
4942![]() Click for more photos | Kiautschou - China: 1901-14 Postal Cards Used with 5pf green to Germany with 'Kaumi 23 8 05' cds (cat €50 premium for this cds) -multiple redirections. 10pf red 1902 use to German Cruiser Cormoran in Sydney with Hong Kong transit cds. 5+5pf & 10+10pf Double Reply Cards philatelic use with Reply Cards attached. 1905 New Currency 2c & 4c - last with 'Tsingtao -Gr. Hafen' cds & MISSENT h/s & Mt Vernon NY arrival duplex pmk. 1905 Double Reply Cards 5+5c & 10+10c philatelically U to Germany, plus front half card uprated, 1c, 2c & 4c with full message & 2c green divided front to Germany & redirected multiple times inc 'Via Siberia'. Mi 1-8 & 10 cat €505+, plus premium for scarce usages. (10) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
4953![]() Click for more photos | Marshalls: 1901 Yacht 5Mk red & black, no wmk. Superb fresh MUH. SG 23 cat £250 for M, should be at least double, £500 MUH. Mi 25 cat €600. Steuer BPP photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$230 | ||
4954![]() Click to enlarge photo | Marshalls: 1901 Yacht 5Mk red & black, no wmk. VFU 'Jaluit 13 5 07' cds. SG 23 cat £700. Mi 25 cat €600. Exp Grobe. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$220 | ||
4955![]() Click to enlarge photo | Marshalls: 1901 Yacht 5Mk red & black no wmk with 'Nauru Marshall-Inseln 16 4 14' cds. Superb U. SG 23 cat £700++. Mi 25 cat €600++, plus large premium for usage in Nauru. Exp Pfenninger, while certificate can be obtained on request. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
4958![]() Click for more photos | Marshalls: 1897-1918 Postal Cards with opt Marschall with a 'c' 5pf & 10pf, plus 1898 Berlin issue 10+10pf Double reply card. 1899 w/o 'c' opts 5pf (2UN, 1U), 10pf (UN/2U), Double reply cards 5+5pf (UN/U), 10+10pf (UN). 1901 Yacht 5pf (UN/2U), 10pf (UN), 5+5pf (UN/U), 10+10pf UN. 1917-18 5pf, 5+5pf, & 10+10pf all UN with an extra 10pf Reply half. Mi cat €510. (23). | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
4963![]() Click to enlarge photo | New Guinea: 1890-98 precursor use of Germany Eagle 50pf chocolate (lebhaft-braunrot) tied to piece by 'Friedrich-Wilhelmshafen 23/12 92' cds. VFU. SG Z13a(var) cat £95+, plus premium for scarcer shade. Mi M50b cat €280. Exp Kohler & Bothe BPP. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$110 | ||
4980![]() Click for more photos | New Guinea: 1910 registered cover franked 5Mk no wmk, tied by 'Rabaul 23/7 10' cds. To Hannover with arrival b/s. SG 13 cat £700++ as loose stamp alone, Mi cat €900 for such franking. Lantelme BPP photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$550 | ||
4982![]() Click for more photos | New Guinea: 1914-19 Yacht 5Mk carmine & black, 25x17 holes, centre type III, wmk Lozenges. Superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum, right marginal. Mi 23IIBII cat €2200+. SG 23a cat £1200 for M, should be at least double, £2400 MUH. Very rare so nice. 2007 Jaschke-Lantelme BPP photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1700 | ||
4999![]() Click for more photos | New Guinea: 1897 use of Eagle w/o opt 10pf red Postcard, plus reply half of double card with 'Matupi 5/4 97' or '1/4 97' cds. To Germany or Herbertshohe -last with short message. Mi VU13 & VP23 or VP27 cat €250+. (2) | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
5016![]() Click to enlarge photo | South West Africa: 1901 Yacht 25Mk red & black, no wmk. Superb fresh MUH. SG 23 cat £300 for M, should be at least double, £600 MUH. Mi 23 cat €480. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
5028![]() Click for more photos | Turkey POs: 1900 opt Reichpost set 10pf/5pf-25Pi/5Mk opt Specimen. VF fresh M/MLH. SG 17-28(s), Mi 12-23I.IISP cat €2480. Very rare set. (12) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1000 | ||
5060![]() Click for more photos | Danzig: 1920-39 Collection in VGC Kabe hingeless album with 1920 first opt set inc surch (ex Innendienst set of 3), then simplified surch set with extras, 1921 Ships & Air sets, all Arms sets to 1923 surch lavender set, all other Airs, 1924-25 Pictorials, 1929 Exhib opt set U (no 'November 1930' opts), 1932 opt Exhib set & all Pics to 1939, all 3 M/sheets inc Productivity M/S VFU FDI cds (SG cat £650), all Officials & Dues inc 1938-39 Dues new wmk set U (60pf M - £560). VF M/U. SG cat £3300+ - A$6600. Attractive collection. (400, + 3 M/S). | SOLD at A$750 | ||
5063![]() Click for more photos | Postal Stationery: 1921 Arms Postcards 20pf green, 40pf blue both single & double reply, 80pf red (2) & 1922 Surch pr 1.50Mk, 3Mk - both on 80pf red. VF UN. Mi P14, P15, P16, P18, P22 & P23. (7) | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
5077![]() Click for more photos | 1807 Napoleonic 'Grande Armee' occupation of Danzig (Gdansk, previously in Kingdom of Prussia, then Free City of Danzig under Napoleon, now in Poland), folded letter headed 'Danzig, le 23 10 1807' sent by a French soldier, with 'No.59 GRANDE ARMEE' red 2-line pmk & '10' m/s postage rate, to France. Rare historical letter. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$800 | ||
5086![]() Click for more photos | 1870-71 Franco-Prussian War stampless POW cover (part flap missing) to France with Camp Commander's h/s Arms on reverse, front boxed 'PP' h/s & 'Calais a Paris 23 DEC 70' railway TPO cds | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
5089![]() Click for more photos | 1923 Registered cover franked Arms 5Mk (2), 10Mk, 20Mk & 50Mk, tied by 'Danzig 23 2 23' cds. To Gustrow Mecklenburg. SG 86, 89, 90 & 99. Mi 108, 110, 111 & 127 cat €10 as loose stamps alone. | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
5090![]() Click for more photos | 1939 large Registered Airmail cover (310x245mm) franked Arms 70pf, 1924 Airmail 2½G plum w/o network & 1935 Air 1G, tied by 'Danzig Lupost 25 7 39' pmk. To England with arrival b/s. SG 192, 199a & 237 cat £358+. Mi 206F, 249 & 255 cat €275+ both as loose stamps alone & rarity on cover. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
5124![]() Click to enlarge photo | Upper Silesia: 1923 Polish Miner 80Mk red IMPERF PROOF, with unusual printer's security line. VF UN, as made, 4 margins. SG 195(p), Mi 17PU cat €300. Very rare! Exp Schmutz & 2014 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
5125![]() Click to enlarge photo | Upper Silesia: 1923 Polish Miner 100Mk bright violet IMPERF PROOF, with usual printer's security line. VF UN, as made, 4 margins. SG 196(p), Mi 18PU cat €300. Very rare! 2014 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
5126![]() Click to enlarge photo | Upper Silesia: 1923 Polish Miner 200Mk dull orange IMPERF PROOF, with usual printer's security line. VF UN, as made, 4 margins. SG 197(p), Mi 19PU cat €300. Very rare! Exp Schmutz & 2014 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
5127![]() Click to enlarge photo | Upper Silesia: 1923 Polish Miner 300Mk pale blue IMPERF PROOF, with usual printer's security line. VF UN, as made, 4 margins. SG 198(p), Mi 20PU cat €300. Very rare! Exp Schmutz & 2014 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
5156![]() Click for more photos | 1921-24 Pictorial issues mint collection inc 1921 set to 25Mk, plus tete-beche pr selection to 80pf. 1921 Surch set to 5Fr on 25Mk. 1922 Redrawn set to 5Fr. 1923 New Colours set to 75c. 1922-24 Official set to 1Fr. 1923-24 Official set to 75c. VF M/MUH. Mi cat €590+. SG cat £790+. (94) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
5223![]() Click to enlarge photo | Belgium-Russia: 1943 Flemish Legion aeroplane opt Fieldpost '+50Fr' opt type I INVERTED. VF fresh M, cnr margins. Mi VIIIK cat €230. Exp Pickenpack. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
5231![]() Click for more photos | Bohemia & Moravia: 1939-45 Collection MUH comp inc 1939 opt set to 10Kc (Mi cat €130) exp Gilbert, plus 4 diff opt varieties expertised (€470), also top values to 10K3 with blank tabs (4, €230), plus various gutter prs, blank & printed tabs, Officials, Dues etc. VF fresh MUH. Mi cat €1170+. Beautiful specialised collection. (370+ inc in all the tabs, gutters etc). | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
5257![]() Click for more photos | Croatia: 1941-44 group of sheets with 1941 Waterfall 0.50K, 1943 Portrait set 1K, 2K & 3.50K & 1944 War Fund 1K & 2K, all full sheets of 100, the 0.50K with varieties 'bent tree' TPI (pos 4, 9, 54, 59) & 'above HR', TP III (post 23). VF fresh MUH. Mi 48/48(var), 103-105 Z3 & Z4 cat €240 as singles, plus premium for variety sheets. | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
5287![]() Click to enlarge photo | Croatia: 1942-44 Postage Dues 0.50K-20K, IMPERF horiz prs selection inc proofs. VF fresh MUH. Mi exP11-23(p) est cat €300+. Very attractive range & double prints are rather rare. (10 prs) | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
5290![]() Click for more photos | Croatia: 1943-45 MUH Sheetlets collection inc 1943 Labour Fund set. 1943 700th Anniv Zagreb. 1944 Postal Official set. 1944 War Fund set. 1944 Labour Fund set. 1945 Postal Officials set. VF fresh MUH. Mi cat €353+. (23 sheetlets). | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
5305![]() Click for more photos | Croatia: 1943 Zagreb Anniv 3.50K sheetlet of 8, 1944 Post & Rail Employees Relief set 7+3.50 - 32+165 sheetlets of 9, War Invalid Relief set 7-3.50K - 32+16K sheetlets of 8, plus central label. VF fresh MUH. Mi 97KLB & 150-57KLB cat €140. SG77 & 123-30 cat £110 as M singles, so £220+ MUH. (9 s/lets). | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
5314![]() Click to enlarge photo | Croatia: 1945 Storm Division 50K + 50K red, LL cnr marginal blk of 4 with part inscription. Superb fresh 1 MLH/3 MUH. SG 142 cat £720 for M singles, should be at least double, £1260+ MUH. Mi 172 cat €1200+, plus premium for blk. 2023 Ceremuga photo-cert. (4) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
5316![]() Click to enlarge photo | Croatia: 1945 Storm Division 50K + 50K red, IMPERF. Superb fresh MUH with, pristine never hinged original gum, bottom marginal with part inscription, 4 margins. SG 142(var). Mi 172U cat €500+. Exp Fleck with cert, plus 2023 Ceremuga photo-cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
5325![]() Click for more photos | Croatia: 1941 cover with provisional usage of Ustasha propaganda stamps 50b red & 1K blue (instead of normal postage stamps!), tied by 'Crikvenica / 18.VI.41' cds, used to Italy with 'Fiume 23.6.41' arrival cds on front, plus also a stampless cover with 'Crikvenica / 25.V.41' cds & m/s 'posta ostala bez marke' (PO is left w/o stamps), thus proving that this coastal town PO had totally run out of stamps. Amazing & probably unique usage. 2015 Dr Colla AIEP & 2018 Ceremuga photo certs. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1500 | ||
5344![]() Click for more photos | France-Alsace: 1940 Elsass opt Hitler set 3pf-100pf, blks of 4 all top marginal. Superb fresh MUH. SG 1-16 cat £116 for M, should be at least double, £232 MUH. Mi 1-16 cat €220 - both, plus premium for marginal. (16 blks). | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
5346![]() Click for more photos | France: 1940 Coudekerque Provisional 'Besetztes Gebiet Nord- Frankreich' boxed h/s opt type II on Mercury 5c rose, horiz pr. Superb fresh MUH. Maury 28, Mi 6II cat €1400. Very rare genuine as less than 100 printed. 2023 Behr AIEP photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$700 | ||
5347![]() Click for more photos | France: 1940 Coudekerque Provisional 'Besetztes Gebiet Nord- Frankreich' boxed h/s opt type II on Mercury 60c orange-red, horiz pr. Superb fresh MUH. Maury 38, Mi 15II(var) basic stamp previously unrecorded in Mi with type II opt & cat €2500 per footnote for such other values not specifically listed. Very rare genuine as less than 100 printed. 2023 Behr AIEP photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$900 | ||
5372![]() Click for more photos | France-Russia: 1942 French Legion on Eastern Front Airmail F+10 red & blue with OSTFRONT opt, plus German Fieldpost Luftfeldpost blue pane (2), tied by 'Feldpost d 23 4 44' cds to cover (centre fold) with 'Dienstelle F.P. Nr 05492A' cachet at LL (of the 3rd Battalion of the French Infantry Regiment 638, with censor tape on reverse & 'Kommando' b/s to France. Maury 5 cat €775++ Mi V. Extremely rare genuine airmail usage from the Eastern front. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1000 | ||
5385![]() Click for more photos | France-Russia: 1942 French Legion on the Eastern Front battle scene F+1F blue & purple charity stamp with pictorial tab, with 'Infantry' design of soldiers saluting & Napoleonic Army, tied to Fieldpost cover by 'Feldpost 23 2 44' with 'Dienstelle F.P. Nr 05492A' cachet, censored at left to France with address partly obliterated. Maury 8 cat €350++ Mi IX. Very rare proper postal usage. Copy of 2017 Roumet photo-cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
5402![]() Click for more photos | Kotor: 1944 Registered cover franked 'Boka Kotorska' opt Yugoslav King set 0,10 RM on 3d - 0,50 RM on 4d, tied by 'Kotor 23 IX 44' cds. Hercegnovi 27 IX 41 arrival b/s with 'Platz Kommandantur circular, & 'Prufungsstelle in Cattaro' cachets applied later. SG 7-10 cat £50++ as loose stamps. Mi 7-10 cat €80++ for CTO cover. Attractive rare. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
5419![]() Click to enlarge photo | Laibach (Slovenia): 1944 Eagle opt Italy Air 75c, with variety 'squashed 'B' in Ljubljanska'. VF fresh MUH. SG 86(var), Mi 23III cat €220. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
5433![]() Click for more photos | Laibach: 1944 Registered cover franked inc 15c, 35c & 1.25L, tied by 'Laibach 31 VII 44' cds. Sent locally to Poste Restante at the special German PO for German official mail, with 'Deutsche Dienstpost Adria (Laibach 5 8 44) b/s. SG 67, 71 & 75 cat £23+. MI 3, 7 & 11 cat €19+ - both as loose stamps. | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
5435![]() Click for more photos | Laibach (Slovenia): 1944 Registered Express cover franked opts 5c-1L25, 2L55/5c, Airmails 25c & 75c, Express 1L25, tied by 'Laibach 15 IX 44' cds, with reg, Express & Airmail labels, plus censor tape & cachets. SG 65-75, 79, 84, 86 & E92 cat £319++, Mi 1-11, 14, 20, 21 & 23 cat €234++ -both as loose stamps. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
5455![]() Click to enlarge photo | Latvia-Kurland: 1945 opt Hitler 6/10p brown half sheet of 50 showing the full opt forme of 50, with varieties type I opt normal (36), type II 'slender 6' (pos 12, 13, 17, 24, 34, 35, 39, 45 & 46) type III 'flat top 6' (pos 18), type IV 'damaged right of 6' (pos 15), type V 'missing serif on D' (pos 21) & type VI 'holes in both bars' (pos 30 & 33). VFU/CTO 'Liepaja Latvija 20 4 45' cds. SG 2(var) cat £1900+ for normal singles. Mi 2I-VI cat €2372+ as singles, plus premium for rare full opt sheet. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
5477![]() Click to enlarge photo | Montenegro: 1944 'Fluchtlingshilfe' opt pictorial 0.15+1.35RM/ 50c rose-magenta, variety 'broken F in Fluchtlingshilfe'. Superb fresh MLH. Mi 23I cat €80, SG 98(var), Sass 18(var). | AVAILABLE at A$35 | ||
5478![]() Click to enlarge photo | Montenegro: 1944 'Fluchtlingshilfe ' opt pictorial 0.15+1.35RM/ 50c rose-magenta, variety 'broken 5 in 1.35RM'. Superb fresh MUH. Mi 23III cat €200, SG 98(var), Sass 18(var). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
5481![]() Click for more photos | Montenegro: 1944 Red Cross opt set of 7 used on Yugoslav King Postcard with 5-line 1 Lire opt, reverse tied by 'Berane 22 V 44' cds. SG 104-10 cat £1700+ as loose stamps alone. Mi 29-35 cat €700 for CTO stamps with this cancel & cat €2000 on cover, plus the card Mi P1 unpriced used. Sass 21-24 & PA-11 cat €1500 as set on cover, plus card Interitalia P4 cat €800=€2300. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
5499![]() Click to enlarge photo | Poland-General Govt: 1940 Eagle & Swastika opt 30gr/30gr, variety 'gash in left 0 of 30'. VFU. Mi 23I cat €120. Exp Korszen & Ceremuga AIEP. | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
5514![]() Click for more photos | Poland General Govt: 1940 censored cover franked DP Osten 8pf/4pf, 12pf/6pf & 30pf/15pf, tied by indistinct cds dated '23 340' sent to Soviet occupied eastern Poland. Also captured Soviet postcard franked General Gouv 12pr Pictorial tied by Sambor cds, to Russian postcard with Soviet arms obliterated. Mi 2, 3, 7 & 43. The 1st item is scarce usage during the period when Nazi Germany & Soviet Russia were allies. | SOLD at A$90 | ||
5546![]() Click to enlarge photo | Russia-Pleskau: 1942 Red Cross Madonna 60+40K M/Sheet with Red Cross, on rough yellowish paper, straight-line wmk 'LIGAT' at bottom, perf 11¾. VFU, Pskov '23.3.42' cds at top L as issued, with MUH gum on stamps, size 114x159mm, UL cnr crease in margin only. Mi Blk 3X cat €850 (stamps alone cat €600+). Only total 2575 printed. 2017 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
5621![]() Click for more photos | Fredersdorf: 1945 'F.M' violet h/s opts Hitler set 1pf-5Mk, 1Mk & 2Mk perf 14 & 3Mk & 5Mk perf 12½. VFU, all on piece with 'Fredersdorf 20 JUL 1945 Berlin' cds in blue Mi 1-19, 20B, 21B, 22A, 23A cat €530+. (23). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
5622![]() Click to enlarge photo | Fredersdorf: 1945 'F.M' violet h/s opts Hitler set 1pf-5Mk, the 2Mk-5Mk perf 12½. VFU oval 'Fredersdorf 3 AUG 1945 Berlin' pmks on envelope Mi 1-23 cat €530+ as loose stamps. (23). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
5629![]() Click to enlarge photo | Fredersdorf: 1945 Numeral Provisionals, 31x23mm double-lined blue frame, h/s FM in violet or red, set 5pf, 6pf, 8pf & XIIpf. Superb U, all on piece with 'Fredersdorf 15 Sep 1945 Berlin' oval pmks. Mi Sp153-Sp156 cat €400++ Only 150 sets printed. Exp Dr Heber & Zierer BPP, plus 2019 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
5631![]() Click to enlarge photo | Fredersdorf: 1945 Numeral Provisionals, format 43x31½mm, double lined blue frame 8pf, large numerals, plus 'F.M' h/s in red with 'Fredersdorf 23 OKT 1945 Berlin' violet oval pmk on cover, with boxed rectangular 'Gebuhr bezahlt' h/s. Mi Sp172 cat €110 as loose U & €180 for on cover. rare, only 150 printed. Exp Dr Dub. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
5634![]() Click to enlarge photo | Fredersdorf: 1945 Numeral Provisionals, 28 x 19 mm, single lined black frame, 2 small numerals 5pf-12pf imperf. VFU, all on large piece, with oval violet 'Fredersdorf 5 NOV 1945 Berlin' pmk. Mi Sp231-Sp234 cat €60+. Only 1000 sets printed. | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
5646![]() Click for more photos | French Zone - Rhineland-Pfalz: 1947-78 Pictorials IMPERF prs 2pf, 3pf, 20pf, 24pf, 50pf Building & 50pf Gutenberg, all horiz prs (one Building 50pf is vert). VF fresh MLH/MUH, all 4 margins. SG FR2, 7, 11, 16, 21, & 23(var). Mi 2U, 7U, 11U, 16U, 24U, 26U cat €1200. (7 prs) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
5647![]() Click for more photos | French Zone - Wurttemberg: 1947-48 Pictorials selection IMPERF horiz prs of 1947 12pf & 60pf. 1948 6pf (blk of 4) 10pf, 24pf, 30pf. VF fresh MLH/MUH, all 4 margins. SG FW4, FW10, FW15, FE16, FW19, FW20(var). Mi 4U, 10U, 15U, 17U, 22U, 23U cat €1050. (14) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
5724![]() Click for more photos | 1847-54 QV Embossed 1/- pale green, tied by barred oval '42' pmk on cover to USA with b/s '1858 23 AP' & 'Boston May 6' red cds. VFU cut square with 4 margins. SG 54 cat £1900 for on cover. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
5732![]() Click for more photos | 1865-80 QV Surface Printed collection 1865-67 4d vermilion, range of Plates 7-13 inc Used in Alexandria (B01), Malta (A25). 3d rose, Plates 4-10. 6d lilac, Plates 6-9 & 1/- green, Plates 5-7, all with large white cnr letters. 1873-80 large coloured letters inc 3d Plates 11-19. Selection 6d grey, Plates 13-17. 2½d mauve, range of Plates to 17. 2½d blue, Plates 17-23 & 1/- green, Plates 9-12. Mostly G-VFU, with U selected for nice pmks. SG cat £6300+ = A$12,600+. (69) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$425 | ||
5794![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1902-10 KEVII 2½d ultramarine DLR printing opt SPECIMEN. (SG type 15). VF fresh M. SG 230s, SG Spec M16s cat £125. Scarce. 2021 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
5795![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1902-10 KEVII 3d deep purple on yellow, DLR printing ordinary paper, opt SPECIMEN. (SG type 15). VF fresh M. SG 232bs, SG Spec M19s cat £350. Quite rare. 2021 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
5796![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1902-10 KEVII 4d green & grey-brown, DLR printing, SPECIMEN opt (SG type 16). Superb fresh MLH. SG 235(s). SG Spec M23s cat £450. Rare genuine. 2021 Ceremuga photo cert (P) | AVAILABLE at A$375 | ||
5797![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1902-10 KEVII 4d deep green & chocolate-brown on chalk-surfaced paper, DLR printing, opt CANCELLED (SG type 18) being special specimen ex DLR archives. Superb fresh M. SG 238(s)(var). SG Spec M24S cat £1800. Major rarity as only several recorded. 2021 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1300 | ||
5826![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1911-13 KEVII £1 deep green, Somerset House printing. VF fresh MLH Scott 142b cat US$2300. SG Spec M56. SG 320 cat £2000. Rare mint top values. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$900 | ||
5855![]() Click for more photos | 1861 Tri-colour QV franking from Scotland franked 1d, 2d & 6d tied by 'Dunfermline OC 23 1861' pmks. To 'Cowra Lachlan River' with b/s London, Sydney & Cowra. SG 17, 45 & 68 cat £170 as loose stamps. | SOLD at A$70 | ||
5860![]() Click for more photos | 1954 Crash Cover - stamps floated away, charred, missing 2 flaps etc, with 'London 23 DEC 1954' pmk. Christmas card to USA, cover with 2 strikes of cachet 'Salvaged Mail Aircraft Crash Prestwick 25 12 54' with another strike on the OHBMS PO envelope used to send to addressee. | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
5881![]() Click to enlarge photo | Circular Delivery Company: Edinburgh 1866 Clark & Co (¼d) blue, se-tenant blk of 4, 2 diff sizes, left stamps 25mm wide & right 23½mm. VF MUH. SG CD3 cat £140 for M, should be at least double, £280 MUH. Very scarce. (4). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
5948![]() Click for more photos | Greece: 1896-1954 MUH collection inc 1896 Olympics to 40L. 1901-02 Pic Defs to 5Dr. 1906 2nd Olympics to 1Dr. 1927 Defs to 25Dr. 1933 Zeppelin set (SG cat £200 for M). 1935-39 Air set to 100Dr (£100 for M). 1940 Youth set to 100Dr (£550 for M) plus Air set to 100Dr (£550 for M). 1951 St Paul set to 10,000Dr (£300). 1954 Art set to 20,000Dr (£375). F-VF fresh MUH. SG cat £2300+ for M, should be at least double, for the MUH, total £5800. Excellent lot. (198). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$800 | ||
5957![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1966 QEII Pictorial set 1c-$3. Superb U. SG 231-45 cat £42. (15) | AVAILABLE at A$15 | ||
5972![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1912-21 KGV $5 green & red on green, wmk mult crown. VF fresh MLH, nice colours. Scott 123 cat US$850, SG 115 cat £725. | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
5982![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1938-52 KGVI set 1c-$10, with both colours of $1, $2, $5 & $10. VF MLH, mostly very fresh, 1st $5 & $10 darker gum as always. SG 140-62 cat £1100. Nice set. (23) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
6008![]() Click for more photos | 1942 Red Cross Fund set 6f+1P, 8f+1P & 20f+1P imperf MASTER PROOFS full sheetlets of 4 with huge margins (ea about 130x240mm) with colour printing & printer's positioning crosses in cnrs. Superb fresh MUH. SG 723-725(p). Mi 696B-698B(p). Probably unique & spectacular items. Each with 2024 Ceremuga photo certs. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$3000 | ||
6012![]() Click for more photos | 1938-40 Hungarian Occup of Southern Slovakia & northern Romania covers & cards with special 'Visszatert' pmks for Ersekujvar, Kassa, Komarom, Leva, Losong, Rimaszombat, Nagyvarad, Ipolysag. (23). | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
6015![]() Click for more photos | 1902-07 selection used blks of 4 inc 1902-04 King 16a-50a. 1902 Official King set 3a-50a & 1907 Official 2 Kings 5a-50a. Mostly VFU. Mi 40-44, D17-D23, D26-D31 cat €576+. SG 48-52, O81-O87, O101-O106 cat £688+ as singles, plus premium for rare multiples. (18 blks) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
6051![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1911-23 KGV 15R blue & olive wmk large star upright. VF fresh MLH. Scott 97 cat US$120, SG 190 cat £300. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
6052![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1911-23 KGV 25R orange & blue, wmk star. VFM, nice bright colours. Scott 98 cat US$210, SG 191 cat £600. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
6070![]() Click to enlarge photo | Cochin: 1923-24 'ON CGS' opt Varma II 8p/9p carmine, opt w/o serif on 'G'. F-VF fresh MUH, top marginal. Scott O25 cat US$90 for M, SG O21 cat £70 for M, should be at least double, £140 MUH. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
6079![]() Click to enlarge photo | Hyderabad: 1945 Victory 1a blue full sheet of 100. Superb fresh MUH, few gum bends. SG 23. | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
6083![]() Click to enlarge photo | Jammu & Kashmir: 1899-1909 Arms Telegraph ½a blackish olive & blue-green & 1a bright blue & carmine, double stamp, wmk Multi Rosettes. F-VF M/MLH, 1a sl rubbing. Bft 26 & 27 cat £100, SG T22 & T23 cat £130. (2). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
6100![]() Click to enlarge photo | Indonesia: 1996 Rhino M/Sheet (100) all with 'SEA Games Oktober 1997 opts (SG 2267a(var), est. cat £650), 1997 Cultural Anniversaries M/Sheet (100), SG 2308(var) £1050, 1998 Anti-Drug sheetlet (100), SG 2415a(var) £1120, 1998 Juvalex & Singpex M/S (100 of ea, £825), 1998 Gemstones M/S pr (100, SG 2405(var), £660), Australia 99 M/S (100, £325). All fresh MUH in bundles of 100. FV $550 alone. Zonnebloem cat €3280 = A$5250. Total SG cat £4650 = A$8300. (800) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
6101![]() Click to enlarge photo | Indonesia: 1997 Cultural Anniversaries M/S with 3 sets & label (100, SG 2310var cat £1050), 1996 Sports Week M/S pr (SG MS2666, £650), 1996 Rhino M/S with 2 sets of 4 (SG 2270var £650), 1998 Anti-Drug sheetlet with 8 Tete-Beche prs (SG 2415var, £1120), 1998 Minerals set of 2 M/S (100 sets, SG 2403/06, £660). 1998 Juvalux & Singpex M/S (100 of ea, £825), 1999 Australia 99 Exhib M/S (100, £350). All fresh MUH in neat bundles of 100, FV A$450 alone. Total SG £5300 = A$10,600. Zonnebloem €4000 = A$6650. (1000 M/S) (lot no out of orrder) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
6107![]() Click for more photos | 1915 Coronation both Official & Parcel Post opt sets 1ch-5To (SG P443-O476). Then both types of 1902 'PL Teheran' opts in black & red (SG 223, 223a, & 238 (2). 1911 Arms opt Service set 1ch-2Kr (SG O353-60) plus unissued 13ch, 26ch, 3Kr & 10Kr & 1911 Relais opts (7, 4 diff). VF fresh M. SG cat £660+++. As usual likely to be reprints. (59). | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
6108![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1919 'Provisoire 1919 5 Chahi' opt Sultan 5ch claret, error '5 for 5 Chahi OMITTED'. VFU. SG 529(var). Persiphila 630g listed but unpriced. Extremely rare. 2023 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$700 | ||
6117![]() Click for more photos | 1923 cover franked Mirza 'Controle' opts 1ch & 2ch (2 prs) tied by part 'Astrabad 21 IX 23' cds. SG 555-56. Scott 646-57. | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
6129![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1922-23 Free State opt KGV 1d scarlet, right marginal blk of 15, 2nd row, 2nd stamp from left variety Reversed 'Q' for 'O' in 'ONE'. VF MUH, variety stamp very fresh. SG 53/53e cat £414 as M singles, should be at least double, £824 MUH, plus premium fo multiple. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
6130![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1922-23 Free State opt KGV 4d grey-green, variety 'no accent', Thom printing. Stamp VF fresh MUH, right marginal. Scott 50a cat US$200 for M, SG 58a cat £180 for M, should be at least double, £360 MUH. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
6131![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1922-23 Free State opt KGV Seahorses 2/6, 5/- & 10/-. VF fresh MUH. SG 64-66 cat £340 for M, should be at least double, £680 MUH. (3). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
6149![]() Click for more photos | Papal States: 1867 Arms 3c black on GREEN glazed paper, UNISSUED. This stamp was prepared as part of the new 1867 series of 6 denominations 3c to 80c, but before they were issued it was decided to change the postal rates & introduce a new 2c value. This new 2c was then prepared in green & thus the 3c changed to grey/drab colour, & all sheets of the 3c green were then officially burned, only couple single stamps retained in archives, Fresh UN (it was never gummed), pressed diag crease & expertly recoloured surface rubbing etc, but beautiful bright colour & fantastic appearance. SG 37a cat £250,000 = A$500,000, Sass 21 cat €240,000 = A$400,000 specifically for this condition as per footnote (cat €600,000 = A$1,000,000 for perfect condition). Only 7 examples have ever been recorded, most of which are faulty. This is the rarest non-error stamp of Italian States & an important classic rarity of the world. 1978 Oliva, 1992 Dr Enzo Diena AIEP & 2023 Ceremuga photo certs. (P) | SOLD at A$56000 | ||
6189![]() Click to enlarge photo | Parma: 1859 Shield 5c green, 6c on rose, 9c on blue, 10c brown, 20c blue, 40c red & 80c yellow, all early 1890s Spiro forgeries in comp sheets of 25. 'VFU' with various dotted 'pmks'. SG ex 27-36 (6c & 9c unlisted) would cat £230,000+ if genuine. Great reference items! (7 sheets = 175 stamps) | AVAILABLE at A$220 | ||
6205![]() Click to enlarge photo | Sardinia: 1851 King 20c blue. VFU, tiny thin, 4 margins, diamond pmk. Scott 2 cat US$235, SG 3 cat £325. Sass 2 cat €550. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$55 | ||
6207![]() Click to enlarge photo | Sardinia: 1851 King 20c pale blue. VFU, tiny thin, 4 large margins, dotted pmk. Scott 2 cat US$235, SG 3 cat £325. Sass 2f cat €650. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
6209![]() Click to enlarge photo | Sardinia: 1851 King 20c deep blue. VFU, tiny thin at bottom, 4 margins. Scott 2a cat US$235, SG 4 cat £325. Sass 2b cat €550. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$55 | ||
6212![]() Click for more photos | Sardinia: 1851 King 40c lilac-rose. F-VF U appearance, sl thins, dotted pmk, 3½ margins. Scott 3c cat US$23,500, SG 5 cat £5,800. Sass 3d cat €10,000. 2010 Scheller photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
6244![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1924-25 Express 60c rose-red special issue with se-tenant advertisement (imperf between stamp & advert), 'PERUGINA' in blue. F-VF fresh MUH. SG footnote as prepared but not issued. Sass FP231 cat €140. | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
6250![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1924 Official Franking Permit stamps 'Lega Nazionale Trieste' set 5c-50c, for the 'Trieste National Union'. VF fresh MUH with never hinged original gum. Sass EF42-45 cat €4000. Rare set. 2023 Ceremuga photo cert. (4). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1200 | ||
6251![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1930 Transatlantic Flight 7.70L light blue & drab. VF fresh MUH. Scott C27 cat US$900, SG 303 cat £700 for M, should be at least double, £1400 MUH, Sass A25 cat €1100. 2023 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
6258![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1946-57 Parcel Post 300L deep claret, setenant pair, perf 13¼, wmk 'winged wheel'. VF fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. Sass PP79 cat €1500, SG P700 cat £3000. Rare in nice MUH condition. 2023 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
6259![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1954 Parcel Post 1000L ultramarine, top value setenant pair, comb perf 13¼, wmk 'winged wheel'. Superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum & excellent centring. Sass PP81 cat €6000, SG P868 cat £10,000. By far the rarest stamp of post-war Italy & desirable in perfect MUH condition. 2023 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1800 | ||
6267![]() Click for more photos | 1921 'Busta Lettera Postale' advertising lettercard with advert for 'Lampo Benzina Superiore' on front, & for 'Giuseppe Lorin' & others on back & many small adverts inside, franked 'BLP' type I litho blue opt 40c brown. VFU, uprated Express 60c/50c tied by Roma Centro Espressi 23 2 22' cds. SG B115 cat £28++ for loose stamp alone, Sass BLP 4 cat €100++ Rare express usage. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
6268![]() Click for more photos | 1922-23 'Busta Lettera Postale' advertising lettercard (2 serie Piemonte) with advert for 'Societa Nazionale Navagazione' on front & for 'White star Line' on back & many small adverts inside, franked 'BLP' type II litho blue opt 20c orange. VFU, uprated 30c red, tied by 'Amb Torino-Piacenza 4 5 23' railway TPO cds. SG B131 cat £500++ for loose stamp alone, Sass BLP 7 ct €1800. Extremely rare. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$700 | ||
6269![]() Click for more photos | 1922-23 'Busta Lettera Postale' advertising lettercard (20 serie Lazio) with advert for 'F de Capitani Roma' on front & for 'Automobilisti' & others on back & many small adverts inside, franked 'BLP' type II litho blue opt 40c brown. VF UN, inc attached note paper with more adverts. SG B133 cat £250 for loose stamp alone, Sass BLP9 cat €100+. Rare. | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
6270![]() Click for more photos | 1922-23 'Busta Lettera Postale' advertising lettercard (3 serie Piemonie) with advert for 'Michelin' bicycle tyres on front & for 'Paolo Clerici' banks etc on back & many small adverts inside, franked 'BLP' type II litho blue opt 40c brown. VF UN, inc attached note paper with more adverts. SG B133 cat £250 for loose stamps alone, Sass BLP 9 cat €100+. Rare. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
6271![]() Click for more photos | 1922 'Busta Lettera Postale' Advertising Lettercard (2 serie Piemonte) with advert for 'Societa Nazionale di Navigazione' on front & for 'White Star Line' on back & many small adverts inside, franked BLP type II litho blue opt 40c brown. VFU uprated 10c red & express 60c, tied by 'Ancona Esspresi 22 4 23' cds. SG B133 cat £130+ for loose stamp alone. Sass BLP 9 cat €1200+. Rare express usage. | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
6272![]() Click for more photos | 1922-23 'Busta Lettera Postale' advertising lettercard (20 serie Lazio) with advert for 'F de Capitani Roma' on front & for 'Automobilisti' & others on back & many small adverts inside, franked 'BLP' type II litho black opt 40c brown. VFU, tied by 'Napoli Sezioni 17 12 22' cds. SG B133a cat £130++ for loose stamp alone, Sass BLP 9 cat €21200. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
6273![]() Click for more photos | 1922-23 'Busta Lettera Postale' advertising lettercard (4 serie Toscana) with advert for 'Vin Calissano' wines on front & for 'Canatta Magni' printers, etc on back & many small adverts inside, franked 'BLP' type II litho blue opt 40c brown. VFU, uprated 10c red & Express 60c/50c tied by 'Napoli Sezione Riunite 8 4 23' cds. SG B133 cat £130++ for loose stamp alone, Sass BLP 9 cat €1200++. Rare express usage. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
6274![]() Click for more photos | 1923 'Busta Lettera Postale' advertising lettercard (4 serie Lombardia) with advert for 'Brescia P Lorenzotti' guns on front & for 'Griffa Gavagnino & Maggi' etc on back & many small adverts inside, franked 'BLP' type II typo black opt 10c red. VFU, uprated 40c brown & 50c violet to pay for registration. SG B129(var) cat £120++ for loose stamp alone, Sass BLP13 cat €1200+. Rare registered usage. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
6275![]() Click for more photos | 1923 'Busta Lettera Postale' advertising lettercard (41 serie naz) with advert for 'Nunzio Adragna & C' on front & for 'Pasquale di Tomassi' & others on back & many small adverts inside, franked 'BLP' type III typo red opt. VF UN, right margin gone inc attached note paper with more adverts. SG B137 cat £400 for loose stamp alone, Sass BLP 14C cat €500. Rare. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
6276![]() Click for more photos | 1924 'Cassa Nazionale d'Assic v Razioni' envelope (no flap) with Official franking Permit Stamps 25c & 50c. 'Cassa Nazionale Assic Inf Lavoro' for 'National Industrial Accident Insurance Fund' tied by 'Milano 23 3 24' cds. Registered & sent locally with arrival b/s. Sass EP19 & 21 cat €550++. Attractive & rare. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
6278![]() Click for more photos | 1928 Rescue Flight by Maddalena & Cagna from Italy to the Umberto Nobile Airship 'Italia' Arctic Expedition, cover franked King Emmanuel 25c (2) & Airmail 50c/60c tied by 'Sesto Calende / Milano / 10 6 28' cds, plus 'SPEDIZIONE AEREA DI SOCCORSO / SESTO CALENDE - KINGS BAY' with another strike below, addressed to the 'City of Milan' at Kings Bay, with 'R.N.C. DI MILANO / SPED ARCTICA / 18.6.28' arrival cds, plus 'R.N.C. DI MILANO / SPED ARCTICA / 1928' 2/line h/s on back & ships circular seal, as well as signatures of the pilots & mechanics Maddalena, Cagna Ranpini & Abelli. The front of the cover also has very weak strike of the 'VOLATA SULLA TENDA ROSSA' red circular h/s. Only 6 covers were recorded as flown on both directions, plus only couple more such covers prepared as souvenirs by the postmaster. Sass GP23a cat €120,000 = A$200,000. Great rarity of Italian airmails as covers from this flight are considered as the most important items in this collecting field. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$10000 | ||
6287![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1945 Torino CLN liberation 'C.L.N.' fancy opt basic set Monuments 5c-3L & Express 1.25L. VF fresh MUH. CEI 18-31 cat €1800. Rare genuine as only 400 printed. 2023 Ceremuga photo cert. (14) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
6288![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1944 Aosta Liberation 'C.L.N. Zona Aosta' opt sets Monuments 25c-1L & 5L/10c-50L1.25L. VF fresh MUH. Sass 1-4 & 5-8 cat €650. 2023 Ceremuga photo-cert. (8) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$230 | ||
6292![]() Click for more photos | 1945 Cuvio Liberation 'COMMOMERAZIONE degli EROI Monte San Martino MCMVL CUVIO' opt set Bandiera Brothers 25c-2.50L se-tenant prs of clack & red mixed opts. Superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum, with proper control cachets on reverse. Sass 1-3 & 4-6 cat €13,500 = A$22,400 as such prs. Very rare genuine set, as only 300 sets printed for official presentations & only small fraction survived, especially MUH. 2023 Ceremuga photo-certs. (3 prs) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$4000 | ||
6293![]() Click for more photos | 1945 Imperia Liberation 'Poste Italiane Imperia liberata 24-4-45' opt set Airmails 2L-10L, plus Express 2L, the latter with variety 'missing 2nd dash in date 24-4 45'. Superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. Sass 16-19 inc 19c cat €47,000 = A$78,000. Only 100 printed of the top 2 values, in which there would have been only several examples of the 2L variety. Extremely rare genuine set offered at very low reserve. 2015 Raybaudi & 2023 Ceremuga photo-certs. (4) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$6000 | ||
6295![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1945 Molare liberation 'C.L.N. MOLARE PRO-SINISTRATI ORBICELLA' opt set6 Bandiera Brothers 5L/25c-50L/2L. VF fresh MUH. Unlisted in Sassone but mentioned & illustrated in the Raybaudi/Errani book on the CLN locals. Very rare. 2023 Ceremuga photo-cert. (3) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
6296![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1945 Sesto Calende Liberation 'C.L.N. SESTO CALENDE 25-4-1945' opt sets Monuments 5c-50c & Bandioera Brothers 1L. Superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum, 30c diag crease. Sass 1-9 cat €3500. Rare genuine as only 500 sets printed. 2023 Ceremuga photo-cert. (8) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1000 | ||
6297![]() Click for more photos | 1944 Torino CLN liberation 'C.L.N.' opt full set 5c-1.25L, inc opts on RSI/fasces issues, Air 50c & 1L, & Express 1.25L. These are the 1st ops for Torino which were clandestinely prepared in anticipation of liberation. Superb fresh MUH. CEI 1-17 cat €12,500 = A$20,500+. Very rare as a full set. Copy of 2005 Raybaudi photo cert for blk 1.25L came from, plus 2023 Ceremuga photo cert for set. (17) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1300 | ||
6310![]() Click to enlarge photo | Aegean Islands: 1944 German Occup War Victims Airmail opt set 50c+2L - 5L+2L. Superb U on large piece with 'POSTA AEREA 13.10.44 AEGEO' cds. SG 232-235 cat £150+, Sass PA 56-59 cat €180+ as loose stamps, plus premium for such nice piece. | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
6312![]() Click to enlarge photo | Aegean Islands - Kalimno: 1912 'EGEO' opt King set 25c blue & 50c violet. VFU, on piece with '23 DIC Kalimno (Egeo)' cds. SG 1-2 cat £88+, Sass 1-2 cat €120+, plus premium for pmks. (2) | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
6320![]() Click for more photos | Cyrenaica: 1923 Tercentenary of Congregation set 20c-1L 'Di Propaganda Fide' in special official presentation booklet with opt blks of 9 of ea value attached by to selvedge. Superb fresh MUH. SG 1-4. Sass 1-4 cat €1350+ as loose stamps, plus premium for rare booklet. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
6323![]() Click for more photos | Eritrea: 1923 Tercentenary of Congregation set 20c-1L 'Di Propaganda Fide' in special official presentation booklet with blks of 9 of ea value attached by top selvedge. Superb fresh MUH. SG 64-67. Sass 61-64 cat €1350+ as loose stamps, plus premium for rare booklet. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
6324![]() Click to enlarge photo | Eritrea: 1934 'SERVICIO DI STATO' opt Rome-Mogadiscio Air 25L+2L carmine. Superb fresh MLH. Sc CBO1 cat US$2800, Sass Sa1 cat €3250, SG O238 cat £4000. Rare genuine as only 750 printed. Exp Bloch, plus 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1500 | ||
6325![]() Click for more photos | Eritrea: 1934 Rome-Mogadiscio intermediate FFC Eritrea-Somalia Official 'Ministero delle Colonie' franked Rome-Mogadiscio 25L+5L opt 'SERVICIO DI STATO' tied by 'Massaua 9 11 34' cds, with special Airmail label & red flight cachet, Mogadiscio arrival b/s. VF-superb fresh. SG O238 cat €2250+ as loose stamp. Sc CB01 cat US$3250 on flight cover. Sass SA1 cat €4000 on airmail cover. Rarity as only 750 printed & only 100 covers flown. 1970 Alberto Diena AIEP & 2024 Ceremuga photo certs. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$2500 | ||
6331![]() Click for more photos | Somalia: 1923 Tercentenary of Congregation set 20c-1L 'Di Propaganda Fide' in special official presentation folder with blks of 9 of ea value attached by top selvedge. Superb fresh MUH. SG 44-47. Sass 45-48 cat €1350+ as loose stamps, plus premium for rare booklet. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
6335![]() Click for more photos | Tripolitania: 1923 Tercentenary of Congregation set 20c-1L 'Di Propaganda Fide' in special official presentation booklet with blks of 9 of ea value attached by top selvedge. Superb fresh MUH. SG 1-4. Sass 1-4 cat €1350+ as loose stamps, plus premium for rare booklet. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
6359![]() Click to enlarge photo | Fiume: 1923 Pictorial Ship 5c green on buff horiz pr, error IMPERF between. VF fresh MUH. SG 201(var). Sass 190h cat €500. Exp twice inc Oliva, plus 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo-cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
6385![]() Click to enlarge photo | Trentino: 1918-19 Bolzano Postage Due provisional red 'TAXE 5' h/s on Italy 2c Arms vert pr. VFU, tied to piece by 'Bozen 23 12 18' cds. Sass BZ3/76 cat €400++. (2) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
6391![]() Click for more photos | Trentino: 1918-19 Bolzano Postage Due provisional black horiz 'TAXE' h/s on Austria defs 5h- 50h. VFU with part Bozen cds. Sass BZ3/23-30 cat €3410. Extremely rare. 2019 Ceremuga AIEP photo certs. (8). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1100 | ||
6405![]() Click for more photos | Montenegro: 1941 Registered use of 'CRNA GORA' opt Italy 30c brown Postcard, uprated opt set of 10, tied by 'Cetinje 16 VI 41' cds, to Podgorica with arrival cds. SG 28-37. Sass 15-23 & A9 cat €240 for set on cover, plus the card Interitalia P2 cat €175, so total €415+. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
6406![]() Click for more photos | Montenegro: 1942 Registered cover (horiz fold at base) franked CRNA GORA opt set of 10, tied by 'Podgorica 12 VII 42' cds, to Italy with Fiume arrival b/s. SG 38-27. Sass 15-23 & A9 cat €240 for set on cover. Attractive. | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
6408![]() Click for more photos | Montenegro: 1943 Registered Airmail cover franked CRNA GORA opt King 50c & 1.25 (2) tied by 'Sop 1 VII 43' cds to Red Cross in Switzerland with Bologna & Geneva b/s, censor tape & cachet. SG 34 & 36. Sass 21 & 23 cat €82++. Scarce proper usage. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
6413![]() Click for more photos | Montenegro: 1943 Registered use of 'CRNA GORA' opt Italy 30c brown Postcard, uprated same opt King 1.25L, tied by 'Cetinje 19 III 43' cds. SG 36. Sass 23 cat €70, both, plus the card. Interitalia P2 cat €175 = €240. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
6420![]() Click for more photos | Montenegro: 1942 Registered censored cover franked 'CRNA GORA' opts 25c (2) & 1.25L, tied by 'Priboj 12 IX 42' cds, censor tape & cachet, b/s Cetinje & Podgorica. SG 32 & 36. Sass 19 & 23 cat €76+. Scarce proper usage. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
6424![]() Click for more photos | Montenegro: 1943 Registered cover franked CRNA GORA opt King 50c & 1.25L tied by 'Danilov-Grad 30 VIII 43' cds. To Cetinje with arrival b/s. SG 34 & 36. Sass 21 & 23 cat €76++. Scarce proper usage. | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
6428![]() Click for more photos | Montenegro-Kotor: 1942 covers (2) ea franked Italo-German Friendship Hitler & Mussolini 10c, 20c, & 25c tied by 'Morigno 30 IV 42 Cattaro' or 'Lastua Ingeriore 23 III 42 Cattaro' cds. Scarce usages from tiny towns. Exp Enzo Diena, or Prof Ercegovic AIEP with cert. | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
6440![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923 Child Welfare set ½d+½d to 2½d+½d, opt SPECIMEN. VFM. SG 107a-cs cat £140. (3) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
6447![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1934 Air Communication M/Sheet, size 110x100mm. VF fresh M in marg & stamps MUH, gum sl tropicalised but fresh appearance. Sc C8 cat US$1250. SG MS271 cat £1300. Sak C56 cat 230,000Y. The key M/S of Japan. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$550 | ||
6453![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1949 Seto Inland Sea 10Y scarlet blk of 10 with top, right & bottom margins & part inscription, plus 10Y carmine blk of 10, with top, left & bottom margins & part inscription. VF fresh MUH. Sak C153-54 cat 114,000Y. SG 522-23 cat £670+, plus premium for blks. (2 blks of 10) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
6466![]() Click for more photos | 1951 Tourist Issues 8Y marginal blks with 8Y reddish brown blk of 12, 8Y carmine blk of 12, with inscription, 8Y red blk of 12, with inscription. VF fresh MUH. Sak C208, C210 & C214 cat 76,800Y+. SG 623, 639 & 643 cat £423+, plus premium for blks. (3 blks). | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
6469![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1953 Athletic Meeting 5Y & 5Y set se-tenant blk of 14, with margins with inscription. VF fresh MUH. Sak C239.240 cat 18,800Y+. SG 716, 717/716a cat £134+. | AVAILABLE at A$15 | ||
6474![]() Click for more photos | 1923 Surcharge ½p on 9p ochre (SG type 7) surch in red, wmk Simple Cypher, perf 15x14, error Surch INVERTED. Fresh M, tiny gum thin, sl horiz crease, VF appearance. SG 75a(var) car £350 as normal, inverted error is unlisted & extremely rare so should be 5 times normal, est £1750. 2008 BPA photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
6502![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1922-27 KGV £1 black & orange. VF fresh MUH. Scott 37 cat US$230 for M, SG 95 cat £225 for M, should be at least double, £450 MUH. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
6512![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1922-27 KGV £50 black & brown. VF F/C, light oval 13 JUN 1923' h/s. Scott 41D cat US$900 for F/C, SG 103 cat £700 (normal M cat £60,000). Rare ultra high value. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
6517![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1935 KGV Pictorial set 5c-£1. VF fresh MLH/MUH with most MUH inc £1. SG 110-123 cat £500+, plus premium for the many MUH. (14) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
6518![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1935-37 KGV Pictorial set 1c-£1. VFU with top vals selected nice cds. SG 110-123 cat £550. (14) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
6519![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1935-37 KGV Lion £1 black & red. VF fresh MUH. Scott 59 cat US$325 for M, SG 123 cat £325 for M, should be at lest double £650 MUH. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
6520![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1935-37 KGV Lion £1 black & red. Superb fresh M. Scott 59 cat US$325. SG 123 cat £325. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$190 | ||
6530![]() Click for more photos | 1935 (23 Jan) cover Kenya to Sydney, Australia Imperial Airways flights AN206 to Egypt, then IE309 on the Athena which suffering a broken exhaust, force landed at Surabaya, departing the following day, Mosman (9 Feb) arrival cds, the only recorded from Kenya on this flight, Sanford states 'no mail is known in collector's hands'. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
6549![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923 'KUWAIT' opt KGV India ½a-5R. Superb fresh MLH/MUH. SG 1-14 cat £368+. (14). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$220 | ||
6550![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923 'KUWAIT' opt KGV India 10R green & scarlet. Superb fresh MLH. Scott 34 cat US$325, SG 15 cat £300+. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
6556![]() Click for more photos | 1920 Independence surch 30R/1R part sheet of 30 with margins 3 sides, printed on reverse of unfinished banknotes, 4 full & 5 partial notes. Superb U/CTO 'Riga 23.V.21' cds. SG 66 cat £195++, Mi 57 cat €150++, plus premium for part sheet. Purchased by vendor in 1990s for DM400 = A$330. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
6559![]() Click for more photos | 1933 Airmen Fund memorials set 2-52s to 20-70s perf & imperf, plus Arms 2s (3), tied to reg cover by 'Riga 5 IV 33' cds, with h/s reg label/cachet. To Switzerland, with Bern arrival b/s. VF. SG 231-4 A & B cat £240+, Mi 215-18 A & B cat €200+, plus premium on cover. Purchased by vendor in 1990s for DM620 = A$520. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
6575![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923 Birth of Princess 10Fr green, perf 11, from M/Sheet. VF fresh MUH. SG exMS221 cat £1900 for M/S, Mi 142 cat €1000 for single stamp. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$220 | ||
6576![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923 Birth of Princess 10Fr green perf 11, from M/Sheet. VF fresh MLH. SG exMS221 cat £1900 for M/S. Mi 142 cat €500 for stamp. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
6577![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923 Birth of Princess 10Fr green M/Sheet (80x59mm), type I, perf 11½x11 (25x17 holes), with control punch in LR cnr & 4 positioning pinholes. VF MUH with typical gum. SG MS221 cat £1900 for M, should be at least double, £3800 MUH, Mi Blk 1I cat €2500. Only total 5100 printed together of all perf types. 2022 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$750 | ||
6578![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923 Birth of Princess 10Fr green M/Sheet (80x60mm), type II, perf 11½x11, with perfs beyond stamp cnrs (26x19 holes), with control punch in lower margin & 4 positioning pinholes. VF fresh with nicer than typical gum, stamp MUH, margin MLH with tiny thin. SG MS221 cat £1900 for M, should be at least double, £3800 MUH, Mi Blk 1II cat €2500. Only total 5150 printed together of all perf types. 2022 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$575 | ||
6579![]() Click for more photos | 1923 Birth of Princess 10Fr green M/Sheet (80x60mm), type II, perf 11½x11, with perfs beyond stamp cnrs (28 x18 holes), with control punch in upper margin being an INVERTED position error! VF fresh with nicer than typical gum, stamp MUH, margin MLH. SG MS221 cat £1900++ for M. Mi Blk 1II cat €2500++. Only 5100 printed in total of all perf combinations. 2021 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$850 | ||
6610![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1906-07 opt Labuan Crown 'FOUR CENTS' on 18c black & pale brown, FULL SHEET of 100, with varieties 'no stop after Cents' (R1/5 & R6/8) & 'line through B' (R5/10). Mostly F-VF M, with adhered interleaving, 4 normal stamps damaged. SG 146/146a/146d cat £1491+ as singles, plus premium for positional se-tenant full sheet which should be +50%, so ext cat £2237. Excellent for specialist study. | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
6622![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1912-23 & 1921-33 KGV basic set 1c-$5, mixed wmks, opt or perf (4c, 5c & 35c) SPECIMEN. VF fresh M/MLH. SG ex 193-212s & 218-24das est £1100. (23) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$550 | ||
6623![]() Click for more photos | 1912-23 KGV $2 green & red on yellow with white back, wmk crown CA, error WATERMARK SIDEWAYS (crown pointing to left looking from back). Postally VFU with Singapore cds. SG 211(w) cat £55 as normal & unlisted with the wmk error (in comparison the only listed wmk sideways on this issue is the 10c which cat £1.50 as normal & £4500 as the wmk sideways error. The rarity of wmk error on $2 high value has to be much greater as no bulk quantities of $2 stamps would exist unlike low values. & also a $2 stamp is something previous collectors would have checked for wmk to sort the 1912 from the 1921 issue, so examples are much more likely to have been spotted). The only known example & an important new discovery which will doubtless get listed in future SG catalogues. 2023 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$4000 | ||
6624![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1912-23 KGV $5 green & red on emerald back, Die II, opt SPECIMEN, wmk mult crown. VF fresh MLH. SG 212ds cat £140. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
6625![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1912-23 KGV $25 purple & blue on blue, wmk mult crown, variety 'damaged leaf at bottom right'. VF MLH, original gum, sl tropicalized spots, but nice colour & excellent centring. SG 213f cat £6500. Very rare genuine mint high value variety. Certificate can be obtained on request. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$2500 | ||
6626![]() Click for more photos | 1912-23 KGV $100 black & carmine on blue, wmk mult crown. Superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum & beautiful deep colours. Scott 173 cat US$8500 for M, SG 214 cat £13,000 for M, should be at least double, £26,000 MUH. Key British Empire high denomination & great rarity MUH. Exp Champion & Bloch, plus 1975 RPSL photo-cert, while new certificate confirming MUH condition can be obtained on request. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$15000 | ||
6627![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1912-23 KGV $500 purple & orange-brown wmk mult crown, opt SPECIMEN. Superb fresh M with nice original gum bright colours & perfect centring. Scott 174s cat US$4750. SG 215s cat £5500 (normal cat £100,000). Key British Empire top value & certificate can be obtained on request. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$3000 | ||
6642![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1921-33 KGV 10c bright blue, wmk script INVERTED. VFM. Sc 190(var). SG 230w cat £55. | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
6643![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1921-33 KGV 10c bright blue, wmk script INVERTED. VF MUH, bottom marginal. Sc 190(var). SG 230w cat £55 for M, should be at least double, £110 MUH. | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
6644![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1921-33 KGV 25c dull purple & mauve Die I type I, wmk script. F-VF fresh MLH. Scott 194a cat US$35, SG 234 cat £45. | AVAILABLE at A$15 | ||
6688![]() Click for more photos | Johore: 1922-41 Sultan $500 blue & red, top value wmk script. Superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum, beautiful deep colours. Scott 125 cat US$23,000 for M, SG 128 cat £24,000 for M, so should be at least double, £48,000 MUH (actually much under-catalogued by SG being similar level of rarity to the Straits Settlements KGV $500 which cat £75,000. Also we can mention that we previously sold a hinged example for $30,000 + commission, while this stamp is perfect MUH). Great rarity, only tiny number of mint ones recorded & only several genuine MUH known, which appear to have originated from one split blk of 4. Very important ultra high value of the Malayan States & of the entire KGV period. 1964 Bolaffi & 1967 Diena photo certs, while diff new certificate can be obtained on request. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$35000 | ||
6692![]() Click to enlarge photo | Kedah: 1922 Malaya-Borneo opt Rice Sheaf 1c brown. VFU with proper 1922 cds. Scott 23a cat US$30, SG 45 cat £35++. | AVAILABLE at A$20 | ||
6732![]() Click to enlarge photo | Selangor: 1891 'SELANGOR TWO CENTS' opt QV 24c green, setenant vert pr, top stamp opt SG type 38 & bottom stamp type 39. VF MUH bottom marginal. Scott 22+23 cat US$350++. SG 47+48 cat £450 for M singles, should be at least double, £900 MUH, plus premium for se-tenant pr. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
6807![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1897-1902 Bear 10c brown & slate-lilac. Superb fresh M. Scott 123 cat US$150, SG 104 cat £150. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
6814![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1899 Large '4 CENTS' opt Arms $5 bright purple, 4½mm spacing. VF MLH. Scott 101a cat US$170, SG 123 cat £180. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
6821![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1909-23 Elephant 5c black & grey colour trial proof with 'Waterlow & Sons Ltd Specimen' 25 deg opt & sm security punch, sheetlet of 9. VF UN as made. SG 165(p). Rare. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
6822![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1909-23 Pictorial 8c black & green colour trial proof with 'Waterlow & Sons Ltd Specimen' 25 deg opt & sm security punch, sheetlet of 9. VF UN as made. SG 169 (p). Rare. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
6830![]() Click for more photos | 1918 Red Cross 'FOUR CENTS' opt Malayan Tapir 1c black & chocolate, horiz strip of 4, error IMPERF BETWEEN on horiz pr in centre of strip, se-tenant with normal outer stamps at sides. Superb fresh MUH, never hinged original gum which is somewhat dull etc from interleaving. SG 235a cat £3000 for M pair, should be at least double, £6000 MUH, plus premium for strip with normals. Extremely rare error as only 1 column of 10 was recorded. 2023 Ceremuga photo-cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$4000 | ||
6832![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1918-32 Postage Due opt Wild Boar 10c black & turquoise-blue, perf 12½. VF fresh MUH. SG D72 cat £23 for M, should be at least double, £46 MUH. | AVAILABLE at A$20 | ||
6838![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1950 KGVI Pictorial basic set 1c-$10. VF MUH, sl tropicalised gum, but all fresh appearance. SG 356-70 cat £123. (15). | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
6847![]() Click for more photos | 1880 '8' opt twice on QV 12c carmine, one opt upright, one sideways, variety upright opt inverted. VF fresh M, original gum, tiny thin at top, nice deep colour. Scott12b cat US$2300, SG 13b cat £2250 (normal SG 13 also cat £2250). Very rare. 2020 Brandon photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1100 | ||
6853![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1885 '2 CENTS' opt QV 8c carmine. Superb fresh M. Scott 26. SG 23 cat £225. Exp Diena. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
6854![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1885 '2 CENTS' opt QV 8c carmine opt SG type 7, wmk crown CA reversed. VFU. Scott 26 cat US$550, SG 23 cat £550. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$220 | ||
6872![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1902-03 Crown 12c black & yellow, variety 'line through B'. VF fresh M. Scott 104c cat US$160. SG 123c cat £160. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
6893![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1945 Salvation Army cover with Australia 3d tied by fine strike of scarce 'Aust Unit Postal Stn 447 23 SE 45' cds, only used in Sarawak. | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
6905![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1922-26 'Malta' set ¼d-£1 VF MUH. SG ex 123-140 cat £250 for M, should be at least double, £500 MUH. (17). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
6918![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1862 Britannia 1/- deep green, intermediate perf 14 to 16. F-VF U, barred oval '53' pmk. Scott 23 cat US$350, SG 55 cat £450. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
6925![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1895 Pic Def set 1c-1P,, plus Official opt 1c-50c, all perf 12 black plate proofs. VFM, 1 UN. SG 218-30 & O231-40 cat £1017. Scott 242-56 & O10-19 cat US$1648 both as normals. (23) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$220 | ||
6927![]() Click for more photos | 1899-1911 collection inc 1899 Pic Def set to 5P, plus 'OFFICIAL' opt to 5P. 1903 New Colours set to 50c, plus Official to 1P. 1911 Official opt 5P blk of 4, Mint with 2023 MEPSI photo cert (SG cat £1600). F-VF M/U. SG cat £2700+ = A$5400+. Scott cat US$3000+ = A$4800+. (84) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
6930![]() Click for more photos | 1934 University Airmail 20P carmine & brown. Superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. SG 560 cat £1300 for M, should be at least double, £2600 MUH. Yv A59 cat €1500 M, so €3000 MUH Scott C61 cat US$1800 M, so US$3600 MUH. Rare top value in exceptional quality. 2023 MEPSI photo cert. (P) | SOLD at A$900 | ||
6935![]() Click for more photos | Mexico: 1919-90 Collection in 2 binders. Predominantly mint inc 1921 Indep Cent set. 1922-29 Air 50c. 1923-24 Pic to 1P inc 40c-1P blks. 1929-34 Air set to 1P. 1929 Official Airs 2c-40c (SG cat £490). 1934 University to 5P, plus Airs to 10P. 1935 Earhart Airmail opt 20c U (cat £4250 but doubtful). 1953 Air set (£110). 1961 25th Anniv Rocket Flight unissued 50c blk of 4 (not listed in SG, but Mi cat €300). Then largely comp to 1990. Mostly F-VF M/MUH/U, 80% being M/MUH. SG cat £2250+, plus £4250 for Earhardt opt not counted in valuation. (1850+, 30 M/S). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
6937![]() Click for more photos | Mexico: 1875 Porte De Mar 2c-100c 6 values in sheets of 25, early 1890s Spiro forgeries with various dotted 'pmks'. Stamps mostly 'VFU'. SG ex M123-39 cat £7075 for genuine. (6 sheets) | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
6956![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1916-23 opt KGV ½d green, blk of 4, variety DOUBLE opt, one albino. VF fresh MUH. Scott 1a cat US$260. SG 1b cat £240 as M singles, should be at least double, £480 MUH. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
6957![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1916-23 opt KGV 1d bright scarlet, error 'NAUP.U' early state due to broken R. VFU with part proper 'Pleasant Island (Nauru)' cds. Scott 2d cat US$1300, SG 2a cat £1300. Extremely rare genuine used -certificate can be obtained on request. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
6958![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1916-23 opt KGV 2d orange Die I horiz marginal strip of 3 with error 'NAUP.U' on centre stamp, plus right stamp 'broken N'. VF fresh 2 MLH, main variety MUH. SG 4/4a/4d cat £455 for M singles, should be at least double, £900 MUH, plus premium for positional strip. Certificate can be obtained on request. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
6959![]() Click for more photos | 1916-23 opt KGV 5d yellow-brown, setenant horiz strip of 3, middle stamp variety 'NAUP.U' instead of 'NAURU' & right stamp with broken 'N' variety. VF fresh M. SG 9/9a/9d cat £2312+ as singles, & should be +50% for setenant variety multiple, so £3468. Extremely rare. 2007 BPA photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1700 | ||
6960![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1916-23 opt KGV Seahorses 10/- indigo-blue, Waterlow printing, opt SPECIMEN. VF MUH, evenly tropicalised gum. SG 18s cat £1000 for M, should be at least double, £2000 MUH (normal cat £11,000 M). Key stamp. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
6961![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1916-23 'NAURU' opt KGV Seahorses 2/6 deep yellow-brown DLR printing. VF MLH. SG 20(var) cat £80++. This rare shade is strangely unlisted under Nauru but fully listed as basic stamp under GB. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
6962![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1916-23 'NAURU' opt KGV Seahorses 10/- pale blue, DLR printing. Superb fresh M. Scott 15 cat US$300. SG 23 cat £275. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
6972![]() Click for more photos | 1917-30 Bow & Arrow & Kukris ½a red-orange, on native paper, imperf (position 33). Superb UN as issued, 4 large margins from left of sheet. Mi 14, Sc 11 cat US$1750+, SG 35 cat £1200+ & much undercatalogued as vast majority on the market are forgeries. The key standard stamp of Nepal. Copy of Dr Hellrigl AIEP photo cert of blk it came from, plus 2023 Ceremuga photo-cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$900 | ||
6976![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923 25th Anniv 5G indigo. VF fresh MUH. Scott 134. NVPH 131 cat €475, SG 269 cat £300 for M, should be at least double, £600 MUH. (P) | SOLD at A$140 | ||
6994![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1915 Registered cover piece franked GRI 1d 6mm opt on DNG Yacht 5pf & 2½d on 10pf & 20pf, plus opt 3d Registration Label of Rabaul. All tied by 'Rabaul New Britain MAR 23 1915' oval pmks. VFU. SG 2, 5, 6 & 33d cat £960+ as loose stamps & would be 'from x3' on cover. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
7026![]() Click for more photos | 1918-23 opt KGV ½d green, 5th setting, wmk single 'crown A' misplaced vertically, error WATERMARK INVERTED. Superb MUH with never hinged original gum. SG 102w cat £3500 for M, should be at least double, £7000 MUH. Great rarity & desirable in MUH condition. Certificate can be obtained on request. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$2700 | ||
7027![]() Click for more photos | 1918-23 opt KGV ½d green, 5th setting, wmk single 'crown A' misplaced vertically, error WATERMARK INVERTED. Superb MUH, never hinged original gum. SG 102w cat £3500 for M, should be at least double, £7000 MUH. Great rarity & desirable in MUH condition. Certificate can be obtained on request. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$3000 | ||
7028![]() Click for more photos | 1918-23 opt KGV ½d green, 5th setting, error single crown A wmk INVERTED. VF MLH, almost MUH, tiny natural inclusion on gum. SG 102w cat £3500. Great rarity with only tiny number known. 2017 Ceremuga AIEP photo-cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1800 | ||
7033![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1918-23 opt KGV 4d orange, variety 'line through Four Pence'. VFU with oval radio station cancel. SG 104a cat £1300. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
7035![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1918-23 opt Kangaroo 10/- grey & pink, 3rd wmk. FU, Rabaul 1922 cds & trace of blue crayon. Scott 37 cat US$275, SG 117 cat £250. (P) | SOLD at A$110 | ||
7038![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1918-23 opt KGV violet 5th setting SG 120b 'scarlet mark', SG 120c 'flaw under neck', SG 120 'wattle line' & SG 123, 4d violet with major variety 'LL frame worn' (ACSC 110(1)g). VF MLH. SG 120b & c cat £180, 'wattle line' not listed by SG but should be £90 & SG 123 variety not listed by SG but should be £100+, total est £370. | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
7039![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1918-23 opt KGV 4d violet. VF fresh MUH. SG 123 cat £24 for M, should be at least double, £48 MUH. | AVAILABLE at A$20 | ||
7040![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1918-23 opt KGV 4d violet blk of 4. VF fresh MUH. SG 123 cat £96 for M, should be at least double, £192 MUH. | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
7041![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1918-23 opt KGV 4d violet. VFU. Scott 47 cat US$45, SG 123 cat £40. | AVAILABLE at A$15 | ||
7042![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1918-22 opt KGV 4d violet blk of 4. VFU, 'Rabaul 10 JL 22' cds. SG 123 cat £160+ as singles, plus premium for rare postally U multiple. (4) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
7050![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1931 Dated Bird Airmail ½d to 5/- VF fresh MUH. SG 163-174 cat £116 for M, should be at least double, £232 MUH. (12). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
7054![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1931 Dated Bird Airmail ½d, 2d, 4d, 5d, 6d, 9d & 2/-. VFU, all clear Namatanai cds. SG ex 163-73 cat £123++, plus premium for pmks. (7). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
7069![]() Click for more photos | 1932-34 Undated Birds Airmail ½d orange, 1d green & 1½d claret, full sheets of 30 with Ash imprints. VF fresh MUH. SG 190-92 cat £115 for M singles, should be at least double, £230 MUH, plus premium for sheets. (90) | SOLD at A$90 | ||
7085![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1939 Bulolo Airmail 5/- olive-brown, blk of 4. VFU, 'Bulolo 15 AUG 39 New Guinea' cds. SG 223 cat £680+ as singles, plus premium for very rare blk. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
7099![]() Click for more photos | 1953 Pictorial set 5c-5Fr 1972 Pic Def set 5c-5Fr. 1975 Bull 10Fr. 1977 Currency change surch set 5f on 5c - 500f on 10f. VF fresh MUH. SG 68-78, 158-169 & 220-232. Yv 155-65, 338-40, 463-75 cat €312. (37). | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
7100![]() Click for more photos | 1977 Surch sets 5FNH - 500FNH (Paris opts), both British & French issues, ea with decorative tabs. Mostly VF MUH. SG 220-32 & F234-46 cat £74. Yv 50-75 cat €245. (26). | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
7101![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1977 Surch 30FNH Port Vila opt. VF MUH. SG 237 cat £250. Yv 488B cat €460. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$140 | ||
7104![]() Click for more photos | 1977 Surch set 5FN - 500NHF Port Villa opts (the 200 NFH is the French stamp). VF-MUH. SG 233-41 cat £300+. Yv 486-94 cat €440+. (9). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
7169![]() Click for more photos | 1973 Mountain Scenery set 6c, 8c, 18c & 23c sheets of 100 with imprint/plate numbers at LL cnrs. VF MUH. CP cat $1100. (400) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
7170![]() Click for more photos | 1974 Commonwealth Games set of 5 to 23c in sheets of 100 with imprint/plate numbers at LL cnrs. Some scattered tone spots o/w fresh MUH. FV $60, CP cat $530. (500) | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
7172![]() Click for more photos | 1974 Aeroplanes set 3c, 4c, 5c &23c in sheets of 100 with imprint/plate numbers at LL cnrs. Fresh MUH. CP cat $475. (400) | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
7175![]() Click for more photos | 1974 Off-Shore issues set 6c, 8c, 18c & 23c in sheets of 100 with imprint/plate numbers at LL cnrs. Traces of tropicalisation, fresh MUH. FV $55, CP cat $600+. (400) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
7177![]() Click for more photos | 1975 Sailing Ships set of 6 to 23c sheets of 100 with imprint/plate numbers at LL cnrs. Fresh MUH. FV $68, CP cat $570. (600) | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
7178![]() Click for more photos | 1975 Forest Parks set 6c, 8c, 18c & 23c in sheets of 100 with imprint/plate numbers at LL cnrs. Traces of tropicalisation, fresh MUH. FV $55, CP cat $780. (400) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
7192![]() Click for more photos | 1977 Christmas set 7c, 16c, 23c in sheets of 100 with plate numbers at LL cnrs. Light tropicalisation in the top value, overall fresh appearance. CP cat $350. | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
7193![]() Click for more photos | 1977 Fire fighting set 10c, 11c, 12c & 23c in sheets of 100 with imprint/plate numbers at LL cnrs. Fresh MUH. FV $56, CP cat $235. (400) | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
7195![]() Click for more photos | 1978 Sea Resources set 12c, 15c, 20c, 23c, 35c sheets of 100 with imprint/plate numbers at LL cnrs. Fresh MUH. FV $105, CP cat $345. (500) | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
7196![]() Click for more photos | 1978 Christmas set 7c, 16c, 23c in sheets of 100 with plate numbers at LL cnrs. A few tropical spots, mostly fresh MUH. CP cat $220. | AVAILABLE at A$45 | ||
7200![]() Click for more photos | 1979 Small Harbours set 15c, 20c, 23c, 35c in sheets of 100 with imprint at LL cnr. Fresh MUH. FV $93, CP cat $245. (400) | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
7209![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1996 Scenes $1 Pohutukawa Tree self adhesive blk of 4 with blank reverse, die-cut perfs with surrounding blank margin paper still in place, apparently from 'Jumbo roll' in strips, not sold in blks. VF fresh MUH. SG 1991. CP PC123a(X). | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
7213![]() Click for more photos | 1934 NZ-Australia FFC (roughly opened) franked Air 7d brown tied by 'Lower Hutt 23 JE 34' cds. To Sydney with arrival b/s. AAMC 370 cat $60. | AVAILABLE at A$15 | ||
7272![]() Click for more photos | 1979 Christmas set 15c, 20c & 30c strips of 3 in sheet of 60 inc imprint, ie 20 strips of 3. VF MUH. SG 230-32. FV $13 alone. | AVAILABLE at A$8 | ||
7273![]() Click for more photos | 1980 Lions Convention 50c sheet of 50. VF MUH. SG 234. FV $25 alone. | AVAILABLE at A$13 | ||
7320![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1913-21 KGV £1 purple & black on red. F-VFU, 1931 cds. Scott 23 cat US$190. SG 98 cat £225. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
7321![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee set 1d to 1/-, perf SPECIMEN. VF fresh MUH. SG 123s-126s cat £150 for M, should be at least double, £300 MUH. Scarce genuine set. (4) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
7326![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1935 Registered cover franked KGV Silver Jubilee set 1d to 1/- tied by 'Zomba 8 JUN 35' cds. To London, reverse stains. SG 123-6 cat £70 as loose stamps & 'from x2' on cover. | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
7330![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923 Postage Due 13m blue, error IMPERF between horiz pr. Superb fresh M. Scott J5a cat US$1200, SG D5a cat £1100. Extremely rare, only 1 column existed. 2012 Ceremuga photo cert (P) | AVAILABLE at A$800 | ||
7423![]() Click for more photos | 1917 ONE PENNY surch Lakatoi set on ½d-2/6 all as UR cnr marg blks of 4 - 6d LR with JBC monogram. VF fresh MUH. SG 106-11 cat £116 for M singles should be at least double, £232 MUH, plus premium for blks. (6 blks). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
7438![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1931 surch 1s3d on Lakatoi 5/- in CA/JBC monogram blk of 10 (5x2). VF fresh MUH. SG 123 cat £130 as M singles, should be at least double, £260 MUH, plus premium for monogram blk. | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
7469![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1934-41 comp U sets with 1934 Declaration, 1935 opt KGV Jubilee, 1937 Coronation, 1938 Declaration, & 1938-41 Airmail. VFU. SG cat £180. (23). | SOLD at A$95 | ||
7470![]() Click for more photos | 1934-41 sets comp with 1934 Declaration, 1935 Jubilee, 1937 Coronation, 1938 Declaration & 1939-41 Airmail. VF fresh MUH. SG 146-68 cat £134+ fo M, should be at least £171 counting double for the KGV MUH. (23). | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
7474![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee opt Pictorial 5d variety 'accent flaw' on LL stamp of Ash imprint blk of 4. VF MUH. SG 153a+153 cat £116 for M singles, should be at least double, £232 MUH, plus premium for imprint blk. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
7507![]() Click for more photos | 1973 Telecommunications set 7c blk of 4, 9c & 30c IMPERF proofs. VF fresh M, in original Courvoisier printers proof folder, plus issued set MUH to compare. SG 231a(p) & 235-36(p). Extremely rare - 1st we have seen. (12). (P) | SOLD at A$250 | ||
7511![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1975-95 Stamp Duty selection inc 1975 5t & 1K. 1984 50t on 5t. C1989 opt Shells 10t on 40t, plus 10t on 40t, opt larger in centre. 1988-95 50t on 60t, 1K on 90t. 1990 'DUTY STAMP' opt 5K on 70t. VF fresh MUH/2 UN. Bft 63, 69, 78, 100, 101, 103, 105, 110 cat £123. (8) | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
7531![]() Click for more photos | PNG: 1925-2000 comp sheets ranging in size from 30-100 stamps in 2 sheet files, commences with 1925 ½d New Guinea Huts (2), ½d Birds Airmail & comp set of 1937 Coronation values, then PNG range from 1952-2000 inc 1961 5d Legislative Council (sheet of 100), 1964 2/3 Birds (100), 1973 Panorama $1 & $2 (sheets of 50), 1987 Ships 5t, 35t, 40t, 70t & 2K, range of Surcharges inc 1995 Pope Paul 21t & 1K (SG 745/46) in full sheet of 20, 1994 21t on 35t Fish (sheet of 50) SG 708 etc. Generally fresh Superb MUH, few earlies have some toning. SG cat £2300+. This is a rare opportunity to acquire a large quantity of full sheets for further research on varieties. (100 + sheets) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
7552![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1922 Miners & Arms set 5F-300Mk, issue for Upper Silesia. VFU, 40f-300Mk on pieces with 'Krolewska-Huta 17.IV.23' cds. Mi 1-16, SG 179-198 cat £190+. (20) | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
7553![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1924-25 Postage Due 50gr brown, horiz pr, error IMPERF between. VF fresh MUH, small paper adhesion. SG D239(var), Mi 75I(var), Fi D75I. Extremely rare. Exp Korszen PZF. (P) | SOLD at A$250 | ||
7554![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1925 National Fund Arms set 1+50gr - 50+50gr. Superb U, all with 'Krakow 14.11.IV.25' cds. SG 230-40 cat £350++. Mi 213-23 cat €320++. Rare genuine used. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo-cert. (11). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
7572![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1937 Visit of King of Rumania M/Sheet set of 3. Superb U, ea with diff cancels. Mi Blk 2-4 cat €150+, SG MS332a-c cat £123+. (3) | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
7575![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1938 Stratosphere Balloon Flight 75gr M/Sheet. Superb U/CTO, 'I Polski lot Stratosferyczny / Zakopane Dolina Chocholowska' & 'Zakopane 23 IX 38' special cancel, with UH gum. Scott B31 cat US$65, Mi Blk 6, SG MS335b cat £110+. | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
7593![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1946 International Bureau of Education M/Sheet. 3+22zl - 11+22zl. Superb U/CTO, 'Katowice 23.10.19' cds. Mi Blk 9 cat €1500, SG MS571d cat £1900. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
7600![]() Click for more photos | 1950 Currency Revaluation 'Groszy' violet opt type 23 of Warszawa on 1948 Roosevelt M/Sheet, diag opt on ea stamp. VF fresh MLH, stamps MUH. Mi Blk A11 cat €700, SG MS645d(var) cat €550 as normal & should be at least +50% with opt, so £825. 2018 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
7601![]() Click for more photos | 1950 Currency Revaluation 'Groszy' red opt type 23 of Warszawa on 1948 Roosevelt M/Sheet with opt on ea stamp ex not on 100g, but twice on 120g. VF fresh MLH, stamps MUH. Mi Blk A11 cat €700+. SG MS645d(var) cat £550+ for normal M, should be double, with opt, £1100, plus premium for opt error. Exp Gryzowski, plus 2019 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
7609![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1979 Fishing 6zl error brown omitted, missing 'POLSKA'. Superb fresh MUH. Mi 2623F, listed but unpriced, Fi 2477s. Exp Kalinowski. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
7614![]() Click for more photos | 1919 Stampless official cover with 'Mission For Supply & Relief of Poland British Section' circular red h/s, to Liverpool with 'London Paid 4 NO 19' cds, & 'War Trade Intelligence Dept' black oval cachet, plus on reverse boxed 'Supreme Economic Council British Dept 23 OCT 1919 Received' cachet. Extremely rare diplomatic mail usage. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
7618![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923 Registered large stampless cover (no flap etc) with 'Sad Powiatowy Zloczowie' court cachet, '9 11 23 Zloczow' barred pmk, h/s reg label & 'Porto zaplaci adresat' h/s (addresee to pay postage) with Postage Due 10,000/8m horiz BISECT (upper half) tied by '10 11 23 Zloczow' barred pmk. Mi P51(var). Extremely rare inflation usage. 2016 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
7623![]() Click for more photos | 1950 Currency Revaluation 'Groszy' violet opt type 23 of Warszawa on 1948 Roosevelt M/Sheet with opt on ea stamp, tied to envelope by 'Warszawa 14 12 50' cds. SG MS645d(var) cat £900 for normal, should be double, with opts, £1800. Mi Blk A11 cat €2200+. Very rare. 2019 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$700 | ||
7628![]() Click for more photos | 1952 Customs Clearance Card for parcel from the USA, franked def 40gr Refinery & Postage Dues 1zl (3) & 10gr vert BISECT (R half), tied by 'Lipnica Wielkan 23 6 52' cds. Mi 690, P143(var) & P151. Rare usage & franking. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
7629![]() Click for more photos | Postal History: 1928-41 usages with 1928 Airmail cover with Airs 1gr, 2gr (6 on reverse), & 5gr (2) tied by 'Lwow 26 XI 28' cds. 1936 Flight cover Lwow-Palestine with Polish & Hebrew pictorial cachets. 1934 cover with stamps with 'Challenge 1934 special pmks. 1938 Balloon Post with stamps tied by green Balloon pmks. Military covers (2) ca 1937 with cachets for 6th Podhale Rifles Regiment & same for 2nd Battalion. 1930s Postcards with views at left (5), range of 1938 covers (8) most reg express, a few others. All usages from towns in eastern Poland that are now in Ukraine. (23). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
7637![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1924 Legal document franked revenues Stamp Duty 1923 20,000M (10), 1 Million (7) & 1924 1zl (16) tied by cds. Bft 47, 56 & 64 cat £28 as loose stamps, plus premium on document. Rare inflation mixed franking with new currency. (33). | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
7653![]() Click for more photos | 1921 cover franked perf Pictorial 10Mk, tied by 'Wilno 23 VI 21' cds. To Moscow with arrival b/s. SG 40, Mi 40A. Rare destination. 2000 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$230 | ||
7674![]() Click to enlarge photo | Poland-General Govt: 1940 Eagle & Swastika opt 30gr/30gr, variety 'gash in left 0 of 30'. VFU. Mi 23I cat €120. Exp Schmutz & Ceremuga AIEP. | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
7683![]() Click for more photos | Polish Corps in Italy: 1946 Fieldpost set 45gr-2zl on greyish low quality paper, plus New Colours Fieldpost set 45gr-2zl, as well as Airmail 5zl/2zl, all in blks of 4. VF fresh 1st set & airmail MUH, 2nd set UN as issued. Sass 1-4, 9-12 & PA1 cat €2310+ as singles. Rare as blks. Airmail with 2014 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (36) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
7714![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1895 700th Birth Anniv St Anthony 1000R deep lilac & green. Superb U, neat cds. Scott 146 cat US$600, Mi 123 cat €500. SG 341 cat £650. Exp Serif. Very scarce top value. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$220 | ||
7723![]() Click for more photos | 1946-52 sets & M/Sheets: Guinea 1946 Anniv set MLH (SG cat £130), India 1952 St Francis 9T M/Sheet MUH (£23), Mozambique 1946 Air Taxe percue set 50c - 50E MUH (£140), St Thomas & Prince. 1948 Fruit set MUH (£170) & Timor 1948 Peoples M/S MUH (£180). VF all but 1st MUH. SG c at £643 & undercatalogued as seldom seen issues. (3 sets & 2M/S). | AVAILABLE at A$160 | ||
7748![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1896 '£100 ONE HUNDRED POUNDS' opt Arms £5 green. VF F/C appearance with violet h/s, small expertly repaired tear basically invisible. Bft 6 cat £1500++ with perfin & worth big premium w/o, & in any case much under catalogued. Great rarity, only tiny number recorded. 2023 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$4000 | ||
7777![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1907 'REVENUE' opt Arms £20 yellow-brown, horiz pr. Superb F/C, perfin 'USED', plus oval violet 'Mines Office 28 MAY 1910 Gwelo'. Bft 23 cat £400+. Rare multiple. (2) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$230 | ||
7778![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1907 'REVENUE' opt Arms £20 yellow-brown. VF F/C, perfin 'USED', plus violet oval 'Mines of Gwelo 26 OCT'. Bft 23 cat £200. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
7782![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1909-12 RHODESIA opt Arms £2 rosy-brown, on sl bluish paper, perf 14½x14. Superb UN, excellent centring & nice colour. SG 113d cat £4250. Very rare genuine unused. 2023 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$2000 | ||
7791![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1910-13 KGV Double Head 1/- purple-black & blue-green, perf 14, variety 'gash in ear'. Superb fresh MLH. SG 152a(var) cat £275 footnote prices from 3-5 times for variety, so £825-£1375. Very rare combination. 2023 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$675 | ||
7792![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1910-13 KGV Double Head 2/- black & dull blue, perf 14. VF fresh M. Scott 112b cat US$1250, SG 154 cat £1200. Very rare shade. 2023 Ceremuga photo-cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$950 | ||
7806![]() Click for more photos | 1894 stampless cover with 'St Petersburg 23 XI 94 cds, with 2 diff postage due h/s, plus blue PO label on reverse that posted w/o stamp, & arrival cds. | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
7841![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1921 Control Stamp Authorised for Postage set 25k-100R. Postally VFU all with various cds. SG 203-210 cat £132. Mi 130-137 cat €230 & under catalogued. (8). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
7842![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1921 Charity Volga relief 2250R green & 2250R red, both on pelure paper. VF M/MLH, all 4 margins. Mi 167y & 168y cat €320. SG 230c & 231b cat £235. (2). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
7843![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1922 '5000R' red opt Agriculture 1R orange, imperf error opt INVERTED. VF fresh MLH, left marginal with 4 margins. Scott 191a cat US$140, Mi 171bk cat €80. SG 239a cat £100. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
7847![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923 Workers Charity opt 1R+1R on 10R-4R + 4R on 5000R, imperf. VFM, all 4 margins. SG 315, 317 & 318 cat £132. Mi 212b, 213a & 214a cat €250. (3). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
7869![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1932 Philatelic Exhib Moscow set 15k & 35k, plus 1933 'Leningrad 1933' opt Exhib set 15+30k & 35+70k. VFM. Mi 422-423, 427-428 cat €730. SG 601.602, 606-607 cat £473. (4). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
7870![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1932 Philatelic Exhib Moscow set 15k & 35k. VFM. Mi 422-423 cat €130. SG 601-602 cat £123. (2). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
7909![]() Click for more photos | 1983-86 sheetlet selection inc 1983 Woman Cosmonaut 10K. 1984 Gagarin 15K. 1985 Spacewalk 10K. 1985 235 Days in Space 15K. 1986 Olympic Games 15K & 1986 Cosmonaut set 5K-15K. VF fresh MUH. Mi cat €900. (8 sheetlets) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
7910![]() Click for more photos | 1983-86 sheetlet selection inc 1983 Woman Cosmonaut 10K. 1984 Gagarin 15K. 1985 Spacewalk 10K. 1985 235 Days in Space 15K. 1986 Olympic Games 15K & 1986 Cosmonaut set 5K-15K. VF fresh MUH. Mi cat €900. (8 sheetlets) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
7914![]() Click for more photos | Russia & Soviet Union: 1864-1928 Mint collection in s/book 1864-1917 Arms vals to 10R inc perf & imperf. Noted 1883-88 70K, no Thunderbolts. 1913 Tercentenary set to 5R. 1914 Charity issue inc perfs 1922 Rostov-on-Don Charity set. 1922 Air opt Consular Fee 12Mk on 2R25, 24Mk on 3R, 120Mk on 2R25, 600Mk on 3R, 1200Mk on 10K & 1200Mk on 2R25. 1923 Charity opt vals to 4R+4R on 5000R. 1922 Children opt 1K imperf, 2K, 3K, 5K & 10K. 1925-28 Soldiers, Workers & Peasants to 5R, inc perfs & imperfs. 1924 Lenin Mourning selection inc perf & imperf, plus printings. F-VFM. SG cat £4600+ = A$9000+. Mi cat €4800+ = A$8000+. (445) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$2000 | ||
7915![]() Click for more photos | Russia & Soviet Union: 1904-46 Mint collection inc 1904 War Fund set. 1923 Agricultural set perf & imperf. 1933 Leningrad Exhibition opt set (SG cat 350). 1933 Stratosphere set (£275). 1935 North Pole Flight opt 1R on 10K (£750). 1935 Anti War set (£400). 1935 Sport set (£350). 1934 Stratosphere Disaster set plus 1944 10th Anniv set. 1935 Air Rescue set (£800). 1934 Zeppelin Air set (£425). Mostly VF M/MUH, some tropicalised gum etc (useful stock for dealer who can solve that). Mi cat €5500+ = A$9100+. SG cat £5200+ = A$10,000+. (101) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$2000 | ||
7956![]() Click for more photos | NW Russia-Western Army: 1919 cover franked 'LP & Cross of Lorraine' opt 10k/2k green, & 30k/4k red, tied by 'Jelgawa Latwija 12 11 19' cds. SG 43-44 cat £29++. Mi 23-24 cat €20++ - both as loose stamps, plus large premium on cover. | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
7976![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1934 Centenary set ½d to 10/-. VF fresh MUH. SG 114-123 cat £425 for M, should be at least double, £850 MUH. (10). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
7987![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923 Tercentenary ½d to 10/-. VF fresh M/MLH. SG 48-59 cat £572. (12). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
7988![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923 Tercentenary set ½d - £1. VF fresh MLH. SG 48-60 cat £1200. Rare set. (P) | SOLD at A$650 | ||
7989![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923 Tercentenary ½d to 2/6. VF fresh M/MLH. SG 48-57 cat £157. (10) | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
7990![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923 Tercentenary set ½d-£1, opt SPECIMEN. VF fresh M. SG 48s-60s cat £800. Rare set. (13). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
7991![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923 Tercentenary set ½d - £1. VFU with various cds, indistinct on top 2 vals. SG 48-60 cat £2500. (13). | AVAILABLE at A$1000 | ||
7992![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923 Tercentenary 10/- black & red on emerald, LL cnr marginal with plate no 1. VF fresh MUH. Scott 62 cat US$325 for M, SG 58 cat £325 for M, should be at least double, £650, plus premium for plate no. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
7993![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923 Tercentenary £1 black & purple on red. Superb fresh MLH Scott 64 cat US$825. SG 60 cat £800. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$550 | ||
7994![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923 Tercentenary £1 black & purple on red. VF fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. Scott 64 cat US$825 for M, SG 60 cat £800 for M, should be at least double, £1600 MUH. Rare top value in exceptional condition. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1100 | ||
8024![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1935-42 WESTERN SAMOA opt NZ Arms £5 indigo-blue, wmk single Star NZ (W43). Superb fresh MUH. Scott 180 cat US$235 for M. SG 194 cat £225 for M, should be at least double, £450 MUH. Scarce high value. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$240 | ||
8067![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1914-23 KGV set ½d-£1 wmk mult crown. VFU. SG ex 22-38 cat £450. (14). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
8068![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1914-23 KGV £1 purple & black on red, wmk mult crown. VF fresh MUH. Scott 41 cat US$275 for M, SG 38 cat £250 for M, should be at least double, £500 MUH. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
8069![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1914-23 KGV £1 purple & black on red, bottom marginal with plate no 1. Stamp VF fresh MUH. Scott 41 cat US$275 for M. SG 38 cat £250 for M, should be at least double, £500 MUH, plus premium for plate no. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
8085![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1871-76 Hope Seated ½d black, wmk crown CC INVERTED. F-VF fresh M. Scott 23a cat US$500, SG 28w cat £500. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
8088![]() Click for more photos | 1904 Madeira PPC 'Camara de Lobos' view franked CGH 1d tied by 'Cape Colony Ocean Mail Jan 23 04' cds. To Australia with Bathurst arrival cds. | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
8123![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1877- 79 'Postage Half-penny' opt QV Chalon 1d yellow, error opt DOUBLE. VFU, barred oval '2' pmk. Scott 61a cat US$230. SG 91b cat £250. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$110 | ||
8124![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1877-79 'POSTAGE Half-penny' opt QV 1d yellow, error opt DOUBLE, plus shifted so that bar is on top. VF U, barred numeral pmk. Scott 61a cat US$230+. SG 91B cat £250+. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$110 | ||
8125![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1877-79 'POSTAGE Half-penny' opt QV 1d yellow, error opt DOUBLE (overlapping). VFU, barred pmk. Scott 61a cat US$230, SG 91B cat £250. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
8172![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1900 VRI opt Arms £5 deep green, FULL SHEET of 60, from the early 1910s-30s reprint, with forged opts. VF fresh MUH. SG 237(R), originals would cat £135,000 for M singles. Impressive reference item. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$110 | ||
8184![]() Click for more photos | 1900 Registered Cover franked VRI opt Arms 2½d & 4d tied by 'Johannesburg 14 NOV 00' cds. To London with arrival pmks. SG 229, 231 cat £8.50 as loose stamps & 'from x20' on cover. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
8185![]() Click for more photos | 1900 Cover (folds & no top flap), franked VRI opt Arms ½d pr & 4d, tied by 'Krugersdord 19 NOV 00' cds. To Jersey. SG 226, 230 cat £8.50 as loose stamps & 'from x20' on cover. | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
8188![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1899-1900 Boer invasion of Cape Colony - Postmark: CDS 'Colesberg FE 27 19' cds on Transvaal Arms 3d to 1/- with '19' meant to represent '1900', year error confirmed by Pretoria 1900 cds on same piece, apparently the new century postmarkers yet to arrive. All on single large piece. SG 220-23. (4) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
8205![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1899-1900 Boer invasion of Natal Postmark: Oval Ingagane ZAR 15 DEC 1899' on Transvaal Arms 1/- ochre & green, full violet strike on piece. SG 223. | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
8222![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1894-96 QV Tablet £1 purple on red. Superb fresh M, nice deep colour. Scott 23 cat US$675. SG 28 cat £650. Exp Diena. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
8241![]() Click for more photos | 1948 Kirchhoffs 3/- booklet plus 1951 3/6 booklet. VF MUH. SG SB18 & SB19 cat £78. (23 bklts). | SOLD at A$50 | ||
8258![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923 setting I opt KGV ½d green, horiz se-tenant pr, variety 'Wes for West'. VF fresh MUH. SG 1a cat £120 for M, should be at least double, £240 MUH. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$110 | ||
8259![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923 setting I opt KGV 1d rose-red, LR gutter marginal se-tenant blk of 4 (2 prs) LR stamp variety 'Af.rika for Africa' VF fresh 3M/1MUH, variety superb MUH. SG 2/2c cat £189 as M should be at least double, £378 MUH variety, plus premium for positional blk. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
8260![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923 Setting I opt KGV 4d orange-yellow & sage-green horiz se-tenant pr, Litho opt in shiny ink. VF fresh MLH. SG 5a cat £50. | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
8261![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923 Setting I opt KGV 4d orange-yellow & sage green, horiz bilingual pr, litho opt in shiny ink. VF fresh MLH. SG 5a cat £50. | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
8262![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923 setting I opt KGV 6d, se-tenant blk of 4 (2 prs), UL basic stamp variety white scratch through King's head'. VFU with 'Swakopmund 19 Jan 23' cds. SG 6, 6(var) cat £100+, plus premium for variety (4) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
8263![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923 Setting I opt KGV 1/3 pale violet horiz se-tenant pr, litho opt in shiny ink. VF fresh MLH. SG 8a cat £90. | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
8264![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923 Setting I opt KGV 5/- purple & blue horiz bilingual pr. F-VF fresh MLH. Scott 10 cat US$240. SG 10 cat £250. Exp Holcombe. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
8265![]() Click for more photos | 1923 Setting II opt KGV 10/- blue & olive-green, horiz bilingual pr. VF fresh M. Scott 14 cat US$550. SG 14 cat £600. Only 1200 prs printed. Holcombe photo-cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
8266![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923-26 setting II opt KGV 10/-, English single. VF fresh MLH. Scott 14a cat US$160, SG 14 cat £600 for M pr or £140 for U single. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
8267![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923 Setting II opt KGV £1 green & red, horiz bilingual pr. Superb fresh MLH, bright colours & perfect centring Scott 15 cat US$1100. SG 15 cat £1200. Only 1200 prs printed & unusually nice quality. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1000 | ||
8268![]() Click for more photos | 1923-26 SWA setting III opt KGV ½d green full sheet of 240 in 4 panes of 60, separated by horiz & vert gutters, plate no.7 ea cnr. Mostly VF fresh MUH, top & central margins reinforced, top panes separated vertically at gutter. SG 16 cat £1560 for M, should be at least £3120 MUH, plus premium for plate numbers & full sheet. Extremely rare full sheet & fantastic item for specialist study. (240). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
8269![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923-26 Setting IV opt KGV 2/6 purple & green, horiz se-tenant pr. VF fresh M. Scott 28 cat US$100, SG 28 cat £100. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
8270![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923 setting III opt Postage Due 6d black & slate, right marginal blk of 8 (4 bilingual prs), 2nd pr error 'Wes for West in South West Africa'. Superb fresh MUH. SG D5/D5a cat £800 for M, should be at least double, £1600 MUH, plus premium for blk. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
8271![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923-26 setting VI opt KGV ½d to 5/-, horiz bilingual prs. VF fresh MLH. SG 29-38 cat £181. (10 prs). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$110 | ||
8272![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923-26 Setting VI opt KGV set ½d-£1, horiz se-tenant prs. VF fresh MLH. SG 29-40 cat £550. (12 prs). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
8273![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923-26 setting VI opt KGV 1d rose-red, se-tenant blk of 4 (2 prs), error opt misplaced to right. VFU with 'Windhoek SWA 14 II 26' cds. SG 30(var) cat £20++, plus premium for opt shift. (4) | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
8274![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923-26 setting VI opt KGV 3d, se-tenant blk of 4 (2 prs), error opt shift downwards. VFU with 'Windhoek' cds. SG 32(var) cat £80++, plus premium for opt shift. (4) | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
8275![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923-26 setting VI opt KGV 1/- & 10/-, setenant horiz prs, h/s SPECIMEN. VF fresh MLH. SG 35s & 39s est cat £250. (2 prs). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$110 | ||
8276![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923-26 Setting VI opt KGV 10/- blue & olive-green horiz bilingual pr. VF fresh MLH. Scott 39 cat US$100. SG 39 cat £120. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
8277![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923-26 setting VI opt KGV £1 green & red, horiz bilingual pr. VF fresh MLH. Scott 40 cat US$325. SG 40 cat £350. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
8278![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923-26 Setting VI opt KGV £1 pale olive-green & red. VF MLH. Scott 40 cat US$325. SG 40a cat £350. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
8279![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923-26 setting VI opt KGV £1 pale olive green & red se-tenant pr. U on piece with Windhoek cds, left stamp creased before use, right stamp superb. Scott 40 cat US$450, SG 40a ca £600. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
8291![]() Click for more photos | SWA: 1923-70s collection inc 1923-26 KGV to 2/6 inc horiz bilingual prs. 1927-30 opt Pic to 10/-, horiz bilingual prs. 1931 Pic Def set to 20/- horiz bilingual prs, plus Airs. 1935 Voortrekker set. 1941-43 War Effort set to 1/3, plus 1943-44 Bantam set to 1/-. 1954 Pic Def set to 10/-. 1961 decimal Def set to R1. Mostly G-VF M/MUH/U, tropicalisation in parts. SG cat £890+. (460) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
8301![]() Click for more photos | 1853 Madrid Local Arms 3c bronze. VFU appearance, 4 margins, expertly repaired at bottom in margin only, black oval grid pmk. Scott 18, SG 31 cat £9500, Edifil 23 cat €10,700. Extremely rare genuine example. 2010 Scheller photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1700 | ||
8308![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1856-59 Queen 12c orange, unissued, no wmk, thick paper. VF, 3 horiz bars cancel, 4 margins. SG footnote cat £100 for UN, Edifil NE1AS cat €230. | AVAILABLE at A$35 | ||
8310![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1860 Queen 19c deep brown on brown. U, 2½ margins, cnr fault, black wagon wheel pmk. Scott 52, SG 66 cat £1700, Edifil 54a cat €2300. Rare genuine example. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
8311![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1864 Queen 12c green on pale rose, typographed Postal Forgery. Superb U, 4 margins '29 MAI 64' cds, plus black wagon wheel pmk. SG 77(F), Edifil 65Fa cat €235+. Interesting specialist item. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
8375![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1938 Submarine M/Sheet, with no 000223 on back. Superb MUH, much nicer than usual gum. SG MS857g cat £700 for M so at least double, £1400 MUH, Edifil 781 cat €1010. Key Civil War M/Sheet. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$650 | ||
8419![]() Click to enlarge photo | Fernando Poo: 1898-99 'HABILITADO PARA CORREOS' circular black opt Baby 50c/10c pale lake. VF fresh MLH. Sc 36 cat US$230. SG 47a unpriced, Ed 27 cat €295. Exp Galvez. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
8437![]() Click to enlarge photo | Guinea: 1903 Curly Head 3P brick-red, with Control no 000,000 at back (Specimen). Superb fresh M. Sc 23 cat US$95+. SG 35 cat £120+. Ed 23N cat €210. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
8466![]() Click to enlarge photo | Guinea: 1926 Red Cross opt set 5c-10P, plus 1P on 10P & 2P on 5P, all opt MAESTRA (Specimen). VF fresh M. Sc B1-B12 & B70-B71 cat US$94+. SG 221-232, 466, 467 est cat £200+ both as normal, plus premium for specimen. Ed 179M-190M est cat €200. (14). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
8467![]() Click to enlarge photo | Guinea: 1929 Exhib opt set 5c-10P, opt MUESTRA (Specimen). VF fresh M. Sc 209-219 cat US$80+. SG 233s-243s cat £180+ both for normals, plus premium for specimen. Ed 191NM-201M cat €230. (11). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
8468![]() Click to enlarge photo | Guinea: 1931 King, Queen & Porter set 1c-5P opt MUESTRA (Specimen) with control no A000,000 at back. VF fresh M. Sc 222-233 cat US$69+. SG 244s -257s cat £200+ both for normals, plus premium for specimens. Ed 202M-215M cat €158. (14). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$110 | ||
8482![]() Click to enlarge photo | Sahara: 1929 Exhib opt set 5c-10P opt MUESTRA (Specimen). VF fresh M. Sc 13-23(s) cat US$87+ SG 25-35(s) cat £95+ both for normals, plus premium for specimens. Ed 25M-35M cat €300. Only 1000 surch sets printed. (11). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
8493![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1913-22 'AS' Perf Camel Postman 2Pi purple & orange-yellow. VFM. Scott MOA25, SG A23 cat £140 (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
8496![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1921-23 Camel Postman set 1m-15m, wmk mult star & Crescent, plus 1927-41 Camel Postman 1Pi-20Pi, wmk Mult SG. Mostly VF fresh M. SG 30-36, 44-46b cat £133. (15) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
8514![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1890 'Swaziland Government Committee' violet h/s 10/- on rose, paper coloured through. Superb UN. Bft 23. Extremely rare. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
8515![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1890 'Swaziland Government Committee' violet h/s 10/- on rose, perf 12, variety paper coloured through. F-VF F/C, crease at left, on piece with m/s initials & '21.1.95' date. Bft 23(var) cat £125+. Extremely rare. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
8534![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee 3d brown & deep blue, LL cnr marginal blk of 4, UL stamp extra flagstaff variety. VF fresh MUH. SG 23/23a £114 for M singles, should be at least double, £228 MUH, plus premium for blk. | SOLD at A$25 | ||
8547![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1918 'Schweitzer Post Vaduz' Courier Stamp perf 11½ on all 4 sides. This special WWI stamp was for mail from Vaduz in Liechtenstein to Sevelen in Switzerland where it was put into the normal mail system. VF fresh M. Mi 1A cat €700. Zum 1a cat SFr800. Very rare Local Post. Exp Zum, plus 2023 Ceremuga photo cert (P) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
8558![]() Click for more photos | 1850-1960 collection on illustrated pages in Davo album inc 1850 10r, 1851 5r, 1852 15r, 1854 5r-1Fr imperf, 1962 2c-1Fr comp, 1862 1Fr bronze-gold, 1867 2c-50c comp, 1881 2c-1Fr comp, 1882 2c-15c comp, 1882 to 3Fr, 1923 Air set to 2Fr comprehensive to 1950s inc 1945 Pence set comp to 10Fr with many both M & VFU, 1913-63 Pro Juventute sets comp, few League of Nations, Officials & Stamp Duty issues mostly comp sets, all diff. Mostly F-VF fresh M/U, some mixed classics as expected, while there are many superb stamps in later issues. SG cat £12,000+ = A$24,000. Valuable collection. (900 + 2 M/S) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1100 | ||
8583![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1920 2nd Tiger Scouts Fund opt set 2s-1T all blks of 4, inc with control cachets on backs of 3s, 5s, 10s, 15s. F-VF, 2s-15s MUH & 1T M, mostly evenly tropicalised. Scott B18-B23 cat US$2400++. SG 205-10 cat £2900++ both as M singles, should be at least double, for such mostly MUH blks, so est £5800. Only 3000 sets printed & extremely rare in multiples. Certificates can be obtained on request. (24) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$2000 | ||
8584![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1920 2nd Tiger Scouts Fund opt set 2s-1T, control cachets on back. VF fresh MLH. Scott B18 - B23 cat US$600+. SG 205-10 cat £725+. Very scarce genuine with 3000 sets printed & certificate can be obtained on request. (6) (P) | SOLD at A$600 | ||
8585![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1920 2nd Tiger Scouts Fund opt set 2s-1T, with control cachets on back. VF MUH, 1T evenly tropicalised, all never hinged original gum with control cachets Scott B18 - B23 cat US$925. SG 205-10 cat £725 for M, should be at least double, £1450 MUH. Rare genuine as only 3000 sets printed & seldom seen MUH. Certificate can be obtained on request. (6) (P) | SOLD at A$1400 | ||
8586![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1921 3rd Tiger Scouts Fund opt set 2st-50st. VF fresh M/MLH. Scott B24 - B30 cat US$415. SG 223-29 cat £450+. Only 5000 sets printed & scarce so fresh. (7) (P) | SOLD at A$325 | ||
8587![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1921 3rd Tiger Scouts Fund opt set 2s-50s. VFU. Scott B24-30 cat US$415. SG 223-29 cat £450. Only 5000 sets printed. (7). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
8593![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1940 Chakri Palace 5s green ERROR OF COLOUR (instead of purple) due to cliche of 5s in plate of 3s. F-VF MUH. Sc 239a cat US$900+, SG 286b cat £1100+ both for M, plus premium MUH. Rare. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
8603![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1914 narrow opt 'One Penny' on Yacht 5pf green, blk of 4, UL stamp variety 'TOG' for 'TOGO'. VFU, 'Lome 4.12.14 Togo' cds. Scott 47/47a cat US$154+. Yv 33A/33Ab cat €590+. SG H28/H28A cat £123+ as singles, plus premium for positional se-tenant blk which should be +50%, so est cat £185. Only 26850 printed. Exp Ceremuga AIEP. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$110 | ||
8616![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1914 Thin opt Yacht 3pf-30pf inc 05 on 3pf type I & III, 10 on 5pf type I, II & III, 20pf, 25pf & 30pf. VFU, all with cds. Scott 151-160 cat US$473. Yv 23A-27 cat €630. SG 1-5 cat £595. All exp Ceremuga AIEP. (8). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$230 | ||
8645![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee 2c ultramarine & grey-black LL cnr marginal blk of 4, UL stamp 'extra flagstaff' variety. VF fresh 2MLH/2MUH. SG 239/239a cat £36+ for M singles, plus premium for positional se-tenant blk which should be +50%, so est cat £54. | AVAILABLE at A$20 | ||
8652![]() Click for more photos | 1935 Registered cover franked KGV Silver Jubilee set 2c-24c, tied by 'Registration Trinidad 11 JUL 35' cds. To Br Guiana with arrival b/s. SG 239-42 cat £32 as loose stamps & 'from x3' on cover. | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
8657![]() Click for more photos | 1963-88 wmk errors selection inc 1963 Resettlement opt 5/-, wmk inverted, 1966 UNESCO 10d, wmk Crown to right of CA, 1978 25th Anniv 25p sheetlet, wmk inverted & 1982 Whaling 50p, wmk crown to right of CA. VF fresh MUH. SG 66w, 101w, 239bw, 455w cat £345. (4 items) | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
8661![]() Click for more photos | 1978-88 wmk error selection inc 1987 Shipwrecks M/S, wmk Crown to right, 1986 Prince Andrew Royal Wedding 10p, wmk inverted, 1988 Handicrafts 10p (2), 15p & 50p, all wmk Crown to right of CA, 1978 Painting 20p, wmk Crown to right & 1977 25th Anniv 25p horiz se-tenant strip of 3, wmk inverted. VF fresh MUH. SG 239/241aw, 237w, 429w, 416w, 448-449w, 451w cat £425. (8 items) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
8683![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1923-26 Star & Crescent ½Pi, 3Pi, 4½Pi, 5Pi & 7½Pi, perf 13½, all h/s SPECIMEN. VF UN. Mi ex 810-816(s). SG ex 977-987(s). (5) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
8696![]() Click for more photos | 1921 Parcel Card franked Nationalist Govt 'Osmanli Postalari 1336' opt Religious Tribunal fiscal 100Pi pr & 50Pi -all cut as per PO rules, tied by 'Tchornm 23 6 21' cds, with 'Samsoun' arrival b/s. Mi 712 & 13. SG A19-20 cat £189 as loose stamps alone. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
8697![]() Click for more photos | 1921 Parcel Card franked Nationalist Govt 'Osmanli Postalari 1336' opt Religious Tribunal Fiscal 1000Pi (3) & 100Pi, plus '1337' opt Ministry of Finance 5Pi, & Ottoman Pictorial 20pa (3) on reverse -all cut as per PO rules, tied by 'Tchoroum 3 10 21' cds, with 'Samsoun' arrival b/s. Mi 713, 715 & 752 cat €6100+, SG A21, 23 & 74 cat £5500+ -both as loose stamps alone & worth several times more on card. Only 575 of the 1000Pi printed & an amazing high value franking. 2013 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1800 | ||
8705![]() Click for more photos | 1922 Parcel Card franked Nationalist Govt 'Osmanli Postalari 1336' opt Religious Tribunal fiscal 1000Pi, plus 3 Ottoman stamps -all cut as per PO rules, tied by 'Tokat 27 6 22' pmks, with 'Samsoun' arrival b/s. Mi 715 cat €2000, SG A23 cat £1800 -both as loose stamp alone & worth several times more on card. Only 575 of the 1000Pi printed & very rare mixed franking. 2013 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$800 | ||
8738![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1845 New York Postmaster Provisional 5c brown, trial colour proof on bond paper, imperf, instead of black issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 65(p) cat £1500 as normal. Sc 9X1TC5c cat US2300 (normal cat US$1500). (P) | SOLD at A$130 | ||
8796![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1869 Shield, Eagle & Flag 30c ultramarine & carmine. VF fresh UN, nice bright colours. Sc 121 cat US$1400 (or US$3350 for M). SG 123 cat £6500. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$800 | ||
8797![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1869 Shield, Eagle & Flags 30c ultramarine & carmine. F-VF U, red pmk. Sc 121 cat US$700. SG 123 cat £500. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$230 | ||
8798![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1869 Pictorial 30c ultramarine & carmine, plate proof on India paper, imperf, in issued colours. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 123(p) cat £6500 as normal. Sc 121P3 cat US$140 (normal cat US$3750). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
8871![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1873 Official Navy Dept 30c ultramarine large DIE PROOF on India on card (25x34mm), in issued colour. VF UN as made, 4 reduced margins. SG O223(p) cat £325 as normal. Sc 044P1 cat US$80 (normal cat US$350). | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
8874![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1873 Official PO set 1c-90c black, plate proofs on thick card, imperf, in issued colour. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG O225-O234(p) cat £1000 as normals. Sc O47P4-O56P4 cat US$100 (normal cat US$1230). (10) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$110 | ||
8875![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1873 Official PO set 2c-90c green, trial colour proofs on thin card, instead of black issued colour, for Atlanta Exhibition. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG O226-O234(p) cat £1095 as normals. Sc O48TC4d-O56TC4d cat US$333 (normals cat US$1205). Only 1 sheet of ea printed. (9) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
8876![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1873 Official PO set 2c-90c brown, trial colour proofs on thin card, instead of black issued colour, for Atlanta Exhibition. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG O226-O234(p) cat £1095 as normals. Sc O48TC4c-O56TC4c cat US$333 (normals cat US$1205). Only 1 sheet of ea printed. (9) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
8877![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1873 Official PO set 2c-90c black, trial colour proofs on thin card, in issued colour, for Atlanta Exhibition (instead of thick card of the normal plate proofs). Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG O226-O234(p) cat £1095 as normals. Sc O48TC4a-O56TC4a cat US$387 (normals cat US$1205). Only 1 sheet of ea printed. (9) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
8878![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1873 Official PO set 2c-90c scarlet, trial colour proofs on thin card, instead of black issued colour, for Atlanta Exhibition. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG O226-O234(p) cat £1095 as normals. Sc O48TC4b-O56TC4b cat US$333 (normals cat US$1205). Only 1 sheet of ea printed. (9) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
8879![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1873 Official PO set 2c-90c blue, trial colour proofs on thin card, instead of black issued colour, for Atlanta Exhibition. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG O226-O234(p) cat £1095 as normals. Sc O48TC4e-O56TC4e cat US$333 (normals cat US$1205). Only 1 sheet of ea printed. (9) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
8881![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1873 Official State 1c-90c green, plate proofs on card, imperf in issued colours. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG O235-O245(p) cat £4300 as normals. Sc O57P4-O67P4 cat US$110+ (normals cat US$4415). (11) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
8882![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1873 Official Dept of State 1c, 3c & 7c green, plate proofs on card, imperf, in issued colour. VF UN as made, all 4 margins. SG O235, 0237 & 0239(p) cat £775 as normal. Sc 057P4, 059P4 & 061P4 cat US$30 (normal cat US$770). (3). | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
8941![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1875 Newspaper Periodical 12c-96c rose, Continental Bank Note Co printing, plate proofs on card, imperf, in issued colours. VF UN as made, few reverse blemishes, all 4 margins. SG N187-94(p), cat £9800 as normals. Sc PR16P4-PR23P4 cat US$96 (normals cat US$11,150). (8). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
8954![]() Click for more photos | 1875 Newspaper Periodical 96c rose, Continental printing on hard paper. F-VF fresh M, original gum, reperfed at left & top. SG N194 cat £1400. Sc PR23 cat US$2250. Very rare M. 2001 PSE photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$800 | ||
8975![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1875-79 Newspaper Periodical 96c rose, large DIE PROOF on India paper on card (145x225mm), imperf, in issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG N194(p) cat £1400 as normal. Sc PR23P1 cat US$100+ (normal cat US$2250). | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
8986![]() Click for more photos | 1879-1956 Postage Due collection on album pgs. 1879 1c-50c set in brown. 1884-89 1c-30c, red brown 1891-93 set to 50c, bright claret. 1894-95 1c-50c, deep claret, plus later printings wmks & shades in 1917-23 perf 11 to 50c. 1930-31 ½c-$5 & 1931-32 set ½c - 50c. Most F-VF U, some M. Scott cat US$2700+ = A$4000+. SG cat £2800+ = A$5400+. (75). | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
8989![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1879 Newspaper Periodical set 2c-$60, plate proofs on card, imperf, in issued colours, American Banknote Co printing. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG N228-N250(p) cat £15,760 as normals. Sc PR5754-PR79P4 cat US$345 (normals cat US$16,415). (23) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
8995![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1879 Newspaper Periodical set 12c-96c deep red, plate proofs on India paper, imperf, in near issued colours. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG ex N234-N241(p) cat £7800 as normals. Sc PR63P3-PR70P3 cat US$200+ (normals cat US$8500). Rare. (8) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$220 | ||
9016![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1893 Columbus set 1c-$5, plate proofs on card, imperf in issued colours. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins, beautiful bright colours. SG 235-250(p) cat £11,520 as normals. Sc 230PU-245PU cat US$2110 (normal cat US$10,747). Attractive & rare set. (16) | AVAILABLE at A$1500 | ||
9017![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1893 Columbus 8c claret, imperf proof on card. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG 241(p), Sc 236PU cat US$150+. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
9038![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1913 Parcel Post set 1c-$1. VF fresh M/MLH. Sc Q1-12 cat US$886. SG P423-34 cat £1100. Very scarce set. (12). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$375 | ||
9039![]() Click for more photos | 1918-50s Airmail & Special Delivery collection on album pgs. Airmails 1918 Flying Jenny set to 24c. 1923 Pic set to 24c. 1933 Zeppelin 50c. 1934-39 comp. Special Delivery 1885 10c, inscribed ?at a Special Delivery Office? 1885-1917 issues are comp. Also 1925-29 Special Handling 10c-25c plus 25c shade. Most F-VF M/U. Scott cat US$800+. SG cat £900+. (71) | SOLD at A$250 | ||
9046![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1939 Air Transatlantic 30c blue, top marginal plate F22383 blk of 6. VF fresh MUH. Sc C24 cat US$120, SG A852. | AVAILABLE at A$35 | ||
9048![]() Click for more photos | USA: 1882-1980s collections on Minkus pgs in 3 binders inc 1890-93 Portrait vals to 90c. 1893 Columbus 1c-50c. 1898 Trans-Mississippi 1c - $1. 1901 Pan-American Expo set to 10c. 1904 Louisiana Expo set. 1907 Jamestown Expo set. 1915 Panama Expo set. 1912-13 Parcel Post to $1. 1922-26 Portrait & Pics to $5. 1925 Norse-American set. 1918 Jenny Biplane Air set. 1923 Air set. 1933 Zeppelin 50c thematics plus United Nations - New York 1951 vals to $1. 1955 10th Anniv set, plus M/S. UN-Europe 1969 Pic set to 10F.S. 1962 UNTEA opt Neth New Guinea set to 5G. Mostly G-VF M/U, some mixed, 80%+ being M. SG cat £6900+ = A$12,500+. (2000+). (P) | SOLD at A$800 | ||
9050![]() Click for more photos | 1893 Advertising cover for Yellow Rose Smoking Tobacco with rose in gold. Franked Columbus 2c tied by 'Roanoke Va Feb 11 93' pmk. SG 236. Sc 231. | AVAILABLE at A$20 | ||
9064![]() Click to enlarge photo | Canal Zone: 1904 opt Portrait set 1c-10c. VF fresh M. Scott 4-8 cat US$395. SG 4-8 cat £523. (5). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$190 | ||
9076![]() Click to enlarge photo | Philippines: 1899-1901 opt Perry $1 black type I. F-VF fresh M. Scott 223 cat US$300. SG 264 cat £550. (P) | SOLD at A$190 | ||
9083![]() Click for more photos | 1866-68 Arms 1c blue-green. F-VF UN, tiny thin, 3½ margins. Yv 14 cat €450. Sc 17 cat US$275. SG 23 cat £200. (P) | SOLD at A$60 | ||
9101![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1928 'XXXX' opt King set 1D-30D. VF fresh MUH. Mi 212-21 cat €900, SG 233-42 cat £750 for M, should be at least £1500 MUH. Very scarce set MUH. All exp Marjanovic. (10). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
9108![]() Click for more photos | 1987 Red Cross Postal Tax 4D issue for Macedonia, error INVERTED centre/frame. VF UN as issued. SG 2371(var), Mi Z124K. Very rare, only 1 sheet recorded. 2010 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
9121![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1913 Dhow 10R green & brown, wmk mult rosette. VFM. Scott 134 cat US$230. SG 260 cat £225. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$110 | ||
9135![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1921-29 Dhow 20R black & green, wmk script. Superb U, 'Zanzibar Reg JL 23 33' cds. Scott 176 cat US$850, SG 296 cat £850. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
9156![]() Click for more photos | 1936 Acklands Catalogue of Stamps, British Empire & Foreign Countries, 234pgs with green covers, plus KGV Silver Jubilee Supplement (inside cover splits, GC). A scarce Australian pre-WWII publication. | AVAILABLE at A$20 | ||
9207![]() Click for more photos | Australia: ACSC 23rd Edition, 1962, pub by Hawthorn Press (J C Brown Editor), 132pgs. Fair condition with outside back cover damage & inside contents water stained. | AVAILABLE at A$15 | ||
9304![]() Click to enlarge photo | British Empire: 2023 SG 1840-1970 Stamp Catalogue, 700+ full colour pgs & lists every stamp issued to end 1970 inc wmk/perf variations, Officials, Postage Dues, Telegraphs plus errors or plate varieties. Contents GC reattached to cover, GC. Current edition retail $200. | SOLD at A$40 | ||
9341![]() Click for more photos | Great Britain English & Welsh Pmks by James Mackay 1980, 252 pgs plus Australian Pictorial Pmks 1905-86 by Hans Sorge/A Orchard, 232 pgs, 1988-93 by A Orchard, 698 pgs. 1987 with Supplement. Excellent condition, near new. (10 books) | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
9346![]() Click for more photos | Great Britain: Postmarks of the Date Impression Books PO Records: Section 3, vols 5 & 6. Edited by Edward B Proud, pub 1984. 231pgs inc detailed index. | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
9412![]() Click for more photos | Seychelles: Postage Stamps & Postal History, by HV Farmer, 123pgs, plus 29 B&W plates, pub Robson-Lowe 1955. Worn DJ, o/w VGC. | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
9416![]() Click for more photos | The Stanley Gibbons Book of Stamps & Stamp Collecting, 232 pgs pub 1990. Coffee table style production, illustrated throughout. Outer DJ sl scuffed. Excellent condition. Retail $60. | AVAILABLE at A$15 | ||
9434![]() Click for more photos | The Stanley Gibbons Book of Stamp Collecting. 232 pgs, pub 1990. Coffee table style production illustrated throughout. Outer dj minor tears o/w near new condition. Retail $55. | AVAILABLE at A$15 | ||
9487![]() Click for more photos | Rugby Union Framed and/or autographed items inc NSW 1988 Team photo to play England (NSW 23 def England 12) noted Ewen McKenzie, Eddie Jones, Peter Fitzsimons, Glen Ella, Simon Poiderin, Nick Farr-Jones, also Mark Ella framed collage 2 action photos & original autograph plus David Campese frame photo. Also Toohey's promotional caricature of Topo Rodriquez in Wallabies Jersey autographed. Overall dimensions between 350x360mm & 340x480mm. VGC. (4). | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
9506![]() Click for more photos | Australia: Vietnam War Australian Regimental/Unit Histories inc The Team (AATTV) 1962-72, Ian McNeil, pub AWM 1984. Vietnam Task, 5th Battalion RAR 1966-97, PUB 1968. We Too Were ANZACs (6th Battalion RAR 1969-70) by Col B Avery, pub by Slouch Hat 2004. Vietnam Shots (A Photographic Account by McKay & Stewart, pub 2002). Mission Vietnam, RAAF Operations 1964-74 by G Odgers, pub 1974. Long Tan & Beyond, Alpha Company 6 RAR 1966-67 by Col CS Mollison, pub 2005. The Battle of Long Tan 1966, as told by the Commanders to Grandin. The Battle of Coral, 1968 by Lex McAulay, pub 1988. The Battle of Ngok Tavak 1968 by Bruce Davies, pub 2008. First to Fight -Australian Diggers, NZ Kiwis & US Paratroopers Vietnam 1965-66 by Bob Green, pub 1988. The Nasho's War - Australian National Servicemen & Vietnam by M Dapin, pub 2014. Ghost Platoon 1969 by Frank Walker, pub 2011. Vietnam, the comp story of the Australian War by Bruce Davies, pub 2012. Tiger Men by Barry Petersen & signed by author 1988. Viet Cong - The Organisation & Techniques of the NLF of South Vietnam, pub by M.I.T. Press 1966 & others inc 'Select Documents in International Affairs (No 18) Vietnam Jan 1968-Dec 1969, released by Department of Foreign Affairs, Canberra 1972. Mostly VF-near new condition, retail $800+. (23) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
9508![]() Click for more photos | Australia: Biographies (8) 'Charles Kingsford Smith' by Fitzsimons, pub 2009, 'Peter Cosgrove - My story' pub 2006, 'Weary, the life of Sir Edward Dunlop & The War Diaries of Weary Dunlop' pub as single vol 1997. 'My War 1939-45' by Michael 'The Breaker' by Kit Denton (1987 edition) large VX 123, missing frontispiece Self pub 1990. 'Brothers in War' by M Walsh, pub 2006, (brief History of 8 brother who served in WWI inc Gallipoli), 'Letters Home 1939-45' Stuart & Arnold 1987, 'Darwin 1942 by Hall, 1980). Some edge foxing on earlier works, later vols near new retail $240. Then large size paper backs (14) inc 'Roden Cutler, VC' by McCullough, 'Nancy Wake' by Fitzsimons, 'The Tiger man of Vietnam' (the story of Barry Petersen), 'Gallipoli - The Extraordinary life of Alec Campbell', 'Colin Murray - Journey to Tobruk', 'Warrior Brothers' & 'Warrior Training' (life in the Australian SAS) by I. McPhedran, 'Four Australians at War, letters to Argyle 1914-19', 'The Bombing of Darwin, the diary of Tom Taylor'. Plus 4 others inc 'Memories of Vietnam' by K Maddock. All F-VF or better condition, with a total retail over $500. Plus video 'The Light Horseman'. (22 plus video) | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
9512![]() Click to enlarge photo | Australia. Lot of 23 hard cover .War Memorial publications inc As You Were, Khaki & Green, RAAF Saga etc. Condition varies, some have mildew/insect damage. Others GC with dust jackets. Interesting stories & colour plates. (23) | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
9529![]() Click for more photos | British Army & politics in Victorian times & earlier books & booklet publications. Inc original period books & reprints. Technical data on early cannons, arms & history of battles. Condition varies, particularly on the older books. (23 items) | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
9560![]() Click for more photos | WWI related H/C (10), S/C (6). Plus 23 Military magazines. Inc Vol 1-6 of Popular History of the Great War (poor condition) & various biographies & histories. The magazines inc Soldier, Firepower, Armed Forces, The Elite. Condition varies. (39 items) | AVAILABLE at A$20 |