Search Result for "90" | ||||
Lot | Description | Status | ||
90![]() Click for more photos | Italy: SG Semi Specialised Catalogue with 428 pgs inc States, San Marino & Vatican City inc booklets, Postage Dues, shade, errors & varieties. Current 2022 edition. New retail £40 plus shipping. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
3 | Hagners: 2 & 3 strips, 50 of ea. New, retail $190. (100) | AVAILABLE at A$110 | ||
4 | Hagners: 3 & 4 strips, 50 of ea. New, retail $190. (100) | SOLD at A$110 | ||
5 | Hagners: 4 & 5 strip, 50 of ea. New, retail $190. (100) | AVAILABLE at A$110 | ||
6 | Hagners: 5 & 6 strip, 50 of ea. New, retail $190. (100) | SOLD at A$120 | ||
7 | Hagners: 6 & 7 strip, 50 of ea. New, retail $190. (100) | AVAILABLE at A$110 | ||
8 | Hagners: 7 & 8 strip, 50 of ea. New, retail $190. (100) | AVAILABLE at A$110 | ||
30![]() Click for more photos | 1903 Stanley Gibbons British Empire Priced Catalogue with 350 pgs inc accessories, albums & literature. VGC, Philatelic History. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
31![]() Click for more photos | 1904 Stanley Gibbons Priced Catalogue Stamps of Foreign Countries, 527 pgs with illustrations. Faded spine, G-VG condition. Philatelic History. | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
38![]() Click to enlarge photo | Australian Commonwealth Specialist Catalogue, Australian States 1901-12 Federal Period. 2023 Edition, 343 colour pgs with comprehensive listing of all stamps of the period inc Die/Plate Proofs, FDC, perfs & wmks, plate flaws, perf errors inc imperfs, compound & mixed, & OS perfins. New. | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
46![]() Click to enlarge photo | - Booklets Catalogue Current 2020 (Latest) Edition with 186 colour pgs in A4 format, fully revised inc additions & extra photographs with in depth coverage from 1904 to 2001 Christmas with all sub-types & edition/advert combinations of the popular 1960s-70s 5d-7c types, plus 1990s Official Exhibition opts. Essential reference. | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
59![]() Click for more photos | Australia - Queensland Postal History by HM Campbell, 326 pgs, pub RPSV 1990. A comprehensive volume inc Moreton Bay District, PO Cancels 1861-1912, Brisbane GPO, Registered Mail, TPO Cancels & more with much useful information not available elsewhere. Near new, now long out of print. | SOLD at A$85 | ||
65![]() Click to enlarge photo | Australian Numeral Cancels - A Compendium by H M Campbell, pub 1983. Postal History of NSW 1788-1901 by John S White, pub 1988. NSW Numeral Cancellations by Brown & Campbell 1st edition 1963 & 2nd edition 1977. History of the Post Office & the Issue of Postage Stamps, by A Houision - 1983 reprint. Queensland Cancellation & other Postal Markings 1860-1913 by H Campbell, pub 1977. The Cds of Qld 1913-1985 by T R Sellars inc rev town name listing. Some minor flts, VG-VF condition. (7 books) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
81![]() Click for more photos | France: Timbres Perfores - France & Colonies (Private Perfins). Pub 1990, written in French & English, 354 pgs & illustrated throughout. VF. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
82![]() Click for more photos | Germany: 2012/13 Michel Covers Catalogue inc States, Germany to 1945, Colonies, Occupations, Field Post, post WWII Allied Occupations, DDR, West Berlin, West Germany, post 1990 Unified Germany & more. Near new with laminated covers. Retail €90 = A$150. | SOLD at A$60 | ||
85![]() Click for more photos | Gibbons Stamp Weekly Vol 1 No 1 (7 Jan 1905) to Vol 1 No 25 (24 June 1905). Bound edition with all 25 volumes, plus index. | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
89![]() Click for more photos | Italy & States Classics 1850-1900 Sassone 2017 Specialised catalogue inc prices for various frankings on covers, multiples, shades, varieties, perfs, wmks, Postal Stationery, plus Officials, Postage Dues, used in San Marino, Levant etc. 375pgs with cloth hardcover, looks new. Invaluable reference for the specialist. | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
95![]() Click for more photos | Malaya: Japanese Occupation Postmarks of Malaya by P N Kearny. Pub Robson Lowe 1990 118pgs inc illustrations. Near new condition inc outer DJ. Scarce. | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
113![]() Click for more photos | 1890s-1940s Collection in Lighthouse s/book with Aust States (430) for NSW (90) inc 1888 Centenary 20/- Carrington VFU with crisp 'Orange' cds. QLD (60) to 2/- Large Chalon. S. Aust (100) inc long QV to 2/6 purple, Tas (50), Victoria (100) inc 1907 QV 5/- variety 'Double' strike to 'POSTAGE' (ACSC cat $250), WA Swans (30). Aust Commonwealth to mid 1940s with 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved MUH. Kangaroos £1 grey 3rd wmk, opt SPECIMEN type C, VFM (SG 75s cat £120, ACSC 53xb cat $350) & £1 grey CofA wmk opt SPECIMEN type D (ACSC cat $80). 1913-36 KGV collection (96) with Single wmk to 1/4 inc 1d red Die II & Die III, 4d lemon & 5d brown. LM wmk set of 5, SM wmk perf 14 set of 8 to 1/4 inc 2d brown & 4d olive. SM wmk perf 13½ x 12½ to 1/4 inc 1d green Die II & 4½d violet Die II. CofA wmk set of 8, all OS opts to 5d brown, plus OS/NSW perfins (10) to 4d blue. Then 1931 Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d opt OS, VFU/CTO. 1932 Lyrebird 1/- pr perf G/NSW, VFM, retail $180. 1941 KGVI 2½d/2d & 3½d/3d Ash imprint blks of 4 (3 of ea, ACSC cat $60) & 5½d/5d McCracken imprint blks (3, cat $90), 1946 BCOF opt set to 5/-, Thin paper Fine M (cat $260), plus other Pre-decimals & small selection of Qld Railway stamps. (630) (P) | SOLD at A$425 | ||
114![]() Click for more photos | 1902-76 collection in older style Seven Seas hingeless album with 1902 Postage Due mono-colours (7) to 5/- green & 1909-53 bi-colours (22) to 5/- CTO. Kangaroos (40) with 1st wmk (8) to 1/-, plus extra ½d, 1d, 2d wmk INV (cat $250). 2nd wmk 2d, 6d & 1/-. 3rd wmk set of 10 to 5/- inc 2/- maroon, plus wmk INV 2d, 3d, 9d Used ($525) & 1/- wmk sideways MUH sun-tanned gum ($275). SM wmk (5) to 5/-, CofA wmk to 5/-, plus 6d chestnut opt OS. KGV (60) to 1/4 1931-36 Pics & Commems comp inc 1931-32 OS opts set of 6 to 1/- Lyrebird inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d, 6d, 1932 Bridge set to 5/- (closed tear), 1935 ANZAC 1/- black & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/-. 1937 KGVI Def set to £1 Robes, 1949 Arms to £2, QEII pre-dec near comp inc 1964 Navigators to £2 King & comprehensive decimals to end 1976 inc high val Pics/Commems, plus 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 25. Some variable condition mixed G-F/VF Used. Estimate cat $3700. | AVAILABLE at A$375 | ||
117![]() Click for more photos | 1913-64 collection in older style springback album with Kangaroos (65) with 1st wmk (22) to 1/- inc ½d, 1d (2), 2d, 3d wmk inverted (ACSC cat $450) & 3d olive perf OS/NSW horiz pr. 2nd wmk set of 7 to 5/- ($1300) top 2 parcel pmks. 1916 3rd wmk set (8) to 5/-, plus extras to 5/- light grey & pale yellow. SM wmk to 5/- & CofA wmk set to 10/-. KGV (90) inc 1d green Die II & SM wmk perf 14 set of 8 to 1/4. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved VFU. 1930s Commem sets inc VIC Cent (2) & Macarthur trio to 9d F-VFU. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/- MLH. 1937 Robes to £1 & 1949 Arms set to £2 U. QEII pre-decimals inc high val Commems & Navigators to £1. A bit disorganised, mixed M/MUH/F-VFU, cat/retail $4700. (460) | AVAILABLE at A$550 | ||
121![]() Click for more photos | 1913-50 Pre Decimal collection on pgs inc Roos (22) G-VF U inc 1st wmk to 2/-, 3rd wmk 5/-, 10/-, £1 light brown & blue (cat £2500) the last 2 both G-FU, plus SM/CofA wmk to 2/- M/MUH. KGV single wmk to 1/4 inc 4d lemon-yellow, LM wmk 1d red, SM wmk perf 14 to 1/4, CofA wmk to 1/4, (4d, 5d 1/4 MUH), range of 1930s KGV/KGVI commems inc 1934 Vic set to 1/-, Macarthur to 9d. 10/- Robes blk of 4 thick paper & £1 thin paper. KGVI 1937-40s defs, & some Postage Dues 1902 to 10d, 1909 to 5/-. Mostly F-VF M/MLH/U, some mixed condition. ACSC cat $9000. (170+). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1100 | ||
126![]() Click for more photos | 1913-65 collection on Seven Seas pages inc Roo 1st wmk to 1/-, 2nd wmk to 1/-, 3rd wmk to 5/-, CofA wmk to 10/-, KGV comp single wmk to 1/4 inc 1d red Die II & III, SM perf 14 comp to 1/4, CofA comp to 1/4, 6d engraved Kooka, 1931 Kingsford Smith comp inc opt,1930-40s commems comp, 1937, Robes 5/- to £1 inc both papers, 1949 Arms comp to £2, 1964 Navigators comp set of 8 to £2. Odd flts, mainly F-VFU. ACSC cat $4900. (250). | AVAILABLE at A$375 | ||
128![]() Click for more photos | 1913-65 semi-specialised collection in loose leaf album with Kangaroos (75) inc 1st wmk (20) to 1/- inc 3d Die II (cat $400), 3d olive wmk INV (ACSC cat $225), 5d brown Large OS ($90) & Small OS ($125). 2nd wmk (6) to 1/- inc 9d perf OS/NSW (retail $400). 3rd wmk (40) to 2/- maroon inc OS perfins & 3d Die II (cat $200). SM wmk to 2/- & CofA to 5/- G-FU. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved M. KGV (110) with single wmk (75) to 1/4 inc 1d red Die II (5), 1d red Die III, ½d orange wmk INV, 2d brown & 4d blue. SM wmk (25) to 1/4 inc 4½d Die II CTO & CofA wmk set to 1/4. 1931 Kingsford Smith set, plus 6d violet blk of 4 with ACSC listed re-entries (cat $150). 1934 VIC Cent sets (2) & Macarthur set to 9d & 1949 Arms to £2. 1950s QEII Pics to 5/- & 1964 Birds to 3/-. Variable condition inc some heavier pmks mostly G-F/VFM or Used. Est cat/retail $3600. (470) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
135![]() Click for more photos | 1913-65 collection in Seven Seas illustrated album with Kangaroos (26) to 5/- inc 6d opt OS, plus Large OS perfin to 1/- (ex 2½d) cat $675 inc scarce 5d brown & 9d violet. Small OS perfin set of 14 to 5/- (cat $900) & perf OS/NSW (10) to 1/- ($350). KGV (55) inc CofA wmk set to 1/4 & all OS opts. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved W/C light pmk. 1931 Kingsford Smith set (2) inc OS opts. 1932 Lyrebird 1/- opt OS. 1934 VIC Cent to 1/- (2 sets), plus Macarthur set to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/-, plus KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/-. 1937 Robes set to £1 & 1949 Arms to £2 G-FU & other KGVI issues to 2/6 mixed M & U. 1953-66 QEII Defs & Commems mostly F-VF MUH inc 1959 Pics to 5/- Cattle cream paper, 1964 Navigators to 10/-, 1964 Birds set of 8 to 3/-, 1966 1st decimal set MUH to $4 King. An useful G-VFU/MUH collection, cat/retail $3300. (415) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
141![]() Click for more photos | 1913-75 collection on Seven Seas illustrated pages in binder, small range of Roos to 5/- (3rd wmk), KGV to 1/4 inc 1d red Die II, 1914 6d Engraved Kookaburra, 1928 3d blue Kookaburra M/Sheet cds at Philatelic Exhibition (flts), 1931 Kingsford Smith comp inc opt OS, 1934 VIC Cent to 1/- (both perfs), 1935 Silver Jubilee & ANZAC, 1937 NSW all comp, Robes set to £1 (2 sets). 1949 Arms comp to £2, Navigators set of 8 to £2 (2 sets), 1971 Christmas se-tenant blk of 7, comp to 1975, range of Postage Dues from 1902 to 2/- & later to 5/- (3), small collection of Reg labels & pmks, blks of 6 Cinderellas, 1938 Philatelic Society (36). BCOF set used to 1/- & useful KGV to 5d M. Mainly F-VF U, some mixed condition, album with toning. Interesting collection. ACSC cat $2500+. (600 + 5 M/S) | SOLD at A$350 | ||
142![]() Click for more photos | 1913-77 collection in springback album with Kangaroos single wmk (82) to 5/- inc perf OS, plus £1, £2 replica space fillers, SM wmk (21) inc 2/- maroon (4). CofA wmk (7) inc 6d opts OS & 5/- (3). KGV single wmk (86) to 5d inc ½d, 1d inv wmk & 4d lemon. SM wmk (36) to 1/4 inc 3d blue perf OS wmk INV pr (ACSC cat $350). CofA wmk (74) to 1/4 inc OS opts to 5d. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved. 1929 Airmail 3d green Ash imprint blk of 4 (cat $125). 1931-32 OS opt set of 6 to 1/- Lyrebird inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d VF U/CTO. 1931 Kingsford Smith set blks of 4 M/MUH. 1932 Kookaburra 6d Ash imprint blk of 4 (cat $140). 1934 V Cent trio to 1/- Ash imprint prs M (cat $180) & sets to 1/- (2) FU. 1934 Macarthur set to 9d U. 1935 ANZAC 1/-, plus 2d plate num blks (3) & imprint blk of 4 ($170). 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee set U, 2 sets M & 2d plate num blks of 4 (3, total cat $225). 1936 South Aust set M & U, plus 2d, 3d imprint blks of 4 ($140). 1937 KGVI set to £1 Robes U. 1940 AIF sets M & U. 1949 Arms set to £2. Pre-dec QEII high inc Navigators to £2 King & decimals M or U inc 1972 Country Women 7c specialised study (90). Est cat $4200. (1560) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
146![]() Click for more photos | 1913-86 collection in s/book with Kangaroos (53) inc 1st wmk set to 1/- (cat $300) & perf Large OS (ex 2½d) to 2/- (cat $900), 3rd wmk to 5/-, plus perf Small OS near comp to 5/- (cat $1400) inc 4d orange. Also SM wmk to 2/- & CofA wmk comp to 5/- inc 6d chestnut opt OS. KGV (80) to 1/4 inc OS/NSW Perfin (12) to 4d blue, perf OS to 1/4 & OS opt set of 6 to 5d brown. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved, 1927-30 Commems perf OS set of 6 to 3d Sturt. 1931-32 OS opt set of 6 CTO to Lyrebird 1/- inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 4d, 1934 VIC Cent set to 1/- & Macarthur set to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/- all VFU/CTO. 1937 KGVI Defs to £1 Robes. 1949 Arms set of 4 to £2. Pre-dec QEII appear comp inc 1964 Navigator set of 6 to £2. Decimals to mid 1980s mostly VFU/CTO inc high val Pic/Commem sets & Paintings to $10 Kangaroos & KGV generally G-FU, then mostly VFU/CTO. ACSC cat $2800. (1000) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
154![]() Click for more photos | 1914-65 comprehensive collection in older style Seven Seas hingeless album with Kangaroos (35) inc 1st wmk to 1/-. 2nd wmk 2d, 6d, 1/-. 3rd wmk set to 2/- maroon, plus wmk INV 1d, 2d, 1/- U & wmk SIDEWAYS 1/- M. SM wmk to 2/- & CofA set to 5/- inc 6d opt OS. KGV Sidefaces comp set of 72 with single wmk to 1/4 inc 1d red Die III & 4d lemon, SM wmk perf 14 set of 8 inc 2d brown, 4d olive & perf 13½x12½ to 1/4 inc 1d green Die II & 4½d violet Die II. CofA wmk to 1/4 & all OS opts ACSC cat $1260. 1914 Kookaburra 6d claret M. 1930-32 OS opt set of 6 to 1/- Lyrebird inc Kingsford Smith 2s, 3d. 1934 VIC Cent sets to 1/- M & U, 1934 Macarthur set VFU. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/-. 1937 Robes 10/- opt SPECIMEN (2), plus £1 thick & thin papers FU. 1940 AIF set MLH. 1949 Arms to £2 U. 1953-65 QEII mostly MUH inc 1964 Birds set to 3/-, plus 1964 Navigator set of 6 to £2 King F-VFU. A near comp M/MUH/F-VFU collection, cat $3900. (390) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
157![]() Click for more photos | 1915-65 M/MUH collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with KGV single wmk (19) to 5d chestnut inc 2d brown, 4d orange, 4d pale blue & 4½d violet. LM wmk set of 5. SM wmk perf 14 to 4½d inc 2d brown & 3d blue, SM wmk perf 13½x12½ to 5d inc 3d blue Die I, 4d olive & 4½d violet. CofA wmk to 5d brown & OS opts to 5d brown. Generally F-VFM, ACSC cat $1700, plus 1914 Kookaburra 6d UN. 1931-32 OS opts (4) to 1/- Lyrebird F-VFM & Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d CTO. 1934 VIC Cent sets to 1/- (both) & Macarthur set to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/-. 1937 KGVI Defs to £1 inc 3d blue (5) & Robes 5/-, 10/-, £1 thick paper MLH & thin paper set MUH (£1 sun-tanned). 1940 AIF set. 1950s KGVI to 2/6 no wmk. 1953-65 QEII near comp MUH inc 1959 Pics to Cattle 5/- white paper, 1963-64 Navigator set of 8 to £2 King, 1964 Birds to 3/- & all high val Commems. All fresh & clean, ACSC cat $2560. Also 1902-60 Postage Dues (50, cat £725). F-VFM inc 1902 mono-colours (9) to 6d green, 1913 perf 14 to 6d, 1946 CofA wmk to 1/- & 1958 no wmk to 1/-. Mostly F-VF M/MUH as rated, total cat $5500. (400) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1300 | ||
166![]() Click for more photos | 1927-90 extensive ex dealer back-up stock in massive 64pg s/book inc 1928 Kookaburra 3d (10) inc perf OS (5), 1929 Airmail 3d green (10) inc perf OS (5). 1931 Kingsford Smith sets (4) to 6d brown Airmail, 1934 VIC Cent sets to 1/- (5), 1935 ANZAC 1/-, 1936 SA sets (5) & 1937 NSW to 9d (5). 1930s 3d blue Commems (25). 1937 KGVI Robes 5/- (10), 10/- (2) & £1 (2), plus 10/- opt SPECIMEN. 1940 AIF sets to 6d (4). 1949 Arms set to £2 (3), 1950s 2/- Commems (40) inc comp sets. 1959 Cattle 5/- (10). 1964 Navigators sets to £1 (2), plus extra 7/6 (2) & £2 King. 1960s 2/3 Commem (30). Extensive decimals (4000+) to 1989 inc comp collection inc 1970s Paintings to $10. Some, mostly light, tropicalisation, generally F-VFU, huge retail with pre-decimals alone over $2000. (5200+) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
176![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1934 VIC Centenary 2d, 3d perf 10½, ten of ea inc cnr blks. F-VF fresh MUH. SG cat £95 M, should be at least double, £190 MUH. ACSC cat $270. (20) | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
179![]() Click for more photos | 1934 Macarthur Centenary 2d, 2d dark hills, & 3d (100 ea). Mostly G- VFU in bundles cat £1900 = A$3800. (300) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
184![]() Click for more photos | 1936 SA Centenary 1/- (51), 3d (221). Mostly G-VFU. SG 162-163 cat £1590 = A$3200. (272) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
188![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1937 KGVI 3d blue Die 1 (90) SG 168 cat £2160. 3d Die II thick paper (700) SG 168c cat £7 ea = £4900. 1/4 magenta (800) SG 175 cat £250 ea = $2000. All G-FU total SG cat £9060 = A$18,100+. (1590) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
192![]() Click for more photos | 1937 NSW Sesqui-Cent 9d (60), 3d (400+), 2d (60). Mostly G-VFU, some in bundles cat £1790 = A$3600. (530) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
201![]() Click for more photos | 1966-1980 comprehensive MUH collection in Lighthouse hagner binder with 1966 Defs to $4 King inc 75c-$4 opt SPECIMEN & $1 Flinders perf 14¾. 1966-72 booklet pane set of 29 inc QEII 4c, 5c/4c slogans. 1969 Flight UL cnr blk of 25. 1970 ANPEX M/Sheet. All scarcer 1967-73 commem sets inc 1971 Christmas 7c blks of 25 cream & white papers, 1974-79 Paintings to $10 inc SPECIMEN opts. All fresh MUH. Retail $1000+. Also 1980s-90s SPECIMEN opt cancellation to $20 Gardens. | AVAILABLE at A$220 | ||
204![]() Click for more photos | 1966-1998 MUH Collection in 4 Seven Seas Hingeless albums (pages VGC 1981 onwards inc some Optionals, retail $400) inc 1966 Defs to $4 King, 1970 ANPEX M/Sheet, 1971 Christmas blks of 25 cream & white papers, plus all other better early 1970s commem sets, 1974-79 Paintings to $10, 1980s Pics/commems inc SPECIMEN opts & high vals to $20 Gardens, 1990-1998 Booklets inc Koala Reprints & 1996 AFL set of 16 Teams, other extras inc 1993 Parliamentary standard & reversed panes of 25 & assorted self adhesives. Retail $600 to end 1985 with another $1040 FV to end 1998, plus $400 for the albums. Total $2040. | SOLD at A$550 | ||
207![]() Click for more photos | 1966-2015 Decimal used collection in 530 hagners (14 binders) inc 1966 Navigators set to $4 (6), 1969 Prime Ind (14 sets), 1970 Cook (10 sets), 1971 Christmas (12 sets), 1972 Prime Ind (6 sets), 1974 Paintings to $4 (8 sets) then vast majority of other Pic/Commem to late 1990s, then thinning out to Christmas 2015. Some light tropicalisation, generally G-F/VFU. Huge individual retail, plus extra for the 530 hagners. (Many 1000s) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
215![]() Click for more photos | 1980s-90s: FDC hoard (1450) massive FV inc vals to $20 Gardens, plus 1994 Maxicards, Aerograms, UN PSE (140, est FV $40), AAT PO Packs (FV $45), plus various ephemera. Large carton. (1600+) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
217![]() Click for more photos | 1981-end 2000 Decimal FDC collection in 9 matching maroon binders with 530 FDC in 300 1- or 2-strip hagner style pgs inc 1980s Pics to $20 Gardens & 1990s Pic/Commem sets, plus odd M/Sheet. Also Christmas Is 1990s Lunar New Year M/Sheets, plus AAT & Cocos Is. Mostly VF condition, FV $650 1991-2001, plus another $500 for the binders & pages, total $1150. Also some ephemera inc Australia Post Olympic Games Prestige stamp album. (530) | SOLD at A$130 | ||
221![]() Click for more photos | 1990s-2000 Philatelic Exhibition accumulation mostly M/Sheets (95) inc Australia 99 Navigator imperf pr, 1991 Phila Nippon, 1992 Genova, 1993 Bangkok, 1993 Sydney Stamp & Coin Show, 1995 Swanpex, 1995 Sydney Centrepoint, 1997 Hong Kong, 2003 Bangkok & others to 2015 Singapore set of 5. Also booklets (20) inc 1974 Melbourne Stamp Week, 1984 AUSIPEX & Indopex 93 & Canberra Stamp Show 96. All fresh & clean, FV $270. | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
224![]() Click for more photos | 1994 ATM Triangular 45c Kangaroo $9 booklet of 20 Advance Bank cover. VF.PfrB180 cat $200. FV alone $90. (10 booklets). | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
225![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1994 ATM Triangular 45c Kangaroo $9 booklet of 20 with Advance Bank covers. Pfr B180 cat $200 FV $90. (10 booklets) | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
255![]() Click for more photos | Australian Antarctic Territory: 1957-2012 Collection in 3 Parts. VFU on approx 20 hagners inc 1959 set to 2/3, 1966 Decimals to $1, 1973 Ships, 1987 Scenes comp to $1, 1988 Transport to $2, in singles, strips, blks most with 2 to 3 sets with 5-10 of lower values. CDS range from FDI, cnr CTOs General cds. Second Part is a range 1980-2000s AAT Maxi-cards (60) mainly 1980s-2000s on 30+ hagners cds mainly with Kingston Tas cds. Third Part are FDCs (140) to 2016 Hurley inc 1963 Pics to 2/3, 1966 Defs to $1 (Macquarie Is cds), 1973 Food Chain set (Macquarie Is cds), 1980s-90s Pic/Commem sets inc Base cancel & Post Millennium M/S. Mostly VF fresh VFU/CTO. SG cat £1200++. (200+, 140+ FDC, & 60 Maxi-cards). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$160 | ||
257![]() Click for more photos | AAT: 1984-89 Scenes 2c (150), 5c (290), 10c (200), 15c (350), 20c (228), 25c (269), 45c (150), 60c (200), 75c (140), 85c (150), 90c (65), $1 (250). Additionally not included a selection of blks, many with Mawson cds cancels. (c2400) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
258![]() Click for more photos | AAT Covers: 1966-2010 Base Cover collection (300) in 3 thick albums with 1966 Def sets to $1 Mock Sun for Macquarie Is (2), Mawson (2) & Wilkes, these retail $150 per set, total $750. 1971 Treaty & 1972 Cook sets of all 4 bases on PO envelopes (retail $100), plus 1972 Cook set on rarely seen WCS covers ($100). 1973 Food Chain set of 4 bases on PO envelopes (retail $300), plus set blks of 4 on individual PO envelopes pmk Davis ($100) & Macquarie Is, Mawson sets on the rarely seen WCS envelopes ($150 ea, $300). 1979-81 Ships I, II & III pmk all 4 bases ($90), plus Series II blks of 4 with Mawson cds. 1982 Mawson set blks of 4 all 4 bases ($50), 1984 - Scenes I, II, III ($80), plus series III blks of 4 all 4 bases. 1989 Nolan blks f 4 all from the bases (hard to find, $100). 1990 Joint Issue with USSR set of 8 inc M/sheets ($40). Then another 20 diff base cover sets of 4 (FV $240) from 1991 Treaty to 2010 Macquarie Is. Also a selection of FDC (35) with Aust pmks to 2014 Expeditions. VF fresh. (335) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
260![]() Click for more photos | Aerogrammes: Five volume collection to late 1980s with vols 1 & 2 to 1979 (210) inc 1944 KGVI 7d AIR LETTER in yellow paper UN (ACSC A2 cat $150). 1945-52 KGVI 7d AIR LETTER on greyish paper (3) & blue paper (8), F-VF UN (cat $220), 1954 10d Globe (4, $40), 1950s-1960s Pre-decimal 10d commems (10) to 1965 Conference (cat $100). Then Decimals (100+) to 1979 Christmas mostly F-VF UN. Vol 3 with 320 assorted inc Aeroplanes, Christmas, Commems inc 1982 Brisbane Games & 1984 AUSIPEX Exhibitions plus Generic Pictorials to 1987 53c Aeroplane with 26 diff mixed UN/CTO. Vols 4 & 5 with Private Productions inc 1953 QANTAS, 1953 QEII Coronation commem flights (4 diff, cat $200), 1959 ANPEX Aerogram, 1960s Moomba Festivals, plus 1970s/80s, Generic Pictorial produced by Hallmark John Sands, Valentines & others. Also another 2 folders with assorted inc Pre-decimals postally used & Decimals to mid 1990s UN. 7 albums. Medium carton. (100s) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
266![]() Click for more photos | Australian Territories collection in springback album with 1946 'BCOF JAPAN' opt set of 7 M (retail $180). AAT 1957-86 (155) inc 1966 Pics to $1. Christmas Is 1958-76 (90) inc 1958 QEII & 1968 Fish sets to $1. Cocos Is 1963-79 (60) inc 1963 Pics to 2/3 M. Norfolk Is (285) to 1979 inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Defs to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird, 1966 dec opt set, 1969 Birds to $1 & others mostly F-VFM. PNG (700) to 1979 inc 1952 Defs to £1 Fisherman M & U, 1963 Pics to QEII £1 M & U, 1964 Birds to 10/-, & 1966-79 decimal Pic/Commem sets near comp. F-VFM. (1300) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
267![]() Click for more photos | Australian Territories collection in 2 Seven Seas hingeless slipcase albums with Christmas Is to 1999 inc 1958 QEII Def set, 1963 Pics to $1 Bird, 1968 Fish (retail $100) & then near comp to end 1999 (FV $230) inc Lunar New Year gutter blk of 10. Cocos Is to 2014 (FV $390) inc 1963 pre-dec comp, 1976 Ships to $1, plus part sets in large blks, 1990 $5 Surcharge (retail $90), 1991 Postage Paid opt set of 6 (retail $80) & other Pic/Commem sets to 2014 Emden. Total retail/FV $950, plus another $400 for the hingeless albums. (650, 35 M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
270![]() Click for more photos | Prestige Booklets: 1997-2008 collection seems all diff range, all with special M/S format panes. Original PO cost $1120. FV alone $950+. (90) | AVAILABLE at A$475 | ||
272 | Carton with collection of covers & stationery. Inc FDCs c1970-c2000 extensive range with some earlier mostly official, also some Commem covers, exhibition cancels noted AAT inc 1984 Scenes Plate 1 10 sets, 1988 Environment 5 sets base cds (approx 600 covers). Also PSEs UN & FDI from late 1970s-90s, some Commem cancels & others (approx 350 PSEs). Also an interesting selection of 17 old-time USA & Great Britain share certificates. Mostly F/VFU. (967) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
274![]() Click to enlarge photo | Christmas Island: 1994-2009 Chinese New Year on paper G/-VFU with 45c, 50c in qty, plus 2001 Snake $1.35 (73), 2002 Horse $1.35 (34), 2003 Goat $1.50 (90), 2004 Monkey $1.45 (145), 2005 Rooster $1.45 (183), 2006 Dog $1.45 (117), 2007 Pig $1.45 (53) & many others inc vendor's list, stated retail $4000. Lots like this are just not available. (100s) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
276![]() Click for more photos | Cinderellas: NSW 1980s Railway Local Post M/Sheets (21) inc SPECIMEN opts & IMPERF proofs. NSW 1950 Govt Tramway 6d blue Packet stamps (10). QLD pre-decimal Railway Parcel stamps (18) to 2/6 'Hollis Hopkins & Co' imprint. Australia 1971-75 decimal Coil Wrappers (6, cat $150). NSW 1938 150th Anniv labels (42 diff) Revenues inc pre-dec QLD Tax stamps (8) to 4/- & Melbourne Patent Office $50 & $100 Fee stamps, Koala Research M/Sheets, Exhibition M/Sheets, ephemera & labels 1971 XL Postal Strike $1 stamps comp sheet of 100, retail $500. 1911 Commonwealth essay reprint strips of 5 in 6 diff colours. World mix inc Alsace & Lorraine pre WWI Social Security Revenues (156) on 'Quittungscarte' cards. NZ 1980s/90s Greenpeace - Antarctica M/Sheet proof multiples. GB 1940s Coil Machine Test labels strip of 10 MUH. European 1930s Tourist Publicity labels in sheets of 20 diff with Spain (4 diff colours) & Portugal (5 diff colours). Norway 1860s-90s Local Post (Bypost) collection (24 diff), plus other Revenues & Cinderellas. Large s/book. | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
280![]() Click for more photos | Collection to 1995 on loose pages with scattered pre-Federation States (90), Kangaroos (28) to 5/-, KGV (50) to 1/4. 1928-32 Commems with OS opts or Perfins. 1934 Vic Cent set to 1/-, 1937 KGVI Robes 5/-, 10/-, £1. 1938 NSW Sesqui set, 1949 Arms to £1 & 1964 Navigator set to £2 King. Also 1937-1965 Pre-decimal FDC (118) inc 1937 NSW Sesqui set (2), 1953 Food Produce set of 6, 1959 Pics to 5/- Cattle & Navigators to 10/- Flinders, some foxing/toning, mainly in the FDC. Then 1966-1995 MUH/M/U collection inc 1966 Def set to $4 M & U, plus Navigator set FDC. AAT 1966 Pic set to $1. 1969-72 PO Packs (14, retail $180) inc 1970 Cook & 1971 Christmas blk of 7. Then 1970s-80s-90s Pics with plenty of M/MUH sets, FDC & good variety of non-letter rate higher vals. Toning/foxing throughout, mainly on the envelope or pgs, mixed M/MUH G-FU. (many 100s) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
282![]() Click for more photos | Covers 1929-34 First Flight covers to UK, 1929 (14 Dec) registered, 1931 (Apr) Experimental (both) (May) KLM (sl fault) & Christmas flights, plus 1934 (Dec) to & from UK, mostly fine, AAMC 146, 188, 190, 206, 222, 469, 470 cat $500. (7). | SOLD at A$100 | ||
288![]() Click for more photos | Covers - Decimal accumulation 1960s-90s & a few later inc International Post, mainly airmail to Denmark inc a few postcards, lots of diff solo frankings, also Paintings $10 & $2 on 1986 Overseas Telegram form. (150) | AVAILABLE at A$85 | ||
289 | Covers & stationery collection 1966-2011, solid & large range of FDC & Commem covers, FDC mostly official but some Wesley & Private with many extras. Also small selection of PSEs UN & FDI. Mostly F-VFU. (900) | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
291![]() Click for more photos | Covers: 1970-90s collection (960) in 7 albums, plus 8th album with around 160 unsorted PSE with good variety & minimal duplication inc scattered 1960s Commem singles, 1970 Large Cook PO envelope, unaddressed. 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 17, 1974 Paintings trio to $4, 1980s Framas & 1990s high val Pic/Commem sets inc vals to $20. Then 2nd carton with more 1980s-90s FDC (550) with the usual range of Pic/Commem sets & singles inc many non letter rate vals to $20 Gardens inc 2004 Olympic Gold Medallists FDC set of 17 diff, plus another 750 20c-45c Pic/Commem PSE mixed UN/CTO. (2250) | SOLD at A$300 | ||
292 | Covers: 1970-99 FDC collection in 3 Davo albums, 40 hagners & loose in 2 boxes, strength in 1990s Pic/Commem sets inc 1994 Family & 1995 Dunlop PNC, plus AAT Base Cancels (44) inc sets of 4 Bases. All fresh & clean inc vals to $20 Gardens. Also another 30 size 2 hagners in 2 plastic packs & empty FDC album. (600). | SOLD at A$40 | ||
294![]() Click for more photos | Covers: 1971-2000 FDC accumulation (1600) to Sydney Olympic Commems inc 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 7 (10), 1974 paintings set to $4 (4), 1990s Gardens to $20 then over 800 long Pic/Commem sets, single Commem covers/short sets (750), plus PSE (650) & 1970s-80s PPC (400). Generally fresh & clean. (2650). | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
295 | Covers 1976-89 FDC collection inc Paintings to $10, AAT 1983-89 Base Cancel sets of 4 (18). AUSIPEX 1984 pmk sets of 10 with M/Sheet covers (3), Silk cover sets (3), Frama FDC sets (10), 1987 Cup-Pex set (2), plus plenty of other sets, singles & M/S. Fresh & clean. (900) | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
297![]() Click for more photos | Covers: 1981-end 2000 FDC collection in 9 maroon Aust Post FDC binders with 500 FDC in 315 1- or 2-strip pages. Reasonably comprehensive inc AAT, Christmas Is 1990s Lunar New Year M/Sheets, Cocos Is sets, high val Commem sets, Pics to $20 Gardens M/Sheets to $10 Wetlands & Philatelic Exhibition inc 1999 World Stamp Expo & 2000 Olymphilex. Also more 2000 Olympic covers inc Opening/Closing Days, Torch Relay set of 9, Centenary of Women in Olympics set of 17 & 28 diff Pictorial pmks set of all 17 Days from 15 Sep - 1 Oct (476 diff at a cost of around $300) thematics, plus some Olympic ephemera with Sydney 2000 Official Souvenir Books, Follow the Flame (Olympic Torch Relay) & Australia Post Olympic Games Prestige stamp album. (1000) | SOLD at A$180 | ||
298![]() Click for more photos | Covers: 1982-end 2013 FDC collection in 2 plastic tubs, appear all diff, wide variety inc long Def/Commem sets & Mawson Base Cancels. All fresh & clean, total FV $1650 not inc letter rate envelopes or the 140 1982-90 FDC. (720) | AVAILABLE at A$375 | ||
304 | Covers collection in 2 cartons inc Great Britain FDC & Commem covers 1960-2001 (135) Gilbert & Ellice, Tuvalu, Kiribati 1960s-80s (30+), India 1969-88 mostly FDC (145), New Zealand 1946-80s mostly FDC (250+), New Hebrides 1970-73 (35), Solomon Is c1970-90s (40), Papua New Guinea 1964-late 70s (80). F-VFU. (820) | SOLD at A$90 | ||
306 | Covers: Extensive 1970s-90s PSE, FDC, Aerogram accumulation in large carton. Strong selection of Commem covers as well as FDCs inc AAT, Christmas Is & Cocos Is. Interesting range of pmks, some extras. All appear fresh & clean. (Few 1000) | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
307 | Covers: FDC collection/accumulation 1980s-late 90s. Mostly official, good variety of pmks, many extras. Largely F-VFU. (850) | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
308![]() Click for more photos | Covers: 1929-90 First Flight covers large accumulation in 2 small cartons, mostly 1950s-80s inc bulk 1981 Chichester inc diff types, lots of 1948 Qantas World Flight, plus some overseas flights inc NZ & much more. Estimate 100 diff, inc diff frankings, cachets, pmks etc. AAMC est cat $7000. (600) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
317 | Covers: Extensive 1982-90 FDC collection (1450+) mostly PO unaddressed with many extras & a variety of FDI pmks. Largely VFU & clean. (1450+) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
319![]() Click to enlarge photo | Decimal accumulation to 2015 $1 Pic/Commem mess inc 1986 Christmas 30c sets of 5 (200), scarce ex M/Sheets! 1996 AFL Centenary 45c P&S sets (1600) bundles of 100. Then 40 sets of sheet stamps & another 80 M/sheets CTO. 1990s-2010s accumulation of sheet stamps inc $1 (880+), plus 45c-70c (280) off-paper, plus lower values on-paper. Then 2010-19 Singapore Commercial Mail with 60 covers addressed to Australia. GU-VFU. (28,500+, 80 M/S, 60 covers) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
321 | Decimal 1970s, 80s, 90s off-paper mix (approx 28,000) in big plastic bags plus another 12,000 stamps semi-sorted into smaller bags, with 1970s AAT Pics sighted in the mix. (40,000). Medium carton. | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
322![]() Click to enlarge photo | Decimal 1980s-90s MUH accumulation inc Booklets & PO Packs. FV $930. | SOLD at A$350 | ||
323 | Decimals: 1980s-90s MUH collection/accumulation (FV $1000) in 2 hagner albums & Mint sheet file with M/Sheets, booklets & Pic/Commem sets inc 1977 Cricket 18c sheets of 100. (4) | SOLD at A$350 | ||
332![]() Click for more photos | Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 5: Australian Territory Pic/Commem sets in individual glassines with Christmas Is (150) inc 1963 to $1 Bird (8 sets, retail $100). Cocos Is (120) to mid 1990s. Nauru 1970s Pic sets (150) inc vals to $2 or $5. PNG 1960s pre-dec Commems to 1990s Pics (500) inc 1963 Rabaul 10/- (3), QEII £1 (2) & 1964 Birds to 10/-. Solomon Is 1965-2005 (350). Tokelau (50). Tuvalu (180) to mid 2000s. Lightly duplicated with good variety throughout, all appear fresh MUH. (1450 sets). | SOLD at A$325 | ||
334 | Decimal mixed range inc Framas, MUH recent sets, various others sheetlets FV $170, also some Mint Maxi Cards, Aust Specimen opts FV $125, Cocos Is 1979 Postal Service issues in sheets (FV $70). Also 1990s issues CTO in sheets, original FV $640. (100s) | SOLD at A$95 | ||
336![]() Click for more photos | FDC collection 1980s-2000s all unaddressed on hagners in 15 binders & loose inc 2004 Olympic & 2006 Commonwealth Games Gold Medal Winners in qty. Wide range, values to $10. Range of interesting pmks, some Military. VF. (900+, 2 cartons) | SOLD at A$350 | ||
337![]() Click for more photos | FDC collection 2000-04 mostly Pics/Commems inc Sydney 2000 Olympic Gold medallist set of 16 FDC, International Post, some AAT, largely VF. High cost/FV. (490) | SOLD at A$100 | ||
338![]() Click for more photos | FDCs 1999-2011 (and a few earlier) with Victorian Pictorial cancels (85, FV $230), plus PNCs (3) & Scout badge cover (these 4 original RRP $60), all diff. VF. (90) | AVAILABLE at A$85 | ||
341![]() Click for more photos | Kangaroos: SM wmk 6d chestnut opt OS. CofA wmk 6d chestnut (2) inc OS opt. 2/- maroon redrawn die (7) inc blk of 4 & imprint pr. All fresh MUH. ACSC cat $540, plus 2/- maroon, plate 2 lower marginal vert strip of 5 with ACSC listed varieties 'white flaw in Gulf of Carpentaria' (Pos 2L39), 'flaw on S of Australia' (2L45), plus unlisted 'large 2nd A in Australia' (Pos 2L51). VF MLH/3 MUH, few blemishes. ACSC 40A(2)hI cat $150+. Total $690+. | SOLD at A$120 | ||
351![]() Click for more photos | KGV ½d Green to 1/4 collection/accumulation neatly set out in VGC Lighthouse 32 pg s/book with ½d green (43), ½d orange (34) inc perf OS (11). 1d violet (46) inc shades, perf OS & varieties inc 'neck flaw' (2). 1d red (280) inc wmk inv (19) varieties inc 'neck flaw' (4), 'run N' (10), 'dot before 1' (11), 'RA joined' (11). Shades inc rough paper rosine perf OS (G69 cat $75) & Official Perfins inc OS/NSW. 1d green (130) inc wmk inv (5), no wmk (5) inc OS Perfin & LM wmk (7) inc OS Perfin. 1½d green (48). 1½d black-brown (35). 1½d brown (135) inc wmk inv (5, cat $500). 1½d red (260). 2d brown Die I (30) inc perf OS (9, cat $675). 2d orange (60) inc 'dry ink' perf OS ($200). 2d red (200) inc 'dry ink' perf OS ($275). 3d blue (110) inc wmk inv perf OS. 4d orange (58) inc yellow/lemon colours & Official Perfins (10). 4d violet (23) inc perf OS (4, $160), 4d blue (45) inc 'cracked electro LVT' (cat $200). 4d olive mixed wmks (60) inc perf OS. 4½d violet single wmk (58) inc perf OS (7, cat $875). 4½d violet SM wmk (40), plus Die II CTO (2). 5d/4½d violet (17), 5d brown (100). 1/4 turquoise (35) inc single wmk perf OS (3). OS opts with ½d (14), 1d (22), 2d (32), 3d (3), 4d (9) & 5d (3). Late Fee (120) & Ship Mail (120) pmk. Extra OS perfins (90) to 1/4 & OS/NSW to 4½d. Mostly F-VF all fresh & clean. ACSC est cat $13,000. (2300) | AVAILABLE at A$700 | ||
352![]() Click to enlarge photo | KGV 1924 no wmk 1d green (200), 1½d red (250) G-VFU in bundles. SG 83-84 cat £5200. ACSC 79 cat $2000 & ACSC 90 cat $6250, total $8250. (450) | AVAILABLE at A$140 | ||
358 | Kiloware: 1980s-90s Pic/commem mix on variable size paper, with scattered/isolated uncancelled to $1.10 Koala sighted in the mix. Unchecked as received from Victorian Sources. Weight 13.7kg plus $86 FV in cancelled 45c Pics attached to the outside of this large carton. | SOLD at A$120 | ||
360 | Kiloware: 1980s-90s-2000 Pic/Commem Commem mix plus some foreign on variable size paper with scattered, uncancelled Pics sighted in the mix. Unchecked as received from Victorian sources. Weight 8.3kg plus $45 FV inc uncancelled commems attached to the outside of the carton. | SOLD at A$100 | ||
362 | Kiloware: 1990s 41c & 43c Pics/Commems on close clip single paper. 2 carton lot unchecked as received ex deceased estate. Weight 15kg. | SOLD at A$100 | ||
364 | Kiloware: Continuing Mary McKillop 'Floor Sweeping' triple carton lot strength in 1990s onwards Decimals inc vals to $1.10 Pics. Also on variable size paper. Weight 18kg. | SOLD at A$625 | ||
367![]() Click for more photos | Philatelic Exhibition M/Sheet accumulation (100) inc Australia 99 Navigators IMPERF pr, 1990 New Zealand 1991 Phila Nippon, 1992 World Columbian, 1993 Sydney Stamp & Coin Fair, 1996 Indonesia, 1996 10th Asian International, 1997 Hong Kong, 1999 Queensland Stamp Show, 2004 China, 2007 Sydney & many others. Also booklets (20) inc 1974 Melbourne, 1984 AUSIPEX (2 diff), 1994 Melbourne & 1996 Canberra. All fresh & clean, FV $280. | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
371![]() Click for more photos | Postage Due selection 1902-30 with 1902 Mono-colour 'void base' ½d & 4d VFM (SG cat £60). 1902-09 'complete design' (28) inc ½d blk of 4 m/s cancel, plus 2 singles M & 1d (9) inc 2 prs & blk of 4 & 2d pr. 5d pr (SG cat £130). 1/- (8, cat £880) inc blk of 4 & pr. Generally F-VF UN, plus 5/- emerald lightly pmk, 1909-36 Bi-colour low vals (24) Mint inc 1913 thin paper 3d (2, SG D82, cat £130 ea) & 4d 'misplaced centre' (SG D83(var) cat £150). 1922 3rd wmk 4d (2, SG D96 cat £76). Generally UN (54) mostly no gum, total SG cat £2000+ = A$4000. Also another 100 Used to 1/- very mixed condition. (174) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
372![]() Click for more photos | Postage Due collection to 1960 inc 1923 1/- thin paper (SG D85 cat £30). 1922 3rd wmk (6) to 4d (both). 1931 CofA wmk 1d (4) & 2d (5) inc 2d perf 11 blk of 4 MUH. 1938 CofA wk set of 7 to 1/- F-VF MLH (cat £225). 1946-57 re-drawn Dies blks of 4 with 2d (2), 3d (2), 4d & 5d MUH (£320). 1958 set of 10to 2/- MUH (at £50), plus extras (24) inc 1d & 6d blks of 4. Odd minor tropical spot o/w fresh M/MUH, total SG cat £940 = A$1900. (93) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
375![]() Click for more photos | Postal Stationery - Envelopes: 1917-60s used collection with PO issues (16) from 1919 KGV 1d red 'star', 1½ red uprated to USA, KGVI 2½d & 3½d, QEII 3½, 4d plum lge & small dies, 5d light blue CTO, 5d red CTO, 4c red (2), 5c orange (2). Then PTPO 1917 use Kangaroo 1d, KGV 'star' 1d red (3), KGV oval 1d green (3), 1½d red, 2d red (2), KGVI 1½d green, 2d red, 2½d red (2), 3½d, QEII 3d green (2), 3½ orange (2), 4d plum (2) & small die, 5d dark blue, light blue (2), 5d red. Then Officials with 1919 use of KGV 1d red with OS dots in die $200, 1950 use! KGV star 1½d red with Postage, OS in die. Also 1919 usage of Victoria QV 1d red OS in die long type uprated KGV ½d. Mostly F-VF U. All diff. ACSC cat $900+. (45). | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
382![]() Click for more photos | Three volume decimal specialised collection to early 1980s with 1966 QEII 1c-6c positional multiples (ACSC cat $900) inc 4c red plate number blks of 20 (8, cat $240) & scarce range of 3c plated cnr blks. 7c-10c Fish sheet nos & other multiples. Birds to 30c inc 24c UR pane of 40, 30c Autotrons LL cnr blk & LR cnr sheet no blk of 4. Navigator set to $4 blks of 4, plus 75c Plate 3 UR blk with re-cutting flaw (pos 2/1, 2/2), plus another 3 multiples with re-cuts. $1 Flinders variety 'missing LL frame' (pos R9/3) in LR cnr blk of 10. Extensive 1966-70 4c & 5c Commems in positional blks & large multiples (cat $1400) inc 4c Banking, 5c Medical 'needle in thumb' flaws (6) inc Autotron multiple, 5c Flight cnr blks of 25 (6) inc 4 sheet no multiples, 5c Cook sheet of 100 bi-sected vertically & 1970 RV 5c misplaced tiara blk of 20. Other 967-70 issues inc 1968 WWW 20c left pane of 50 & 25c Intelsat Autotron gutter blk of 20, 1968 Flowers 6c, 13c & 30c in positional multiples, 1970 Cook M/Sheet opt ANPEX consecutive pr (scarce) & forged opt number 1502. 1970 coil collection inc 7c missing buff & misplaced green (9, cat $2700 inc strip of 4), plus 4 diff coil wrappers (cat $100) 1970-73 6c & 7c Commems in blks & multiple (cat $2000) inc 1971 RAAF 6c study. 1971 Christmas 7c blks of 25 (2), plus Autotron mirror blk of 12 & 1972 Olympics varieties. 1972 Rehab group, 1974 Painting $2 gutter blk of 10 (cat $100) & 'fungus flaw' in sheet no blk of 9 ($100). 1974 Christmas plate no blk of 4 collection (cat $530). 1975 IWY 10c aniline print blk of 4 (2, cat $800). 1976 Olympics group. 1978 Australia Day pink & green gum gutter blks. 1978 Birds with large multiple to 25c, 1980 High Court 22c aniline print strip of 4 (cat $80), 1983 WCY 27c aniline print blk of 10 thematics, plus much more inc 1978 Flower 18c missing black, 1980 Aeroplane 22c imperf Proof (cat $100) & 1993 CPS candlestick trial set of 3 in vert prs (retail $600). Appears fresh & clean throughout. Total ACSC cat/retail $12,900. | AVAILABLE at A$1500 | ||
385![]() Click to enlarge photo | New South Wales 1890s-1900s 1d Shield/2d QV on/off paper accumulation in shoebox with vast quantity of numeral cancels sighted, plus Commonwealth era cds to mid 1960s in glassines & scattered Perfins sighted in the mix. Unchecked as received. (5000). | SOLD at A$350 | ||
387![]() Click for more photos | New South Wales: Postmarks on card or cover collection (18) with 1908 Numeral 1 machine cancels with Jan & Feb dates & Numeral 2 machine cancels (3) with Jun, Oct & Dec dates. 1914 Bourke St Melbourne PPC franked KGV 1d red pmk 'Sydney 21 July 1914' being an extremely early date (FDI was 17 July!). 4 other KGV 1d reds on card or cover inc 'TPO 2 North West/UP SE 15/NSW' cds. 1921 KGV 2d orange octagonal envelope uprated with Kangaroo 3d olive with Sydney Registration label at LL (ACSC cat $150). 1932 Bridge Celebrations covers (4). 1940 from Parliament House Canberra to Consul-General for Romania, Newcastle. 1963 Navigator 4/- with 'Relief/95' cds. 1890s 1d Shield Wrapper with 'NSW' Killer Cancel, plus 11 pre 1910 PPC inc stunning view of 'Darling Street, Balmain'. Mostly F-VF condition. (29 items) | AVAILABLE at A$140 | ||
388![]() Click for more photos | New South Wales: Postmarks. 1990s cds collection Aberdeen to Woonona East in 2 large albums with around 700 pmks inc Priority Paid cachets, magenta or violet coloured cancels, Money Order Teller, Postal Manager plus others, all on cut square pieces showing comp strikes. Also 1920s-40s cds accumulation (500+) from Aberdeen to Yenda, & useful selection of 1901-12 1d Shields. Also Victoria 1990s cds collection (700) in 2 albums, 1990s NSW/QLD.VIC Frank Stamp cut-put collection (700) in final album. Ten volumes in total plus publication 'NSW & ACT POs' by NC Hopson, 1st Edition 1978. Large carton. Then 2nd carton with approx 3500 mixed slogan cancels (weight 3.7kg). All unchecked as received ex deceased estate. (6000+) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
389![]() Click for more photos | New South Wales: Postmarks 1901-1912 cds collection on mostly 1d Shields with over 400 diff from Aberdeen to Young inc Balladoran, Bogan, Gate, Boppy Mountain, Bowmans Creek, Bunnan, Cannonbar, Cronulla Beach, Daysdale, Goodooga, Harris Park, Ilato, Kiah, Mangoplah, Morrilda, Obley, Oaklands, Palmers Island, Point Clare, Reno, Thalaba, Torrowangee & Tullamore. Generally F-VF strikes, considering these are small stamps inc some on piece ex registered mail. A very difficult assembly, with only minor duplication plus cds variations (520 items). Also 1890s-1900s Sydney collection (80) inc numbered cds, duplex, Registered, Railway Station/Sydney, Postage Paid/Sydney & Ship Mail Room/Sydney. (600) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
391![]() Click for more photos | New South Wales: Postmarks & Postal History. Introduction lot with covers (13) inc 1843 Melbourne NSW to Edinburgh, 1859 Liverpool to England franked QV Diadem 6d grey imperf tied by numeral 20, 1861 Sydney-Sussex franked QV Diadem 6d violet. Early 1900s Registered Mail to Hobart (6) inc Broken Hill, Cobar, Gilgandra, Narrabri West & Wellington, 1904 cover Yalgogrin North to Hobart with numeral 1736 cancel, plus 4 Edwardian era NSW PPC. Other numeral cancels (6) on stamps, all highly rated with 221 (RRR) on 1850s QV 6d brown Diadem imperf, 305 type 4B (RRR) on QV 2d blue, 963 (RRRRR) part strike on 1d dull red QV, 966 (RRRRR) poor strike on piece with West Tamworth cds alongside, 1010 (RRRR) of Tin Tin Hull superb strike on piece with cds alongside & 1080 (RRRRR) of Cedar Party Creek near comp strike on 1d Shield, plus 2 very useful reference works 'The Postal History of NSW 1788-1901' (pub 1988) & 'Numeral Cancels of NSW' (pub 2012). Excellent lot to start collecting this interesting field. (25 items) (P) | SOLD at A$450 | ||
392![]() Click for more photos | New South Wales: Postal Stationery: 1870s-1900s range with Postcards (3), Lettercards (7 inc 2 Specimen) inc unusual pale pink stock, Reg Envelopes (3). All diff. F-VF UN. PSSA cat $475. (14). | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
393![]() Click for more photos | New South Wales: Postal Stationery: 1880s-1900s range with Postcards (3U) inc to Holland & taxed, Lettercards (3U), & Envelopes (7 UN, 6U). Mostly F-VF UN/U. (19). | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
395![]() Click for more photos | South Australia: 1855-1912 collection in binder inc 1855 QV 6d imperf & 1856-58 2d & 6d imperf. 1858-59 QV roulette 2d & 6d, plus 1860-69 to 1/-, roulette. 1868-79 QV perf to 2/- & 1876-1900 to 2/-, plus shades. 1891 Surch set. 1902-04 QV thin Postage to 2/6 & 1904-12 QV thick Postage to 2/-. 1874-1901 OS range to 1/- inc types. Most G-VF M/U, mixed in earlies. SG cat £1950+ = A$3900+. (280) | SOLD at A$275 | ||
396![]() Click for more photos | South Australia: 1855-1912 accumulation in 3 s/books inc 1855-58 QV 2d imperf (4 inc shades). 1868-1900 QV perf to 2/- inc wmks, perfs & shades. Range of 1868-1904 QV 1d green & 2d orange inc wmks & perfs. Range of QV Long Toms to 2/6 inc perf OS. Good range of 1876-1901 OS opts to 2/- inc varieties. Mostly G-VF M/U, 80% being Used, mixed in some parts but overall OK. SG cat £2000+ = A$4000+. (500) | SOLD at A$450 | ||
397![]() Click for more photos | South Australia 1855-1912 inc 1855 1d-6d imperf Used, 1867 6d blue which has been incorrectly perfed so postage appears twice, 1906 values to 5/-, range of OS 1874-90s, some Stamp Duty stamps to 1/- & 1896 2d QV cover b/s Terowie Railway, bulk in box, some on piece, mainly values to 2d (1200+), pmk & variety interest. Some varied condition, mostly GU-FU. SG cat est £2000+. (1400) | SOLD at A$350 | ||
398![]() Click to enlarge photo | South Australia: 1868-1912 QV collection inc 1868 QV 2d orange, imperf proof. 1876-1900 QV 9d selection of 4 diff shades, wmk Broad Star. 1876-1904 QV 1d green & 2d orange (2 shades), perf 10 & 1d green, 1d red, 2d orange & 2d violet, perf 13, wmk Crown/Narrow SA, plus shades. 1882 HALF-PENNY opt QV 1d. 1883-99 QV 3d, perf 10, plus ½d-6d, perf 13, plus shades. 1891-93 QV Surch 2½d on 4d (5d on 6d, 2 shades of ea, perf 10, plus 2½d, perf 15. 1894-1906 QV Kangaroo 2½d perf 15, plus perf 13 (2 shades) & 5d Shield 2 shades, perf 13. Also 2½d & 5d, perf 12x11½d. 1899 GPO ½d both perfs. 1905-19 QV GPO basic set to 5d, plus shades. 1901-02 QV 1/- & 2/- wmk crown SA. Mostly F-VFM, many fresh. SG cat £840+. (52) | SOLD at A$275 | ||
401![]() Click for more photos | Tasmania: Cover/Postal History collection with 1870s LetterBills (12) inc Bagdad, Bothwell, Launceston & Oatlands. 1889 Electric telegraph & 1898 Postal telegraph with Hobart date stamps. 1897-1902 Letter Bills (3). The Pic/Commem pmk cover collection^ mainly 1980s inc 67 diff Pictorial FDC pmks on 24c Botanical Congress PSE, appears to cover most POs open at that time inc Beaconsfield, Cygnet, Fingal, Mole Creek, Port Arthur, Savage River, Sheffield etc. 15 diff cds for 150th Anniv of Postal Services with 1 June 82 QV 27c, other illustrated envelopes, 1949 cover with marking \'CALLED POSTMEN 7 DEC 49, GPO HOBART\', 1962 Registered Pontville to Myrtlebank, with black Devonport \'Paid\' machine pmk, & 1949 5½d envelope to Hobart with Tarraleah Registered label. 1980s covers fresh CTO, others F-VF. (110 covers) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
402![]() Click for more photos | Tasmania - Postal Stationery: 1880-90s collection with 1880 Walch Postcard, 1882 QV 1d red, 1893 Exhib 1d, PTPO uprated ½d (2). Envelope PTPO inc ½d orange & 1d red, Doubletons ½d+½d (2), ½d+2d, plus 1898 Pictorial 2½d Diana's Basin, Defence Force green Frank stamp & ½d PTPO wrapper. Also QV envelope/wrapper cut-outs (12). Generally VF UN. (14, +12 cut-outs) | AVAILABLE at A$160 | ||
403![]() Click for more photos | Victoria: 1850-1912 collection in binder inc 1850-57 QV Halflengths to 3d inc 1d pr, 2d, Ham 2nd state. 1852-55 Queen on Throne 2d (4 inc shades). 1854 QV octagonal 1/- imperf. 1856 Queen on Throne 1d. 1854-55 QV Woodblocks to 2/-. 1863-73 QV Laureates to 1/- inc 8d orange. 1873 QV 2d M. 1901-13 QV Postage to 5/-. 1890 Postage Dues to 1/-. Mostly G-VF M/U, mixed in parts. SG cat £3900+ = A$7800+. (420) (P) | SOLD at A$650 | ||
407![]() Click for more photos | Victoria Postal Stationery 1882-1902 range with Postcards (5, inc double replies), Lettercards (6, inc 2 CTO & 1891 surch), Envelopes (4), Reg Env (4, 3 CTO) & wrappers (7). Overall F-VF UN/CTO/U, odd blemishes. Stieg cat US$1200, counting CTO as UN. (26). | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
408![]() Click for more photos | Victoria: Postal Stationery 1880s-1900s Postcards (40) inc CTO types, QV perf OS die, Beer & Baccy card, cpl of Franks etc. Mostly UN. Stieg cat US$800. Also some PPC 1904-11 (10) inc Victoria views & stamps, plus 1883-1911 covers (13) inc local & overseas usages inc to USA, Canada, Ceylon, Germany & Belgium. (63) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
409![]() Click for more photos | Western Australia: 1854-1912 collection in binder inc 1854 Swan 1d black. 1854-55 Swan 4d & 1/- imperf. 1857 Swan Litho 6d. 1860 Swan 2d & 6d (2), imperf. 1861 Swans to 1/-, wmk Swan perf. 1864-68 Swan to 1/-, wmk crown CC. 1902-12 QV Swans to 10/- inc wmks. Noted QV 5/- (2), plus perf OS. Mostly G-VF M/U, mixed in parts. SG cat £3700+ = A$7400+. (169) (P) | SOLD at A$750 | ||
410![]() Click for more photos | Western Australia Postal Stationery 1879-1900s collection with Postcards 1879 type 1d blue, 1889 2d red, 1892 surch 1½d, & ½d brown, Double Reply 1d +1d UN, CTO, 1½d + 1½d blue QV. Lettercard 1d/2d U 1936. Wrappers double borders 1d red UN & concentric rings CTO cancel, single border ½d green UN (2, 1 addressed), plus 1 Used. Mixed poor to VF. PSSA cat $2100+. (14). | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
411![]() Click for more photos | 1850s-early 1900s collection with NSW (180) inc 1852-54 Laureates No Wmk 1d carmine, 2d plate II (2) & 2d plate III wmk Numerals (5), all with Numeral cancels. 1880s QV opt OS 1d, 3d, 5d & 8d F-VF M (cat £90). 1888 Centenary set (6) to 1/- opt OS M (cat £105), 1891 QV 12½d orange opt OS (cat £80) & early 1900s Defs to 2/6 Lyrebird FU. QLD (450) inc 1860s-70s QV Small Chalon (28) to 20/- Pale Rose, 1880s Large Chalon set to £1. 1890s QV to 2/- Brown, 1900 Boer War Charity 1d, 2d & early 1900s QV Sidefaces to 2/- Turquoise inc 2d blue 'Cracked Electro'. Plus the other States (130) inc West Aust 1d violet Swan horiz strip of 4. Some sl mixed condition, mostly G-F/VFU plus other Mint NSW Officials. (780) | SOLD at A$375 | ||
412![]() Click for more photos | 1880-1900 States selection inc NSW 1888-90 Centenary 1d to 20/- with 4d opt OS (bottom marginal with 1888 monogram used) & 5/- & 20/- opt Specimen. Queensland 1882-95 QV Large Chalon vals to £1. Tasmania 1899-1900 Pic set to 5d. 1880 Platypus Stamp Duty set 1d to 1/-. Most F-VF M/UN, 5U. SG cat £1700+ = A$3400+. (27). (P) | SOLD at A$300 | ||
413![]() Click for more photos | Large accumulation in 72 hagners strength in 1890s/1900s era with NSW (1050) inc 300 Numeral pmks, QLD (400) inc 120 Numeral cancels to 712 plus scattered cds. Tasmania (340) inc 130 Numeral cancels to 299 plus Pics to 6d. Vic (440) inc 270 Numeral cancels to 1979. West Aust (50). Heavy duplication throughout inc vals to 1/-. Mixed G-V/VFU. (2300) | SOLD at A$200 | ||
414 | Postmarks: 1980s-1990s cds on cover collection in 14 large albums with NSW (1100) from Aberdeen to Zetland inc good range of Framas inc Alstonville, Awata, Banksia, Bathurst West, Blacksmiths, Booragul, Bowning, Barnsley, Broom's Head, Burcher, Capertree, Captains Flat, Cooks Hill & Cummock to name but a few. Also ACT covers (90) with a variety of cds, NSW 1980s 'Last Day' covers (90) from Adamstown Heights to Yarrabandai, plus another 160 unchecked. 1940s Correspondence to Sydney. Northern Territory covers (100) from Alice Spring to Yulaba inc Algangula, Elliott, Howard Springs & Pine Creek. Queensland (550) from Acacia Ridge to Yorkeys Knob. South Australia (140) from Adelaide to Yorketown. Tasmania (360) from Alonnah to Zeehan inc more pmked Framas inc Bagdad, Beauty Point, Bicheno, Blackman's Bay, Brighton, Campania, Castle Forkes Bay, Chigwell, Chudleigh, Colebrook, Coles Bay & Collinsville to name a few. Victoria (360) from Aireys Inlet to Yarraville. West Aust (200) from Albany to York again with a variety of pmked Framas. Also approx 600 Machine cancels inc NSW (300) & other States (300). All in 18 large albums plus another 2 with 140+ 1960s-80s commem pmks. Generally F-VF condition. Total 2800 covers. | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
417![]() Click for more photos | Postal Stationery with NSW (12) inc 1d Shield (9) inc some with printed rev messages, 1½d blue (2) inc green Pictorial Rural Scene on rev & 2d blue Emu. QLD (5) inc 1d rose QV Chalon card, 1½d black QV View Cards (2) with Pineapple Field & A Queensland Schoolhouse Scenes. SA 1890s QV 1d brown (2), both with printed reverses. TAS (7) with QV 2d green Pictorial Lettercard, 1d pink QV Postal Cards (5) & QV 2d green envelope. VIC (13) with envelopes (3), Postal Cards (9) inc 1d+1d pink QV Reply Card UN pr, 1½d/2d mauve QV Postally U to London, 1½d brown QV CTO & OHMS Minister of Lands & Survey Postal Card to Warrnambool, plus 1d pink Lettercard VF UN. WA 1½d green Swan Postal Card VF UN. A neat group, mostly F-VF condition. (40) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
418![]() Click for more photos | Three Carton Consignment with World collection in four near new 64 black page Lighthouse s/books (retail $90 ea, $360) with Germany to 1970s inc Pre WWI Colonies, Japan 1890s-1970s, New Zealand to late 1970s inc Official opts to 2/- KGVI. Russia to early 1980s. Also China (320) to 1930s, Bahrain (120) & Qatar (170) in 16 page s/books. Off paper mixes in tins & boxes with Australia, Portugal & Colonies, Germany, Israel, Japan, New Zealand & USA. Plus India 1930s-40s-50s covers & Indian States Postal Stationery mess. Medium shoebox with Australia PO Packs (FV $175), 1977 QEII RV Silver Medallion & 1990s-2000s Pre-Paid maxicards (170) in packs of issue. 2012 Olympic Gold Medalists PNC set of 7, in commem album (retail $160). Plus misc covers (60) in black binder inc NSW 1854 from Richmond to Sydney franked QV 2d Laureate, Victoria 1904 Advertising envelopes (3), Australia 1929-1935 Flight covers, Germany 1954 Bells set FDC, French Antarctic Territory 1980s FDC, Great Britain-Austria 1934 Zeppelin Flight cover. Selected Rhodesia 1960s FDC plus two books on Aust Postal History. (many 1000s) | SOLD at A$450 | ||
421![]() Click for more photos | 1840-1980s World A-V collection/accumulation recently rehoused in 8 quality as new Lighthouse 32 pg s/books. With Europe, Austria, Denmark, Germany & German States, Switzerland etc, French Colonies inc French Polynesia 1913 set to 5F, Asia inc China Several 1950-60s sets, Japan, strong in British Comm inc Great Britain 1840s 1d black, 1d red brown, QV to 1/- etc, Australian States, but no Australia, inc NSW 1860s to 1/-, Canada 1893 QV 20c, Fiji QV to 5/-, KGV to 5/-, 1917 1d Postage Due, Malaya States inc Strait Settlements to $5, Hong Kong, Nigeria 1938 KGVI to 5/-, British Solomons 1922 KGV to 5/-, South Africa & Colonies inc Natal, Cape of Good Hope, Transvaal etc. Also loose in packets inc Papua ½d-2d Lakatoi & accessories inc UV detector, magnifying glass etc. Also inc approximately 250 FDC from Norfolk Is, Christmas Is, & Cocos, few Aust FDC & PSE 1965-1980s. Most of the value in pre 1940s material. Mainly G-VFU, MLH with an estimate 10% affected by toning. SG cat £9000+ = A$18,000. 2 large cartons. (9000, +250 covers). | AVAILABLE at A$750 | ||
422![]() Click for more photos | 1850s-2000s World collection/accumulation in 11 s/books & binders. Rhodesia from 1892 Arms inc Southern & Northern Rhodesia. East Africa/KUT from 1890s. Sthn Rhodesia 1924-29 KGV Admirals to 2/6. France from 1850s. New Zealand 1990s-2000s MUH collection inc M/S. Australia & States inc 1913-36 Roo vals to 5/-. 1965 Churchill Omnibus collection inc range of FDCs. Netherlands Indies 1870s-1940s collection inc Airmail covers. Mostly G-VF M/MUH/U, some parts mixed. SG cat £4400+ = A$8800+. (6000+) | SOLD at A$375 | ||
423![]() Click for more photos | 1850s-1960s World collection/accumulation in old Rapkin album plus in envelopes GB from 1850s QV 1d red & 2d blue inc 1887-1900 QV Jubilee range. Album contains A-Z with useful 1920s-30s period. 1930s-60s range of covers & FDCs. Envelopes with A-Z countries inc Germany 1920s-30s. New Zealand 1891 Lighthouse set to 1/- (SG cat £375). Also 1957 SG World simplified catalogue. Mostly G-VF M/U, majority U. SG cat £3500+ = A$7000+. (2000+). | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
424![]() Click for more photos | 1850s-1970s World accumulation. Noted 2 ancient albums inc Imposed stamp album & an Oppens stamp album. Also 1906-07 SG catalogue of the British Empire. Inspection needed with items spotted inc NSW 1897-1912 Shield 1d selection of blks inc perf OS NSW. Also 1880s-1912 to 6d blks inc OS & perf OS NSW. Australia 1902-30s Postage Due Mint selection. Shoebox of Australia & States many on piece. Newfoundland 1865 Ship 1c. China 1885 Small Dragon 1c pr. Mostly G-VF M/MUH/U, mixed earlies as usual. SG cat £6500+ = A$13,000+. (1500+). | SOLD at A$650 | ||
425![]() Click for more photos | 1860s-2000s Europe large collection on pgs in 8 binders in large carton inc Austria 1870s-1920 to 25k, German Occup 1945 unissued 1-5RM, 1945 Views to 5s, 1950 Birds to 20s, strong in scarcer 1940/50s issues, Belgium range 1860s-1920s inc 1930 Airs to 5f, Czechoslovakia range 1920s, good range of later. M/S, covers, Bohemia Moravia range, France good range to 1920s inc 1949 Air Views to 1000f. 1954 Airs to 1000f inc blk of 4, Netherlands from 1880s to 1920s inc 1906 Tuberculosis set, Ruanda-Urundi, Neth Indies, Russia 1880s-1920s inc 1925 Lenin to 10R, 1934 Air to 80k Sweden 1860s-1920s range, 1936 Tercentenary, range of other countries inc Luxemburg, Monaco, Switzerland etc, plus lots more. Extensive collection only briefly reviewed so could be finds. Vast number face diff, some light duplication. Mainly U-FU, some VF MLH. Reserved at $100 per album. SG est cat £6000-£8000. (14,000+, 100+ M/S, 30+ covers). | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
426![]() Click for more photos | 1865-1940s MUH World selection. Useful Latin America inc Paraguay 1870 Lion 1R blk of 4, Nicaragua 1877 Volcano set to 25c roul. El Salvador from 1867 Volcanos inc Officials. Ecuador 1894 Portraits to 5s. Romania 1865 Prince Cuza unissued set. Then ranges of Commems to 1940s. Malta 1928 Postage & Revenue opts to 1/-. Spanish Morocco from 1903 opts to 10P. Most F-VF fresh MUH. SG cat £800+ for M, should be at least double, for earlier MUH so £1200+. (465). | SOLD at A$200 | ||
428![]() Click for more photos | 1880s-1960s World collections with extras in 4 Vario binders with slipcases, s/book & album inc Spain 1872 ¼c blk of 4, 1928 Rome Catacombs to 5p, 1928 Air Service to 1p, 1930 Goya 1p-10p, 1930 Air Goya Designs to 10p, 1930 Columbus Issue set to 10p, 1930 Columbus Air set to 10p, Yugoslavia & States inc 1951 Airs to 500d, various French & Spanish Colonies inc Spanish Sahara, Morocco, Fernando Poo, French Polynesia, Algeria, etc, small Russia collection 1940s-60s. Few minor tones mostly G-VF U, F-VF MLH/MUH. SG cat £1700+ = A$3400. (2900+) | SOLD at A$220 | ||
429![]() Click for more photos | 1880s-1970s World collections with extras in 4 Vario binders, 3 with slipcases & 1 binder inc USA Revenue & Postage Stamps 1890s-1970s inc 1890s Proprietary Stamps, Stock Transfer, Postage Dues, Airmail & Postage Stamps inc 1933 1c & 3c Souvenir panes of 25 imperf, various M/Sheets, 100+ plate number blks, prs, blks of 4 etc. Collection of most Central & South America countries inc Cuba, Brazil, Chile, Venezuela etc inc Venezuela 1896 Miranda comp set to 1b, 1940 Independence Air to 2b. Middle East collection inc Iran, Crete, Iraq, Egypt, Israel etc, noted Israel 1948-70s mainly with tabs. Finally collection of themes inc Astronauts, Christmas, UPU, Flowers etc. Interesting collection. GU-FU & F-VF MUH, some tropicalisation throughout. SG cat £2000+ = A$4000+. (7100 + 10 M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
431![]() Click for more photos | 1890s-1960s Consignment remains with 1965 ITU Anniv custom slipcase album with Br Commonwealth & Foreign issues (some sl tones) - noted French Polynesia & Sthn Antarctic Terr (2ea) SG cat £600+ with album total £1100+. Bulgaria 1932 Airmail set (£250), Portugal 1894 Henry to 100R on envelope with special pmks (£88), Spanish West Africa 1950 Air set (£70), & 2 covers with 1930 Goya stamps, plus PNG 1989 PO Year album. Virtually all F-VF MUH, some U. (350+) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
432![]() Click for more photos | 1890s-1940s Yugoslavia & related group inc 1943 Govt in Exile all 3 sets & M/Sheet (Mi cat €30), plus 1917 Montenegro Exile opt set of 19, 1p-5F blks of 4. Croatia 1941-42 Def set of 19 imperf. Montenegro 1897 2n yellow Registered Postcard uprated 5 stamps inc Printing Anniv 2n & finally 1917 Registered cover franked Bosnia Archduke Memorial Church 10h blk of 4 with 'Sarajevo 28 VI 17' cds with this issue only on issue for this 1 day. Interesting lot. (76, M/S, 2 covers/cards) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
436![]() Click for more photos | 1950-70s Europa Mint collection in binder. Good range inc the better Luxembourg 1950 'Promote United Europe' set to 4Fr (SG cat £400), 1956 set to 4Fr (£650) & 1957 set to 4Fr (£255). Cyprus inc 1963 both sets. Liechtenstein 1960 50R (£130). Portugal 1965-70 sets to 4E30. Andorra range of sets. Most F-VF M/MUH. SG cat £4900+ = A$9800+ (1600+, 40M/S). | AVAILABLE at A$325 | ||
437![]() Click for more photos | 1970s-90s (or later) Marine Life Extensive 5 Vol collection, mostly VF MUH with over 500 sets, plus 230 M/Sheets or sheetlets. A wonderfully colourful collection noted BIOT 1994 Sharks, British Virgin Is 1997 Defs, Greenland 1987-91 Marine Life, Grenada Marine sets, Guyana 1995 Marine Life set & M/Sheets, 1998 Marine Life sets & M/Sheets, Iceland 1998 Fish, Philippines 1996 Aseanpex M/S, Fish sets & M/Sheets, Palau 1983 to $10, 1995 Fish set, Qatar 1991 Fish set (2 sets), South Georgia 1987 Birds, 1994 Whale & Dolphins sets, Tonga 1984-90s Marine sets & Surcharges with extras, Turks & Caicos 1983 Whales set & M/Sheet. Many others, some mostly light toning. Mainly F-VF MUH. SG cat £5500 = A$11,000. (500 sets, 230 M/Sheets) | SOLD at A$800 | ||
440![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1990s MUH M/Sheets of Indonesia with1997 Minerals M/Sheet of 9, plus label (SG 2312(var) cat £1050), 1996 Rhino M/S of 8 stamps (100), SG 2267a £650, 1996 Sports Week M/S set of 2 with Istanbul 96 opts (SG MS2266 cat £650), 1998 Anti-Drug sheetlet of 8 Tete-Beche prs (SG 2415a, £1120), 1998 Juvalex & Singpex M/S (100 of ea, £825). 1999 'Australia 99' 5000Rp M/S (100, £350). Fresh MUH in neat bundles of 100. Total SG £4645 = A$8400. Zonnebloem cat €3560 = A$5700. (800 M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
441![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1996 Booklet with Joint Issue Indonesia with Australia, pane of 10 300Rupees Cuscus stamps. First printing 76x234mm. 100 comp booklets fresh MUH. SG SB18 cat £875 = A$1590 for common 2nd printing 71x230mm. Zonnelbloem SHP7/1996 MS1 €2250. Pfr Australian cat $100 ea, total $10,000. (100) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
443![]() Click for more photos | 2005 Gambia Pope John Paul commemorative 40D silver plated stamps (6 diff) Ex Mi 5548/68, 50 of ea cat, €1800 & 80D gold plated stamps (2 diff) 50 of ea Mi ex569/74 cat €900. 400 stamps in total, Michel cat €2700 = A$4500. | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
444![]() Click to enlarge photo | 2006 Europa 50th Anniv M/sheets stock with Solomon Is set of 6 M/S (approx 100 sets, FV $7100 = A$1300). Then Montenegro imperf M/S (200, Mi 2B cat €3000), Montenegro Map of Europe (250, Mi Blk32 cat €5000), Peru (250, Mi Blk32 cat €1750), Jamaica $230 M/S (100, Mi Blk56 cat €900), & Cyprus (100, Mi Blk25 cat €500). Total Mi cat €11,150 = A$18,500. Also Romania CAPEX 96 M/S (100) & Tonga Niuafo'ou 2012 Butterfly set of 12 to $8, both imperf & perf comp sheets of 20. FV T$1860 = A$1185. Huge total FV & cat over $20,000. (1600 M/S, plus extras). | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
445![]() Click for more photos | 2012 Tonga Thematics: Niuafo'ou Butterflies set of 12 to $8, (50 imperf sets) in sheets of 20 & panes of 10, FV T$2300 = A$1500, SG cat £2100. 2012 Niuafo'ou Titanic $13.60 M/Sheet both imperf & perf (25ea), & $3.85 M/S imperf & perf (50ea). FV T$1060 = A$700 SG cat £1100, 2012 Democracy $27 M/S imperf & normal (50ea), FV T$2700 = A$1800, SG cat £2700. All fresh MUH, total SG cat £5900 = A$11,800, FV = A$4000! | AVAILABLE at A$230 | ||
447![]() Click for more photos | 2017 Lunar New Year of the Rooster 200 comp sets from Aitutaki, Cook Islands, Samoa & Tonga = 800 sets, in sheets of 20, fresh MUH. FV A$5170. SG cat £7950 = A$15,900. | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
449![]() Click for more photos | 5 older style loose leaf albums (inc 3 Triumph) with good variety inc Australian States, Australian Commonwealth inc Kangaroos to 2/-, 1930s Commems, KGVI Defs to £1 Robes & Arms to £2, Canada 1930s Pics to $1 blue, GB inc 1840s QV imperfs 1d brown (4) & 2d blue (2), 1890s QV to 1/- green, KEVII to 5/- carmine & KGVI to £1 brown. NZ inc 1860s QV Chalons 6d brown & 1/- green & 1920s KGV to 3/- violet, plus other British Empire & Western Europe. World collections in another 3 loose leaf albums inc Pakistan 1950s-70s World Pictorials inc GB 1960s-80s Commem sets. Australia decimal accumulation in 9 small black page albums. British Commonwealth in 20 hagners inc Australia 1971 Christmas 7c sets M (12) & Cook M/Sheets MUH (4). SWA 1980 Wildlife set to R2 MUH. Indonesia 1996 Joint Issue with Australia Cuscus booklets (4, cat $100 ea), Norfolk Is 1960s Pic sets, Nevis 1984 $1.20 Tourism set IMPERF LL cnr plate number blks of 4, plus others. Finally Australia 1930s-60s FDC collection (110) inc 1937 NSW Sesqui (2), 1959-61 Pics to 5/- Cattle, 1964 Birds to 3/- & 1950s-60s Commems, plus AAT FDC (20) inc scattered Base Cancels. 19 albums in total, usual mixed M/MUH/G-F/VFU condition. Large carton. | SOLD at A$275 | ||
455![]() Click for more photos | Alluring carton lot with Greece 1860s-1970s collection (1600) in 2 vols with 1861 large Hermes (64) inc 1L brown UN (2, cat £200), 2c buff U (3, £75), 10c orange on blue paper (4, £340), 20c blue (4, £70), 40c mauve on blue paper (5, £150) & 80c carmine (9, £500), total cat £1500 as cheapest. 1865 Small hermes imperf (56) to 1Dr imperf & another 30 perf to 1Dr grey. Then reasonable range to 1970s Commems inc early 1900s Crete & 1960s Europa. Australia collection in 5 albums inc 1966-90s Pics in over 50 hagners. World Pics in another 8 small to large albums, plus more inc Poland on loose pages. All neatly arranged in large carton, some M/MUH, mostly G-F/VFU. | SOLD at A$200 | ||
459![]() Click for more photos | Australia & World carton lot inc 1927-65 VGC Seven Seas hingeless album (new retail $100). Decimal accumulation in 9 albums with 1966-2000 accumulation in 4 s/books. FDC/PSE collection in 2 volumes, mixed Maxicards (200+) & 2 black Vario album with more decimals inc 1970 Cook M/Sheet (5), plus Die Proof Reprint Cards (12, cat $96). 2nd carton with mostly foreign inc PNG 1966-86 with 90 MUH sets inc 1966 Butterflies & 1969 Shells sets. 1964-2006 PNG Used collection inc 1964 Birds to 10/- & post Millennium high value Pics to 5, 10 & 20K. Also bundle of 100 Australian 1990s Phonecards to $20 & off-paper mess in brown box. Usual sl mixed G-F/VFU - M/MUH condition, all neatly packed into 2 cartons. | SOLD at A$275 | ||
462![]() Click for more photos | Australian Territories collection 1947-2011 in 6 volumes & loose inc Norfolk Is 1947-88 com inc 1947 Ball Bay set to 2/- M&U white paper to 1½d, 1960 set to 10/-. 1966 Decimal to $1, Christmas Is 1958 set to $1, 1963 set to $1, 1968 Fish to $1, 1972 Ships to $1, various 1990s Chinese New Year M/S, Cocos 1969 to $1, 1976 Ships to $1, various Marine Life sheets, AAT 1957 to 2/3, 1966 to $1 1973 Food Chain to $1, FDC with base cds, Casey, Davis, Mawson, Macquarie is, PNG coll'n 1952-94 comp (no opts), 1952 to £1, 1963 to £1, 1964 Birds to 10/- & others to 1994. Artefacts to 10k, small collection of Nauru. Also Australia Post Territories colln's 1994-2010 in folder MUH. Covers have been punched to put in binder FV $306. Total FV approx A$900. (2800, 60 M/S, 17 covers). | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
465![]() Click for more photos | Australian Territory MUH collection in 45 hagners with AAT to 2001 Centenary inc 1957 Pics to 2/3 Penguin (4 sets), 1966 Defs to $1 Mock Sun (4 sets), 1971 Treaty, 1972 Cook (4 sets) & 1973 Food Chain (4 sets). Retail $370 to end 1975 plus other FV $70. Cocos Island to 2000 Crabs inc 1963 set of 6 to 2/3 Bird Imprint blk of 4 (ACSC cat $275), 1969 Pics 4 sets ($40), 1990 $5 opt ($60) & other MUH Pic/Commem sets (FV$290). Total retail/FV $1065. | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
467![]() Click for more photos | Beaut British Commonwealth carton lot with AAT Pics to 1999 Mawson's Hut in thick s/book inc 1966 Defs to $1 Mock Sun. Faroe Islands 1990s MUH Pics/Commems with 1995 Leaf Hopper Insects (150 sets, SG cat £1650), Tourism pr (50 sets, £230), Raven prs (50, £220), Rural Life trio (50 sets, £600), 4k St Olaf (100, cat £240) & 1995 Christmas pr (100 sets, £440). All fresh MUH, total SG cat £3300 = A$6600). Australia 1966-79 decimal collection in Seven Seas hingeless album (GC, new retail $100) inc 1971 Christmas blk of 7 & Paintings to $10. GB 1952-77 QEII collection in Schaubek illustrated album very near comp G-FU inc Wildings, Castles, Regionals & plenty of Pics/Commems, generally G-FU, plus 1953-70 M/MUH collection in red s/book. Indonesia Joint Issue with Australia 1996 Cuscus booklets (4, cat $100 ea). Large green Lighthouse s/book with a selection of Australian M/Sheets MUH/CTO inc 1970 Cook Bi-Centenary (4). Thematic Art collection in VGC SG Senator springback binder (retail $80+). Also covers with India 1961-66 FDC collection (65), Jersey 1980s Aviation covers inc 2 SG albums & stamps of all countries 1981-82 FDC with around 200 diff loose in bag. Generally F-VF M/MUH, G-F/VFU, Large carton. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
468![]() Click for more photos | Big British Commonwealth carton lot with Asia/Pacific Is 1990s MUH Pic sets (40) & M/Sheets (20). 1978 Coronation SJ set of 21 M/Sheets. 1997 Diana Memorial sheets of 50 (8 diff, FV A$150). Indonesia 1996 Cuscus Joint Issue with Australia booklets (4, cat $100 ea). Aust/NZ Local Railway M/Sheets, plus more, all in black binder. General collection in blue springback album with GB inc KGVI high vals to £1 brown, NZ KGV inc Official opts & Indian States. Neat NZ collection to early 1980s in small s/book inc QV 2d Chalon black printing blk of 4, 1930s-60s Healths, 1967 Pics to $2 Geyser & other MUH decimal Pics. Australia 1970s-80s FDC with Darwin pmks in thick cover album. USA 1970s 3 volume Commem FDC collection. SG 1930s empty Ideal loose leaf album. Norfolk Is 1960s-70s Pic/Commem accumulation inc comp sets. KUT dealer back-up stock (100s) to early 1960s inc KGV Defs to 3/-, 1940s KGVI to £1, 1950s QEII to 20/-, plus plenty in between inc some Pics/Commems. 9 albums in total, mixed G-F/VFU, M/MUH. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
469![]() Click for more photos | Big double carton lot with 24 small to large albums with Australia to late 1960s inc KGV to 5d, Kangaroos to 2/-, KGVI to £1 Arms G-FU & 1966 Def sets to $4 King MUH. Fiji 1970s-80s Pic/Commem sets inc vals to $2 (240) some tropicalisation, most appear fresh MUH. GB inc KEVII/KGV Private Perfins 1934 KGV Seahorse to 10/-, 1937 KGVI set to £1 brown, 1948 KGVI SW £1 blue & 1960s-70s booklets (80). Italy 1890s Defs in s/book, unchecked for the scarcer types. New Guinea Huts to 1/- & Papua Lakatoi to 1/-. Nauru 1970s-90s Pic/Commem sets (150) mostly MUH with some tropicalisation & similar Norfolk Is (100) inc vals to $5 & scattered M/Sheets. New Zealand to early 1960s inc 1898 Pics to 2/- Mt Cook, 1909 KEVII set to 1/-. 1937 KGVI Official to 2/-, 1954 QEII Defs to 10/- (2 sets). PNG 1960s-70s MUH/CTO Pic & Commem sets (100). World Postage Dues in s/book, much more. Usual variable condition, M/MUH, G-F/VFU. (1000s) | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
470![]() Click for more photos | Big double carton lot with plenty to play with inc Australia 1980s PO Packs (FV $280). Box of Australia UN PSE. Sweden 1970s FDC (130). British Commonwealth FDC collection (80) inc Christmas Is 1958 QEII set to $1, Fiji 1960s 8c QEII Registration envelopes UN (6), Ross Dependency 1959 Pic set to 1/9, Norfolk Is 1947 Ball Bay set, NZ 1954 QEII to 10/- blue, 1967 Lighthouse opt sets (2, retail $250) & 1967 Defs to $2 Geyser (2 sets, retail $150). 1960s-70s British Commonwealth collections in 3 VGC SG Senator springback albums (new retail $300+) with Australia MUH/VFU 1966-71 inc Navigator $1 perf 14¾ MLH & 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 25. Fiji 1969-84 with 150 MUH/CTO Pic/Commem sets inc 1969 Defs to $2 QEII. NZ 1967-84 inc 1967 Defs to $10 (retail $160) & 1967-75 Health M/S comp ($360) & Tokelau 1967-84. Thin blue s/book with British Antarctic Territory Pic sets (16) inc vals to £3, plus small India 1920s-30s selection. Interesting 1930s-40s collection in medium springback album inc Ceylon, China, Cyprus, India, GB, Malaya & USA. Pacific Islands collection in 46 hagners with PNG 1952-80 inc 1952 Defs to £1 Fisherman, Nauru 1954-80, plus Fiji, Tonga & Samoa. Red s/book with 1970s-80s MUH collection with Australia, Nauru & Norfolk Is. Finally GB 1940s-1940s accumulation in 2 s/books inc 1841 QV 2d blue imperf, 1847 QV 6d embossed, 1890s QV to 1/- green KGV Seahorses 2/6 (37), 5/- (22), 10/- (3), 1937 KGVI sets of 6 to £1 (4) & 1952 KGVI high val sets (10). Usual variable condition for carton lot with G-F/VFU, M & MUH Pics, Commems, Defs & Thematics. (Few 1000) | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
473![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth carton lot with Egypt 1920s-60s collection in Palma s/book. Malta collection to 1968 in springback album inc 1948 Self Govt set to 10/- VFU. GB collection 1974-85 MUH collection in SG illustrated pgs, plus 1937 KGVI high val set of 6 to £1 brown G-FU (4 sets cat £240). Indonesia 1996 Australia-Indonesia Cuscus joint issue booklet (4, retail $400). AAT 1957-91 collection inc 1966 Pics to $1 MUH & VFU. Australia collection to 1990 inc pre-decimal imprints (60) to 2/6 Aborigine M/MUH, 1969-75 PO Pack near comp collection (retail $350) & 1971 7c Christmas blk of 25. Small Australian states collection in Royal springback album inc 50 spare black pages. British Commonwealth oddments inc Ceylon 1938 KGVI Pic set to R5 VFU (SG cat £100). Nauru virtually comp 1924-88 collection in Seven Seas hingeless album. Pitcairn Is MUH Pic/Commem sets (60) in large s/book & South Africa 1920s-80s collection in 2 vols. 11 albums in large carton. (Many 100s) | AVAILABLE at A$325 | ||
474 | British Commonwealth collection in 2 s/books & hagner binder. Great Britain QV to c2000, noted KGVI 1948 Silver Wedding, 1951 Festival high vals ( 2 sets) G-VFU. Extensive collection of 1980s-90s with extras. New Zealand 1930s-c2000 mostly inc 1960 to £1, 1967, 1968 to $2, later issues extensive with extras. Some MUH inc Best of 1996 etc FV $90 FD & other covers 1981-96 (75). Mainly G--VFU. (3000+) | SOLD at A$60 | ||
476![]() Click for more photos | British Empire & Commonwealth: 1860-1980s collections with some extras in 2 Vario binder/s/book & 2 Minkus Maldive/Ceylon hingeless album, inc British Guiana 1860s to 2c, 1934 KGV set to $2, 1938 KGVI set to $3, 1954 QEII set to $5, also 1954 set cnr prs to $5 with plate numbers, British Honduras 1938 KGV set to $5, 1953 QEII set to $5, Nigeria 1921 KGV to 2/6, 1936 to 10/-, 1938 KGVI comp to 5/- with shades & most perfs, Ceylon 1950s-70s, 1946 Victory set in blks of 4, 40+ countries. Maldive Islands, 1906 3c & 4c, 1909 Minaret set to 1R, range to 1970s, Burma 1945 BMA set, 1946 Civil Admin set, 1947 Interim Govt sets to 10R. Many comp sets, scarcer issues, plus a huge range of other unmentioned stamps. Mostly F-VF MLH & G-VF U, minor tropicalisation throughout maybe effecting small percentage. SG cat £3600+ = A$7200+. (2300 + 4 M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$650 | ||
477![]() Click for more photos | British Empire & Commonwealth 1870s-1980s collections with extras in 2 Vario binders, 1 Seven Seas hingeless album & Tuvalu PO hingeless album inc Fiji 1876 VR 1d-6d inc 2d Surch, 1882 QV 5/-, 1903 KEVII to 5/-, 1912 KGV to 5/-, 1938 KGV set to £1 inc some shades & perfs, 1954 & 62 QEII set to £1, Gilbert & Ellice 1911 set to 1/-, 1912 KGV to 5/-, 1939 KGVI to 5/-, 1956 QEII set to 10/-, 1965 QEII to £1. Kiribati 1977-80s collection inc 23 PO Packs, Pitcairn Island 1940 KGVI set to 2/6, 1948 Wedding, 1957 QEII set to 2/6, 1964 QEII set to 5/-, usually 1 set M & VFU of each. Many comp sets, large collection. F-VF MLH & G-VF U, tropicalisation effecting some stamps particularly on pages. SG cat £3400+ = A$6800+. (2100 + 40+ M/S) | SOLD at A$375 | ||
481![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth 1970s/80s MUH Pic/Commem accumulation in 6 sheet files with Falkland Is (70 sets) with 14 diff (cat £100) inc 1983 150th Anniv to £2 (blks of 4) & 1981 Shellfish plate number blks, plus 1982 Liberation M/Sheets (7), Kiribati (FV A$220), 1979 Pic sets to $5 Flag (20 sets) & 1981 Island Maps gutter blks of 10. Pitcairn Is to 1987 with 1977 Defs to QEII $2 (100 sets in sheets of 25, FV $520, plus another 160 sets (13 diff) inc 1980 Handicraft (17). 1984 Fish to $3 (12 sets, FV $126), 1985 Paintings (13 sets, FV $30). 1985 & 87 Ships & 1987 Trees, total FV NZ$980. Tokelau Is Pic/Commem sets (200+, FV NZ$490) 14 diff inc 1969 History (30 sets), 1976 Pics to $1 (26), plus 1981 Reprint set (16), 1982 Fishing (16 sets), 1984 Copra Industry strips of 5 (32). 1984 Defs to $2 Black Marlin (12 sets), 1986 Architecture (12 sets) & 1986 Flowers (12 sets). All fresh MUH with 660 sets in total with high total FV A$1600), plus another A$190 cat for the Falkland Islands. All VF fresh MUH. (100s of sets) | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
486![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth carton lot with 1977-78 QEII Silver Jubilee collection in water damaged s/book with Commem sets, booklets & M/Sheets, mixed stuck down/disturbed gum/MUH. AUSIPEX 84 collection in 2 brown albums with 33 Pic sets, 50 M/Sheets inc 1982 Games opt set of 5 (retail $100), plus assorted ephemera. Australia 1920s-50s MUH/M/U accumulation in s/book inc 1930s Commems to 9d purple. Faroes 1990s MUH Pic/Commem accumulation with 1995 Leaf Hopper Insects (150 sets, SG cat £1650), Tourism (50 sets, £230), Europa pr (100 sets, £620), Rural Life trio (50 sets, £600), 4K St Olaf (100, cat £240) & 1995 Christmas pr (100 sets, £400). All fresh MUH, total SG cat £3780 = A$14,500. Jersey 1980s FDC/Commem cover accumulation. Indonesia 1996 Joint Issue with Australia Cuscus booklets (4, cat $100 ea). British Commonwealth Ships collection with 32 MUH Pic sets & 18 M/Sheets. Also 1940s-70s Australia M/MUH accumulations & New Zealand 1960 Pics to £1 Geyser MUH. Then more New Zealand with 1990 150th Anniv Heritage collections with FDC & MUH Pic/Commem sets in solid slipcase album (retail $150). All neatly arranged in large carton. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
488![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth Carton Lot with 1978 QEII Jubilee M/Sheet set of 21, then other M/Sheets inc PNG 1975 Independence (50), plus Christmas Is, Cocos, Norfolk, other PNG with 1990s Exhibition opts. Australia 1969-1975 virtually comp PO Pack collection inc 1970, 71 selected issues, Christmas comp 1971-1975, 1975 Gift Pack & AAT/Cocos Is packs to 1973. Indonesia's 1966 Joint Issue Cuscus booklets (4, cat $400). 1997 Diana Memorial sheet of 50 (4 diff) inc Fiji, Tokelau & Vanuatu. 1947-1969 Norfolk Island M/MUH collection inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Pics to 5/- Brown Bridge (2 sets), 1960 Defs to 10/- Bird plus extra 10/- opt SPECIMEN & 1969 Birds to $1 (2 sets). Nauru 1960s-70s MUH Pics/Commems inc multiples & blks. Pacific Island 1970s M/MUH Pic/Commem sets with Fiji (35) inc vals to $2.00 Flowers & Samoa (35). Cocos Islands Seven Seas pages to 1991, inc 1963 & 1969 Pic sets M. NZ 1890s-1990s collection in hagners with KGV to 1/- inc Official opts, 1940 Centennial set U inc Official opts to 1/-, 1968, 70, 72, 73, 74 & 1975 Health M/Sheets MUH (retail $250) & 1996 'Best of This' ($60). Big lot to sort through, mixed M/MUH/G-F/VFU. (100s) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
490![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth Carton Lot with Australia 1948-1971 FDC collection (80), strength in Pre-decimal commems inc odd FFC. British Commonwealth 1970s-80s MUH Pic/Commems & M/Sheets inc Australia 1971 Christmas 7c set of 7 (10), light gum tones MUH, plus 1966-73 MUH collections (retail $100) inc 1966 Defs to $4, AAT 1966 Pics to $1 Mock Sun, China PRC 1990s Pic sets, Indonesia 1996 Joint Issue Cuscus booklets (4, cat $400). Nauru 1966 Pics sets to $1 blks of 15 MUH (retail $150). Nevis 1984 Tourism Imperf blks of 4, NZ 1960 Pics to £1 Geyser, PNG 1975 Independence M/Sheets (50) & St Vincent 1986 King Arthur imperf proof blks of 6 (2 diff). Seychelles 1980 Pics to $20 plus much more, mostly F-VF MUH. Then Christmas Island 1952-74 MUH collection inc extra 1958, 1963 & 1969 Def sets (retail $220), plus 1986 Pics to % Turtle. Cocos Is 1990s Exhibition opt M/Sheets (15, retail $180) inc 1990 BIRDPEX (2), Norfolk Is 1947-1970 F-VFU collection inc 1953 Pics to 5- Brown Bridge & 1960 Defs to 10/- Bird. Cocos Island to mid 1980s inc Pic/Commem sets, blks of 4 or gutter blks of 10. GB FDC collection plus others inc Jersey Commem sets sheet of 20. Ten albums in total, mixed CTO/MUH/M/G-F/VFU. (100s) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
491![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth carton lot with KGVI Coronation near comp omnibus collection, plus 6 diff FDCs. 1890s-1970s collection in thick loose leaf album inc Hong Kong QV to $1 on 96c grey, China opt on KGV $1 & KGVI to $5. Then Ceylon, Ireland, Malay States & Malaysia Pics to $10. Australia 1914-2004 collection in 3 albums inc Kangaroos, KGV. 1930s Commem sets inc 1934 VIC Cent, 1935 ANZAC 1/- & 1936 SA. KGVI Defs to £2 Arms & decimal Pics/Commems inc International Post to $10, plus 1969-75 PO Pack collection (40) est retail $400 inc 1970 RV Jap Pack, 1971 Christmas, 1971 Selected Issues, plus 1978-82 postcard wallets set of 4. Christmas/Cocos Is 1960s Pic set collection in Seven Seas hingeless albums. New Zealand 1984, 85 & 87 PO Year Albums. PNG 1967-69 FDC collection (70) inc Shell sets to $2 (3). Some sl mixed conditions as always in a carton lot, mostly F-VF M/MUH/U. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
492![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth carton lot with Australia 1969-75 PO Pack collection (40, retail $550) inc 1970 Expo & RV Jap Packs 1970 Cook, 1971 Christmas & 1971 selected issues. Australia 1913-65 sparsely populated Seven Seas pre-decimal hingeless album (new retail $160). Seven Seas Territories hingeless album with 1963-72 Cocos/Christmas Is MUH Pic sets. Canada small 1890s-1970s collection on loose leaves. GB 1970s MUH Commem accumulation (250 sets) with 16 diff from 1971 Anniversaries to 1973 Christmas. Nauru 1970s/80s PO Packs (50), plus PNG Year Packs 1981 (2), 1983 & 1985 (2). Marron binder with assorted British Commonwealth Pics/Commems in 50 hagners inc Indonesia/ Australia 1996 Cuscus Joint Issue booklet (4, cat $100 ea), AAT 1966 Defs to $1 Mock Sun (2), Aust 1966-71 decimal MUH Pic/Commem sets. British Pacific Is 1960s-70s Pic/Commem sets, plus M/Sheets. PNG 1969-85 FDC collection (90). Great Britain National Army Museum set of 60 Commem covers Feb 1970 - Feb 1972 in special album. Finally Norfolk Is 1947-80 comp MUH collection in collector album, plus extras inc 1967 Ships to $1 cnr blks of 4. Overall mostly F-VF condition, mixed M/MUH/Used with much to commend. Many 100s. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
493![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth carton lot with collection/accumulation in 4 albums, plus hagners, pages etc, with British South Africa inc KUT 1930s-1970s inc 1937-54 KGVI to 3/- U, with extras, 1954 Officials to £1, cat £250. Nigeria 1900-1970 inc 1953 Defins (2 sets), 1961 Defins, 1965 Defins U cat £160. Rhodesia 1950s-1970 cat £170, Sth Africa 1931-2010, noted 1933-48 Pics inc 5/- pr, 1938 Voortrekker set in prs, 1939 Huguenot 1d, 1½d in prs M/MUH, plus set in prs U. 1941-45 War Effort selection M & others, cat £630. British West Indies inc Barbuda, Bermuda, M/MUH & many others M/U, cat £100+. New Zealand collection in Illus album 1898-1974 mostly U, retail NZ$300+. Various others F/VF. (2000+, 30 M/S) | SOLD at A$190 | ||
494![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth carton lot. New Zealand 1990s FDC collection (45, FV $165) plus RNZAF Commem Flight covers (16 diff) mostly pilot signed. GB 1980s FDC collection in album. America/British Caribbean MUH collection in Chinese s/book, British Pacific Islands in hagner album with Norfolk Is to 1966 inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Defs to 5/- brown Bridge & 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird. Samoa to 1980 inc 1962 Pics to 5/-, 1967 Birds to $4 & 1972 Wildlife to $5 Lizard. Also 1997 Diana Memorial Pics for Fiji (81c), Tokelau $1) & Vanuatu (95c) sheets of 50. Australia inc 1936 South Aust 1/- (6) F-VFU. 1966-71 MUH collection inc 1966 Defs to $4 King, 1971 Christmas blks of 7 & AAT 1966 Pics to $1 plus Indonesia 1996 Joint Issue Cuscus booklets (4, cat $100 ea). Pacific Island PO Packs inc PNG 1981, 82, 86 Year Packs, Nauru 1960s-70s collection inc 1964 Pic set to 5/- CTO (6), 1974 1st Contact (6), 1975 Phosphate sets (20), 1975 Christmas (20) & 1979 Christmas (9) total retail $240, NZ 1984 & 1991 PO Year albums, PNG 1975 Independence M/Sheets (50) & others inc Australia KGVI imprints & other MUH stamps in older sheet file & British Commonwealth in springback album inc GB KGVI to £1 brown, Fiji KGVI Defs to 10/-, South Africa Voortrekker sets & Solomon Is KGVI to 10/-. 12 albums in total, mixed G-F/VFU, M/MUH. (100s) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
496![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth Collection/accumulation in 14 albums with Australian States (780) with NSW (300), Qld (400), inc 1860s-70s QV Chalons (60) to 6d green, 1880s-90s QV Sidefaces to 1/- violet & early 1900s QV 2d blue 'Cracked Plate' varieties (2) plus S.Aust QV (80), Australian Commonwealth to Decimal era with concise collection in older style Seven Seas pgs inc KGV to 1/4, 1934 Vic Cent & Macarthur sets, 1935 ANZAC 1/-, KGV SJ set & KGVI Defs to £1 blue, all mostly FU. Aust 1940s-60s Pre-decimal M/MUH collections inc 28 Imprint blks with vals to 1/6. KGV Sideface accum to 5d in s/book plus 1930s 2d commems in hagner album. Then PNG 1950s-1980s M/MUH/U collection in 3 albums plus 2007 First Personalised Stamp 5.35K Orchids in sheets of 20 (7 diff, FV K749) inc Woodlark Island Cuscus 'Double Print, one INVERTED'. British Commonwealth accum in 35 hagners inc Perak 1887-89 1c opts on Straits Settlement QV 1c rose (25 inc opt variations). Ireland & New Zealand collection in large s/book, G-FU. USA Pics in another album. 1983 Commonwealth Day collection of 52 diff FDC in blue binder. Plus more inc unsorted mess in boxes & large general world collection. (few 1000) | SOLD at A$350 | ||
497![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth collection in 3 large & 4 smaller s/books & on leaves, strong in Pacific, also inc Canada QV to 1980s inc 1935, 1937, 1942 Pics to $1 with extras. Newfoundland 1886-1937 Coronation set of 11 M, Cook Is/Niue, Aitutaki, Penrhyn c1900-80 mostly M. Niue inc 1931 2d/1½d (14 M-MUH in blks). Penrhyn Is inc 1902 Surch selection, 1917-20 to 1/-, similar Aitutaki cat £330+. Tokelau 1940-2003, Ross Dep 1957-2011, retail $200+, Nauru 1954-80s inc Defs, Pics with extras, 1970s-80s MUH, FV $150+ also Papua New Guinea 1952-mid 80s M in 64 pg s/book, 1970s-80s FV K420, then similar range 1952-2000 U, also in 64 pg s/book inc 1952 to £1 (2), 1966 to $2 (3), extensive later Pics, Defs, colourful range, Norfolk Is 1947-80 inc 1970s decimal issues with extras, mostly F-VFM, MUH. Mostly F-VF condition. (4000+) | AVAILABLE at A$220 | ||
498![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth collections in 2 large cartons with Australia 1965-1977 near comp M collection (FV $40) on loose leaves inc 1966 Defs to $4 King fresh MUH. Aust Decimals 1966-89 VFU inc Pics to $10. Canada accumulation in plastic bag. GB 1860s-1970s in black Lighthouse s/book with 1870s-80s QV to 1/- green inc 6d chestnut, 1902 KEVII to 2/6 violet, 1930s KGV to 10/- Seahorse & KGVI Defs to £1 brown. Channel Islands Pic/commems in another Lighthouse s/book, plus literature inc Aden postage stamps 1937-1968. SG 2018 Australia catalogue inc States & Territories. Rennicks Stamps of Australia inc Decimals to December 2020. Also 1970s-90s World Pics inc 35 hagners European Colonies collection with over 1500 stamps inc Belgian, French & Italian Colonies in Africa with good variety throughout. Dutch East Indies, Portuguese Timor & others. 1000s of stamps in total, mixed M/MUH/G-FU. 2nd carton with 5 over-size cover albums inc Australia 1970 RV commem cover set of 22 (cat £120), 2023-2024! FDC (FV $100+), plus 2020-2923 Inwards high FV mail to Sydney suburbs. Finally AAT collection (FV $140) with pic/commem sets or M/Sheets to 2024. Antarctic Birds. All neatly around in 2 large cartons. | SOLD at A$200 | ||
501![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth selection on hagners with Australia Kangaroos 1913 1st wmk set to 1/- (2, ACSC cat $600), plus 1d red wmk INV (2, cat $100). 1916 set to 2/- maroon (3 sets, cat $675 inc 2/- brown), plus extras 3d, 6d, 9d, 1/- (2 of ea cat $180) & 5/- bicolour ($250). British Occupation of Cyrenaica 1950 Pic set to 500M MLH SG 136-148 cat £225. British Occupation of Italian Colonies 1942-52 collection (116) with GB KGVI Defs for MEF, EAF, Eritrea, Somalia, Tripolitania opts. Mixed M & U, STC £340. Morocco Agencies QV-QEII 2 opt collection (490) mixed M & U from all zones inc French & Spanish, plus Tangier to 1957. New Zealand 1860s-1960s collection (630, retail $4200). 1860s QV Chalons, 1d brown, 2d blue (3), 2d orange & 3d lilac. 1870s QV Sidefaces to 1/- green. 1880s-90s QV to 1/- chestnut inc Adverts (12). 1890s Pics to 1/- inc 4d Terraces (3) & 6d green Kiwi. 1908 KEVII set to 1/-, 1915 KGV of 15 to 1/-, plus extras. 1920 Victory set. 1976 Admirals 2/- (2) & 3/-. 1935 Pics to 3/- inc perf variations. 1940 Centennial set. 1953 Pics to 2/- & 1940 Centennial set. Arms Postal Fiscals (27) to £1 wmk INV. 1980s-1930s Lighthouses to 6d pink, plus others inc 1939 Express 6d. Mostly F-VFM/U. Retail $6450+. Well worth inspection. (1300+) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
502![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth sets & singles inc Australia 1986 Wildlife 36c lower marginal 'MODULE 4' traffic light blk of 20, fresh MUH, ACSC 1149/53z cat $150. 1937 KGVI 3d blue Die I VFM (3, cat £195). Bahrain 1952-55 opts to 10R MLH (£70). Cayman Island 1962 QEII set to £1 MUH (£110), Dominica 1951 KGVI Pics to $2.40 MUH (£55). Barbados 1965 & 1966 Marine Life sets to $2.50 tropicalised gum MUH. Falkland 1sL Dep 1944 set of 8 (all 4) to 1/-MUH (cat £76). French Antarctic 1956 Pics 12f, 20f, 200f MUH (£126). GB 1948 KGVI SW £1 first MUH (£40). New Guinea 1915 GRI 1d opt on DNG 5pfg Youth with OS opt, SG O2 cat £100. New Zealand 'KEVII Land' opt on 1901 Universal VFU (cat £50). Qatar 1951 Pics 1R-10R VFM (£125). New Hebrides 1908 Inter-Island Post 1d & 2d FM. Japan early 1900s Commem sets inc 1915 Coronation (cat £80), 1928 Enthronement & 1935 Visit to Manchukuo. USA 1977, 78, 79 $5 Duck Stamps blks of 4 MUH. Zambia 1964 Pics to £1 plus others. Some F-VF M/U, generally fresh MUH. Total cat £1500+ = A$3000. (265) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
504![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth/World Thematics Flowers: Three shoeboxes of envelopes (some empty) from single set (mostly) up to blks of 4 or 6 with around 900 1970s-80s Pic sets plus isolated M/Sheets or booklets. Odd CTO or minor tone, mostly fresh MUH. (est 900 sets) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
506![]() Click for more photos | British Commonwealth/World 1970s-90s Thematics. Six shoeboxes with around 1700 envelopes (some empty) with single sets (mostly) up to blks of 4 or 6 plus scattered M/Sheets or booklets with butterflies (approx 300 sets), Christmas (450). Fauna/Wildlife (400), Fish/Marine Life (350). Odd CTO sighted, generally fresh MUH. (est 1500 sets) | SOLD at A$450 | ||
507![]() Click for more photos | British Empire: 1600s-1930s Revenues inc NSW 1866 QV Stamp Duty to £1. 1908 KEVII Stamp Duty to £1. South Australia KEVII to £1. Australia 1925 Customs Duty to 7d. Canada 1865 QV Bill Stamps to $1. 1930s Electricity to $10. GB 1690s-1800s Embossed Revenues. Cape of Good Hope 1865 QV Stamp Duty to £1. Most G-VF M/U, some mixed. Bft cat £230+++ for the listed items. Interesting lot. (115). | SOLD at A$240 | ||
508![]() Click for more photos | British Empire: 1847-1900 QV selection inc GB 1847-54 QV Embossed range inc 6d (4 with shades), 10d horiz pr & 1/- (2 cut square). India 1895 High vals 2R, 3R & 5R. Madagascar 1895 Runners vals to 2/-. Canada 1897 Maple Leaves set to 10c & 1898 QV set to 20c. Also 1868 Large Queens to 15c, & 1870 Small Queen to 10c. Fiji 1871 CR Monogram 1d & 6d. 1876-77 VR opts to 6d. 1882 QV 5/- Hong Kong 1862-1900 QV vals to 48c inc wmks. 1890s Surch vals to $1 on 96c Straits Settlements 1867 Crown opt India vals to 32c. Tonga from 1886 Kings to 1/-. 1895 King 2½d. Mostly G-VF M/U, very mixed in parts. SG cat £12,750+ = A$25,500+. (110). | AVAILABLE at A$700 | ||
509![]() Click for more photos | British Empire & Commonwealth: 1860-2000s ranges in s/book & on Vario pgs. Needs sorting but noted items inc Barbados 1860-80 Britannia vals to 1/- inc perfs & wmks. Aden 1939 KGVI Pic to 10R. Cyprus 1938 KGVI Pic vals to 90Pi. Pitcairn Is 1940 KGVI Pic set to 2/6. Sierra Leone 1907-10 KEVII vals to 2/-. Singapore 1948-51 KGVI Palm Tree vals to $5. St Vincent 1938 KGVI Pic set to £1. Cayman Is 1938 KGVI Pic set to 10/-. Gold Coast 1938 KGVI Castle set to 10/-. Hong Kong 1862-80s QV selection to 48c, plus selection of 1870s & 80s Surch to $1 on 96c. 1912-37 KGV vals to $5. Also 2014 British Empire SG catalogue 1840-1970. Mostly G-VF M/MUH/U, mixed on parts. SG cat £3100+ = A$6200+. (2000) | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
510![]() Click for more photos | British Empire: 1902-43 selection with strength in KGV issues. India 1902-11 KEVII 3R, 10R & 15R plus 1909 on HMS opt 2r & 25R. 1911-33 KGV inc 25R horiz pr. Ascension 1934 KGV Pic set to 5/-. Caymans 1935 KGV Pics to 10/-. Trinidad & Tobago 1935 Views set to 72c. Jamaica 1920 KGV Pics to 10/-. Newfoundland 1919 Caribou set to 36c. 1911-15 Coronation to 12c. 1897 King Pics to 5/-. Most F-VF M/U. SG cat £1600+ = A$3200+. (94). | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
517![]() Click for more photos | British Pacific carton lot with Australian Territories MUH to mid 1980s in 3 Seven Seas hingeless albums with AAT to 1987 Scenes Series III (retail $100), Christmas Is to 1987 Christmas M/Sheet (retail $300) inc 1958 QEII, 1968 Fish, 1981 Birds to $4 & 1987 Wildlife to $5.00. Cocos Is to 1988 Christmas (retail $160) inc pre-decimal Pics comp & Shells to $3.00. PNG to end 1986 in Seven Seas hingeless album (retail $180) inc 1952-58 high val Pics 10/- Map & £1 Fisherman MUH, 1964 Birds to 10/- & 96 decimal Pic/Commem sets inc 1966 PNG Year Album retail $45. Australia 3 vol 1971-86 FDC/PSE collection (300), plus misc oddments inc Australia 1970 Cook PO Packs (2) & 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 25 MUH.Total retail over $900. (100s) | AVAILABLE at A$140 | ||
519![]() Click to enlarge photo | British Pacific: 1954-90 booklet collection inc New Caledonia (cat £400) - China 96, CAPEX 96 & Tjibaou Culture, New Zealand various from 1954 (cat £250), Norfolk Is various (cat £500), Papua New Guinea from 1970s (cat £750), other inc Fiji, Pitcairn, Tonga, Solomon Islands, Kiribati, Marshall Islands etc with extras. Booklet collection of this area & size are rarely seen. Generally fresh VF MUH, jjust a few with tropicalisation. SG cat £3200+ = A$6400. (400+ booklets) | AVAILABLE at A$425 | ||
520![]() Click for more photos | British Pacific accumulation/collection with PNG to mid 1990s inc some pre-dec inc 1964 Birds to 10/- MUH (2 sets), 1966 Butterflies to $2 blks of 4, 1995 Tourism opts 65t on 60t Pics, blks of 12 (2) both missing '65t' (SG cat £64 = A$120) & plenty of other 1960s-90s Pic/Commem sets, plus 1985, 86, 92 & 93 PO Year Books (total FV 650K), plus 1950s-60s Used accumulation. Also Fiji 1980s Pics (FV $45). Norfolk Is MUH decimals (FV $210) & Samoa 1980s-90s Pic/Commem sets FV S$300. Generally fresh MUH with 5 albums & the 4 Year Books. Total MUH FV A$750+. (2500) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
521 | British Pacific Island PO Pack collection inc Cocos Is 1980s-90s FV $120+, Nauru 1980-mid 1990s FV $55, Norfolk Is 1980s FV $20, PNG 1980s-late 90s FV K300. Also a good selection of PSEs, Aerogrammes M. Largely VF. (Quantity) | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
522![]() Click for more photos | British Pacific Islands accumulations & collection in carton with Fiji 1912-80 inc 1938-55 to 5/- M with extras, 1954 to £1 MUH, 1959-67 to £1, 1969 Defs MUH & many others cat £600+, Nauru collection 1954-80s mostly MUH inc late 1970s-80s in packs, sheets FV $490. New Zealand collection 1882-1978 inc 1898 Pics to 9d, later 1930s issues & sets, retail $540. Solomon Is collection 1981-85 MUH sets & M/S with extras cat £100+. Largely VF. (700+, 30+) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
523![]() Click for more photos | British Pacific MUH collection in 4 s/books with Australia 1966-84 (retail $560) inc 1970 ANPEX M/Sheet & 1971 Christmas blk of 25. Duplicate 1966-84 collection MUH (near comp, retail $420) inc Paintings to $10. Extra 1966-73 collection (retail $180), plus various odds to 1980 FV $100, total retail/FV $1260. PNG 1966-82 with over 90 MUH Pic/Commem sets (minor duplication) inc 1966 Butterflies to $2, 1969 Shells & 1972 Panorama (retail $350). AAT 1966-80 MUH collection (retail $80) inc 1966 Defs to $1 Mock Sun. New Zealand 1967-81 MUH collection (retail $300) with 85 Pic/Commem sets inc 1967 Pics to $2 Geyser (both), plus Arms set of 4 to $10. | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
526![]() Click for more photos | Canada: 1850s-1990s accumulation/collection on loose leaves with 1859 12½c, 17c, 1868 to 15c, 1870-90 to 10c (2) with shades & extras, 1893 QV 50c, 1908 Quebec 10c, 20c, KGV inc 1912-21 Coils selection, 1922-33, 1930-31 Coils with extras, 1930-31 Pics to $1, 1932 Ottawa, 1935 Silver Jubilee, 1937-38 Pics & Coils, 1942-46 Pics with many extras, 1946 Peace set, plus $1 Peace U (8) & set M thematics, plus a qty of others loose & in packets, many others. Some mixed condition but mostly F-VF. SG cat £2600 = A$5200+. (800+) | SOLD at A$160 | ||
527![]() Click for more photos | Canada: 1859-1983 collection on white Ace pages in 2 albums inc 1859 5c Beaver, 12½c, 1868 QV to 15c, 1870 QV to 10c, 1888 QV to 50c, 1898 QV to 20c, 1903 KEVII to 50c, 1928 set to 50c, 1935 to $1, 1937 to $1, Special Delivery inc 1898 10c, strong in early period to 1930s, comprehensive from 1940s-70s. Albums some toning, earlies mostly F-VFU, later VF MLH. SG cat £2400 = A$4800. (700+) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
528![]() Click for more photos | Canada 1870-2000s Collection/Accumulation in a s/book, on hagners & on pgs 1990-2004 inc QV 1870s-90s 1c-20c, range 1910-60s inc 1927 Confederation 12c, 1942 War Effort comp, 1906-1933 Postage Dues to 10c, largely comp 1990-2000 inc M/S. FV 1990-2004 is C$320. Largely VF MLH-MUH, some FU. FV of M/MUH C$320. SG cat £2300+ = A$4600+. (1600, 30+M/S, 2 bklts). | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
529![]() Click for more photos | Canada: Comprehensive collection to 2002 in near new Davo illustrated album (retail $220) with 1859 Defs (6 diff, cat £580) inc 2c QV, 10c violet, 12½c green & 17½c blue. 1868-78 Large QV set of 10 to 15c violet (£500) inc 12½c blue, 15c slate. 1870-97 Small Queen set of 8 to 10c (£80). 1893 QV 20c & 50c (£135). 1897 QV Maple Leaves set of 8 to 10c (£110), 1897 Jubilee 10c, 15c & 20c (£300). 1898 QV Old Heads (10) to 20c olive (£160), 1903 KEVII set to 50c (£190), 1908 Tercentenary set of 8 comp F-VFU (£425), 1912-25 KGV (22) to $1. 1928, 30, 35, 37, 42 & 46 Pic/Commem Def sets comp to $1 (£445). Then reasonably comp 1949 onwards inc Officials, Express, Airmails & Postage Dues. Generally F-VFU, SG cat £3000 = A$6000 to end KGVI era. (1850, plus M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
532![]() Click for more photos | Carton lot with British Commonwealth accumulation inc AAT with pre-dec Pic sets to 2/3 (2), 1966 Pics to $1 & 1973 PO Pack. Australia 1940s-50s imprint blks (20) inc 1951 Defs to 8½d Aborigine. Aust decimal MUH to early 1980s inc 1973 Fam Australians blks of 4 (12), 1972 Prime Ind (2 sets) & 1971 Christmas blk of 7. Indonesia 1996 Aust-Indonesia Cuscus Joint Issue booklet (4, cat $400). Norfolk Is to 1970s Commems comp sheets of 50 (6 diff) inc 1970 Cook sets. NZ 1965-75 Health M/Sheets (11) MUH, plus 1969 Cook M/S, retail $300. Nevis 1984 $1.20 Tourism set marginal IMPERF blks of 4. Then stamps of All Countries 1980 FDC collection with around 200 diff in 2 brown boxes. Australia 1914-80 & 1985-92 G/VGC Seven Seas hingeless in 2 separate binders (new retail $300). Aust decimal mess in s/book & general World collection in springback album. Egypt 1890s-1970s accumulation (100s) in thick Lighthouse s/book. 1918-30 Palestine collection (110+) in blue binder. Lastly near comp 1952-82 M/MUH PNG collection with 1952 Pics to £1 Fisherman MLH, 1963 Pics to QEII £1, 1964 Birds to 10/- & decimal Pic/Commem sets. 10 albums in total, mixed M/MUH G-FU. (100s) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
534![]() Click for more photos | Carton lot inc The Improved (early 1900s edition) Postage Stamp Album with Asia inc Japanese Revenues, Europe inc France Ceres & Napoleons, GB 1840s onwards, plus some Empire issues. Then another 14 album inc 1977 QEII Silver Jubilee in blue binder, 1981 RW collection in large blue album inc M/Sheets & non crown Agent sets & singles, GB 1890s-1980s collection in red springback album. Blue binder with British Commonwealth Pics/Commems inc AAT 1966 Defs to $1. Australia in 3 s/books inc 1940 imprint blks, plus 1956-2000 Olympics MUH collection in Junge album. Australia 1970s Official PO Pre-Paid PPC (100). 1984 Los Angeles Olympics Official IOC FDC collection in original blue box. British Pacific Is 1930s-70s Used collection in philatelic binder with Fiji to 1975 inc 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee, 1954 Defs to £1 Bugler, QEII 1960s Defs to £1 Arms & 1970s MUH pics & British Solomon Is similar era inc 1940 Defs. 1948 KGVI Silver Wedding set, 1956 QEII to £1 Shield, 1965 Pics to £1 Canoe & 1966 opts to $2. Also NZ 1984-87 PO Year Albums (FV $85). Fifteen albums in total. Large carton. (1000s) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
536![]() Click for more photos | Carton lot with British Commonwealth Pics/Commems inc Antigua 1938 KGVI Defs to 5/-. Cocos Is 1990 Exhibition M/Sheets (2), Falkland Is 1938 KGVI Pics to 2/6 Penguins, Nevis 1984 Tourism $1.20 Pic set of 4 imperf plate number gutter blks of 10 fresh MUH & Virgin Is 1935 KGV SJ set & 1938 KGVI high vals to £1. Indonesia 1996 Joint Issue with Australia Cuscus booklet (4, cat $100 ea), plus much more inc 1997 Diana Memorial Pics with Tokelau $1. Vanuatu 95f & Bahamas 15c (100 of ea) in sheets of 50, all in brown binder. 2nd binder with more MUH British Commonwealth inc M/Sheet (60), PNG 1970s Commem sets (60) in blks of 4 or 10. Samoa 1971-83 Pic/Commem sets (14 diff). 1977 QEII SJ collection with 35 M/Sheets & 25 Pic sets fresh MUH ex New Issue Service, plus 1978 Jubilee M/Sheets set of 21 diff. Australia 1978-81 PO Card Wallets 18c-22c set of 4 packs. West Germany Lighthouse illustrated pgs 1949-74 as new in original boxes (retail $140), plus lightly duplicated collections in European s/book. Asia collection in 2 older style loose leaf albums inc Hong Kong, Siam, Malaysia, India, Ceylon, Japan & Indonesia. New Zealand 1970, 71, 73, 74, 76, 78, 81, 83 PO Year Packs (retail $240), plus 1984 Year Album. Finally Australia 1986-93 decimal VFU/CTO collection (FV $300+) in Seven Seas illustrated album, plus small FDC collection inc AAT Base Cancel covers. Usual variable M/MUH/U. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
537![]() Click for more photos | Carton lot with Australia pre-decimal collection inc 1930s Commem sets to 1/-, 1937 KGVI Defs to £1 Robes, 1949 Defs to Arms to £2, QEII Navigators to 10/- Flinders, decimal Pics to late 1970s inc Paintings to $10, plus 1966-90 Seven Seas hingeless album (new retail $250). Faroes 1990s MUH Pic sets with 1995 Leaf Hopper Beetles (200, SG cat £2200), 1995 Tourism pr (50 sets, cat £230), Europa pr (100 sets, £620), Ravens pr (50 sets, £220), Rural Life trio (50 sets, £600) & 1995 Christmas (100 sets, £440), all fresh MUH, total SG cat £4310 = A$8300. Australia, GB & Europe 1960s-80s Pics/Commems collection in VGC hagners. Germany Lighthouse illustrated pgs for West Berlin 1948-69 on original boxes (retail $80). New Zealand 1940s-60s M/MUH/U pre-decimal accumulation inc 1940 Officials to 1/-, 1940s-60s Health sets MUH in quantity inc odd plate number/imprint blk, 1953 QEII Coronation sets MUH (12), 1954 QEII Defs to 10/- U (2 sets), 1955 QEII sets to 8d brown MUH (7), 1956 Southland Centenary sets MUH (40), 1960 Pic sets near comp (4) to £1 Geyser & plenty of other 1950s/60s Pic/Commem sets with around 4000 stamps in total. Norfolk Is comp collection to end 1975 in Seven Seas album inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Defs to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Defs to 10/- Bird & all dec inc 1974 UPU M/Sheet. Also some other bits & pieces inc Russia, Spain & 1981 RW collection. Few flts, mostly F-VF M/MUH/U. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
538![]() Click for more photos | Carton lot with Antarctica collection inc AAT 1966 & 1973 Pic sets (cat £45) TAAF 1972 Crozet 100Fr & 250Fr set (£130), BAT 1973 Pics to £1 & Belgium 1957-58 Expedition M/Sheet (UN, cat £225) thematics, plus covers (54) in a separate vol inc AAT 1971 Treaty & 1972 Cook Base cancel set of 4 (retail $100). TAAF (17, cat £580) inc 1956 Penguin 85f (cat £85), 1968 St Paul Isle 40f, 1969 Airmails 100f Kerguelen & 200f Island Atoll & 1969 Concorde. BAT 1963 Pics (9) to 5/- pmk 'Adelaide Island' & Ross Dependency set. All variable condition. Ethiopia 1909-78 collection with 250 stamps inc 1931 Airmail set. Native/Folk Art collection (300) with good variety throughout. Dominica/Ecuador M/U collection with 1100+ stamps in well-filled 1950s s/book. World collection in 2 'Swift-Sure' springback albums. Pacific Island collection inc Nauru 1970s Pic/Commem sets (120) inc blks of 4, NZ 1970s Health M/Sheets (12) to 1975 Children's Art (retail $80), plus 1967 Lighthouse set of 6 blks of 4 M (retail $60). Norfolk Is 1970s CTO/FDC collection, plus 1967 Ships & 1969 Birds to $1 blks of 4 MUH. Usual variable condition as always in carton with 14 albums in total. | AVAILABLE at A$375 | ||
540![]() Click for more photos | Carton Lot with Australia 1913-1995 collection in thick 64-page Lighthouse s/book inc Kangaroos to 2/- Brown. KGV to 1/4, 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved, 1930s Commem set to 2/- KGV SJ, 1937 KGVI Defs to £1 Robes, 1949 Arms set to £2, Pre-Decimal QEII to £1 Bass & extensive Decimals inc high val Pics to $20 Gardens (100s). Also 1980s FDC collection (90) inc 1985 Kangaroo Frama sets (2). Mixed accumulation in 3 albums inc PNG 1975 Independence M/Sheets (50). African States collection (1600), mixed MUH/U with Belgian Congo, Burundi, Congo Republic, Ruanda, Urundi & Rwanda. United Nations 1963-1978 Year Folder collection. USA 1860s-1940s Revenue/Documentary collection in Liberty album. Finally 2nd Australian collection in Schaubek hingeless album inc 1968-72 Booklet panes & 1971 Christmas 7c pane of 25. 10 albums in total, mixed M/MUH/G-F/VFU. (few 1000) | SOLD at A$325 | ||
541![]() Click for more photos | Carton lot with Australian Territories in Seven Seas album with AAT 1957-83 comp inc 1966 Pics to $1 Mock Sun, Christmas Is to 1979 inc 1958 QEII Defs & 1968 Fish sets. Cocos Is to 1976 comp. Norfolk Is 1966-79 inc 1969 Birds set & 1974 UPU M/Sheet. British Commonwealth collection to mid 1960s with Australia inc 1930s high val Commems, 1937 KGVI to £1 Robes, 1949 Defs to £2 Arms & QEII pre-dec to £1 Bass. Then Canada, GB, Hong Kong, Malaya, NZ, Portugal & USA. Faroes 1990s MUH Pic/Commem accumulation with 1995 Leaf Hopper Beetles (190 sets, SG cat £3000), Tourism pr (50 sets, £230), Europa pr (100 sets, £620), Raven pr (50 sets, £220) & 1995 Rural Life trio (50 sets, £600), all fresh MUH, total SG cat £4670 = A$8900. GB 1971-79 MUH collections inc QEII Machins to £5 blue. Germany Lighthouse illustrated pgs for 1872-1918 Empire & WWII General Govt (retail $80). Australia 1980s FDC accumulation in 2 FDC albums. New Zealand 1790, 73, 74, 75, 77, 83 PO Year Packs (retail $200), plus 1984 PO Year Album. San Marino collection in blue springback album. World general collection in 2 thick loose leaf albums inc Australia 1970s-80s Mint decimals, then Europe, South East Asia, Pacific Islands, USA. Some sl mixed condition, M/U/MUH. Large carton. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
542![]() Click for more photos | Carton lot with British Commonwealth accumulation in 40 hagners inc 1978 QEII SJ set of 21 M/Sheets. Australia inc 1953 Tasmania 150th Anniv sets blks of 20 MUH, 1965 ICY 2/3 cnr blk of 20 & 1971 Christmas 7c blks of 7 & 25. Indonesia 1996 Joint Issue with Australia Cuscus booklet (4, cat $100 ea). Nevis 1984 Tourism $1.20 set of 4, UR cnr IMPERF plate number blks of 4 MUH. New Zealand 1968-74 Health M/Sheets (9), plus 2006 Kiwipex Exhibition set of 4 & 1969 Cook M/Sheet all VF MUH (retail $260). NZ 1953-85 collection in Seven Seas hingeless pgs (retail $350) with decimals near comp MUH inc 1967 Arms set to $10 & 1967, 69, 72-75 Health M/Sheets (retail $275). Germany 1995 PO Year Album, plus Lighthouse illustrated pages for 1945-49 Allied Occup & Saar new, retail $200. Israel 1990s MUH/CTO accumulation in thick Lighthouse s/book with M/Sheets, sheetlets & variety of Pic/Commem sets. GB 1970s FDC collection (66) in black album. USA mixed accumulation inc pre-cancels in maroon binder. Art collection in thick loose leaf album Australia. Norfolk Is 1947-81 collection in hagner album inc 1953 Defs to 5/- brown bridge. 1960 Birds set to 10/-, 1967 Ships sets (5), 1969 Birds, 1986 RW set gutter blks of 10, plus Framas & of Pics/Commems. Some sl mixed condition, generally F-VF MUH/M/U. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
544![]() Click for more photos | Carton lot: Stamps & covers, FAI (Federation Aeronautique International) Official 'History of Aviation' cover collection with 107 FDC in thick custom-made album, original cost well over $800! Australia decimal FDC/PSE (150) inc 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 7. Then stamps with Norfolk Is (800) 1947-95 in 40 hagners inc Ball Bay to 2/-, 1967 Ships to $1, 1980s-90s high val Def sets to $5. Fiji 1935-86 near comp U/M/MUH collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with 1937 KGVI Defs to £1 Bugler MUH inc 5d blue Canes & 6d Map Die I (SG cat £275), 1950s QEII Defs to £1 Arms MUH, 1968 Defs to £1 QEII & 75 Dec Pic/Commem sets inc to $5, mostly fresh MUH. Other Pacific Is inc Samoa pre-dec Pics, Tokelau 1997 Diana Memorial $1 MUH (100) in 2 sheets of 50, FV A$90. Vanuatu 1997 Diana Memorial 95t (100) again in sheets of 50 MUH, plus Australia 1970s-80s decimals MUH/VF U in hagners inc to $5 Kangaroo. Finally more Australia with 1913-66 collection in illustrated album inc Kangaroos (35) to 5/-, KGV (45) to 1/4 inc 1d red Die II (2) & LM wmk (2), 1930s Commems to 1/- Vic Cent, high val KGVI to £1 Arms & QEII pre-dec Pic/Commem sets. Mixed M/MUH/U. (many 100s) | AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
545![]() Click for more photos | Carton Lot with USA Airmail, Special Delivery, Postage Due & Coil Pair collection in thick illustrated Liberty album. Aust 1980s FDC collection in over-filled album inc 1985 Frama 33c Kangaroo FDC sets (2) & high val Pics to $20 Gardens, 1988 PO Year album plus 2 Expo 88 souvenir packs. Australia 1966-75 MUH collection in Seven Seas hingeless album inc 1966 Defs to $4 King & all 1969-1973 Pic/Commem set inc 1971 Christmas blk of 7, plus Used collection to early 1980s inc high value Pics to $10 Painting. British Commonwealth MUH sets & singles in the hagner album inc Aust 1966 Defs to $4 King, 1970 Cook M/Sheets (8) & 1973 Nat Dev set blks of 4, PNG 1975 Independence M/Sheets MUH (50). 1980 QM 80th Birthday M/Sheets (10 diff) plus Pitcairn, Nauru, Samoa Pic sets. Nauru 1954-1990 comp MUH collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with 72 Pic/Commem sets plus all the M/Sheets. European 1920s-post Millennium M/U accum in 32 pg s/book inc Russia, Spain, Germany, GB, Netherlands & Latvia. Soudan 1890s-1950s M/MUH/U collection (180) in hagners plus Israel 1970s MUH Pic/Commem sets (40) in more hagners. Finally small country collection to 1960s (100s) on loose pages inc Cameroun, Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, Egypt, Eritrea & Ethiopia. Ten albums in total, plus loose pages. Mixed M/MUH/G-F/VFU. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
546![]() Click for more photos | Carton lot inc Russia: 1980 Moscow Olympics Commem MUH collection in hingeless slipcase album with huge original issue costs (approx $500 in 1986). Also 1970s/80s M/Sheet accumulation (110) CTO/MUH inc Lenin, Historic Events, Space Exploration, plus small s/book with 1920s-40s Defs & Commems. World mess in another 4 small s/books inc Belgium, Netherlands, Vietnam, PNG, pre-decimal Pics to 10/- Rabaul & early decimals to $2 Shell. Cook Island 1960s pre-decimal Pics to £1 Airmail opt & Australia MUH 1960s pre-decimal high val Pics & Commems. Then more pre-decimal MUH Australia in small box inc 1940s imprint blks (25), mostly Pics/Commems to 1/6. GB 1971-94 collection on loose pgs with approx 200 Pic/Commem sets & QEII Machins to £5. World A-H collection on 1930s pgs inc Belgium Railway Post, Cochin & French Revenues. British Commonwealth collection to 1940s on loose pgs with many 100s of stamps mixed M & U inc Canada, Ceylon, Hong Kong, NZ & GB. Australia 1990s PO Albums (4, new issue costs $60). 1981 RW collection in blue binder, Australia 1970s PO Pre-Paid PPC accumulation (100), Egypt etc. (1000s) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
550![]() Click for more photos | China - Macao: 1953-2023 extensive collection mostly MUH in 75 VGC Vario pgs in 2 binder s, inc 1956 Map set, then bulk of collection mid 1990s-2023. A comprehensive & colourful range of sets, M/Sheets & sheetlets inc Lunar New Year sets & M/S, Architecture, various Anniv & many others. An attractive mainly VF MUH collection. SG cat £4150 = A$8300+. Recent issues seldom seen. (520, 285 M/S or sheetlets) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
551![]() Click for more photos | Christmas Island: 1958-92 MUH collection/accumulation in thick maroon binder with 1958 QEII Defs to $1 (3), plus extra sets CTO (2) & M (2). 1963 Pics to $1 Bird (9), plus extra set CTO. 1968 Fish to $1 gutter prs. 1972 Ships sets (6) inc PO Packs. 1982 Birds PO Pack, 1987 Wildlife sets of 16 (2), sheetlets (8) & PO Packs (2), retail $680. 1990 Transport set to $5, plus PO Pack. 1992 Shells sets (2) inc PO Pack, plus extra $5 (5) with Kuala Lumpur Exhibition opts (cat £45). Also 1977, 80, 83, 87, 88, 90 & 92 Year packs (these not often seen), plus selected M/sheets FV $350, retail $1500. | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
553![]() Click for more photos | Christmas Island 1990-2021 MUH Collection in 3 Seven Seas slipcase hingeless albums with plenty of extras inc gutter blks, booklets inc Prestige, sheetlets & exhibition opts. Fresh MUH, FV over $1000 plus another $500 for the 3 albums. | AVAILABLE at A$550 | ||
554![]() Click for more photos | Christmas Island 1993-2002 sheets inc 1993 Views 85c (2 sheets). 1994 Train 95c. 1995 Fish 20c, 30c, 90c. 1996 Bird 85c. 2002 Bird $1, plus Cocos Is 1995-2001 Fish 30c, 85c & 95c. All sheets of 50. VF CTO printed GPO Melbourne undated pmk, fresh UH gum. Total FV $400. SG cat £709. (11 sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
556![]() Click for more photos | Christmas Island: 1994-2002 Sheets inc 1994 Train 95c,1995 Fish 20c, 30c, & 90c. 1996 Bird 85c. 2002 Bird $1. All VF CTO printed GPO Melbourne undated pmk. Fresh UH gum. FV $209. SG cat £390. (6). | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
559![]() Click for more photos | Collection/accumulation in 4 large & 6 small to medium albums. South America selections of Argentina, Brazil, Chile etc, Sub-Continent collection inc Bangladesh 1970s-80s inc 1976 10t Def (44 U cat £200+) & others, Ceylon/Sri Lanka mostly 1980s-90s Birds U with extras. Similar Burma & Pakistan. Hong Kong QV to post 2000 inc KGVI to $2 with extras, 1954 to $5 (2), later Defs inc 1987-88 to $50 (4), 1997 to $50, 2002 to $50 (4), 2006 to $20 (5), plus Commems cat £350+, South & South West Africa cat £200, Transvaal inc 1902 to 2/- (5) & others cat £250. Also some Scandinavia, Malta, Worldwide Airmail labels & others. A good mixed collection/accumulation, 10 albums in total, generally G-VFU. (5000+) | SOLD at A$150 | ||
560![]() Click for more photos | Collections with Ajman, Thematics, Trinidad & Tobago, Russia, GB Pics & general World in (12) small to large albums or s/books. Modern Europe PPC (500) mostly Belgium, Netherlands. World covers with Australia 1990s FDC with Pic/Commem sets & $20 Gardens. Japan 1920s Local Letters (150) & early 1900s Postal Cards (150) with a variety of pmks & cachets, South Africa 1980s FDC (100) & Greece Airmail correspondence to Australia (40). (2 cartons). | SOLD at A$140 | ||
568![]() Click for more photos | Covers - Postal History: 1850s to modern inc folded letters France 1859, 1865 & 1886, Italy 1876, Russia 1888 7k envelope uprated from Riga to St Petersburg, Malaya 1890s-1960s (25), USA 1894 to Singapore with contents, 1895 Japanese Land Transfer document with Revenues, & an APS circuit book with 1940s Burma covers (14) with possible pmk interest. Plus more inc GB 1890 Postcards, Ceylon, USA, Japan 1880s-90s Postal Cards (14) plus tiny 2s envelope, these 3 with 'Shanghai IJPO 1899' CTO & 2 covers franked Jap POs in China opts, 1910 Germany Aviation Academy 'Baron de Caters' early plane PPC & more. Interesting lot. (70) | SOLD at A$475 | ||
571![]() Click for more photos | Cyprus & Gibraltar: 1880-1970s collection in binder. Cyprus 1902-10 KEVII to 12Pi. 1934 KGV Pic set to 45Pi. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938-51 KGVI to £1. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1955-60 QEII Pic set to £1. 1960-61 Republic opt set to £1. Range of Commems inc useful Europa sets. Gibraltar 1886-87 QV to 1/-. 1889-96 QV Spanish Currency to 5P. 1906-11 KEVII to 4/-. 1925-32 KGV to 10/-. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938-51 KGVI Pic set to £1. 1953-59 QEII Pic set to £1 & 1960-63 Def set to £1. 1971 Views se-tenant set to £1. Good coverage of Commems. Mostly G-VF M/MUH/U, parts with tropicalisation. SG cat £3300+ = A$6600+. (1135+, plus 23 M/S) | SOLD at A$375 | ||
573![]() Click for more photos | Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 7. A-B MUH accumulation with Pic/Commem sets (90) with 35 diff, sets inc M/Sheets (220) with 42 diff & just M/Sheets (180) with 25 diff, strength in Belize, Benin, Bhutan. Huge individual retail, all fresh MUH. 2nd shoebox with large quantity of 1970s-90s S-T Pics/Commems & Thematics in glassines & display envelopes with good variety throughout mixed MUH/CTO inc Turkmenistan, Tanzania, Togo, St Thomas, St Vincent. 3rd shoebox with 30 large size packets inc Animals (1120 diff), 100 Flower sets (retail $150), 1000 World MUH Pics, 500 Animals, 70 diff Cats/Dogs sets, 500 Olympics (2 packs), plus others. Also plastic bag with 90 Grenadines of St Vincent MUH Pic/Commem. | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
578![]() Click for more photos | Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 13. British Commonwealth Part 2. 1981 RW collection/accumulation with 66 Commem sets, plus 70 M/Sheets. Mostly all diff, fresh MUH. 1997 Princess Diana Memorial M/Sheet accumulation (54, retail $260) with around 25 diff. Great Britain 1968-69 pre-dec MUH sets (560, est cat £220) with 10 diff inc 1968 Anniv to 1/9 Cook (140), 1969 Ships (40), Concorde (80), Prince of Wales (60) & 1969 Christmas (80). Nauru 1960s-80s pic/ sets (340) mostly fresh MUH inc 1978 Pics to $5 blks of 4, plus pre-decimals inc KGV opt set to 6d, 1950s Pics to 5/-. NZ to 1970 in red s/book inc 1953 QEII to 10/- blue & 1967 1st decimals to $2 Geyser. Then Vol 2 to mid 1990s inc 1971 Defs to $2 (12 sets, retail $180), 1972 Flowers (15 sets, $90), 1973-75 Scenic sets (29, $160), plus 1980s-90s Pics/Commems (FV $180) inc Birds to $10. PNG 1952-80 MUH accumulation inc 1960 Postage Due sets (3) to 3/-, 1958 Cattle 2/5 (18), 1964 Birds to 3/- (6 sets), 1960s Commem sets (25) & 1966-80 decimal Pic sets (110) inc 1969 Shells to $2 (3 sets). | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
579![]() Click for more photos | Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 14. British Commonwealth 1970s-2000s M/Sheet accumulation Part 1. Solomon Islands (15, retail $90) inc 2004 World Bird Festival set of 3. Norfolk Is (40, retail $180) inc 1974 UPU. Kiribati (13, retail $95) inc 1981 RW trio. Vanuatu (23, retail $100). Niue (33, retail $190). PNG (80, retail $370) inc a huge Philatelic Exhibition emissions. Nauru (70, retail $200). Tuvalu (50, retail $310). New Zealand (45, retail $200). Pitcairn (48, retail $280) inc 1980 London Exhibition (13) & QM Birthday (15). Christmas Is 1977 Christmas (30, retail $50). All fresh MUH with 7440 assorted M/Sheets (retail $1850) with some duplication. | SOLD at A$220 | ||
582![]() Click for more photos | Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 18. British Pacific Islands 1970s-90s MUH accumulation in shoebox with Australia 1974 Churchill M/Sheets (30), 1978 QEII SJ M/Sheets (10), Cook Is 1989 Locomotive sets (9, FV $90), 1981 RW M/Sheet pr with opts (8, FV $96) & 1978 QEII SJ M/Sheet trio (5 sets), Niue M/Sheet accumulation (115) inc 1980 ZERAPEX Exhibition (10), 1987 Statue of Liberty pr (9 sets), 1981 QM set of 3 M/Sheets (8 sets), 1978 QEII Coronation (12), plus others, total FV $450). Penrhyn Is 1981 RW M/Sheet set of 6 (8 sets, FV $152), plus another 12 composite M/S (FV $48) & 1987 Statue of Liberty M/Sheet pr (15 sets, FV $100). Pitcairn Is 1980 London 80 M/Sheets (100, FV $140). Samoa 1970s-90s MUH M/Sheets (95) with good variety inc 1997 Hong Kong Exhibition (12). Solomon Is M/Sheet accumulation (300) to 2005 Trafalgar Bi-Cent Celebrations inc 1969 Pacific Games (10), 1992 Guadalcanal 50th Anniv pr (20 sets), SUIPEX 84 (20) & SYDPEX 88 (20). Tuvalu 1980s Thematic sets inc Birds, Fish & 1986 RW, plus M/Sheets (70) inc 1988 Scouts World Jamboree (30, FV $75). Over 850 M/Sheets, plus Pic/Commem sets, all fresh MUH. Huge individual retail, plus high total FV. | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
585![]() Click for more photos | Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 26. Large shoebox with sets/singles in glassines inc Lundy Is 1953 QEII Coronation, 1970s-90s British Commonwealth MUH Pic sets in blks of 4 & M/Sheets. Australia/GB Maxicards inc comp sets. Australia 1983-93 Royal Easter Show (Sydney) Commem covers (2500) in boxes of 500. Plastic tub with 1990 Channel Is FDC, mainly Jersey. Also NZ 1990s Philatelic Exhibition M/Sheets (50 mixed) inc 1995 Jakarta (5, retail $200). World Pic packet mess in blue shoebox. World on-paper mix (1.2kg) in big black box. Mixed collection with Disney Thematics in s/book & hagner album with 90 MUH Pic sets, plus 30 M/Sheets. British Commonwealth accumulation in another 55 hagners with 126 M/Sheets inc Churchill Commems, 2011 RW, Christmas Is Pics, plus others. Tuvalu 1980s Leaders of the World collection with Pic sets & 13 MUH M/Sheets & 26 Pic sets. Finally large AUSIPEX collection in 3 illustrated official albums with 63 Pic/Commem sets, 52 M/Sheets, plus misc cards or Cinderellas. All neatly packed into 3 manageable cartons. | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
589![]() Click for more photos | Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 31. Pacific Islands 1970s-2000s M/Sheet accumulation Part Two with Niue (55, retail $280), Penrhyn Is (14, retail $120) inc stray William & Kate selection, Samoa (60, retail $290), Norfolk Is (50, retail $230), Pitcairn (16, 1900s-2000s, retail $150), plus London 1980 Exhibition (50, retail $110) & 1981 Queen Mother sheetlet (34, retail $230), Nauru (67, retail $270) inc 1974 UPU (10, retail $80) & Tuvalu (50, retail $290). Some mostly mild duplication. All fresh MUH, solid FV & good Thematic content inc a variety pf Philatelic Exhibition emissions, marked retail $2000. (395) | SOLD at A$250 | ||
590![]() Click for more photos | Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 32: Pacific Islands 1970s-2000s M/Sheet accumulation Part One with Vanuatu (37, FV $90) with strong Tropical Thematic content, marked retail $200. Nauru (55, retail $235) inc 1974 UPU (14), Solomon Is (21, retail $100). PNG (73, retail $370) inc 1997 Diana Memorial (9). Norfolk Is (50, retail $220). New Zealand (35, retail $230) inc scarce 1969 Cook M/Sheet. Fiji (45, retail $250). Kiribati (48, retail $280). Some mostly light duplication. All fresh MUH, solid FV & good Thematic content inc a variety of Philatelic Exhibition emissions, marked retail $1900. (370) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
591![]() Click for more photos | Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 33. Rotary International 2005 contemporary collection/accumulation with 160 M/Sheets (36 diff), 75 Pic sets (15 diff), plus 33 diff MUH singles. Also 60 assorted Commem/FDC from 1955 (50th Anniv) to 2005 Centenary. Finally Australia 2016 Rotary End Polio Now $8.00 limited edition SES sheetlets (8), numbers 083/500 to 090/500. | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
592![]() Click for more photos | Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 34: Russia 2003 MUH Year Packs (5), retail $80 ea, total $400. Mozambique 2001 Paintings M/Sheet set of 25 MUH (4 sets). Tuva 1995 Dinosaur M/Sheet MUH (100). World 1990s M/Sheet packs of 100 (3) mixed MUH/CTO for a total of 500 M/Sheets. Then Batum 1994 Pics or M/Sheets (41 diff) (14 packs), plus 1000s more World Pics, Commems, Thematics in glassines with good variety throughout. | SOLD at A$130 | ||
593![]() Click to enlarge photo | Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 35: Single country 1970s-90s Pic/Commem/Thematic set collection in packets with Cambodia (6, cat US$35 ea, total $210), Burkina-Faso/Upper Volta (10, $75 ea, $750), Central Africa (10, $63 ea, $630), Chad (7, $60 ea, $420), Congo (8, $78 ea, $620), Grenada/Grenadines (9, $83 ea, $750), Guinea Bissau 6 diff MUH Pic sets (6 packs at $100 ea, $600), Ivory Coast (7 packs, $44 ea, total $300), Niger (7 packs, $38 ea, $265). Russia 33 diff MUH sets (9 packs, cat $90 ea, total $800). Nepal 96 diff MUH Pics inc comp sets in blks of 10 (cat $1000). Afghanistan 30 diff M/Sheets (10 of ea, cat $865). Guinea 18 diff Pic sets or M/Sheets (10 of ea in blks, cat $1700. All fresh & clean, mixed MUH/CTO. Total 2004 Scott cat val $6600. Cost vendor US$900. (1000s) | SOLD at A$220 | ||
594![]() Click for more photos | Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 36. Tokelau 1990s-2000s M/Sheet accumulation (100+) with 30 diff inc Chinese New Year 1995-2010, Exhibition emissions, local Thematics inc British Royalty, Beetles, Coins, Space. All fresh MUH, marked retail $680 with an estimated FV $450. (105) | SOLD at A$100 | ||
597![]() Click for more photos | Denmark: 1872-90 Local Posts Collection of Town Bypost issues on pgs inc Aalborg 1885 Numeral set 3o & 5o, plus shades, 1886 Surch range to 5o, 1886 Town Arms to 5o, plus 1o-5o imperf, 1886 Arms to 50o, 1886 Dated Surch set. Aarhus 1885 Numeral 5o. Horsens 1883 Large numeral 3o, 1886-87 Numerals to 10o inc thin & thick numerals. Randers 1887 Knight values to 8o, opt Holte 1872 Numeral 2s. Svendborg 1887 Arms set to 10o. Veile 1887 Pigeon set to 10o. Viborg 1887-88 Arms set to 10o. Kolding 1887 Castle 3o. Copenhagen 1880-83 Arms to 10o. 1885 Arms 15o. Odense 1886 to 2o. Mostly diff inc shades. Mostly F-VF M/U. Very scarce offering. (127). | AVAILABLE at A$375 | ||
598![]() Click for more photos | Diverse carton lot with Australia 1930s-90s Pics/Commems (2500+) in 2 s/books & over 70 hagners inc 1931 Kingsford Smith 6d (3), 1936 SA Cent to 1/- (3 sets), pre-dec QEII to £1 Bass & high val dec Pics. 1956-2000 Official Australian Olympic MUH collection in custom-made album 1969-75 near comp PO Pack collection (retail $350) inc AAT & Cocos Is Def sets. British Empire 1935 KGV SJ, 1937 KGVI Coronation & 1946 Victory sets & singles in another s/book. Czechoslovakia 1920s-50s in contemporary loose leaf album. Fiji 1977-2012 MUH collection inc 2008 Emergency opt ERRORS. PNG 1980s-90s MUH Pic sets & M/Sheets inc Exhibition emissions. Norfolk Is near comp 1947-69 collection inc 1953 Pics to 5/- brown bridge, 1960 Defs to 10/- green & 1969 Bird sets (2) to $1.00. 10 albums in total with many 100s of stamps. Medium carton. | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
599![]() Click for more photos | Double carton deceased estate. Small literature group inc Postage Stamps of the United Kingdom 1840-1890 (pub 1890). Flags of the World (pub 1917) & Australian Commonwealth Hand (Commem) Postmarks (pub 1986), British Commonwealth Omnibus collection in 2 volumes with 1937 KGVI Coronation sets (44), 1981 RW with 38 Pic sets, plus M/Sheets & booklets, 1980 QM Birthday sheetlets (10). Seven Seas illustrated albums with Australia to 1984 with scattered contents. Cocos Is hingeless album to 1997 in slipcase binder (new retail $700+). South Africa Homelands MUH collection, plus much more inc Australia pre-decimal MUH. 30 albums/books/folders in total, some toning sighted mostly on the cheaper pgs, stamps mostly G-F/VFU. (Quantity) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
600![]() Click for more photos | Eight volume carton lot with Mongolia 1960-70s Pics, Commems, Thematics (700), Australia 1966-80 collection in s/book inc 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 25. 1970s-80s FDC in 2 vols inc 1970 Grasslands PO envelope unaddressed, 1970 Cook M/Sheet & 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 7 & 1971 Sydney Philatelic Centre Opening (2, cat $40 ea). Great Britain 1930s-90s accumulation (100s) in 2 s/books inc 1960s pre-dec high val Commems & good range of Small Machins to £5 brown, plus Britannia £10 (28). Also 1970-75 PO Pack accumulation (55) inc Regional Machins. Disorganised mess in 35 hagners inc Hong Kong 1980s QEII to $50, GB 1970s QEII to £5 blue, plus Ireland, Fiji & Europe. Black binder with more British Commonwealth inc PNG 1964 Bird 10/- blk of 10 MUH, Norfolk Is 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- & 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge M, Christmas Is 1958 QEII to $1 MUH, AAT 1966 Pics to $1 MUH, Cocos Is 1963 Defs to 2/3, Indonesia-Australia Joint issue booklets (4, Pfr cat $100 ea, $400). GB high values to 10/- Seahorse inc 1880s QV 1/- green (cat £160), 8d orange (£350) & 2/6 violet (£160), KEVII 2/6 (3) & KGV 2/6 brown (5) & 5/- red (6). Some sl mixed condition, unorthodox array variable G-F/VFU M/MUH inc History of Transportation MUH collection in blue box. | SOLD at A$325 | ||
601![]() Click for more photos | Enigmatic carton lot with Egypt 1890s-1950s in 2 s/books, plus post Millennium MUH New Issue sets in glassines. Australia 1988 Bi-Cent folder set of 5 in black Brisbane EXPO box. 1982 Year of the Scout collection with 106 FDC in Official brown box. 1983 Great Automobiles of the World Mint stamp collection with 106 diff MUH Pics on individual illustrated cards in custom green box. British Commonwealth M/Sheet collection (50) inc 1978 QEII Silver Jubilee set of 21. Fiji 1980s-90s MUH sets (46) inc Architecture to $5 (6 sets), London 1980 (10), plus mixed M/Sheet (10) inc 1990s WWF Bats & 1997 Rugby Championship. Nauru 1980s-90s Pic/Commem sets 56, mostly blks of 4, Norfolk Is 1947-74 collection inc Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1952 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird, 1966 decimal opts, 1967 Ships & 1969 Birds & 1974 UPU M/Sheets. World G-H collection in 40 hagners inc Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guyana, Holland & Hong Kong Defs to $50, plus 1996 Past & Present Prestige booklet. Australia 1913-80 collection G-FU in Seven Seas Junior Album with Kangaroos to 5/-, KGV to 1/4. 1931 Airmail 6d brown (2) inc OS opt. 1932 Lyrebird 1/- opt OS, 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee to 2/-, 1940 AIF set, 1949 Arms to £2 & decimals near comp to 1980. (100s) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
602![]() Click for more photos | European collection in 6 large, 1 small album & on pages with Belgium to mid 1970s inc 1870 30c chestnut & 40c rose M, 1893 1F carmine/green M (crease), Railways inc 1895 to 90c U, Newspaper opt selection etc cat c£750. Denmark 1854-2007 inc 1875 to 100o lower value extras, 1925 Airs 15o FU & others, Danish West Indies 1873 3c-10c, 1900 5c, 1907 20B U cat £740, Sweden 1858-1981 inc 1846-91 Posthorns to 1Kr, 1903 5Kr U, many later sets, part sets cat £1100, Hungary 1918-38 selection cat £170, Switzerland Pro Juventute, Pro Patria sets 1960s-70s in blks of 4 MUH mostly some adhering earlier & others FU cat £400. Venezuela 1962 Orchid set & others inc 1976 United Nations FDC collection inc East Europe. F-VF total cat £3000+. (1000s) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
603 | Europe collection in 3 cover albums & 2 s/books. Inc Austria 1948-84 covers, mixed Commem/FDC (295). Netherlands 1954-85 (11 covers) inc 1955 NATO, Slovakia 1994 covers (22), Pacific Is, some others. Russia collection 1933-89 M/U inc 1951 Power Station set of 5 FU (cat £60), 1970-89 sets & M/Sheets noted (90+). F/VF. (c380 covers, 800+, 90+ M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
604![]() Click for more photos | European Miniature Sheet collection late 1980s-1990s MUH on hingeless pages. All diff. Inc Bulgaria, Belarus 1994 World Cup, Olympic opt M/sheet, Channel Is, Lithuania, Iceland, Portugal, Monaco. Noted 1992 Columbus Anniv M/S for Italy, USA, Portugal, Spain & various others. VF. (310 M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
605![]() Click for more photos | Falkland Islands & Dependencies: 1878-1968 collection on Scott pgs. 1878-79 QV 6d no wmk, & 1884 4d wmk CA. 1891-1902 QV to 1/- 1904-05 KEVII to 1/-. 1929-32 KGV Whale & Penguin to 1/-. 1933 Centenary ½d to 2/6. 1935 Silver bilee set. 1952 KGVI Pic set to £1. 1960 QEII Birds set to £1. Dependencies 1946-49 KGVI Map set to 1/-. 1954 QEII Ship set to £1. 1944-45 KGVI Pic opt sets for Graham Land, South Orkneys, Georgia & Shetlands. Most F-VF M/MUH/U majority (90%) being M/MUH. SG cat £2200+ = A$4400+. (185) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
606![]() Click for more photos | Fiji: 1871-2019 collection in a Koroni loose leaf illustrated album & 2 Lighthouse s/books inc 1872 Surch set to 12c, 1878 various Surch & issues to 6d in various perfs, 1881 various 1/- perfs & 5/-, 1891-92 Surch, 1891-8 various issues to 5d in a range of perfs, 1903 KEVII to 5/-, KGV 1912 set to £1, 1922 set to 5/- with 3 plate number singles. 1938 KGVI set to £1 with most perfs, 1971 set to $2, 1972 set normal wmk & sideways wmk to $2, 1995 set to $2, range of 2006 Surcharges to 50c. Value is in the period to 1940 where there is a strong range of diff perf issues. Many comp sets & not much missing from 1940s. Many fresh VF MUH with some used especially in early period inc few F/C. Some earlies very variable condition. Pre 1990 cat £3500, post 1990 £1800 with a FV of $1200. Total SG cat £5300+ = $10,000+. (1400+, 60+ M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$650 | ||
607![]() Click for more photos | Fiji: 1901-2013 collection on leaves in 2 quality Lighthouse binders & slipcase (retail $120) inc 1912-36 KGV to 5/-, 1937-52 KGVI to 5/- mostly M, 1954 QEII to £1 M, 1959 QEII Defs to £1 Arms FU, 1968 QEII pre-dec to £1 & 1969 1st Dec Defs to $2, very comprehensive inc sets & M/S through to the scarcer 1990s & post-Millennium Pic sets & M/Sheets. Noted 2000 Millennium M/sheet 2006-16 Surcharge selection. An extensive array of Thematic sets or M/Sheets inc Aviation, Birds, Butterflies, British Royalty, Fish, Flowers, Shells, Ships, Sport, Whales & WWF emissions. Largely VF, total cat £2050 = A$4100. High FV. (980, 61 M/S & sheetlets) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
608![]() Click for more photos | Fiji: 1935-2017 collection on 80 hagners in 3 binders inc 1935 Jubilee, 1948 Silver Wedding, 1954, 59 & 68 QEII sets comp to £1, decimals to $2 (2 diff), 1971 Birds, Flowers comp to $2, seems comp 1960s-2000s, many M/S, strong thematics Birds, Fish, Whales etc. Few earlies but vast majority diff. Some earlies VF MLH but 1960s on all appear to be VF fresh MUH. SG cat value £1700 = A$3400. FV $1450+. (1600+, 90+ M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
609![]() Click for more photos | Fiji Postal Stationery: Postcards 1895, 1903 Pirogue & 1904 KEVII comp unused, 1895 1d black, 2d green (white & buff stocks) used with messages, 1d+1d violet, 1903 ½d on 1½d, 1904 ½d, ½d+½d & 1d used no message, Lettercard 1895 1½d unused & used (with selvedge stuck) some ageing in unused & a few cnr flts, used are rare. HG 1-10, A1a cat (1984) US$550 approx. (20). | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
611![]() Click for more photos | Flowers: Orchids A-G large 1990s MUH accumulation in 2 big Arch-leaver binders with quantity of M/Sheets, sheetlets & sets inc Afghanistan, Ajman, Azerbaijan, Angola, Antigua, Barbuda, Belize, Bahaman's Bhutan, Burkina, Faso, Benin, Central African Republic, Cuba, Congo, Dominica, Fiji, Ecuador, Gambia, Gibraltar, Great Britain (FV £70), Grenada, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana. Minor duplication, all appear fresh MUH with decent quantity to sort through. (100s) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
612![]() Click for more photos | Flowers: Orchids: A-H accumulation in approx 550 envelopes, with 100s of 1970s-80s-90s, mostly MUH Pic sets/singles inc multiples up to blks of 4 or 6, plus scattered M/Sheets & isolated booklets. Some CTO sighted, mostly fresh MUH. All neatly packed into 3 shoeboxes. | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
613![]() Click for more photos | Flowers: Orchids: I-Z accumulation in approx 740 envelope with 100s of 1970s-80s-90s mostly MUH Pic sets/singles inc multiples up to blks of 4 or 6 plus scattered M/Sheets & isolated booklets. Some CTO sighted, mostly fresh MUH. All neatly packed into four shoeboxes. | SOLD at A$325 | ||
614![]() Click for more photos | Flowers: Orchids H-P. Large 1990s MUH accumulation in 2 big arch-lever binders with quantity of M/Sheets, Pic sets & sheetlets inc Honduras, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Jersey, Kiribati, Korea North, Kyrgyzstan, Lesotho, Laos, Liberia, Madagascar, Mongolia, Mozambique, Marshall Is, Maldives, Micronesia, Oman, Nigeria, Nevis, Nicaragua, PNG, Palau, Philippines & Portugal. Minor duplication, all appear fresh MUH with a decent quantity to sort through. (100s) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
615![]() Click for more photos | Flowers: Orchids S-Z. Large 1990s MUH accumulation in 2 big arch-lever binders with quantity of M/Sheets, Pic sets & sheetlets inc Singapore (FV $170). Then Somalia, St Kitts, Samoa, S Tome et Principe, St Vincent, Romania, El Salvador, Suriname, Uganda, USA (FV $40), Togo, Thailand, Tuvalu, Tanzania, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Zaire & Zimbabwe. Minor duplication, all appear fresh MUH with decent quantity to sort through. (100s) | SOLD at A$250 | ||
616![]() Click for more photos | France: Collection to 1990. All very messy inc 1849 Ceres 10c, 20c 4 margins, 1862 Ceres, 1863-70 Napoleon Heads to 80c wiith extras, 1877-90 Peace & Commerce to 1Fr with extras, plus 20c red/yellow-green M, later key type issues, 1925 5Fr Peace & Commerce M, extensive 1930s Pics/Commems with extras noted 1935 Unemployed Intellectuals set, 50c + 2Fr. Post war inc 1947 500Fr Air, 1949, 51, 53 Nat relief sets, 1949 Airs to 300Fr & others M. Also some 1980s sets & booklets MUH & others. Mostly F-VFM, MUH total SG cat £3100 = A$6200+. (1200+) | SOLD at A$220 | ||
617![]() Click to enlarge photo | France: 1870-1970s extensive collection in Scott album inc 1871 Ceres range to 80c, 1887 Peace & Commerce range to 75c, 1900-20 Merson range to 10Fr, 1918 15c+5c Red Cross Fund, 1930 Colonial Exhibition set to 1Fr50, 1934 Cartier set, 1937 National Museums, 1935 Normandie set, 1936 Air to 3Fr50 & 10Fr, 1938 Clement Ader, 1947 Air 500Fr, 1949 Air set to 1000Fr, 1953 Sports set. Many sets all diff with range of 1930-50s scarcer sets inc 1950s National Relief Fund, range of French Colonies from 1890s inc China, Egypt, Port Said, Turkey, General French Colonies 1860s, German Occupation of Lorraine comp to 100pf. Mainly F-VF MLH/MUH, some G-VF U, mixed condition in parts. SG cat £5500+ = A$11,000. (2200 + 5 booklets) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$650 | ||
618![]() Click for more photos | Germany 1850s-2010 valuable & extensive collection in 22 various s/books & 3 Linder illustrated albums commencing with German States inc Bavaria (130+) 1850s 3k & 6k imperf, 1880 Arms to 80pf, 1911 Luitpold to 2m, range to 1920s inc 1m Official, Saxony (20+) 1850 Arms 3pf (as is & not counted in cat value), 1851 Friedrich to 3ngr, 1855 Johann to 3ngr, 1863 Arms to 3ngr, Prussia 1850s 3gr & 4pf, Oldenberg (5) 1861 imperf to 3g yellow (as is & not counted), Heligoland (10) 1867 to 6sch & 1875 3pf U, range of WWI German Occup issues inc Belgium (70+), 1916 various to 2f50c, Poland (18), Eupen & Malmedy (10), Russia (20+) etc, others inc Danzig (150+), Allenstein various 1920-26 issues inc Official to 10m, Memel (60+), Lithuania (8) etc, Saar 1920-59, Germany inc 1872 to 5g, 1880 to 50pf, 1902 to 5m, extensive range to 1945 inc Inflation issues to 100,000m, 1928 President comp to 80pf, 1932 Hitler M/S etc Bohemia & Moravia (150+), Allied Occup 1945 to 80pf, 1946 to 1m inc apparent 75pf offset, 1949 Buildings to 5DM, Soviet zone 1948 Politicians to 84pf, West Germany7 extensive range 1950s to 200g inc 1970-76 & 1982-86 comp MUH on Linder pgs, East Germany 1950s-90s, Berlin (West) 1949-90 inc 1951 Bell set comp, 1986 Famous Women comp to 500pf (MUH & FU sets cat £360), small range of German colonies. 1998-2004 Deutsche Post first day cds. This is a very extensive collection which has only briefly been summarised & has a lot of potential. Some earlies mixed & albums have toning but largely not affecting stamps. Mostly G-VFU, some VF superb MUH. SG cat £20,000+ = A$40,000+. (10,000 + 50+ M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$1300 | ||
620![]() Click for more photos | Germany: 1872-1980s accumulation on s/cards inc 1872 Eagle Small Shield to 5gr. 1872-74 Eagle Large Shield to 18Kr. 1872 Numeral 10gr & 2Mk, plus shades. 1875 'Pfenige' set to 50pf. 1902-17 Germania range to 5Mk. 1933 Zeppelin Chicago flight opt 2Mk. 1935 OSTROPA M/S. 1926 Air set to 3Mk. 1935 Costumes set to 40pf. 1936 Brown Ribbon M/S. 1937 Hitler M/S, plus Culture Fund M/S. 1936 Munchen Reim M/S. Range of 1950-80s West Germany Commems & Defs. Mostly G-VF M/U, very mixed earlies. SG est cat £6000+ = A$12,000+. (3000+) | SOLD at A$200 | ||
624![]() Click for more photos | Germany: Collections in 3 albums- 1st volume to 1994 in Davo illustrated album, with 1870s Small Eagles (6), Large Eagles (9) to 3kr, 1900 Reich Post to 3M, 1902 Deutsches Reich to 5M, all G-F/VFU. Then mostly M inc 1920 Bavaria opt Deutches Reich to 20Mk (ex 3Mk), 1924-27 Castles set, 1927 ILO opt set, 1933 Reich stag set, 1933 Welfare 25pf, 1934 Welfare Fund set UN, 1935 Welfare Fund set, 1936 Olympics M/Sheet, 1936 Brown Ribbon M/Sheet, 1937 opt M/Sheet MUH, Belgium 1943 Waffen set, Michel IX/XIV in sheets of 4 hinged in selvedge (cat €600); 2nd album with Berlin 1949-1990 a solid mostly F-VF M-MUH collection inc 1999 Berlin black opts to 5Mk, 1999 UPU set, 1949-54 Building to 5Mk, 1950 Orchestra set M, 1951-53 Bell (all 3 sets), Bell at centre MUH, others M, 1952 Olympics set, 1952-53 Berliners set, 1970 President set, 1975 Industry set, 1985 Famous Women & 1987 Tourist Sights sets MUH. 3rd album with West Germany inc 1951 St Mary's set, 1955-1980 good range MUH inc 1959 Beethoven M/Sheet. Largely F-VF. SG cat £6600 = A$13,200. (2200, 6 M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
626![]() Click for more photos | Germany: 1928-45 UK dealer's stock MUH inc 1935 Costumes set (SG cat £225), Winter Olympics & Lufthansa (£160), 1936 Olympics set (£160), 1938 Brown Ribbon (£190), 1939 Derby Anniv (£100), Art Day Women (3, £132), Postal Employees Fund (£110), Winter Relief (£75), 1940 Brown Ribbon (£150), Postal Employees Fund (£70) & 1945 SS/SA pr (£110), M/Sheets inc 1936 Olympics pr (£350), Brown Ribbon (2, £80), 1937 Hitler 6pf M/S with opt (SG MS638 cat £400), MS 635 (£90) & 1937 Brown Ribbon opt (£225). VF fresh MUH. SG cat £5600 = A$11,000. Marked UK retail £1800+ = A$3600 conservatively priced. Excellent lot for resale. (190, 7 M/S) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1000 | ||
630![]() Click for more photos | Germany: 1945-77 collection in massive KABE springback album near comp for Allied Occup Zones (mi cat €4200), Berlin & West Germany. Noted various Russian Zones (Mi cat €400), Anglo-American Zone, 1948 Posthorn band & 'all over' opt Pictorial sets (€500), French Zone all sets, Saar extensive inc 1949 Relief Fund set U (€650), West Germany (€2500) inc all scarce early Charity sets, Berlin (€2900 inc some BERLIN opts, some East Germany inc 1950 Debria M/Sheet on nice FDC. Also Lindner hingeless albums for extra French Zone with some sets, plus Anglo-US Zone almost empty album. Mostly F-VFU, some M/MUH in fresh condition. Total Mi cat €9500+ = A$19,000, SG cat would be higher. Attractive collection. (1800). | AVAILABLE at A$650 | ||
632![]() Click for more photos | Germany (West) 1872-1990 collection in 4 albums inc 1872 Shields selection mostly Used inc Large Shield 1/3g, 2½g, 1899 Reichspost 3Mk, 1920s Weimar Republic issues inc Welfare sets, 1927 ILO 8pf, 15pf, 1928 President set (ex 20pf), 1930 Exhibition 8pf, 15pf, 50pf, 1934 Colonisers set, 1928 2Mk Zeppelin, 1934 Airs to 3Mk, 1937 Birthday M/Sheet U, Officials selection. Also West Germany, Berlin,album of covers inc 1955 Car Show Commem covers with West Germany/Berlin combination. Mostly F-VF. SG cat £3700 = A$7400. Some variable condition plus some ETB cards 1975-80. (Few 1000) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
634![]() Click for more photos | Germany: 1870s-1940s Postal History covers & cards al most all used commercially with advertising types inc Monkey, range of Pic pmks, Inflation period with 55 stamps (total 100 Million Mk), items to NZ & USA, Danzig Airmails, Officials, Registered, Express, Parcel Cards, perfins etc, plus PPC (200) mostly 1905-20 inc WWI Fieldpost uses. Very interesting lot. (400+) | SOLD at A$375 | ||
637![]() Click for more photos | German Occup of Baltics & Russia: 1941-44 collection used inc 1941 Ostland opt Hitler set 1pf-80pf, Ukraine opt Hitler set, Estonia swastika set, Latvia opt set & Kurland opt eagle. Also 1941 Lithuania 3-line vertical opt (7), Zarasai opts (4), a few others. VFU/CTO. Mi cat €590. (77). | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
642![]() Click for more photos | Germany: 1890s-1990s Postal Cards & other items from specialist collection inc West Germany 1950-92 Pictorial Postal cards collection plus few pre-1945 period, then a few 1951 Posthorns, 1954 Heuss, then 1959 Heuss (43), 1961 Famous Germans 10pf (23) & 15pf (52), 1964 Architecture 15pf (20 & 20pf (13), 1970 President (7) 1971 Accident Prevention (15), 1977 Castles 40pf (11), 50pf (85), 60pf (30), 1987 Tourist Sites (9). Also some later 2000-19 Postal Cards & covers/FDC (80+). About 50% UN, 50% U/FDC. I cat €700++. Also Shipmail PPC with 1897 'Nur fur Marine-Schiffpost opt 10pf red Eagle cards UN & U with 'Manke PO No2' cds (Mi cat €75). Other PPC (20) inc KDMS no 2, 16, 37, 43 & 45 plus 2 unable to see number. Then 'DS Australische' (9) - 2 with Aden transit, DS Ost Asiatische (2) 1 with Gibraltar transit cds 'DS Ost Afrika Linie' & 'Ost Afrika Hauptlinie'. DS Hamburg West Afrika DS Linie Hamburg - Sudamerika on cover to Belgium with Tenerife b/s. Also ca 1920 'Lost Colonies' & Territories set of 19 Yacht etc labels. Interesting lot. (485 + 19 stamps). | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
643![]() Click for more photos | Germany-West Berlin, 1949-90 collection in Lighthouse hingeless album inc 1949 red Berlin opt to 1M, 1949 Berlin Relief Fund set & M/Sheet, 1952 Olympics set, 1952 Famous Berliners set, 1986 Famous German Women set, virtually comp from 1957-1990 with many sets, range of M/S, booklet panes, postal stationery etc. Mainly VF MUH from 1957, earlies mostly MLH & VFU. SG cat £6000 = A$12,000, plus high cost of album. (800 + 15 M/S, 10 P/Cs). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
644![]() Click for more photos | Germany: West Berlin 1948-1990 Used collection on illustrated pages in 2 thick springback binders inc 1948-54 Buildings to 5M, 1951-53 Bell part sets, 1950 10pf Orchestra, 1952 30pf Beethoven, 1952 Famous Berliners, 1953 Uprising set, 1958 Defins to 3DM, 1986 Women to 350pf with commem cds, 1987 Tourist to 380pf, plus many others. All F-VFU,CTO. SG cat £2000 = A$4000. (100s) | AVAILABLE at A$240 | ||
650![]() Click for more photos | Good British Commonwealth carton lot with 1970s booklet collection (40) inc 1977/78 QEII SJ types & PNG 1970-93 collection (13, cat £135). Norfolk Is 1947-74 collection inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Pics to 5/- Brown Bridge (2 sets), 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird (2 sets), plus 10/- opt SPECIMEN (3 diff UN), 2/8 Local Govt (2), 1966 opt set to 1/- & 1969 Birds set to $1. Mixed MUH/M/U. Australia 1890s-1980s accum in 25 hagners. 1997 Diana Memorial sheets of 50 (8 diff, FV A$150) inc Fiji, Solomon Is, Tokelau & Vanuatu. 1970s-90s M/Sheet inc NZ Health prs MUH 1968, 69, 71 & 73 (retail $170), plus 1995 Singapore sheetlet ($40). NZ 1930s-80s Used collection inc 1970 Pics to £1 Geyser. GB 1930s-70s in hagners & s/book. Australia 1966-80 collection in illustrated album inc 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 7 & 1974 Paintings to $10, Singapore 1970s Pics/Commems in hagner album inc 1971 Painting PO Pack, Festival M/Sheet & 1970 Expo M/S. Eleven albums in total, mixed MUH/M/G-F/VFU. Large carton. (many 100s) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
652![]() Click for more photos | Great Britain: 1840-1990 collection in loose leaf album with 1840 QV 1d black. 1841 QV imperfs 1d brown & 2d blue (2). 1855 QV 6d lilac. 1862 QV 1/- green. 1870s QV 3d, 5d (2) & 1/- pmk C of Constantinople (cat £360), plus 4d vermilion plate 14 pmk C51 of St Thomas (Danish West Indies, cat £110). 1873 QV 1/- green wmk Spray of Rose FU (SG 150 cat £150). 1880s QV opts 3d/3d & 6d/6d lilac (cat £300). 1883 QV high vals 2/6, 5/- (2, inc Private perfins) & 10/-. 1887 QV Sidefaces to 1/- inc 6d & 9d opt 'Govt Parcels' 1902-10 KEVII set to 10/-. 1934 KGV Seahorse set 2/6, 5/-, 10/- (cat £190). 1939 KGVI set of 6 to £1 brown. 1948 KGVI Silver Wedding £1. Comprehensive QEII pre-dec inc Castles to £1. Wide range of 1970s-80s-90s Pics/Commems. Some mixed condition, many G-F/VFU. High cat value. (Few 100) | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
653![]() Click for more photos | Great Britain 1840-early 2000s discordant collection in 2 near new Lighthouse s/books with QV 1840 1d black (SG cat £375). 1841 1d red imperf pmk Numeral 9 in Maltese Cross cancel (SG cat £180). 1880 QV 5d indigo VFU (SG 169 cat £175). 1883 QV 5/- rose. 1887 QV 1/- green opt 'I.R./OFFICIAL' cat £375 with 2021 photo-cert. 1902-12 KEVII 10d (11, cat £825) inc Private Perfins. 1913-18 KGV Seahorses 2/6 VFM. 5/- VFU & 10/- FU (cat £470). 1912 KGV ½d green with underprint M (small thin) with photo-cert, SG PP 251a cat £180. 1924 & 1925 Exhibition prs M (£80). 1948 KGVI SW £1 MUH. 1951 KGVI high vals to £1 brown MUH (cat £100) & Used, Selected MUH decimals (FV £100) inc 1990s Castles to £5, Britannia £10 & QEII Anniv, Pictorials. Mixed G-F/VFU, plus mentioned MUH. SG cat £3300 to 1953, plus £100 FV for decimal MUH, total £3400 = A$6800. (100s) | SOLD at A$325 | ||
654![]() Click for more photos | Great Britain 1900s-70s disorganised in s/book & loose in various small boxes, on pages etc inc in s/book 1900s KEVII & KGV to 1/-, 1937 KGVI to 5/-, 1951 to £1, 1950s QEII to £1, as received from vendor who states they have not checked it, neither have we. Mainly U. Hours of fun with this lot. (Many 1000s) | SOLD at A$110 | ||
655![]() Click for more photos | Great Britain: 1902-2000 collection in 6 albums with 1902-10 KEVII to 5/-, 1915-34 KGV Seahorses 2/6 (8), 5/- (9) & 10/- (3). 1924 Wembley sets (3), 1937 KGVI sets (2) to £1 (cat £120), 1948 £1 RSW (2), 1951 Festival to £1, 7 sets extras. Extensive & voluminous QEII M & U Machin Defs, Wilding Pics/Commems with many extras to 2000, also with Regionals. Few flts mostly G-VFU. (5000+) | SOLD at A$120 | ||
657 | Great Britain: Collection in s/book & loose mostly QE period, some 1960s issues commems/defs, some MUH. Also 1987, 1989 Year Packs & PO Packs 1980s-1990s with FV £160+ (A$300), FDC range 1993-2002 (90 covers), also Channel Is inc Jersey& others, F-VF. (100s, 90 covers etc) | SOLD at A$150 | ||
663![]() Click for more photos | Grenada Grenadines: 1973-1990 Collection on approx 90 hagners in 2 binders inc 1974 comp to $5, 1985 Butterflies comp to $20, 1986 Chagall comp with M/S, many comp sets with M/S, strong thematics. Mainly VF MUH. FV $2000. (1100+, 280+ M/S). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
665![]() Click for more photos | Hong Kong 1880-1990s collection/accumulation in 2 s/books & loose inc QV 1882 to 10c inc 1891 20c surch KGV to $5 inc 4c & 5c blks of 4 M, KGVI to $1, few China opt, range of MUH blks of 4 1970s-90s (40+), M/S 1984 HK Jockey Club (3), Chinese New Year 87, 89, 90 & 91, various 1980s MUH sheets of 50 inc 1984 40c Lantern, 1989 60c Visit (13 sheets), FDCs 1960s-80s inc 1968 Seacraft, various Chinese New Years inc 1969 Cockerel, 70 Dog, 71 Pig etc (100+), few others inc 1st Flight HK to UK 1946 cover. Few early mixed condition. Some U-FU, mainly VF MUH. SG STC approx £2000 = A$4000. (1000+, 10 M/S, 110 covers). | SOLD at A$275 | ||
667![]() Click for more photos | India: MUH Dealer's stock 1984-2019 on hagners strength in 1999 on, an extensive & attractive array of sets + M/Sheets with extras, good thematic content inc cricket, birds, etc. Largely VF fresh. Marked retail $2000+ (1400+, 390 M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
668![]() Click for more photos | India - Feudal States: 1866-1949 collection/accumulation in s/book inc Bhopal 1870s-90s Embossed inc 1872 ½a, 1903 ¼a sheet of 16. Officials to 1R, Alwar 1877-1901 Daggers, Charkhari from 1890s Daggers to 4a. 1909-19 Crossed Swords perf & imperf. 1931 Pictorials to 3R. Cochin from 1892 inc useful 1900s-40s Rajah issues plus Officials. Jaipur from 1911 Chariots, Jammu & Kashmir from 1866 circular issues. Kishangarh from 1899 inc 1904 Rajah set to 1R. Sirmoor from 1892, Travancore from 1888 inc Officials. Most G-VF M/U. SG est cat £4100++ = A$8200+. (1635). | SOLD at A$700 | ||
671![]() Click to enlarge photo | Indonesia: 1997 Minerals M/Sheet of 9, plus label (SG 2312(var) cat £1050), 1996 Rhino M/S of 8 stamps (100), SG 2267a £650, 1996 Sports Week M/S set of 2 with Istanbul 96 opts (SG MS2266, £650), 1998 Anti-Drug sheetlet of 8 Tete-Beche prs (SG 2415a, £1120), 1998 Juvalex & Singpex M/S (100 of ea, £825). 1999 'Australia 99' 5000Rp M/S (100, £350). Fresh MUH in neat bundles of 100. Total SG £4645 = A$8400. Zonnebloem €3560 = A$5900. (800) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
675![]() Click for more photos | Interesting mixed range in 3 albums & sheet file largely M. Inc Germany/Allied Occupation French general issues inc 1947 1Mk Goethe (18), 2Mk Schiller (20), 5Mk Heine (16) in blks largely MUH (cat £350), also Saar 1947 issues in blks, Iran 1909 4Kr, 10Kr, 15Kr, 1919 opts to 12Ch, '1925' Surch 1Kr green (19) & others (cat £600+). Also Iran, India, Nepal random issues in sheets, also French Colonies noted Wallis & Futuna 1985-87 Shells in sheets of 25 & others cat £300+. Russian Civil War Neighbouring Republic issues noted Azerbaijan 1923 Arms h/s selection, Transcaucasian Republic inc 1923 Star Surch on Arms opt inc 1R (7) M with extras, also Pic sets in qty MUH, Georgia 1923 Surch issues on Russian Arms with many extras, opts on Soviet Republic inc 10,000r/1000r, 20,000/500r c50 ea MUH & other Surch in qty. Swaziland 1938 KGVI to 10/-, Tuva 1926-35 inc 1932 opt to 15K, 1935 Airmails to 5t, 1934 Pics & more. Largely VF, total cat £3700+. (1800+, 5 M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$160 | ||
677![]() Click for more photos | Israel: 1948-2011 huge collection on exhibition annotated pgs & in 4 s/books. 1948 Doar Ivri 1st Coins 3p-50p on FDC, plus vals to 50p on Airmail cover to Australia, 1949 Road to Jerusalem 250p with tab, plus control blk of 4, 1949 Flag 20p with tab, 1949 Petah Tikva 40p with left & right tabs. New Year set with tabs. 1950 2nd Coin set with tabs, 1949 UPU set with tabs, 1950 Air set to 250p with tabs, 1950 Camel 500p with tab, 1952 Menorah 1000p with tab. Collection then appears comp, all with tabs, plus M/S were issued. F-VF fresh MUH with some early used (90%+ MUH). SG cat £6900+ = A$13,800+. (2100+ 100 M/S & 45 covers/FDCs) | AVAILABLE at A$1100 | ||
681![]() Click for more photos | Japan 1870-2004 collection on VF illustrated hingeless pgs in 7 albums with s/cases to 1996 & then loose in pkts, range of earlies inc 1872-20s, 1876-92 various to 8s, 1884 Silver Wedding 5s, 1939 National Park M/S, 1975-85 seems fairly comp, 1986-90 about 50% comp, later issues loose in pkts not filed. Opportunity to acquire extensive illustrated Japanese albums. Numerous M/S, many sets, all different. Albums probably retail $700+. Mainly F-VFU, some VF MUH inc M/S. (1000+, 40+ M/S). | SOLD at A$300 | ||
685![]() Click for more photos | Kiribati: 1979-2005 collection/accumulation in 4 s/books, 1979 & 80 sets to $5, 1981 OKGS opt set to $5, 1982 Birds set to $5, Specimen set to $5, 1990 Fish to $5, 1993 Tarawa set sheetlets, 1994 Butterflies to $5 & Specimen set to $5, 2002 Fish to $10. Fairly comp, many comp sets, range of M/S, strong in Specimen opts, good thematics Fish, Butterflies etc, some variety inc 1985 Reef Fish inc wmk. Mainly fresh VF MUH, few U/CTO sets. SG cat £1400= A$2,800. FV A$1400+, both plus Specimens. (1400+,130+ M/S) | SOLD at A$400 | ||
688![]() Click for more photos | Large carton inc Great Art Stamps of the World with 108 FDC 1978-81 inc comp sets in 'International Council of Museums Foundation' custom album (original cost ca.$500. Then more FDC with 150 Australian/AAT 1980s-90s Pic/Commem sets & odd M/sheet in 2 bags, plus EXPO 88 set in folder. Then stamps with Australia 1920s-60s M/MUH collection in black s/book, Africa Pics/Commems/Thematics in thick blue s/book, plus Tokelau $1 & Vanuatu 95c 1997 Diana Memorials, 100 of ea in MUH sheets of 50 FV A$180+. Jersey collection to 1987 in KABE hingeless album with 60 MUH Pic/Commem sets inc 1969 Defs to £1, other QEII to £5, plus 1941/43 Pics set of 8 to 3d (total SG cat £140). Norfolk Is near comp to 1974 UPU M/sheet in springback album inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Defs to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Local Govt 2/8 & Defs set to 10/- Bird, 1966 opt set, 1967 Ships, 1969 Birds to $1 & most other Pic/Commem sets (160, retail $240). PNG 1952-85 collection inc 1952 Defs to £1 Fisherman, 1963 Pics to £1 QEII, 1964 Birds to 10/-, 1966 Butterflies to $2 & 110 other Pic/Commem sets, mixed M/MUH/U. Also 1973 RW & 1974 Churchill British Commonwealth Omnibus MUH collections. | AVAILABLE at A$375 | ||
689![]() Click for more photos | Large British Commonwealth carton lot with Australia Die Proof replica Card group (10, ACSC cat $80), 1969-75 PO Pack collection (45, retail $450) inc 1969-75 Christmas comp & 1970, 71 Selected Issue packs, Seven Seas 1982-98 hingeless leaves for booklets only, 1940s, 60s pre-decimal cnr/imprint blks of 4 (55), 1974-89 collection inc to $10 Gardens in 40 hagners, Canada 1890s-40s collection on loose pgs, plus collection extras in Chinese s/book. NZ 1890s-1970s collection (100s) in springback album. More British Pacific inc Norfolk Is 1947-98 with 80+ Pic/Commem sets inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/-, 1953 Defs to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird (2 sets), 1966 opts to $1 (5 sets), 1967 Ships to $1 (6 sets), 1969 Birds to $1 (7 sets) inc blks of 4 & others to $8 1997 Stamp Anniv. Seven Seas Christmas Is 1958-85 hingeless album with scattered contents. Tokelau $1 & Vanuatu 95c 1997 Diana Memorial MUH (100 of ea, FV A$180) in sheets of 50. Then more MUH Vanuatu with 35 1990s MUH Pic/Commem sets, plus 18 M/Sheets. 10 albums in large carton & as always variable condition throughout but mostly F-VF. (many 100s) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
690![]() Click for more photos | Large carton with Australia 1969-75 near comp PO Pack collection (50) inc 1969-75 Christmas comp, 1970 & 71 Selected Issues & Aust Terr Packs to early 1970s (retail $480+). Australian Phonecard accumulation inc 1990 Adelaide Grand Prix $5 Packs (3) & Nauru Com Card $10 Mice pr (10 sets UN, FV $200). Australia Territories disorganised MUH/U accumulation (few 100) inc AAT 1966 Pic sets (5) to $1 Mock Sun & 2 1973 Def PO Packs, Christmas Is 1958 QEII sets MUH (2), plus M & CTO 1963 Pics to $1 Bird blks of 4 MUH & 1968 Fish to $1 blks of 4 MUH. Norfolk Is 1967 Ships to $1 blks of 4, plus 2 PO Packs, 1969 Birds PO Packs (2), plus set CTO, 1974 UPU M/Sheet (2), 1987 Scenes to $5, 1997 Explorers to $5, plus other MUH Pic sets. PNG M/Sheets for 1992 Columbian, 1993 Bangkok, 1994 Phila Korea & 1995 Singapore Exhib (5 of ea MUH), est retail $110. Australia 1991 (Jan) to 2006 (Dec) Seven Seas hingeless leaves in VGC (new retail $400). British Commonwealth collection in 1950s springback binder with 1946 Victory sets (45), Canada Pics & 1953 QEII Coronation odds. Australia 1988 First Fleet Limited Edition artists print, plus issued set in Commem folder. Lastly Airmails of the World Stamp Collection MUH collection on 108 artist drawn cards in unique custom-made album with estimated New Issue cost around $180. Large carton. | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
693 | M/MUH/U carton lot. A little messy but an intriguing mix of World inc Austria range from new issue service 1980s-1990s MUH, & others M/U, Aust Dep, Pacific Is selection Rowland Hill, Moscow Olympic extra, also old-time album & much more. All in well filled large carton. (1000s) | SOLD at A$180 | ||
695![]() Click for more photos | Malay area: 1890s-2000s inc Kelantan 1911 Arms $2 blk of 4 MUH, Japanese Occup Straits KGVI 5c brown with large boxed red h/s UN (£900), Perlis 1951 8c red blk of 9 MLH/MUH, Sarawak & Singapore 1948 Silver Wedding sets M/MUH (£148) -tropicalised, some year 2000 stamps & M/S, Circuit book with 1964 Flowers U (100), some modern post 2000? With colour shifts & double prints etc varieties (15). Then M/U range of pre 1955 inc Johore (26), Negri Sembilan (12), FMS (5), Pahang (17), Perak (66) etc SG cat £850+ inc Straits Settlements (125). Total SG cat £2000+. (25). | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
697![]() Click for more photos | Miniature Sheets: 1980s-1990s MUH collection on Illustrated leaves various European countries, noted Finland, France, Monaco, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Ukraine & others. C.335 diff. High cost & VF. (335) | SOLD at A$250 | ||
698![]() Click for more photos | Mixed Carton Lot with collection/accumulation in albums & hagners inc Sarawak 1945 BMA opt set to $5 VFM, Hong Kong 1980s QEII Defs to $50 Grey F-VFU, British Commonwealth 1980s-90s Christmas commem sets (100+), plus other Thematic types. Also Australian 1980s Postal & maxicards. World collection in thick KABE s/book, AAT & GB collection in another 2 s/books plus Australia on/off paper mixes in plastic bags. All neatly packed into single carton. (1000s) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
699![]() Click for more photos | Mixed collection carton lot with France 1976 Collection Historique de Timbre Poste Francais with 42 Die Proofs individual printed on pgs with descriptive text above & issued stamps CTO at left, all in Official PO Deluxe slipcase album. Olympics Pictorial Packs of 60 diff (50, with 3000 stamps in total). Australia 1970s PPC (100) in 2 binder & Royal Aust Armoured Corp Commem cover collection in black binder. Aust Terr/Pacific Is MUH collection with 140 Pic/Commem sets & over 30 M/Sheets in 65 well filled hagners inc Christmas Island 1958, '63 & '68 Def sets to $1, plus Australia, Fiji, Pitcairn, PNG, Nauru & Samoa. Also 1997 Diana Memorial Pics for Bahamas, Tokelau & Vanuatu (100 of ea, FV A$200) in comp sheets. Aust Post 1990s Topical Books (4, retail $60) inc ANZAC Tradition, Our Pets & Creatures of the Night. Finally Norfolk Is 1947-74 M/MUH collection (retail $200) inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Defs to 10/- Bird & all dec Pic/Commem sets to 1974 UPU. Big carton. | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
700 | Mixed world collections/accumulation in 4 albums or s/books, plus many loose. Australia Pre-decimal MLH-MUH with some pre-war, also FDCs, PSEs & loose Mess to late 1980s (few 1000). Belgium 1910 to 1960s on leaves (cat £200). Ireland 1929-1975 on leaves inc 1953 Festival, set 1953 Emmet Anniv, 1960 Europa set, plus various others (cat £300). Spain 1850s-1870s selection inc 1851 6r blue U, 1854 6r Blue U (remainder cancel) & 1854 Officials 1L on blue QV. USA 1850s-1970s inc 1851-61 10c U (pen cancel), 1893 Columbians to 10c, 1851-61 30c UN, 1901 Pan-Am set, 1912 Parcel Post $1, plus others (cat £1100), also qty of used off paper, United Nations/Vienna 1979-84 MUH/CTO in blks of 4 many extras, cat £1000. Also few empty albums inc Lighthouse binders, Great Britain 1970-79 in Lindner album mostly empty. Many others F-VF. (5000++) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
701![]() Click for more photos | Mostly South East Asia collection/accumulation inc Laos, Vietnam selection cat £100, Thailand inc 1991-98 New Year M/sheets, 1994, 95, 96 Year Books, also range of sets, Pics & Defs cat c£400, Indonesia inc 1970s-90s President Suharto Defs in qty, Macao 1985 Museum strip of 4 (2) (cat £110), Taiwan selections. Also some Japan, North Korea & others. F-VFM & U. (Few 1000s) | SOLD at A$100 | ||
703![]() Click for more photos | Neat carton lot with Official Collection of World Wildlife FDC with 108 covers in custom-made green album. Huge original costs. Australia 1973-79 WCS FDC collection (60) inc 1974 Painting trio, 1979 Paintings $5 & Pic/Commem sets or singles in mini album, plus 100 Official PO FDC to 1982 in another 2 albums. Australia 1930s-60s pre-decimals in thick blue s/book inc 1936 SA Cent sets (2), 1940 AIF to 6d (2), 1949 Arms £1 blk of 4 U, 12 1940s Commem imprint blks of 4 MUH (cat $140+), plus others. More Australia in brown s/book with Kangaroos (200) to 2/-, KGV (110) to 5d brown inc perf OS 4d blue (4) & 2d brown. Also KGVI to 10/- Robes & some Aust States. 4 large Chinese s/books with more Australia, 1970s British Pacific Is collection in 2 Chinese s/book & GB QEII Machins, Pics, Commems (100s) in the 4th. More GB to 1981 RW in medium springback album inc 1887 QV to 1/- green, 1902 KEVII to 1/- bi-colour, 1910 KEVII to 2/6 violet, 1912-34 KGV to 5/-, 1937 KGVI 2/6- £1 set of 6 & QEII dec to £5 blue (SG cat £950). Finally PNG 1980s-90s MUH Commem sets (16) mostly blks of 10 inc 1982 Coral to 3K. Large carton. (1000) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
704![]() Click for more photos | Netherlands: 1852-1964 collection in Schaubek album. 1852-64 King set to 15c imperf. 1867-69 King set to 50c. 1869-71 King Arms to 2.50G. 1891-96 Princess to 5G. 1898-1907 Queen & Numeral to 5G. 1906 Anti TB set. 1913 Centenary to 2½G. 1914-25 Queen to 5G. Useful 1920s-30s Child Welfare sets. 1949-51 Queen to 10G. Postage Dues 170s 5c & 10c. Also 1983 Netherlands Catalogue. Mostly G-VF M/U. SG cat £3800+ = A$7600+. (750) | AVAILABLE at A$220 | ||
705![]() Click for more photos | Netherlands: 1890s-1990s disorganised collection/accumulation on leaves or hagners inc 1864 15c orange FU, other earlies, 1906 Anti TB sets (2), 1913 to 1g, 1923 Culture Fund, 1923 Anniv to 1g U. Also 1930s-50s range of Cultural Fund, Child Welfare Fund & other similar Charity sets M, 1969 Queen to 10G MUH, plus many Defs Used on leaves. Also booklets 1994-98 & others inc some Neth New Guinea F-VF. SG cat £1500+ = A$3000. (1200+) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
706![]() Click for more photos | Netherlands: 1906-2005 collection in 2 thick binders with many Charity-related sets M & U inc 1906 Anti TB set, 1923 Culture Fund, 1924-40 Child Welfare sets inc duplicated issues, 1927 Red Cross, 1928 Olympics, 1932 Tourist set, 1933 Seamen's Shanty FU, 1938 Child Welfare set on FDC, 1942 Legion Fund M/sheets M, 1950 Bombed Churches set, 1950 Culture Fund set, 1951 Culture Fund set on FD card. 1951-52 & 1954-59 Child Welfare sets all on FDC (high cat value). Comprehensive range of later sets & M/Sheets mostly MUH, often with accompanying FDC. Largely VF cat £2900, plus FDCs €900 = A$7200. (750, 27 M/S, 45 covers) | SOLD at A$240 | ||
711![]() Click for more photos | New Hebrides: 1897-1980s collection on pgs inc 1897 New Hebrides Co Local Post 1d & 2d. 1908-10 opt KEVII to 6d. 1925 Dual Currency to 5/-. 1938 Gold Currency to 1Fr. Then Vanuatu 1980 Map to 500 marginal cnr prs. Mostly F-VF M/MUH/U. SG cat £670+. (285) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
712![]() Click for more photos | New Zealand 1860s-1980 on Seven Seas pages in 2 binders with others on hagners inc 1860s QV to 1/-. 1870s QV to 5/-, 1898 2½d Wakitipu incorrect spelling, 1907 1/- red, 1930s Arms to 30/- inc 11/- on 11/- surch (cat £225), 1935 Pictorials to 3/- then range to 1980s. 1899 Postage Dues to 5d, small range of Samoa, inc Samoa Express. Reprints to 5/-, provisional Govt & Surcharge opt & 1890s Palms to 2/6, 1886 Bisect 1/- Palm on piece with Apia 1895 cds, various officials, few covers & M/S. Value is in early period. Some varied condition. Mainly G-VFU, some VF M/MUH. SG STC £3800+ = A$7600. (1200+) | SOLD at A$300 | ||
713![]() Click for more photos | New Zealand: 1862-1995 collection in Davo illustrated album with 1862 Full Face Queens 1d (2), 3d & 6d. 1874 QV 1d, 2d, 6d & 1/-. 1882 2nd Side Face to 1/-, 1898 Pics (33) to 2/- with extras 1909 KEVII to 1/-. 1915 KGV near comp to 1/-, 1920 Victory set, 1926 2/- & 3/- Admirals. Healths 1929, 1930 Nurses. 1931 Smiling Boys 1d & 2d, 1935, KGV SJ set 1953 QEII to 10/- blue. 1960 Pics to £1 Geyser, comprehensive decimals to $20 inc 1967 & 1968 Pic sets to $2 Geyser. Then 1931-35 Airmails set of 8 inc 5d in 3d green & 7d Faith in Australia F-VFU. Official inc KEVII 6d, 8d & 1/-, 1915 KGV (9) to 1/- & 1940 Centennial rev comp to 1/-. Lighthouses (22) comp 1947-81 & small collection Ross Dependency. All fresh & clean, generally F-VFU. Est retail NZ$4000. (1300, 25 M/S) | SOLD at A$220 | ||
714![]() Click for more photos | New Zealand: 1865-1986 collection in locally made illustrated album with 1860s QV Chalons (5) to 6d brown inc 2d orange & 3d lilac. 1898 Pics to 2/- Milford Sound. 1901 Boer War 1½d brown. 1906 Christchurch Exhibition ½d & 1d. 1909 KEVII to 1/- inc Official opts 1920 Victory set. 1926 Admirals 2/- blue. 1931 Airmail trio to 7d brown. 1935 Pics to 3/- inc Official opts to 2/-. 1940 Centenary in Official opts to 1/-. 1954 QEII set to 10/-. 1960 Pic set to £1 & 1967-81 decimals inc higher val Commems. Health rev comp inc 1929 & 1930 Nurses. Then BOB with Arms to £1 inc 3/6 Surcharges, 5/- opt Official & 15/- olive, plus Revenues, Officials & Lighthouses. Some mixed condition, generally G-FU. NZ retail $2050. (800) | AVAILABLE at A$240 | ||
715![]() Click for more photos | New Zealand: 1874-1964 collection in Campbell-Patterson illustrated album with 1874 QV Sideface (5) to 1/- green. 1882 2nd QV (22) to 1/- chestnut inc 1d rose, 2d violet (2) & 3d yellow rev Adverts. 1899 Pics (34) to 5/- My Cook inc ½d, 2d, 3d, 2/- opt Official. 1909 KEVII set to 1/-, plus Official opts (10) inc 3d (2), 8d (2) & 1/- (2). 1915 KGV Engraved (24) to 1/- G/FU, plus 4d, 6d, 8d, 9d, 1/- opt Official M (retail $700). 1927 Admirals 2/- & 3/- F-VFU & 2/- opt Official M ($550). 1935 Pic set to 2/- opt Official. 1953 QEII to 5/- U & Officials to 3/- M. 1958 2d opt on 1½d Stars M (retail $250). 1960 Pic set to £1 U. Then Commems to 1964 inc 1906 Christchurch Exhibition 1d, 3d, 6d M ($700), 1913 Auckland Exhib ½d U ($60), 1919 Victory set, 1940 Centenary sets to 1/- inc Official opts, 1903 & 1939 6d Express Delivery stamps, 1908 Victoria Land opt on 1d Dominion VFU. 1931-35 Airmails set of 8. 1944 Lighthouses ½d, 1d, 1d, 2d, 3d & 6d rose set of 6 M ($80), Postal Fiscals to £1 Arms. Finally Healths near comp to 1962 inc 1931 1d & 2d Smiling Boys. A solid basic mostly F/VF/M/U collection inc some extras. NZ retail $6000+. (600) (P) | SOLD at A$600 | ||
719![]() Click to enlarge photo | New Zealand: 1984-97 Year Albums, comp ex 1986, FV $635. Also 1984-90 again ex 1986, FV $185. Total FV NZ$820. | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
723![]() Click for more photos | New Zealand: Collection 1855-2013 in 6 large Seven Seas binders (hingeless pgs 1953 on, retail $1200) inc 1855 QV Chalon imperf 6d yellow-brown, no wmk (retail $400). 1882 QV 2/- blue Postal Fiscal opt Official. 1898 Pics to 2/- inc Official opts to 6d. 1908 KEVII to 1/-. 1915 KGV to 1/- inc Official opts. 1919 Victory set of 7. 1931 Arms £1 pink & £3 green. 1931 Health 2d blue Smiling Boy. 1940 Centennial set. 1954 QEII Defs to 10/-. 1960 Pics to £1. Then strength in decimals (100s) inc 1967 Pics to $2 Geyser, 1970s-80s Pic/Commem sets, 1990s-2013 Exhibition M/Sheets inc 1994 Hong Kong, 1995 Singapore, 1996 CANPEX pr, 1999 World Expo & others to 2013 Upper Hutt National. Also over-size sheetlets inc 2006 Hawkes Bay, 2009 A Tiki Tour, 2011 Beyond the Coast & 2012 Tiki Tour No 2. Generally G-VFU to 1980, then mostly fresh CTO to Christmas 2013. Estimated retail $1500 to end 1966, plus $5600 for the decimals & another $1200 for the 6 albums. Also Ross Dependency collection. Total $8500+. (many 100s) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
724![]() Click for more photos | New Zealand First Flight covers 1934-51 inc March 1934 by Kingsford Smith or April Charles Ulm flights, Apr 1940 Flying boat pictorial cover, 1950 Inc Canterbury Centenary various frankings inc set & more. AAMC cat $390. (12). | SOLD at A$140 | ||
727![]() Click for more photos | New Zealand - Niue: 1930s-2000s collection on 90 hagners in 3 binders, noted 1944 set to 3/-, 1950 set to 3/-, 1984 Flowers to $8.20, 1986 Stampex comp to $4.25, 1992 Birds to $15 & opt OHMS to $15, various comp sets, many M/S. VF fresh & some earlies MLH, decimal issues VF fresh MUH. SG cat £1500. Huge FV of $2200 = A$3000+. Excellent lot, almost all diff. (1000+, 260+ M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
728![]() Click for more photos | Nigeria: 1887-2000 used collection on pages in 2 binders & loose on hagners inc Lagos 1876-1906 inc 1887 QV to 1/-, 1904 KEVII to 1/-, Northern Nigeria 1900-12 inc 1902, 1905, 1910 & 1912 KEVII to 1/-, Southern Nigeria 1901-12 inc 1905 & 1907 KEVII to 2/6, 1914 Crown Colony to 10/- inc some shades, 1936 KGV to 5/-, 1938 KGVI to 5/- with shades & perfs, 1953 QEII set to £1, 1961 & 65 sets to £1. Seems fairly comp 1970-2000 inc M/S. Noted Biafra 1968 Independence FDC. Mainly G-VF U. SG cat £1800+. (1000+20 M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$325 | ||
729![]() Click for more photos | Norfolk Island: 1947-74 near comp MUH collection with 1947 Ball Bay set of 18 to 2/- blue inc ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d white paper (SG cat £190), 1953 Pics set (5/- brown tiny rev spot), 1958-60 Surcharge set, 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird, plus extra 10/- with thin central SPECIMEN opt & all other pre-dec inc 2/8 Local Govt. Decimals to 1974 UPU M/Sheet inc 1966 opt, 1967 Ships & 1969 Bird sets except for the 5/- brown, all fresh MUH. SG cat £400, retail $60 (retail $600). (148, plus M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
731![]() Click for more photos | Norfolk Island: 1958-71 MUH accumulation inc blks & prs. 1962-63 Fish set in blks/control blks of 4. 1967-68 Ship sets to $1. 1970-71 Bird sets to $1. Also selection of Cocos Is 1965 Christmas 5d blks. VF fresh MUH. SG cat £320+. (590) | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
732![]() Click for more photos | Norfolk Island: 1947-2010 Used collection in 3 s/books inc 1947-59 Ball Bay set to 2/-. 1953 Pic set to 5/-. 1960-62 Pic Def set to 10/-. 1966 Decimal opt set to $1. 1967 Ship set to $1. 1970-71 Bird set to $1. 1979 Map set, plus M/S. 1976-77 Butterfly set to $2. 1980-81 Air set to $5. 1987-88 Views set to $5. 1990-91 Ship set to $5. Collection then appears comp for Defs & Commems inc M/S. From 2006 inc blks or gutter blks for ea set. VF U/CTO. SG cat £1800+ = A$3600+. FV alone is $1000+ & moderns purchased as new issues at above FV, plus high retail of earlies. (2700+, 55 M/S, 15 bklts). | SOLD at A$450 | ||
735![]() Click for more photos | Norfolk Island: 1947-2011 FDC Extensive Collection on 240+ hagners in 7 binders, commencing with 1947 Ball Bay set to 2/-, various Pre-Decimal, Decimal Currency set to $1, 1967 Ships, 1971 Birds to $1, UPU Centenary M/S (x2), 1980 Planes to $2 (x2), 1987 Scenes, 1990 Ships, 1994 Pacific Explorers, 2002 Phillip Is Flowers all to $5, wide range most issues from 1970s included. 1980s PSE collection (70) with both UN & FDI of ea. VF fresh. Norfolk FDC collections are not often seen. (550+ covers). | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
737![]() Click for more photos | Norfolk Island: 1967-68 Ships set 1c-$1 in a special presentation packs (8). VF fresh MUH. SG 77-90 cat £84. (8 sets) | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
738![]() Click to enlarge photo | Norfolk Island:: 1967-68 Ships set 1c-$1, 10 sets. VF fresh MUH. SG 77-90 cat £105. (140). | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
750![]() Click for more photos | Pacific Collection 1870s-1980s inc Gilbert & Ellice 1938 KGVI to 5/-, New Caledonia 1930s to 5F, Cook Is 1902 Bird to 6d, 1936 5/- NZ Arms opt Cook Islands, Pitcairn Is 1940 KGVI to 2/6, 1957 QEII to 2/6 both M & U, Samoa 1877 Samoa Express 1d, 3d, 6d unissued 2d & 9d offered as is (SG cat £1400) Western Samoa opt on 2/6, 5/- NZ Fiscal stamps, British Solomon Is 1939 KGVI to 5/-. Various comp sets inc 1993 Crabs, Tonga from 1890s inc 1920 Queen to 1/-, various Gold foil issues, range of M/S, covers throughout. Some light duplication, mostly F-VF M/U. SG cat £2000+ = A$4000+. (3000+, 20 M/S, 20 covers). | SOLD at A$200 | ||
751![]() Click for more photos | Pacific Islands collection inc New Caledonia 1892-mid 1970s mostly Used inc 1928 Defs to 5F, 1928 Postage Dues to 3F, 1966/70 Birds to 37F with extras, 1967 Butterflies, 1968 Shells to 60F often with part set extras, then similar Pics/Commems also with extras, cat £950. Norfolk Is 1947-90s inc 1947 Ball Bay set of 12 to 2/- brown blks of 4, 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge M, 1960 Defs to 10/- Bird, plus extra 10/- opt SPECIMEN, 1960 Local Govt, 1966 Surch set MUH (2 sets), 1974 UPU M/sheet MUH. Then later issues FV $64. Pitcairn Is 1957-93 inc 1977 to $2 QEII (5 sets) mid 1970s-93 FV $135. Samoa 1962-80s MUH inc modern FV $40, Tuvalu 1979-89 inc 1989 Bird Officials (4 sets), 1981 Defs/Officials (5 sets), 1981 Defs (3 sets) FU/CTO cat £140 & various others. F-VF. (c1000+) | AVAILABLE at A$140 | ||
752![]() Click for more photos | Papua: 1901-41 mint collection with Lakatoi BNG horiz wmk to 1/- inc ½d thin paper (SG cat £350), vertical wmk to 2½d, 1906 Large Papua opts horiz wmk 1/- & 2/6, vert wmk to 6d, small opt vert wmk set of 8 to 2/6. 1907-10 Large Papua set to 2/6. 1911 mono-colours set to 2/6 inc 1d both perfs, 1916-31 (29) to 5/- inc many extra shades, 1929-30 Airmail opts, 1917 One Penny surch mono-colours set, 1931 surch (5), 1932 Pictorial set to 10/- inc both ½d, then 1934 Declaration, 1935 Jubilee, 1937 Coronation, 1938 Declaration & 1939 Air sets. Fresh M/MLH mostly nice facial appearance, some reverse adhesions or thins, dark gum etc. SG cat £2700+ = A$5400. (143) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$700 | ||
753![]() Click for more photos | Papua: 1901-41 used collection inc 1901 wmk horiz ½d to 1/- (SG 1-7), 1906 Large Papua to 2/6, 1907 Small Papua wmk vert ½d to 2/6 comp, 1907-10 various to 2/6, 1916 Lakatoi to 5/- with various shades, 1920s-30s various opts, 1932 Pics to 5/-, then comp to 1941, some interesting pmks particularly on the earlies inc Daru, Buna, several versions of Samarai. G-VF U. SG cat £2400+ = A$4800. (130+) (P) | SOLD at A$525 | ||
755![]() Click for more photos | Papua New Guinea 1952-2000 MUH collection in two hagner albums, inc 1952 Pics to £1 Fisherman, 1963 Defs to QEII £1, 1964 Birds to 10/- & all other Pre-Decimal Pics & Commems, comprehensive Decimals with 170 more Pic/Commem sets inc vals to K10 Birds plus 19 M/Sheets to 2000 Sydney Olympics inc 1990s Philatelic Exhibition emissions. All fresh MUH. Retail $600 to end 1975, total $1000+. | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
756![]() Click for more photos | Papua New Guinea: Near comp MUH collection 1952-end 2004 in 2 VGC Seven Seas hingeless albums (new retail $450). Pre-decimals to 1965 inc 1952 Defs to £1 Fisherman MLH, 1958 Pics to 5/- Coffee MUH inc 1/7, 2/5 Cattle, 1963 Defs to QEII £1, 1964 Birds to 10/- & all the other pre-dec Pic/Commem VF MUH (retail $300). Then 190 Pic/Commem sets 1966-2004 & 36 M/S (retail $2100), plus MUH 2005-15 M/Sheets & Pics (FV 140K), total of A$2900. | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
767![]() Click for more photos | Quantity in carton with WWF 1990s-2000s MUH/FDC sets (9) inc Cocos Is Reef Sharks, Black Woodpecker, Cuban Crocodile & River Gorilla in distinct black binder. PNG 1980s-90s Pic/Commem sets (18) mostly blks of 10 inc 1987 Ships to 3K. 1997 Diana Memorial, Bahamas 15c, Vanuatu 95f & Tokelau $1, 100 of ea (FV A$200) fresh MUH in sheets of 50. Australia 1940s-50s imprint blks of 4 (72) inc to 2/6 Aborigine all evenly suntanned M/MUH, min ACSC cat $550, plus 1972 Olympics sets (30) & 1972 Christmas 35c (20) in large blks. 1978-82 PO Postcard Packs set of 4 (retail $100). Australia 1968-78 FDC collection (112) inc to $10 Painting. NZ 1950s-80s FDC collection (60) inc Ross Dep pre-dec Pics & 1981 Bee Hive $5 (5). World collection in 4 European made s/books inc Japan MUH pics, Germany post WWII Allied Occup sets, East Germany Pics, British Pacific Is inc Tuvalu 1982 RV M/Sheets (10) opt SPECIMEN & Indonesia 1996 Marsupial booklets (10). France high val Airmails to 1000Fr, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Australia decimals, Greece, Russia Pics & World Thematics, plus 100 Olympic Packs of 30 diff. Large carton. (few 1000) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
768![]() Click for more photos | Revenue/Cinderella/Local Post collection in s/book inc Ceylon 1890s QV Foreign Bill (12). Alsace & Lorraine 1900-09 'Quittungscarte' cards (3) with 156 Social Security Revenues. Straits Settlements Embossed revenues to $5. Australia 1940s Tax Stamps (7) to 4/- & 1980s patent Office $50 & $100 Fee stamps. NSW Numeral Stamp Duties to £10 green in relief tax opts to £5 brown. Yemen 1930s Revenues (5 diff). West Aust Swan bi-colour Duty Stamps to 2/- brown. Cinderellas inc Aust Post 1971-75 Coil Strip Wrappers (6, cat $150), 2000 Olympics 45c Herb Elliott Essay colour reproduction of the comp unissued sheetlet of 10 stamps (now broken up). Philatelic Exhibition ephemera. Parramatta 1938 NSW 150th Anniv bi-colour labels (44). NZ 1994 Greenpeace Antarctica M/Sheets (2 diff), IMPERF Proof strip of 3. European 1930s Tourist Publicity labels sheetlets of 20 diff with Spain (5 diff) & Portugal (5 diff). GB 1973 50p Canada Life booklet cover Proof vert strip of 3 & 1940s Coil Machine Testing labels strip of 10 MUH. Local stamps inc NSW Railway Post M/Sheets (24) mainly imperf Proofs or with SPECIMEN opts. NSW 1950s tramways 6d blue Packet stamps (7). Norway 1860s-90s Local Post (Bypost) collection (30). Australia 1981 PO Strike XL circumvention $1 Airmail stamp sheet of 100, plus others in large s/book. | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
769![]() Click for more photos | Rhodesia & BSAC: 1892-1913 Mint collection. 1892-93 Arms £5 horiz pr. 1897 Large Arms to 8d. 1898-1908 Arms to £5 inc £5 superb horiz strip of 3 (with 2019 photo cert). 1909-12 'RHODESIA' opt Arms to 7/6. 1909-11 Surch set to 2/- to 5/-. 1910-13 KGV Double Head to 2/-. F-VF M/UN. SG cat £14,800+ = A$29,600+. (80) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1300 | ||
770![]() Click for more photos | Romania: 1860s-1970s collection in Lighthouse binder with slipcase & loose leaf album inc 1865 Prince Cuza to 20p, 1868 Prince Carol set to 18p, 1869 w/o beard set to 50b, 1872 to 50b then range to 1950s inc 1903 New PO to 50b, various Welfare Fund issues, Airs etc. Inc historical notes on Romania. Quite extensive collection. F-VF U/CTO particularly 1950s onwards, some F-VF MLH/MUH. SG cat £2600+. (2700+) | SOLD at A$350 | ||
772![]() Click for more photos | Russia & RSFSR 1857-1923 collection in as new Lighthouse hingeless album (Turn bar binder) with illustrated pages inc 1858 20k orange & blue, 1866 1k-5k, 1875 to 10k, 1900 to 10r, 1914 War Charity to 10k with various perfs, 1921 to 1000r, 1922 surch to 100,000r. Mostly VF MLH, VFU. SG cat £600+, plus album retail $500+. (120+) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
774![]() Click for more photos | Russia: 1908-18 Arms issues FULL SHEETS inc 35k with Plate No 2. 1R with '1910' inscription, plus 1R with Plate 9. 5k with plate 2. 14k with Plate 3. 20k with plate 1. 25R with '1908' inscription. Extra sheets throughout inc shades. Mostly VF fresh MUH, most with all 4 margins. Zverev STC US$6500+ = A$10,700. (32 sheets) | AVAILABLE at A$425 | ||
775![]() Click for more photos | Russia: 1983-90 attractive full sheets or large blks MUH. Thematics inc 1983 Aircraft (34 sets), 1983 Ships (60 sets), 1980 Trees (56), 1981 Flowers (30), 1984 Flowers (60), 1988 Flowers (41), 1985 Plants (36) sets, 1989 Bees (38 sets) & some others inc Dolphins, Space & Zeppelins. Largely VF MUH cat £3150 = A$6300. (3000+) | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
776 | Russia: Collection/stock in 5 binders inc 1947 1k Kremlin (43), 1954-58 25k Pilot (40). 25k Architect (45), 30k Scientist (38), 20k Farm Girl (42) in blks MUH, various sheetlets, M/Sheets MUH, then 1990 Marine (53 sets), 1990 Ducks (50 sets), 1990 Submarine (50 sets) MUH cat £2100+ = A$4200. Then several binders of retired & remaindered stock M&U. Retail $400. Mostly F-VF. (2000, 50 M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
777![]() Click for more photos | Samoa: 1880s-2014 collection on Seven Seas pgs in 2 binders inc early 1880s range of Palm Trees to 2/6 in various perfs inc Surcharges, Provisional Govt etc. Also range of Samoa Express to 5/-, offered 'as is' & not included in valuation. German Colonial Yachts to 3Mk, GRI opt ½d on 3pf (1 with no fraction bar), ½d on 5pf, 2½d on 20pf, 1916 NZ Fiscal stamps 2/- to 10/-, 1920 Victory set, various 1921 Native Huts to 1/-, 1935 NZ Fiscal Arms stamps 2/6 & 10/-, 1935 & 52 sets to 3/-. Reasonably comp from 1952-90s then some gaps later. Issues inc 2013 Threatened Species to $5 & opt Official, 2014 Threatened Species to $25 & opt Official. Earlies mostly U/FU, few flts in the 1880 period. Generally fresh VF MUH. SG cat pre 1970 £1100, 1971 & later £1400, total SG cat £2500+ = A$5000. (1200+, 80+ M/S) | SOLD at A$450 | ||
778![]() Click for more photos | Samoa 1890s-2014 Extensive Collection on 120 hagners in 4 binders inc 1899 opt Provisional Govt to 4d, NZ issues opt Samoa to 1/-, 1935 set comp to 3/-, 1952 comp to 3/-, & 1967 Birds set comp to $4, 1972 comp to $5 (x2). 1983 Fruit comp to $5, 1988 Birds comp to $20, 2014 Threatened Species opt Official comp to $25, 2015 Butterflies Express Letter stamps comp inc M/S to $75. Seems fairly comp from 1970s. Many thematic M/S. Mainly VF fresh MUH few earlies MLH. FV of moderns $2300 alone. (1400+, 140+ M/S) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
779![]() Click to enlarge photo | Samoa: 2006 50th Anniv of the 1st Europa Stamp set of 4 M/Sheets of 4 stamps (100 of ea). Fresh MUH. SG cat £1750. FV ST$7040 = A$3900. Mi cat €6000 = A$10,000. (400 M/S). | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
785![]() Click for more photos | Shipping carton with Australia 1980-86 FDC collections (140) all with 'Currie King Island' pictorial FDI pmks. Lighthouse 'BOGA1' mint sheet file (3) with misc Australia inc 1970 Grasslands 5c comp sheet, Newspaper Wrappers & Aerogrammes. Tokelau 1948-90 collection in blue springback album with 37 MUH Pic/Commem sets to 1990 Handicrafts (SG cat £70). Christmas Is MUH collection with 38 Pic/Commem sets to 1986 Flowers inc 1958 QEII & 1968 Fish sets to $1 & 1984 Birds to $4. Samoa 1962-86 near comp MUH collection in Seven Seas illustrated/hingeless album with 37 M/Sheet & 98 Pic/Commem sets inc 1962 Independence, 1967 Birds to $5, 1972 Wildlife to $5 Lizard & 1983 Fruit to $5. Also 1996-2015 Pics/Commems (FV $585 = A$330) inc 2015 Marine Life trio FV $63 & 2015 WWF Snake M/Sheet set of 4, 2014 Marine Life set to $25 Shark, 2013 Tequila Festival $30 M/Sheet & 2013 Bird set to $15. Singapore 1880s-1990s collection (300) with QV (23) to 50c, KEVII (34) to $1, KGV (54) to $1, plus 1935 Silver Jubilee set, KGVI (50) to $2 & QEII Def/Pic set to $10 Ships, Insects, Tourism & Trains. | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
788![]() Click for more photos | Solomon Islands: 1907-2013 collection in 2 s/books inc 1907 Large Canoes set to 1/-, 1908 Small Canoes set to 5/-, 1914 set to 2/6 with shades, 1922 set to 10/- with shades, 1939 KGVI to 10/-, 1956 QEII to £1, 1965 set to £1, 1966 decimal Surcharges wmk sideways to $2, 1968 set to $2, inc glazed paper set, 1987 Flowers set to $10, 2013 Fish set to $50, many M/S, there are a few early KGV plate numbers, quite comprehensive, many sets. Fresh VF MUH, some early used. SG cat £2900+ = A$5800. (1200+, 90+ M/S) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$550 | ||
795![]() Click for more photos | South Africa: 1850s-2000 ex dealer's stock in 10 s/books & a binder, inc various colonies with Cape of Good Hope 1853-64 Triangles 1d & 6d (2), 1864-84 Hope to 5/-, Natal 1859 QV 3d blue, various to 1902 KGVI to 2/6, others inc Orange Free State, Orange River Colony, Transvaal, Zululand. Also inc Basutoland, Bechuanaland Protectorate, Swaziland KGVI set to 10/-, Nyasaland KGV £1, Rhodesia & South West Africa. South Africa inc 1913 KGV to 10/- inc some inverted wmks, 1½d tete-beche pr, 1929 Air set inc 1/- (8) with various cds, 1926-54 to 10/- various bilingual prs, large number of higher values 2/6 (80+), 5/- (30+), 10/- (30+), range to 1980s inc some Homelands. This is a large accumulation with wmk inverted, perforation varieties, bilingual prs & varieties noted throughout, mainly comp sets. Mostly G-VF U, fresh VF MLH-MUH. SG cat £6500+ = A$13,000. (10,000 + 40 M/S) (P) | SOLD at A$400 | ||
796![]() Click for more photos | South Africa - Cape of Good Hope: 1864-1904 Mint collection inc 1864-77 Hope Seated 4d & 6d (2 shades) crown CC, with outer frame line. 1871-76 Hope Seated ½d, ½d wmk inverted, 1d & 4d, crown CC, no outer frame line. 1874-76 ONE PENNY on 1/-. 1879 THREE PENCE on 4d. 1880 3 on 3d. 1882-83 Hope Seated to 3d, wmk crown CA & 1884-90 to 6d, wmk Anchor. 1891 2½d on 3d. 1892 2½d green. 1893 1d on 2d, variety 'no stop'. 1893-1902 Hope Standing set. 1893-98 Hope Seated set to 5/-, plus ½d blk of 36. 1902-84 KEVII to 1/-. Mostly G-VF M/UN, some mixed. SG cat £3100+ = A$6200+. (80) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$425 | ||
797![]() Click for more photos | South Africa - Natal 1862-1902 small range in 1950s stock pages with 1862 wmk Star 1d (2), 1863 wmk CC 1d (2), 1859-62 no wmk 3d (15), 1861-63 6d grey (6), 1863-65 wmk CC 6d lilac (5), 6d violet (4), 1867 1/- green, 1870-73 opt Postage vert opt 1d (10), 3d opt Postage, 6d 1875-76 opt Postage horiz, 6d violet (17), 1/- (6), 1895 'Half' on 1d rose M (14), U (23), 1882-89 to 6d with extras. Usual old-time mixed condition, generally G-VFU. SG cat £2900+ = A$5800. (270) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
798![]() Click for more photos | South Africa Homelands 1981-90 collection/accumulation on Vario sheets/hagners in 3 binders covering Transkei, Venda, Bophuthatswana & Ciskei. Inc Bophuthatswana 1981-1985 values to 2R (200+), range of unaddressed covers PCs 1981-90 (70+) with values to 50c, Ciskei 1981-90 (200+), unaddressed covers & PCs 1981-90 (60+) inc some colourful PCs of Fish, Transkei 1981-1988 (300+), unaddressed covers & PCs 1981-90 (70+), Venda 1970-1980s (200+), unaddressed covers & PCs (60+). Beautifully written up with details of ea homeland & maps. Many comp sets. VFU/CTO, covers CTO. SG cat approx £800. (900+ estimate 250 sets & 250+ covers/PCs). | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
799![]() Click for more photos | Switzerland: 1854-1920s collection inc 1854-62 Strubeli to 40R. 1862-81 Sitting Helvetia to 1Fr, plus shades & papers inc 60c & 1Fr (3 U). 1882-1906 Standing Helvetia to 3Fr inc printings. 1900 UPU set to 25c. 1907-17 Helvetia to 3Fr. 1915 Pro Juventute 5c. 1918-22 Pro Juventute sets. Also 1992 Zumstein Swiss Catalogue. Mostly G-VFU, odd M. SG cat £4100+ = A$8200. (104) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
801![]() Click for more photos | Switzerland: 1850s-1950s convoluted, messy collection in older-style leaves inc 1854 10r & 15r Seated Helvetia imperf, 1860s-80s Seated Helvetia selection 1882-1903 Standing Helvetia perf 9½ 25c, 50c other perfs to 3Fr. 1900 UPU set U, 1924 Shield set, part set U. Various others & extras. Pro-Juventute inc 1920 set U, 1920s-30s sets/part sets & extras, 1929, 1930 set U. many useful, some mixed condition. Mostly F-VF. SG cat £2600+ = A$5200+. (800+) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
802![]() Click for more photos | Switzerland 1880s-1970s collection/accumulation on leaves or in hagners. Rather disorganised inc 1900 25c UPU (7), 1921 Surch selection, 1924 Shield value set M & Used (2). 1928 high vals set & 1928 3Fr red-brown (13) & others. 1932 Disarmament set, additional 1FR (7), 1935 Surch set, 1941 5Fr Air (7). Back of Book inc Pro-Juventute odds/sets, various others inc later issues. Mainly G-VFU. SG cat £1950 = A$3900. (1000) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
803![]() Click for more photos | Switzerland 1890s-1970s collection/accumulation on large leaves with strong range of Pro-Juventute Charities inc 1917 set, also 5c x 2, 1918 set M & 4 sets G-FU. 1919 2 sets FU, 1920 set M, 2 sets G-FU, 1933, 34, 35, 36 sets G-FU & later sets. Also 1915 850c Air M, 1932 Disarmament set, plus others, mostly G-VFU,some F-VFM. SG cat £1750+ = A$3500. (480) | AVAILABLE at A$140 | ||
806![]() Click for more photos | Thematics - Flowers/Orchids/Pics Carton Three. Another massive accumulation inc approx 900 covers/FDC/Commem envelopes/PO Packs/cards etc, plus large quantity of mostly MUH stamps, M/Sheets, sheetlets, sets & singles, with strong thematic content throughout, no heavy duplication. All fresh & clean. Total weight over 10kg. | SOLD at A$250 | ||
808![]() Click for more photos | Thematics: Flowers, Orchids & other Pics carton Five. Final massive accumulation offering inc approx 900 covers, FDC, commem envelopes, PO Packs etc plus large quantity of mostly MUH stamps, M/Sheets, sheetlets, sets & singles with strong thematic content throughout. No heavy duplication, all fresh & clean. Total over 10kg. | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
809![]() Click for more photos | Thematic Stamps-on-Stamps collection A-Z in s/books & binders mostly Mint but also inc some covers, Cinderellas etc. Noted Argentina 1979 Stamp Exhibition M/Sheet set of 4 SG 1646/49 (cat £172), Australia 1950s-c2000 sets & M/Sheets inc 1999 Navigators M/Sheet double perf & others FV $50, Belgium 1925 Anniv set M (cat £75), Brazil 1938-93 inc 1938 Exhibition M/Sheet, 1941 Stamp cent & M/S (2 of) 1941 Air, stamp cent M/S MUH & others (cat £240), China & Taiwan 1972-90s sets & M/Sheets (FV £110+), Cuba 1940-2000 inc 1955 Air Exhibition M/S, 1986-91 History MUH etc (cat £250+), France 1949-2000 inc 1949 10Fr Stamp Cent M & Used on Commem Postcard etc (cat £200), French Polynesia 1974-97 inc 1974 100Fr UPU, 1993 Officials set MUH etc (cat £160), Germany West 1949-80s inc 1949 Stamp Cent set MUH & on FDC, 1951 NBA set MUH etc (cat £400+), Hungary 1950-99 inc 1950 PO Museum set MUH, 1951 50th Anniv set, 1962 Stamp Day M/Sheet perf & imperf (2) MUH, 1965 Stamp Day set imperf & M/Sheet perf, imperf MUH, 1976 Italia M/Sheet perf & imperf MUH & others (cat £500), Italy 1951 Tuscany Stamp Cent MUH & Trieste set MUH & others (cat £170+), Japan 1921 50th Anniv set M(cat £360), Korea North & South sets & M/Sheets Mostly MUH (cat £160), Philippines 1954-98 inc 1954 Stamp Cent M/Sheet M, 1977 Espamer Amphilex, 1984 Ausipex, 1998 Exhibition set of 8 M/Sheet MUH etc (cat £200+), M/Sheet, 1943 Cent M/Sheet MUH etc (cat £260), Sweden 1955 Stamp Anniv set of 4 imperf & a range of imperf colour separations etc (30 diff) MUH, Uruguay 1921 Air opt set M (cat £30). These are but a selection of items, there are many other sets & M/Sheets not catalogued. With close to 4000 stamps + approx 1000 sets/issues & 780+ M/Sheets in total. A tremendous array largely VF. (3950+, 780 M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$700 | ||
812![]() Click for more photos | Thematics: Flowers/Orchids/Pics Carton One. Oversize shoebox with 1000s of 1970s-80s-90s MUH sheetlets, M/Sheets, Booklets, sets & singles, with wide variety throughout & limited duplication. Then another two shoeboxes with around 450 lightly duplicated FDC, maxicards, PO Packs & PSE inc Australia, GB, NZ, PNG, Singapore, South Africa & others. Large carton. Weight 9kg+. | SOLD at A$300 | ||
813![]() Click for more photos | Tonga Thematics: 2012 Niuafo'ou Butterflies set of 12 to $8, (50 imperf sets in sheets of 20 & panes of 10) FV T$2300 = A$1500, SG cat £2100. 2012 Niuafo'ou Titanic 100th Anniv $1360 M/Sheet (25 of each) both imperf & perf & $3.85 M/Sheet (50 of ea, imperf & perf). FV T$1060 = A$700 SG cat £1100, 2012 Democracy $27 M/S imperf (50) & normal (50), FV T$2700 = A$1800, SG cat £2800. All fresh MUH, total SG cat £5900 = A$11,800, FV A$4000! | AVAILABLE at A$230 | ||
815![]() Click to enlarge photo | Tonga: 2014 Birds $11.30, $16.90 & $28 set of 3 in se-tenant sheetlets. 30 sets in sheets of 6 sets. VF fresh MUH. FV T$3360 = A$2200. SG cat £2880 = A$5750. (10 sheetlets) | AVAILABLE at A$160 | ||
820![]() Click for more photos | Triple carton accumulation inc plastic tubs of mess with Germany 1860s-1990s inc 1945 12th Anniv set, Allied Zones Baden 1948-49 Views set, West Germany 1950-1990s inc 1950 10pf Bach, 1951 St Mary's set, 1951 Relief 30pf, 1952 Otto, 1952, 1954 & 1955 Relief sets, 1952 Hostels set & others U & 1953 Liebig. Then late 1980s-90s sets Christmas booklets. Berlin 1949-1954 inc 1949 Building 1mk to 5mk. 1952 Olympic set, 1953 Bell Clapper at centre set, 1951 20pf Lortzing, 1953 Uprising set, 1953 30pf Kaiser Church & others. SG cat £2300. Israel 1954-1968 selection inc 1960 Taviv M/Sheet MUH & FU, cat £210. Also some world sorted into take-away tubs noted. France & Switzerland. Also Australian covers inc 1980s FDC, plus business size envelopes franked 60c (200), $1.00 (240) & $1.10 (40), all ready for posting out (FV over $400). (large quantity). Mostly G-VFU, some F-VF M & MUH. | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
821![]() Click for more photos | Tristan da Cunha: 1952-2008 collection on KABE hingeless pgs & in mounts on plain pgs in 2 large loose leaf albums inc 1952 opt to 10/-, 1954 Island Scenes to 10/-, 1960 Marine Life to 10/-, 1961 Decimal Currency to 1R, 1963 Resettlement to 10/-, 1965 Ships to £1, 1972 Plants to £1, 1994 Ships to £5, 2000 Monarchs to £5, 2005 Birds to £5, also noted 1957 Postage Dues to 5d & (5) c1950-60 Tristan Postcards receiving & delivery mail, also set of 9 values ex 1960 'Potato' sheetlet to 1/-. Mostly comp. Many fresh VF MUH, some CTO, small number MLH. Pre-dec cat £350, dec cat £1250, FV £300. Total SG cat £1600 = A$3200. (900+, 50 M/S) | AVAILABLE at A$375 | ||
825![]() Click for more photos | Turkey & Middle East: 1865-1990s collection with Turkey 1865-70 Star & Crescent to 5Pi inc printings & Surch. 1876-90 to 5Pi. 1912 Red Crescent Charity Stamps. 1913 range of Pics to 10Pi. Bulgaria 1879 Lion Arms to 1Fr. Eastern Romelia 1884-85 Lion opt Crescent vals to 1Pi. Israel from 1948 Coins to 15p with tabs. British Forces in Egypt 1932 Letter Seal 1pi. Iraq 1991 Occupation opt labels plus Sadam Hussein banknote. Most F-VF M/U. SG cat £1300+ = A$2600+. (155). | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
827![]() Click for more photos | Twelve album carton lot with GB 1953-71 near comp pre-decimal MUH collection in KABE hingeless album inc Castles to £1, 1950s/60s Commem sets & Machins to £1 black. World booklet collection (60) strength in 1970s-80s British Royalty inc 1977-78 QEII Silver Jubilee & 1981 RW. Australia mess inc 1960s booklet panes, 1968 Soil/medical gutter prs, 1969 Flight 5c blks of 9, 1972 Olympics 35c (12) & 1950s-60s Pics/Commems inc high val sets. Also 1990s PO publications (5) with PO Packs (issue costs $75) inc Antarctic Whales, Military Aviation & Planet earth. 1966-2000 mixed MUH/UN/VF U collection (many 100s) to 2000 Olympics in large binder inc 1966 Navigators opt SPECIMEN UN, better 1970s Commems MUH inc 1971 Christmas 7c blks of 7 (2), high val Paintings to $10 VFU & much more inc non-letter rate Pics/Commems & assorted M/Sheets with plenty of extras, plus more decimal Pics in green Chinese s/book with useful pickings to $20 Gardens, blue s/book with NZ 1950 Health sets in comp sheets. Aust 1980s FDC in black springback album World Collection in 1960s Seven Seas Golden Age loose leaf album. A diverse group with 13 albums in large carton inc 1997 Diana Memorial sheets of 50 (8 dif) inc Fiji, Kiribati, Solomon Is, Fiji, St Kitts & Vanuatu! (Few 1000) | AVAILABLE at A$325 | ||
828![]() Click for more photos | Two Carton Lot A inc PNG 1986-1990 PO Year Albums set of 6 (retail $250), Australia accumulation to mid 1980s in 4 albums inc Pre-decimal to £2 Arms U & Decimal Pics MUH multiples. Australian Territories inc AAT to 2008, Nauru 1930s-1980s inc Ships (60) to 1/-, 1960s Pre-decimals to 5/- & MUH Decimals inc vals to $5. Norfolk Island from 1947 Ball Bay to 1970 Pics mixed M/MUH/U. NZ 1890s-1970s collection in loose leaf 'Kiwi' album inc QV to 1/-, KGV to 2/-, KGVI to 3/- plus Healths, Lighthouses & Decimal M/MUH Pics. World Thematic collection inc Christmas M/Sheets (200) in large binder plus 2nd album with another 180 M/Sheets inc 1981 RW, 1990s Philatelic Exhibitions, plus Ships, Birds, Motor Cars, Trains, Flight British Royalty & others. Also approx 60 hagners in two binders. General World collections in 2 loose leaf albums inc Australian Kangaroos to 5/-, Hong Kong 1980s QEII Defs to $50 in small s/book & Australian Phonecards in 2 albums & loose in tin. Mixed M/MUH/G-FU, all neatly packed into 2 cartons. | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
830![]() Click for more photos | Two Carton Lot C with Australia Pre-decimal mostly MUH accumulation (100s) to 1965 Christmas inc KGV low vals (26) & Kangaroo 2/- blk of 4. 1930s 2d (40) & 3d (26) Commems, 1940s Commem Trios (60 sets), 1950s/60s 2/- or 2/3 Commems (55). Decimal MUH 1980s-90s Pics/Commems (FV $190) inc Wetland $10 M/Sheets with Exhibition opts. 1953 QEII Coronation Flight Cover collection (18, cat $400) in FDC album plus 1980s Koala Research M/Sheets (30, FV $160). GB 1950s-90s High vals (100s) in hagner album inc Pre-decimal Castles £1 (190), £5 Machins (20) & £5 Castles (50). 60 Empty hagners in 2 white binders plus black binder with 100+ Thematic M/Sheets inc Birds, Flowers, Butterflies, African Wildlife & Fish plus range of sets & singles. China 1992 & 1993 Year folders. PNG 1985 & 1986 Year Albums. AAT, Cocos & Christmas Is Pics/Commems accum in 2 large s/books plus others. All neatly packed into 2 large cartons with around 30 albums in total. Mixed MUH/M/F-VFU. (many 100s) | SOLD at A$400 | ||
831![]() Click for more photos | Two Carton Lot D with Great Britain 19850, 86 & 92 PO Year Albums & 1980s PO Pack accum (FV £160 = A$310). Australia 1890s-1980s Used accum in 40 hagners. 1970s-1980s Used Dec Pics in Chinese s/book. 1982, 1983 PO Year Albums. 1966-1992 Seven Seas hingeless pages in 3 VGC binders (new retail $250+). 1940s-70s Active Service covers (15) inc Vietnam (3). 1984-94 Frama FDC collection & 1990s & 'Birds/Flowers' Framas specialised collection (100s) inc weak prints & re-constructed strips in 28 hagners. 1980s-90s high value SPECIMEN opts (FV $350) inc blks of 4 to $10 Gardens. British Pacific Island collection with 140 1960s-80s Pic/Commem sets inc Cook Is. Gilbert & Ellice, Kiribati, Solomons, Pitcairn Is, Tonga & Tuvalu. Also 140 M/Sheets inc African Wild Animals, then Birds, Butterflies, Flowers & Fish, plus much more. Mixed M/MUH/F-VFU, all really packed into 2 large cartons. (many 100s) | AVAILABLE at A$325 | ||
832![]() Click for more photos | Two Carton Lot E: Australian Wildlife Cinderella accumulation inc Victoria 1973-81 set of 27 $2, $3, $10 Hunting Licence stamps. 1990s Wetland M/Sheets of 4 $10 Ducks (22) plus extra Black Prints (5) for Taipei Philatelic Exhibition. Also 2 sheetlets of 10 opt SPECIMEN plus blks of 4 (Eight) with or w/o SPECIMEN opts, other multiples inc $8 blks of 4 (3), Value OMITTED M/Sheet PROOFS (3) & $15 blks of 4 (Four) inc SPECIMEN opts. Also some singles & FDI cards/Park Entrance tickets, FV MUH $1380 plus proofs, Specimens & CTO. Other Cinderellas inc Victoria 1970s Railway Stamps, NSW Pre-Decimal Revenues, Exhibition Ephemera & Christmas labels. World M/Sheet accumulation (110) inc Birds, Butterflies, Marine Life, Flowers & Wild Animals plus another 60 hagners in 2 binders. Also British Commonwealth 1960s-70s-80s collection in 3 large s/books inc NZ 1960s Pics to £1 Geyser, St Vincent SPECIMEN opt sets, plus Dominica, Fiji, Rhodesia, Zimbabwe high value Def sets, plus much more inc British Commonwealth Used collection 1952-1962 in two SG illustrated loose leaf albums. All neatly packed into 2 cartons, mixed MUH/M/F-VFU. (many 100s) | SOLD at A$450 | ||
835![]() Click for more photos | USA: 1869-1989 collection in albums inc 1857 12c Washington, 1869 Pics 6c, 12c, 1893 Columbus to 10c, 1898 Trans-Mississippi to 10c U & other contemporary issues inc extras cat £1600, then later collection M/U with more recent M/MUH inc sheets of 50, Year sets (some stuck) & M/Sheets, WWII Anniv issues MUH sets etc FV US$175. Then Philippines & Canal Zone selection/collection 1890s-1945 M/U (£150, Canada collection 1859-1980s mostly U inc 1903 KEVII to 10c, 1937 Pics to $1 & others cat £500. Few others, some mixed condition in earlies, mostly G-VF. Total DG cat £2200+ & FV US$175. (1000+, c10 M/Sheets) | AVAILABLE at A$240 | ||
836![]() Click for more photos | USA 1880s-1990s Collection in 2 Davo illustrated albums in 1893 Columbus to 8c, 1895 Def to 50c, 1898 Trans-Mississippi to 8c, 1904 St Louis set, 1922-32 to $5, 1923 Airs set, back of the book inc Special Delivery 1885 10c. Then extensive range of later 1960s-90s. Earlies mostly U later (mostly) MUH (FV US$235). Used some earlies mixed condition generally G-VF. SG cat £900 to early 1950s plus the MUH total A$2100. (100). | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
838![]() Click for more photos | USA: 1893-1940 collection in Mystic album. 1893 Columbus to 50c. 1898 Trans-Mississippi to 50c. 1901 Pan American Expo set to 10c. 1904 Louisiana Purchase set. 1907 Jamestown set. 1913 Panama Expo set plus perf 10 set. 1922-25 Def Pic & Portrait to $5. 1924 Huguenot set. 1925 Norse-American set. 1926 White Plains Souvenir sheet. 1932 Washington set MUH. Collection then appears comp to 1940. Most F-VF M/MUH/U. Scott cat US$2600+. SG cat £2800+ = A$5600+. (495) | SOLD at A$325 | ||
839![]() Click for more photos | USA & Area: 1893-1952 selection inc 1893 Columbus to 50c. 1901 Pan American Expo to 10c. 1918 Flying Jenny Air set to 24c. 1951 & 1952 Duck Hunting $2. Possessions inc 1898 Puerto Rico opt to 10c & 1898 Philippines opts to $1, plus 1898 Cuba opts to 10c. Most G-VF M/UN/U. SG cat £1950+ = A$3900+. (45). | SOLD at A$300 | ||
841![]() Click for more photos | Varied British Commonwealth carton lot. An album with mixed Pic/commem sets inc AAT 1966 Defs to $1 (2) & 1973 Pic set blks of 4. Norfolk Is collection to 1966 opts inc 1953 Defs to 5/- Brown Bridge, 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird, plus extra 10/- opt SPECIMEN. 2/8 Local Govt (3) & 1958-60 Surcharge set of 5 (2). Swaziland 1961 opts (19) to R2/£1 MUH (cat £80). Indonesia-Australia 1966 Cuscus joint issue booklet (4 retail, $400). Hong Kong FDC (7) inc 1982 Defs set of 16 to $50 (SG cat £50 x 2 for FDC). Mixed 1970s-90s M/Sheets (40) inc Exhibitions. Australia collection to 1981 in Seven Seas illustrated pages with 1966-1972 booklet panes comp (retail $280) inc QEII 4c set of 6 slogans, 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 25 & high val Pics to $10 Painting. Also 2 s/books with 1970s-80s-90s Pic/commems inc to $20 Gardens, plus 1969-1975 near comp PO Pack collection (retail $350). 1980s-90s PSE/FDC collection (FV $180) in over filled album. PNG 1978-85 Annual Pack set of 8 (retail $150). British Pacific MUH collection in 35 hagners with Nauru, Samoa & PNG Pic/commem sets, plus 30 mixed M/S. 10 albums in total. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
842![]() Click for more photos | Varied carton lot with Norfolk Is 1947 Ball Bay sets of 14 to 2/- blue (3), 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge & 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird (2 sets) all VFM, retail $200. 1997 Diana Memorial sheets of 50 with Vanuatu 95c (2) & Tokelau $1 (2), total FV A$180. Channel Is 1980s-90s collection with 40 Pic/Commem sets & 20 M/Sheets. 1977 QEII Silver Jubilee FDC collection in custom made silver binder. British Commonwealth collection in 2 springback albums inc Canada to late 1960s, Malta, Zimbabwe, Sierra Leone, Tonga & Sarawak, plus USA 1880s-1980s in a 3rd album. 1984 Los Angeles Olympics FDC collection in red album. Australia 1993-2000 VGC Seven Seas hingeless album (replacement value $200). 1978 18c PPC & 1980 22c PPC (100 of ea). Finally Australia 1970s PO Pack collection (45, retail $500) inc 1969-75 Christmas comp, plus 1970 & 1971 selected issue packs. Few mixed condition, mostly MUH/M/F-VFU condition. | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
843![]() Click for more photos | Variable carton lot. Australia 1950s Commems in large blks or part sheets inc 1954 Cobb & Co set, 1956 Olympics set of 4, 1957 AAT 2/- Map, 1957 Flying Doctor 7d & 1958 Kingsford Smith 8d. All in blks of 40 (retail $360), plus letter rate Commems from 1954 Red Cross to 1958 Broken Hill again in blks of 40, all with reverse spotting. 1970s 18c or 20c PO PPC (approx 150) VF UN. 1980-81 FDC collection in brown album. Australian Territories 1980s-90s Pic/Commem sets CTO in PO glassines as purchased. British Commonwealth mess inc 1997 Diana Memorial sheets of 50 with Vanuatu (2), Tokelau (2) & Bahamas (2), total FV A$200+. Samoa 1971-74 MUH collections, Tuvalu, Fiji, PNG Pic sets. Mixed M/Sheet inc Hong Kong Olympics. NZ 1984-86 PO Year Albums (FV $55). Aust Territories M/U collection to mid 1970s in vintage Seven Seas illustrated album. C-F collection in 45 hagners inc Ceylon, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Egypt, Ireland, Fiji & Finland. USA 1928-32 FFC/Airmail Commem cover collection in 2 volumes. Some foxing or toning seen, still a commendable carton. (many 100s) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
845![]() Click for more photos | Vatican: Mint collection 1852-1987 almost comp in Lighthouse hingeless album & s/book. Papal States 1852 Arms 3b & 5b, 1867 Cents to 20c & 1868 perf to 80c, 1929 Pope & Arms set to 10L inc express (Sass cat €250), 1933 Holy Year set to 1.25L (€175), 1933 Pope Pictorial set to 20L (€190), 1934 Congress set (€1100), 1936 Exhib to 5L (€380+), 1938 Congress set to 1.25L (€225), 1939 'Sede Vacante' opt set to 75c (€150),1947 Air set to 100L, 1948 Air 250L, 1949 Pope & buildings set to 100L inc express (€170), 1951 Chalcedon set to 100L (€110+), 1953 Air set (€130), 1952 Stamp Cent M/S (€250), 1953 Lombard 100L, 1953-78 appears comp inc 80+ sets. S/book with 1979-87 inc 30+ sets, 1931 Postage Due opt set to 1.10L (€150). All diff, neat & clean. Mostly VF fresh MUH, odd M earlier. Mixed condition in Papal States as expected. Sass cat €5900 = A$10,000. Seldom offered this comp. Nice lot. (950, 7 M/S) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$700 | ||
849![]() Click for more photos | World 1890s-1980s in 4 hagner binders with 100+ hagners & Australia Schaubek hingeless album 1966-1980s, wide range of countries Europe, South America, British Commonwealth inc Hong Kong British Est Indies, French Colonies, Spanish Colonies, Nauru, Norfolk Is etc. Noted 1893 Shanghai Local Post 2c & 15c with album of animals inc 1959 Niger set to 500f (cat £150), 1948 Royal Silver Wedding high values of 15R, £1 for Morocco Agencies, Bahrain, Kuwait, Tangiers. Various South Africa & related Countries with prs inc English & Afrikaans, FV for Aus Decimals is $200+ & related Territories is $150+. Also small Faroe Islands collection. Mainly Fresh VF MUH, some F-VFU. SG cat £1800+ plus FV $350+ = A$4000.. (2500+). | SOLD at A$275 | ||
850 | World collection in 4 albums with West Indies selection. Europe inc Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Germany & Danzig selection on cards. Poland 1963-92 M sets & M/Sheets with many Thematics inc Space, Sports & Birds. Then PNG 1960s-70s selection M&U. Palau 1993-2004 range of sets & M/Sheets, Russia selection with various Patriotic Pics. Also Afghanistan 1960s-70s sets & M/S, Pakistan 1954-2004 M/U. An interesting varied range. Total retail $1900+, plus Michel cats S/West Europe 2019 Germany 2021/22, Australia 2021/22. F/VF. (2000+, 60+ M/S) | SOLD at A$140 | ||
851![]() Click for more photos | World collection in 5 large albums/binders, 2 small albums/binders, leaves etc. Inc Austria 1915 Feldpost selection M&U, 1940s-60s sets/singles mostly MUH (cat £225), Great Britain 1969-90s FDCs & others (85), Canada 1999/2000 Millennium/Peace issue in uncut sheet of 9 (sl tone), Hong Kong 1965-90s inc 1965 Churchill set MUH, 1988 def pack, 1990s Lunar New Year issues etc mostly MUH (cat £290), Macau 1990s M/Sheet selection (cat £35), New Zealand, Ross Dep 1957-95 inc 1957 Pic sets (4) inc FDC. 1994 Seal Defs imprint blks of 6 & singles etc retail $370+ (FV $135), some Europe inc Denmark & Greece, plus a mix of others. | SOLD at A$100 | ||
852![]() Click to enlarge photo | World M/sheets modern 2000s stock with Romania CAPEX 96 (200, Mi cat €600), Portugal 2003 Orchids (100, €900), Bosnia-Herzegovina 2006 Europa (200, €2000), Cyprus 2006 Europa (100, €500), Jamaica Europa 2006 (100, €900), Montenegro Europa 2006 imperf (200, €4000) & Map of Europe (250, €5000), Peru Europa 2006 (250, €1750). Total 1400 M/S, Mi cat €14,840 = A$24,600. Also Solomon Is 2006 Europa set of 6 M/sheets (approx 100 of ea) FV $7100 = A$1300, plus Tonga-Niuafu'ou 2012 Butterfly set of 12 to $8.00 both imperf & perf, 20 set in comp sheets. FV T$1860 = A$1200. All fresh MUH, total FV & cat A$27,400. (1400 M/S, plus extras) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
872![]() Click for more photos | Collection in album with Anonymous 'Modern Movie Stars & Cinema Celebrities' (Teofani & Co London 1934) set of 48 (cat £60). Godfrey Phillips 1936 Annuals (Flowers, set of 50, £15), Famous Crowns (1938, £15), Film Stars (1934, £40), The Old Country (1935, £40), Ships that have made history (£20), Shots from the films (1934, medium size set of 48, £40), Nicholas Sarong & Co 1923-1925 Celebrities & Their Autographs (medium size set of 100, £120). Also Hoadley 1940 'Wild West' set of 50, cat £110. Nine sets in total, generally F/VF condition. 2022 CTCC cat £460 = A$900. | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
873![]() Click for more photos | Cricket Australia Cigarette Cards. Wills 1903 Australian & English Cricketers set of 25 inc V Trumper, H Trumble, W Armstrong, J Darling, A Hopkins, JJ Kelly & MA Noble. Some light aging, mostly Fine condition. 2022 CTCC cat £700 = A$1400. | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
874![]() Click for more photos | Cricket: Australia Cigarette Cards. Wills 1905 Australian Club Cricketers with 27 diff inc AJ Hopkins (North Sydney), G Hill (East Torrens), D Gehrs (Post Adelaide), W Carlton (North Melbourne), J Giller (South Melbourne) & J Pellow (North Adelaide). Mixed Good-Fine condition. 2020 CTCC cat £22 ea, £600 = A$1200. (27) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
878![]() Click for more photos | Cricket Cigarette Cards. : Wills 1907 (Prominent) Australian & English Cricketers, with 44/50 cards (missing 10, 17, 29, 33, 35, 39). Inc V Trumpery, W Armstrong, JJ Kelly, SE Gregory, RA Gears, M Noble, J Darling, A Hopkins & M Ellis. F-VF condition & most attractive. 2022 CTC cat £792 = A$1600. (44) | SOLD at A$325 | ||
880![]() Click for more photos | John Player collection Part One with 12 sets inc Aircraft of the Royal Air Force (1938), Arms & Armour (1909), Aviary & Cage Birds (1933), British Butterflies (1934) set of 25 large cards (cat £110), Characters fro Dickens set of 50 (£70), Cricketers 1934 (£60) inc Don Bradman (Aust), Cricketers 1938 (£50) inc Don Bradman (SACA). Plus others inc Animals, Birds & 1937 Coronation. All VF/Excellent condition. 2022 CTCC cat £700 = A$1400. | SOLD at A$150 | ||
882![]() Click for more photos | John Player collection Part Three with 12 sets inc Military Uniforms of the British Empire Overseas (1938, £140), RAF Badges (1937, £30), Riders of the World (1914, £85), Shakespearean series (1914, £45), Uniforms of the Territorial Army (1939, £45), War Decorations& Medals (1927, £80) plus others inc Wonders of the World, Wild Animal Heads, Sea Fishes, Players Past & Present. All VF/Excellent condition. 2022 CTCC cat £460 = A$900. | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
884![]() Click for more photos | Military cigarette card collection with Wills Australian issues inc 1915 Recruiting Posters (12, cat £8, £96), Aviation (40 mixed, cat £120), Britain's Defenders (48/50, £75, Signalling (25, £40), Modern War Weapons (46/50, £100), Soldiers of the World (45 mixed, cat £12 ea, £540), Types of the Commonwealth Military Forces Capstan rev (38, £105) & Vice Regal rev (28, £75), Types of the British Army (45/50, £120), United States War Ships (45 mixed, £180). Then other cards with Magpie Cigarettes 'Official War Photographs' (70/75, cat £350). Players 'Army Corps & Divisional Signs' (58 mixed, cat £45), American Tobacco Co 'Battle Scenes' (24/25, cat £17 ea, £400), Champion 'Great War 1914-1917' (22/24, £88) & Triumph set of 32 'Great War Deeds' (cat £128). Some sl mixed condition inc rev foxing, mostly F-VF condition. Total 2022 CTCL cat £2460 = A$4900. Also misc odds (30) inc 12 diff VC Heroes. (600) | AVAILABLE at A$375 | ||
885![]() Click to enlarge photo | Sport: Cigarette Card collection inc Wills Lawn Tennis 1931 set of 25 medium size full colour cards (cat £250), Race Horses & Jockeys 1938 set of 40 medium cards (£90), Melbourne Cup Winners 1906 (50 mixed odds, cat £400), Horses of Today 1906 with Capstan back (32, £110), Havelock (24, £120) & Vice Regal (35, cat £120). Ogdens Jockeys 1930 (44/50, cat £110), Players Derby & Grand National Winners (40/50, £60). Also other Sports/Pastimes inc Football with English Internationals 1991 (2 sets) & Wizard Famous Footballers 1955 (16, cat £40). Sweetacres Chewing Gum 1930s Sports Champions etc (30 mixed, cat £210) inc Cricket, notably H Larwood, Swimming Boy Charlton & Flight inc Bert Hinkler & Charles Kingsford Smith. Also Carreras Believe it or Not (32/50, cat £25). Mostly F-VF condition, total cat £1450 = A$2900. (460) | SOLD at A$300 | ||
887![]() Click for more photos | Wills Australian Issues collection Part Two with 1934 Famous Film Stars set of 100 (cat £160), Fish of Australasia (1912, £90), Historic Events (1913, £75), Interesting Buildings (1905, £150), 'Merrie England' (1916 set of 40, cat £9 ea = £360), Modern War Weapons (1915, £110). The Nations Shrine (1928 medium size set of 25, £40). Victoria Cross Heroes (1915 set of 25, cat £100). War Pictures (1915, £110). Nine sets in total, generally F-VF condition with some light toning/tropicalisation, mostly on the reverse. 2022 CTCC cat £1190 = A$2400. | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
889![]() Click for more photos | Wills (English) Collection Part One with 21 sets inc Allied Army Leaders (1917, £90), Britain part in the War (set of 24, £30), Cinema Stars set 1 & 2 (1928, £80). Do You Know sets 1, 2, 3 & 4 (1922-1933, cat £100). Engineering Wonder (1927, £50), English Period Costumes (medium large set of 25, £65), Famous British Authors (1937, £70). Garden Flowers (1938 & 1939 medium size sets of 40, £54), Gems of Belgium Architecture (1915, £35), Gems of French Architecture (1917, £70), plus others inc Alpine Flowers, Dogs & Garden flints. Mostly VF condition. 2022 CTCC cat £830 = A$1650. | SOLD at A$150 | ||
890![]() Click for more photos | Wills (English) Collection Part Two with 13 sets inc Gems of Russian Architecture (1916, cat £350), Life in the Royal Navy (1939, £20), Musical Celebrities Series One (1911, £125) & Series Two (£175), Old English Garden Flowers (1911, £75) & 2nd Series 1912 (£50). Old Furniture (medium size, 2nd series set of 25, cat £70), Overseas Dominions-Australia (1915, £30) & Canada (1914, £40). Portraits of European Royalty (1908, set of 100, cat £160). All VF/Excellent condition. 2022 CTCC cat ££880 = A$1750. | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
891![]() Click for more photos | Wills (English) Collection Part Three with 11 sets inc 1915 Recruiting Poster set of 12 (cat £90), Railway Engines (1936, £50), Railway Equipment (1939, £20), The Coronation Series (1911, £55), The Reign of King George V (1935, £40), Time & Money (1906, £100), Wildflowers (1923 non adhesive, £35), Orders of the Past (£35). Generally VF-Excellent condition. 2022 CTCC cat £480 = A$960. | SOLD at A$100 | ||
892![]() Click for more photos | Ten volume collection inc Westminster Tobacco Co 1920s Indian Empire & 1920 New Zealand 'Real photo' sets, Senior Service Cigarettes 1930s medium size 'Real photo' sets of 48 cards (13 diff, cat £285) inc British Railways (1938), Flying (1938) & Sights of Britain Series 1, 2, 3 plus extra 12 'Sights of London' for KGV SJ. John Player 'Post 1960 Issues' (10 diff sets, cat £135). China & Co, Jersey (Tobacconists) comp collection of all 9 sets (cat £150), mostly Views of Jersey, plus 1962 Flower sets (cat £50) & 1961 Cars (£30). Brooke-Bond Tea collection in 4 albums with over 45 diff 1970s-90s sets, plus fifth album with 8 diff Canadian Issues sets inc Birds of North America (1962, cat £50), Tropical Birds (1964, £45) & Wild Flowers of North America (1961, £45), plus much more inc a selection of South African cards. Generally excellent/near new. Mentioned sets cat £700 = A$1400, plus much more for the rest & high costs of the ten VGC albums. | SOLD at A$250 | ||
918![]() Click to enlarge photo | Picture Postcards: 1960s-90s massive World accumulation with approx 3500 cards inc Advertising, Asia, Australia, British Pacific Islands, GB, Europe, Ships, USA etc, mostly full colour with some B&W cards sighted. All fresh & clean, many pristine UN. | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
920![]() Click for more photos | Australia: 1908 USA Fleet Visit group of 10 blue & white cards inc USS Alabama, Illinois, Kansas, Kearsarge, Kentucky, Maine, Ohio & Virginia. All with American Fleet Souvenir Post Card reverse. F-VF UN. (10) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
926![]() Click for more photos | Australia: Bulletin Series ONE, Phil May December 1903. Set of Eleven cards inc 'Saved'. Mostly postally U. Fine-VF condition. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
947![]() Click for more photos | Australian Artist: May Gibbs 'Pearling in the Norwest'. Light reverse foxing, slest cnr crease, attractive UN. 1906 very rare card illustrated by Gibbs while working as a staff illustrator at the Western Australian Periodical, with illustrated title banner, back divided. The accompanying article indicated this card sold for $480 in the past with only a single example recorded in Australian collections. Very rare. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
949![]() Click for more photos | Australia: Victoria, 1905 Opening of the Ballarat Tramways postcard size souvenir ticket in blue, Postally Used with punch hole for the travel from Grenville St & Tram Sheds. Cnr crease, VG/F condition. | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
950![]() Click for more photos | China/Manchuria Culture. Early 1900s (last decade of Ching Dynasty) group of 12. Notably inc a rare scene of openly executing (beheading) of a Chinese mounted bandit by the Japanese Army during Russo-Japanese War (1904-05) & foot binding custom of Han Chinese. Also inc Chinese & Manchurian beauties, a Peking Opera star, coloured photos of Manchurian singer & Chinese temple etc. Contains significant cultural & demographic value. This is part of a postcard collection from a Japanese traveller to China in the 1900s-30s. Mostly F-VF UN. (12) | SOLD at A$210 | ||
951![]() Click for more photos | China/Manchuria. Early 1900s City Views sets (4). The 1st set of 5 is the Kinshu (now Jinzhou District, Dalian City). City views issued by 'Kwong Tuck Business'. The 2nd set of 4 is Neu-chwang, Niuzhuab, Yinkou, Yinkow, Ingkow city views. The last set of 3 are the Japanese ships named after cities Taiwan: Kagi/Jiayi (1) & Taichu/Taizhong (2). This is part of a postcard collection from a Japanese traveller to China in the 1900s-30s. Odd minor discolouration, F-VF UN. (16) | SOLD at A$180 | ||
952![]() Click for more photos | China/Manchuria: Early 1900s Fu-Shun city views set of 12 issued by Nobundo Bookshop inc street scene, railway station, primary school, Colliery Views & others. Liaoyang City scenes/Environs (4) issued by Yamaki Bookshop inc Monument & Railway Station. This is part of a postcard collection from a Japanese traveller to China between 1900s & 1930s. Two Liaoyang cards with surface stains o/w F-VF UN. (16) | SOLD at A$170 | ||
953![]() Click for more photos | China-Manchuria: Mukden (now Shenyang), early 1900s city views set of 9 inc Japanese War Memorial, Famous Places (3 diff), North Tomb (2), plus others, all issued by Sanyodo Bookshop. Chang-Chun city views (5) in Railway Stations (3 diff). This is part of a postcard collection from a Japanese traveller to China between 1900s & 1930s. All F-VF UN. (14) | SOLD at A$150 | ||
954![]() Click for more photos | China/Manchuria Russo-Japanese War (1904-05) Port Arthur (Royjun/Luishun) Vestige postcard set of 11 with the commemorative stamps 'Port Arthur War Museum' dated 1916. Copy rights reserved to the Department of Land Surveying & Mapping. This set not only shows the battle scene during the war, vestige after the war but also the meeting or negotiating of Commanders of both sides. This is part of a postcard collection from a Japanese traveller to China in 1900s-30s. (11). | SOLD at A$180 | ||
955![]() Click for more photos | China/Manchuria Russo-Japanese War (1904-05) Port Arthur (Royjun/Lvshun) Vestige postcard sets, 3 sets of 6. The 1st set of 6 cards with commemorative cancel 'Visiting Hill 203' (Mount Vysokaya in Russian) dated 6.7.31. Battle Hill 203 was one of the fiercest during the war. The 2nd set with the commemorative cancel 'Visiting the Pagoda of Loyalty of Emperor, Mt Baiyu, Port Arthur' (now renamed Baiyusan Pagoda), also dated 6.7.31. The pagoda was built in 1910 to commemorate the victory of the Russo-Japanese war & this set shows the views, structure & history of the pagoda. Last set with commemorative cancel 'The Ancient Battlefield Leeswen'. This is part of a postcard collection from a Japanese traveller to China between 1900s-30s. (18) | SOLD at A$210 | ||
956![]() Click for more photos | China-Manchuria: Dalian (Dairen/Dalang). Early 1900s city views set of 8 cards under Japanese Administration inc Pier, Nihonbashi (Bridge), Electoric Park, Yamato Hotel & Dairen Shrine. Also Rice Field in Manchuria & Chinese. This is part of a postcard collection from a Japanese traveller to China between 1900s & 1930s. All VF UN. (10) | SOLD at A$100 | ||
957![]() Click for more photos | Comic: Edwardian era collection inc 1904 Bulletin Cards 'Brother Jones & Cannibal' (Hop) & 'Benevolent Gentleman' (Fisher). Then mixed British/Aust artists inc C Dana Gibson, O'Pryory 'Singers & Their Songs' (4 diff), Redy Nolan (3 diff), W Ralston 'A Highland Fling' & others. Variable G-F/VF condition with some very rare cards sighted. (34) | SOLD at A$140 | ||
971![]() Click for more photos | Silver plate & pewter/pot metal lot c1900-60s. Mostly English made inc serving dishes with lids, wine bucket, plant holders, centre pieces/fruit bowls, tea pots & sugar bowls. Many made by Dixon & Sons. Mostly G-VGC. (25 items) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
972![]() Click for more photos | Silver plate. Coffee pot, tea pot, creamers, sugar bowls, jugs c1900-40. Appear to be a set of 2 patterns. Some are quite ornate. Few small dings, overall GC. (15 items) | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
973![]() Click for more photos | Silver plate. Tea pots of various sizes inc large & extra large. Ornate. (14) c1890s-1960s. Also 3 additional sets of tea pot with pivoting stand & burner. Very ornate. Plus a loose stand (broken in 2 parts) & a burner in a carrier. Some items have dents, repairs or damage. Mostly G-VGC. (19) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
974![]() Click for more photos | Silver plate. rays, serving dishes, plates, fruit bowl etc, c1930s-90s (21 items) & a book 'Australian Silver 1800-1900' by Hawkins (plus research material on Dixon & Sons). A mix of Australian & English made. The trays vary in size, some have inscriptions/dedications. Wear & corrosion on some items. Mostly G-VGC. (22) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
980![]() Click for more photos | Silver plate. Tea/coffee pots, creamers, sugar bowls, trays, dishes, salt/pepper shakers, water jugs, cruet sets c1900-50s. Some Australian made, some British made. Inc matching sets. Nice quality designs. No damage or excessive wear apparent. (34 items) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
1008![]() Click to enlarge photo | 2½d Indigo perf large OS, horiz strip of 3. F-VFU. SG O4 cat £450. ACSC 9Aba cat $900, both as singles. Rare genuine multiple. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
1054![]() Click to enlarge photo | 2d Grey Die I wmk INVERTED. F-VF MUH left gutter marginal. SG 35bw cat £95 as M, should be at least double, £190 MUH. ACSC 7Ba cat $375. | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
1055![]() Click to enlarge photo | 2d Grey Die I wmk INVERTED. F-VF MUH. SG 35bw cat £95 as M, should be at least double, £190 MUH. ACSC 7Ba cat $375. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
1058![]() Click for more photos | 2d Grey-silver-grey plate 1 variety 'SUBSTITUTED CLICHE Die IIA'. U, UL cnr flt tied to piece part Gunnedah 1917 cds. SG 35a cat £1900. ACSC 7D(I)kb cat $2250. Rare. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
1061![]() Click to enlarge photo | 2d Silver-grey Die IIA blk of 4 plated as 3R35, 36, 41, 42 with ACSC listed varieties 'break in top of W of TWO' (Pos 35) & 'breaks in shading lines west of Tasmania' (Pos 41). SG 35d cat £280+ as 4 M singles, should be at least double, £560 MUH. ACSC 8A(3) k c cat $900 as 4 singles, plus premium for varieties which are unpriced MUH. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
1062![]() Click to enlarge photo | 2d Grey Die I, variety 'wmk inverted'. F-VF fresh MUH. SG 35 bw cat £95 as M, should be at least double, £190 MUH. ACSC 7Ba cat $375. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
1063![]() Click to enlarge photo | 2½d Pale bright-blue perf OS, UR cnr marginal blk of 4. VF fresh MUH. SG O44 cat £400 for M singles, should be at least double, £800 MUH, plus premium for positional blk. ACSC 11Eb cat $1900. Nice multiple. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$550 | ||
1077![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1/- Blue-green, Die IIB, perf OS. F-VF fresh MUH. SG O48b cat £90 for M, should be at least double, £180 MUH. ACSC 33Bba cat £425. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$110 | ||
1078![]() Click to enlarge photo | 2/- Brown. F-VF MUH, sun-tanned gum. SG 41 cat £300 as M, should be at least treble, £900 MUH. ACSC 37A cat $2500. (P) | SOLD at A$425 | ||
1097![]() Click to enlarge photo | £1 Grey variety 'colour flaw on top frame over last 'A' of Australian'. VFU, light cds. SG 75(var) cat £350+, plus premium for variety. ACSC 53Ag cat $900. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
1101![]() Click for more photos | £2 Purple-black & pale rose, variety 'very short Spencer's Gulf'. Superb MUH top marginal, nice never hinged original gum, nice colours & excellent centring. SG 45b(var) cat £4500+ for M, should be at least double, £9000+ MUH, plus premium for variety. ACSC 56C(D)d cat $17,500 as normals, plus +50% premium for variety =$26,250. Very rare genuine. MUH & desirable with variety. Raybaudi photo cert, while new AIEP certificate can be obtained on request. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$7500 | ||
1117![]() Click to enlarge photo | £2 Black & rose. VF fresh MUH, lovely never hinged original gum. SG 114 cat £4500 for M, should be at least double, £9000 MUH, ACSC 57A cat $20,000. Very rare MUH & certificate can be obtained on request. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$5500 | ||
1118![]() Click to enlarge photo | £2 Black & rose, varieties 'colour spot on map north of Bight' & 'white spot below S of POSTAGE' (position R4). VF fresh top marginal, stamp MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. SG 114(var) cat £4500 for M, should be at least double, £9000 MUH, plus premium for variety. ACSC 57A(D)q cat $22,000. Very rare MUH & certificate can be obtained on request. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$6500 | ||
1143![]() Click to enlarge photo | £2 Grey-black & rose-crimson. FU. SG 138 cat £650. ACSC 58B cat $900. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
1146![]() Click for more photos | 1907-39 covers & PPC range inc 4 x 1d red KGV 1914-19 inc varieties dot before 1 (6/21) & notch left top frame (7/32) & G74 carmine red with Drury photo cert, 1930s VF Sydney Harbour Bridge letterette with 5 photos to NZ, 4x 1930s covers with variety of stamps inc 4d olive, 5d brown & 6d Kingsford Smith. Nice collection. Generally FU 1 cover has missing cnr. 1907 English TPO cds card, stamp removed. (10). | AVAILABLE at A$140 | ||
1152![]() Click for more photos | 1927-30 KGV ½d to 1/4 SM wmk perf 13½x12½, & CofA wmk. Old time very fresh collection on black pages written up in white pen inc shades, plate blks, imprint blks & prs etc. Noted ½d orange (16) inc Ash imprint prs (2), 1½d brown (24), 1½d red plate dot blks of 4 with Plate Nos 2 & 4 (5 blks & pr, stamps MUH), 1½d red several Die I/II prs & 1½d golden-scarlet inv wmk blk of 4, 1½d red (45), 2d red 3 inc wmk blks of 6 probably from booklets, total 2d red (60+), 2d brown blks of 10 & 12 (total of 30+), 3d blue Die Ia & Die II, 3d Die Ia Ash imprint pr with type A & B, 3d blue total 18, 4d olive (4), 4½d violet 2 blks of 4 total 9, 5d brown (7) selection inc Ash imprint pr & finally 1/4 shades (3). Mainly fresh VF MLH & VF MUH. ACSC cat $9000+. Useful lot. (280+) | AVAILABLE at A$1000 | ||
1154![]() Click for more photos | ½d orange, 1d violet & 1d green used collection on hagners, ½d orange (60) all wmks perforations inc shades, perforated OS, few plate flaws inc perf 14 dot before 2, 1d violet (90) shades, major varieties (40+ cat $1600), inc dot before 1(6)21, thin left frame (6/22), secret mark (7/1), RA joined etc, 1d green (240+) single wmk, dry ink (4), major varieties (90 cat $3150) inc dot before 1 (6/21), secret mark (7/1), wattle line (7/31), run N (8/60) etc, few no wmk. Mostly GU-VFU. SG 56, 57, 76(var). ACSC(var) cat $6000+. (400+). | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
1155![]() Click for more photos | ½d Orange collection on hagners with various wmks & perfs, inc single wmk inv blks of 4 & 12, 4 major varieties, SM wmk inv perf 14, Mullett imprint blk of 8 from Electro 8, 2 major varieties, LM wmk perf 13½x12½ inc 3 major varieties. CofA wmk opt OS blk of 18 with hollow S, plus more. MUH but effected by rust, 2 tone & suntanned gum. Most visually F-VF. ACSC cat $4000. (90) | AVAILABLE at A$375 | ||
1167![]() Click for more photos | Collection ½d-1/4 (ex 1d red), 1914-35 beautifully annotated in 2 Lighthouse s/books. Noted 1½d brown cracked electro into right value tablet (9L28, cat $750) 1½d green cracked electro thick white band (17R27, cat $500), 1½d red cracked electro under Kings chin (15R10, cat $550), 2d orange cracked electro below 2 (1R10, cat $350 (x2), 2d red crack over Emus head (12L21, cat $175 x 2), 2d CofA thin paper & inverted wmk (cat $500) & kiss print (not listed in current cat), both with Starling certs There are approx 1000 listed varieties in most values. Also inc inverted wmks, 3d blue small multiple wmk perf OS. Very impressive presentation. Mostly G-VFU. ACSC cat $19000 with cracks listed above $3500, major varieties (300) - $7500, minor varieties (700) - $5600 etc. Very clean lot, neatly written up (1500+). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$2000 | ||
1185![]() Click for more photos | 1928-33 OHMS Registered Unclaimed covers with KGV perf OS 1½d red SM wmk perf 13½x12½ (ACSC 92Bba) & 3d blue SM wmk perf 14 with examples of type A (ACSC 106Aba), 14 JUN 28 & type B (ACSC 106B/Abb), 17 JL 28, 5d orange-brown SM wmk perf 13½x12½ (ACSC 126Ab) MY 33. From Perth, various transit b/s, Unknown By Letter Carrier, Unclaimed etc. VF fresh. ACSC cat $390. (3) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
1192![]() Click to enlarge photo | ½d Emerald JBC monogram single, Electro 1. Quite scarce. MUH effected by rust spots & suntanned gum. SG 20(var), ACSC 63(1)za cat $450 for Mint, should be at least double, MUH $900. | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
1201 | ½d Pale green single line perf. FU. SG 5aa cat £650. ACSC 64B cat $900. 2004 Drury photo-cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
1202![]() Click to enlarge photo | ½d bluish green with variety 'crack through P of Postage' (2R35). FU. ACSC 65F(2)o cat $1900. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$375 | ||
1210![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1d Red 1914-1918 bundleware, ex Deceased Estate as received hasn't been touched in 20+ years. Shade, pmk & variety potential smooth & rough papers. Condition average to FU. Bundle size varies. (9000+) | SOLD at A$1200 | ||
1217![]() Click for more photos | 1d Red mint shade collection, smooth paper shades inc salmon pr identified by vendor, deep scarlet (aniline, thin paper, cat $375), rough paper deep red inverted wmk & superb perf OS, rosine, blks of 4 (6) inc Harrison large mult wmk, Die III, interesting. Offered intact, as received. Mostly F MLH-VF MUH (about 30 MUH). ACSC 71-72(var) cat approx $3900. (50+) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
1241![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1d Pink smooth paper (G28) with variety 'flaw under neck' (7/37). F-VF MLH. SG 21ce cat £170 for cheapest shade. ACSC 71T(4)h cat $900. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
1248![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1d Carmine-red (G31) Plate 1 Harrison one line imprint pr. VF MUH, left stamp tiny mark on emu. SG 21(var), ACSC 71Y(1) cat $900 as M, so should be at least double, $1800 MUH. (P) | SOLD at A$300 | ||
1284![]() Click for more photos | 1d Damson (G70½) Die II + Die I horiz se-tenant pr, rough paper. F-VF fresh MLH. SG 47c & j cat £1900 for singles. ACSC 72K(1)ia cat $4250. 2020 Drury photo cert for blk it came from. (2) (P) | SOLD at A$1000 | ||
1331![]() Click for more photos | 1½d Green, unsurfaced paper with coarse mesh. F MUH. ACSC 88Aa cat $1250. SG 61a cat £475 as M, should be at least double, £950 = A$1900. 2022 Drury photo-cert. | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
1371![]() Click to enlarge photo | 2d orange 1920-22 bundleware & loose, pmk, shade & variety potential not checked for inv wmks. Ex deceased estate as received, not touched for 20+ years. Usual mix of average to VF. (9000+). | SOLD at A$300 | ||
1411![]() Click to enlarge photo | 4d Yellow-orange (aniline) with variety 'white spot on diag of 4 at left' (2L56). VFU. SG 22a(var). ACSC 110 B (2) o cat $90. | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
1412![]() Click to enlarge photo | 4d Yellow-orange (aniline) with variety 'white scratch behind emu' (2R29). VFU. SG 22a(var). ACSC 110 B (2) v cat $90. | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
1413![]() Click to enlarge photo | 4d Yellow orange aniline inverted wmk late fee 24 MR 15 cds. FU. SG 22w(var), ACSC 110Ba cat $90. | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
1453![]() Click to enlarge photo | 4d Pale ultramarine perf OS with variety 'white flaw on kangaroo's foot' (1R45). FU. SG O74(var). ACSC 112 A (1) b o cat $90, should be at least double, $180 perf OS. Cds well clear of variety. | SOLD at A$30 | ||
1457![]() Click to enlarge photo | 4d Pale ultramarine OS with variety 'lower left frame worn' (1L56). FU. SG O74(var). ACSC 112 A (1) I cat $90, should be at least double, $180 perf OS. | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
1458![]() Click to enlarge photo | 4d Ultramarine with variety 'splintered SW cnr' (1L58). FU. SG 65(var). ACSC 112 A (1) k cat $90. Cds clear of variety. | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
1459![]() Click to enlarge photo | 4d Ultramarine, variety 'splintered SW cnr' (1L58). FU, Moonta SA 11 JA 23. SG 65(var), ACSC 112A(1)k cat $90. | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
1460![]() Click to enlarge photo | 4d Ultramarine variety 'splintered SW cnr' (1L58). VFU. SG 65(var), ACSC 112A(1)k cat $90. | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
1461![]() Click to enlarge photo | 4d Ultramarine variety 'break UL frame' (2L27). Superb U, light cnr Minyip VIC cds well clear of variety. Colour is fresh & not faded which is common for this value. SG 65(var), ACSC 112A(2)d cat $90. | AVAILABLE at A$35 | ||
1463![]() Click to enlarge photo | 4d Ultramarine with variety 'weeping 4' (2L18). FU. SG 65(var), ACSC 112A(2)f cat $90. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$35 | ||
1464![]() Click to enlarge photo | 4d Ultramarine with variety 'spot emu's neck' (2L50). VFU. SG 65(var), ACSC 112A(2)n cat $90. | AVAILABLE at A$35 | ||
1466![]() Click to enlarge photo | 4d Ultramarine perf OS with variety 'horned emu, State 1' (2R17). FU with part Geelong 28 SE 23 cds. SG O74(var), ACSC 112A(2)t cat $90, plus 75% premium for perf OS is $157. | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
1468![]() Click to enlarge photo | 4d Ultramarine with variety 'flaw 2nd lowest left wattle & spot above FO of FOUR' (2R59). VFU. SG 65(var), ACSC 112A(2)vf cat $90. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$45 | ||
1469![]() Click to enlarge photo | 4d Ultramarine with variety 'flaw right frame' (2R48). Superb U. SG 65(var), ACSC 112A(2)vd cat $90. | AVAILABLE at A$45 | ||
1470![]() Click to enlarge photo | 4d Ultramarine perf OS with variety 'flaw on right frame opposite value shield' (2R48). VFU. SG O74(var), ACSC 112A(2)vd cat $90, plus 75% premium for perf OS is $157. | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
1472![]() Click to enlarge photo | 4d Blue OS with variety 'white notch in bottom frame at left cnr' (1R25). FU. SG O74(var). ACSC 112 C (1) b n cat $90, should be at least double, $180 for perf OS. Cds clear of variety. | AVAILABLE at A$15 | ||
1473![]() Click to enlarge photo | 4d Dull blue with variety 'weeping 4 at right' (2L18). FU. SG 65(var). ACSC 112 c (2) f cat $90. Cds well clear of variety. | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
1474![]() Click to enlarge photo | 4d Dull blue with variety 'white spot under D in right value shield' (2L22). FU. SG 65(var). ACSC 112 c (2) g cat $90. Cds well clear of variety. | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
1476![]() Click to enlarge photo | 4d Dull blue with variety 'damaged SE cnr retouched (elongated SE cnr), worn state' (2R19). FU. SG 65(var). ACSC 112 c (2) u b cat $90. Cds well clear of variety. | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
1477![]() Click to enlarge photo | 4d Dull blue with variety 'white flaw on right frame opposite top of value shield' (2R48). VFU. SG 65(var). ACSC 112 c (2) v d cat $90. Light cnr cds well clear of variety. | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
1482![]() Click for more photos | 4d Olive coarse mesh paper blk of 4. VF fresh 2 MLH / 2 MUH. SG 80(var). ACSC 114Aaa cat $1900. 2024 Drury photo cert. (4) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
1501![]() Click for more photos | 4½d Violet perf OS Harrison imprint pr, inc variety 'break in left frame of right stamp'. VF fresh MLH. SG O84(var) cat £650++ as singles. ACSC 118Abzb cat $900 as normals while perf OS cat x11 for singles, so $7400+ for OS imprint pr! Extremely rare & possibly unique combination. 2018 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$700 | ||
1503![]() Click to enlarge photo | 4½d Violet 5 listed shades - violet, deep violet, dull violet, pale violet & reddish-violet. F-VFU. ACSC 118 A, B, C, D, E cat $90. (5) | AVAILABLE at A$15 | ||
1528![]() Click to enlarge photo | 5d Deep yellow-brown comb perf variety 'retouch NE cnr State III' (1R59). FU. SG 23(var), ACSC 123Eveb variety $45, should be at least double, $90. | AVAILABLE at A$15 | ||
1533![]() Click for more photos | 1d Red 1914-20 Extensive U collection of varieties, beautifully annotated in 3 Lighthouse s/books, inc major varieties right & left plates (160+), from saddle on emu (1/36) to Run N (8/60), sub cliches (7), Die II range with all positions (90+), range of minor varieties & compartment lines & dots, few inverted wmk, Die III, large multi wmk inc a few varieties, range of smooth & rough paper shades. Small range of 1d violet & green varieties & compartment lines. ACSC cat $14000+ with major varieties (160), $6400; sub cliches (7) $2000+, Die II (90) $2700 other minor varieties (700 say $5 ea=$3500. (1300) | AVAILABLE at A$1500 | ||
1535![]() Click to enlarge photo | Perf OS selection with 2d orange inverted wmk, 4d lemon-yellow, 4d pale orange-yellow, 4d greenish-olive. F-VF MLH, the 2nd stamp few toned perfs. SG O41b & c, O88 cat £1290. ACSC cat $2500. (4) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$375 | ||
1575![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1d Carmine rose Harrison shades, Carmine rose (G104), Deep carmine rose (G105) & Pale carmine rose (G106). Fresh VF 2 MLH,1MUH. SG 50 cat £96. ACSC 74A & B cat $100, 74C $90, total $190. (3) | SOLD at A$60 | ||
1586![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1d Green & 1½d red blks of 4. Fresh VF 2 MLH, 2 MUH (1d green), 1½d 1 MLH, 3 MUH. SG 83 & 84 cat £130. ACSC 79 & 90A cat $235. (8) | SOLD at A$50 | ||
1589![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1½d Red blk of 4. W/C VF fresh MUH, rounded cnr. SG 84 cat £100. ACSC 90A cat $200. (4) | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
1590![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1½d Red perf OS. Part machine cancel FU. SG O87 cat £90. ACSC 90Aba cat $225. Scarce genuine. | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
1591![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1½d Red perf OS. Part machine cancel FU. SG O87 cat £90. ACSC 90Aba cat $225. Scarce genuine. | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
1592![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1½d Deep red with variety 'scratched electro' (17R3). VFU. SG 84(var). ACSC 90 B (17) l cat $110, should be at least double, $220 with scarce shade. Fine 10 SE 24 cds clear of variety. | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
1593![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1½d Deep red with variety 'flaw in right wattles' (18R60). This is an early printing & doesn't show flaw in right value shield & wattle flaw is just developing. F VFU. SG 84(var). ACSC 90 B (18) vaa cat $150, should be at least double, $300 with scarce shade. | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
1596![]() Click to enlarge photo | ½d Pale orange Electro 9 LR marginal blk of 6, plated as 9R52-54, 58-60 with variety GR59-spot before 2 in LVT (ACSC 67B(9)o). MUH minor tone on 1 non variety stamp. SG 85(var), ACSC 67B(9)0 cat $90 should be double MUH $180, plus other stamps $380. (6). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
1610![]() Click to enlarge photo | 3d Blue type a with variety 'retouched shading behind roo' (3, 4L41). VF MLH. SG 90(var). ACSC 106 A (3, 4) h cat $100. | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
1652![]() Click to enlarge photo | 2d Scarlet opt OS Used range showing significant variation in location of OS opt. There are 6 SM wmk perf 13½x12½, at least one of which qualifies as 'opt misplaced' (cat $200) & 4 CofA wmk. Interesting. U-FU. SG O123(var). ACSC 102 A (OS) ca & 103 (A) OS cat $290. (10) | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
1672![]() Click to enlarge photo | 4d Greenish-olive opt OS vert pr, plated (3L1) 'white flaw in left wattles' (3L7). Fresh VF MUH (variety), VF MLH second stamp. SG O16(var). ACSC 116 B (OS) (3) d cat $120 Mint, should be at least double, $240 MUH & extra stamp $290. (2) | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
1674![]() Click to enlarge photo | 4½d Violet LR marginal blk of 4. Fresh F-VF MUH. SG 103 cat £300+ for M singles. ACSC 120B cat $900. (4) | SOLD at A$150 | ||
1675![]() Click to enlarge photo | 4½d Violet bottom marginal blk of 4. Fresh F-VF MUH. SG 103 cat £300. ACSC 120B cat $900. | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
1681![]() Click to enlarge photo | FIVE PENCE on 4½d Violet Die II marginal blk of 4 showing major variety 'narrow E in Pence' (2, 3L6). F-VF MUH. SG 120(var), ACSC 125Ah cat $180, M variety is $90, should be at least double, $180, plus 3 singles is $240. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
1697![]() Click for more photos | 1d Pale green opt 'OS', inverted wmk. FU with 'Coolgardie W.A. 17 AU 34' cds. SG O129w cat £900. ACSC 82A(OS)a cat $1750. 2024 Drury photo-cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
1706![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1d Green marginal blk of 4 from LR cnr pos 8/53 - 8/54 (cnr dot hardly shows) 8/59-8/60 (Run N). There is no mention in the ACSC or various plating studies of 8/54 being corrected? In addition the blk is thin paper. Interesting positional piece. MUH 1 toned perf, sun tanned gum. VF appearance. SG 125(var), ACSC 82Bab, (4)s, vc cat $900 for M, should be double $1800 MUH. (4). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
1720![]() Click to enlarge photo | 4d Olive with variety 'kangaroo's tongue out' (4L25). Fresh VF MLH. SG 129(var). ACSC 117 A (4) e cat $90. | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
1721![]() Click to enlarge photo | 4d Olive with variety 'white flaw on lowest bloom of white wattles' (4L37). W/C, fresh VF MUH, tiny mark on gum. SG 125(var). ACSC 117 A (4) f cat $90 M, should be at least double, $180 MUH. | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
1722![]() Click to enlarge photo | 4d Olive with variety 'colour flaw on kangaroo's nose' (4R48). Fresh F MUH. SG 129(var). ACSC 117 A (4) l cat $90 M, should be at least double, $180 MUH.. | SOLD at A$55 | ||
1733![]() Click to enlarge photo | 5d Orange-brown marginal pr 2R3 - R4 with 2R4 showing variety ' thin words of value'. F-VF fresh MUH. SG 130(var), ACSC 127Bh Mint flaw $125, should be at least double, $250 for normal is $290. (2) | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
1747![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1913 Engraved 1d red KGV Plate 3 blk of 6 position 3/69-70, 3/79-80, 3/89-90 with variety SG 17(var), ACSC 59(3)i retouch to UR cnr & top of crown. Fresh F-VF MUH. ACSC cat Mint variety $50, MUH should be double $100 plus other stamps total $160. (6) | SOLD at A$40 | ||
1748![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1913 Engraved 1d red KGV Plate 2 marginal strip of 3 with major variety SG 17(var), ACSC 59(2)u dash under E, Plate 4 top left cnr marginal single with major variety ACSC 59(4)d vertical line inside R frame. F MUH, few tone spots on gum. ACSC cat varieties $90, should be double $180 MUH & additional stamps total $200. (4) | SOLD at A$40 | ||
1752![]() Click for more photos | 1913 Engraved 1d Red KGV carmine-red right marg strips & blks with margins inc strip of 5, blk of 10, 2 blks of 15, blk of 15 with part bottom imprint. Not plated but likely from 1 sheet, Stamps mostly VF fresh MUH.SG 17(var), ACSC 590c cat $720+. (60) | AVAILABLE at A$240 | ||
1757![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1913 Engraved 1d red KGV Plate 1 blk of 4 positions 1/4-5, 1/14-15 with variety SG 17(var), ACSC 59(1)h retouch upper RF & positional marginal strip of 4 1/87-90. VF fresh MUH. ACSC cat variety M $60, should be double MUH $120, with other stamps total cat $330. (8) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
1765![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1913 Engraved 1d red KGV Plate 1, major varieties SG 17(var), ACSC 59(1)e retouch bottom frame (1/3) & ACSC 59(2)v dash under E. VF MLH. ACSC cat $90. (2) | SOLD at A$30 | ||
1771![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1913 Engraved 1d red KGV Plate 1 half sheet of 60 (1/1-1/60) minor separation & LR marg blk of 20 (1/66-70 1/76-80 1/86-90 1/96-100) inc Plate 1 imprint blk 59(1)z & imprint blk right side 59(1) zc (separated). Also inc 22 listed varieties 59(1)def - 59(1) w & y, ya, yc. ACSC cat value of M imprint blks, varieties & singles is $3050, should be at least double, $6000 MUH. All but 2 stamps VF MUH, mostly very fresh, horiz gum crease on 1 row. SG 17a(var). ACSC 59A(1)d-w & plate blks of 8 $575, mint 22x $60 = $1320, other stamps 22 varieties = 42x $15 = $630. Total $2500+, should be at least double, $5000 MUH. The separated imprint blk normal cat $525 x2. (80) | AVAILABLE at A$1000 | ||
1772![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1913 Engraved 1d pale red, KGV Plate 1 almost full sheet of 116 (ex UL cnr blk of 4). All 4 imprints (2-2c). Inc 25 listed varieties 59(1)f, g, h, I, j to 59(1)ye. Fragile with a number of hinges strengthening margins, stamps VF MUH, mostly very fresh, horiz gum crease on 1 row, few perf separations. SG 17a(var). ACSC 59A(1)f-ye z za zb zc etc cat of imprint blks, varieties & singles is $4500 M, should be at least double, $9000 MUH. (116) | AVAILABLE at A$1500 | ||
1784![]() Click for more photos | 1914-36 KGV collection MUH on Seven Seas hingeless pgs with 1914 6d Kookaburra, 1928 3d & M/Sheet, Canberra, Airmail, Swan, Sturt, 1932 Kookaburra & Lyrebird, Hermes (3 diff), 1930 Kingsford Smith set, plus 6d brown (2) inc OS opt, 1932 Bridge set to 5/-, plus OS opts, Victoria both perfs, Macarthur set of 4, ANZAC, Silver Jubilee, Cable & SA Anniv. F-VF MUH, majority fresh. SG cat £1285 for M, should be at least double, £2570. ACSC cat $3900. (45 + M/S) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1100 | ||
1785![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1927 Canberra 1½d, lower marginal blk of 38. Some mostly light rev spotting. SG 105. ACSC 132 cat $190. | SOLD at A$30 | ||
1789![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1927-30 Commems perf OS set with Canberra 1½d, Kookaburra 3d blue, Airmail 3d green, Swan 1½d & 1930 Sturt 1½d, 3d. All VFU/CTO. SG cat £90. ACSC $180. (6) | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
1794![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1929 Airmail 3d Type A (vert mesh) plate number set 1, 2, 3, 4 UL cnr horiz prs. Lightly sun-tanned gum, VF MUH. ACSC 134 za-zd cat $900 as blks of 4. | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
1796![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1929 Airmail 3d Type A set of 4 plate number singles, No 2 with vert crease o/w F-VF MUH. ACSC cat $900 as blks of 4. (4) | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
1831![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1932 Lyrebird 1/- green. VF fresh MUH. SG 140 cat £45 as M, should be at least double, £90 MUH. ACSC 145 cat $140. | SOLD at A$75 | ||
1833![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1932 Lyrebird 1/- opt OS. Superb MLH right marginal. SG O136 cat £55. ACSC 145(OS)A cat $90. | SOLD at A$50 | ||
1839![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1932 Bridge 3d type B, horiz mesh, plate no.1, 2, 3 fresh MUH & no.4 VF M/MUH. ACSC cat $290. (4 blks) | SOLD at A$150 | ||
1852![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1934 Victorian Centenary set 2d, 3d, 1/- perf 11½. 1/- part imprint, VF MUH. SG 147a-49a cat £90, should be at least double, £180 MUH. ACSC cat $175. | SOLD at A$85 | ||
1856![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1934 Macarthur set 2d - 9d inc both 2d dark & light hills. VF MUH. SG 150-52 cat £90 as M, should be at least double, £178 MUH. (4) | SOLD at A$75 | ||
1884![]() Click for more photos | 1937-65 pre-decimal collection in blks of 4 1937-51 are Ash, McCracken or By Authority Imprints inc 1937 KGVI Defs to 1/-, 1947-52 Defs to 2/6, 1961 Cattle 5/- Flowers to 3/- & Birds to 3/-, 1951 3d scarlet KGVI booklet plate blk of 72 (12 panes of 6) plus all the commems. Mostly cnr blks, not checked for varieties, some shades noted. Quite a number of higher values mainly fresh VF MUH, few VF MLH. SG 164-381 cat £1100. ACSC cat $3000+. (900). | SOLD at A$600 | ||
1888![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1937 KGVI 3d blue Die I 'white wattles', bottom marginal blk of 4. VF fresh MUH. SG 168a cat £720. ACSC 190 cat $1600. (4) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
1889![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1937 KGVI 3d blue Die I 'white wattles'. VF fresh MUH. SG 168a cat £180. ACSC 190 cat $400. (P) | SOLD at A$160 | ||
1891![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1937 KGVI 3d blue Die IA. VF fresh MUH W/C. SG 168b cat £190. ACSC 192 cat $400. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
1922![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1938 KGVI 3d blue Die III left cnr imprint blk of 4. VF fresh MUH. SG 186 cat £190. ACSC 195z cat $325. (4) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
1926![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1941 KGVI 3½d opt on 3d blue near comp sheet of 156 (missing central imprint) with LL Ash imprint cnr blk of 4. Couple hard to see light gum spots, fresh MUH. SG 201 cat £390. ACSC 323 z cat $320. | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
1927![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1942 Zoological 4d Koala, 6d Kookaburra & 1/- Lyrebird CofA wmk, perf 14x15, no imprint left cnr blks of 4. VF fresh 1 MLH, 3 MUH for each. SG 188, 190, 192. ACSC 198zc, 203zl, 209zj cat $520. (12) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
1959![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1948 Zoological ½d Kangaroo No wmk, right pane of 80 with SG/ACSC listed variety Sky (Foggy Hills), Retouch (pos R 6/8) & Authority imprint at LL cnr. F-VF MUH. SG 228b. ACSC 180 ga zj cat $290. (80) | SOLD at A$40 | ||
1991![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1950 NSW/Victorian Stamp Centenary 2½d pr sheet of 160 with both Authority imprints, plus ACSC listed variety 'lower half of S of SIG filled with colour' (pos R4/5). Some toning throughout, mainly in the central part clear of error. ACSC 278h, 279 zf zg cat $390. (160) | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
2002![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1951 Federation 1/6, sheet of 84 with Authority imprint of LL cnr. Some light tropical spots. ACSC 283 z cat $190. (84) | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
2043![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1954 Red Cross 3½d, variety 'cross mis-placed upwards into blue' lower marginal blk of 6, 'cross mis-placed to LL' in LR marginal blk of 6. Also cnr blk of 4 with cross centrally positional to compare. VF MUH. ACSC 312c(var) cat $900 for first mentioned blk of 6. (3 blks) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
2056![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1954 Melbourne Olympics 2/- Green lower part sheet of 50. VF MUH. SG 280a cat £90. ACSC 317 cat $200. (50) | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
2103![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1959 QEII 3d Blue-Green sheet of 160 with Type V perf pip at centre right. Considerable toning/spotting. Scarce sheet. ACSC 3500 ba cat $190. | AVAILABLE at A$20 | ||
2127![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1962 Perth Games 5d sheet of 80 with black sheet num at UR cnr & Harrison imprint at LL cnr. Plated as upper plate with 'retouch above 5d' (pos 6/4). VF fresh MUH. ACSC 390 d z zc cat $135. | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
2128![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1962 Perth Games 5d, sheet of 80 with Harrison imprint at LL cnr. Plated as lwr plate with ACSC listed variety 'red dot left of Kangaroo Paw (pos 3/1). VF fresh MUH. ACSC 390 e z cat $130. | SOLD at A$30 | ||
2140![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1963 QEII 5d green booklet plate comp sheet of 288 comprising 48 booklet panes of 6 inc perf pip UR & LR blks of 9 (ACSC 400 bg, bh cat $150), upper & lower cnr blks of 9 (cat $90). Left marginal (4) & right marginal (4) blks of 9 (ACSC 400 bc, bd cat $360). Upper marginal perf pip Plate 1 blk of 5 panes of 6 (ACSC 400 za cat $150), lower marginal perf pip blk of 5 panes of 6 (ACSC 400 bf cat $70) & 20 other panes of 6 (400 bb cat $180). SG 354b. F-VF MUH, some aging & creasing, mostly in margins. Total ACSC cat $900. (288) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
2194![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1968 Soil/Medical 5c sheet of 100 with Autotrons at top, both red sheet numbers, thick bars in gutter & variety 'needle in thumb'. Lightly folded through gutter, 1 stamp gum flts. Fresh MUH. ACSC 489/90 c d z zb zc cat $180. | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
2195![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1968 Soil/Medical 5c unfolded gutter pr thick bars comp strip of 10 pr inc Autotrons at top, red sheet num & ACSC variety 'needle in thumb'. F-VF MUH. SG 426a cat £80 = A$160. ACSC 490 c d z zb cat $130. | SOLD at A$25 | ||
2196![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1968 Soil/Medical 5c gutter pr blk of 40 with 10 thick lines, Autotrons at top, red sheet number & ACSC variety 'needle in thumb' folded/creased through central gutter, F-VF MUH. ACSC 489/490 c d z zc cat $140. (40 stamps) | AVAILABLE at A$20 | ||
2197![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1968 Soil/Medical 5c sheet of 100 with thick gutter bars, Autotrons at top, both sheet numbers & ACSC variety 'needle in thumb'. Lightly folded through central gutter. Generally F-VF MUH, some mostly minor bends inc LL cnr. ACSC 489/490 c d z zb zc cat $165. | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
2198![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1968 Soil/Medical 5c sheet of 100 Autotrons at top & both red sheet numbers. Thin blue gutter lines. Very lightly folded at left of gutter (appears unfolded). Fresh MUH. ACSC 489/90 ca za zb zc cat $180. | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
2304![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1979 Christmas 25c Gifts sheet & 100 with colour control circles in vert gutter & variety 'horiz green line in US flag' (Pos 2/7, both panes). Couple of light tropical spots effecting a couple of stamps, o/w VF fresh MUH. ACSC 851 d z cat $90+. | SOLD at A$20 | ||
2305![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1980 Stamp Week 66c M/Sheet opt Austamp 90 ASDA Dinner numbered. VF fresh MUH. SG MS757(var). Retail $125. | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
2316![]() Click for more photos | 1990 Australia-Russia Antarctica set 41c & $1.10 panes of 50. VF fresh MUH. FV $75 alone. SG 1261-62 cat £70+. (2 panes). | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
2327![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1997-98 Birds 45c set of 4 self adhesive blk of 8 SNP Cambec perf 11½ - only issued in strips from rolls. VF fresh MUH. SG 1687-90(var). ACSC 1955cc cat $400. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$140 | ||
2335![]() Click for more photos | 1999 Australia 99 Navigators 45c M/Sheet pr with A99 Perfin, pr imperf & 'Flying Cloud' Clipper Ship 45c sheetlet of 10 with Exhib margin tabs. VF fresh MUH. SG 1727(var), MS1852c & 1852a/b. Retail $90. (5) | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
2337![]() Click for more photos | 1999 Greetings set 45c (5), & $1 sheets of 20. VF fresh MUH. SG 1896-1901. FV alone $65. (6 sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
2352![]() Click for more photos | 2001 AFL Teams $9 SES with Australia & Globe 45c for Adelaide, Brisbane, Carlton, Collingwood, Fremantle, Kangaroos, Melbourne, Richmond, St Kilda & Sydney. VF fresh MUH. Original PO cost $26 each! is $260. FV $90. (10). | SOLD at A$60 | ||
2406![]() Click to enlarge photo | 2007 NRL Football M/Sheets set of 16 individual teams in open out upright PO Packs with team medallions at UL. FV $80, new issue costs $190+. Hard to find as a comp set. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
2432![]() Click for more photos | 2009 PO Anniv $5.50 philatelic barcode opt APTA. Limited Edition no. 190. VF fresh MUH. SG SB328(var). Retail $35. | AVAILABLE at A$13 | ||
2443![]() Click for more photos | 2010 Bourke & Wills set 60c-$1.20 sheets of 50 with setenant prs. VF fresh MUH. SG 3466-69. FV $90 alone. (2 sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
2445![]() Click to enlarge photo | 2010 Wildlife Rescue set 60c-$1.20 sheets of 50, 60c as setenant strips of 5. VF fresh MUH. SG 3492-97. FV $90 alone. (2 sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
2462![]() Click to enlarge photo | 2011 Mythical Creatures set 60c-$1.20 sheets of 50, inc 60c setenant strips of 5. SG 3652-57. FV $90 alone. (2 sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
2464![]() Click to enlarge photo | 2012 Precious Moments set 60c-$1.20 sheets of 50 inc 60c setenant strips of 5. VF fresh MUH. SG 3686-91. FV $90 alone (2 sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
2474![]() Click for more photos | 2012 Explorers set 60c-$1.20 sheets of 50 inc setenants prs. VF fresh MUH. SG 3799-3802. FV $90 alone. (2 sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
2485![]() Click for more photos | 2012 Lawn Bowls set 60c-$1.20 sheets of 50. VF fresh MUH. SG 3893-94. FV $90 alone. (2 sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
2490![]() Click for more photos | 2013 Music Legends 60c set sheets of 50, ea with setenant prs. VF fresh MUH. SG 3897-3906. FV $150 alone. (5 sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
2491![]() Click for more photos | 2013 Special Occasions set 60c-$1.20 with 60 setenant strips of 5. VF fresh MUH. SG 3917-22. FV $90 alone. (2 sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
2528![]() Click to enlarge photo | 2017 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games Baton Relay, 2018 Harry & Megan Wedding & Repatriation Anniv, 2019 In the Garden PO Packs. SG 7900, 4981, 4993 & 5108-13. FV alone $42. (4) | AVAILABLE at A$35 | ||
2534![]() Click to enlarge photo | Australian Commonwealth Specialists' Catalogue- Booklets: Current 2020 Edition with 186 colour pgs in A4 format, fully revised inc additions & extra photographs with in depth coverage from 1904 to 2001 Christmas with all sub-types & edition/advert combinations of the popular 1960s & 70s 5d - 7c types, plus 1990s Official Exhibition opts. Essential reference. | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
2535![]() Click for more photos | 1909-12 Commonwealth of Australia £1 red-brown on pink cover with map of Australia 'This Book Contains One Penny Stamps Value One Pound' & 'By Authority: JB Cooke, Commonwealth Stamp Printer' with GPO Sydney sideways on back cover. Inside covers black on yellow with printed columns for book-keeping use. No contents but selvedge remains of NSW 1d red Arms, book-keeping columns filled in. Overall VF, excellent condition for such a large booklet. Cover front sl faded, torn & creased with annotations on reverse. SG SB1a unpriced while other £1 booklets cat £15,000-£22,000. ACSC B3A(N)C listed as covers alone, while ACSC cat $30,000 for similar full booklets. This discovery was the basis of the cat listings & only 2 recorded. (P) | SOLD at A$1000 | ||
2537![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1958 QEII 4/- with 4d claret 'British Commonwealth'. VF MUH. SG SB 33a(var) cat £55+. Pfr B60BT cat $190. | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
2548![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1968 Famous Australians $1, editions N68/3 (3 diff) or G68/3. VF MUH. SG SB44. Pf B130Ae, Af, Ak & Ce cat $90. (4) | AVAILABLE at A$20 | ||
2589![]() Click for more photos | 2001 Birds $90 'cheque book' of 20 x $4.50 bklts, general barcode. VF MUH. SG SB145(var), cat £80. Pfr B237 cat $160 - both as 20 single bklts. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
2590![]() Click to enlarge photo | 2001 Birds $90 'cheque book' of 20 x $4.50 booklets, philatelic barcode. SG SB145(var) cat £80. Pfr B237 cat $160 -both as 20 singles bklts. | SOLD at A$60 | ||
2596![]() Click to enlarge photo | 2002 Lighthouses $4.90 generic barcode, opt Petersham. Limited Edition no. 029. VF fresh MUH. SG SB151(var). Retail $28. | AVAILABLE at A$10 | ||
2636![]() Click for more photos | 2009 PO Anniv $5.50, generic barcode opt APTA. VF fresh MUH. Limited Edition no.90. SG SB328(var). Retail $35. | AVAILABLE at A$13 | ||
2638![]() Click to enlarge photo | 2010-13 larger size Legends Prestige booklets with 2010 Writers, 2012 Football & 2013 Music, with special M/S format panes. SG SP179, 190 & 193 cat £81. FV alone $56. (3) | AVAILABLE at A$35 | ||
2663![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1902 blank base ½d to 5/- emerald, crown over NSW wmk, various perfs inc 1d perf 11x11½. The ½d & 8d CTO Hobart, 6d CTO with 3 concentric rings of Perth. F-VFU. SG D1-7, D9 cat £350. ACSC D1-11 cat $730. (9) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
2664![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1902-04 Completed design 4d dull green, wmk crown NSW upright, perf 11. VF fresh M. ACSC D28Ba cat $275. SG D38w cat £300. (P) | SOLD at A$180 | ||
2665![]() Click for more photos | 1902-09 completed design ½d to 5/- green/emerald, various wmks inc wmk inverted, various perfs. All diff. F-VFU. SG D22-D59 cat £1600+ = A$3200. ACSC D12-62 cat $2500. (36+) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
2666![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1902-04 Completed Design 10/- dull green wmk crown NSW, single line perf 11. VFU with partial NSW in 3 concentric circles CTO pmk. SG D43 cat £2000. ACSC D44w cat $3250. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1300 | ||
2667![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1909-10 Bicolour ½d-£1, Crown over double lined A, thick paper, perf 12x12½. F-VFU. SG D63-73 cat £510. ACSC D76-92 cat $970. (13) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
2672![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1958 Bicolour 1d green & red Die II large part sheet of 103 stamps with 9 strips of 5, selvedge both sides (cat $180), perf pip blk of 8 at right & ACSC variety 'stop & portions of 1 & D NOT outlined in white' (pos D16) with 4 examples (cat $25 ea) in the multiple (pos 16 & 46 both panes). VF CTO. ACSC D146 c d cat $390. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
2674![]() Click for more photos | 1903-10 Inwards underpaid PPCs from GB (9) with a mix of mono-colours inc 1909 to Sydney with uncancelled 1d NSW (ACSC cat $200), 1906 to Adelaide with ½d green filled base (2) with m/s cancels ($100), 1909 (2), both with 1d singles ($160), 1903 to NSW franked KEVII 1d red with 1d green strip of 3 ($100). 1904 & 1905 cards with 1d & 2d m/s cancels ($120 ea). 1905 card to Sydney franked KEVII 1d & 2d, re-addressed to Victoria with 2d bright green m/s card ($80) & 1906 from Madras franked GB KEVII 1d red m/s, card to Sydney with 2d green pmk 'Milsons Point' in violet ($80). Mostly F-VF. Total ACSC cat $960. (9) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
2705![]() Click for more photos | 1979-81 Ships 1c-22c inc both 15c in sheets of 100. VF fresh MUH. SG 37-44 cat £725! FV alone $90. (8 sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
2722![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1984-87 Scenes 90c sheet of 100. VF fresh MUH. SG 76. FV $90. | AVAILABLE at A$65 | ||
2732![]() Click for more photos | 1995 Whales & Dolphins set 45c-$1 M/Sheets of 100. VF fresh MUH. SG 108-11. FV alone $190. (3 sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$140 | ||
2750![]() Click for more photos | 2012 Centenary of Expedition (2nd issue) set 60c - $1.20 in sheets of 50. VF fresh MUH. SG 218-22. FV alone $90. (2 sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
2751![]() Click for more photos | 2014 Centenary of Expedition (4th issue) set 60c - $1.20 in sheets of 50. VF fresh MUH. SG 235-39. FV alone $90. (2 sheets). | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
2785![]() Click for more photos | 1940 NZ-Australia Flying Boat service FFC franked Centenary 5d tied by 'Petone 17 AP 40' cds, plus return flight franked Ram 5d tied by Melbourne 31 APR 1940 pmk. AAMC 899 & 900 cat $200. (2). | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
2788![]() Click for more photos | 1940 Australia-NZ Pictorial covers inc to NZ franked Ram 5d tied by 'Arncliffe' cds & from NZ franked Centenary 1½d(2), & 2½d tied by Auckland cds. AAMC 899-900 cat $200. (2). | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
2891![]() Click for more photos | Lettercard: 1911-12 KGV Fullface 1d black on white enamelled stock, cream inside horiz view National Park NSW, w/o comma. Superb fresh UN. ACSC LC11(90D) cat $150. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
3055![]() Click for more photos | Lettercard: 1924 KGV 1½d on 2d red, view National Park NSW. Superb fresh UN. ACSC LC54(90) cat $500. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
3212![]() Click for more photos | Postcard: 1911 KGV Full Face 1d red, 'The left half' admonition, printed reverses for Royal Society of Victoria (closed spike-hole), Cosmopolitan Society Adelaide & Philatelic Society WA. Some flts, used 1913-15. ACSC P23 cat $90. (3) | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
3281![]() Click to enlarge photo | Wrapper - PTPO: 1942 KGVI 1½d green wide wrapper (190x260mm) with REGISTERED NEWSPAPERS h/s. VF fresh UN with centre fold. ACSC WS25 cat $400. Very rare. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
3296![]() Click for more photos | Courier Mail 1960s-90s covers carried by private courier, noted 1960s- 70s with Ansett/TAA labels, lots of 1990s AusDoc mail, two parcel fronts c1999 with diff types of 'Prepaid stickers' for Australian Freight Handling, Kings Meadows, Tas, etc (75) | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
3310![]() Click to enlarge photo | Australian Commonwealth Specialist Catalogue, Australian States 1901-12 Federal Period. 2023 Edition, 343 colour pgs with comprehensive listing of all stamps of the period inc Die/Plate Proofs, FDC, perfs & wmks, plate flaws, perf errors inc imperfs, compound & mixed, & OS perfins. New. | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
3330![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1871-1902 QV 1/- pale chestnut DIE PROOF on card (92x60mm). Superb fresh UN as made. SG 221(p). Produced for 1871 London South Kensington Exhibition. Colour die proofs are very rare. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
3339![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1888-90 'OS' opt Centenary set 1d to 1/- opt Specimen type 8, plus 1891 'OS' opt 'Australia' 2½d ultramarine. F-VF fresh MUH. SG O39-O44s & O54s est cat £260 for M, should be at least double, £520 MUH. (7). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
3340![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1888-90 'OS' opt Centenary set 1d to 1/-, opt SPECIMEN type 8, plus 1891 'OS' opt 'Australia' 2½d blue. F-VF MUH. SG O39-44s & O54s cat £260 for M, should be at least double, £520 MUH (7) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$220 | ||
3342![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1888-90 OS opt Carrington 20/- cobalt-blue, perf 10, wmk 5/- sideways, from 1895 special printing for PO sets. VF CTO with gum, NSW ovals pmk. SG O48(var) cat £1100. Rare, only 208 sold (only 158 with NSW pmk). Certificate can be obtained on request. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
3343![]() Click for more photos | 1890s Watermark Master Plate of 6 of the '5/- NSW' in diamond wmk, used to make an impression in wax that is used to create the final wmk. Still with the interconnecting lines which are removed before cutting into single pieces to be affixed to the dandy roll. Made by specialist dandy roll makers Edwin Amies & Son, still in its original rustproof paper wrapper. Unique. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
3344![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1890 Carrington 20/- cobalt-blue, wmk 20/- NSW in circle, perf 10. VF fresh MLH. Scott 88c cat US$500, SG 264 cat £500. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$325 | ||
3345![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1890 Carrington 20/- dull ultramarine wmk crown NSW in circle, perf 11. VF fresh M. Scott 88a cat US$450, SG 264c cat £425 (P) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
3346![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1890 Carrington 20/- ultramarine wmk '20/- NSW' in circle, perf 12x11. VF fresh MLH. Scott 88 cat US$400, SG 264cb cat £375. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
3347![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1890 Carrington 20/- ultramarine, opt SPECIMEN (type 15 sans-serif 15x2mm), wmk '20/- NSW' in circle, perf 12x11. VF fresh MUH, left marginal with part inscription. SG 264cb(s) cat £425 as M normal, should be at least double, £850 MUH, plus premium for very rare specimen. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$375 | ||
3348![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1890 'Australia' 2½d ultramarine, top marginal blk of 4 with part inscription, perf 11x12. Stamps VF fresh MUH. SG 265 cat £96 for M singles, should be at least double, £192 MUH, plus premium for blk. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
3354![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1894-1904 'POSTAGE' blue opt QV 10/- violet & claret Stamp Duty, wmk NSW (SG w59), perf 12. F-VF fresh MLH. Scott 76 cat US$350. SG 275 cat £350. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$220 | ||
3355![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1894-1904 'POSTAGE' opt QV 10/- violet & claret Stamp Duty, wmk NSW sideways, perf 12x11. F-VF fresh M. Sc 76d cat US$350. SG 275b cat £400. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
3356![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1894-1904 POSTAGE blue opt QV 10/- violet & rosine Stamp Duty, wmk NSW sideways, chalk-surfaced paper, perf 12x11. Superb fresh MLH. Scott 76d cat US$350, SG 277b cat £375. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
3359![]() Click for more photos | 1897-1907 QV 2d blue study of multiples inc 1897-99 2d deep blue, UR cnr marginal blk of 6 with part inscriptions, 2x LL cnr marginal horiz prs both with 'WAC' monograms. 1899 2d cobalt-blue, blks of 4 1 with '1901' monogram & the other with part inscription, on chalk-surfaced paper. 1905-10 2d milky-blue blk of 4 with part 'GPrO NSW' monogram, wmk crown single-lined A, 2d cobalt-blue, horiz prs, wmk crown double-lined A. 1905-10 2d UR cnr marginal blk of 12 with inscriptions wmk crown single-lined A, plus top marginal blk of 4 with '1907' monogram. VF fresh M/MUH. SG cat £450+ for M singles, should be at least double, £670+, plus premium for monogram/inscription multiples. (71) | SOLD at A$180 | ||
3368![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1902-03 Cook 4d orange-brown, top marginal blk of 4 with part inscription, wmk crown NSW (SG w65). Stamps VF fresh MUH, diag crease across 2 stamps. ACSC N29B. SG 317 cat £220 for M singles, should be at least double, £440+ MUH, plus premium for blk. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
3369![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1902-03 Captain Cook 4d orange-brown wmk Crown/NSW (w65). VF fresh MLH. ACSC N29B cat $60. SG 317 cat £55. | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
3370![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1905-10 Shield 1d rose-carmine, wmk crown/single-lined A, error DOUBLE PRINT with impressions overlapping but very clear. VF MUH. SG 334a cat £550 for M, should be at least double, £1100 MUH. ACSC N12c cat $800 M, $1600 MUH. Only 1 sheet believed printed. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
3371![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1905-10 Captain Cook 4d orange-brown, left marginal blk of 4 with part inscription, wmk Crown/single-lined A. VF fresh 1MLH/3MUH. ACSC N30B cat $100 for M, MUH should be at least double, $175, plus premium for inscription blk. SG 338 cat £60 for M so £105+ MUH. | AVAILABLE at A$35 | ||
3372![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1905-10 Lyrebird 2/6 blue-green UR cnr marginal blk of 4 with sheet no 19746, wmk crown single-lined A, perf 11½x11. Stamps superb fresh MUH. ACSC N65. SG 349a cat £320 for M, singles should be at least double, £640+ MUH, plus premium for positional multiple. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
3373![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1905-10 Lyrebird 2/6 blue-green UL cnr marginal blk of 4, wmk crown single-lined A, perf 11½x11. Stamps superb fresh MUH. ACSC N65. SG 349a cat £320 for M singles should be at least double, MUH, so £640+, plus premium for positional multiple. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
3374![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1905 Carrington 20/- cobalt-blue wmk crown A in circle, perf 11. Superb fresh MLH. ACSC N77. SG 350 cat £375. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
3375![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1905 Commonwealth 9d brown & ultramarine, perf 11, FULL SHEET of 120 with all margins. Stamps VF fresh MUH, some perf separations. ACSC N50 cat $18,000++ for M singles, should be at least double, $36,000 MUH. SG 351a cat £15,600++ for M singles, so should be at least double, £31,200 = A$62,000 - both for singles, plus premium for sheet. Believed to be unique as sheet of this perf & an important item for NSW specialist. Ex Hutson. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$3000 | ||
3376![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1907 QV 2½d Prussian blue UL cnr marginal horiz pr with part inscriptions, wmk crown double lined A. Stamps VF fresh MUH, LR cnr sl crease. ACSC N22 est cat $600+ counting premium MUH. SG 356 cat £200 for M singles should be at least double, MUH so £400+, plus premium for positional multiple. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
3377![]() Click for more photos | Postmarks: 1914-90s cds collection A-Y on pages in 5 springback albums, inc Binda Burra, Bukkulla, Chatsworth Is, Copeton Dam, French Park, Goulburn base Hospital, Kikoria, Molongo Settlement Myrtleville, Narrawa, Obley, San Isidore, Tent Hill, Wolseley Park. Few Paid cds on piece, Reliefs, TPO's & Military pmks. Generally 'A' quality strikes but some earlies are only partial, many are on piece particularly in decimal period. Good range. Mostly G-VFU. Pmk variation but appear all diff. (3000+). (P) | SOLD at A$750 | ||
3390![]() Click for more photos | Postmark: Manildra Railway NSW 01 OC 07 very nice strike on 1907 cover franked Shield 1d pr, to Hobart, from Tattersalls usage. Very rare cds as PO in use 1907-mid 1908. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
3391![]() Click for more photos | Postmarks: 1900-38 'Special' types with Kangaroos 1d (4), 3d, 4d & 6d blue pr all Sydney types with 'SPECIAL' across centre & similar with 'SPECL6'. Then Special Sydney on 3d Roo & on KGV (13) inc 4d orange prs, plus Kooka 6d typo pr. Also an envelope 1½d red 'Star' cut-out, & NSW (2) inc with 'Q SPECIAL'. SG cat £120 as stamps alone. (27). | SOLD at A$35 | ||
3395![]() Click for more photos | New South Wales Postal Stationery Specimens: 1870s-90s collection with Postcards (2), Lettercards (3), Envelopes (4), Reg Env, Wrappers (6), Telegram 1/- & Official Postcard CTO, Envelopes (5) CTO/ Specimen. Almost all F-VF UN, majority very fresh. Nice lot. (23). | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
3396![]() Click for more photos | New South Wales - Postcards: 1875-1900 mint collection inc QV 1d reds, various 1½d blue, 1d Centennials, 1838 Stamp Jubilee 2d & 3d etc inc double reply cards (3) & Specimens (8). All diff. VF-Superb fresh UN. PSSA cat $480 & retail higher. Unusually nice. (17) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
3397![]() Click for more photos | New South Wales - Postcards: 1875-1904 used inc QV 1d red (3), various 1½d blues (4) inc view card & 1d red Arms (3) -5 with printed reverse. 1897 Arms 1d red die 1, view GPO Sydney in black & with 'Greetings from' in dark grey, superb fresh CTO with NSW ovals cancel. VFU, mostly very fresh. PSSA cat $500+. (13) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
3402![]() Click for more photos | Envelope-Official: 1895 use of Centennial 1d violet OS die, 222x90mm for School Bank returns. U, tones. H&G DB10(var). | AVAILABLE at A$8 | ||
3403![]() Click to enlarge photo | Envelope-Official: 1900 Arms 1d red & QV 2d blue 'Parliamentary' envelopes 145x90mm UN, flaps stuck, tones as usual, very light centre folds. H&G DB16b & 17a. (2). | AVAILABLE at A$35 | ||
3404![]() Click to enlarge photo | Envelope-Official: 1900 Arms 1d red 'Parliamentary' envelope 220x97mm. UN, flts, tones as often. H&G DB16c. | AVAILABLE at A$8 | ||
3420![]() Click for more photos | Postcard: 1900 Arms 1d red Die II, cream card, view Hawkesbury River in black, 'Greetings' in orange-buff. Superb fresh UN. PSSA PC21a. | AVAILABLE at A$55 | ||
3421![]() Click for more photos | Postcard: 1900 Arms 1d red Die II, text side buff, view Iron Cove Bridge in black, 'Greetings' in olive. Superb fresh UN. PSSA PC21a. | AVAILABLE at A$55 | ||
3422![]() Click for more photos | Postcard: 1900 Arms 1d red Die II, text side buff, view Town Hall in olive, 'Greetings' in grey-blue. VF UN. PSSA PC21a. | AVAILABLE at A$55 | ||
3423![]() Click for more photos | Postcard: 1906 Arms 1d red Die II with 3 extra lines of script text, view Fairy Dell (waterfall) in jet-black in new rectangular format, 'Greetings' in grey. VF fresh UN. PSSA PC27a. | AVAILABLE at A$65 | ||
3424![]() Click for more photos | Postcard: 1906 Arms 1d red Die II with 3 extra lines of script text, view Fairy Dell (waterfall) in black, 'Greetings' in grey. View superb fresh UN, text side sm tones. PSSA PC27a. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
3425![]() Click for more photos | Postcard: 1906 Arms 1d red die 2 with 3 extra lines of script text, view Fairy Dell in black, 'Greetings' in grey. Superb fresh UN. PSSA PC27a. | AVAILABLE at A$110 | ||
3426![]() Click for more photos | Postcard: 1906 Arms 1d red Die II with 3 extra lines of script text, view Govett's Leap (waterfall) in jet black, Greetings in grey. VF fresh UN. PSSA PC27a. | AVAILABLE at A$65 | ||
3427![]() Click for more photos | Postcard: 1906 Arms 1d red die 2 with 3 extra lines of script text, view Katoomba Falls in black, 'Greetings' in grey. Superb fresh UN. PSSA PC27a. | AVAILABLE at A$110 | ||
3428![]() Click for more photos | Postcard: 1906 Arms 1d red divided front, view Hawkesbury River Bridge in blue-black, w/o 'Greetings'. Superb fresh UN. PSSA PC31a. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
3429![]() Click for more photos | Postcard: 1907 Arms 1d red divided front, view Mosman's Bay in blue, w/o 'Greetings'. Superb fresh UN, QV ½d added. H&G 30. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
3430![]() Click for more photos | Postcard: 1907 Arms 1d red divided front, view Hawkesbury River in steel-blue, 'Greetings' in bright rose. Superb fresh UN. PSSA PC31b. Rare. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
3455![]() Click for more photos | Registered Envelope: 1898 QV 3d size F curved flap on front, used to Denmark with QV ½d green & 2d tied by 'Gunnedah AU 15 1904' cds. H&G C12. | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
3466![]() Click for more photos | Wrappers: 1869-1900s specialist collection inc 1869 QV 1d red & Specimen opt, 1888 Centennial 1d violet (3), Grey ½d opt (3), ½d grey shades (5), 1897 Arms 1d red, various stocks, ½d green (3), Arms 1d red die 2 inc thick stocks, ½d green on buff & dark buff, plus a Sheep Breeders 1d violet on pink paper. Almost all diff inc shades, stocks, M/U, Specimens etc. PSSA cat $700. (26, inc 10 UN & 2 Specimen). | AVAILABLE at A$230 | ||
3469![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 4d black on grey Barley Malt & Hops Exclusively 2 Gallons. Superb fresh UN as issued. Bft 26. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
3470![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 10d black on grey Barley Malt & Hops Exclusively, 5 Gallons. Superb fresh UN as issued. Bft 27. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
3471![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 1/6 black on blue, Barley Malt & Hops Exclusively, 9 Gallons. Superb fresh UN as issued. Bft 28. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
3472![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 2/6 black on pink Barley Malt & Hops Exclusively, 15 Gallons. Superb fresh UN as issued. Bft 30. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
3473![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 5/6 black on cream Barley Malt & Hops Exclusively, Barrel. Superb fresh UN as issued. Bft 33. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
3474![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 8/4 black on pink Barley Malt & Hops Exclusively, Hogshead. Superb fresh UN as issued. Bft 34. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
3475![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 6d olive 'NEI' 2 Gallons. Superb fresh UN as issued. Bft 39. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
3476![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 1/3 blue 'NEI' 5 Gallons. Superb fresh UN as issued. Bft 40. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
3477![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 2/3 blue 'NEI' 9 Gallons. Superb fresh UN as issued. Bft 41. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
3478![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 2/6 black 'NEI' 10 Gallons. VF fresh UN as issued. Bft 42. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
3479![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 3/9 orange-brown 'NEI' 15 Gallons. Superb fresh UN as issued. Bft 43. Rare so nice. | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
3480![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 6/3 violet 'NEI' Half Hogshead. Superb fresh UN as issued. Bft 45. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
3481![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 4d black on pink Barley Malt & Hops Exclusively 1 Dozen Bottled, smaller size. Superb fresh M. Bft 48. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
3482![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 8d red on blue Barley Malt & Hops Exclusively 2 Dozen Bottled, smaller size. Superb fresh M. Bft 49. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
3483![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 1/- brown Barley Malt & Hops Exclusively 3 Dozen Bottled, smaller size. Superb fresh M. Bft 50. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
3484![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 1/4 blue on pink Barley Malt & Hops Exclusively, 4 Doz Bottled, smaller size. Superb fresh M. Bft 51. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
3485![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 1/8 black on grey Barley Malt & Hops Exclusively 5 Dozen Bottled, smaller size. Superb fresh M, sl gum bends. Bft 52. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
3486![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 2/- black on grey Barley Malt & Hops Exclusively 6 Dozen Bottled, smaller size. Superb fresh M. Bft 53. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
3487![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 2/8 black on blue Barley Malt & Hops Exclusively 8 Dozen Bottled, smaller size. Superb fresh M. Bft 54. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
3488![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 3/4 black on cream Barley Malt & Hops Exclusively 10 Dozen Bottled, smaller size. Fresh M, sl flts. Bft 55. Rare. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
3489![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 4/- black on pink Barley Malt & Hops Exclusively 12 Dozen Bottled, smaller size. Superb fresh M. Bft 56. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
3490![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 6/8 black on cream Barley Malt & Hops Exclusively 20 Dozen Bottled, smaller size. Superb fresh M. Bft 57. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
3491![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 10/- black on blue Barley Malt & Hops Exclusively 30 Dozen Bottled, smaller size. Superb fresh M, gum bends. Bft 58. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
3492![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 1/6 purple 'NEI' 3 Dozen Bottled, smaller size. Superb fresh M. Bft 63. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
3493![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 2/6 olive 'NEI' 2 Dozen Bottled, smaller size. Superb fresh M. Bft 62. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
3494![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 3/- brown 'NEI' 6 Dozen Bottled, smaller size. Superb fresh M. Bft 66. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
3495![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 5/- black 'NEI' 10 Dozen Bottled, smaller size. Superb fresh M. Bft 68. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
3496![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 6/- orange 'NEI' 12 Dozen Bottled, smaller size. Superb fresh M. Bft 69. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
3497![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 10/- green 'NEI' 20 Dozen Bottled, smaller size. Superb fresh M. Bft 70. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
3502![]() Click to enlarge photo | Stamp Duty: 1866-1903 QV 8d lilac & brown-red imperf DIE PROOF on glazed card 92x60mm. VF UN as made, sl marks in margin. Bft 19(p). Extremely rare. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
3503![]() Click to enlarge photo | Stamp Duty: 1966 Numeral 15c green & blue IMPERF sheet of 100 with imprint 'VCN Blight, Government Printer'. F-VF MUH, margins & a few stamps sl tones. Bft 230(var). Extremely rare, only 1 other imperf sheet known. Originally coat vendor $690. | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
3525![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1897-1908 QV 3d brown, blank background, numerals 4 cnrs, blk of 4, IMPERF master die, no wmk, cream wove paper. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG 240(p). ACSC Q24(DP)1A cat $4000. Extremely rare, only several made. Certificate can be obtained on request. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1200 | ||
3527![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1900 QV Boer War Charity set 1d & 2d. VF fresh MLH with nice colours. Scott B1-B2 cat US$535.SG 263-264 cat £500. (2) (P) | SOLD at A$220 | ||
3528![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1905-06 QV Large Chalon £1 deep green, lithographed, wmk crown Q sideways (SG w6), perf 12. F-VF fresh MLH. Scott 144 cat US$425. ACSC Q64 cat $900. SG 274 cat £550. Scarce top value. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
3529![]() Click for more photos | 1906-10 Commonwealth 9d pale brown & blue, LINE PERF 11, perf OS, wmk crown double-lined A, with DOUBLE PERFS at right. Superb U, Bundaberg cds. ACSC Q45Bb(var) cat $1500++, plus premium for double perf error. SG 285(OS) cat £800 as normal & much under- catalogued, perf OS unlisted & should be at least double, £1600+, plus premium for double perf error. Extremely rare perf OS as only several recorded - one of the previous we offered sold for $4000+ commission in our auction 318, while the double perf error is the only recorded & believed unique. 2018 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$800 | ||
3530![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1906-10 Commonwealth 9d pale brown & blue, LINE PERF 11, perf OS, wmk crown double-lined A. VFU. ACSC Q45Bb cat $1500+. SG 285(OS) cat £800 as normal & much undercatalogued, perf OS unlisted & should be at least double, £1600+. Extremely rare perf OS as only several recorded - one of the previous we offered sold for $4000+ commission in our auction 318. 2018 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$900 | ||
3531![]() Click for more photos | 1907-11 QV set ½d to 1/-, all se-tenant vert strips of 3, top stamp perf 13x11½, middle perf 13x11 & bottom perf 13-12, wmk crown A. Stamps VF MUH, all marginal. ACSC ex Q5b-49b cat $2025+ for M, so est $4050 MUH. SG 301-8(var) cat £875+ for M singles, should be at least double, £1750 MUH, plus premium for se-tenant strips. 2020 Ceremuga AIEP photo certs for 4d & 1/-. (8 strips of 3) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$525 | ||
3532![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1907-11 QV 4d grey-black, Die I, vert se-tenant strip of 3, blank background, 4 cnr Numerals, wmk crown A, perf 12½x11½ top, 12½x11 middle & 12½x12 MUH. SG 305(var) ca £210 as M singles, should be at least double, £420 MUH, plus premium for se-tenant strip. ACSC Q33b cat $750 M, so est $1500 MUH. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
3533![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1907-11 QV Large Chalon set 2/6 - £1, lithographed, plus 2/6 shades (2) & 5/-, wmk crown A sideways. VFM. Scott 141 - 144,141a,141b,142a cat US$1358.ACSC ex Q52-65 cat $1600. SG 309-312, 309a, 309b & 310a cat £1145. Rare set. (7). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$525 | ||
3534![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1907-11 QV Large Chalon 2/6 vermilion, wmk Crown/A sideways. Superb fresh M. ACSC Q55 cat $75. SG 309 cat £55. | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
3535![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1907-11 QV Large Chalon set 2/6-£1, wmk crown A sideways. VF fresh M/MLH. Scott 141-144 cat US$973. SG 309-312 cat £715. ACSC ex Q55-65 cat $1175. Rare set. (4) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$325 | ||
3536![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1907-11 QV Large Chalon 2/6 vermilion (2 shades) & 2/6 dull orange, all perf OS, last 2 error perfin REVERSED, wmk crown A sideways. F-VFU. SG309 & 309a cat £240+ as normals. ACSC Q55A, C, b cat $360++, last 2 with 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo certs. (3) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$140 | ||
3537![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1907-11 QV Large Chalon high values, 2/6 dull orange, 5/- rose & 10/- brown, all perf OS, wmk crown A sideways, the 2/6 & 5/-, error OS reversed. VF fresh CTO with gum. SG 309a, 310, 311(var) cat £240+ for normals. ACSC Q55Cbx, Q58bx, Q60c cat $545++. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo certs. (3) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$220 | ||
3538![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1907-11 QV Large Chalon 5/- rose, wmk Crown/A sideways. VF fresh MLH. ACSC Q58 cat $150. SG 310 cat £85. | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
3539![]() Click for more photos | Postmark collection 1914-1990s in A-Z s/book mainly 1d Red KGV to decimal period, lots of small POs inc Laravale, Silkwood East, also noted Enoggera camp (2R) range of 1990s rubbers cds inc paid etc. Appear all diff. Mainly F-VF cds, some early period are partial. (1600+) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
3540![]() Click to enlarge photo | Postmark: 'Telegraph Branch GPO 9 FE 06' (RRRR) comp strike on 1905 QV Chalon £1 green, lithographed, perf 12. VFU. Scott 127 cat US$125. SG 274 cat £130+, plus premium for pmk. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
3557![]() Click to enlarge photo | Postcard: 1904 QV 1d dull brown 4-line heading inc 'Commonwealth British New Guinea' view Glengalan Station. Superb fresh UN. H&G 12. | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
3558![]() Click to enlarge photo | Postcard: 1908 QV 1d deep claret 1st line 'Post Card', view Brisbane River from Parliament House. Superb fresh UN. H&G 15. | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
3559![]() Click to enlarge photo | Postcard: 1908 QV 1d deep claret 1st line 'Post Card', view Pineapple Plantation. F-VF UN, suntan lines on reverse. H&G 15. | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
3561![]() Click for more photos | Postcard: 1908 QV 1d red Fleetcard, special illustrated card for visit of American Fleet. Superb fresh U, Toowoomba machine pmk. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
3574![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1901 Beer in Kegs violet h/s surch 4/3 on 4/6 blue, 1 Kilderkin 17 Gallons, with '4s.3d & bars' over old values & 'FOUR SHILLING & THREE PENCE' at base, plus '17 over '18'. VF F/C cancelled h/s & m/s date. Bft 59. Extremely rare, only several recorded. Certificate can be obtained on request. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$800 | ||
3575![]() Click for more photos | Beer Duty: 1902 Beer in Kegs 6/3 claret ½ Hogshead, 25 Gallons with 3 Burele bands on reverse, no wmk. Superb fresh UN. Bft 66. Extremely rare. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1000 | ||
3576![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1902 Beer in Kegs 12/6 red Hogshead, 50 Gallons, m/s 'Cancelled'. Fresh UN, tear at base, VF appearance. Bft 69. Extremely rare. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
3577![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 12/6 maroon 'NEI' Hogshead, wmk crown Q, m/s 'Specimen' in red at LR. Superb fresh UN. Bft 87. Rare so nice & probably unique as such specimen. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
3600![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1876-1900 '8 PENCE' opt QV 9d grey-brown, wmk Broad Star, perf 11½-12½. F-VF fresh M. Scott 71b cat US$240. SG 121 cat £250. (P) | SOLD at A$130 | ||
3601![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1876-1900 QV 9d rose-lilac (2 shades) & 9d rose-lilac, large holes (2 shades), wmk Broad Star, perf 11½ - 12½. F-VF fresh M/MLH. SG 123, 124 cat £108. (4) | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
3602![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1876-1900 QV 1/-red-brown wmk Broad Star, perf 11½ - 12½. F-VF fresh M. Scott 73 cat US$100, SG 125 cat £100. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
3603![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1876-1900 QV 1/- chocolate, wmk broad star, perf 11½, marg strip of 4, error IMPERF vertically. VF fresh MLH. SG 130a cat £1500+ as 2 prs, plus premium for marginal strip. (P) | SOLD at A$1000 | ||
3604![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1876-1900 QV 4d dull purple, wmk Broad Star, perf 10 x 11½ - 12½. F-VFM. SG 138 cat £100. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
3612![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1886-96 QV Postage & Revenue 15/- brownish-yellow, wmk crown narrow SA sideways, perf 10. VFM, original gum. Scott 84a cat US$900. SG 198 cat £850. Rare genuine M. 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
3629![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1894-1906 QV Kangaroo & Shield comp inc 2½d & 5d perf 15, 2½d, 3 shades & 5d, both shades, perf 13 & 2½d & 5d, perf 12x11½, all wmk crown SA. F-VF fresh M/MLH. SG 234-240 cat £239. (9) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
3630![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1894-1906 QV Shield 5d purple right marginal imperf proof blk of 4, no wmk. VF fresh MUH, 4 margins. (4) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
3631![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1894-1900 QV Kangaroo 2½d violet-blue blk of 4, with crown SA, perf 13. VF fresh MUH. SG 236 cat £160 for M, should be at least double, £320 MUH, plus premium for blk. (4). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
3632![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1899-1905 QV Bantam ½d green, imperf plate proof, no wmk, LL cnr blk of 32. VF fresh MUH, odd wrinkle. SG 241(p). (32) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
3633![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1899-1905 GPO ½d green imperf proof blk of 4, no wmk. VF fresh MLH, all 4 margins. SG 241(p), (P) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
3635![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1901-02 QV set 9d, 1/- & 2/-, wmk crown/SA. VF M/MLH. SG ex 146-151 cat £79. ACSC S15-S17 cat $120. (3) | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
3636![]() Click for more photos | 1902-04 QV Thin Postage 3d, 4d, 6d & 9d, blks of 4. VF fresh M/MLH, 3d sl horiz gum crease on 2. SG 268-70, 273 cat £372. ACSC S18, S20, S23, S27 cat $560, plus premium for blks. (4 blks). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
3637![]() Click for more photos | 1902-04 QV Thin Postage 8d ultramarine, variety spelling error 'EIGNT' for 'EIGHT'. Superb fresh M. Scott 124Ab cat US$2600, SG 272a cat £2500. An important & interesting error (the printer J.B. Cooke was even asked about this stuff-up in front of a SA parliamentary commission!). PF/NY & Friedl photo certs. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1700 | ||
3638![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1902-04 QV Thin Postage 1/- brown perf SA, error 'misplaced 'ONE SHILLING' & 'POSTAGE' with latter being over design at top instead of within the tablet area. VFU, Adelaide squared circle pmk. SG 275(var), ACSC S30s(OS) cat $3000+. Extremely rare, only several recorded. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$800 | ||
3639![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1902-04 QV Thin Postage 10/- green. VF fresh M. Scott 130 cat US$225, SG 278 cat £225. ACSC S33 cat $350. (P) | SOLD at A$190 | ||
3640![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1902-04 QV Thin Postage 3d olive-green, lower marginal vert pair, error value & inscription so greatly shifted that words are transposed resulting in lower stamp error 'POSTAGE' OMITTED, & 'THREE PENCE' below 'Australia', upper stamp 'THREE PENCE' below 'Australia' & 'POSTAGE' at base, wmk crown narrow SA, perf 12. Superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. ACSC S19c/ca. Bottom stamp is SG 280a & upper stamp is SG 280a(var) footnote, cat £5450 as M singles, should be at least double, £10,900+ MUH, plus premium for positional multiple. Only 1 sheet existed (so only 10 of SG 280a !) & spectacular error multiple. Certificate can be obtained on request. (2) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$5500 | ||
3641![]() Click for more photos | 1902-04 QV Thin Postage 3d olive-green, perf 12, error value & inscription greatly shifted up resulting in 'Three Pence' below 'Australia' & 'Postage' at base, pos.38. VF fresh MLH. ACSC S19c cat $1000. SG 280a(var) footnote cat £950. Rare, only 50 printed. 2015 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
3642![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1904-11 QV Thick Postage 6d blue-green, wmk crown SA, perf OS. VF fresh MLH. SG 284(OS) cat £45+, plus premium for scarce perf OS. ACSC S42bd cat $120. | SOLD at A$60 | ||
3643![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1904-11 QV Thick Postage 1/-, wmk crown SA inverted. VFM. SG 288(var) cat £35+. ACSC S58a cat $50. | AVAILABLE at A$20 | ||
3644![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1904-11 QV Thick Postage 5/- rose-scarlet wmk crown SA. VF fresh M. SG 290 cat £80. ACSC S68 cat $140. (P) | SOLD at A$60 | ||
3645![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1904-11 QV Thick Postage 5/- pale rose, wmk crown SA, perf 12½. F-VF fresh MLH. Scott 142a cat US$140, SG 290b cat £140. ACSC S70 cat $140 (P) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
3646![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1904-11 QV Thick Postage 6d green & 9d rosy-lake, wmk crown SA, both perf SA. VF fresh MLH. SG 284 & 286(SA) cat £73+, plus premium for scarce perf SA. ACSC S42bd & S49b(var) cat $300 for normal OS.(2) (P) | SOLD at A$120 | ||
3647![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1904-11 QV Thick Postage 5/- rose-scarlet wmk crown SA, perf SA. VF fresh MUH. SG 290(SA) cat £80+ for m, should be at least double, £160+ MUH, plus premium for scarce perf SA. ACSC S68b(var) cat $300 M, so $600 MUH for normal OS. (P) | SOLD at A$150 | ||
3648![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1904-11 QV Thick Postage £1 blue, perf 12½, perf SA. VF fresh MLH. SG 292a(SA) cat £275+, plus premium for scarce perf SA. ACSC S74 var cat $750 for normal perf OS. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
3649![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1905-12 GPO/QV set ½d-5d, wmk Crown/A plus ½d, 1d & 2d shades. VF fresh M/MLH. SG 293-297 cat £101. ACSC ex S3-S14 cat $143. (8) | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
3650![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1905-12 GPO ½d yellow-green, LL cnr marginal blk of 8 with Plate No 1, wmk Crown/A. VF fresh MUH. SG 293a cat £68 for M singles, should be at least double, £136 MUH, plus premium for plate blk. ACSC S2zb cat $100 for M, should be at least double, $200 MUH. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
3651![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1905-12 GPO ½d yellow-green, UR cnr marginal blk of 12 with plate no 1, wmk crown A. VF fresh MUH, 1 stamp sl gum dist. SG 293a cat £102 for M singles, should be at least double, £204 MUH, plus premium for plate blk. ACSC S2za cat $155 M, so $310 MUH. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
3652![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1905-12 QV 1d scarlet, bottom marginal blk of 4, wmk crown A, perf OS, error DOUBLE row of perfs at bottom (between stamps & margin). VF fresh M/MUH with both double perf stamps MUH. SG 294(OS). ACSC S6b/ba cat $224 for M singles, should be at least double, $424 MUH, plus premium for blk. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
3653![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1906-12 QV Thick Postage 2/6, wmk crown A, on Parcel label piece with QV 2d violet. VFU, GPO Adelaide AP 11 06 cds. SG 295 & 304 cat £32+. ACSC S69 & S66 cat $46+ both as loose stamps & unpriced on cover, while earlier 2/6 is cat $1500. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
3654![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1906-12 thick Postage DOUBLE perfs. 4d orange-red marg pr perf double at base, 6d blue-green at top, 9d brown-lake marginal at side, all wmk crown A, perf 12½. VF fresh M/MLH. SG 299, 300 & 302(var). ACSC S40a, S44a, S52a cat $1100. (4) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
3655![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1906-12 QV Thick Postage 1/- brown & 2/6 bright violet, wmk Crown/A, both perf SA. VF fresh M. SG 303 & 304(SA) cat £90+, plus premium for scarce perf SA. ACSC S59bc & S65b(var) cat $320 for normal OS. (2) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
3656![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1906-12 QV thick Postage 1/- brown, horiz pr, wmk Crown/A, perf 12½, error IMPERF BETWEEN. F-VF fresh M. ACSC S596 cat $4500. SG 303a cat £3500. Extremely rare. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$2000 | ||
3657![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1855-99 REPRINT opt collection inc 1855 QV 1d, 2d & 6d imperf. 1856-58 QV 1d, 2d & 1/- imperf. 1860-68 QV roulette to 1/-. 1868-76 QV perf to 1/- inc 3d on 4d red opt. 1868-79 QV 2d orange roulette & perf. 1882 Surch 1½d on 1d. 1883 QV ½d. Most F-VFM, odd flts. SG cat £45,000+ = A$90,000+ for normals. (40) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
3658![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1868-1905 Specimen opts all wmk crown SA inc 1868 QV 6d blue, plus offset variety. 1868 QV 9d, plus 2 prs, 1 with part sheet wmk. 1868 QV 2/-, plus pr & wmk inverted. 1868 QV 1d green, plus wmk inverted & 2d orange. 1883-99 QV ½d-6d, plus 3d wmk inverted & 4d & 6d shade & diff perf. 1891-93 Surch 2½d on 4d & 5d on 6d, plus 5d wmk inverted & 5d perf 13 & perf 13 wmk inverted. 1894-1904 QV Kangaroo 2½d, plus shade & 5d Shield. 1899-1905 GPO ½d. F-VF M/MLH. SG cat £3100+ = A$6200+ for normals, while some Specimens are listed at £35 ea most are unlisted, est total cat £1000+. (28) | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
3660![]() Click for more photos | Postmark collection 1914-1990s A-Z in s/book many 1d red KGV to Decimal period, inc squared circle cds - noted Ashville, Glencoe both rated 2R, Rhine Villa 2R, range of 1990s rubber cds inc Paid, Relief, some NT & Qld. Mainly F-VF cds, some early period are partials, Appear all diff. (1600+) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
3661![]() Click for more photos | 1909 registered cover franked QV 1d & 2d (2) tied two strikes of Yarrah squared-circle rated 2R, another alongside, curved 'REGISTERED/No' in black, m/s '2'. To Victoria with b/s of Quorn squared circle, Adelaide & Melbourne. Rare with such low reg number. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
3664![]() Click for more photos | Postcard: 1904-08 QV 1d black ESSAY showing 'Viaduct near Adelaide' but at a diff angle of view to the issued 'View of Southern Railway'. Also all lines of text (ex POST CARD) are of diff font letters & spacing. Superb fresh UN, tiny retouched surface scuff almost invisible. (Also included with lot is private PPC view closer perspective & photo copy of issued card). According to some sources this essay is believed to have been produced by JB Cooke in the 1904-08 period as proposal for Commonwealth of Australia postcards but was later used as basis for the 1908 SA view cards but with changed view & inscriptions. Unique & important item. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo-cert. (2) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$3000 | ||
3665![]() Click for more photos | Postcard: 1908 QV 1d black Adelaide printing w/o stop, view Dairy Farm. F-VFU, 'Adelaide' pmk. | AVAILABLE at A$55 | ||
3666![]() Click to enlarge photo | Postcard: 1908 QV 1d blue Adelaide printing with stop, view Hindley Street. Superb fresh UN. | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
3667![]() Click to enlarge photo | Postcard: 1908 QV 1d bright red Adelaide printing with stop, view Prince Alfred College. Superb fresh UN. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
3668![]() Click to enlarge photo | Postcard: 1908 QV 1d greenish-black Adelaide printing with stop, view Savings Bank. Superb fresh UN. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
3669![]() Click to enlarge photo | Postcard: 1908 QV 1d black Adelaide printing with stop, View of Southern Railway. Superb fresh UN. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
3670![]() Click for more photos | Postcard: 1908 QV 1d brown-black Melbourne printing w/o stop, view Champion Shorthorn (according to some specialists this view is from Adelaide printing despite being w/o stop type). Superb U, Adelaide cds. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$800 | ||
3671![]() Click to enlarge photo | Postcard: 1908 QV 1d black-brown Melbourne printing w/o stop, view Circulating Library. Superb fresh UN. | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
3672![]() Click to enlarge photo | Postcard: 1908 QV 1d light brown Melbourne printing w/o stop, view Circulating Library. Superb fresh UN. | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
3673![]() Click to enlarge photo | Postcard: 1908 QV 1d sage-green Melbourne printing w/o stop, view Circulating Library. Superb fresh UN. | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
3674![]() Click to enlarge photo | Postcard: 1908 QV 1d dark blue Melbourne printing w/o stop, view Clarendon. VF fresh UN. | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
3675![]() Click to enlarge photo | Postcard: 1908 QV 1d brown Melbourne printing w/o stop, view Clarendon. Superb fresh UN. | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
3676![]() Click to enlarge photo | Postcard: 1908 QV 1d claret Melbourne printing w/o stop, view Clarendon. Superb fresh UN. | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
3677![]() Click to enlarge photo | Postcard: 1908 QV 1d rose-lilac Melbourne printing w/o stop, view Kookaburra. Superb fresh UN. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
3678![]() Click to enlarge photo | Postcard: 1908 QV 1d bright blue Melbourne printing w/o stop, view Kookaburra. Superb fresh UN. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
3679![]() Click to enlarge photo | Postcard: 1908 QV 1d brownish-black Melbourne printing w/o stop, view Palm House Botanic Gardens. Superb fresh UN. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
3680![]() Click to enlarge photo | Postcard: 1908 QV 1d sage-green Melbourne printing w/o stop, view Rundle Street. Superb fresh UN. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
3682![]() Click for more photos | Postcard: 1908 QV 1d red Fleetcard, special illustrated card for Visit of American Fleet. Superb UN, | AVAILABLE at A$65 | ||
3691![]() Click to enlarge photo | Stamp Duty 1902 KEVII Stamp Duty £10 gold & green. Superb F/C, m/s lines initial & 28/10/02 date, Bft 13 cat £750+. Extremely rare top value. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$750 | ||
3695![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1855 QV Chalon 1d carmine, imperf, wmk Large Star. FU, 3+ margins, light barred pmk. Scott 4 cat US$1000. SG 14 cat £900. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
3696![]() Click for more photos | 1855 QV Chalon 1d carmine, imperf, wmk Large Star. VFU, 4 large margins, barred oval '68' pmk. Sc 4. SG 14 cat £900. 2016 RPSV photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
3703![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1899-1900 Pictorial set ½d-6d, wmk Mult TAS. Superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. SG 229-236 cat £190 for M, should be at least double, £380 MUH. Rare so nice. (8) (P) | SOLD at A$550 | ||
3704![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1899-1900 Pictorial set ½d-6d, wmk Mult TAS. VF fresh MLH. Scott 86-93 cat US$214. SG 229-236 cat £190. (8) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
3705![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1899-1900 Pictorials ½d deep green & 1d bright lake, blks of 4, wmk mult TAS. VF fresh MUH. SG 229-30 cat £74 for M singles, should be at least double, £148 MUH, plus premium for blks. (2 blks). | AVAILABLE at A$25 | ||
3706![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1899-1900 Pictorial 2½d indigo blk of 4. VF fresh MUH. SG 232 cat £104 for M singles, should be at least double, £208 MUH, plus premium for blk. | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
3707![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1899-1900 Pictorial 3d sepia UR cnr marginal horiz strip of 4 with printer's guide mark & part coloured Printer's screw head circle, wmk mult TAS. VF fresh MUH. SG 233 cat £100 for M singles, should be at least double, £200 MUH, plus premium for strip. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
3708![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1900 REVENUE opt Platypus 3d chestnut, which was issued as a postal fiscal, blk of 4. Postally VFU, 'Moonah 20 NO 00' cds. SG F34 cat £152++. Rare multiple. (4). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
3709![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1905-12 Pictorial 2d reddish-lilac, Litho, wmk crown A, perf 12½x11. VF fresh MLH. ACSC T33. SG 245fb cat £200. (P) | SOLD at A$190 | ||
3710![]() Click for more photos | Postmark CDS collection A-Z: 1890s-1912 Pictorials ½d-6d in s/book. Quick review indicated 20-30 S & 1R cds inc Bangor, Beauty Point, Cooee Creek, Daniels Bay, Longley Lower, 2Rs inc Coombend, Lagunta, Rosebery Stn, also noted partial Springfield South (3R), a lot of 'A+ strike' cds. Wide range of types & prints, with extras throughout. Mostly GU-VFU. (700+) | SOLD at A$425 | ||
3711![]() Click for more photos | Postmarks: 1913-90s cds collection A-Z ranging from 1d Kangaroo & 1d red KGV to decimal rubber cds. Vendor was a 1d red KGV & Kangaroo collector so plenty interspersed throughout the collection, noted Interlaken & Pelham, both rated 2R, some others rated S - 1R inc TPOs, sure to be others, some on piece. Appear all diff. F-VF U. (500+) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
3712![]() Click for more photos | Tasmania cds postmark collection A-Z: 1900-12 Pictorials inc 3R (1) Black Sugar Loaf (partial), 2R (3) Bismarck, Stirling & Upper Tea Tree, 1R (20) & S (45). Generally A-grade cds, few duplicates, range to Hobart, Sydney cds & few TAS cds on other State stamps, Tattersalls 1899 Lottery Forms (6). Above average lot, mostly F-VF U. (500+) | SOLD at A$300 | ||
3717![]() Click for more photos | Envelope-PTPO: 1890s QV ½d orange on cream, yellow or blue stocks, plus 1d red on cream. Mostly VF fresh UN, the blue stock with some whitening spots, & odd sl tone on 1d. H&G KB2&3. (4). | SOLD at A$20 | ||
3718![]() Click for more photos | Envelope-PTPO: 1890s QV ½d orange on cream, yellow or blue stocks, plus 1d red on cream. Mostly VF fresh UN, the blue stock with some whitening spots, & odd sl tone on 1d. H&G KB2&3. (4). | AVAILABLE at A$20 | ||
3719![]() Click to enlarge photo | Envelope-PTPO: 1890s QV ½d orange embossed oval. VF fresh UN. H&G KB2. | SOLD at A$7 | ||
3720![]() Click for more photos | Frank Stamp: Corporation of Launceston in dark blue on printed envelope (sm edge tears & 2 vert folds) for Tasmanian Industrial & Juvenile Exhibition with 'Industrial & Juvenile' barred out in red. VFU to USA with 'Launceston AU 2 90' duplex pmk & arrival b/s. Interesting use of an old envelope & to overseas, plus a scarcer Frank Stamp & earlier use than recorded by Karman. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
3724![]() Click for more photos | Lettercard: 1900 Pictorial 2d violet on blue, view 'River Derwent, New Norfolk' opt SPECIMEN. Superb fresh UN impossible to find better. H&G A2(s). | AVAILABLE at A$55 | ||
3725![]() Click for more photos | Lettercard: 1900 Pictorial 2d violet on blue, view Cataract Gorge. VFU, 'Forth JA 1 01' cds. H&G A2. | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
3726![]() Click for more photos | Lettercard: 1900 Pictorial 2d violet on blue, view River Derwent, opt SPECIMEN. VFU, sl toning. H&G A2(s). Rated R, less than 50 recorded. | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
3728![]() Click for more photos | Postcards: 1892 QV 1½d + 1½d Reply cards with UN, plus 1893 Exhib reverse U to Germany (front only) & double card for 1893 Exhib UN & U, another U both cards (separated), front U with UN Reply attached (3) to Tasmania, NSW & London, single reply halves to Tasmania & Hong Kong. Then 1905 1d Surch CTO (3) in 1 separated, plus a front U to Switzerland & UN Rely half. F-VF UN, U, CTO. TPS rated mostly S to R. (4 double cards & 12 halves) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
3739![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 1/3 chestnut 'NEI' 5 Gallons, smaller size. Superb fresh UN as issued. Bft 70. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
3740![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 1/- brown NEI 3 Dozen Bottled, smaller size, wmk part NSW capitals. Superb fresh UN as issued. Bft 80. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
3741![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 1/4 blue on pink NEI 4 Dozen Bottled, smaller size, wmk part NSW capitals. Superb fresh UN as issued. Bft 81. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
3742![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 6d green NEI, 1 Dozen Bottled, smaller size, no wmk. Superb fresh UN as issued. Bft 82. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
3743![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 1/- yellow NEI 2 Dozen Bottled, smaller size, no wmk. Superb fresh UN as issued. Bft 83. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
3744![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 1/6 purple NEI 3 Dozen Bottled, smaller size, no wmk. Superb fresh UN as issued. Bft 84. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
3745![]() Click to enlarge photo | Beer Duty: 1903 Crown 2/- olive NEI 4 Dozen Bottled, smaller size, no wmk. Superb fresh UN as issued. Bft 85. Rare so nice. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
3755![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1884-96 Arms Stamp Duty £10 mauve, Postal Fiscal, perf 11, wmk 5th 'V crown' upright (SG type 104) from 1900s-50s reissued printings. VF fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. SG 279(var) would cat £18,000 for original printing, while the reissue is still extremely rare in mint condition & especially desirable as perfect MUH. Certificate can be obtained on request. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$2000 | ||
3756![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1884-1900 Stamp Duty £25 dull blue-green, typographed, wmk V crown (w33) upright, perf 12½. Fresh CTO, Melbourne 11 DE 00 cds, diag tear but superb appearance. SG 289 cat £500. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
3757![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1886-96 'Victoria' 1/6 pale blue. F-VF M. Scott 167 cat US$190, SG 322 cat £200. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
3762![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1900 Boer War Charity Fund 1d (1s) olive-brown. F-VF M. Sc B3 cat US$175. SG 374 cat £160. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
3763![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1900 Boer War Charity Fund set 1d & 2d. Superb CTO, 'Melbourne JY 28 02' cds with UH gum & perfect centring. Scott B3-4 cat US$360+. SG 374-75 cat £350+. Scarce so nice. (2) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
3764![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1901-10 QV Postage ½d blue-green, State II right marginal blk of 30, wmk V/Crown inverted, perf 12x12½. VF fresh MUH, 1 spot on gum. SG 384ba cat £420 for M singles, should be at least double, £840 MUH. ACSC V14ab cat $600 M, so $1200 MUH, plus premium for blk. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
3765![]() Click for more photos | Postmark collection 1914-1990s A-Y in s/book, with many 1d red Kangaroo & KGV to Decimal period, a number of S-1R, noted Allestree 3R, others noted Gunyah Gunyah, June June, Mafeking etc. range of 1990s rubber cds inc Paid, some TPOs mainly appear all different. Mainly F-VF cds, some early period are partial. (1300+). | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
3768![]() Click for more photos | 1900 Boer War stampless cover with 'Field Post Office British Army S Africa 33 MY 2 00' cds, Endorsed at UL '2nd Victorian Mounted' to Australia & taxed with 4 h/s 'T' (2 diff), 'T2c' & 1D, with NSW Postage due 1d pale green perf 11, tied by M/S blue crayon. Generally aged. SG D2B. ACSC ND3B cat $300+ on cover, plus of course large premium for Australian Boar War usage. (P) | SOLD at A$400 | ||
3770![]() Click for more photos | 1899-1911 CTO range with Postcards (7, inc double replies), Lettercards (3), Envelopes (4) & Reg Envelopes (2), inc scarce 1904 QV 1d red OS dots die, plus 1905 normal die 1d+1d red double reply card. All diff. All CTO Melbourne on various dates, mostly fresh. Stieg cat US$1000+ for UN. (18) | SOLD at A$170 | ||
3773![]() Click for more photos | Lettercards: 1890-1911 group with Pictorial 1890 (1/3 per doz) through to 1911 1d/2d, plus Postcards Federation in green & orange, 1891 UPU opt double reply 1½d on 1d. VF -superb fresh UN. Stieg A2, 3, 3b, 3d, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, P15, & 25b/c cat $330. (12). | AVAILABLE at A$75 | ||
3774![]() Click for more photos | Postcards: 1908 Fleetcard set 1d & 1½d. Special illustrated card for visit of American Fleet. Superb fresh UN. Stieg P33-4 cat US$200 in 2001. Very scarce so nice. (2). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
3775![]() Click for more photos | Postcards: 1908 Fleetcard 1½d. Special illustrated card for visit of American Fleet. Superb fresh UN. Stieg P34 cat US$125 in 2001. Impossible to find nicer. | SOLD at A$40 | ||
3780![]() Click to enlarge photo | Registered Envelope: 1901 QV Shield 3d red, size b, horiz laid light buff paper. CTO 'Melbourne 26 OC 03' cds, sl aging. Stieg C9b cat US$225 for CTO (in 2001). | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
3782![]() Click for more photos | Wrappers: 1887-1903 collection with 1887 pale pink, & bright red, 1894 ½d orange (5) inc printed text, & uprated ½d orange cut-out, 1901 ½d green w/o Postage CTO, U & uprated U to Mauritius, 1d red CTO & U to Mauritius. 1901 ½d CTO & U. 1903 single thick lines ½d 2U & CTO & 1d thick lines CTO. Also 1887 ½d red PTPO on coloured papers (4UN), plus Sth Aust Wrappers (3) inc opt OS. Fair-VF UN/U/CTO. Stieg cat US$600+. (26). | SOLD at A$160 | ||
3785![]() Click to enlarge photo | Stamp Duty: 1902-20s Numeral 3d black imperf plate proof full sheet of 80. F-VF UN as made, sl tropicalized. Bft 84(p). Possibly UNIQUE as a sheet. (80) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
3804![]() Click for more photos | 1857-59 Swan 2d brown-black on red lithographed, imperf, error printed on both sides (inverted on reverse). VFU, cut square with typical margins as stamps printed very close together. Scott 2b cat US$900. SG 15a cat £900. 2002 Sismondo photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$425 | ||
3817![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1882-85 Swan 4d carmine, wmk crown CA sideways (Crown to left of CA), perf 14. VF fresh MLH. Scott 51 cat US$200. SG 78 cat £190. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
3824![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1898-1907 Swan 2d yellow, IMPERF horiz pr, wmk W crown A, from DLR archive imprimatur sheet. Superb fresh MUH, all 4 margins. SG 113(p). Very rare, only 1 sheet existed. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
3825![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1898-1907 Swan 2½d blue IMPERF horiz pr, wmk W crown A, from DLR archive imprimatur sheet. Superb fresh MUH, all 4 margins. SG 114(p). Rare, only 1 sheet existed. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
3826![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1898-1907 Swan 6d bright violet, IMPERF horiz pr, wmk W crown A, from DLR archive imprimatur sheet. Superb fresh MUH, all 4 margins, horiz gum bend. SG 115(p). Rare, only 1 sheet existed. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
3827![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1898-1907 Swan 6d bright violet, IMPERF vert gutter pr, wmk W crown A, from DLR archive imprimatur sheet. Superb fresh MUH, all 4 margins. SG 115(p). Very rare, only 1 sheet existed & only several gutter prs recorded. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$375 | ||
3828![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1898-1907 Swan 1/- olive-green, IMPERF horiz pr, wmk W crown A, from DLR archive imprimatur sheet. Superb fresh MUH, all 4 margins. SG 116(p). Rare, only 1 sheet existed. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
3829![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1898-1907 Swan 1/- olive-green, IMPERF vert gutter pr, wmk W crown A, from DLR archive imprimatur sheet. Superb fresh MUH, all 4 margins. SG 116(p). Rare, only 1 sheet existed & only several gutter prs are recorded. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$375 | ||
3830![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1902-11 QV £1 orange-brown wmk V crown facing left. Superb fresh MLH, excellent centring. Scott 88 cat US$450, ACSC W68a cat $750+. SG 128 cat £450+. Exp Their. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$350 | ||
3831![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1902-11 QV £1 orange-brown. Superb fresh M.Scott 88 cat US$450, ACSC W68A cat $750. SG 128 cat £450. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
3832![]() Click for more photos | 1902-11 QV £1 orange (1909 printing). VF fresh MLH. Scott 88a cat US$750, ACSC W68B cat $1250. SG 128a cat £750. Rare shade. Exp Bloch, plus Brandon photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$525 | ||
3833![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1902-11 QV 2/- brownish-red on yellow, wmk V crown upright, perf 11. VF fresh M. Scott 84d cat US$325. SG 134 cat £300. ACSC W62A cat $500. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
3834![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1902-11 QV 2/- bright red on yellow, perf 11. F-VF fresh MLH. Scott 84d cat US$325, ACSC W60 cat $400, SG 134 cat £300. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
3835![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1902-11 QV 2/- bright red on yellow, perf 11. VF fresh MLH. ACSC W62 cat $500, Scott 84d cat US$325. SG 134 cat £300. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
3836![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1902-12 Swan 1d carmine-rose, wmk V crown upright, MIXED perfs, comb perf 12½x12, plus extra single-line perf 11 at top. VF fresh MUH. ACSC W10, SG 135a cat £1500++ for M for compound perfs, plus premium for compound mixed perfs, & should be at least double, £3000 MUH. Rarity as only several recorded & photo cert can be obtained on request. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1200 | ||
3837![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1902-11 QV 10/- bright purple. VF fresh M, nice colour. ACSC W67B cat $1600. Scott 87a cat US$950. SG 142a cat £950. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$500 | ||
3838![]() Click for more photos | 1902-04 Official 'Medical' h/s opt on 1898-1907 Swan 2d bright yellow, wmk W crown A. VFU, barred pmk. SG 113(var). Rare provisional used by the WA Health Department. 2016 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
3839![]() Click for more photos | 1902-04 Official 'Medical' h/s opt on 1902-11 Swan 1d carmine-rose, horiz pr, wmk V crown sideways, perf 12½. VFU, 'Northam 6 FE 04' barred duplex pmk. SG 117(var). Rare provisional used by the WA Health Dept. 2016 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
3840![]() Click for more photos | Postmark collection 1914-1990s A-Y in s/book ranging from 1d Kangaroo & 1d red KGV to decimal period, inc Benger, Denmark, Mornington, Mandiga, Parkerville on 1s Wan. Range of 1990s rubber cds, inc Paid, Relief, Christmas Is, Cocos & Keeling Islands. Few NT & small collection of WA numerals (49) on mainly 2d Swans from 1-36 inc Williams River (23), Sharks Bay (32). Appear all diff. (1800+). | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
3842![]() Click for more photos | Lettercards: 1902-12 2d & 1d/2d blue plated with 7 of 8 units annotating the varieties with 2 extras, 4 with reverse text, 1 w/o text & 3 Surch. Generally F-VF UN. PSSA LC3-6 inc with or w/o reverse text, or Surch, cat $770. (8) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
3843![]() Click for more photos | Postcard: 1902 QV 1½d+1½d blue double reply on greenish stock. Superb, 4-ring CTO (UPU specimen). PSSA RPC2 cat $150. (P) | SOLD at A$55 | ||
3844![]() Click for more photos | Postcard: 1902 Swan 1d + 1d red double reply card. FU to Germany extra stamp removed, indistinct cds, Ulm Germany arrival cds. UN reply half attached. PSSA RPC1 cat $250. | AVAILABLE at A$55 | ||
3845![]() Click for more photos | Postcard: 1902 Swan 1d+1d red & QV 1½d+1½d blue on green double reply cards, both CTO with concentric rings cancel, both addressed to France. PSSA RPC1 & 2 cat $300. (2). | AVAILABLE at A$65 | ||
3846![]() Click for more photos | Postcard: 1902 QV 1½d + 1½d blue on greenish stock double reply card. VFU both halves local use with 'L C Room PO Perth WA AP 1 03' cds, b/s 'P R Perth WA AP 1 03' cds. PSSA RPC2 cat $500. | AVAILABLE at A$85 | ||
3847![]() Click for more photos | Postcard: 1902 QV 1½d + 1½d blue on greenish double reply card. VFU to Switzerland, Albany AU 27 1905 duplex pmk, Swiss arrival cds. UN reply half attached. PSSA RPC2 cat $250. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$85 | ||
3848![]() Click for more photos | Wrapper: 1902 Swan ½d green & 1d red, both 2-line borders & single line (99mm spacing), plus ½d no border line, 133mm wide. F-VF fresh UN, some creases etc. PSSA WR1, WR2, WR3, WR4 & WR5.1 cat $1500. (5) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
3849![]() Click to enlarge photo | Wrapper: 1902 Swan 1d red (2 shades), 2-line borders, plus 1903 Swan ½d single border. VF CTO concentric rings cancel for UPU distribution. PSSA WR2 & WR3 cat $450. (3) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
3850![]() Click to enlarge photo | Wrapper: 1903 Swan ½d green, single line 106mm borders. VF fresh UN. PSSA WR3.1 cat $150. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
3851![]() Click to enlarge photo | Wrapper: 1903 Swan ½d green, single line 99mm borders. VF fresh CTO 'Town Hall Fremantle SP 19 06' cds. PSSA WR3 cat $150 with CTO rings $400 for U. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
3853![]() Click for more photos | Postal Stationery: 1879-1900s collection with Postcards 1879 ½d & 1d, 1889 2d, 1892 1½d Surch & 1d brown, 1903 1d with extra text CTO concentric rings UPU cancel, 1905 1d/2d red & both double reply cards intact. Lettercards 1905 2d blue on grey & 1d/2d Surch. Reg envelope 1902 with red text & wrapper 1902 1d red with 2-line borders. VF-Superb fresh UN. PSSA cat $1070. (13) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
3862![]() Click for more photos | 1913 Double-headed Eagle black opt Turkey 1909-11 2pi blue-black. VFU, on piece with Shkoder 13 cds. Mi 8 cat €500. SG 8 cat £600. 2009 Scheller photo-cert. (P) | SOLD at A$250 | ||
3866![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1903-07 KEVII Arms ½d, 2d, 3d, 6d, 2/-, 2/6 & 5/- wmk crown CC, opt SPECIMEN. Mostly VF M/MLH, 5/- thins. SG ex 31s-40s est cat £190. (7). | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
3871![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1932 Tercentenary 5/- black & chocolate. VF MUH. Scott 76 cat US$125 for M, SG 90 cat £120 for M, should be at least double, £240 MUH. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
3883![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1924-33 KGV Ship 3d blue, lower marginal blk of 4, UR stamp 'torn flag' variety. Stamps VF fresh MUH. SG 14/14c cat £190 for M singles, should be at least double, £380 MUH, plus premium for positional blk. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
3907![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1935 Airmail set 5g-10S. VF fresh MUH. Mi 598-612 cat €190. SG 763-777 cat £120 for M, should be at least double, £240 MUH. (15) | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
3909![]() Click for more photos | Postal History: 1840s-1913 usages inc stampless folded letter wrappers 1845, 1847 & similar, various h/s inc 2-line 'Buczacz 4 Apr', 'Sandec 29 Nove', 'Nadworna 12 Nov', & ornate 'Reccomundirt Lemberg.' 1857 Letter Wrapper franked Arms 9k blue tied Stanislav cds. 1888 Reg franked Arms 10k blue(2) - front & back tied 'Sadagora cds, & Teschen' cds. Court Documents franked Court Delivery stamps 'set' of diff values 1898 17½Kr, 1904 34h, & 1916 10h (these 3 alone Mi cat €215), plus PPC used Fieldpost & 1913 Parcel Card Bohemia-Galicia with 'Fishconserve' & Postage Due 4k, tied 'Chorostkow' cds. All usages from towns in eastern Galicia which was afterwards in Poland & now in Ukraine. (10). | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
3912![]() Click for more photos | 1898-1917 proof of delivery forms franked Court Delivery stamps with 1898 usage of 17½Kr blue-violet (vert pr), 1917 10h blue, 1915 10h blue, 1904 & 1907 34h blue perf 12½. MI 1bB, 2B(2), 3b, 3c cat €350. All from towns in Eastern Galicia (later Easter Poland, & now Western Ukraine). (5). | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
3914![]() Click for more photos | 1898-1917 proof of delivery forms franked Court Delivery stamps with 1898 use of 17½Kr blue-violet perf 12½, & use of 17½Kr blue perf 10½. 1901 use of 34h perf 10½, 1907 34h perf 12½(2) & 1902 34h perf 12½-10½. 1917 use of 10h bright blue, 1915 use 10h deep blue. Mi 1aA, 1bB, 2A, 2B(2), 2C, 3a & 3c cat €700. All from towns in Eastern Galicia (later Eastern Poland & now Western Ukraine). (8). | AVAILABLE at A$160 | ||
3915![]() Click for more photos | 1898-1917 proof of delivery forms franked Court Delivery stamps with 1898 (2) use of 17½Kr violet-blue, 1902-04 use of 34h perf 12½, & 1902 perf 12½-10½. 1912 use of 10h blue & 1915 use of 10h deep blue. Mi 1bB(2), 2B(2), 2C, 3b & 3c cat €520. All from towns in Eastern Galicia (later Eastern Poland & now Western Ukraine). (7). | AVAILABLE at A$130 | ||
3933![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1884-90 QV £1 Venetian-red. F-VF fresh MLH. Scott 32 cat US$350. SG 57 cat £275. (P) | SOLD at A$150 | ||
3935![]() Click for more photos | Bahamas: 1859-1954 Mint collection in hingeless album inc 1859-60 QV Chalon 1d horiz pr imperf. 1861-80 QV Chalon range inc shades, wmks & perfs 1883 Surch FOURPENCE on 6d. 1884-90 QV vals to £1. 1901 Queen's Staircase set to 3/-. 1902 KEVII set to £1 plus 1906 wmk mult crown set to 6d. 1911-19 Queen's Staircase set to 3/-. 1912-19 KGV vals to £1 (both shades). 1918-20 WAR TAX opts appear comp. 1920 Victory set to 1/-. 1921-29 Queen's Staircase set to 3/-. 1929-32 KGV to 5/-. 1929 Tercent set to 3/- 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938-52 KGVI to £1. 1942 450th Anniv opt set to £1. 1948 Tercent set to £1. 1948 Silver Wedding set. Most F-VF M/MUH. SG cat £3200+ = A$6400+. Nice collection. (185). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$900 | ||
3936![]() Click for more photos | Bahamas: 1863-1980 collection in Vario binder with slipcase inc 1863 1d, 4d, 6d & 1/-, 1884 QV 5/- & £1, 1902 KEVII set to £1, 1911 Staircase to 3/-, 1912 KGV set to £1, 1938 KGVI to £1, 1942 Columbus set to £1, 1948 KGVI set to £1, 1954 QEII set to £1 (2 sets), 1964 New Constitution, 1965 QEII set to £1, 1967 Decimal Currency set to $3. Then virtually comp to 1980s inc M/S. Many comp sets. Mainly F-VF MLH/MUH inc some FU, tropicalisation in parts. SG cat £3000+ = A$6000+. (600 + 50 M/S) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
3952![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1892 'HALF-PENNY' opt QV 4d brown opt DOUBLE in red & black. VF MLH. Scott 69c cat US$950, SG 104b cat £900. Opts believed to be an extremely well made forgery from the late 1890s. Interesting reference item. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$50 | ||
3960![]() Click for more photos | Barbados: 1852-1950 Mint collection in hingeless album inc 1852-55 Britannia (1d) & (4d) imperf. 1858 Britannia 6d pr & 1/- imperf. 1861-80 Britannia perf vals to 1/- inc wmks & perfs. 1873 Britannia 5/-. 1882-86 QV to 5/-. 1892-1903 QV Seahorses set to 2/6 (both colours). 1897-98 QV Jubilee set to 2/6. 1905 QV Seahorses set to 2/6. 1906 Nelson set to 1/-. 1912 KGV Seahorses set to 3/- & 1916 set to 3/-. 1918 Victory to 3/-. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1950 KGVI Pic set to $2.40. F-VF M/MLH. SG cat £3900+ = A$7800+. Nice collection. (193) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1000 | ||
3972![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1885-87 'British Bechuanaland' opt CGH 1/- green. VFU. Scott 9 cat US$190. SG 8 cat £200. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$110 | ||
3977![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1904-13 KEVII 1/- green & carmine opt SPECIMEN. VF fresh MLH, nice colours. SG 71s cat £110. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$70 | ||
3983![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1919-20 King Tin Hat set 1c-10Fr. F-VF UN. COB 165-178 cat €900. SG 237-250 cat £1000. (14). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
3989![]() Click for more photos | Belgium: 1893-2002 Mint collection inc 1893-1900 King & Arms set to 2Fr, all with tags (SG cat £850+). 1905-08 King set to 2Fr with tags (£600). 1910 & 1911 Charity sets with tags inc '1911' Brussels set (£500). 1914 & 1915 Red Cross sets (£240). 1912 King & Arms set to 5Fr with tags (£200). 1915-22 King Pic set to 10Fr (£650). 1918 Red Cross opt set to 10F+10Fr (£1500). 1919-20 'Tin Hat' King set to 10F (£1000). 1924 Brussels Exhib M/S (£375). 1922-27 King set to 10F (£180). 1930 Antwerp Exhib M/S U (£475). 1931-32 King set to 10F (£130). 1931 Soldiers Fund M/S U (£325). 1932 Mercier Fund set to 10F+40F (£650). 1932 Infantry set (£200). 1932 TB Fund set (£150). 1933 Abby Fund set to 10F+40F (£1100). 1933 TB Fund set (£300) & 1934 set (£190). 1935 Brussels Exhib M/S (£225). 1936 Burgerhout Exhib M/S (£120). 1952 UPU set to 40F+10F (£375). 1957 Antarctic M/S (£225). Then really good coverage of Commems & Defs + M/S where issued. VF fresh M/MUH, post 1960 being almost all MUH. SG cat £23,000+ = A$46,000+. Beautiful collection. (2900 + 90 M/S) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$4000 | ||
3990![]() Click for more photos | 1893-1935 MUH blks collection inc 1893-1900 King & Arms vals to 25c in blks of 4 with tabs. 1922-27 King 1F & 1F75 tete-beche blks of 4. 1915-22 Scheldt 1Fr blk of 4. 1918 Red Cross opt 10c & 15c blks of 4, plus 40c & 50c blks of 6 & 1Fr blk of 4. 1925 75th Anniv set blks of 4. 1929 GPO set blks of 4. 1930 Anti TB Fund set blks of 4. 1930 Independence Cent set blks of 4. 1930 Air blk of 4. 1930 BIT opt set blks of 4. 1935 Exhibition set sheetlets of 10. Mostly VF fresh MUH. SG cat £2200 for M, should be at least double, £4400 MUH, plus premium for blks. (49 blks) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$700 | ||
3991![]() Click for more photos | Belgium: 1902-45 Railway Parcels Mint collection inc 1902-14 set to 10F. 1923 set to 50F (SG cat £225). 1928 'Journaux Dagbladen 1928' opt set to 20F (£190). 1929-31 opt set to 20F (£225). 1934 set 3Fr-5Fr (£100). Mostly F-VF fresh M/MUH, few blemishes. SG cat £750+. (99) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
3992![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1865-1903 QV 1/- green, wmk Crown, CC, perf 14. F-VF fresh M. Scott 6 cat US$450, SG 8 cat £350. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
3994![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1902-03 Dry Dock set ½d, 1d & 3d, wmk crown CA, opt SPECIMEN. VF fresh M. SG 31-33s cat £150. (3). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$80 | ||
4014![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1971 '90CH' opt Bird 2n Provisional, error opt INVERTED. VF fresh M. SG262(var). | AVAILABLE at A$15 | ||
4015![]() Click for more photos | 1860-1970s A-Z collection in 4 loose leaf albums & 2 s/books strength is in 1800s-1930s across most countries inc Bermuda 1920s Tercentenary set to 1/-, 1924 high values to 10/-, British Solomon Is 1922 KGV to 10/- Canada range from 1860s inc 1859 beaver 5c, Newfoundland 1865 2c cod, Ceylon 1857-67 QV to 1/-, Kenya & Uganda 1922 high values to 10/-, Ireland 1922 opts to 1/- M, Heligoland 1867-90 range inc reprints, India & States range, Cook Is 1892 to 2½d, 1893 White Fern to 1/-, Samoa Palms to 2/6, 1914 GRI to 6d, Malaya range of States from 1883, also Switzerland coll'n 1860s-1990s, small China/Taiwan coll'n & Australia U. Coll'n 1966-80s Pitcairn Is Seven Seas hingeless album. Mostly diff various in tins, loose & covers. Useful old time collection ex Deceased Estate. With plenty of better stamps throughout. Some earlies mixed condition. Mainly U from GU-VFU. About 10% F-VF MLH to MUH. SG STC £10,000++ = A$20000+. (8000+ 30 cvrs). | AVAILABLE at A$800 | ||
4021![]() Click for more photos | Arabia & Arab States: 1890s-1970s collection in binder with Aden 1937 Dhow set to 10R. 1939-48 KGVI Pic set to 10R. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1951 KGVI decimal Surch set to 10s on 10R. 1953-63 QEII Pic set to 20/-. Seiyun 1942 Sultan Pic set to 5R. 1948 Silver Wedding set M & U. South Arabia from 1964 inc Defs & Commems. Bahrain 1964 Sheikh Pic to 10R. Range of 1960s-70s Qatar. Abu Dhabi 1964 Pic set to 10R. Range of Umm al Qiwain Pic, plus other Trucial States. Mostly F-VF M/MUH/U, some tropicalisation in parts. SG cat £3900+ = A$7800+. (1375) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$650 | ||
4022![]() Click for more photos | Bahamas: 1859-1971 Mint collection on Minkus pages. 1859-60 QV Chalon 1d imperf. 1861-82 QV Chalon range of shades, wmks & perfs. 1883 Surch FOUR PENCE on 6d. 1884-90 QV set to £1. 1901-03 Queen's Staircase set to 3/-. 1902-07 KEVII set to £1 plus set to 6d wmk mult crown. 1911-19 Queen's Staircase set to 3/-. 1912-19 KGV set to £1. War Tax issues appear comp. 1920 Victory set to 1/-. 1921-37 KGV set to £1. 1921-29 Queen's Staircase set to 3/-. 1929 Tercent set to 3/-. 1938-52 KGVI set to £1. 1942 Columbus 450th Anniv opt set to £1. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1948 Tercent set to £1. 1954-63 QEII Pic set to £1. 1964 New Constitution opt set to £1. 1964-65 QEII Pic set to £1. 1966 decimal Surch set to $3. 1967 QEII decimal Pic set to $3. Mostly F-VF M/MUH. SG cat £3900+ = A$7800+. Nice collection. (350) (P) | SOLD at A$1000 | ||
4023![]() Click for more photos | British Asia: 1882-1953 collection on Scott album pgs. Ceylon from 1882 inc 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1935 KGV Pic set to 1R. 1938 KGVI Pic set to 10R. 1954 Pic Def set to 10R. Maldives 1951 Dhow Pic vals to 10R. Hong Kong from 1882 QV inc 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938 KGVI 1c-$10. 1941 Centenary set. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1954 QEII set to $10. Straits settlements from 1882. Malay States inc FMS from 1901, Penang 1954-55 QEII to $5. Most F-VF M/U, majority (70%+) M. SG cat £2400+ = A$4800+. (460). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
4024![]() Click for more photos | British West Indies: 1862-1970s collection in binder with Antigua 1863-87 QV to 6d inc wmk & shades. 1953-62 QEII Pic set to $4.80. Barbuda 1922 opt KGV set to 5/- (SG cat £150). St Kitts Nevis 1938-50 KGVI Pic set to £1. Virgin Is 1849 St Ursula set to 5/- (£150). 1913-19 KGV set to 5/-. 1922-28 KGV Badge to 5/-. 1938-47 KGVI Badge set to £1. 1952 KGVI Pic set to $4.80. 1956-62 QEII Pic set to $4.80. St Vincent 1938-47 KGVI Pic to £1. St Lucia 1936 KGV Pic set to 10/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. Most G-VF M/MUH/U, some parts with tropicalised gum/gum spots. SG cat £2200+ = A$4400+. (1090) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
4026![]() Click for more photos | India & Area: 1860-1955 collection in Scott album India 1860-76 QV to 1R. 1882-87 QV to 1R. 1895 QV High vals 2R-5R 1911-13 KGV to 25R, with the 10R, 15R & 25R M. 1937 KGVI Pic set to 25R. 1941 Gandhi set to 10R. Bundi 1947 Rajah & View set to 1R. Nepal 1881-1906 Native Paper range. Pakistan 1947 opt KGVI India set to 25R. 1948 Pic Def set to 25R. Bahawalpur 1948-49 appears comp. Most F-VF M/U, 70%+ being M. SG cat £3100+ = A$6200+. (730). (P) | SOLD at A$900 | ||
4032![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1891-1901 QV Tablet $5 green & black. VF fresh MLH. Scott 57 cat US$325. SG 65 cat £375. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$240 | ||
4033![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1904-07 KEVII $5 grey-green & black. Superb fresh MLH, excellent centring. Scott 71 cat US$375. SG 93 cat £375+. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$240 | ||
4034![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1913-21 KGV $5 purple & black on red. VF fresh MLH. Scott 84 cat US$290. SG 110 cat £275. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$170 | ||
4039![]() Click for more photos | British Honduras: 1865-1971 Mint collection on Minkus album pgs. 1865 QV 1d & 6d, no wmk. 1872-79 QV set to 1/-, wmk CC & 1882-87 set to 1/-, wmk CA. 1888 small Surch set to 50c on 1/- & large Surch set to 50c on 1/-. 1888 Two opt 50c on 1/-. 1891-1901 QV Tablet set to $5. 1899 REVENUE opt QV set to 50c on 1/-. 1902 & 1904-07 KEVII sets to $5. 1913-21 KGV to $5. 1922-33 KGV to $5. 1938-47 KGVI Pic set to $5. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1953-62 QEII Pic set to $5. 1962 QEII Birds set to $5. 1968 Animals set to $5. Mostly F-VF M/MUH, odd U. SG cat £4300+ = A$8600+. Nice collection. (285) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1200 | ||
4041![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1902-05 '80 PARAS' opt KEVII 5d dull purple & ultramarine opt SPECIMEN type GB16. VF fresh M. SG 9s. Very rare with this specimen type. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
4042![]() Click for more photos | 1905 'LEVANT' opt KEVII set ½d to 1/-, opt SPECIMEN type GB17. Superb MLH. SG L1s-L10s. Extremely rare - this very set was previously sold in 2012 for $2400. 2012 Ceremuga photo cert. (10). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1000 | ||
4043![]() Click for more photos | 1909 KEVII Surch set 30pa on 1½d to 5Pi on 1/- opt SPECIMEN type GB17. Superb fresh MUH. SG 16s-21s. Extremely rare - this very set was previously sold in 2012 for $3800. 2001 BPA photo cert. (5). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1000 | ||
4080![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1906 opt Labuan Crown set 1c-$1/8c. VFU, all nice Brunei cds. SG 11-22 cat £800. Only 2000 printed & rare used. (12) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$550 | ||
4081![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1906 opt Labuan Crown 'TWO CENTS' on 8c black & vermilion. VFU. Scott 3 cat US$80, SG 13 cat £80. | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
4082![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1906 opt Labuan Crown 2c/8c black & vermilion, variety 'line through B'. VF UN. SG 13c cat £800. rare, only 100 printed. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
4083![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1906 'BRUNEI' opt Labuan Crown 3c black & sepia, variety line through 'B'. VF fresh M. SG 14a cat £850. Rare, only 150 printed. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
4084![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1906 opt Labuan Crown 3c black & sepia, variety 'line through B'. VF fresh MLH. SG 14a cat £850. rare, only 100 printed. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
4085![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1906 'BRUNEI' opt Labuan Crown Five Cents on 16c green & brown, variety line through 'B'. VF fresh M. SG 16a cat £950. Very rare, only 50 printed. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$550 | ||
4086![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1908-22 View 10c purple on pale yellow, opt SPECIMEN, wmk mult crown. VF fresh M. SG 42as cat £60. | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
4087![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1908-22 River View 50c black on blue-green & $1 black & red on blue, wmk mult crown. VFU, both Brunei cds. SG 45a, 46 cat £105. (2). | AVAILABLE at A$40 | ||
4097![]() Click for more photos | Bulgaria 1879-1939 collection in loose leaf album inc 1879 to 50c, 1881 to 30c, 1884 Postage Due to 50St, 1884 Surcharges inc 5St on 30St, 1880s-1900s range inc Commems, 1931 Balkan Olympics set to 50L, 1932 Air to 28L, 1937 M/S, strong in early period, many sets all difference, high cat. Mainly GU-VFU, some F-VF MLH, pages are aged, a few stamps effected. SG cat £5000+ = A$10,000+. (300+) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
4102![]() Click for more photos | 1908 Official cover registered endorsed 'Accusse de reception' (Acknowledgement of Receipt) franked 'PCP' opt King 50s (=Par Certificate Postal), tied by 'Sophia 11 IX 908' cds, to Germany with 'Berlin 26 8 08' cds to the telegraph section of Berlin GPO with usage to confirm delivery of telegram. The 'PCP' opts are very rare with only 100 believed printed. 2024 Ceremuga photo-cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
4122![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1915 'C.E.F.' opt Yacht set ½d on 5pf-5s on 5Mk with 10pf both opt in black & in blue. VF M/MLH, some sl tropicalised gum. Scott 53-65 cat US$1147. Yv 26-37 cat €1195. SG B1-13 cat £915 & undercatalogued as only 1900 sets printed. Top vals exp Ceremuga AIEP. (14). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$575 | ||
4128![]() Click for more photos | 1918 & 1921 Registered covers. 1st franked 'CEF 2d' opt Yacht 20pf, plus French Occup opts 1c (3), & 2c, plus Nigeria KGV ½d, all tied 'Buea 21 9 18' cds. 2nd franked CEF opts ½d brown, 1d & 2d opt Yachts, plus Nigeria KGV 1d & 2d, all tied by 'Tinto 17 JA 21' cds with hand-drawn reg 'label'. Both to Switzerland, 1st b/s Cameroons, London & Basel. 2nd b/s 'Kumba', Buea, 'Victoria', Liverpool & Bern. SG B2-B4 cat £90+++ for the CEF opts as loose stamps alone. (2 covers) (P) | SOLD at A$220 | ||
4142![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1859-97 Mint selection inc 1859 1c, 10c & 17c, plus 1864 QV 2c. 1868-90 QV Large Queen 1c. 1870-97 QV Small Queens to 10c inc 3c (3) & 6c shades. Mostly G-VF UN/M. SG cat £5700+ = A$11,400+. (14) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$550 | ||
4146![]() Click for more photos | 1870-90 QV Small Queen 3c Indian-red, perf 12½. F-VFU. SG 79a cat £1500. Unitrade 37d cat C$1750/900. Rare stamp. 2002 RPSL photo cert. (P) | SOLD at A$400 | ||
4147![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1875-1928 Mint selection inc 1875-92 Registration 2c, plus 5c U. Special Delivery 1898-1920 10c green. 1898 Christmas 2c (2 diff shades). 1906-28 Postage Due 1c-10c. F-VF M/UN, 1 U. SG cat £333. (10) | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
4154![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1897 QV Jubilee 50c pale ultramarine opt SPECIMEN in sans-serif letters. Superb fresh MLH. SG 134s cat £190 as normal, Unitrade 60 cat C$600+, plus premium for the sans-serif opt which is much scarcer on the 50c. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
4167![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1903-12 KEVII basic set 1c-50c, plus 2c horiz imperf pr. F-VF M/MLH, lower vals sl imperfections. SG ex 173-187 & 177a cat £1130. Unitrade 89-95 & 90A cat C$4680/1350. (8 items) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$230 | ||
4168![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1903-12 KEVII 20c deep olive-green. F-VF fresh M. Unitrade 94i cat C$1350/450. SG 186 cat £325. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
4169![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1908 Tercentenary 20c dull brown. F-VF fresh M. SG 195 cat £160, Unitrade 103 cat C$400/150. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$65 | ||
4170![]() Click for more photos | 1912-35 KGV Mint collection on Harris album pgs inc 1912-25 KGV Def set to $1, plus shades & 1c horiz coil pr imperf x perf 8. 1928-29 KGV Pic set to $1 & 1930-31 set to $1. 1932 KGV Quebec set to 13c. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1935 KGV Pic set to $1. 1928-35 Airs appear comp. 1922-35 Special deliveries appear comp. Postage Dues inc 1931-32 & 1933-34 sets to 10c. Mostly F-VF M/MUH. SG cat £1950+ = A$3900+. (125) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$400 | ||
4210![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1907-09 KEVII ½d to 5/-, plus 1/- wmk crown CA. VF fresh M/MLH. SG 25-33 cat £226. (9) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
4211![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1908 KEVII 1d on 4d black & red on yellow. Superb fresh M. SG cat £275, see footnote after SG 35 & MP5. Very scarce. (P) | SOLD at A$160 | ||
4219![]() Click for more photos | 1900-80s collection in binder inc 1900 QV set ½d & 1d. 1902-05 KEVII to 1/-, plus wmks. 1907 h/s Surch ½d & 1d on 5/-. 1907-09 KEVII set to 10/-. 1912-20 KGV set to 10/-, & 1921-26 KGV to 10/-, plus wmks. 1932 Centenary set to 10/-. 1938-48 KGVI Pic set to 10/-, plus perfs. 1948 Silver Wedding set M&U. 1950 KGVI Pic set to 10/-. 1953-62 QEII Pic set to £1. 1962-64 QEII Pic set to £1. 1969 QEII Def set to £1, plus 1969 dec Surch set to $2. Good coverage of Commems. Most G-VF M/MUH/U, some tropicalisation in parts, 70%+ being M/MUH. SG cat £4600+ = A$9200+. (1100 + 27 M/S) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1200 | ||
4222![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1872-80 QV 2c pale brown wmk crown CC INVERTED, perf 14. Superb UN. SG 121w cat £190. | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
4236![]() Click for more photos | 1880-1905 Telegraph stamps collection inc 1880 CEYLON opt India QV Telegraphs to 2R89. 1881-02 QV to 50R. 1882-84 Surch to 5R/50R inc strong coverage of types inc '40 cents' on 2R50 (SG cat £110) & 5R/50R (£250) types. 1892-1903 typeset to 80c, plus dates. 1903-04 KEVII to 50R wmk CA crown, & 1905 to 25R wmk mult crown. Most F-VFU. SG cat £1470+ & under-catalogued as many of the QV opts & surch are almost never seen despite their low cat vals. Very comprehensive collection. (148). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$1300 | ||
4282![]() Click for more photos | 1965 2nd National Games set 4f-43f. Superb fresh MUH. C116. SG 2280-90. (11) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$575 | ||
4333![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1990 Navigators M/Sheets of 4 set 45c-$1.30. VF fresh MUH. SG MS227a cat £140. Only sold on Cocos, & not sold through Australian Philatelic Bureau & so missed by almost all collectors. (4 M/S) | SOLD at A$160 | ||
4334![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1990 Provisional opt set inc both 10c plus 'Official Paid' CTO as always. Also $5/65c opt Plane. VF fresh MUH. SG 230, 234-9 & O1 cat £152. Retail $380. (8) | SOLD at A$90 | ||
4335![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1990 Surch $5/65c Aircraft. VF fresh MUH. SG 230 cat £17. Retail $85. | SOLD at A$10 | ||
4336![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1990 Christmas booklets $3 & $4 with 40c &/or 70c stamps in panes of 6 or 10 with tabs. VF fresh MUH. SG 231a & b cat £29. (2) | AVAILABLE at A$10 | ||
4337![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1990 Christmas booklets $3 & $4 with 40c &/or 70c stamps in panes of 6 or 10 with tabs. VF fresh MUH. SG SB1 & 2 cat £29. (2) | AVAILABLE at A$10 | ||
4345![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1902-03 Arms 100P deep blue on deep rose, imperf top value. VFU, 4 margins, sm pre-printing paper fold. Scott 324 cat US$78, SG 206A cat £95. Yv 132 cat €140. | AVAILABLE at A$35 | ||
4348![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1920 'Compania Colombiana de Navegacion Aerea' Pictorials inc 10c green left marginal se-tenant blk of 4 of both types plus a single of ea type. 10c brick-red, top marginal se-tenant blk of both types. VF UN as issued, 1U, all 4 margins. Scott C11, & C11A-D cat US$672+. SG cat £490+. (10). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
4355![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1902 Bird ½d green, vert marg pr, error IMPERF horiz. Fresh MLH, tiny thin. Scott 27a cat US$1400. SG 23a cat £1300. Rare bird thematic. (P) | SOLD at A$400 | ||
4386![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1882 '½' opt twice on QV ½Pi emerald-green, wmk crown CA. VFM. Scott 18 cat US$190, SG 25 cat £170. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$90 | ||
4387![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1892-94 QV 12Pi orange-brown, Die II, wmk crown CA. VF fresh MLH. Scott 25a cat US$190, SG 37 cat £200. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
4388![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1902-04 KEVII ½Pi-18Pi wmk crown CA. VF fresh M/MLH. SG 50-58 cat £538. (9). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$275 | ||
4389![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1902-04 KEVII 45Pi dull purple & ultramarine, wmk crown CA. Superb fresh MUH, left marginal, pink dealer's mark on gum. Scott 47 cat US$250 for M, SG 59 cat £225 for M, should be at least double, £450 MUH. Exp. (P) | SOLD at A$200 | ||
4390![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1904-10 KEVII set 5pa-45Pi, wmk mult crown. VFM. SG 60-71 cat £350. (12). (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
4411![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1938 Child Welfare Masaryk 1Kr + 50h claret imperf DIE PROOF in trial colour on thick paper (63x75mm). Superb UN as made. SG381(p), Mi 390(p). Extremely rare, only several made. Exp Karasek AIEP. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
4416![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1938 Stefanik 50h dark green imperf DIE PROOF in issued colour on thick paper (46x47mm). Superb UN as made. SG 390(p), Mi 402(p). Very rare, only several made. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$250 | ||
4474![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1874-75 Sphinx & Pyramid 5pa brown, LR cnr marginal blk of 16 as 8 tete-beche prs, perf 13½x12½. VF 11M/5MUH, some part separation & hinge reinforcing. SG 35fa cat £600 for M prs, plus premium MUH stamps & for positional multiple should be +50%, so est cat £900. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
4478![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1934 UPU Congress £1 greenish-blue. Superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. Scott 190 cat US$400 for M, SG 232 cat £475 for M, should be at least double, £950 MUH. Rare MUH. (P) | SOLD at A$500 | ||
4479![]() Click for more photos | Egypt - Revenues: 1867-1978 collection inc 1887 Sphinx & Pyramid to 25pi plus Plate 1 blks of 4 to 25pi. Range of Salt tax issues inc 1890s Sphinx & Pyramid to 5L plus 1896 & 1897 30m imperfs. 1880s-90s Customs issues for various towns inc Alexandria, Cairo & Port Said. Most F-VF M/U. (380). | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
4481![]() Click for more photos | 1904 Egypt PPC of man on donkey, franked GB KEVII 1d red tied by 'Marseille B Du Rhone 21 - 5 04' cds with Paqubot h/s at UL. To Australia with Bathurst arrival cds. | AVAILABLE at A$20 | ||
4482![]() Click for more photos | 1905 Egypt PPC of Bisharis native near Assouan, franked Egypt 1m & 3m (3rd stamp missing) tied 'Caire 19 II 05' cds. To Australia with Suez transit & Bathurst arrival cds. | AVAILABLE at A$20 | ||
4492![]() Click for more photos | 1812 Folded letter wrapper endorsed 'Reval 27 July 1812' with blurred 'REVAL' h/s. To Pernau. VF. Purchased by vendor in 1990s for DM200 = A$165. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
4493![]() Click for more photos | 1823 Folded letter wrapper endorsed 'Reval 11th July 1823' with Cyrillic 'Revel 1823 June 11' b/s. VF. Purchased by vendor in 1990s for DM200 = A$165. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
4494![]() Click for more photos | 1847 Folded letter wrapper endorsed 'Werro 14 Oct 1847', reverse with boxed Cyrillic h/s 'BEPPO 14 OKT 1847' = Werro. To Pernau with bilingual arrival cds. VF. Purchased by vendor in 1990s for DM190 = A$160. | AVAILABLE at A$60 | ||
4496![]() Click for more photos | 1923 Airmail opt set 5m-45m/5m (2 triangles & 3 triangle prs), plus 3 defins, tied to Registered Airmail cover by 'Tallinn 15 11 24' cds, with h/s reg label/cachet. To Finland, with b/s of Helsinki & Joensuu arrival cds. VF. Mi 41-45, SG 44-48a cat £785++ as loose stamps alone, plus large premium on cover. Purchased by vendor in 1990s for DM1100 = A$920. 2019 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$550 | ||
4497![]() Click for more photos | 1939 Registered cover franked Relief Fund & Parnu M/Sheets, tied by 'Vosu 25 VIII 39' cds, with h/s reg label/cachet. SG MS147a & 151a cat £390++, Mi Blk 3 & 4 cat €330++, plus premium on cover. Extremely rare use of 2 M/S on 1 cover. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
4501![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1898 QV 2/6 deep blue. Superb fresh MLH. Scott 20 cat US$290. SG 41 cat £275. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$180 | ||
4502![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1898 QV 2/6 deep blue. VF fresh M. Scott 20 cat US$290, SG 41 cat £275. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$150 | ||
4503![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1898 QV 2/6 deep blue. VFU, Falklands 22 JU 02 cds. Scott 20 cat US$290. SG 41 cat £300. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$190 | ||
4505![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1904-12 KEVII set ½d to 5/-. VF fresh M/MLH. SG 43-50 cat £475. (8) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$300 | ||
4506![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1904-12 KEVII 3/- green. VF fresh M. Scott 28a cat US$160, SG 49 cat £190. (P) | SOLD at A$90 | ||
4507![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1904-12 KEVII 3/- green. VFU. Scott 28 cat US$160. SG 49 cat £180. (P) | SOLD at A$95 | ||
4508![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1904-12 KEVII 5/- red. VF fresh MLH. Scott 29 cat US$240, SG 50 cat £225. (P) | SOLD at A$110 | ||
4520![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1933 Centenary 10/- black & chestnut Arms. VF fresh MLH Scott 75 cat US$850. SG 137 cat £900. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
4531![]() Click to enlarge photo | South Georgia: 1904-12 KEVII 2d reddish-purple, tied to piece by full 'South Georgia AP 21 12' cds. VFU. SG Z16a cat £350+, plus premium on piece. Rare shade, especially with this pmk. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
4537![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1906-12 KEVII £1 purple & black on red. Stamp VF fresh MUH, left marginal. Scott 78 cat US$360 for M, SG 124 cat £300 for M, should be at least double, £600 MUH. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$450 | ||
4538![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1906-12 KEVII £1 purple & black on red. F-VF fresh MLH. Scott 78 cat US$360, SG 124 cat £300. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$200 | ||
4561![]() Click for more photos | 1849-1990 extensive collection in 5 Lighthouse s/books inc 1849 Ceres to 40c, 1853 to 80c, 1862 to 80c, 1863-70 to 80c, 1869 5Fr, 1871 to 80c, 1876-85 Peace & Commerce to 5Fr, 1923 Bordeaux Philatelic 1Fr (cat £650), 1925 Paris Philatelic set, 1926 War Orphans set, 1927 Air Marseilles set (cat £600), 1928 Sinking Fund, 1931 Sinking Fund, 1936 Air set to 3F50, 1936 Air set M & U (cat £680), 1947 UPU set 1949 Air set, 1957 & 57 Air sets, various National Relief Funds inc 1954 & 55, range of Postage Dues, booklets range inc 1952 Red Cross (XSB2 cat £600). Also 1952-3 booklets XSB3 & B4 (cat £425). Extensive range from 1900s, many sets. Also inc Davo France illustrated album with pages 1849-1996. Earlies mostly U, some variable condition & mixed margins, later mostly F-VF MLH/MUH & F-VFU. SG cat £20,000+ = A$40,000. (5000 + 40+ booklets) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$2500 | ||
4563![]() Click for more photos | 1892-1945 Railway Parcels Mint collection on pgs inc 1892 10c imperf & 10c, 25c perf. 1901 Train set to 2F. 1924 Surch set to 3F30 on 50c. 1926 perf 11 set to 3F (Yv cat €300). Good range of 1920s - 30c A, B, C & D opts. 1941-45 Train & Bridge sets to 4F50. F-VF fresh M/MLH. Yv cat €2900+ = A$4800+. Seldom offered area. (212) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$600 | ||
4564![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1900-06 Telephone Stamp 25c blue, 'Bulletin de Communication a partir des cabines telephniques publiques', on white paper, perf 13½. Superb fresh UN. Maury TT24 cat €55. | AVAILABLE at A$30 | ||
4568![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1915 Occup of Alsace & Lorraine 'Droit De Timbre Alsace 5 Marks' 5Mk lilac French revenue design. Superb fresh MLH. Yv 179 cat €190+. Very rare top value. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$120 | ||
4577![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1926-27 Sower 55c/60c violet precancelled. VF fresh MUH. SG 443 cat £190 for M, should be at least double, £380 MUH. Yv TP47 cat €350. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
4579![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1936 Transatlantic Flight 10F myrtle-green. VF fresh MLH. Scott C17cat US$290, Yv 321 cat €375. SG 554 cat £475. (P) | AVAILABLE at A$100 | ||
4583![]() Click to enlarge photo | 1949-50 Airmail 1000Fr top value vertical strip of 3. VFU. SG 1059 cat £114. Yv A29 cat €90. | SOLD at A$20 | ||
4586![]() Click for more photos | France: 1876-2000 Mint collection on album pgs in 4 binders (ea stamp neatly in Hawids). 1876-1900 Peace & Commerce range to 5Fr. 1900-23 Blanc, Merson & Mouchon to 5Fr. 1907-19 Sower to 35c. 1917-19 War Orphans 2c+3c - 1F+1F. 1918 Red Cross 15c+5c. 1922 War Orphans Fund Surch set to 11F on 5F+5F. 1926-27 War Orphans set to 5Fr+1F. 1927 Strasbourg 5F+10F gutter pr. 1927 opt Air set 2Fr & 5Fr. 1927-30 Sinking Fund sets. 1929-33 high val views to 20Fr. 1936 Air set to 50F (SG cat £1200). 1936 Banknote Air 50F. 1936 Transatlantic Air set 1F50 & 10F. 1937 PEXIP M/S. Then comprehensive coverage of Commems & Defs inc 1950 National Fund set. 1954 Air set to 1000F. 1953 Sports set. 1954 National Fund set & 1955 set. 1957 Air set to 1000F. F-VF fresh M/MUH, post 1960 being MUH. SG cat £38,000+ = A$76,000+. Beautiful & valuable collection. (3100 + 24 M/S) (P) | AVAILABLE at A$5500 |